Cloud computing on #Blockchain - Flux x Kadena Ecosystem AMA

Recorded: June 16, 2023 Duration: 0:51:45



Sorry, but that folks seems like Twitter just all of a sudden decided that they didn't want us doing that space and just all of a sudden shut it down. I didn't press nothing, didn't press anything, it just kind of all of a sudden got rug. So we got a new space started up here. I'll get TSN back here and we will pick up where we left.
I've never really had it fully rug like that before. I've had it where it has connection issues and stuff, but I've never had it just all the sudden drop like that. So hopefully it doesn't happen again. Hopefully we can carry back on.
That was great. Just all the sudden it was just like it ended. It ended way recording. I was like, oh jeez, what the hell? You don't know that you don't want to know. I felt so bad when it wasn't pretty. It wasn't pretty. I think Twitter needs to run over and start running some nodes on flux. Yeah, there definitely need to.
get some multiple instances going here. Yeah, that was that was kind of crazy. So let's just wait a moment for people to find their way back in here. I'm going to get some tweets out and we'll pick up where we left off in one second. Well, you can do playing space and look.
we've got the technology coming there as well so we've also got video streaming which is coming so maybe well we won't need Twitter to do the spaces one day other mate in Prove us yeah that'd be nice
That'd be nice. Well, they did a bunch of work. They said on spaces because when they had that whole, Ron DeSantis space and it kept crashing on them. I remember Elon tweeting out saying that they were upgrading the spaces system to be able to handle more through
put and handle more stuff but I guess there's still some growing pains that they need to work to. At least we got another one going again. I think sometimes as well it's a size of the account. I don't know where you sat in the world sometimes you were just unlucky.
I don't know where we just broke 16.3 thousand so... Congratulations. I don't know if that's the issue. You guys are fresh. That's nothing. Flux is 138 thousand so... Yeah. It was a little fish compared to that. Yeah and we paid for it a lot. I'm going to use that for the gold badge.
Oh yeah, I guess I. I'm sure people will filter back in and we are recording this new space as well and I'll make sure to do a little fancy edit job. Let's just start again with the question I was just speaking about. Now that is the different nodes that
run on flux. There's a couple of different options for people to be able to get involved with flux and to be able to run their own infrastructure to help further build the system. If people don't know what a node is, it is kind of a basic way of explaining it is an online wallet that keeps
a track, it's own kind of ledger for the blockchain and its own ledger system and helps verify the information as it's added to the infrastructure. So nodes are a very huge importance in any kind of blockchain structure and it's no different with flux, I'm sure. So can we maybe once again kind
pick up where we left off, go over the different node options for people and how they can get involved with it. Yeah, so there's sort of a few different options. There are nodes that you might traditionally see on a blockchain, which is the ones you might do in that spot in it, but it looks
start of has a nose that will have infrastructure. So that's where the application sits. So if somebody launches an app on flux, it spins up, you get three instances via Docker and it'll go across to three different nodes across the world, which is sort of on different tiers. So recently,
with sort of done a major updating flux version for us. So that now entails sort of giving us a sort of an enterprise scar of what the nose are and which ones are trusted now. And this is this this this the ability from from the point of view, if you want to set one up, there's three basic to you.
there's this chemist, nervous stress. So those go from 1,000 flux away up to 30,000 flux made estate for a stress. And the specs of the machines increase per each notice. So if people require high
the man computer resource, the might need more RAM, the might need more cars, the might need more men. We can tailor and give a solution that meets that. And you can actually sort of go into the app when you launch an application and say, I want this much RAM, I want this many CPU cars, this
memory and it will scale to the appropriate nose though if it's basically a couple of occasions it might go down to a keen list nose, something like a pre-search nose, might go into a keen list nose, if it's something like a complete system or if somebody has run in a heavy infrastructure they might go all the way up to the stress node and if
And then sort of our Titan nodes as well. I was going to say that one thing that is kind of new for the nodes is the staking nodes. Now a lot of people when they hear staking they automatically think proof of stake and how do you stake on a proof of work network?
