catcake #4 w/ Jim Talbot & Pancakesbrah

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 0:59:31



Yo, Jim, sorry, no music today boys
I'm just gonna come on up
Where's he at micha, what's up?
There he is
Good afternoon. I got no airpods today. So I'm gonna try and keep the feedback low
It's I've just been
I just spent 20 minutes trying to find mine. I can't find them. I left mine in the
In one of my jackets, it's at the house
Mine doesn't have enough battery to like even find it on find my
Yeah, not I landed got straight to my homies house to a quick shower
Lime scooted over to the office walked in four minutes ago started the space
So we moving today, you're such a
California now, I can't even yeah, but a Cali boy. I'm scootered to the studio. No to the office. Sorry
To the office noon years imma call you after we're done here
Man it's been a fucking crazy couple days Jesus Christ, I thought moving was easy
It's not I
Have so much to say that I'm not yeah, you already said it don't worry about it Jim. What do you been up to?
Not a lot a lot I went to York that's my oh, yeah
I heard there was a whole conversation about York and like I don't know why there was a conversation about York
But yeah, that's good. Retweet the space me and Jim are officially doing cake cakes cake cake cake cake points
Starting next week. We are not gonna reveal what they're used for yet
But you will be accumulating them based off of last episode and onward
And we will announce there is we will announce there's no coin. There's no coin
There's no coin, of course not. No, hell no
No, but there's point before you saw points are more important than coins because I've said this before points only go up coins go down
So it's like you want points, right?
Down that's yeah. Yeah, so we're gonna start doing cat cake points that uh, while the leaderboard
based off of any criteria we decide and
If you have an opinion we disagree with will just will deduct points
Anyone who wants to jump up and talk can talk retweet the space for us. This is us a little bit of a rushed episode
had to push in an hour because of flight stuff, but
Finally here Jesus malls. Oh, please
Malls, tell me it's all tell me tell me it's all okay. Everything's chill. Everything's fine. It's in perfect. All joy
It's all gonna go smoothly. You're exactly where you need to be
I'm gonna I'm on a beautiful rooftop right now. In fact, I'm gonna post it in the comments
I'm in a beautiful rooftop doing spaces with my favorite people and then I'm gonna go downstairs and
Do some music work with some other favorite people things are good
Beautiful beautiful and then I'll be in I'll be in London with the boys really soon
Yeah, let's get will up here. Yeah, bring him up. I
Don't know if it will
But he's probably my favorite account on Twitter to be honest. I don't think he knows that until now. I'm over will is
Let me see
He's a good trader, but he hosts fucking funny videos of charts that make me piss every time
Cool we made this on a trading space then
Hey, what the fuck what you got planned for la what's the next thing you're gonna do? What do I have planned?
We're working on some stuff for my artists. I have a couple of Grammy parties
Really just working just working
Wait, what they what's when is the Grammys? I don't follow music enough. I don't know when the Grammys are themselves, but
Um, yeah, I just know I don't think I might not even be here for the Grammys, but I'm going to some Grammy parties
I got a whole office to work out of
Yeah to do some to do some stuff for
personal crypto stuff I'm working on
Then I'm gonna hop on after this and then
Work on some artists stuff
You still have me yeah, that's wild
I was trying to find my slippers
All I wear slides on I ain't putting on my shoes Jim you're a secret
Secret granddad I am I don't even think it's a secret to be honest
What date do you come to London
February I fly out February 16th
Yes, so when do you get here 17?
Depends on when the flight is I gotta I gotta see I haven't booked it yet. So it's either gonna be
Early morning. I leave get there late at night or or get there early the next morning
Hopefully late at night that night that'd be ideal
For text doing a small
Set in London on the 17th. I'm going to try and get tickets. Okay. Well, I'm booking my flights today. So I'll let you know
Hey bang as one of my best buds over in London would love to bounce you
You know had had it wherever you guys are heading to basically if I can connect you
Yeah, you can tell me to shoot me a DM
awesome awesome
Hey more, I'm kind of scared to bring you up
We need a fact of the day or story of the day over yeah, we need something to
So then yeah, I don't know what to talk about. We need some questions guys. Give us some topics
I think we talked about cake last week. Do we ever know what to talk about? That was the point of these phases
We talked about cake and how overrated Nirvana or I think what was that different space? I don't know
Can try and move on a different topics each week if we want or not
I just I just said Nirvana were mid was mid at the end just to throw a grenade in the fire
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can't I don't want to grenade this one to where I go over
I got to cut it hard at the at the hour, but um, what no
Why is no joining the speaker thing Cody's Cody's here. That's me bitch
No, we'll see here
Listen, I don't talk I'm under you because before I got gunshot license
I had to psych have a psych evaluation and I don't know
I don't know how any of you guys I like to do a podcast
Without having a psych evaluation first and I'm just here trying to figure out well
That's the only reason I'm we could have one of the reason we could have one now moles could give us one
Yeah, go for it. Yeah
Don't forget
Honestly, you know what I've literally I've had like dark thoughts of just stopping trading crypto today
I've just been like I can't talk even a winner trade. I'm I feel more like I don't even like
Yeah, I feel nothing anymore. I don't care anymore
Do you have a gun do you have a gunshot license?
