Building your onchain rep with points and rewards

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2024 Duration: 0:33:28



Allergy attack if you will so yeah, but feeling a little bit better. I got some new meds today, so
You know with the
seasonal allergies
What's a good natural remedies like you know local honey if you can get some locally grown honey and have that first thing in
Yeah, you know I've heard of that I
Need to figure out where there's like a local
or local honey provider or yeah person
individuals groups that do that
Yeah, if you go on like some sort of like Google search, I'm sure you'll be able to find it anyways
Has what have you been to eat the Denver has it started yet already?
It has not well the hackathon week started this week leading into next week
So I guess yeah, and in some way conceptually yes, it started, but in terms of the conference
That's not till next week, and I fly in on Monday
Right okay interesting so yeah, it's just been
Crazy over here as well to be quite honest. You know I've had like lots of
Rl stuff happening and
in terms of
The market and in terms of everything happening
This is I think there's like some sort of like a meta shifting
can't seems to like pinpoint it, but like I
Think we've hit another plateau
like innovation, I mean like we're getting a lot of like different aspects of the same
innovations like
We're not getting a breakthrough
So so let's see like I'm not sure from your side, but from my side. I feel like
In terms of market activity in terms of innovation the industry activity
as kind of like hit a standstill and
Also, there's like an article came out just a couple of hours ago. I was reading about it
there's still like speculation around Bitcoin as
An asset which can like you know lead us into the future because
There's a lot of like
Think tanks which like you know still believe that like you know
Cryptography is not the way forward and it's not secure and it's like
It's used by criminals and stuff like that
So yeah, what do you think?
So I'm trying to clear my throat here before I start talking at a mute
Yeah, I mean narratives are narratives right I think they're still kind of a bunch of folks who are trying to like
villainize crypto
I don't know how successful they're gonna be though because I think that there's been like a widespread
I don't want to call it adoption, but like institutional integration of crypto, which I think validates some of
Make validates it a little bit
Excuse me
Yeah, I think that you know some folks are still
incentivized to
Draw some negative narratives
For me personally, um, I
Guess I'm concerned with like regulation
Particularly Western countries like the United States
Because I think that it you know for us developers
People who are building with crypto and the US, you know where I'm based out of
There are
strangleholds to innovation
Just because of a lack of clarity not because something is illegal right and so you want to make sure that you
Build something that's gonna be of value but also
not gonna be deemed illegal down the line and then you're gonna be held liable for it, which I think is such a
horrible position for
entrepreneurs in this space
Excuse me, um, so I guess one of the things that
I wanted to talk about was building your on-chain reputation and
Obviously the title of this space, excuse me, this is probably only gonna get worse
So, yeah, it's made the main title of the space right? It's like building your on-chain reputation
With points and rewards, but I think that that's just like two categories. I think that there's just so many different ways to do that
And I wonder if we could just discuss that
Yeah, sure, I mean I
was gonna
Like pick up on different points like I was gonna mention Sora at some point in our discussion
but yeah on-chain reputation with points and rewards we can discuss that and
Generally, sorry
On-chain reputation. Have you heard of Arkham Arkham intelligence empty?
Yeah, a hundred percent. I know I know they are read their white paper saw them launch
Have heard of a couple of projects that have integrated them
Awesome. So like for example projects like that they really like
when you like
When you look deep down into how they're operating and what kind of like
information they're trying to propagate it makes sense that like, you know on-chain reputation and
It's so important because that on-chain reputation is basically
Giving out an online persona about you and that online persona can
Makes so many different things
Easier or it can make more sense income computational in from a computational perspective
like for example
When we're using applying for a credit card in normal life situations and
You know, there's a certain aspect of your IR IRL reputation your bank
Statements your debit direct debits and all of that stuff
that's utilized to
to to create a score and that score can determine whether
you should have a credit card or
What level of you know?
