🌱 Chia Conference + Space Aliens AMA NFT1 January 18 6PM Chia Time

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 4:58:45



We're back. We're live. We're back again. Another big week in the Chia ecosystem. Big week Michael
Taylor announcing big stuff in the space the other day. We've got a Chia AMA just taking
place the Q1 AMA. A few hours ago it was posted on the YouTube as they don't call it. That
is one hour nine minutes long. I'm 15 minutes into that and now it's time to get the man
that the space is named after. How many people have a space named after the art Thursdays
from the man himself? The artist with a heart. The heart and the art. And then his father,
the man behind the heart, behind the art. Behind the heart. I can't quite figure it out but let's
get Bradley Wallace, young Bradley Wallace, the recently married young Bradley Wallace.
Let's get him up on stage without further ado. Five, four, three, song, noon. Get Bradley
up. Young Bradley Wallace, are you online? Are you live? Are you connected? Hello sir,
how are you Edward? Nice to hear you my friends. Yeah good to hear your voice too. How's your
day, week, last hour a bit? Good. Today was very busy. The longest I've been out of the
house was a bit much but it was nice to get to see some friends and I also had the first meeting
out of the year for Central Maine Idol. So it's the song competition that we hold in the
summertime for a ten thousand dollar cash prize. So yeah we had our initial meeting today and went
over our plans and things we'd like to change about it. Yeah and just kind of moving forward.
So it was a good day, good week overall. I had my follow-up appointment yesterday and my foot
seems to be healing well. I got now to wait five weeks for a follow-up appointment to see
if I can put pressure, like full pressure and start walking again. Excuse me. Yeah so how did
you get out of the house then today? Are you on crutches or are you wheeled about? My best man
is the guy that I fell off the ladder for when I was helping fixing his barn up. So he came and
picked me up and brought me to lunch today. Then we went over to his house. I'm gonna be
producing a show with him. So we were going over kind of some of the basics and introductions
and some of the scripting and working with Eleven Labs to create you know AI voice script to be
able to speak over you know these episodes and kind of tailoring what we'd like. Then we went
to my meeting. That was a lot there. Yeah. You've got a show. Could you explain more about that? So
my buddy Chris is a little eccentric. He was again my best man in my wedding and he's he
bought a farm maybe like what six eight months ago. Something like that. A year ago maybe yeah
because I did his floors. His maple floors inside of the barn. So he's he bought a farm
and he's starting to like live off his own land and he's doing a reality show called Valleyville
Farms and he's going to be living off of like everything that he harvests. So I'm helping
produce the show with him and he's getting prepared to live only off of bartering. So
again he's going to be learning how to grow these vegetables and harvest you know his chickens
and goats and sheep and live off of what he can harvest and trade and barter with other
locals for a whole year. Interesting. It's an interesting idea especially with the way
the world's out we're moving back towards that kind of local bartering. So is it just
to test it or is he actually going to try and do it? No he's going to try and do it for a year.
Yeah so he's learning how to do that farming now and kind of seeing kind of what he's going
to need because this is going to be his first winter with the with his farm with his animals.
So he's going to kind of learn what he needs to do and what he needs for next year. So we're
filming you know preseason now and kind of going over some of those content pieces and
things to do with the show. Planning out the episodes that kind of thing.
Cool cool. Where will you release it? It's going to be cross yeah cross platform. So it'll be on
YouTube, it'll be on TikTok, it'll be on Instagram, Facebook, cross market.
Okay nice. Well you're staying busy then even with a broken foot. How was it traveling today then
when you got out of the house? It was good. I went out a couple times this week which is
getting better like keeping my foot down for too long starts to get painful. I need to elevate it
so still so you know little spurts at a time but it was nice yeah to get out of the house and
you know try to again see people I haven't seen in a while and yeah it was good.
Yeah were you getting cabin fever there? Yes and no again this is a new house. I love it
and like being here and enjoying kind of like getting to know the house. I also am seeing
everything that I want to do to it and can't do it right now but again good project list to make
you know for when I'm back up and on my feet full pun intended.
Yeah when will it be? Do you have any further updates? Yeah again I gotta wait five weeks
because the doctor's gonna be on vacation for school vacation with his kids so I don't know
if that's gonna be it. Five weeks and then I'll find out if I can start walking and putting full
pressure on it again. So five weeks and then the test so what's that February? Yeah so we took an
x-ray and the bones haven't started to heal yet it's still too early he said so that's gonna be
the next checkup to see if the bones are healing because you can't really put full pressure on the
plates and screws that they put you in there it's not really what it's for it's just to hold it
together while it heals. See they're not structural. Got a little friend request uh speaker request I
beg your pardon. From Emi. Emi I've just sent you a co-host invite I forgot to send you that.
Hey welcome welcome to the stage uh Emi, Emi Web 3. Emi Graphic uh how are you today?
So cool bro what's up? How you doing? Hey good how are you? Looks so good.
What's up? It's nice to meet you guys. Nice to meet you as well now we can hear you.
Yeah it was a little bit. How you doing dude? Yeah I'm cool. I said oh I'm free in this space
oh you have a personality yeah. Yeah so uh every week we host this Thursday night and we uh
we chat about the Chia blockchain and uh with the community and um are open to teaching people if
they're interested in learning about it um you know we just kind of hang out in in chat each
week about tech and finance and uh you know the difference in uh the possibilities of a
blockchain technology that's used properly and securely um in a custodial fashion um that is
energy efficient so that's what this room's all about tonight um if you'd like to join the
conversation on that and you're interested we can feel free to answer questions if you have them
if not uh you're welcome to you know join the conversation throughout the night either way.
Yeah cool no problem and I'm also a graphic designer myself.
Oh very nice you want you want to post uh some of your stuff up up to the top that you've made?
Oh I didn't know how bro. Uh so if you have something on your Twitter uh you can go and
share to it and you'll see uh Edwards uh a new form of music you'll see like this space as an
option to share to and I'll post it right to the top. Okay let me try
to share blockchain best blockchain in the world
barn on even better than bitcoin
and uh welcome welcome Klaus to the I was I was reading uh an official release um I want to
talk about is that what they're calling it these days is that what they're calling it these days
yes an official release checking Dawson eyes um we've been working with Acevale to figure out kind
of what we're talking uh working with Acevale to work out what went on with four chain cookies
and there's a wallet uh issue and it's not compatible um with the way that we wanted to
do it with the randomized contract so we had to roll back wallets uh and we're going to be
reissuing um the the project basically and re-launching um from a new wallet we're
going to copy everybody over everybody who paid for one got at least one uh to one some people
got some extras um but yeah we're going to be re-releasing that and then that we can
way we can take those project funds and uh again vote on it as a community to see where we
want the money to go to and uh try to promote and create our own grant system from within the
community that's basically what we want to build behind it um yeah I just wanted to give a an
official release on that now that we have it kind of solved in a fix with Acevale at least for now
what was the issue there it's a wallet incompatibility with the contract um of being released
randomly i see is it with mint garden studio or yeah it's an incompatibility with the wallet
and mint garden studio i see so there's a bunch of contracts that were launched yeah on on the newer
wallet that's nice good sound that one hopefully we've not lost you emmy we're talking about mint
garden bug errors with minting uh i can't even remember was it christmas based nft projects
it was um yeah there was one last year too
are you talking about this last christmas yeah we we did it it's not necessarily christmas
based um but there are four chain cookies so it's like all sayings of like chia related uh
like memories throughout the year of different sayings people do and different projects
um we pay homage to like you know a bunch of different projects that uh you know stand out
in the community um as well as you know uh things the bram has said in different interviews we've
we used uh chat gg gpt's chia's version uh to put in a bunch of dynamics and information
you know like i said of all different chats we've had uh throughout the year
and memorable moments and put those into fortunes uh so 50 percent of the people get fortunes 50
get uh lucky numbers and the lucky numbers uh we're going to do a drawing and one person
gets to pick where 30 of the funds go to so we're we're keeping 50 for dev costs
and giving 50 out back to the community 30 gets voted on by the person who wins the lucky number
um and then uh the other 20 gets voted on by the community of where they want that money to go to
for a chia uh direct project to try to help stimulate you know uh economic growth and
you know community spirit basically nice nice so when will be version two uh yeah
drac's spinning up the new version with ace feel like i said this is like tonight happened uh
the last couple days they've been trying to figure out the new way to do it um so they're putting it
together um and then we'll release and have an official kind of statement of when we're gonna
have them out okay that's nice good work there yeah excited to get that back going and again
try to be able to help some people that are having problems you know with funding that
really deserve to you know have some extra attention within the community instead of having
to go through cni and applying for grants that you know these are smaller you know micro
transactions in a sense and micro funding structures that we can do as a community you
know if we believe it very easily can come together and support those actions
what sort of uh micropayments uh again so like again these are point two
you know xch so these are all little little like cheap you know i wouldn't call that a micro payment
i mean that's a big big amount of chia micropayments got to be point zero zero zero zero one so
point two is a good amount i mean if i was a developer i got that i'd be like wow that's a
good payout though i was saying like to in the like spectrum of things of trying to support
something you're not paying you know very much it's like buying a coffee for somebody in a sense
like and and all that together like is the wall on the you know the the coffee's on the wall
so like a veteran or a homeless person comes in and they don't have the money for coffee
somebody already bought one up on the wall for them you know what i mean it's it's community
funding through small increments in a sense you know right now at least you know what an xch is worth
to be able to again support community driven projects nice nice very very nice also welcome to the
the face of the trio conferences i guess you could say that the granddaddy of them all the food
the the trio conference head honcho welcome to the stage updated banner just posted sorry if
i haven't gotten to you yet i will get to you eventually you can also dm me just so i don't
forget i'm fucking super busy got some exciting uh fuck oh you guys are lucky man i almost dropped
this in the tang gang uh space earlier but i got some free nfts to give away
so i don't know if we'll do that now or tomorrow or whenever but yeah i got 39 uh fuck i don't even
know what this collection is called um well he gave it to me it's uh it's from an artist called uh
uh kurtis h uh the coups 652 um anyways yeah he's got some tang gang uh art uh there's 39 free mints
um i mean you know you know you know you know how we do it i'm collecting uh the addresses for
the offer submissions i don't know how we're gonna do it i haven't given away enough fees
in a while to be honest with you so i don't know maybe i'll just like drop your ad in the comments
i could uh open up the discord actually i think you know what maybe it's best as
hopefully everybody here is in the tang gang discord or the tang gang on chia discord sorry
not the actual tang gang because what i'll do is i'll open up a channel in there and you guys can
i'll put your address share it to the top i will what containers no uh yeah i will do that in a
minute here give me a second anyways didn't mean to steal anybody's thunder no welcome
um uh yeah chia conference i just posted updated uh an updated list online so those are the speakers
so far i'm sure i'm sure oh it's been going fine i mean it's dude we're talking like eight months
away so we're we're not super worried about it right now we're just making sure all the big
guys save the date and uh and um and so just making sure all the heavyweights save the date
and um making sure that we kind of start organizing it so it's not a kerfuffle um there will be a
tang it's the september 28th of this year so 2024 september 28th of 24 yeah so i'm assuming
it's going to be a little bit of an evolving list um and i'm sure people will be interested
in like what the hell's going on for that i can give a little bit more information
although i'm not sure it's 100 percent set in stone but what it's essentially going to be
is a 12 hour stream plus minus god knows um but then it's going to repeat itself so there'll be
like a little mismatch of pre-recorded and uh live events there'll also be some i think uh we've
been talking about doing like another work adventure or a spatial or there'll be like uh
you know like an x space um hopefully the plan is that by letting everybody know early um all of
the other smaller groups and um projects can plan little events around that week hopefully leading
up or you know maybe just shortly after and that way it can it can slowly kind of grow into more
uh more and more different events so i think uh right now we're we're we've got a couple things
if anybody wants to add anything else we're still kind of open to ideas um if especially if you're
willing to run it yourself uh so yeah definitely it's gonna be fun it's gonna be uh i don't think
we've ever done it well i know we did an online conference last year it was a little different but
we're gonna do a little bit more production-based youtube uh this time just just because you know
it'll be it it'll be nice to have a good solid uh couple hours of stream out there so
right there work out the kinks whatever you know um oh like i said i'll be doing this with
the tang gang in march too so we're going to be doing a dry run um with the boys in march
or sorry april 20th not march april april april 20th tang con it's going to be the same kind of
format like a hybrid uh some panel some uh shit so we're going to have most of the kinks out
hopefully one we do that and then we'll just have chia con be like way better um yeah i don't know
yeah just reach out to me if you have any ideas suggestions want to help want to talk want to do
fucking anything yeah i'll put some thought into it yeah i'm i'll probably end up reaching out to
more people too like i have reached out to certain heavyweights and i don't want to like
leave anybody out i just have been doing it in like little blocks um and we'll make sure
that it'll be like really good nobody will be on any panels with anybody that they don't
like or anything there will be no drama it'll be uh pretty uh low-key so we'll make sure it's
organized well enough that yeah we'll make sure that it's well organized enough that there's no
drama there's no arguing there's no bullshit um i mean we might throw in a little bit of a
dendrite argument panel or two just for the entertainment value but if nobody wants like
those will be kind of like volunteer panels if anything right so we're not going to go
some conversation that is in opposition in a sense you know what i mean we need some naysay uh you
know high level uh discussions on certain subjects like you said um you know these different pool
structures and you know the future kind of where you know we think it should go um all that should
be discussed you know in a panel format with views from across the community uh yeah we'll
kind of see how it goes and the cool thing is that like uh because it's a hybrid style
this gives like a lot of time for anybody that maybe that wants to like reproduce some
content for it it gives them a lot of time to make it really well done so like for this i would think
of somebody like future adora who is like kind of known as this like opener for all of these
other conferences like um oh shit sorry look in the ganja but um it'd be nice to get together
with her and just help her produce something that she's proud of or like you know at least give
her the time and space to work on something specifically for this so you know like there's
going to be a hopefully a little bit of production to the value but uh at worst comes to worst so
we're just all going to get together and shit talked about gia for you know a long time it'll
be a lot of tia's talk and like i said hey you guys want to maybe schedule your space or whatever
like we do our 168 hour space every year i'm you know maybe we push it back a little bit further
or uh we're gonna actually uh we've been talking and last week we decided we're gonna do an 88
hour space for the havening on march 7th oh i love that idea actually so we're gonna try to go for
the for the number one record of longest recorded space of 88 hours and uh yeah do the happening
because it's half of 168 i think that was steve's or josh's idea gran i think gran
you can't remember down
welcome drac yeah welcome drac food one uh quick point is the date in september i'm curious if
you ever thought of doing it sooner i don't know if six months in this world is like six years so
uh yeah i definitely i definitely considered doing it sooner unfortunately my hands are tied right
now with the tan conference in april so um i'm gonna be doing a lot of the heavy lifting for this
conference starting probably like april 21st like you know what i mean so um right now i'm just
organizing speakers and um like the content and then uh i'm gonna forget about it for a little
while um i'm gonna just we'll just keep the uh uh the hype train going we'll just keep you know
every like so often i'll just keep reposting and and and i'll keep getting more speakers and uh
we'll just keep building the the base of that but uh right now i'm also focused on doing the tan
conference with bullish and that group so and and and that's an important part too because
that's going to be like our test run for all the production side so we're going to use a lot of
those templates yeah so yeah because yeah we're already doing this lunch so we're going to use
everything that we've done for the tan conference which is a little bit lower key you know what i
mean it's not like a jet it's not as big as a chia conference would be right so um we're going to
use that as kind of like a dry run it's a little bit more of a fun to generate um for it's on
4 20 on april 20th so it's a little bit more of just a fun experience and we're going to work
out some of the kinks and and then we're going to come really hard and and the reason why i also
think it's good to do this in the fall is i think a lot is going to change over the next six months
so i want to give opportunity for me for all of these new people to come into the space to kind
of get their feet wet a little bit and then this also gives time for like all the projects
that might be working on last minute things time it gives them like until q2 essentially to
fucking nail shit out like almost the end of q3 basically to nail shit out to hammer shit out
and that way i think the ecosystem will just be even more ready for this type of event rather than
you know what i mean like i think if we did it sooner rather than later we wouldn't have nearly
as much to offer as a development community wise like i think if we just push it a little bit
like towards the end of the year it's going to be like a totally different vibe i think we're going
to catch a little bit of that like early bull run action so i just think it's it's a little it's
about timing and i feel like uh um you know it's i don't know we'll see i think it's a decent time
it also helps me spread out kind of the shit that i'm doing so um because i also got a meetup in
august as well that i'm planning for toronto so and that's an in-person meetup which it takes a
little bit more stuff too so there is a lot of stuff going on i also know that london's doing
a meetup um so i don't want to like steal thunder from everybody as well right so um i just kind of
planned it off in the distant future um just because it gives us some time to to gather
ourselves uh that's kind of the the thing that was going you know so if you if there's any content
like that you want to produce for like advertising wise shit we'll we'll we'll get down to that kind
of stuff um i haven't even really talked about like if there's going to be like sponsorships
or anything yet but i i'm just trying to do whatever we can for free right now if there's any
cost we'll all just pick it up for the most part um i don't think there will be and you never know
chia might help out with some things too depending on uh what it is but i'm not gonna go to them
and ask if they offer awesome um if they don't um but yeah so this is happening guys that's uh
that's the main thing is that uh um you know just have whatever you can have ready for
q3 of this year and we're gonna fuck and have a big old hype fest and talk chia for a long time
and have a bunch of content dedicated towards it on uh on youtube and hopefully bring some outside
eyes in i am going to be asking some speakers like i've gotten most of the chia crew i will
be asking people from outside the community to come in and talk as well um i'm going to be reaching
out to some influencer some other influencers some um other people from other ecosystems just
see if they want to come chat um and yeah like i said so the main thing for everybody to do is
just share the shit um and keep the hype going this is our conference i want everybody to take
ownership of it like if you have it's a it's a long time away so there's uh no excuse for everybody
not to be there and i think you know there's no excuse for everybody to be like oh i didn't
know there was a conference in september well you're gonna know because we've had this plan
for eight months so and and this won't be the last either this will be probably an annual thing
maybe we've moved the date but uh for now i just picked this date it's a saturday um it's you know
everybody's kind of getting back to school so if you have kids you're getting back into your
routine um you know it doesn't get in the way of anybody's summer dude i think honestly um you're
gonna find later that you're gonna be thankful that you gave yourself that much time when
you're doing conferences and trade shows that shit runs it like before you know it times up
and you still have a million things to do so i think you're smart
yeah and and absolutely and and and like i understand that she had community and i want to
bring some production and some quality to this so we're gonna take the time to do it right um
and um bullish is and we're getting uh like so i i've spoken about this before i sound like a
broken record but the tang gang has got a lot of creatives so um we're gonna it's gonna be pretty
good if they're like you know what i mean there'll be uh a lot of music in in art and it'll be uh
hopefully smooth we'll have it we'll have a good go of this in april so we'll figure out
a lot of the obs kinks and a lot of the technical shit i'm sure and then uh so yeah by the time
we get to chia con we're gonna be fucking pros at this shit and um we're gonna have all of our
ducks in a row and we're just gonna make everybody look good i think that's the main thing is that
make sure that like everybody that comes on feels good about their performance or or their
panel or whatever right like they come away feeling having a positive experience
i think that's a great goal it can be hard it can be hard man and i just watch the hex
conference implode on itself so um i'm well aware of how you know topics can change and
topics can come up and hot topics can be the the hot topic of the day so um it's why i'm just trying
to i think if you organize it now and a little sooner you keep a lot of that recent shit kind
of out of it so we'll see what happens like i said it's going to be an interesting year i'm
just hyped for 2024 there's a lot of huge fucking things coming up this year and i don't know about
you guys but i've been fucking killing it over on uh the chain of pulse with my friend deejann
waffle and a couple of the other boys so like i'm dude to say that like i'm not excited for a
chia bull run would be an understatement because i'm catching a little bit of green candles on
the other side and it is fucking euphoric like it is unreal to fucking actually watch those candles
just shoot up like fucking hundred 120 percent like in a day so i i can only imagine what that
feeling is going to be like for this community so i'm just excited for everybody um you know
it's going to be dude this is a year this is the fucking year okay i've said that i think the
last two years but no this is the fucking year does it sure we're gonna do shit so i feel like
it's not necessarily a make it or break it year but this is a year where we're gonna start to
break out this is a build year this is a huge build year yeah that's a huge develop year this
is going to be a huge onboard year um i mean i think if everything grows exponentially
right because that's this that's the stage we've been in during this market what we need to do is
show what the products and technology can do stop onboarding stop talking about it stop like
talking about the technology and just provide the difference show them what it can do instead of
talking about it actually this is a really good point and i i'm glad you brought it up because
i think this is the next stage of where we got to get to um that's why i'm so happy that the tang
gang and cookies and bullish and this really degenerate community is actually leaning into
chia as hard as they are um because we need that as just like hype and they just bring fun right
and sometimes it's about building the experience for the people that are here and forgetting
about yeah absolutely like the onboarding experience because that's just dry right like yeah nobody cares
right it's education people don't want to learn no yeah they just want to click buttons and have fun
and make some money yeah and and i'm starting to learn that over on pole space right and onboarding
is poor ui pretty much yeah so i don't know man i'm excited for all this shit though because
like i think we have the we're starting to get more and more of the right teams together um like
i was saying like if anybody out there is looking for marketing like the tang gang is a fucking great