You shouldn't have a gunshot license
What the hell is a gunshot license
But you have to like keep it locked up and the bullets like in a separate place basically
Oh, so what we call American citizenship, they have an actual life
Personally I have like like five
Anyone I can there's three high schools within walking distance from where I live
So, you know if this price action gets any more done this this space is getting recorded the reported nerves and I can tell
We're gonna see all the flags go up right, but I'm probably not joking
We should change the topic to someone the state of someone else's mental health sure, yeah
I'm not a CID or anything like that. Well, but are you based in the UK?
You part of the
private club
No, I mean like if you want to if you want to keep
If you want to have a shotgun or a gun you have to be licensed here to do that. So
Just picked up lots of bad habits over the last few years. I got shooting stuff. So I like
So you're in the country then
Like are you trying to narrow this down to a postcode because
People do you you can legally own a firearm in the UK you can lead you on a firearm
But you're not allowed to keep one at home
Unless you have a license, right?
But otherwise you can own one and keep it out of it. Yeah, and it's that's all and I can see what's going on
I can see what's going on. I can see what's going on
I can see what's going on
I can see what's going on
and keep it out of
Yeah, and a special gun cabinet with the two keys exactly I've done cabinet in the loft and I
Have a teenage daughter and like, you know, we've got to build it turrets now around the home and
Like keep the boys away, right? So it's multi-purpose
Thought ahead about this before kind of doing this. There's a lot of different security aspects to this
That's definitely been a thought on my mind recently
Wow, well, I want to meet will I'm all scared too, but
We're meeting I'm so poor right now you're paying for the kebab
Actually, I owe Jim a meal so it'll be on me I guess yeah, I'll solve myself for this, right?
So some might consider that a happy place
There you go. Yeah, anyway, it's gonna love you man. It's first time I've ever done this
Keep the keep the funny chart memes coming they're great
I'm gonna win a trade first, right?
Six months, then I might do another victory that right so yeah six months
Wait bow see you cheers nice meet you
What's up Johnny you've been waving your hand you can talk about guns
How come it says Call of Duty on the things been tried. I'll pick random personalities and Call of Duty
Look, I just pick random ones every time
Do you want to talk about Call of Duty
No, I haven't played that game since I was like 19. Let's let's talk. Which of what's your favorite Call of Duty?
Replay modern warfare 2
Or the original world
What it was fun hot sauce fun
The original Nazi zombies was just like
So much about
Web 3 Nazi zombies
Someone make it. I can't play video games anymore. My brain was broken. I can't I can't do it
I don't know what's wrong
I feel like you get it to a certain age and like all the crushing pressure of adulthood makes it so you can't like relax
Enough to sit down
Like uni started and I started my business and I was like every time I sit down and play a game
It's like you're wasting time. You're wasting. Yeah, it's exactly exactly
I get a tick in my head and when I sit down like you should be working and it feels awful, man
Oh god, that's not my issue my shoes. It's a skin issue now, so
I used to work with this guy who played League of Legends during business meetings like we'd be on calls
You work with
That was a joke obviously so was mine
You I've been playing Rayman I've been playing Rayman and even I'm struggling on some of those levels which is embarrassing
What what is that?
Like a platform game Mario type game
But well, it's it's a bit harder than Mario like to my well, I'm just gonna shut up now
What's what's what Scotty what do you been playing lately?
Wait one sec
I'm sorry
Bright bright
You got feedback you get feedback
It's your recording device we've gone before we've gone over this before
Yeah, yeah
You've been a buy you some air pods
I'll buy you. Well, I assume you don't have an iPhone. I'm gonna get you some some like high quality like studio quality
wireless earphones
Okay, thank you, thank you so much you're welcome
They could feel bright
No, I mean they're probably not good for your brain I will tell you
There they're not gonna hurt your brain I like them a lot I
Can have to meet I'm sorry, but like yes, but like Rick Rick Rubin Rick Rubin likes the these tube microphones that like
They're not even wires. They just send the music up the tubes. So you have like no electricity into your head at all
He doesn't fuck with the the wireless at all. That's the alpha by the way
I don't don't I brain like for anyone that doesn't know how the air pods work one connects to your phone
And then the other connects to the other air part. So basically your brain is in between that
There's that's not how reduce it works, but okay
Ones really lower like
I I can't make I maybe they're good for music, but I feel like when I'm calling people I can't hear them well on them
So you think air pods are
using for podcasts
No, I think you don't have understanding of how radiation
Functions if you think that having them close by your head and the fact that radiation passes through your head
Affects your brain. That's nothing lodging them deep into your ear canal. Also is good for you
I'm not really too worried about one thing
It also depends on if it's ionizing or non ionizing radiation
The air pods
With the radiation from the air pods with the atrazine and the water that makes the frogs gay
Then you got a real problem on your hand
Get reactive to it cuz my mom is like into conspiracy theory stuff and it drives me crazy
Okay, this is a conspiracy theory, bro. It sounds like you drank too much of the gay water
Mom's always right sounds boosted actually. He sounds hella boosted just for the record
Uranium hats are ionizing
Okay, whatever that means I'm getting one
Mean I've been promised for two weeks to have one. Oh Charlie you're you do things come up
No, I'm definitely getting a
Hat with a bit of uranium in it
Is it's unprocessed or whatever they fucking call it. So it should be safe. I think
Jim I can get you one if you'd like. No, I'm good. You can wear mine. I'm good. Okay
Some uranium slippers, yeah
There should be radium slipper so you can find them in the dark at night I need radium air pods
I can't find them anyway
That's probably actually I would agree on the air pod thing if those were uranium
No guys come off you have to be cesium so you get that good skin contact
Gody what was the rarest one that we found last week?
