Coffee with Captain from @dGenNetwork

Recorded: May 11, 2023 Duration: 2:39:13



I gotta leave with in a professional
Thanks for hopping in early
We are going in papa sis web one. Hello
I was living the dream audio track three
And it is what it seems popping the pyramid schemes. I'm telling you I save a percentage on nebula
Yes, you'll set it up surfing on the web and I'm sitting at three I've been going when I got my time
I'm an elegant boy from a different planet. Yeah, so I've got my drink. I'm riding in the 1920s model T Ford
If I said it and I meant that yeah like that one I'm about to get that crash that
For the drumsticks with laughs. I'm about to get a model. Are you with that in a white boat surrounded by blue?
I want one, but I got a cop too
I wanna fly high in the sky arms out wide trying to soar to a bird's eye field
I'm on fire Ricky Bobby cracking the pavement with me Bobby. I'm a sake. I'm here
I'm Shima naga sake Bruce Wayne been a dog and I keep a 100 at one cuz I'm feeling kind of spotty
He's sippin us a pocket. I'm sippin. No, I can't I don't think around my neck
Now I got coin see we are going in Papa says web one. Hello throw web two
I was living the dream of our web three and it is what it seems top in the pyramid schemes
I'm telling you I'll say your percentage on nebula. Shout out to this. You'll set it up NFT Twitter
Seeing the ghost of me falling like the bronze
Could on crypto we can make a trade get the members the fields not falling for the foam off
Listening the coffee like captain, you know, we were why they loco I ain't never gonna stop rapping
Now I got coin I see we are going in Papa says web one. Hello. Don't web two
I was living the dream of our web three
And it is what it seems top in the pyramid schemes. I'm telling you. I'll say your percentage on nepula
Shout out to this. He'll set it up
One but they got knowledge some moves. I'm shocking the shades with my brother in shoes
Yeah, the blues is coming even though it's hard to pick any money most soda on the mix
No, bite lips. It's time to go. It's number one. No thumbs up. You've got a scroll looking at the ghost studio
It's time to go had a helmet on by myself until I met a master
I wanted to have a face on so I had to bring my chainsaw full ticket gas in the private my break
So I'm a one but a different kind of state sauce
GMGM drop us a GM in the chat below if you'd like to share the space. It's linked up above. We'll be right back
This episode is brought to you by DJI network
The only community based web 3 media network bringing you the very best content in the NFT and cryptocurrency space
Please visit DJI dot Network and check out our other great shows. That's DJI
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I'm laughing out loud at mr. Dow Jones who apparently woke up and chose violence this morning GM
GM thanks for joining us GM Steve. It's never it's never a slow day in web 3 land might be slow on spaces
But it's never a slow day in the world of web 3
No, it's so funny you say that like that cuz I was actually coming in this morning
So I don't know what I miss but I I mean I have a couple things on the mind today, but nothing
Nothing too topical from a news perspective. What is uh, what I mean
It probably seems like it was two weeks ago
But after our show yesterday Elon tweeted a meme of a project that it's almost like I we used to
Refer to that team up north without referencing the actual name of the university or the state even
it's it's that
Similar the project starts with the same the same letter
I saw it I saw it. I just wasn't going to I was gonna stay clear that one myself
But but go go on do I just from that and then that that's what dowels
I assume that's what Dow was referencing unless he's mad at Elon about something else, but
Yeah, interesting the the
Paraspace saga continued
Is Twitter the new fortune ask us Randall?
Shout out to Von fronten for all the help with coffee live coffee that is at V con we are
Go for Thursday morning. We'll get some graphics and stuff out here soon
But go ahead and save the date Thursday morning regular time. We'll go 8 a.m. Eastern
Do you have I know the community stage? It's it is minor saying anyways, it kicks off Thursday at 1 or 2. Is that right?
Yeah, I believe it's uh
You or do you have any like obligations to get there early for like any any dry runs or
Are we good to go until like roll it into a brunch on Thursday morning?
So not that I'm aware of but I do have a Starbucks Odyssey meetup likely at I think
Either noon or one depending on where we end up netting out there at that day
So um, so we're likely doing a Starbucks Odyssey meetup at
Yeah, like probably around like
Live coffee with captain is front running the Starbucks coffee meetup. So there's your there's your itinerary for
Thursday during V con week. It's coffee with captain at 8 a.m
Starbucks Odyssey meetup at 11 30 noon and headed over to the
Field day is that what they're calling it
Yeah, it's a field days. I think we went to last year that there was you know
Cornhole and trucks and music and a stage. So your stage it is actually like you'll be it's outdoors. Is that correct?
Yeah, I'm getting all the details today in a briefing, but that's my understanding. I'm gonna learn everything at 3 o'clock today
See what's going on
Go I'm pumped I
Really looking forward to the week. I appreciate these I said von fronten and
big big ups to Sean and
Everyone over at alien friends
Going to sponsor the live coffee. We'll be giving them
Many more flowers as we head up in and to and during the live event really appreciate
stepping up to
Support another great live show. I think this is exciting and I don't know if you got my text
We don't have to speak about it live. I am
Just really excited each one of these coffees these live shows is I feel has gotten
Don't want to say better than the last because they've all been great, but they've had different
like different
little nuggets of each one that was was fun or exciting or
you know when out of each
slightly different than the other but
The idea of where these these live shows at these events can can go is is exciting
It's a lot of fun and obviously great to great to see everyone
Yeah, I'm a big fan of live. Um, I always have been I think there's just something that happens
You know Riggs has said a few times hasn't talked about what he's doing
Specifically, but you know, he said a few times on his show that he got something and he specifically said that
multiple live events
Made a difference in him being able to get those that that job. So, you know, I've been saying for
You know the better part of two years now when people ask my you know
What my you know tips are for working in web 3 if you can afford it and swing it because I know not everybody can
Right when you have a normal job, it's hard to take off to go to an event for an FT land. It's expensive
It's not easy. Right? Like this is a business expense for me
But for me, I went to every live event I could you know
I went from during COVID obviously not traveling really at all to I don't know traveling like five six times a year
Plus for the past two years
um, and it's not that I like want to go travel its work like it's at the point where I realized now when my
You know wife or even friends start to come around with me. They're like realizing like oh you're at work right now
And it's like yeah, like and it's fun. It's good time. It's like a mix but at the same time. It's like you're
going there to make sure you talk to certain people and have those conversations and a lot of times that can lead to really great things and
Like I said Riggs was saying and so there's opportunities when you go to live events
There's energy when you go to live events you get to enjoy the utility of your NFT. So yeah, I'm
Looking forward to V con and seeing you know, even last year was great
So just be curious to see how they improved upon it from last year into this year
So that's definitely something that I'm I'm looking forward to and then I'll also feel a little relaxed because my travel will be
done for at least a little bit after the next next week, which will be good to take a little bit of a breather because I'm sort of
Sort of you know, I I've traveled a few times this year already like two or three, so it'll be good
Yeah, I am unfortunately like leaning into it at right after V con I get a little break and then
on the road for like 10 11 consecutive days for I kid you not two weddings in a
1011 day stretch so
Good game my my fortnight activities on the weekends and all other enjoyable at life life stuff
My degenning will be slightly
We'll see some regression is due with the looming travels and weddings
I'm sure I wouldn't be the first it would be a first for me once I
Meant something or need to need to do some degenning while during you know while at the wedding. I think would be
would be quite fitting
Jack GM congrats on
Scoring the
Dimensions that the OCM on ordinals will get to you in a bit at some exciting news that was in the positive news of the day
We're maybe front-running a day early winds of the week, but nice when they're
I don't know Steve if you have
plans on dimensions other than then
Those that you hold or not. I saw you picked up some auras. I picked up an aura last night
I thought was pretty cool. So a lot of good news and then in what I think is some of the most
Interesting. I'll just say interesting news of the space is this is the the drama that continues at Paris space
Beyond and I I'm personally
Vested in the sense that I actually had a I had my my second ape over in their protocol
It is it was it is no longer. I did some defying
this morning and and and and pulled it back out, but
That one is one that once we get into I think it's it's pretty deep and
I don't know if we'll have an opportunity to get anyone from the Paris space team on if not today at some point in the
near future, but
interesting from just the idea of building in public and I
I think we might be seeing one of our first like attempts at a I
Used the term because I don't know what else to call it but but in our first hostile takeover
Leveraging community sentiments, so I'll just leave it at that and let you take it from from there where you want to take it
Yeah, I mean the Paris space thing. I feel bad for people who are
Who are who are stuck in in the middle there, right? Like it's it's it's a weird
Look, I was talking about this on j-web and raises space a little yesterday
It's tough when you
can't really
How do I put this it's like, you know, I had this like sort of like
Discussion we've had where like trustless systems sometimes require trustworthy people, right? They're not supposed to it's supposed to be a trustless system
and you figure it out like I get it to some degree, but in this case it stinks because
What you're looking at is you are having people who are building, you know fundamental really good technology on the back of
You know on the back of like this on the back of like blockchain
They're trying to move the space forward and then you have something like this happening
just find yourself scratching your head asking like why and how and
It just puts it, you know
There's no positives that come out of something like this because now it's like this public discussion where they've tried to reach out
They are trying to like you said leverage the community
and it's just a
There's really no
It's a no-win scenario for anybody and it's just kind of a sad thing to see
So, I don't know like it's it's it's a bummer. Um
Jeremy cowards mints that you mentioned as well. I minted a couple of those
I do want to give Jeremy a little bit of flowers. It's tough when you know, it's a tough market right now and you know,
Jeremy, I know had a oversubscribed allow list people are excited and then you know
A lot of people are just minting to flip art at this point
And what he did is we heard about yesterday was you know, it's a really cool
Sort of like different type of project and you know, what we ended up seeing was, you know
Only about you know less than 25% of supply go to mint
I I really like my two that I got like I said
I've been thinking about you know, potentially printing and hanging some art plates in my heart hard with gas like I
Typically, it's something I would have been in a three-pack
I just couldn't justify it with the gas and and so I at least wanted to still show my support in minute one
But it was just like
Yes, it's it's a really tough environment. Yeah. Yeah, I'm in it, too
you know the use of
Photography and performance art and you know creating what he created
I I thought it was very cool
And so, you know if I hang it I'm probably gonna hang both my pieces because I got one piece where you could see the guy
Wearing the typical sort of white ski mask white hat that he projected on and then one where it's a really really good projection
So I think those two next to each other would be like a cool like dual print out. So, um
I'm gonna be spending some money getting some stuff printed for my house here pretty soon because we're doing some painting and stuff and gonna
Hang some stuff on the wall
So, you know congrats to him on on a really cool art project and just a bummer to see the market, you know
In a bad place
I mean it's it's tough and it's also tough because you know as we're talking yesterday in the DJ Network or like the
macroeconomic setup right now just continues to seem to get worse. It does not seem to be getting better and
We're going into an election year where people are gonna be yelling at each other and there's gonna be some volatility and fear in the traditional markets because of that
I'm sure because we're gonna end up with the same two candidates that
Seemingly people weren't exactly excited about last election round and now we're going to be doing it again this election round
Right, like like I think last election round
Like I believe I saw a bumper sticker from somebody who said, you know, Biden
2020 and then they were just like fine. I'm not happy about it either, but whatever or something like basically like people are so sort of
Epithetic so that that's going to make for a you know
Fear-based crazy election cycle where people are gonna be yelling at each other Facebook's gonna be a mess
My Facebook feed so I don't know like we're in this situation right now where it just feels kind of
Kind of kind of icky from a financial perspective
So I don't think the speculative art market is is gonna do as well or you know, the non-traditional art market
One other thing I throw out there
Which I think is uh, I don't know pretty cool
But again, I just for me personally, it's like I will like yeah
I'm planning on
You know printing these putting them next to each other finding a spot for them in my home and then having an art plate
Accident that explains the process cuz I I think it's cool. And once I get the art plates off
I'll be really excited. Other thing that's on my mind is
AI like I have not been digging as much as I should be I've been doing a little bit
my son and I were playing around a mid-journey yesterday and then um, I was working on a
So I have to do an interview for something
And I feel like interview a person and you know
Just like we do in the show all the time and for people who don't know my interview prep oftentimes even if I know this subject
It's like I could do hour hour and a half research. I spend another half hour hour beating up questions
It's like, you know, 90 minutes hour two hours, whatever of time
Like however much I need to make sure I'm ready for to give an interview
My goal is to like ask them a question they've ever been asked yesterday
Um, you know, I as somebody I won't tip who cuz I don't want to tip like anything about it
But somebody is that effectively showed me like yeah, I put this person's name in the website
I put their website in chat GBT for
Said I need new questions for an interview and it spit out like a dozen
Really really really good interview questions that I had to refine a little bit
But something that would have taken me I never thought about how AI fits into my life. Sometimes what did you prompt it?
like you say act as a
Anyone in particular ask us you're performing an interview. What was your prompt? So eventually I'm gonna teach it myself
Because it's easy once you teach yourself how to do that
But um, somebody else showed me how to do it
So I don't know what that person what she put in but she put in something to the effect of like here's a website
I need interview questions for this person and
Again, like I probably had to get rid of like three or four of them
I had to refine two or three of them
But I kid you not something that would take me hour and a half two hours
Took less than 15 minutes because of chat GBT and it's not like it's like I wasn't doing the work or it made it worse
It's just it gave me a it got me somewhere a little bit quicker that I would have already gotten and maybe got me a few
Questions I wouldn't asked otherwise and it was just I think it was just simply here's this person's website
I have to interview them in front of a group of people
What would you ask them and it made my like I'm telling you like I'm going to get do this now for like everything
I do because like look I know
Even if we're interviewing something I know intimately like in the NFT world like doodles or something else. It's it's still
Worst case it reconfirms the questions. You're already thinking best case. It gives you a new question. You had never thought of before it's brilliant
Yeah, I mean in this instance it did and so no downside. Yeah, it's like and I never thought about that
Especially for me like yesterday
I mean AI is just giving you the gift of time like yesterday
My time was just so crunched and today my time is so crunch
Like I've got a I've got a like after this I may cut out a coffee by you know
10 at the latest and just because I got a dive heads down into the book and I need to write a bunch of
sections because we're trying to really really get it to some of our test readers in the next couple of days and get it to
Our editor to start like really digging in so we can move this thing forward. We're almost settled on a cover
then we can go to pre-sale and
I've been like, you know, we press for time the fact that I basically have this task room
Like alright, I need to shift my mind
I need to think about how I'm gonna interview put myself in those shoes then so you need to mentally shift
Then you need to refine. It's like the mental burden the time burden everything just completely
Fixed by something like this and now I'm starting to think like, okay
What other applications can I do for this thing, right?
