Building on Mina Protocol

Recorded: June 8, 2023 Duration: 0:48:28



Hello, hello, welcome to the space. I'm going to give it a few minutes for people to come back in until then we're just going to have some background music.
(upbeat music)
Hello, hello GM GM. Good morning guys. All these this morning somewhere. Thank you for coming into checking out our building with me in a protocol Twitter space with our two speakers from the mean of protocol team.
I know Angus from VC5, he's popped in from time to time and we've shared some thoughts and different ideas. Yes, and it'll be my first time interacting, but I'm gonna go ahead and pass the mic to either of you to do a small introduction. Go for it guys.
It would appear that I'm going first. GM everyone, can you hear me okay?
Sounds good. Okay, brilliant. So I'm going to give the ass in a minute. I know that the first time I did a Toyota space, I didn't realize how to activate the microphone. I actually came into it from my laptop and I didn't realize the
You had to be on mobile. So it's nice to meet everyone though. My name is Angus. You might be able to see from my profile picture. I am the tech old man. I do developer relations for Minify Foundation. And I'm really excited to be here.
today telling you about building zkapps on minoprotocol and the activities that we're doing with developer doubt and so i think if jason's ready i'll be able to introduce him as well jason yeah hello can you hear me
Yeah lighting clear sounds good awesome awesome. Hello. I'm Yasin and I am from the Mino Foundation community team and actually I'm working on ZK night and developer community and around the Mino Foundation and Mino
system. So it's also my first time having space with developer and it's a pleasure to meet you here. I will be talking about our decentralized community funding program which is called ZKNite and again a nice to see you all here.
Great, great, nice to meet you guys. Great introduction. Before we get started, I would love to ask if the audience can just share and retweet the space. Zero knowledge and meter protocol is something that people are definitely looking around for places to mess around with zero knowledge.
knowledge type of apps. So please retweet the space and share this app before we get started. But as we get into this, real quick question, how did you guys get into Web 3? What has been your journey so far in this space? How did you end up here?
You go first, yes, and why not? Okay, I go first. So actually I have been building builder comatines for a long time and There were lots of digital products that I have been advising and working together. Last year we were focusing on data privacy and actually
We got introduced to zero-node luch and at the first site we realized the potential of ZKPs and how it can bring privacy to lots of industries. Then I started joining lots of zero-node luch focused events in Web3 space. My journey started with Mino Foundation 8 months ago.
Actually, my journey is fantastic with no foundation also in the web tree space because I love interacting with people and getting involved with different communities and the people I collaborate here is are like really smart and also open-minded. That's the best side for me being in a web tree space.
Brilliant. My journey into Web 3 started probably about five or six years ago, maybe slightly before. I was originally a software engineer doing high performance computing for science research, mainly like high
energy and particle physics. And so I was doing a lot of distributed computing work, including doing stuff with general purpose GPUs. And then I heard about these guys buying GPUs to like run in their bedrooms to cryptocurrency mining. So I was quite interested by that concept. Since then I've kind of done some
some community building and work for various other companies doing developer relations because I like speaking to people and telling them about new technology and helping people to use things. So that has kind of culminated in now me working for the Media Foundation which is brilliant because
I got to talk to really smart, innovative, enthusiastic, energetic people all day and help them to realize their vision and build cool stuff. Very cool. And if you feel inclined to tell us what converted you into pickle man,
Right, yes. So that was basically when I was at an event and I decided to wear the pickle suit. There's a part of the the Mino protocol. It's called Pickles, which is the kind of bit of math.
software that allows you to do something called recursion, which is a very cool concept. We'll be talking about it more in this Twitter space, but yeah, that's the kind of link. We have a bit of software called Pickles, and I decided to push the boat out, put on the pickle suit and see if, you know,
and enjoy it. And it seemed like people did. People were coming to our booth at the event and taking photos of me and stuff. So yeah, if you like the pickle, maybe tweet me a pickle emoji or something and it'll be grounds for getting some pickle merch or make some pickle stickers or something.
