Hey, it's tricky Buddha with D5 space donkeys coming at you for the community of communities panda pals panda pod This space is every Monday Wednesday Friday at 9 p.m. UK time or here to talk web 3 NFT
share some good vibes and hopefully on board some more people. So if you're an artist or an NFT project and you want to join the community of communities, add a plus in front of your name on social media and join us. We'd love to hear about your project and we're always meeting new communities. Based on the show
show, we will either book you for a more important headline on Friday or Saturday, or we may raid another Twitter space. So today we have a lot of Twitter spaces going on at the moment, and I'm worried the turnout might not be that good. Also, people are having trouble or
right now coming up to speak and getting in my spaces. So we're going to keep this one short just a couple announcements and if someone wants to show up with their collection or with their NFT project that'll just be more information. We've got doglins in the house too.
So if we want to do some custom one of ones and you'd like to make a donation to Doglands official, that would be an awesome opportunity to get into the community right now. So make sure you friend Doglands official. Christian from the Straight Dogs Club. Welcome Christian.
I was just saying I don't know how many people will be here, but hopefully we can get some people here to join your community and also join these
droughts tribe community. Right now they're both doing custom 101s and they are doing them for donations to build their community. So that's a great opportunity to get in.
Make sure you're following Andy from Panda Pals. The Panda Pals production account should be up and growing.
You can check out the Bamboo Carbon and Gold cards in order to get into all the goodies he's got coming out with the video games and everything else.
Let's see, maybe I should go ahead and pin something for him. Hopefully he stops by here in a minute.
We've also got a couple other legends that are minting right now. Dill NFT for example, available now. Hopefully we get him in these community spaces, but he's been grindin' and doin' his own space every day since the beginning of mint.
these really pushing so props to Dill. Christian from Straitogs, can you come up are you having issues connecting? We will see what's going on.
I'm gonna go ahead and paint a couple of things here to the top. Just to show you.
This is something about my project. This is the DeFi Space Donkeys available on OpenC. You can check out the community of communities. Spatial Space as well. Yeah, we seem to be having multiple issues with this space. So, I don't know.
So if you are on a Galaxy phone, you can uninstall Galaxy phone, uninstall Twitter, and go to the Galaxy store and pick it up from the Galaxy store. Don't get it from the Google Play store, it won't work. But it seems that every 24 hours
You can uninstall and reinstall from the Galaxy Store and if you have an Android phone that will solve your problem. It is a temporary fix. It only works for about 24 hours and then you got to do it again. But it's better than not working at all. So if you do have a
If you don't have an iPhone, that could be the issue. I strongly recommend that. And we're going to go ahead and call this space early because we are having issues with people coming in and getting up. So make sure you join the community of communities by adding a plus to show your positive addition.
join the community, share your project, let's all grow together, we're stronger as a team, so we're going to go ahead and join another space, or maybe I could just relaunch this space as well. Let's go ahead and do that. Let's try relaunching and see if that makes a difference.
If not, have a great day and join us next time on the Panda Pals PandaPod with tricky boot up.