Let's just give it about one to two to three minutes before we kickstart or wait for Jody to join.
I was like, oh, then today will be just you holding the train.
I mean, don't, I think he'll join.
He should, he should, yeah.
Need a bucket still move.
Let's give it a final minute before we kickstart it.
I'm Joe, and today I will be the moderator for today's exciting spaces on CMath.
So before we begin, let's introduce the two Giga Chats in the space who will be our speakers today.
So firstly, we have Jody, who is head alchemist at Mental and also at Advisor to Puff, which is Mentor's community main project.
So you will support him very commonly in the math lab, contributing to new strategies or just simply shitposting as a dragon.
And Edmund, a DeFi maestro, is Mentor's very own DeFi strategist, and most would also know him as a trading legend on encrypted Twitter.
So for all of you here who are new, so Mentor Network is a layer 2 Ethereum solution, which uses optimistic roll-ups and today has over 200 protocols deployed a minute.
So these fans, DeFi, GameFi, SocialFi, etc.
And most of you here will have heard of Mentor's liquid-staking protocol, which is EMIF, or I guess people refer to it as METH, right?
Which today stands at the fifth largest LSP by market cap, according to DeFi Lama.
So some history, the team at Mental has constantly pushed out new incentives and the adoption of EMIF across ecosystem protocols like PATH, as mentioned earlier.
And for example, EMIF holders on the L2, with the support of the Mental treasury, has received Egan airdrops totaling over 1 million tokens.
And ahead of that, the team has also recently passed a snapshot proposal of the future direction of EMIF, which is the conversation for today.
So this includes the upcoming of CMETH and Liquid-restaking token, and also a new project governance token, which sticker will be finally reviewed today.
So we will go deeper into CMETH today and also the new governance token after.
Basically what the team at Mental envisions the future of Ethereum-restaking to be.
We will also have like an open floor to the community for any questions y'all may have later with rewards.
So without further ado, maybe starting with, let's say, Admin DeFi Mishra, could you introduce more on CMETH and why did Mental decide to expand into the Liquid-restaking field in general?
Okay, that was a very long and comprehensive intro, Joe.
Well done. I'm sure you took some time to actually prepare that.
I'm running out of breath here.
Yeah, I think I can segment it out a bit.
Okay, I'll just do a brief introduction of CMETH.
So Mental decided to do CMETH because we actually were scanning the RRTV vertical for DeFi, and then we were actually taking notes on what was happening in the scene.
We actually kept pretty close steps with most of the RRT that were actually being deployed on various different chains, and we actually spotted a few key issues that we actually felt could be done better.
So I think one of them was that a lot of the RRTs did not allow withdrawals, and also I think a lot of them were actually built mainly for the biggest DA there is right now, which is like Eigenlayer.
And we felt that we could do something that was a lot better, a lot safer, and also a lot more composable in terms of what the users can actually do with their if and with the capabilities of our risk-staking.
So we actually wanted to build something that was really easy for users to use, they can just set and forget, and then have risk managers farm rewards for them and give them exposure to the new and upcoming DAs.
We want them to be able to have an ease of mind when they actually use the RRTs to be able to redeem it, to be able to be able to manage the exposure they have to up new DAs as well as old DAs in the space,
and still be able to explore various different real opportunities and not be just tied down to a single DA that the RRT is built towards to.
And we want users to be able to have fun and also be able to adapt for new strategies within the RRT.
I think there was a lot of stuff that we thought we could do with the RRT, which is why we actually chose to build up CMath, whereby the CMath actually allows users to actually stake their MAF,
and then the underlying MAF token will be used on L1 to actually help be deposited to various different kinds of DAs or other real farming strategies on L1 that you just can actually have exposure through the vault managers in the mechanisms.
And then they can also use the CMath and then they can also use the CMath RRT on mental itself and interact with the DeFi protocols and they still get to enjoy the native fields of MAF as well as also earn points that they can actually use to earn the rewards at the end of the campaign season that we will have running soon.
So, yeah, I guess that covers it.
