@coinhall_org are coming by to talk about Q4 on #Terra + MORE

Recorded: Oct. 12, 2022 Duration: 0:58:00



Good evening folks, it's Dr. Dahl's calling coming to you from the Obertal Command Account. Just bear with this moment as we wait for Coin Hall to arrive and the other speakers and we should be kicking this off in just a minute or so.
Okay, I can see quite a hole have joined. I'm gonna bring them up to speak.
I actually got that as a car host.
Show that to some familiar faces, I can see.
on the Call Already Max Calisto. I see you around quite a lot.
All right, coin haul is
Should be able to talk now, can I walk in here, please? Yeah, can, hello. Hey, hey, how are you doing, Messer? All good, all good. You're just up here. Thanks to meet everyone.
and Kasey Tainty, Joseph. And how we got some other people coming on the call, Joseph, I think was joyfully jumping on.
She should be, I think, let me think. Very happy son.
Hey, I'll bring in Joilov as well.
Okay, and then I'll do a quick introduction in just a second.
Okay, Joelle has received an invite and so for anyone who is joining in I was just having a read of some interesting stats about coinhole. Excuse me, I might have a little dog that might make a couple of noises here and there tonight because unfortunately she's
I hope you noticed her right now, but she will be relatively quiet. Key highlights, monthly active users for coin haul picked at 120,000 people prior to the USDD peg. Now the stat was that the haul
what transaction volumes 1.8 billion. So that's pretty interesting. That's quite a lot actually. So fun fact for you all. Joe, can you hear us yet? Are you up?
and what to speak.
Okay, so we've got coin haul, we've got Joe Wella, who are we joining us for the next hour tonight? And essentially we're going to be having a conversation around all things related to coin haul, what's going on for them in the coming future, particularly in Q4, and having some conversations about Genie, of course, there was a little
in order to letting the journey out of the bottle. And so we're going to jump into that in a second. As I kickstart this all right now, I'll just say thank you to Terraspaces in advance, because of course Terraspaces records all of these spaces. If you can check out at terraspaces.org where that being said, Joseph,
My man, would you like to kick it off with a little bit of an introduction about yourself and the people who make up coinhole, please?
Yeah, for sure. Nice to meet everyone. Joseph or you can call me Joe by a handle's coin haul and a score Joe, Twitter and Telegram. One of the two co-founders of coin haul.
We are chalk people based mostly out of Singapore, mostly engineers as well. So yeah, pretty small team trying to build interesting stuff for a 20-ego system.
Fantastic nice short and sweet Has life in Singapore at the moment is it all pretty pretty relaxed over there It's not bad I think last last week was just the F1 weekend and there was this big conference took in 2049 so like a lot of crypto people
flow in, we were kind of bummed we couldn't go for like cost movers in Maddening which is like super far away for us but yeah a lot of people came here, a lot of crypto events, a lot of people called COVID so yeah but but pretty chill, builder community has been
increasing. It's been improving more people are doing WebP startups here. That's always a good thing. Yeah, it does seem like there is an uptake. I know that there's a bit of a lull for a few months at least this year with people's interest waning in the crypto markets. Of course, we see that reflected in the prices of the assets themselves.
But there is, you know, if you're paying attention, there is still a lot of building going on. Of course, you guys have been doing some of that yourself, which we're going to get into in fair detail today. Sort of the outcome and the agendas of the call today. The agenda is discussing primarily, Genie and anything else that you wish to bestow upon us.
course as the call goes on if there's anyone that has questions and wants to find out some things for themselves they are most welcome to come up for a chat a bit later in the conversation but the main thing that we want to get started on today is this proposal that's just recently passed you just put a proposal up and it has
It's looking like it is well and truly past and that is the proposal for a genie the rewards distribution platform that You can feel a synonym to that would you like to maybe give us a bit of a Eli five explanation of what This is exactly
Yeah, GE basically rewards distribution platform, combining multiple concepts of kind of wallet reputation identity, some form of like targeted marketing campaigns. Yeah, it's like many ideas combined into one. But basically we are building a no code platform that taps on real time data and
which can identify or more like segment wallets based on historic transactions. So these are objective matrix like, for example, a user, whether a user is holding X amount of S at A, right, or historic transaction volume against
contract ABC. So yeah, we created creating this local platform at abstracting kind of the data layer way so that people don't have to wrangle of on-chain data because that's obviously a big pain and projects, some projects don't even have their own data because they don't have like notes set up, they don't have like data
indexes to check all these stuff because they're kind of focused on building their core offerings. So yeah, we're trying to make rewards distribution to targeted wallets as simple as making a wish to a genie. So it's like there's three components. So similar to the line of genies, like three wishes.
