Building on Archway: @MempoolsAPI

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 0:38:27



Hey, hey, what's up, Eric?
- No mooch, no stream in the life, man. (laughs)
- I'll be forward 20.
To all hey Andre
wind for Beleriode to connect.
By the way guys, if you are using anything on the archway test now right now and you haven't newsman pools go try it. It's freaking sick. As I tell you know, perfect.
Hopefully the Larry can make soon and then things will work out. Hey guys, can you hear me now?
Yes, we can we can do it. Oh, thank God. Oh, come on. I've been speaking for the last like two or three minutes and I just I thought you guys were ignoring me. I was like, what's going on? Hey guys. Hi, how are you? Good good good.
just a hectic day. It's like oh we have a stream. Aren't they all aren't they all? Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. That's the website of the bonus. The web 3 life chaotic. Tell me I'm on it. Super excited.
You know the Vansipologist about my dog she made we make your hair If we're lucky we're big fans of dogs over here, so yeah, we're good Eric you're not a dog person don't do this no I've got four cats
I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both. I grew up on both.#
they would succeed, but honestly if they were, I don't know, based on fluffy cats instead, I might just be complacent. Yeah. Mempholini, do you want a request to speak? See you in the audience. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't know if you can speak today, but I'm happy to hear it. Yeah, I'm happy to hear it. Yeah, I'm happy to hear it. Yeah, of course. Do you guys want to get started? Yeah, I'm ready. So first off, let's go with the random.
And I'm Valeria, I'll be hosting today's studio spaces. And we can go crypto, Kim, then Eric, and then Demetri. How does that sound? Sounds great. Awesome. Yeah, so crypto, Kim.
or also notice Macs. I'm part of the Fire Labs team contributing to Archway. I mainly am on the business development side, but also quite active on Twitter and other social media platforms as well. So happy to be here talking about mempools and what they're working on.
Yo, I'm Eric. I'm the token economics lead for archway. Also build Nestro Vault and huge fan of memples and an active user of them on the archway testnet.
Yeah, I'm the me tree. I am one of the co-founders of memples and I lead from my product perspective. Yeah, I've been in crypto since 2007 and 17.
We are very excited. Awesome. Let's get started. So for those of you who don't know memples, Dimitri, would you like to give an introduction into your product? All right. I practiced this, I promise.
Alright, so memples. What is memples? We memples main mission is really to create a simple way to
receive notifications and blockchain alerts for both consumers and businesses. We are trying to simplify the way we see push notifications in the web to everywhere. We see it on the phone.
see it as widgets on our Macs or on our Windows machines, why don't we see it yet in Web 3 in the same manner. So this is what we're trying to fix and we do believe that mass adoption
really needs, really will come when Web 3 is going to catch up to Web 2 in terms of infrastructure and some of the middleware that is not yet developed fully. And that's our goal here at Mentals.
Awesome. That's great. Eric, you mentioned that you're an active user of memples on your testnet. On the testnet, do you want to talk a little bit more about that? Yeah, so their host here will humbly say, oh yeah, we're just like, I don't know, changing the way push notifications.
it's a lot more than that. I mean we're doing a lot of contracts and contract testing on Asteroval and I can set whatever kinds of thresholds I want on all of these different contracts and within I expected it to take like maybe a minute. No within about one maybe two seconds I get to push notification
when traders happen on Telegram. So now I can be monitoring some of the other users interacting with the test net. I can, when other trades of certain thresholds hit. Like there's so many cool things that can happen here and I remember talking to them and bringing them like, "How in the ecosystem maybe two months ago?"
And just to see this built out to this level this fast is really encouraging for a team that ships incredibly fast, but also knowing where this is going to go is just really fun for me because I know this ends up triggering automation on the other side where not only is it an alert
but you can then have the alerts trigger initiations of other contracts where now through basically telegram easy UI and in boxes like our bots are like one of the low hanging fruit. So much more can be done like protocol and arbitrage all kinds of really cool stuff that
that as a founder myself, I'm really excited about it. Yeah, thank you for that, Eric. I heard that for the first time for me, so I appreciate it. Amazing. So I think this is like a good time to talk about like the difference between mempools and like existing alerting solutions.
