Celebrating Nick Hynes (@nhynes_) & the Future of the Oasis Network

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 0:28:57



Hello everyone, just a couple more minutes. So, what people can join in and we're just waiting for the men of the hour Nick as well to join and then we get started.
Hell on me.
Oh, I'm here. Sorry. Ready here for me in the day.
Great, can you hear us well? Maybe just a minute, we wait still. I'll see if anybody else joins in, but yeah, then I'm gonna kick it up, okay?
Okay, I see you we already have quite the cloud so Nick if you're ready we can get started Sounds good to me Perfect. All right. Hello everyone and welcome to today's Thursday with our beloved new sounds I'm looking at the be the manager here to assist on the
information. And our guest today almost is not an introduction. He is one of the audio team members awaited. But for everybody that joined our community, more recently, would you give a quick intro of your self-nek? Cool, for sure. Thanks, Mate. Yeah, so
Really great to be here. Thank you for all of you to join. And for those of you who don't know me, I mean many of you probably do from all of the presentations, especially in ETH, I'm Nick. I'm one of the former core team members who have been at the company since the very beginning in 2018. I've been there for about five years
building all sorts of things most recently sapphire and opal so I mean I would develop in the community I'm actually liking it a lot thank you thank you very much for that and yeah maybe you can say if you were an integral part of the
community and leading the OPEO development. Some of the community members might be wondering how will this affect the future development. I can assure you that the OASI privacy led by the Web is continuing as planned by the OASI's led director, the engineering peer or a Gilbert. As this is the easiest way of
or other changes in projects to utilize the privacy features that Sapphire can offer. Basically, the focus of the whole game is to launch it as soon as possible. You can be more about the current developments in our March engineering update. Maybe, like, no, we just implement that the support percent
and the crypto-signal chain data with the key pair, which opens up the door to how to confidentialize, generate it and pull it on chain similar to how hard it is while it is our treatment. We are currently working on the gas station that brings
integration integration, you know, the message-passing bridge that will enable other Ethereum Compal networks to easily leverage the power of confidentiality, for other devices have are. But maybe since there might be some new listeners today with us that are not yet familiar with the OS privacy layer,
Maybe Nick, you can give us a short introduction to what OK on it. There's probably no better to do it. Yeah, for sure. Thanks, Matt. Hey, that's actually a pretty good description of how things are set up going forward. Opal is being pretty well. So again, for those of you who don't know what Opal is,
The Oasis privacy layer allows you to add confidentiality to the other channels without having to move your users and assets over. It's actually quite simple. What you can do is bridge your messages using our message passing bridge.
the software, do some confidential operations there, and then bridge the result back over to what we're calling your home network, where all of your docs and users and liquidity are in the software. So basically you can add privacy to Web3 for basically free. It's really nice.
I think your speakers a little bit weird and mantei but anyway I kind of heard what you were trying to say so I think the question was so like why it's so cool like where did I decide to leave and but why am I still in the ecosystem. Yeah so that's actually a really interesting question and let's break it down to two parts.

FAQ on Celebrating Nick Hynes (@nhynes_) & the Future of the Oasis Network | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the guest on the podcast?
Nick, one of the former core team members at the company since 2018, and a member of the audio team.
What project did Nick help lead the development of?
Nick helped lead the development of the Oasis Privacy Layer's Opal.
Will Nick's departure affect the future development of Opal?
No, the development of Opal will continue as planned under the leadership of the Oasis-led director, engineering peer Aur Gilber.
What is the focus of the Opal development?
The focus of the Opal development is to launch it as soon as possible.
What recent development was mentioned in the March engineering update?
The support percent and the crypto-signal chain data with the key pair, which opens up the door to how to confidentialize, generate it and pull it on chain similar to how hard it is while it is our treatment.
What is the gas station that Opal is currently working on integrating?
Opal is currently working on integrating the gas station that brings integration integration, you know, the message-passing bridge that will enable other ethereum compal networks to easily leverage the power of confidentiality, for other devices have are.
What is the Oasis Privacy Layer's purpose?
The Oasis Privacy Layer allows you to add confidentiality to other channels without having to move your users and assets over.
What is the message passing bridge used for in the Oasis Privacy Layer?
The message passing bridge is used to bridge messages, do some confidential operations, and then bridge the result back over to your home network.
What is the cost of adding privacy to web3 with the Oasis Privacy Layer?
Adding privacy to web3 with the Oasis Privacy Layer is essentially free.
Why is Nick still in the ecosystem despite leaving his former company?
Nick is still interested in the development of the Oasis Privacy Layer and believes in its potential for adding privacy to web3.