Celo Developer Relations' Education Initiatives

Recorded: June 23, 2023 Duration: 0:19:49



What's good everyone? We're gonna give everyone a minute to join.
(crickets chirping)
All right, I think awesome everyone ready we good
We're good. All right. Welcome everyone. Thanks for tuning in with the newly launched solo academy. We just wanted to have a space where we can talk all things education itself.
I'm John Byrnes, Joe Nester and Verall, and guys, give a quick intro. And let's do another order. Ernest, Joe, Nester and Verall.
Okay, hey everyone, I'm NS Namdi, I'm part of the developer relations engineering team at Cellophondation and I have only semi-starchive program and I've personally done so throughout
Hey everyone, I'm Joe Nizio on Develop Relations at Cellar Foundation. Been here about two years now. Started on documentation. We've gone to help
create the Cell of Stage program and now I'm building Cell of Academy where it goes to help onboard and teach developers to build depth on Cell of.
Hey everyone, I'm Nestor, DevRel Engineer also, and I run this part program. That is all about technical videos covering protocols, tools, and integrations on cello. Popcorn tool, Bureau.
So, I've been working on some dev toolings like solar composer and people building mint tools to keep it in use with a OS.
and if you have been around for a long time, so it's a little bit more than you want to see.
Sweet thanks for the intros. Let's kick it off. Remember to those who are listening, if that any point of a question, just drop it in the comment section. We'll see it and then we'll get to it for the end. Joe, let's start with you. Congratulations on the launch of the Silo Academy, and you can put a lot of work into it and
with the celosages. How are you feeling? Just kind of giving me some insight into the academy and how it came about and what you want people to get out of it. What was that?
I loved it. I think that was a round of applause. So thank you. Yeah, we're working on Salah Academy now. We officially launched it. It's open. It's essentially been open since it started, which is working very in public because it started with the Salah Stage program. And what that was was an effort to get the community to help build educational
They started building tutorials for a documentation. We sort of outgrew the docs, moved into Academy, which is a new site now at seller Academy, moved all the tutorials in and then we're starting to organize them into pathways, which would be like structured tutorials that are on specific topics like front end development, back end,
smart contract development and whatever we find to be valuable, we'll just go ahead and create pathways for that as well. And then finally, we have certifications we're starting to put together. So if you were to complete a project, submit it, get some review and feedback on your project and show that you have certain skills. We would just love to go ahead and certify that.
So that we can start to partner with different organizations in the industry and use those certifications to help those credentials get you Hopefully some opportunities with those companies So all together just trying to be like kind of a comprehensive solution for adaptive albers that want to go from whether you're just getting started to an intermediate or an advanced to go from
using your skills, helping the community growing and hopefully improving your opportunities in the Web3 industry. So that's what we're doing over here. Excited so far we've had no certifications yet because I just landed but some early activity about 20,000 unique users has been really exciting to see a lot of time to like test the platform and check that it doesn't like
crash or break or anything and that you have like moderation set up but overall it's all set to get support from the sages and and help you out if you come in and try any of the pathways or certifications. Nice that's great to hear and so I know you had mentioned partners and kind of including them and then Academy later on. What can they
kind of expect that would look like and can you explain that a little bit? Yeah, we just kind of fed our goals for this season and our team spent a lot of time this week kind of figure out who's doing what and what the goals are and these are kind of some early numbers but overall just trying to grow the platform to see what it can do and how it can help people
people in different ways. And some of the numbers, like, can we get 100,000 people on this site? 10,000 accounts made, 1,000 certifications, and hopefully 100 jobs landed somewhere in the Web3 ecosystem. And the reason I'm mentioning those is that partners coming in could expect, say, your company that you've built a product, but
You need tutorials and information about how people would use your API. How does it integrate with Cello and what ways people could use it for unique use cases. We can go ahead and have our community build those tutorials out for you. Maybe build a pathway and then people can go through that pathway, get certified for your tool. And as a partner and then you'd have a good indication
that people are using this tool, they're skilled with it, and can maybe be more valuable for your community and get in touch with them to see how maybe you could work together in the future. So anything from call it education as a service maybe where we're just providing the services to you that you would want as a partner, to maybe you provide education for yourself and you would just
want us to figure out how we could collaborate better. That and not to ramble for too long is maybe just two of the many different ways that I'm hoping to work with with partners on this type of initiative. All right, great to hear. It's pretty exciting stuff and I look forward to seeing where it's going next.
