Recorded: March 15, 2024 Duration: 4:51:46



hello how we all doing we all good
looking forward to tonight's space
over 15 projects tonight it's going to be good
but anyway grubber how are you doing
yeah i'm doing all right i've got my
I've got a glass of wine, pack of mini gems, my notes and you, so we need loads of projects
coming up speaking and we'll be good, wouldn't we?
Exactly that.
No, that's absolutely perfect, that's what we want.
I've had a glass of wine myself, I do need a top-up but I've got a rum and coke as well
on the go.
So I think we're ready.
I think we're good.
Do you want me to deal with the requests?
Yeah, please get them up, I think you've got the list as well with all the projects.
So yeah, we should be good, get everybody up here.
Like I say, we just give it five minutes just to allow some more people in.
But yeah, if you're one of the projects that's going to be speaking tonight, send her a question,
we'll get you up when we can.
Obviously, at times we've dropped some people down as well, but yeah, no, I'm hoping it's
going to be a real good space, we're going to get some good alpha as well.
I've been told that there's going to be a little bit of alpha from a few projects, I'm
not going to say who, so definitely worth sticking around for, unless I see who's got the alpha
But yeah, no, just looking forward to it, like I say, we've got these giveaways to do
We've got Grazo with his questions, obviously because we've got so many of you, we're
not going to go diving in depth like we can do.
I know me and Grazo have done a few spaces in the past where we really do dive into projects
and find out about everything that they're doing.
We find out about the founders as well, what their backgrounds are, and just again,
their interests.
But I say tonight, it's all about just finding that new project for the community members
out there, you know, who's looking for what different types of projects.
And that's what we're doing tonight, and then we're all going to hopefully win some
prizes as well.
That's the idea.
I think we all know about these types of spaces anyway.
So yeah, what do you think, shall we just crack on, shall I just start talking about
Collab Center whilst we've got a little bit of time whilst people are coming in?
And again, while you're all in here, look, I don't often ask for much from people,
but let's share the space out, let's help all the projects that are coming in.
The more people we get in the space, the more people we can deliver the info to.
So keep those emojis going, keep sharing that space.
And if you're a part of one of the projects tonight, I want to see their artwork.
Post one of their NFTs, if you hold one, post it in the comments, let's see it,
you know, show your support for these projects.
That's what it's about.
So yeah, Grazio, have you got anything to add to that?
Just make sure any project that comes up, posts something up top, because it's a recorded space
and people listen to it after, it's gold dust putting stuff up the top there, because they
do click on them.
Oh, for sure.
That's why I've instantly got ours up there.
And I say, and that's for the giveaway that we're going to be doing.
And I do believe we've got a marble NFT that we'll be giving away tonight.
And I'll get on to that in a minute.
But let's have a look.
Let's see who we've got in the room.
We've got outside Yacht Club, we've got True Dope, we've got Porpula, we've got Micro Pets,
Solana Heroes, Dragons of Eden, now who else we've got, we've got Gunner as well from
Hound Four.
We've got plenty of people coming in as well.
We've got Luna Dolls in here, we've got Crypt Social Club holders.
It's great to see all these people coming in, to be fair, it's nice that I'm excited.
I've had a couple of beers as well, so I am ready for this tonight.
So, look, let's not miss a bout.
I'm going to crack on and tell you about Collab Center and what's going on with us.
So I've got some alpha for everybody anyway.
So I've been working hard in the background, and all the founders know now as well about
this, but basically we've been working on a subscription plan.
It's been a long time coming, so originally this is our plan from the beginning.
We've helped so many projects, and I don't know if you've actually seen, we wrote a
story about Crypt Social Club, and they went out in our newsletter about their success
And when they first came to us, it was previously a rugged project, and killer blessing, he's
taken it on, come to us, and he's now grown it into this huge project.
And like I said, we just love seeing this, that's what Collab Center is about.
But let me go into things, that's a little bit of alpha, but we'll go into that in
a minute.
So Collab Center, we started this up, what, almost a year and a half ago, it will
be two years in, I think at the end of August, but we've been going, we've slowly built
up this incredible community, and basically we wanted to get more eyes onto projects.
We've got so many projects out there that are doing so many good things, but they
just don't get seen, and that was one of the first things that we sort of recognized.
The next thing that we recognized as well, we wanted it to be a safe place.
As we all know, we are sick of the scammers, there's too many of them out there.
So we wanted to get the best projects into Collab Center, so we started our vetting process.
We've then gone from there, we've then started what we call the highlights, and that includes
the superstar, the entertainer, and the mint of the month.
It was the mint of the week, it's now the mint of the month, I'll explain that
in a minute, but this is all about getting eyes onto projects.
So the superstar, we create content for the projects, and we put it all out onto Twitter
or onto X.
We've had some really, really good results with that, so the videos that we've created
have gone out there, and it's reached some really big projects.
I know of some of the Collab Center projects who have had this done, have had these
big projects reach out, and then their community members have come into their projects as well
and invested.
So the content that we've created has really worked.
We've then got the entertainer, now we're in Discord, that's where we play our games,
and for every game that's played, that game is brought to you by the entertainer.
And so we're constantly advertising your project for every game that we're playing.
And again, it's a good way to get eyes onto your business or project, and what we tend to
do is we have what's called a Discord hook, and it's just an incentive to get people
to come into your server.
So for example, Salty Sharks have pieces of eight, which is their currency, and so they
will offer anyone who comes in from Collab Center eight pieces of eight.
And it's just that little welcoming gift, I suppose, for when people come in.
So that's the entertainer.
We've then got the Mint of the Month, which is pretty self-explanatory.
We highlight a project that's currently minting.
And again, we've seen some good results with that one, and yeah, it's pretty simple.
We just advertise that on X as a graphic that goes out.
So that's sort of the highlights.
We've then got the Exchange.
Now for every game that we're playing within Collab Center, you're earning CC coins.
We've then got the Exchange, which is our shop, which is filled with NFTs from all the
projects within Collab Center.
And the demand for the NFTs at different projects varies, and so we're constantly
updating it.
In fact, I've been organizing some more NFTs to go into the Exchange today.
I'll be updating that hopefully over the weekend, so keep an eye out on the Exchange.
We actually added in some simply 256, and they went in last week.
So definitely log on to our website, have a look in the Exchange, and you'll see everything
that's within the shop.
But talking about the shop, let's hit you with some statistics.
I struggled to say that then.
So last year, when we started it up, it was back in February.
So we started in February, and then I think it was December, we looked back on the year.
And we actually sold five NFTs every month from the shop.
And the value of those NFTs, it was around $2,000.
So it was over 60 NFTs we had sold, and that's within a 10-month period.
So again, that just shows the results that people are getting by putting their NFTs
into the Exchange.
It's a great tool to use to advertise your project.
The other thing as well is we don't price them up, so then it's just easy to get an
NFT and flip it.
The other thing as well, you have to be a holder of our community, of Collab Center, to
be able to purchase these NFTs.
So again, these people that are looking to buy and get into these projects are really
doing their research.
They're really looking into them, and they're not looking for a quick flip.
And that's the one thing that we sort of pride ourselves on, is that we've been able
to establish this nice balance.
And as far as I know, there's only been a few NFTs that have been purchased, that have
been sold, which is fine.
People are allowed to sell their NFTs, as you'll see from our code of conduct.
I'll go into that in a minute.
So that's the Exchange.
We then have our Embassy channels.
So the Embassy channels, that's where you can advertise your projects.
And so again, we've had great results with this.
We then also update the projects on the most active Embassy channels every month.
This is done in the Founders Server that we have.
And like I say, every month it is changing, which is great to see.
So it means that the Founders are all utilizing those Embassy channels.
It means that the community members are looking into these Embassy channels, and they're
finding their new projects.
So that's the Embassy channels, and like I say, another great tool to get eyes onto
your business with projects.
We then got our code of conduct.
So I mentioned that when we first started this, we wanted to make this a nice, safe place
and keep it as secure as we could for Founders.
And so we've now recently, it was only released last month, a code of conduct.
Now this is the code that all projects will follow.
So if you want to be a part of Collab Center, you have to agree to this code of conduct.
And it's just a way, even Collab Center ourselves, we've had to adjust how we are set up so that
we can comply with this code of conduct.
And it's just a simple tool that we've been using.
So then everybody knows where they stand.
So community members can see this now, and they understand what the expectations are from
The projects understand what's expected of them to be a part of Collab Center.
This is just the first stage of us making Web3 change.
We need this to be able to change Web3 to make it a better place for everybody.
That's my personal belief here.
Some people may disagree with our code of conduct, but that's fine.
Like I say, I'm here to try and change the way that we all think.
And I want us all to be in a nice, safe, secure place when we're looking at Web3 and NFTs.
Again, we want to avoid these scammers.
So this is a great tool to use to filter out them.
And again, with the community members, you can now see those expectations.
So you can now report a project as well to Collab Center.
So if you feel that there's a project out there that's not performing or complying
with this code, then you can report them to us and we can investigate.
So like I said, there's now some expectations for everybody involved, and we can all understand
each other and where we're at.
If a project does get reported and we look into it and we feel that something isn't right,
we will just approach them and just say, look, you're not complying here or we feel that
you can make a few adjustments just to make things a little bit better and a bit more
transparent for everybody.
So we won't be just going straight in, going home and going, right, you're off.
We like to give people a chance and let them adjust and tweak because that's what
we're all doing in this space.
So that's the code of conduct.
So we've got the whole package there.
That's Collab Center.
I've tried to summarize it as best as I can.
There's so much going on within there.
So we've got the networking side of things as well.
We've got all the collabs that are happening.
So yeah, so much involved with everything that we do.
So let me talk about the subscription service.
So this is now a new thing that we're moving to.
This is especially for the founders.
But this, again, is just another tool that's going to be used to filter out anybody that's
looking to scam.
Obviously, scammers aren't going to be looking to pay.
So we get people into the subscription service.
We've got a few packages, we've got a basic, a premium, a highlight, and then we've got
the NARAF merch as well.
So NARAF joined us recently, they merged into our server.
And again, it's just been a really good partnership.
It means we've got another founder that's working within our Discord server, which means, obviously,
any scammers that come in and try and send their links or anything like that, they can't
do it anyway.
We've got all the security in place, but it also just means that we've got another
person, another founder there that can see these people quickly, identify them and remove
them as well.
So that's one of the perks that we've had, but it's also just this relationship that
we've built.
Like I said, we've built a really good partnership and we've now come together where we are both
offering this subscription service.
So you can now get the NARAF merchandise shop built for you.
And also you get into Collab Center with a basic pass.
So there's things like that going on.
I'm not going to go on too much about it, because that's more for the founders.
I want everybody to be aware that this is the recent changes that we are making in the
So although I may not be that active within the community server at times, I'm still about,
I'm still working hard and I'm still adjusting, tweaking and creating all for the projects
And I say, this is all to help projects thrive.
With this, we make a nice, secure place.
We get more eyes onto projects and we see the growth and the success happening with every
Like I say, the last, the last write up was about Crypt Social Club.
However, there are several projects that I can name just now that are all growing or succeeding.
And I think they're going to be the next big project out there.
All the projects we get into Collab Center, personally, if I wouldn't bring them in if
I'm not happy to invest in them.
So anyway, that's Collab Center, I've gone on far too long.
Grazo, have you got any questions to throw at me or is anybody else?
Well, I probably need to set up a four hour space to try and talk about what you've just
So, but I will try and summarize it.
You're supposed to have 19 speakers tonight.
I've invested in 11 of them, mainly, well, simply because of Collab Center.
And there's four people in the audience, projects that I've invested in and probably
six of them are because I've got them out of one of the projects shops and then checked
them out. After I get into the project, it's down to the projects to show what they've
got. And, you know, that depends on how much people invest.
But all I want to really just say is that forget about bull market, bear market and
meme coins and, you know, trends of the time.
The fact that you're extremely professional, borderline boring professional in the nicest
possible way, says a lot about the way that you run your Collab Center.
And you need to take a lot of heart from that because the way you organize it, the
way what you do is tremendous.
And there's a lot of holders that I know that do move around a lot of projects there.
You could potentially have your own ecosystem without needing any bull market and bear
market won't exist if you all have a togetherness within the Collab Center because
you'll just be swapping within projects, which gives your whole ecosystem.
It's like your own chain.
All I'd ask projects and founders to think about is the fact that if you go and
approach a company with an IRL idea or something else, you might get shut down
because they'll, you know, a lot of people get the doors shut.
You could go and say we've got 50,000 holders within all our projects and you are
an organization. So you've got a much bigger chance.
And I, I think really I look, I look to two, three years time, not next week.
And I think if a lot of people put their horizons a little bit further out, you've
got the potential of doing some amazing things.
So I'd say keep on doing what you're doing.
I agree with everything you said.
I love the fact that hold new holders and I can introduce people into your
community, knowing that 99% of all your projects are safe.
They've been vetted.
There's a lot of scams out there.
There's a lot of people rugs.
There's a lot of, lots of things going on and you've got a huge advantage.
All I'd, all I'd ask everybody, including you, Watsy, is just use that to your
full advantage because you've got a real good opportunity here to make
something amazing.
And I've been supporting you for, well, a year and a half and I've seen it
change a lot, but some of the fundamentals haven't changed at all, which
is the support.
Use what you've got.
I look at those embassy channels.
Every time a notification pops up, I'm in there checking it out.
I'm not brilliant in general chat, but I do watch everything.
So just keep doing what you're doing and the, and the right projects, the
people who really want to support and get something out of it as well, will
follow you to the ends of the earth because the promotion that you do for
people is unparalleled, seriously.
Um, and it gets a lot of traction.
I just think you need a bit more of a whole togetherness and have one direction
where you're all going in and you'll all be successful.
I can promise you that.
Preacher those words, mate.
No, no, nice one.
That's, uh, yeah, like I said, we've, we've got so much happening in the
background, so many people were talking to, um, and like I said, I think the
one thing for me that I think stands out for the collab center is the fact
that we do keep an eye on projects.
And again, I'm always trying to keep up up to date with what's going on within them.
And at times we've, we've removed projects.
We've turned away so many projects as well.
Um, that have turned out to be scams, which is great.
Um, that's always nice and rewarding for me.
Um, but yeah, we say we keep on top of things as best we can.
We're always monitoring and we're always, like I say, it's all about in the best
interest of our community and everybody would have been there, but also within
the founders as well.
Um, that's the thing I care for everybody.
I think that's the key there, but no, can we move on and
talk to some people now, please.
That's what I'm going to say.
Let's move on here.
We got coming up next.
So I've been, I've got your spreadsheet, see more professionalism.
I've been, uh, I've been highlighting them as they're coming up.
So we got NOS, poor pillar, micro pets, lucky labs, dragons of Eden.
So I think, um, maybe go in the order that they come up, it'd be quite
handy because poor pillar has been here and then micro pets for quite a while.
So, um, don't want to bore him, but maybe poor pillar and then micro pets.
Have we got, hold on.
It's not seen first.
Should we get NOS up?
Cause I think, no, he wasn't even first.
He come up third.
Don't I see everything.
I told you I'll see everything.
Grazer take over.
Go for it, mate.
You're in charge now.
Well, no, not really.
Um, all right.
Well, let's talk to poor pillar.
Hello everyone.
What's going on?
How is everyone doing?
I'm doing well.
Thank you very much.
Great space so far.
Thanks for having us.
Uh, I mean, NOS can go first.
I have no problems with that.
If you signed up first, I'm okay with it.
Otherwise I can go first.
Oh, you go first.
Okay, awesome.
Thank you so much for having us.
Uh, my name is Billy dagger.
I'm the founder of popular.
Uh, we started popular in 2013 as a global platform for animal lovers, mainly to share
information, pet parenting tips, including adoption and lost pets.
We grew to almost a hundred thousand users on web two and we're based in Canada.
So around three years ago, we transitioned into the web three NFT space.
We are on polygon and we are focusing on animal welfare.
Our first step towards our web three vision is a walk to earn game of five app, which
is available currently on Android and iOS.
It's a free app.
The app promotes healthy lifestyles for pets and their owners.
So the way the app works is it's a free app.
You take two daily walks, each lasting 30 minutes with your pets and you earn
five tokens and you can, and if you walk by yourself for 10,000 steps, you
earn another five tokens, so that's a total of 10 tokens a day.
So you can walk one pet without NFT.
So anyone can download the app and walk without acquiring an NFT, but
for five additional pets, so like myself, I have four pets, I can acquire
three additional NFTs and I can walk all my pets at the same time and
earn a multiplier for tokens.
You would need an additional NFTs for those.
So they are the pop pets, go call our NFTs, which are
available hopefully next month, some key features for our community.
So for pet parents, you can share and transfer ownership of your pets.
The reason for that is you're sharing ownership of your pets.
If you can't walk your pets today and a family member can do it for you, even
if you own the NFTs, they'll do it and they'll earn the same amount
of tokens as you would yourself.
You can create NFTs of your pets.
We're working on that right now and it'll be available hopefully in a month.
So you'll be able to create NFTs of your pets by connecting the app to our website.
You can create avatar NFTs of your pets, 3D NFTs that will live on the
blockchain forever, even if your pets pass away.
You can maintain all your pet records, all powered by the blockchain.
You can engage in giveaways, physical and digital giveaways, and as well,
we'll eventually have ads on the platform and their profit sharing ads,
50-50 with our community, but you can turn them off if you don't like.
So if you don't want to see any ads, they're very easy to turn them off.
You'll never see ads in your life.
So a key feature for businesses to create a circular economy.
So we have a business NFT section.
With that, we invite pet service providers to join our platform through business NFTs.
They can offer their services to our community.
We give them a platform to run their business or essential tools, you know,
taking payments in cryptocurrency and fiat, running your team, looking
appointments and, you know, uh, invoicing all included within that NFT.
And as well, they can create their own utility NFTs as well.
