Co-CEOs Nicolas & David: All things Ultra

Recorded: April 6, 2023 Duration: 0:46:27



Hello hello hello! Can everybody hear me?
Excellent. So it's 602. Let's wait one more minute while everybody gather around. On the community, if you can share this link to me, the favorite show.
this link on Telegram and Discord for me that would be great. I have my hands full here but yeah let's wait a couple more seconds while everybody joins.
(door slams)
So Nicholas Twitter crashed apparently so I won't be out there is
Pretty sure a sabotage here. It's complained to Elon.
All ready okay can you guys hear me no I'm a listener yeah yeah okay guys so what a week what a week I've been crazy
So just gonna mute this here. Thank you everybody for joining. We have the dream team here today as guests. Well, I'm not co-hosting. I'm not hosting it from the ultra-facial account. I am from my personal
But yeah, welcome everybody today. We have Nicolas J. Lowe and David Hansen, our CEO of Ultra for everybody who doesn't know. Most of you already do. How are you guys? How's it going David?
Doing good, thank you. You know, I'm excited. I think the whole team is excited. This has been, you know, a lot of work to, you know, reach the point that we're here today. So, you know, we're gearing up.
You know, today we've been doing some final stress tests. We're getting, you know, we're bashing the platform with tons of requests on different parts of the platform, see how many people can, you know, how many people the platform can
at the same time. All of that. So we're, you know, sort of finalizing the latest details, but we're essentially ready. Sounds good, very, very busy. Everybody in Ultra has been working like crazy these last days. So if for the CEOs, it had not been different.
than that. And Nicholas, how are you, how's it been? Pretty good, pretty good. Very nice to see it coming to fruition. I think we did quite an impact yesterday. Lots of people so and learn about Ultra. We received a lot of requests where it's shown on East, whether it's
game developers, so I think the announcement went quite far in wide. I think it was 4,000 views on Twitter, which is bad. I could just do the team. I could also do the community as well to help push the news everywhere. And I think yes, we are very excited to see the next
the next steps getting the platform live to everyone in the hands of everyone and then start reducing more and more content and applications on ecosystem. Sounds good. Yeah, I was just checking the tweed. I think it was one of our most viral tweets. Today we're almost 400,000. That is
especially in the web 3 space. I mean, it's not easily achievable. It's just organic, you know, just community sharing, partners sharing. So we're really excited also like from the marketing team and we're really happy on how how it's been. So of course, all the community also very
happy yesterday was a very very exciting day finally after many years of development we have a final date you won't be hearing the word soon anytime soon no pun intended but yeah it's nice to have finally a date and it doesn't seem like the end of the
road it just seems like the beginning of a new road because it's not the end it's just the start of what's coming and I know there is a lot a lot in store for the future of ultra so many apps to be launched so many cool teams and stuff to build so really really excited from my side wanted to give a big big shout to all the

FAQ on Co-CEOs Nicolas & David: All things Ultra | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the guests on the podcast?
Nicholas J. Lowe and David Hansen are the guests on the podcast.
Who is the CEO of Ultra?
David Hansen is the CEO of Ultra.
What have the team been doing these last few days?
The team has been working like crazy these last few days.
How was Ultra's announcement received?
Ultra's announcement was well received and had a lot of views and engagement on Twitter.
What is the significance of the announcement for Ultra?
The announcement marks the final date for Ultra's launch, which is the beginning of a new road for the company.
What are the plans for the Ultra platform moving forward?
The plans for the Ultra platform moving forward are to launch new apps and build cool teams and products.
What kind of testing has Ultra been doing recently?
Ultra has been conducting final stress tests to see how many people the platform can support at the same time.
How did the marketing team feel about the announcement?
The marketing team was really happy about the announcement and how it was received.
What was the reaction from the community to the announcement?
The community was very excited about the announcement and had been waiting for it for a long time.
What was the impact of the announcement for Ultra?
The announcement had a wide impact and reached a large audience, which was beneficial for Ultra.