Astinium I think okay
Oh that one's on it dies in like two seconds. Yeah, it's one of the it's one of the Nia
It's one of the halon so it doesn't exist very long
It's like snaps in and out of existence pretty quickly. That sounds kind of cool
I mean if you think about it, we kind of snap in and out of existence pretty quickly
I'm a long enough timeskill. You're right on a magical macro level
Universally, we're nothing. I mean, it doesn't really take that long like you could kill a person with a chopstick. Okay. All right. Well
That's a good replacement title, please change the name of the stream
No, we got to keep the net and but miss you I think I think you and malls would do well together speaking together
Because I think your thoughts need some working through
No, I love micha's thoughts
No, I know I do too. That's that's that's why she's
hosting a podcast with me, but
Well, we say that we're gonna do it tomorrow guys. Don't worry
Are we do we take five
Take no, it's take
Well, but we but we actually did one we actually did one
I mean jim and I did one. I don't know about you
Listen, it wasn't my fault. Jim sent me the wrong link the first. No, it's not my fault. You opened the wrong lane
Yeah, it is. No, you sent me a link
Right before we started and I was like no, yeah, which was the correct link and then you used the link
I sent you like three hours before
No, you said you said send link. So I sent a new link and then you went to the old link
I meant one for micha like
It was in the group chat. What do you mean?
Yeah, I know but I thought I already had I meant like send the link that was sent to me personally to micha
So I didn't know the new one was like one we were all supposed to use
Well now, you know, so now yeah now we've learned and we've we've everything's a learning experience
But no tomorrow will record when i've got i've got a nice nice office. I can I can set up and record in
I'll talk to k that's some the second episode and maybe some other people
Um today's a busy busy day, but uh, you know, of course, I mean I've dude
I've had this crazy spaces schedule and I haven't missed one yet. I'm pretty proud
I'm proud of you
Thank you
Now i'm just in my house and I was nearly late. So
Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. I'm actually trying to like
Jim's already Jim's already chilling. I'm like I'm like in the the
The midst of like the the busiest part of my my career. I'm trying to do all this shit. I ain't gonna miss anything
It's cool
I'm actually happy for the first time in a while. So it's actually feels good
Yeah, i'm so excited to see jim and maul's to be great
And jim I got a message from a mutual of ours that was like
Come early and I was like, I can't like like I literally cannot get there earlier than I can and
They're upset
That's okay
Yeah, yeah and like but well it's fine i'll be there for two weeks getting it like don't go anywhere
I think i'm meeting them on the 13th
Yep same person
And peach this I think oh nice
Yeah peach peach is uh the one that got the house starting on the 16th. So we had seven beds. So
Uh, I think anson might come up. I think um
other people so
Hold on andson's gonna be in london
I don't know. Don't I mean he he hasn't confirmed it
But I he was he was uh, well, he was pretty bullish on it
He'd say yes he says yes to everything
Yeah, but this is for a really specific thing
We got a new uh luigi he's new
I think still connecting still what's up luigi?
Uh, what's up guys, how's everyone doing?
We're doing well, I think okay good stuff we're good
Yeah, me too bro. Me too
I I watch you guys closely and I watch most of you guys's tweets. So I just want to say respect you
You know for keeping up
Yeah, we we try really we try really hard yeah man big shout outs from albania for you guys
Best king. Oh, yeah
Come on. Come on. We we love albania. Yeah. Yeah, I love america too, man
I yeah, I moved out of america, but uh, you know big ups big ups america
Okay, so what do you guys do bro? Can I can I know what your guys were talking about?
That's well, those are two different things
What do we do jim? What are you?
I meet you for the first time. All right, i'm a pretty girl. All right
Uh, jim jim, uh, I really love this sushi. What do you what do you do?
What do I do?
I don't I honestly don't know to answer that question. Why don't you scream? Why don't you scream on twitch anymore, bro?
Um, because i'm kind of bored
Yeah, i'm kind of disinterested with the markets. They're kind of boring to be honest
Yeah, yeah, we are all going to lose our houses, man. Let's go
Answers should always be a professional d's nuts joke maker
Just tell me you're traded or move on
What do you trade how long have you been trading for what does that exactly
Say you've got kikes
What are you yeah, I should what do you trade?