place to lean into because they provide a hell of a service for very very little you know
entry right now it's very it's a very good thing just to steal the algorithm from the oranges
and and that's one of the tricks that you kind of got to learn is sometimes you got to lean
into all this other shit that pops up up on the timeline because that's how you get you know
got to extend so i don't know um fuck i i i just don't want to take over so
that's okay i already know what drac wants to talk about
i said i know what i said i know what drac wants to talk about
the fancy toys that he's been playing with these days so man i'm playing with too many fancy toys
every day it's been fun um which oh the gpt yeah gpt yeah yeah that's fun right now i'm right in the
middle of that just uh ingesting my data man so that so here's so here's an interesting caveat
that i heard croissant was doing for his project that you might actually find interesting for yours
was um he's trying to build the gpt where it interacts with itself on a certain level
as an ai when you're not there so like imagine if your tricadises could do like little actions
while you're not around and you could like come back and see what they did while you were gone
um now his project's a little bit different than yours too just in the way that it structures
like the whole point of his is to interact with your robot and then in within that interaction
it changes how your robot interacts with other robots so you can essentially train your robot
to be a piece of shit or you can train your robot to be really nice or whatever um but like
there could be some cool tie over stuff for that like maybe depending on how you talk to your
dracatus gpt will change the way your caddises evolve or the way you breathe or whatever i don't
know there could be some interesting tie-ins if you could get the the intent like the the message
intent and send that as a parameter into your your endpoint then yeah you could do something
like that but i don't know how you'd get the the intent out of the text we can oh well no you
again what we're using for dynamic story lining content um for dialogue and tie that into again
certain actions such as again which we were kind of gonna always have kind of like a fable has you
know your morality for in an instance if you're darker light um you know that can be a parameter
easily tracked with what we already have going with the op codes with everything else i'm gonna
try to get gpt to breathe and drag by the end of the night fuck yeah it should be pretty fun
but yeah there's some cool stuff i don't know i'm still getting used to gpt i'm not an ai guide
by any means so i'm still learning at all no yeah i was just saying this i was just so sorry i was
just saying while we're all three of us are actually in a room together it's been so tough
the last couple weeks um edward and jeff i'd like to in a sense tease the community a little bit
kind of what me uh and jeff of it we're talking about uh last week with um kind of like what
dracatus is like it's a game but really like what we want to do for the community is turn it into
the presentation layer of chia so like all nfts are welcome to participate in the map view um
that we're going to be producing for everyone as well as we started to develop you know our
audio system of what we're going to be developing for the game and including we want to kind of
support chia music um and providing their music to be able to be playable um in the game and through
that process um we want to talk to you edward about how to build that and how we want to and
kind of like what our vision of what we thought that would kind of look like um but you you would
be able to start building libraries now and uh as jeff you can talk more elaborately on it
we can build a player system where you load uh up cc zero playlists of your music as well
as other free cc zero music that's already on on you know the internet and we can be able to
upload those onto data layer and have those playlists available in game
yeah that's really cool i mean anything like that would really help
chia music and it's a brilliant idea it's i think playlists are something that a way underrated
spotify have stolen it and actually ruined it for me i hate spotify i've got to despise it
because it's ai generated you know the what you hear is controlled by a hidden code but
i expect the next thing i mint will be the chia music number one album which there's going
to be 10 songs on that so that would be a starting point and then from then on i'm hoping to release a
lot more music all the pieces yeah so do that as a playlist so hold on i bet brad can i just
finish so uh so all the pieces are in place for chia music i've the space aliens brings
basically free visual images people can use with the music that's about to be released
so yeah i'm hoping to mint the first album in the next i guess month
want to get that done but when that's up then that could be the first
things to like start plugging into the playlist i guess yeah and so basically we could build
subscription models so you want to mirror that uh that playlist um somebody can put a subscription
to like donate uh let's say a dollar a month towards the uh the pyramid contract and that
all goes into the proper divisions towards artists being you know that are on that playlist
and going back into the contract so again that can very easily support people be like okay so
if you want this playlist uh you know in the presentation layer which is the map of drac
you can and going through the game you can subscribe to that layer and then therefore
you're able to mirror it and play it in game
yeah well that's what chia music is really there for is to give free music to developers so they can
build stuff and uh use it however they want so if you've got a great idea for a subscription model
that can work in your game and basically like that's perfect and also you're welcome to make
the money off of it you don't have to well you know that's going to go back to china music
to the pyramid contract to split to everybody that's the whole point
yeah uh uh yeah yeah i still don't get how sorry edward i still don't get how you plan to like track
that back so like are you gonna do it by play like is it by play or like i don't understand really
how you anyway you don't have to talk about it now but that's that's a hurdle i'd have to get over
understanding how you'd want to do all that but
the rust technically is pretty easy but we could do some cool like you can just promotion stuff
we have brad stuffed in there now kind of like you know like you're in grand turismo or uh
grand theft auto and you're cruising around flipping the radio station that's a good example that's
kind of how we got going on about oh yeah you could you know pull in chia music and they could
have playlists of featured artists and we could have little radio stations because we have brad
stuff in there now that comes in really nice and cool so anyway yeah it'd be fun that's cool i
as i said i didn't don't really like spotify but the grand theft auto it's like radio stations
right i think that's pretty yeah yeah well that's kind of how we were so i've got this
new dial interface thing and yeah you could have chia music radio right right in the interface
wow or you could have box of bram you know or uh the two the 168 hour space or the 207 hour space
or the 88 hour space you know what i mean like these can all be different layers data layers
and have educational you know historic preservation of the spaces that we've created over the last you
know two years i like that idea that a song could play and then it might cut to a you know
10 second clip of bram saying something or or from the 169 hour space and uh like a classic moment
yeah that's a cool idea all right even you're able to mix them open first 39 addresses go
so 10 gang chia preferably one address for discord would i move the top
oh sorry yeah my bad thanks the art's actually pretty decent
it's in there and let me know if you can get into the to the channel the channel name is called party
girls freemen i think i unlocked the channel i don't have another spice up your life check right
now so if somebody could let me know if they got in that would be great
it's been a while since i've played with this
yes hopefully you guys can message that spot
so we're just basing our walls right in that channel are we yes please that would be the
easiest way to do it and welcome to the tang gang on chia discord
expect a lot more fun they're actually doing a lot of good stuff the h away coin on chia is uh
picking up steam and when those fat degenerates all come up rich off a pulse chain you know it's
gonna pump like a motherfucker so get your coins where you can oh we got a free minter
anyways uh yeah no worries if it doesn't fill up tonight i will
empty i'll let the tang gang uh actual tang gang know about it and they'll fill up the room
actually i should probably let them know before i get uh my head chopped off
Come to the welcome channel. Yeah never welcome. Okay. Give me a second. Call them anizer
Thank you, sir. Does anybody else need one?
just don't make it here
There I think that was you edge or no, that was the head down at the bottom. I'd be verified you as well
It's still not there
Well, give me a second here
Did verify you
Maybe I have to give you permissions. Sorry. No worries
Sorry, it's okay. I didn't realize it was a two-part
Okay, we will manage that a problem
Sorry, no worries. Thank you. You got your role you got your role
There you go
Oh space man, I can do it to you as well. Why not?
Anybody else
Make it everybody I can try to get that's it. All right
Anyways enjoy thank you sir. Freeman's are the lifeblood of crypto. I swear to God
Free man for life
That's how you make it you sit in the spaces and get the airdrops and you will live happy
You can't be afraid to sell that's the problem you got to learn how to flip the art of the flip
I know it's like a dirt. I know selling is a dirty word on Chia, but
What are you gonna do when the price is 10,000 are you gonna hit the sell button
Are you gonna go see what happens?
All right. All right. I mean
present moment
They say green hands are sorry paper hands are green hands, that's the same paper hands
So, when do I sell my space mama I've got two of them do I wait for $10,000 or
20% I don't know if that I don't know if that same rule applies for NFTs NFTs or crapshoot. I
Don't know. I don't know. I don't know when to sell your space environment. I don't know if that's the right time
Although if you got it off the SM one you get the royalties forever. So it's not a bad idea
To sell it for whatever and then buy another one for the same price
Flip it, you know what I mean? So then you have at least have a space Marmot
But at least the one with your royalties is floating around
If you had an SM one and you traded
Your SM one for a space Marmot your royalty address should be attached to your space Marmot
That's what we did. That was what was that was the whole point of getting an SM one
Was if you had an SM one token and you traded it for a space Marmot your royalties would be on the Marmot
So there's 300 space Marmot's out there that do not have our royalty address it is whoever royalties
I think Cass has a lot of them
Think Cass is a big owner of space
Smart guy
Yeah, especially with I think there's like
1100 of them sitting in the space Marmot wallet still that are not for sale. So I mean the supply has been
fucking destroyed
And I don't know if they'll ever be released
Never know
We're sitting on them for now. We haven't burnt them
We haven't decided to sell them
Things change man
That project is a little bit of a flop but what can you do can't win them all man
Like we did what we said that what we were gonna do but I feel like we could have done so much more with that
Project that's all I'm saying about that. So yes, do I say it's a little bit of a flop?
Yeah, I think we hit all our targets. We said everything that we were going to do and we did it
But could we have done that project better? Absolutely
It had a bit of everything it had controversy it was out of the box and it keeps coming up
I mean people are talking about it with regard to inscriptions that
Ordinals at all the rest of it. I mean
It is what it is, right? Yeah, that's what I mean like it has provenance. So we'll see how time affects that
And see who's talking about it still in
Don't know how this thing works man. Like this is like basically my first bull run
So I don't even know what the hell's going on half the time
I thought I mean like dude
I'm like playing around on Paul's chain and they're having like a little mini bull run and I'm like what the fuck is this what a bull
Run is like like I have no idea what the fuck is going on
Like you know green candles are actually scarier than red candles because at least you know with red candles
You're not doing anything. But once green candles come you got to start fucking sweating. What the fuck you're gonna do
Start looking at shit different
If you got to $60, I'd be I'd be fine really but yeah, if it stops going up more than that
I'll be mental
Do you know what would happen to the price of hard drives if it went above a hundred bucks they would probably double
And that's the problem too
But like, you know, what would also happen if Chia price doubled everything on the Chia blockchain would also double in value
So all your space bucks would be worth double all your sexy bucks would be worth double all of your fucking
Moon bucks would be worth double. So you guys don't understand like if Chia hits that's my retirement. I'm done
I'm just gonna live off of LP farming for the rest of my life
I won't even need to have a farm my farm will be a tinker toy that I just play with and I don't even give a shit
Don't will you still be a foods if Chia if you can retire or is it? Oh, yeah
I'll do something with no, I'll always be around as long as she is around. I
Don't know where I might not be doing this every day
Forest somewhere to get you to come and find out what to do next
I'm at least gonna do a couple things in the Chia space like I'm trying to kind of find my niche right now
I feel like the online conference is the perfect thing for me to do once a year a meet-up in Toronto is a perfect thing for
me to do once a year and then
Well, I'm doing this new like YouTube podcast thing. So that's like once a week kind of vent
So I'm starting to slowly schedule my time a little bit better
And a little bit worse at the same time. But yeah, eventually I'm not gonna be doing this day-to-day grind shit
everything's kind of set up and
rolling and and I have everything where I want it to be I'm just gonna kind of I'll like manage my portfolio once or twice of
A week and and I probably won't hang around too too much. Like I'll probably be too busy playing Dracatus half the time. Anyways
No, you'll you'll catch me on maybe Dracatus battling like I'll be like ranked number probably three or two
Not gonna say number one cuz I know there's some big-brain fucking gamers in the chia community
I have played Diablo with fucking efficient who is a fucking like master gamer
Seth Jenkins not too shabby himself
So I'm not saying that I'm gonna be number one, but I'll be up in that top ten list fucking just grinding my ass away eventually
Making the making the Dracatus coins to or whatever the
Yeah, I got some shit. I got yeah
I got plans man and and and gaming is act like, you know, web through gaming is actually one of the things I would like to
Continue this is like cuz the cool thing about Chia is like I've positioned myself early enough that like I actually do have lots
Of really big eggs, right? So like I might not be a whale on pulse chain or Bitcoin or aetherium
But on Chia totally different story. So this is my home. This is where I
Decided to take up shop. I caught it early enough and I feel like the vibe was right. So
You know, this is my this is the the fucking dream right here
This is my happy place this is where I come to escape all the other drama that I have to deal with on the day
Because now I'm a part of
actual vapor shit where
Chain, you know, I'm playing in the Richard Hart ecosystem now where like my bags could go to zero at any fucking day
So I just gotta be careful
But yeah, at least Chia is like, you know, at least all of my shit is hedged in Chia
so I'm not worried about it and I'm not bridging any Chia out or
Doing anything like that. So it's just all moon money over here
It's fucking crazy though, you guys don't even know man, like I swear to god like nobody believes me
But I've turned like twelve dollars in the fucking a couple thousand just fucking I got enough flipping NFTs
And I'm just not giving a fuck about anybody's feelings
I think that's the trick if you really want to make that number go up. You just got a like, okay
I'm getting free mints. I'm just dumping. I know it sounds stupid
But if that's like the game that you're playing and I feel like there's lots of people that play that game
So I don't know if you can it's like riding the waves constantly. It's hard and it's tiresome
But I understand it more. I understand that
Mentality a little better. I
Know what we're up against anyways
Some new times coming ahead of us have anything I'm coming up right on our rear
Don't fumble the bag
That's the trick. Don't fumble it. I
Got to tell myself that five times a day. Don't fumble the bag
Don't like you know, sometimes it's better not to press the button than it is to press the button
Yeah, sure
Sometimes it's better to press the button, but sometimes it's if you're not sure a hundred percent
You know what I mean because eventually the other flashy buttons are gonna start showing up onto you
So just be careful when you start hitting those front ends and those daps
Yeah, well that's coming very soon with what Michael's building it sounds like the his chia browser is gonna host
daps decentralized apps as well as
Basically websites internet too. So yeah, that's that's coming pretty quick
Yep, so just watch out for the shiny buttons cuz wallet connect could be a weakness as well
You are opening up your wallet
So it's always better to use offer files where you can and wallet connect I'm nervous with wallet connect I
Always fucking
Delete all that shit once I'm done using it and I've only used it a couple times
Just to try things but like a wallet connect scares the fuck out of me. It should be safe
I don't know, but it could be a weakness. Yeah
Just keep an eye on it might want to have like a wallet specifically for wallet connect
Rather than connecting here
Should ask clumsy locals to see if he can find a bug in it
He's a pretty good hacker, but if there's a problem with wallet connecting he would probably find it
Yeah, I'm not gonna find it so I just have to be careful that's how you fumble the bag oh
If you've got everything in one wallet you spend two years in cheer waiting for the bull run and you forget the wallet connect
Could have it in security that then for sure you could lose everything. So having it spread out in different wallets probably
Is sensible, you know, it's the sort of thing that someone in chicken might accidentally do keep it all in one place
Thinking how well it's been fine so far and one vulnerability, which hopefully what happened, but it's better to think worst-case scenario
I think so good point
Yeah, I don't know that's like the other thing that I'm showing like I don't know I can't wait for like some like really really
Good hard wallet support
vaulting and like better
Security stuff cuz like I'm waiting for a lot of that stuff still myself
It's getting easier, but eventually it's we're gonna need it
It's got to be like easy enough for the common man to do it or else fuck we're gonna be screwed
But yeah, like once that happens, oh man, I'll be so I'll feel so much better about like everything
Like the final Chiavall will probably be the the when I start like actually accumulating all my wallets into one
I feel like at that point
You know with the all the all the
Authentications maybe to I don't like that way
I don't have to manage like a hundred sets of keys because I have so many fucking sets of keys right now
Whether it be like pulse chain aetherium fucking B&B
Fucking Chia, you know Chia Chia alone. I probably have like fucking 25 sets of keys
Can't remember all them
It'd be nice to get to one set of keys that you could just memorize like the Bitcoin Maxis
They all have their 12 words memorized and they don't even have them written down on paper
Or you fall over on behind the head people do fall I
Mean, yeah, yeah, you probably would want to have it
But like for the most like I mean bury it somewhere or something
I don't know leave a trail to flus like a treasure hunt
I've thought about this a fair amount like what's the best way to secure a password and
If there's no perfect way every way has a risk and yeah memorizing it and basically forgetting it is
like that I'd have to be infuriating but burying it I suppose the worms could eat it could it or
Forget where it was bomb could go off there. There's no perfect solution at this point as far as for sure
There's no perfect solution, but there's you know more secure ways you just try to use metal or something
Just use offer files and fucking I don't know man
Like I tried not to use my computer as much as I can now that my computer is got a lot of feel on it
Because I don't want to click links on my computer and get fucking scraped that way
Well, I'm sure my ethereum wallets would go first so I'm not too worried like if my ethereum wallets all of a sudden get drained
I'm like, oh fuck. I better go fuck it
Cuz they're gonna want to go after a theory. I'm in Bitcoin first
Unless they're like the like thousand IQ big-brain fucking person actually looking for it
Yeah, for the most part I feel like my ethereum wallets just kind of like are like almost like a padding cuz they're just gonna be
Like Oh metamask
Yeah, I'm curious if anyone here has
Seen the space aliens license Chia music space aliens license what their thoughts are in it
It's by the way
The first one is up for auction currently and there's going to be 50 auctions in the build up to the Harvey the world record from
young Bradley Wallace
I think the money is in the license of it. I've thought a lot about it and
put a lot of ideas into it, but yeah, I'm curious if what people think of it and
It's on mint garden at the moment. By the way, the first one is it's the only one which she relief sunglasses
Which I cleared with gene. He said that it's it's fine
Yeah, the first one is pretty cool. And also the third one is the first Joe Wallace beanie
Which has got time-lord IP link to it. So that's coming up in 48 hours
Crisis 1 XCH currently the bidding is 1.25 for the number one. So I'm pretty happy with that
Very excited
Yeah, there's nine Joe Wallace's in there I
Love just hearing the gal. Wow a second ago. I
Guess oh, yeah white noise get out
You're used to it
I'll go and wait on the balcony for when it comes again
Hell yeah, see
Me nightmares man
Why did it go galhouse give you nightmares
Because we have a
Bird exactly the same and they start at 3 a.m
If you are unlucky to have one close by you it is a nightmare. Yeah, I can't have a lot
Wax earplugs. That's how I do wax earplugs on two pillows
You have to sandwich your head between two pillows and like press it down whilst having earplugs in and the other
I can vouch for that
Welcome Edward
Yeah curious Edward, what's your thoughts on the
No SSD because you mentioned it
I think first on the spaces or one of the first and then recently the Nakamoto coefficient has gone down
So that's something to keep our eyes on I guess but yeah other any updates on it and what's we have expanded thoughts on it
Cheers a rug that's what's going on
They look it's just something that we're gonna have to live with
Hopefully the chip 22 goes through
There's two farmers there
in no SSD that have
Four and a half EIB
If we can convince them those two farmers to re-plot
After chip 22 things will be a lot better
How does chip 22 make people re-plot what's the incentive
That's a tough question and there's no real incentive except to be to get the NC
Back up to where it needs to be
My argument to them is if they get the NC back up
It increases the value of Chia as you know from a marketing standpoint
Because that was one of the big
Differentiators between us and a lot of other cryptos
I think that's a great way to go about it
Yeah, you just have to say look
You know if you re-plot Chia will become more valuable. Yeah
long game futures
How many exit bites did you say they they have
It's four and a half. There's
There's one farmer. That's three EIB and one that's one and a half
And that was explained to us by
Chia and China
So it's not one person either like that three I be a big group. Yeah, they're a collective, you know
And they're using no SSDs
Yeah, I wonder who
Like what I know of art network, which is in Poland and they're a big giant farm
That's commercial that's invested into
Chia and they they've you know farm Chia
You know as a company, so I wonder what the total of their farms, you know commercially equate to
What were they there before?
GPU plotting. Oh, yeah. Yeah, they might not have re-plotted actually be a good question to ask them
Yeah, I'll I'll make a message out to I know one of the the team members
He's been a guest in here before and I'm in a couple
Groups with him. So I'll make a message and ask
Yeah, it'd be interesting to see how many big farmers
Didn't re-plot when GPU plotting became a thing
Yeah, just maybe they again weren't invested into machines with GPUs so what you know, maybe that
That gap is keeping them from doing it. Yeah. Yeah, and you know, they might have already had an ROI from
day one, you know, so
They could just cruise I
Know a lot of people who just never re-plotted and they're really really happy with how things are going, you know
Because it just sits there and
It was paid off, you know a year ago sure
But CNI there they know some things, you know, there's some I
Don't know if you saw but they unblocked a pretty big spend bottle spend bundle and today
You know I see that and they use the above 50%
limit of the mempool or the block sorry of a block to get it through and
Jean confirmed it was somebody on CNI staff that has a large enough farm to get about a block a day
And then he said so we got the edge case out and now we're working on a fix for a future release
Hmm so I asked him and he has an answer back like is that space usable?
Addressable, you know, in other words, can you choose to do something only in that space and apparently
Some people know how to do it
What's the main advantage of using the no SSD versus
Let's say the official what's it's easy to use and
Their compression level their ultimate compression level is a little bit higher than
Giga horses and quite a bit higher than play bit
But it links everything to one key or something so
Yeah, that the farmer address is no SSD
You don't currently mind the blocks you don't sort of sorry. You don't sign the blocks like everyone else does
When I say everyone else there are some other og sorry non og
No, the correct word is proprietary blocks
Out there I think H pull was one
And I think Foxy has one
It's just it's only a pain from the NC point of view and hopefully we can get that sorted
Are there any ramifications if they can't
If the chip 22 doesn't let's say fix it other other things that could happen or
Yeah, like I have
Jokingly suggested just force everyone to go to you know a giant plot size
That's impossible to be
Farmed with the GPU
But that's a pretty draconian measure anyway
But if it was a you know, if it was something that
the community agreed on
It would effectively render around no SSD and
pretty much giga horse
But it would just practically mean everyone would have to re-plot from k32
Because you'd get rid of that. Is that you're saying the minimum plot size would go higher. Yeah. Yeah
think that there's
small plot size for
Regular miners for farmers. Whatever is quite an important thing
I think so if that went that could have no conflicts in its own, right?