We have a social impact section that's available for non-profits.
So non-profits organizations can list non-popular.
They don't need an NFT, but they go through a manual process just to
make sure they're actually legitimate.
With that, we give them a platform to accept donations in
cryptocurrency and NFTs.
They'll start with accepting, you know, popular tokens and, um, polygon.
And eventually they'll be able to accept NFTs and any future cryptos that
will be, you know, accepting on our platform as well.
They can, they can create their own utility NFTs and regular NFTs as well.
We have an adoption section that we're bridging over from web two.
This time it's only available for non-profit organizations.
Uh, with that, our users can support for that, can support the adoption fees.
So anyone can pay for anyone's adoption fees using any cryptocurrency or any,
you know, any NFTs in the future as well.
All adoptions are recorded on the blockchain for transparency reasons.
As well, we have an assisting animals in need anywhere in the world.
You've seen, you see an animal that's need, that needs help.
All you have to do is take a pic, drop a pin and an alert gets triggered
out to anyone that's willing to help either by donating their time or their funds.
Last but not least, we have a physical tracker that we put together, two
types of trackers that we're working on.
Uh, hopefully we get that delivered second quarter this year.
So the trackers are ultra wide band and GPS.
The ultra wide band is a cheaper one that connects to, um, you know,
an Apple network, so, you know, uh, we, uh, we will have access to the
Apple network by paying them a fee to get on there with that.
We can, we'll be able to connect our tracker to any iPhone that's close to our pets.
So if you ever lose a pet, you send an alert, uh, the tracker starts, you
know, the, your app starts tracking the tracker and I would think to any Apple
phone that's anywhere in the world, that's close to your tracker on top of
that, what the tracker does is connects your NFTs to your pets.
So by doing that, and now we know you actually walk in your pet, you learn
more rewards in the form of NFTs.
These NFTs can be a pet visit, a growing visit, or any NFTs from other projects as well.
And the tracker has a monitor's pet activity level.
So distance taken, daily steps, all that stuff, active minutes, all included there.
It has a built-in NFC.
So if anybody finds your pet, they can scan the QR code on there and they'll
take some to our website when they're there to scan the NFC.
Every time the NFC is scanned, the owner of that pet gets a notification
of the location of that particular pet.
So that's an ultra-wide ban.
We have a GPS as well.
So ultra-wide ban is a little different.
There's no monthly fees, but it doesn't have a, as big a reach of GPS.
The GPS, uh, we're working on that as well.
It will be AI powered, the GPS, because it's going to have a heart rate
and sleeping pattern monitoring.
So with that, we can actually figure out, you know, a few pets, uh, you
know, heart rate has changed, sleeping patterns has changed.
Um, and you know, this will, from steps as well, we'll know that
they're not walking as much and we'll, we'll be able to alert the owner
of that particular pet to let them know, you know, if they can look at it,
look at, look into it, maybe taking them to a vet and whatnot.
So, so yeah, these are some of the features that we have on Popular.
We have a lot more, but these are some of that, some of those.
The app is available.
It's free app.
We just release our challenges.
We're, you know, they are slowing the app a little bit, the
step challenges that we have on the app.
Uh, but we started upgrading the backend, which is a database.
We'll hope it, hopefully we'll have that done by the end of this month.
That way we'll be ready for, you know, bigger community.
We have over 20,000 downloads so far on the app, so that's very good.
And, uh, yeah, so we're hoping to mint hopefully around, you know, end of April,
early May, by then you'll be able to stick your NFTs on the app.
So that'll be good.
You'll be able to earn more rewards.
So that's what I have.
Thank you so much, guys.
If anybody has any particular questions, they don't want to ask it here.
They can join our discord.
Should I send a message on Twitter or Instagram?
We're always available.
Thank you so much.
Your app's, uh, your app's fantastic.
Um, anyone who's got sweat coin app needs to have popular app.
It's very, very good.
I'm lazy, so I'm never going to win a step challenge, but what I love about it,
I like seeing the other, the other projects in the community is bringing on the
step challenge or seeing every, every week.
There's another one, uh, picks it up, which is very, very good.
Um, I walk, I just try and walk my cat every day.
I don't really, but obviously I'll try and walk my cat every day, but
no, I think, I think you're doing a tremendous job.
I think, uh, the apps really coming on leaps and bounds is very, very simple
to use and, um, and your community and discords very, very active as well.
So, um, there's, there's a hell of a lot of good things to look forward to with
popular and at the end of the day, you're, you're doing it as well.
You know, for a really good cause.
Um, and there's quite a few projects around some in the collab center and
some out that are doing also doing good causes.
So at some point, uh, you know, all of you should probably get together a
little bit because there's some tremendous, um, projects really trying
to make a world difference.
So fair play to you.
I think you're doing great.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for the kind words.
Appreciate that.
And anyone that's wants to connect even, you know, even like if you're not
in the collapse center as well, we're all, we're always happy to connect
with great communities and help each other out.
Thank you so much, guys.
I appreciate that, mate.
It's good to have you on.
And like, as I was saying, I completely agree with it all doing a great job.
Um, and yeah, so I was going to say, Pele, do you want to
pop something up the top there?
Um, are you doing a giveaway as well tonight?
Did you want to do your giveaway now?
Yes, we are doing a giveaway.
I can, I can do that now.
If you'd like, we're actually, we're giving away two NFTs so we can, um, you
know what, maybe I'll just, uh, while, uh, the next speaker is, uh, it's presenting.
I can look at the crowd and then see, and maybe we can do something after.
I feel like a speaker.
If you don't mind.
That's perfect.
Make sure you put something up the top there.
Oh, well, thank you so much.
Also, what's he just letting you know?
So, um, true dope, uh, tried to connect.
I'm not sure whether we've got, um, too many speakers or, or he had a problem
connecting, um, also, if you, if you make sure possibly towards the end, just
leave about five, 10 minutes because I know Caleb wanted to come up and, um,
there might be, I think it would be great if he had, if he just had about
10 minutes at the end for any, any holders or investors that wanted to pop up
and just speak few words, because if I was down there in the audience and I'd,
I'd invested in some of these projects, I'd want to pop up and, and say my bit.
So if there's time, I think that'd be great.
Um, also if at one point anyone, you know, drops down, I can probably bring
someone up, but don't all drop down because then we'd have no one up here.
Um, yeah, no, that sounds good for us.
I'd like to say we, we keep it going.
There's a, yeah, we get some people up here as well.
If anyone's got a question, put your hand up, we'll get you up and you
can ask a question to these projects.
Um, but also if you're, it's up to the projects themselves.
If you've got a little pre-prepared thing like popular, then of course, um, just
read that out and explain your project.
I've, I've, um, I've done, Oh, all I was going to say to popular is can you tell
us about your app and your step challenge?
Cause for me, they're the two most important things and I've done a little
bit of homework and all of them, uh, especially some that I don't know.
Uh, if you haven't got a pre, uh, written sort of little introduction, then, um, I can
always ask you just a couple of brief things about your project that I've
noticed that I'm interested in.
And, uh, if that helps, so it's quite open.
All right.
Sounds good.
Who have we got coming up next?
Micro pets.
Micro pets.
Who we got behind there.
Hello everybody.
This is Moses.
I'm the community manager for micro pets.
How you doing, Moses?
You good, mate?
Oh, I'm doing great, man.
Happy Friday to everybody.
I'm just enjoying a nice, actually, a kind of a gloomier day here in southern
California, but, uh, which is where I'm at, but, uh, but yeah, we're having a
good time and, uh, I had a light work day, um, IRL and, um, I'm ready to hang out
and be with you guys here now.
Did you just say gloomy in California?
You do know we're both in the UK, which is always gloomy the whole year round.
Yeah, no, we, we get, we get about, you know, one week a year of gloomy weather.
No, it's, uh, yeah, I actually, I actually enjoy it.
Um, I like to be cold and, uh, and here where I'm at, it's a lot of the time,
you know, the weather's beautiful, but, uh, sometimes, you know, air conditioning
is definitely needed.
You need to come over to England.
It's always cold here.
No, you, I've been wanting to go down.
Certainly don't come for the weather.
Don't come for the oranges.
You've got enough oranges there.
Come for, I don't know what we grow over here.
What do we go over here?
We'll see just a few little nuts.
Oh yeah, potatoes.
Yeah, it sounds about right.
You know, with the, I guess with the humidity, you know, growing potatoes
with work, I think, um, but, uh, you know, we, we, my family and I, we had
a whole trip planned out, you know, to go over to Europe and different places.
And this was, uh, right when, uh, COVID struck and everything got canceled.
And, you know, we, we haven't, uh, been able to make plans to go back out there.
Uh, so, uh, so that's still, that's still a pipe dream for us.
So, you know, we're, we're going to be working towards that.
No, I see it.
That'll be a good trip when you, when you get down to that one.
But, uh, tell us about micro pets.
Yeah, well, you know, micro pets, um, you know, up for a contention for everybody
listening, you know, we are a project that launched in 2021.
Uh, we have a, uh, long storyline, uh, since then, um, that, uh, fast
forwards to August of last year, where we actually took over the project, uh,
for the community, uh, we have a new owner that, uh, it's, uh,
uh, is doxed, uh, his name is Jesus Zambrano and, uh, myself, uh, my name is Moses again.
I am also doxed.
I'm the community manager.
We have our vice president, uh, Dave, who is doxed.
We have Elliott, who is our core team member.
He's doxed and Steven, who is also doxed our other core team member.
And, um, you know, we've, uh, since August of last year, we've had our sleeves rolled up.
We've been working as many kit, many can relate 24 seven, uh, on the project
since then, and, uh, it's kinda, it's kinda hard to believe that, uh, you
know, we've already done and achieved so much since then for, uh, essentially
as our theme is, uh, you know, rising out of the ashes, like a Phoenix,
um, which is the mint that we have going right now on Ethereum.
And, uh, you know, we basically, when we saved the project, um, you know,
a long story short, you know, we did have, unfortunately, a scammer owner
that, uh, we fought for the project.
We took it from him and now have been riding a lot of the wrongs.
We're so super strong now, the foundation we have, the contract, we
migrated to a new contract because of, you know, safety and security reasons
to make sure we had our own safe and locked, um, liquidity, which, you know,
is now in the hands of, you know, or out of the hands, I should
say of the previous owner so that, uh, you know, we wanted to make sure
that what we were working so hard, uh, day in and day out, um, for the
micro pets now was going to be to the advantage of the community and all
the holders and all of the, you know, loyal supporters that have been with
us, uh, since all of this took place.
And so, so now we, here we are current day and we are super bullish
on what we've been doing.
We're super bullish on what we have planned, um, and in the
works of what's coming ahead.
Um, we have some great incentives for, you know, um, everybody that, especially
right now, um, you know, anybody that is looking to, you know, come into
micro pets, dip, dip their toe in, uh, we have a, uh, incentive of, you
know, where you can, um, mint our 2d NFT, uh, collection and we're actually
giving away one BNB, um, back for anybody who, uh, invest 2.5 BNB, which
would equal 20 of our 2d NFTs.
So you'll get to mint, um, 20 of our 2d NFTs become a diamond, um, pet collector,
which is a private, uh, chat group we have.
And for any of our diamond pet collectors, and then you're for that
two and a half, uh, BNB investment, you're actually going to get one
BNB back, uh, so, you know, net, you will be investing 1.5 BNB for, you
know, joining, joining our community, joining our project and supporting
what we have coming ahead.
We also, you know, as I mentioned, we have our 3d NFTs we're expanding
our brand and going into Ethereum.
We're creating a custom bridge that the devs are working very hard on right now,
um, to, because we're actually going to be launching, um, our token on the
Ethereum chain at the end of April.
And so this is all going to happen within the same max supply.
Uh, we only have a 10 billion, uh, max supply.
Um, and we are not going to add when we go into Ethereum, it's all going
to be under the same max supply.
So we're very, very, um, bullish on that as well, because we only have a
little over 2 billion, um, tokens in circulating supplier right now.
And so it's, it's super fantastic what we've been able to do and
achieve for the project.
And, you know, we're just, we're just so happy that MicroPets is now in safe
hands and doing the right things for the community that has believed in us.
Um, since day one in August, when we took over, we definitely made sure
we were transparent, we doxxed, we, you know, we're also, um, you
know, um, audited on our contract and everything is just being done on the
right manner and with the right, you know, steps being, being done so that
any investor coming in feels confident and very bullish in what we're doing.
Um, we have, you know, AMAs routinely, we have an alpha group, um, where,
you know, we also share, you know, great alpha on the project.
As I mentioned, we have the diamond pet collector group as well that
gets a actually 0% by tax.
So that's another big, um, you know, perk that we offer to, um, our diamond
pet collectors is, uh, they're able to purchase a token at 0%.
Um, I apologize about that, guys.
Um, can you hear me?
Oh, good.
I had a phone call that was coming in.
Let me, well, yeah.
So hopefully they won't call back, but, uh, so yeah.
So, um, you know, we're, we're definitely excited about what's coming ahead.
As I mentioned, our Ethereum, uh, token is being launched, uh, towards
the end of April and we have our 2d mint, um, that has huge utility.
These 2d's that I was telling you guys about where you net invest, uh, 1.5
BNB because you get the one BNB back, um, for purchasing those, that utility
right now, um, we're, we're actually very, very, um, motivated to get those
minted, uh, up to, up to, uh, 5,000.
So right now we have, uh, let me just share with you guys right now.
We have 3,625 of these 2d NFTs minted.
Once we reach 5,000, uh, which is what, uh, 1375 more, we are going to actually
make, um, those 2d NFTs are going to earn staking rewards and also we're
going to be able to launch our micro pals nexus DAP, which is a custom DAP is
for a great, um, engagement and utility towards, uh, what we call our
magic chest and every month we're going to offer insane rewards and prizes
in that magic chest.
Um, it's a DAP that is going to allow, um, everybody to swap their
zilly XP points, their discord, um, you know, what we call treats, uh, within
our own discord, we hand out treats and, um, everybody will be able to swap
those so that they can either, um, get raffle tickets for our, uh, our
vaults, we call them, which is going to have different, we're going to have
three different vaults and that are going to have different prizes within
those vaults and every month we're going to have drawings and be able to
give out some really cool prizes, uh, within each of those vaults.
And then we're also going to have a shop where you can also, um, choose
to just outright purchase anything in our shop.
Um, whether it be NFTs, uh, from our own project or from, you know, network
projects that we have, um, you know, all of that will become live when we get
to 5,000, um, 2d NFTs minted.
And so we're, we're knocking on the door with that.
Um, we're, we're very excited for that to come and we're very excited about
our, you know, Ethereum token being launched, uh, with our custom bridge,
as I mentioned, um, and we're excited for the future because we know that
the perspective of being so appreciative as, um, the core team is because,
you know, we all started out as community members.
We all started out as investors and, you know, through our experiences, you
know, everybody now had all of the tools and, um, skill sets between all of us.
We compliment each other so well that we appreciate what we've been able to do
for the community and we completely are in love with the legendary community
that we have because every community member within MicroPets has seen what
we've done since August and has been so supportive with what we've been doing.
And we truly, truly enjoy what we've been able to give back to them.
And we truly are grateful for the position that we're in right now.
Moving forward, um, as Watsy mentioned, um, I didn't catch the name of the
project that, uh, took over and is just super strong now.
Um, I don't know what, what project that was, Watsy.
I actually crit social club.
Cause I wanted to write that down.
Um, so, you know, right now we're, we're definitely, you know, we consider
ourselves to be early because we did initially reach an all time high back in
the December of 2021 when, you know, the, uh, the bull market was at its peak.
And so when you look at our project now, you know, there's a, there's a lot of
room to, to grow because we have our sites and not only set on that all time
high, but beyond, and we're very confident with what we're doing and what we have,
you know, coming in the future with our, our petropolis, uh, which is our
ultimate, uh, you know, metaverse game and our NFT collections and the
staking rewards and, you know, just everything combined.
Utility project that has just beautiful NFTs and I hope anybody, whoever, you
know, looks at our website, which is micro pets.io, um, and all, and our
daps that we have in there and all of our collections that we have, I hope
you guys will agree that, you know, just micro pets is, is just, you'll, you'll
see why I love the project so much.
I hope because, you know, we just, we just, uh, we just appreciate what we've
been able to accomplish to this date.
And we look forward to growing with, you know, all of these other great
projects that are here and, uh, you know, I loved hearing, uh, Pele about
popular because that's a great project.
And I look forward to hearing all the other projects that are gonna, you
know, follow me and so that we can all grow together and all of the community
members that get to hear all of, you know, all the other projects that you
guys haven't, you know, quite been a part of yet, you know, where that's
what everyone's here for.
So we can all grow and let's just keep moving forward.
Cheers, man.
That's, uh, no, it's awesome to hear, like you say, again, it's another
one of them where you've got this scam found there who's under whatever
and you guys have come in and you've taken it on and you've completely
changed it.
It just shows how having such a strong community is so vital in the space.
And again, that support that you have from everybody, you can completely
change what is happening with that project.
So it definitely comes down to community all the time.
In my opinion, no, I just love what you guys are doing.
Um, and I say, I think, uh, if you haven't already linked up with
popular, I think is about time you guys did, um, that's for sure.
But no, thank you ever so much.
Make sure you put something up the top here as well.
Um, stick a tweet up there.
Have you guys got a giveaway going on as well?
So what I wanted to do, I did mention, you know, we're, we're really
working hard towards, uh, we want to get to that 5,000 mint, um, so that
we can open the floodgates on our micro pals, nexus staff.
And so what I want to do to incentivize anybody looking to mint, um, if
you mint a minimum of five, uh, to DNF teas and one, you know, one go, um,
it's gonna, it's gonna be a 0.625 BNB.
Um, and you're actually going to get 10% of that back, um, as an incentive, right?
So we're giving away the rebate, um, uh, of the, um, the BNB back
into your wallet within 24 hours.