So you always determine three things. First one is what kind of wallet criteria. So these are matrix parameters and you can set like for example, I would one wallet who has previously transacted X amount volume on this application, right or user
who's helped, for example, 10 unique NFTs on this chain. So that's the first one, which is again wallet criteria. Second one is a call to action. So this is an action or kind of a contract interaction that you are trying to incentivize. So this could take any form, it could be depositing into a market
money market, you fault, it could be transacting with a DEX, could be basically any contract interaction. So that's typically a project you would want to incentivize users to take this action. If you map it to web too, it's like
Intent devising users to for example sign up for your platform for the first time or for example like let's say a traditional finance trading application that's telling you like Okay, I'll give you this reward if you trade up to this amount this month So yeah, that's the second part which is call direction and then the third part is the rewards this
Rewards mechanism. So this is where you determine how do you want to distribute rewards? Is it like linear where the more the user interacts with the contract the more the user gets to claim against the reward pool or do you want it flat? Do you want to exponential loggeristic so you can set all these? Yeah, how
you want to create your incentive mechanism that's flexibility there. So once you determine these three factors, basically you will use the genie platform and you would create a claim-based smart contract, right? So this is something that you, as the project owner would have the key for coinholders,
doesn't touch any of your funds. So once this contract is created, wallet via our friend and once they're locked in they can see like, okay, I am eligible for this. Once I've completed this CTA, I should be able to claim X dollars of reward. Right. So yeah, that's in a nutshell what genius
Thank you for that quick rundown. Of course we are going to dive deeper into it. Of course this is a solution that has been born in response to a certain problem. So when you look at the problems
that have been currently faced in Web 3 when it comes to distributing rewards. What were some of the pain points that stuck out for you that inspired yourself and the team to actually create Genie?
Yeah, couple of ones, it's stable, it's an obvious situation that projects would try to mitigate for. Because any user can create any amount of on-chain wallets, right? And let's say this guy creates 10 different wallets
And let's say a project was doing an ad drop that is just flat reward to be a threat. Any wallet can claim X amount, no criteria required. And obviously other wallet eligibility criteria is like
wallet age, other stuff like, oh, do you are staker? All these are like additional data points which create more work or engineering resource for the projects. So sometimes they just do easier way out.
And yeah, when these rewards land in the hands of people who were never going to be contributors to the ecosystem, this is overall harmful because you might just fund the reward and then just dump it after. Right. So I think that's a couple of pain points.
accumulated. So the data part, because that's obviously tricky, it's the another one's part, the other piece is like segmenting and grouping wallets which have similar characteristics based on data parameters. So yeah, the other kind of parallel problem is, in my feed, don't really
see targeted marketing. If you look at current incentive mechanisms for liquidity farming, based on how much you put in, how long you provide liquidity into a poll, you can get X amount of rewards.
And obviously based on transaction volume based on total liquidity your payout is Yeah, it reflects that right, but I think beyond that That there should be room for other more creative incentive mechanisms. So yeah, the platform we're trying to create
give some for multiple use cases. What do you feel have been some of the bad because you said in Web 3 you don't have to say any sort of targeted marketing. What is some of the barriers to this? Is it just that no one else has really built this out yet or is it something else?
I think that if you don't have the data, it's hard. Difference, I guess, between webtoon and web3. Web3, everyone actually can access the same on-chain public note data. It's just whether you as a project, you actually put in the work, which is a lot of work.
to build your own custom indexer to pass the data in a way that you can read and you can act on. So that's why you don't see, I don't know if you guys see anything like this, but have you seen projects do something like a Rit target campaign
or mostly you see maybe first time user campaigns, which maybe it's like, oh, if you do this, you can claim this thing. Now most of the incentive mechanisms are actually just liquidity farming or conditionless adrops.
Yeah, that's less, I guess, comprehensive mechanisms around. So what we're trying to build, you can do, for example, let's take a use case like with targeting, right? You see that super rampant in Web2. Let's say you are using the e-commerce platform, right? You've not shopped there for, like,
a month, maybe they'll bump you like and all these, then there's like super mature infra for web too. So you'll see stuff like, oh, I'll give you a $5 voucher if you shop this month, right? You see all these stuff, but you don't see that in web 3 because I guess the plumbing for all these data is not built
yet. So with our platform, you can do something like it's just how you treat me parameters, right? So let's say on wallet eligibility, I can set something like, okay, you historically transacted with my the contracts of this project, right? So you are a past user.