And so how you guys really allow users like Eric to take their alerting systems to the next level. Yeah, absolutely. So first of all, mempools are designed for both for businesses and for consumers for regular consumers actually.
One of our missions is to make it as affordable as possible. So we, currently, and hopefully in the future, memples will stay free for individual consumers. Because we do, we do, we do, saying that empowering people
empowering blockchain users, what we do is through information, and through all the other things is what will make a huge difference. Now what else makes memples, what else differentiates memples from our competitors or our partners doing?
First of all, we are, you know, besides the fact that we are working on our API and SDK and that you as a business owner can create a widget that communicates to your user
through our SDK and through our API, one of the more exciting things in the pipeline that we are currently working on are, so a number one are for config or dollar templates. So these, what they are, they're just
really cool looking templates already built out for you. As a business owner, you can just copy-face the code, change the branding piece, change a couple of things, and you will have this really slick looking notification
for your users that acts as a bridge between yourself, your business and your users. So we call these
blockchain integration.
templates and they will be
available very soon. So this is one of the things that we're working on right now, our sort of vehicle is to push these into the wild, along with the big idea. But the bad for realty too is these smart contract triggers. So the ITA for memples was that alerts are not just alerts,
Because we think of alerting as more of scenarios and outcomes. And that's the whole philosophy behind memples is people really care about specific outcomes. And if they could, if users could, they could just write it out in English and say, hey, when this happens,
Not everyone, not every user knows how to ask the question. So our philosophy, our design philosophy and our goal is to make it as simple as possible for regular users to ask this question through our like low code UI that we currently have.
But also in the future we're super excited to we haven't announced it yet, but we will be working on a Natural Language query that will allow users to actually ask this question directly in English. So let's say hey notify me, you know, memples notify me when
this pool, I don't know, rubbed east, use the C pool and you miss what up those bunkers. And so the natural language model will be able to understand the request and actually translate that into a real query and then set up pretty much the same
being that Eric just talked about, whether it's a bot or a web hook or a different notification platform that the user uses. So this is one of the bigger features that we are very excited about. Now, again, as Eric alluded to, automation is very
important and we do believe that the future is multi-chain right so especially in the Cosmos ecosystem where every application it's almost it's it's own blockchain so communication between these ecosystems and between the VM acquisition
them and Solana for example will become even more crucial in the future. So how can we, you know, what can we do to build bridges between these ecosystems? And so, again, scenario-based alerting in tandem with automation,
triggering some contracts within the various chains can really give birth to a lot of interesting use cases. You can say, for example, a simple thing as, hey, if I received this amount of funds on
As most, for example, or an archway, please send another amount of funds from Ethereum from this address to another Ethereum address. So really, the chains don't interact. You don't have to send the funds.
to the other chain to prove that the funds have been sent. We are building a tech that will allow us to specify the alert and then the trigger and then what is that action? What is the smart contract trigger on the other chain that the system needs to do?
in order to satisfy the requirements. So think of it as a, it's a type of a bridging, but we're not really bridging the actual assets back and forth. And we are just enabling another layer of communication through alerts and through triggers between these
two chains. And here, this guy is a limit really. You can build, you can add Zapier to it, you can add other exciting, like IFTT types of automation. There's a lot of interesting use cases for sure.
So do you want to walk us through some of those use cases from different perspectives like who your ideal users are? So whether it's like developers, whether it's like the consumer facing side, what are the different things that you guys enable in terms of like different types of user profiles? Yeah, yeah, for sure. So
First of all, like I said, we tried to cater to everyone. So we started with the idea of first appealing to regular consumers. So we wanted to make it affordable, like I said, and we wanted to empower consumers to be, to receive much
about whatever interests them on the chain. So, first user is the first user persona is the individual consumer that is interested in following any type of events, following funds, interactions of their accounts with other accounts
and so on. And so we started on Cosmos ecosystem. Now we are explaining actually to Ethereum actually today. We're working on that and by the end of the week we should have Ethereum testnet at Maynath. So if you are a regular user, you are not a developer.