What's his name spending are you allowed on it? So same way
On chain reputation is kind of like the same thing, but it's on chain. So you're
So your transactions which you've been doing online using blockchains, they're all because of the
Immutable nature of blockchain they're all
Deeply engraved on the blockchain and from that you can
Cathar sighs about certain outcomes about a certain account and
Moving forward, I think it's like very important because like
The reason why I mentioned Arkham intelligence is that like, you know, you can gain so much Intel
Just by like using
protocols like that
about a certain
Certain wallet and I remember like last year or the year before that like even like
Using NFTs, for example, and then being able to just like not because there was a big thing which was happening on OpenSea
Where you just buy an NFT and then two days later to be flagged as stolen and now you're like, you know
Stuck with that asset
Which pretty much shouldn't
You shouldn't have bought it, but you had no idea of identifying it
unless you're like a
you can quickly whisk down onto the account activity and you'll be able to see if there's any sort of
Nefarious, you know
Movements happening and you'll be able to be like, okay
I don't really want to be trading with this because of like the way it's selling it NFTs and
Sometimes you'd be able to identify you can just look at the wallet activity and you'll be able to know if it's
okay, and if it's not and
mean you can use on-chain reputation for
For making it easier for people who are buying stuff on on-chain
by identifying good users and
filtering out bad uses and
Then having your points
associated with that is
Again, like, you know the same analogy as like experience credit score and those points can unlock rewards
because I
Mean in marketing
There's a big thing about
Having attention
You know, so if you can get attention then basically
Whatever product you're trying to sell if you can get attention on it you'll be able to sell it and
Attention is a big thing
Especially in this
world which we are living in now where like, you know, we've got like literally
half a microsecond attention economy and
Getting any sort of attention
Can can can be beneficial for for protocols so
If if you have like a good points
And a good on-chain reputation
It's on the block blockchain and that blockchain is like
worldwide really so because it's worldwide and that on on the
On-chain reputation is worldwide and the points are worldwide. It gives access to all the
The companies or enterprises or
Individuals who are trying to access that data and they can reward those certain aspects of
Users who have unlocked certain points according to that data because of the the nature of blockchains
information being viable on
different explorers
Pretty rad if you ask me like, you know if and the possibilities are like literally endless
in terms of
You know the identity
identity cards
Passports and stuff like that
Hash down onto the blockchain obviously not being readable by normal
Methods and encrypt it and then being able to dehash whenever you need it using
biometrics on
IRL and stuff and
This is like so many many more many more possibilities
So, yeah, that was just me shedding some light on this
No, that's that's excellent. I appreciate you kind of taking that on and
Describing that I wonder actually sincere doing such a wonderful job in
Describing this like can you think about like loyalty?
in the traditional sense like
Through maybe like credit card loyalty programs or you know airplane loyalty programs or airline
I should say not airplane but airline loyalty protocol
Programs, excuse me. And then what do you think are some of the things that are just like
Sticky that like keep bringing you back that are
valuable to not just the individual like to the company but to the individual too
Yeah, I mean we're surrounded by loyalty programs wherever we go in the in the
Everywhere in the world now I think because like
I've noticed like wherever I traveled. I'd noticed that there was a huge aspect of loyalty programs
And I have traveled a lot last year and I didn't notice that says interesting you bring this up
And I think that
Again in terms of business
Recurring business and having like some sort of
Some sort of an aspect of your user coming back to you is king in business, you know
because if you have that recurring book
Business and if you can retain your customers customer retention basically is king
If you can retain them then you know, that's the best thing really because you don't have to spend
Resources trying to get new customers, you know
Because you've already got an aspect of customers, which you're retaining
Which means that you're not spending money on
Resources to get new ones and that money can go straight on to profit
So as a result, you know, there's different
businesses which creates loyalty systems and
Those loyalty systems like, you know reward customers from constantly
utilizing that business and
both and it's like a symbiotic relationship because
the the the business ends up getting recurring business which is king and
The customer gets known for its loyalty
That can be
Construed in different angles as well, I suppose so in in terms of blockchain that would be like
Loyalty can be defined as
anything saying
someone, you know who had
Ethereum in their wallet for example after the ICO or
Someone who had a theorem after 2017
Let's dive into that because that's a good point. Do you think that being early to something?
Is loyalty or do you think that there's like a metric within that that I mean
There is no I mean these these are like not pre defined standards. Are there really so we could
define in
In the blockchain. I would say it's pretty dynamic when you say loyalty
You could like say that look like, you know having that transaction is loyalty or not having that transaction is loyalty or having something
Pre ICO is loyalty or not like having it after a certain time
It's pretty dynamic and we could like change it change it
depending on
the circumstances and the
The nuances and the variables associated with that. I think that would be an educated response towards it
Yeah, cuz I'm trying to think about like
What a theorem is a good I guess example as any in terms of like web3 protocols
I'm trying to think of like if I wanted to
Share a reward with a segment of the Ethereum community
Maybe just as simply to reward them for something that they've done
Like how do I identify a group of users? Like in other words, like how do I segment?
So that people are fairly rewarded right like assuming this is a
non financial token right or reward
just something to
Indicator signal their value to the ecosystem and
guess the other question is like yeah, like if if you want to go beyond that signaling and I wanted to
Use that to onboard these individuals to a new protocol
like how can we
Ensure that we are segmenting people using the right metrics. So I guess just wanted to be a little bit more thoughtful
And this is just personally me something that I think about but you know, I'm not saying that you're wrong or right
I'm just saying
Something I wanted to explore
No, it's interesting and there's so many different ways of doing that like for example holding a
Specific token, you know could be a way of segmenting a certain crowd
Transactions like, you know, I mean D fight transactions transactions are using
specific protocols
In general like, you know total number of transactions
Like clearly you don't want to be including a transaction a burner wallet
for example, which has had in and out and that's it and that was like 200 days ago, so
They could be
Based on like, you know the
Clicks in terms of like, you know if they've signed something like the smart contract signatures
no, which would give us like some sort of a an
understanding that the user is
Coined in smart contracts
They could be ways of
Seeing if the blockchain has been bridged towards other blockchains, you know, so that could be another thing because
Knowing that you can bridge from aetherium to Solana and from Solana to ontology and then
Ontology to aetherium and all of that stuff. That's
complex business then
Then you could like make further like
Aspects to it like for example, you could create a protocol which siphons through all of these basic
aspects and then
You create a smart contract and then in that smart contract you create certain such details
that only the people who are able to like
process those details would be able to
To to sign that contract and that can siphon out quite a lot of like, you know
It just depends
You know what you're trying to achieve and like what?