and one of the you know examples like I was thinking about yesterday and talking about it's like
could I teach it my voice or a brand voice and have
My announcements for Starbuck copy and again not to say I wouldn't write them anyway because I love the creativity of writing and things
But like get something and then kind of refine it a little bit and I think similar to what we talked about
You know writing is like one of the things I'm proud of that
I do I think particularly well like that's something I I've done my whole life and really enjoy
So I don't think let like chat GPT will ever replace me as a writer when push comes to show
But I do think there's gonna be people who can say like hey
You can get the job done with your discord announcements pretty easily
Even if you don't have a writer on your team or if you have a writer who's basically almost it's almost like the same concept
I was getting in this debate
actually, I think with Josh Brabowski at one point about
Autonomous vehicles because I have a little more insight into there having worked in the insurance industry and my whole thing is like
There's a lot of reasons why fully autonomous vehicles are unlikely in our lifetime
But the idea of having just a driver at the wheel who's making sure nothing goes wrong is extremely likely
That's the equivalent of this for writing. It's like if yes
I don't think it's going to replace somebody who is doing like discord announcements or writing or whatever
but there's a chance we're like
There's a driver at the wheel that does it pretty well
So that's kind of you see what I'm saying like the analogy there's like I think like it's a it's like I knew that
These this is like a tool that could enhance
But I'd seen it applied to things like code and a bunch of things that I don't do
Seeing it applied like that to something that I do and having you know
I went in with an open mind and wasn't just like oh this thing's replacing me or this thing sucks and like
Just went in and said oh my god. I can't believe how good this is like seeing it apply to something. I do is very
Interesting because all the applications I generally seen were I got
It wasn't super applicable to me now. I'm starting to see where AI is gonna fit into my life if that makes sense
I'm sure you saw but our if not our buddy bunch used auto GPT yesterday to
Create a 10-page website. He's becoming the AI Vegas Dave
It appears with his new bet GPT
that's linked up above as well as I
Had what are becoming I think my favorite bagels in the US
Delivered all the way from Philly board bagel delivery. I picked up yesterday at the I've got a shipping mailbox and
Go and they're like no no shipment. I was like here. That's weird. I got a notification and I just didn't think anything about I left and
Go back later. I was like, yeah, I actually I did get it says it was signed for so I went
They didn't have the shipment. I go back later like yeah, I'm here for my you know, I think I got this ship
I got notification of shipment and it's like is there a Carol here and like yeah, that's that's me
and it's like well, it says you sign forward it, you know at 1053 and
She's like, what is it? I was like a
box of bagels
It's like oh, are you captain?
Do we do we need to add this? Is this a do we need to add this name to your account?
so yeah, I'm
Now both at Starbucks as well as at my local UPS store
More affectionately known as captain. Thanks to the shipment of board bagels, which are amazing. By the way, the cream cheese is
pretty solid and
huge giant
You might not be able to fit them in your toaster size bagels
Yeah, no, that's um, I I'll have to check it out. I have not had the board bagels
You're getting a lot of delivery things lately, although I suppose
To be fair to be to be fair these were these were addressed captain and NFT bark
so I don't know if they think we're like quote-unquote partner partners, but I
just I you speak of your mrs. Bark relatively often on here, but
Yeah, I will you know, what I will see what I need to see to get some bagels at this point though
I mean, they look like good bagels. So I think maybe you know, like I'm not look I don't have I'm not above
I'm not above you know, maybe tone a little bit higher to for some bagels here
I've got a couple ocm shirts. I got to get a ship your way still so I'll drop I'll drop some of these bagels in
With it. Oh, yeah, I totally forgot those ocm
Bitcoin shirts were sick. That's right. Um
No, that's awesome. It's fun seeing some of the products play out in real life
It's fun. Just watching NFTs play out in real life to some degree
By the way, I see a lot of people in the in the at with the tech asset about test readers got a group of test readers
We have a group that we specifically read put into it. I I don't make the rules on this sort of stuff
I'm just following penguins lead
It's funny because I've just been learning this
I feel like I probably should have asked more questions and as we were writing this book
But like as we've been writing this book
For people don't know it's a book with penguin about NFTs and like how businesses and companies can authentically use NFTs what they are
And then it's a framework which the goal is for the framework to be timeless
Even if the examples are dated that this framework we put together are these different elements like, you know
Like we talked about community and identity and things on this show and utility like things like that that go into
An NFT program and how you build it
so ones that won't go away over time is the goal of what we're putting in this book and
Penguin has like sort of rules around like test readers and what they do and how they do it and how many and what type you're looking
For so, I mean it's things like, you know, like for example, like we're looking at
corporate test readers and it's funny like also talking with like Scott and his network and being like
He had like a list of potential test readers and he had these like two that were like professors that like worked at this company
No, like I know, you know, and I'll be le and I was like, oh yeah
They work at this company called Nobel or Nobel or something. He's like and then he clarified for me. No, no
Oh, those are Nobel Prize laureates. Those are Nobel laureates. So Nobel Prize winners that Scott news
I'm like, okay, but a lot of these people that were looking to have read this thing are
people who like I have a couple of readers who are specifically in the
Business world who maybe don't know NFTs quite as well
Because the goal is like if they are the target audience for the most part. We want to make sure that they are able to
Able to really
You know like digest it or this doesn't make sense or this part got a little long for me
And then of course our editor will help us with it as well because she knows what she's doing
But we're getting close. We're getting close to this thing. And once I'm done writing
it's like not just the time which the amount of time spent on is crazy. It's also the
mental burden or holding there of being not quite done with that yet last thing I'll say and I'll throw this out there because this was like
This is like a really cool realization to me that I had recently
Occasionally you have people who will like, you know
You go play the lottery and you're hoping to you know
Win the mega-millions and then you'll like go retire in a beach somewhere or something
and I was having this conversation with Scott yesterday and
I've talked to my brother about this too. And when I worked a corporate job, which I loved my corporate jobs
I would always think okay
I'm gonna win the mega-millions I'm gonna go get a house on a beach somewhere and just be done, right?
And I had this realization that if I won the lottery, I don't think I would change anything about my life
Like that's how I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be
Like I have this realization that if I won the lottery, I wouldn't stop working on the Starbucks Odyssey community work
I wouldn't stop writing the book. I wouldn't stop doing DJ Network
I wouldn't stop working with Clubhouse are like I would do all the things I'm doing
Exactly the same and it was like this weird conversation because we were talking Scott and I were talking about
You know Mark Andrews reason and these people who don't need to work yet
they work harder than anybody you've ever seen and
It was a really interesting finding I had now again, like I might materially change some things
Maybe I would use like if I won a billion dollars
No doubt I would pump a ton of money into DJEN and making it just like this kick-ass fun club
I wouldn't care about making money. I would just be spending money to enjoy and party with all my friends
but like this concept of like
You know, I
Like finding the thing that you think you're actually supposed to be doing or the thing that you feel like you want to do
Was a really powerful thought I had the other day
so want to share that as well just because it was this weird little epiphany I had realizing like
That that's like almost the ultimate test if you are
If you're doing what you're what you want to be doing if that makes sense
I don't know so I that thought cap yesterday too, which is kind of fun. So want to share that with that's awesome
No, I mean that's I think like many would define that as like or or that is a definition of happiness for for some
I've heard before so
Congrats on you. That's also another early win of the week
Other wins of the week here kind of breaking news since we started the show Wesley poker
Swept one two, three, four, five, six seven eight nine board apes bringing the floor back up to
44 putting a little pressure on
Mr. One-chamber who appears to be one of the sharpest traders in all the land with the exception of when he shorts Yuga
GM GM everyone. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate y'all being here. I'll let
Steve take it to hands next and fight over Jack and Ben which which better accent we get it here first and
But yeah, thanks for joining us. If you haven't already drop us a GM down below
the space is linked up above if you feel so inclined to share we will be talking pairs space here in a little bit and
Interweaving some some less dramatic news throughout the morning as well, but happy Thursday. And yeah, thanks so much for joining us
Yeah, no, absolutely. Let's uh, let's go ahead and kick it over to let's go to Jack Jack GM sir. Congrats on the dimension
GM said no yet. You just really touch base with me over this whole, you know millionaire still doing the same thing
I think you know, I don't know about you like I sort of went through my
Sort of high school experience not really certain of where I want to go looking at these huge college debts and not actually know
and if these degrees were going to come out in a way where that was what I was going to do for the rest of
My life and the idea of finding the space where you know for well, this is where you're gonna be for the rest of your life
I'll put it up there with you know, have it be a mortgage free
Having a partner that you trust and I'm gonna live with forever
I think having that thing that you love and you just know is gonna be your life forever is is such a huge win
So yeah anyone who's feeling that just don't disregard how absolutely incredibly lucky you are to have found that because it's not easy
And right now I think this space is producing a lot of that and just on the on the sort of negative market sentiment
Which which is definitely warranted. I think one little sneaky
Outlier is ordinals at the moment and one of the reason that reasons I did apply for the ocm
List, I'd really recommend if you've got an ocm like if you can get into that list. It is so worth it
For the fact that you know, it's also these are gonna be 300 that are inscribed on these 2009 sats
Which it which is an extra level of sort of of flex or whatever you want to call it
but definitely
Really really happy to hear that but then you've got ordinals in terms of like even like the gods for example over there
Four days they went from point six five BTC to just shy of one BTC floor right now
I don't think people will understand them
That's a 5th move in four days when the space is hemorrhaging and this isn't with any sort of incentives
This is not like you there's no reason not to list these at the moment aside from the fact that you know
You're not gonna sell and you've got Bugatti egg collection as well
Where I think there's literally just been an announcement of a couple of those being sold for 7.3 BTC each
So that like that's like $200,000 guys. This is crazy money
And and you've got Binance and sailor who are bullish on it
So like in between all of this like being early maybe not but these things only came out four months ago
And they are really sort of working against the tide and the rest of the market even chick coin season
Was a little bit of a pump
but this seems to be a lot slower and a lot more organic and and
Very much feeling quite early on that topic and I'm done talking. I
Don't know how to feel about ordinals. I I generally I know like my friends at OCM are
extremely bullish on them extremely excited about them and
You know, it's like I I believe them right? I mean like they
They're not they're smart people. Um, I
Just don't know like I like I it's just it's a like for me again
This is me maybe being cheap. But like man, I look at like point. Oh eight like I look at the
you know point
Sort of you know, oh eight Bitcoin like price and I'm like man
I don't know if I if that's where I I spend that money like I'm very concerned about any money
I'm spending right now, but like I don't know like it could go up but like the tradeability of it the
You know aspect of like is it going to be easy to you know transfer
There's some things that like I know we're watching the infrastructure be built out and maybe I'm gonna regret not getting in earlier
Um, you know, I didn't apply for the OCM dimensions first 300 which I actually realized now
I'm like, maybe that was dumb because
What's the downside, you know, that's the cost but like, you know, they're gonna be rare monkeys or some good stuff in there
But I don't know so I I guess I
Like the idea of ordinals in Bitcoin
It's almost like I'm probably gonna regret waiting until the networks being built out to like really start looking into it
Um, but it's just you know, and you'll you know time may be very kind to you versus me
But it's just a space I haven't had a time had time to play around yet
And I know there's some people who are bullish on it. I just don't know I
Don't know it's an interesting concept to me of putting NFTs on Bitcoin and what the you know
Like I think fine art makes sense. I think certain ones make sense
I don't know that like it's going to be this like NFT explosion on the Bitcoin network like it is on ETH
So, I don't know Jack. What are your thoughts? No, you know what? It's completely warranted
I think one thing is definitely Scorsese. So you are looking at these collections drop much smaller
Collections, you know
535 d gods against the 10,000 collection look at what you could dropped as well even being you go
And I think it's it's definitely the luxury end of the scale and in terms of like waiting for the tech to catch up
Magic Eden is pretty seamless from from the feedback
I've seen in the d gods the BTC specific chat in terms of being able to buy and sell those you can you can do that
Very easily on magic Eden and buying answers like right around the corner
And seems to be simping on the actual projects that are being built out by tech
innovators and you know teams who've been around for a while like the gods and ocm as opposed to these like
Ordinal punks that are going for I think over 1 BTC at this point, but you know
Not not completely endorsed in any way by the actual project who owns them
So that just to me is a level of DGN that I won't even get involved
Waiting a hundred percent. I think the point naught eight where it's so close to my knowledge to the
You know the general floor. I think if you're someone who believes you can get on that list
Because of you know, either your contribution to that community and the number of that NFT that you currently hold or you know
It's just your contribution to the space generally. I think it's definitely worth a shot
Because yeah, when you look at those two things and the fact that they're both going over to BTC the idea of these ones that
You know a you can pull a rare
Which which you've got the aliens and I know the team did a really good job sort of breaking down exactly, you know, how
Diamond hand the collectors are with those already and but also you've got this whole, you know
Law and history based thing around the fact that they're going to be inscribed on these 2009 sets
So I think that is why I'm so interested in the project as well
And but you're right like it's still early days and they're even talking about potentially
Removing ordinals like the thing that the taproot thing that got
Ordinals the ability to even inscribe these things and they're looking to remove it because they feel like there's a certain group of people
Who feel this is actually an attack?
So, you know, it's it's all over the place. The only thing is if they do remove it
They won't be able like this thing
Oh, Jack might have got a phone call. I got rugged
Yeah, I got a friend. Go ahead Jack. Sorry at that final thoughts because I've got a hop out
but I'll be back on and I'll be listening it is the fact that yeah, like the idea of these things and how
They're inscribed but also the idea that they might get removed if enough people want them to get removed
Does not mean the ones on there can be removed
All it means is that you can't inscribe going forward which could mean that the things that we can currently get hold of become even more scarce
So this is that whole narrative as well
But yeah, very very, you know early days and it is like d gen to like the next level
it's more like buying a punk back in you know, when 2017 20 2018 as opposed to
um buying a board ape and
Um sort of like 30 40 floor already very established and and getting like the extra sort of pump from all the coins etc
But i'm done talking
Jack before you go
I got to ask a question because this is what i'm curious about because I do think you said a couple things in there actually
One thing I think is worth double tapping is one of the things I always thought was funny in the ocm community
Is I felt like it was always hard to get new whales in and sort of some of those bigger names in at times
Because the community is actually particularly diamond-handed with those rare monkeys
So like you basically would have to do an otc deal if you're trying to get one because they literally don't go up for sale
Right. Like I think it's like an alien is use an example
Um, they just don't exist right? They're just not for sale. It's just you can't get one you have to like
Uh, you know get a trade for one
So that's an interesting factor
But like when you're buying ordinals because you have the degot ordinal, I know you came in, you know, bitcoin's sort of what brought you in here
So obviously you're a big bitcoin fan
What is your end goal with them? Are you enjoying the fact that it's art on a brand new medium?
