Build Web3 with NodeOps

Recorded: March 15, 2024 Duration: 0:22:27



Hello everyone. Thanks for joining and we'll just get started in a minute.
Hello everyone. Thanks for joining in. Today we have with us Naaman and Pratik from No Docks.
Welcome to our Twitter Space with Naaman and Pratik.
Please tell our listeners a little about yourself and then we'll go on to introducing NodeOps.
Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for setting this up. If you can invite Pratik as well as the speaker.
Yeah, meanwhile, just a quick background. Hi, I'm Naaman founded at NodeOps and been actively working in this space for the last six to seven years now.
At NodeOps, we're building out the most simplified infrastructure for developers and node operators to get started with any new protocols.
And we've been actively supporting shardium as well for a while now via both of our platforms called NodeOps console,
which essentially allows anyone to deploy their nodes in one click, as well as helping developers within the shardian ecosystem to get started with building out at ease by leveraging our developer toolings called playground.
So yeah, that's just a quick background. We've been actively supporting more than 15 plus chains as of now deployed 6000 plus nodes and onboarded around 4000 plus developers across the space.
So yeah, looking forward for this wonderful space to share something more about how we can essentially help onboard the next set of use cases to ecosystems like shardium.
That's amazing, Naaman. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Pratik, if you're listening, you can accept the speaker invite and everybody who has tuned in, you can drop your questions in the comments. We'll take it up at the end of the spaces.
So, Naaman, you were telling us about the infrastructure support and the dashboard that NodeOps has.
So what kind of support would you provide to new node runners who wish to run nodes effortlessly? So how would NodeOps help them?
Absolutely. So if you look at the node infrastructure space, one of the very first things that anyone looking to get started and participate in the protocol is,
you know how seamless the experience is for them to be onboarded as a validator to be onboarded as even a node operator.
Right. So with NodeOps console, that's where this unified dashboard concept comes in. You can not only run a single node, but deploy as many nodes as you want in a one click format.
And everything in terms of maintenance upgrades monitoring has been taken care by us. Why you can focus more on the application slash financial layer, which involves rewards, which involves incentives.
And the platform is a non-custodial platform. So you're asked to connect your wallets only when you need to interact with the reward side of things.
So apart from that, what we essentially focus on is to just be an operator that enables you to monitor your node, check the logs, look at the dashboard and essentially just deploy the nodes all in one click.
So so far, from console perspective, Pratik would be the right person to give you the number, but as far as I remember, over last week, so far we have deployed around 3000 plus nodes from shardium ecosystem all together on the platform.
And it's been a it's been a journey because there has been a lot of breaking changes as well. A lot of network research as shardium has been going through the testnet phase and very soon towards instant device as well.
Right. So the infrastructure takes care of ensuring that these upgrades are automated. And that is where we have our AI enabled pipeline in the back end.
That just automates the entire process. So for upgrading all these 3000 nodes, you know, on an average, it takes us like less than an hour.
So that shows that, you know, the infrastructure is built so far, led by Pratik, it's highly scalable, you know, fully automated. And every each and every node has an individual vulnerability tracker has an individual monitoring tracker, which triggers alerts across all the platforms for us, like Discord, Telegram, and our infrastructure as well.
Right. So yeah, that's just a quick overview about NodeOps console and how it's how it's supporting shardium altogether.
That sounds so interesting. Like if I were to run a node, I just have to come to NodeOps and just deploy it right. And all the upgrades, upgrades take only 25 minutes and no manual intervention is needed.
So that's amazing. Also on chain incentivization. How do you guys help with that?
Well, we don't take care of the incentives on our own. It's it's all in a non-custodial fashion. It purely depends on the foundations and their overall incentivization structure.
What NodeOps takes care of is providing the infra for node operators and developers who are looking to get started. But everything in terms of rewards, monetization, you know, claiming these rewards, all these things has been taken care by users and the foundations themselves.