So, I mean, I guess let's go back to the creation of MAF because, you know, the idea is to have like a native yield that is hopefully, and what we've always tried to do, make it really like the safest but also like the most profitable way to hold ETH, right?
So, you know, Blast tried to do something later as like native yield similarly, but, you know, they used Lido, which just doesn't have very good rewards.
And we've seen other people go down this path.
But the main reason for MAF is like we want to just have the best rewards.
And then for CMath, we had an issue because this restaking thing came up and no longer was it clear that just staking your ETH and giving extra rewards was the best for the users.
Because you start having, you know, EtherFi and like Renzo and all these guys, you know, at some point the hype around eigenpoints became high and we couldn't ignore it.
So we had a temporary patch, as most of our fellow MAF holders on the chat probably know.
Our temporary patch was we staked 100,000 ETH from the Treasury and gave out those points to MAF holders to make sure that they're not missing out.
So the long-term solution, obviously, is like we do have to make MAF restakeable itself.
And that kind of brings us forward to, you know, some months later where this proposal just passed, now MIP-30, around the creation of CMath.
And really, of course, you know, we looked at shortcuts as we did with MAF.
You know, we look at shortcuts, like is there a way where we can just use somebody else's LRT?
Can we just make, you know, an EtherFi kind of operation?
But the issue is liquidity fragmentation.
And it's not clear right now that there's a single LRT that is not going to fragment liquidity.
So that's sort of why we've decided to make sure that there is a clear restaking ETH for the environment on the mantle ecosystem.
And as Maestro said, we have the advantage of being a little bit late to the game, which means that we see some of the technical mistakes and challenges that the early guys have.
You know, those of you who are deep in the space can probably know exactly what I'm talking about.
But we are able to at least try to avoid some of those pitfalls and have a more flexible design.
Thank you for the answer.
So just to sum up, like basically CMath will essentially introduce you from like the post-staking rewards and allow users to freely trade their assets.
So basically becoming more capital efficient.
So I just want to shout out Gajesh in the space, actually.
He's from Egan Lear and I've seen many of his posts.
He's like 16 years old or something.
And I also, this is interesting because the next question I wanted to ask was basically just both your opinions of what you foresee in the future of the mistaking narrative.
So in line with this question, just please consider your own thoughts on, I guess, like Egan Lear, Karak, or any equivalent, like how effective do you think they will be generating enough for you to bootstrap this, I guess, ABS or what you would call, I refer them to like L1s.
Because I don't know, the ABS acronym is a bit hard for people to understand.
But yeah, how do you think the current space of restaking can be improved?
Do I go first or do Jody go first?
Open, open, open, open, open, open, open, okay, there.
Okay, maybe I can go first, then Jody can, can go next.
Yeah, I think, I think the, the mistaking narrative is something that is still really new.
I think Egan has launched for a while, but we have yet to see the, the full product that they built out.
But Egan currently is still clearly the clear market leader in terms of like restaking and in terms of like the architecture wise and what, what they're building up.
It is something that we are watching very closely as well.
And we feel that what will likely happen is that a lot of protocols will actually be monitoring how the ABSs will perform and what's the type of fields that users will be receiving.
And then they'll be trying to adapt the use cases for ABSs into various different infrastructure in the future.
But I think at the moment, everyone is just monitoring on what it will be like for EVE staking for, for all these ARRTs in the, in the, in the space.
And I think that we, we start to see like a new entrance into the space currently.
So you have like Karak that is recently deployed and then we start to see other DAs such as Symbiotic.
We have like Interlock that are preparing and also preparing at the back, trying to make sure that they have sufficient, I would say, backers.
And then also partners in the space before they actually launch.
And I think this is something very exciting as we, we have, I think we have still yet to be able to determine like very concrete use cases for all these ABSs.
And we are only touching like the tip of the icebergs in terms of what we can actually use restaking for in terms of like determining like economic security for, for chains or even right protocols.
And also maybe using it for, for the securities of like infrastructure layers such as like oracles.
I think this, all this will, will, will be determined in time and in the near future, I think the AVS yields that will be coming up by, by ideas such as like Eigenlayer will be a key point for us to actually evaluate that what, what is, what actually be like the industry standards in terms of like restaking yields and what can the users actually do with it.