But maybe you've been inactive for like 16 days. And me as a project owner, I want to put out a reward to incentivize you to like try a new product, right, or even come back and use the same product on the platform. I can set a call to action and then a reward. So once you do that, only this specific
The segment of users can qualify for this reward. So it has to be like this wallet must have transacted before. Has been inactive. And then, yeah, if they do the CTA, they get that they get the reward. Right. Makes sense. Yeah, it makes complete sense. And so, yeah.
I had a good retry of the white paper and a retry of the agoreterra.money discussion about it and I've sort of really mulled it over my head pre leading up to this call. I obviously want to have a conversation about it just so that everyone in the call, this listening can be brought up to speed.
And one of the things that I do love about it is that it disability to set the parameters and make it highly customizable and highly specific and tiring, which is essentially what we're talking about here. And so what I kind of interpret it as is it becomes a lot more
It's a word like marito credit like a more meritocracy. I can't really be the word meritocracy. It's like a more meritocratic way of distributing rewards because it's going to the people that are meeting the criteria and so nice
If you have a wallet that you're not using that has interacted with some point with the contract, then of course you don't get the rewards. There are certain reasons why you'll be more entitled to the rewards.
and others why you'd be less inclined to receive them. So I like how it's just highly customizable and it seems quite flexible here and as the rewards distributor, you get complete say over sort of how
How the distribution works, yeah? Yeah, we're trying it even the playing around even more by lifting Projects can actually use the platform to do something like a vampire effect so that I guess creates a
It's easier to compete because literally you could key in the eligibility criteria as like I want users who have interacted with my competitors contracts, right? I guess that there's two parts from
user acquisition standpoint from the lens of the project. This is like cost efficient right because so for example, let's say I'm a project owner and I have a budget of like $10,000. It's kind of a blank state on like okay who
Who can I target? Who are people, what are the users who have highest propensity to use my product and be a loyal user? You don't have these data points, right? That's a not Google. A platform like Google has all of these
Let's say you've been googling golf, you've been searching on YouTube, the platform already knows and can profile you as this guy is a potential golf player, potential gamer.
Could using our platform is there an increased propensity that let's say this wallet who has interacted with this money market which was let's say the incumbent would they interact with yours if you are the one launching a new money market out
So, yeah, so there's a cost efficiency from from the project standpoint as well, right? And then from a user letter, you are a productive user in the ecosystem, right? Or you are actively doing on-chain transactions. You are
like borrow landing your swapping a lot. You could benefit because all these other new projects would want to attract you to be a user on the platform and hence because of your objective, what once you read the
be wallet data, it's easy to perceive that you are a potential user that's productive on the new ecosystem. So I think multiple parties get a benefit from this.
Yes, I'm looking at the you've got a little table on the on the right up on the Agora and it said the different use cases and it doesn't a couple you did in passing mentioned vampire attacks which I thought was a funny name and I haven't actually heard that name until I read it but you know the goal there would be in that instance would be to aggressively incentivize the top users of the
of the top users of your competitor, hence it being a vampire attack. And so, yeah, there's retargeting, there's retroactive air drops, loyalty programs, cross-platform partnerships, giveaways, and then we all got different steps to achieve those goals. And it's quite clearly laid out. So if anyone who's wanting to
see that like visual and have a chance to read it and really digest it. It is on that I go to .terror.money discussion post and just for anyone that was having a laugh before it may try to pronounce the word meritocratic it is a real worth. I knew it was a word I just couldn't say it in the moment but let's
Let's just shift for four seconds. I just want to check in as well, Joseph. Yeah, with Joella. Um, Joella, are you there? Yep, yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. Just so that everyone is familiar with yourself. What's your role at coin hall?
I'm Jaila, also known as Fiker. I currently manage growth at Coinhove, but a lot of it spends across the board. It's involved with community growth, just simply talking about political costs, maybe sometimes touching partnerships as well, but most of the time doing content.
As you may know, my co-founder is talking about Jeannie and we're releasing Jeannie Q4. So alongside Horsop as well. Fantastic. I didn't realize that's how you pronounce Spichers. Hey, hey, Spichers. Yeah, it's a German word. Ah, okay. I've always read it as speech works.