That is awesome. That's awesome. I was hoping for a story like you overdosed on vinegar or something, but that one's pretty good too. But anyways, so can you guys provide us an overview of me and a protocol? What's the key features behind the protocol itself?
So, mean a protocol is it's an L1 blockchain and it's built entirely ground up using zero-knowledge proofs. So you might have heard about ZK zero-knowledge proofs being used in other contexts, in other
blockchains and other circumstances, but the Mina block chain works using zero knowledge proofs from the ground up. So the way the whole block chain works, the way the transactions are verified, the way they get bundled together and put into blocks, and the
the way that the consensus mechanism checks the validity of the transactions and the blocks, that's all to do with that all uses zero knowledge proofs, right? And it's due to the fact that the people who architected the protocol realized that zero knowledge proofs are a really
Cool and useful bit of cryptography that you can use. The thing that makes them useful for the applications that we're talking about is the fact that you can do as much computation as you like and kind of include it in this
idea of a circuit. So you kind of make a program, it's called a zero-knowledge circuit, you use that circuit to create a proof, and then this proof is a string, it's a bit like a hash, if you use hashing function, so it's this string
string that you can use to verify things that have happened. But the verification, so running that function, the piece of code to verify that proof, it's always fast and efficient, so it's O of 1, so it's constant time and
Indeed, that's why all one labs is called all one labs. That's the protocol engineering side. And so you can run a bunch of code. You can run a huge program and then you produce this fixed size proof. So it's fixed.
size in terms of length and memory, but then also you can verify it very quickly. So that means that you can do things like take large amounts of transaction data and kind of roll them all up into this one zero-nose proof and you can verify it very
quickly. So you may have heard that Minoprotocol is a lightweight blockchain and what that means is you can express the state of the entire blockchain in just a few kilobytes because of this idea of taking expressing large amounts of things of data
with one proof. One of the things as well that makes that possible and indeed I alluded to earlier when I was telling you about pickles. So pickles allows you to do something called recursion and that is where you can take the output of one of these proofs that I've been talking about and you can
You can include that as an input into another proof. You can actually take two different proofs that you've generated for example transactions, two different transactions you can create a proof that each transaction is valid and then you can include those two proofs to kind of bundle them down
into a single proof. A lot of you developers listening will probably be thinking if you can take two things and combine them together into one, then that can set you up to create a binary tree. That is what's happening in the Mino blockchain. The transactions are what we call
So when we snark up transactions, we take them, we create proofs for them, we take those proofs and combine them into one proof, repeat that process in a
the binary tree until you get the root of the binary tree which is the blockchain state proof and that is what you can use to verify the entire state of the blockchain. And so rather than downloading the entire history of the blockchain and having to replay it from
the zero from the start to verify the validity of a transaction that's in the latest block, you can verify your account state on Mina with just that state proof and the Merkel path through that tree that I was talking about, that binary tree of all those transactions that got combined together.
with their proofs. So that's something that's really cool. That's the idea of mean of being lightweight and it means that you as a developer can give your users, you know, they can basically run a node in their web browser or on their phone
and submit their transactions for the network. So they don't have to go through some sort of third party that runs nodes for them or some sort of service of that nature. So yeah, that is, and then also, so that's the kind of the mean of L1, right? Now what we've done
with ZK apps is there's been kind of modifications to what's called the proof system, which is how these proofs are generated and verified. And so with this modification, it's actually allowed developers, application developers like you to take the building
blocks of MENA, the cutting edge cryptography that lets you create these proofs and verify them very quickly. And you can design those components into applications. So we're calling them ZK apps. There's a kind of, there's Snarky.js, which is a TypeScript library.
And that has functions that map to this cutting edge cryptography code that I was talking about. And so you can build apps that basically allow you to do computation, create a proof of that computation, and then verify that computation on the MENA network.
What a major advantage of that is basically
You can do all your computation client site. You can run your whole ZK app in a user's web browser. The only thing that you have to pay for is the transaction fee. Also, you can keep data client site as well.
to publish things you might have to in other places like on the blockchain and public. So yes, that's just two or several of the really cool features of Mena Prozcal. - God, so just to kind of like circle back on the whole thing of like YMENA,
is you're leveraging the power of zero knowledge to like just have a efficient speed right because we're using zero knowledge so we don't have to verify everything. We just only have to verify certain pieces of the equation to make sure that this is true so we can execute faster and because we don't have to verify everything.