And in terms of like protocol integrations, but yeah, I think overall it's pretty exciting and we will only know in due time when, when all this, you'll start to flow in and users start to receive the rewards for, for participating in like restaking the ecosystem itself.
Yeah, I mean, I second that it is very early, so we're not exactly sure, you know, first of all, how much demand there's going to be for the restaked assets and how much will be paid for it.
And of course, initially it will be slow.
So I'm quite sure that the, the bears on this are going to be right at the beginning.
Um, I'm not sure later, but yeah, I don't think there's, you know, 13 billion worth of demand, um, that will pay like high yield on that necessarily.
But a lot of these protocols will over time probably do what makes sense, which is, you know, use, um, cheaper security from staked assets.
And I say staked because, you know, restaked, you know, we have things like Babylon that are doing a similar thing with, with Bitcoin, like some of these, uh, uh, other options, um, for staking.
It's just called restaking, I guess, because it's, it's staked ETH that's been used, but theoretically it could be unstaked ETH.
It could be anything that, uh, just doesn't get that extra, like 2% yield from, uh, Ethereum.
The bottom line is there's probably going to be a wide range of, um, options for restaking, whether it's going to be like very risky things that you can get slashed or, you know, very safe things that sort of just give you an extra couple percent yield.
Um, but the reality is crypto works a little bit on hype.
And right now there's a lot of tokens are getting created for these protocols.
Like the, uh, the railroad tracks are just being set and we want to make sure that our users are going to have a chance to, you know, claim, uh, a piece of, of those like railroad companies.
Uh, and as the actual trains come over the next few years and actually try to use those train, those railroad tracks, uh, we'll adapt and make sure that, you know, we're providing a, um, a low risk, but high reward, um, combination of ABSs or, um, or, or ways to use CMS.
Yeah. So we'll, we'll adapt to what comes.
Amazing. I mean, the FGTC itself has existed for quite a while and it's exciting to see what lies ahead.
And I think on mental's end, it's always been quite quick for the team itself to move fast to like market leading narratives, like we're staking itself.
And I mean, you guys have your very own math and have, it has proven success in adoption.
So CMS, I feel will kind of replicate the same path.
So with that in mind, what are some things that users specifically should look out for when they're choosing LRT?
So this may not be, I guess, like specifically C-Meth alone, right?
Maybe we could explore areas like, would there be potential defect risk and stuff like that?
I mean, you know, we don't want to like say anything bad about different LRTs.
Obviously there's some that have had withdrawal issues or some that have had gas issues, you know, once the eigeninfrastructure kind of came, um, came into play.
And, and, and, you know, their eigenpods were, were not set up in a gas efficient way.
Um, the reality is that there's, there's talented teams building LRTs, but the one thing that Mantle has is it has the ecosystem.
It has the Dow, the treasury, the community, um, you know, all the partnerships.
And so the LRT is just a receipt token for, um, for the restaking and ultimately being able to use that token in a DeFi environment that rewards you for it and gives you this like sort of loyalty bonus is something that if somebody tries to use a different LRT, um, you know, yeah, there's like points for maybe a couple more months.
Um, I think most of the major ones are doing their second season and that's ending, uh, you know, in the next couple months.
So maybe, maybe there's some points to get, but, um, you know, there's no necessarily like leading LRT that has a whole ecosystem, um, to, to make it at its center.
Yeah, I think, um, what's most important is like the, how, what, how the LRT is actually used and who, who's actually utilizing the LRT.
I think we start to see a lot of liquidity fragmentation in terms of the various different kinds of, um, LRTs that we have in the space.
And CMAF will, will be probably the only one that will, will have the entire ecosystem that is building around it, integrating with it and actively being introduced with like all the DeFi protocols within the ecosystem itself.
I think in terms of like how users typically choose the LRT, they will look at like the security of the LRT and, and also, um, the, the methods that the, the, the team's actually using to actually, um, keep the pack for the underlying if the pack, can the users, users actually withdraw their funds and then use the, use the, go back to if, if they, they, they, they, they feel, uh, uncomfortable with the protocol.
