Coffee with Captain from @dGenNetwork

Recorded: May 29, 2023 Duration: 2:49:55



It started off with a bit now I got coin I see what y'all
I was living the dream on web 3 and it is what it seems top in the pyramid
schemes I'm telling you I'll sell you a percentage on Nebula
shout out you'll set it up serving on the web you'll see net 3 I've been
building when I got my boys from a different planet yeah so I got my drink
if I said it then I'm hit that yeah like that one I'm about to get that crash
that foot for the jump sticks foot blast I'm about to get them all are you with that
in a white boat surrounded by blue I want one but I got a cop too I want to
fly high in the sky arms out wide trying to swim up to a bird's eye view I'm on
fire Ricky Bobby cracking the pavement with me Bobby I'm a sake I'm here
Shima Saki GM GM happy Monday drop those gems in the chat down below the space is
linked up above you feel inclined to retweet it we would greatly appreciate it
and we'll get rolling here about 60 seconds or so
like the Browns we can make a trade get the members refuse not falling for the
phone off listen in the coffee with captain you know we were a day local I
never gonna stop right now I got coin I see what y'all going in Papa sis web
one hello I was living the dream and it is what it seems top in the pyramid
speed I'm telling you shout out to this you'll set it up but they got knowledge
the moon Sun I'm shocking it says even though it's hard to pick get rolling
here in about 30 seconds thanks for joining us GM GM happy Monday you got a
scroll looking at the ghost of studio it's time to go ahead of him and all by
myself until I met a master I wanted to have a face on so I had to bring my
chainsaw full-ticket gas in the private my break so I'm this episode is brought
to you by DJ network the only community-based web 3 media network
bringing you the very best content in the NFT and cryptocurrency space please
visit DJ network and check out our other great shows that's DJ DJ in dot
network welcome to the future GM GM happy Monday for those in the States
happy Memorial Day honoring all those who paid the ultimate price Steve GM sir
hope you had a good weekend and happy holiday Monday holiday here in the
States any big plans today just hanging out at home with the kids and my mom you
know fortunately in our family we actually have both of my grandparents as
well as my who have passed since past and my my father who has actually passed
as well are all veterans but not um you know weren't you know well they've
passed they're no longer they weren't killed in the line of duty in any way
shape or form so we're very lucky in that sense but today's one of those days
where I think a lot about um I don't know I think a lot about those people
like I think a lot about my friends who are currently in the Armed Forces who
have other friends who have who have been killed in line of duty and you
know for those who haven't seen it a movie I would highly recommend if you
kind of want to see the realistic view of what this is like there's a
movie called restrepo by a by a a pretty good document or film film documentary
creator and it goes with an army in Afghanistan in the Corrigan Valley which
is like and I may be messing up some of the pronunciation so apologies if I'm
there but I think it's the Corrigan Valley where it's been years since I've
seen it but it really kind of hits home where when you think about people
fighting overseas you think about war it becomes about numbers right how many
soldiers from each side have have been killed or haven't made it then it
becomes very real when you see something like that and it makes me think about
you know my friends who are currently there like I said and think about how
they you know literally go out with like imagine if you know you were out you
know with your friends that you become close with at work who but it's much
more extreme they protect your life and then one day they're gone and reconciling
that and being there and potentially seeing it it's it's tough so days like
today like really make me reflect on how lucky I am that you know I I couldn't do
that job I'm not in that job and the things that you know friends of mine
have seen is uh it is tough so I don't know it's it's it's a really
reflective day for me on a day like today I'll probably go for a run or
something and just kind of reflect there because you know it's sort of like doing
something that others would love to be able to be doing and you know I don't
know stuff like that I mean even you know I take for granted I'll probably
during the show because it's you know a holiday morning and everybody's home I'll
probably jump in the car at some point and go to Starbucks and grab us a you
know the family drinks and just think about again that's there are those who
got to sort of pay the ultimate price for us to be where we are today so at
least in in this it's that thing I think about what do you crosswords do on
Memorial Day is it called a Murphy a Murph yeah so it's the Murph so I mean I
wouldn't do it this year lightweight low T steep today huh it yeah it's I'm in
no shape to do it whatsoever but no the Murph is the it's it's you do a
one-mile run and then you do 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups and 300 squats and then you
run another mile oh wait right with a 20 with a 20 pound vest on yeah I've done it
with the 20 pound vest before I forget what my time is like 46 minutes or
something like that I think um but because I mean you factor in you know the
miles are seven to eight minutes so that's 16 right there and then you have
the time to do the rest of the work most people do it I'll do I did like I
think 15 10 or 5 10 15 is the sets that I did so I did 5 5 10 15 over and over
like 20 sets of that until I was done I think is how I did it so yeah um it's a
good it's a good way to honor like yeah that's Lieutenant Michael Murphy again
who died in the light of duty is why people do it so I have a lot of
friends who will be doing that today um yeah no for me it's like a really
reflective day I tend to be um you know sometimes I'm a bit of an
overthinker but I think that that is sometimes a superpower of how I see
people and think about them and just trying to really like I know a lot of
people and I will too enjoy you know bar you know grilling barbecue and
hanging out but but there's there's a lot of a lot to think about in a day like
today so I'm just you know kind of done that but I don't know how was your
weekend cap weekend with no sorry yeah I was grabbing a link but you know
weekend was great and as always cut a cut an incredible Saturday morning
cartoon it's amazing how that has just worked itself into my weekend routine
and I find it's for someone who would like to consider myself rather self
motivated and in the eternal optimus it's amazing how much of an impact just
listening to people being grateful for 90 minutes or so can can like you
talk about putting your you know putting things in perspective today I think
that's become like a weekly anchor of mine almost like it's like a it's like a
cleanse and a refresh just recharges my batteries over the weekend and not
something you know most people if you think about it like a lot of people
like oh it's Monday and then they get back in like it like the idea of like
restarting or recharging on a Saturday is relatively new for me like let that
that weekend hit of just goodness and so yeah I don't even think they're in
here yet but shout out to GT and Lost Boy Dan and Omi for continuing to host
that incredible show but after Saturday morning cartoons just kind of a kind of
a low-key weekend no no travels no no no cookouts or grilling this weekend
actually heading hitting the road again this coming weekend so short week in the
office with a lot of people out today not doing a lot of work and then I'm
actually traveling Thursday and Friday I'm gonna be heading back to the great
state of Indiana for about ten days have a couple of weddings back-to-back weekend
so I believe we're all good on host duties and stuff I don't think I have
any obligations or times where I won't be available during the week subject to
change a little bit I guess but I will be I am taking my daughter and some
friends to the beach today around I think we're leaving around a little
after nine so I may have some background noise the second half the costy but I
actually I know new 930 zoom meetings today so I won't have to I won't have
to shift gears I can I should be able to ride this out as long as you want to go
to the yeah it's funny I'm kind of the opposite where I was like oh maybe it'll
be a shorter one today because we could do it short to get stuff going on
I'm just normally I do have some scheduled commitment nothing nothing today other
than taking my youngest to to the beach yeah no I mean like I said I probably
want to fetch the family Starbucks and maybe get a workout in before my mom comes
over a little walk right now but and appreciate flowers yeah it's not it's not
a bad idea maybe y'all maybe y'all pop on a 5g and do the same and I could
double purpose for my dog but may not be the same flowers we're appreciating
but different flowers appreciating all the same but no it's uh it's honestly like
and I don't know about you and we'll go to Joey here in a second um it's been a
quiet web 3 sort of I would say week since V con for me I mean I've ripped
some V cons pack I have my V con packs which I never touched and then I finally
ripped this past week and now I want to get a full set of brave Bison's um so
physical cards right physical cards yeah those ones um you know obviously I pulled
some crypt toys last week but generally speaking I haven't been playing around
in sort of the D gen streets very much here and I know some people are playing
around there but generally speaking I'm not doing the meme coin season anymore
we're getting I've tried to put blinders on to that I just can't take
it anymore I really am NOT like trying to dog hey get get get yours like to
each their own not my journey but I just like the first one was kind of okay
not overly surprised and the second was like okay this is getting old now that
there's a third and a fourth it's just like people need their head examined
yeah I just don't I don't get it it's why get it people think they're gonna be
able to make money on somebody else but not why I do great congratulations just
not not what is attracted me to the spaces yeah I don't even know what to
define this as this is just taken it's like we got upset about people you know
actually doing NFT projects where they would do a min and actually have a
roadmap and plan to build and we get upset for them raising like a million
dollars and now this is just this is just entered a whole new realm of I
don't know it's it's like borderline embarrassing it's a weird thing when
you consider people getting mad that like d gods and you've got money for
changing chains and it's like oh well you know but then people are just
tossing money at shenanigans and again like people are trying to make money and
I'm not knocking anybody's game that they're playing if that's what they want
to do it's it's not for me um and so yeah so I've just been for the record
though I guess if had I been ahead of the curve and and actually took action
on ENS early on and minute something like cap.eth we probably just went ahead
and launched the cap coin and you might have to find a new co-host I kid but
you know no no uh no salt yeah but like it's outside of that I've just been
sitting here and actually know what I say that's just did this just was this the
greatest use case of a of the power is this like the best business case like
this talk about Harvard Business Review articles is there gonna be a business
review article on the power of three-digit ENS domains paired with a
board APYOT Club PFP I say this kind of in Jess but like it as you say I'm
like Jesus is this like both of those two things absolutely had to weigh into the
success in this fundraising here I don't know how much and it's not just that but
kind of wild to think about it from that perspective as I haven't went down
that no I mean I think what this was if I'm being honest and again the guy
I'll get mad at this who seems I mean I've heard him on a couple of shows
and been like Jesus like it's a situation where when I've heard him
talk I've been like wow okay so that's got to be the end of people investing in
him right and then it doesn't I think what happened is he got Ben Dotty and
then there is you know Ben Armstrong you know BitBoy picked up on it like I
think this whole thing was basically dead right like it wasn't working out
he was trying to take advantage of me in one season he took a Hail Mary
reaching out to you know BitBoy and being like hey do you want to buy this
BitBoy bit and then we ended up where we are today right I mean that it's sort of
just been one thing after the other and it's like I think this is also a classic
case of like there are people who are like you know geniuses who maybe have
their first hit and then they have their next or the next one right like say
what you want about Elon Musk but he killed it with PayPal and then he could
have just went and lived on an island somewhere and he continues to build
electric car companies and solar power companies and bought Twitter and do
these things like he knows what he's doing but then you have somebody like you
know unfortunate you heard it here first though some people are calling Luca the
next Steve Jobs some people say it's Frank Steve is calling Ben yeah no
very much not right I mean it's like but it's like you know again I'm not like
knocking anybody who's playing around it whatever they're doing but it's like I
think you had one hit and Ash Robbins had a video on this that was really
funny where it's like he had a hit and then he you know instead of being like
alright cool I made it he like went and did it again he's doing it again and I
think at some point the punch bowl is going to come away from the party and
this is not me trying to be a stick in the mud or anything maybe he'll have five
more successful shit coins and meme coins um I don't think there's a
community there doesn't seem like there's a real community being built
around it it seems like a community in the sense of you know in 2021 we had NFT
communities when the number was going up and everybody was like yay we're a
community um but I just don't personally this is why when I'm at my
kids friend's house and I try to avoid talking about what I do and then it
comes up and then the crypto industry comes up this is what people think
about when they think about the crypto industry and this is what ends up
having to have me explain that no this is better software technology it
you know explaining how it you know provides you know in you know
infallible proof of digital ownership and why that matters and I'm trying to
like you're starting from a position of being on your heels because people
think like well didn't some guy just spin up a coin based on his name that
didn't have any intrinsic value the chain it you know it wasn't built on a
chain that does anything it's just a random coin built on a different network
does it do anything and so you end up hearing these questions of like why why
and you're trying to explain why things like aetherium exist or Solana exist or
even you know Bitcoin the granddaddy of them all and then you end up here so it's
at least for me personally it's tough again I'm I'm not trying to like say
anybody who's been playing around in there is doing anything wrong explaining
why it's not my journey and it also does make my personal journey a little
bit tougher because again when I'm explaining to people what the few
thousand people in this in this world are doing so yeah they are playing
greater fool theory until somebody else makes you know until somebody is left
holding the bag but um so Joey's hand fly up early Joey GM sir how are you
GM everybody I'm on the Android so I'm not connected so there's no pumping it up
today I apologize for you that love to hear that and get your day started I
came up because you're talking about CrossFit and Murph I've been a
CrossFit coach for eight years now and I've done Murph I don't even know
maybe five times I've kind of retired myself from it I've done it straight
through with a weight vest the mile run hundred pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air
squats mile run I've partitioned it with the weight vest I have you know early
days I obviously didn't do a weight vest I need to point out what Joey did
there is he just called me a total beta because what he did was he actually
just noticed because like what you learn in the CrossFit community and he's
not doing it in like a mean way but it's funny is there are people who do the
Murph and the true Murph is you do the hundred pull-ups first then you do the
push-ups 200 push-ups then you do the 300 air squat then you do the run
again I partitioned it as he said he did not on purpose we did say is like
yes you did it but you did do a fake Murph even if you were the weighted vest
is what Joey's giving me a little bit here it's actually a really hot topic in
the CrossFit space because there really is no clear defined RX version like
people will say oh well it doesn't it it doesn't say you have to do it
straight through so like it's like in the CrossFit games they partitioned it
they did Cindy which was 20 rounds of 5 10 15 you know like I did Murph during
the pandemic where we didn't have a pull-up rig because we were at a
friend's house so we did like you know dumbbell rows instead of instead of
pull-ups right like but the point of the workout is it's so the workout is to
honor lieutenant Michael P Murphy who is a Navy SEAL and earned the Medal of
Honor which is the highest recognition you can you can get in the United States
but the point of the workout is part of it but really it's less about the
workout and more about the suffering that you go through in this you know
hour to 90 minute workout and it's supposed to it's kind of like when people
do yoga hot yoga how it's supposed to take them to like a different place
like mentally and emotionally this is kind of similar to that right like so
when you're it when you're 45 minutes in or you're an hour in and you still got a
hundred air squats or still have a mile run it's it's to help you like deep
down inside understand like a little bit of what like these these military
people went through in their life and like you know to understand like how
grateful you are to be doing this workout and yes it's painful and yes it
hurts but it's nothing compared to what they gave right so that's how I always
looked at it and that's how I always explained it to the clip to like the
people if I was coaching was like it's gonna hurt it's gonna suck but just
remember that like you can do this because of these people that gave
everything and and like I said on Friday you know and I say it I've been
saying for a while now you know 22 veterans a day lose their life due to
invisible illness they take their life and then over a million men and women
just so you know that's one veteran every like 65 minutes per day that's
scary and then over a million men and women in America have given their lives
for this country so it's it's a fun weekend we do a lot of fun stuff but
you know it's important in the morning or in the afternoon to just take a
moment and remember you know why we have this day and what it what it really
means and then I did want to comment on the the bend bend out e thing I so we've
been calling this a bear market but I've kind of been looking at it more like
you're stranded at sea right like you get stranded at sea you might have a
little bit of water you might have some like food left over right and then all
of a sudden you get to the point where there's no water and there's no food
and you know you're not supposed to drink salt water because salt water is
actually like worse for you but you're you're like desperate and you don't know
what else to do so then you start to drink the salt water and then maybe you
start to drink your urine right because you've been in you've been on the ocean
for so long and I feel like that's where we are in this bear market that
people are so desperate and they want something so bad that they literally made
this dude twenty million dollars launching three shit coins over the
course of whatever it's been a week or ten days because they're so desperate to
just feel something because the bear market has been here for so long that
into caps point it like sets us back so far because you've got genuine people
trying to build in this space for six months twelve months eighteen months two