Let's say we're running a validator, right? We have to have one terabyte of storage. Well, we don't have to have every single bit of information as long we have the mathematical proof of it. We can have a fragment of that and still know that that's true in the sense, right? Like that's the primary source of what we're doing.
here with the zero knowledge and mean. Yes, so when when you may have seen talk of a blockchain, which is 22 kilobytes or the lightweight blockchain, and that actually means that's how much.
data you have to have to verify the state of one account on the blockchain. So for like a user, they are probably going to have one or or a handful of accounts, right, rather than everything. So so they can run their own node and verify their account state.
on their own device, with that small amount of data, and also this operation of verifying the proof, the state proof that's included in blocks, that basically describes the state of that current block, but then
also all the previous blocks because like you can compress two transactions, two transaction proofs into one proof, the blocks in the blockchain actually include the previous proofs, right? So that's kind of how the the blocks are changed together with these proofs. So yes,
you effectively only have to have the piece of data that's relevant to you if you're a user to verify that your account has a certain balance or has a certain state on the blockchain, which is extremely powerful. I don't know exactly how it happens in other ecosystems and other technology platforms.
But I think it's similar to the kind of idea of having a light node where, you know, I know that there's been some talk of having these kind of, if you have the Merkel path of the kind of the Merkel tree that represents account balances on account-based blockchains, then you can
You can maybe verify a balance without having the whole thing, but I'm not too sure about how that works. But in Mina though, you can verify the balance with just that, that 22 kilobytes. It's actually less now as well, but 22 kilobytes is the most kind of
What's the word that I'm thinking of? You bit with this number.
God it God. Okay. Yeah, for those listening that don't really know what a Merkel treat is as well. It's basically like you need a few parts to the to the equation in order to know if something's true. Like if you've ever been in an allow list or something instead of storing like thousands of wallet addresses.
on a chain, they just need to know a small portion of that to see if you are on the list, like if you are on the VIP list or not. So like those are the type of equations that we don't really have to have 10,000 names somewhere. We just have that section where your name is and it shows that it is true. So I'm going to come back with like a two part question.
So community participation and developer engagement are like really important for a success for any blockchain project. So how does mean a protocol like foster community involvement, what opportunities are available for developers to start building and contribute to the ecosystem and then what challenges come with that as well.
That's a great question. At Mina Foundation, we are all about the community and developer engagement. And Yasin is the kind of the point man, the expert, right, when it comes to community building and being a point of contact for developers. So I'm going to pass over to him for this question.
Yeah, sure.
So actually, I mean, we have like different stage of professional levels in our community and they are all willing to help each other within the community. So actually, you can find Mino Foundation in various hackathons to start building and you know, start learning about snarky GS.
And after the learning process, actually we have this centralized community funding program called ZK Ignite. And actually ZK Ignite is not just about builders and also about different roles. So we have electoral, builder role and mentor role in our funding program, which actually give different
level of knowledge so we give different people and different roles to help each other and also get involved in the community. So I would say if you're new to Mini Protocol you can easily join ZK Ignite and start learning about Snarky Gs with our docs and make a proposal.
And after the proposal phase, we have also a mentorship program who will help you along the way to build the product that you are proposing. And so actually we are covering different levels of stages or development phase in a minarek system.
the challenges I will pass it to Angus and Angus can talk about maybe the most the challenges that they are facing around Hikathons with developers mostly. So obviously there's challenges when using any technology thanks as well by the way yes and that was a
brilliant answer. It is really cool as well. The ZK Ignite program. It's not just kind of here's a grants machine, we'll give you money to build your project. There's other ways to get involved such as being a mentor or an elector. And something that people have said is that it's really cool that it's kind of
are peers deciding in a transparent way whether we receive a grant or not versus some kind of opaque process where you don't really know what's happening. So there's obviously challenges, as I said, when using any technology, right?