Are you looking at it as a future financial opportunity?
Like you know ocm has talked about the fact that they believe that this is going to be this super large market
so like, you know getting in early and especially with like someone like danny who's
You know been in bitcoin since 2013 when he founded the stanford bitcoin meetup like
Um, like we've been in enough to actually found a freaking meetup on stanford
What is your like, what is your goal? Like what is what are you approaching this for?
Are you just like hey, let's fuck around with the tech?
Um, a combination of things but uh fucking around just purely with the tech
I i'm not in that financial position where I don't have to at least consider these things aren't going to completely capitulate and and be destroyed and
Um, you know if I was exiting at zero on these things then that that would do some damage but um, I I think for me
Realistically, it's a yeah being part of the tech being part of those teams
So I really need to trust the team
themselves who are doing this in a way where
I want to be involved either as a contributor or someone who maybe gets you know
Get to work for one of these guys at some point in the future
That that would be the dream and being able to be an early contributor and be part of that community and show that you've invested
Um both both financially bought time in your you know, your steadfast belief that this team are going to really do well
Um, that's that's definitely part of it
Yeah, that's funny. Oh, go ahead jack. Sorry. Keep going
Sorry, yeah, just just going out now. So, um, I I think realistically that's it for me
that's the the the big things and um, I do think the
Early early stages of these in 2009. It's like a big deal like the the early sats and I do think the first
Oh, um, yeah, I best I best cut off there but um, yeah, yeah, they're my general for
You know, it's it's interesting to me
It's it's it's fascinating to sort of unpack the concept of ordinals
like again
I think what's interesting is a lot of people have messed with ordinals and I do think that
Unchained monkey has the highest level of credibility to actually play around with ordinals
Um, and and it's not just because i'm friendly with sort of the community and the team and I have some like
Again, danny is such a good developer and coder like again first
People who are tech nerds will appreciate, you know, the fact that he had the first 10 000
Pfp collection inscribed not just on bitcoin like which they talked about but the first 10 000 pfp collection
In one full transaction on the ethereum network like fully on chain, which you know, it's a lot of
garble of words, but you know at high gas times like we're having it's like
saving that amount of money time and energy for them to you know, mint that on-chain monkey collection as an experiment back
You know in 2021
It's just it shows like the coding chops and the dev abilities like everything always just works with on-chain monkey and when you're talking about
You know something like ordinals like
Yeah, I mean somebody who has been
At it, you know like bill tie their chairman. He was the first investor in zoom
Um as well as you know early investor in canva and all these other like major major, you know businesses
He's invested in over 20 that have gone
Um public in their early rounds 20 companies
They he's very well equipped as one of the early bitcoin miners and people kept the bitcoin mining network going early on
It's like you're talking about people who would run a meetup that bill showed up to that danny would do
Vitalik used to go to those meetups before he created ethereum like
Vitalik showed up
So it's like these people are the right people to be doing ordinals
Which is why I tend to lean in the direction and say they've been right before I should probably do this
I mean the good news is
As I understand it from what mike was saying the other day
I I have a full set of you know, I have a full set of my you know on-chain monkey and uh multiple full sets
So I think i'm gonna have the opportunity to
At least mint these anyway, maybe not the first 300 from the metagood wallet, which are like sort of the rare ones, but
I don't know. It's it's
I think i'm probably this will probably end up being
Ones that I do and also again for people who don't know like what jack was saying
They're about what's being inscribed and where they're being inscribed. They're being inscribed on a super early satoshi, which is like
a again a they inscribed um
The uh ocm collection on a satoshi that was like really
Sort of uh meaningful to them. I forget the exact number of the of the sat but it was like a specific meaningful one
so again, I guess I would say like
Like this is a group that isn't just messing around with ordinals because they think it's sort of a trendy marketing tool
They know what it is and they believe in it. And so
I don't know. I congrats to jack on getting you know, one of those first 300. I know he's passionate about ordinals and um
You know more overall be interested to see what happens with ocm, but i'm starting to lean towards
I'm starting to lean in the direction of saying i'm gonna mint my uh, my ordinals, uh with my ocm
Uh sats because I don't know seems like it might be worth it
Um, let's kick it over to ben and then we will go to the mintify sponsored update ben gm, sir
You know gm gm guys, uh, yeah, I think going into this current topic
Uh the ordinals one. I think it's it's cool to see people experimenting with bitcoin
Yes, I I do agree with what you were saying initially about
Maybe it's better for fine art and just straight up trying to replicate like um nft projects on that chain
Um just because I still look at bitcoin as digital gold and ethereum almost as digital oil in a way, but yeah people do
create earrings
Necklaces and stuff out of gold. So why not create like top-notch art with bitcoin as well?
So I think it's cool. We're gonna see how the space
Gleads that uh to to a good spot because eventually we're gonna try some stuff that works some stuff that don't work
But yes, I think right now it's super early and there is a lot of
Financial upside to the good bets that can be made on the ordinal side of things
But one thing that you said that is that I thought it was cool in the beginning of the space was the fact that you
say like that um on nft live on on nft conferences people get to enjoy the utility of their nfts and
I agree so much with that because
From my experience so far a lot of the utility that comes with an nft has been emotional
And irl is where I got most of it to be honest
Like by meeting people and connecting and seeing the real face behind the pf piece
Um, so I I totally resonate with that statement
And also in regards to to the board bagels that captain was referencing and you as well
I think that she wants some of those bagels
I think that's super cool because like seeing the ape ip still being extended to novel cases
And I know the apes don't get uh as much as much price
Right now for doing stuff with the ip because people just think okay, like they've been doing that
I still think it's cool
Because it kind of brings the community together and it probably gives you that nostalgic feeling
Of one year ago or something like that when when somebody did something along those lines
You would feel like yo, I love this community
I'm gonna support these creators in the community
So I think that that that's also super cool for you guys
But I also had some ideas about the paraspace thing and also some ape coin ideas that haven't become
Um improvement proposals yet, but i'm gonna leave that for for later on
No, right on, you know cap the other things before we go to mint and defy for our sponsored updates
You actually hit on it with your poll you just put out
Um ape fest confirmed not in new york. So that uh, you know, we talk about irl
That's an interesting one that uh gaga said
Not in new york. So I think miami is a front runner, but I think uh, miami vegas la
But you have new york in the poll those five percent who voted are wrong. Garga said in the discord
I believe yesterday that will not be in new york. So ape fest is also top of mind
Um, and then of course a us congressman saying uh getting mad about crypto saying printing money out of thin air and then saying
We print money out of thin air, but we're the us government
And that was an interesting thing where I saw a couple people saying like when you say the thing out like
When you say the quiet thing out loud that you're not supposed to say out loud
So that was also an interesting thing to uh watch unfold yesterday cap
So I think both of those are are uh are fascinating but ape fest not in new york
So your poll is outdated already, sir
Yeah, I missed that I did not see uh, I saw that the confirmation that it would be this year
I did not see that it would not be in new york
Somebody tweeted about it. I can't I miss the tweet. I'll have to go find it
uh, someone said something about like
You know love new york, but it's expensive and he said uh, uh, good old greg salano said, uh, um,
Garga said yeah, I love new york too, but not this year or something like that. So
I think miami is the front runner still
I'm beginning to think that brought up a good point though later it gets
The the more likely it it they
Piggyback or bookend art basil, you know, because right now we're you know
The later in the year we get where they're they got to give time for for for planning and and booking travel logistics
So it's like it's at this point. It probably is q4
And early december would uh would make a lot of sense based on it already being meh
Yeah, and last year was an interesting one. I mean people forget last year. There was some
The way they planned it
Left some people rubbed the wrong way because they obviously pier 17 is an awesome venue beautiful
But they gave only a couple weeks notice when people internationally had like book flights and hotels specifically stayed in the financial district
We all specifically stayed in the financial district away from everything else in time square
And then they announced oh you're only going to get one night
Uh, and we asked you not to multi-wallet anything which everybody multi-walleted
I got two nights with my mutant
But like, you know, I moved a very expensive asset from like
My hot cold wallet to my hot wallet so that I could register two wallets and get two nights and
You know then didn't you know for those poor people who flew internationally?
They got night one when it sounds like they initially wanted to open with maybe justin bieber
But then he had his you know, his his accident with his face or his face, you know thing where he wasn't able to sing
It's like last year was not it was amazing. It was a great time
They throw an amazing party, but I know last year some people were rubbed the wrong way about
Them trying to make it as you know inclusive as possible with guests
But then other people couldn't get multiple nights and you know, at least for for me personally
Um, i'm looking forward to having it in a bigger location where I can get the full experience where I don't miss
M&m snoop and all the different, uh, you know, because I missed that final night, which is a bummer
So I I just i'm looking forward to seeing their um, you know what they do this year to probably you know
Have where all holders can get all the experience because you're you know, this to me is the utility personally
I know it's not like that for everybody, but I love irl and people know that about me. Um
So yeah, so i'm looking forward to seeing what happens there and I was going to say the same thing
I'm getting closer and closer to looking at um
The fact of like it's going to be like the weekend after arc puzzle, right?
Like or maybe the weekend before if they're smart
I suppose because people are going to be completely cooked the weekend after by that time they get there. I don't know. So I think probably
Maybe it's like friday, saturday, sunday after arc bowser or thursday friday saturday of art basil
Um, and like you said they gotta give a heads up sooner and later because I think they're trying to be more
Accommodating to that international audience. Like I said last year
There are people who literally booked flights from overseas
Booked hotels, you know a week in the financial district only to find out
They got one night and it was like monday night and then they were like well
I don't have anything else in nft in new york city. So that was tough. So, um
I don't know i'll be interested but I think
You know miami around our puzzle starting to make sense. We were thinking maybe september october time frame was a likelihood
but we're getting towards the point where it's like
Dude it's gonna be it's gonna be june soon here. So, uh, we're almost out of may so
Um, I don't know. I'm uh, i'm with you on that too. But with that said, um
Let's hit the mintify sponsored update
Uh, and then we will uh keep rolling through our topics this morning and ovon front and came up the stage
You know ben has more thoughts and some of the stuff with pairspace and everything else going on
So let's run to our mintify sponsored update and we'll uh, we'll go from there. Good morning
GM gm. Uh, thank you as always
pretty uh
Pretty interesting day we had yesterday with uh with elon spiking the ethereum market volume
Really really concentrated to uh to malady and derivative collections amazing that he doesn't realize or presumably
He doesn't realize what he's doing when he does this. I wonder if there's going to be any any significant backlash
But uh, let's get into the market update for today
ethereum 30.8 million in volume up 42 and a half percent
So on a 1.28 million up 0.8 percent and matic 1.15 up just about 28 percent
The top trending absolutely dominated by malady collections with a few exceptions malady at number one
4.86 i believe this ran up to about seven yesterday or so 28 up
board apes 43.7 getting a little bounce down 0.6
From the 24-hour mark from right now, but i'll up a little bit from uh earlier yesterday
And then redacted vermilio babies 1.63 up 15 percent
the top trending by sales malady maker
Number two is redacted vermilio babies as well. And number three is pixel 80 maker 0.18 down at 3 percent
Incredible that uh one tweet can can spark this kind of rally
the biggest winners dark ekilon 0.84 up 69 percent
trad fylines 1.5 eth floor price up 37 percent and crypto dick butts 1.62 eth floor price up 25 percent
some market news
renault is releasing its second a second sneaker collection inspired by the renault 5 turbo
kenpai pandas karate snapshot is set for may 15th
coin the coinbase newsletter noting pepe's unofficial connection to political groups is sparking
absolute outrage uh really insane my twitter feed is completely dominated by that
earnston young launches ethereum-based carbon emissions tracking
aloe yoga partners up with moon pay to release in-store nft claims at check out
and the irs files claims worth 44 billion dollars against ftx's bankruptcy
and the market stats global crypto market cap 1134.8 billion bitcoin dominance 46.9 percent
open interest 7.87 billion fair grade at 52 with uh crypto rejecting that uh that numbers rally
yesterday kind of just coming back to the norm though bitcoin 27 for 40 down 2.4 percent ethereum
18 20 down just about 3 percent and the s&p right around 41 57 taking it a little bit better than
crypto point one one percent up that's all uh pretty incredible uh things going on thank you
yeah we're having a lot of this thing where it's like elon can affect the markets
and i know we had this happen with like the joe rogan thing as well where it was like
you know he talks about you know tesla stock price and things on uh you know rogan and
it affects the stock price and you know it's like almost like he enjoys dabbling in the market and
i just wonder how much he knows but go ahead and get back in here jake you know i wonder how how
much he could really be held liable for this i mean is is he not allowed i'm no lawyer you
know what i mean i'm not an authority on the matter but is he not allowed to you know talk
about things you know what i mean um yes they are affecting the market and you know prices do
swing because of it i'm just i'm genuinely curious whether or not he can actually be held
liable for you know affecting the markets with his tweets i mean i know i know there was that
that one case where where um you know like two years ago where he said something about tesla going
private at 420 or whatever um which he did get in quite a bit of trouble for but things like this
i mean he also tweeted a meme of you know sees sees the memes like two or three weeks ago or
something like that so this isn't even the first time he's you know he's tweeted about an nft it's
it's just not yeah it's it's just interesting to see like because you have to think he has some
awareness and some people around him who make him aware of this sort of thing like i don't see him
as a person who's not surrounded with smart people um so i just don't know it's interesting and i
i don't know like i just wonder well if the theory that he doesn't know and he just thought
it was some meme even more double tapping the uh for all the pudgies out there that are creating
gifs and getting proliferating just the the internet with memes i i think it's like there's
even more like someday you he may randomly just wake up and pick select a random meme that
ends up brought you know ends up mooning a particular nft collection because that's that
came from them it's just an interesting short-term pump pump pump though because you talk about like
mooning a random collection i just i don't know like if you use the pudgy penguin meme and they bump up to
like four you know or like like another like you know four eth of price or two eth of price or
whatever it is when he does it that's short like that's not like him signaling he's buying a pudgy
penguin or anything it's like unless he's like i believe in this thing i don't know what the
yeah and because it's all the market we're in in in the bear i don't think there's any new
entrance i don't think anyone's seeing that tweens like oh what's this thing he's tweeting about another
and then and then the the tweet gets rated by pudgy penguins and then people go buy pudgy
penguins i think you what we see probably what we saw yesterday is people that are you know the
five thousand active traders in the space speculating right it was just that you know
and and obviously there there was price action like we've seen it before and it's probably
happened every time you tweet something it's just you know with that it's it is a the game you're
playing it's a game of chicken where almost every time we've seen price action go up it quickly
comes back down uh to to where it was prior if not if not even uh lower but good game to anyone
who took some some you know realized some gains yesterday congratulations and um jake can get back
in here yeah and i mean not not to you know take make a hard take but uh this is i mean
it's probably a signal for a top and that's not any malady fud you know i don't know really anything
anything about the project but every time that he's tweeted about like dogecoin it's pumped you
know 100 and then sells off entirely basically um a lot of the and as you said i highly doubt also
that there are new people that recognize that meme and then come in and you know buy whatever
whatever he's tweeting about if it's an nft it's just it's probably almost pure speculation from the
very small group of people that are actually active in this space right now i just i i guess
like i it's so interesting because i remember in 2021 it would be like when a pseudo celebrity
would get aboard a pia club and again i say that not to like knock anybody anybody who's been
successful in their career enough to be like recognizable is you know congratulations to
them but like somebody who would be like not even a noteworthy celebrity i'm trying to think of an
example but it would be like a like i'll give an example just because i know he's a friend of some
friends of the show and he had a uh nice little playoff run josh hart josh hart who was a you
know you know sort of a bench basketball player a good player he he absolutely bodied the calves so
like i you know i have some issues with him there but like you know nft it's like he buys a board
