
Recorded: May 28, 2023 Duration: 0:44:26



What up, what up three? Good Alex. Are you been? I'm been good. Getting ready to go back to the United States should be interesting. Get this token launched and continue on doing more of the same. Excellent. We're almost back to America.
It's just the time zone differences makes it very difficult to engage the participating. There's like when I'm up at like 5 pm it's 5 am for most people that engage so
It's like very taxing so happy to go back and be back in the regular time zone and get the token going What up block? What did you baby boy? Let's fucking go. I'm fucking ready dude
I feel like it's been took so long but it was a lot of things that needed to come together for this to finally happen but man block you've been a day one rider bro dog that's
I don't know man, I think it would have been a lot more difficult if you weren't so real and authentic and shit like that. So to be real with you, yeah I've been riding like a motherfucker but to be real like I think it's basically, dude a lot of us though, you know what I mean?
a lot of us are like that because like you just kind of inspire us to you know be the best version of ourselves and you're always talking about it and then you go a step further and you're actually about the shit that you talk about bro like it's easy for us to fucking be riding for you and riding with you and like now that we finally got you know
Network token and bro, we're fucking finn if fucking yeah, dude. We're gonna go to the fucking ends of the earth together. I think let's fucking go. Yeah, I'm fucking high for networks token. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to go. I'm glad I made the pre-sale list I've been fucking supporting this space for this long for a reason and I'm fucking high
I heard books did an incredible AMA this morning or afternoon whatever time it was. Books held the down for sure. He gave all enough information to keep people intrigued but not give up to them.
Too much information. He helped you. Yo, that question mark next to your name, dude. That fucker is vang or dude. That thing slapped me right in the fucking space, man. As soon as I open it up, I couldn't stop looking at it, bro. It has me hypnotized, folks.
Oh snap, that looks fire at the box, you look beautiful. I'm excited to spark baby, let's go! Ain't no brakes on this race car now dude. F*ckin' books took the training wheels off right? Let's f*ckin' go.
Books on our jars. No, no, no, no, that's what I can go is do it. Yeah, we upgraded books. We upgraded
Adrian, make the pre-sale list or what? Adrian, you getting down on the network token? Pumped the bag, let's go. I never applied. I'm really sorry, I never applied. I'm really bullish on the network token for sure, but again, I didn't want to do any, you know, a financial
for gains in the space. So it's really nasty for me. I tend to want to stand on some principles in search to have any bias or conflict of interest. So when I back a group, I'm doing this out of pure logic.
but actually I am pretty bullish on this token. Even if I don't have it, I'm still bullish on that. So for me, I guess that's as good as it gets. So yeah. What's Alex? You want to do one on one anytime soon? I sent it into your DMs, but you're probably flooded. You won't be able to see shit.
I think that's a no Adrian I think Alex is a no on the one on one. Yeah space to get rocked up I will. Adrian. How you been everything good in crypto Twitter? We haven't talked since the last time we helped that space.
Yeah, well I mean crypto choice has been really nice to me. Some people have been fighting me a little bit. It's really okay. Nothing, nothing substantial of any kind. We're trying to like, you know, get into a lot of auto, auto, auto communities bringing people together. It's been very effective. They got bought the, brought the beetles and the
folks close together. It's really good stuff. So yeah, it's rivet and mishmash much. Good stuff. Again, I'm getting them together. It's going to be really cool. And then in the future we'll have an ordinal space. I think it's going to be two weeks from now. So yeah, we got a lot of stuff going on. It's good stuff. Yeah, all the right people are getting together.
better get into the network Adrian. I kind of do but there's two issues one I don't have any kind of either position that would give me conflict of interest and two I don't have any money.
I don't want to hear that. This is just a problem and it's everything I'm doing. Dude, everything I'm doing is cash for the negative anyways on here. I mean, come on. I got like three different types of things going at the same time. Like, yeah.