You can go and start using memples today for free, just register, no pray part is required. And we're doing that because we, I mean, it's due fault. First of all, it's definitely a way to raise visibility. And it's a way to do
build this word of mouth, that this system, you know, there's this awesome system that does alerting for you for free. Now our main sort of revenue oriented user is our businesses that are building web3 applications.
They can be DAPs, protocols, and so on. And how these businesses can use MENPOs. Number one, we're focused on providing businesses with our SDK and APIs, so they can build and embed alert and notifications for their users.
Let's take a Dex, for example, let's say if NONIFASMOS is wanted to build a or if archaer wanted to build Dex, like Stargate, for example, we could use actually memples within the Dex to embed it and so that
that Dex itself could communicate with users with specific modifications. So these notifications could be anything ranging from, hey, we want to notify you that your specific account was, you know, there was a liquidation or we want to notify you that there, your
I don't know, the range that you were interested in for this specific pool was reached. So there is a lot of these type of use cases where a business needs to communicate an event to the user, to the end user. So this is our main, there are main
revenue oriented user at this point in time.
So what's your personal favorite use case and that goes for everyone else on the on the call? My personal favorite is this I think my
personal favorite use case is going to be, honestly, it's going to be the fact that I will be able to talk to it just in Russian and say, hey,
notify me when when you swap those down or like notify me when like a huge amount of she but you know gets dumped or or you know something ridiculous that the system can understand and actually infer
What they really mean and then what is the value and and what is the alert that I'm going to receive so I'm very excited about this type of Tech because again, we are seeing a boom of AI specific natural language
the colleges right now. And so I think the combination of the AI tech, machine learning, and Web 3 will present a greater opportunity for us in the future for MENFLS and for Web 3 in general.
My favorite use case is I'm on telegram 24/7 man just being able to stay on telegram instead of having to set up independent dashboards for all the types of notifications we'd need plus like it's common for like application builders to set up their own dashboards for things but now to be able to access
Access, basically that's for triggers on other applications and other networks and have them all in one place is going to be absolutely changing for me. Yeah, I think outside of you know using you know on-chain actionable items, I think it'd be I think it's really helpful to even track you know if some of
on stakes, you're tokens. Just to have an immediate notification that something's going on so that you can immediately start to figure out how to fix it, whether that's writing a script to beat the hacker before they can withdraw. But it just gives you a lot more real-time responses so you can react quicker instead of finding out
week down the road that someone's already while on their way to unstaking something or what have you. Yeah. Yeah. And just to piggyback from that, we are committed to research these scenarios and outcomes together with you guys and with our users to understand what are those
scenarios that are really important for everyone so that we can build these templates for you in advance so that you don't have to put that much thought into how to build it yourself. So we wanted to make it as easy as possible and to give you a way to say, "Hey,
I do Liquid Staking. Oh, I run a validator. I am just a Dijun. So I like doing DeFi stuff and I like farming. Okay, so if you're not farming, here's a list of pre-configured scenarios that you may be interested in. Go ahead and set them up and see how you like
them and tell us what you think. So this is the approach that we try to take with our users right now. Yeah for sure and I feel like this data is also probably really interesting for those using the whitelisting service, the whitelable service as well.
Just like, you know, understanding what it is that their users want to be notified about like what are the concerns that help, you know, enable marketing in like a in a better way as well as like just business decisions and stuff like that. So yeah, so do you want to tell us what other ecosystems you currently support? So you mentioned that you're going into Ethereum and I
Obviously, are you going to have any other ecosystems? Yeah. Currently, we are supporting a lot of cosmos systems. So kind of, Juneau, we have, I think we have a small size, double check. We've been adding cosmos, cosmos apps.
quite a lot recently just because we've done quite a bit of work to make sure that this process is simple. So if anyone wants to see an ecosystem, a Cosmos ecosystem that is not there yet, please let us know. Our tree is there as well.