Yeah, I don't I don't think it's a viable solution. I think I think we can actually live with the NC
Because if you look at the rest of the crypto crypto community nobody gives a crap about it
And it is one number as well like let's be fair cheers
more decentralized by the fact that it's peer-to-peer even if the Nakamoto coefficient is
Statistically lower not to make an excuse but I'd still feel more secure using cheer
I think at least today, I mean, I suppose you can change every year
and a lot of people make the mistake of
Comparing no SSD to other pools rather than the overall amount of
Farming addresses there are
Don't know if anyone saw the AMA today
They've done the first q1 AMA
I've only got 20 minutes in or so, but they talked about the ethereum bridge so far
about halfway through that but
Is it on YouTube it?
Yeah, yeah, it's a YouTube
popped up on Twitter first, but
Jean's got an eye infection
Is he wearing a pirate patch
Stupid you too bad. Sorry say again. Is he wearing a pirate patch?
No, actually
So I think Pennywise did a man like it's a terminator. I
You know what he's got
Very good, um, it's food still online like to speak
Where was this conference suggested to be held, right? I
Miss that. Oh, it's online
Yes, you won't miss it. You don't have to fly anywhere go anywhere
You can experience it from the glorious place. We call the couch
September 26th
28 oh, yes, my anniversaries
28 I can post I just posted
Kind of most recent updated it into a little bit of tweaking but
And kind of updating it as I go along
During regular time, the level of the lake is up 15 feet
It's in the nest
Put it in the nest
confirmed guests are
Myself feature Dora yak digital space for ace fail Seth to uh, Seth Janks
We got uh bullish and gooey at least
Michael Taylor dusty Daryl
We got steve josh, Preston
Brett and dylan and grant so far
I'm just hoping to have dexy lined up shortly
Um, i'd love to have lucas and a left join in somewhere
I got a few more people to reach out to but I got lots of time
So just trying to make sure I cover
All of the important chia people i'd love to reach out to like space pool
I mean, I wonder if we can get no ssd but we'll
Go after the small fish first and we'll work our way up to some bigger fish
Uh, i'm pretty sure eventually
You know gene and bram themselves are going to be the biggest two, uh photos on that conference sheet
And all those other people will start getting smaller and pushed off to the sides but um
Yeah, until we have the official confirmation of the
Bigger speakers. I will just keep kind of that's what I mean
You'll watch everybody just kind of float off to the top and to the side and get smaller and
I'll make sure everybody can fit on one
One spot i'm having fun with it. Anyways
Yeah, watch out for that ever-evolving panel
Yes, I think me and edward would definitely would like to do something
Uh during the conference
I just need uh the graphics that you would like to use
Uh, edward has not sent me anything yet. I don't know if he wants me to use his profile picture. He might want
something else
Uh, and you as well can send me something and I will
Put you on there. Um, i'm still like I said if anybody yeah, like invite yourself on this is the perfect time to do so before uh
You know, we get too many people and I got to be like whoa, but we also have 12 hours of content. So
Lots of room guys lots of room
And you don't have to be there on the 28th either. I should probably make that clear
Um, I don't expect everybody to be able to make it
Some of the people your time and place might actually not be on the day of the conference
We might actually hold a couple panels
Leading up to the conference that are going to be pre-recorded
so you might actually get away with being able to just watch it on the day of and
Go on your panel sooner
So because we're going to try to accommodate people that might not necessarily be there like
So if jean can't make it on the 28th understandable, we'll try to pre-record a message from him
You know what? I mean like a week before or whatever
Or if he'd like to be on a panel like we'll give him like like I said, we'll give some of the larger
guests a little bit more leeway with what they want to do especially somebody like jean and ram so
If they want to like go on together themselves and do like their own little thing
We'll give them the time to do that. We'll we'll facilitate kind of
how they would like to present because I know they kind of
Generally the the larger the guests the more they care about the public facing image. So we'll
You know figure that out as we go
But yeah, like so we'll probably might end up doing some pre-recorded stuff. Like I said i'd like to have
um, I like to give like any artists or musicians time to
um, you know make little music videos or
uh, I don't know
little advertisements if you're
Dracatus like, you know little gameplay excerpts or whatever
So that's kind of the deal right now is uh have all your demos have all your
Your shit ready to go and think start thinking about it now because uh, yeah, we'll demo everything in that day
Um, we'll do uh, like hopefully there's a lot more stuff to kind of play with
And I think it'll be the right time. I think the 20 I think september is
Is going to be kind of like going leading into the actual like what we would call bull run and uh, if it doesn't happen sooner
Uh, if not, then maybe it'll be cooling off a little bit. So it'll be the perfect time to uh
Get together, I don't know. So who knows like I just feel like it's a good time. It's gonna be good timing
I don't know why I feel like that will be good timing. I just feel like it's gonna be good timing, right?
tomorrow is definitely too soon and
Uh, you know like next year is not going to cut it either. I think
kind of right in the middle
I don't know. We'll see. It'll be fun. If anybody else wants to come on you're more than welcome
And like I said, we're not gonna it'll be as least amount of drama bull for those who can nobody will be uh
Speaking with anybody they don't want to because I know there's a couple different camps forming along the chia lines too. So
I understand I uh
Here to facilitate good conversation
It's gonna be our first one man
We like let's at least ruin like the third or the fourth one, you know by like chia conference 2028
We can just all get on there and fucking yell at each other and argue and just call each other
Liars and scammers and cheaters and shit, but at least for the first one, let's play nice
Like I understand it's gonna evolve over time and there'll be more like I said
It'd be kind of funny if something like really uh
Controversial happens leading up to the conference. I feel like that'll make for a really good
content so
Not afraid of that. Uh
I don't know. I'd like to invite somebody like black tron on to somebody that's been out of the community for a little bit
That might be worth revisiting
Uh, he used to be a strong critic of chia. So
But he's still a fan at the same time like understands the technology
So, well, that'd be nice to get from the old maybe the older the old old gilden
I think it's a really cool idea looking forward to it
Yeah, what what I mean, it'd be kind of fun to have some other events too
Like I hope other people can come up with some fun things to do around them too
Like uh work adventure. I think will be kind of fun. Ace field is definitely keen on doing another work adventure
That's the for anybody that doesn't remember. That's the one where we all went into that little 2d room and we watched gene on the big screen
That's like a movie kind of you know, we're all sitting together
I think that works better than spatial to be honest
That seemed to be perfect because you play videos on that stage and it feels like you're in attendance at something
uh, and also there's the lore of gene being on stage at the last one so
I don't know. We had a we had a pretty successful
thing with future adora and the tang gang a couple weeks ago where we had a bunch of people come in to watch her video
Like there's a little bit less barrier to entry because it's a lot easier to use and it's more done for you
Where spatial there's a little bit of a learning curve
Especially if you're not like music playing video games on computers
Spatial is a weird one. It's got pretty much everything
But it it's going backwards really in the way in usability. It's uh
The I don't know they probably lack leadership something but
When you first recommended it when was that god eight months ago?
It ran so smoothly. It was simple, but it's like they're trying to recategorize it as a
Gaming worlds rather than a metaverse world sort of place
It's still pretty good, but I don't think it is as good and when something goes from being very good to not as good
That's a warning sign for me, but it's still good. But uh
Yeah, no, I understand what you're talking about
But that's what like I said too, like we don't want to we don't have to lean into this very hard
It's just a good place to get started and like look at all we've learned from just fucking around in that bit. So
We still use it for the tang gang like I said, I still think there's a point to it
But there's a little bit higher learning curves. It's free though. That's the best part is like it's still free
So yeah, we could incorporate it
I just like I said, like I my main focus is doing this youtube production with bullish
um and like being like the host or whatever for that so like
I unfortunately can't do everything for the conference. So I mean if anybody wanted to do stuff they can uh
like I said step in and and we'll uh, bring you into the group and
We'll get you in early and we'll get you uh, see whatever
resources we can
Um, hopefully i'd like to have a front end eventually
But we'll we'll I have there's lots of time for that stuff. That's why i'm doing the same once in advance. So
um, fuck if I if it wasn't if I wasn't so busy with fucking trying to track drag down every day and uh,
trying to fucking
Orange gooey from going uh nuclear on the timeline even though we kind of did anyways, uh
Anyways, so we're just fucking rolling with the punches at this point
What are you up to lately art how's your leg doing I know you uh shattered it there is it getting a little any better
Yeah, I had my three-week checkup yesterday. Um, so I gotta wait another five weeks before I can be approved to put
Full pressure and start walking again
Um, so just been chilling making some music, you know hanging out with the drag team and uh
Got some cool shit in the works
we took a bad situation that we were adults and we're kind of making lemonades out of lemons and uh
got some really cool things and and some some possible solutions, uh, you know for you and your your youtube page and uh
A lot of other issues that we deal with, you know over here on social media such as
Censorship and and dealing with you know
Centralized services basically blocking your information, um that they don't agree with
Did you get it is it casted
What's up you got a cast on it and everything still
air cast my wife is a pt so um
They just put an air cast so that she can you know, work the range of motion and and you know get it healed
Faster than probably the average, you know person is able to do to you know professional help in the house
So it's good, but it's a big break. It's a try try malleolar fracture, which is I cracked the
Two heads off of my tibia and then I fractured my fibula
Yeah, so my foot snapped straight up after I fell off the
Ladder 15 feet. I tried to catch myself on my tailgate and then my foot went straight upwards
Ladders kill people guys. So be very very careful. I've actually uh been climbing the ladder and then um
As I was coming down my foot was stuck in between the rungs and because it kind of like fell down on me
Oh man, I was freaking out. I've never freaked out so much in my life
Fucking hurt too. Those big ladders are not like
I can feel your pain, man. Oh man, I
Construction scares the shit out of me, dude. I've done like especially like uh, so I did I did construction like that like
Basements i'm okay with foundations and forming. I actually like forming
Concrete i'm okay with even though it's super deadly and super dumb to work with
I like concrete because at least you're on the fucking ground most of the time. You're not like 30 feet in here
But I caught myself on the tailgate, so that's what made it 15 feet
man, thank
Thank god. No, that's what my leg
Was tailgate
Yeah, I tried to catch myself. I landed just on like the palm of my foot
And my my leg just snapped straight upward. So then that was it
I get I oh see I get what you're saying. So you were kind of facing away from the tailgate
And yeah, I tried to tell and you land onto it
Now that I could see it happening that actually
Yeah, it was fun
So have you developed a painkiller addiction
Nope, um, I was actually part of a double-blind study
Um that they're doing too with part of the hospital
Um on like pain and everything with that so I did a follow-up on that yesterday with the surgeon as well
Um, but I only took um my pain meds at nighttime to sleep
What meds were they
Um, they gave me oxycontin and again, I was trying to stay away from opioids stuff like that
And so that he gave me a less addictive version of um, which is basically a lower version which is tramadol
Yeah, I I've had tramadol the
Can't beat valium. I love valium. That stuff's awesome
Yeah, even like the so when I first happened they gave me fentanyl in the hospital and that wasn't touching the pain
and then the next day after
They had splinted me wrong at the at the er
So I went in the next day and I was in a level 10 pain was worse than when I broke it
Um, so they resplinted me and gave me a hit of ketamine. I I
Disassociated from myself was turned into adams and then put back in my body, you know 30 minutes later
Um, and my pain was back down to like a four which is great
And they resplinted me and I that was probably the most pain that I was in was a second day
Oh, that's a good one. I used to like that one in high school
That is fucked I I
I tried that recreation only once as a teenager or twice that shit is fucking disgusting
It's interesting again, so dissociative very similar to dnt
If you do it in low doses
You actually feel drunk without feeling drunk if you know what I mean, like you don't get that really drunk
Yeah, that's very different. If you do it in high doses though, you fucking go away
It's also a great way to re-up. Um, if you're coming down from a trip
It puts you back at like peak level and everything goes super slow during that period of time. So
Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah, I've mixed it
Uh a rave wants to
I don't remember too much about that night though
That was wild as a kid
No joy, yes
No, it's fun that you're on all like they could get and prescribe that shit because it's you need it when you're in pain
Like that man. I can only imagine fuck. Yeah
The most pain I was like crying in pain like
crying in pain
And so they're like, all right gonna give you a little push academy and I was yup gone I was
Seinfeld I can hear in the background like you're totally aware of your surroundings. You're just somewhere else
All the same time everybody although all the women sound like fran from the nanny
Ah that fucking really weird voice. Let's look
Oh poor art man, well at least you got lots of
I mean blessing in disguise that you got all this free time to work on chia shit now like I mean
Not not a bad second job
Yeah, i've been trying to record a song a day to trying to keep out of that, you know, depressive mindset of not being able to do anything
Looking for some like data entry jobs. Try to get some money coming in for the next couple months while i'm laid up
Now it's time to become a professional cryptocurrency trader
I heard uh, you know lucas and uh, uh, nlf they uh, they run a space, uh once a day and they got lots of really good, uh
300 club is doing fucking awesome. Um, alif's been doing that. I wish I again
I had the money to invest into it, but at this point we're you know, cleaning out savings every week from me not working
New house payment truck payment insurance payments add up. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. My wife's going to the same shit
Love man fucking in and food is double the price that it was like a year and a half ago
Like I remember well, the food is the same purchasing power has just gone down
Oh like fuck I don't know i i've been seeing inflation a lot more when I go shopping lately
Well, that's all it is though
Right so the food still costs the same energy to be created and taken from one place to another
The purchasing power of the dollar is just less
The illusion of blame of putting it on the
Like the stores is the difference in that statement versus the actual like
Again, it's like having a proof of whiskey, you know, we we were at 92 proof and now we're down to like
You know 70 proof
That's why uh, crypto is a better asset class
Isn't price of food in america largely dependent on what state you're in
I mean as all goods it's dependent on you know, how good that how close that manufacturer is to the distribution chain
Yeah, it's fair
Yeah, I pay a lot more for my goods where I live because i'm in the
Mini-gritty fringes of society. So I definitely feel it more when I the prices go up
Because even shipping here is a lot more
I mean even look at like mcdonald's and burger king like you can't get of like a value meal for like
13 to 16 dollars now
I know but if you think about it though, if you
It's still almost cheaper to fucking eat fast food than it is to go buy like a nice fucking hamburger
Well, that's everything right and then you also have shrinkflation, which is reducing the amount of things
That's inside of the the cases and packages
But still charging and charging more yeah, but overall changing the amount is in the package
Yeah, that's sneaky fucking bullshit. I hate when they do that shrink relation
So going from like four ounces to three and a half ounces inside of a chip bag, you know
So how much is a happy meal?
All right, I don't know because i'm not a frequent
Uh customer of mcdonald's I don't know either
But again, there's no dollar meal anymore. It's all like two two plus
Yeah, I remember when you could get like a burger for like a dollar 99 and shit and then now you're paying at least four bucks
Oh, I remember again paying literally a dollar menu mcchicken and a double cheese
Man those are two bucks now or 179 for a mcchicken or something like that 189
See that's funny in canada we never had a dollar we had dollar drinks, but we always had the two dollar
Well, you always had two dollars. Yeah, because it's worth what was in the 90s worth half the american dollar
Yeah, it was about 64 or five cents I remember when I first started actually understanding the price as a dollar
And then we went to parody in 2008 right before the collapse or just after
We were actually running was worth like I think almost like a dollar 10 or a dollar 20 at one point
Because I remember my grandpa. I was living with him at the time and he was just scooping up american money
He's like fuck it. I I go to america all the time. Like this is a great investment
Yeah, american bank account just started funneling money to it
Dude, that's arbitrage if you fucking like watch that shit old school. Yeah
Yeah, that's like old school accounting arbitrage foreign market investments
Yeah, my stepfather when he went to war in iraq he came back with like ten thousand dollars worth of
americans worth of uh, like iraqi cash
So that in the future if it went, you know back up it would go up significantly
So therefore that would be worth way more
Yeah, that's you know, that's what I love about crypto i'm learning about money so much better like I will never have
Somebody manage my retirement portfolio for me ever. I will always forever manage retirement
Like i'm like, what why do I need a fucking rsp when I can just fucking figure it out myself now at this point
Like getting into the traditional market is the hard part
Yeah, you're learning about finance not just money right because money is is a very vague thing
Yeah, actually learning about the market and like understanding the cycles and the
And just the trends right the cycles are a little bit different than trends
Trends tend to follow the cycles, but that's fuck
That's the whole point is like when you start getting into the theory theory of market. That's when you really
Sometimes yeah
But their cycles oddly are
You know, they they're
Very cyclical. Yeah, they're super cyclical. They're very consistent
I don't know like it's good to learn though. Like I said, like you then you don't you're not as scared of it
Have money too, which is the other thing because people are completely scared of it
It's more money more problems though at the end of the day, I don't give a shit when anybody says
99 problems would see anyone
Listen, I know people that fucking would never give a shit about this a day in their life. They'd
Fucking live on the goddamn fringes of society and they're happy doing that shit
Nothing wrong with the fringes
Well, you live in the middle, but fuck I don't know we're intense on my favorite
Some people just like simple man
Well, I think as a whole she is pretty simple
It's very humbling to be in crypto and live where I live because i'll tell you right now nobody for
Around fucking gives a shit about it
My wife is pretty indifferent about it. I'm sure
I think it's coming around in the public eye. Like I was commenting last week. I watched lift
The new Kevin Hart movie on uh on netflix and they they said the whole like premise half that is about nfts
So I was really surprised on that
Uh, yeah, I should let everybody that's new to the stage know that I shared a discord invite
There is a free nft giveaway going on if you look for the channel and drop your address in there
First 39 addresses get a free nft
Five six seven, so that means that there's still 32 more free nfts if you want one
I got a pop screen on my basement if you want them discord in the nest
And if you guys don't scoop them up, I know the tang gang will tomorrow so
Um, this is your free chance. This was I I told uh
You should have actually came I invited him to come
He's one of the tang gang members
His name where did he go?
Is it bingo?
Shit I have so many dms
Then bingo for
Pretty much. Yeah
Oh gosh dang
Oh, it's uh the coup curtis
That's who it was. It's party girl's
tang gang. Yeah
I think he's going to be doing another part of the mint as well
So the good thing with like the tang gang and all these mints is they always include you into airdrops
So I don't know if anybody's seen like all the airdrops that tom pepe was doing recently
But those were a lot of those were
Tang gang related artwork
So they're all about the giveaway economy over there
So if you own one of the pieces chances are it will get you into future airdrops and shit, which is uh
You know if you're in a tea person like myself, it's wicked
Like giving away free create ch
Well, I know I slid in and I claimed mine
Space alien one I just saw it 38 minutes ago. Sorry food
No, it was drac, uh, go ahead drac
I was just saying foods. I don't know what kind of pull you got over there, but I um
Edward was saying he couldn't get into the discord there
Because he's all tapped out and maxed out. So if you send me two i'll make sure I fire it over
I don't know how that works. Whatever
But edward, can you get in there yet? Have you been able to get in i've been
Uriously trying to unsubscribe from all my discord groups
Queen series pallets is in there hash green dx. There's some classics here. I feel bad unsubscribing
Send me your address and i'll uh, send it to the guy
No, yeah, i'm dude I
There's 32 left. So until I see that there's not 32 left
Like I said i'll jump into freemen friday tomorrow and they'll be gone within a couple minutes
So I said I would come and give the chia community first grabs because it's not a huge community
So anybody that was lucky enough to come into the space tonight would get one
Um, and then there's one
Um, they're giving away more
Monkeys who's going to give away another few more on sunday as well during his space. So
For anybody that even misses this freemen. There's going to be another freemen on sunday
So no worries, but uh, yeah i'll i'll help anybody in here that wants one right now
All right, we'll post it
There we go got it
And oh, I see steps there
But yeah, they should airdrop you
All right, thanks either airdrop you or send you an offer file. I don't know
It'll be tom pepe that uh sense. I believe
He's a good guy
He's the one that asked me to help him out so
I was gonna host my own space, but I don't know man i'm going on with monkey suit tomorrow on youtube. So
Okay, i'll save myself
Just come and hang out with you guys for a bit
Well, we enjoy having you here
Yeah, I know I figured drac might come today too I got a corner that guy i'm gonna frickin real get on to him
Eventually you get the more links. He gives me the more access I have the more i'm gonna find him. So
I'm here man. I'm here
We're gonna get I just want to get this goddamn nft project out of the way so I can stop talking about it
Did you say you're off tomorrow?