I'm on the edge of existence here. So I guess my principles are kind of working against my favorite a little bit there, but Dude, like I just said this is not a first
I know I'm missing out thing okay, Adrian you can't unless you're again unless you got bags that you're dumping on people, but it's a right-of-pass like you literally can't just the rules man, but I don't want to dump in the bags of people I don't
I don't want to dump anyone. It's, it, I'm not a shit-coy guy. Well, you're involved. You're involved. Yeah, that's not how the network token works, dude. You're in luck. It's not a shit-coyne dumping on everybody. Like, what are you guys, actually, what are you guys envisioning? What are you guys envisioning for the network token? Give me some alpha.#
Believe in something question everything It's just a meme Simple meme okay like it You're gonna stick with that forever like are we gonna see question marks around is talking to disappear like like what are we going for you Adrian they fucking canceled on they bought
They fucking made hate spaces. They truth about spaces 51 cent a SWAT team Yeah, dude that hasn't done it. So I can't see I don't know I can't see any like negative comments or FUD is just gonna make a make everybody pack up and go home
I'll buy the dips. - Sure, sure. - Just buy the dips, let's go. Buy the dips. (laughing) - Yeah, for sure.
I think flood makes us stronger to be honest like if nobody flooded us maybe we would have gone gone home a long time ago but my fuckers like oh you want us to do this or doing the opposite that's how I work anyway like my fuckers shut the fuck up I'm a talk louder now fuck
you. What's up, Bongo? No, I just want to say that I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm happy to see that Alex is actually putting something in the market and I will be aping in. So best of luck and hopefully I'll change my background to a red one.
Yo, the first couple seconds of that bongo you sound like legit no like real accent bro. Your English is getting good as fuck, but then you said luck set the end and fuck it all up but damn dude it's the hair
It's the hair on the PFP. I was gonna say that's what I know. I know I'm super excited. I'm not gonna sleep for like the next 24 hours. I am gonna be dragged to the beach like tomorrow morning for a couple hours. So it's gonna be a sticky situation.
I know I know so hopefully they don't do it in the morning, but yeah, dude, I'm fucking am This is a long time coming lots of like hard work. I've from like Alex and fucking bucks and this is just I'm excited about this Pull the king ford and skip the beach
I don't control my weekdays, but I don't control my weekends and holidays. That's my wife. That's like the one rule.
Wait a second. It's not that tomorrow. It's not the weekend. It's because the holiday. It's a holiday, yeah, but like, yeah, I've kids are like, I can't be on this thing like all this fucking time like I am, but I can't like actually be on here all the time.
So there's just going to fade. Is going to fade generational well? Do you going to resent your kids? This is going to have to start to hate them. This is a totally a thing that would happen to me too. Like it actually drops and then I'm just not here to do it.
Thank God I got to take a lot of effort. The most bullish thing that happened was books being on the team. I don't know what people know about books. Dude's a strategic thinker and smart and business savvy.
He definitely has a unique view on the whole space and he has adaptability. You can see it. You can go into any space and really take over the space because he has leadership skills. And I don't know. I think books are probably going to change crypto to Twitter.
I don't know books. If you could change one thing about crypto Twitter, what would it be? Oh man, not just one thing. It'll be a lot of things, but the whole like entitlement thing, the ego thing, the chip on the shoulder thing, that's got to go.
That's about for Yeah, now bro, it's like the swag of the question mark is undeniable like you know like books has some swag like you know he flexes some swag on the timeline like that's
Like Alex has a weird type of fucking swag to get to people like I like that's the crazy thing I like about the question mark I always fucked up the question mark from day one cuz it fit my personality They were outside mind thinkers. They always are people that
that always question and always indeed their own research came back and said, oh, this is a good investment because X, Y, and Z not just because someone told me to. So I think, personally, like two of the most people that you'd like believe in this space, they're here day in and day out.