The building stuff is hard. That's why we do it. Using technology, doing software development isn't easy. If it was, then we wouldn't have to have Twitter spaces and AMAs and have a Discord server. Everyone would just go on with it, right?
When people start building stuff with Mina, one of the things that usually comes up is, you know, where do we store our data? The blockchain is so compact and succinct. I'm used to storing data that I need on the blockchain.
When people want to start thinking about what's called data availability, so where can we store this data that our application needs to get it back again? Usually they want to think about it as well in some sort of decentralized way, so if they're using
the storing data on the actual blockchain, then people can look it up and say the data is here, it's not been changed. They don't like the idea of storing it on some sort of server that they're in control of, and that people can't look into and verify.
So that ZK apps actually give you a very small amount of unchanged state. It's not large enough to store any meaningful amount of data for your users. So if you have one ZK app and you want to serve more than one user and store more than a collection of about a number
then you don't have any space on chain. So what's been really cool is seeing in ZK Ignite cohort 1 which is kind of in progress now. So a lot of people came up with a bunch of project ideas, they wrote proposals for them, the electors,
voted for which projects they thought should receive funding. Then the projects were funded and some people have been building a couple of solutions to tackle this problem, right? Which as we were talking about, right? And you might, if you don't know what a miracle tree is now, you know, Billy will be able to tell you if there's a development
our resource to learn what they are. If there isn't, we will get together at DC5 tomorrow and figure out one for you, right? Because, Mercury is a really important to understand. So, what you can do is you can use a Mercury to store bits of data and then collapse
It down using using either like cryptographic techniques either hashing or doing some sort of Generating some sort of zero-knowledge proof right in Mina you can collapse that down into this one kind of the Merkel route, which is the number at the top right
And so you can store that little bit of data in this one of these boxes, one of these field state variables that you have on Mina, right? So you can actually store large amounts of data off chain and then use
cryptographic techniques to represent that data in a very small compact way and store that on-chain. So in that way, and so there's actually someone who's building something called ZKFS which uses these miracle trees to help developers with this
With this aspect, right? So now developers are going to have this kind of solution that they can use like a library to store data on a server somewhere. Users can have trust because they can
verify this data via the blockchain because ZKFS has built this toolset for them. So that's something that's really cool, a challenge, but the kind of demonstration of how Mina is enabling
people in the community to really solve these, you know, address these challenges. And another challenge that we have, right, another challenge that sometimes developers face is if they're used to using
other bits of technology to do web 3, right? Then the programming model, like the mental model of understanding what's happening with the mean blockchain is kind of different to what you've seen before, right? So usually people will have been doing kind of EVM development
And they think through computation as what are we computing here in my smart contract? Whereas, MENA is more about thinking, what am I proving here? You can do any computation you want, but how do you prove what you've done? What do you need to prove to put into this proof?
That's kind of a bit of a paradigm shift and so the way that we're challenging that right, sorry, addressing that challenge is through people like myself finding different ways to explain it to people depending on where they're coming from and we are having success. Usually you can tell
when someone's had the kind of "aha moment" right, I get it now, this is a really powerful way to do things and that's really, you know, what me and Yasun are here for, right? So yeah, that's a couple of challenges that we've been facing that developers face when they start building ZK apps, but hopefully yeah, I've
explain as well, have we're tackling those challenges? I actually went through the Mina Docks and I did this snarky J.S. smart contract on there with the Hello World and it's not as scary as it sounds, right? So it's not too too bad. So like I invite any developer that's kind of curious about there, just check out the
the mean of docs is actually pretty good, pretty simple. It'll take you, you know, I would, I would say 30 minutes to kind of like get yourself situated and started and just reading through the whole docs and understanding, hey, you know, it's not so bad on there because when you hear about zero knowledge, you know, you think, oh, I need a PhD in math and you talk about all these circuits and
And it's just like, oh man, it's just kind of intimidating sometimes when you hear when you hear people talk, you know, with like all this thing may not make sense, but when you get down there into the docs and look into it, it's like, okay, I can do this, right? So don't be scared. No getting nervous. Definitely check out the docs and it'll sound pretty good. But during the Q&A, like the#
questions about the replies like mean as ecosystem growth. Can you guys kind of speak on that and see what you guys that's on that? Yeah, just before we do that, I would like to say yes, I'd like to echo what you just said there really right. Don't be intimidated right. The point of snarky
is to make ZKAP development accessible for developers. There is a separate website with a math on it, right? Like the math is so crazy that it needs its own separate website. So if you are into it, you can look at that website. But the docs for snarky.js are really supposed to be practical, illustrate the concept.