a from people are like this is big right and the price action would go up and that was during
like a bull run during a good macroeconomic situation i think we're sort of past that like
i just i feel like and i know we're not because clearly elon tweets the price goes up
but i feel like we're getting to the point where people are just saying what is my nft going to do
that's either going to raise the value of my nft or give me something i actually enjoy like
board a pia club are dipping right now and we know board a pia club is going to be around for
years and correction they dipped they've bounced the dips over steve positive odds heading into
the rest of the weekend here i know and i'm not and we're 45 and like a few sales away from
from being right back at 49 well and that's and that's again and that's great and i'm not like
i'm not discounting like i think board a pia club i've said before we have two years of data on board
a pia club and in one year we have seen a trading range from 80 to 120k consistently and we're
going to continue to see like 80 like they're probably like a little bit of a wider range
now 75 to 125 would probably be a better wider range but like my point about dipping is like
whenever they cross the 80 point 80 mark that's their like mandoza line right that's like the
i think oh like board a pia club below and you know 80,000 which is crazy that's so much money
um but like that's even in now when like board a pia club aren't doing anything
at some point here in the next two weeks we're going to have some kind of an announcement
because it's on the schedule it is programmed like they're going to do it i doubt they're
going to delay it so whatever's happening next in this trial jimmy the monkey and legend tomorrow
whatever all these different it's like they have two or three things that are happening in the next
month month and a half they're probably going to pump up but that's okay that means that people
want to participate they see something happening they see development they see a financial reason
to participate in the game right like if they do the next round of other side we know that
there is at one point almost in each those helmets we're going for that people won those helmets
when they're doing it a limited edition wearable the first wearable in other side like if we have
another opportunity to win something like that in this other side which we will stream in the dgen
network then we know that that's going to be you know uh an item where people are like okay
let me get this play and then i can always resell my item or something so there's it just i don't
know there's going to be i guess my point is like nft's are generally moving now based on
what they're doing not like like i now want to buy a clonax and again maybe this is just me but i
think i don't want to buy a clonax now that i've seen what happened with the air force ones and
i have the fomo missing those and i don't want to miss future things with the clonax sort of
artifact ecosystem so now i'm interested in that world because everything is going to run through
clonax that is a reason for me to buy i wouldn't buy a clonax because i guess to some degree it's
like lebron or the shoes so maybe i am just influenced by influencers but there's a bigger
picture of playing there right nike making an investment but like i don't see me saying if like
elon must tweet it about a clonax tomorrow me being like oh my god i need a clonax it's just
it no longer does that for me in this market and maybe i'm crazy but that's why i think it's
so interesting when people like go out and buy something because elon tweeted about it for the
memes it's like you want to spend you know fifteen twenty thousand dollars on something
because elon tweeted i just don't know that i would go that direction so
anyway long story short cap i i'm not sure i just feel like this market is no you're right it's
jake called it too it's like i had a we've got a in real life friends a picker's thread
group text and uh one of my in real life buddies who's just you know i don't even think got in
whatsoever some of them have like dabbled with nfts and one picked up a mutant another minute a big
bird got you know hit hit on the raffle uh one of them absolutely called the ape top when uh i don't
remember if it was when elon just tweeted about it if it was the i think he said two two interactions
with apes but one of them he he called the top is when it was actually the would to this day mark
the pico top uh it's it's you've got someone that has such a social influence it's inevitably
going to draw attention to whatever it is it happened with doge on the saturday night live appearance
like it's like good bad right wrong and different like it's just it's this is one where
history may not repeat itself but it absolutely rhymes and it continues to do so yeah so basically
the play is if you are a sharp trader out there uh you just need to uh hook up to whatever
neural link that elon musk says he's putting in his brain and if you know what he's going to
tweet about next then you can you too can be rich um so good luck to anybody trying to
play that game again for me i'm sort of just trying to like continue to look at the ones
that are building getting as many of the exciting ones as possible and not even as
a financial investment anymore it's more just like an investment in this tech world and these
people who are playing around here because the other thing i'll say before and then we'll go to
von front i know you've been waiting for you know 10 minutes von front we'll get you over there is
um i i i think sometimes people think of like the short-term game here and for me it's one of
the reasons i love dj network it's like there's people in dj network who are building and working
and trying to move towards the future of this space you know we and like i said we've had
people literally get jobs from the dj multiple people like sugar shane just just wrote the playbook
on the next time we get an elon tweet in the war room i won't uh i'm not gonna front run his alpha
but maybe he'll share it on night shift tomorrow night yeah i'll take a peek at that but like i
guess my point is like part of being in these communities like and the value of holding these
tokens you know i remember josh on in 2021 when board 8 went to 25 000 and everybody was like oh
my god everybody should be selling 25 000 u.s american dollars for a board 8 that's ridiculous right
and josh long made this comment where he goes you know from like what i've done business wise
where i'm going the people i'm meeting he made this comment he said my board 8 is worth more
in my possession than it is uh being you know for the 25 000 even now and then maybe it was
even 50 at that point he was like even now it's worth more and it's just like to me like a lot
of these communities for me personally i have seen such an amazing value from an irl perspective from
a friendship perspective from an experience perspective and from a business perspective the
people that i have the opportunity to meet and interact with i mean like you know it's like i
know some people have different feelings you you in particular cap but it's like kevin rose is
someone that i've looked up to for a long time i've really enjoyed his content i really enjoy
his thoughts on things when he does like the random shows with tim ferris like i really i always
those are must-listens like i've met kevin rose like four times now like it's like i've literally
met the guy multiple times somebody who i look up to because i'm in his community and you know had
this man like retweet me or like my tweets and it you know alexis ohanian has responded to my tweets
it's like these are opportunities from a business perspective and from a personal perspective
that are given to me because of this world so there's also those sort of things that i think
maybe go underrated when you talk about the value of an nft is like depending on what your goals are
and how you use them it makes a difference um so i guess that's just something i've been thinking
about as well but that said van fronten you've been super patient let's go your way van fronten gm
i don't know where's it all gm uh and i did not have crypto dick butts on the uh bingham part today
uh so if i thank you for that it's it's gooch island uh we're gonna have uh we've been waiting
we just mispronounced bunchu island bunch island this whole time it's actually uh it appears it's
going to be gooch island uh i think it takes me back it takes me back um no i think the
i actually i came up to talk about a totally different thing and then the mensify update
got me got my head spinning a very different direction um so i i look at ordinals i look at
elon tweeting and i i i actually go back and i i remind myself and i think i've said this at
some point before so i apologize i'm repeating myself we are all both scientists and participants
in a an extremely interesting experiment just kind of in society right forget technology forget web3
it is this really really interesting experiment that we call web3 that we are all like finding
our way through together day by day and some things are going to work and some things aren't
and i for one i personally appreciate the people who are out there experimenting and
testing the limits right right or wrong um hopefully as long as they're not wrecking people
in the process understanding what people actually go for and what people don't so with ordinals
it's hey look uh nfts really came up on ethereum there's a bunch of bitcoin people out there
i wonder what happens if we bridge our ethereum nfts over to bitcoin
let's go take a look and some projects have had great success doing it and some projects have not
and we're going to learn and we're going to see what happens the market's going to evolve
i look at elon tweeting as something kind of similar um you know granted i don't really pay
attention to it but i'm not the segment that's going to pay attention to it there's a segment
of people who are out here who are just looking to ride the wave that are day trading nfts
and are trying to say hey what can i do to make money in the next eight hours
and then i'll get out and an elon tweet accomplishes that for them they could care less about the
community they could care less about the utility they're not trying to build in this space
they have day jobs or they are just they have something else that they're doing
that the utility of holding the nft is less valuable than the fiat that they can make off
the nft and i i look at that i mean it's just like in the real world right look i can go
work for ford motor company and get a paycheck helping them build cars and i'm one of the team
and that's how i profit off forward i could buy ford stock and hold it for my life and
collect a dividend or you know eventually sell at a higher price or i could day trade ford stock on
the day that the earnings comes out because the f-150 sales goes up three ways to make money off
ford three people you know there i can probably find three people one of each that do that
and one isn't right one isn't wrong it's just three different segments so i i hear you on and
i probably am in the same camp as you steve on the like why i get into nft and what i find the value
of the utility on but like let's be honest there are a lot of people out there that the elon tweets
the people tweets the people who are out there that you know they're trying to follow and ride
a wave there's a market for them and there's a segment for them and i am not totally against it
as i think about how this space evolves over time like there's going to be a place for
those people and there can be a place for people like us who really like the in real life events
and utility in the community and there's probably a hundred other utilities and use cases that we
have not even discovered yet but i can't wait to find out because hopefully that means that
there's more segments for more people and i'm done talking i i think you're i mean look i agree
with everything you said and that's why i always say i don't demonize flippers market makers people
who are here for whatever their own personal reasons are that is not my decision to make
for anybody um so i agree with you and i you know to me it's like it's just it's a different
piece and like you know just double tapping on what you said like i would never knock anybody
who was like in here because they want to make money or like i said people who are
flipping i was always fine with what franklin would do to sort of like break systems and
continue to kind of work on those like and find ways to like exploit those systems because
you know it was profitable for him no shade whatsoever on that like for me it's like
again it's somebody who grew up really excited about tech anytime tech got to me like even like
web one it's like yeah i was messing around learning html in the 90s but like other people
were there before me and i was also younger and i wasn't in a place or a position where i could
do it as much in web two i got on facebook in like 2004 i think but that was like a few
years after it came out or maybe 2005 2006 i can't remember exactly when but it was like
well i went to ohio state and it started and was given if you don't remember facebook rolled
university to university so you weren't actually initially given access to facebook did you get it
till ohio state yeah yeah i got it i was i was i just missed it
yeah no we were there because i know we were there same time um it was i think my sophomore
year we got it maybe junior and um mrs nft bark was actually on it first and i actually jokingly
like didn't tell her i got on because she was like you should get on this thing and i was like
yeah it's kind of interesting i'll play around with it later when i get time because you know
i'm a college kid or whatever and even though i love the tech i hadn't really explored it
then i dove into what it was like i i i think i'm thankful probably like
i would say i don't know how often but every time i have a college flashback or have any
sort of nostalgia back to those days i'm thankful that that uh social media did not exist or at least
i was not on it during my college years i can confirm i have deleted multiple pictures off
facebook uh since actually now the pictures i deleted off facebook would actually probably
play well in the nft world because there were certain activities that are very popular in the
nft world but uh when i was in the professional world i deleted some stuff but like no i i got
on there in like 2004 2005 whenever it was i think 2004 would actually make sense 2004 because that
would have been my actually junior-ish year of college but when i got on it i didn't tell
miss nft bark the first person who added me as a friend was a kid who i met in um who found me
he must have been searching back in those days who was a really good friend in like sixth grade
that then moved away so it was really cool reconnecting with that person but like
it's just very strange um to think about like i was always behind that curve even if i was
ahead of the curve right like even with like crypto i got into crypto in like 2017 2018 but
danny yang was in crypto in 2012 2013 my point on this is to get early to tech or get early to
these worlds and and be able to explore them and both work in them winning them financially
all these different things you had to have certain access or certain luck now the way
we're connected you don't anybody has the ability to walk in and start to understand web3 today the
only barrier right now is the barrier of your own mind and your like willingness to be open-minded
to learning about the tech so because of that i just think it's a really cool different world
and i think you're absolutely right like we're going to see it evolve we're going to see it
change uh but for me it's like i i owned a board a a doodle like all these different things
before the vcs invested in them i beat the vcs to these projects right that's pretty cool and so i
like i like the idea of sort of being early and testing new things it's why i feel
it's hilarious i was telling bunchu and morgan yesterday i feel behind on ai behind even though
it is still ridiculously early to be playing with it i haven't been able to give it the
headspace in the time and and when i get back from uh vcon i think that's when my ai is going
to turn into like a five-hour-a-week job where i make sure i'm playing around with it and learning
but like we just have the opportunity in this tech world to be on the bleeding edge of everything
and the barrier to entry has never been lower you get a twitter account you jump into a twitter
space you come up and ask questions you can learn now and that's how i learned web3 and nft and
that's what people have the opportunity to do now so i just think it's a very cool time to
potentially get into this world but i agree with you on front and people are going to be doing all
sorts of different things and i'm not going to knock anybody who's successful in any way or
anybody who wants to sell or buy or whatever it's just it's just different for me personally
and i'm enjoying the way it's going for me right now um let's go down to uh let's go down to
kayla and then we'll go to joey kayla gm good morning guys so you touched on so many important
things but so i came in um you know i've been in uh bitcoin specifically way before nft's
but i've been in real art my whole life and um like physical art so then i came in as a grant writer
specifically right around um when the board apes were minting and so i know everything about them
and i guess like the thing i want to say is like utility is the big um point here i think a lot
of people look at nfts and they don't really understand like as a strategist i can see and i
have seen for like the last three years like where the board apes were going and i don't think a lot
of people did i can tell just a quick story on how but so it's utility and like you know a lot of
people like to forget that like i love art it's great but what an nft does is it gives utility
so that's like you know access to governance events premium content or like offers um gaining
all the things you guys talk about like but community is definitely a utility because that's
like where the apes community started right that was the utility at first was all those influencers
but then when they came out with like the ape coin i saw that coming a mile away and the reason is
is because i went to ape bozzle in miami around art bozzle and i got this um like i guess you
could call it like you so at the time if you had an ape you could mint access to this party
and i was like well why am i minting this thing if we didn't have to use it to get in and they were
like just hold on to it and like figure it out and so i feel like you know people forget that
like you know rare pepe is an emblem vault and emblem vault is meant to you know continue to
reward people and so that's like a good use case for utility and i just i think like the
board apes have been a great use case for utility do i think they intentionally meant
to be that no but then i think they got an amazing marketing team and brand strategists and then i
think they blurred up really quickly and like their whole like you know token gated community
and their access rewards that is major utility so i just think like whether i like the board apes
or not um if you're not like at the point where you're like seeing an nft as like something that
you know is art yes but the concept overlaps with um you know the fact that it's going
to give me rewards the same way like anything else that i purchase would um i think that's like
important so it's like utility and um you know that basically that ape thing that i got
at the ape event was just um you know access to another community um and eventually like oddly
enough that ape sold for a lot so just things like that like you can you just have to keep
in mind like how you can keep rewarding the community and it's good to start with art
because i love art but that is not what an nft is i've been trying to tell people that for so long
because it's a token so what is the token paying for like you can't just call art a token like even
though it has to be a part of the concept you know and then like from ai perspective i have been
very invested in like ai grants now and um there's so much overlap that i don't think people