years that they can't sell out their project just throwing the towel like
because cuz cuz this is like rubbing salt in their wounds right yeah no it's
yeah with Joey good you still there sorry we lost yeah I was gonna say
that's a I feel like it sets us back because people who want to get into the
space look at this and go like should I really build something and and struggle
and fight or should I say fuck it and launch a meme coin and make a few
million dollars right and they probably won't make a few million dollars right
because not every not every meme coin does but like that's the part that I
think is frustrating for people is that like there's so many people in this
audience that I know that are working their tail off whether it's launching a
project working on a project launching the business and you know and and they're
struggling to to make five thousand dollars right and then this guy comes in
and he doesn't I mean he's been here right he's not like some new guy right
but the point is is that like people at this point of the bear market I feel like
they just they want to feel something so bad that they're just throwing all
caution to the wind hoping for something like I spoke to a guy who said
I said is anybody really gonna send Ben money for loyal that that's the
third token right and this guy and was he's got he's got a bunch of money he
got a bunch of money early on an NBA top shot and heath and I think he's pretty
well off he's like yeah I'm gonna send him 0.25 and I go but why he said
because if I can just like 3x it I'll be happy right so he's so it's PvP right
now right like it's everyone's everyone else's liquidity people are just looking
to feel something and it's sad because that guy just made you know 20 million
dollars and you know but anyways but back to the whole the main point I
came up just take a moment today close your eyes say thank you to all those
people those million-plus people that have given their life and if you are a
veteran and you are struggling don't please reach out to somebody I know
sometimes the VA can be difficult but reach out to somebody in a DM or and and
know that we love you and we care about you and we appreciate what you've done
for our country yeah well said I was gonna say you know you mentioned when
they participated across the games I do remember that being a hotly debated topic
I also if I remember correctly it was like super emotional cuz Josh Bridges won
it and he's like a new deal right and he like dominated it if I remember
correctly he dominated yeah any source any Thorstotter actually had to drop out
of the crosser games that year because because of Murph like she she got
hospitalized and she's like an elite athlete so those of you that I mean it
was really hot that year that's when it was still in Southern California and
it's really hot but those of you that are might attempt to do this if you're
not in really really good shape please don't please do not go out and be immersed
that's why I said like I'm not doing it right I mean like I'm like yeah not
doing it like you know it's like I'm in not the best shape because of web 3
and yeah it's you could do smurf you can smurf it I'll do I'll do a nice
little like bike ride or run or something today and yeah and be
reflective but I was gonna say the um you know there's there's this weird like
juxtaposition I have right now at the same time even as we talk where I did
participate in sort of the first little like shenanigans shit coin season where I
got in I got out we played around and part of me's like you know am I you
know I played it like Pepe turbo and there's one other one I played I forget
what it was it was the one that I should have like massively you know
gotten a massive jump on and I did and I failed but like I guess to some degree I
feel like a hypocrite when I say I played around in that for a little bit I
cheered on my friends who did well but then I'm upset at this and I don't know
if it's because of how brash and in your face this is um and it would almost be
fine if it happened once and it was a parody and it was making a point but I
don't know like maybe it's just cuz it's so out in the open and so in my
face that I'm getting annoyed by it but it's an interesting thing to think about
because I did play around in this in the early seed shit coin season like like I
said like I mean I know I hold none now I don't hold any Pepe any turbo any
anything but I did mess around with like three of the coins that one weekend
when everybody else was I didn't talk about uh those coins at all because you
know I didn't want people to follow me into the fire if I was wrong or if I
did anything stupid but to some degree I feel like a hypocrite when I talk about
this and I don't know if it's just because it's so over the top or it's so
blatantly preying on people versus like I don't know like you look at some of the
other ones like you know Pepe is a clear meme coin that seems to be one of the
meme coins or is trying to be one of the meme coins or I look at um I don't
know I look at like even turbo and it's like this AI sort of generated like
there's kind of a story behind it but I think turbo turbo is a legitimate case
though Steve right like that guy went into chat GPT and said I have $69 I want
to launch the next most popular mean coin right he he asked chat GPT to code it
for him like to me that's like a really cool story about around the coin because
of what he did he used mid-journey he put the poll up on Twitter like this is
genuinely like a cool story we're like to your point like what Ben's doing is
just preying on people speaking of opportunity show you the other bins he's
showing me the sand sound test unit I feel like is this somebody who is in web
3 dial who made these as I know it's not totally digress but I see Dow putting
those in there I feel like I saw somebody show me this product in V con
and I'm completely blanking and so I feel bad if somebody did or hopefully I'm
wrong and it's just like I'm mixing something up um no it's it is it is a
little bit different though Joey to your point so I don't know it's just it's
something to be um it's something to be conscious of because I want to be
relatively transparent because I also don't want to be that guy who's like
sitting there ranting and raving and then you flip over on the other side of
it and it's like oh I'm doing it right so I just it's someone being conscious of
um check check before I go to Jack in a second here I will say the other thing
my web 3 weekend consists of is that I am waiting you've not hear cap oh I can't
hear cap I could pop them and come back up cap I wonder I wonder if it's me did
you switch to Wi-Fi I can hear you cap I don't know if anybody else can hear you
yeah no we're good cap I think Steve did mention hopping onto the 5g so we
yeah that's probably what it is before we go to Jack Steve will be back up here
in a second I was just gonna say the real like opportunity cost here of anyone in
the space has probably been you good now Steve can hear me check check check
check one to check check check Steve good morning Steve Dow can hear me Jack
can hear me can Steve hear me everyone can hear me Steve you're muted Steve can
you hear that I there we go work that mute button buddy nope he'll be back it
could be his connection cuz he was breaking up pretty bad right there so
what I was gonna say though is if if he wasn't a great human being been
eighth minor probably could have made an easy you know low maybe mid six
figures on this whole thing had he just put a dot in his in his handle and spun
up a new a new dns I mean I I've seen there's probably been at this point six
figures of funds sent from exchanges like coinbase accounts which there's no way
that those descent that are getting their their tokens it's just it's you
know unless unless there's some sympathy and you know manually done it's just
like the fact that people are sitting from coinbase or the place you have been
been eighth minor could have likely made I don't know a hundred to 250 grand I
would say if he was just wanted to take advantage of the the current landscape
Steve can you hear us now Oh Steve's not having a morning I wonder if it yeah
go ahead then it's funny that you say that so many people were telling me
like one or the other like either that possibility or the fact that my name is
quote-unquote forever in this space because it came in and soup 20 millions
out of people's pockets and it's just crazy I mean Steve gets a someone gets
in his DMS about once a month or maybe even publicly in the comments and we'll
we'll get mad at him or say something to him thinking he's the other bark so
I can't imagine like you've had to have some attacks from you know just just
with the the user handle I would have think no or does it does the D God
protect you being on spaces where people were making that joke and some people
took it seriously but then we always clarified so people know I'm not the one
which are seven million or the next five that people sent how are you now
Steve now we are good I got back up and first I couldn't hear you left came
back could hear you but could not on mute now send me the co-host we'll see
if I break I don't know um but uh yeah we'll get this thing going all right we
have success we are back up in any and you can still hear me we are good I it's
weird that I lost you too cuz I didn't have you early on in this space and then
you came in so I don't know what's going on I switched back to Wi-Fi cuz I
don't think I'm gonna go get coffee for the family I think mrs. NFT bark got up
early and is potentially gonna do that so I could stay on Wi-Fi and we're all
good awesome I believe we're going to Jack next Jack GM GM GM cap GM Steve look
I I'm here to get something off my chest I don't know if you guys have seen this
yet but the food around pudgy penguins collectibles what what are we doing in
this space yeah so basically there is a father who is oh yeah thank you I was
gonna pin it I didn't know how much you know how much attention I wanted to
bring to this thing but and because we've got cap and Steve who I know we're
both like great dads but also dads in the space I definitely want your take on
this and apparently there's some flaking of the paint when you switch the traits
at least for this one specific owner of the toys who has bought them for his
children to play with that that's the the nice side to this in my in my case I
feel like he's definitely baiting for engagement like he threw a bunch of
hashtags in it he went straight for the tweet outside of instead actually going
to Luca who instantly responded and basically saying that there was strong
chemical smells that nobody else who owns these toys has mentioned as I can
see there's not a single comment within all of the comments that references me too
which you know with the D God's hoodie food for whatever I still thought it was
absolutely preposterous but the at least there were other people who were like
not happy with the actual you know quality which is this is this the
orange D God's hoodie yes yeah actually no it wasn't so the initial tweet was
actually for the beige one but then it just that you know it was almost like
whispers and it turned out to go to the orange hoodie because I think people
just were a little bit more you know it was a bit harsher on the eye for those
people who who didn't like it but with this pudgy penguins I think yeah one
dad saying that he's really concerned for his kids safety and definitely
understand that aspect of it to me it was complete engagement from and though
from this specific person and then he even goes as far as to say that he
really hates the pudgy's community after the fact and does another quote tweet on
his original tweet to say that you know he's received so much hate over like his
comment and to me he's definitely looking for a payout from what I can see like
it's just the sub context is so heavy within his little Fred but the thing
that really gets me is the and maybe Joey really disagrees with this which
that's why I'm up here you know I've reacted to this I've woke up in the
morning and I definitely I'm not a fan of like what I've read so far from this
guy he seems really dislikeable to me but you know open to like getting the
other side of this thing especially from some fathers which I am not one so
you know I get that that reaction could could definitely be warranted just from
an emotional standpoint but yeah it just it seems really disingenuous to me
that's that's the main thing but the worst thing about it is this thing has
over 400,000 views already and I'm just like you know how like if this isn't
about engagement when you know we've seen this time and time again with this
space the hoodie tweet the original tweet 330,000 and then the the
reference that I like to use and people aren't gonna like this but is
Zagabond and the reason I do this is because he did this huge high-level brand
tweet around you know coming back what he's experienced and for if you like him
or hate him he is right now a founder of one of the biggest projects in the
space he has pinned this tweet which took a lot of work and like it's a lot
of detail into the Brandon video if you do want to see it still has pinned tweet
and the reason I use this as an example is because it's got 200,000
views so the idea that somebody who dislikes a hoodie or someone who's not
happy with the quality of a toy that they've received can get two to three X
the engagement then a tweet from one of the biggest project founders in this
space right now and we don't believe there is you know an alignment to do
this sort of stuff purely for this engagement side or to you know for the
you know because you're gonna sue or whatever else and to try and gain some
money off these hard work and founders and I'm just not 100% certain that the
people who are getting this amount of attention are doing this with the right
purpose in mind especially considering they don't seem to have gone to the
founder originally set up a ticket or even you know this was sourced from a
company a toy manufacturing company and that did all the work and legwork on
this and they are the same company who've done Fallout toys they're the
same company who've done Harry Potter toys this wasn't like some you know like
small fish where they just didn't consider the product of the product here
this was a big company with a great reputation from what I can see on
the research I've done and and you know this wasn't directed at them this was
directed straight out Luca a lot of hashtags a lot of acts and yeah it
just seems really disingenuous to me so I'd love to get the other side to this
but also just that you know that for you to be in fathers your perspective of it
and I'll pin the tweet up above if you want me to I was gonna say I couldn't
find it because I was connected to the to the tweet that Frank put out and Frank
ended up deleting his tweet on it so I can't find it but here's wait so we
talked about this last night in a spaces because we had a bunch of econ
people and business people in this space five percent of all manufactured toys
or or things typically there's like a deviation of like defect in like five
percent so like the fact that this there's an expectation that some of them
are going to come defected right it just it's part of the manufacturing
process and to your point of like why why did he directed at Pudgy penguins and
not the manufacturer like if I buy Nike shoes I'm gonna complain to Nike I'm
not going to complain to the manufacturer in China that made my Nike
shoes right so if I buy a Pudgy penguin toy and it comes defective I'm gonna
complain to Pudgy penguins not to PMI which I think is the name of the company
that manufactured the the toy and I personally just chime in quickly there
Joey and then I'll completely let you finish I see this a little bit more
like if you were to complain to Star Wars over a Legos toy as opposed to a Nike
for a shoe in terms of this was a direct relationship that was set up over the
toy and with the product that's the different but that's different though
Legos is licensing the right to produce Star Wars like Pudgy penguins hired a
company to manufacture their toys when manufacturing issues happen you never
complain to the manufacturer of the toy in China you complain to the person who
is who who made it right like so that would be like saying I bought a Star Wars
toy and it and the the manufacturer in China messed up on the paint so I'm
gonna complain to the manufacturer in China right like Lego the Lego Star Wars
relationship is different right those are two companies that license and use
manufacturers right so that I think that's one thing the other thing is I
don't read his I didn't read his tweet and other people can chime in I didn't read
his tweet like he wanted like a payout I read it like he's a he was very emotional
when he wrote it it's clear extremely emotional he was concerned for his
daughter's health because he felt like there was an off-putting smell fume and
there was paint flakes and she was eating food when she was playing with
the toy so he was concerned so I think he should have never wrote the tweet
when he was emotional that's like the first things like never put out anything
when you're in emotional state like take 30 minutes to an hour and breathe
before you write because it's it breeds just emotional with that being said like
I could he this is no different in my opinion than writing a review on Amazon
or writing a review on Airbnb you know he felt because he's probably like an NFT
guy that writing it on Twitter was the best way to reach them so I don't think
I do I think it was could have been written better yes do I think it was
disrespectful no do I think it's FUD no I think he was giving feedback on a
product he bought and again there's there are defective products it's to be
expected and I think it I think Luca will handle it in the right way if we
heard him on Friday I think he'll handle it in the right way and I
wouldn't be surprised if more if it happens with more of them because there's
so many of them being produced yeah that I was gonna go the exact same
direction I mean to me I read this and it reads to me like a product review on
an Amazon website did somebody got that wasn't correct but they happen to have
access to the person who is the CEO of the company right like or in charge of
the company that that's what it reads me as and I would kind of echo like I would
have taken a different means but not everybody has the same access and one of
the ways that you get the attention of a lot of companies like like one of the
primary use cases I mean I saw it at a insurance company CRM is a use of
social media so when people complain you can solve their problems my gut is
that this person was legitimately upset I don't think it was engaged but
farming I don't think it was fun as I look through this it seems like may have
been but I think to your point you this isn't new we see this in tradition we see
this is airlines you see this with insurance companies you see this you
know it's it's very common to see this type of a review on Google or Yelp or
Twitter like this isn't you know often especially if for some reason airlines
stick out people will tag the airlines as a attempt to get a more more prompt
response so I not the way I would have handled it but I don't know as if you
know we don't know we don't know exactly where the original poster was coming from
but I I think there's you got to give the benefit of the doubt that very well
could have been coming from a good spot no malicious intent just was concerned
over a to Joey's point what it was a defective product which is it would be
very odd if there was no defective products coming out for me a toy
manufactured line yeah and I guess like there is like a this is an interesting
one to me because I actually am kind of going the other way as I'm reading it
looking through some of the responses look I don't think that this person
intended fud I'm reading through and it seems concerned and like constant like a
product response I've seen a bunch of times online I do have actually honestly
like could the person have stepped away from the computer and been more you
know pragmatic or thoughtful about it yes did this person think they were
probably sounding the alarm for other people with kids to help them out also
probably yes um and so I'm not like defending them by any means I don't know
their intention maybe I'm incorrect on this and maybe they were just trying to
get engagement but I also the tribalism in the response is somewhat concerning to
me as well because I see some people who are you know dunking on the guy