Can you maybe talk a little bit about the staking nodes and when you guys say staking flux what exactly that is? It's not a staking it's not giving you all flux and locking it to basically provide somebody with extra flux to run a tie and now so that gets grouped together
together it gets split out and then you get the sort of part of the reward. If you're a single no-double, you get a reward as per the ranking system, but if you're a Titan no-staker, that instruction is actually hosted by somebody else, so it might be hosted by a no-terra-host, some Titan no-double.
Selective part is that becomes sort of guaranteed the uptime. So we know those nodes are going to be online and because it's sort of managed more by flux. So real estate spot, the core infrastructure of people who want to be like triple certain redundancies is going to be great. We know that little locations are the
the tight nodes are. So from now it's happening, you state your offlux, but you're not sort of stating that you're lending it to somebody locking it up to run infrastructure for offlux. And they do different periods, different APIs, I think you can go all the way up to a year. When they do come out, they tend to go
So watch because obviously it is a good return rather than staking on an exchange where you're just actually sitting it with the exchange and they're getting the reward you're getting the reward directly for hosting and structure. Face it.
So the the staking nodes are kind of a good play for someone. So because for example, like running these nodes, you do have you do have to have minimum spec requirements for the PC that you're running them on. So this kind of sounds like these staking nodes are a good option for people who may not have the required like, for example, the stratus nodes.
You need 8 cords, 16 threads, 64 gigabytes of RAM. I don't know too many people unless they're super hardcore gamers or something like that. Have 64 gigabytes of RAM in their system, which is an 880 gigabytes. Now, a lot of people may have an 840 gigabytes
I know like I have a one terabyte SSD drive in my PC so I have that space But you know, I'm also running all my other stuff on it and that takes up space as well So you know it that kind of sounds like the staking nodes are a good thing for people who may not necessarily have that infrastructure in their in their
thing but still want to participate in the system. Yeah exactly and you might have a thousand books to start up you know as well so I know when I start I'm a bit like you know my my sort of keen list now is sort of old CPU and I mean rigs up.
So I've jammed up. So those have got sort of decent CPUs, decent SSD and also I just upgraded the RAM. So I sort of sit three nodes on one PC on server effectively that people might not have 1000 Flux. So you might be growing your rewards.
So, so from my perspective, if I've got sort of six nose running, I might be growing in up a thousand flux. So if I stake the flux that I've got as a reward, then I'm getting rewards on my rewards if you get one, right? So I can go up the scale in the two.
Yeah, that's definitely, it's good to see that you guys are offering different options for people who may not necessarily have a huge amount of flux but still want to get involved with the system. So that's really good to hear that those options do exist out there for people so that everyone has a chance to somewhat get involved.
Yeah, and we're constantly opening that up to people to get involved as well. So some people might not meet the internet requirements either. So there is sort of a 20 mega 20 mega down that you need to have on the tier and that scales up as you go up the, the notes. Yeah, it's a good way to
get involved if you see it come on jump on it. Well I can't give you financial advice but I can say I do it and have to with it we'll get some up and yeah it's really good for decent fires in structure people to run the reps on. Now we're here mostly talking about cadena but
And flux also is across multiple other blockchains and is utilizing some of the different structures that are involved with those blockchains such as validators. Can we maybe talk a little bit about the structure of, so when someone starts running these nodes and getting rewards and stuff like
like that. There's also branches outside of just cadena. Can we maybe go over the different ways that people can earn and the different blockchains that are utilizing flux? Yeah, sure. I think the couple of maimons that sort of pops my mind, which is one of the biggest utilizer
So, presearch is a web based, sort of decentralized private search. That's sort of six in between Google and everybody else giving away your information keeps that information private. And you get paid in presearch, but those go through new nodes which we can
can sit on our structure so for a presearch now I don't know if I found it really really useful because when you spin up an instance or an application on plots you get three instances so you can actually run sort of three presearch nows and take that you can lock it up now you can take it all the way up to a year and
price is good compared to a lot of cloud providers, but then there's other nodes as well. So have you heard of streamer data? Yeah, streamer is an application that sort of you've got to imagine it as live stream data across the platform.