realize like it's great to get ahead here and everything but like data right so an nft
collects data a utility nft collects data what do we do with data we turn it into an ai concept
so it all connects but i just like i'm really happy you guys are talking about utility
um because i've been trying to talk about it for like three years because i can't even write
funding unless there's a utility use case and like i you know the ape token gated thing
is a great use case however one got dropped ape coin that is a great use case um they would
have been able to do that without the community so that's all i really wanted to say no it's uh i
mean for me personally like i'm very aligned with you and in fact utility is one of the
ingredients i have in the book that i'm writing about what you need like to be thinking about
like what your utility you program against now look i do think art has a place i i do love my
art nfts for the provenance and the art sake i do think as as virtual worlds continue to get
built out having that arts going to be a really really nice thing to have i do like nft art i'm
very and in fact generative art is maybe my favorite style of art you know some people like
you know different types so like it's i think it has a place i still have access to that artist
you know sorry i didn't mean to interrupt so i don't want to discredit that i do but i want
access to that artist you know i want to be able to get in a discord with them whatever replace
discord with literally anything i just want access to the artist though and so a lot of those
projects that are out now i'm like well you know i really liked that artist i think access an
opportunity to ever access because the other thing about nft so i think your utility point
is exactly sound and like the apes were really in many ways the first major utility based nft i
know that there's other ones that have programmed stuff before or said you can program on top of
them but the apes were the first one to really make utility cool like beforehand you had the tech
and you had you know top shot with collectability you know top shot really brought a lot of like
normal people like myself into this world who understood you know that was cool but like
you know you had punks which were collectible and then boom outcome the apes and they're just
programming on top of this software because all it is is better software right and they found ways
in the first ape fest was a little clunky the next one they had token proof and that was awesome
and it's only going to continue to improve as the technology continues to improve and so
the utility added is one thing the thing that's going to be very interesting as this space grows
is that third-party utility because as it is people might say hey if you are a if you work
in progressive insurance we're giving you money we'll give you 15 off or the example one example
okay progressive insurance people can cut the line at the cleveland hopkins airport but
the amount of times if i'm not traveling for work that i have my progressive badge and remember to
have it in my you know bag to cut the line is like zero if it's an nft that i have a soulbound token
that is like tied to like an app on my phone that logs me in with sort of like a you know
authenticator of some sort then it's like i can go show my id and get it scanned at cleveland
hopkins airport and cut the line if i work in progressive insurance a lot easier or i go to
the local sub shop that has you know because everything's set on the same network and again
i know it's a future state but it's like i give them my phone they scan my phone i get my 15 off
because they work at progressive instead of me being like oh i work at progressive can i get
the discounts like yeah we just need to see your badge it's like oh i left mine at the office and
like it just that's like a small thing but that's third-party utility now imagine that
but imagine if somebody wants to target everybody who owns a board eight because if you have a board
eight you have an eighty thousand dollar asset that you have at least made the choice not to sell so
an eighty thousand dollar opportunity cost means that you can be programmed and marketed to and
they can do that without any approval of the board apes without it no just again extend that out
starbucks has 30 million people in its customer loyalty program again like i'm not like saying
this is going to happen tomorrow but imagine if you're a company and you want access to starbucks
key demographic which is like people like you know like like i actually i don't know i don't even
want to go because i don't know their research numbers and what they are but they imagine like
you have starbucks exact key demographics of what you know typical starbucks customer is
and you want to program on top of it as another company right you can do that if there's so
many things you can do from like that perspective and that third-party utility which we've seen in
access to mints and things is you don't even need permission from the actual company to do it it's
not like some gated wall thing it's not an email address and that's before you get into all the
software applications so like the utility aspect of nfts might be like the meatiest and most deep
chapter of our book because i can't give the title of the book out yet but the title of the book
is very related to the fact that there are virtually infinite opportunities to program utility
on top of nfts and there doesn't have to be again but like even a soul-bound token that
is the deed to your house of where you live could have utility programmed on top of it because
a town or a business could give you a deal for something or if the you know oh if the
oh bio department of tourism want to do something with the tennessee department of tourism and say
anybody who wants to visit the old smoky mountains with an ohio address can get xyz deals
and ohio is reciprocal reciprocating it in some way shape or form again if you have a soul-bound nft
that is you know where you live uh that shows like your license or whatever your home base
well you could get that deal and you could do it in a very easy secure transparent authentic
verified way and that is like an interesting so it's like utility but third-party utility
deal utility like so many things you can do to potentially try to get business and make it all
work together there's just so many opportunities there so like utility is like to me the key aspect
of almost any nft program with the exception of again art which to me art's great art can
get me access it can give me access to artists like you know i owned art from the proof from a
proof drop and it got me a gallery tour of tyler hobbs qql gallery and that was awesome right i
got to learn about the art and how it was made so stuff like that there's so many things you can
program again so like to me that's um i'm with you kayla like that's my personal take is like i
think utility is as it is is one of the key aspects like i think it's like the number two
i mean after ownership which is like the key core function of an nft is it's approval ownership
utility becomes the next most important thing that you're going to be moving at moving again
so totally with you um let's uh run to let's pump it up with joey then we'll go down to jack after that
i hit the wrong button there
i don't know about you all but vcon is less than a week away
and pre-con is even less than a week away if you don't know pre-con is you need to go to gt's page
sadly i won't be a pre-con
so i actually hopped up because i didn't really want to talk about nfts i hopped up because of
the whole social media and college thing i uh i graduated high school in 99 and then i was in
college 2000 2003 and i had this like samsung like flip phone and it was like one of the first like
actual phones that had like a menu with bro those were the samsung flip phones were absolute
flames like going from my nokia 82 60 i had the nokia brick the uh oh yeah nokia 82 60 snake was
lit as fuck but then like you got uh the the motorola razor and all of a sudden like you were
like the cool kid on the block so i never had a razor um i always i went from the the nokia
the big nokia brick to that samsung like silver flip where like only the only the bottom would
flip open which would become the earpiece but then the screen was still there and it was like
one of the first ones that actually had like arrow keys to like scroll and move around
um but yeah i i think back to what my college life was like and and and like man if social
media was around the kind of videos and pictures that would have gotten put out on social media
when i was in college man like it it's crazy how daring kids are today knowing that everything
gets put out on the internet and it's forever like joey's joey's actually he was a bank robber
in college actually he's getting really serious yeah uh yeah i was in a fraternity in college so
we did a lot of a lot of things that we weren't supposed to but it was a good time i mean i i
remember in my fraternity when you were a new member we we had this thing called a phone chain
so like the first thing you were given when you were a new member was literally a long list of
every single person's phone number and it was either most people don't have cell phones so
it was like their dorm room number or their home phone number and they'd be like all right guys
we're having a party right like on thursday night at the at the house and you had to just sit there
in your dorm room and call every single person say hey there's a party seven o'clock at the house
hang up hey there's a party seven o'clock at the house and hang up like it was it just it was it
was such a simpler time you know sitting up in the attic playing mario kart or mario tennis
drinking off a keg smoking a little tube just a different time it was so much simpler you know
now we have to worry about what's going to show up on the internet pictures and videos and it's
a good time but regarding utility yeah nfts have cool utility i'm excited for i'm excited for new
smart contracts more than anything and how the new smart contracts are going to innovate
with utility like the 4337 the 4907 and so many other cool shit that's going to come out
with all the big brains in the tech world that aren't even messing with this space yet
and then you add an ai to it it's going to be crazy i think we our minds some of us our minds
can't even like i can't i'm trying to sit down sometimes and envision like what it will look
like in five years and i'm going to be honest like i don't even know like we're advancing so
fast with the technology that it's just it we're gonna every day we're gonna be like like every day
our jaw is gonna drop like oh my god that's so cool oh my god this is amazing this is gonna
change the world so that's what i think yeah be careful out there kids and we use that
incredible technology to program a token named after a frog and then try to pump it to the moon and
yell at coinbase when they don't list it while brian armstrong goes to congress to try to
actually get all this stuff legalized we're like yeah but can you get our frog coin right
i will say the turbo thing's pretty cool right like that guy's bait that programmed turbo
and said hey chat gpt here's 69 you know create the the the next big meme coin and
you know mid journey and like i think that was that's a pretty cool use case
um i mean it doesn't have the market cap that pepe has but i think it's just again beginning
to scratch the surface of like what we're going to be able to do with ai and and the blockchain
so i'm really excited there are a lot of there is a theory that it was actually
uh super aji from the future that in fact created bitcoin i mean anybody has anybody
ever watched ancient aliens does anybody watch that show am i the only weirdo that watches that show
yeah yeah with with georgios yeah the guy with the wild hair yeah everybody knows georgios
latkes who's like aliens yeah i i'm uh i'm familiar enough that i know his name and how to pronounce
yes so i i don't know what everybody else thinks but i totally think that there was a civilization
before whether they're aliens or not i don't know but it's really hard for me to comprehend
that primitive human beings were able to create things like the great pyramids right and primitive
human beings were able to create things like um the colosseum can i tell us another can i tell us
another theory out while you're doing this because i love this discussion and i i don't want to lose
my thought with my ADHD brain so i'm not cutting you off but like i i will say this i think that
there's a world it's gonna be hard to explain because i've had this like thought recently
and i don't know how how do i articulate this i don't know that like a lot of people talk about
aliens and i think undeniably they're like there's this really interesting concept of like
the fact that like all the ancient ancient art is the biggest like sort of like ancient
there's actually before ancient aliens existed there's a whole i did a whole podcast about
this back when i used to do a weird history podcast and so that's why i'm relatively like
up on it it was actually called ancient astronauts was like the whole theory that existed before
ancient aliens that's what it's all based off of and there is undeniably like art which is the
biggest thing that throws me off like some of the ancient alien stuff is super stupid but some of
it's really interesting when there's like actual art that has like from all different civilizations
that has like people in spaceships and and what is that about and you know it's interesting but
with the with the pyramid stuff what i think is possible which i don't know how to explain it is
like look we know the library of alexandria was was burned down and all that history was lost
is it possible that there was just a set of technology that is not based on what our set
of technology is based on so we think about super computing and ai and all these other things
is it just possible that like whatever technology they had that created the great pyramids and all
the other things was just a different type of really advanced technology that we don't comprehend
like the gears and how everything works together and there's just some different way of things that
work that maybe we don't comprehend then maybe that technology existed to put together but in
our minds we only think of technology as this linear thing this linear existence of sort of like
how things move forward but in actuality technology is can be approached in different
ways and however they cut those stones or do those exact things might seem primitive
when we look at it at first glance but it's actually something we don't fully comprehend does
that make any sense i don't know if it totally makes sense go ahead go ahead kayla i don't want to
interrupt you guys because i will go on so all i'm gonna say is i do know everything about this
because i watched it all i believe the pyramids were built with i believe they were built with
sound i think i think that their technology has existed that is far greater than what we've seen
today but there was a there's there's definitely records of like global cataclysmic events that
have happened where civil is it like it's hard to believe that we've got the us government and
other governments the world saying like oh by 2030 aliens will contact us but how do you know that
how do you know that in spice in seven years aliens are going to contact us right how is it
that our technology has advanced more in the last what is it like 30 years than it had in the
previous 2000 right like did we all of a sudden just become that much smarter so it i truly believe
that there was some technology that existed that that earlier civilizations had access to
and there was some cataclysmic event that human beings were wiped out all the history
was wiped out and we kind of had to start over i mean if you look at one of the things that
for me i have a tattoo on my right shoulder called the seed of life the seed of life or is it's um
seven circles okay it starts from there's a whole story about like the eye um and how he went out
and created these seven circles the seed of life becomes the flower of life the seed of life is
the exact same as how a human embryo forms it starts from one then one goes to two two goes
to four two goes to six etc okay thousands and thousands of years ago there are carvings
of the seed of life on all of these old buildings they didn't have supposedly they didn't have
ultrasound technology and mri's and all this stuff back then so how did they know that the seed of
life literally mimicked an embryo forming in a human being did they just guess right like what
i think it's called what they believe i think it's called infrasound technology i hope nobody
minds i pinned it to the top i'm gonna be quiet because i could have a whole space on this so
i'm not gonna see anything else but yeah i think it's infrasound technology and i don't doubt it
i we we we are the aliens i believe we are the aliens say that again
we are the aliens you you think that they're wait say do you think that there are aliens
we are the aliens we came oh oh you're saying that like aliens like brought it oh we're the
aliens like we came from another planet um we came from another planet we made nfts and
meme coins and all that and now we just we are gonna take over the entire normie industry
with all our nfts crypto meme coins all the shit we're creating out here on twitter and we
creating out here on twitter and we we just gonna take over the world i mean i i wouldn't be surprised
if we didn't come from another planet too i mean there's just i well i mean statistically
statistically we kind of did depending on how you look at it because even in the most conservative
theories you know there's some sort of like a meteor came and the big bang like the way life
was formed in general theoretically always came from another place so that's uh that's that's
that's just you know depending on how you look at it as a letter of the law you could kind of
give yourself that one but i don't know like i don't know about like when i talk about like some
other version of technology and i'm just like spitballing i don't know what's true what's
not right like i tend to go in the most logical versions of things but like i do think i guess
when i say like i think of us as being like a different version of technology when you talk
about like you know information that was lost or how things were done in human history i i guess
my point is like part of the reason we don't have like sort of the record of a lot of this stuff
is that i you know because like you know if there was ridiculous like different technologies
like you would think like we would be finding sort of like artifacts i think it's interesting
when we fart of artifacts of gears or things like you talk about on cave drawings and
the idea that like we think of because i do think morse law would dictate like we understand why
technology's moving quicker when you've seen like the industrial revolution and other things like
that but i guess like my thought is like we think of technology in a very specific way
and it's entirely possible like the sound thing or whatever it's like they use technology in a
different way it's not like this big linear thing that involves phones and screens but
they may have a better way of doing certain things that we just don't understand um you
know in the past it's kind of how i think about it but i don't know it's just it's a crazy spitball
conversation and i could actually probably do a whole space on this in general would be a
i pin the picture up top of the the seed of life and a human embryo for anybody that's curious
of how crazy it is but i agree with you steve i think it's crazy to me that there isn't more
that there aren't more artifacts from those times like you know kayla said the use of sound well
but how did they use sound right like did they just bang on a piece of metal and like they were
they were like dolphins and they could use echolocation like what was the technology so that's where
you start to like go towards well maybe somebody removed it all right did they take it all with
them when they left because this cataclysmic event they saw this cataclysmic event happening
and they knew it was going to wipe everybody out so they're like hurry let's load everything i