or getting upset and I think like if my kid had an experience with something
and I was like very indignant about the experience because it smelled like
chemicals and paint was coming off on them and I was like I can't put this
thing with my kid um you know I don't think I would go run to put it online
necessarily I would probably try to take some other recourse first but they
might have thought they were doing a service here and I just I don't know
that it's good to try to dunk on someone over and over again some of the
things that people are saying in the comments I mean some of them are like I
laugh they're kind of funny but I also don't know that that's how I would handle
it either all that said this these are the exact type of reviews not exactly this
but the upset customer are the type of reviews if I'm ever like reading verbatim
whether it's for food or product I'm looking for someone who was upset and
then more so than the review I'm looking to see how it was it was
handled how it was responded to often you know sometimes those one-star reviews
are these you know the very critical ones aren't aren't always fair it's just
one side of the story you know sometimes they are fair I just these are I I
don't know if I've seen a official response yet but I would I would bet
that this isn't the first customer service issue or issue related to
manufacturing or some snafu that Lucas had to deal with and address in the
past I would bet he will handle it very well and professional I don't have
any concern over let's say the toys themselves if there is some bad glue I
would imagine they fix it I mean I don't think knowing that it wasn't like Luca
went and tried to manufacture some toy by himself rather working with credible
established you know individuals that this is what they do for a living they
make produce and distribute toys I got to imagine that they aren't shipping
anything that's actually harmful not downplaying the the the the father's
concern either I just you know let just like we say let them cook let you know
Luca and the pudgy team address resolve this and and and see if there's
something bigger that comes out of it but I think this will probably be you
know something we all forget about this time next week well it'll be different if
like this was like we're seeing this everywhere on the timeline if there was
like a dozen people who were posting it it seems like one person had a bad
product experience just like one person your point had a bad flight experience
or anything else couldn't have a bad flight experience with pudgy penguins
their flight was birds but I am I don't think I don't think that this is gonna be
like something that's like outside of this again like I don't I would ink my
inclination is this person didn't do this to get 200,000 people yelling at
them or 200,000 impressions and a bunch of people yelling at them so I mean I'm
gonna probably leave it alone and say it's kind of a nothing burger in the
sense that it's a defective product it's a person who complain on social media
about it defective product but unfortunately you know it's a different
situation where in airlines they don't exactly have people coming up and being
like fuck you I have a Delta PFP I don't want to take away in this space
and web 3 what we what is like really interesting to me really novel is when
you see other product users other customers start attacking someone for
leaving a one-star review right I know I'm trying to think like something even
an analog to that in the traditional world and I can't think of a time where
you see it like this sort of response from other quote-unquote clients customers
or product users cap sorry I gotta jump in here because that's exactly what I
want to mention I think web 3 is a completely new place where web 2
businesses and founders need to get used to the fact that these consumers have
direct contact with them via social media and like web 3 is really small
it's a really small community so you know it's really easy to gain access to
these founders and like complain and FUD and you know a lot of these projects
and I'm in pretty big companies I've reached the chairman the presence of the
company is just through web 3 so it's interesting new world yeah no it's
it's it's something that I think is like I said it is it is a strange it is
a good point mr. Benjamin where it's like I guess that's what I get to is
like you know we've had this discussion before of things like not being FUD
where it's like FUD verse critique and people getting mad about them and there's
a fine line there I mean this this generally to me seems like it's a review
of a product that didn't go well they had a bad experience the company will
probably rectify and make it right having an intermediary group of people
who basically tell you that you're you know like you have bad intentions
like that that could you imagine buying a Dyson vacuum cleaner having a poor
experience with it you got it effective when you go and leave a one-star review
and then hundreds if not thousands of other Dyson's customers start attacking
you online could you imagine that experience Steve like imagine coming in
like like imagine this guy's not even a in web 3 just happen to buy this toy
and leave that review online could like that's wild to think about hey cap the
deep the Frank tweet that got deleted so Frank retweeted this guy's tweet and
said it and I don't remember exactly what is one sentence and said we can't build
anything in this space without getting FUD and Frank got torn apart for that
because people were like how is this FUD this is like a general concern so to
your point of like we need to be careful what we call FUD like a lot of
people were really upset with Frank's tweet because of how he handled it like
holders like we were in a space last night they're like yeah that wasn't the
right thing for him to do and he ended up deleting it but I think you're we've
talked about the difference between FUD and feedback and people just need to be
careful with how they use those words yeah I agree I want to let Jack respond
because I know Jack was the initial one in here and we're I guess kind of
probably on the other side of this one Jack Jack what are your thoughts after
hearing people respond I really love the perspective I think look I I don't
know if yeah I don't know if this is my nature generally with this but to me it
was overreactive and to me I still feel that I've also I've done the worst thing
when you initially you know get taken by a comment and go I don't like this I
went down the rabbit hole of reading his comments and responses and also
really didn't like his quote tweet which was basically you know just again
saying that you're not going to on board anyone in Pudgy penguins because
all of the community are toxic and then saw his comments to people who tried to
defend Pudgy penguins and to say that you know you're always gonna have some
holders who are gonna come out to bat for the product whether that's right or
wrong and just to say that nobody should buy this you know should buy the
NFT I guess I'm torn because I'm trying to let the perspective shared here like
sinking and I think the fact that you know it's literally every perspective
right now is that yeah it was fair criticism I don't know if I agree with you
I think it was probably an overreaction but it's not like it's not a yeah it's
not the first time we've seen an overreaction in a one-star review or
someone immediately jumped to social media instead of like reaching out to the
company and seeing if they can resolve it privately first like this isn't the
first time it's not either one three but yeah I do agree with you there
probably was an overreaction without knowing not like really knowing all the
yeah I guess that's that's I definitely to me it's it's it's really blown out of
proportion but it I guess like when I'm trying to sort of digest this the the
idea like if you read his comments he's taking the product to the Australian
regulators over like his concerns and I do think that this will come out in
terms of a lawsuit I do like from reading his comments I think that's where he's
trying to go with this whether that be right or wrong maybe I will get
completely you know proven wrong here and I can see Joey definitely
disagrees but it just it's just wild like that that level of reaction I don't
agree with what Frank posted I like yeah that that's to call out people a you're
just bringing more attention to it so I think that's Frank as a young founder I
do like it is I yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna digest this a little bit more before I
say any more but I'm I'm on the other side to this still right now but I you
know appreciate the feedback and definitely getting those perspectives it
definitely helps me sort of digest this this early in the morning yeah Luke
come on it's actually Frank like I got this bro delete your tweet you know it's
like like that that is kind of what I was getting at is is to mr. Benjamin's
point not only did the web 3 founders have to be aware hyper aware of of you
know this the the access that the community customers etc have to them in
the in this world but also I think hyper aware of especially if you have a
passionate loyal community base how passionate they will be in some of the
responses to this I think this is like I'm sure it's happened before but this
is the first time that I can remember that it was you know you know you know
like to your point on the hoodie that would be that the other one I can think
of in recent you know memory here that there was a lot of critical feedback on
a particular product same thing with the you know the car heart esque board a
pia club hoodie that is a little little little stiff you know mostly unanimous
feedback but I don't remember in either of those two cases where we really saw a
lot of the community coming in and telling those people you know attack
telling those people they are wrong or attacking them I just this is I think a
really interesting one and won't be the last time we see this I don't think
where someone ships a product someone gives some some feedback and you know
and I'm trying to come up with a better phrase but for lack of a better
one that the community attack said it said one-star reviewer I think that's
something that creates another challenge for your founder especially one who might
excel in customer service and in resolving issues this like the the
community response here in response by other founders in this case actually
amplified the matter put a lot more eyeballs on the one-star review to
Jack's point and that's something like you know back to the Dyson example I
don't think there's ever been a Dyson you know one-star review that's had
you know half a million impressions like it's just like this is people don't
have a vested interest in Dyson people have vested interest in these projects
that's that's where the the passion comes from yeah I mean people see
themselves as part of the company part of the brand that's the beauty of web
three but that's what you run into here too I mean again like I just see like
again I haven't read his responses so a reserve judgment on the second part of
what you said Jack until I do but I'll say like I have been backed into a
corner before when I tweeted some shit about Nakamego just being like congrats
on being in a 10k TF thing clearly you're you know like you guys you know
giving you eyes and we're doing something and I had people who were saying the
nastiest things in my comments like nastiest things like people got blocked
like people I followed for a while or follow me for a while got fucking
blocked because they were just being absolutely nasty to me and like a
couple times I responded when someone's like oh something like oh like throw
your integrity out the window when it comes to bags and like I'd respond and be
like yeah I've got zero Nakamegos but thanks for playing you know it's like
that's not how I normally respond to things but like sometimes when you're
backed into a corner I try to step away from the you know step away from the
vehicle take a second but sometimes you respond that way so I got to see what he
had I mean I imagine I can't imagine being in this position where I'm excited
or something I order it I open it it smells like chemicals and then my kid goes
to play with it and there's or maybe not and there's like paint everywhere and I'm
like oh well this product sucks I mean look we thankfully like we didn't all
get jumped down our throat because it was a correct assessment but when we
all got the mutant order of merch that we bought with a coin that was like you
know we all bought a bunch of it it was stiff and poorly poorly you know
executed you know compared to like the first hoodies that were unbelievably well
executed and look I I posted about the fact that I didn't like the quality of it
I wasn't necessarily aggressive I wasn't like hey demand immediate response but
like I this again this this to me I know we've said it not to be redundant
like it feels like there was a one-star customer review left effectively it
feels like someone went to a social media site to go there I don't
necessarily have the inclination that they are trying to like send the project
to zero or anything from at least what I've read so far just seems like they
got a little you know probably probably could have approached it better but who
knows maybe if you gave this person a period of time they'd approach it even
better and like look we've seen this too before with people who criticize I know
people who are actually in the moonbirds who were in the moonbirds
community who I've had private messages with who I'm not gonna you know put out
publicly who have said like yeah like I had this experience with the team this
experience with the community and I am appalled at what this group is and
I'll never be okay with them and I've seen it with other communities too and you
know I've seen it with you know Riggs is up here he had an experience with the
ladies right it's like there are people who have experiences with a certain
community and that community is going to put you in a place where you're like
look I no longer fuck with this and that's okay like so I just think I don't
think it's worth giving a I mean we can keep talking about it because I know some
people have some hands up and I know that was up here so we'll go to him in a
second but like I know you know we don't want to give it too much air cover
because it's like to me like that's what this is it's a five-star review it's a
passionate father it's probably a little bit much to your point but like that
happens in five-star reviews I've certainly seen way worse in one-star
reviews way worse and the community hopped down the person's throat and the
person felt like back into a corner and respond like that's my read on the
situation maybe there's more than meets the eye here um but I'm not like I'm not
defending the person I'm not defending the product it's just it's probably like
one of the product defects that came out and here we are and now we you
know it just it blew up into a bigger thing I don't think it's anything one
way or the other I think it's just I think Luca will handle it well and if
the guy's willing to accept it right I could see the guy now having a vendetta
because he's a bad you know experience the community and maybe not responding
water what Lucas said and that's fine you know but you know in the same time
and I just I was like briefly reading through the comments like imagine that
you had something again that endangered your your dog your kid your girlfriend
your wife your family member in your opinion and you posted about it and then
you had thousands of hundreds or thousands of people responding and just
dunk on you and make fun of you on the internet it's not the best feeling so I
don't know as somebody who's been dunked on before I by tweets and things I
certainly I certainly I don't know I'm a little bit compassionate to it but I
also could be I could be reading wrong maybe the guy's a total scammer I
don't know um let's run it over to let's go down because we're talking
pudgy penguins and then we'll keep running through hands down GM sir GM I
hope you can hear me I am on the sand sound test unit actually excited about
these things but we'll get to those in a minute so I had an issue with my pudgy
penguin toys and I went through the proper channels I went to the discord I
had burko can I start a support ticket I immediately got a response and all good
over here so I think this person was kind of just engagement forming I don't
know who the hell goes to Twitter when you actually want to get some some
results from a business like this so like I just went through and tried to do
their proper channels and I got a response in two seconds it's not the
response that I wanted but it was an accurate response and it was done it
immediately but the other thing real quick on that though you're you're
thinking very clearly I agree with you and that's exactly what I would have
done what I'm saying is like when when you're kind of like when you say like
just to like make it level set like when you're like I don't know who goes
Twitter for response like this I'm telling you literally everybody like when
you go to like Airlines insurance like insurance we had an entire team of
multiple people who worked on progressive insurance Twitter
specifically because people complain about their we have a we have a list on
team that doesn't even they look for stuff where we're not like they're not
even tagged like it's there's literally a social media listening social listening
yeah they're like entire there's actually entire products that have been
spun up on social listing the caps point that people use specifically for this
product so I'm not like trying to push back or say you're wrong because what
you did was exactly the right way of handling it and it's exactly how we
wanted to handle because progressive similarly you literally go to the
website you'll get a quicker response it'll be better people will do this
like we will post a picture of flow throwing the opening pitch for opening
day on Facebook and we will get a gazillion comments like look at any
progressive post about that like a picture of our employee like we will
post stuff from keys to progress which would be like where we would get veterans
cars who maybe you know needed a car to get a job or something and we would take
salvage cars giving them and people in there would comment about their claim
issues and things like that so unfortunately it is a reality I'm not
saying it's right but I don't necessarily know that it's it might
have been engagement farming but it also might have been a person who just
is wired like that so I didn't mean to cut you off though but I just want to
make sure that that was like a purposeful statement because it's
actually quite quite common unfortunately yeah no I know that's a
thing but like when I want have customer service issues I just like
call customer service right I want to speak to human I want to go to the
channel to actually get the business part of it done so like for me if I
was really gonna believe this person I want to see a video why did they pop
the bowl cut off like I have my exact same toy I'm waiting for the hat right to
match my PFP and then yeah I'm popping the bowl cut off and I'm putting it on
there where's the fish head they're trying to put on this thing you know
usually see videos with bad reviews I don't know so like again I didn't have
the best experience with a single toy and I went through the proper channels
I got the answer immediately so like I just don't think again people do a
bunch of stuff I don't think is right right they cut lines they're allowed on
airplanes they do a million things they talk on the phone on the train that
doesn't mean that it's ever gonna get you anywhere so like to me personally
there there is a Venn diagram somewhere that that shows the people who stand up
first on the plane and start trying to like the people in the back of the
plane who stand up and try to get off those are the same people that that
immediately go to Twitter and and leave their one-star reviews in public
before asking for support I'm not saying that's the case here but I'm saying
yeah there's there's an absolute crossover in this Venn diagram pretty
pretty lot of I went to Burko I tagged Burko immediately in the discord and I
got an answer in two seconds because that is who handles this stuff right
that's our community manager like tagging Luca and Punchy penguins toys on
Twitter in my in my opinion is engagement forming while I do think that I want
these toys like obviously like you said manufacturing defects happen they're