And also the composability of the, of the, of the receipt token LRT with, um, the, um, the different DeFi protocols.
I think users will want to use their, uh, the receipt token in a, in a environment whereby they don't have to keep bridging around paying the different bridging fees into various different, um, chains does to actually use their LRTs.
So, yeah, I guess having, uh, LRT that has an entire ecosystem backing them would be like extremely, um, convenient and, yeah, these are some, some, some, some food for thought for like users when they are looking out for, um, what to choose for in terms of the LRTs.
I mean, yeah, right. I totally agree. Cause I think with METH alone, you've seen how, uh, first off, MENTO has always prioritized, like, really top partnerships with protocols in the space like PENDO, ETH, and much more.
And I think one thing we could mention as well as the treasury that MENTO has. So I think today it's over 4 billion. So, uh, it includes, I think, about 1 billion ETH holdings alone.
So with that itself, it's like robust liquidity, right? And it has always been utilized to create yield opportunities for METH holders. And I, like I said, I think C-METH holders will see the same.
Um, um, so with that in mind, like, is there any collaborations on Alpha you guys could share on, uh, on C-METH? Like, are there any protocols you are currently talking to? Uh, name drop a few if you could.
I mean, the, the idea for C-METH is ultimately for it to, to be able to be used, um, in all the DeFi protocols or DeFi use cases, the same as ETH or even METH.
So it should have, um, really all the same partnerships and all the same, uh, integrations in the end. Um, so once the liquidity grows, I expect to see it, you know, potentially being the, the preferred asset for the ecosystem.
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, keeping all the things so private now.
I don't know how you put me at a spot or whether I should be, uh, name drop stuff.
I, I, I guess, like, our, our close, you cannot expect our close partners in the ecosystem to, to, to be part of, uh, the, the list of, like, partners that we'll be working with for, for C-METH.
So I think that, uh, uh, the main names like Pandora, Athena are definitely people that we are speaking to and trying to, um, um, collaborate with in, and, um, of course, like, we have, we also have existing partners with, like, like, I can layer who, who we are speaking to as well.
To, to, to, to find that different angles to, to, to work around, to, to co-marketing and also to build a campaign around.
But, uh, yeah, I think for, for, for the others, um, the up and coming, uh, partners that we have, um, we will announce in due time.
We're probably not, uh, a bit too early for us to actually, um, drop the names until we actually firm up the details.
But, yeah, I think we're just beginning.
We will have, uh, pretty, um, exciting, uh, list of partners to, to share with everyone soon.
Uh, in case that was missed out, basically, there's still gatekeeping information.
So we don't really know, uh, basically what collaborations they have.
But just a reminder, you know, Mantle has over 200 plus, uh, ecosystem lawyers on a minute.
So I, I guess that's really quite a lot to look out for.
Um, on this side, the team has so mentioned in the snapshot proposal that there will be a launch of a governance token.
So it's not just CMATH, but CMATH and MAP, I guess, will be governed by this new project governance token.
Uh, through like a structured DAO, could you, could you share more details on the governance token alone and maybe the overall decision to do so?
Yeah, I mean, ultimately it's a separate product.
It's a very, um, uh, I, I guess like the way to describe it is like, it's a multi-chain product.
It's, uh, it's something that hopefully we'll be able to, you know, have, uh, users on L1 and then potentially on other chains.
Um, if CMATH does a good job of getting a ton of users and a ton of community and TVL, uh, it could attract a lot of, um, you know, other chains to want to adopt it and, and other communities to, to want to collaborate.
Right. And having a governance token will kind of allow for a specific team to, in a specific kind of DAO to be able to make decisions on, you know, what AVS is to, uh, to use and, and which direction to go in terms of integrations and, and all these things that, you know, LRTs, uh, are not a simple thing.
And, um, ultimately we want to reward the, the people that are supporting, uh, math and then eventually see math.
And we've seen some of the successes of, uh, you know, TVL growth that, um, you know, things like EtherFi, I think it's like 5 billion or 6 billion or something.
Um, and, uh, yeah, the exciting thing is of course that with a governance token, we're able to give, uh, the community and the whole community.