And, uh, what I also want to do is I want to put, uh, what I call a
bounty on the Hokkaido.
So we have, we have all of the popular meme, um, dogs, uh, in our 2d NFT
collection, and if you happen to mint a Hokkaido, every Hokkaido you mint,
we're going to give you one for free.
We're going to, we're not going to give you a Hokkaido for free.
We're going to give you a random 2d NFT for free, uh, that will be minted.
So you could, you could mint five, let's say you meant five, uh, 2d NFTs.
And, you know, let's just say one of them is a Hokkaido.
Well, you're actually going to get six now because we're going to
send you a free 2d NFT for, um, you know, uh, pulling a Hokkaido out of that mint.
And you're also going to get, you know, uh, your rebate and BNB back as well.
So it's, it's a, it's a win-win.
Um, I think, you know, we're making it super, um, or at least we're trying
to give back and making it super, uh, intensive to, um, you know, get into
our project and, you know, for our community members that are listening as
well, it's, it's great to add to your collection.
And if you're not a diamond pet collector yet, which is owning 20 of our 2d NFTs,
um, you know, you can work towards that as well.
So, um, you know, that that's where we're at.
And I will post up that, uh, Hokkaido, um, artwork, um, so, and the, uh, you
know, the description so that everybody can be able to read that and, uh, hopefully
interact with it and, and see if you pull a Hokkaido and, and win some free to the NFTs.
Yeah, it was a great offer.
That one exclusive offer for everybody in, in here right now, go and
grab one of these, uh, micro pets and say you've got the 2d collection there.
You can end up with six and the rebate as well.
It's a great offer.
And I appreciate that, um, you get it up the top, but no, thank you so much for coming
in and having a chat with us.
Grazo, have you got anything you want to put towards micro pets?
Well, only the, um, you know, 2021, the bull market was, was, um, the magic
money printing machine for a lot of, uh, a lot of founders and, um, there's not
that many projects that I invested in in 2020 present where the founders
Oh, I'm sorry.
I, I, I, yeah, I lost you for a second.
I don't know if it was just on my end, but, uh, I lost you at, uh, 2021
was a money printing machine.
Yeah, it was, it was a money printing machine for a lot of, uh, founders.
And when we went into the bear market, a lot of them disappeared.
Um, and there's not many projects from that era that are still going.
What I'd say is that, um, where the collab center are great.
They've just taken on pug friends.
They were also a victim of the 2021.
And, um, I'm sure, but to it, you know, I love the fact that, um, projects
are taken over, especially by the community or, or, you know, people who
know the project inside out.
And, um, that's exactly what happened to crypt social club killer took on
that from a scam or a founder that give up and rugged and, uh, and look
what they've achieved.
So I think you're in good company within the club center.
And there's a lot of people who I think you could all work together.
Um, it's not easy, but it gives you an indication of what might be
coming in the next ball market.
That's why I put a lot of emphasis on the way what's he runs it, because
there's going to be a lot of projects that are going to start, see the
opportunities and, you know, I won't be invested in any of them because
they won't be here come the next book bear market.
Really you need to concentrate on that and, and the strengths of being
with part of this organization in a way.
So you're in good company and, uh, you know, there's a lot to, uh,
investigate with micro pets.
So I've checked out your website.
I look at the petropolis and, um, you know, at some point I'll, I'll
delve in and I'm sure others would as well.
So I appreciate you.
No, yeah, absolutely.
If you guys ever have any questions too, just, you know, feel free to DM me
anytime and, uh, you know, we'll, uh, we'll be here for you guys.
Mark, just for coming in tonight.
Um, I say, if anyone has got any questions and, uh, please yeah, jump
in the market pets discord and, uh, ask a way they're very open and
honest people who answer any questions.
But yeah, no cheers again, Michael pets and, uh, Grazer, who have we got up next?
Well, right.
This is the, this is the next period of time.
There must be no swearing from anybody because, uh, we've got Nos and
I think he's in the car with his kids.
So we're going to need to be very, very polite, but we're British.
So we're polite anyway.
Aren't we?
Exactly that.
We don't swear here and I'm really, really resisting right now to swear
because you've mentioned it.
But anyway, who have we got?
Phil, how are you, mate?
How are you doing?
Are we coming up there?
Here you may.
I can tell you're on the road.
Can you hear me clearly though?
I'm on the highway.
It's all good.
And, uh, the change in schedule there.
Um, yeah, so we're an awesome, we're, we're a very happy partner as a
co-op center and popular and a bunch of other people in here and are as
fucked up and all that well, that's where I'm at.
Phil, can I stop you, mate?
I don't know if anybody else has struggled in for this.
I, all I can hear is you can't in the highway.
The background noise is really strong.
So join me to see if I can give lots of go.
I will talk for you.
Is that all right?
That'd be great.
But let me interject one thing.
Yeah, I'd really appreciate that.
Um, I want to put it out there.
So anyone that wants to make one of the collabs, enter NFTs first person to do.
So you're not been, sorry, like, like grab one here, secondary, whatever
they want to do as you go multiple collections, um, let me know who the
first one was and I want to give them an RAF arcade because I want to share
more like, like NAR, um, that way they've got entry into two great communities.
And yeah, you can take it from here.
I appreciate that.
Cheers man.
I appreciate that so much.
Um, but let me talk for you because it was a bit of a struggle to hear you.
But so let's talk about NOS.
Now I may make a few mistakes here.
So please forgive me if I do, but NOS NFT, let's talk about them.
So we first met when it was just as we started the community server up.
So we're talking just over a year ago now.
And, uh, when we started the community server, obviously we
started with zero people in there.
And anyway, we then met NOS and we heard about their bot, pheromone.
So this has been a bot that they were creating.
And, uh, basically pheromone has been one of the best bots I've ever used.
It basically announces into all of the other servers that are connected to this
bot, the games, the spaces and the giveaways that you are doing.
So I think the majority of you in here right now, we'll know all about NOS and
pheromone and pheromone, I say, when we first started, we had nobody within our
community, then we started playing games.
So we started to then use pheromone and we were advertising to all of the other
servers that, uh, that pheromone had.
And I think it started off at around 20 servers.
So instantly we were advertising to 20 servers and we had about, I think it
was about a hundred people say, within the community, just for using pheromone.
We went from a hundred people in our community, up to around 600.
And that was within the first few months of having pheromone.
That's how powerful it was.
And like I say, that was at the time where it was at 20 servers.
I believe they're now, is it over 200 servers that are using the pheromone bot?
We had 200 servers yesterday and added our first save community.
There we go.
So that sort of says a lot.
That's now going out to all of these servers every time you advertise one
of your games.
So like I say, when we were talking about Collab Center earlier, we
advertised one of our games and that project is there.
That game is brought to you by the entertainer.
That's going out all of these different servers.
And then we're getting all of these new community members coming in and
they're going, let's play a rumble.
Let's play trivia.
Let's play race code.
Whatever game it is, you're putting it out there to all of these people and
you're bringing in new members who are then identifying your project, looking
into it, and this is where you're finding your new holders.
And I think there's many holders within Collab Center that have come
through pheromone and they've then invested into Collab Center.
So, and this is down to NOS and what they're doing.
They've also got the verified part of it as well.
So when you're doing your games in the giveaways or prizes, you can
now check to see if this person has verified.
So it's a great tool to use to filter out bots.
So if they, if their person is trying to claim or a scammer, but they've
not verified through pheromone, you can identify this, you can also
give them a chance and say, look, just verify through pheromone.
And all it is, is you will play.
Now I'm going to get this wrong.
I think it's not, was it Flappy Birds?
It's that style of game.
I mean, there we go.
It's that style of game and you've got to do, is it eight, eight tubes
you have to go through or eight gates, whatever it is through the
five obstacles get through them.
And then that gets you verified.
And I'm saying, it's just a great tool to use to get rid of bots.
So, uh, so the thought of everything there, that's sort of pretty much
with NOS and my understanding of things.
I may have missed a lot here.
I know within their Discord server, they've got alpha channels going on.
They've got giveaways that they know all about these projects.
They're advertising all the time.
They get an exclusive office as well.
So this is why you should be looking at NOS.
You should be investing in them.
I think they are, they moved over from Ethereum.
I think it was onto Polygon.
Is that right, Phil?
So we breached our NFT score with our members from Ethereum to Polygon
and AirDrop them all to our community.
Um, so we're now at Polygon.
Our tool is OmniChain and it has no limits.
We are in everything from each of our Ethereum to say in
Solana, uh, and I keep a Bitcoin at this point.
Um, the alpha that we have, a lot of it's low entry or free.
Uh, we've had four successful AirDrops that we've called this last month
and a half or so where people have gotten free money just for
participating in each of the systems and, um, seeing what's out there.
Trying new things, which is what AirDrop is all about.
Get into a community, check it out, get involved, get recorded.
It's the same thing with these AirDrops.
Um, we'll jump in, get involved, see what they're all about.
And end up getting rewarded for it.
I think probably it was like $150, $200 in each.
Uh, yeah, a little bunch of grass coming up, got a little bunch.
Um, so if you want to see what's out there and most of it, like I said,
free low value or free low entry, um, definitely come and check us out.
Most of that stuff sold are only at this point, but I mean, for,
for 10 matic entry, um, you'll get that back within a month or two.
Typically, if you just participate, there you go.
It's a perfect reason to get in.
Um, like you say, it's a cheap entry point as well.
And then again, to get that alpha, you're earning free AirDrops where you,
again, you change those AirDrops into Sol, Ethereum, whatever it is.
Um, Phil, what's the, the latest on the AirDrops?
What's the next one to identify for us?
Uh, I called them the other day.
I think we've got the ones I'm actively participating in right now are grass.
Um, you've got gamer X, um, block wormhole.
I think it's happening ASAP, but the screen, uh, that's not, that's been done already.
Um, there are tons and tons and tons.
If you grab an option and get that DGN role, it's got its own channel.
We wanted people to acknowledge the risks of crypto before we bring them
to a bunch of new ecosystems.
Uh, so, you know, we go to the get DGN channel or DGN rule channel,
and you've got a little disclaimer there, uh, to get the role.
Uh, once you've got that, you can take a peek at all the stuff that's up and coming
that we're aware of and see a lot of other opportunities as well.
Um, so definitely check that out.
Uh, one thing I do want to say to you is a lot of the volume that you'll see is
our tool, um, it's the premium version of our tool coming in.
So instead of charging a monthly fee for our premium version of pheromone,
what we ended up doing is, uh, we asked the communities to sweep two knots and
then they've got prizes and that gives them two months of premium.
So we've got, uh, chances for members to exit if they aren't happier, if they
just need the cash, um, we've got chances for these communities buying premiums
on board new members for us, which is awesome.
So some more free advertising.
Um, and yeah, it's just, we're not here to really make a bank.
We're here to help everyone make a bank.
Um, we love that our floor price is around 10 magic because
it's an awesome entry point pheromone.
I think in the future, it could be a really great way for people to, um, for
people to be on board and then to find your first community, especially
club centered, find your first communities, uh, participate, get
active in them and get rewarded with your first NFT without having to go, you
know, buy crypto and potentially get wrecked with your first NFT that you
had to buy or get scammed and everything in your wallet gets screened.
Um, so yeah, thank you.
No, cheers for appreciating that.
And like you say, you're spot on with what you're saying there is, uh,
it goes out, you find your new community and, uh, you get an all the
alpha and you can do this all for free.
So, um, I say, what was it?
Two sweeps for a project.
If they want to get the pheromone premium package, um, you do two sweeps
of the project and it was two months, I believe for free.
So for about 20 bucks in Matic, you're getting two months and two NFTs.
There we go.
So yeah, that's, that's fair.
That's nice.
Um, the pheromone bot.
And like I say, I can't, it's without that, it's the best spot I've ever used.
And it, I think, uh, when I look at the invites pheromone is invited half
of our community, we're now around 1700 people within that community.
So it shows you how powerful that bot is.
And I'm just glad that we were able to get onto this from the beginning.
And we've just seen that growth with North Slice A there for starting
at around 20 projects to now 200 projects.
It's just incredible to see.
So yeah, no, cheers Phil.
And if you've got a post, I know you're driving right now.
Oh, you've put one up there anyway.
So yeah, get on that one.
If you can give it a like, retweet.
And then like you say, if you go and sweep one of Collapse Center's NFTs,
you will then get a NARAF arcade NFT from NOS as well.
So no cheers man.
Appreciate you coming in.
And I know you're busy with the kids as well.
So say hello to the family.
Just to clarify, please, the first person to do so.
I don't want to like where I'm coming in because I'll run out of them.
Uh, but if you can get the wallet for me and send it to me, I appreciate that.
Um, thank you.
Has anyone got any questions they want to throw at all?
Anything like that.
Have you got anything else you want to add?
Well, no, I mean, I'd suggest that, um, people sometimes can take the bots for
granted, but, um, they're fantastic.
You never miss a rumble.
You never miss a space.
You never miss a giveaway and you never miss an announcement with him.
So they, they pop up in most of your Collapse Center Project's channels.
Um, if you go down to the comments, um, they've got some good
community members as well.
I mean, I'll get confused because they're all called OG Nos.
So I'm like, oh, so many nosies.
But, um, if you go down to the comments, there's a picture of the Nos NFT.
Um, and even for me who doesn't, I don't invest because of the
artwork generally, but it is fantastic.
They are, they are great NFTs to look at.
I'll be looking at it for about 10 minutes now.
Um, so it is fantastic, but I think you between you both, you've said it all,
you know, you help each other.
Nos has been a great help, but they've also been, they've been there from the
start and they've been developing, uh, technology, which is, um, which
is really, really good.
And, um, we've all been scanned, we've all been rugged and, um, this
helps along the way of not having that done to you.
So top credits of them, really.
For sure.
No, cheers.
Well, thanks for coming in, mate.
Do appreciate it.
So, uh, actually I just want to, let's just reset the room quickly.
So if you're, uh, you're in here today, let's start sharing this out.
Let's get a few more people in here.
Let's get the emojis going as well.
I'm not seeing enough mode emojis going off.
And let's say that just shows that you're all awake, shows the support to the
projects, let's say, and also it works the algorithm.
So they say, so that then gets even more people in there and we can help
the projects that are speaking tonight, push their message out to even more people.
So yeah, like retweet, make sure you're doing it for all the tweets
at the top here as well.
Let's keep that going.
Um, but I just want to just go off on a side track here.
Nyssa just jumped into the space.
I just want to say hello to Nyssa.
Nyssa, how are you?
Oh, I'm good.
How are you guys going?
Yeah, good.
It's nice to see you.
You jump in those places, but I'm sure a lot of people have missed you.
You've been away for a little while.
So it's a, it's a nice surprise to see you tonight.
Well, I, uh, you said about it the other day and I thought, well, if I'm up early
enough, which I'm not long away, as you can probably tell from my voice, but,
um, I do, I do want to say, uh, send a message out to, uh, to, uh, the, to
Noss's kids that, uh, you've got the best dad ever.
He's very clever.
It's a nice message.
Thank you, Nyssa.
It's nice to have you back.
Um, I say, I think a lot of people would know Nyssa anyway, and know that she's
been away for a little while, so it's good to see you coming back in here.
Um, and hopefully we'll get you back involved as well a bit more.
Um, but I'm going to be rude.
Sorry, Nyssa.
Um, that's okay.
I'm going to move on to the next project, which Grazer, who is it?
Well, first of all, I just want to say I love Nyssa and this is amazing.
I remember our chats back in the day and, uh, that blooming dog kept interrupting,
but she was amazing.
And I do miss, I do miss Nyssa, so I'm glad she's back.
Um, the next, the next on the list is, um, True Dope.
Come on up, True Dope.
True Dope, and then Hoon 4, Hound 4.
I've never, I've never, ever say that right.
Even though they know I love them.
Can you guys hear me?
We got you.
So thank you very much for having me up here today.
So my name is Eon and I'm the founder of the True Dope Project.
Uh, just want to give you a little brief introduction to how we came to be.
So we started our True Dope journey back in the fall of 2022.
And our team is comprised of members from our development group.
Uh, so we do a bunch of other things and we started up this NFT project back then.
Um, so we kind of do like smart contracts at work and we actually did all the
artwork in the house as well.
Um, so pretty much if you can name it, we can build it.
Um, our, our development group has been together since 2021 and we've been
building together ever since then.
Uh, so True Dope is an NFT platform that is focused on bringing the truth to people
through facts and data that has been compiled through our research.
So we've got three different streams that we're focusing on.
So we are doing politics, shadows, and conspiracy theories.
So our first one that we're getting out there is on the politics side.
Uh, one of the key features that we're going to be giving our holders is the
ability to expand upon their NFTs with their own experiences, thoughts, images,
and documents as it pertains to that collection.
Uh, so within the political stream, uh, we're focusing on the key points of
contention between the people.
So we basically want to find those policies, those things that have happened.
Uh, the things that have had negative impact on one side or the other.
Um, so basically we're focusing on one individual at a time and it's geared
towards revealing the truth, uh, within their situations, policies, scandals, and more.
So each item was going to have a dope score associated to it.
So basically our name True Dope.
So it's basically the truth of it, the dope of it.
Uh, we're going to figure out whether or not it was a cover-up positive
impact or just something that's just plain stupid that they did.
Uh, so we take all the scores, we apply weighted value to it, and we
come up with final dope meter ranking, uh, for that collection.
And then you can actually be able to compare that to other leaders and come
up with your own opinions from there.
Uh, so viewers of the collection, they're going to get their opportunity
to provide their rankings on our content, as well as the content
that's being provided by the holders.
So within our site, we're actually going to be displaying all the NFTs
within our collection, uh, once they've been minted and stuff.
And as the users actually enter their information into there, we're going
to display it into there for others to see.
Uh, so there's going to be a slight subscription fee to that.