What do you trade jim? Like do you trade like that's interesting. Are you are you in like wall street?
Like do you trade these trade stocks?
I trade lean hog futures
Okay, and avocado futures. Oh, wow. You okay. That's really interesting. I don't understand any of that. I I work in a bar and uh
Uh, it's really fun, but it sounds like you you have your shit together
Avocados man, let's go. Listen, no motion is still motion, bro
Miles you just miles if someone asks you what do you do? What do you do?
What do I do? Uh, this is a fun. This is a fun question around I like this
I do I I guess i'm a mental health coach and an advisor
I call I call you my guide my lifesaver. But yeah, there you go. I'm a guide in a lifesaver
Oh, that's a good resume. Yeah, that's not bad to be fair. I don't really um
Tell many people what I do. So yeah, just use nothing
Okay, so i'm going to lose our house my family's house very soon with this market
I've heard that you can actually pay your mortgage with cat cakes points. Okay. Well, let's be careful
We're gonna get in a lot of trouble, but it isn't out of the realm of possibility
How many cat cakes points do I get for speaking
You just got 10 just for that sorted 10 more points than I've got on anything else
Congratulations, thank you man. Thank you. If you stake it if you stake it it will be like
Are we gonna have a point stake technically we can have we can do anything with points as long as they don't turn into coins
Can we restake your points and we have an iron layer for points liquid staking for we're gonna do it
We're doing a point
Point game maker. Yeah
I invited a little defy up. Let's see if I don't know how many speakers we have. Oh, I think we have
Pankaj, what are you doing?
What is being I usually I usually I say um marketing and I manage musicians. It's pretty easy for me
And I'm oh wait and I'm a founder
Yeah, and then oh that I usually stay away from that one because that goes down a rabbit hole
But yeah marketing and I manage musicians
They founded these nuts
Found these nuts. Okay. Okay. I just have a question for nick. That is a listener
Nick, have you got erect yet bro, because I saw you were bearish the whole time, bro
I just want to laugh at you right now. Just for a bit until I lose my money taking comment
Uh defy what what's up, brother gm gm. How is everybody doing?
Good, we're good, bro
I just landed in la the weather's beautiful. I'm drinking some sparkling water. I feel healthy
I'm here with uh with with my my company of musician artists friends
Uh gonna be in in london in it real soon
London in it's cheap. Oh, yeah, we'll have to we'll have to we'll have to do something
Yeah, we'll have to take pancakes out with some sparkling water
Yeah, yeah, i'm bring i'm bringing all the water to emerge in case i'll give you something and you know
We can do something. I'm bringing all the samples. I'll throw you something. Yeah, nice, man
I'm gonna shoot you
It'll be fun. Oh, how's your how's your book going?
Book is good, man. Um working on some new types of content from double cage friends
Working on this like street fighter concept or having like different personalities
Based on like previous timelines
So we've got anson versus sassle which like looks kind of funny
My editor made sassle really fat and I said, that's kind of rude. So let's make him skinnier
Oh, i'm so high dreams is here. I'm so happy now. What up, brother? What's up? You said you in la cousin
I'm in la right now, bro. Are you here? Yeah, i'm in hollywood
Yeah, i'm here for two weeks two weeks, yo, you're trying to you're trying to pull up to a grammy party with me
Hell, yeah, let me know. Let me know i'm down. All right, get out touch the grass
All right, we got a is a rashad party on sunday. We can pull up to that. Uh
Yeah, let's do some fun stuff. Yeah, bro. Where are you staying?
Where are you staying at? What part of town? Uh, i'm in hollywood now
I normally be staying by the beach, but I got tired of fighting homeless people. So I moved to hollywood
For a minute here. Good idea wayo's not bad. I'm in uh, i'm down by the marina near venice. It's pretty nice
Yeah, I like I like it down here it's pretty nice i'll be here for two weeks
Um, dude. Yeah, let's I got a really busy day today
But tomorrow i'm wide open. I mean i'm i do i'm pretty much wide open every day
As long as i'm getting my work done, you know, but what are you doing out here?
Shit, I just I had moved out of mass a couple months ago and like I didn't know
Where to go next so I just came
Yeah, and then I came down here to la
You know better weather during the winter and then the winter's over. Hell. I might just go to alaska some shit. I don't know
Come down to buenos Aires bro. It's like it's opposite seasons. It's perfect
Bro, if if I go anywhere out this country, I am not coming back
That happened to me real quick. That happened to me real quick
I i'm kind of sad i'm not gonna get back to buenos Aires to like in the may i'm like pretty i'm like
Already hurting but it'll be fun
Oh and shout out to my man's uh jameson down here
He uh sent me some wise words a couple months ago. I don't think he remembered but like
I finished with uh, fucking started and set out to do and you was a little bit of a motivation cousin
Oh, hell, yeah, no, I remember that conversation. Oh, yeah for sure appreciate the shout out, man
Yeah, shout out to medley clinton as well
Yeah, jesus, I want to link with you and see what you're working on see if I can help with anything
Yeah, yeah, I also might have something special for you. Uh, i'm sorry into
See real niggas wake up
I like I like surprise man. There's too many people. All right, like I tweeted i'm in la and it was a bad idea
But like I I find people I want to link with for sure
Have to say i'm super jealous
I'm stuck on the east coast still and I gotta get back out there to the west coast and I can't stand the weather here
What part of that what part of the east coast we'll be out there in a few months
It's so miserable dude, I just I don't like i'm snow offense to the east coast people but culture
I just can't stick with and the weather is terrible gotta get in the warm sun and just like go place
Someplace where there's not winter
Yeah, yeah, that was my theory. That was my theory. Buenos Aires is temperate. Never gets too hot never gets below
Uh hoodie weather. We have some good people food. What up, bro?