Yeah, i'm off tomorrow. I'm uh streaming with monkey zoo at 10 a.m
And then immediately after that i'm free for the rest of the day
So your 10 is my
No, it'd be here a little the other way. Yeah
Before two o'clock my time is best so
Uh, I can try waking up early, but you said you had a meeting
At 10 a.m
So 10 a.m
9 a.m. My time
Because I was gonna say I could meet I could try to wake up early tomorrow
We could do 9 30 if my meeting's only gonna be about a half hour. So 9 30 and more dude
10 o'clock something like that
No, I gotta stream with monkey zoo you nerd
Oh, yeah, okay. Well, whatever
Uh, we're gonna get this done our schedule sucks never gonna work we're busiest people around. Um, no, this is um
So what i'll do is we'll do it for an hour. That'll be from
Uh 11 to 12 year time and then uh, we can go 12 to 2
If that makes sense
I can also try waking up before your meeting too
Like I can just fucking whatever like dude if it if it means I have to wake up at 5 a.m one day
Whatever life's a bitch. Sometimes you just gotta wake up at 5 a.m
So, uh, what time is that for you six, so I don't know you up at 6 a.m
All right, well
Okay, google set an alarm for 5 a.m
There that bitch is gonna wake me up now
I'm gonna need to get coffee, but uh, yeah, we'll do like, uh, 6 30 give me a half an hour to go grab a coffee, you know
Fuck it. We'll just pound it out
I just want to get it out of the way like i'm not in a rush to do it
But like i'm just in a rush to i'm just sick of talking about fucking
Although I don't know if anybody knows this but my honk token on paul's chain is that like a 26 000 market cap right now
Which i'm pretty proud of
Just not not financial advice. I don't know what the market cap is on chia, but I don't think it's that high
I'm loving paul's chain. I'm not a paul's chain maxi by any means but goddamn like it's so much like
Chia is like watching dry like paint dry
You know what I mean? It's not a super ton of fast moving flashy objects
Whereas like paul's chain is the complete opposite right now. It's like there's an nft boom
So like remember when like nfts first came out on chia
Everybody was so fucking pumped about nfts because like nobody owned nfts. Nobody
Played with nfts before you know what I mean? Like it's that kind of vibe
Because all of them have been waiting for like two and a half years almost three years for fucking paul's chain to launch
So none of them got to play with nfts really that much
A lot of them are like buying nfts for the first time
So it's like that whole vibe over there where it's like a gold rush of just everybody enjoying nfts for the first time
um, so that's fun to be a part of because you know, it's like uh,
You know, you're like establishing that kind of side of whatever that bullshit's gonna be
foods, but I say it's like
Distilling a nice whiskey, you know, it's like you're aging it and it takes a while sometimes
It's like the craft of it
Yeah, if you want to look at it like that I've been fucking looking at like that for too long i'm just I want to drink
the whiskey at this point
But um, yeah, no, I understand yeah, that's probably a better way of looking at it because the product
You know the more it ages the better it tastes
Yeah, and as long as you're building, you know what I mean like
You're working at it
That's what's important, right?
Yeah, if you're just letting it sit and you let your wine sit and you don't turn your barrels, you know
That that is a chance of the it going bad
but you know what I mean if you're you're carefully attending it and continuing to
You know craft it and take and take care of it and watch after it be the product that you're looking for in the end, you know, that's
What it's really about and that's what's really going to be the difference between you know
Being a fucking pump and dump or uh, you know being a lasting
Utility within the community
Oh spoken like a true corn farmer, you know, you can't rush the corn crops. You gotta make sure to
Grow them properly
Yeah harvest them at the rat time
No, I get it
Come on man. Am I not dude? I I didn't complain most of last year
Now i'm bored again
You know, i'm just saying there's there's different perspectives to it, you know
All depends on uh, your your actions being put forward in a sense
You know if you're satisfied with those results or if you're looking for you know
Equity back from the time spent already
I don't know. I'm just having fun diversifying. Anyway, so I think that's the main thing is uh
It's nice to get out and spread my wings
Especially when chia is going to be getting all of this shit eventually like learning how liquidity pools actually work
Oh, man, I can't wait until yak gets me to be liquidity working that it will be the fucking king
Because then you won't even have to worry about fucking that it's going to be the
It's like grid trading with liquidity. It's the most amazing thing ever
I i'm just learning it but like playing with the liquidity ratios is fucking
Because then you can set your you can almost it set your
impermanent loss
You can set stops on it if you know how to play with it. So i'm fucking loving it man. It's like
That's the trick
Full range liquidity like so this is what we have with um
With a yak's swap right now. It's full range liquidity
Where you have to provide equal amounts of both side
So you have equal amounts of risk on the xch side and you have equal amounts of risks on the
Space bucks dexy bucks, whatever side
in a v3 liquidity pool
You can set your range when you put it when you add liquidity
So that like it you only have to provide one side of the coin if you set it the right way
So you only have to provide space bucks or xch. You don't have to provide both. So what it is essentially is
when somebody um
Swaps space bucks for xch and you have all of your
Like a one-sided xch you're going to be buying space bucks at lower prices
If you have a one-sided you're going to be selling it. But what it does is is it
Doesn't jeep the chart. So you're exiting your position
By strengthening the vol the the liquidity it's actually fucking brilliant
Like I cannot wait for you guys to like for this to come and for people to understand what i'm talking about because
You guys will be so much happier
But I know it sounds like a bunch of like just big words and dumb things
But once you can actually play with the little slidey bars and shit, you'll fucking understand what i'm saying
It's uniswap v3 is what i'm talking about right now we're on uniswap v2 basically v1 with a twist
Big words
Oh man, come on are you come from the ethereum ecosystem? You must know a little bit about the dexes. Maybe not so much about lp providing
Yeah, not so much about lp providing and i'm just teasing about both the the big words
No, I think it's important to see all the different utilities and value, you know through, uh different chains and ecosystems
So, um, I I never think that's a negative thing for our community community to be out, you know
Stretching in different directions that uh, you know may hold value like I said our utility
Uh to you know the different, you know interests of the community
Well, like this is this is the cool thing that like I don't even know if a lot of people in the chia community ever
Think about like what about like having something like wrapped crow?
Like a coup coin like a crypto.com coin or a wrapped coup coin or
A wrapped I don't know coinbase fucking coin. I don't even know what the fuck the coinbase go install it over you never use coinbase
But um, you know, what if you could actually like that's what this bridge is going to really start. I think
Incorporating is the idea of being able to bring
valuable coins from other chains over to chia and have that provide value, uh to chia, um
But like you could go the other way too where you could mint
Like crow and then try to get it recognized because there is ways of doing that too
So like I don't know. So I don't know
There's just some interesting caveats with bringing other projects onto the chain whether it be with wrapped or whether it be with minted coins
I don't know because like you got to understand like a lot of that stuff's forked over, right? So
Um on paul's chain, it's kind of it's actually interesting because it would work a lot the same similarly to chia
Uh, you're kind of bringing value over you're bridging it over. There's really no value on the chain unless you give it value
I don't know interesting stuff. Like I uh, it's definitely worth looking into guys. I know we're all nft degenerate farmers, but
The markets are uh maketh the crypto
I'm pushing this hard now trying i'm not a very good educator when it comes to this stuff. I I can
I understand it the way that I understand it. So explaining it is hard
Yeah, I think it's the important thing whether the method of of education or uh, you know
Transferring knowledge to somebody else that that's not really necessarily important. And you know, uh, if your excitement
Um again inspires somebody else that is interested in you know, the same things that that's really what it's about
Yeah, and and like I said like it's for
The the best part about things like liquidity pools and dexes and like tybette swap and and dexi
Is if you don't have a big chia farm and you're not a big chia farmer
That's where your bread and butter is going to come from
That's where you can provide your social consensus
Right at that that layer at the like kind of chia layer two level
That would be where cats and nfts kind of sit
Even though it's not like a true layer two
It's kind of you know what you know what I mean like on ethereum they kind of call it like a layer two where it's like
All tokens built on top of ethereum are l2s
So it's like that idea
Yeah, like it's all still layer one bullshit. Like it's just coins built on top of ethereum
Like it's still layer one, but they call them layer twos depending on the scope of
How they build like I mean you can call forks kind of like layer twos as well sometimes
That's not really the true definition
So it's just like
So like you can make a really good home for yourself on the layer too
And like it's like earning that dollar per day that you would be if you were farming
right, so you put your space bucks in your xch into that pool and maybe you earn if
You know with the right amount of volume and liquidity
And and and and pressure you actually might earn
Like, you know twenty thirty dollars a day just in fees
like I it's crazy to think about but like
Even just with the tangang h o a stuff like it's not hard to earn five six seven eight dollars a day in fees
on a good day
And that's for a little guy like me
I can only imagine what some of the bigger bags on that chain are fucking pulling in
possibly hundreds of dollars a day
right, so like you start looking at that scale and like
Understanding like okay, if I own one percent of space bucks, which is 10 million space bucks
You know, I could potentially in the right market conditions be earning enough off that space bucks that I don't even have to do anything
Else other than just have that space bucks working for me in liquidity
And it would just be buy it just make basically making fees
passive income
Passive income. Yeah, that's what exactly what it is
And it it's for people that are in a position like we are that we're here early that have the tokens
to earn passive income
When people start coming and buying the coins
um now I think pairing
Shit coins on chia that say like, you know, I think space bucks is still technically a shit coin
Even though we give it this let's high social value
but like pairing
Your good coins like like chia with shit coins like I don't know
Moon bucks or whatever that is very dangerous
but when you can start
Pairing things like moon bucks and space bucks
Well that gets really interesting because now you're locking up value without really giving up anything
You know what? I mean like you're still holding your xch but now you're earning
dollar per day value depending on the the swing of space bucks and
And and I don't know like it's an interesting web that you can weave
And if you play the right ratios and there's numbers to it
But like it's the math is just like if you're a math person and you can start fucking figuring out like the what the math
actually means
And this whole idea of like x times y equals k which is
Stupid algebras, but it's very simple
Um, you can google it i'm not gonna fucking go over it too much, but like that whole idea is interesting
Like thinking of impermanent loss is not as impermanent loss, but that's like a a value of
Very interesting very interesting
So it's like, you know if you plan on being in chia for the next
I don't know 10 15 years
You definitely want to learn how to do this because that's where your money is going to work for itself the most
Unless you have like a hundred thousand dollars to put down on hard drives
So just what i'm saying guys like i'm trying to tell you like it might be worth like trying, uh, the
Investopedia decks guides now because when the deep like the real shit coin defy people start coming to chia. It's going to be
And I would hate for people to get wrecked that i've been here for the since the beginning
I would just it would destroy me to see the dgens like the actual players that come in and play those numbers all the day
Just come in and take all of the fucking space bucks from everybody
You know, I don't know like I
I mean providing lp is one way that they take it too, but at least you're making something for it
I don't know. It's uh, it's interesting. It's coming and that's what scares me is like fuck
I know it's coming and I know the level of
Degenerate game playing that goes on in these fucking markets now. I'm starting to become a little bit more aware of what's going on
I've even grabbed some arbitrage too on uh, not a lot but
I'm starting to figure out. Oh fuck you can arb coin
It's good for this it's good for like little I don't know i'm just excited for this kind of shit because like you guys
Will be going to learn it and be like, oh my god, we should have had this since the beginning
You're gonna be like we didn't why didn't we have this the entire time?
But it's kind of like we did though, but we just didn't understand it
So, I don't know don't put all your bags in the in the type at swap or whatever
But if you have a little bit it might be
Worth your while. I don't know the volume is not really high. So it's not really cool. I wouldn't worry about it too much
But once the volume starts picking up on chia and the markets start moving and the green candles start coming and you start seeing
A lot of different people in the in the rooms that you've never seen before that's when you're gonna have to like figure
So shit like now's the time to do something, but probably not just like sell into everybody
Um, you know provide lp
Make something and you can exit your position is the right way that way
Because you either be left, you know, if one coin goes up you'll be left with the other coin
Preferably exceed you see like if spacebucks goes up in value, then you'll be left with more xch
If it goes down in value, you'd be left with more spacebucks
But it should all equal itself out at the end of the day
So that you're earning fees like if you put a hundred dollars in there
You should you know theoretically if the coins stay relatively stable
You should be pulling out like 120 or 130 dollars
Per whatever the you can compound it too. So that's the other thing
Compounding gains that's what oh man i'm so excited for this shit
Like I really want to fucking teach people how to do it
But I don't know understand it enough myself. Like I still get wrecked and I still don't
Set proper ratios sometimes when i'm making pairs. So I have to ask a lot of questions and
Oh, it's just gonna be it's gonna be uh, like the like the gold rush I feel like
Sure, that's gonna be the gold
It's gonna be the chia gold rush i'm so excited for it man like bull run. Oh my god the euphoria
The euphoria bull run it's not even coming yet, but I could feel it in my bones
Yeah, like even what ed said like a double on chia, I mean it's everything on chia is worth double
It's a billion dollar market cap almost
If we could hit a billion dollar market cap or whatever
The diluted market cap
That would be bomb
I'll be looking at more than 60 to you
You're like 75 80 to you
I say a hundred dollar to you
It's got to be priced in pretty quick though
Like did anybody notice that the etf was priced in before the etf came out?
So it did that big like up to 48. It was a definitely a sell the news event
There's a hundred percent of sell the news event it died as soon as the etf came everybody's like why is bitcoin going down when the
etfs come
Southern is it was already priced in at 48 or whatever it was that is exit liquid the congratulations
But like these etfs, I don't know did you guys talk about the etfs at all?
I know lucas and all those other guys down there have been talking about etfs for like a few days now
Have you guys discussed it?
We haven't
So the good thing about this etf is it's going to start funneling
into the market
But I mean you're talking like by the end of the year it could funnel a trillion dollars in
Which I mean, I I don't see all of that money staying in bitcoin forever
um now I think they're going to be
Really cautious, but like if chia can uh, get some steam and ipo going into 2025
That like I I think there if there is a little mini bitcoin bull run like a 2x
is nothing so if
Traditional investors can get a little bit of a stomach for the market now
You know get a little bit of quick gains on bitcoin
I could see a lot of that money funneling down to more legit projects like chia
which would
Really benefit us because I feel like the the gains are a lot bigger like you know what I mean
Like if i'm feeling like the gains are bigger here
Then traditional investors seeing an ipo. I feel like they would see that as well
so the etf is like a perfect like
Toe in the water for a lot of traditional investment
But like uh, like chia might be one of the very first like big gambles. I feel like some of these traditional
You know investors and and investment
Companies might actually take a look at
Because it's not you know what I mean like if it especially if it can ipo like if chia can hit that target
that is probably
The start of the chia bull run. I think that's when we're gonna start seeing in like real investors fucking etf type money start coming in
And it might not affect the coin price at first
I think a lot of it's going to go towards that ipo like chia stock price might fucking pump for a bit
Um, but I think eventually that does trickle back into the coin
I mean this etf is a very interesting little uh little sample for
You know how traditional markets will actually
You know have if they'll have a stomach for
the risk involved
Because I mean it's like I said, it's really good when number goes up
But it sucks when number goes down and in crypto it goes down and up very quickly
and in traditional markets, you know, i'm sure they have a little bit of a stomach for it, but
Let's see. Yeah, let's see how they
Know how they really yeah, if they really have the stomach for it, right? Like I think
It's a super safe investment. I feel like so the volatility is not even on bitcoin
But I feel like the volatility might be on chia eventually, especially on the come-up
So if chia can hit like that traditional market and get a little bit of recognition
Then I feel like you know what I mean like companies that have come into the bitcoin etf
That have a little bit of a stomach for it that made a little bit of money that did it proper
They'll probably be looking at chia like a bigger like a better bang for their buck, right? Like
Like getting it. Yeah. Yeah, like exactly like, you know
Instead of catching that just that like two or like three x that you might get on bitcoin if you're in now
You you like, you know what? I mean like bitcoin goes to 120,000
That's only really a 3x
So like, you know chia might be that 40 or 50x that you're looking for
as a traditional investment
Especially if it can go like legit with the whole
You know like we all expect it to
So I think that's what i'm kind of looking for in terms of like 20 24
reading between the lines
Is to see how this
ETF like the the market just respond to
traditional investors not only coming in and holding big bags, but
um seeing if they have the
The stomach for volatility long term and and increasing their risk because that's what it is like if they have if they have a decent
Time with bitcoin. I feel like they'll want to increase their risk with proper. I can never know
Here we don't have that much volatility, right I mean overall price difference, you know
traditionally from looking at other
Blockchains and markets is fairly lower and more stable. Uh from my opinion
Oh, yeah, you're not gonna you don't see the fucking million x's
50 000 x's or whatever million percent gain
Like that's huge like there's no way you're taking up like there's very few times
You're going to go take a penny or a dollar and turn it into ten thousand dollars on the traditional market if ever
Like most of the time you can't even buy in with that much
Like there is penny stocks and shit, but like you know what I mean like that's insane sanity
And like yeah, I guess the games are there but like fuck you're basically playing crypto at that point
like I feel like penny stocks like even though they're
Stocks they they work like fucking
Lottery tickets like you're playing the same thing with crypto. You're just buying lottery tickets, right? Yep legal lottery. Yeah
So all 10 times that market cap is being uh bet on the future of those
And their profit loss and margins and that's where the real money is being made
Well, I mean ed himself he held the space
with scare mooch that one time and he and even and he said, you know, like don't look towards 2024 2025 look towards 2027 2028
and that's what i'm kind of thinking now too because like
You know you give it 20 months
ETF time that'll have like, you know, we'll see like a trillion dollars flood into bitcoin
They'll have a taste of the market and I think that's when you start seeing the trickle down effect
You know, so you're looking at 20 25 going into 2026
You know, maybe maybe you know 2026 20, like I said, like I think chia is probably a 2027 2028 bank
Think that's gonna be the play
You know, honestly, I wouldn't be that mad about it because it gives me longer time to accumulate
Oh, like I don't even think you'll have to worry about it art like I mean you got providence enough like
Your artwork's on the chain
I mean you're
Like most artists like I think you'll see once the volume and that stuff comes up like everything that's been here
We'll start picking up just because it's been here
Sure, we have we haven't had our salona moment yet. You know where everybody come on
Holy shit, right? Yeah
Because you know, that's like the nft community's new thing is like they're all on salona now, right? So it's like
Obviously that like that heat is eventually gonna fire its way over to chia at some point. I feel maybe not this bull run, but
That's why I like it might be good to diversify now and
You know rather than watching chia's paint dry you can
Get your hands dirty again on some like the only problem is like aetherium is a really bad example of trying to get your hands dirty
I don't think is gas is so goddamn expensive
But there's lots of other chains out there where gas isn't as expensive where it's not worth
You know might be worth tossing a lottery ticket at I think the the the metaverse coins will be kind of
Going depending on which metaverse you're looking at
You know, I think game phi has a lot of potential coming, uh into
You know 2024 I think there's like a lot of good development teams out there actually building for the right reasons now
Like even got like docker disrespect building a uh, a web 3 game. So yeah, it's on driving shooting game
Yeah, the midnight society it's coach
Um, so it's interesting man
I think like you're gonna start seeing a little bit of a shift and even like the the how gamers and and some of the fringe
tech guys start thinking about crypto, so
Big news, man. I think this is the 20 it's a even for the whole crypto, uh economy. It could be a really shifting time
The I mean there could be a lot more regulation we could see like
The sec is going after paul's chain right now
I'm in richard hart. I think we all know about this in a little bit one way or the other but this could be a litmus test for
The sec going after ethereum
I thought ethereum was grandfathered
Why would it be grandfathered
because uh bitcoin and ethereum were grandfathered for
Scc violations due to the regulations not being in place. Uh,
They were basically here for
Doesn't mean that ethereum gets an etf though doesn't mean that it actually
The ito'd before the regulations were put in place so
But uh, yeah, so this whole paul's chain thing it could be a litmus test for going after other
proof of stake, uh, so like I think if the sec beats richard hart and he gets burned
Paul's chain still lives but a lot of other blockchains are gonna be fucking scrambling
Because like even like remember like what dean has said in the past where it's like in the dot com
Like eventually the crypto is going to have its crypto bust
And you know the the cryptos that end up coming out of that crypto bust are going to be the ones that like, you know
Are your amazon's your google's your your your your your things of the future. I feel like we're on that precipice and
Uh gives a little bit more power for regulation and it gives a little bit more legitimacy
Ethereum can't get that same level of legitimacy as bitcoin. It's almost dead in the water
What like you know what I mean like if if if the etf like if there's trillions of dollars rolling into the etf from
traditional markets
And they actually do get a good taste for crypto and and then you know, they have all their success
They're going to be looking at other legitimate crypto projects. They're not going to be looking at illegitimate crypto projects
They're going to be like, okay, like chia boom. Look at this carbon credits bomb. Like that's our oh, look at this
We're all going to need it. Like there's already government wallets. Oh even better
like they're not going to be looking at like shady shit where
People are getting hacked every day like you never know like ethereum probably might get an etf
It's not for certain, but I think these little
Scc cases like richard heart is fucking low-hanging fruit compared to the italic, right?
But if you can set a precedent for like everything that richard did you might be able to burn metallic for proof of stake
remember ethereum proof of work
So you can argue right?
Yeah, I agree
Ethereum proof of stake is not nearly as grandfathered in
So depending on how that works
And you know, what's the what's the best way to go after the big dog but go after a couple of the little dogs first
You know, maybe the ones that you think you have a better chance of winning
Especially versus somebody like that with that outrage marketing and bullshit like he was basically asking for it, right?