Uh, and what we're doing with that subscription is fee is we're going
to cover the cost of actually hosting it.
But after that, all the subscription fees is going to be
turned over to the holders.
So, and that's going to be also based based on the information that they're
sharing, the rankings that they get from the viewers, and then it's all
going to be weighted that way.
So every holder is actually going to get a base rate paid out to them.
Everything else after that, it's going to be based on the
rankings that they've got.
From there, then we move into our shadows and conspiracy theory streams.
So there we're going to be showcasing the lore and the theories of those
collections, um, and like the politics, we're going to be giving a dope
meter scoring mechanism as well.
But we're going to be focusing on whether the topic is verifiable,
plausible, or a hoax.
Uh, so depending on the rankings, if something's determined to the, uh, by
the people to be highly plausible or verifiable, we're actually going to
take more time from our research team and we're going to actually
research into those further too, and give you our opinions on them too.
Um, so, and like the political stream, the people, the holders, they're
going to be able to add their stories, their images, their details that
they want to share, uh, so some of the other benefits of being the
owner of our NFTs include first off, getting a high quality, unique
piece of art, uh, we're also going to have our insight NFT viewers.
So like the cards that I was talking about, uh, there will be all
the metadata there that you can see, uh, that which they've provided.
Plus also there's going to be metadata that we've provided in addition
to what you see on other sites, such as like, let's say open C. So we're, all
of our documentation that we've, we're gathering on the political side.
We're actually going to be storing that within our metadata.
And when you go to our site, you'll be able to see all of the verified
information that we've gathered.
Uh, you're going to be able to get access into our interactive form
that we're developing.
So each NFT is going to unlock a forum so everybody can discuss together.
Uh, they can debate and so on and so forth.
Uh, there's going to be membership voting for the direction of the platform.
Uh, we're also going to be giving back to the community.
So on the political side portion of all of our sales is actually
going to go back into the communities from which those leaders are from.
Uh, subscription, I already talked about that part.
Just going through my notes here, making sure I don't miss anything.
Uh, we're also working on a couple other perks, uh, but we aren't revealing
all those yet because we're currently ironing those out.
Uh, we're also exploring to allow other artists to pick a collection that
they like to create, and we want to collaborate with them to showcase them
on our site.
So if they have something that they want to do, either within our
political side or conspiracy theory side, or even on our shadow side,
we want to give them the opportunity as well.
So this partnership can either look like us buying all the artwork from them
or giving them the opportunity to own their own collection and we'll
showcase it on our site.
Um, and then we are also doing our, we have an in-platform marketplace, uh,
where you can buy and sell your Trudopes and you can be able, you can
actually trade them amongst yourselves and there's going to be subsets as well.
So within each one of the collections, there's going to be subsets.
So then you have different mini sets that you can collect within there too.
So that's basically my introduction to Trudope.
And if anybody has any questions, please feel free to ask.
So your mission, I read your mission statement, which is creating
political awareness and education for NFT artwork.
Um, I know, I know a couple of people who absolutely love their conspiracy
theories, so that could be quite interesting.
Um, so with your, with your collection, you're, you're releasing it per,
I guess, political figure.
So you've got Trudope, which is, we all, you know, um, the first one.
How, how many, what, what, first of all, I guess the simple
things are what, what chains it on.
So we are going to be going across multiple chains, but our first
chain that we're going on is Polygon.
Polygon and you've got how, how, how many of the first figure or
collection are you intending to release?
Uh, so we were looking at releasing a fair bit.
Uh, we were looking at approximately between 10 and 16,000 of them.
Uh, we are currently evaluating that prior to our, um, full on launch of it.
So we are still evaluating that, making sure that we hit the right mark.
We just want to be able to give the opportunity for enough
people to speak out against it.
So we have some people that are actually boots on the ground, going
around, trying to get people within Canada involved with it too, because
we're actually trying to onboard other web two users into the web three space.
Because we believe that web three is the way of the future, but we also
want to be able to provide our users with, um, a forum to like speak their
minds, to give their thoughts and to be able to be heard.
So this is a, this is, this is much more than, uh, your normal, you
know, an NFT project, this is like a, you're creating a movement really.
Um, that is our intent.
Yeah, no, I understand that.
So, um, so 16, obviously 16,000 in, in the current scheme of things without
going completely web two is, is, is quite tough, but obviously you've split
that down, um, to smaller quantities.
And then when the time's right, you'll, you'll be able to release on mass.
I guess it's just getting enough people interested.
Um, what's the, um, what's going to be, have you got an idea of what
the cost will be for the, uh, you know, the initial quantities that you release?
And that is still something that's being debated upon within our internal team.
Uh, we don't want to go too high, but we need to be able to also
fund the project moving forward too.
Uh, so we're trying to figure out where that sweet spot is.
Uh, we had been thinking probably between anywhere between, uh, for white listing.
We're thinking between 10 and 25 Matic.
And for the public sale, we were looking at between 20 and 50 Matic.
Which is, which is extremely reasonable.
Um, anything around 20 Matic, uh, 20 Matic around this time is pretty decent.
Um, so now that's great.
Um, that's what I wanted to get to is obviously people who are interested, um,
we'll want to know, you know, roughly when you release him, what
chain you're releasing on what, what roughly the cost is.
Um, and then they can go to your, I like the fact that, um, actually
I must say to most of the projects here, I do like the fact that
you've got link trees.
Um, it's something that Meg and I speak about regularly on our space and
it's certainly something that Meg brings up quite a lot.
And it's great to see people with link trees so much easier to
get to where you need to get to without them.
It's really difficult.
Trust me.
And a lot of us, the investors along the way will give up because we just
can't get to where we want to get to.
So I do like the fights.
The top of your link tree is your website and, um, everybody have a read
because it is honestly, it's really, really interesting.
I'm not massively political and I'm not in the U S or Canada.
Uh, however, there's a lot of things go on in the world and just to read
and look at your website is really, honestly, it opened your eyes to a lot
of things you're trying to do.
So that's what, that's what I noticed straight away.
And that's why I wanted to ask you, is it more of a sort of a movement?
Um, which it is.
So, you know, yeah.
And with it being election year, we actually have, uh, like election year in
the U S we are actually currently working on a Trump and Biden collection
as well, uh, and we're digging.
We are, I already have people researching, uh, political policies and bills
that being passed and stuff like that, everything that's been going on.
And it's so politically charged in the U S right now.
Uh, we're looking at, we're wanting to just put a pause on that.
Put the truth rate in front of everybody and let them make their
own informed decisions about it.
So that's really what we're after.
Well, I mean, you know, Trump and Biden, I mean, who are they?
I mean, it's not as if they're creating mean coins out of them things
and they've been pretty popular.
Uh, and, and let's be fair, when's the elections later on this year?
There's going to be, you know, and, and I won't predict, but every ball
run that's probably happened has been around election time.
So I think you could have timing on your side.
Um, especially if you release those particular two gentlemen.
Um, but there are, there are a few spaces.
There are a few conspiracy theory spaces around and they are entertaining
and, uh, my good friend sometimes gets involved with that.
So there's a lot to be, uh, said, so, uh, I'll, I'll certainly follow
your journey and, uh, have a, have a deep look into it.
And, uh, as I said, welcome to the club center.
Cause, uh, I guess you're, you're, are you, are you a member?
You're a member of the club center.
Um, yeah, I'm a member in there.
I've been there since I believe November of this last year.
So I'm a little bit newer and stuff, but I'm been in there.
Um, in building some connections with other projects that are in
there and helping them out.
Um, uh, one of the things I like to do is actually help others out
with their development and such.
So there's several projects I've been affiliated with already with that.
And I'm on this, if I can teach someone to do it, I will teach them
before going full bore and like doing contracts for them.
I like to be able to see if there's ways that they can do it and
be self-sustained as well, because I believe that would be the way
of the future for everybody is if they can actually start doing more
of those things too, without having to spend their hard earned money.
For sure.
I think you've, uh, yeah, you've definitely made an impact in collapse.
I'm like, that's for sure.
And I say you've been helping out a lot of people being included.
Um, so yeah, I'm hoping I say you, you've come across through dope
now and completely different style, um, of sort of business here compared
to a lot of the other DJ and plays that we see within web three.
So that was one of the things that I really, really liked about
true dope is they were completely different.
They're going down a completely different road.
Um, I say that really did draw me in and, uh, I said, I'm looking forward
to see what the future holds for them.
But, uh, yeah, it's great to have you within collapse center.
And I say, you're a real key member, I think, within the community,
helping all these other members out.
So no, thank you for coming tonight.
Make sure you've got your tweet up the top as well.
Um, I've got my stuff in there already.
So I've got a couple of images in there.
I've got my, um, one thing I will say before I do like the concept of link tree.
I actually don't use link tree anymore.
I only use the connect.to.
Um, part of the reason being is one of my link trees did get shut down
because of my political nature of it.
Uh, the one thing about link tree is if someone puts in a complaint against you,
they will lock you out and they will not let you back in.
Let me, let me rephrase because, um, when I meant link tree, I meant, uh, you know,
exactly what it says rather than the actual bot or whatever you use for it.
So the fact that you've got something on there that takes you to your website,
I I'd call that a link tree, even though it's not, you know what I mean?
It's like, yeah, yeah.
A brand name, I suppose.
But no, the fact you've got one is tremendous because it,
it takes you straight there.
You click on it, it takes you straight to the website, which is what you want to do.
All I'd suggest to yourself, uh, just for my personal is, um, I,
look, if you've been helping people out and you're fantastic,
but I'd probably just shout a bit louder out in the club center.
Um, let everybody know that you're there and what you're about and people like myself will,
will find you, um, and know you're there.
If that makes any sense.
I was actually going to be starting up on the embassy channels this weekend.
Uh, I want to get noise out there about the upcoming
events and everything that we're going to be planning.
So working on that.
All right.
And just quickly to anyone who's just joined us or anyone who's been here a little while,
we're speaking to a number of projects.
We've got a pretty tight schedule.
However, I have asked what's either just towards the end.
We, we allow 10, 15 minutes just to get any of the holders,
investors up that want to say something.
So there's a few requests coming through.
I'm not being rude.
I'm not ignoring you.
I know you're all there.
It's just, uh, we want to get through and really speak to some of these projects.
And then hopefully if you're still about, which hope you are,
bring you up and have a, have a few minutes conversation with you about your life
within some of these projects as holders.
Cause that is really, really important.
No, I'd agree with that one.
Grazer true.
Have you got a giveaway tonight?
I think we need to go through a few of these giveaways with a few projects up.
So yeah, I think I had said that I was going to give away one of our, uh, true
dopes that we have.
So we have a limited number of them.
So I was going to give away one of them.
And what I would do for that is on the posts that I put in there, uh,
if, uh, so I put a post in the up there, if anybody, whoever goes in there
and retweets it and likes it, I'll take a look at those and I will pick someone
from there and I'll connect with them directly.
I can't actually see the, the tweet up the top.
Can anyone else, is it just me?
It was, it's not showing up in the top.
I can't seem to see it.
No, that might just be me.
Um, if you look, if each click into the comments on there, there, I had put one
in there, so it's in the comment section.
Yeah, it's in the comment section.
So if someone goes into the comment section, uh, if you go into there, you'll
see our true dope one there and you'll see a couple of images of ours.
And just, if whoever retweets that and likes it, I'll go through the names
that are on there and I will pick one person.
I've, uh, I think I've got it.
I've just popped it up the top now.
There we go.
If he slides all the way to the left, um, it should be at the top now.
So it should be easily accessible.
Um, okay.
And I'll, I'll let you crack on with that then, um, a bit later.
I can say popular play.
Have you got a giveaway?
Is that all set up and ready to go?
Yeah, let's, uh, let's do one where I'm giving away two NFTs.
We'll do one now and one, three couple after.
So let's, I'll just pick someone from the crowd.
Go for it.
All right.
I'm going to do, uh, the doc.
The doc at the bottom, I'll match them and the one, uh, in a bit.
No, thank you so much.
You've got yourself a popular NFT.
There we go.
There's the first giveaway of the night.
So we've been going on a little bit.
We've been finding out about all these different projects.
Um, so yeah, let's, uh, let's keep retweeting this room out.
Pop your NFTs in the comments as well.
I've gone through quite a few of them.
And again, I just love seeing all of the artwork.
It's so different.
I say we've got so many different projects.
We'll be in collab center.
So it's just great to see the, uh, popping off.
Um, and gradually, let's, let's get somebody else up here.
Let's keep it, keep this going.
Who have we got up next?
So, um, who, uh, hound four are here.
Um, crypt, crypto whales are here, but because crypto whales is late and I know Nick
and I'll wind him up and he wants me up.
So cause he's late, he can miss a turn.
So hound four can go and then we'll go crypto whales.
I'm half joking, but I'm half joking.
I'm after night.
I'm off, but, uh, he can wait.
He's, he's, but, um, how, hound four list, but let's, uh, let's speak to them.
Hey, how y'all doing?
Um, thanks for, thanks for having us.
I'm so excited about this space and I have been for a couple of days now.
And anyway, uh, so this, this profile, maybe not be so familiar, but I'm already
the founder of hound four and, um, first before I even really get started,
I really want to give a huge, huge shout out to Nissa.
I was so happy to hear her voice and see her here.
And, uh, she was, she was such a godsend at the, at the start of our journey
and helping us get our service set up and the time she spent just talking
with us and helping us and everything is just huge, huge shout out to her.
And also to, uh, folklore, um, for helping us get so many members at the beginning,
get started with through all the rumbles and, and everything and, and bringing
his members into our server and thank you so much for that.
And so fatty is for being the first, the first mod to join us and,
and help us kind of get started.
Um, it's been a great first year.
We we've, we've had a fantastic time.
And, um, and also want to give a shout out to, uh, Ian and Trudeau, um,
I've just now getting started.
We, we, we developed a, uh, we created an LLC back in October and, um,
like a development firm of sorts.
And finally this year have started really grinding and trying to make use of that LLC
and, um, start building something with it.
And, uh, with these first, with these first few clients that I've had, um,
Ian has really, really been there and, uh, shared a lot and spent a lot of time
and really, I mean, a very different project.
It sounds like, and I really wasn't as familiar as I guess I should have been.
Uh, but it sounds, it definitely sounds very interesting.
And, but it really doesn't matter how different the project is.
You know, he, he's very genuine.
He takes the time, you know, he, he tries, he's tried so hard to,
to explain things to me, like I'm five, you know, to where I can understand it.
And, uh, it's like huge shout out to him too.
And, uh, but so anyways, um, yeah, I'm the founder of found four.
We're just, we're a voodoo theme project.
I don't want to talk a lot about, um, the, you know, the roots of the project and stuff.
We're always available in our server.
We can always jump on a VC.
We're always available to chat.
If anybody has any questions about that stuff.
We've always been a technology based, uh, community, um, gaming type community.
And, uh, a lot, a lot of things have changed since we started.
So that's, it makes it kind of hard just to kind of talk about, you know,
as a space in the market and the technology and all has shifted and changed.
We've, we've tried to be the very first ones to adapt to it.
And, um, and most times that comes before we're finished, you know,
developing the last phase that we was on, but, uh, it's still, we're still early in the game,
you know, and we, we've, we faced a lot of different changes, all of them for the good.
Um, and, but it's, we're early enough now to where, where it makes sense to every
time we see this, this new opening.
And, and if we think it's going to be the right move for, for us and for our community,
like we're, whatever we got to do.
I mean, we're talking all over.
We're talking around the clock on how we can achieve these different things.
And, um, we have, we have ambitions to release a living car game.
That was the ultimate goal of our project.
Uh, we started out, you know, we have three collections out.
Um, we, we have our helpful mask and, uh, so there's some really, really,
really unique video masks that, uh, we originally released 66 of them.
They got minted out pretty quick for Christmas.
We really, uh, released 66 like Christmas edition ones.
And, uh, those are over halfway minted out.
And, uh, we've just kind of, we just kind of stopped.
Really, most of those were airdropped.
They were just kind of a reward and we stopped doing the promotion on it of
sorts because we got so, we got so busy and we had, um, so many potential
partnerships and opportunities that we really needed to pursue.
So we just kind of let that meant just kind of pause and, uh, but then we had
our Genesis collection, our house four dolls, and there's several dolls in the
My, my mom and my dad, they're, they're the, really the backbone of, of this
project and of this company, um, Bella and Gunner that most of y'all know them.
And, uh, if you, if you don't, I'm sure you will very soon.
And they, they're, they're everywhere.
They talk to everybody and they've been building these relationships
and, um, this network for, for years now, um, with constant steady support.
And, uh, I'm truly appreciative of them.
And it's really, it's really cool opportunity to be able to do this
together, um, with my family as a team.
And, um, there's trying times, you know, mostly then trying to deal with me.
And, uh, I get, I get very ambitious, which also gets me very stressed out.
And, you know, there's patient, there's patient as I could ever expect out of them.
So appreciative.
Um, but so a lot of things, a lot of things have happened and we, we have a doubt.
We were, we're down to, we're under a hundred under a hundred dollars left.
Our dollars minted on, um, polygon.
There was $333 that we released for 33 and the equivalent 33 medic.
We actually, they're, they're available to net for, um, from our polygon token buttons.
Um, we're, we're down to under a hundred, maybe under, I think under 90,
uh, of those remaining.
We also have like an art collection that was just kind of, um, just to kind of fund the,
the start of the project and just kind of keep us going.
I do this full time and I'm the solo dev of it as well.
And, uh, so it was a very modest, you know, we had, we had seven and a half, uh,
medic eat for each of the different art pieces.
So it is all we was asking very much.
And, um, maybe most of them at, at that time, like most of them was selling for
like, um, $3 and 25 cents.
That was like seven and a half, man.
Uh, so there was, you know, there was about 300 of those and we're down
to the last 10 of them, I think.
And, um, so all of this since we were, we released our first collection in August.