So people like Demo use it for their card information and swash up use it for their browse based in a couple of other banking applications use it as well. But they're no different structures sort of similar. So you can stake data and do similar
but then you've basically got a node, brilliant on a node, and we've got over a thousand or two thousand streaming nodes now. So a lot of that, it's become a lot more decentralized because before when I first looked at it, we were only run on centralized cloud exchanges, centralized,
So, you can run it on Fluxon, it offers an opportunity of decentralising their network as well as our network, which is good. There's two main ones. Then we've got all of them as well. >> There's a good couple of chains that are on top of
on flux because I think more people are starting to see the benefits of running their nodes on flux as opposed to running their own infrastructure because it can be very costly to run your own infrastructure. And flux is definitely providing a low cost option outside of that running at yourself kind of box. Yeah, no, that is
I think that trust is that it's coming across the network and see more coming in every day. Different applications, different sports types. We've got people like Osmosis as well, and we've had their infrastructure on flux, we've got like adeners, infrastructure on flux, a lot of, there's a lot of synergy in
a lot of projects like CADCAS, SGK, so name a few, they all sort of run their infrastructure on Flux but they use sort of cadena to populate the entities or run the blockchain sort of transaction
side and we run these sort of infrastructure side. It's a really good, apparently, shit to the top. Work with the two parties because we know the systems and we know how to best sort of work together now as well. So it's really positive. Yeah, it's great to see more people joining and one of the biggest ones I've noticed
Which pops up right when you go to the run on website is WordPress which WordPress is a very huge And infrastructure that goes across like there's so many websites that use WordPress can you maybe talk about the WordPress infrastructure or like how how WordPress was brought to flux
And maybe some of the other partnerships that are in place or possibly are in talks with flux. I'm sure a lot of people would love to hear of all the different huge kind of partnerships and things and ways that people are utilizing flux. Yeah, sure. I think WordPress is still in Biter, it's still growing. I think I remember my website and it was
great for me. I was involved with the testing and then seeing it building transition and fruition to what it is today, which is sort of an easy to deploy, model it, get an easier all the time. All you got to do is go to Flux Cloud, I went on Flux, link through Clip3 to WordPress, log into Zelcar, pay.
minimal I think it's like 6, 8, 4, flux or something a month, say like minimal cost, spins up, you get an instance, you got flux and it's right out of go. It's like you would do with any other WordPress but there's a better difference between how it sits in the background so the infrastructure is on three different instances.
So we've got you've got we're done to see in backup if you were best data as well across three different so we've got database from there. So webpress runs on my SQL. So you've got three my SQL, then it's got three different nodes, but then there's lots more infrastructure out there as well. I don't know which ones we want to talk about, but it's
It says partnerships we've got lots going on. We've got the big ones we're sort of looming who are a cloud provider. So we see it as a way we can bridge between Web 2 and Web 3 because we don't want to sort of say, well, Web 2 is crap because it's done a lot of stuff right.
There will be a transition in our period where we're working together to start bringing more applications, vice-versa between us, Lumin as well, they're in to infrastructure and IP. And these companies are sort of waking up to think, "Well, if they can do it and in the cost there, well, we'll
why wouldn't you? But then we've got our sidepunk and the big events, we've got the Nvidia inception program, I know Akadena's come into sidepunk as a gold sponsor so that's fantastic. But yeah it's growing every day, I see so many partnerships, not just with those but with
of our parallel asset partners as well. So the nine of the chains we've got there as well, we do get involved with them. And those relationships grow and those time goes on and the adoption has happened. It's really positive to see. I think there is some big partnerships coming up.
I don't think I can sort of leak it or it's privileged to me yet but there has been a lot of partnerships I see them announced every day so yeah I could give you a list a mile long but if you go to run on flux I can
So we've probably gotten in the region of 50 to 100 partnerships already blooming. So yeah, you can see them. Yeah, like he said, if you go to the run on and just kind of scroll down, you can see all the different applications and things that are running on top of flux as well. And it's just this scroll.
holding less they just keep going. It's great because it looks as being going at the same time as sort of cadenas, sort of grown up together. So what's it about five, six years old now? So to see the growth in the space, it's been really good.