like i'm not i'm not saying that there was alien ships or whatever but like it really makes
you wonder you know you just did the actual evening for like i'm not saying it's aliens
but it was alien yeah like i yeah right like it makes you wonder where did it all go did
it all really get destroyed it just it if you're not questioning here's here's something i believe
in if you're not questioning then you're just falling in line so i think asking the questions
and and wanting to know is part of like the the not just falling in line and accepting things
for what they are so that's my opinion break the matrix break the matrix yeah i mean so it's part
of human existence i think is like if you're asking about you know where you think things
are going or how i mean i just think it's part of being human is like you know asking those
questions and it's regardless it may be a very logical scenario but it's always fun to have
those conversations about you know what you believe to be true or how you believe it to be true i mean
like even like to me like an example i always think about is like you know people think it's crazy
when i explain the concept that i don't think the concept of time exists i think it's just
a construct we created because we have our own mortality so like time's not really a thing
you know like time is just like it's not it's just it's not it's like time doesn't really
exist it's a theory we haven't proven it correct and also they say that if we if we were like us
right now in like just a million years every trace of us would be gone it would just be vegetation
like specifically us so i'm sure that's happened a couple times but also time is not proven
yeah it's it's just a thing you can't say for certain exists and like i just generally think
like my general theory is like we created it because we have our own concept of existing
and we have this concept of beginning and end but like it's a weird thing to think about but like
yeah i don't know and then i get all geeked out like when we talk alien stuff because it's like
i'm not like a conspiracy theorist like a major conspiracy theorist i know like you know shane
our buddy from the night shift will get us on that one um but i will say like i am sort of a
believer that you know like and it's very unnerving when you see a video where the us
government saying we have this video and there's no clear propulsion system we can't explain it
people who are military pilots so meaning they've given them enough trust to drive this super
expensive crazy they're not just gonna let anybody drive this crazy expensive plane right
and like they're like yeah i can't explain what i saw and these people are like you know not like
this isn't like some person who you know doesn't this isn't like some person in the
midwest who's just saying you know who's who's you know on local news like these are people who
are not to say there's anything wrong with those people or they're wrong but these are people who
are like being paid to you know see different things who are skeptical who are like you know
flying these expensive aircraft and they're saying it's like when you see these like non-propulsion
system things flying around and the government saying yeah we can't explain it it's both
unnerving and exciting at the same time um but it's also sort of like confirming where it's
is if it wanted to destroy us it probably could have by now so that's that's pretty good that's
pretty bullish for for humanity i guess at this point so um in any case let's uh let's go down to
jack and see if jack wants to get us back on track or continue to take us down this crazy
rabbit hole we've gone down yeah fuck that i am turned on a dime didn't it the the speed in which
we went from and if you're your tldr that you just posted up top for the show is hilarious
yeah guys so i've been working on freds recently they take me a couple of hours i've just pinned one
today for um the coffee with captain space and it's my best one yet so you know please
please go check it out um look i i'm gonna stay very clear of aliens um although yesterday
after seeing elon tweet his tweet that i'm not gonna give too much air time to i did
capitulate and consider that we're all in the matrix and it's not even a very good matrix
you didn't call him elmo you called him elon oh yeah i called him elon i'll call him elmo i'll
call him oh yeah there's there's other there's other words to now jerry but i think let's i'm
gonna bring it back to to kayla's point um earlier which was you know to double click on
the the idea around not just access to or put the artists and i think steve you talked about
it too and for people who've you know only been here for the past hour where we've talked about
aliens um the tldr is that like realistically there's discord there's utility there's access
with these artworks that you can't get just by picking up a piece of art and you won't necessarily
even know the scarce scarcity or who the artist is to the point where you can have that conversation
i think it brings me to a bigger point around networking um and i still don't think even
though we have discord and we have all these things that clearly unlock the the ability to do
this i don't think we've done it effectively and not not in the space yet and i for me i imagine
joining like a community knowing exactly what skill sets are available to you through that
community because there's devs there's content creators there's artists there's comm specialists
there's merch connections there's whales there's community specialists all within this like nearly
every community and some some people hit hit themselves up on discord some people go and you
know reach out in other forms as well and they start building their own stuff and and some of
those things actually become you know the the pfb projects that we know today um i would be
really interested to see a community actually start there in terms of look we're gonna build
an nft project from scratch how about we do this by anyone who wants to buy in you can
contribute whatever your skill set is and we'll do this as a community like that's so but to a degree
real quick check i think there's two things one that's how and i'll let you finish but i want to
i want to get it in there like i think to a degree one that's what made board apes work so
well is that's exactly what they did and that's how i met like that's how dj network exists is
that like you know bunch and i met in a incubator group that we self-created now it wasn't the
project itself but i was going to say that's sort of how youts came to be is that they had
an application based on different skill sets within you know the nft world and said we want
to bring in the the builders who are who are doing this so they actually youts was actually
created very much in that light i would say yeah exactly steven sorry if you you guys can
hear my french bulldog just snoring away on my lap right now but he won't get off and
i've given up trying to get him off because he's a chunk and he's basically just
a cannonball um cheap object that's very difficult to maneuver he's just all weight in the in the
center cherish the cuddling cherish the cuddling oh exactly joe but look this is exactly my point
steve like these these things happened and they happened really organically but it's not like
we don't know in the space that they happened at this point um and we don't know like the value
of some of these people who've come together and what they've built as well it's it's incredible
i don't know why that isn't almost an instantaneous option when you hit the discord just to go
okay i've got this idea i need a dev or okay i need an artist or i need someone who's great
outcomes and you can't just find that person within the community because they exist
and you see all these like you hit certain discords and they'll be like oh this guy's a
dgen but you don't see those like attributes connected to their actual skill sets sometimes
and being a dgen is a hundred percent a skill set so don't come for me dgens like i'm one of you
but the idea that yeah we just don't have that network and opportunity in these communities yeah
i think it was one of the things that made proof really like you know it almost when we looked at
moonbirds i think that's where a lot of people initially saw that thing going was like okay
these are guys these guys are alpha these guys are networking and they've been early
let's like multiply that now and connect all these other people with different skill sets
and combine them to that and it just never really worked out but i think it will come
i don't know how but i think yeah we're definitely seeing iterations with utes and the idea that
basically different communities because they had that flat that flat trait set it meant that
different communities picked a trait and said okay this is going to be content this is going to be
um you know d gulf and all those things and they started building around this and now you've got
x plus and that's sort of organically evolved in d gods as well um but yeah i i still
the idea that i can't just say right this is my idea who in this community is going to be able
to help me with that when i know those same people in that community are really looking
for that idea it seems like we're missing that so yeah that's what i want to double tap on and
i'm really hoping i have successfully got us back on track and uh no more talk about that a word
uh i you know i i will i will say this um there's i i'm gonna say this like delicately to say like
i think that it does happen in a lot of communities right like depending on what it is
what i will tell you is the reason what you're saying doesn't happen in a lot of communities
uh you don't just have one that's based on that is you would have to be very careful in how you
curate it and i say that because i think of like my linked it the reason why i don't get
back to the important linkedin messages i have and it's because my linkedin messages are a fucking
war zone and they're a war zone because people will come in who maybe have the best of
intentions but like a lot of people want to start businesses a lot of people want to do
things and then it turns out maybe they're not passionate about it or maybe it's just not a good
idea or maybe you don't want to participate in that and i think that the reason we haven't
quite seen it the way you're describing is because there's a lot of really shitty ideas
are not great business people out there and i'm not saying i'm a great business person by the way i
you know i'm a first-time entrepreneur but like i think that if you do a community based on
that there becomes this obligation and you start having people who are like you want to find your
tribe to work with it's why i like dgen it's like the people that have gotten jobs and work from
dgen i know the quality of the people i've gotten to know them the people that i've
the people that we've hired for you know because i i'm a contractor at forum three right
so they brought me in as a contractor because you know bunch who's like i remember a bunch
of being like hey like no obligation if you don't have time or can't make this happen he's like but i
think you'd be great at it and could knock it out of the park and like similarly you know i've got
on starbucks odyssey modding john swarez and chris chris hottle um all of which have been
you know on the show all of which i know from dgen it's like i knew that they would be good mods
for what i was looking for for starbucks odyssey because of that long-ranging time
i think in nft community based on that you lose that initial ability where there might be people
you want to work with and there might be people you don't want to work with right like and you
know there are people who i've given opportunities to who i've invited to like networking events
from my tribe or people who i've invited to like you know i mean you know like events with
like certain teams because i think there's opportunity there and i think that that's where
you know the person and you're comfortable like like i got like i just happened to get
tapped on the shoulder by uh justin missell when i was in our puzzle was like hey we're doing this
proof event with the team back at our hotel do you want to come and i'll tell the story because
riggs has told it but like i was talking to riggs at the time and i texted riggs and i was like hey
man you're big in the moonbirds community do you want to come to this team event this team event
we're like it's going to be basically the team and a couple other friends and he was like yeah
man i'd love to and he had a blast and i knew that i could bring riggs because he's a moonbird he loves
the team i knew he would appreciate it i knew the team he would fit in there if it was like random
person who i hadn't really met before i don't know that i want to be like hey do you want to come
hang out with like do i want to put my name reputation etc on the line bringing you to this
thing so i think that at least from my take that would be why i think that doesn't happen a lot
because you want to know the person you're working with a little more and it's a big executional risk
to say i'm gonna just hang out with this person and kind of work with them and trust that they're
going to be good and not rug or do anything look i mean i've had some really shitty co-host of shows
uh before in the past like you know i i mean look i look i'll just put it out there i'm not trying
to like you know throw shade i had a show with team after a period of time then he came out with
the fud token and i canceled the show because i was like well this doesn't jive with me but like
that reflects on me to some degree that that existed and happened and i know he doesn't care
and it's become his brand where he just shills absolutely everything now but like i just like
that's a thing and so like there's there's risks that happen with that with contributors people
you've had on your stage people you've been friends with so that that's why i would say and
i'll i'll kick it back to you jack but that's why i think something like what you're describing isn't
exactly yeah no that that's such such a good point steve and you're right like the there's some
beauty and anonymity and also with the ability to reset like i think you know look at blur and
look at d gods and and the idea that people may not necessarily have trusted these kids and
and i i say that with like pure love like these aren't kids obviously these are men and
like absolute like wheelhouse talents but the idea being that that anonymity initially
was the thing that you know got them to be able to project themselves in their actual image which
is just very intelligent people whether like it's it's worked well with blur or not like you can't
you know in terms of the market share they've acquired and the ability and the attention that
they've gained there's no arguing that side of things and that that's the positives but the
negatives are exactly this where you do get like huge percentage of scammers taking advantage of that
but evens are some people who just you know betrayed themselves as absolutely you know skill
sets with devs and the likes and and they're actually not and i think the best example
of why we're still talking about using in some respect is also the fact that they had
and it was literally you know like 10 questions that they got to ask um about these you know
the holders or their potential people who were going to mint this project and got a sense of
who they were and you can't you know you can't read into that to such an extent that
you can guarantee no bullshit um but obviously it works specifically very well within that
community and now with really little effort from the team there is this narrative that's
starting to grow within that community to say that is the content holders content creators
pfp like that's that just happened organically and you're getting these people creating threads
you're getting these people you know hopping on spaces all realizing that the engagement they get
when they change their pfp to a use is 10x what they've got with other pfp's and i'm talking some
big pfp's and the real realistic reason why i think you can look all the way back to youth list
and that was both organic but also quite clearly part of the selection process i got youth list i
know i mentioned the fact that i like writing threads i like content um as part of that so i
know that was at least the decision they made for me because i didn't really point to my web 2
skill set um i pointed purely to my web 3 skill set and that was when i had 1k followers so it
was definitely not a decision made in any way because of the follow account i have which is
still tiny compared to a lot of people who applied and probably didn't get in um so yeah that's that
that's you're right i didn't get in yeah look it takes curation you know it takes it takes a lot
of work and then i think it also takes that ability of ins and outs and like working with
these people um and yeah maybe setting a project from the very start would not work you know
you need that initial that the right people who you've worked with before but i do think
there's something there within that networking community that you could maybe set up um but
the points you've just made are all entirely valid and probably the reason why we haven't
seen this work not because no one's tried it but more because yeah this it's so easy to get
wrong and i'm done talking yeah the um youth list and look the reason why i think content
creators pfp is smart like i don't think frank and kevin are stupid frank uh is an extremely
smart guy who i think has he has a unique ability to form very intelligent opinions on the spot when
posed with something it's almost like very it reminds me a little bit of gary vaynerchuk like
gary vaynerchuk realized pretty early on one of his competitive advantages when he started getting
the the freedom to do so as a um you know as a as a speaker was gary is able to uh you know do
q&a so he'd be like hey i just want to do some q&a and when he would go to a um you know when he would
go to like a speaking event he'd be like i'm just going to do some q&a because he's so uniquely
talented at it so i think that's something that like he has a competitive advantage of and i
think frank is very much the same way he is very good at speaking on the spot and giving those
quick formed opinions and bringing them together in a very cohesive way i think because of that
he now has created this amazing social reach uh where anything he posts you know people have
alerts that form anything he posts he's created almost this cult like personality cult of
personality around himself so creating the content creator's pfp makes sense because
he himself and his his his project can like retweet and comment on anything and cause it to
get some level of virility that means that he could almost have this self-fulfilling promise
of like saying look like if the content creator's pfp then someone creates content and he says
hey that's really great and then all of a sudden everybody's like yeah that is really great frank
says it's really great i believe it's really great and it just it allows him to effectively
create this content that he can create this like self-sustaining loop for content to do really
well on nft twitter because he's on and he's big in nft twitter so i'm being at the content
creator's pfp it's an easy play for him not an easy play for him but it's a logical play to use
one of his competitive advantages of his scope and his reach to say yeah um if i endorse things
and endorse people in my community and being in my community gets you that opportunity and you
create good content i'm going to reinforce that behavior of you being in my community and
creating content around it with likes and retweets and then it creates this almost flywheel effect
that he continues to do it other people continue to do it so he basically gets himself this like
self-fulfilling sort of uh again like almost a self-fulfilling uh prophecy of like creating
like virility around his own work does that make sense i don't know that was yeah no you're
you're completely right i think the one thing which you even corrected yourself on it is not
easy but definitely obviously his play because of how he's cultivated this community and also