And, uh, so we've, we've had a great time with all of that.
We've built our own debt.
We have two tokens.
One token is stakeable for another token.
And, uh, and we, you know, one of our tokens is amenable
and we can use our tokens to tune in our NFTs.
Our NFTs are stakeable.
So that's kind of the rundown of, of our project and we're always available
to get on voice chat with anybody that wants to join our server
and ask any specific questions about that.
There's so many projects tonight.
I don't want to take up too much time, but, um, our excitement
for this space is the job alpha.
You know, we've made two announcements that I could have never imagined,
um, being able to make just a couple months ago.
And, um, and we still have several that we're just, I mean,
we're itching to, to go ahead and just announce, you know,
but we're, we're trying to be smart about it.
Marketing hasn't been our strong suit.
Um, cause we don't have any experienced marketing.
That's a very hard, we don't have experience with any of this.
I don't have dev experience other than this.
None of us have marketing experiences.
None of us have moderation experience.
Uh, some management stuff, some financial stuff, engineering, you know,
we have backgrounds for sure, but not, not directed to this.
So we're learning as we're going and our marketing is really,
especially having preach join our team.
Preaches has been a real godsend to us and his graphic work and everything
has really been able to elevate what we put on social media and the
impressions and interactions that it gets.
So that that's been a tremendous help for us.
Uh, so just a, just a couple of weeks ago,
even though we've been in discussions for a little, for over a month or so,
uh, we got to announce our first client slash partnership with Solana heroes
and we feel like that is, that is so cool.
And, um, and the things that Solana heroes envision, you know, for their project
and for the space and what they want to bring to it is, Oh my God, it's, it's,
it's, it literally gives me goosebumps.
You know, I, it, uh, it's so exciting and to be able to be a part of that
and learn with them and to be interested by them.
Um, it's definitely been a challenge.
I went into it as I do everything with utmost confidence.
Um, and it's, it's really proven itself.
And, uh, I love that.
If it wasn't challenging, I wouldn't keep doing it.
Um, and team money with Solana heroes, like has been so understanding
and so just cool about everything.
And that has just been fantastic.
And then to just, just the other day, we got to announce our newest partnership,
which is only just the beginning of, of the news surrounding it.
And there's still so much discussion going on and so many plans,
but, uh, we partnered with, um, fondue the founder of Bushido Royale
and we're going to essentially become his developer.
Uh, we're going to, we're going to allow him to finally, um, have hero bot.
Uh, hero bot has been something, um, fondue has, has, has wanted built for a very long time.
You know, me and fella and Gunner, my mom and dad, we all got together.
We was, we was holders of, you know, Bushido of, of the samurai.
We was watching, was watching fondue on stream.
You know, we was all of this way before we had a project way before there was ever even
consideration of us having a project.
And now to be able to be on VC with him so often, you know, to be in the DMS with him
and to be in, in his mind maps and actually in his mind, you know, he,
he was part of the board, a team, you know, originally board 18.
He's got so many connections.
He's, he's such a cool guy.
He's, he's so well connected and we have, we have some really,
really big things going with that, with that partnership.
And, and that is, that is very, very fresh news.
We're trying to be strategic and we're trying to stretch all this news out
and, and allow excitement over and over and over again for the community.
But so much of it's coming up, you know, so fast that we're really having to just
overshadow one with another.
You know, it's like, I, I hate to take anything away from Solana Heroes because
what, what, how far in Solana Heroes is going to build together is going to
completely rock to space.
You know, it's things that, that is not being done right now.
And will they be done in the future?
They probably, you know, but it's not being done right now
and we're getting ahead of it.
And that's super exciting.
These bots and these ideas that Fondue have that we're going to help him
actually finally bring to life is the exact same way.
And, and just in, in a different sense, you know, we're doing this, this
technical stuff with Solana Heroes that's going to provide all this benefit
for all these people.
But then we're doing this fun, interactive, entertaining thing with Fondue
and his project, you know, and it's two different levels of excitement.
And I hate that one had to overshadow another one and that we're fixing
to do that again.
But as we're talking to Fondue, and as we're developing this partnership,
another opportunity presented itself.
And I got incredibly excited and need to share.
All right, so over the past like week or so, I've been in discussions
with the original dev of the Solana claw machine.
Software that a lot of different projects.
I mean, well, there's 22 different claw machines deployed.
I think 15 of them are active today.
And several of those are within Collab Center, Collab Center included.
And I caught wind that that software was becoming available.
And I had the I had the unique opportunity of being able to be introduced
with the dev and had the means, you know, and hopefully the technical
know how to be able to take over ownership of the claw machine software.
And that it's so surreal.
It's so hard to even talk about because I can't even imagine how this is real life,
you know, but the actual Solana claw machine software will be
or is being migrated to how for and how for development.
And we're so proud to have this opportunity.
It aligns perfectly with our vision of providing like these different
unique and interactive experiences.
You know, we want to provide a full suite of development tools.
We want to allow a launch pad of sorts for different projects.
We want to have all this different stuff available.
We want to partner with other projects to help us make this happen.
And for us to help them make this happen and and all of that.
And this aligns so well with that just to have the software available
and to have these different projects that we're connected with be able to benefit.
Solana is such a active and it chain, you know, like Solana is it.
We're on Polygon, but we originally all the way up until right before
meant was going to have our collections.
Originally, we was going to be a Solana collection and a Solana project.
And then right before I changed it to polygon just because of the
development friendly nature behind the polygon.
We have we have a we haven't brought any information out about it.
But since we've since we're announcing the claw machine,
we have a collection coming out very, very, very soon.
I'm like almost too soon and that we haven't even really talked about.
And there's IRL items as well as an NFT collection.
And we are going to use this claw machine software
to promote each other.
So there they will be they will work together and they will promote each other.
And hopefully these other projects that are also using these claw machines
with the popularity that we think that this collection is going to bring.
We are very, very proud.
Our mask our mask collection is is gorgeous.
I mean, that is very, very beautiful art.
It's anybody could be anybody would be proud to own one of our helpful mass.
The helpful dolls.
Those are my babies.
Those are my pride and joys.
I spent so much time and effort on those dolls.
They're AI.
Everything we do is AI.
But I don't leave it at AI.
I finished everything Photoshop or Fresco or any of these other things that it may need.
I've got so many different subscriptions is unreal.
But those those dolls are my babies.
I'm so proud of those dolls.
And this collection completely blows it out the water.
What we're fixing to bring out and
to have this to have all this news come right before it.
And to be able to have the claw machine to use
to promote this collection to is unbelievable.
And yeah, we're just going to get I guess leave it at that.
Answer any questions anybody has.
So you seem quite excited about it all.
I am so blown away.
What does that mean?
So obviously, the most important thing more than anything is people
having eyes on your project, what you're trying to do,
creating the buttons as your own ecosystem.
This news is obviously fantastic.
What does it mean to anyone who's interested in checking out how for
you've got a number of things going for you.
So you've got the you've got the dolls.
You've got the masks.
You do regular live streams on marbles on Twitch.
Not just marbles, but you do other things as well.
So you're very, very active.
So is Gunner and Bella.
Anyone who's interested in checking out how for
what why why would they why would they benefit from
from checking out and being part of your your project?
And don't don't get me wrong.
Not not every answer in the world is financial.
Oh, right.
No, our our project, our project and our LLC together,
like it is going to allow so much innovation in the space.
And in the members that we have, I mean, they I know that I know
they could they could test and then we're we're approaching
a thousand members in our server currently.
But the members that had that came in first are are still
there and they don't ever quit.
We always find we always find entertainment.
We always find things to do together as a community.
We always we always put the community first and
think about them first.
And and we try to find ways to to really branch out
and adapt with the times.
And not a not a lot of projects can can really say that.
I mean, there there's a lot of projects that can
uh can admit to how great of communities they are.
And there's a lot of projects that are well worth being
pretty strong holders to be a part of just to be about
part of that community.
And but but we're really truly trying to build something.
We're trying to provide a lot for a lot of different people.
And and we're helping communities.
Our community members are shared amongst all these different
projects that are here tonight with us.
And every one of these projects that we get to partner
with and we get to help build for.
We're benefiting our own community members by helping
these other projects these other projects.
And that's kind of a unique thing in itself.
And to be able to bring in this claw machine to be
able to start adapting Solana to our libraries and to our
collections and things like that and allow us to be
multifaceted and multi-chained.
The connections we have in the Marvelous community
and the Twitch community.
Those things are what is it's just worth just being there
and experiencing it and and just enjoying the time.
Woody, I think you've got the marbles
tournament is it tomorrow?
Did I see you've got something going on?
We have yes, we have green fest green fest six.
It's a it's a three four day 24 hours a day for three or four days.
A marble stream is on like a it's on a rotation.
So there's a different streamer that those stream marbles
on stream for two for a two hour window.
And then they rate into the next channel and then they
raise the next channel next channel.
Our time slots tomorrow night at eight p.m.
from eight to ten.
We have some fantastic giveaways lined up for that.
We have a we have a good giveaway lined up for the space too.
Actually, so Gunner pinned at the top for me.
Of those sneak peek video of the of our claw machine acquisition.
And and we have some we have a giveaway for for this space,
but we have some really, really great giveaways.
So green fest green fest supports supports marijuana
legalization marijuana and all that kind of stuff.
But this time it's very unique because it also falls
with St. Patrick's Day.
So we get to combine a lot of green.
The the community really, really gathers together for this event.
Like I said, the sixth one, the community really,
really gathers together for this event.
The marvellous community is thousands and thousands.
Tens of thousands strong and and hundreds,
hundreds of viewers come into these different streams
and drop their marvellous and play and chat.
And we listen to music and just have a kick-ass time.
That is so much fun.
I was going to say marvellous is great fun.
We do it as well.
I mean, it's such a big hit, isn't it?
You guys have all joined us.
We jump into our floor as well.
Obviously, we created a marvellous collection
because we were playing it so much.
I think I've got a feeling how far you might have
one of those marvellous to give away at the event.
But the marvellous event, you're all gonna...
Was it 8 p.m. Eastern that starts or your stream starts?
So everybody needs to be in there.
You need to get your Guinness and you need to get your weed as well.
You're all going to be smoking weed whilst drinking Guinness
and celebrating St Patrick's Day.
So that sounds like one hell of a night.
So you all need to be there for that.
But again, like what he's been saying,
Homeful are doing some incredible things.
They've now got this claw machine.
Now, again, the Lab Center had a claw machine as well.
We got that back in July, I think.
So we've had that going and it's just a great thing to have
for the community to engage with.
They all can have a go at it and you put your tokens in
and you can win a prize every game, basically.
And that prize obviously varies depending on what it is.
But I know within us, say, for example,
you can win an NFT from one of the projects within Lab Center.
So it's another way of getting into and finding more projects.
So again, I'm definitely intrigued to know
where things are going to be leading with Homeful
taking over this claw machine.
And again, this great technology that they've now got
and it's already developed so it can only get better now.
They've got their hands onto it.
Again, everything they're doing with Solana Heroes.
It's just great to see that Homeful have been going,
not even a year yet.
And they're developing so many different things.
And like you say, technology company.
So it's just worth going in there.
Having a chat with everyone in there,
figuring out what they're up to as well.
And I say, you might find that you're going to benefit a lot
from the help, their advice, and everything else
that they're doing.
And then you're going to play a few Marvel games as well.
So it's just great fun.
Get yourselves into Homeful.
But Graz, have you got anything else you want to add?
No, look, the whole point of Homeful
and the development side is to develop,
being part of that community is very, very important.
And it's fun.
There's lots of events going on.
I mean, they've even adapted what,
you go in the club center and you press forward slash work.
They've even changed it.
They've got ritual.
They've got sacrifice going on where you sacrifice
one of your photos for more buttons.
I mean, you can't get much crazier.
They're changing everything.
But it's fantastic.
It's fun.
It's great to be in there.
The Marvel's streams and the Twitch streams
that all this boy does is brilliant.
It's like a community feel.
But just concentrate on why people should actually come in,
mint a doll, get involved with your community,
get onto the DAP.
Because I've said, everybody, I mean, knows.
I've said, make it as easy as possible,
people to get to do what they need to do.
And that DAP is tremendous.
It's very, very simple, very, very easy.
And that's half the battle.
When things are very complicated, it makes it really tough.
So I love the simplicity, yet behind the scenes
is all the complexity that you're trying to develop.
So you keep on doing what you're doing.
You know you've got a brilliant community around you
that support you.
The key is to attract some new holders,
some new people in.
People that want to check out how and for.
And that's why I move on.
Not so much the benefits, but why would someone
come into your Discord as a new holder,
as a new interested party, and check you out?
Because they really should.
Because just for the fun element,
it's a fantastic place to be.
Thank you so much.
I mean, that's kind of you to say.
I'm glad you enjoy your time.
I'm glad that you've had a good experience
with the DAP and everything.
And we definitely have a lot of updates
that we've been developing and hope to release soon.
And it's going to improve everything even more.
Like was mentioned, we've only been going a year.
I mean, we started building a year
before we launched our project.
So I mean, we've been building close to two years.
Our project's only been live for about a year.
And a month shy of a year now.
And we have built a lot.
And we've got so much more
that we're going to add to that and come to that.
And I definitely just invite you
just to come to the server.
Just check it out.
Just talk to us for just a minute.
And just kind of see what it's about.
And I think you'll take a like and do it for sure.
Cheers, everybody.
Appreciate you coming up and speaking to us
and dropping the alpha as well.
I'd say it's great to get some alpha in here.
But Grazia, let's keep things moving.
I know we're behind on our schedule.
So who do we want?
Who's coming up next?
Well, I was going to wind him up further
and so I'll put him to the bottom of the pile.
But I can't do that.
So look, let's speak to crypto whales, can we?
Also, I want to check with you, Whatsey.
We do because I've had a couple of requests
and I was getting Lazy Dog's a speaker.
He represents Nugget Fund.
Is that correct?
I guess so, yeah.
I thought they were speaking on the Nugget Fund profile.
But yeah, no, that's fine.
All good.
Well, hopefully, otherwise, I've just let a patrol.
But that's all right.
Because I'll just say he's a Nugget short with a gold mine.
So and that'll get rid of him.
Sure, he's the Nugget Fund.
And I'll keep checking out and bringing people up.
And to anyone who's new or joined and requested,
just at the end, I want to get, hopefully,
some holders up to have a chat.
So I'm not ignoring you down there.
But if you hang around, we'll get you up at the end.
Just want to hear from some of these projects
because it is a pretty busy schedule.
That's all.
But we'll get to you.
Oh, yeah.
Crypto whales.
And then salty sharks is up.
So crypto whales, salty sharks.
And then we're often flying then.
Lucky Labs have been up here most of the night.
And they're on after that.
Don't you worry.
I've got it all covered, Watsy.
Don't you worry about a thing.
No, it's all in your hands.
That's why you're here.
So anyway, crypto whales.
Let's go.
Let's hear what you've got to say.
What is up, everybody?
Sorry about the delay.
I had a dental emergency today.
So I probably sound weird.
Feeling a little under the weather.
But I definitely didn't want to not show up.
But so, yeah, my name is Nick.
I do apologize.
Popula, is it all right if I just drop you down
because we've got no more speaker slots?
Yeah, no problem.
Appreciate it.
At some point, Nisa, I apologize in advance
because I might just get rid of you.
But I mean it in the best possible way.
You know that.
But not yet.
You sneak around.
No, I don't.
No, I don't.
I'm going to be highly insulted.
Oh, I don't mean it.
How do we get rid of her?
Oh, no, sorry.
Oh, I'm only kidding.
I'm only kidding.
But crypto whales.
Sorry for interrupting.
It's all good, Graham.
No, but my name is Nick.
I'm the founder of crypto whales.
And I have two sides of the business.
So I'll talk a little bit about the NFT side
of the business, the crypto whales.
It is basically an environmental impact project
that is using funds to help with global tree planting,
global reforestation.
And then I have some of my proceeds
also going to ocean preservation and cleanup.
I also am personally planting or personally
funding tree planting in eastern Africa.
And we're almost at 4,000 trees planted.
So that's pretty awesome.
We've donated almost like 2,500 Matic to charities
to help out with those organizations
that I talked about.
But yeah, it's a 10,000 piece collection.
But like I said, it's a very useful collection.
It's a lot of good stuff, but it's all hand-drawn art.
After every hundred sales, I do a donation.
And so I'm about 10 sales short or 10 mints short
of hitting my third donation.
So I'm super excited about that.
It's been going on since April of 2022.
So I've been around for a while, slowly grinding it out.
But again, I'm very passionate about what I'm here for
in the space.
And so I continue to push on.
So that's that side.
I am minting for 15 Matic only.
But I want to keep it fair for everybody
to have an impact if they want to.
I'm not here to do anything crazy,
but make the world a better place,
which brings me to the other side of the business,
which is my name up here.
It's Monthly Earth Day.
And there's a few participants that are in the room,
which it's so good to see some familiar faces.
But Monthly Earth Day is a global movement
that I started back in September of 2022.
Basically, I came up with it
because why are we celebrating the Earth only once a month
in April for an actual International Earth Day?
So I started doing it every month.
And that falls on the 22nd of every month.
And it's basically just to show people
that literally anything that you do with positive impact
has a big difference.
It makes a big difference.
It's a collective issue.
It's a collective movement.
And that's why I opened it up to worldwide.
But collectively, in the first year,
we were able to plant over 30,000 trees globally.
We were able to clean up one to 3,000 pounds of trash
from beaches, natural areas, neighborhoods, parks,
you kind of name it.
We've had a lot of spaces based on composting
and just living more sustainable in general.
But I personally focus on cleaning up trash.
And so currently, I'm working on partnerships
and collaborations with in real life businesses
and also Web3 businesses to host live cleanup events
and hopefully eventually live tree planting events.
But it seems like the trash cleanup has been a big hit
just because as everybody drives around,
I know you can spot at least a little bit of trash
hanging out.