And it's kind of like when I used to read the Harry Potter's and I thought Hermione was pronounced Hermione. So I'm glad to have a bit of clarity on that one. But let's get back to the technicals for two seconds here. So obviously this is a great endeavor that you've branched out on. I'm curious to know what are some of the obstacles that you've faced along the way and what does it take to actually build something like#
Yep, yeah, we actually think Joseph would be a better person to talk to this question. Oh, yep, I'll pick it. The data part is really like
95% of the picture because on the smart contract side it's a clean based smart contract so you would have to query does wallet meet this criteria what is the trigger
action to further qualify and then how much can the user claim from the contract. So that part is pretty simple but the data part is much more extensive, right?
literally we would have to write custom indexes to understand what
contracts of multiple applications are doing. So for example, let's say just doing just in the DEX space, right? So for bunch of these A&M, the way they write their contracts is different. The way they do their messaging is different. So we would have to recognize
and understand that let's say based on this code this is a swap transaction, transaction token X to token Y on this next and we need to because it will be a similar action to let's say a user doing a swap on another next
But all these other messaging, all the on-chain data is different. So you would have to pass all of these. So imagine you outside of Dex's, then there's money markets, there's e-votes, and there are even contracts which you could do multiple interactions with a single contract. It's not just like, for example, you could be doing
let's say a deposit or withdrawal could be even other things on just a single contract. So we will need to pass all of these on the messaging side of things. So yeah, I guess the data is like a bug of the work. Gotcha. And you know, it's being rolled out sort of as
As we speak, I know that you've been passed. We've got, we're going to be in now, we're not tober. According to this timeline, we're in the process of building the data pipelines in the backend and designing the UI/UX. How is the UI/UX going? Is it what can people expect from it and what comes after that?
So there's two components. There's one part, so it's kind of two types of users of the platform. One is the project itself, right? So we will need a kind of interface for a project who wants to come in and create a campaign, right?
that one, we will need to do the entire platform front end back in everything for that. Then on the other hand, the other type of user would just be any retail and user. So this is anyone that qualifies for what you get to claim
So, likely that one would be would host on the coin haul platform. And for the other piece, we would probably need to do, yeah, and entirely different site because it's nothing like something you've seen on the current coin haul platform. So, yeah, it's actually a quite different product entirely.
So, but long story short, it should be super easy on the project site because we are trying to do it in a no-code way, right? First, let's say you require SQL.
expertise you go and like wrangle all the data you figure out like okay these are the groups of wallets I want to target we do that all for you right I think you key something like
that there's three wishes, right? The three pieces that you have to select. But I think in total, maybe less than 10/20 clicks, I'm guessing, from start to end, and then next contract created, YouTube.com/poss.
and that's it. We try to abstract all the code away such that even marketing person, community manager, something like that could run this. You don't have to be a developer, you do have to be much code.
Yeah, I love the no code. I love anything that's no code because I'm not a co-oper and I'm actually for example, I've just been building out a website the last few days and so it does make life easier to a degree but often there's limitations. There's certain limitations that come with it too and
I guess it's probably not going to be the case with your app because it's different from building a no-code website. But flexibility-wise, actually, so just put barely two seconds. I'll just go up.
My dog, okay, my dog just left the room. That's good. That's a good song. The
The point always getting out there was
smoothness ease of use, smoothness and lack of glitches. It's probably fair to say that there wouldn't be much room for glitches on something like what you've created. Is that a fair assumption?
That's a thought. On the contract side, it will be open source before we do inspect it. We would do smart contract audit so that, obviously, the security and we prevent loss of funds for any party involved.
Yeah, as long as we get a data put, right? It should be okay.
fantastic. And what I'll do here because I've just observed the time and also noticed I've got someone requesting to jump up. So I'm going to let this question are out. They can ask away and I'll invite this is my call to you all who are listening. If you have some questions
popping up. You definitely most welcome to jump up and ask them so we're going to start off here with @exponantmark. I'm just going to put them up as a speaker. There are only two seconds folks. You should be able to
Speak now. What? Is that work?
exponent mark you there.
looks like they're still connecting. I think X4 and Rebel G5. Core Rebels just jumped onto. So it's been a mark when you're ready sir.
And if I can't jump on, does Ripple have a question?
It's Mark coming up or shall I jump in?
Ok I'll jump in. Hi guys, I'm just on my phone so it's hard to read the gore thing as well as talk on this. But there was one line I really liked in the proposal said something like "all you've got to do is make a wish" and then genius
So I think it sounds pretty cool what you're doing. I just wonder, like, is it something, like just normy users will be able to use as a sort of almost like a replacement for TerraScope? So see I'm trying to search for
wallets they're interacting with as report like as report whales is that something I'll be able to use genie for just for like kind of like my own research not actually wanting to use the genie product or is that sort of going to be behind a paywall or is it just not possible
Yep, good question. We actually still forget what we want to do on
kind of the front end piece with regards to data because if we build the robots and up data and then theory could do something like a flip side a dude, but not sure if we want to go down that track. We have just do the everything right because
It's multiple steps. First is either you could give people users raw data to use. Or you could give something that you could further abstract the data, give them something actionable, you digest the data, give them something super readable. And then I guess the last part is you could give something that users could
just transact directly based on the data. I guess what we are trying to do is the letter where you see that once you create a contract, basically you are really doing some segmentation of users. But in theory, could you do it?