And to see more people deploying as well, so we're our solution and propositions getting better all the time. And the cost, the cost grade as well. So if you've been sort of our calculator compared flux for two V CPUs, eight games memory, 100, about the starage, where do I just
£3.69 per month. 8 of US is charging 8. It is $80, which is less than 10%, it's like 5% of the cost, 3% for example, small to your application.
That's crazy when you see the breakdown of the different. There's a quick little chart on the website of the breakdown of the different services out there and the cost that comes with it. And flux is just like a fraction, like a penny of the costs of these other ones. It's ridiculous when you actually look at it.
everything's hosted at home so it's driven by the token so we don't have to doubt the huge amount of scale that sort of AWS has there like thousands and thousands probably ten tens of thousands people were to them. Flux has got probably about seven to the, we're very agile with
what we do. So we don't need to maintain that in structure. The decentralized administrators do it, so they know operators. We don't have that relationship cost. Now as with scale, probably footstool scale as well, but at that moment it makes us a lot more agile in designing the market as well.
We can also team with that open source partners. A.D.L.S. wouldn't do that. They provide the IP, we develop our own or we use over open source decentralized and centralized products to make it better for everybody. Whereas probably if you're a supplier, you want to lock that information up
you don't share it with the world. So it makes the difference. Now for some people who don't know and maybe like because when you hear flux you kind of think oh this has not been around that long but actually I have been around in crypto since late 2017, early
I remember where flux came from and that was something called Zellcash which kind of then links kind of makes sense now of why the wallet is called Zellcore. I don't know how much you can speak on the history because maybe some people don't know the history behind flux and where it started but can you maybe
if you know it, can you speak a little bit about the history from, because I actually remember Zell Cash, like I remember that and seeing that crypto out there. So it's kind of like, see where it started and where it's gone to. Yeah, so Flux is sort of a fork of C cash, which is a bit
So that's that back then the original sort of creators and the founders people like down They are divisions sort of well you've got you've got Bitcoin there that's giving you this The benefits of that but then you've also got this compute resource which isn't decentralized and and it can
can't be used to sort of give the benefits of what Bitcoin's doing. So it's like tackled that market and the market's sort of grown from there. So the applications grow. We've got our own OS, we've got our own apps on app styles now, we've got the instruction bits
That took time to build and those guys sort of formed the idea that they wanted to build the decentralized compute network for everybody. And that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to involve everybody. We're trying to involve the node operators throughout Dow. So we've got a Dow which you can go through to the cloud.
So the node operators, the miners, they get the bow on where we go in the future. Now, so the team does give a lot of steering input at the moment, so they're building the products, they're building basically some sort of customers, but the direction of flux will also be controlled.
to the future like Dan says they forgot not to over by a bus tomorrow. Flux is going because it is decentralized. People do sort of really care about it and step up sort of from my perspective I've come through from the community and most of the people that have come through from the community
So the community has grown the project from its inception. But yeah, it was basically brought together to tackle the decentralized compute problem and now it's scaled and now the realm gets busier and busier and now it grows a lot quicker. So it better not get the growth building.
It sure is and the people who are able to continue to build through a bear market are the people that come out on top when the bulls finally start charging. We've seen that with all the different runs that we've seen ever since Bitcoin even first started. So it's definitely the people who can keep their heads
down to keep going are the people who are going to win. Now one of the really cool things I think about flux which we saw a huge increase in when a theory om did its whole switch over to proof of stake is the fact that flux is one of the very few GPU-minable coins that are still available out there.
Can we maybe talk a little bit about how people can mind Flux and you know what all it would be involved in doing that kind of process as opposed to just running a node Yeah, that's what got me into Flux in the first place. I'm in the UK. So I started mining Flux So I've got 1.5 giga option with the area
but I was specmining different kinds and going through them, seeing in which ones I wanted to take guides, on which ones I wanted to do, sort of, further analysis on to see what the hash rates were and flux was one of those. So I don't know how many miners we've got, I've got a feeling we've probably got quite a few, but you
Yeah, it's a pretty simple process. You can use a cloud operator and system like, can hide or something like that. You start the algorithm, you put in your wallet address, start the miners, put in your rev-clock, well, don't put in stack miners, put in your rev-clock, put in your rev-clock, stack miners.