And yeah, I've always been passionate about the environment,
about nature, wildlife.
And so I figure my goal is to leave this place
better than I found it.
And like I said, a lot of it is just impact businesses.
If you want to join this movement,
I don't require anything.
I'm actually looking to incentivize.
So I'm looking to hopefully at least give out some po-apps
to people that participate.
But it can literally be any kind of positive action
anywhere from the environment to helping animals
to helping women, children, men, and mental health,
you name it, as long as it's positive impact,
then I want you on board.
So the cool thing about joining is
I have a poster, which I will pin up here in a second.
But the poster basically are all the businesses
and people that I've gathered over the last 17 months.
And everybody just basically goes out on the 22nd.
Oh, hold on.
Let's see.
All right, I posted it.
But everybody goes out on the 22nd
and they post their picture of impact in that thread.
So it's just really cool to see collectively
what we can do on any given day.
And the cool thing about that is if you participate,
you get your PFP on the poster, which gives a lot of exposure.
We only had about, I think, 12 or 13 participants in February.
And we've got over 5,000 views on that.
So that just to kind of show you just how we are trying
to literally just show people around the world
that it doesn't matter what you do,
but you can make a difference.
And yeah, so that's kind of how I tie both of them together.
Like I said, I'm big on the environment.
So I'm big on the tree planting and helping preserve the ocean,
but also raising awareness and education
around the monthly Earth Day.
And like I said, just showing people
that you can make this world a better place
by even just doing the small things.
But I do want to give away a crypto whale.
What I'm going to do with something a little different
is if you go to my monthly Earth Day post
and you just leave a comment,
hashtag monthly Earth Day,
you can see it up there at the top.
I'm going to go through that.
I already know who already posted pictures and everything,
but I'll go through that and throw it in a wheel,
a spinning wheel, and I will pick a winner that way
and reach out to you.
But yeah, if you also want to join,
shoot me a DM so I can get your picture up there
on the poster.
And if you want to know how you can participate,
like I said, it can be anywhere
from picking up small piece of trash,
using reusable shopping bags,
carpooling, riding a bike instead of driving a car.
There's lots and lots and lots of different ways
that you can have a positive impact in this world
without getting too crazy on it.
But yeah, I'll just kind of keep it short
because I was late and my mouth hurts.
But thank you, Graham and Watsy,
for kind of waiting on me here.
I appreciate it.
You're early in the club center journey,
but I've known you quite a long time now.
And you've taken the time to come on the space
that Meg and I have
and the monthly Earth Day could,
or we'll be saying, absolutely amazing.
It's already gained some traction.
You've got 100 people on the list.
It's free promotion for any of those projects
and you don't ask anything.
And I've said to you before,
this monthly Earth Day is a little bit
like the Trudeau movement in a way.
It could really take off in a big way.
The fact that it hasn't gained thousands
and thousands of people
just shows how difficult it is.
Well, all this boy mentioned it,
marketing promotion is very, very tough.
All I'd say to you and for everybody else
is that that's part of the reason
you're a member of the club center.
Their promotion and their marketing
and the way that they can get traction
and eyes is just different class.
And I'm not just talking about creating videos
and doing mint of the month
and projects of the week and things like that.
I'm talking about the fact
that you've got nearly 80 odd projects
now with all their eyes on you
and your eyes on everybody else.
So you can create some networking,
you're going to create some relationships there.
And who knows how many
collab center members
could be part of your Earth Day.
I'd probably suggest that you try
without giving you too much advice,
try and attach the NFT side of the business
to the monthly Earth Day side of the business
rather than keeping them separate
and just go flat out with monthly Earth Day.
I promise you because I know a good idea
when I see it and that is one.
So best of luck to you
and you know you've got a lot of support
in this room let alone elsewhere
and you'll get where you need to go.
I've no doubt about that
because you're not going to give up
and that's three quarters of the battle.
Yeah, it's actually been awesome.
I'm very new to the collab center
but even in the first month
of wanting to showcase the monthly Earth Day
and try to get some people to participate,
there's been quite a few projects
that have already wanted
to jump on board and participate.
So it's very, very encouraging
and it's very humbling to just see
that there are other people out there
that excuse my French
but they give a shit
and it's just really cool to see.
So I'm really excited to see
what the future is going to hold
for being a part of the collab center
for this monthly Earth Day.
But yeah, you know I'm always a part
of talking about myself, Graham,
as you know.
I've got to agree with you brother as well
that when being the first talk
it was the monthly Earth Day
just stood out to me
is something that everybody,
wherever you are in the world,
we can all get behind it
and support it
and I know the first one that came up
since you've been with Incolab Center,
I took part in it myself
and whilst I was at work,
so it was even convenient for me.
I'm working away on my streetlights
and I'm picking up the litter as I go.
I have a box in the back of my van
and I'm just shoving the litter in the back
and it was as easy as that
is that you know
and that's all you've got to do
just it can be convenient for you
as you're walking around
doing whatever you're doing
so again it just shows the impact
that you can have
the other thing as well
that I think we should point out
is the fact that you're getting
you are getting traction
on this monthly Earth Day
so it's a good tool
for projects to use
to actually advertise themselves as well
so this is another reason
why people should get behind
the monthly Earth Day
you know you've got your graphic there
with all of the projects
that are involved
that are taking part
that's just advertisement
for all the projects out there
so if you're not a part of it
think of it as a business tool
to market yourself as well
and if you're getting involved in it
it means your community's getting involved in it
and again it means that reach
that you're getting is going to grow
so it's a good marketing tool as well
so I'll advertise it like that for you
and I say it's again
you've got a lot more going on
but Nick I appreciate you coming up
on the giveaway
that Nick was talking about
leave your comment in there
and Nick will be in touch if you've won
well just to add that
to be part of monthly Earth Day
you haven't got to go and
put on a Just For All jacket
and sit on the M25
and stop all the traffic
all you've got to do
is something good once a month
that could help an old lady
across the road
or get a cat out of a tree
or pick up a packet of Chris
that someone's dumped
you know it doesn't have to be
all this game-changing
environmental action
that's going to change the world
he's going to change the world
just be a part of him doing it
and part of that is
if he's got a hundred people
just doing one good deed
imagine what a million people could do
just doing one good deed a month
that's how the movement begins
with one person
so I love the fact
that Nick talks about himself
because he is that person
and without him
there is no monthly Earth Day
so I've got all the time
in the world for him
to talk about himself
because he's the one driving it
he's the one that decided one day
he's fed up with rubbish
so he just went around
picking it all up
I don't do that
I love the fact
I love every time I hear from him
it makes me want to do something good
made me counteract the things
when I didn't pick up the rubbish in the past
so I'm all for it
yeah honestly like it's
it's even like going to the extent of
just being aware of what you're doing every day
I mean you don't have to
like you said
you don't have to go out of your way
to do stuff
but if you use a recyclable bag
to do your shopping
that's having a positive impact on the world
if you are buying products that
the cardboard the packaging has
you know a specific symbol on it
that means that it is
it's sustainably packaged
that to me is doing a good deed
the list goes on and on and on
but it's really growing
to the point where
there's a lot of
environmental projects
and impact businesses around the world
that are starting to take notice
and wanting to do partnerships
and collaborations
I'm getting approved
for these online impact grants
through web3
to be part of quadratic funding
through gitcoin
so like you said
there's just a lot of exposure
and people that do participate
the very next month
if your picture's up there
I tag your project
a lot of those people
get new followers
get new you know
community members that way also
just by people being like
okay well this this project
you know did this good deed last month
I want to check it out
so and again
I don't ask for anything in return
if anything I'm trying to give
I'm trying to give back
to the people that are
willing to donate their time
to help me out
so it's definitely like a win-win
for everybody
so yeah again I appreciate it
Do you know what I'd do?
I would do
I know it sounds really stupid
I would do
you know I told you about
you know going TikTok
and all these other places
I would do a simple video
of you picking up
an empty bag Chris
and putting it in the bin
and going
that is the minimum requirement
for monthly Earth Day
I'll tell you why
because people like me
and thousands of people
will think
monthly Earth Day
I've got to do something good
that seems like
a lot I've got to put thought into it
or I've got to go and protest somewhere
I've got and literally
all you have to do
is something good
so show people
the simplest something good there is
and say you can do anything above this
but if you do this
and send me a photo
and the only difference is
constantly people seeing
people doing good things
that's the only thing
that might slightly be missing
just keep whacking it out there
showing all these good deeds
people are doing
and that's where you'll gain traction
I've no doubt about it
I'm with you on that one
but no Nick
it's an absolute pleasure
having you up here
thank you for coming and joining us
has anyone got anything else
they want to add to that
if not we shall move on
to the next
the next project
and Grazo who might that be?
Okay so we've got salty sharks
I'm looking out for Octopeeps
we've got Lucky Labs
Lucky Labs has
come up a couple of times
I'm not sure
whether he's got connections
but salty sharks
and then Lucky Labs
because I can't see
oh the octopus people are here
so yeah we've got
salty sharks
we've got
if you want to go officially
which we like official
it's salty sharks,
octopeeps, lucky labs
and then salon heroes
that's the that's the order
but you're the host
you do what you want
No far away
Rob how's it going?
Yeah good morning gents
ladies and West Ham supporters
how are we all?
Oh good thanks mate
I've covered off all the
major groups there I think
Yeah we won five nil
I'm about to get kicked
from the group aren't I?
We won five nil didn't we?
So you can't say anything
that I'm not happy about
we absolutely no no
they're doing amazing
they're doing amazing
why would you be unhappy with that?
I'm not happy
because I'm talking to Tottenham supporter
but apart from that
I'm very happy
There is always that
yes yeah fair enough
we won four nil
that's one
but anyway that's getting off track
yeah thanks for
inviting us up
great to be part of the space
obviously and supporting
Collab Centre
It's funny because I love
what Nick's doing in crypto whales
in the monthly Earth Day
we've been part of that
I think since nearly the beginning
nearly the first one
and I absolutely love
being a part of that
and doing our bit for the environment
and love listening to
Audiboy and Hoon 4
because again
great friends and partners
over there as well
so there's so many fantastic projects
we've been listening to today
that we've worked with
and are working with
and continue to work with
which is great
We've been around since September
we launched in September 21
I love hearing stories
about the bull market of 21
because we never actually capitalised on that
we were always an organic brand
and business growing
so we never actually capitalised on that
but we've continued to build and grow
right the way through that
and the bear market that followed
and now into the next one as well
and we've moved beyond our roadmap
now we're onto our next
three to five year business plan as well
so but essentially
we're an entertainment and education brand
focused on marine species conservation
specifically sharks, rays, turtles
and also ocean conservation as well
When I say
I'm not going to go into a heap of detail
because there's tons that we've been doing
and have done over the last two and a half years
and we just don't have time for it here
I want to help people get back on track time wise
and let other people get up and speak
but we've launched four unique innovative games to date
for our brand
everything we do is story driven
we've got an evolving story multiverse
that everything else is based on
all the games
all the education content
and the conservation work as well
so we've got four unique innovative games
our holders can win Matic every month
on our Surf's Up game board
which is the largest digital scratch and win game in web 3
we've got our first of its kind
underwater Minecraft MMORPG
with seven unique cities and bases all underwater
which is great for the kids
we've got our Atlantis sub racer game
which is on the spatial platform
which again is a very unique racing game
obviously at the bottom of the ocean
racing submarines
which is a heap of fun
and we've got our trading card game
which is 80% complete enclosed beta testing at the moment
and will be completed over the coming months
couple of months
and that just recently won a second place
in a shark tank style program for game developers
and we beat out 17 other games that were in development
in a very competitive environment
with some incredible hosts on the panel
major chains and major game studios
and to get second place missing out
by one vote on first place
just gives us a lot of confidence
in the caliber of the game we're building
and how well received it will be
so you know I know a lot of people
talk about the intrinsic value of NFTs
and you know the art
and what it can provide for people
and do for them
and that attachment they get
to that artistic nature of the NFTs
obviously all our art is produced
by our artist the crew or hand drawn
but also I kind of want to touch
on the extrinsic value of holding our NFTs
because we've just launched
our education series of aquarium exhibits
this is a huge step forward for us
as a brand in partnership
with our conservation partner
in the US called Finns attached
and these exhibits are metaverse based
so they're virtual and interactive exhibits
that mirror aquarium exhibits
so it brings aquariums into the home
and into the school
and we're rolling these out
to schools and families around the world
to give them the opportunity
of learning about marine species
learning about the oceans
as if they were going on an excursion
to an aquarium
but doing so in the classroom
through VR goggles
or through just on their computers
and also in the home
a little down room as well
it ticks a lot of boxes
it gives a lot of value
to people from an education standpoint
but also just a relaxation
who doesn't love looking at
sea creatures in an aquarium
for example
but in this one
you can explore it at your own pace
learn about all the different marine species
complete some mini games
for unlocking some badges and rewards
and just continue to enjoy
an ever expanding exhibit list as well
so that's the subscription page
for that for our schools and families
is about to go live
I think on Monday
and we've got
distribution affiliates
established in the US, Canada,
the UK, Asia and Australia
to start to deliver this
out to school districts
schools and families as well
holders of our NFTs
have perpetual and free access
to all of the exhibits
which at the moment
is around $350 a year
just by holding our NFTs
so that's pretty cool
holders also benefit from
what will be called loyalty rewards
which is a share of the profits
from the subscription services
to schools and families
so that's a pretty cool thing
that we're doing as well
that was obviously voted on
by the community
so it's not just the aquarium
multi-pass holders
that will actually have access to that
it's also the NFT holders
of our Genesis collection as well
so which is still minting
so yeah so there's tons of stuff happening
a lot of it is you know
quite unique and quite different
we're very much a hybrid
web2 web3 business and brand
we are partnered with Naar
in regards to a merch store
that he's setting up for us as well
we had our own merch store
but we're actually moving over
to support Naar
and set up a merch store with them
and then that will be our merch store
moving forward
so highly recommend that
that's been quite good
we've had to purchase already from that
and the feedback from the customer
was the quality was just outstanding
so big raps to them
that's fantastic
so yeah that's us in a nutshell
there's a lot more to it
but I just don't want to overwhelm people
with all the content
it's well worth jumping into the Discord
and checking out the project
benefits channel specifically
to see all the different things
that you can earn and gain
and be part of by holding
our Genesis Collection
there is a giveaway
which is 2000 pieces of 8
which if you are looking
just to buy NFTs
through pieces of 8
that's just under half
the way to buying your first NFT
through pieces of 8
so that's pretty cool
and the way we'll do that giveaway
is really simple
the first person to jump into our Discord
and tell me
which is a smarter fish in the ocean
a shark or a manta ray
which is the smarter fish
if you can jump into our Discord
and tell me that
you will win that 2000 pieces
of 8 first person
and I don't mind
if it's someone that's already
a member of our community
that wins it
if they're on the space
they're welcome to take part
and win that 2000 pieces of 8
so I'll open it up to questions
I'll just tell you the answer now
wouldn't it?
No well you could
but I'd rather people
actually got a Discord
and did it
but that's okay
Me first though wouldn't I?
You would be first
No you know me
I don't really go for stuff really
I'll just like supporting you
No I'm only kidding
Hey when you said
that's me in the nutshell
you ever seen Austin Powers?
I love that one
Someone says
that's me in the nutshell
I just want to do it
I just want to do it
He's so cool
How do people earn the other half
of the pieces of 8?
Okay so the way to do it
is when you're in the Discord
in general chat type
exclamation poe pieces of 8
exclamation poe
and it actually gives you a list
of how you can earn it
but basically it's playing our other games
playing our shark attack games
daily in Discord
will earn you pieces of 8
completing quests in the Minecraft game
will earn you pieces of 8
completing activities
in our Metaverse events
and Metaverse environments
such as the collection of coins
in the Expo Island etc
earn you pieces of 8
and as well there'll be competitions
in the Atlanta Subracer
which will earn you pieces of 8
so there's tons of ways to earn it
retweeting certain tweets
that we put out on a regular basis
will earn you pieces of 8
so yeah heaps of different ways
And all it costs you is your time
Yep and not very much of it either
because I am mindful of people's time
so we try and keep the engagement
requirement to as low as possible
because people have lives
and work and families
and all this other stuff
but they don't need to be spending
all day every day in our Discord
Cheers Rob I appreciate you coming in
and talking to us
but like you say there's so much involved
with Salty Sharks
and I think people
I don't think you've done yourself justice
there of what you've got
because you've got so much going on
and I say it's all great
it's all there as well
this is the thing
go and mint yourself
one of the Genesis sharks
right now you might get lucky
and get a mermaid
but like I said
what's the mint price right now?
Mint price is currently 50 medic
and once you're in
you've then got the trading card game
you've got the
or the scratch game as well
where you can win as well
you can win magic bag
you can win magic every month
this is it
so you could essentially
you could get your magic bag
and within a few months
you've got all of the the games
as well the education
you've got the revenue as well
for being a holder
and things like that
so there's so much there
it doesn't
why would you not go and mint one
that's all I would say
you know it makes sense
there's all these other projects out there
that promise you this
this and this
but it's not there yet
whereas Salty Sharks
they've got it all there
it's there ready to go
you just buy yourself
one of those sharks right now
and you're within the system
and you can be earning pieces of eight
which I think again
you once you've earned so many
you can beat yourself another NFT
you've got the other games
like I'm just going to go around
in a circle here
but there's just so much going on
it's just a really well established
business that you've got set up here
um again do your own research
look into Salty Sharks
and get yourself in the Discord
just have a look about
but Grazo have you got anything else
you want to add to that?
Has anyone got any questions?