gonna happen like I want these toys to be better and like having negative
feedback is a good thing because then you could change them to the future hey
we can wait on this but like I'm not seeing enough of it to think that this
is a thing I think that this guy is kind of just doing his thing and I
don't even want to support it now on more positive feedback before we get to
rigs sand sound test units sent them out almost immediately fucking excellent
quality product there's more stuff happening in web 3 than just as
negative thought of these products I think we need to do more celebrating up
the good stuff I see a lot of people going on there and using the pudgy
penguins digital stuff which is really what these toys are about right let's
call it what it is the fucking flippers don't move they don't do shit
but swap products right it's really about that digital experience which no
one's really having a negative thing for and then the only other thing I'm
gonna say about this guy it says three to whatever on the box my kid when he
was three years old was not putting anything else in his mouth so I don't
know what the fuck this guy's doing be better parents fair enough remind me
what the test units you're using and who who is behind the test units using
that I feel like is this somebody in web 3 yes so I met his name's Marty
Devin I believe his name is Devin Marty but his name on Twitter is Marty Devin I
met him through Gilson snowboarding and I had already heard of sand sound
through pro Magnus and 10 KTF and they were doing that listener earn platform
and I knew that they were making hardware tech and I was walking around
Colorado and I seen these fucking ear pods and I'm like these look very
familiar to me and I started talking to him and found out that he is sand sound
he's one of their managers and yeah he showed me the hardware tech I tell
everyone to get involved in these Q&A is especially when the beer because no
one's asking questions and it's very easy to win stuff so I went to the Q&A
I was one of seven people to ask a question they're into spatial audio so I
asked a question about where do they see spatial audio and and basically
that's 3d audio for the layman so spatial audio and VR and AR and how that
they plan on tying in because obviously when you have the immersive
experience having that spatial audio hearing that it's behind you in front
of you only to your left side like all that stuff is super important so I
just asked a question like that they love the question and I won the
headphones and now I'm testing them out super happy with the product louder more
features lighter than my air pods I've also had Samsung pods so far so good
they came in Yankee blue which I gotta say is absolutely grown on me but yeah
Marty Devin on Twitter sand sound it's pro Magnus and they have a whole
listener arm platform with soul binding and a bunch of bullshit I'm just kind of
excited to see good tech moving forward yeah Joey I'm gonna share the link
right now yeah I whoever it is I met them at beacon for sure because somebody
mentioned what they're working like that's interesting was it G I think was
that GT thing and then they pulled out that actual box and showed it I was
like oh that's interesting like you know curious check check it out but of
course you know it was you meet a lot of people as you're running around who
are working on a lot of things and I found it super interesting so then when I
saw you posted I'm like because you never know like people who are
working on what and what's going on but then I see Dow Jones posting about it I'm
like all right if my man who handles sound is talking about sound who knows
what he's doing then I'm very interested so speaking of some quick shout out I
dropped in the chat but for those listening in or listening later shout out
to gala gala music for the best swag from V con despite my hustling the
the merch line for my free socks this this really really strong 90s
hyper color vibe Steve very nice very nice let's um let's run it over to let's
go rigs then like the hyper color we do is hyper color is not a known no no
hyper color I remember like about t-shirts um but that's about the extent
of my did you swing by the gala music booth I did not oh so you missed out
first of all really cool setup lost boy Dan crushed his performance I hope to
see more of that bringing in talking about music and bringing music into web
3 I hope to see more of that you know in terms of live activations and in putting
some of these up-and-coming artists on but yeah that's that's connecting those
dots Steve they if you went to the gala music thing and and they force you to
register you had to create a gala music account to go in and listen to
those performing and and but you also got a free t-shirt and it is a it's
a it's a color-changing you know very hyper color esque t-shirt that I was that
guy at the gym this morning very maybe they're coming back I don't know stuff
comes back I feel like I could see thread guy wearing a hyper color t-shirt
everyone being like dude that guy's got so much style so that's it's probably a
thing um I don't know why I said it like that that kid is pretty stylish but
anyway let's uh let's run it over let's go I think rigs and then we lost Ben
but a thing oh no Ben's down there he just disappeared on my screen but he is
down we're gonna go rigs Ben and jam rigs GM sir GM GM what is good everybody
so I did see the sand sound units when I was hanging with Dow yesterday we we
may have gotten wrecked on the trails so I wasn't able to test those out and or
we forgot to test those out because I was hopping and popping quite heavily but
either way I'm excited to see what what that can do but I want to I want to chime
in a little bit on this pudgy penguins toy situation I've been sharing
regularly that we are in a horrifically bad situation where people are looking to
fud things to fud right just a fud or to just engagement farm you already saw the
the fucking man I'm gonna say the man JK come out and say why he was fighting and
be truthful about it and that's the reality to go back to Jack's original
point of the number of views on a tweet from Zagabond versus this number the
number of views on this type of a tweet it's because negativity breeds I just
wanted I think when we look at these things as well the biggest challenge is
the space moves so quickly you forget a lot but I think patterns matter history
matters what has been done in the past matters right you know and this guy
along with some of the killer bears historically have had some issues at
times with pudgies that that was brought up in there and then too though
I just look at the comment like I feel like the comments alone they backtrack
throughout it like I was reading this stuff I was like what is happening right
now am I like there's several times I'm reading tweets I'm like am I in a
simulation like I swear they're cranking up they're like crazy tab like
it's like what the fuck are we doing because we're spending time talking
about something that quite honestly I agree it it's a it was a bad review bad
reviews need to take place but the moment you saw in the chat like in the DM or
not the DMS but the thread that Lucas in my DMS right he's already responded
that's all that matters move the fuck on stop responding to people you got what
you needed you're talking to Luca you're having the conversation to get this
resolved whether you went through proper channels or not it got on Twitter they
responded quickly every response from that should have been they've responded
quickly thank you for your concern they've responded quickly thank you for
your concern they've responded quickly thank you for your concern because if it
wasn't engagement farming that is how you respond I gotta I gotta ask though
like honestly cuz like and this is like I'm being dead serious like on this and
this is not meant to be what but to push back on you I know you pretty well
I feel like if you had a bad experience with something you put it on Twitter and
you were in contact with the team and then somebody comes after you in that
same tweet you may say yes I'm talking to the team but I feel like you would
still feel the need to respond to some of those people no are you you're
saying you wouldn't like no no if I first off if it was a keep in mind
there's two different sides there's there's the side of this is a toy
it's a $20 toy that yes we want these things to be incredible so there's
certain levels of magnification for why I would get really heated but to yeah I
probably wouldn't put it on Twitter to begin with I would have gone through
proper channels right to put in a concern because this is a product concern
it's not a pudgy penguins concern it's not a public person you know the entire
organization doesn't need to know and I when I say organization holders are part
of this that's the other challenge we already talked about that I don't need to
go back down that that because there's invested interest there are going to
peep people that that piggyback and come at it and I don't agree with by the way
I do agree with you on the tribalism of the responses we we need to do better
there we need to stop feeling like everything we I'll tell you I have to
defend or I feel like I have to defend moonbirds all the time because of my PFP
it's exhausting to feel like you have to defend a project we don't have to defend
it pudgies you're killing it you guys are absolutely killing it out there you
don't have to defend shit let the team do their things relax a little bit and
if you want to give like some sort of meme or shit post in there fine right I
mean that's part of the culture have some fun with it but don't get so
aggressive of saying he's a terrible parent or that he really doesn't give a
shit about his kids there's some of those things that in there that I was
just like oh go away from that I don't have children I have animals that I
treat like my children and and somebody said it was either Cap or Steve if
what would you do if like they something was hurting your animals I would be
irritated right I'm gonna be frustrated so if this is how he felt first off we
should have empathy for it it's his children first and foremost that being
said there's also teachable moments if you've ever been in any type of
leadership if I was a killer bear that was close to this dude I'd be pulling
up beside of them and saying hey man let's talk about how we what we learn
from this I had this incident with the maladies you mentioned it which by the
way Steve you put moonbirds and maladies in the same sentence and I was
like oh god what are we doing here both of them I knew your point I knew your
point but there were some teachable moments in there as well and I did have
some people pull up beside me and start asking me questions and think
through things because we need to be if we are not learning we're losing we have
to continue to learn from these things and so and that goes for everybody the
responders to the tweet the person who tweeted everything we need to continue
to learn continue to iterate and so I don't think this was as bad as it turned
out to be I don't think it is as chaotic as it is I just I I do think it was
engagement farming because people are craving that dopamine I think it was
horrifically poorly responded to from from your pudgies from our pudgies from
all of our put you know it's from the pudgy community we got to stop that shit
but from my understanding Luca got in the DMS fast and handled it what a
leader should frickin be doing we should celebrate good leadership we've
been craving good leadership and Luca is giving us that good leadership so I'm
incredibly grateful for where we can go and how we can look at things like this
as learning opportunities with that I'm done talking
Dow what'd you give him yesterday on the trails we got mature rigs this
morning I feel we came he came out and hang out I brought him out to suburbia
showed him why I moved out of the fucking city hung out in my backyard my
man cave in the basement we fucked around on the turntables a little bit
we actually had a good time look at that get rid out of the city for like 12
hours and all of a sudden he grows up like a decade he's like this looks just
like Charlotte I like it out here he was fucking very excited but listen as a
pudgy penguin I want anyone to know if you do have an issue with a pudgy
penguins thing you should probably be tagging burko because that's his
fucking job not Luca Luca's job is to go out there and be the head of this
company if you have communications things and you want to have an issue
actually fixed burko underscore crypto is the guy you want to talk to or go in the
discord and anything would be happy to point you in the right direction and
that's if you actually want results like I did I wanted results on why I had no
birth certificate in the box so I went and I got results if you want engagement
farming continue to tag Luca and the pudgy penguins out here on Twitter yeah
again like I get I get what you're saying rigs I understand the point of
you I'm not trying to defend it and saying this is something I would do as I
said like I've been on the other side of customer service I handle customer
service entirely different I'm the guy look I'm so bad at this I'm the guy who
they like bring me out my food and I'm like this isn't very good they're like
how's your food like the waitress checks on I'm like fantastic thank you so
much like so I'm bad at this to that degree right like I'm that guy um but
like I also just don't like I don't think it's I again I have to check like I have
to look back at this person's history it's different it's like when we talked
about the thing with JK where JK made the comment where you know he got
blocked by Kevin Rose and it was like but this has been a pattern right and
when it was a pattern it was different than when it was just one time if this
person is just consistently doing this sort of thing it's a whole different
ballgame um so I think that that's worth worth potentially discussing and looking
into so I'll hold that judgment for now but I guess my take is like it feels
like a typical complaint or typical customer complaint that just went to the
wrong channel which happens all the time and the problem is is then when you get
attacked by a group of people from a tribal perspective maybe you double down
maybe you're back to do a corner that's my gut I'm not defending them
either way like one way or the other I'm not saying they're right I certainly don't
think the people in the comments are right right unless like this is a
pattern or is to something because again like we saw it with JK who then came out
and admitted like I do this for this reason I do this for this reason it was
more about me I was that you know you hear that from people um where if people
don't know that story he basically said like look I had a bad day I had a
little bit to drink and I took it out on somebody else and then I if I'm being
transparent I get better engagement on negative stuff than otherwise and that
was positive reinforcement for you to do it if that's the if that's the case
here and it's a little bit different okay open to that but I just don't know
so um I don't know that said I think it was Steve on the Gen news the Gen
business new business we will be streaming game seven tonight in the
discord bunch we're gonna put out a post for DJEN and that's open to the
public so whether you have a DJ pass or not come hang out stream game seven in
the discord it's definitely gonna be a good one history could be happening
tonight after that wild I'm showing up just to see Kailish I cannot wait to see
Kailish on the on the court if you see a tweet no I did not so I don't know
what the red boots are called the red boots that look like they go in a Lego
or something help me out fashion guy I know what they are but they're called
they're called the big red boots so the big red boots he I call him a friend
boots when they when the Celtics drop down no games to three he put out a
tweet and said if we make it to game seven I will wear these you know he's
got he's a very he's like Jack Nicholson for the Celtics he's like becoming the
the court side personality he's like they're Spike Lee if you will gets in
the heads of all the other players anyways tough tough talking Matt Kailish
is gonna be wearing the big red boots court side of game seven tonight nice
yeah that'll be I am definitely looking forward to that seeing those but that
said let's go down to I think it's Ben then Jam I think in that order so
let's do that hey GM thanks for having me here yes I wanted to backtrack a
little bit to to one of the topics you brought up in the beginning Steve
which I was very happy for your perspective on that one like in regards
to to these band thing and Pepe and turbo and all of that although I know
like Joey made a good point on how like there was a different build-up in
regard to turbo and all that why because I think it's important for us to
be fair and take an objective stance like on things in the web three space
because it's so easy to get caught up emotionally in why some things are good
and why other things are bad when the what in her to the situation is exactly
the same which is putting out PVP casinos in which like some people gonna
win and some people gonna lose and for some to win is literally well to being
transferred from a group of people to the other so for that reason I was very
happy in how you you presented that idea of maybe you they are the same even
though like Ben has a very bad approach to things I can say that like he he kind
of rubs it on people's face I think that's bad but essentially I think they
are all putting out casino games on PVP format but in just not to go over all
these topics we covered which I think were awesome but I want to stay on on
topic like this pudgy thing I feel like if Nike had put out a shoe and and
people were kind of flooding it I don't see stockholders coming out to the
timeline and and fighting for Nike why because they wouldn't see their wealth
at risk so I think it's very important to see this thing from multiple
perspectives on one side you have people that might be seeking attention and not
looking for the proper channels on the other side I think some people will be
very motivated to go and defend their back literally I'm not saying it's
wrong or right I'm just saying what it is and why wouldn't happen if this was
a product launched by a publicly traded company let me put it that way so yes
I do see a lot of tribalism I'm not saying it's good or bad it's just the
culture of the space if we are being honest yeah y'all might disagree with
that but I just believe that we still behave in a cult like mentality a lot of
times when it comes to multiple projects and yes in regards to how Luca handled
this I think he did a good thing by immediately reaching out I think Luca is
like a role model for many people in the space and he didn't fumble the ball on
this one as well so like hats off to him I think he did the right thing and I do
agree that for the person that made the public post he could have found a
better way to handle that but to be honest I don't have a pudgy toy so I
cannot really comment on the matter based on experience but just on what
I'm seeing personally but I wish they saw this matter and as Jack was saying
like the same company has done toys I'm not sure if he was for Disney toys or
Marvel I hope this company also does the best of their job in regards to PR to
maybe explain what is going on because if I was a parent I'm not like
I would be super concerned if my kids would be playing with it with a toy
that would put their health at risk so I do empathize with that side as well so I
think it's important to see this thing from a very objective perspective and see
that he has multiple sides to it so it's not really easy to to make it a
black-and-white matter and say oh I'm with the footers oh I'm with the
supporters or whatever so I think it's hard to to break these down there are
multiple variables at play and it's a very emotional topic I don't think no no
take here it's super objective and to the point that we can say okay this is a
hundred percent right and this is how we should look at this thing yeah and
that's that's the thing I think it's just take a step back and like I would
I would probably be less likely to throw a fit one way or the other on this one
I guess and then maybe that's just my stance here we're like I'm not
passionate about it I actually think Dow's point is exactly correct look there
are ways to go about things there are ways to file a complaint there are ways
to give feedback and not everybody follows all the same channels but that is