and use the application or you can do, I started on Windows which I found was a nightmare after a short while with insurictions and crashes, I won't recommend that but you can download the miners which basically solves the block and do it at home, it's a hobby or bring it up but then I think it probably leads into
proof of use of work which will publish if done so soon. Yeah it's it's one of the things I've actually been looking into now that I've got myself a fairly decent GPU was like oh what can I what what else can I use this computer for besides just playing video games once in a while and rendering videos really
So that's something I've been really looking into getting set up to is getting into mining and looking at like if you just go to what to mine and look at GPU mining flux is right near the top if not always at the top. So it's definitely one of the very few options that are left out there that are available to
more of the masses. And that kind of seems to be the ongoing thing with flux is trying to keep it as open as possible to as many different people as possible. Be it through GPU mining, be it through running in your own node, be it through staking to help run other nodes. There just seems to be so many options that you guys have been working
towards that really just keeps the playing field open. And that's what really pushes decentralization is keeping those options open for the most amount of people to be able to get involved. Yeah and people don't sort of realize we're already sort of putting in proof of useful work on our new structure.
So that's actually making those nodes useful. We've got applications like folding at home as well, which does sort of the processing for a lot of medical research, which is open source. So we've just got into that market. So I think they've got about 5000 instances that's sort of running
the calculations goes pro-C, proceeds to medicine. So there's a lot of support on that as well. And people don't realize that that's just happening at a home in a PC. That's not AWS, it's not Microsoft, it's people are actually
we can do it a lot cheaper. We're actually aiding people and we've given that resource to fold it out home because it's a good cause to better the better for humanity and look for solutions to diseases like parking to
of the Euro diseases and that's all really non-plot. Now you just mentioned something that I'm sure some people have probably never heard of because most people have heard of proof of stake and proof of work. I don't think too many people have ever heard of what proof of useful work is.
Can you maybe explain a little bit more about what you mean when you say proof of useful work and also something I saw that flux announced recently in regards to that is a partnership with a company called OctoMiner. So I don't know if maybe you want to cover a little bit more into those aspects. Yeah, a lot of people in my work too.
in the GPU money mold. I've got not to minor so not to the man is like a fit between eight and 12 GPUs in one case. But they're supplied a lot of the infrastructure and they're going to be supplying some of the cases and the rigs to fit GPUs in that that might
They'll be found like the smaller branded people or smaller people just getting into the industry, but people going to scale and probably look at partnership without a term. So they'll spy the infrastructure out and keep it like a three-year guarantee with that and their provision in South to use it. And also that they'll start holding a king with the love of
partners as well. So it's been a great partnership to sort of link in it and deliver that out. And they've done a great job so I can see it to write and grow into the future. So it's sort of give a definition, it should definitely should improve the views or works.
So you might have sort of a minor now and it does one thing and then it gets old and then it becomes obsolete. But we're doing the same thing with infrastructure but we're using the infrastructure to actually perform with the tasks. So we might
take your GPU and take it off the network. You don't even have to be mine with the GPU is it's an application you could mine anything you could be mining nothing or you could have the the app open and use the PC at the same time if you partition off a bit of memory are a bit of ramen and a GPU so sort of a small user in space.
Like 10,000 game pieces on it like when you've gotten a lot of PC enthusiasts who've got so we'll see that opportunity there if you're like me I started with a 5700 XT during the bull market started mine it started any money and then I then I scaled and then the bull market came
and they put the electric up in the UK to something mad. And then I looked at nails because that's a cheap room structure on my left. I can run it at home and that was my transition. So a lot of people saw from, I got the follow the same transition, it's sort of build up as well. So you learn a lot through diplomacy.
the flux now, but it's not always easy to do because you've got to know if you want to do it yourself, you've got to know how to build a basic PC. And a lot of people build gaming PCs, so I can see a lot of adoption from that market, not just traditional miners as well.
Yeah, there's definitely when it comes to mining it's either you have the at home infrastructure which includes the power to run it which can nowadays with the cost of power and electricity and everything just there's no going down from here. It's just going to keep going up up up up up up up up and it's getting to the point where it's almost
making so that mining is becoming less and less worth it because you're taking what you're getting from mining and putting a big chunk of those proceeds back into paying just for your electricity costs. So you do have to branch out and start looking at those different options.
