Chainflip, InvArch Network & Zeitgeist on PolkadotPrague โœจ

Recorded: June 1, 2023 Duration: 0:35:19



Hello everyone and welcome to our last Twitter spaces. Today's session is with Chain Flip, Side Gaze, Side Guest, and in March Network. And here we go. We have our first speaker here.
And yeah, we will have here. We have also in Word. So let's send them the speaker as well. Hello guys. Oh, change. Let me also hear.
And let me send them the speaker and by two. And we are also waiting for Damnskit to join. And I have sent the invite for speaker to chain flip. I don't know if you... yes.
Hello, hello, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. Awesome. How's it going? Yeah, it's our last with spaces before the conference. So it was really with spaces right every day with spaces. It's a little bit
exhausting, I'm not gonna lie, but yeah. So Damsky is here. I will also send the Twitter space to him. And yeah, we are all in set. So let me
start with some introduction then I will give space to our guests and to introduce themselves and then Dom's keep prepared some questions and yeah at the end we will just share small surprise to Twitter spaces should be quick
not anything long and still we should give you some information or insight about the speakers or about the teams. So my name is Khlairi and I'm one of the main organizers of Deepo Karat-Brak and also NFD Simrak. I'm so happy
happy and excited to say that we are overbooked for both conferences because as you know in bear market it's really hard to organize events so I'm really happy and I just hope people will you know also show up because people can claim tickets and then they don't
have to come, but I believe that it will be great. So yeah, at this moment, if you didn't, if you didn't claim your ticket, I'm not going to advise you to claim it. You can join the waitlist. And I would recommend to everyone came in the morning and make sure to be there.
prayers to get in. Sorry, I was doing some last minute, uh, clicking around on my computer. Can everyone hear me? All right. Yes, yes, we can hear you. Welcome. And yeah, I think that's it about the conferences. Damsky, can you introduce yourself to?
Sure, yeah, so yeah, welcome everybody. Hope everybody's doing great So yeah, the conferences are around the corner exactly in a couple days. So it's gonna be a massive right I believe
So I'm working in a code that we just an empty marketplace and on Polkado. So yeah, that's for that's for me and I would like to give the word to our speaker from chain flip.
Hello there, my name is Will, can you hear me?
Yes, okay, great. We're not on my end for a sec, but I heard of being passed to me. So Anyway, yeah, thanks so much for having us. We're super excited to well first you to be here, but also to come and speak and Prague I think it's gonna be really really
fun and I'm excited to meet all of these other great protocols and projects in Prague. And yeah, as I said, my name is Will and I am managing the ecosystem at Chainzip, which is relevant to Polkadot because we are really excited
to be working with Polk it up or the projects and Polk it up and really just integrating it and hopefully helping in bringing more liquidity to the ecosystem. So yeah, thanks a lot for having me.
So I was having some internet issues at first, everything went muted all of me so I wasn't able to hear the starting question or prompt.
Yes, Dakota, can you introduce yourself with your position and a little few words about yourself?
Yeah, I'm not sure if it's me, but I wasn't able to hear you when you spoke right there. It'll...
Not sure if anyone can hear me. I was able to hear Chain Flip when they spoke. Yeah, I could actually hear you and I could hear the question, but like the question was around like introducing yourself and like what you do currently.
Okay, apparently I think there are some issues on the other side. Let's try to fix it and see whether we can do something about it or not. I believe we haven't given the word to
side guys teams. So please on the or side, is it Bob? Yeah, it's Bob who joined right? Yeah, I'm Bob from side guys. We're pretty to my character.
call on polka dot and yeah I head up on the head of community development and growth in zeitgeist so super excited to be here super excited about the vent coming up
Okay, I think my speaker is fixed now. I had to leave and rejoin. I'm Dakota Barnett, I am the founder of the Envarch Network. Envarch is a parachane building with the
ecosystem that looks to provide multi-chain, Dow, infrastructure, and tooling for the ecosystem. More prominently, one of the big things that we have right now going on is our Saturn multi-chain multi-sig. That's kind of our core focus at the moment. I'm really proud about that.
But yeah, really excited to be here for the space, really excited to just to connect with everyone, connect further with the other teams. I'm really happy to see you. I'm trying to flip up here. Happy to see you guys, happy for this opportunity and everyone in the audience. Yeah, yeah, just happy to be here.