Hundreds of, um, of math and SeaMeth, uh, rewards and an active say in the governance of, uh, you know, the decisions that get made.
Uh, we will be announcing some details, um, now that the proposal has passed.
Um, we will be elaborating on the, uh, the points programs that are coming.
And because it is a community driven DAO and a community driven product, there will be different pockets.
So there will be some for the reward station, for the M&T holders, because, you know, obviously M&T is very important for the ecosystem.
And, you know, there's been people that have been holding meth for, you know, since last year.
And there have been some snapshots being taken.
There have been, you know, potentially users that have been around for a long time.
And, you know, Puff is one example, for example, the meme coin on Mantle that has really driven that community forward.
And I think, you know, it's been teased, but, you know, the season zero, you can call it, of the points program, in a way is Puff.
And there's still a lot of Puff to be given out.
We'll be, I think, giving out a huge part over the next few months.
And ultimately, meth holders will be able to, already before the official season one, start accumulating the governance token, which we haven't said the name of it yet.
But maybe Ed can go into that part.
Yeah, I think, I think Jody covered, like, most of it.
But I think most importantly, probably will be the review for, like, our governance token.
So, we actually took a poll with the team internally and the governance token for CME will be called Cook.
So, we will be having the ticker Cook soon.
The token is not launched yet, so please do not buy any tokens with similar tickers on, like, Mantle or any other chains.
We have not launched the token yet.
We were announced when we launched the token.
And, yeah, I think, like, Jody already covered, like, the segments of, like, users that we are rewarding, people from the Puff community, mental reward stations, and then also, like, ME holders.
And this list is, like, not, this is not the final list.
You'll probably see which are the other partners in the ecosystem that we will be including further down the road.
And then, once the details are affirmed, then we will be releasing it to the public pretty soon.
So, just stay tuned for it.
Twitter needs to allow more emojis.
We don't have the fire emoji, you know, when we talk about Twitter.
I don't want the fire emoji, but all I have is, like, the...
The hundredth, the hundredth emoji.
The hundredth, the hundredth and the hundredth, that's all we have.
So, what's the law behind, like, C-Math and Cook to begin with?
I mean, initially, I mean, it came up with math, right?
But what was, like, the thought process of coming up with all these things?
This whole brainstorming process.
I don't know what you're saying.
There's nothing about lore.
You know, it's just Mantle ETH is M-ETH.
And then, the C stands for cooking the Mantle ETH, which is, you know, like what the kids say.
You know, you're cooking.
You're cooking in the kitchen, cooking something.
That's all that's happening here, okay?
So, if anyone from the Singapore government, please don't revoke my visa.
The one where I say, I'm not affiliated with everyone on this call.
In the case of investigation, I'm not affiliated.
In this case, you are affiliated with all of us.
You have no way around that.
Sorry, I was just kidding.
Yeah, it was totally Mantle ETH.
But yeah, so I guess the next question is, when launch, right?
Everyone's like asking, is there kind of like an estimated period of when, I guess, you can expect the launch of CMAF as well as the governance token COOK?
Or maybe just the POIS program?
Yeah, so the timing is sort of like this.
Right now, there's an ongoing, you know, like I said, like a season zero going on with PUF and meth holders.
We'll be getting more and more of the PUF supply over the next few months.
There's going to be snapshots taken across the ecosystem.
So, all meth on L2 will be able to claim more.
And then the official, like season one for points will be sometime in July.
That's when, you know, most of the other ones have finished their seasons.
And there should be quite a lot of momentum for TVL around that time.
And then that season will be around three months.
And then I think towards the end of that season or at the end of season one is when we most likely have COOK launching.
So, that takes it around Q3.
The three, that's pretty close.
That's about a few more months as well.
So, it's actually coming quite close.
And everyone, you know, just, you know, keep in touch.
Just keep following rental.
And especially keep poking both DeFi, Mestria, as well as Jolly on when launch.
And pretty sure we'll see you soon.
And here are some comedy questions, actually, that was given from the public.
So, the first one was actually a comparison question.