Today, like I said, we are integrating Ethereum and hopefully by the end of the week we'll have also Polygon and Arbitrum for the sake of just expanding our market, making sure that we can reach as wide of a market from Web3 as possible.
Yeah, so if there is something that you would like to see on mempools, please let us know. Uh, talk to us on Twitter or DMS or Tagus. Do you guys have a timeline on an MVP of contract and Cnt. On the other side?
That will be, so you mean the smart contract triggering on the other chain. We're working on that. Yeah, we're working on that right now. That should be live within the next about two weeks, I think. And do you guys plan to, I
us integrate any of the unique incentive features from archway interior model or do you not, is it more of an interface from your perspective? So this is something that we definitely need to sit down. It's very interesting, exciting, that archway has this incentive.
future, we thought about that. So right now, as of such, we don't have any specific smart contracts that are running, but we were thinking the past about having a marketplace, which is also in our roadmaps,
So it's just a larger, this is the vision for memphosis to have a marketplace where we can exchange these templates, this scenario templates, similar to how Dune Analytics does, they write queries and they change data. We could write
So imagine writing these outcome scenarios that then are, you know, they can be sold back and forth or they can be consumed by consumers or created by creators. And so that, I think that is where having archway will be super interesting.
because then we could once a scenario is written, we could reward the user in one way or another through this reward program at Archery as through the Value Capture Engine. I'm sure there's other use cases.
We just need to sit down and brainstorm a little bit more. Maybe we could use automation, smart contract automation, and have a specific smart contract on our trade, be on interface for us to communicate with other our choice smart contracts.
So maybe that would be. If you can set that up and then even have that be initiated via Telegram, users can have a balance that they access and you can charge a premium. I'd more than happily pay a five cents to just make a trade and set a contract real quick through Telegram. Let's do it.
So you're more interested actually doing the action through telegram right so get the notification I get a notification I'll be so cool Awesome. Yeah, that is really sounds sounds very interesting. Yeah, we we did plan on doing the notification the triggering first within actually setting up
the triggering within the system and making sure that the trigger triggers when a specific action occurs, like an event or a range is hit, but that's a really cool feedback. You are actually interested in doing the triggering yourself, which I haven't considered. So we can definitely
I'm sure we can do that. I didn't see why not. We'll definitely do both. Like from a protocol perspective, you definitely want to be able to have automated triggers, but just as a user, you're really cool. Like, oh, wow, I just got an alert that USDC is at 98 cents. Like I want to change my table, something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we can use, if you use arch#
use a archway interface, like some more counter interface that would allow us to then would allow the user to communicate with their exchange or decks on the archway or I don't know. Yeah, let's talk about that. Let's go to the wide world.
Yeah, and I also think that the marketplaces and excellent idea just because you know people are gonna come up with really intricate strategies and different use cases and They'll you know they should be able to be compensated for that if they want to or they could out of so we can free But it'd be awesome to have a place to host or to
list those type of contracts strategies. Yeah, and then you can have your archway side of the marketplace. Let's say you can filter it by chain and boom, you have archway marketplace for scenarios. Like archway specific scenarios. And that's, yeah, I think there's going to be a lot of value and innovation, like you said.
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Wait, Eric, did I cut you off? Nope. Okay. Okay. Well, no, that's amazing. We're just at the half hours. So do you guys want to open up the floor to audience questions?
Yeah. Awesome. So if anyone wants to request to speak, you can come up here and ask any of us any questions that you have.
Don't be shy now any questions you have every question the good question I Was also scared of these three spaces before I got invited but then I just got invited to speak and
I didn't have a choice. I'm not scared anymore. It's a lot easier when you're already spending all day focusing on this kind of stuff when it true. Yeah true true so true. Yeah.