Right. So yes, our platform ensures that you would have 100% of time with complete complete control over the rewards to yourself.
You know, so NodeOps is never involved or would never ask you to share your private keys or share your wallets with us so that, you know, we can manage the rewards at all. It's all been controlled, automated, managed by users themselves.
And in terms of incentive structures, in terms of reward distribution, that all depends on the foundations and protocols on which the nodes are running. So in case of shardium, you know, of course, we ensure that we provide the maximum awareness and knowledge about what exactly is going to happen once you deploy this node.
So if it's a validator node, what you can anticipate and what you can expect from users in terms of, you know, the overall incentivization structure, we ensure that whatever messaging and documentation has been shared by the foundation, we, of course, link those references within our official docs as well.
So that just gives much more broader awareness to the users coming in so that they feel comfortable in deploying the node and have less of the questions and speculations and more of a technical approach towards deploying these nodes and in alignment with the incentives of the foundations itself.
Right. So those are a couple of steps which we can take care of.
That's great. Me being a non tech person, I want to run nodes. I want to reap rewards. But if I don't know how to do that, the technical stuff is too much. I can just come to NodeOps and run multiple nodes as well. Is that correct?
Yeah, absolutely. You can deploy as many nodes as you want in a one click format. So yeah, you know, all of those things has been taken care of.
Okay, so can a person run multiple nodes across multiple blockchains on your platform?
Yeah, so, you know, just to give you an example as well, if you want to deploy like 10 nodes of Celestia, 10 nodes of fuel, 10 nodes of Zora, a couple of nodes of avail.
And sharia man, our most promising one was xi games xai. Right. You can just like have like an Amazon checkout type experience on the platform. And to manage all of these nodes, we have introduced the seamless.
My plan section for you as well. So if you want to upgrade any notes, if you want to downgrade any notes, if you want to like manage individual notes, all of those things has also been taken care just in a unified dashboard for you.
Right. So we typically call it node folio, which is like your node portfolio, and community just, you know, manages all of this in a single, single unified dashboard.
That's so great. I personally have seen your dashboard and it's so interactive. It's really nice and very easy.
Thank you. You know, happy to like hear feedbacks as well from the community. Our discord is pretty active. And of course, you know, when chains face any challenges with their testnet, people are going to get hold of us in terms of a wire or nodes not responding. But yeah, like so far, it's been a good journey with, you know, with the community in terms of helping them to
understand how the node side of things works. Because me and Prateek, we've been deploying nodes and validating various cosmos based chains for more than four years now.
Right. So this is something that has been like part and parcel of our life for a really long time. But we just wanted to provide the seamless experience for the retail to come in as well. Right.
For the non tech person who just wants to participate in the node infrastructure, we can, you know, we just wanted to give them an opportunity to do that. And that's why, if you look at the overall console that's been built, the objective there was to keep the UX at the top most priority after security, of course, you know.
So based on that, I think whatever you see right now on the platform, you know, it's been thoroughly tested, simulated, and then released out for the users like have the most seamless experience across the board.
And you guys are doing a great job at it. So how many projects have you onboarded now?
Okay, so we have around like 17 chains right now that is live. We are going to be exclusive partners for a couple of the chains as well like Hytopia, like a couple of the others which I cannot I cannot reveal right now. But yeah, we have got like 24 more chains in the pipeline with which we have signed the deals.
Expect them to go live very soon as well. Parallelly, like, imagine you to have an option to bootstrap your own infrastructure again, starting from deploying your own app chain in one click as well.
Right, so that is something that's going to happen next on our platform, we are going to call it playground. So playground is for developers who can bootstrap their own testnets in one click, and then introduce their own set of validators again in one click using our console.
So that's going to be like, like an end to end one stop solution for anyone who is looking to bring their products bring their business logics and bootstrap the infra for them all together right so you can not only deploy the nodes but deploy your own testnet and onboard validators or onboard node operators on top of it by leveraging our playground.