Running a node is also a great option, especially when they're kind of pays back when you put into it. So that's really great to hear that. And all Foxes really wants to, again, kind of re-idring what I said earlier of bringing different options out there to the masses for people to be able to get involved. So that's really great to hear in that, you know, when you're
and working with companies that are also providing the utilities and the things that you need to be able to run these things. I was just quickly looking at the OctoMiner site and they look really awesome. There are pretty much boxes that you can put a whole bunch of GPUs into that have all the cooling
systems and the chipsets and everything that you need to be able to run it all. And that's really, you know, that's breaking down and making it easier for people as opposed to building your own kind of boxes like this. Because I've seen some homemade GPU mining boxes and they're nothing. They look nothing compared to what these ones look like. These are professional
made ones, whereas I've seen people take a PC box and just kind of mishmatch it and fit a whole bunch of GPUs into it with a bunch of extra fans into it and just kind of make it work, you know, is what they kind of go with. Yeah, it's heads of tails because I've done both. So I've done the docs
the amount of airflow you can get through it with the fans. It might not be the quietest but when it runs up and it's like turning on the grease outside and you've got like a load of mining rigs. If you've not got the ultima airflows you can
G2U is going to burn, I would say mine is even with the highest cars, it keeps my skills, it's great. I think they also do immersion tanks, so I think you can put in your ASIC miners, KDA, ASIC miners into their immersion tanks for a quick kill, so definitely go check out the website.
Yeah, they definitely have lots of really cool options like you said they do have immersion tanks which seems to be the way a lot of people are going because a) it cuts down on your overall cost and also the lifespan of your miners drastically increases when you use the good cooling. It's just a larger initial cost.
But you know those are usually offset by the savings that you're going to get and the extended longevity of your mind. And from what I've listened to, listen to full spending, full spending, and off course, well, you can ramp up the evercorks to the percent of something above standards.
get in that expralial, don't you? Okay, yeah. So, as you said, chips away over time. Yeah, it's kind of the same idea of, you know, investing in solar panels or things like that. It's the initial cost is rather large, but the long-term savings is what's going to make your return on investment
Now one thing you mentioned earlier a second ago was this cipher punk meetup that you guys are hosting. You want maybe discuss a little bit about that and how people can get involved with that and maybe some of the really cool speakers that we're going to see there.
Yeah, that's happening very fast. So it's coming up. So that's I think it's the 27th to 28th of September in Fort Lagerdale in the States We've got some great partners already. We've got Cadena Sponsor in his old car I think some of the other parts
partners as well. Yeah, if you want to check it out, it's and everything's on there so all the speakers are on there. It's going to be, it's not a huge conference like Bitcoin, now I mean things like that.
I think it's going to be a couple thousand people, which is still pretty big, but it's sort of more of a project for the people. So the ticket admissions are going to be a lot cheaper as well. So it starts at £50 dollars, should I say, for students going
the way up to 250 to then the VIP package as well, so it's not super expensive. You might have seen like with Bront and Crypto, Russ, Jarge, as sort of the co-host as well. So the speak list growing very fast.
we've got Kadeena speaking so that's gonna be great and then lots of other people so it won't just be sort of the same thing we've got people across gamefire as well so a lot of the flux people are there as well and I think
you'll see more coming very quickly in the next few weeks. Top packages 599 and then 249 but then you also get a meal you got access to all the guys for the VIP stuff so you'll be knocking spaces with a lot of people. We've got some of our Baltimore there as well. We've got
We've got Kadeena, we've got Kine request, then we've got Terra, we've got Kadeena Mining Club, Flux Pills, and we've got Terra, we've got some of the hobbyist minor, we've got block ties, we've got Kinepedia, and then we've got all the speakers from the different eight consist of, so it's going to be a really
jump act event and I know it's a good one. If you want to check it out, come and join us, it won't be the normal sort of media partner, the ones with Bitcoin, Max's and all that stuff. It'll be a spread group of people who are sort of sacked on some really looking forward to
the development of Web3 and the surround and ecosystems and there might be a few more surprises yet to come from what I'm hearing. So we can't go too far into that but yeah it'd be great to see as many people we can there. Now are you going to be there because I see like a lot of the flux team is going to be there.
