Today we have with us Sarvotham from Mintair and Chandresh from Shadyum.
Sarvotham, could you please tell us about Mintair, what it does and how easy the deployment process is?
So in Mintair we are providing one-click node solution services in which you can just make one simple click and deploy a node on top of us.
We have started off with Shadyum and we'll be providing node validator services for all the chains here.
So yeah, that's what Mintair is.
That's quite interesting and the process that you've made is really simple like it's in a few clicks.
In general, node deployment process usually takes around five to ten minutes of coding and usually the target audience for this is the community people while the process for node deployment is very hard to do.
So usually the developers do so. Usually the developers do this and there are multiple errors which people get and there is a certain knowledge of tech stack required in this.
So when you come on top of Mintair, we have just removed all of these barriers to deploy your nodes.
That's right, me being a non-tech person, I understand how difficult it sounds to run a node but you guys are making it so easy for all of us.
So the next question I have is how did your team come up with the idea and how did your journey begin?
Okay, so the idea was of Pranay as in the team. We all of us had missed the Celestia airdrop and that was a good chunk of $10,000 which everyone got who ran the validator node on top of it.
So we were just farming all together and Pranay was trying to run a Shadyum node which was again a very hectic process.
And it was like it was like it took us half an hour altogether to actually run that node.
So there was not enough motivation in any of us again to actually deploy that node.
And then we just tried to figure it out that we are a bunch of engineers and why can't we just try to solve this out in which we can just simplify this process of node deployment when all of us have the need.
Why not solve this all together? So that's where the idea of it came.
I think it was back in October when we had actually clicked this and then we heavily started to build it.
And now we are here and we are actually live and anyone can come and talk and run a node.
On that node, would you like to share some numbers with us? How many nodes are live on Shadyum?
So in general, the live process for us was very overwhelming in general because we had opened up only 100 slots when we had started off and even before we could like this is not any marketing hype guys.
Even before we could announce it on Twitter, all of our initial 100 slots were filled.
Then I tried to investigate and we found out that apparently Mint Air was being shared across in multiple Chinese farmer circle and they all had some sniper bots on the front end of Mint Air.
And as soon as we changed the front end, all of them came up and, you know, took all the slots of Mint Air.
So on the first day, we had sold off across hundreds of hundreds of our slots in like less than 10 minutes or so.
And till now we have around more than 1000 validator nodes and users running on top of us.
That's an incredible number. So why did you choose Shadyum to go with first?
I remember this very well that this was November near Diwali when the Shadyum white paper came out.
And when before that, we had tried to run the Shadyum node too.
In November during Diwali, I was just going through the I was coming back home from Chennai to Lucknow.
And in flight, I was just reading the whole white paper of it.
There I saw that Shadyum actually has 51% of their tokens for the validator node.
So this is a huge opportunity for anyone to run a validator on top of it too.
So this is where the whole market opportunity is too.
And then I researched around a bit and I saw that a huge number of Shadyum community is actually trying to run that node,
which is a Sphinx node and they are facing a lot of technical problems too.
So that's where it clicked to us that right now the Shadyum community in general needs it too.
And the Shadyum community will benefit from it too.
And we can, we have multiple synergies together so we can solve that out too.
That's great. And we are so happy to have you on board.
I know it has not been a very long time since you guys went live.
Is there any highlight that you would like to share with all of us apart from the numbers,
that one moment that was your shining moment?
I think the shining moment for us together was that all of the hype which is there in the market right now is very organic.
We have not spent a single penny on marketing till now.
And all of the other KOLs which are promoting Mentir is altogether very organic.
So that in general is very overwhelming for us too, because I have been building in the market since like past three, four years now.
And the go to market strategies have to be figured out in a way.
But this was such a good product market fit that the community itself shelled it out so much that we didn't really had to do the marketing.
Hey, sir. I was just listening to you all.
And thanks for joining in today.
This is Chandresh. By the way, I'm speaking from the Shadeem's account.
I love your username as Shattiman.
I don't know what's the inspiration for that.
And one more thing I love is Mentir's Twitter account.
I've been watching it since.
I think your organic marketing is super great.
So I'm not surprised that all nodes have been fully subscribed.
And I feel like if you start adding up more, they'll go away very quickly soon.
I just wanted to say that.
Plus, yeah, in case you want to add a little bit about, you know, the response you've been getting from Shadeem community.
And are there any channels for your Mentir as well, where community can stay up to date?
Okay, so if anyone is looking for the next slots, which people want to run,
we firstly announce it on our Discord, then we announce it on Twitter because that's where our whole community is.
So if you are looking up for a slot, we'll be announcing it firstly on our Discord, then we'll go on Twitter.
Secondly, the support which we got from Shadeem community was also really great.
Because when we had launched out, we really didn't have much planning on our community services areas on our Discord too.
So what we saw was that the people of Shadeem community itself were helping out the other users on our Discord and helping them set up the node features and all.
And there were multiple other community members who were complaining about the standby nodes.
And it was the Shadeem community people themselves who educated the community around what the standby node means.
So this, in general, the whole process of educating the community and growing together was what we saw with Shadeem.