But if he can win if richard heart can win then I think that legitimizes
ethereum a little bit
So that's a big case actually that's way. I think that's bigger than polly and the monkeys versus monkeys
I think that sets a way bigger precedent
But I mean what do I know fuck i'm just a goddamn goose with a gun
And uh tango and tang, uh vipers
I might be i'm just talking about my ass not financial advice. Like I said, like I just this is this what i'm kind of seeing
Not food's advice
Yeah, it's not it's not probably not very good advice like I wouldn't fucking
I wouldn't listen to me. I'll probably end up getting wrecked, but i'll fumble the bag or whatever
I don't know. I just
Feel like that's the the right move
Like logically that would make sense and generally things aren't crazy like
So you definitely have some logic behind it
I don't feel like i'm far off
Anybody else want to come up
Fuck it just food thursday's for the last little while
Hopefully you guys all went to the discord and got your free mint
How many are left
One two three four five six seven eight nine
Uh 27 left
Get them while they're hot tan party girls yeah party girls
It's actually cool some of their boobs are oranges
Well, what would that be a vitamin c cup
Now dressed in it
Fuck man, where's the where's the old guitar you must have it close by because you can't
Run anywhere to get it
Sorry, I didn't mean to
Make fun of you
Poor guy, man. I I freaking can understand not be you're probably such a mobile dude, too
Yeah, very uh very used to being it's always the ones that move everywhere that get put down man, yeah
Very much they were
Yeah, where's the guitar you're gonna have to keep that guitar beside you
I heard uh, you know lucas and them they got their own dedicated artists. I feel like art with heart is
Is our resident uh artist here, you know, we get special guests dj and waffle every once in a while, which is cool
But uh, yeah, I feel like you're you're the resident uh guitar guy man like where we need some like
Oh, that's right, you're just you're just a singer, right and I play percussion, but okay
How are you okay, how are you is like a lead and a percussionist but you don't play guitar I feel like that is like
If you I feel like if you can play for drums and percussion
Well, I don't play drums. I play percussion. So like I what I do is I play the louis cajon shaker
Which is like four egg shakers put together and how it came about was we went from a full band to a duo
My guitarist plays a kick drum electronic kick drum with his foot and I play
Basically and emulate the high hat with uh an egg shaker
So we fill in the acoustic drums that are not there behind us together
I don't know. I just I I find it funny that
You're a singer that doesn't play
Like I trolled my guitar years ago and I haven't gotten one since
Man, now's the perfect time to pick it up
I'm surprised you don't play keyboard or something like usually I have some
Again, I know some basics, but like how do you like how do you write music without fucking I write it in my head
Man, you're good
I write it by year because I've heard you play so that's pretty good that you just do all that shit
There's like yeah, I could play guitar but I can't think for shit I have no key
I took a lot of time man a lot of time
But today there is trouble in the air, you know, I play yeah it does I play literal thousands of shows
You know three four hours a night
Yeah, that's what I mean at this point like you don't play guitar I can't believe it or like yeah
I was just always the lead singer. You know what I mean? Like I used my mic stand and I used you know
That was my instrument. You see that it's crazy
No, I get it you like it's just funny because like I've I've met both kinds and
I I understand one more than the other
Well, yeah, it was it was never needed, you know, it's like how we started at 14. I had two guitars a bassist and a drummer
So there's no need for another guitar. So I just performed and and was the friend man
Oh, yeah, you're not the only one
Well, definitely not that's fucking crazy though
It's a true singer then
Yeah, yeah, true vocalist
And only in the last like five six years did I start playing percussion for the new duo
Yeah, and it's just minor percussion too just like filler percussion which is uh, I think what you guys play like a semi acoustic
Is it electric?
Electric acoustic. Yeah
So we play with a 18-inch sub kick drum, so like again when he hits that kick it
It pumps, you know, so it's like we fill in the full band sound with two people basically
Yeah, yeah
I'm getting like that like better wind sound class vibe when I
You guys are a little different but like, you know what I mean? Like that kind of like, uh small piece band
Yeah, we bring like the rock to country
but the great thing is we made way more money as a duo than we ever did as a full band because
We're splitting it between two people and we packed the same amount of people and like to the same clubs
Well, it's all about putting on a show I mean
There's good there's like even good bands that are shit live and I feel like those are the ones like
And then there's good bands live that just don't get that respect that
Level yeah, I don't know. I made a living off it for you know, almost 20 years so I can't complain
Like I remember I used to go see this one band they were called the Vulcan dub squad and they just had a vibe
Like their soundcheck was fucking probably the best song of their entire show
Because like you could hear them like as they're doing their soundcheck you could hear them tuning their instruments so you get like that
Like really wangy effect. So it's like a really long drawn out fucking like just mellow jam
And I don't know their vibe was just really cool
And like that led into like a really cool like almost like psychedelic kind of rock vibe like piccadilly rock vibe
Yeah, they just it's cool like that like I love bands like that that put on really fucking really good show
Yeah, so it's about the performance and the you know energy of the crowd
Look we got our other resident artist here and got the Dijon waffle the man who might be
Remember everybody it's a waffle not a raffle
Wait, was that waffle
Shut up, man
Holy shit, dude. That was one of the best fucking Dijon waffle impressions i've ever heard
Yeah, bro, you thought the Dijon waffle was an individual no man i've been doing his voice for two years
What the fuck
I don't know who's who anymore
We are broken angle brothers
I um, I can speak but I can't hear y'all
Oh, you just miss an awesome impression Dijon
I think he actually meant you can't hear us that's hilarious
So Dijon waffle launched a hex
Neck beard tonight. I don't know if we want to shun him
Or shame him, but he can't hear us. Would that be a heck beard?
That would be a hex beard, yeah
Yeah, he'll come back i'll invite him back up
Anyways, I got like another 20 minutes left in because apparently I have to wake up at five in the morning now because drac is
Fucking cracking the whip
Yeah, I want to launch yeah, I actually might have a fucking contract ready freemen friday
Welcome back Dijon waffles. Hey, I just came up to say one thing
Yeah, what's up fuckers
There's gonna be no wrestling in this house now wwe it's too violent. I told my husband
Oh waffles man, how'd the mint go today?
I don't know if we should shun you if we should shame you or if we should applaud you for minting us
such a glorious
Generous I literally don't know what's happening the hex
Funk, I don't know what's happening. Let me give you a shame
Let me give you a recap of like every track and dgen phone call these days. He's like, what are you doing?
I was like, I don't know. It's like what do you mean? I was like, I don't know what's happening. He's like
How the neck beard's going I was like, I guess they're doing well
I don't know. It's the fucking it's a it's I feel like i'm like constantly on the edge of a crack
Like that's that's my life now
I just see nefarious
One-eyed people walking by and like there's a guy with like one eye like his like his lens of his glasses
He has just one popped out strangely
There's like people with peg legs. It's just it's just a wild fucking time over there, dude
Huh y'all gotta do more drugs and go to pulse chain
I mean i'm not trying to tell them to come but i'm telling them to come
They are about i'm not trying to onboard you to get right here's the beauty of it, right?
Here's the beauty of it. Right? Um, the fucking
eth bridge
Is coming to chia
So you can literally take your chia and do whatever the fuck you want with it. Like that's the beauty, right?
Everything's supposed to be multi-chain. Anyways
Dude when that chia bridge opens up it is going to be a floodgate of degeneracy going both directions
Both directions. I heard that art with heart. How are you my
Terrible ankle friend. How are your ankles?
Uh, i'm i'm doing good. My my left ankle is great. Um, because that isn't broken unlike you're both sprained
Um, uh my right ankle, I had my appointment follow up yesterday and it went well
Um, I got another five weeks to wait before I can start putting
Um pressure on my right foot again for like walking full full like weight
And then we'll we'll see, you know, fuck man. So you had the surgery, right? Um, yeah, you had the surgery, right?
Yeah, three weeks ago. It's going good
Yeah, eight screws two plates fuck buddy. God almighty, dude. What a fucking story. What a fucking champ
You should hear drac cap it when you're not in the room the guy one. He said you cried
He said he cried like no man's ever cried. No, i'm just kidding. He said he legitimately recapped the story of you saying
It's uh, I gotta reset this thing and he's like, no, what are you doing? And you're like, I gotta do it
He's like you shouldn't be doing that
I'm gonna fucking do this and that you grabbed your ankle that was backwards. It's just like
Reset your fucking ankle in the most gangster shit i've ever heard in my life
Maybe exaggerated a bit. Yeah, I I had fallen down the the right angle snapped up
I landed on my left foot fell down
And then I like pulled my right leg on top of my left leg
And that reset it back into position because it was like all like crooked
God if you weren't married i'd say the women are coming. Holy shit coming to you that got weird pause. But what i'm saying is like
Jesus man
God you've got you've got an album coming or something. You're about to hit the road. My friend
The the fucking karma. Oh gee one
Holy shit
Dude, hey, it could have been the karma has already happened. I would could have been my head
It could have been my ribs my back like could have been way worse
That's what I was gonna say. Holy shit, man
That could have that could have gone a hundred different ways and i'm glad
That you know, it's shitty but it is for this
Yeah, man, and you keep you're in good fucking so you're armed with heart if it would happen to anybody else
You know what I mean? Like you you know what I mean?
Fucking the shitty is now i'm just trying to get my wife or one of my friends to drag me out onto the lake
So I can go ice fishing fucking hey, dude
What's up, dude?
We need a fucking we need to get like we need to get a fundraiser going
For you to have like a personal valet that just slides your your limpness out onto the water
That'd be fucking awesome
Yeah, i'll it's they're called jet sleds
They're just like big sleds
So you haul your gear out with I could just sit in one of those and I can be easily dragged out
We need to make you need to make that happen. I just won't be able to run after my flag
No, yeah, we'll get you we'll get you a flag runner. I don't actually know what i'm talking about because I never ice fish
We're gonna get you the best ice runner flag runner money can buy that's what we need to do
Well, I appreciate the sentiment either way mr. Waffles
Look at this frickin hex maxi with this frickin hex neckbeard hex punk
Jesus dick. Hey i've yet to change it from the is that is that is that what i've is that is that what i've become?
Don't get me wrong
Is that why jack won't talk to me anymore because i'm fucking turning into waffles he doesn't want to lose me too
You're a hex waffle
I fucking love waffles man. I uh
That's good because
Mr. Waffles would say that uh pancakes are inferior to waffles in every way
Um, and if you didn't love waffles, I think he would just own you
Yeah, I feel like as a canadian i'm supposed to like pancakes more but I just don't
Here at least let's suppose like the syrup like it doesn't matter if you like the pancakes or not
Oh it is maple syrup 100 percent. We do not fuck with the table syrup. Okay?
Yes, no butter no butter syrup maple syrup. That's the only syrup in this house. I look a good maple butter
That's some of that's
Did somebody say maple
I know how to call drac now just fucking say maple syrup
Only three times in the mirror. It's like betelgeuse
All right, I got 10 more minutes because
I don't know how to help
Jack how the hell are you gonna be up in five hours every day? He's ridiculous. Yeah, dude
Yeah, depending on how bang in the tank gang telegram is tonight I might not be sleeping either
Where we're going we don't need sleep
Yeah, apparently web3 sleeps for fucking no one
Edward what is use what date did you say that you're going to be releasing the 10 songs for chia music?
Uh, no set date, but hopefully within the next month. Yeah, okay. Gotcha
That gives us a little target to get the audio player up and working
See this is why you guys have
Eight months until the conference because it gives you guys eight months to do all this fucking crazy shit
So that when the conference is live you guys have something to talk about
Everybody can have their two minutes
What i'd like to see is some like events that are going on like some mid days or
I don't know like a beta launch
Day or something
You know some kind of cool
Alpha that goes along with it
But I don't know if i'm gonna be able to provide that like, uh, well one thing that I do want to work on
Is uh proof of attendance
know cast and them are
Doing that with the photo booth, but I would love to have a proof of attendance for this. So it's kind of like the
Hall of chia holiday tokens, but not the chia holiday tokens
Do you know what I mean?
I know chameen and that's something we've had interest in for
You know the a year we've been talking about that some sort of participation token and we've you know
Brought that up multiple times with like the big spaces we've done
It'd be really cool to be able to both
uh award the
listeners as well as the speakers and
Hosts, you know to those proof of attend of attendance
Um, I think would be a valuable and important part of our history as we build these, you know, spoken voice spaces
Well, we should be um
Should be thinking youtube though too a lot now
That's one thing i'm learning if you want to get uh a little bit more of a push
The youtube is a handy little tool
We've got some derivatives from the works that are going to be pretty uh, pretty useful for that direction
Yeah, i've been following that are kind of youtube it's
Every once in a while there's some good stuff on there. I just caught up to most of it
Some of it I could fall asleep to because i'm not a developer but uh
Most of it's pretty on point. I I understand that because it's gaming so
It's good
So, I mean i'm pumped for that kind of shit man fucking drac's if like that
If we get that alpha, oh that's gonna be like an actual game
There's so I mean there's some other games going on in chia right now. I just haven't really got the time
To get involved in everybody's shit
Focusing on a few projects right now trying not to get overextended
You can't see anything
Anyways, I think i'm gonna call it here for a bit
But i'll be up first
I'm gonna be uh, could you give us a quick summary of the
Uh chia con was it 15 minute videos is the goal for people who uh, will be at oh
So we're gonna have various
Content for that day some of it will be pre-recorded
Some of it will be live
Um, it'll be a mix of art. It'll be a mix of
Uh education it'll be like, you know, it'll be some entertainment
Uh, hopefully we get all the heavy hitters
And all of the people the right people that need to speak
Um, we're gonna organize some focus groups and we're gonna stream them on youtube
Uh, so yeah, that'll be part of all part of it. So yeah, there'll be uh, and yeah, there'll be some
time for some short ad space I think for
things like chia music
And space scan and mint garden and dracatus to do little
I I don't want to say 15 minute, but I I would like to say five
Maybe 10 minute like I still have to come up with the itinerary for the actual production
Um, i'm kind of collecting people right now just to kind of have a baseline of what I need to schedule
But uh, yeah
12 hours of content is a lot of content
But it's not a lot of content, especially when you're used to doing spaces for 12 hours a day
Yeah, we're gonna I'll I will I don't know exactly how long they're gonna be but we will definitely have uh, i'll let you know
That'll pretty much be like our like so basically what it's going to be is it's going to be like
Uh live with like some then it'll be something probably like more pre-recorded
And then that way it's we can set up for the next live while that pre-recording is kind of going so
Um, it'll kind of i'm assuming it's going to hop back and forth a little bit
But i'll let you know the times and like the exact like
specifications for what we're looking for a little bit closer to the actual date
Because I don't know uh, I would like to do the panels to be about an hour an hour and 15 minutes
And live can always run long too. So um, but that's what we're kind of the aim is for about an hour hour and a half
Focused good topics. We'll we'll work them all out beforehand
I hope to do a
Practice run with all of the speakers uh, like a week or two leading up to the event
As well just to get everybody's microphones and shit working. Make sure everybody's avatars talk and shit. So
Um, yeah, you guys will learn more as we get closer
I'm still in the in the organization's phase of
even the content like just organizing the content and uh
And the events as well
Yeah, stay tuned uh for
More information it'll come fast. It'll come quick. Let me know anything you need food
Yeah, i'll i'm gonna steal your profile picture and throw it on the around the tang gang logo at some point
I just have been kind of slowly building that out
But waffles don't worry you'll be well practiced and i'll be looking for your help because uh
Tang con is in april. So we're gonna have a dry run of this beforehand
Some people actually in the chia community will have a pretty good understanding of what the fuck is going on
Because they'll have already gone through most of this
Like I think uh michael taylor will be one grant probably or dylan
I feel like there's some crossover like I hear
You know whispers of gene even possibly staying something at tang con because there is so much chia crossover
I don't know. I'm not planning tang conference. I'm gonna be a speaker and a
attendee of tang conference representing the chia community with my friend waffles here
And probably grant and michael and whoever else is working with them but um
So you'll you'll don't worry waffles. We'll be we'll
We're always hanging out together
I'll figure something out for you
Maybe me and you can host it. Well, i'll have a second host that way. I don't have to host all 12 hours
You can like split it up do like uh six and six or whatever
Um, I feel like you got some host energy so and I think uh, depending on how the day goes
We need to put uh croissant on the payroll and get like
You know because our ugly mugs look here's the thing our ugly mugs aren't comforting people
Will will click off they'll join and they'll be like look at these ugly folks
And then they'll click off and they'll miss all the cool stuff about chia
We need to get croissant to take our our pfps and
Animate them into recognizable figures
To where there's that same level of comfort. That'd be pretty cool
You know what I mean?
Uh, yeah, oh, yeah, we're definitely gonna have to lean into what bullish did with his uh avatar so bad
Now we'll show our faces, but I think it would also be cool
Um, but yeah, we'll we'll figure out something for people. Um, I know there's definitely a couple
Guests that aren't on the page
That are gonna need that shit. I'm not saying who's coming but just know everybody is going to be there
Everybody will you deem it to me?
I can't no, I can't I can't say some of the special guests. Uh, there's already surprise guests. Okay
That's all I gotta say is we are fucking literally eight months away from chia con
And there's already a surprise guest coming and you guys can all speculate on who it is. I don't give a fuck
Here's the thing. I'm not gonna help you host it until you tell me
I will literally do is i'm gonna trojan horse you i'm gonna trojan horse you i'm gonna fucking
Be mad at you and i'm gonna bottle that up into a very passive aggressive rage deep deep inside and then right
We're in the middle of it. I'm gonna pull all the plugs out of the tv monitors. I'm gonna plug
Jess i'm just gonna destroy it from the inside all trojan horse style because i'm petty like that
And i'm just kidding i'm super excited for this. I think uh
I think chia definitely needs
It doesn't need how do I put this it doesn't necessarily
It doesn't need users and it doesn't need better tech
It needs the users to see how cool the tech is, you know, I mean, I think we're at that point
I think there's so much good shit. Now. It's literally just
Attracting the right market
Not not even a market, you know, we're at scale
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I think dude i'm telling you I think that fucking eath bridge
The problem is, you know the buy the rumor sell the news type shit
Like you never want to put too much focus into a singular event, but
I really think that opens the floodgates
I really do
Well, it changes accessibility right and it changes uh the uh liquidity
So highly within the market
Because again, how do you get it? Well, you can change it over, you know, like
Or or you guys could learn how to lock it up like good little boys and girls
That i'm holding
Win tea shares on
We're gonna teach these motherfuckers what tea shares are eventually don't worry we're learning anyways fuck me see this is what I mean
You guys probably don't mean uh
Waffles are uh ahead of the curve here. We get it
We get here's how much I get it. I am deep in the pulse chain. I still hate richard art
Fucking know what to tell you. Okay, i'm
It's a weird time. We're having fun. We're having a good time
You know what founder I don't hate. Yeah, I hate to be fair. I'm a gene
Uh, I was gonna say yeah, I hate richard hurt too. I just love the fucking decks bullshit
I don't know. There's something about that math in there that just makes sense to me
I get it. I get it. I get the point. I fucking understand it
I can't wait like we're missing out on chia not having this shit. I swear to god like it's just
Everybody's thinking like okay, like how do I fucking sell my space bucks?
You don't you put it into lp and you slowly get out of that shit
Smart it's so smart
Look how quickly people rushed
Rushed into actual lps right like actual fucking tradable shit coins on chica
Immediately went bonkers and of course I now I can't think of god damn it. What's the name? What's the name of the platform?
Tibet swap like was Tibet swap when Tibet swap came around that shit was like wildfire, but you were watching charts
You were watching charts go moon hell moon dead moon ground moon
Like hey, you know, there's another option yeah, it's stupid when you say when you say it out loud
I mean it was fun though. Like look out like people were like, ah gg doesn't degenerates don't bring adoptions
Like look how quickly the bed swat was adopted overnight. Nobody half the people didn't even know what the buttons did
Half the people still don't know what the buttons do man telling you they don't get it
I look I literally didn't I said that because I thought maybe someone would tell me what the buttons do
We don't need to talk about what a waffle is, okay
God damn it track. How you gonna fucking we're on this. Are you awake? Are you still here? What is going on?
I see your pfp. It's a pretty monkey. I'm ready to send the attack. I'm just listening to you degenerates
No, fucker. I want to hear your voice
I want to read some shitty fucking message that you sent across the interwebs with end-to-end encryption. I want to hear your voice
I'm right here, man. I'm right here. I'm just working away. What are you saying?
Off call you're having a fucking great time over on pulse you and foods man. I'm having all I see is pulse pulse
Here's the thing we fucking hate it but like
We tell everyone it looks like
We're having fun though, man, I like it's it's it's the same shit of like when chia like
Fuck like a year ago. Like when we all were stubborn like when you could have fun in crypto
I don't care where you're at. I don't even care if you're making money. At least you're having fun
Like that's what it's about
You muted yourself teaching
Tell me man, it's the fucking nft rush all over again like me and waffles love that vibe
We're just riding that fucking fresh nft vibe with all the rest of the people that i've never bought nfts before right waffles
They don't need to know about my wallet with like hundreds and hundreds of other nfts
We're all just buying nfts for the first time uncle
Growing 90 percent of it's free so it's not like
None of us was all right, so we're gonna run into the same problem in the bear market
Like even past this hump past this little blip of a bull market. We're gonna be in the same problems. We'll never sell anything
Foods his wallet is a graveyard. So is mine. Look it's just a fucking gallery of fun
That's my youth wallet at this point my pulse wallet i've actually sold a couple pulse nfts actually
Like I sold my album
I sold my Pepe too
Fuck it. I don't need that shit track. I fucking I I told you about that
But like dude still like we minted out 5000 yablons that are what?
555 days old within
Four fucking hours or some shit. I can't believe when you when you called me you were talking about yablons
I totally forgot about that
That's a long time ago. It's like dude. I wimped it out on fucking pulse
That's so crazy
Hey, do you speaking of this I was given this mission when we were running mint machine do you remember
Who launched bird bird moons?
I'm trying to go through I don't remember. I fuck man. It's been god. It actually has been that long ago
But somebody was like hey, it'd be really cool because
The bird moons gave free not paper to anybody holding
No hyper wasn't bird moons. It was um
God dude, are we becoming boomers live?
I think we are
Boomers at this point crypto boomers. Yeah, dude. How do you not remember projects?
Yeah, I know fuck me my god, I don't even know how many projects and collections we've done over the two years
Bro like the fucking mint machine like
We had so much shit going in and out of there and like i'd be reaching out to fucking like hey
You want to do this? Hey, you want to do this?