Awesome. Well guys, if you want to register, just go ahead and create an account. Let us know what you think. We're super happy to hear feedback and any ideas, feature requests. We are so nimble right now that
that we truly just want to build the best product out there for the Web Street community. Guys, the pace you've been setting is absolutely groundbreaking. Keep that up. Keep adding more stuff. I mean, cartridge is not even live yet. There's already so much you can do with mempools. I'm really stoked for what's going to be possible.
Thank you guys. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. And so when can we expect the marketplace? I don't know if you mentioned that earlier, but that would be awesome for those. So yeah, yeah, so the marketplace, honestly, the marketplace is
one of the most complex things that we will build out of our feature set on our roadmap. I think the marketplace will come once the foundational pieces are in. So once we have proper, once our SDK is fully developed and our APIs are working and we have our
smart contract automation, then we're ready to build the marketplace out. Hopefully that will be by, so right now it's April. I hope by the end of the year we will see the marketplace open, or at least the
alpha for that for the marketplace. Honestly, like in this industry specifically flies by so quickly about it. I know. I'm very excited about it. I'm excited too. Yeah, very cool. Cool. Yeah, and hopefully we'll see that marketplace.
We'll have an archway section, 100%. We'll give you guys these counts, like 50% off a scenario.
I'm just gonna just cancel into the 50% discount. Yep, yep, yep. Cool. Any members who was token? You know, we actually talked about that a little bit yesterday with the team. We're thinking about it. We're thinking about it.
is definitely a tricky no matter. You don't want to do things just because you want a token. We want to make sure if we do have a token there is clear utility for that and so far most of the utility I see is within
the marketplace when the economy. So we will see. I lean towards it but we will probably not do it right away. We'll do it gradually and really responsibly I guess. Yeah.
I would say that's the best approach to it, right? If it's not needed, then don't use it. And that's honestly one of the big reasons we think archery is going to be a nice spot to deploy dApps is just because you have that option. You don't necessarily need the token to earn. But sometimes it is necessary.
Yeah, looking forward to hearing more on that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, helping idea definitely does give you a good boost definitely boost your. Valeration stuff, but again, we don't want to do it just because yeah, 100% and that's a very respectful stance. Yeah, thank you. Thank you.
All right guys, any questions from the audience?
Looks like everyone's being a little shy today.
go get some coffee guys. Yeah guys come on it's only coffee coffee helps. I like two cups of espresso before this. Oh Jesus you're on turbo then. Yeah yeah. I'm not gonna lie I love coffee so I could do a couple
express those shots and just to get the day going. Cool. Well, if you guys are in North Carolina, that's where I'm situated. Let me know. Cheryl Tharea, we can get some express or shots. I will take you up on that offer from ever in the area.
If you guys ever come down to Puerto Rico, which is where I'm based, it's a pretty good coffee here too. Oh, you do? That's awesome. Yeah, it's a great place to be. It's not far from here. It's like two hours. Yeah, it's really close.
It looks like there's no audience questions, which probably just means that you did a really good job explaining what mempools is. And what you guys do and why you guys are so great. Are there any last thoughts that you want to leave the audience with? Yeah, really. Again.
The web space is hard to manage, hard to always keep up with. And that's why we created this product is to help people simply receive alerts on their preferred method of their preferred destination.
be a telegram or text message or and if you're a business you definitely want to work with your users make sure that your users are notified and they know what's happening with their service or their funds so in both cases manples is here to help
Just go ahead register. It's free. Let us know how we can improve what you like what you hated what sucks We're super happy to take any feedback and and act on it. Yeah, and excited to talk to you guys maybe again in six months and
you know, report on the progress that we have made. - Yeah, I'm sure it'll be sooner than that. But yeah, thank you so much for joining. - Thank you guys. - Thank you guys. - And Eric as well. - Thank you guys, thanks everyone. - Of course, and yeah, thanks for being on. - Cheers. - Mm-hmm, bye. - Cheers guys, have a good day. - You too, bye-#