Yes, but yeah, I'm not sure that's the long term. I'm not sure we want to be like displacing task. I think it's a great product. What were they doing there? And I think they would they're probably building up to further improve tax Laura. We be ourselves use it. So Yeah, I think we have more concern about
How do you make it easy for people to actually transact based on data? So we are looking to play in that transaction layer. I'll say a question on how anyone can use the tool. Yeah, they treat the one-to-use cases it's give away. So because again on the three pieces
which is like eligibility, CTA and rewards. Let's say it's your birthday, right, today and you're like for fun, I'm gonna put up $100 into this contract. No eligibility, anyone could do it, but the one obviously you'll be civil, right? Or like eventually you'll be like more
features that you can do stuff like filter based on wallet age. Obviously if the wallet is created they can't clean it but yeah you could set something like no eligibility you could set what a one dollar call to action as none as well and then you set one dollar reward first come first of 100 people
So if you put 100 bucks in, 100 people could draw down until there's nothing left. So this is like, we're trying to think how to make the platform a bit fun, a bit social. I mean, you could do this for project-gift-aways. If you are content creator, you could do this or fun. And obviously, we are looking
to distribute not just like CW20 tech tokens, but potentially like NFTs as well. So like for example, the positive 5, first, whatever, first 5 people who hit this criteria, they qualify, they can go and claim it, right? Make things a bit fun.
Cool, thanks for that response. Yeah, it sounds pretty exciting, very, very exciting. I just wonder if there was some way, I mean you've talked a lot about web2 stuff as well, it'd be
it'd be really cool to somehow integrate like Genie with then also, I don't know some social media stuff like if people have satisvites are in criteria with their terror wallet but then also
tweeted about coin haul or whatever the project is that's being promoted and somehow integrated that, I don't know how that would work but that would kind of be cool for bringing even more publicity to the stuff that's being promoted.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no totally bad point. We did consider stuff like that. Right. So this could be executed through potentially like integration with gleam. I think most web free platform use gleam for the social part.
I mean currently everything we do now is like web-tree native so we have close yeah we don't have any personal identifiers for users as of now right so if you look at the client. How platform now you can connect wallet you can trade you can receive our
price alerts true telegram but we do that via a chat ID so we don't even know that oh oh this is rebel setting this recurring price alert and like three bucks for fall now we we don't know right because it's it's just a chat ID we can't identify you that's how we've been keeping it so far
to I guess along the ethos of every yeah the war friend we allow for unique identifiers personal identifiers yeah that's a different game so yeah where we will see we'll see
Solid question, Rebel. Exponent Mark, would you like to try again, Sir?
I'm wondering if Mark perhaps accidentally hit the speaker button and was then brought up and is not even listening to the conversation or has
The hands full.
But while we are wondering whether or not Xperna Mark will chop up, the invite still stands. If you listen to this conversation, you're enjoying it. We'd like to ask a question. I think Rebel might have something else there. I just want to share, guys, you're in Singapore.
just knows, right? I mean I know Jules off Jets saying all over the world but primarily your best and Singapore is there right? Yep we're best and Singapore. Awesome right I'm heading out to that way not necessarily Singapore but possibly Singapore do you guys love Julian?
Well, you don't know, maybe I'll come to Singapore and we can have some durian together. That'd be fun.
to please them. We've been also trying to run more like meet up and stuff, get builders together to come together. So yeah, feel free just just ping us here. That's about like the diagram whenever you're in the country.
Love it. We've got Max Callisto, who is ready to rock and roll.
Maybe not ready, but.
getting ready to rock and roll max. You got a question there? Hey guys. How are you doing? Hello. Yeah. So congrats for having also passed. I think there's one of the few three other reasons that I can actually join during
So basically, I just wanted to know whether you guys are actually looking for genealogy, being distributing rewards across chain around cosmos. Just as a question itself, it's more towards like, if the call to
action is situated on Terra and you would like to distribute rewards in, I don't know, perhaps in Juno. Is this something that's possible in your roadmap or is it something that it's technical from a tech perspective that's not makes sense at all?
Yep, great question. Thank you for the perspective. It's possible.