Like when you look at Alex in books, they're here every day and they love the space They bring entertainment they bring information like that's why I'm fucking bullish like hell yeah You know the thing is that they don't care who you are they could you could have two followers to a hundred thousand
and followers and they will try to investigate you the same way. That's what kind of makes the network or the question mark. Like it doesn't matter if you're a janitor or you're like the president of the world you're going to be treated the same way, you're going to be told
your story and we're going to be analyzing it. If we like it, we'll eat a little piece of the pie. But if we don't, we'll tell you not to. It's like, and then you have to go back and make your own decisions. So like just because someone here said they don't, you still have to make your own decisions. No one is driving you driving yourself.
Yo, what do we think? We got diamond hands in this fucking question mark community or what are we just gonna fucking dump right away? Are we holding bags or fucking what? Let's go
I'm holding. I'm excited. Why would I dump right away? It's crazy. This shit's here. They're gonna do something crazy. I'm excited. I'm still holding on my fucking defi-age, dude. Ain't any way. I'm gonna be like dumping tokens. I'm here for it. Bro, I'm ready. I'll give you a room to run. You know what I mean? I'm bullish.
Yo Alex, can you hear me? I can hear you. I'm excited man. Do you want to talk about the market more than because we can talk about the network but I'd rather talk a little bit about like how the market is.
We stick to the network for now. What's your thoughts in Alcorp when being on Ethereum as opposed to like those are trending BRC 20 I feel like in the market right now? I know it definitely like seems like
Bitcoin as this is its use case man I really don't like I don't think this is what Bitcoin's for I might be wrong like Bitcoin were really made for out to's like that's what a theorem is that it's literally Bitcoin's L2 we already have that and I'm forever bullish on Ethereum dude I don't think it's going anywhere I'm still bullish on
that shit. But yeah, I'm bullish doing it on e-fdude. There's no reason to not put it on Bitcoin too. You know what I mean? Like that's put a couple things in networks. You can do anything, bro. You know what I mean? You have the community, which means you could literally do whatever the fuck you want. You know what I mean? We'll run behind it.
So this community is fucking going in this fuck. Oh shit dude, this is gonna be this is gonna be epic
Hmm. What do you think about burning network tokens to mint an NFT? Yes.
I need something else in this front face and thing that I got going on. So it's gonna be a $31 PFP.
I'm going to have a hard time talking about anything other than the network. That's going to be the problem now. I think I want to be like,
So hyper focus do you kind of you kind of have to have a pee do you have to have a pfp with the question mark a question mark is almost like our pfp a little bit But I mean yeah, it would it would be cool to have a pfp - yeah, fuck yeah, dude. Why not?
What up, Apple?
I think we should be able to buy NFTs with a network token. I don't think we should have an NFT. It's just a fucking question mark. Dude, what do I need to hold the question mark in my wallet as an NFT? Like, give another update.
So like you could be the first BRC 20 that could actually deploy some utility on on the platform Alex like we can earn your token and we can you could actually make a DeFi platform on
on the RC 20 for the question mark and kind of integrated with a creative token gated spaces bro that's the new two USD the RC 20 you'll be able to interact but you could do that I'll be kind of cool
Yeah, it seems like there's so much to do with the token. You know, I always kind of wanted to do an FT, but the token matter coming in to play and kind of like phasing out NFTs. I feel like it's way better for community building to be to have more
more than 10,000 pieces. The 10,000 piece NFT really puts like a cap on everything and then all of a sudden becomes expensive to enter. Yeah, then the community kind of, it feels like it fades out a little bit because of how expensive it becomes unless you dilute the
I do like the NFT, but also the ones that I like.
The first thing about the question mark, which is really cool, is that it kind of brings in people from different communities and they don't have to change their PFP to kind of put their question mark on there because it's really hard for people to kind of change their brand.
feel like we have a bigger reach with just the question mark, but I don't see have also having an NFT or like a PFP being a bad thing. I think that's also I guess a good idea. Yeah, I think secondary could be like a secondary thing, but
This is definitely the new wave and you're out of the game with this shit a little bit. I think and not everybody does NFTs. Anybody, everybody's trying to fucking drop an NFT project, right? So you've taken a left while everybody's going, right? I think it's definitely a good play too for real.