Just tying in with this, Ross, since I know you worked on cello sage, and they played a huge part in the academy. How has the sage program been going? Can you give me a little overview of what's been done so far and give everyone an idea of what it is?
When you started, it started saying, "In our basket scenario, we've been trying to look for that cloud." I've been talking about numbers of vehicles that I interacted with, and it was like, "I need like $70,000 in this." We've been able to do this, we've launched, and that's really good.
And I think that you're getting getting to what you're doing. Yeah, like if you just go to sell a tag and start trying to kind of technical and make you need not just really to sell it, but in general about that, you can get a lot of information there. And we have a very active commitment to
I think we have to look at the comment section and that author is usually very active so you can ask questions. I'll say that you look at me doing it in a little bit.
Great, that's good to hear. And so I guess this is for you and Joe as well. Kind of where does cello sage go? Is it integrating into the academy? Will it still be kind of standalone? What are your thoughts there and what's happened? Yeah, I do there is
Yeah, started off pretty small. Let's just can we make a couple tutorials, but it's grown into now we have over 500 tutorials on the site and these pathways and certifications and the idea is that The goal of the sage is to support developers on their journeys to to becoming Web 3 developers or whatever it is they might do so they're in support of the Academy and
Right now making more tutorials and pathways and improving the experience and there's been a lot of work to give the opportunity to review each other's work while they make tutorials and their DEPs and different things that they're building and they're going to kind of use all those skills to help developers that are coming through as mentors and support and guidance and other type of career advice
So whatever we can grow into is the type of thing that the sages are going to begin supporting developers with. So they're pretty intertwined right now. In the cases that we do work with different partners and stuff, the sages might start to grow outside of the academy and help partners more. But for now, first and foremost, we're just kind of home
on this idea of making the Academy a great place for developers and the sages are kind of fully committed to making that happen. Great to hear. So we got Academy and Sagedown, Ernest, let's talk Stakshit. How did the first quarter cool
So we have the first call for just a few weeks ago and for context, StackShift is an eight week project based program that we organize to make sure that we can get a new
and develop a person building on cello. In terms of what the lens, so we had them like week by week and each week was a different thing. For example, the first week was more of a quick on-ramp, you know, what cello is and you know the community and the tools are available to you. And why week two was more of like deploying applications on cello
and learning how to deploy user-like variables. We also had teams like NFTs, we have teams like Oracles, we have teams like ReFi, Dow, Subgraphs and Social Connect. So it was eight weeks and at the end of each week they were expected to make a submission. And we had four different
or what about a while code them cause zero. They made contributions every week and for every week we give them like a stipend and for the first cohort it was like a hundred dollars or so. But they've successfully completed that and now we are looking towards like the second cohort which is to be a much bigger one.
Sounds great and when do you expect applications for the second cohort to open? I know I've gotten a few emails asking me personally like, "Hey, when is it opening?" So tell everyone or give them a little insight into that process there.
Oh yeah, so um plan is almost complete for the second cohort and we are looking towards July to kick it off. So for this cohort um for the first cohort we're going to be 15 people for this second cohort we're hoping
to go with more than 100 people. And we are also hoping to make it a little bit more advanced than the first. So next month everyone should just keep their ice period. And next month we'll come up with a lot more information regarding how we're going to go.