Product wise, yeah, we don't do you want to do it cross chain, right? So you can see the proposal that we put up this for for historic data. We're going to accommodate both Tara and Tara classic because
couple of use cases we do see are like let's say tarot classic projects going to migrate over to tarot tool and let's say they want to reward down their early users in tarot classic and obviously based on just duration wise tarot classic has much richer data on wallets right so the question is so
So would you want to distribute rewards on Let's say Juneau for some behavior on tarot? Yeah. Why not? And it's possible. I think when we created a product or kind of conceptualizing it, we were also thinking a lot more of kind of fluidity of users and user acquisition. So it could be like,
That's a new, again, new money market on Terra and you want to target like the biggest one on like Cosmos Hub or something, right? Or let's say a Dex trying to target 10% of users on another change in common Dex. It should be possible, right?
So yeah, we are building towards it. But the complexity is per chain. Yeah, the data files know jokes because per chain for application. Yeah, it's all different. It's like we are trying to solve it.
we have taken some time to adjust our infrastructure to accommodate the trade and cost-mores in general. More specifically, more cost-mores space. I don't think you'll see EVM stuff on our roadmap anytime soon.
Yeah, it's still like each new chain, each new integration is you kind of have to do the work, you can skip it. Even like for us, even every new Dex integration, we have to do it individually.
Right, so from a data engineering perspective, say for example, mask protocol, the site's launch antenna, I guess. Is that going to be quite a lot of work from the back end, at least from a quite a whole perspective, because as the protocol skills, they might work on a back end perspective, they will scale.
It will. I don't think that's a unique solution. That's why the data part you to be super honest. A lot of web TV people just try to all like projects. There's a faster path to wealth and riches.
some tokens, some like TV or transaction based metric and like it looks like oh the project super successful right people the data part is like super hard to run away from it is like you have to put in the man hours and engineering resource so that one yeah that that's why we are better to put it
Go through all this effort to do this and hopefully people can use it as public goods. So even for like super basic use cases that you're just a small shop or like content creator just trying to distribute rewards, it should be like easy for you to do it. We just want to abstract all the data.
Yes, TLDR, no running away from the work. That's why we're trying to hire more engineers as well. Because one chain alone is no joke. And we are trying to do multiple chains. Awesome. Awesome. All right. Great. Thanks.
Thanks for your question, they're max. Quick question for you, Joe. Is this already something that is being done well on, you know, it's not currently happening within this ecosystem, but is it being done well elsewhere?
If you mean in other ecosystems, I don't think people have taken the approach that we've taken. I think people approach the identity play, the performance marketing play, all different. So you see platforms that are trying to
like some Google ads or like Google Display Network type of product. So that one is more like push like pushing ads, right? Then other people approaching like identity reputation, UC, folks like let's say Galaxy that do stuff like oh, based on your historic transaction, you can mint this and then
But I think we are trying to like go directly into the transaction layer itself, like based on this data, okay, can you with a few clicks just already distribute the tokens to the end the user wallet, right, not like or export data.
We've been doing the XBOX CSV, we wrangle it, take a couple more days. We wanted to interact directly with the platform and hands directly with end users. So I don't think there's people approaching the same way. Yeah, I'm digging into the identity part. We also not.
It's like a team on being like laborers of wallets like we don't want to like categorize like this wallet as like a good or bad wallet because that's super subjective right. Instead we are trying to use like metrics, it make it metric space which is like objective right because let's
based on your wallet's historic data, it's a fact that you've transacted like $10,000 worth on this deck. That one's a fact. No one, we are not saying is that good behavior, is that bad behavior? Is this like a useful member of the community? We
We don't want to get into all these. We just want to be like objective that okay, you indeed have transacted X volume. You indeed hold this token or you indeed like the wallet was indeed created for the wallet screech is like 180X all these are factual. So we want to kind of
within the identity space without being like a centralized party that labels good or bad wall of behavior. So that one, yeah, I think that's a pretty important
that we will kind of want to make clear to the community. Yeah, we don't want to play juxtaple. We just want to make the data like easily accessible and easy for a project to act on this data.
make sense to me. I'm just looking down at the bottom of the wallpaper and you'd written something about the intent is to make this public good, it will be free. So I'm curious to know some of your ideas.
years around there will be options as well for revenue generation, for coin haul through this through the genie. I'm curious to know what what avenues you might be looking at.
I think it's like a free, we see kind of like a free meal product. So like there will be a free generous here that if you are, let's say a content creator looking to do something like simple, or like your project trying to do a like very simple campaign, it could
be free or very cheap. Versus a big project that's trying to do this super complicated campaign. There's a lot of criteria involved. Maybe they even need us to do some custom data processing. Yeah, that debt.
We would like you need to to charge some fees for that, but yeah, so it's kind of free mail similar to like I guess Okay coin hall now is like basically free we even up the tier to like a very generous free tier you could access like everything on coin hall hall
also has zero fees, you can use alerts and everything. But for the Gini product, if it's super complicated, like an enterprise type user quote unquote, then we'll probably work out some monetization there.