why their entire platforms and million-dollar businesses built on social
listening because this sort of thing exists and unfortunately I'm not saying
whether it's right or wrong I'm just saying it is and so it's something for us
to like realize that this isn't some anomaly and I guess for me it reminds me
of like you know when like I have it's almost like with Frank and Luca we're
Frank deleted the tweet and there's a good chance Luke was like hey man I got
this it's like if I have a situation that I'm dealing with if it's related to
degener anything else it's like there are situations where like you know Luca
and the team can be like hey we got this we don't need everybody holding
our token to go yell at this person now at the same time look I fucking love the
pudgies I love Luca I love what they're building there I'm not letting this
taint my view of that community who is you know probably thinking we're being
attacked or there's something going on here and so I understand the passions
there as well um but I think that there is uh you know there is something to be
said about you know how this whole thing was you know I think about it
being maybe a little bit more we're making a bound out of a mole hill
probably because we're in a we're in a bear market without a lot of activity
and so we're probably sitting here yelling about somebody who complained
about a toy versus the actual um I don't know versus actually what you know
bigger bigger issues are things going on it is my inclination of my take here
so like major outlets in in China rocking punk stresses over the weekend
and I think a whole lot of exchanges are getting turned on I think all of all of
China is is actually legally able to start transacting as of July 1st so big
things happening I don't know if that's a good good segue into our daily market
update or no yeah like I just checked that who will be just that shop again
on Hong Kong I know we were talking about is last week and how China is
giving strong signs of accepting crypto NFT metaverse related activities again
and they just set up who will be just set up shop on Hong Kong powering spot
trading and custodial services for crypto so I think there might be coming
like a bullish way from Asia and I think this is a good thing for
ecosystem in general in the don't do what I do or don't follow me type
activity Steve I am actually going to be picking up some XRP today of all things
due to this volume occurring over over in Asia nice let's let's let's run over to
mid to fight let's let's actually run into the mid to fight daily sponsored up
to actually let's go to jam cuz jams and waiting then we'll do mid to fight
let's do that it very quickly you know I was just gonna say you know actually
on the heels of what you just said Steve which is basically this this
sends into a broader topic and shout out to ledger I went to the ledger event
in New York City and someone asked the question which is like if NFT is the
culture of NFT is live on Twitter like what is the state of the health of that
ecosystem and the answer from the panelists and it was Eugene from ledger
it was Todd Kramer from the I believe it's Kramer gallery New York City Emily
Edelman and David Krugman and the consensus was that Twitter is sick
Twitter is unhealthy and I thought that was very very interesting and I don't
disagree with it and it seems like in a perfect world the people who own the
NFT of the product that is being put out should actually have zero
contribution to like maybe they should be restricted from speaking back or
talking back on an issue from the customer and the consumer if you think
about it like you know in just a one-on-one situation you can't like you
can't like yell at your customers right like so if you have a crowd a mob of
people yelling at somebody who has a valid complaint or not or or otherwise you
haven't like a really bad problem you're just like that that's a that's a
bug not not a feature but I think a lot of this extends into what what I was
saying what the ledger panel was saying prior to this which is is the Twitter is
sick in some way and the question is is like what is the solution what's the
answer is there a policing mechanism should there be policing algorithms and
I know that we're probably talking in this case cross-platform so again that's
why I said in a perfect world but if you just narrow down on is Twitter sick and
how is it unhealthy and what do you do in light of that you get I think you can
start to understand the world we're in because it's leaning towards just pure
sensationalism and it's not good and I think that is the that's the elephant
in the room what that's behind like the dresser like it's kind of there you can
see it and feel it but you're not overtly aware of it but once someone
points it out you're like holy shit that's such a good way of thinking
about it it really is so I don't know wondering what you guys think about that
kind of take where Twitter is sick or unhealthy I I think it's a tool I think
it's how you use a tool is what matters it's just my personal take
because I have found I have found connection on Twitter I found friends
on Twitter I found a career to some degree on Twitter personally and so you
know to me my Twitter feed actually I curate quite you know intentionally I
curate my Twitter feed in a way that means that I have people like you Jam and
others that I really respect and want to hear from on my timeline and when I
don't I unfollow delete and block um so at least for me personally I think that
Twitter is a tool that sends you more of what you're looking for and if
people want to hit the outrage button which I understand that's a natural
response um you know it's the same reason like I one of my friends parents is like
one of the unfortunately like absolutely off the rails politically not saying
because she believes things differently than me or whatever but because she feeds
on Facebook into things that make her math and so she shares comments likes
talks about and then she gets served more of that and that's what creates the
cycle for me personally on Twitter or Facebook or anything I surround myself
with the people I want to be surrounded with I try to ignore the things I
disagree with and what that leads is is by knowing that people who respectfully
disagree with me or are willing to push on me whether it's in this room or
elsewhere are there it means that I can have those conversations likewise there
are people who literally can't come to this show because I have blocked them who
I know have come to this show because they are unhealthy people who have said
nasty things to me or taking personal shots or done things that I consider to
be unreasonable and as a result those people don't get to you know like I don't
have to interact with those people at all and people can call that an echo
chamber but I like to think of it as I take people who challenge me in a non
echo chamber way like the people in this room and people on my timeline and
I create a healthy space that has intellectual thought humor um friends
things outside of the NFT world cuz I like reading about that stuff and that's
how I approach it like so it's just different for me personally like I I
always think blaming Twitter is an easy way to take the spotlight off ourselves
jam so I don't know if you are in that same boat or not no listen I mean goes
without saying I fucking love Twitter the like I love everything that we're
able to do on it like that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is is that
if you if you make the analogy that like Twitter is basically a city full of
streets and things happen on the streets and there's people walking around and
there's these opportunistic business deals there's opportunistic meetings there's
cool there's people doing you know kickflips on on skateboards there's all
this interesting weird shit going on in the city that we live in and but
sometimes like people get fucking mobbed and sometimes people get fucking
you know their faces bludgeoned in for like doing something that doesn't even
just weren't like anything at all it's like are these streets safe you know like
what what is like I think there is it's like if you love it so much you got to
keep it you got to keep it safe you got to keep it fair there are other questions
that come in when you get this level of intermixing this level of
interaction it's fair I mean it's sort of a Wild West that people need to decide
whether they want to participate in or not I guess but yeah it's it's it's a
good I mean it's an interesting thought and like I think it is highlighted in
this situation here right where it's like you see what's happening and I don't
know like it and it's tough because you know you you do need to curate your
feed but even to the point of like somebody might just have one bad day
and then I block them and then that's that and so you run into a lot of those
situations so I don't know it's a good discussion I think it's it's something
worth you know I mean I run down to like how you curate and use the tool ends up
being the end game for me personally not everybody plays on same rules like
you're seeing a whole community of people being outrageous towards like you
know incredulous towards somebody who had a terrible experience with product I mean
who's that's that's not personal responsibility that's something that what
is I don't even know what to call that really that's like just mob mentality
and then what does that say for the conversation we have you know I'm not
sure yeah and I think there's two ways to approach that right I think one would
be you decide that you are not going to like I think there's two learnings here
I think there is a learning from the complainer of how to go about making a
complaint which maybe they'll step back and be like a retrospective wouldn't
done it this way like Riggs was up here right the way Riggs approached them a
lady thing he specifically said I wouldn't do it that way in the future I
would actually probably just block and move on and you know he's been vocal
about how he handled that but I think there's a way to learn from the person
who made the complaint and I think there's also a way to learn from the
person who is people who are responding and I think I imagine that like you
know there's there's like a balance there of how you navigate in the
environment because look if I go out in public and I act certain ways people are
gonna respond certain ways I then learn and get conditioned in the way that I
should act or at least be willing to get the response right some people will see
that response and say I like that I'm gonna continue to fire it up like JK had
said I'm gonna continue to FUD because I'm gonna get responses and that might
be their response but I think it's a give and a take like I think this is how
systems and balances balances and systems work it's like is it is it crazy is it
something you should have to do it no look I mean it happens I've been off social
media I was chased off social media by neo-nazis because of my brother's job I
had my house like docked on the internet with pictures of my kids on
neo-nazi message board to have nothing to do with me that shit sucks I get
it and I left for that my best decision was to leave social media until
I felt like I was safe to come back you know I lost my Twitter handle from 2009
because of it it happens but like that's also just sometimes the way you do it
this is very different than that this is not that this is somebody making a
complaint perhaps over the overboard some people may be responding a little
overboard him responding in kind I think both sides could probably take a deep
breath the penguins tend to be a pretty friendly awesome community and so I
think they probably maybe you know some of them were making jokes trying to be
funny and he was taking it seriously and it led to back and forth so I think it's
just a you know like a little bit of a dust-up that you can kind of jump back
from and I think both sides can learn I don't that's kind of my take yeah it
sounds like they were the killer penguins in this case but no let's see
yeah and I'm not gonna knock but to be clear I am NOT critiquing the penguins
for how they or whatever like I mean it's a great community like I'm not like
saying like they did anything like a lot of them were probably just messing
around right and and I think there's I think I said I think it's a little bit
blown out of proportion where some people responded he responded and you
know it like I think the person complaining probably added accelerant to
the fire and I think that that's part of the problem too without realizing it
and I think Riggs was making that point on his responses and I think that's
also fair like I'm not really casting judgment on anybody in particular I think
it's just I agree with the premise that going to Twitter and complaining in this
fashion is not a productive means of complaining and it's not the way anybody
should handle this and there could be better ways to handle it um so I think
that it's just it's totally fair for people to feel wrong about that I'm more
just taking the apart of not saying I'm saying it was the right way to handle
it but you're not gonna get anything responding or going after someone I
guess in my I don't know sorry I mean it's like if you ask Tony the tiger
what's the utility in a bunch of people who are invested in the brand like
defending it in that way that's not it just it just doesn't even make sense is
what I'm saying but all right yeah no totally fair absolutely I appreciate and
I appreciate the perspective like I like having that sort of a conversation about
like the overarching you know overarching discussions in this space and that
we're approaching so I appreciate that um that said let's go to mintify daily
sponsored update then we will go to stoop right after that appreciate your
patience y'all on this one but let's uh let's run them into by mintify GM hope
your Memorial Day is is going well and you're taking some time to reflect and
potentially get us some some good market stats things we've been talking a
little pudgy penguins this morning a little bit of a bend at East latest shit
coin but overall pretty quiet morning yeah GM GM thanks I'm wishing the best
for everybody to on this holiday yeah you know on the pudgy toys I don't
necessarily think the user did something wrong by making the warning on
Twitter considering you know the targeted age group for the toys and their
kids but I probably I probably would have done you know other things first not
to say that they didn't is you know I don't know what steps they took before
sharing in socials but I also don't have kids and I do have to imagine that
you know the pudgy penguins team will sort this out accordingly and you know
and do right by buyers um but yeah as for the the Ben Duddy stuff I'm trying
to you know not pay too much attention to it it makes me a little bit a little
bit salty to see that the space is becoming so degenerate that we just you
know send millions of dollars to random wallets but you know that's um I guess
that's part of decentralization and can't you know talk too much smack on
it but yeah let's uh let's get into this market update we get some we got
some stuff going on the weekend volumes aetherium just under 16 million down
about 16 percent bitcoin 12.2 million up over 50 percent but so on a two and a
half million up almost 50 percent as well and matic 1.3 million up 13.4
percent the highest sale was 84 eth for d gods 42 74 really nice to see some
diversity in the highest sales d gods becoming a little bit more frequent of
an occurrence up there the top trending by volume we still see rotations
from you know blue chips and other higher priced market cap collections to
more d gen plays and lower caps board apes 46 eth down one percent
mutant apes 9.36 down one percent and nakamigos 0.52 up almost 30 percent it
looks like uh ben dot eth swept some and kind of reinvigorated the four
there the top trending by sales nakamigos coming in at number one god
hates nft is at number two with a 0.25 eth four price up seven percent and
bitcoin the lady is coming at number three this one uh still still up here
0.1 eth floor price down nine percent the biggest winners narratives ai
3.9 eth floor price up 167 percent bonkler builder 20 eth floor price up 52
percent this is related to the malady's ecosystem extremely low supply i think
it's only like 40 or 50 of them uh currently right now and in number three
everyday artifacts from people 5.5 eth floor price up 41 percent the market
news some interesting stuff from over the weekend ordinals onboarded peter
shiff with with his upcoming golden triumph
auction shift reiterated that bitcoin is not valuable but his inscriptions on
bitcoin are the opa pen opt-in window closes today at 6 p.m eastern
the leading ticket issuer for formula 1 platinum group is releasing nft race
tickets starting at the monocle grand prix starbucks odyssey prepares to
airdrop rewards program members that meet certain criteria
rumble kong league launched its alpha gameplay test
biden and mccarthy reached a budget agreement in principle and biden urges
congress to pass the agreement right away this is something that we could
definitely see uh affecting the markets over the next
uh week or so beijing published money printer go
yes yeah exactly exactly uh beijing published its way paper for
fostering innovation and advancing the web3 industry and crypto punk's
clothing was worn on hoonan tv the second largest tv station in china
and the market stats global crypto market cap 11 58.9 billion bitcoin
dominance 48.24 percent open interest 8.81
billion fear and greed at 52 we see bitcoin dominance and open interest both
up alongside bitcoin price action something that we
typically see during trending moves uh you know bitcoin will generally lead the
way for others to follow uh for me personally i really need to
see like daily closures around this level or
really anywhere above the the daily 2155 ema is to feel more
confident that downside is out of the question for now um it as i
said it is very likely we'll see volatility uh while debt ceiling
discussions are ongoing and you know china is re-entering the market
but bitcoin 27 900 up two and a half percent
ethereum 1900 up three percent and the smp breaking back over 4200 4205 up
1.3 percent on the day that is all and thank you very much
awesome it's always good to hear starbucks odyssey making the list
personally just uh you know hearing us in the daily market
update warms the cockles of my heart uh knowing that we're uh we're making
the uh the daily market update from mid to five
proud of that for sure and uh the work that uh
bunch you and morgan and the team are doing there i'm just community on that
side but i know our folks are very excited to uh
um to be in uh to be playing around in that world so exciting times and uh
excited for the airdrop which is still a mystery as to who the artist is so
we shall see but um no i mean again like feels like
sort of a quieter market still around times good seeing some other big sales
getting up there though um and seeing uh you know not just
like hey it was another board ape or another
um you know another uh punk or another azuki so always good seeing some others
in the mix there um cap i don't know if you have any other thoughts as well
but overall um i was just i probably didn't hear anything
after starbucks odyssey when i'm like yay we made the daily market update
that's exciting
let's um let's run down i know stoop um stoop was next up so we're gonna go
stoop then back to joey whose hand went up
then we'll go over to jack stoop gm sir gm gm i hope everyone had a
great weekend i'm finally recovered and yeah i
think the thing that's on my mind and i actually tweeted something out about
the pudgy penguin toy at vcon and it wasn't like necessarily
fudd and i know i was in joey's uh space a couple weeks ago we were talking
about what's the difference between like
fudd and feedback and realistically feedback has actionable
solutions that can be taken away whether the team implements them or not is
one thing but feedback is more than just saying hey
this thing is stupid it's hey this thing is stupid now here's
here's a b and c ways that we can improve it that's kind of giving them
feedback and and i think necessarily the post that i saw
this weekend it was i think giving some feedback i
don't know necessarily if it was all right i think that
you know some of it was a little bit engagement for me ish
but i do think that giving these founders feedback is very important and
not always constantly labeling it as fudd
when we are trying to make these things better i know for myself like