So, they asked, if I can hold only one token, should I hold EMIF or CMATH?
So, I guess you can share your own strategies or maybe your own opinions with respect to the current market as well.
Well, right now, there's no CMATH yet.
So, if you want to partake, yeah, like, it's a pretty clear option.
You have one way to do it.
Yeah, I think the CMATH is an ongoing product development.
And some point along Season 1, or maybe, like, at the beginning of Season 2, that's probably when the points go towards CMATH.
So, it'll be a very clear, communicated, and clear, you know, okay, everybody, you know, start cooking.
That will be when it's ready.
And so, for now, it's still around math.
What does the D5 strategies have to say about this?
I mean, for now, it's just math, right?
Until CMATH is launched, then once CMATH is launched, the holding CMATH basically is you holding the underlying math tokens
about having the composability of using it for additional yield across the mental ecosystem.
So, yeah, math for now, and CMATH when it's launched.
I think that's actually all the questions I have had for today.
Would you like to share any final details about CMATH on your end from now, before I open it up to the public?
Just like a little story.
You know, it was over a year ago when we started planning for Mantle ETH, and, you know, we were talking to different people,
trying to figure out the best design and how to go about it.
And, you know, we talked to, at the time, I was talking with Kobe, and, you know, we just kind of, like, laughed.
Like, oh, look, like, Mantle ETH stands for METH.
And he's like, yeah, yeah, that's hilarious, but obviously you can't actually use it, right?
Like, you can't actually make that the ticker.
And then for a few months, I tried it with some audiences at different conferences, and I think the reaction was always, like, so positive.
Even though, you know, it seems not very serious, but at this point, I think crypto is very tongue-in-cheek, even for, like, very quality protocols.
And, yeah, you asked a little bit about the lore, but that's kind of how it all started.
Do you want to open it up to any questions?
So, yeah, if there's any other questions through the public, please raise your hands, and I'll just push you guys up front, or the mentor will come and help you.
I mean, we summed up, basically, everything that's about CMETH now.
All the details are publicly available on the Snapshot proposal, and, obviously, in due time, there will be more details.
So, just to sum up some key things that were mentioned today.
So, CMETH will have its own first-in governance token, as well as point campaigns coming out soon, for not only CMETH holders, but also MAF holders, as well as MFT holders via the Mental Rewards Station.
So, essentially, these points that you earn from this points program will be convertible to the new governance token, which is cool.
And, the timeline currently is estimated around Q3, which is very soon.
Any questions from the public at all?
I mean, maybe we did a good enough job that, for now, maybe for now we're in the clear.
No, there are always questions.
There are always questions.
There can't be no questions.
Joella, you can ask us questions, too.
Oh, wait, we've got a speaker.
Amute yourself and you can ask the question.
Here are a few minutes to listen to you guys talking about the Mantle.
I think Mantle is a good public chain for devices.
And I just wonder, is there any updates about integration for a couple of few developers?
So, of course, you know, I think it's an effective way to have viral invaders to...
Do you all understand his question?
I'm not sure I understood the question.
Okay, let me just make it simple.
I just wonder, is there any plan to integrate a couple or so many DeFi protocols to make the DeFi reward so much?
You know, which means I just use one simple asset, like METH, I can get a couple of DeFi protocols incentive and airdrop, just like restaking or re-restaking, much restaking kind of forms.
I think what he's saying is, like, is there a simple way to farm everything and just get a bunch of rewards and be happy and have a lot of tokens?
You can just use one simple asset, the original assets.
In Mantle chain, that would be METH.
I just, you use my METH and to do staking and restaking.
Just, yeah, it goes through varied protocols and have me graph varied extra incentive, I think, that would be very cool.
It's just like the amazing of DeFi.
Yeah, I mean, generally, we try to keep it simple and focus on the user experience.
So, you know, for example, now with all the eigenpoints, all you have to do is just hold the ETH on the chain, on the Mantle chain.
Hold the METH and you're accumulating points.
So, you know, you're getting multiple things if you want to use it as well.
So, yeah, I mean, bottom line, there will be simple and more kind of ways to get a lot of altcoins and a lot of tokens for stuff.