Um, man food pulled up. Let's go. He's about to start yelling. Let's go
Food speak to him
And whenever you want
I'm excited food. Wait food's probably in l.a.
What up pancake i'm in norcal bro
Norcal norcal. I'm in i'm in you. Are you out here already?
Yeah, i'm in l.a right now. I'll be in l.a for two weeks. All right. All right. I'm out to book something, bro
Sky in l.a too. Oh shit. What up, bud. I didn't even see your ass
Because i'm ll kuzhi right now
This is this is my face when i'm in the meeting coin trenches. This is this is my mood. I embody my mood, you know
Are you're in the trenches what you aren't you buying?
Well shit, I've been steep building hopefully in harambe
That's that's my baby right there. I bought it at 60k market cap. That shit is about to pay my rent for the rest of the year
I think i've had to look at it shark like that. I mean there'd be the end of me at this point
I don't I can't do anything like that. I can't do shit coins, bro. I can't do it. I'll lose. Yeah
It's all over
I'm not gonna just out of respect for dreasus
I'm not gonna even buy your coin because as soon as I do it goes it's gonna go straight down
So i'm gonna just leave it alone for you
See i'm i'm where the volume at, you know what i'm saying? Like I got my D side plays
I got my utility plays like my bags are packed there. It's just like
I just wanted to trade some volume. So that's where the volume is right now
And that's where I am
So yeah, I mean my bags are packed and then I got enough sidelines to chill in Buenos Aires for over a year
So i'm i'm sitting i'm sitting okay right now. I'm i'm I got my high conviction shit and uh
If I lose I lose it is what it is, you know, we'll just run it back
All right, here's my pen
D-pin, uh, then fud a big ass iot device bro. That's gonna be my motherfucking
Yeah, we'll we'll chat that later. I saw you text me
Y'all come down y'all come down me you and dreasus will cook it up for sure
Hell yeah, I got some dope ass plays bro, we should all run them
Yeah, I got it
I got introduced to my co-manager too. He uh manages mon with me. So like
Yeah, he uh, he i'm saying at his crib
And uh, he's uh, i'm using his offices every day. So it's uh, it's a vibe man. I'm man. The weather's so good
Fuck yeah, bro. Like hey i'll hit like bro. We'll get a dope ass little good to hit like richard from fashion of apollo
Me you fud fucking mo like bro. We'll put a dope ass little crew together. I'll get five out, bro
I'm gonna text phase see what he's on
And some might pull up out here. I don't know i'm still trying to convince him
Uh, we'll see what's up. I don't know. We might have a busy little two weeks here. Uh, dreasus. I might come see you tomorrow
Shit holla at me dog
I ain't gonna be doing nothing but waiting for this juke airdrop to hit and i'm eating it and sending it straight to the eth blockchain
You feel me?
I don't get mine until season next season, but uh, I think margin five drops soon and i'm i'm gonna hit uh,
immediate sell 80 percent
Oh that chart is gonna go straight down
So, yeah, sorry boys
The peak network shit bro, motherfuckers all sleep on the car and all that shit, bro. It's crazy, bro
I mean do my my list of airdrops. I had to make first time in my life
I had to make a spreadsheet where my money is so i don't forget
No straight up. I'm like soil. Oh fuck. I got some shit on that like bro
I had to literally make a whole google doc bro, because now like I listened to fud this time
Like i'm not gonna be hosting rwa in defense spaces and then not be involved bro
Like i'm not doing that again. I was like yo all the shit i'm talking about all this shit
I'm covered like every day. Let me put my money where my mouth is or at least farm it, you know, if I can't
Yeah, let me just try to farm this shit. I just lend stables dude. I don't do double-sided shit
I don't leverage. I don't I don't I don't be buying shit coins and staking them. I stake
Uh, I just lend stables that I can pull out with no lock. That's it
I got a list of airdrops i'm doing and that's it and then
I got my high conviction coin plays and then I got my i'm very sidelined too. So i'm chilling
Yeah, that's why i'm doing like uh, like all them things like parcel and shit pancake, bro
Parcel I just put my money in that motherfucker bro, like I don't know the indexes and all that shit
Parcel's actually a genius play bro. Listen, like parcel parcel's cool. I mean, yeah, I don't want to hype up my bag
I'm in like the top like like three percent of points there
So like parcel's sick because you can like bet on housing markets
So like non-crypto people can come in and actually, you know know what they're doing
Um, I actually want to trade on san francisco earlier. I'd never I never delivered trade, but I did it for fun. Not one
Oh, I got a serencisco open right now pancake just you know, that's where i'm at bro
I long get right at the right time because I was like it can't like there's no way a city can go lower than this
And it bounced right at the right time. So I've won that one, but i'm not doing it anymore
I'm just taking uh, i'm just lending usdt and usdc there
I like it because like what you said bro, like all these I feel like all these uh,
Whether it's rwa machine rwa or dpin
I've seen a lot of people from like like wing bits the airplane antenna one
I'm seeing people like hobbyists airplane hobbyists who never bought an nft never bought a theory and never bought anything
But now they're in web 3 and in twitter space is farming like i've never seen this before, bro
I've never seen the reverse like onboarding bro
So I think there's something here where like we just bring the cool shit back to web 2 not like hey uncle fool
You want to get a meta bass?