And the other than that, the platform should be free to access for most. And on the users, and yeah, literally if you qualify for the reward, you can click it and claim the reward. Yeah, that part's like free for the end user. Right. Right. And what else?
in a minute. We'll just sort of swing the last part of the conversation towards coinhall itself in a minute, but just before we get to that point. Any partnerships, collaborations, any other projects getting involved with Genie specifically or this is a solo operation.
I think whenever running campaigns that the one definitely will be projects running the campaign. I was quite proud to like the food out one. G platform like let's say we want to encourage more usage for products like all swap. We could run out one campaign.
Every other project, especially in the early phase, you would try to really understand what their needs are and identify their objectives, then book them to craft or campaign that's most beneficial to the project owners, the community.
So of course if you have such needs feel free to contact us as early as possible so that we can factor in. We love to talk to as many projects as possible just to see what we are building in line with the dead needs.
right and now shifting towards the Hall swap itself. You've written some things here about it at recent weeks. You said in parallel to building genie, we remain
submitted to building out a superior trading experience. The whole swap V3 algo will ensure users obtain the best prices through optimized tradesplits and routing. Can you give us some details on V3?
Yep. Okay, so for those unfamiliar, some inspiration from Yuni Sub also has V1, V2, V3. So, a bit of background. Our V1 was actually UI aggregation. So when we first launched V1 at the time for Terra Classic, there were
I think six Dexes. So there was like a support, Tarraswap, Tfm had a Dex then. There's Tarrafloky and Prism. Yeah, that's six Dexes. So it was kind of front end. V1 was just fun and integration. So by a single UI,
you could execute on any of these Dexas. V2 we did some price optimization so when you do trade splitting so for example you are trying to buy, then we will
So try to buy loons. Let's say you want to buy like $10,000 worth of, we would get you better prices by splitting it, because so that you suffer less price impact. So for example, 80% would go to S-report, 20% would go via Tauruswalk.
then that would give you the best overall exchange rate. So for B3, we do not just trade splitting, we would do trade splitting and rail thing. So for example, let's say you're trying to swap two tokens that don't have a direct pair. So for example, like
like TPPT, the tariff poker token versus some prison or state of derivative, we would then like rob and if necessary split the trade such that you can get the best price. That's me tree.
super cool, super cool. And so we've got, I'm just looking at the time, it's about 12 minutes here. So if you are sitting on the sideline and you go have some questions that are still sitting in the back of your mind, this is an invite, you've got about 12 minutes here to muster up the courage to jump up. And just
one thing I wanted to clear up anyone that is listening or may have just jumped on the call. This is how the experience will be with Jeannie as simple as this and this is a direct report from the one type of here where it says "Imagine if you're a protocol and you are wanting to destroy
the rewards, you have the ability to customize it and say, "I wish to target the top 10% of Astroport Wallets based on their historic transaction volume," which would be the wallet eligibility part of it. If they swap, say more than $1,000 worth on a Dex in the next seven days.
I feel like that little paragraph on the thing could really just succinctly and concisely summarizes what Genie is all about. Now you guys have a few things going on. So quite a lot more than meets the eye.
you do validating so you are you know your dex like a guy that you do and let it to chart to validate and of course you got june coming on right how do you stay on top of all of this you got to put a team of twelve people how you all just you're swimming like mad or how do you know you're
attracting engineers and hiring them with a kinglock e-d that's been our single biggest pain point. So actually most of the team joined us. Yeah, interestingly in May, super close to the DPEC, we literally had some like
for engineers coming and on their third day, it was a strategy pack. So they were already seeing us like going to like war mode. Yeah, I mean, how do we be on top of everything? We try our best to identify like what's the biggest need in the market and then adjust our product roadmap accordingly.
So if like we see it like that say there's another Clear really fulfilling this certain gap and oh Let's say all these other projects have this new have have this problem that still unsolved we would try to back up them, but Yeah, ultimately we just want to create like a good user experience for someone
for all on on web free, right, specifically within Terra within Cosmos. So ideally you should be able to do like a number of things on the coin hard application. So we started mainly with trading type use cases. So that was like price charts. So recurring price alert giving you alerts where new
I created on any decks. So from there, I think as Web Tree and the site, the innovation cycle evolves, I think we will try to evolve as well because, yeah, I think for now, people are still doing a lot of speculation, still doing a lot of trading, right? So that's where a bulk of the
interest and user activity is. But let's say in months and years, let's say it's a lot more social. It's a lot more, yeah, people want to interact here to peer versus like just user versus protocol. You might see our platform evolve and encompass a bunch of these things.