I'm excited to see books man. I've seen this dude operate. When he has a product I think he's gonna rip faces off dude. You know the bag bias shit is the absolute most annoying thing ever. Like it's just I don't know what books think.
but I'm gonna project he thinks well no fuck I won't project I'll just tell you what I think I'm like I think a lot of opinions in the space are based around financial incentives and not based off like the betterment of the space whatever the fuck that means like betterment of the space but I think that there is a truth be told that
your opinion is actually less relevant if you don't have a product behind you, like no matter what. So I think just having this simple product is going to put books and other people at another level. Do you think it's true? Do you think bag buys exist? Absolutely.
Yeah, I mean realistically like that guy's just shows based on the pfp's you know obviously like this log business ship but
I feel like majority of people who have, you know, not NFTs as a PFP like they hold for that project. So in another self switching the PFP is like promoting said project, you know. So I feel like that inadvertently is, you know, quote unquote, bag bias. I think there's a little bit more in an image
with tokens too. I mean, because you can have an a non-wala and fucking mint mad tokens and not rock a pfp not tweet about it. So I think it opens up doors for other people that might not necessarily want to support the question market community openly. So I think it's definitely fucking dope idea. Yeah, but the token gives you that emotional ride, which is Alex.
So like I don't always want like you know the emotional ride is the token like tokens are gonna have up and down because it's a token. So a PFP would be like oh I have to wear this constantly. A token is something that I can take the emotional ride fucking Alex dude every day in a space or you know what I mean. So like Alex is some crazy.
fucking shit. Yeah, it's like, yeah, I got an idea. What if you just made ordinals, man? It's like seriously, just if you just if you ordinals inscriptions and people can rock this in their bios and such, you're not going to just go into the description and see yes you're holding and that's what token ordinal. What do you think?
A fractional, ordinal, maybe.
the fractions are transferred and transacted in the East, locked up in a smart contract. Right? Well, maybe just an ordinary talk, just a few, like that. And you're selling the pixels
off and individually you own most of the token out. I don't know. You can do anything really. I mean, Alex was talking about facturizing his underwear at one point. I mean, I don't know. Maybe.
But then that goes into order no D5 summer. Like right. So once you start for action allizing it, you could start compounding on it. So Alex, that BRC fractionalized
PFP could work. But yeah, I think the BRC token could be on a market cap, X's of what ERC could do. And you could be one of the leaders.
It will be interesting to see how other spaces react to the network token because there's a few other that treats you like bold and more. They don't dare to mention your name when DeFi
was taking over the timeline. They never spoke about it and they never talk about you or whatever the hell is happening with this community and I just need to see if they're gonna keep avoiding this side of crypto twitter.
I don't mind it. I don't maybe we'll have to infiltrate we'll have to go cross enemy territories to the love this about crypto Twitter like the back and forth Yeah, yeah to be fair they keep showing themselves though Alex. I mean it's just most recently with fidgetals
right? Like that motherfucker was talking, I mean he was the biggest shit talker, right? Like it's just, it takes a while, like, but it eventually people will realize like what that it was all bullshit and they were fucking convinced by their favorite influencer because they were jealous. Like it'll show, you know what I mean, we're just early.
Who was that now?
Fidget toe, fidget toe. The fake lawyer.
I'm gonna bring a couple other people up. I don't know, I kind of want to look at the market for just a moment. I'm gonna pull up. Is anyone trading NFTs at the moment? Are we all trading altcoins, shitcoins?
What a fun girl. You were shooting on me but my Solana NFT bags are up okay. There's things pumping over there and but the best thing in the market right now is oh it's VT
I got the what is it I got a couple white lists or no a white list from big guy haven't how how much is the 3000 worth because that's what they gave me I'm like $800 Wow $800
I have to thank that guy. It seems like they're killing it. What's this talk about them being related to D-gots? Oh, so he when he got involved with everything was through his combo with Frank when when BTC's a start pumping up but keep in mind or like pay up
attention to the relationship between this token and Bunk. Because you have Charfu and some others trying to make a connection. If you go through the tweets on Bunk, they're working on some wacky shit. I love to see how the Solana community and Kabul is infiltrating into Bitcoin. It's funny as hell.