I can confirm there's like definitely a
The thing sort of within web 3 that's taken off within that area though as well
Like there's always narratives that pop up with each cycle and tend to be like the hot plays and um
You know in my role at fjord I get to see a lot of the teams that are
Trying to raise and what they're specializing in and we're seeing a lot of dpin and real world asset stuff
Yeah, the real world asset stuff's good. Uh
Yeah, I like that. I don't know. I just I got I got a really specific
Loose to air jobs that i'm like bullish on there's some other stuff i'm like
But like my liquidity spread enough i'm done pushing it anywhere else really I did some cosmo stuff
I wanted to shoot myself in the head because it was just so complicated. Oh, it's
I'm farming wormhole, which i'm fine fine. Perfect. I'm good. I'm farming wormhole. I'm farming layer zero on um
Bro i'm good. I'm good. I'm chilling. I got like I got like 12 air drops
I'm expecting so if like two of them do decent like i'm chilling for a while
Defy what have you been doing? I know other than the book. Is that pretty much it? You're focused on book right now
And and you know clothing stuff. I assume
Uh, but for the most part, yeah working on something redacted
That will be seen later. I think you know about it. And then uh, yeah
Yeah, just a couple of other things. I've been traveling a little bit at the moment now with a
dev friend building a couple things
Yeah, fun stuff fun stuff happening, man
Are you are you done putting uh, are you done putting um content in the book? Are you guys in like final phases?
We've got some like last minute little things like one of my editors had a couple ideas today
And I was just like fucking speed running because we don't actually if I see if I see you in l.a
And I don't get in the second one i'ma cry
I know bro
Well, so we don't actually stop printing the books until the nft sale's over which won't be for another two weeks
So like anything any like last minute ideas now, we're kind of just like just cramming it in
Uh, I might be
It looks like i'm gonna be in denver
To the east denver. So once that's done, I might just if you're still around you're not gonna be in l.a
Right, you're gonna be somewhere else by then. No, i'll be in i'll be in london in two weeks
Shit, oh, yeah, you are
Yeah, and i'll be i'll be there for two weeks. Um
And but after that i'm just on tour
So it's kind of just you know, whatever but I finally after after the debah, you know with the confusion
I finally got your limited edition book delivered. So i'm i'm excited to get to national and pick that up. Let's go
Yeah, i'm gonna be in um
I'm gonna do nft paris and then i'll go home for one day and then I go to denver the next day
It's nice. Hey d hifi. You're a savage. I was wondering who was gonna do the double up like that, bro
I was waiting. I was like who's gonna go to paris and fucking
It's the first time like the first year where they overlap like that, it's really fucking annoying to be honest
Thanks. Let me get i'm gonna hop off. Um, I think you know it on telegram though. All right. Bye. All right
Are you going to uh brussels in the summer what's going on in brussels?
Fucking i'll throw them down some
Is it token loss? Is it token sounds really important? Whatever
I don't know. When is brussels? When is brussels?
Oh, fuck me. I can't remember now. I don't know need to buy this here jim. I forget. I have no idea man
I need to let me google it
Can we get an l.a one or something?