i bought the 55 box at vcon i had to send it back to myself so i spent 55
and then another 30 on top of it just so that it would get back safely to
my house and it's like it would have been nice if
they had considered that at vcon right because where a lot of us were flying
in so like those little things giving them
that feedback i think was important but but not funding them it's a great
product i really enjoyed it it was nice asking
luka question on friday and i think it's important that as we continue to have
this conversation that we frame it around you know giving
proper feedback to these projects because they do need it like vcon
was an amazing experience but uh if you weren't
if you weren't literally at main stage side you couldn't hear anything from the
main stage uh if you were at the community stage
once you like got up to the top of the hill
all the voices were gone so like there is still
feedback there is still things that they can improve on i know a lot of people
said something about kids not really having too much to do or
for some of the entertainment it might not have been
as kid or family friendly so that's something that they're taking into next
year we need to continue to have these
conversations but in a reasonable respectable and
in a feedback-based way not just i don't like it because i don't like it i
don't like it because i think it can improve in x y and z ways so
that's where i'm at but i also wanted to ask have we been talking about these brc
20s this ox bt this uh this coins these tokens on bitcoin
because i know they ran up over the weekend from like thirty dollar mint to
like thousands of dollars so i know that that's just another thing
that maybe jack uh with that orange pfp uh may be able to fill this in on
we i mean we can we can go to uh jack to check through it in a second i
mean i have honestly i'll be honest i have not played around
in the brc streets nearly as much as i should i mentioned
that is my one of my goals coming into uh
the next um i guess like the next like couple of weeks
is there's probably i would say ai and um and uh ai and um
uh a beat like just general ordinals and and
the bitcoin ecosystem is something i that's growing is something that i haven't
played around in because i've been busy with
you know work and jobs and travel and things and last week after that it was
like you know i had a friend's dad who passed and then i had uh you know my
daughter's field trip and i had um to bring my mom to a doctor's
appointment so like last week ended up being a wash but
uh i think we'll have more on that in the next couple of weeks at least from me
because i know that i'll be more dug in at that point because i want to talk to
people who are really really world-class at it and start having that
discussion a little bit more so um we shall see uh speaking to my daughter i
just she just made me a bracelet and i was
like ah it's a little loose and now she made it tight and i think it might be
too tight so now i'm the worst because now we're gonna have to start
all over if we do this again but uh either way she was like literally
measuring it while we were on coffee with captain but
um yeah i don't know i haven't i haven't played in that treats nearly enough but
that said let's uh let's actually run it down to jack or joey and then we'll go
up to jack i was gonna say my daughter just had me
fix her bracelet so it's funny how uh things work your daughter's making you a
bracelet and i'm fixing her bracelet uh i was on a spaces last night and i too
i'm like you steve i am still very like lost when it comes to ordinals
and the bitcoin chain and last night i was on a spaces with a bunch of
really smart people and i asked about brc brc 20s
and i said like it like our brc 20 is an actual token and they're like no
they're not they're actually more like nfts
that are in that are just inscribed on the blockchain
and there's no marketplace for them you literally have
so the way it works is if let's say you own a thousand brc 20s
you have to sell them in lots so it's not like a token where you can just
go sell into a liquidity pool like i want to sell like 50
no you actually have to put up a lot for sale so you put up a lot of 100
a lot of 500 whatever it is and then somebody will come
and essentially like buy it from you so it's it does brc 20s do not operate
like a token like we're used to on ethereum
they're really weird from that aspect that they're more like an nft
because when you get brc 20s they're sent to your ordinals address they're not
sent to your bitcoin wallet address um flurry came on the space last
night freaking out because he he went to send his brc his
ox bt and sent it to like the wrong bitcoin address
but luckily was able to recover it because he didn't understand that there's
a difference with like that their actual brc 20s are actually ordinals
they're not tokens so it is super confusing
i don't quite understand like the point yet
if it's not a token and it's really more like an nft
jack can go into it further um i just wanted to chime in real quick on
something mr benjamin said um a while ago which is like we have
to understand that pudgy penguins are just the tip of the iceberg when it
comes to like what people in this space are going to do
as we see more projects push into like irl products and services so like
feedback is is this is just the beginning right like we're going to see
so much more of this like you guys mentioned with progressive
and you know starbucks and it's going to happen more and more
in this space and i think the more it happens
the more it will evolve into a traditional sense of feedback
right because we're so early and because we all live on twitter
to jam's point twitter was the first thing that this person probably thought
of right like when i go buy a product on amazon
my first thought isn't to go on twitter to talk about
the product right my first thought is to go on amazon
and you know write a review on amazon or respond you know or send an email to
the company i just i think we will get to a point
in this space where people will disassociate twitter
and like customer reviews on their website
or amazon it'll never stop to your point like i see
i remember vicon a bunch of people's flights got like cancelled and delayed and
they were all over twitter right um so it'll never end completely
but i do think because we're so early and
we all do live in this echo chamber of twitter when it comes to nfts
his first thought was probably like oh the best waiter to do this is on
twitter in hindsight yeah he should have went
on amazon if you bought it on amazon go onto amazon
right go into the discord to to to dallas point
um but the the part that concerns me the most and then i'll stop talking
is the tribalism that also was mentioned right like we have to do
better as a space not you know like like
pudgy and i'm not in their discord but i would imagine
if i was luca and i was the pudgy penguins i probably would put out an
announcement that says hey guys there are going to be defective toys
this is going to happen people are probably going to tweet at us
write comments on our website come into the discord
do us a favor let the team handle it right because
the perception of our community is like steve said this happy go lucky
right where the pudgy penguins right we don't want that perception to be
changed in the public eye by you all going and attacking them right so i would
hope that like that's a conversation that gets
had and i would hope other projects have it too like hey guys
like the d god's hoodies right like if there was an and i don't know what
the whole story is behind that but as soon as there was an issue with them
if i was the d gods i would have put out like hey guys listen there's an
issue with the hoodies we know it we're gonna handle it
don't worry let's keep the let's keep it positive
right like just because the tribalism can just get so
bad and then the last thing you want is people to just look down on your project
because of a select few of a select group of people
because it will go viral and it's just not a good look
yeah it's a fair take i think that's that's that's the thing that like
is like kind of sad is it's like man like y'all
are you know this great group of people
who obviously you know is i don't know like
personally i've you know had a great interaction with and it's like well
shit now i'm like looking at it like well
you know there's here they are you know just you know
basically like you know yelling at somebody and
just doesn't need to happen right it's a thing that i think could be
um you know better handle it as a group oh i just realized why my daughter's
bracelet was too tight it's because i'm like
like moving my mouse around and these things are like not
anyway this is nobody cares this isn't making any sense to anybody
um what kind of bracelet is it is it like a rainbow loom bracelet is a beaded
bracelet is it so that's the red bracelet
her rainbow loom is the one that i wear in every trip so every trip i wear her
rainbow loom bracelet obviously my wedding ring and then my
a a chain around my neck that has like a boy and a girl on it just to remind me
of my kids and my wife and this one she uh made me a bracelet
that has like a special phrase on it that nobody's going to understand and then it
also is those sort of like round bead bracelets
that are a little bit um they're like almost little discs
and so it fits well but once i like put my rest my hand on something the
those beads dig in versus like when it's a rainbow loom it's a little bit
lighter i might ask her i might just go with a um i may keep this as a backup
and go with a rainbow loom bracelet of the same color just to keep my uh
wrist in better shape nobody cares here we are
um but yeah to your point i've only had good experiences with the
pudgy penguin community and it it is something that i don't love
when you know a community navy responds doing what they perceive to be the
right thing but then at the end of the day
they end up finding themselves um you know potentially
foolish shenanigans that end up getting them in a bad spot so um
you know you don't want to have your community and a few members reacting
paint what is an awesome i mean my wife joined it on friday my wife bought a
little pudgy and they went nuts and they were so kind
and so welcoming and i've only seen them be kind and welcoming and people like
dao and lucas so great and it's just again that's why like i'm
saying like i'm not overreacting to how the community reacted
i'm not overreacting to how the person reacted i think we just had a
little bit of a dust up here and saw what might be a glimpse into the future
of customer complaints on twitter if you you know are doing it that way versus
leaving a one star review elsewhere or reaching out to the company and
hopefully we get proper channels uh followed in the future
um jack go ahead and get back in here gm gm look i've got
the most polarized intake to this don't i i i really oh my god i just i
know nobody's gonna agree like on stage enjoy even in the space i'm
just like this is what this is the hill i'm gonna die
on i don't even own a pudgy i have no um yet no financial tie to pudgy penguins
or lucas in any way i don't even own the toy
like i am completely out of this yet my feeling towards all of this
is that yes you should not be toxic towards the
comments yes you 100% shouldn't be like you know
just just mean like don't be mean there's no need for it and that will
detract people who may be holders to your project
if they see enough of you react this way because they will be worried
and this space is so built on constructive feedback that if a
community member or a potential community member
feels like if they come back with constructive feedback
they're just going to get flooded themselves through that feedback
then you're going to put a lot of people off on being into that
community that being said what this dude did in my
opinion was total Karen behavior i think his
reaction was so so disproportionate and i think the
idea that community members when they do it in the right way
calling out that Karen behavior and saying dude go raise a ticket
dude here is the right way to communicate this
here's the person you need to go to now that isn't to say that
the comms initially when these toys went out
if they didn't have some version of look if you have a problem with the toy
please go to this person because people who bought this toy will not
understand this space to that level this guy clearly did he's got a pfp
it's an obvious killer bear like he knows the space clearly
um but like that idea that he may not have been in the community and known
exactly that direction fair enough but i think people calling out
like all the hashtags like his first post had so many hashtags like
who the fuck uses hashtags in this space it just doesn't happen
anyway like that that level of Karen behavior
and that web 2 mentality of let's plaster this all over twitter
and i'm going to be super negative about every element of it without
giving the founder the team any sort of leeway in terms of response to that
i get like steve cap you've got loads of experience in the web 2 side
i actually come from a background previous to
sort of my my more technical route now but i have about 11 years experience in
customer service through four different huge businesses the last one being
you know 40 500 in the uk dealing with like
communication from employees because we we did that side of things
and i see those comments in the vein that i've seen
like like consumer feedback when you know they're negative and this was that
to me and i do feel like you this should be another route to
communicating this but for those people who are getting
this level of engagement and getting this level of yeah like i'm
going to post this because it like i've seen other people post
negative stuff about different communities and i know it's going to
get me a couple extra hundred followers thousand followers whatever it might be
and it's going to get me in the limelight and that's what i want i want
the attention um i i just think yeah we definitely
need to be careful with how we feed that back but if you want to go feed that back
and say dude stop being a karen and go go communicate this in the right way
i've got no problem with that not going to be something i do personally
uh just i you know this is this is my venting session i'm not going to have a
debate with the person i'm just going to come onto this
spaces it went when cap and steve let me
although this might be so polarizing then this is the last time i speak on the
space but i i genuinely just feel that way i just
feel like it's so so poor and it just isn't the way in web
free we should be receiving this feedback
and like yeah i just i i really would love to have been a fly on the wall
within luca and the team in terms of how they would have reacted to this
if there's genuine safety concerns making sure that the team communicate
that in some way and so that people get to know as soon as
possible um but the idea of just throwing that
nonsense on twitter i just i fucking hate it guys i really do
sorry so no one will ever use another hashtag in this spaces
jack just completely shamed everybody into using hashtags
jack is the new hashtag police no i'm just kidding jack i love you man
love you too jeremy and yeah definitely didn't mean to cut you off
before i'm feeling so i don't even know why i'm not sure maybe
it's because of my customer service background and i'm just i'm just
basically venting and projecting on every poor customer service i've had to manage
deal with and now this guy is is the the one person i'm just
projecting all this onto so i'm sorry for people who've just had to listen to
that rant i really can't but it really fucking grabbed my gears
i i don't disagree here's a problem jack i don't disagree with your opinion
that they reacted a little bit brash and a little bit differently than they
should have like that's not my actually my my my contention at all
my contention is just that this is going to happen i'm not saying it
should happen what i'm saying is is going to happen
so i i just not everybody has the same sensibilities as not everybody has the
same sensibilities in common sense trust me like i have in laws and i've seen
it with them like i don't know this is a recorded
space whatever mrs nfc bark might get annoyed with me but
mrs nfc bark's dad i love him great guy super nice
his dog is not the most behaved dog sometimes people bring dogs to my
children's soccer game mrs nfc bark's sister's dog is not the most behaved dog
again sometimes people bring them to soccer games
when you bring a dog to a soccer game a kid's soccer game you do one of two
things either a you are bringing that dog to a
soccer game because you're doing a training exercise you're maintaining
proper distance and having them learn how to be around humans it's a classic
training exercise where you slowly work till you get closer till
they get comfortable with it or b your dog is behaved enough to be
around children and not that it's like a dangerous dog
but both of the dogs cause shenanigans every single time they show up
like they're just not behaved don't do it and not in the mean way like the
type of thing that you would find endearing if you saw a dog doing this
irl but guess what they don't have the same sensibilities as
you and me where i would say my dog which is more behaved than both of
those dogs by a mile because i did extensive training with my dog
all positive reinforcement by the way no shock collar no judgments but that's not
my jam it's all positive reinforcement training
with my dog like i spent months when we first brought him home
months with him over time still to this day do it right
he would behave better but i still think you know what there's a chance he
might get a little excited when he sees another dog so he doesn't come
it doesn't make my dad a bad person for bringing the dog to the game my
father-in-law it doesn't make my sister-in-law a bad person for doing it
it just means sometimes people don't have the same sensibilities or hyper
awareness that you have and so i guess my thought on it jack is more i'm not
saying you are wrong maybe the way i'm approaching it is i
am just deploying empathy against the person who did it and saying
they probably thought oh my god this smells like chemicals my kids in
danger i'm upset about what just happened i
want to make sure other people know about this and make sure the project
right where they said this is what i'm doing and they went
online and then they felt because they don't have the sensibility
to know that maybe that wasn't necessarily the right way to go about it
then they got attacked on top of that and again i'm not saying this to defend
the person i'm not saying this defend the people
coming after this i'm simply saying this for the reasoning of
for me personally i'm just saying i'm empathetic to the fact that not
everybody jack is going to be to me as smart aware understanding as you
as a person on how you go about this sort of thing
and so i i don't agree with how they went about it
i don't agree with how they responded i would not have done it personally
but i'm also not thinking that they were necessarily having this malicious
intent because they're using hashtags and so
like i could understand you describing them as a karen i get that i get that
point of view um i think they should have approached
differently unfortunately as a society we have shown as we talked about
whether it's airlines insurance companies other customer service
people just do this sort of thing it's i like again i go out of my way to be
overly nice to customer service people because i know that
what they are telling me and doing is probably everything within their power
that they are given the opportunity to do
and so when they tell me they can't do something i'm not yelling at them and
saying what's wrong with you i'm saying thank you for your you know whatever
like i understand like that this is probably out of your hands
is there anyone else i can speak to and even when i ask to speak to a manager of
some sort i always make sure i'm like hey is there
someone else higher up i can speak to a manager potentially
by no means is this about the action that you're taking i just think it's
about the company and their policies and i'd like to see if there's a way to
rectify the situation not everybody approaches it away some
people call customer service they don't get help from a customer service
rep and they yell at them and they blame them and that's not okay
like there are people who yell at servers it's not okay but it exists and i