That was a wild time
Should roll in five hours. Oh my god
Five hours, what's in five hours?
Me and back are gonna fucking get the goose
My father five hours
I get to bust the okay ours
Was it aren't I think it was uh, do you remember rainbow kick
Yeah, that's I get it I think that's you
Yeah, he was he was back in in the the
Waffle days. I think I have all the old mint machine database still g gen
Fuck dude. Hey, somebody was asking me about that. I mean if you're not fucking
If you somebody was asking me about like if they were like, I just I you know, I really want to do this but like
They were gonna do some free shit, but they were like i'm not that great with ui. I was like
What have I felt I felt like the fucking wolf of wall street. I was like, what if I could tell what if I told you
One of the greatest well, i'm pretty sure ui was ever designed
That's what I was gonna say I was like I guarantee there's a fucking repo with cobwebs on it that has
Doper shit than anybody's gonna fucking launch. Like why don't you just fucking take that build on top of it?
Well, you can just plug in any
Any pulse contract to it as it is
You might want to start that you might want to start thinking about that as you go
We're gonna on board him d gen it's only a matter of time we're gonna steal all the deaths
Bro pretty soon this thing's gonna shave one side his fucking head. He's
He's gonna have a fucking face that like he's gonna be like look you need to just hear richard hard out
Jack said that uh, there's uh, one of the team they're looking to pick up some extra some extra work
I was like, oh, yeah
Well, yeah a couple extra things
But I don't know if you want to send them to me man
Because once you get a taste of the uh green grass on the other side
Dred's looking for work
But listen, I got a goose shit gumball machine that I needed to have
I will admit I feel dirty saying it but I was toying around polygon the other day
And to be the end of stuff that I was like, oh
So maybe not that hard to play around with integration. Yeah, so now it's
You have the wallet connected you might as well
actually track, uh
There could be an interesting way
You might have to think about maybe like a drag token, but there could be an interesting way where you could pool all of the
different tokens like chia and
uh, like whatever polygon or whatever you could pool them and you can give the
The game a little boost
Is that as your reward pool or whatever
Well, this is where this is where our crafting table stuff comes into play
I like the idea of like we were
crack craft
Not yeah, not crack. We're not dealing crack and drag
drag crack
Crafting table we were talking about uh using cats
For all the different elements that you would use on the craft in the crafting area
So I get your input on that because you're good at that stuff
I'm kind of an idiot with with the token stuff. So
I think that yeah, I get what you're saying. Yeah, there could be an interesting way where
You could yeah, we could you can ratio all the items so that
You're not overcrafting certain things and you're not you know what I mean?
Like there's not too many items floating around. So yeah, there could be some interesting ways
Yeah, see that's where it gets tricky for me. That's usually where I defer the grant to but
You know the basic principle is nothing more than
Just for the lack of better
You know call it carrots and potatoes, you know
and so you've got a whole bunch of carrot token a whole bunch of potato token and
You can craft them into a meal or something. You know what I mean?
So the it's just the the tokenomics of you know, how that crafting works out across
The ecosystem because it's kind of unpredictable in some ways, right?
Oh man, but at least you're using Chia because the good thing about Chia is there's expiring and time locks and
All that fun shit. So it would work. It's gonna work a lot more efficiently with this infrastructure than it would on EBM
not gonna have as much control over tokenomics, but
That's probably why we're it'd be best to yeah, I I get what you're saying though. Yeah
Yeah, your your main items you probably want to do NFEs
But like yeah, your your consumables would definitely be
Yeah, very simple and easy to use does you know the amount of them
Um is unlimited in the sense because the more additions of players you're able to add on
And then so not only would there be like a crafting table, but you could also this would also incorporate your marketplace, too
Well, we also thought again, uh progression through quest lines and certain
Parts of campaign to be token gated, uh with you know certain collections and amounts of uh,
Cat tokens collected in order to progress the next level
Have you guys um?
Been thinking about soulbound stuff as well i'm assuming then
Are locked tokens that can't be traded in the game
Uh, that's still open discussion
Might be something to look for
I yeah, I'd have to like I said, I'd have to figure out how you want to craft and stuff
I'd have to look at you know working with this game, but I could see where you're going with the consumables being
You probably want to have the manageable
So ones that you can make more of if you need
Or burn if you need to so like it's inflating and deflating supply
based on player base, uh, we were thinking of having um
Like a time so they would like rot in your inventory after a certain period of time
Yeah, that's one way of doing it
Certain items do that or um
There's also segregation for like
Certain things to like if you're using armor after a certain while you have to get a new piece of armor
Yep. Yep. We have a lot of or you have to use consumables to
Uh, yeah, no, yeah, no, yeah, I can uh figure out like a circular economy to make it all fit together so that nothing
freaks out
Yeah, i'll have to think about it though. There's lots of different ways of doing it
And I don't know like seeing my whole thing is like I know the theory I just don't understand how the fucking technical side would work
So I don't know how to implement any of this shit, but I could probably figure out like
Cooling cool people sleep would be
You know what the second part of it this one goes
Yeah, like this like I could draw the I could draw the schematic of how the all the token pools should work
But I don't know how the fuck you're gonna put that all together
I just get to draw the fancy artwork on the paper and like think about like, okay
And that all rotates back into a
Or you know a rotates in the d and c and then
Rotates into fucking you know a and d and they all just kind of fucking fall back into place
Yeah, we can
that's the hardest part about any game too, um is the
The infid economy side of it. I feel like that's something that like most game developers struggle with
It's very exploitable too that's where you got to worry about being exploited so yep
That's a tread that's a tread lightly area so I think
Less is more to begin with and then expand the numbers as you go
Because you don't know how the market's going to react
That's interesting though how you would do that with cats so you'd have your potions would be cats your yep
like your miniature power-ups like your
I don't know like 10 minutes of extra stamina or like 10 minutes of extra attack or
I'm thinking of like pay-to-win bullshit
You get like your uh 10 percent more of health or whatever for a character. Yeah. Yeah, whatever buffs boost. Yeah
Yeah, I think this is part of this patch. We would have your armor would be enough keys
Just trying to think of how you guys are doing it armor and then like your base tracks obviously
Have the ability to die. So
And then the is there eggs with the direct catuses like do they hatch from an egg?
Like when you breed them, do they just breed or do they like have no
They they don't breed um in the traditional sense, uh because they were
created, um from dna
That was left in the past that was created with a cat. So
there they have to be
created in this machine
Okay. Yeah. No, like yeah, as long as there's like a machine like a hold state for them
So like I feel like that works fast
Say like uh, actually, you know, like a
Ascending pattern would actually probably be better. It would probably keep your
Breeding in check. So like say
You had to get not only buy the machines like so say you can only start off by breeding like
No, drac you actually had to play the game to a certain point to earn like so
You got to get to level 10 in order to earn the first free breeding machine or whatever
And then you know in order to breed you need to lock up your two dracs or whatever for a certain amount of time
then it will
You know once they're done breeding you can unlock your draft and then it'll hold like whatever
dna in the machine
It'll take, you know 10 minutes for
your first one and then maybe
Maybe it degrades over time and like the next one takes like 15 or 20 or whatever time
Maybe it takes 15. Maybe it takes 10 days. Maybe 10 days is a better way to think of it than like
You know 10 minutes i'm just thinking because like most games are like really quick paced
like maybe yeah, we have some like breeding restrictions based on geolocation and
Astrological events and things like that. So like breeding won't always be available
Yeah, like I said, like there's like I mean it all depends on how the tokenomics are the
Economy is in breeding because you don't want to have too many dracs, right or you want to have
the ratio of dracs be like at a peak point where it's like
if you're minting more dracs and
Is really worth it then you kind of don't and that's why
It was important to us to have a death into it, right?
so there's the risk of actual loss of the drag and and uh, like again that
inflation and deflationary tools are built kind of into the ecosystem
Yeah, but I feel like there's still more than one way to play so for this you might want to think about people that aren't going to battle
Or aren't going to put this their tracks
right, so you want to make it so that they have
Like I understand you want to give them their way to play but you also want to make it
harder for them to do what they're trying to do because like
Just being able to breed at any time in any shape way or form it would it can be exploitable, right?
So if you have more people breeding than you have battling that can become an issue, right? So you want to
have ways to
ratio it out so that like if
People are over battling their dracatus
And they're killing more than they're breeding
You want to be able to boost the breeding to a point where it evens out, right?
And on the opposite side as well, like if if
Nobody's battling the dracs and they're overbreeding you want to make the reward kind of less
You know presumption like you want it you want to try to drive them into more riskier plays
You know overcome that deficit from overbreeding, right? So there needs to be some kind of push and pull there
So I think like, you know time limits
assets for breeding
There you might want to look at ways of being able to pull
Uh the strings just a little bit if you need to
You know, like this what I mean like if you can craft and that's yeah
Geospatial stuff in local events, uh, we'll be able to kind of monitor
The ecosystem and we're able to see how many dracs are you know in the ecosystem at any given time
Through, you know, the tools that are built through the platform
So we'll be able to easily and closely monitor that and again
filter and restrict
Localized events to be able to control the population of overall dracs within the ecosystem
Yeah, well, no, yeah you want to yeah, but you i'm just saying you want to do this across the board
Do you want to do this for all?
So just like think of like even if yeah, so like even if you're not thinking of like degradating
degradating for caddis or whatever or breeding you might want to look at degradating crafting or like crafting tables or
Like levels are always really good
Um, like only being able to craft things at certain levels kind of basic shit like that
Um, but yeah, there's some more
Like advanced ways of playing with this
Um that you might want to consider at least having as a fail safe in case
the original
You know method of or model doesn't necessarily scale although I know you guys are doing really good testing with that
So like i'm not denying your numbers. Yeah, I think also
Gamers are costly trade up right? So like if like you have uh scaled items
Uh, if they're no longer useful to you you're able to trade them for one to ten ratio or whatever it may be
Uh for the stuff that you're using to upgrade your equipment in the higher level that you're participating in
Yeah, and and gamers are fucked too
So if they if they notice little exploits or glitches where they're earning more from doing less
They'll figure it out and then you know, that's when you got to start fucking
Having these like fail safes. And so it's like, okay shit
These guys figured out that like this is really powerful or like this potion and you know what I mean
Like this strategy is like kind of overplayed because there's going to be balancing issues as well that comes with uh,
I'm excited for all this fun stuff to like be able to work through it with you guys because I know it's going to be uh
Uh, an interesting yeah, the alpha the whole point in gaming is the finest stuff to you, right?
So yeah, i'm excited for
For the play because like I feel like you know the whole like getting an advantage and and stuff
I just like want to make sure you guys are on top of that stuff, too. Yeah
Gamers are cheaters, especially little kids
So if you're building this game for kit like the younger that you're building the game for the more cheaters
You're gonna get because kids are smart and then we'll exploit the fuck out of games
I know that's all I did growing up was if I could find an easy way to beat a game
I would use that easy way to beat a game if I could, you know
Like you never remember playing like a street fighter and using e honda because of his stupid arms
You know what? I mean like that kind of shit, right?
Like if you can just use that one character that fucking destroys every other character or you're gonna beat it
That's what I love about gaming now, it's like finding that shit and then becoming invincible that one move that invincible move
Or that like little special spot on the map where nothing can touch you
That's uh, yeah
Gets me exciting. Yeah, the little glitches the little uh, the caveats that make you
Understand the game like if you play like fifa
Or mad in like that's the entire point of the game is to find
Those plays and those things that work every single time you use them
There's certain ones that work better than others
You got to understand how the strategies work and like the games are getting better at balancing that shit out, too
So there's all like now it's all about, you know, being able to counter and and and counter to the counter and
So that's uh, that's what i'm excited for i'm excited to see how you guys are balancing and
And and like your take on balance because eventually, you know, you're gonna have to adjust and and
It'll be cool to see how you guys adjust over time too and how that works
I feel like you know the earlier
Dracatuses like the ones that are bred right now will become more and more valuable over time, especially as people kind of lose them and
Yet we're proposing and see them
So again, uh that stuff won't necessarily be used and hoarded because that stuff won't be
You know the new meta that the new usable so
Again introducing, uh new styles of armor, um quest lines adventure
As well as battling breeding and so on
It sounds cool
I'm uh, i'm in the i'm a big fan of the rpg style s game as well
And it's not just a game like I really want to emphasize that that this is really built to be a presentation layer
for nft's on chia, so think of it like a
combining dexi with spatial
it's meant to literally incorporate all these projects and be able to
Search in like a map
Uh, you know style
Uh all these different projects
so we'll have different filters that you're going to be able to pull in, you know different projects and and look look them up and and
You know how we're going to display them and where on the map because the map is literally the entire earth
Um is yet to be determined but those conversations, you know are taking place right now
Um, and the design and in ui of it is has come along very nicely in my own opinion
Yeah, so kind of game elements like it's not just like a
Presentation layer, but yeah, no. Yeah, but i'm saying yeah
That it's not just the game like like this is meant to be you know
Adventure man
Yeah, i've been sitting here today working on
so food you'll like this is in your realm of
Gaming the system right and it's a constant thing that I have to be thinking about
especially when you think about the complex tokenomics of everything but
One of the very like surface layer things that is difficult to deal with is just how you explore the map
So that we can place things so that people can't you know game gps and all that so
I've been working on this really refined
Searching algorithm that takes everything from your zoom and pan and tilts and geolocation
Filters and trades like there is a massive amount
Of options that go into every search query
Um that gives this presentation layer
So you got to think of it like at no point are you going to be able to zoom out and see everything on the map?
It's going to force you to go down and zoom in so that
You literally have to crawl around the map to find anything. So like if we issue new assets, there will be no
Oh, let me go to console
And just rip down the data set and check where everything is you won't be able to do it because of the way
That I have to do all this to counter gaming
So you will have to be at particular zoom levels at particular locations. So you're literally going to have to crawl
the the entire globe
Just to find shit like it's going to be a really cool adventure
thing it's it's really fun that way so
It's going to be
a cross between
You know gaming elements spatial i-o which i've showed you foods how that all go
And then the exploration of finding different assets different collections and then all that presentation layer that
Brad was talking about plus, you know mini games and stuff. So
By the time you're crawling you get in like I use it all day while i'm working on it now
but but you know, I even get to points where i'm like, oh fuck i've been hunting around for this forever because
I'll even kind of like, you know
I have to go through the process of hiding shit so that I can't even get to it and I have to crawl around
And test it as if you know, and so it's going to be really neat how you just get around the collection
It's not going to be like viewing a list or pulling up thumbnails. Like you're going to have to actively
Go seek the assets. It's going to be fun
Yeah, well don't pump my bags too much y'all yet, um don't have enough tracks in the collection
Um, of course, I tagged in a little
In a little preview of brt one map interface
But uh, yeah, i'm gonna probably uh cut her here guys because uh 5 a.m comes really quick
We'll chat with you gentlemen a little later
Cool buddy. Yeah, i'll talk to you in a few hours
Yeah, yeah, listen, listen if you've got something you can send me with
Like just the outline notes of what we need to get done so that I can just review it
And I I know that I sent you back to do all your
Files and shit properly and you got that done now, right? So just it's all done. Yeah
generate it and
I need to be the contract. I'm pretty sure just generate have the assets on ipfs
Yeah, okay. All right
We're pretty much done like the art's done
It's just all of the final touches like generate this final collection. Make sure we have both sets
Put them on ipfs or nfc storage or whatever and then I gotta figure out third web
I might be messing with you
Send me something that points to any like just send me a little summary of what points to anything where we left off or whatever
Uh, yeah, I got I there should be a google drive with all of the assets
I think there was one that we needed to
We needed to blur one I wanted to blur one because it was a little bit too sharp
I forget which one though. I'll have to look at it in the morning
Okay, it won't take long to do all that shit though. That's like no, I don't fix
Yep. Yeah, that's cool, man
Uh, yeah, okay. Yeah, so i'll see you in a couple hours. Thanks for having me art in ed as always and
Keep being waffles. I'll see i'll probably see you tomorrow too. I'm gonna have to talk to you about third web
Talk to me
Don't be pancakes. I don't know i'll probably be well this question is good
Because I don't know how to set the contract but i'm gonna see if I do launch the contract tomorrow i'm gonna have people mint from the contract
That's how that that's the elf. That's the only offer you're getting
How do we read? All right, these are the terms
Um with that being said first off is edward asleep
No, he's still here if you can't do i'm still here my friend i'm on the what's happening edward
Hey, my man. How's it going? My friend?
Fucking fantastic, man. God. I missed the sound of your voice, dude
You too, man. I'm fucking doing good
That space you did with foods when was it december the first?
It lit the whole thing up. I think
That uh, yeah
Half-time speak things went crazy from then
I was like, what space are you talking? I know the space you're talking about. Yeah, that's a
The mems after that
Pennywise and other people were firing the mems out after that and then momentum has picked up ever since that
That's what the community needs
Bill dollar check speak at half time
Well, he's gonna
Simmer down simmer down bill bill a chick was he fired or did he retire now? I need to know
He retired
A load of coaches retired at once and the rumor is the ruled out steens island
They just shuffled them off
Came into this space. I was like, how how quick how long will I be in here before edward?
Mentions epsilon. I we made it an hour and a half. That's pretty good
I've got free tickets if you want to go there's a ceremony there next thursday. I've got two free
What are we gonna do
People would be that have to check it out at least once nft ticket
Here we go
I gotta make the same joke always do
You know for a chia music space, there's not a lot of music in here, huh?
All right, i'm gonna go to bed, right
I will play a song. Yeah, I I also need to go to bed because my meds are kicking my ass
Yeah, if y'all want a song i'll play a song
Fuck yeah, let's play a song. Uh
I feel like i'm only playing the same three songs lately, but um
Don't make fun of me, but I got a bad kpop and if you know what that means
Then you know struggle
Are those that means
You hear this it's just atrocious
I don't know what I did. I ordered this thing online
And it was uh, terrible, all right, I gotta take my headphones off for just a second
But uh, i'm gonna start playing so we're gonna do that
It's a song called burn burn burn by zach brian
Everyone seems damn genius lately tick-tock talking late night tv is still so much
I have yet to know
We get dressed just to go downtown me some we go feel it
To my grandpa
And I see
For a while
And the paris on the late night flight and find a bar and get in a fight
Write a few poems on the sunny balcony
Be a child climb the tree somewhere breathing in fresh outside air before I do this life
I want a well-trained dog on a couple of acres a kind kind of lady
I know i'm bound to die one day. So when I reach those golden gates, I pray
Say with my mother in the ghillie potted and said the prayer to the broken heart
Made them know that it all turns out just fine
To know me is the love me and love me is the hate
Yeah, I prefer my natural on the olive blade to talk muscle causing
I'm a simple man. I don't need much just a simple song
Human touch i'm tired now. So i'm bringing my
So let me go
Down the line
Let me feel it all
Let me go
Down the line
So let me go
So let me go
Down the line
We all burn
So let me go
I wanna feel it all
Joy painting sky
So let me go
Down the line
We all burn
All right, that's all the time I got um, hopefully the month for all of that
That's impressive man, did you write that spell?