I need to speak to my wife regarding that. Oh, come on, that is fine, but let's see. Yeah, that's always the case, right? Make sure it goes past the wife first. And if she says no, then that's not much you can do about it at that point. Yeah, it's going to be spring live as well.
the the will be opportunities to sort of get in, get inside it if you like me in the UK. A lot of people are making it, so I know some people are actually making it. The holiday is to hang out in Miami and get some some. And I'm a Jeff D definitely in living in Canada, but it's really lucky if I'm getting some.
So then I thought of it then. Well I'm in Canada as well and we went down to the central con in Miami when it was on in November of last year and so you know who knows maybe we'll see if maybe I'll talk to my big boss man there Kobe and see if
If maybe some of our team members might be interested in going because you never know we always have a chance to talk with people in the community and you know outreach and get to talk to even more things because that's really what these events are all about is outreach and getting to speak to other people you may not necessarily get to speak to because it's one thing to talk
to someone in a telegram chat or discord or something, but it's another thing to be face to face with someone and be able to speak with that way. Definitely. I'm a real person.
I just, when I sort of flowed, I'm happy to sort of, as part of Luxembourg's stand up for flux. Because my day jobs, B.I. I work for a major, major publisher in the UK and around the world. So I think the problem about the farth biggest academic publisher in the world.
That's how it works. It's my passion. I do this as well. But yeah, traveling in these events and sort of organising and working around the community. A lot of people are putting in a lot of effort and it definitely doesn't go sort of an outstanding market and see
especially better. If you want to get in contact, I think Betsey will be glad to set you up and have you come along. I'll have some of you to come along. Yeah, well, definitely look into it. I know that end of September is a good time to get away and go down there because you know, it's
like the kids are going back to school so you don't have to worry so much about that and things kind of open up. And Fort Lauderdale is a great place that's where I landed into Fort Lauderdale and kind of spent some time there and it's really a fun place, lots of people to get involved and it's really like you find that Florida in that area is actually
I'm sure it will probably be another amazing event and hopefully I might be able to find our way down there and be very cool to actually get to shake some hands with some of the Flux teams.
So I know they'll be sort of show off and sort of sort of a lot of the game by products as well that are launched and so I know P S 3 K is going to be milling around and networking and then you can come and listen to the guys from KDA speak as well to understand what's going on in there. Your ecosystem is something like it.
You've got Dan McGins, your business development VP. So he'll be speaking. So if you want to find out what's going on on KDA and a lot of the surrounding projects as well, so there's a lot coming up in the space and a lot being built in the Baymark across Bay of E.Veer systems.
Awesome. Well, that pretty much covers everything that I had to speak about. I don't know if there's any topics that we feel we may have missed or any kind of like hidden alpha that you haven't that you know the team hasn't brought out. I want to share with us today without you know without getting yourself into
trouble. I don't want things to come back and get yelled at by the big boss now. I think most of it is a lot of the stuff I think down in my number of around a couple of weeks ago and you'll eat just about everything. Most of it is out there but most of it is to deal with the thought of the
use or work, so it's probably going to be used in the doctor by a lot of people. You don't think about using it around supply chain medicine, supermarkets, people like that big companies who want to host room, strict, so I've been having that available. It won't be just
normal users, it'll be everybody so a PC user can just click on install and up and start running an AI mod. Spin of the game server or do headless compute. So I know I think they have row blocks
So they had to like an eight year old iPad, which was running on somebody's PC at home. There's loads of different application infrastructures that prove for the usual work sort of enables for us that a lot of people haven't realized yet. So if you ever think about how I'm sure a lot of people can work it out.
