Builders, Money, Games & Booty!

Recorded: Dec. 1, 2022 Duration: 0:10:09



What's up, Barbeaming? How are you, Bonnie?
Hi guys. What's up?
How are you? How are you? How's JP doing? I want to go pick up our son. I'll be back in like two minutes. How are you proof of peaches? I'm gonna go fill my water bottle and give you a second.
What's going on? What's going on? Go away for some more people get in. Not gonna lie, I'd be surprised if we had like a huge audience considering
Sam is on spaces right now from FTX. I know I know that's crazy. I was listening for a minute. That's all good. They're definitely hammering him over there. It was fucking funny.
Yeah, that's just crazy. They got like 30,000 plus people in the thing What up JP? How are you fail?
habitual crusty what's going on guys how much chilling chilling
Trying to get this way for this basketball game to start so I could have it on in the background
We can do it for you. When the shit. What up? I said the devil's games about to start to go pick up my kid. I'm like freaking out between this and the devil's game now. Now I'm like racing to get home.
who do they play tonight
Let's see.
They're probably gonna lose anyway.
Just kidding. Oh Nashville dude the jump fully shit the devil they're 19 and four. Oh my god
That's like the ads the last year.
We're supposed to have a couple more projects. Hopefully get a lot more people more people keep following in following in. Let's go. But shit, super stoked for proof of peaches. Thank you. Super stoked to be here.
Oh yeah, I know I told everyone I saw you guys thing you got a free mint going on Definitely need to check out the website so I'll leave man everyone from focus five better get the hell in here tonight because we're gonna find out how And what you guys
Shit sorry. Do I hate when people call me during spaces? Yeah, it's kind of the word.
feeling because you're like a free drink or a rug especially when you're the most 100% the dollar is wait holy shit any hammy I just had such an issue getting out of my car and disconnecting from the Bluetooth of my truck yeah you're good
So I do see too you guys are kind of like your only fans. - Let's talk to him for PHOio. - Oh, I'm gonna run again.
I'm good, but there are two people talking at once, and I don't know who to respond to.
My bad JP likes to interrupt I'm just kidding I Must be vlogging I can't get her let me leave a comment like Yep No, I was that oh I Just can't wait to get I guess I just can't wait to get down and see what's
the hell you guys do. I'm trying to figure it out, so I'm super stoked for you guys to go on here. Super stoked for everyone to hear. But damn, like you said, Sam Bankman's on the other fucking space. I can totally agree being over there at the same time.
Focus do you want like I've got all evening free basically do we want to try to like push this back in order to let that space kind of die out and then capitalize on that. It's up to you. It's all up to you. Just letting it out there. Yeah, I don't care. We can do that.
If your other projects that you're gonna talk to are also down, I think that'd be probably best for everybody, right? 100% I don't see why not. And then you can watch your basketball game, you know? No, I'm not even watching. That's what's going on.
Um, but yeah, we can do that. That's 100% I don't even see the other two so I'll message them and let them know we're starting. I'm gonna guess it's gonna go for another hour probably if I had to guess maybe like six o'clock. Yeah, Steve. Yeah, we'll work for you guys.
Do those hearts up does that work you guys want to go now? We have a 10 o'clock appointment turn
Who does? Oh yeah, it's Thursday. We can also do tomorrow like I'm open. I just I don't want us to like not not to be like a dick or anything. It's just
like it feels bad to even try to compete for space space right now, you know, 100% Yeah, let's show what is it nine P. What is that an hour before yours then, Bonnie?
Yeah, seven o'clock here.
So yeah, if we run at nine, like Proof of Peatio saying, then yours would be at 10.
We could bring all the people from this one over to yours, Bonnie. Yeah. That'd be great. Uh, and Bonnie's and Eric, 'cause it's like a little late night erotic show they do with the only fans and we're trying to get more people in as well. So it'd be perfect for you guys to come over there and hopefully bring some more
bring some girls over as well. Yeah, I think that'd be good. And then we could like, we could like segue from like the space where we talk about like web three only fans to like actually listening to creators. I think that's a really good segue. Hell yeah, 100% let's do it. Don Deleon. See you then. Alrighty.
You heard so you guys what that's 50 minutes, right? I gotta look this up on p and pst
throwing me off. I'm using the EST and MTN. But everyone caught that?
Sure, all right, let's go play some poker or something And then we'll do this shit. All right, so you guys in focus five discord and yeah, we'll play some poker and then we'll do some
9pm is 10pm my time. God damn that's low.
Oh well, I don't know we'll figure this shit out all messes them off figure this out. We'll we'll get it going don't worry, but we'll play poker in the meantime. See you guys in chat. Let's go
Eric, I see you laughing, God damn it.