And we're focused on that.
We want to have that ease for the user.
And I have one more question.
So, I can say there's a lot of protocols and have this kind of plan to supply the points, points as a reward to attract more DeFi users.
But I think it's a long term strategy, you know, I think I prefer some steady farm yields from DeFi protocols, like structures.
on-term strategy, like landing or some LP strategy to do a comprehensive DeFi strategy.
I think that would be more steady and it could be a long term yield for those DeFi inventors.
So, do you have any idea to do this kind of a sustainable yield for our DeFi inventors, especially after those-
Have you been one of those people that have been trying to farm points for something and you get all these points, you know, 18 quadrillion points, and then at the end, it's worth $26.00.
And, and you're not, you're, you're losing the points, Maxi, uh, um, I mean, look, uh, we, we've done stuff like that.
Obviously we had the double dose campaign.
So we doubled the actual base yield, um, on ETH.
Um, and that's a tool that we can turn on again.
Uh, so yeah, it's not just about points, we're, we're definitely, um, about sustainability and, and, and kind of, like you said, more consistent yield sometimes.
So, uh, we have different, different arrows and we hear you, some people are a little bit tired of the, of the points meta.
Um, so we're, we're gonna make sure that we avoid some of those, uh, those bad outcomes.
I, I, I think that if METH could do, not very sticking out of it, pretty cool.
Cause, uh, I mean, METH has, uh, 70% is a high yield for, for, for, for ease.
If, if it could be another mistake in, I think, yeah, that would be critical, critical, uh, defense strategy.
Thank you, Clive, for your very nice questions.
Uh, Edmund completely skipped out on answering completely.
I, I was so struggling so hard to understand the question.
He didn't do this yesterday, obviously.
Why are you calling me out, Joe?
Next one, uh, River, um, feel free to take the stage.
My question is what kind of size of integration would like drive the needle for math effectively?
If you were to, I don't know, be handed a deal, what kind of size would interest you?
You mean, you mean for, uh, for ETH TVL or for, for what, what do you mean size?
The amount of ETH being staked into math or CMETH when it comes.
Uh, I mean, you know, you can always make a deal with the devil or, or Justin's son and, and get a, get a bunch of, you know, billions of dollars of math.
So I think it's, uh, we look at things from a quality perspective and we don't want to just have one, uh, user just putting, um, some, some TVL and, and trying to, you know, farm a lot of tokens.
We, we want to build a community ultimately.
That's the most important thing.
So, uh, we look at it more from, um, from like a real user and, and community standpoint.
So hope that answers the question.
So it's not necessarily a figure.
It's what the figure comes with effectively.
I mean, we've seen a lot of predatory TVLs that come and go.
And, uh, you know, with, with, uh, ETH, obviously we're trying to, um, to do more than just, um, have a short term, um, flashy PNL number.
Uh, this is a question for Geordie.
Uh, just wanted to ask if you might be able to elaborate on, on puff being season zero for, uh, for cook.
And if that might be something to do with the ultimate decision.
I know that obviously some things you might want to keep to yourself, but maybe you could give us a little bit more information about that.
So, you know, there's different ways to distribute tokens to a community.
You can, you can do an airdrop, for example.
Um, you can do conversions, stuff like this.
Uh, I think for a long time, I've had the idea to make a game out of it, um, and put people to a decision so they can decide whether to get their tokens, but it's not for free.
It doesn't sort of just become a brainless, uh, decision.
So the, the puff holders will have the option, um, to, to accumulate cook, but it will be part of that ultimate decision.
They'll have a decision to make.
It won't be just given to everybody.
And I think that will make it a bit more engaging, fun and, and strategic for, for people.
So, um, we do have a, a, a chunky allocation of, of the governance token for meth for, um, for the puff community.
And yeah, like in July, um, there will be a decision if people want to claim it or not claim it, and it won't be an easy decision.
There's already been, uh, uh, you know, people debating, uh, internally here, what they're, what they're going to do.
Um, so it's not going to be an easy choice.
Uh, I think that's about it.
There's no other questions from the space.
I'll give it about one more minute.