Sounds great. Now I know where to put in my emails. Nester. Last but not least, Spark Launched. It's been a great success. A lot of views. Tell everyone what it is, how you came to the idea and what the goal is for it.
Yeah, thanks. So basically the idea behind SoSpark was, hey, you know, how can we create video content, technical video content where, you know, we could explain in a very easy way to developers.
how to integrate different protocols and tools in the cello ecosystem and do it in a very easy way. So based on that, we started to create this mini series. For example, we have a mini series about graphs.
that I explained from scratch how to and doing a subgraph using the graph also how to retire caramel credits with two-com protocol we also did another one together with a hackathon on social
connect on first what it is, then how it works and finally how to code that. So yeah, the idea is to about how we can integrate the different protocols that exist in the celloical system and do it in a very easy way.
Great. And so, can you give us a little insight? What's next? Any new video drive? Yeah. So we are currently working on
One one. Yeah, we're going to be releasing a little bit later this month. It's going to be about the upcoming hackathon that we're going to have. So for all the people stay tuned. So it's going to be another technical video that
is going to explain how to integrate these order protocol. It's going to be a great one. Awesome. And so if partners are interested in working with you or have just kind of suggestions for you about videos or want to work with you, how do they reach out?
Yeah, open to ideas. You can reach me either on Twitter or Twitter or Discord on the seller Discord or email also. Yeah, you can reach me with ideas if you want to collaborate on a video,
happy to do it. And yeah, the idea is just, you know, you have a need for, you know, hey, you know, I think it will be awesome to integrate this protocol because I'm using it or I'm not sure or I think that this could help
my community. So yeah, feel free to reach out and we can work together. Awesome, great to hear and feel free everyone to also ping the cell developers channel and we can send you the nester. So now I don't know if they're any
questions from those who are listening. It doesn't look like there are any comments. Just wanted to see for a second if there are. See if our technical hosts in the background has anything for us. If not, we can kind of start wrapping it up. Joe, I think
as kind of an education lead within the org. What are your thoughts about where cell is going and how everything can eventually tie into this full blown academy? So it's it launched and you know I want to give you the last word here. Oh sure yeah well
There's still tons of different education if it's going on. Created the Academy just kind of has my own project bouncing off what me and Viral have done together. And I do hope it can support the rest of the initiatives going on. Love an earnest and nester and Viral are still doing with education. Continuing to update the tools
we have for people to build with and then try to keep up with the education so that they can figure out different things that they can build. What's exciting moving forward is that organization is sort of collectively organizing a bit better, so we'll be connecting better with the engineers and with these partners to provide like more robust education that can
I hope everybody out so that I'm really looking forward to that. A lot of updates that I do send that maybe I'm not thinking of right now are on the cello Academy Twitter. Either on my personal bio so anyone who does want to click through I have cell Academy linked on my Twitter account and you can find this site there and everything else.
But that said that'll be lots more updates coming through there. But overall, yeah, super excited about where everything's going with education and can't wait to see how the Academy can support Al. Great wrap up. I think we have a question from crypto Mario. Great name, by the way.
You're up.
Get on mute your mic.
going once, going twice. All right, if you have any questions, you can just drop them in the comments and we'll answer them later. And one last thing I guess I can note since it wasn't a question, but for anyone who does, maybe not just want to
learn education that already exists but actually contribute to it. That was the beginnings of the Sage program. So we are always looking for different ways for contributors to get involved. It's an open platform to write on. There's lots of different rewards we have available for people. The Sage program is getting
Until we're starting to grow again, maybe we can start accepting new people to come in and support. But overall, yeah, if you have any kind of education or coding background at all that you want to contribute to our education initiatives, the SAID program is there as an entry point. So we would love to hear from you.
Fantastic, I think that's everything. Thanks everyone for joining the space. Thank you, Nester Jo, Brawl, and Ernie.
and please check out the Academy Stackship, Sage and Spark. There's really great information and we hope you come and build with us. Have a good one, y'all.
Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Have a great day.