Yeah, I'm just trying to say how it all rolls out over time and I'm very impressed by what you guys are all doing. I did have to chuckle as you said. You had people jumping jumping onto the team three days before the D-Pegots. That really is about as about as trial by far as it gets.
I wouldn't experience that with a bean. But what I'm going to do here is just put a little call to action out. So anyone that is listening, if you're not already following coin hall, definitely go and do that. There's also got a telegram group. You can join that. Where else can people find you?
Twitter, Telegram, those two are the main ones. You can talk in the group chat, you could ping us directly. Yeah, we're pretty open.
You could check out a platform, you could use the platform to check a price chart, you want to summon a platform, set alerts, interact with our board and so on. That's quite hard, that's quite hard.
So just confirming you said coinhole
underscore bot and that's on discord. That is on telegram. On telegram coinhole underscore bot on telegram. So if you're not following coinhole underscore bot on telegram, you're doing yourself a disservice. Also, I'm just curious that I could really had
Jovella on chitchat for a mere moment halfway through the call and I did catch my main man, Rebel saying that Jovella is being jet-setting. Curious to know Jovella, where have been some of your highlight destinations in recent times?
this and was my favorite actually. Because I got to meet most of the our ex-tower, our tarot view this day as well. Hey I was in Lisbon just a few weeks ago to great little place. Did you make it a little further north up to Porto Gwani chance?
I'm glad that you enjoyed your
yourself to anyone. I mean, I'm in Brisbane or near Brisbane in Australia, so I'll never so out of the planet.
find yourself in Brisbane, give it a call and I'll give you a tour or something like that. In the meantime, I'm going to do a quick look through. Is there any other notes that I had? Nothing really. Are there anything that you want to let the people know before we sort of wrap it up? Anything that we didn't cover?
I think Joseph actually went and answered every single question that could have been asked today. Yeah, it did a phenomenal job. I really appreciate you taking the time to go over the journey that is being let out of the bottle for anyone that wants more info on that again. I've dropped
a few times right at the call, like go to .money, you'll be able to find the proposal there and timeline just to give you all the rundown on that one again, it is going to be fully in action by 2022. 2022 is that right? Launch
genie v1 for public use December January so that's looking like it's going to be rolling out then yep it's going to be busy one and a half months more haha well if you need any assistance if there's anything that overall command can do to help you just you know reach out let us know always happy to be a assistance
where we can in this space. Hopefully everyone that was listening tonight got something valuable out of the call, learned something that they didn't know beforehand. That is the purpose of these calls. If you enjoy the spaces, always encourage you to like and share them. Let other people find them. And we do have more coming up this Sunday. We've got, sadly Sunday, I think, or Sunday Monday we've got.
We've got Cardo money, we've got a call, we've got Skip Protocol coming up and we've got another Skeleton, Skeleton, Skeleton, Cunks and now it's meant to do a lot happening in the next week on OEC Twitter Spaces. Until then, I wish you all
Well, I hope you look up yourselves and stay out of the rugs that are ever present in the scams in crypto always practice safety first and to Joella and Joseph Thank you for your time energy next week. It's been an absolute pleasure. Thanks for having us. Thank you. Bye.

FAQ on @coinhall_org are coming by to talk about Q4 on #Terra + MORE | Twitter Space Recording

Who is Dr. Dahl and what is their role?
Dr. Dahl is a speaker on the Obertal command account, introducing speakers and kicking off the podcast.
What is the main topic of discussion for the podcast?
The main topic of discussion is Coin Haul's rewards distribution platform, Genie.
What is Genie?
Genie is a rewards distribution platform that combines wallet reputation identity and targeted marketing campaigns, making it simple for projects to distribute rewards to targeted wallets.
What are the three components that make up Genie?
The three components are wallet criteria, call to action, and rewards mechanism.
What is a claim-based smart contract?
A claim-based smart contract is a contract created by the project owner on the Genie platform, which wallets can lock into and use to claim rewards once they've completed the call to action.
What problems in web 3 inspired the creation of Genie?
One problem was the instability of reward distribution. Other pain points were the difficulty of wrangling on-chain data and the fact that many projects don't have their own data indexed.
What were the highlights of Coin Haul's monthy active users and transaction volume stats?
Coin Haul's monthly active users peaked at 120,000 people prior to the usdd peg and the transaction volumes were 1.8 billion.
Where is Coin Haul based?
Coin Haul is mostly based in Singapore.
What is the Obertal command account's role in the podcast?
The Obertal command account is hosting the podcast and introducing the speakers.
Can listeners ask questions during the podcast?
Yes, listeners are welcome to come up for a chat and ask questions later in the conversation.