So playground has been live for a couple of months now, we have been actively working with a lot of chains in Cosmos ecosystem for integrating it and extending the support for them.
I think it has taken the final final tweak around giving a one click layer again. So our team is just checking out the UX for it doing some simulations and I think yeah, after that we are all good to go.
That's amazing, really looking forward to it.
Yeah, thanks.
You just said that you deployed four 15 nodes in eight days and now you have around 3000 nodes running on Shadyam, is that correct?
So what are your future plans for Shadyam? We have a termium coming up.
Yeah, absolutely.
So yeah, I think one of the very first thing that will be enabling after the incentivized testnet is live is introduction of the playground as well.
So now, of course, if you look at the broad and node operator ecosystem for Shadyam, it's insane.
You have got like 20,000 plus validators and nodes running.
And next focus for us is going to be to get developers now coming to Shadyam.
So that's why it's a very strategic decision to introduce playground to the broader community and protocols right now.
So that's going to be the next step where we will introduce playground to Shadyam as well.
So imagine like whatever documentation you see right now on Shadyam Docs, how about we give you a right button right there for testing out these code snippets, right?
So we actually did that for Archway protocol and very soon on Orion chain and couple of others as well.
So this would take the developer experience to a much better, much better, much interactive way wherein any new developer from a traditional background, if they want to start with Shadyam, they don't have to set everything from scratch at all.
They can leverage our playground to build out their use cases, but take that to the next extent by bootstrapping their node infrastructure by our console.
You know, so that's going to be the next set of contributions from NodeOps towards ecosystems like Shadyam.
Can't wait to host my node next on the playground.
Yeah, absolutely.
So is there any highlight that you want to tell everyone about or any milestone that you crossed which you didn't expect?
Yeah, I think first one, I just posted Pratik's tweet here. I don't know what problems he's having with his speakers.
But we had around 50,000 users visiting our console over the last 50 days.
And out of which, like we have around 7000 plus nodes been deployed, right and integrating 17 chains so far within like such a short span has been truly commendable and all thanks to our team from engineering front.
You know, they have been the ones who have taken like the game to a next level and I'm enjoying it.
Like the team is super positive about what we've been building and the community feedbacks that we have received so far for everything that's been out.
It's just been it's just been motivating enough for team to just keep on consistently releasing and shipping the best UX out.
Right. So these were a couple of milestones and yeah, like looking forward to just being consistent enough to keep this going.
Just wanted to add a few things from infra side as well. So we try to keep the infra as much as distributed on multi cloud.
And our storage layer, which we call a storage fabric that's highly available storage or distributed storage that will allocate and keep your node uptime high as much as possible.
By leveraging multi, keep the as I said, we'll keep the uptime plus the second thing will be cost.
So by leveraging hybrid deployment model, we are keeping the deployment cost as low as possible.
Plus the automated deploy upgrade and maintenance process will smoothen out the maintenance part as well.
So that's where the simplified infrastructure part comes in.
And plus our ethos is like kind of we try to do everything.
If you have deployed any of the node so far, you must have seen Vx was like a private key and all.
In case of shardium, of course, we are like sharing the private keys and all.
So like that's also one of the things that you want to hide. Yeah, that's it for myself.
Thanks for sharing the updates now, Anandrati.
So this brings us to the end of our spaces.
We do not have any questions from the community as of now.
Are there any parting words that you would like to tell us?
Yeah, I mean, do join our discord.
There has been a lot of alphas and announcements going out in discord where we talk about the new opportunities that might exist for node operators and community members.
Apart from that, yeah, like the minute incentivized testnet goes live, you will see a much deeper integration of shardium within our infrastructure as well.
You know, so with that, yeah, handing it over back to you.
Thank you, Naaman. So I wish you guys all the best.
And also, I think this is just the starting of shardium node of partnership.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Things are going to go only upwards from here.
Thank you so much for joining in. It was a great session.
Thank you. Thanks for inviting us. Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks. Thanks, someone. Bye, guys. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in.