his own you know following i think one thing as a holder and as someone who does every now and then
talk about degods um through twitter is the just the the ridiculous amount of time that this guy
actually spends reading his community's tweets and there have been multiple times i have just
randomly tweeted something and i've got a like from frank and i'm like how is he reading
my tweets he must have like a thousand people actually tweeting around around degods that he
follows like how has he even caught that and it happens so often steve and not in terms of like
he has some sort of bottom because i do not get that many likes that there's some takes i've had
on degods and it's like yep that one definitely missed um and like his ability to just be in
those trenches but also we've seen him in spaces and you've got like leap space he's coming to
wars a bunch of times he's got this sappy seals one that he hops into now quite frequently and
obviously he did that big you know um sort of not not sweep because they were different collections
but you know he he bought a bunch of different collections and now he's in those communities
so i think he's just grinding harder than anyone else and and that now is um you know
like organically created this sort of this content create a pfp mindset because he does
it better than anyone else and that's that's that's my take i didn't mean to interrupt but this is
called social engineering if you want to look it up um i would like to get back to this but it's
not a you know you can take what you want from that i don't actually you know want to get into
anything of you know outside of objectiveness but it's called social engineering i don't really
like it and i think you know it's better to go against that sometimes but i'll get back to that
uh i don't know that i would go social engineering route i think um you know frank um you know doing
helping his community get engagement isn't social engineering as much as i would say it's attention
principle which is a site you know and and maybe that's just me being a positive person but
i look at the concept of attention principle where you see something that you like and you encourage
a behavior um then you continue to reinforce that behavior and then you know because i don't think
it's a bad thing i'll give you an example like another example of that um you know for example
like i mean when moonbirds did the we like the art coop tweet and there are people tweeting about it
a lot of people probably got their best engagement they've ever had on any tweet and that was a
reinforcing behavior for them they said that's pretty cool like i feel like i'm a part of
something and it encouraged them to be more involved with the community i don't think it's a
bad thing to give people that like like i think it's different social engineering you know there's
a positive side to um social engineering that i actually wanted to talk about and that's how i
think like um you know i'll circle back on that but i don't think social engineering has one
side because nothing does so you know i don't actually know the specific project if you want
my total honest truth but i just don't think it goes one way or the other but it is social engineering
like you need to social engineer to keep society going honestly yeah it's it's an interesting
it's interesting to go down that psychological route because i guess like there's a negative
connotation i should say around social engineering and my perspective is i don't
think attention principle is a a negative thing necessarily and it can be you can have a lot
of positive effects so i see what you're saying um let's um let's run over to let's say wise
and then we'll go back to kayla wise gm
good morning good morning i was actually uh gonna say something about the aliens but you
guys moved on from that anyway no yeah no no you can you can hit the alien talk first for sure
we're having a wacky morning here okay that wasn't what i got on stage for but like uh
that's what i like when you guys started talking about it i have some pretty like crazy experiences
with ufos like i've seen them twice like one time one time i was in front of a gym and it was me and
like 30 people and like for some reason everyone was looking up in the sky so i looked up
and this thing was like coming down it looked like a meteor and it was on like it had a lot
of black smoke coming out of it because it was like burning up i guess and it got like under
the clouds like uh under the clouds like coming towards i guess the earth and it just like stopped
and it turned into like a blue into like a blue uh light and it was it was broad daylight too
it turned into like a blue light and it was pulsating it looked like like straight energy
and then it just took off like faster than you could blink like like it stopped on a dime like
boom just stopped and you could see like the light pulsating and then it just like took off like
i don't even know how fast it took off but it took off so fast like if you blinked
it was gone when you didn't blink and right after i knew it was something crazy because like about
like this was in uh when i lived in the united states uh in pembroke pines florida and
i would say about maybe about a minute after fighter jets came came by and you could tell
like they were looking for something like so it probably like registered on their radar
and they uh they scrambled some jets to come see what it was but by the time they get there got
there it was like it was long gone and then the second time i was living in in in uh this was
was in pembroke pines also actually i was living in pembroke pines and it was nighttime and i was
talking to one of my friends and i looked up and there was these two things bro like one they were
doing the exact same thing like they were synchronized but one of them like was way far
away from the other one and they were like going they were like changing colors going blue green
yellow like i think it was like three colors because this was like a couple years ago
and they were doing the exact same thing at the exact same time and it was like it would like
go up side to side and they were going really slow and then sometimes they would just take off like
boom boom like that and you would it was moving it like it moved so fast like you saw a streak
like you never saw the streak end it looked like oh like one big line connected and it would come
back to the same spot both of them are doing the same thing and my boy he lived about he lived about
50 miles away from my house and he was looking at the exact same thing as me when i told him about
it he went outside and he could see it and he was describing it to me the exact same way i was
seeing it and then the next day my my mom's husband he told me that he saw the same shit
that night so i definitely know definitely know that uh UFOs whatever they are i don't
know what they are i don't think it was like anything from earth or you know or if it was
it was some kind of aware tech but i definitely seen them with my own eyes and it's not it
wasn't just me the first time it was 30 about 30 people working out in the parking lot in front of
a gym and the second time me my boy and my freaking mom's husband saw it so
sounds like if there was 30 people in a parking lot working out that sounds like CrossFit which
means we can't trust them i'm just kidding i uh i used to crossfit um and my wife still belongs to
a gym no it's um i also would love if like every one of these stories and even people or if
people with people saying and that's the last time i ever did acid um but no it's um it is
it is a crazy uh it is it is a crazy phenomenon when you think about it and like it is wild like
the crazy part about it is like you know people will be like oh this is just some you know like
you know who knows what's really you know oh like the savings like oh UFOs aren't real or like
aliens it's like the government's acknowledging that there's like this crazy propulsion stuff
going on like i don't know how this gets like sometimes ignored when people are just like acting
like it's not a big fucking deal that like the u.s government is like yeah we can't identify this
thing with this random propulsion system it's like that's both terrifying and exciting all
at the same time so i i don't know like it's it's a very uh it's always fascinating to me but um
you know totally uh yeah interesting and you you mentioned like you initially came to talk about
that you're maybe going to pivot do you have anything else you want to hit on this morning
besides the uh the crazy aliens or do you just want to go down the aliens route oh yeah i wanted
to uh inquire i sent you a dm because i'm like we're launching our wise landing protocol very
soon and i wanted to inquire how we can like possibly collaborate to do amas here uh in the run-up
yeah um let's talk offline about it we are pretty selective with guests so we can definitely like
look into it but i know we're pretty selective with guests because we found transparently that
uh you know depending on what it is and if it's a fit for the audience and and there's a lot of stuff
that goes into that it's because you know what we found is that you know most people on the show
actually tune in for the show talk so what we found generally speaking is that like a lot of times
guests actually people will tune out unless it's a particularly sort of like big fit for the show
or the audience so definitely something we can talk offline about and figure out if it if it
makes sense and get you connected with the right people in dgen whether it's that whether it's uh
you know a sponsorship of any sort or if it's a uh you know what what the interview situation looks
like there so we can totally uh chat offline about that for sure okay for sure i sent you a dm
cool cool cool um let's uh let's go back to kayla and we will keep going from there kayla get back
in here so sorry hold on so you know when i say social engineering it definitely has a
negative connotation as a hacker but as somebody who you know analyzes data like ultimately what
you're trying to do is gain access to your targeted audience or you know information in general and
all that stuff so i totally agree with everything like you guys were saying and i all i really
wanted to say is that like if you were to do you know what the opposite of social engineering
was um is so you know you you get the audience together and you kind of like um learn how to
use their human tendencies to make them more powerful and you don't have any you know malicious
intentions then i i think that like what jack was saying would be possible but i totally hear what
steve is saying and like so i it's something i've been like literally writing for years and so
you know i've thought a lot about it and um i think everything that steve said is just so valid but i'd
like to talk to both of you about it separately because i think like it's like social engineering
is fine um if it's like done well it's what the government does not that i'm you know nodding the
government i'm just saying um if you were to social engineer like a group of people to like
have like collective data in a set that like could you know have a tokenized economy for
example let's just say that right um and there was a benefit it could work that way but um of course
that's not how like apes started but that is how apes kind of works now if you think about it right
yeah i mean i i think like it depends how you approach because again
to me like i need to like i i am i what i'm what i'm going to openly say and so i want to be
clear about what i'm saying i am not nearly as researched or educated you on the actual
conceptual definition so i want to be like clear when i say that so when i say that it's like
me not saying that my opinion is right here or i'm not necessarily correct more just going with
what i my perception of sort of the connotation is that we're having around here so like
totally get what you're saying and don't you are more than likely like far more correct and far
more educated on this than i am what i'd say about the social engineering thing is when i
think about it i do think about the negative connotation of things like you said like somebody
social engineering to sort of get someone's seed phrase as an example right like that's sort of the
connotation you think about it versus um you know because because based on the on the letter of the
law of your definition in theory i suppose my career as a marketer would be social engineering because
what i'd be doing is trying to get people to take a certain action based on certain habits and
behaviors that i know to be true um when in you know reality it's it's like sort of like in
marketing you're trying to tell a story about you know what a product can do for someone but to some
degree like you know any sort of marketing or way that you are bringing someone along through
something like that is still i guess by the letter of the law by your definition well let me ask you
that would you consider any sort of form of marketing social engineering by the definition
you're using yes i would and so that that is actually like you're not wrong for saying that
like the actual technical definition is wrong and that like um i do see a lot of social engineering
going on around here in my opinion from my definition but from the literal definition
it's like pinching hacking you like all that i'm not a hacker at all you know so so i really did
you know see it as more of like um i'm trying to manipulate the data i literally look at the
algorithms from media so of course i'm gonna have to pick a targeted audience so it's kind
of interesting that i didn't even realize that overlap at first but like yeah it goes both ways
nonetheless like at the end of the day you of course like as a marker you want to know
psychologically what your target audience is and um you want to make them have an action
and so i think if we could basically reverse what what your version of social engineering is
that's the only way like we could do what jack was saying and you'd really have to have like
no cost uh like relationship with it i think so it'd have to be something where just like everybody
won i thought about it a lot so i i don't want to go on about it but i didn't mean social engineering
badly i just think if we could do the opposite of social engineering like by definition that would
actually be like the inverse of what would work here that's kind of my point but i don't know
like to be honest i just took a six month break because i had a concussion i had to take a blue
light break i don't know the project we were talking about so it wasn't on that it's just that
that guy is social engineering like not by definition of hackers but by definition of media
which is not you know there's nothing wrong with it but if he could do that for charity
for example that could you know nobody could hate on him at all ever yeah it's an interesting
it's an interesting way to look at it for sure because like i i definitely have like i said like
i'm i'm not nearly as educated so i won't like it's like you know it's like i wouldn't step into a
uh uh onto a basketball court with lebron james and expect to win so it's like it's like you know
but like from yeah that's it is interesting to think about the different ways it could be defined
and used and i think that that's you know because i think it's interesting even with like
the concept of nft's creating aligned incentives with brands and um with both you know sort of
companies as well as uh you know consumers it's like i don't know like i look at like an
example with like you know just to be like a total homer i look at an example with like a starbucks
odyssey which is a um you know a you know nft you know program near and dear to my heart and i
look at like a starbucks odyssey and it's like okay well people who are already going to starbucks
are um you know getting to do these sort of like you know gamified missions that ultimately get
them something where like at the end of it they might buy a 13 bag of coffee that ends up being
worth a 75 nft but also they're doing the actions they're going to do anyway so it's like sort of
like finding a way to incentivize them to continue to do those actions or maybe take an extra action
or two so it's kind of a social you know it's sort of an engineering move but at the same time
there's sort of an advantage win-win on both sides so i think that there's sort of like a
i guess a discussion to be had related to that where it's like where does the negative connotation
and the positive connotation have an overlap because to some degree you can get someone to
take an action and it may be positive for like a brand but it also may be positive for the actual
consumer so i do think that there's sort of a sort of like could you can almost have your
cake and eat it too and with like a web three scenario there um versus just saying like it's
a one-way like i think of like the one-way interaction of and like marketing i don't think
of in a negative connotation either because at the end of the day if someone becomes a consumer
and you believe in your product you're simply giving them something that you think that they
will ultimately enjoy as a consumer so i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing either but
and you're not saying it is and you're not saying it is in any sort of context but i think that there's
different ways to kind of approach it and there's different sort of levels of like from most
malicious sort of somebody trying to steal money from a octogenarian by using a technique of
making them think that they have to go to their bank and and you know take money out that bad
right versus like i think some of the other examples which it's like there can be aligned
positive incentives for both the receiver and the in the company and i think that that's
frankly i think that's actually something that web three is very uniquely empowered to do
from my perspective anyway so i don't know like that that's kind of like my my thought when i
when i hear you say say that that's exactly what i meant and i've been trying to like conceptualize
it so that's why i would just like love to talk to you and jack because you both had like
the devil's you know the devil angel conversation i'm having in my own head but yeah i don't want to
monopolize too much time no right on it's a good it's a good combo let's uh let's run into joey then
we will go over to brendan and then we'll probably get ready to go here i have a ton of ton of
work to do today so joey yeah so super quick on the social engineering thing social engineering
at its root is like psychology right it's how do you what can you do to can
in not in this context but in the context of which kayla is referring right
is how do i how do i write a phishing email or how do i send a a certain text message or whatever
it is right it's all psychology so basically what we're seeing with jack's example of frank is we're
seeing him take that same psychology for the original definition of social engineering which
is malicious activities trying to steal etc but instead he's kind of flipping it on its head
and saying like i'm going to use those same techniques but for a different outcome which
we believe is a positive outcome of growing my community and you know getting more people to
represent utes and getting more people to represent d gods so while the while we don't have currently
a positive definition for social engineering because if you take the time to google it
everything is negative it's it's malicious attack malicious attack cyber attack blah blah blah
but at the root of it really is psychology so he's just taking those those same psychological
tendencies that go along with the negative part and trying to flip it on its head
and create a more positive way of social engineering and to tie that back to original
what we were talking about before aliens when kayla was talking and you guys were talking about
utility is at this point with projects like d gods and utes and and and yugas in its own
category but a lot of these newer ones that are using social engineering the psychology of it
right like you've got sappy seals with the whole arf thing and their meme machine
that is social engineering right they're trying to psychologically get people to arf all the time on
twitter and use their memes and all that stuff right tying it all back to utility is it enough