Yeah, I think we should probably announce because Dekka Tavus also supposed to attend the Pokerl Prague and NFC's in Prague conference, but unfortunately he can or he will not be able to come because
some passport and traveling issues, but we still invited him for the Twitter spaces to introduce himself to introduce the project and at least give us some information about the talks he
should have and yeah I'm really sad about it because we have never met so but maybe we will see what the future will bring right so yeah that's game bring us your question please
Yeah, sure. So I'll just start like, you know, in the in the order starting from chain flip question to will here. So like, if you could maybe just get a little bit deeper on like how are you building on block root and like what's what's your current
like let's say maybe the latest product or latest integration or something like that. Yeah, certainly. So firstly, I think I should just give a quick overview of what we're trying to solve and what we're building for. And you'll probably hear this in the presentation.
I do next week, but for those that can't attend, I guess it's pretty useful. So yes, first of all, Chain Flip is building a cross-chain deck. So it says native cross-chain swaps between different blockchains. Currently we're seeing in the cross-chain space there's a lot of challenges.
We're facing a lot of limited interoperability. It's been solved, or it's partially been solved in being solved for EVM chains. But when you look at non-EVM chains, there's really very limited interoperability and cross-chain capabilities. We're facing a lot of centralization risks. There's a lot of rapid
assets and in general this is a huge there's a lot of issues and we want to solve that we think that the only way that users are going to really bring the only way that users are going to be swapping on chain and that we're going to steal market share from centralized exchanges is a
the pricing and the user experience is parallel to that of the centralized exchange. So essentially what we're trying to do is invoke the uniswap effect that we saw in 2020 when uniswap brought ERC20 token trading to the chains and on chain rather than
So yeah, we're building this cross-chain decks. It's essentially a proof-of-state network built using SubStrate, which is our relation to the Polka.Eco system and as well, because of the fact we're built on that, it's very easy for us to integrate Polka. And we also see huge new
need to allow interoperability from other chains, whether it's DeFi users that want to enter the popular ecosystem, but currently are limited by the ability to enter it through a decentralized protocol. And yeah, I hope that answers the question.
Yeah, sure, sure. Thank you. Thank you so much. I certainly love to hear that you know that a lot of projects recently are building on substrate and I believe this use case is certainly very useful. So yeah, let's move on right now to to side guys who I know that
Type guys is building this centralized prediction market, but I would like to ask Bob like about like maybe a question like how it works for the people and what are some upcoming features in the in the protocol itself and the product
Yeah, so how it works for the people. I mean, essentially we created a protocol that's It's supplying the primitives in the base layer needed to build prediction market tech on top of so We do have app the anybody can check out This is a very decentralized version of what I should spoke about. Pretty much anybody can come in and make a prediction market about anything that they want. And you know, the use taste for prediction markets is generally forecasting, right? But it's very exciting. It's kind of a new form.
of trading, new trading more about information rather than actual assets. And yeah, so in what's coming up, it's exciting new features. Well, for one, we did just embed the drill chat from sub-social. We actually have that live on the
app right now, which is a pretty cool fun feature. And then another one that I'm personally super excited about is we're bringing the ink smart contracts to the Zeit Dice chain. This is something that we want to do just because it gives people
who want to build on the protocol, it gives them much more flexibility and sort of creates a building block that allows people to really start to engage in that manner as opposed to having to manage a live application and update with that SDK and stuff like that.