Are you saying pong? And OXB tier the same people? There's a relationship. There's a relationship.
Bongo you are speculating. It's very a lot of speculation in your talk. Post your receipts.
it wouldn't be surprising. No, it would not be bad. All right, there. Like go through the timeline, check Bunk, check Charfu, and then check like the Shard of Bunk. It went up like 40% a day or two ago.
So you're seeing OHBT is sharp food
is in both.
And the people that started this whole Bitcoin ordinal phase were all the beanie maxi, the people in beanie maxi's crew early on and all them so on. The people you're talking about saw opportunity to make money and hopped on the bandwagon.
They didn't. Oh, isn't it? Isn't it funny how everybody's a fucking expert all of a sudden like they've been around for like a month, dude legit and everybody's now all of a sudden like right and threat everybody's a fucking Bitcoin expert like these dudes were literally playing on Salana yesterday. It's funny.
What up Donnie? I was gonna say you asked it for still in the NFTs obviously by foxes
We've got financial advice.
Yeah, I'm bullish on the foxes. I don't know people are upset that I have a partnership with a rollbit. I really like rollbit. You can go check them out. They have a perpetuals, you know, 500x. You can't do it anywhere else. At least that's not the one where 500 to 1000x.
taxes. And there are already in talks, you know, maybe we'll do a token integration something. I don't know. But either way, rollbit has a hundred million dollar market cap token. Like, don't at me unless you're fucking market cap for your tokens, one hundred million dollars. Like,
Don't at me anymore. Man, you can't please everyone, bro. I know I was like, do I just drop the partnership? That's what people are saying. Drop the partner, like, what do we do? We can work as a team. God works as well. I don't get why people can't do team collabs.
What up Alpha? So this is kind of how I see it. So I think BRC 20s are cool for the space, but I think in a pico bull run, I think Ethereum is like superior development and like edge on how far they are.
going to show. So do you think in a pic in a picobool run, we'll see all time highs on Ethereum and FTs versus Ordinals, which one will be the like biggest Delta in profit? I don't know. I don't know.
That's a good-ass question, Alpha. Hmm. What kind of speculation is this, Alpha?
I think you have probably more opportunity on Bitcoin at the moment, but when it comes back to the bull, there's just so much built on top of Ethereum. It's going to be hard for Bitcoin to close that gap.
at least for the first cycle, maybe like future cycles. But yeah, I mean, right now, dude, Blur is fucking up at the area of MNFT, so it's kind of, it's fucked at the moment. What's up, Bay? Dude!
Did somebody wants to go? No, he talks way too much, you can go.
All right, now, but I think if I'm not wrong, we're gonna have that shit coin season on actually BRC 20s. That's what we're gonna have.
and when it comes to NFTs, I think we'll have a few months of this original ride anyway and then we'll all go back to where we are all more comfortable, unless the new platforms and tech, whatever we need, user friendly solutions until they're in the game.
I think we'll just hang out back where we are comfortable and then there'll be another cycle starting again. That's what I think. Bro, but if it blows up, how can Bitcoin like handle it, right? I mean, shit's already three, four hours, like, waiting. I mean, will people do that? Will people want to mint something and then like not know if they got it in their wallet or not for like
hours on end. I just I mean you tell me like somebody like Alpha like how what's the plan on if how can it blow up like you're saying it to compete with ETH type numbers like how will the actual blockchain handle it like I said it's not made for this type of shit. Yeah but the waves are made by hype.