No, that's uh by one of the greatest songwriters. We currently have mr. Zach brian
Zach brian
Yeah, zach brian z-a-c-h-b-r-y-a-n check him out
Nice well, that was a great performance of it
That guy uh, he writes
He uh, he writes fucking
His songs like he's one of those guys like, you know when somebody's a rebel, but they don't have to be like obnoxious and be like
I'm a rebel, you know what I mean? Like he just started writing his songs in odds in odd song structures
Like half the time he'll leave his chorus for like the fourth verse
Skip a bridge or his bridge will become a pre-chorus. Like he does very
weird shit, but like in
Like when you were listening to it there you didn't
Long for the chorus, right like you kind of expected it
But you didn't long for it because like each verse just flowed and flowed and flowed and then the fucking
When the chorus finally does hit it's just like it turns into a fucking ballad, you know
Yeah, it's more folk. So again, it's not traditional song structure of like pop and rock
Yeah, man, do you do you listen to any uh, zach brian art
Yeah, man, i'm i'm a big fan. He's got some great songs
Fuck yeah
That's why I know that's why we're friends. I guarantee there's not a single band out there that you're like
I like these people and I have not at least
Cried all this thing to him once and i'm just kidding
Uh, no, yeah, it's rare for me to actually really enjoy, uh an artist
We got this uh, we got this new guy at work he's uh
He's literally like 19 years old and
He loves the same genre music but his
People are
Significantly younger than me like, you know what I mean? Like he's 19 i'm like 30
So it's just it's weird. It's weird experiencing other people experiencing shit
You know what I mean? Like remember being fucking 18 and just blaring music
Like that's that's a weird concept
Imagine being 60 and looking at an 18 year old. He's like have you checked this guy out and you're like, what the fuck
Those guys those days
We had it better in those days. That's what i'm trying to say
When music was physical
Yeah, so okay
Well, here's here's a thing that I feel like you would appreciate and zach brian is like
All right there. I have three musicians that I really love and they record music in very similar ways all three
But a lot of acoustic to where it's literally just a mandarin guitar and a single track
Right single track no bullshit. No fucking blending in of 90 different things into this
Artific like I don't care if all the all the people are in the room playing the songs
They cut it into this this there's no fuzz between the gaps if that makes any fucking sense
And I think if you're true
If you truly listen to your true fucking
Just obsessive music enjoyer or musician like you hear it
One shit is just artificial
Zach brian like most of his songs is literally just him fucking beating the shit out of a guitar
You know what? I mean? They're just singing passionately and his songs are so
Beautifully written that there there is no fluff like now obviously he's getting like really he's getting fucking he's huge right now
He's selling out fucking arenas all over the world
But like now he's getting into the overproduced stuff, but it's like fuck man him sturgill simpson
Tyler childers has stepped up to her like he's now too big
But like ryan bingham if you listen to some of ryan bingham's like good shit
To where it's literally just a guy some americana fucking if you want to call it folk americana blues
That like just a dude
And his guitar and fucking beautiful lyricism
Is that a word? I think it is but yeah, yeah
That's the news
I think you'd really be into my buddy nester andros
He's a Texan from brownfield
So maybe if he's got music i'll listen to it
Oh, yeah, he does
Yeah, he had a number one. He traveled the world
Number one on the country charts
Get the fuck out of here
nester andros
Andros is one of those names you'll never
Know i'm sitting here trying to type it in like
I'm like, I don't know how we're gonna figure this one out. Uh
andros host
A-n-d-r-o-s-s, uh, it might it might be yes
Falling in love by nester andros
Uh, yeah, his uh number one hit is drunk at the bar
Get the fuck out of here so he's a songwriter, right
Yeah, amazing songwriter
I've had the pleasure of playing with him multiple times. He he lived up here with me. We became very very close friends
That's crazy
Yeah right now he's working on an oil rig, um saving up
Uh to produce his next album and tour
So he can do do the videos and recording and everything keeps self-funding instead of going through the record company because that's what killed him
Traveling across the world working for somebody else's goals, you know in production
By staying with him this summer when we opened for the
lead singer of foreigner at a private charity function this summer
Sorry, I uh, I literally had to run and take a piss
Then uh, after myself when I got back and the mic was on so you might have just heard me
Well, we just heard the flush
Oh, we didn't we didn't do the release just just the flush we didn't hear you wash your hands
So I got shit i'm caught I gotta wash them now
You can't hear the sink. I got a sink over my toilet. It's future
You washed your hands before you plus
There was actually a fucking video and I can't remember what it was from
Back old school viral
well this guy
His friends thought he was weird because he's like why wouldn't I wash my hands before I piss he's like, I don't want a dirt dick
He's like why would I wash him afterwards
He's like i'm just gonna come in and not wash he said I don't want a dirty dick, bro
Uh, you know I can I can respect his hygiene
All right, ladies and gentlemen
Don't let me hear that
That's it. I'm not pissing again. It's a drink
Uh, i'm finishing this
You thought for a second didn't you uh, i'm finishing this
I'm going to bed. It's been nice. I gotta make I gotta remind myself that
I'm gonna get too wild on thursday so I can make sure I can keep running
Through here. Is that my shoe fucks
You fucks can come experience the chaos of a fucking tang gang space one day, but you know what he look
What what y'all should do is just hop into the fucking twitter space while we have a freedom at friday going on
Or something like that
Thank y'all enjoy it
Starts at uh, I think three
Three thirty something around three thirty p.m. Any time zone
Sounds like a plan d gen
I love it. I I always look down the audience
Dude you fucked foods up and I I did I could only read the captions, but he was like
I I just was like that's the yeah, bro. I I did
It's d gen waffles, it's a waffle not a raffle
I'm like i've been doing d gen's voice for two years now and fooling you motherfuckers
Let's go bro. Do you remember when those people were legitimately convinced? We were the same person
I got so good at you and you got so good at me that they were just like
They were funny. I was like, bro. We're fucking talking right now. They were like you could have two accounts
I was like what I can't I can't
That was funny good times. All right
Drack i'm gonna call you tomorrow
Um art everybody fucking love you brother. Love you, buddy. I'm glad you're glad you're getting up on the saddle
I hope you're on stage fucking kicking an amplifier
And knocking over a drum set within weeks
That's gonna be a while but
I've been trying to record a song a day
I I missed today and yesterday because because I had a busy day
Yep, i'm gonna try to keep active
Oh, yeah, man, you gotta keep the mind up while the body's down exactly
All right, I will catch y'all later homies later, bud
Yeah, Edward, I gotta I gotta head to bed too. I'm passing out on the coach right now
Um, but I love and appreciate you
1257 1 8 1 a.m
It's 2 a.m for dracker now, it's crazy bad, man. I'm down rabbit hole. I can't stop. I'm
Yeah, i'm down a heavy heavy
Rabbit hole here on dr. That's great. I am i'll be excited to see what's going on in the morning
Yeah, it'll be a classic morning. It'll be a classic team stand up meeting in the morning
Where i'll have a ton of shit to show you
Looking forward to it. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, man. You too. Good luck. Yeah, I will do
Sweet dreams
It's gone the d gen waffles have gone do you do a d gen waffle impression track
Uh, no, i'm not very good at impressions, man
No, I should by now for the amount of time i've spent with the guy you'd think I should be able to but
Same with brad i've spent so much time with brad too. I ought to be able to impersonate them as well
I don't think I like to do an impression of those guys. They've got unique but very similar sounding
Things that are how they do it
Hello, I march with heart from uh main that's a spitting image
Bloody hell
It's soft sell
What's new with you edward man, what are you been up to what's uh, what I saw something with the the aliens and uh
The space coming up and stuff. Do you want to fill me in on that?
Or am I late to the party?
No, not really. I put my full effort into
minting the thing michael was saying the other day that minting on cheer is like
It it's not hard as such but it's I said, well, it is a bit hard
It's mentally hard because you've got to tie all these different elements in at the same time before you hit enter
like a miss mint or getting a mint wrong is
like that's the only
crime really so
Yeah, it sucks man
Sucks when they don't go when they don't go really well
It's a lot of work with mint garden and different client versions and
And mempool fees going up suddenly. So yeah, I minted that about
24 36 at 24 hours ago and uh, yeah, i'm pretty tired burnt out from it almost like it was almost a month of
concentration on one day, so
chilling out
Yeah, for sure man. Um, well, that's good. Congratulations way to go
Yeah, just appreciate that
I'm pretty excited about the license on the
There's only 333 ever and I think this is the first in
Well, maybe in chia, maybe even in nft history a full open license for all 333
Yeah, i've not even got energy to promote it at this point, but i'm hoping that I will do
I'm gonna smoke yeah, it's almost like
You you you do all the big buildup to the big day then then you do it all the work
And then you have that sigh of relief and then you have that moment of oh shit now the real work
That's what it really gets going
I think that's why they have teams of people that work together so that
You can just point at someone and then just going to get hammered for a couple of months and forget about it
Doing it all the time is too much
It needs to be uh
There's no respite is the from the minute you mint an nft the high pressure drop
You're basically really meant to promote it then so
The best I could do was tell a spell like could you just host 50 auctions in a row?
And then at least I don't have to
Do much so that that's my marketing for now
But in 50 days, I should have more i'll do the rest of the
300 for sale I think or
I think a game of winning zone will take place for a pair of time lord shades, but
Yeah for now. I'm just happy it's all minted
I wish I was in a hammock right now
Yeah, for sure
That I remember after some drag launches kicking the feet up after me like okay. I need a breather and a beer for sure
We need uh, like nft minting therapists that are just always available for people to
Yeah nft ptsd
Absolutely, man
It'd inevitably get tied into minting more at fts. Oh, you know what we could do
We could mint an nft of the ptsd fd discussion and build a brand from it
Mint it before the show the app was up
that there was um
Uh, his name is yeeti online. Um
This is back in the omak days, but he did a collection called um
Copium that was his thing was copium and it was these little little copium pills. That was a good one
That one just made me that kind of just jumped to my head
Ptsd nfts
On something ever
Yeah, 24 hour space. We need a 208 hour space just for
Coming down off a big mint, but uh
Yeah, just getting one thing wrong
Just tick in the wrong box or put in the wrong thing here and you've bricked it forever almost so
Yeah, we had that problem with um
With the fortune cookies. So we we he spilled, you know, there's christmas and everything and then he had backup
So we kind of got delayed a fair bit just getting it fixed up and
But it was the same thing man. It was went through all this preparation and everything and then
It turned out to be a version of the wallet
Was too new and it had a bug versus the last time I used it
I had an older wallet
And it did work without the bug. So I went into it thinking oh, okay
Just like last time
And then this one version in the difference and that was it and it caused us like not just us
But he's failed too a whole bunch of extra work and trouble and it's just
So this time we're trying to we got it. We got to finish rolling it out, but it's like, okay
We're gonna go extra slow this time, you know
It's just like you said the littlest nuance goes out of whack and you can cause yourself an immense amount of work
Yeah, for sure
Oh, sorry
No, I was gonna say bradley said earlier that uh, you you've got a fix for the four chain cookies. I think ace fail has got a
Oh, he didn't mention it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah good. I'm glad he did. Yeah, we we do ace fail sent it over
It's just a matter of i'm gonna move it to a different machine
Um here at my house so that
Um, I can run the older wallet
Um, that that one's running the other one. So we're just gonna
move everything over but
I wanted to make sure I had clear instruction from ace fail on
How to move the random mint from one machine to another
so that we can continue the random mint that we already had and not have to like
You know close that down spin something up yada yada, but ace fail did a whole bunch of work
I don't know. He kept asking me for stuff. I just sent it the guy's a wizard
I can't even pretend to understand how we he makes it look
So easy just like oh, yeah, just connect it. No, it's no problem. Bop-bop-bop-bop-bop
Thankfully for him he he got it all sorted out and ran reports and figured out
really the work that the
We didn't even end up in a bad spot. What ended up happening with all the mess up mints because of this version of the wallet
Everybody who paid for one got one, but some people got more than they paid for so it's kind of like oh, okay
Well, there's worse things that could have happened
And it was just meant to be kind of a light-hearted thing. Anyway, so we're not going to take it too serious. So
Ace fails got us all hooked up with all the right wallets and ids and you know
You got to do that whole associating everything to everything with their obscure numbered ids. So
We got to work out and now it's just a matter of
Oh, please don't execute ice file he is a
Oh man, he's he's such a giga chat and he's so nice he's so
Man, I love ace failure. He's he's freaking amazing and his work is
It's just so top-notch. I I you know, he's one of my favorites in the space to to really keep an eye on the guy just
graciously and giving you know, he's so selfless about his work and his time and
And and to top it all off the quality is just you know
Everything that he does from the xch pay to you know, his pwa release of mint garden to
You know the btc pay servers turn xch like these are all such fundamentally like useful tools that he's
Added an abstraction layer
At least from my perspective for devs like me. It's perfect. It's like it's the sweet spot where
I can't go low level like ace vel and although i'd like to that's that's my push point, right?
That's where the extents where things get to be studied for me
Somebody like ace fail adds that that really nice layer of abstraction then a dev like me
Who can work really fast in other ways gets to kind of not trip over his feet as much trying to you know
Plug some wires in so
I don't know man
He's probably one of my favorite devs in the in the entire space. I
He's just he just does a lot of really good stuff for jia
Yeah, for sure and he's very quick at fixing things like you said
Oh god, I would have been lost
Edward I was in panic right like I just like the space the way it goes, you know in the fun
You're like, oh fucking people send you money and they're counting on this and then it goes awry
And then you're staring at this list
of some sort that's like
Long nftids and long wallet ids and you're expected to kind of be like, okay
Now we're and the guy just like
I would have had an anxiety attack if it wasn't for him, but he and he just does it so cool collectively. So
Yeah, thank god for ace fail. So i've got everything sitting in discord. We'll roll it out here soon
I just was like I needed a breather after that last one kind of like just like you're saying it's kind of like, okay
The the the break is fixed. So now I can take a break from the fix, you know
Gotta remember that when people come into cheer and we're like, yeah
If you want to mint an nft collection just go on mint garden, but it's even hard for people who
Know how to do it. I guess so
It isn't quite that easy unless you're doing it on a
Mobile phone, I guess and you just
Take an nft
Yes, it's the finicky nature of it, right? Like nobody's nobody's got version, you know checking in in anything
It's just like here's the new version and you install it. It might work with this it might break this over here
You know in this case a broken connection with it and like how do you really know and it's just so you know
It's so new. So it's so really really new that
The smallest little thing can throw things out of whack
So I guess you know in the end makes us more diligent and I like to think of it as
Um, we'll all just be that more that much more efficient in our use when the abstraction layers
And then and the and the more retail tools come you know, it's like anything if you know the lower level
Then you can kind of wield the higher level better, right?
Yeah, yeah for sure
Yeah, did you say you've checked out xch dot pay or xch pay dot me? I think it is
So I pinged a spell he said he was going to put me on um on the adoption list
I don't know what is for these schedules and stuff and I i'm not i'm not really worried about bugging him or being
On any list. I just kind of jabbed him was like, oh, can we can we can we use the the service because
For me, I have so many things on the go and I mostly work on my own for the most part
With the the exception of brad and the guys, but they tend to do other things than what I do
so things like that make my life easy
Sometimes for me
It's like I like to use that layer and then if I need to i'll drill drill down and go a little more manual
But the xch pay service is something i'm hoping that
Can be one of those things that we use in drag and thus showcase ace fails work in a practical application, right?
Yeah, it does seem to bridge the
That word bridge again. It does seem to bridge the gap. Uh
You can sell stuff on printify and as I understand it take payment in xch. I mean that's a
That's a really good timing for the space aliens for sure
because uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly
but I mean what a great tool to just and and
If you you can apply it in so many different ways like you don't necessarily just have to put it to say an e-commerce store
You can put it to you know, something else if you
Modify a bit i'm sure really what like what would be examples?
Um, I would think like
instead of
Invoice for product purchase you could probably spin it
to subscription based invoicing so that
You could do xch subscription based
Services, you know, um, I don't really know how that would work out. But that's again ace fail genius, but
things like that or um
You could probably if you wanted to go further with it
You could probably create some sort of xch based rental system as well, you know
This depends on how you want to I guess facilitate the invoicing or whatever but I have to dig further
into it, but
It's basically a btc pay server
Rig to do xch. So whatever
If you kind of ran a search across the webs, you could probably figure out what the different applications of btp
btc pay server or just
Relate that to similar industry using xch
I like the idea of taking
Xch for a wearable
From printify and then linked to michael taylor's new website. I mean an influence or in
Top level influencer whoever it might be you'd think that they would clean up with that combo right there because you could
show the wearables on your data layer website xch then sell it there and essentially cut out the
Uh the dollar I guess
I think it does does it or or does it get rid of that? Explain that again. Sorry
Yeah with the sort of three corners of the triangle
the data layer websites, which michael is
imminently going to release and then
Wearables t-shirt stores like printify ceramic mugs things like that and then the xch pay service
those three would
As i'm sort of visualizing it you could have your wearable store linked to your xch address
But then take payment in xch to then trigger it being delivered in the real world
And but you wouldn't have to touch the dollar
I don't think unless the btc pay server thing xch dot pay goes through the dollar which i'm not sure if it does or doesn't but
No, I don't think it does
That's good. I don't think it does and
um, i'd have to look further but the likelihood is
like with many pay systems or invoice systems they use
um some sort of webhook or whatever protocol that
Kind of mimics a webhook system where you've got like an event a successful payment event
Of an invoice or whatever and that's fed back somewhere
You could anyway, i'm kind of ranting. I'm nerd ranting. Sorry
You could do like a webhook that could basically trigger anything any any other services kind of where it's going with that
Webhook what's a webhook?
So webhook is something that's used commonly in web two
Um, or just I hate seeing web two or three
So it's commonly used in in your typical internet architecture of like api servers. So a webhook would be
A good example of the webhook would be if we related to payment would be you show up
to say my site
And you make a purchase but that purchase goes through strike, right?
Because I don't have my own home baked whatever i'm using a service say
And so really ultimately when you interact with say my site you end up through going through say stripe to pay a subscription
That's all fine. And that's all processed on stripe server. This is one of the benefits of stripes
I don't got to think about all that. I just got to collect your info
securely send it through stripe and we're good
But then how does say for example i'll use dracken as an example
How would your character and drag or your account and drag know?
That this stripe server was successful, right?
And so they employ what's called webhooks. So on on the drag server, I would create a webhook
Call it a api endpoint
That I would make known to stripe and so that that way stripe when it say has a successful payment event or a decline
Or a needs action or whatever the the event might be
It kind of is like it it hollers back to your server to let you know
It's like hey this event happened. You said you wanted to know about them
That's the hook and so it's a way of something to kind of notify your service after the fact
Um and send data along with it. So in this case, it would be like stripe talking back to drag after i've already sent
Somebody over there. It's kind of yelling back. Hey, that was that was a good payment
Here's all the data for it and then you would store that locally
Does that make sense? Yeah, it makes sense to me. You can kind of trigger something through the
The pay service I guess
Well, it's a way of two servers communicating
And it's typically used like after an event to notify another server that something has happened
That's typically what it's used for
So two different servers owned by two different companies talking through an api
And webhooks giving them ability to kind of know about things that happen
Either after the fact in the case of payment or whatever the case
could be like even as far as like
a button on an iot button on my desk when I
Click it it sends a command to like a webhook on a server. That's just sitting there waiting to listen for events
That's a that's a simpler way of putting it
I see. So that's cool. Yeah
Just probe like
Hey monkey
I haven't talked to monkey in a while
Lucas is in here too, but he's probably been talking all day
Um in spaces. He's been killing it on spaces, right? So he's like
Space is exhausted by the end of the day
Yeah, they're tiring to host really because we have to focus a lot, you know, it's uh
You know, it's not just talking is it it's live
Which is live performance meets live hosting it's a bit of everything
Yeah, first year
So what's got you excited into you lately edward
Michael taylor but not just
Michael taylor's software, but the way that michael taylor is going about it
like he's
He's going about it. Like he's he's absolutely determined to reach a
His own vision
And that's powerful
You know, he's piecing it all together and the chia browser. I mean fucking hell he's built some sort of electron based browser
Uh, that's running already
What he's doing I think is the most exciting. Uh
And then the xch pay and how that is going to link to it
excites me
Yeah, that that's it really that's that's the most exciting things. I mean there's loads of exciting stuff
It's too much to take in at this point. I can't even soak it all in as it happens
he's he's really determined to build an internet replacement and
I i've said before I don't think we've ever had a truly decentralized media on earth ever not in our life
Spaces are probably as close as it comes but
A new internet that michael taylor's building at that is just
It's not just crypto big. It's like media big and information is more valuable the money
It's gonna be really cool
That's pretty much. I think what i'm most excited about lately too is
Is all of that stuff?
I love watching his stuff come out because it's really interesting
Yeah, I don't know if you caught him on the wednesday second data layer space
But he he says he's built all these different jigsaw pieces and it's almost ready to snap into place
Just there's one little piece from rigidity
Which should be done by february. I think he said that when that not slots in it
It's just like it's almost all ready to go
That's awesome, yeah, he's been he's been like a man on a mission
A dev on a mission
Yeah, he's got that credibility of building the climate change
the climate action warehouse
So that's a big
thing I guess
He's got many he's definitely got chops
like I really enjoy talking to him and learning from just like his thought process of the way that
He kind of uh vets through his ideas and stuff. He's very thorough and
Yeah, I enjoy having very nerdy conversations with him
I mean he's talking about going full-time and
As soon as he can earn enough money, he's full-time and it's it's not like he's just gonna
Build the web browser and be gone like he wants to
Yeah, I don't know if he's talking to anyone else or if it's all off his own back or if who knows
Who's discussing stuff in the back channels? Is he being guided?
It's kind of
Is he a lone wolf? I don't know. It's this industry is so
Quick and exciting that it's just it's like an addiction. It's like a drug
Just following the information is almost good enough. Leave alone using the technology from it and
Then chatting to your friends about it. So
Yeah, it always charges me up
I find it hard to keep up with it all
Oh god, yeah
Just well, that's why like a few goods, you know, I just kind of I think
at some point I
I've given up on trying to chase it and just gotten comfortable with
Relying on my friends and a few good spaces
Feels like that should be a song lyric
But um, you know what I mean? Like I I trust certain groups
Of people that you know, I i've come to learn that when this when this mixture of persons are together
There tends to be you know, both accurate and interesting information and I just kind of
I've had to get okay with not being able to follow everything
And and hope to pick it up
Yeah, for sure I know that clearing and I think even jean said about
And now even the timeline i'm gonna say it was six to eight months ago
maybe six months ago, but jean said that
Like even now he can't quite keep his finger on the pulse of just about everything, you know
Because he would have been seeing everything happen
But we've reached the kind of exponential change in a sense that hasn't been represented in price, but
I'm sure will be one day
Yeah, I I would think this year is going to be a solid year it feels like it
Yeah, it feels like it
There's a lot going on in the world a lot can change quickly
Very quickly through
Yeah, we get we're often get blindsided just when when it feels like everything kind of sweet spot, right so
Cautious optimism is always a good thing
Cautious optimism is the canadian way
Yeah, yeah
It's just like hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way
That's a pink floyd line I should give them credit is it yeah, I don't know that line went over me but
Appreciated nonetheless the lumping floys
Well check the space aliens description and you might see a couple of
hints of what i'm working on
I was poking around I was poking around
I should get monkey up. He's being quiet. Is it early there or late there? Oh, it's early. They're late here. Yeah, it must be
Three four five six seven eight
What is it four in the morning four five six seven eight two thirty here? I think it's four hours ahead of me
So it would be like six three and everything
Maybe three hours
Pretty big room for this time. Yeah
I haven't been up this late in a long time man long times
This used to be an hour. I kind of go through phases, right? Probably summertime
It's different than wintertime, you know, um
But god it's been a while since i've been up in two thirty
Yeah, what's the weather like right now have you got a really cold spell oh it's freezing man it's freezing
So cold it's all ice outside it's just
This is where i'm a high hibernate man. I leave the house as little as possible in the winter. I can't stand it
Yeah, god, is it is it like this every year this level or is it unseasonably cold?