The only thing I'd add is
everyone should do their own research
everyone should invest in the projects
that they're comfortable with
what I love about Salty Sharks
is when I first went in there
I think it was the idea
it was only an idea
about the live aquarium
I don't invest in anyone
where I don't know the founder
I haven't spoken to the founder
I don't get a feel for it
early on Rob
we had certain conversations on spaces
and you know I was in his space a lot
before I did my own
so I knew that he was really trying to get on
and the family
sort of that was in the Discord
that's still there
was very very friendly
especially and I mean this
especially to newcomers
very welcoming
gave people time to look around
to get a feel for it
to find out you know an explanation of
I mean there's so much that
Rob hasn't said
because he can't
because of the time
but you know
there's a whole bunch of audio books
there's comics
to allow those people
because there's a lot to take in
and I think what I love more
about the Salty Sharks
is the fact that they give people
enough time
as much time as they want
without any buying pressure
to invest anything
and people will end up doing
what they want to do
but having a relaxed atmosphere
where everything's professionally laid out
you're welcome to join in on
the spatial events
where you walk around the amphitheatre
you know they do the online exhibitions
where any project
can have a little stand
and have people as an avatar
come up and talk to them
I remember the very first spatial event
they did was in a little room
and I remember everything about that
and when you put all those things together
that's when it becomes a great project
that's going places
but I always knew there was something
Rob gets annoyed with me
because I keep reminding him
it was that one thing
when he first said about live aquariums
I went there's something there
it's like crypto wells
with his monthly Earth Day
there's just something about it
which is special
and not just for monetary reasons
for the fact that any school
that's in a remote area
any poor school
that can't afford to go on a coach trip
because they're very expensive
to a live aquarium
we know how much these day trips are
this could be a world game changer
for a lot of school children
and I think that's what first got me
the rev share of the month side
comes later
but it's having an idea
and a concept
about what they're doing
that is absolutely genuine
and it's going to change a lot of things
I mean the relationship
they have with fins attached
and they every so many mints
they give a certain propulsion
to put an attack tracking device
on a shark
there's so many different things
that is great about the project
all I'd suggest to anyone
who's interested
is just get yourself in the Discord
say hi and see how you feel
in a few days
because the welcome is fantastic
and as I said before
everybody should have time
in any project
to have a good look around
get the feel for the place
get the feel for the atmosphere
how to find different things
and then they will buy later
that's my personal opinion
if you just go in and buy 20 of them
I'll be honest
you're being a bit foolish
I would be
don't just go in there and buy a load
and get to know people
it's a tremendous place to be
and you've helped out
Watsy as well
with having the collab centre
Soty Sharks
one of the first I know
that were a member
and they've been along the journey
the whole step of the way
and you've been a tremendous help
to end as well
so don't forget that either
Cheers, I'd appreciate that
You just reminded me
sorry I do apologise
but I did actually forget
something that's really quite significant
and you mentioned
when you mentioned fins attached
it was obviously there
our conservation partner
we work with them to build the exhibits
but one thing which we've just agreed on
and worked on
is that once we've got
our third exhibit out
which is Turtle Beach
which comes out
end of a couple of weeks
they're offering subscribers
to those three exhibits
the opportunity to complete
a beginner's guide to marine biology
which is a certificate course
that they offer for students
in the schools
so they will be able to complete
in the actual exhibits
a beginner's guide to marine biology
there'll be a test that they can complete
and then they get a certificate as well
so that's something else
that we're delivering
as part of the school package
but also for people at home
so it starts to get people interested
and passionate about marine biology
which is you know
clearly a huge focus on
sort of what we're trying to achieve
as well with our education piece
so yeah I just thought I'd mention that as well
Sorry can you find the button then?
Yeah, cheers Rob
No, I appreciate you coming after
and having a chat with us
and like I said
there's so much going on there
I say you've got the education side of things
No, thank you so much
who's won the giveaway?
That's the one thing I want to know
Has anyone jumped in?
Oh, there's dozens
but a lot of people got the answer right
which was fantastic
Ham Bear Pig won
he was first
so he won the 2000
but everybody else who answered correctly
also won 200 pieces of eight as well
because I just felt like being generous
Ham Bear Pig is lightning quick
and I mean lightning quick
he's fantastic
anyone who doesn't know Ham Bear Pig
should get to know him
he's in pretty much every
collab centre member's discord regularly
I don't know how he does it
I mean I'm an envy of the man
he's just he's just a machine
That he is definitely
I could tell where else
I see you've got your hand up
Yeah, I just wanted to
I'm a variety to hop off
but I just wanted to say
thank you so much
and if anybody did not hear
about my giveaway
just get up into my post up there
and hashtag and comment
hashtag monthly earth day
a lot of people have done it already
and a lot of people have posted
that they're already doing
sustainable stuff and recycling
see you guys don't even know
that you're already being a part of it
so I appreciate you guys again
but I need to jump off
and take care of the kiddos
Jesus, I appreciate you coming up
in the Lucky Say
we're making the earth a better place
so Grazert who have we got up next?
was it Lucky Labs did we say?
and that's hand bear I think
so officially on the
well Lucky Labs have been up
pretty much for the start
OctoPeeps are here
officially on the list
OctoPeeps are next
but I think if you do
well I'll let you decide
completely the onus
and the anvil on you mate
now let's stick to the schedule
OctoPeeps how's it going?
come on up
good evening guys
it's going great
thanks for having us today
I really enjoy the previous speakers
and projects
and I'm always
this motivating me
like all the time
when I hear
what people are building here
so yeah appreciate
all the experience
yeah shall I speak about my project?
yeah sure let's hear about OctoPeeps
and what's going on there
sure so yeah
I'll try to be brief today
my name is Jaroslav
I'm from Ukraine
and I'm the founder of OctoPeeps
I'm a web developer
and that's why
like these spaces
like I consider these spaces
is my is my space
is my I don't know
I enjoy everything
I enjoy technology
I'm not a really cool crypto trader
but yeah I really love the blockchain
and all this stuff
that's why I try to use it
in our project
to build this stuff
that other people
building and yeah
to bring something new here
so yeah we started
February 22
so yeah more than two years
we are here
I started by myself
right now we have a small team
we have a community manager
who is helping a lot
with all the community stuff
we have some guys
from Philippines
who are helping us
with the collab games
yeah we have a beautiful lady
from from Australia
so yeah the team is growing
and I'm really happy about it
because you know it's impossible
to do it everything by yourself
and yeah team is a must
for in a project
we are dogs
the core team is dogs actually
after the collab center announcement
we we dropped
we created the channel
and our discord
and drop our LinkedIn links
you can find all our links
on our website
yeah so trying to be transparent
you can find us anywhere
yeah we are
first of all
we started as an NFT project
because yeah
we are doing art here
and we started
from this simple collection
of our OctoBibs OGs
I drew it by myself
very quick for I guess two months
when I joined the web tree space
I decided to make it really fast
and see how it goes
so yeah since that time
we created one more collection
which is OctoBibs Kindoms
they are a little bit advanced
also we have a free climb collection
for for every kingdom holder
they are a pixel version of these NFTs
all our collections are stakeable
we have a year C20 token
it is called Fatem
it doesn't have liquidity right now
but this is a plan for the for this year
so for the for the second half
of the of 2024
we are we are planning to to add the liquidity
so now we can give back
to the holders
and I really want to want this happen
right now we are just investigating
this market stuff
because as I said I'm I'm not really experienced
crypto guy
I want to make everything wise
what else of course we are
enjoying people here
we are on Polygon
I love my community of Polygon
every project of every artist
they are really supportive
and yeah this is the best part
of the web tree space
we have our so-called
I don't know
sub project
it is called Onlyfans
we gathered some cool people
some cool artists and project there
so they are definitely legit one
we always review
if if anyone ragged or so
so yeah this is the like a catalog of the projects
with all the links to the
actually the idea was to create together
all the utilities of a project
on a single page
so you can just come and
and search like I don't know
I love the crazy beers
this is their staking
this is their minting page
and so on
so in one place
for all the projects
yeah this is this was fun
and we also pick some projects
from this list
and create some spotlights
our community manager
with Liz doing this job
so yeah he makes a great analytics
of the project
and yeah that's what we do
and also we as I said
I enjoyed taking
I am a web developer
created a Discord board
but it is called Blocktalk
it's right now
it has one only one plugin
it is it can show
the NFT starts in your Discord
so you can enter the Discord command
you can enter the collection name
you can pick the marketplace
and add some extra information
which is needed by the board
and it will create NFT stats channels
inside your Discord
and they will be since that time
they will be working
like they will be updated
automatically on our site
on the background
so yeah you don't need
you don't need to do anything
you just will be
you will be able to see
an updated NFT stats
like total volume
and floor price
and so on
on your Discord
and it's free right now
so yeah if you are interested
just check it out
in our Discord
we also do charity
we donated
15% from the Octopus Kingdoms collection
this last December
it was not much
but it was 200 Matic
we donated to Oceanic Society
yeah we also share
sharing the revenue
between our holders
we did it also
in the beginning of this year
we shared 15%
between the people who minted
Octopus Kingdoms NFTs
and we distributed these funds to them
we last year
we started doing more collapse
with the like
for example the poker nights
I enjoyed this kind of collaboration
very much
because the people who come
after the poker to your server
are simply amazing
this is the great audience
which you can onboard
and stuff that yeah
this is really cool
about collaborations
we also collab with artists
we have a monthly airdrop
for our holders
and try to involve different artists
from all over the space
so they create the art
in Octopus team
but in their style
so yeah and we just airdrop
these two our holders
we have such utility also
we had a cool collaboration
with the web2 project
it is called Astrid Jewelry
they created for us
the silver pendants
with the our logo
it's an Octo hat
and yeah this
we are giving away
this tool to our holders
and also a couple of them
will be traveling
to the upcoming NYC NFT conference
so yeah about the utility
I wanted to say about the utility
we have a token
we have a really cool ruffle
it's called ruffle market
you can win
with a pretty cool chance
and NFT of a polygon project
or not only the polygon
but we also add the Ethereum
and Solana as well
yeah so you can buy a ticket
for the for our token
you can earn it by staking
and we try to keep these
chances or odds pretty high
so yeah the chance of you
winning the NFT
which definitely has some money wars
because we try to pick some cool project
and list it on our market
what else we have a lot
we have a lottery
I don't know
it's not really popular
but yeah the jackpot is growing
right now
it's like 18k
so you can buy pretty much
anything from our ruffle market
if you win it
but yeah it's in the real lottery
the chances are really low
right now
so the main focus of the team
and the project right now
it's our upcoming collection
and it will be the last collection
of the Octopus
last main collection
I should say
and I really want to become
the main collection of the project
it will be Octakidos
they're really cool
this time
I'm not drawing everything by myself
because you know
I'm not an artist at all
and we are collaborating
with the really cool artist
she's drawing
most of the trades
for the collection
and it's like in the process
right now
I think we are 80% ready
for the trades
because the collection
will be pretty big
it will be 8888 NFTs
and I really want to make each NFT
quite unique
so that's why I think we need more trades
and I think I will be ready to go
when we have 300 at least
so yeah right now
the main date is actually set
for the 8th of April
right after the NYC NFT
when everyone returns
and will be ready to invite
to meet the kiddos
let's say this way
it will be the whitelist phase
we dropped a lot of whitelist
to our community members
so we picked the project
which we love and support
and we just dropped to
we made a snapshot of their collections
and dropped a lot of whitelist NFTs
so this yeah
by the way OpenSea even blocked us for this
because they considered us as a scam
but yeah we fought back
we fought back
and they returned this token
to the marketplace
and it's okay right now
so if you see anything
with the octa-kiddo
and the whitelist sign
it's totally legit
it will give you the the access
for the main
for 12th matic
but if you want to make the price
even lower
you have such opportunity
you can simply go to the Discord
and complete some simple quests
for example
like it's some some basic stuff
like subscribe on our socials
like make a post
and on Twitter
and so yeah
we have a lot like 10 or 20 tasks
and you can if you complete everything
you can make the main price
like 8th matic
it will be it will be twice lower
than the public price
which will be the 16th
so yeah this is the the main focus right now
we have more more than two
three weeks till the main date
and yeah working really hard
on the art on the dub
and yeah the collection
will be a stakeable as well
but I really want to make
the staking experience more cool
I will not add it to the current staking
I want to make kiddos
to have this collection
to have some staking boosts
so if you or if you own more kiddos
you can earn more of course
and yeah so this will be announced later
uh two more two more important things
I want to mention
is our like second insert priority
after the our NFT collection
it's a sandbox experience
we are already building
the the the experience
on the land of the sandbox
and we'll try to to connect it
with the kiddos
and to create some cool avatars
so people can use and play
and complete some cool quests in sandbox
this will this is the plan for the
for the second part of the year
and as for the boktor
which is our bot
as I said earlier
right now we are working
on the dashboard
and we are working
on the different plugins
like guard plugin
the plugin which can prevent
scum links in your discord
also for example
I had an idea
and actually I already developed it
the task manager
for the small teams
which you can use in your discord
so yeah this is the
this the plugins
and the dashboard
but this can can't be used
without the dashboard
so this that's why we we
have to finish the dashboard
and then continue
with all the plugins
and lately we had an idea
to add some kind of subscription
for this discord board
and also like not only
for the fiat
but you can for example
you will be able to buy a subscription
with our your seed
when you talk and so yeah
I think that's pretty much it guys
I hope it didn't take too long
if you have any questions
I'll be happy to answer
and we have a giveaway today
and I thought that I will I will pick
the collab center post
about this twitter space
and I'll around twitter
pick her from this post
if you are okay with it guys
yeah for sure
that's absolutely fine
so this running off of our tweet
that we put out there
so if you go all the way
to the right hand side
it'll be that one there
so if you haven't
ended already
get on that tweet
like it retweet it
tag a few people
get your friends in
and then yeah
if you're gonna use twitter picker
we'll come back to you
in a little while
and we can get the update
but I see
Vitaly has got his
have you got a question
for us mate
it's our community manager
hello guys
hello guys
if you don't mind
I will say a few words
in addition
what I will say already
yeah first of all
I want to say about
how I celebrated
my first day today
it's strange coincidence
but I was going to throw
my canned beers in the trash
for several months already
it's almost one hundred
canned beer cans
and I had in time for that
but today I finally managed to do it
and I put them to a special
I don't know how this stuff is calling
it's a big machine
which is giving your cans
and giving you the points
for every can
you drop there
so I got my 10 eco points
for every can
and now I'm very rich
so that's how I
put my contribution
to ecosystem saving
ecology saving
because I really don't like
to make a lot of trash
during my life
I never collect big
bags of trash
for example
like a lot of people do
I'm trying to utilize everything
I'm trying not to throw
in the trash
bread or any food
because it's really precious
and a lot of people
have a lack of food
so today I was celebrating my
first day
and it's really actually cool
that someone's
creates such kind of a win
yeah and well Dr. Pips
as you can see
we do everything
absolutely everything
we start a lot with Octo
about how can we
what is our uniqueness
and we can't find it
but then I realize that
our uniqueness is that
we do absolutely everything
in this space
we're experimenting
and we want to try
every single stuff
we have here
like our own
call in our own sandbox game
our own bot in Discord
and so on and so on
and it's actually really crazy
because we're learning a lot
during this stuff
and by the way
about jewelry
Octo mentioned
it's a project we finally realized
I remember this
the very first day
we get acquainted
with collapse center
and move to your space guys
and you asked
you have the declaration
in your white paper
like you can't help
with mass adoption
and what exactly do you do?
And that was the first time
I mentioned
that we have a project
we're helping to move
from work to work through
that was the asteroid jewelry
and now we already have
the real physical pendants
from silver polishes
covered by this gold
and this radium
and it's already
the really
functional project
so that's how we
keep our promising
of mass adoption
yes thank you guys
Thank you so much
for coming on
and speaking to us
let's say you
you do everything
it's just great to see
I think I popped into your
Discord the other week
and again
there was just even more
happening there
what was it you were doing
was it the scratch card game?
I think you had
just announced
that you were doing
so there's always something
like you say
and it's just great to see
and the one thing
for me that stands out
is like you say
the Micky Take
Twitter profile
and I thought you were going
to attack us at some point
but we're still surviving
we have not had any attention
on us yet but
yeah like I say
it was just good
the irony there
that you had
talking about the scan projects
and whatnot
and I think you're real
Grazer in at one point
but yeah like I say
you guys are doing
some amazing things
so thank you ever so much
for coming up here
and I think we are
a little bit behind
on the schedule
so I'm going to move on quickly
if you don't mind
and Grazer who have we got up next?
Is it Lucky Labs?