Yeah, pretty cool. I made my drawings and predictions on a poor code proc and NFC's in proc will go. That's gonna be awesome. That'll be awesome. Let me know if you need help with that with it. Okay, cool. Yeah, we'll get into that. So yeah, a question to Dakota here, like you were saying that
building like multi chain dowel and of course the Saturn, Saturn, Multisick. So can you maybe go a little bit deeper into Saturn and how certain projects and individuals can leverage this protocol and product
Yeah, I'd love to always excited to talk about Saturn. So first off, try me brief. Just for those who don't know, Saturn realizes a multi-chain, multi-sig, like what the heck is that? So basically today, if you want to have a multi-sig account,
to manage and utilize your assets on a parachain or any blockchain, then you need to use, you need to deploy a multi-sig on that chain, but you can't use that same multi-sig to manage your assets and use your assets on other networks. In order to do that, you then have to deploy a
separate multi-sig set it up deploy configure it and you have to do this again and again and again and again for every single different blockchain in which you wish to manage assets on however in the pocket ecosystem we are this multi-chain environment so it's ironically why we have this multi-chain
infrastructure in place, you know, the experience is very fractured. It's very siloed just a single chain for multi-sigs, but with Saturn, we realize the abilities for whether it's an individual looking to have more security over their account and their assets or whether it be an institution or a VC. This allows them to
deploy just a single multi-sig account which is then able to operate and manage their assets across any parachain and ecosystem. So this is obviously going to alleviate the amount of just working overhead and time that goes into managing, setting up and managing multi-sigs across different networks. They don't
to do that anymore. They just need to deploy a single multi-sigma and they're good to go. So it's very, very powerful. Obviously this is immediately a huge change to the quality of user experience that will be possible within the Pogadai ecosystem. But it's also something that gives us a unique edge over other ecosystems.
system, see either even in like with Ethereum and Ethereum as it's out to's whether it be Arbitram or a Matic or Optimism whatever ZK sync when that comes out. You need to deploy a separate multi-sig smart contract on each one of those networks.
want to manage your assets on them and you can't use a single multi-sig to manage all of your assets across all of those different networks. So it's very, very fractured experience over there. However, with our solution currently, not only, so like right now, today, we're able to service the Pogadai ecosystem,
So you can use the same multi-sig to manage your assets.
a new multi-sake account. So going to be really powerful and something that's uniquely powerful and secured by polka dots, really, you know, writing that and bringing that wave of possibly, you know, hashtag going on polka dot in the full focus here with kind of a unique
edge case over not edge case, but a unique experience over other ecosystems. So really excited for this and one last little thing is it's also really powerful because by realizing a single account which can then operate across all chains as a multi-sigma, it's managing its treasures
or it's treasuries of assets across different networks. This provides an extremely powerful foundation for creating DAOs. So decentralized autonomous organizations on chain because before each DAO was limited, DAOs almost always operate
by having a multi-sig or multi-sig style account ownership over a treasury. However, they're limited to operate on that single chain that which they deployed. If they want to operate across other networks, there's this disconnect for one. They typically, if there's more contract-based than they are,
alliance on whether or not that ecosystem supports smart contracts of their flavor. And then even so if they do, it's still a fracture experience. Those aren't actually, they deploy another multi-sagants to separate accounts. So those two accounts then are technically separately governed.
Whereas with Saturn, you're going to be able to have your dowel that can again just operate, govern over one account, but have freedom to navigate across any blockchain. So yeah, that's Saturn. That's why we're kind of really excited for it and really looking forward to bringing it to the ecosystem with the SDK already.
which we just released recently. We can already have ecosystem wallets, integrate Saturn, this multi-sig directly into their clients. That way they can provide a multi-sig, multi-jay multi-sig, set up an experience and manage them directly through their apps. But then also, for example, like DeFi applications across the ecosystem,
on different pair of chains that we open up channels with could also utilize the Saturn SDK to directly integrate multi-sig, like account setups to even vault systems, vault systems over assets within their application. So it's really cool, really exciting what can be done. We're only just now beginning to see the start of it all.
Thank you so much for this deep dive into the Saturn. I believe a lot of people appreciate it here as unfortunately you won't be joining the conference. But yeah, that's good. Thank you so much. And well to give also others a little bit of a sneak
peak into what's coming to to PoloCode.prog. I would like to give a word to Will here to maybe cheat chat a little bit on what is going to be presented and like just do a little teaser I know you talked like about the protocol and and so on but maybe just talk up a different words.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, so essentially my presentation and proud will I firstly want to introduce Chain Flip and the protocol and why I think this is important, why we want actually be creating interoperability and allowing users to jump between
change without getting a headache. And then I want to talk specifically about the Polka.ecosystem because what I've seen person is that there are so many developers, there are so many cool projects, there are so much great stuff being built in
the whole ecosystem on various parachains, on sectors and scales, and it's just like it seems so vibrant, but at the same time as someone who comes from an ethereum background or at least have been in the ethereum ecosystem for a while and mainly in that sort of
It's and as someone has been doing it for a while it was even tough for me to say all right, well how do I actually Get access to polka dot and how do I join some of these whether it's a Dow protocol or buying a cheese or whatever it may be when I
don't really want to go through a centralized exchange. I would also prefer not to go through a bridge and if I have to I want it to be a pretty seamless experience and I just don't I don't find that's the case at the moment. There's loads of really great protocols trying
trying to build it and working on it. And I'm sure there's going to be some great solutions coming out. So it's absolutely not throwing shade onto other projects or protocols building it. But at the moment, I don't have an easy access avenue. There's no one click solution that's secure and
safe. So yes, my talk will be mainly based around how we think we're going to impact that, how we can change that, and I also will be calling out every DEX, Parachain project that could
use cross-chain and intra-probability within their protocol. I'll be calling them out and saying, "Hey, let's work together. Let's find a way to integrate that works for all of us and help the users have this ease of access." And yeah, that's what I'll be diving
deeper into. And yeah, I'll also talk a little bit more about how our protocol actually works. Specifically, we have a just in time AMM, which is in some ways very similar to a UniSwap V3 AMM.