And indeed, the whole hype of proof of community is real.
That's amazing. And I'll just have one more question and I'll let Apoorva continue.
And that is, since I'm a marketer, I'm always interested in the marketing activities that anyone does.
And I really love the name Minter.
So do you have any story behind it that you'd like to share?
Yeah, like, Minter initially was, I mean, we have a little bit pivoted to the, what do you call, this node running thing.
Minter literally means minting those airdrops which you are seeking.
So the best way to mint those airdrops is by running those validator nodes if anyone of you has been looking into the markets.
So you can just mint those airdrops by coming on our platform.
That's superb. I know there are a lot of airdrop farmers on Twitter these days.
They should start looking out for Minter.
The funny thing is that the professional degrees of doctors and lawyers are being outperformed by 19 year old airdrop farmers on Twitter.
That's the truth. That's the truth.
But thanks a lot for answering that. And Apoorva, you can take it up.
Yes, like you said, the doctors and other degrees are going around it.
I see a lot of people commenting blockchain SRM.
So how would you encourage more builders, more 19 year old people to become founders?
I think if you are here and if you are already part of what we call the crypto community.
I've been in the market since four years now, so I don't call it Web3. I call it crypto.
So if you are already part of this crypto club, you just need to have the mindset of actually building and solving those problems.
Blockchain SRM is our college club and we had started this off when it was a 21 bull run and I started this off in our college.
And this is the college club which has been building multiple products right now.
So yes, that's that. And the building circle should actually be started when you yourself become the user.
So instead of just learning the tech stack and hyping around with multiple other languages, you should firstly become a user of Crypto 2.
Crypto 2 and then you can actually understand what problems are there in general.
Then you can just try to solve this those problems.
And as you can see, the crypto community itself would give you a response.
And that that's where the success lies, too.
So the first step is becoming a user.
So what would you tell a Web2 person from maybe your college or someone new?
What should be the first step to join the Web3 community?
The first step in general should be educating yourself about the finances and how the crypto finances are being different from there.
Then you can just start out and watching out the communities in general, how the communities work here and how does NFT gameplay work.
You can try to adopt yourself in the use cases. Many of the engineering students are gamers.
So you can just involve yourself into those game five projects.
Everyone in general has that community which they can find out in crypto.
So you just need to get yourself involved into that community and grow together with it.
In general, if you are starting out, you already have enough knowledge to provide something for the community, too.
So you can just try to provide your knowledge out and try to learn from that, too.
After that, you can just try out a little bit of tech stack and a little bit of upskilling yourself, too.
Right now, there are multiple test nets. Shardium itself is on test nets.
So you can just try to, you know, run all those test nets and without spending any bit of a penny, you can just try out those tech features of these blockchains, too.
So I think starting out by educating and upskilling yourself and then moving forward to finding yourself fit in the community where you will.
And then you will eventually find your way because the crypto community in general is very much helpful and people want all of us together to grow.
Absolutely. So everyone, let's build Web3 together.
Anyone, if you have any questions, please drop it in the comments below. We'll take it up. Sarvil is here to answer.
In the meantime, I have one question for you. What is your Web3 mission 2024?
I think the bull is here. So, yeah, we'll ride the whole bull wave and whatever which we have been building in the beer is now going to be in the product market fit right now.
So we'll be just solving out the features and, you know, whatever we have built, we'll be selling that out, too.
That sounds so interesting. Chandresh, your thoughts on this?
I think we are all waiting. The whole crypto industry is waiting for Bitcoin halving.
Even though that's not exactly when bull run begins, everyone still looks for it.
We have had amazing news recently with the Bitcoin ETF. So I hope that industry progresses.
And we all are. And I think in the next few months, Shadyum Mainnet is also going to go live.
So we are already excited from our end. The whole team has been working for incentivized testnet.
And that's when I think the true power of Minter will also be visible when everyone would want to run their own node and which Minter makes it super easy.
So I hope you are ready for that. You're ready for incoming of like thousands and thousands of people asking to run the node via Minter.
Thank you, Poorva. Thank you, Shandam.
Thank you, Sarv. We don't have any questions yet. So any parting note for our audience?
None as such. I was actually expecting some questions, but good to see recognized faces here like Neon Thunder and some other crypto community people.
Cath is also here, who's also our community manager. So yeah, hi to everyone.
You don't have questions. I've been looking for all the social chatter. And the thing that has been as Minter has been so super smooth, the onboarding and running the node that everyone's just like, okay, we have all our answers. So I think you did such a great job at that.
So now everyone has all the questions.
I think one question which will be common with everyone is when next slot. So just join our Discord for knowing when next slot. We'll be announcing it first on our Discord. So yeah, that's that.
So everyone who's listening, feel free to share this recording with your friends later on. They can also listen to it. Go and follow Sarv. Go and follow Minter. And I think your Twitter should have links to everything, right? To Telegram, Discord, etc.
Great. Thanks a lot, Sarv. Thank you, Apoorva, for hosting this.
Thank you, Apoorva, for joining in. Thank you, Sarv. Thank you, Chandresh.