right like is it enough at this point for these projects that currently exist and again we have
this conversation all the time we don't know their business plans we don't know their roadmaps
they're not telling us what's coming down the pipeline right everything is all shrouded in
secrecy because an announcement for an announcement is what pumps your floor price but based on like
what we're seeing going back to the excitement about the future of utility are what these
projects doing enough to be here in five years and that's that's my question always because i
don't know if it is i don't know if just getting people to arf on twitter and use your meme
machine is enough right you you guys are saying that like you know uts and d gods are the content
creators pfp's but what are they actually building that five years from now you're going to be like
man i'm so glad i'm part of the content creators pfp so well my i mean just to answer that though
i mean to me it's like there's a couple things because i like i think you made a couple really
good points in there i think one is utility of community can be a utility but only to the extent
in which that community brings value right so it can bordate yacht club having access to like
continuing to have access to certain communities and certain people being in the apes has been
continued value for me right so like that's an example of like community as utility as far as
the content creators pfp i mean if he turns utes into you know sort of like the creation content
hub of you know community and he has the ability to sort of like have that level of sort of again
like you know virility about it what you essentially are doing is you are saying that if you join this
and you utilize it right i mean a lot of people have apes not everybody used it the same way i
did to try to like create a brand and try to like make connections and like and that's okay not
everybody's into that but the opportunity to essentially be in this sort of like content
creator club means that you're potentially going to be able to collaborate with those
fellow content creators they're going to signal boost your content and it creates almost a
community where you say we're going to support each other it's the same reason why yesterday
i retweeted like three people who had ape related merchandise or things that they bought or
sold or created the reason i did that is because they're in my community and i feel value in doing
that and subconsciously i see value in creating uh additional like it adds value to my nft that
they're doing it that's not why i personally would say i do it but subconsciously there's probably a
level of that so if you join the content creators pfp and you want to create content does it
guarantee you are going to be a viral content creator it doesn't but does it mean that you
have the opportunity to create content and have an amplification network that is different than any
other one you've ever had before i think that that's probably where the magic happens or the
sort of thing if that makes sense so that would be my no it totally does i mean that's why before
we had these nft you know uh uh networking groups we would pay thousands and thousands of dollars to
join you know like for me i would join south florida's entrepreneurship group right and i
would pay all this money to be able to sit at a table with 30 to 40 other successful entrepreneurs
or why you would join a country club right and be able to play around a golf with potentially
wane heisinger back in the day right because you would be because he would always be hanging out
at uh his his country club or so it's it's to your point yes it's very similar to what we've
experienced for many many years in web 2 by by joining these elite networking groups or business
associations and and again that's my question though do we think that this is the future of those
kind of irl networking groups if all they have to offer is community like are people willing to spend
let's say for d god i don't remember what their floor price is now let's say ten thousand dollars
or fifteen thousand dollars to join a community of content creators but the but you miss out on
like to your point you miss out on the ability to go golf with them to have dinner with them
to meet them at happy hour for drinks right like you're missing out on that irl aspect because
everything is so digital so will community will digital community be enough in the future we don't
know right it could be but i think it's it's definitely an interesting use case i guess like
my take would be i would say personally i and again maybe this is a bold take because i don't
love to speak in certainties i think it is undeniable that certain situations that those
will exist right so like by that i mean i i think there's always going to be these high-end networking
groups that you get from like i i i truly think as an example like i know it's the arc collectors pfp
i think if people so choose in the moonbirds community to want to use it for a networking
purpose i think there will always be a place in the moonbirds community for a networking purpose
as long as that project exists you're going to have people showing up and you're going to talk
to someone and they're going to be like oh yeah i founded like you know doordash or something
like those people just exist because they're in that community because their founder is a
one of the faces of web one and um you know was well known in that world and so they're always
going to be that board api club in yuga i think is always going to be that so i say that only
because not to speak in too many certainties but i i think that that is always going to be a thing i
just think like and i don't know if this is the kind of the point you're getting that i can't
guarantee that all of them are going to be that like i think there's only like i only need so
many communities at this point right i only need so many places i'm going to go to network and
chat and um like there's only so many of these that can exist for me personally so at least
for me i would say they'll always exist i just don't know that i would say
all of them are going to be successful and the people who sold community as a utility without
a plan who didn't have business experience and we're just trying to get a bunch of people to
fomo in those aren't going to be super successful i think the successful ones are the ones that
actually are able to offer community as a utility or i think the ones that are focused enough on
what their community as a utility is so community as a utility for moonbirds with a high level of
professionalism great community is a utility for you guys a high level like sort of networking
uh uh club great community is a utility like for uts and deconts for content creators and
having a specific niche great so i think that it just depends on what specific utility you're
offering because if you're very focused like again like using frank as the example if you're
using it as a example is for content creation i can see it working for you know like i said like frank
and and whatever um i don't know because they're they're very specific in how they're approaching
it i don't know if that makes sense but it's like basically like they know what their community as
a utility provides and it provides the ability to network and potentially get content creation and
if you want to be in that community you can find yourself successful in that community so i think
it just depends what their niche is like art if you're an artist community as a utility improve
works you know i think the biggest thing too real quick because i know you want to end the show soon
is what are what are the founders or the moderators or the people running the community
doing to help facilitate that because you could have 10 000 people that want to be content
creators but if there's nobody facilitating that like like i use the example of once a month
we meet for happy hour because whoever runs the group schedules that i think that's what important
too to your point you have to have somebody that's facilitating that that growth and that
networking that interaction i think you can't just leave it all on the holders
yeah you need a combination of of community leadership right i mean if you read um uh you
know seth godin's tribes you'll learn about sort of community leadership long before nfts and why
that is such an important sort of uh factor there um i would say it has to be a combination
of the two um so it can't just be the leaders it can't just be the community members themselves
and it can't just be the leaders themselves i think board of yacht club is another example
of fanning the flames of this right like they saw communities building around their ip and wanted
to push that they created a entire grant program where they gave you know different and josh
all-ong money to do reg meetups so they actually funded it while josh planned them with the community
they gave jacob valet money to continue to start that project which turned into a major ip project
which got signed by caa and then they did things like when their community came to them and again
josh and uh when you look at like people like josh and um you know peter fang and others who
said hey we should throw a big ass party uh on a yacht because we're born at the yacht club and
they said you know what actually we just got a bunch of money from the mutiment let's do that let's do it
in october around nftnyc that is them saying we're leaning into community feedback and fanning the
flames of using community as a utility so i just think it's to your point it just it depends on
how it's used and it's a very delicate balance you know again like in starbucks odyssey we have
utility in the discord of giving access to like really high level people that from starbucks and
people from you know business and nfts but we also you know are you know connecting people who love
coffee around the world with your around the country with each other who are now able to like
you know meet who otherwise wouldn't have met and people see that as a utility and there's other so
i just think it depends what your plan is but community community specifically as a utility does
require very thoughtful execution and you know there are people who say it's not a utility i
think it absolutely is it's just a matter of making sure that you do it correctly and i think a lot of
you know a lot of um nft projects particularly in 2021 we want to be like oh communities or
utility is the community the community is like next level it's like what does that mean
why is it next level why do i find myself that i must be in this community and that's an important
part so um good points all around let's um let's go to actually let's go ben and brendan then we'll
kayla then we will finish out here so i can uh i can get to work i probably got about maybe 15
minutes max go ahead men don't bother with me i'll pop down i'll pop down thank you guys
no i'm good i was gonna say i loved the yacht the ap yacht was the best experimental marketing
ever at the end i just wanted to say uh that i agree a lot with what you were saying steve
in regards to community and i do i do see uh youths and and egos but mostly youths as a very cool
community for for creators to be honest like i know a lot of people probably don't resonate with that
but in my opinion even though i'm not the one of the people that gets that extra boost from being
on that community to be honest um i do see that many content creators get that support from people
like frank and others in the community because like uh it's not just that frank is super active on twitter
he tries to understand what the community is going for and supports them and tries to cater
whatever experience they are creating to the community i think it's also because like some
some people genuinely uh have built uh their brand on twitter around creating content or hosting
spaces and stuff like that uh that orders love and and people cherish that you know and i think
that's super cool because at the end of the day like we always need like uh some support or
foundation you know what i mean uh either building in web 2 or web 3 in web 2 it's more like an
audience in web 3 usually is more like the community you know so i do see youths as a as
a content creators community and i very much agree with all that you were saying and i believe that
that's the reason why we are seeing recently many content creators either uh just purchasing their
first youth and some of them purchasing and going beyond that and using that youth as their pfp
from now on so uh yes i just wanted to echo a little bit on what you were saying no it's
and i think that that's what you need to do i one of the conversations had very early on
in nfts with um uh with a a friend of mine um who i'm writing the book with one of the early
conversations i had was why are nft projects being so we want everybody everybody community
let's do this thing versus being more niche which you'd see god's other ones being more niche to who
you are and again like favorites which i you know i let i feel felix gets to super circumvent the
stage even though i was gonna close because felix is uh he actually is part of you talk
about community felix did me a real solid the first time we met where you know he knew that i was you
know hadn't met he's like have you met kevin yet he just grabs kevin rose and he's like hey kevin
you should meet steve and like so felix got to circumvent the stage great example of community
and practice by the way um but i i do think there's like something to be said about like
knowing like who your community is and your target audience is and being thoughtful about
what that is versus like just oh yeah like all communities and everyone comes so i agree with
you on that um let's go to felix uh next uh and then we will probably close down from there but
felix does get to uh always get the special treatment oh i love it vip in the building um
i'll keep it short and sweet um i'll i just want to give an example of the community so
proof of conference obviously got cancelled and there was a lot of people very disappointed
about it it's logic aside um the community rallied and they're doing a uh the unconference
uh and they're doing starting it today and tomorrow and they've pulled 50 to 60 community members over
two days proof helped work with them because proof has a full-time events planner maggie
um and like today and i'm participating in it there's a uh a guided tour of pace gallery
lacma and the brode and then a happy hour sponsored by proof and then tomorrow uh the
hundred proof is actually being held live uh in an auditorium with seating for 50 where we've got
some special guests coming out and this was all organized by the community proof you know when
they they put a proposal together and presented it and proof helped fund it but um the community
is 100 organizing it and it just goes to show that um you know even in markets even in
turmoil price down etc it's the the alpha is the people you meet and what you can do with you know
just your fully human and and i think these next two days are going to be really special where
there's going to be a lot of bonding over two days with a more intimate crowd really starting to
explore art and get like private tours through these major establishments and that just goes
to show that there's things like this popping off all over the place and you really get out what
you put in and i'll uh i'll leave it at that that's a really good place and a really good way to almost
like actually wrap to some degree what i am you know was trying to say and i think hits on it
really well which is when you say you get out what you put in i think that's the alpha and i think
people maybe don't realize that sometimes is like one of the reasons i've been able to maximize
the value of my ape maximize the value of my proof pass maximize or i don't have proof i mean
my moon bird and my my various like nfts is because what i'm putting into it is a genuine effort
because i know if i have these really smart awesome people i mean it's not disingenuous like
it's friends it's people i support like it's not like if i don't believe in something i'm not
going to hold it like if i thought if i didn't believe in teams and believe in that it's not
i'm holding it for some disingenuous like political reason it's just that i personally think that
i will see value out of you know what i'm putting into communities because i'm putting in the effort
i'm showing up every day here with dgen i'm showing up every day in other communities
and the reason i do it is because to your point like i feel like i get value out of it both
personally um satisfaction of my life and like i just think a lot of people it's one of the
things that actually i think was so interesting is that a lot of people after the apes wanted
to be apes but what they didn't want to do was be a community that actually did all the things the
apes did to be successful which included actually supporting each other actually using the ip
actually building things what made the apes the apes early on and what made everybody want to be
a part of that magic was not that the founders were sitting there doing all the work it was
the combination of the community and the founders the founders fanning the flames the community
taking action on their own and i think like what you said there getting out of it what
you put in is exactly what happened with board ape yacht club which is hard to replicate because
i think after that people said oh well we want to be the next board apes but they didn't want to
actually do community roulette activities they just wanted the founders to do it for them
and so i think your point on that makes so much sense and when you see community leaders doing
that that's where you see more opportunity i think than uh you have previously when the
community becomes sustainable to do those things themselves you see a lot of magic happen so i think
that you're right i think it's getting out of it what you put in is such a well-stated point that
i think a lot of people don't want to take that onus on themselves they're just like well what's
the team doing and like it's like the community has a part to play as well in general nft success
and if you don't want to that's totally cool but understand that like you have the opportunity
to affect the success or failure of your favorite nft brands the same way the founders do which is
kind of a powerful concept um and if you lean into it uh it's a major opportunity i think for anybody
who wants to try to lean into it and make it happen so i i agree with you felix and i think
that that's you know when you see stories like that and then you see successful things
that the community actually does that's when you realize the community is playing a vital role
and it's one of the reasons why i say like you know in in web one you were the customer right
they still you sold things you bought things off websites etc in web two you were the uh you were
the product people bought and sold your data and and used it and in web three you are the
brand you have the opportunity to be the brand you can wear it on your profile and you can
actually help promote it so i think you're exactly right about that and i think people maybe don't
consider that and i'm not saying it's on it should be on the community the founders need to do
something they can't put it all in community we've seen that be a problem where founders have been
like well the community is not doing anything but you do have the opportunity as community members
to do things like that so very cool to hear about and i appreciate you uh you sharing that
with us today with that said i'm gonna go ahead and call it right there uh i'm gonna go get off
into my day i have a ton of writing to do and a ton of work to get done so appreciate everybody uh
um everybody uh who jumped in this morning uh appreciate everybody who talked about uh
really everything from nft's to aliens it was a meaningful and fun morning that we all got to
have together so thanks to everybody who stopped by with that said i'm gonna send everybody off
into their day go get my day started have a wonderful wonderful day everybody this episode
is brought to you by degen network the only community-based web3 media network bringing you
the very best content in the nft in cryptocurrency space please visit