But we kind of took it and turned it completely on its head. So in one way it's a good comparison and another it's a terrible comparison. But essentially what it does is it allows when a user makes a trade, the trade is sent in and rather than having bots front running them to sort of
take up any extra sort of money they can or things like this. The user makes a trade and you have market makers on the other side competing to see who can actually offer the best price. And this in turn drives the price down because there's a competition between LPs and
market makers to provide the user with the best possible price. And they're obviously incentivized by the fee of getting that trade. So what then happens in turn is users are given a much better price. And on top of that, it's done on our
proof of stake network, which is facilitated through the chain flip state chain. And so I'll describe a little bit about how that works. And hopefully get everyone super bullish about interoperability and
building solutions that work for you and the long-term goal here is really finding an avenue for people to jump in and out of different ecosystems without getting ahead of you. And yeah, that's going to be my talk. All right. Yeah.
I mean, totally understood in these trying times, interoperability and how the bridge is safe and easy to interact with is super important. I believe this sets the whole crypto at this moment, at least for me, a little bit back because sometimes it's like maybe not safe or not that easy to use.
you have to just to you know juggle around to even do something. So definitely looking forward for this and yeah let's move on now to site guys and Bob here. So I know that the dot proc will host Harold.
who will be talking about the experience of migrating a far-chained from like basically from Kusama to Pokerat. So I believe you have been you know with the team during the process so maybe you could share with us like how it was maybe for you from the side of you know your view and so on.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so I'm not actually on the dev team. So it is a bit of an outside looking in. But I do remember when this, when we made the decision to move to polka dots and we were talking about it. And it was pretty funny actually because
I was talking with our founder Logan and I was like, "Okay, we're going to transition to polka dot. What exactly does that look like?" We had made the decision that we're going to migrate the chain over, we weren't going to do two chains and we were going to sunset the Kusama chain.
just migrate everything over to polka dot and I'll never forget to the ass I mean you know like so what is the process for that what what will we do to do that and he's like well we it being is pretty simple you know we'll just copy paste the chain we'll just copy paste the the chain state and put it on polka dot
And I remember thinking in the moment, "Lord, you know, this sounds dodgy, right?" But as time progressed and our developers got their hands around the process,
led by Harold who will be given the top at Polka.prog. They actually did a phenomenal job of creating a, I don't know if they created a new way of migrating or what. I think they took a lot of inspiration from the way that Kilt did it. But it's
He did a beautiful job. It was very, very clean, execution, clean, secure, fast, just swapped the polka dot. It was like you blink your eye and, next day, you know, you're a polka dot chain. I was super impressed with it.
And I think, and even more Harold made the point to create really comprehensive documentation around the process as he was going through it and has been sharing that with people in the community who
to, you know, may want to use it in the future. And this is what his talk is going to be based around. So if anybody is interested in the subject of, you know, actually migrating an entire parachane from Tussama to Polkadot, it's definitely going to be a talk that you don't want to miss.
these guys, they pulled it off flawlessly. So that's what he's going to be talking about. And I'm sure he'll go much deeper and more technical than I'm able to go on it. And yeah, it should be a very interesting talk. I'm definitely going to tune in myself for that one.