But the whole point of Snarky JS is to abstract the mathematics and the low level kind of ZK stuff away from you so that you can just basically focus on building ZK apps for your users to fit your use case, right? Obviously, there's always your welcome
to get deep involved on a deeper level, get into some protocol stuff, get into the guts, learn the math, but you don't have to. So that's a good point that Billy made there. Also, I kind of, there's been a bit of controversy because the Hello World example, it never actually prints Hello World anywhere, right?
So if you do think that is a big issue then maybe we can take a look at it. But for now, yeah, there are some good tutorials and things to get started on the docs. So I've actually forgotten what you asked us. It was something about community development. Yeah, so the ecosystem growth overall for the meaner protocol.
Okay. And so what did you ask about it? Sorry. That's me. Get distracted. There's just people asking about the growth in the community in sense overall in the protocol, like the overall ecosystem growth on Mina.
Okay, yes. Well, so I'll go first quickly and then I'll pass off the ass and as well. Because as I said, he is Mr. Community when it comes to Meena. So I think we've seen steady and sustained growth of the ecosystem.
So, Mina is an L1, right? And so there's a lot of users using the L1 app present who have, so that's part of the kind of ecosystem and community, right? Of users and people who do things like stake
making tokens and voting and getting involved in the governance side of things. So that's one role that people can have in the ecosystem. But then this idea of ZK apps, as I was talking about the modifications to the proof system,
that allow this ZK app functionality. That's currently live on the testnet, but it's not live on the mainnet. So me and Yasuna really focusing on growing the developer community of people who are interested in building these ZK apps. And that has been something which we've really seen
a lot of growth certainly since late last year with the kind of announcement of ZK Ignite, right? Because that's, as we said, right, there's lots of different ways for people to get involved and we seem to be really giving people what they want, right? Whether that
support funding, mentorship, good challenges. So we're really growing a kind of tribe of people who are excited to come on this journey, but that's right. So I suppose I'll pass the gas and now to tell you a bit more.
Yeah sure. Actually I can start with the ZK connector last year that we did all around the world and we start meeting with the smartest people in local areas who were working on zero-noblish proofs and we launched ZK Ignite, like ZK Ignite
Hort1 which really helped build the ecosystem further and we had 26 projects got funding from ZKNet cohort 1. Also, Lumina decks and Ethernex items to product were bought recently announced. Lumina is the first decks on Miner Protocol.
and it's working on a ZKID solution with QIC and anti-minor-lander functionality to build for compliant private DeFi. It's been really exciting time right now and we are doing up for the hard fork and we are really excited
to provide ZKApp programmability in mainnet with the hard fork in future. So that's how we are doing. Actually, I will also talk about ZK not covered in coming minutes.
Awesome. Yes, definitely. That sounds like really exciting. I want to kind of follow up on the ZKG Knight, but also want to mention out there that developer Dow is actually going to be working with me in a protocol to create a mini hackathon, right, to get down and dirty with via Snarky.js library and and and grind up and work with
other developer down members. We're actually trying to create a system where if you team up with a developer down member for the mean hackathon that they'll be code token incentives for you. So like if you team up with a developer down member and you submit something to the mini hackathon, there will be some code token incentives for you. So definitely gear up.
get ready, read the docs, and I think before, like just after the hackathon, I think the ZK ignite cohort will start. So like just coming circling back to that, if that's the grant funding system, can you tell us like what resources and support does ZK ignite, like provide participants overall that that decide to go into this cohort?
And sure, let me really explain what is decaying night and then I can talk about the resources and the support mechanism that we have. So, decaying night is a centralized community funding program that brings various builders together to learn about and develop zero-nobody applications on minifortical.