What we've not done yet. Yeah, you never know what the future is going to have in store and the people. Once more people start seeing the usefulness of flux and how it will, it makes it just kind of, you know, because we keep seeing these instances when AWS and those structures
have issues, it just causes these huge ripples right through the entire internet and the entire services from your favorite social media platforms, some of your favorite websites, just all of a sudden they're just not available and you're just at the mercy
of some centralized entity hoping they get their shit together and get things back up and running. You know, whereas you can run your system on something like flux, whereas you're not, you're not dealing with just one server, one big server building where a power could go out and that whole server building goes down. You're dealing with thousands
of people all contributing their own computing power and their own storage space so that you know if it doesn't matter if you know if my PC goes down and my flux nodes go down it doesn't make any difference because there's thousands of them to pick up the slack. It's one of the best things. It looks guys.
down up there, rather, were it? Yeah, we have bigger issues about if you can't get on to your favorite website if all the flux nodes go down. Obviously, that's like all the Bitcoin nodes keep going down.
people don't understand when they keep hearing this whole of like, you know, oh, the USA is going to ban Bitcoin. It's like, no, you can't ban something that's decentralized. You can block access through the centralized entities that they control, but you'll never stop. The only way you can ever stop Bitcoin
or decentralized network like Flux. Literally shut down the entire internet. That's it. That's your only option. Turn off the internet everywhere. And that's impossible now because we're at a point in the world where entire systems that we all rely upon for our every
day stuff, all run on this infrastructure. So it's impossible. The governments of the world would never ever ever consider, let's just shut off internet altogether. The only way that would happen would be some kind of EMP event that shuts out all electronics or something like that. Yeah, exactly which is the
remember we're in for yeah never mind. I don't know if we've got anything else to talk about but yeah that'd be great if you want to find out more we'll I think we've got another roommate AMA coming up in a lot of weeks so you can check that out as well. We're also looking at doing a bigger space a micro event with all
looks like about this. We've not announced that yet so I'm not going to confirm the date. But yeah that will be coming so there will be some hopefully get a lot of the partners involved. If you're a builder and you want to sort of find out more about the proposition, get in contact with us, I can link you in with our BDS.
I would say. And yeah, that's continuing with great skill. Awesome. Well, I want to thank you for joining us today and speaking about flux. It's been really great learning more about this. I'm sure a lot of people have been kind of on the fence and not really sure about what flux really is and stuff like that. But I think we've explained it
very well and hopefully we'll start seeing more people taking advantage of this amazing system that you guys have built. So yeah, everyone listening. Oh, go ahead. It'll be big. It's a lot more developers as well. Well, we'll become one thing about being missed is sort of we use a lot of everything. Well, I'd say if you can dock rise that you can run it on flux,
So you've got to think about that we've got Cuban 80s coming up as well as part of proof of useful work. So that's another sort of huge milestone in forward in what we've done. So our last update, Flux version 4, was sort of getting Flux to be enterprise ready.
So in private security, given your private Docker images, you're giving control the application building that trust to give us that platform build on for the future. So I just wanted to give a shout out to that because it's huge bit of work. It was probably get launched on Monday, probably one of the biggest updates with ever done.
Awesome. Well, make sure everyone's on the lookout for that. And make sure, if you're listening, go follow Flux. They'll run on, run on Flux on Twitter. They have lots of different social media from Facebook to Discord, to Telegram, YouTube, pretty much everywhere. If you name a social platform,
They're pretty much on it. They even have a twitch channel, which is really cool. And yeah, get involved, start running your own nodes, maybe stake some flux and help build it. If you want to run the power with script, dockerize it, stick it on the flux, get the app right listed.
get involved with learning how to develop. So a lot of those people are going to need these skills in the future and they just don't realize it yet. So good to get ahead of the guys. Awesome. Well, I want to thank you again, Richard, for joining us today. It's been really great learning more about flux and hearing from the team and hopefully once more people
get involved maybe once we get closer to the cipher punk event we can have another one of these spaces and catch up a little bit more but I want to thank you for joining us and everyone for listening today it's been an absolute great AMA and like he said get involved with flux start putting your programs on flux start running your dApps on flux
everything that you need in a computing program is there. It's just waiting for you to start running on it. So thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you very much. It's been great to sort of join Chris. Normally I do these things from the perspective and normally asking the question probably be just asking. So it's been a great experience.
I love doing something. Thanks for helping me. All right. Thank you very much everyone for joining us today. Like I said, go follow Flux, run on, join all their social medias and get involved. So thank you very much for listening everyone and have a great day and take care. You too. See you later. See you later everybody. Bye.