Alright, yeah, thank you so much for the sneak peek. So give me my word here to the Kotah who also was supposed to have a talk at the NFTs in Prague conference, which is actually on 4 of June in Paralny Palace. So maybe if you would like to go a little bit deeper
into the talk topic you would have there that would be awesome. Absolutely. And of course, I'm really bummed out that I'm not going to be able to make it to the events. I was especially
like really really looking forward to it. There's going to be so many people from the ecosystem there. I think one of my favorite things of Theralli this entire journey is those opportunities of connecting with everyone and just you know talking about ideas and just all these synergy that goes on. So yeah definitely note me as bummed out
I'm going to be missing it. But with that, so one of the things I was really looking forward to talking about, the death deal with this talk regarding building up communities using NFTs and things of that nature. And with that, just one of the things I was more looking to do was kind of provoke
ideas and really challenge what we've seen so far. So far what we've seen, at least within our ecosystem, and this could be a, this, maybe this doesn't have to do with like any of the actual like individual projects, it could just kind of be a consequence of the bear mark.
it in the state of things at this time. But one thing that I feel like we haven't seen enough of in our ecosystem is truly thriving NFT activity. We kind of had it a bit back during the
from my perspective is that those really successful collections come down to the sense of community that exists around them and that's been cultivated through those collections. And so then we have to ask and challenge ourselves what can we be doing better or differently, how can we
the cultivating stronger communities and how can we use NFTs to do this. And I think that's the secret is we shouldn't be looking at it backwards where it's a matter of we want to have an NFT collection but then figure out how to grow the community afterwards.
or like define the community afterwards. And instead it should, from the get go, be really focused around how do we make, you know, like why are we making this collection? What is its purpose? What does it do? And so challenging ourselves to create NFTs with utility that help to bring people together.
And that's something that I was really looking forward to kind of proposing during the panel, having a bit of an open discussion on just seeing what some of the other panelists like thoughts were on that matter. Something ourselves, we have our noodle collection which we
launched and admittedly, it has ups and downs as well. But when we first launched it, it had a huge, definitely, it was a big topic in the ecosystem to say the least. And the big focus around that early on was just us really
is doubling down on the community and being active in the community and since then we've been cooking up a lot of things but I'm guilty of this. We've not been able to give it 100% of the attention that it deserves. We will be but we've just been so busy with every so many other
things that we have going on from Saturn to our crowdline to launching things on Tinkernet on Kusama and getting everything in place. But yeah, that was just the main thing. I really wanted to bring that to the panel, really ask ourselves, you know, what can we do to help pick up the
activity to launch truly attractive collections and then asking ourselves what makes a collection attractive and really doubling down on that focus of community and how we can use NFTs to help define that sense of community around a collection.
Alright, yeah, thank you. Thank you so much for this. I believe we will hear a lot about this topic in the future regarding NFTs and also they are used in governance and so on. So yeah, I think this was a really nice session with all the people here. So I would like to give a word to to Claree.
to wrap it up a little bit and then I think we will just see. Yes, thank you for the words. Thank you all, Kess, for coming today. Again, once again, I'm really sad about the Dakota not coming and representing their project.
but yeah, this is not going to be the last conference definite this so we will see what the future brings and when our pass will met and yeah thank you everyone for joining today this was the last Twitter spaces of the Bokeh out of Prague I'm a little bit relieved I'm
gonna lie, I'm so glad it's behind us because it was a lot of work, you know, seven evening, everyday date at the Twitter spaces. You know, if you don't love it, I don't know what else I can say. And yeah, with the others, we will see at the conference. So,
I'm really excited. It's just in a few days either NFD Sin Brak or a Deepok out of Brak. And yeah, thank you for coming. Thank you all people who join in. And Domsky has a surprise for you, so I will give him the stage and have a nice evening.
So yeah, just a small wrapper like for all the attendees of the Twitter spaces. Code Adotes always giving a 5/3 coupon to the merch shop. There's plenty of stuff there either from artists or from our Weifu merch.
I'll be dropping this into the comment section so stay stoked about it and be sure to grab it because there will be only five so thank you everybody for coming I will see you at the event if not at the event and on the next one or just in the web tree. Thank you guys. Thank you for having us.
Thank you for having us. I'll see everyone at Dakota. I will be there. I'll see everyone in Dakota. So I'll see you there. Looking forward to it. Thank you guys. Thanks everyone. Bye.