As I told you, we are right now, we just finished the ZKnet card and we are launching the second card next week, which is on June 14th. So feel free to register for ZKnet card to and get and start getting involved with Minna community. We have 500K USTC and 500K
MENA are available in ecosystem grants to fund ZKAP projects and key developer tooling on MiniProticle. As I told before, we have different roles and these roles are a Lector, Mentor and Builder roles in ZKAP for builders, there are two tracks, which are ZKAPs and developer tooling tracks.
In a ZK app track, you can build centralized applications with ZK features to solve real world problems. Some examples are identity, healthcare, gaming, DeFi, and believe me, plus lots of various projects because we had hundreds of proposals last time. And I will talk about some examples.
examples also during this space. On the other hand, in a developer tooling track, builders can work on data storage, management, and different infrastructure solutions that will make building in the minic system easier and more efficient. Tonic decisions are collectively made by electors to
re-volting and electors are actually experienced media community members who decide on and allocate the available grant funding. So for the resources we have weekly gatherings to support builders while they ideate form teams and draft their proposals of their Zernoblish projects. These include
such as investor panels, ZK app architectures workshops and best practices for pitching your project. So in various areas we are trying to support the challenges that builders are facing throughout the proposal and building phase. Another superpower of ZK Ignat is the mentorship program.
which starts right after the funding decisions are made. We have different superstars within the Minicomunity who have different skills and are passionate about helping builders throughout their entrepreneurial journey. You can easily, if you're in a builder, you can easily get the advice that you need from design to technical aspects to create a successful business.
Awesome awesome. Yeah, I do see a question from the audience to this is from zero X new L. Hopefully I said that right. If there's any sponsorships to dev Dow. So we are recruiting builders. So you don't have to be in dev Dow to participate in this mini hackathon. If you submit and and you know it's it's not just a copy
And then, if you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're not a developer, you're#
team up with a developer down member. There's definitely incentives for you and then eventually make you a developer down member as well. Speaking of that, can you share any success stories like from cohort one or any examples of ZK apps that that been built on me in a protocol to give people ideas maybe what you're looking for in cohort two or the mini hackathon?
I would love to. So we have a very diverse portfolio of funded projects from Covert One, but one cool ZK app is a keyless smart contract wallet that uses the run-of-the-sprus to allow users to recover access to their wallet without revealing any personal information. Actually, you can
can also learn more and follow them on Twitter by username, "Bolot ZKApp". So this is a very interesting project actually from the one of the funded projects from CORET1. Another amazing one is FlexSick here. And data about energy consumption and production can actually be quite sensitive.
And there are no loose proofs here, eliminate the need for sharing a provider specific energy profile. And this way, this can help make our energy systems more sustainable while ensuring security and privacy for shared data. So these are like two examples from the core one.
Very cool. So, so for the upcoming mini hackathon for people kind of stirring ideas, what, what are you looking for in a submission? Any, any kind of ideas you have a wish list or any of that kind?
So we don't have a specific wish list that we kind of circulate because we like to let people have their own ideas and we don't want to push people in any particular directions, right, because we want them to innovate freely. But one of the things that I would say
is a really cool aspect of Snarky.js is the fact that it lets you do this recursion, which is where you can generate a proof and then use that as an input to another proof. We've got a couple of examples
that we usually use to demonstrate this. But if I could, usually we have a kind of diagram, but it basically is some different people playing cards like a card game. And so if you can imagine being a player in a card game, you have a Z
or you write the logic for a card game, one of these users can run the ZK app and produce a proof that says that they've taken their turn in a valid way, according to the code that you've written for the ZK app. They can then pass that proof to a second player
The second player can use your ZK app to verify that proof in snarky.js so they can check that the player 1 has taken a valid turn. They can then make their turn and they can include that proof that player 1 sent them.
use that proof and their turn which they've taken in a valid way to produce another proof, right? And they can pass that proof to player 3. Player 3 can then see player 1 and player 2 have taken turns in a valid way, right? And then they can take their
So they can verify the game state and the other players have taken their returns. The other thing about this is it can all happen off-chain. So you can actually do this roundabout thing of verifying proofs without having to submit transactions to the chain.