money. No. And wherever the hype is, wherever the money is, that's where people are going to be. It has not even if it takes two days to do immense. You're going to be sitting there waiting for that. No, for this because the volume is so can I just going to ask you is in for this man like it was actually kind of
Frictionless this was all in scrubs on one block like I was able to go on the on the mempool and track my transaction It was on my wallet like 10 minutes. I don't know like the three hours band that you're talking about like I was able to go on my sex Send some Bitcoin it took two minutes to send for my
centralized wallet to my decentralized wallet then I was able to grab my phone, download X-Fers wallet and mint under seconds press confirm it was very it was like two steps to mint it was actually a lot better than Minimax. He but you're talking about specifically this
These were already inscribed ordinals. So what ordinals are inscribed like BRC 20s are inscribed text, text on the blockchain. So you're getting an order no as a BRC 20. So you have to just pay the gas as transferred. So that was like, it was
$12 of gas and now if you if you just did the public mint you could have had $1300 because each public was 500 OXBT tokens BSC 20s So from a development standpoint we see
it like just from one mint very hyped we reduce gas the change in stop and it's just like very early I'm not saying that like there is faults in things that are going on but it's it was a good test run for what could come
I think looking at who's building on that chain still right now for Ordnance and BRC 20 is super important because if you know was that pop in wouldn't East Builders be running over there? Only people that are running over there.
are the soul ruggers and you know, maybe you know one or two solid people that are actually trying to build an Odaqali was trying to do some shit but like who else really is trying to build on that chain and do something good?
You will come, Dobra. They will come. When all the Solana developers, when Ethereum developers are actually getting together on a chain, they'll be, as someone would say, "Amazing things will come!"
Yeah, but you think all these will spend this much time building on the East blockchain and you know what all these layer 2's to now want to jump over to Bitcoin when it's not it's not even as scalable.
I'm not discussing about the chain, its scalability. You know everybody has been for years talking about Ethereum, Killer, Ethereum, Killer. They just missed out what was in their, in front of their eyes.
I'm not denying the fact Ethereum is easier to build on Ethereum, it's scalable, there's plenty of experience. People have been trying, failing, managing,
There's a whole curve that went on Ethereum grade, but I'm pretty sure they're going to use some of that experience and do great things as well.
because you can say the same thing like a theorem gaspies a lot of people's like oh no one's gonna be able to pay that shit and they do they do so like he said it's usually where the hype sat is where the money goes regardless of what the only
not about that either way. That's not really my point about the hype or the money or any of that shit. I'm really just talking about like the actual structure of the blockchain. Like it wasn't, it's not necessarily, like it's not necessarily for this type of shit. Like that's what makes Bitcoin
is that it's like so secure and it's so like this kind of I don't know that I don't know if it makes me nervous I sound like a Bitcoin Maxi right now but it just seems like it's not this isn't the purpose of Bitcoin is that am I off
will look it causes Bitcoin hype which makes the miners make it makes Bitcoin bullish which bring back the whole market settlement in my opinion
The stronger we grow the network of Bitcoin, it's more decentralized. Everybody.
But dude, not many people are spinning up their own node, you know what I mean? Like they're just inscribing and you know like the NFTG Gen Z like participating in the network. Dude, come on alpha like
That's kind of my point. That's that almost what would be what would need to happen. It's like everybody that mints needs a note or something. Have you heard of Cardano? I'm not gonna go there. Let's go!
Right, that's kind of my point too. We have Cardano, Salon, and like all these other blockchains that are like made for this type of shit, instant transactions, zero fees, like it settles in a second so volatility doesn't matter. Like all those things. Bitcoin's a store value, dude.
which is digital gold.
to have, like Machu's talking about the DeFi, that's the old money, they got the big bags, so them just playing around with this bullshit, it's kind of moved the market, you know, and then the meme coins just kind of moved the market. It's just the way it is until, until it's not the kingdom work.
I really like Bitcoin, but I still see the benefits of Ethereum over Bitcoin at the moment. Maybe when there's more products put on top of Bitcoin, it'll make more sense, but Bitcoin, for me, feels like self-sovereign team store value, and then you have
Ethereum seems like whenever you're trying to build things on top of a blockchain, that's where you had. It's just like two different, it feels like it's almost two different entirely and technologies. They're both blockchains but it just seems so different.