I don't we just got a london one. So
I just want to go to like
Buenos Aires l.a new york. That's about it. Oh, yeah, wait. No, there is uh, there's an ecc in brussels. That's it
I'll go to you. I'll go to youtube or what i'm i'm i mean i'll go where i'm going
I'll be there. Yeah
Conferencing good to that one
Because I could just get trained to be fair i'm gonna get the train
Stopping i'm gonna get the train and stop in leel for like two days and then go to brussels and then go to brusche
I think if you fancy going. Oh, look at you
Yes, I actually lived in brussels for a couple years I could take new food pics from every single city
I definitely want to go brusche again. No, it's nice, sir
I haven't been to brus. If you guys let me know when the hell this is i might can slide
Yeah, they said july. I can't remember the date started to lie i think or end of july
I can come oh shit
Okay, I might I might I might go may tour
Straight to straight to london and just get on a train gym
I need to start putting like
I need some more speech. I turned down like three speaking spots at some of these random conferences
I need to start getting some i'm gonna start taking some fees for speaking spots or something. I don't know
Yeah 12 through the 14th
All right, there you go. I said it's either the start or end of the one foot slap bag in the middle
What i'll do what i'll do is i'll finish we haven't we had like an eight city solo tour in may i'll finish that i'll come
Back to london to work work with our homie
uh, and then i'll um
And then whenever it's time, we'll just hop on a train
My girlfriend. Oh, hey jim. My bad. It's in singapore tokens in singapore, but I knew it was fucking far away
No singapore for me. Yeah, i'm never going to singapore again
Little do you find those it was okay, bro
I'll go to i'll go to visit like like yeah
Mate, you know those I don't even remember those pictures being taken to be honest that you're showing me
Bro, neither do I we were going through
All the pictures like for the new book and I was saying to my editor like bro. I swear there's like
There's like a bunch of photos missing and we found this old roll of film
And we got it to know that
All on there, bro
There's pictures of you on there and it took me seeing those images to like
Have the flashback of when it happened, but I don't remember. I couldn't remember taking them until I saw them
Well, it's when it's funny when you dm medium day and I couldn't remember I couldn't remember the girl you're with
Yeah, good times good
I I sort of I sort of picture. I was like what am I supposed to fucking respond to this?
This is i'm supposed to know what this means
Yeah, um, that was a fun night, bro. I had fun in singapore. I just I probably wouldn't go to singapore unless
Like I think that that that set up how it was like
Token and then f1 like a couple days after
Was yeah, that's good. Like yeah, it was like perfect reasons. I just I just wish
Again, I wish I wasn't there for a whole week a week was just like awful
I've been to the airport. I've been in the airport for a long time, but I haven't stepped outside
That's fire, bro
What's up bingle?
Hold on jim. Did you just say you went through the night circuit in singapore? You you guys went through the f1
Yeah, well, I was on the like what's that big building marina sands bay or bay sands?
I was on the roof of that
It was good
But I went to I went to check in there
It was like 10 a.m
And they were like sorry, so your room isn't ready yet
But you're welcome to go hang out on the roof and I hadn't slept. I was on like one hour sleep
I like leave my luggage with the staff or whatever
I go up to the roof. I order some fruit and get like a nice drink and i'm laying there
I'm like, oh yo, this is the life bro. I pass out
I wake up at like 2 p.m
And uh, i'm like, oh shit. Maybe my room's ready. I get my shit together. Go downstairs. My room's available
I get in the room go to have a shower
I take my clothes off and I see myself in the mirror and i'm like lobster red
And uh, I had no idea and then I had a shower I came out
I was even more red and then I had to go out that night and i'll call my friend
I was just like I don't think I can come out
She was like why and I was like because I am literally bright red like mr. Krabs
I went out anyway and like i'd like i'd be approaching people from like half a mile away. They'd see me like shining in the night
Um, but otherwise think what was good. I just wouldn't go again unless it was for an actual event because it's kind of
Slow and a bit boring and like yeah
But bro if if next year token 2049 and f1 line up again come out for both because
Bro, the f1 stuff was crazy like by bit kind of looked after us a bit to be fair
But there was so many like viewing opportunities and parties and like yeah, it was i'll come for f1
I'll come for f1
Yeah, you should man. We're all gonna do monica. If anyone's around in may we're gonna be monica. Oh, i'll do monica
Oh may I can't monica though sounds dope
Yeah, that shit's crazy
We went last year for the first time
There's nuts, man
We don't we don't live real lives. Jesus christ
Yeah, i'm just a pickle
I I just think about I just think about like we get on spaces to talk about this and where we all got random
Asps and we're just like yeah monica singapore the fucking brussels this and that right
And then when we go inside and we just conversation
Look like normal people and like I gotta go downstairs and like explain
To my business partners. Like what were you doing? Well, I co-hosted space with a cat
and then like we have like a pickle come up and then like
Like my therapist comes up and then
Like, you know, we just kind of chill
We got a penguin up here and you know a grammy winning producer and like, you know, I don't know
It's a really weird thing and a pickle
And a pickle just 2024 things bro
These crypto tings
But yeah, i've i've never hung out with little defy nothing absolutely blasted actually
Little defy
First time we met was at the soho thing you were nice enough to let me pull up pull up first time. I met you
Oh, yeah, that was that was a good night man, I don't think i've actually
Thanks for the part
I met everyone that night. I met everyone that night
I met I met hardwood because he just like came up with sort of stroke of my hair. I met uh
I met jessie for the first time i'm at
Gainsey, I met everybody for the first time at your party. It was it was a king maker
Get together. That was a fun party, bro
Yeah, I had this I this guy come up to me obviously like hardwood's not talked to whenever
I just guy come up to me put his hand out and just say i'm gay
and i was like
Yeah, yeah, I was just coming. I was in the elevator and he I didn't know who he was
He started stroking my hair and because i'm docked and he I was like, oh
What's up
Then he because I don't do I don't do ketamine or anything like that
So we we did one line of ketamine and me and him set in a chair and we were just like bro
Can we please go home?