guess i'm just being empathetic to people who maybe have different
sensibilities about it and so i'm not saying you're incorrect in
your assertion i'm just kind of approaching it with a
little bit of different perspective personally because i just don't
necessarily think that there is like i think it's
going to happen and i just kind of understand that i guess is my take so
anyway i'll leave it at that jack go ahead and get back in here
no look steve like you're right uh i don't know yeah i i think i
completely agree with what you just said uh
anyone who shouts at somebody in customer service
or in a restaurant you're pond scum and i dislike you as a human being and
if i cast you doing it whilst i'm also in the restaurant
to my partners this may i will call you the fuck out for it
and ask you who you're speaking to and why you would speak to another human
being like that done that before this is the the level
that i can get to i just i just think that that is the
web that that is the twitter version of this is this is a guy who shouts out
his staff that's our customer service staff that's
that's what i took from this and it may very well
way may very well be that that isn't the case like he was concerned for
his child like in that regard like in that respect
it you know cards off the table human beings who are the most
level set human beings on the planet may get a little irate in those sort of
situations and maybe that's exactly what happened right now
and maybe i'm being the most unfair human being on the planet
the hashtags the way he treated the way he added the fact that lucre had
already reached out to him and he hints at that in the tweets and then in
terms of his communication and the fact that he then
went to bed woke back up the next day quote tweet is that same comment
which at that point you know you know you're getting heat
and whether you like it or dislike it he quote tweeted that same tweet
and threw more shade at the team that apparently direct conversation with him
um i just that that's the bit where i'm like i think he may have deleted that
i couldn't find it as an example but yeah i i don't know um
it's very it's very likely that this this could be a dude who just does not
deserve my criticism right now but i don't think you're wrong jack i
just think it's a different perspective like i
probably am i probably am too fucking soft right like i'm probably too soft on
this i'm probably in the sense i'm probably
being too overly empathetic and overly kind to
somebody who very well may just be engagement farming and i'm just an idiot
right like i'm just being ridiculous like it is it is very possible um
that i am i am the problem here right and so i'm not like saying
you are wrong i don't think your reaction is wrong
i'm just simply saying this is how i choose to approach situation
right wrong indifferent um that i i tend to be more of a person who
says look like i see it this way i'm not again not
saying i'm right but that's kind of i'm not thinking you're wrong like i think
you're reasonable i think what you're saying is how but
like what i'm trying to i guess say is like
i'm trying to like say like how i would handle the situation
and what i perceive to be the right way to handle the situation isn't how
everybody would handle the situation and i think that there's a lot of people
who have a lot less empathy and understanding i mean i see it
constantly with how people react stuff i see it with friends see it was family
where i'm like how could you possibly react that way or think that way but
it's just not how i think and i'm not saying that they were right
but i'm not saying you're wrong i agree with your
overall assessment of how you would handle the situation do i think he was
engaged in farming i don't know him well enough to say that one way or the
other i feel like there's a chance he wasn't
at least my god but i don't know and if he was then
a lot of this goes out the window right if this is her engagement then that's a
shitty way to go about it but if it was someone who was legitimately
just handling things the way i've seen thousands of people handle things
online before i still think it's like like i think
it's ridiculous when there's a post about
you know progressive giving a car to a veteran who needs it and someone's
complaining about their claim on the post
but i also understand that that person feels like that's the best way that they
can get attention on the claim and unfortunately we do respond and then he
gets the response they need and so you're not wrong and it's not that
anybody's like right or wrong here it's just a different approach of how you're
thinking about it and different people have less tolerance for that sort of
stuff so anyway that's kind of my take on it
um let's go to outer lumen outer welcome up to stage gm gm thanks for
having me up so you may have evoked a spicy lumen
from all of this because i just like i'm i don't know jack
like oh my god really uh i'm confused as to why we're even
talking about this at this like extent uh one of the greatest
filters that i have for understanding if i want to be
involved in someone's life is to determine whether or not they talk about
other people without those people being in the room
that is how i avoid drama my entire life because that also means that that person
will talk about me when i'm not in the room
and i'm not interested in that and so and i apologize that this is spicy but
listening to this this space entirely about like
how some guy made some tweet and us dissecting it this deeply without
having him come in here and talk about it
it's kind of like wait is this what the space has come down to like we're doing
this so and this is no like direct shape to
anybody this is just maybe self-commentary on all of us today like
i mean regardless of any of the takes like
i guess my question maybe to you jack is like why do you care
you don't have a pudgy penguin you don't have a kid you're not even in
that community like i just don't even understand like
why even bring this up in the first place where
it's it's just like it makes no sense to me
to to know and talk about it at like this great extent
twitter has been used for customer support many times there are many
companies that actually have a separate account
for their support it's been used as a platform for that
i don't know the depth about you know what the guy said or didn't say
but the point is that like it doesn't really involve me in that kind of way
and i'm getting a lot of emojis from other people in the audience i'm glad
so i'm not the only one i guess i'm representing a group of us
that are like what's happening here today guys
and i don't mean to come off as like oh my god but is there nothing else we can
talk about except for some other guy's tweet about like how the toys didn't
work out because the question is this if everybody
jumped on that tweet and said oh my god my toys too
my toys too my toys too then the outcome actually would have been
completely different and no one out here
would be talking about whether this guy was engagement farming or not
regardless of what his tweets said if other people had genuinely experienced
the same product failure we would all be like wow
the product has failed so his tweet was the first
as a signal to see if anybody else there is also experiencing that or not
apparently it's not the case to joey's point you know there's a small
percentage that will have certain you know fails like a like a lemon car at
you know at an auto industry sometimes you know there's a failure
rate in there so yeah anyway i'm done i'm sorry for the
spicy take cab and steve but like oh my god
i'll can i give my perspective back on that steve sorry just
very quickly like uh yeah there was a part of the apology like preemptively
about this because i knew some of the audience would be exactly
how you feel i think the reason it resonated so much to me that i and i
agree that like my reaction has been disproportionate
after complaining about this dude's reaction being disproportionate and the
irony involved in that and um i'll probably look back at this day
and feel a little embarrassed but i i think that the main reason i feel so
strongly about this is because this isn't the first time
and we are now seeing this sort of content which it is content um
gaining so much traction this got 450 thousand views at this point
and the reason i didn't at all comment back to to you another point
around the d god's hoodie which also got like 300 400 000 views
and when you look at some of the content that teams have painstakingly
putting out and how how that would double triple their
figures that's a problem that's a wider problem and
sort of why i i brought this topic up but also
realistically this this sort of commentary
around fud and around like like negative perception and the views that
this gets i just i don't know it feels to me like
there's there's definitely a different methodology behind
behind like why we do what we do here i feel like
it's something that when big companies get
the quote-unquote carrens going for this you know it's engagement
because they're huge huge companies i feel like in web free because of the
community behind them this is again an element of baiting and
it's an element of people seeing that this works
and you're right maybe you know i would just add in fire to the fuel here
and the whole point behind this is we just need to stop talking about it and
smother this thing you know that that's probably the best solution
but i'm seeing these tweets not do that but actually go the opposite way
and they're getting more and more views and more and more commentary around it
and people are seeing this now and for the wrong type of people i feel
are taking this as a bat signal to say that's how i get engagement
and it's so negative and it's so effective
that's my call out right now and for for why i would speak to
about someone behind their back that that's my bad that's definitely
you know whether we could get them in here or not
i don't know i i think when you put a tweet out that publicly
and i've seen the commentary behind it and then the quote
it was the quote tweet in the morning that was like okay well this guy
doesn't care because he's just like retweeting this content now so if we
really didn't like the negativity to quote retweet it in the morning
so that's sort of where my perspective is on this
it's a bigger bigger piece on like these sort of tweets are getting
significant views and i think i actually dodged my point i was going to
make to your second point about why i didn't speak to to the d-god study
which was because exactly what you just said happened where multiple people then
came in and said yeah wasn't that happy with my quality of
the hoodie either and i was like well whether that's right or wrong
there's certainly a proportion of people who feel this way
i saw none of that on this tweet it was purely a single person and at
point when it had 500 000 views and the community have all seen it
again the intention i start to question a little bit more deeply because i'm like
why have i not heard about the paint scrubbing off in any other element and
i went looking for it couldn't find another person talking
about it this way but yeah that look i i acknowledge that
i've not come off well to a group of people right now and i'll definitely you
know take that feedback on board and i will try and not do this
thing again but it yeah it definitely just just struck me
wrong and i think i think the bigger thing is that like
it's not that it's not like a good thing to discuss some of these things i think
it's almost like to ask like well what lens am i looking
this at with right like because the function that that serves is if you're
genuinely involved in this because you bought toys or your parent or whatever
like but i think to your point you know
like you know fudding the fud i'm not sure is
necessarily like they're right because how many people in this space now
gave that even more views because you brought it up right like
anyway all that to say that i think when i was
up initially um i had my hand up to speak because i wanted to talk about a
new um standard on ethereum that allows nfts
to own nfts almost like a nesting but as a
result of all of this i'm like i'm out so maybe i'll try again tomorrow with
65 51 talk about it 65 51 i i know i'm excited about it but i gotta go
um but i'll join in in maybe tomorrow or the next day and
definitely um want to chat about that but uh but
yeah i didn't mean to like you know you know me jack by now right
but i just this whole entire time i'm like oh man really
i don't know if we need to fud the fud like it just it's one of these things
where the more attention you draw to it
the the like the less attention we need to draw to it and i think we could spend so
much i just i'm chipping in real quick i agree 100
without her i think it was a worthy topic it was definitely in the news and
worth talking about for maybe 15 minutes not two hours in 15 minutes is
my opinion so i checked out a while ago but i guess i guess captain i would
what i would push back on both of you with is i i think that's fair
but i also think if people want to talk about something it's also fair we
could make the decision not to but i'm totally open to talk about fair i
i just think we have both sides have been re rehashed like a half dozen times on
each side i don't think anything new has been said for last hour what else what
else would we like to talk like i'm open to that and i'm trying to run the
stage and so like this this part actually does sometimes get me a little
spicier in the sense of like running a room with 200 people on a
daily basis and if people are talking about a topic
or have the need to want to get their feelings across about something
i'm understanding and i'm cool saying like hey let's put a pin in it at this
point but i also heard of it is the irony that
we're just we're continuing to call attention to something we both said was
a nothing burger or doesn't deserve this much attention and we just keep
giving we keep feeding it but but i think we're part of the problem is
what i'm saying i'm not upset at the hose i just think that
meet any of us i agree with you captain but it was just like wow like it's
something like this this mature matryoshka doll of
fud is like ever expansive right now if i can try
i mean real quick like i think joey had a very good take
in regards his last take in regards to this topic
uh just to sum it up like it reminds me of the
the ledger situation in a way because in essence what i felt was like that
uh the ledger company underestimated how people could react to certain things
in the space right and again like whenever we are doing
businesses we must be aware of who is our audience and
and what describes them and part of what describes the web3 audience
this all this thing that is going on on twitter so like
to joey's point like he had like straight up an action plan of what
should have happened basically they should have prepared the
community for this sort of event which is definitely not a first
and yes i think a lot of these things would have been
mitigated and we wouldn't see uh like the pudgy community quote on
quote degrading itself by attacking this person because
like that's not on brand so like that that's the the best thing
i've heard today in regards to this topic and i agree
very much with joey on that but in regards to what you wanted to talk about
outer uh the 6551 actually i've been reading
a lot about that standard i'm sure many of you guys know brad brad wrote an
excellent thread on it and i do recommend you guys to look
into if you want i can pin it up top but one of the use cases on the 6551
that i thought it was very bullish for yuga and every project building
towards gaming uh with the fact that nfts can now own
wallets is solving like these um multi-chain
challenge in a different way the the thing i was
looking at is that now if a project wants to go
multi-chain just to benefit from a certain thing but then
have their main nft on ethereum for commercial purposes as it makes sense
they can actually just have their their main imagine your your ape could own
other apes on other chains say polygon arbitral whatever l2 they choose
to scale things up to for gaming purposes
while you still own your main nft on this chain and they make it a soul bound
token that way they don't have to deal with
the hassles of recreating the nft on multiple chains or even migrating and
so on and so forth so that's one of the biggest things i've
seen about the 6551 for gaming because i think that solves
a lot of problems just by having like soul bound tokens
on l2s that are attached to your main nft on the l1 so i'm loving to see
where these leads and i think that standard it's very impactful
and and can take us to two different avenues that we aren't expecting yet
i think he can he can enable a lot of new creative ways to bring value
to people in web3 speaking of creative the reason why i want to talk about it
um is i what i'm most interested in about it is
i think the notion of the different kind of concepts of
art you can then drop utilizing this notion of having one work nested in
another work nested in another work nested in another work like it just
brings a like a different interesting way to play around with the actual
technology that's been provided in thinking about how you can create
conceptual art and that's just because i love projects
like like the worm that uses you know transfer functions
at the very root of what the project is about can buy the worm have to be given
it like that kind of conceptual exploration
of chain is is really fascinating to me using it as a clock
like there's been different ways that it's been explored and so this
new standard i think is super interesting because it now i think
provides especially like blockchain artists a new
interesting way to explore how they can create certain concepts around this
this this new standard is it backwards compatible like in
like to using ben's example existing token on
you know that was not 100 percent yes it is yes and and one of the things
for instance you're talking about art and
and and work and stuff like that one of the things that
could be done for instance cap is imagine yuga just says okay now we want to
we want to bring utility for all content creators in our community
and they just do some quick some some good work with
an artist and they they create for instance the ability
for you guys to for your nft to have underneath some some other
nfts that is just like variations of your art just for the culture
your ape holding like a gm mug or for instance holding like
a tackle for tackle tuesday posts or whatever you know like
a lot of things could be done and could even
bring more work for artists in the space if they want to
tailor the the community towards that direction right
but i think a lot of definitely a lot of things can be done and explored
and artists especially they can play around with many things especially
variation for their nfts and how these things could be supported
on chain if you wanted help for instance like have
an array of of variations for your main nft
and you could pay some gas fees to to then
swap the main art of your nft to one of the available ones
under your your your main thing but basically i can
i can pin a trap if you want uh i can try to find it that explains how
you can right now go on this platform and see uh your
nft's wallet address but basically from what i explained you you just
swap a little bit the open curl and they have the same formatting and you
can quickly find your your nft's wallet but a hundred percent
backwards compatible i i'm still not fully understanding it from a tech
standpoint but at the biggest use cases i do understand it would be gaming right
like you know the the idea of having a high dollar asset
on on main net and then the i guess copies of that on an l2 is this
is this i guess really one of the driving use cases behind it
not limited to that like but that is one of the use cases i think it's cool
because uh like the etl one is not so practical at times
but for for instance um imagine like you could have like rarity
weighted voting power imagine the airdrop like these soulbound
tokens to to the nft in which is just giving it like some governance
voting power and because you have like uh a grail
d god your vote could be worth it like one million or whatever and a regular
d god is worth it like 250 whatever like and and and you could
just do something like specifically for your
collection in a way that is not really dependent
on holders holding more than one token because
you cannot really change what what they got but you can