And it feels like it's being forced. These ordinals feel very forced on the Bitcoin. I could be wrong, but they do feel like they're forced. Bongo, is your PFP an ordinal? No, it's a larp.
What is fancy though?
It's a what is fancy. I think it fits my personality. I think I look fresh the sunglasses are fire You want me to you want me to you want me to make the the Lisa look like this Alex?
No. Check the Pintweed. Check the Pintweed. He's trying to look like that UFC fighter. Where's the Oliveira? Who's that UFC dude with the blonde hair? Any...
Interesting. Yeah. Hmm. I know the details between that orange looks good. I'm like, why that orange background is bad? What what be till alpha?
I can't tell the OFA. You guys just gotta go through my likes. But I know what you're talking about in a good reference. It's like I've seen it during the week or so. It's something to keep an eye on. But it's not there yet. It's like full capitulation is gonna happen when
XBT reaches all time high and then I would look at the boneplay but not right now it's a good speculation play but I think once OXBT tops out what's the mark up to like 30 million dollars right now or so or prox let's put a approximation on it so like if it does reach
135 million market cap, then I would start speculating around those terms and yeah, and still maybe not even at that because like the whole market cap of BRC 20 is very low. So yeah, it could be some price discovery down the line, but yeah, always DIY art.
I did not say the bonk and the OXBTE team are the same. That is bongo speculating. I'm getting DMs already. You were putting it out there that they're related.
No, but I wanted to see if there's anything so it seems like I'm gonna go forward with this network launch I'm actually gonna have to rugged at this point in time. I gotta call a couple people enjoy your night. Call me. Call me. What? Call you? Oh, yes.
Alex, I've got two questions. I need to ask you. I've been in a previous space on tokens and check ones. What's not that I asked a question and I question resonated with a lot of people and now I'm basically told to ask you the same question as well. So how you built up the token and everything like that. They all of course made your back. People have really big bags. These people have, like you know,
Is there any kind of security that's in place to prevent other people with really big bags from, you know, basically, rougging others from the project by saying, "If this guy does not need valuable stuff, everything I have in these statements is token? Is there anything in place for that, or do you guys run off of, kind of, like, an honorable agreement to not talk with one another?" What are you saying? Like, a whale buys it#
and they own the project? No, as a person buys into this, I own maybe a fifth, right? If I dump all of that, I would cause some damages, right? And so another person is in there as well, maybe a smaller position, and I just go after and say, "Here, I don't want them on the project, if you don't remove them, I will leave myself by dumping everything."
Yeah, I see this sometimes the collections will get centralized and a holder will think that they are in charge of the collection by simply holding a large allocation. And I'd just say go ahead and dump it. I would obviously work with a person that had 20% of the
fucking tokens, but yeah, I can't let the holders control the vision. If anything, you create a dow and then they have voting power based off token allocation. So that would be, what's that? So Frank, on 20% of the tokens are going to work with them.
Yep. Dude, I fucking bullsh*t on you man. That's fucking great. That's the best chance I've received in the crypto space in the past week man. That's fucking bullsh*t. Like honestly, if I wanted to invest something right there, I'm like, "Yeah, that's bullsh*t on. Nobody ever says that. That shit's fucking amazing. I don't even know."
Cheers Adrian. Have a good day. Bye. You do it. Bye-bye. You need a collaborative friend. Alex. It's not financial advice. It's life changing advice. Oh, that's a good one. No, Alex, would you do a collaborative friend? Like would you? Like it's just a business part. Yeah, why not? Yeah, then fucking chase it.
Okay. Yeah, I'm doing one-on-one many-of-time, man. Let's just, you know, deal with your other project. All right, I'm down. But I do have to go now. Go for a month. Have a good day. You too. Right. There's not a airport. Just rugged.