Like it just put us in this space where we were just like so
The first time you're hot. It's like the first time you smoke weed like you're so paranoid that everyone's looking at you and shit
Bro, so so for those that don't know this party was like it was the first old defy party
I called it the lull defy lull dinner
And we had like 55 people like all the big ct people came and had dinner and got drunk
Whatever but it was like a nice place
Like we had a whole like event space in servo house new york
And it was like everything was like made to be really nice and I planned the menu and like we had our own
Starves and all this stuff. I go like halfway through the night
I go into the bathroom. There's like 10 people in the bathroom. Just hanging around like doing bumps of cat. Yeah
I got peer pressured into doing ketamine
I wasn't gonna do it and they were just like just do a little bit and I was like
All right
And I was like this is the worst
I as soon as I hit it and I walked out of the bathroom and I was like I need to sit down
And I sat down and I just fell in with this like paranoia state
It went away. It went away. That's the wildest like that. You should not be a party drug. I'll say it's a fucking
It's too intense for a fucking toilet of a restaurant, I know that much
Dude, the staff had to know like the staff would walk by and there were 15 people in the bathroom. I was like we're done
This is over
It wasn't even like hey at Soho house right at the Soho house
Oh, yeah, they're their shit heads of dogs, too. That dude like top here's top floor Soho house
DeFi said look i'm around this place now
Sorry, can we do the London edition flat i'm sure
I can bring in six
I can bring in six something next time next time as I can crypto event don't token 2049 do a London event
Uh, yeah, I probably I I went a couple years ago
Yeah, london london's pretty pretty crap for crypto
I mean they give me like here's my thing in crypto meetups now
It's like I can just like hit people up and be like you don't go chill for a couple weeks
Like we don't need like conferences to do that anymore
Yeah, that's what i'm doing right now with my uh, my friend doesn't announce tomorrow that I want to share now
But I can't but the announcement will happen tomorrow unless we're out here half celebrating that and half building
You don't want to give us the
The ends the other fucking I mean, there's no there's no like money to be made from the announcement, right?
It's more of an achievement for us
We'll give you i'm excited. We'll give you we'll give you a thousand
Cat cake cat cake coins
A thousand cotton coins
Yeah, no cat coins. We're doing tokens. We're doing points. I mean no points
Points points. Sorry. Yeah, no points points. Sorry. I'm such a boomer. I'm like you can't
Yeah, we'll give you a thousand
Cat cakes points if you drop the scoop
I can't i'll get i'll get fucking sued
We'll know tomorrow one tomorrow
Mate this a thousand points would cover any
Do what's the status on our on our on our designed?
Uh, I need to check
Because like i'm actually excited even even if three people buy a shirt and a hat like i don't care
I want one for myself. So it'll end up costing us money, but it'll be fun. It's cool. It's cool
What's up, someone said cake those hats from parcel that you're asking the intern for
No, dude, then partial then parcel dm me and they were like we got you
So i'm good
Our t-shirt design
Is next level power user on parcel and they were just like hey, we appreciate you
I was like no business talk until the hat and then they they they obliged
I like parcel a lot though. I like camino too
Sorry jim we talked all crypto this one almost I know
Five months said much
Literally the day i'm pondering like do I really ever want to trade again?
Well, this isn't trading. This is this is just giving your money to protocols and hoping they don't rug before you pull it out
Yeah, that sounds fun
Uh, we do have to wrap in three minutes because I I do have real work to do but this has actually been a pretty fun space
I think I should make it venture capitalist business personalities call duty more often more often
Did I just need full space? I can't believe this shit
The quality segment was the best
Last week was a little was a little dull this when we ran because like
Some of these spaces are gonna be the worst thing you've ever been to and then some might
Last week's was good. No
I feel like once we launch cat cake points, though
We're about to like quadruple our our audience because like yeah, you know
That's it. People are saving their questions people are fucking gatekeeping their questions this week until points come next week
Wait, I know your points are back. You're all gonna start you're all gonna start on minus 10 just for fucking
I'm still holding back. I gotta make a snapshot of all the people that have points. Who do I have a snapshot?
I'm number one. Don't worry about it. We know me and jim decide me and jim decide
We're getting we're getting the dashboard ready now the leaderboard. It'll come out at some point, but it actually you know
Let's back
It'll depend on things like who's speaking who's retweeting who's commenting who has good opinions if we don't like your opinion
We take points away
Uh who has good questions that kind of stuff just weren't, you know, whatever me and jim decides
If you if you ask questions, you just we just put you straight in the sweatshop where the merch is going from
Yeah, you gotta have a murder
guys guys just in the in the
In the issue of time, I know you're gonna wrap up in a minute
So i'm gonna dip but I just wanted to say I learned like two things, uh about this space and
Um, I feel like it's important to share just for anyone building anything. So
Uh, number one is like always leave the people wanting more and number two
Love it. I love it. I love it with that with that. Let's wrap it up. Let's wrap it up. Let's wrap it up. Jim
Everyone else. I love you guys for coming. Jesus. I'll see Scott. I might see you soon mauls and jim. I'll definitely see you soon
Um, we'll talk in a week
Take cheers