No, it's pretty
Our our temperatures here are pretty moderate like it's pretty stable. Um, I mean we obviously feel the effects like everyone but
um generally speaking
It's the same year after year we get
We're right on the ocean
We get a lot of moisture and so we got a lot of ice
because we get crazy cold temperatures, so
It's it's a yeah, we're either getting really nice snow and it's warm out
Or we're getting hit with some like junky like freezing rain snow mixture that you know
Makes it so that you can't open your car door in the morning kind of things
How would I go for a night out if i'm where you are now I don't want to go to a night club on a friday
How would I even go about doing that?
You stand outside and you freeze your ass off man. It's it's the canadian way. It's the cold that binds us
It's part of it's literally
I think we don't even think about it until like say explaining it like this is
We all live through this this cold weather and it's just part of
It's just part of life man. So I think that's that's a big piece of
You know if somebody says they're from canada i'm immediately like, okay
There's a level of respect because I know what you go through in the winter
I don't know man you go and you stand in the line you just dress warmer and you go for less smoke breaks
So they've still got like nightclubs and bars and stuff wait you're out in the winter doesn't all close down
The cold doesn't slow us down or stop us until like it knocks the power out
It's it's business as usual always
You just get kind of used to it man, um where I grew up in in newfound land
We get so much snow that um
We don't use
Like plows on the front of trucks. They don't even use like dump trucks with plows. They they literally use road graders
To remove the snow from the streets
And then when that piles up so high on the side of the street on the sidewalks
They have snow blowers that are double stacked if you can picture two snow blowers like stacked on top each other
You know unlike a drivable machine. It's not some dude like holding two snow blowers
But it's like this custom machine that it's because they have to cut the path for the walkways and the snow is over
My head by a lot and i'm six foot three. So
It's really high. It's
An insane amount of snow and that can happen in the course of like a few days
It's wild
There is a certain atmosphere the snow brings
It has to be said i've been to japan a couple of times in the winter Hokkaido. Yeah, and I think they've got
Canadian level snow, I think that's one of the snowiest no-year cities on earth support of but uh
Yeah, there's just like a certain energy when you're in a restaurant or a bar when it's freezing cold and snow outside
you're almost
The atmosphere is almost better. You're almost sort of connected to the other people more
Than if the weather's better, but you sort of spread out more. I don't know if that makes sense
Yeah, no, well, absolutely. So I mean the the ideal temperature for snow
Is uh, I don't know. I can't remember exactly. It's like plus three degrees or something
to like minus whatever
Is this optimal range right because it's not too dry. You've got enough moisture and it's cold enough and and so on and so
Ideally, I I know exactly what you're talking about because ideally, you know, I wake up if i'm gonna have snow
It's the sun is out
It's plus two degrees
All the icicles are dripping because they're melting because the sun is warm
But you have this like absolutely beautiful fluffy snowfall coming down and I have
This sunroom edward on the bed. That's like an extension on my house
And it's like the dinner tables in there and it's just nothing but glass all the way around and it's
Um, like those snowfalls you're talking about sitting having like a nice warm breakfast. Oh, I love it. You're right. It has this
And you feel like you're in a snow globe
Yeah, so we do get we do get some really cool nice weather out of it
And the snow fun is is always good too we get so much snow that
One year me and the kids
tunnels from our front door
across the entire front yard multiple tunnels splitting off like
you know, like old war style tunnels and
Like completely covered until you got to this one that was a giant pit
That we dug out that had snow seats
And all of our beer were stabbed in the snow between our seats and we had a fire in the middle of it
And it was so tall that you couldn't see my head sticking out of it. So we basically built
a monstrous
You know snow castle with built-in beer coolers
And little tunnels to get to the front door and the kids just played and we just had a fire and drank
It was I mean if you make the best of it
You can have a lot of fun in the snow here because there's a ton of it
Coming to the direct verse soon
Yeah, but I mean we do all kinds of things one time we had so much snow
Um from a storm that we had a drift in our backyard
That overnight completely sealed the sliding door like the whole seven foot door
was blocked
Um from bottom to top
And it was a really bad story. I think it was a couple days
So it basically got froze there and it was you know difficult to get out and get around to it
So we just ended up using it as a cooler. It was like a fridge
And so we'd slide the we'd slide the patio door open stick our drinks and it's slide the patio door shut
Yeah, it's really cool. So you gotta this is what I mean like it's kind of the
Even though the cold sucks
It's kind of this thing that binds us in Canada
It's fun for a bit then you get really sick of it
For sure if it was just one week of winter and then the rest was summer that would be perfect
But you can't get that anywhere
That'd be nice
Are you still living there?
Sorry, what was that? No, no, okay. You go ahead
I was just gonna say I used to live in British Columbia in Kelowna with my brother
Week ago skiing and golfing in the same day at a particular point in the season
Just because the tops of the mountains the hills would still be opening down in the valley
You could go get around to golfing. That was always fun
Sounds very tiring
Yeah, that's a good time a lot of your drink
That was a faulty towers joke, I think you said the exact same line
Basil was talking to the she's actually british, but she had an american husband walled off salad the episodes called
And she's like, you know, I live in america. I can you know go?
Skiing in the afternoon and you know, whatever play golf in the morning and it was like that sounds very tiring
basil accent
Always put down, of course
The original faulty towers best comedy series ever
Is my opinion
That's a tip not the remake not anything new just those 12 episodes are the best comedy i've i've ever seen
Say it again. I'll look it up here. Yeah, faulty towers
Towers t-o-w-e-r-s faulty towers two series six episodes each
John clee's written by connie booth and john clee's. Oh john, please. Okay
Honey booth Andrews, okay
Oh, this is old school
Yeah, that's it he was I think he was filming a monty python film
Uh, and they're acting in it and then they went to stay in a hotel somewhere in glenn eagles
And there was this really eccentric hotel manager who would like tell the different monty python actors like not to hold their fort like that
He was like so rude and basil john clee's I should say was like hold on a sec
There's a character there and he put himself into the hotel for like an extra week or something just to take notes on the manager
And that's what faulty towers was based on
Just as you talk about i'm skimming wiki and i'm reading about the hotel and stuff. Yeah
Oh, this is cool
You see we was hanging with the monty python crew
When the idea came this is uh-huh i'll have to check it out man. I'll leave it on my tab here i'll get to it a bit
Like for this comedy
If you have to watch one episode
Communication problems is the name of it
That I used to play that and when I was teaching at university, I used to play that in classes and the
There was never a time. I played it when the whole room was not beforeing in laughter and that's kai students
You know, they don't get english primary. Yes from hell mrs. Richards. I really
He wanted a race
Basil attempts to prevent the money. He wanted a racehorse from being discovered by civil this
disapproves of gambling absolute seven series two
All right, I got it flagged
There's your homework
like the old days
When people sent you a youtube clip and they were like, have you watched it yet? Have you watched it?
Thanks for the word. Oh my god. Yeah
Do you remember um, you're into music do you remember columbia house?
No, do you ever do you ever have a columbia house? Okay, so
Take the brand name away. Do you remember when we used to order music through the mail and they would send you cds
And you had to send them back
Do you remember did did you ever do that?
I did for film rentals. I know what you're talking about, but it wasn't music but it was dvd. Same thing
We used to have this in columbia house and it was like the original subscription model and it was through the mail
so, you know the the envelope would come in the mail and you know to put the money in and the return and you would
Write down and select all these cds that you want and then
The the mail would come back and you'd have all these cds and that you'd bought either at
You know, whatever rates and some you could return it was this whole envelope subscription system
I just laughed thinking about the days like that or like the series catalog
It's it's not that far ago
No in time. It's not long ago
Imagine what it'll be like in the same amount of time in the future based on
Just the last week or the last month of cheer
Man, i'm so excited for whatever we're gonna have in 20 years from now like as a nerd
Listen, I know the world's shed. I know that there's problems everywhere
But like if we just strip all that back and I just go total nerd for a minute
I'm so excited for what's going to be in 20 years just from the toys element like from the nerdy toys
it's it's
Unbelievable what is at our fingertips? I wake up every day and i'm just like what the fuck am I gonna play with today?
like there is endless amounts of nerdy things to do all day and
The quantity of content and things you can it's it's amazing in 20 years. Oh
I still want my hoverboard. I mean if in 20 years we don't have hoverboards, then I don't know
They can do it now the technology to do it is is out already. They've had it a long time. They're just
Isn't that that one like tony hawk did like a stint and there's a video of me
He's just kind of floating though at the whim of the board more or less without much control, right?
I see what you mean. No, what i'm saying is that they
We have not seen
A working hoverboard even if they've done I know there's videos of like, oh sort of working ones
But i'm saying that I think they've got technology that they could do that tomorrow
free energy basically and
Because the media is centrally controlled. They've managed to keep it secret. But yeah, I think they could do that
I think I would think too because you know what I find weird about magnetics
and i'm definitely no physicist or anything but
find it weird
Like magnetics is like really like the only thing that it's like one of the forces that we can't see smell and touch
Right. It's just this invisible force
And it's everywhere all the time. It's literally what keeps us pinned to where we are
it's it's always flowing through us like how have we not harnessed that a little better and so
Don't know man. I'm with you. I think they got it and some somebody is marty mcfly in it
At area 51 laughing at the rest of us and and he's like, this is all mine
Yeah, they know a lot about electromagnetics that they don't say Nikola Tesla's invented free energy machines
like that's
Documented really it's not like it's a weird idea. I mean the patterns are all
It's definitely all around us. You know, we all know this like you're scientific at all
You know that there's this energy all around us and and and there's all this magnetics around us all the time. I mean they're all just
Just waiting there to be and so I don't know again and i'm not a conspiracy guy, but you know, I like to think that
When when I think back to say egyptian stuff as as a mystery, you know as a puzzle and you're like, you know
How did they do it and there's lots of theories and whatever?
I often think there's got to be some missing link between like
magnetics and and free energy and these pyramid shapes and like it just seems like
Could we not just take all this magnetic power this energy and and you know
Make a power glove wouldn't that be fun like an old zelda sub power. Let me start picking up a huge rock
Yeah, a power glove with a virtual boy for vr. Uh, they could do it, but it's a
form of control if you control
If you know if there's free energy out there you can't control people with energy
So you can't make it about gas and oil
Uh, I should think the oil is even far more plentiful than they're pretending so even the fate energy
That they say is the cause of the problems. That's a lot more plentiful than they even pretend but
You don't need oil. You've got electro magnetic generators
like white burn stuff if you can
Power a hoverboard. Well, I think we need oil
I think we need oil
to a degree
for now like I don't know about
50 or 100 years from now, but so much stuff is made
With oil like the computers were on the phones around that did whatever the way, you know
I don't know if we'll ever get away with it
Cut entirely but I think minimal use is definitely a good thing
Yeah, i'm not against oil by the way, uh, I guess i'm
Uh, I guess i'm seeing them both as different forms of uh
Like limitless supply and then you sort of create narratives in the media and oh, that's why we're at war with russia
Because of royal or something
It's just we'll have a narrative bit
I'm not smart enough to follow all that stuff edward
So, you know what I usually do is just like in the moment
I just tell myself just make the best decision that you can with the information that you have in the moment
Just like that like there's it's so I find the the global world so confusing
So I'd like to just kind of like hide out of my little corner of the world
Because you guys you guys all get I love listening to you and lucas and everybody go on because I just
It's like eye opener to me sometimes
Yeah, it's great. I find global politics. I'm just so confused by the world today that it's like kind of throwing my hands
I'm like, I don't know. This is this is I guess my opinion, you know
I don't really know that was the plan. That's what they did
I think that's exactly what they did is they made everything so confusing so that people sort of like that
Well, it works on people like me for sure it's it's just
The nuances in it all and the little subtleties and the hidden agendas and the false flags and the oh
My head starts spinning
Yeah, it's stressful like we should all be just focused on our passions 24 hours a day not yeah, who's manipulating the bullshit but
That's uh, the reality I guess
It's kind of why michael taylor's new internet is exciting in a way to me should be if you can't censor it then
Well, what's the truth?
I want to look into the the browser thing and the coin stuff
After I after I did that bit of work for him with the sprout stuff
I just got so sidetracked and busy with other things my project like just got big and I want to go back to spending more time
Working with the tooling that he has and uh kind of messing around with it because it's really quite easy
He's a really great developer and his stuff is
Works really well. So it's really nicely laid out even just working in his code. It's like, oh, this is so well thought out
So I want to go see if there's any like anything I can do to
Working with michael. So a little I guess
A little transparency or I don't know if that's the right word. But uh, one of the things I like about working
Behind michael like following in what he's doing is we use the same stack
And and like he's a javascript dev i'm a heavy javascript dev and so his tech stack just kind of like lines
really nicely with my favorite so
Selfishly, I really look i'm rooting for data layer too because it's like, oh
There's a nice stack that I can slip right into really nicely and do a lot of working right where versus like
Chialisp, it's like, uh, I have no idea
Right. So i'm i'm rooting for michael's stuff because it's really nicely built. I like the tools he's using and
Selfishly, it's gonna make it easy for me
But he's he's he's just
He's he's the the whole thing he's got going is so great, man. I can't just excited to see this this chia browser
Yeah, i'm curious about what else it could do. I know you said that you've got your sinking time down from
Was it a minute?
Well, just like we basically, you know a chia block say
30 seconds to in a minute and a half. I get well, not anymore
This face. Yeah, so not anymore. But yes, the l2 cache basically makes it so that we have
In essence it's real time. But the the thing about
the thing about the way it works
It works on a consensus that
Will eventually reconcile so it's it's heavily offline focused so that you you could actually
run games and things
with consensus offline
and have that all
compiled down into waiting for
The next block to to sync
That you can move to data layer. So it's this in between
With an offline focus and the way that things basically
Collapse to consensus and have like an an eventual
Validation of the data all coming to sync and then when that happens it pushes it up to data layer
But it doesn't have to be just data layer it can go to whatever
Um, you just have to write an adapter for it
So dren wrote an adapter for that
But i'll tell you edward something you should look into man
And and data layer sent us down this road and doing a bunch of research on data. Go look at urbans
Um, u-r-b-i-t-z-r-s. I can't remember. We we had a meeting with the ceo and cto guys
whichever he was um, and um
They have a lot of features that are very similar to chia
and they have this, you know different twist but
Um, we actually got talked to them because we thought it'd be really cool to port data layer over to their system as well
And they have a lot of it's all peer to peer and it's monkey if you're listening
You should you should check out your orbits as well if you haven't already
so like again just to
Like michael, we we went and looked at how we could take what he's doing and move it over there to help
Push chia green pilling a little further, right?
Um, and and I won't say me actually i'll say he's dread dread did all the all the work
We all kind of as a team crunched our heads on it and
did a lot of the conceptualizing but dread put the the fingers to the keys on with the coating and um
It came up really nice and it's really not that difficult
Um, and we moved from that and did some other things too. So
Stitching things together kind of like michael's doing we've got a whole bunch of things that we've solved or built
And we've got to stitch them together
It's a really fun time right now really really fun time to be a nerd man
2024 is a stitching year
Yeah, the tapestry of the quilt will be sewn in 2024 an electro-magnetic tapestry that you were
That's gonna be cool, man
There's no way about it and and on the ai front too
I'm getting so into ai lately and I suck at it, but i'm exploring i'm pushing a little further and man, it's exciting stuff
super fun
Yeah, I I do like it I like it for mid-journey I uh,
Yeah, it's gonna be
I don't know. I'm in different minds about it
as a thing I feel like
chat gpt is the
The public release of the technology the army's had for
And that we're sort of being
Bread-chromed it a little bit. That's what worries me is if it's all part of their plan to
Drop it out and sort of feed you off it, but it's great technology. We've been creating flyers for events for spaces
Mid-journey is brilliant because you can create eye-catching stuff in a heartbeat without having to
Do it. So it's very useful
I just hope it will
Be controlled by humanity and not
control humanity
Yeah, I don't know much about the it control of humanity. I don't think that's
I don't know. I don't I don't I don't see ai overtaking people I but
Hollywood's done a good number in portraying that I think but I don't know how
I don't know
Because hollywood has done that that's what worries me because it's like they're planting the seed that that's what's coming
Like terminated to it fair enough
Well, yeah, it's like it's telling you what's going to happen
In a worst case scenario, of course, which we always have to plan for
Wonder what it's going to be like the day that
Elon musk
Is a plug-in ai for your own brain
Right. Like what happened then man?
I mean, I want one
But what happens then like at that point I
Like is there a point the human brain
Is going to start to shut down with too much
consumption or is there even a theoretical limit like I have no idea about biology, but
Yeah, I would think you start getting neurolink going
To the degree that it's plugged into ai and feeding stuff into the human brain like I wonder I wonder if there's a limit
I'm gonna have it like a dr. Frankenstein moment
Yeah, I think the warning signs are there because of the giant rise in depression over the last like 20 30 years
Depression pandemic they've even got a minister of loneliness in england now. So I think that's a sign the brain has already started
Kind of preemptively saying
I'm starting to shut down
Humans are social animals. So the less time you spend with other people I think
Is the worst for you?
But then they put technology there and say there you go have a nintendo 64 which I frankly loved
So you need to play nintendo 64 with other people. That's the
That's the balance
AI golden are you play in person with someone i'd be up for that
Oh, yeah, I have uh, I have a n64 golden night cartridge sitting right here on my shelf. Oh, nice
Yeah, nice. It's right here. Did you complete it?
Oh, man, I grew up on that game god
I I don't even know how long it like, you know wore the controller stick out multiple times
I had to have that one in all my collectibles for sure
But that is a great game for split screen multiplayer in 19 what 90?
Is this 98 97?
98 oh god, I don't remember my brother and I we used to always play on
slappers and launchers with limited ammo so
And and we played in uh in the temple
And so it really when we first started it became
I mean because we played it so much that it basically was initial start and then all we did was lob
The launcher grenades through the the high up points like trying to get the spawn points
Once they were gone, then it was slappers only in game on right? So
That's basically was
At least three years of my life
Wow, we we could have had a good game there your tactics are almost
I used to use proximity mines on the spawn points facility
Love proximity mines
I think it was
James Bond that
Set my love of proximity mines even to this day when I play other games that have pride like i'm a proximity when I play
call of duty
Proximity mines all the way all the way
so I think that stems from
Man, they were so much fun. God that game was good. Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, it's about
Setting up the cardboard divider on the screen so you didn't scream peek. Oh, yeah. I've seen pictures of that
Oh lord, wow
Yeah, well i'm too old and it's uh three o'clock in the morning here
I'm gonna not just always time for another game of golden eye. Let's get it set up. We could buy one on e-bend quickly
I don't even have an n64 console. I just have this
I have this cartridge here
ea games n10 to 64 rated t for teens
n10 to 64 game my eyes are bad against
1997 nintendo
1995 nintendo
sometime between 95 and 97
There you go. So 25 years you tell them either
Uh in 25 years, they still can't do split screen multiplayer that
They've made it all online, but uh, yeah, well i'll let you know
I used to i'll tell you about this tv. I used to have in regards to split screen
I wish I still had it. I got this tv once
Um, that was a 3d tv, but what they did was
made a split screen mode
So and you got these two particular glasses. So if you think how 3d works right like it's two different bands, right? And so
What they did was basically
with these glasses
Me and my brother could play the same game and instead of the split screen
We would both see full screen, but we would only see our own screen
Because we had these glasses on. Oh, man
Edward when it came to gaming it was unbelievable. I wish that my new my current tv did that
Yeah, and it wasn't like
Could I interrupt quick? Are you saying the tv did that that wasn't the game program to do it the tv could do that
Yeah, yeah
It was unbelievable. Um
let me think for a second and if I can think of the model it was a
Was that the
Or the sony. I think it was samsung man. I think it was a samsung
Anyway, i'll see if I can remember it sometime when i'm not so tired
But yeah all in the glasses in the tv didn't matter
What game you put on as long as the split screen was?
Horizontal I think i'm not even sure if it mattered vertical or not
But yeah, we sit on the sofa each with our little respective 3d glasses on
And we would see full screen only our own so you couldn't even screen pink p. Plus you got the full screen
It was incredible
It was super your best featured tv i've had in a while
And with that nerdiness
I'm gonna drag my ass to bed. I gotta get up in the morning and help foods with this
His alpha juices. Yeah, man
Hope you sleep well and best of luck in the morning
Yeah, yeah, thanks for having me buddy. Thanks for hanging out with us
It's nice always pleasure never sure but on the other hand four fingers and a tom
All right, buddy, take care of me have a good night later
Yeah, cheers to everyone for coming I guess i'll
Close it down. I'll give a little plug to the chia music space aliens because
Why not? That's uh, something i've released there are
333 that will be released in the next
month or two
It's got a unique license
I'm calling for the reformation of pink floyd, which is something i've been working on for the last three years
Pushing it slowly slowly up the hill slowly up the hill timing is everything
It offers 333 commercial rights licenses for every single nft
And also a unique license to create music videos on blockchain anychain not just chia
with your space alien, so
There's 50 going up for auction
Daily and that will be in the build up to the chia halving
And that's well 49 days away now and on the chia halving
more space aliens the public launch will be that day and
Uh, well not the public launch I should say like the majority of them will be sold that day
and the same day as the
Solo world record chia space attempt by bradley wallace the chia community
And it's going to be an attempt to break the 72 hour world record. So that's 49 days away
The space aliens are a kind of nft countdown to that event
So yeah with that i'll wish you all good night and uh, thanks for coming
Michael taylor on wednesday more spaces next week. And uh, yeah
Hope you're all well and uh much love