Level of users do you require like for example
Know if you like looking for some sort of an art art based like project and if it needs to be launched and
And if you need attention like in last year and I believe here before that
Scams used to do that same thing as well
You know that send you an NFT on to your wallet and then from there, you know, you'd go on to a
Website and then from the they'll introduce your project
And it was easy for them to do that because like, you know, there's only so many wallets which
hold NFTs
So but then scammers started using that site that filtration aspect as well. And then
Yeah, I mean but but but I must have at least mentioned 10 to 12 different ways of like
utilizing ether scan and
Utilizing like, you know the data from blockchain to be able to
filter out users to be able to get the right metrics to be able to
Propagate whatever you're trying to propagate. So I hope perhaps
No, that's that's very helpful, um, I
Guess something I was thinking about
kind of why you were saying that too is I
think what was the recent L2 that just kind of announced their air drop was a scroll or
One of these blockchains are all twos that basically I think they use like github commitments
As a way to like measure impact and calculate rewards
Excuse me
Think that's really interesting right because I mean, I think I think someone like scroll definitely depends on like a strong developer ecosystem
and I could see why
They would want to reward people who were contributing to their
developer platform or to building out the protocol but
Most of these commitments were just like it's trash
right, they were just saying change the period here or
Build on salon. I think I saw one of the founders a scroll tweet out which I thought that was funny
So it just kind of
Excuse me proves that that's like not the best metric
One of the things that I think about now, I don't know if I'm right, but it's trying to identify like values aligned
Ecosystems that have been operating for some time and then reward people based on actions in those
Communities and projects like a good example. I remember the first optimism airdrop was
Waited to reward people who had been contributing to
Which is a values aligned?
Ecosystem right. They're both about public goods. So I that's really interesting to me. Like how can you reward people based on I
values aligned partners
Yeah, I mean
There's been there's been a lot of like airdrops and there's been a lot of like
Acknowledgments of certain actions in crypto before you know
That's why people tend to be like more active towards all these new emmetas which are kicking in just in case if they don't
They don't want to miss out and it's a it's healthy. It's I think it's brewing in the right direction like, you know
it kind of like mimics I
What we see in crypto or in the markets in the industry in the development
Realm, it's what it is. It's really
What we are doing in real life as well, it's a reflection of that and
In the way we do business the way we do
like, you know
Utilize the data
like even in like
Websites and like clicks and search engine optimizations and
You know all these different metrics and then if you're running a business like, you know, you could be like using the food flow
The cash flow the the
Like, you know feedback forms
And stuff like that you could do like all these different things and
and what we're doing in what they're really in doing is it's like utilizing numbers and then with that numbers you can assess
Certain aspects like, you know, okay, so we've got like this much amount of numbers interested in this product
So if he was to produce that product or if he was to like put some research and development onto that product
We might be able to gain more interest, you know, it gives a company a better understanding of who
Which direction which direction they need to be heading towards so
The same can be
Taken for
what you're talking about in terms of using one chain reputation and then using that reputation to
To do airdrops or to like reward users, you know for for certain actions, which they've done and
Another good example which comes into my mind is
Which were pretty hot last year and the year before that and that was like, you know people utilizing
IRL aspects like I remember going NFT Paris
Last year and there was a pop star and and you know
There was giving out poor ups
for your attendance IRL and stuff and then there was a big thing in terms of
You you know anyone who is joining certain spaces he was getting perhaps and people were very proud of them then
There was a group I was part of 10 KTF and
They were utilizing certain and that was all happening on chain as well
It was happening off chain, but certain aspects of it was being
registered on chain
but once you was to like, you know mix the off chain and on chain aspects together you'd be able to
Like get like a clearer picture of that wallet and the ranking of it
Moral of the story is that like, you know, there's a lot of development happening overall, you know in terms of all of these things
Moving forward, I think
This would go for more it won't slow down. I think it'll accelerate more because
this data is gold, you know, and and then
Using that data to like reward but creating rewarding mechanisms
to create attention
Which again which brings us back to what we were talking about to start off with like, you know, attention
Is very important. I
In terms of blockchain survivability as well
There's been so many different folks of BTC
but the the the fork which got the more most important more attention or the most attention and
Is BTC and everything else is just a fork of it
In crypto in in crypto terms, I suppose like attention is a huge thing
in other words consensus where everyone creates like an
Consensus towards agreeing towards something in masses
So, yeah interesting conversation so far
Thanks, man
Go through a bit about
Carving fit right now. So I apologize
So I brother you don't have to like go all the way for an hour, you know
I think we've shared quite a lot of valuable information
and if if you feel like
You're talking is going to cause that then I think we should just like call it a day
Man I hope this new medicine helps out because my allergies have really kicked it hard this year
Anyways players, thank you. I
I appreciate you
Excuse me, and we'll see you next week
100% take care guys. Have a fantastic week. Look after yourself
Look after your mind drink lots of water and we'll see you guys next week
What's your love?