And, and the next question, if there is, will be the five measures.
We can't hear you, Potato.
I think Potato just wanted to display his amazing, uh, like, uh, picture.
Like that, that's a sick, that looks amazing.
I need to get one of those beret kind of animals.
I don't know what's going on there, but I like it.
That's from Merchant Moo.
Uh, I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I'm, I'm pretty new to like crypto space
because India recently legalized it.
Uh, so my question is like, uh, like I just read the MIP 30.
I just want to know like what strategies, uh, should like Mantle LSP consider to ensure
like successful adoption and integration of the new token.
And also the CMETH within like DeFi ecosystem while maintaining like community support and managing
the risks associated with race taking strategies.
Uh, the thing is what I've seen is like not, uh, even though it's not related to, you know,
governance, I've seen where, uh, in Merchant Moo, as in people taking advantage of bins and, uh,
uh, uh, you, you know, what's in more, right?
So yeah, that's, that's a basic question.
I'm sorry if it sounds stupid.
Uh, I don't think it's a stupid question.
Like, like, uh, I'm surprised that you, you know, about like the Merchant Moo, what happened
in Merchant Moo where people try to take advantage of the bins.
Uh, I think the, um, yeah, I think that's, that's not something that's very simple to understand.
So like, like kudos to you if like you're, you're new to it.
Um, in terms of like the success of like, uh, CME, um, and, and what we, the integrations
that we will do, do for CMEs to have success.
Um, I think firstly, like we will be focused, this is focusing a lot of our, um, I would say,
um, time to actually set up collaborations with the upcoming, um, DAs and also, uh, start
to go in and further, um, discuss with existing partners, such as the Eigenlayer to, to firm
up, um, collaborations for CMEs.
Like, um, we want to be agnostic in terms of like, um, our partners in the space.
We feel that everyone is in the space to actually build out a stronger, uh, community.
And we want to give users the, the, I would say the, uh, ability to, to choose, uh, select
like the, the, the, the exposure to, to us, uh, the DAs that they want for their EVE
And the risk managers for the vaults will also assist the users with that by, by helping
to do that initial review to, to ensure that, um, the strategies that implement and they
take the users, um, EVE will be, to, to deposit into will be safe.
And the users will, will just be able to have to have to let both do their own preliminary
assessment and, but also trust like the risk managers to actually help to manage the vaults
when they direct the, the underlying M EVE towards, um, the, the, or the DAs and protocols
For L2 side, um, the CME free seed token will be heavily integrated with majority of like the
mental protocols inside the ecosystem.
So back in the household names like, um, Merchantmo, Init, um, Internex, um, of, you
will see that CME integrated with, um, I will say most of our ecosystem.
And then we will continue to work on, um, integrating them, uh, throughout the ecosystem
for new protocols that are popping up into, uh, mental as, and also, um, also push the boundaries
in terms of the, the kind of interrogations that we can actually do with, uh, CMIF and
So we are basically building an entire ecosystem around, um, CMIF.
Um, so yeah, uh, hopefully that, uh, answers your question.
And, um, one last thing, not a question, but I would like to give a shout out to Merchantmo,
uh, because the platform has made me, you know, switch my assets back to mantle.
So yeah, amazing platform, amazing community.
Thank you for explaining.
I think that's safe to say it's the end of the space.
And thank you to the community for the nice questions as well.
Um, yeah, just, just wanted to also quickly put in here.
Thanks to everyone who participated, participated in our leader activity of guessing the governance
ticker, which is, uh, as DeFi Maestro has revealed earlier called Cook.
So some of you got it right among the public.
So the mantle team will reach out on this court soon.
So yeah, that's about it.
Just, uh, I guess, remember to follow, uh, DeFi Maestro and Jordi as well,
cause more details will come up from their end as well on their public profiles.
And yeah, thank you speakers once again for taking the time out to chat more about CMAF
and super excited to kind of know more alpha due time.
I will, I will keep disturbing you both as well.
And, uh, you, you did such a great job for, uh, for a first mantle spaces hosting.
So, uh, yeah, thanks, thanks so much for hosting.