Submit one proof at the end to say the game is over or some people have done some trading with each other or some people have exchanged tokens in a kind of Side channel. I think that's what it's called or like state channels
So there's all sorts of possibilities that exist, right? When you use this idea of generating proofs, verifying them, and then using them to, you know, include in other proofs. So recursion is a really cool feature, and that's something that really
differentiates snarky js as a tool to use as well for developers. So we usually say, you know, recursion is really where the kind of the innovation and the difference can be found, right, among other places. So that would be one thing I would say is
Certainly, see if you can get your hands on with the recursion API, which is called ZK program. And so apart from that, something that we were talking about recently as well is the idea of verifying
The security kind of entrust model of ZK apps. So the way that it works will be explained to you in some materials that we're going to publish together with developer Dow. And it's also available
or the documentation, but one of the things that we were wondering is, could you come up with some way to kind of give users assurances about the ZK app they're running and what it's going to do
because at the moment you can kind of verify the code that you're running is valid, but then not everyone can read code and even software.
developers might not be able to audit smart contracts, right? So we were having a think about maybe there's something there to increase kind of
how to verify smart contracts and their effects for users. That's something that we're talking about recently. But really, as well, if you have ideas or if you need ideas, if you need some kind of inspiration or
things to get the juices flowing. Then I would highly recommend you can always tweet me. So if you follow me on Twitter, you can tweet at me or you can come to our Discord server as well. We've got a lot of people there who do a lot of conversation on some text channels and we also have hangout
out once or twice a week where we're hanging out on a voice channel and you can come in, you knock ideas off us and we can discuss them together. So that would be, we don't have a wish list, we might publish some sort of guide about what you can and can't do.
But what we want is for you to have ideas and come and kind of discuss them with us. Also, you can refer back to the ideas that people have had in ZK Ignite cohort one to get some inspiration as well.
Very cool. As we kind of finish up the space on here, like do you have any kind of closing remarks or any ideas or shoutouts? Definitely follow me to protocol follow Angus follow yassin. They're super cool people like just in general like just talking to them in general. They're really nice. So like don't be intimidated.
They don't be scared. Ask questions, ask dumb questions, hard questions. I think sometimes it's a little intimidated. This is not stack exchange. Everybody's really in the help. They really want people building on Mina. Definitely follow and reach out when you get a chance. Any closing statements from you guys?
Well, I'd love to get a shout out to you, Billy, and to develop her dial. Thanks so much for hosting us. We're really enjoying working together and really excited to see, you know, the results, the amazing stuff we're going to do together with this hackathon. I'd also like to
to say, yeah, you should definitely follow everyone that you just mentioned on Twitter, follow developer dial, follow me, follow me first, right? Then developer dial, mean a protocol, follow Yasin, if you're going to be around for DevConnect in Istanbul, Yasin will give you the plug for the
Turkish breakfast. If you don't know what I'm talking about, they are lit. Follow O1 Labs as well and yeah if you've got any questions or you want to you know make any of your opinions known, tweet them at me or you can
to come onto our Discord server, there's a ZK app section where you can learn more and get a look at the docs as well. And so thanks everyone else as well. Thanks everyone for listening. It's been a pleasure. I also want to thank you, Billy and developer to our hosting
this and also the listeners to join. My closing remark will be please feel free to reach out to me or Angus and I am trying to be always online and helping the builders and to grow the ecosystem together so don't hesitate to contact me anytime you're available. I will be available for you.
Thank you guys so much. It's been a pleasure. But don't forget ZK Ignite is starting. Can you remind me what date one more time?
So it's starting June 14th, so the next week core 2 is starting.
So June 14th guys, check out the pin tweet before we close out the space. Keep an eye out for devdows many hackathon. It's going to be fun. You can tell that everybody's kind of excited about it. Help is on standby waiting for you.
to mess around with your ideas. Don't be afraid of snarky JS. I've done it. I'm not the best. So, you know, you take my word for it. But thank you guys so much for an awesome space. We'll be talking to you guys soon. Have a good one, guys.
Bye bye. Bye bye.