actually add down to what they got basically like
is your nft having a wallet and what use cases can you
enable with that like for instance we were just talking about trade
swapping without impacting rarity you know
and it's just like about seeing what cases you actually want to do but
it's not just limited to gaming you can do anything but
in layman's terms is just giving your nft the ability to have a wallet
that is also programmable and all of that and what can you actually do with
it but i'll just pin brad's uh trad up top and yeah we we can
further discuss this no it's good i'm just gonna actually
gonna let you know i know there's some more hands up i actually need to go
start it's about the 10 30 i need to start getting stuff ready around my
house for some people so i will pop off but i hope everyone has
a very wonderful memorial day and we'll see everybody
uh tomorrow morning
jim i'll get in here jim
hey uh cap thanks for having me um uh i came up earlier to talk about the
topic that nobody liked that the conversation shifted away from uh
but since i'm here i'll say my piece anyways and
i i jumped out for about an hour i'm back i gotta jump off again back to work
but i wanted to say that um i'm not sure of
his intention of posting it whether it was uh
you know good intention or or selfish intention
um but what i would say is that as a parent myself
i i'm grateful i didn't order those toys um but if i had i would have been
grateful for a post like that that informed me of the potential risk
um the fact is is that unless your buddies with
the the founders or some person with influence in that organization the
pudgy pen organization you don't know how or when they're
going to respond um to it and you know i think it just it
could have been done more tactfully uh maybe
um but you do want to let other customers know
of the risk you don't know if the defect rate is one percent or fifty
percent or a hundred percent uh you don't have that kind of
information so you kind of are on the side of caution
um and you know in the spirit of keeping other kids safe
you would want to let everyone know that hey there's an issue
um again there's probably a better way he could have gone about it
i don't think the hashtags would have helped reach other customers i think it's
you know so that's where you kind of question the intention but i do think i
do i do appreciate um or i am appreciative of you know
people trying to let others know of the issue
and hopefully it can be done in a way that doesn't harm the project because i
think we are all uh very admiral like we all admire what
luka and the team has done there and how they're driving the space for it and
you know we would want i wouldn't want these kind of things to
reflect negatively on the project um but it is also you know you got to
balance that with like at the end of the day keeping kids safe so that's
that's all i wanted to add to the combo but sorry to take it back
well that's fair good you know very valid no um
i don't think anyone's disputing that from
you know any any sort of feedback um i just say you know we see this happen
every day and it doesn't become you know the leading topic in the news
cycle um i mean truly every day something like
this happens for you know big brand somewhere
and it it usually is not discussed more than you know internally with the
customer service the comms team and you know unless it's some major like recall
or something it's it uh you know it's it's almost a fly
over um one three two get in here
yeah i mean i just wanted to ask about this uh
65 51 if i remember that correctly is that the that's the erc okay okay
uh is that related to the account obfuscation or account abstraction that
they were talking about or is that that's totally unrelated because i know
they were talking about those and and i i haven't heard much of it since
but i do know we're continuing to work towards this account abstraction making
these smart wallets that are more like bank accounts than
you know um what do they call it external operating
wallets uh so i i do continue to see this but it's
it's kind of the question like with soulbound tokens they they can't be
traded so what would what would necessarily like be
the benefit in a game in a game if i use a potion
it's not going to sit in my in my pouch after i've used that potion so
that that's one of those things that i'm still continuing to wonder about but i
do see at least with this it being able to expand ip too right like
imagine cap can take his board ape and have it in
multiple different stylings that then he can use and deploy that ip across i i
can see some some very interesting use cases
i don't know if if gaming necessarily is the play i know a lot of us are
focused on gaming this year it feels like
gaming is going to be like the the thing this year
but i don't know if 65 51 maybe i'm not understanding it quite yet
will be the the you know pinnacle solution i do believe that there's still a
lot more and i think a lot of the problem with gaming is the interoperability
and you know they have to license from unreal they have to license from
um the other uh i forget the other name of the major engine but uh unity
yeah yep yep unity uh and and so there are a lot like
when i talked to an executive about this around christmas he was saying
that a lot of the problem isn't necessary that they don't want to
collaborate it's that because they license it
the ip or the uh the game engine itself from unreal they
can't necessarily collaborate so i think i think we're still a ways away
from that but i continue to watch this and i do like hearing these
conversations and kind of like where this
tech is continuing to push i do really like soulbound tokens i'm working on
my own thing with the soulbound token so
i i do think soulbound tokens are are going to be a sleeper but once we have
like a real use case for them i think we'll start
to see them proliferate just like we did nfts and board apes
so yeah end up uh the actual proposal uh link i think that i know there's
threads and some of those kind of things distilling
the information but if you want to go to the well and drink from
the source uh you can go and look at the actual proposal and it's
it's written in in in like really good language i don't think that it's like
overly complicated it's just very in depth
but that goes over the motivation everything
around what what what this proposal um was for six uh five five months so just
encourage people to definitely have a look at that actual
link and read the the the proposal the original one
yeah web 3.2 real quick like your question was actually a great
point like in regards to soulbound tokens and gaming like
look at it this way like for instance a potion or whatever
regardless of what wallet receives that potion
you want it to be like a transferable assets for multiple
reasons right but like you made a great point about like
interoperability and one of the things about
interoperability and whatever like is is the fact that
for instance you have like your your nft for instance a
basey on a l1 um and imagine that for some reason it was more viable to
just have that nf that nft represented like on another
chain that is also evm compatible and that was
the use case where i was saying you could have like a clone of your board ape
on another evm compatible chain uh another network
and he's just soul bound to your ape's wallet
and why would that be the case so you don't have to deal with the asset of
what if cap decided to sell his ape what happens to the ape he had on that
that other chain let's say arbitrum or polygon
so if you made like whatever those clones or whatever is the case
like bounded to his nft's wallet if he sells the nft
uh all those other assets are also gone gone i mean like not under his
control but under the control of the new owner of the nft so whoever
owns the nf the parent nft would also control the
children nfts as long especially if they are so bound tokens
and you wanted to make like that feature because they're so bound to the the
wallet the nft wallet not the wallet wallet
exactly so at that point you you could give features to who to to the nft
itself rather than airdrop things to the
owner of the nft and expect to come up with a feasible way of making all
those efforts move together at the same time
so on and so forth i don't know if that answers your question
maybe i can follow up with just like directly providing some info right from
the proposal um so just you know just so that like
it really just captures what was was said by the original people that created
it um so this is what what what they wrote
in the motivation and i won't read everything i'll just read the main point
so they're saying unlike other forms of on-chain identity
721 tokens cannot act as an agent or associate with other on-chain assets
this limitation stands in contrast with many real-world instances of
non-fungible assets for example a character in a role-playing
game that accumulates assets and abilities
over time on actions they have taken an automobile composed of many fungible
and non-fungible components an automated investment portfolio
composed of multiple fungible assets a punch pass membership card granting
access to an establishment and reporting a history of past interactions
several proposals have attempted to give 721 tokens the ability to own assets
each of these proposals have defined an extension to the 721 standard
this requires smart contract authors to include proposal support in their 721
token contracts as a result these proposals are largely
compatible with previously deployed 721
this proposal grants every 721 token the full capabilities of an ethereum account
while maintaining backwards compatibility with previously deployed
721 token contracts it does so by deploying unique
deterministically address smart contract accounts for each 721 token via
permissionless registry i'll stop there but if anything hopefully this
encourages you guys to go and actually read the
the entire thing i have it pulled up so i can i can read it because it's
something it's something that i know we continue to like push out
like these uh improvement protocols uh and i think a lot of them like i
remember early days like erc20 there was 721 uh but then there was a bunch that
really never took off and i think it's it's can we're going to continue to do
this and and especially when i think about like
brc20 tokens uh these doge ordinals it's we're continuing this innovation
but what's actually going to be useful right like how many people use
shazam right but how many people like continue like
don't even know that shazam exists right i i just think i think we need to be a
little bit more practical and that's something at least i'm paying attention
to and and how can we use this stuff more
practically because i know you know at a computer science level a lot of
these things are necessary and i feel like
i myself can say i'm not smart enough to understand the computer science but
i think when we're thinking about use cases and we're thinking about
you know do i need a token to use the bathroom do i need an nft to walk into
the train station like i think some things
uh sound very nice but in practicality they don't necessarily work out so i
will continue to read this i am excited for this but uh yeah it's just
that's where my philosophy is that is how do we how do we make sure these
things stay practical or we're not going like too high above because that
at the main level like that's how the main stream we're going to get in here
it's not because of the the token standards that don't care about the
erc 20 they want improvements right like they want the feeling that they're
into something cool they want to get access to
money because they're investing in a financial market that you know is
highly risky but also highly rewarding you know there there are a lot of
different factors to it but i i do love this conversation thank you guys so
much i just i think eip updates and and
upgrades to the ethereum protocol are vastly different than other quote unquote
innovations in the space to me that's the part of the beauty of ethereum it is it
is an upgradable contract something that is
not just stuck in you know what its first form was 10 years ago but that
this this is very much so part of the web3 ethos to me is
the ability for almost like crowd sourced improvements
uh to a protocol like this and in my opinion it's one that's very practical
owning holding a bunch of layer one assets i you know it's not feasible
um in most on chain gaming due to due to gas fees on on layer one and
they've got to like the what those uh
projects have done today up to this point to have a clone or something on a
uh you know uh you know whether it's polygon or another l2 to
make it make it a playable asset is is not nearly as as good and as
forward thinking as as complete of a solution as as this
upgrade so i think i think it's from my perspective someone who's very bullish
on chain gaming i think is extremely practical eip and i just i think it's
it's important to differentiate you know improvements to the ethereum
protocol versus other quote unquote innovation or those that are taking
shots um i'm while i'm sure not every eip is
is extremely practical i i think that most are and not just i think they're
in my opinion very different than those that are just
taking shots and throwing things against the wall to see if they stick
usually they are solving something that like this
was a known issue or uh you know a a gap in the in the tech
solution a hundred percent cap like and another thing like for
instance why three stuff that this could potentially
solve i live in a country that is very bureaucratic you know like
and there are a lot of things that kind of get lost in translation
and creates like lack of transparency for instance the car industry
it's an industry where the information asymmetry
kind of kills consumers at times because they
they can purchase things and not know what actually happened imagine that the
car registration or whatever was an nfp that has a wallet
and like if a car has an actual accident
and they that that thing gets processed by whatever entity
then a soulbound token is attached to to the nft's wallet and you know about that
either if the car has insurance or whatever all those things
go as pretty much soulbound tokens and you know they have
expiration dates and so on and so forth like you could even like
ease up some irl processes uh when you want to do auditing and stuff
like that by being able to perpetually attach
some information to to certain nft wallets if you are
doing this process of uh authorization authentication with nft's
of course uh like i'm not saying like they need to do that but
if that was done like all you would need to do and looking into a car
you would go to its uh car registration like as an nft
and see what happened to it throughout the past you know like
you can enable many use cases to be honest like
beyond gaming you can bring a lot of auditability to things and stuff like
that so i think it's up to us right now to kind of figure it out
where we want to take it but i think it will uh
power so many new avenues that it's kind of hard to say right now
everything that this new standard will will
enable so i'm not sure that any tokens uh that are transferred to
an individual nft that's now used as as like a air quotes wallet
are soul bound um i don't know that i've read that they become soul bound
i do know from reading directly from a proposal
it does say that control of each token bound account
is delegated to the owner of that 721 token
allowing the owner to initiate on-chain actions on behalf of their token
and so i'm not sure that you know they don't say that
it's uh automatically talking about i'm just giving
examples in which you can initiate transfer functions on behalf
and and get get any tokens out but i'm exactly for instance on gaming you
could do that and have and just uh like have your operator collect
a bunch of weapons that you could then sell
or just sell your operated with those weapons so for instance you would
add value on top of the main nft because of the nfts
under its control as well but that's great i just because we keep
saying soul bound a lot and i wanted to make sure that people were not getting
confused that that anything that is associated with
this this new nft wallet you know automatically
becomes a one-way attachment to the token which it's not
yeah 100 like i think to be honest like this is so new
and we haven't seen like um like implementations of these at least
on the nft space i haven't seen yet so many
projects trying to to explore new avenues
but i think in like three to six months we might start seeing some new stuff
especially for gaming projects because like those are more of a no-brainer
but for instance something that web3 soup uh said that i wanted to comment on
like it's brc20 and ordinals i know this is sort of a hot topic
because like uh people we can fundamentally agree that ethereum is
better to build applications than bitcoin but to be honest i'm very
intrigued to see where this new wave of development on the btc chain will take
us because i feel like if they are motivated
enough especially vc is investing money into
the development of this new quote-unquote technology on their
chain it could be super interesting i feel like btc investors or holders have
sat on the sidelines for like nine years since ethereum came around and they've
seen so much happen on other chains that
right now especially with michael sailor and cz
some of the biggest figures on the on the bitcoin war
supporting these new developments i'm actually intrigued to see what
practical use cases they'll develop and power on that chain because yes
it's not so practical to develop like a a game
through the block to the bitcoin blockchain
but there are other things that maybe might find a better
place or use case there for instance collecting fine art or whatever
if you're doing that through ordinals and people already spending millions and
don't care about paying two thousand dollars on gas to
describe that image whatever i don't know but like i just feel like it's
interesting especially with the brc trainings
kind of emulating erc trainings i don't know if this will lead
eventually for them to have a defy like ecosystem
on btc but i'm just curious and open to the idea
but yes i do agree that fundamentally it may have
the better tools right at the moment to tackle all of these things
sorry you caught me mid-drop off appreciate the uh you carrying the
conversation there um i am really intrigued by this the
other thing we didn't touch on really much this morning was
what is anyway we've kind of flew over the
the uh the show in china the celebrities rock in the punk stress
and uh everything on the on the come i we don't have time to
to get into it all today but if there's any
experts on that side of the world uh would love to get
some more educated insight on all that's
happening currently and in what is anticipated to
to start occurring here in the next couple of months
including uh turning on retail for the masses
but um i really enjoyed the conversation this morning appreciate
the back and forth no offense by moving things along
um i do just it wasn't directed at any one individual we just
oftentimes we get people that are very polite extremely patient
and don't want to speak up or change topics and
uh we we do do our best to move through
all the at least the the pertinent topics of the day
and certainly meant no offense or by uh uh
moving the uh the customer service feedback
conversation along but i do think it was a good one i do think it was one that
needed to occur and um just as i said earlier as we let the
founders cook when they're building i think we should also let them
resolve issues when they they occur um without uh
you know that goes from the community standpoint i don't think we all need to
even if we think a critic is in the wrong i don't think it's a
the community's responsibility to um you know address that issues i think in
some cases again let the uh let the let the the team do their uh
respond to their role and do so in a uh you know professional
manner but thanks for joining us today we will be back tomorrow at
8 a.m eastern time uh in addition to that we've got
several more great shows today starting with lunch break here at about
an hour and 10 minutes noon eastern that'll kick off we've got mint conditions
back after the sabbatical they'll be back this afternoon
uh and um we get a night shift this evening uh the
the later of the version but have a wonderful
wonderful memorial day everyone and we'll see you all tomorrow morning