Yeah so first of all
you're going to regret
saying they haven't targeted you yet
you know that
oh yeah I know
secondly to Vitaly
if you I'm not sure
if you're part of the monthly
Earth Day with Crypto Wales
but that would be a
that'd be a great addition
if you send him a picture
next time you recycle a can
he can he can promote that
and do it under the Octopeats banner
and that helps both of you
but very in there to be Octopeats
look some projects
I don't invest in every project
just to get something back
sometimes I invest
because I really like what they're doing
and I love the fact they
under promise over deliver
you know they send air drops out
no one asks for them
they just do it
and that raffle
that scratch card
you know they
they air dropped it
to the holders
and you you scratched it off
and see if you won an OG
they didn't have to do any of that
and you know a lot of the things
they don't charge for
they just do it
so I think that takes
that needs a lot of credit really
and I'm pleased they're a member
of Collab Centre
I'll tell you what
if Octopeats and Houndfour
ever got together
and put their heads together
on the development side
they'd be really dangerous
I'll be scared for the whole blockchain
put those two heads together
and you've got you've got a lot of
they could change a lot of things
but yeah lucky
lucky leprechauns or lucky labs
are up next mate
how's it going today guys
here we go
oh good thanks mate
how are you
doing great thanks
springtime has finally arrived
up here in Canada
so I'm pretty excited about that
sweet wow
yeah it's good to have you
come up here
and have a chat with us
but yeah tell us
about lucky labs
right on yeah
so lucky labs is a future
revenue share product project
sorry and we also
offer a lot of current
ways to earn in our discord
and with our claw machine
you know we also have a
adventure system
and how that works
is you take your lucky leprechaun
you pay a small
Solana fee
and probably a bigger fee
of our native token
you send your lucky leprechaun
on an adventure
and it states your lucky leprechaun
for the duration of the adventure
so you can't really
move it around or anything
and when the adventure is over
you come back
you claim your rewards
now it varies from SPL tokens
future adventures
will be traits
that are themed
after the adventure
where you'll be able
to take these traits
go into our trait swapper
and put them on your lucky leprechaun
we also have
a neat little thing for whales
if you own 10 lucky leprechauns
you're going to get
a custom one of one
how that works
is you design the custom
you tell me how you want it
I reach out to the artist
and they draw it up for you
and every time
I see a new custom
I get excited
because the community members
the things they think of
you know also designing them
after their favorite characters
and the artist just
absolutely makes it pop
but not only do you get this custom
the royalties are tied to you
for the rest of your life
so you give me a wallet
you're going to have
for the rest of your life
and I set it up on the blockchain
where anytime this NFT is sold
you're going to get
the royalties on it
we also have our magazine
that will be coming back
in the future
how that works is
we interview projects
we do some artwork for them
we also give an unbiased opinion
on these projects as well
if it's a future project
we can you know curate
some whitelist giveaways
and all that stuff
right through the magazine
itself we're really excited
about bringing that back
we also have our wine coming up
we've already paid the deposit
and just waiting on the next steps
and we'll actually have
a hundred bottles of wine for sale
that are going to bring revenue
into the project
and also it's going to be
giving our brand some recognition
you know that's huge in this space
especially with in real life items
it's bringing in people
who might not know about the space
we also will be looking forward
to creating new mints
on different blockchains
and partnering with some pretty
big names in the space
we do have plans to go
to the Ethereum side of things
with our lucky leprechaun
and POG collaboration
that's going to be
I'm going to say maybe
two three months down the line
and it's going to bring
a whole lot more awareness
to the project
and the brand itself
and by just holding
one of our lucky leprechauns
you're going to get access
to getting an airdrop
of a lucky leprechaun
or any mint
that we're going to go through
on a chain
we're going to set you up
so you get an airdrop
and you don't got to pay
we also have lady leprechauns
coming down in the future
because you know
they deserve some love too
we can't just have
an all-male PFP collection
it alienates a big part
of the space
and with this female collection
we're actually going to be
giving back to women's charities
and stuff like that
with 15% of the mint
that we raised
through that
going back to one that
you know the community votes upon
we will obviously make sure
it's legit
and all that stuff
Do you know what I see
when I see
I knew lucky leprechauns
but I didn't know you too much
so 1200 in the collection
79 listed
which is about right
it's fairly low
194 holders
there's some bargains on the floor
because looking at it
looking at it
should probably be about
0.1, 0.2 sole
and there's quite a few on there
so if you want 10
it's not going to cost you a lot
it's pretty decent
the artwork
the adventures
collab center members
salana heroes
I'm thinking
you'll need to get together
because you know
you'll do adventures together
and share each other's NFTs
that could be quite productive
for all the communities
you're all on salana
the aesthetically
they're pleasing
yeah I think
it looks looks fantastic
lucky leprechauns
and you've been around
collab center a while now
yeah we've been around
collab center
for about
six seven months now
but absolutely
like you were saying
with these adventures
you know not only
these projects
that utilize the adventures
right now
but if you're a
salana project
that doesn't utilize
the adventures
but you want to give it a try
come give us a chat
we'll set it up
where we can do a collab
adventure with you
we'll obviously offer
up some prizes
some lucky leprechauns
some free plays
in our claw machine
some of our rainbow token
which is also going to give
you access
to future mints
on the salana network as well
and you know
you can add some prizes
too if you'd like
and we'll give you a bit
of the revenue
that we generate through it
so that it's a neat little way
for a project to gain
some extra revenue
especially if they're not
you know wanting to go through
setting it all up
and paying the monthly fee
to have it
it's definitely worth a shot
and I also think
it's a good idea
the fact that
if there's now
well there might be more
but I certainly know
four projects
that are salana
within the collab center
that run adventures
so as a holder investor
go on an adventure
with salana heroes
or stone sloths
and I could win a lucky leprechaun
on the flip side
if you were to do
go on an adventure
as lucky leprechauns
and you could win a stone sloths
or a lunadoles
that's quite attractive
because it also means
that within the ecosystem
of collab center
you create a little mini ecosystem
of salana projects
that all go on adventures
and can win
it's like having the shop
where you can swap
your currencies for NFTs
and it gains revenue
for all of you projects
and you've got a wider community
all getting involved
with each other is ventures
so you know
as I said before
I think the artworks great
I love the idea of
trade shops
I don't personally
invest for
as stone sloths know
and others
I invest for different things
but I know a lot of people
love the fact that
you can add traits
to your NFTs
making them potentially rarer
making them different
making them personalized
so the idea of having custom
and things like that
and I know you've even got one
there with a little lightsaber
and I love my Star Wars
so you know
you've got a lot of good things
I don't really agree with Grazo there
as well everything you're saying
like definitely need to link up
with the other ones
yeah no definitely
really excited
to do something like that
like I said we're all about
even with our trade shop
we're going to be featuring
you know traits
dedicated to other projects
and then when somebody
puts one of those traits
on their lucky leprechaun
and it gets purchased
you know that project
is going to get the revenue
from that trait being purchased
you know the profit will be shared
it's not going to just go
to our project
and also by holding lucky leprechauns
you can get traits designed
you know if you're not an artist
but you have an idea
for a trait
grab a couple lucky leprechauns
I think it's five
get you one spot in the trade shop
and you'll be able to say
hey this is what I want
and we can add some fun to that
by providing extra utility
and extra bonuses
for having these you know traits
that are designed
by community members
you know let's say
if somebody had a puff shirt
on their lucky leprechaun
well all of a sudden
that leprechaun is going to earn
puff and our token
at the same time
the the problem with me
what say is
where my mind starts going
with ideas
I I can't stop
and you imagine
within the club center
you've got
Luna dolls
Solana heroes
stone sloths
and lucky leprechauns
imagine if you had
a universal trait shop
where I could go
and get a puff jacket
and put it on my stone sloth
just imagine that
and imagine the impact
of having four trait shops
and getting a Luna dolls trait
and putting it
on my lucky leprechaun
just imagine that
and I'll let you run with that
I I've thought about it
so many times
the only issue
is making these traits
you know fit
the the same
the other NFTs
what you could do
is create four different types
one for the sloths
one for the Solana heroes
and one for the Luna dolls
I think my I think my point
because don't forget
earlier on
we spoke to
how and for
who love a bit of development
who love to chase things up
who love new technology
same as Octopeeps
I think the whole point here
is that within the collab center
everyone has everything that they need
all that I encourage everyone to do
is talk to other people
because if you all got together
you would be really dangerous
I mean that in a really positive way
everything is there for everyone
just use it
and the solution sometimes
seems difficult
but when you put your minds together
it can actually become
pretty simple
and I'm sure that there are things to overcome
but there are in life
but imagine that end result
for the consumer
imagine the fact that
it would give us choice
it would give us how it'll work
I haven't got a clue
but the idea of it
that's quite that sounds really great
because I'm looking at some of your artwork
and I'm looking at some of your traits
and then I look at my sloths
and my Solana heroes and my Luna
and I look at them and I think
hold on a sec
I could do with that
or I could change that
and it's just interesting
so I don't want us to run out of time
but I just found that
I think collaboration between everybody
could get yourself a lot of traction as well
and potentially everybody
then gets more sales
which helps the whole ecosystem
and that's what it's all about really
is how you move things forward together
and we have a plan for this as well
where we're going to drop a separate token
and we're going to actually
reach out to these projects
that work with the adventure system
we're going to give them an airdrop
of said token as well
and we're going to run adventures
strictly with this token
so both projects are going to come together
for the collab adventure
say hey what are we going to put in the prize pool
to benefit our holders
and only use this one token
so they don't have to pay Solana
something like that
we want to reward as much as possible
but it's obviously got to be
it's got to make us some revenue
in order to keep it sustainable
right yeah and and every
all the four projects I mentioned
have their own token
that you could could be widened out
so everyone has some
and then guess what what's the
I look through the collection
and there's a custom 101
and it's named hand bear peak
you can't make it up
I told you he is everywhere
there is actually a personalized hand bear peak
yeah no he is actually one of our founders
so there's me
but he's got his own custom
that looks like him as well
I love it I love it
it's almost a spitting image
like the artist does so well
when creating these one of ones
if you give him a picture of you
he's going to turn that into a lucky leprechaun
it's mind-blowing really
I wish I had the skill to do it
I wish I could say hey
I was the artist
but no I was just the guy
with a bunch of the ideas for the project
I had a previous partner
he did us wrong
he took from the project without asking
really hurt us you know
it took over 30 Solana
worth of our whole things
that were in our vault
and he dipped out
so now after that happened
I had some choices to make
it was either just move on
and stop doing this
or continue to grind it out
and change some things
and what I did was
I reached out to him bear
and another guy
who runs our claw machine
and said hey
do you guys want to be co-founders now
because I don't want to give up
there's no quitting these leprechauns
we're going to keep going
and you know
we're still minting as well
if you do mint
you're going to get a spin
on our mint wheel
that has various prizes
like BOGO, Solana, NFTs
but if you sweep
I'm going to give you five free plays
in our claw machine
this is going to happen all weekend long
in honor of St. Patty's Day
anybody who sweeps a lucky leprechaun
is going to get five plays
in our claw machine
and who knows
you might take home that shark X
from sharky there
and that's a top prize
in our claw machine
and what's the mint price?
Mint price is 0.5 Solana
you also get a chance at
winning half of that back
on that mint wheel
so we're all about getting lucky
I was going to say
you guys done such a good job
after the X founder done you wrong
I just want to say
how well you dealt with that
I know I was there
in the background watching it all unfold
and it was seamless
you took everything on
changed everything over
and nobody would have ever
known about it
if you hadn't been open
and honest to the community
and let them know the situation
you could have done all of this
without saying a word
and nobody would have known
any different
I just want to congratulate you on that
thank you
it's not easy to do that
and yeah it was seamless
and then what I will say is
since then
you've come on leaps and bounds
and there's so much going on now
and you're just growing as well
that's the thing
like I say
these people
they're out there
they do you wrong
they're no good
and the community
and everybody else deals with it
and just makes things better
so sometimes they do you a favour
yep and our community
was awesome through it
like it like
I don't want to talk about it too much
but it happened on my birthday
and I was like super down about it
like and the community
just really lifted me back up
and then brought the spirits back
and and you know really
really set the path forward
on let's let's get to this
and and let's get it done
let's not worry about the past
it's the best way to do it
and actually Humber is now
just come up here
Humber how are you?
I'm hanging in there guys
hanging in there above ground
so we call it a win
it's good to hear from you but
did I forget anything bro?
Nope you're all good
I was just you know
coming into emphasize
you know we're all about community
and stuff like that
we're all about
involving our
anybody involved in our project
who has an NFT of ours
is always involved in everything we do
we don't keep anything from them
we don't decide much without them either
you know so we're very much
absolutely and I did forget to mention
our hangry games
so every once in a while
we throw a command up
that runs a battle royal automatically
yeah and it's super fun to watch
but we give prizes
for the winner
yes exactly
so all I do is type the command
and type in what role gets to play the game
and whoever wins wins the prize
and obviously it goes mostly to holders
but every once in a while
we throw it for everybody
I think one time
we had a 22 hour game or something
because I did it for everybody in the discord
so it was quite fun
yep we run that create
we run that game based on the roles
in the discord
so we may run it for whales
we may run it for just holders
or anything like that
but you know
wow that's awesome
yeah it's a long long time
he did it for everybody in the discord
so it took a while
yeah no surprise
that's crazy
but yeah no thank you guys
I really appreciate you coming up
and having a chat with us
and I say congratulations
on how you've dealt with everything
and where you are now
and the future's looking good
so we definitely have to have a collab
with the adventures at some point
so we would discuss that
at some point in the future
but so no thanks ever so much
for coming up
and look let's get the next project up here
Grazo who have we got coming up?
well obviously we've got
salon heroes
and we did have
I'm just checking
we did have
I think we had dragons of eden
we had a representative from dragon
or dragons of eden
it's all good
we've we are running so late tonight
I say it's just been a joy
to have everybody up here
and have a good chat with them
well out of the ones
out of the ones left right
obviously salon heroes
there's dragons of eden
folklore are in the audience
if they did want to pop up
I know Luna dolls were here earlier
but I'm not sure they're here
I'm trying to frantically look through
everybody caught some familiar faces
there and that
and you know
I know we're running late
but you did want to hear
from a couple of holders
but I see Nugget funds down there
but obviously the guy I let up earlier
might not have been Nugget fund
or might have been so
no I think he was
I think he's uh
he's just dropped down
I say because we've had so many people
coming up here
and we're running a little bit late
so it's fine
but let's uh
what I'm going to do actually
graduate should we do
the marbles giveaway
that we've got going on
should we do that
well yeah I mean
you better do it haven't you
you were the first speaker
this is it I'll tell you what
Grazer just pick a number
how many have we got in here
let's do it this way
or should we do a Twitter picker
what should we do
well it's up to you
if I was choosing number
I'd choose number 16
and I don't
anyone who knows me
I tend to look at the door
most of the evening
so I never look at my phone anyway
so whoever's number 16
and it's different for you
than it is for me
but if it's Nissa
we'll re-roll it
yeah no I think
here we go
let's have a look
I'm in so much trouble
great choice there
Scottish lass
you've won a marbles NFT
I'll DM you
in a little while
is that who's won it?
Scottish lass
it is yeah
it's a better person
you might wind her up in the discord
be tremendous
the marbles NFT is going to Scottish lass
and but so thank you to you
for being in the space
and congratulations
but let's move on to Solana Heroes
let's get tea money up here
because I know it's late
you're I think he's an hour ahead of me
it's getting very late for you
but how's it going?
Morning good and you guys
What's the time there?
yeah I was going to say what C
I think you've underestimated
how far ahead he is
it's up after two
yeah it's 2.30 for me
yeah so it's
but I don't mind
I've been enjoying the space
and listening to everybody
and what's going on
well you're happy now aren't you
the fact that you've
hardly got a floor left
because someone's just
gone in and swept it all
Yeah so the person that swept it all
was actually handbag pig
because he's been
he's been threatening to
to join the Vilin family for a while
and yeah he swept the last two
and our floor price jumped
from 0.25 to 0.8 salt
so I'm really happy about that
I told you what C
he's everywhere
be careful of the handbag pig
he's everywhere
I keep telling people
that I'm not real
telling people I'm not real
I'm just a computer program
but nobody believes me
I'm starting to believe it
anyway sorry
tea money
let's hear about
savannah heroes
and what you were doing
to save the space
yeah so for those that don't know me
my name is Tian
tea money
so where the tea money comes from
is my 95 job
is I run my own accounting firm
so I'm good with with money
and my name is Tian
that's where tea money comes from
just so everybody knows
so I started savannah heroes
about what was it
two years ago now
where I thought about
what can be done
with all the rugged NFTs
that I've got in my wallet
and literally there was nothing out there
so I decided to
to build what I want
so that's where the idea came from
we've got yes we've got a lot going on
at this stage
so I've put up something at the top
just explaining exactly the difference
between our our two collections
so the first collection
is our villains collection
that is purely an a a profit share
collection where you share
in every revenue that comes into
into savannah heroes
savannah heroes is a registered company
in south africa
so I'm treating it as a full-blown business
we'll be adding
we'll be buying real world assets
in the form of airbnb apartments
in cape town
which is an airbnb mecca
and you as a villain holder
will share 20 of those profits
you can also stay in one of our airbnbs
for a weekend for free once a year
with you and your family
and then our heroes collection
which is our main collection
and our main utility
which will allow you to earn passive income
for any rag dead or useless nft
in your wallet
for salano ethereum and polygon
so if you look at the the pen at the top
I've just explained how our reward site
will work
it's not a staking site
it's a reward site
so we don't physically interact
with any of your rug or date nfts
the key if you think about it
our heroes nft is like a key to a car
that starts it
and you can go anywhere
so if you want to use that as an analogy
so the rarity of the hero nft
will determine how many nfts
in your wallet
you will earn rewards for
anything from 15
up to 100 nfts per euro nft
the reward you get
is our villa is our is our hero token
which is already a registered cryptocurrency
we've paired with another currency
called nobody
to give our holders of our villain nfts
value at this stage
until we're able to add a liquidity pool
so that is the token
that you will earn
the starting value
as soon as we add a liquidity pool
will be 0.00083 cents
to put that into perspective
if you've got 10 000 tokens
that will be 8.3 dollars
so what have we got going on currently
so I'm busy finalizing the the art
for our heroes collection
I've posted in my advisors chat
which is if you own 10 of our villain nfts
you become a part of our advisor channel
which in and I post in that channel
anything about the project
and where we are
and the plans just for some feedback
because I value the feedback
of my members quite a lot
I do ask the community
quite a lot of feedback
which I find invaluable
it's actually changed my mind
a few times to go in a different
and better direction
than what I actually thought
so from that aspect
it's really good
sorry I'm jumping around a bit
because I'm tired
but so our villains
are currently minting
we've minted 410
out of our 1112 NFTs
because of the pump in Sol
I've decided to drop the price
from 0.5 Sol to 0.4 Sol
we're currently running a BOGO
where you buy one
and get one another one free
but on top of that
you also get a free mint token
for our heroes collection
which is coming next week
that means that you can mint
a hero NFT for free
by owning a villain
in the first phase
we're only launching 2000 hero NFTs
by owning a villain
you get 25% discount
and you can mint as many villains
as you are heroes
as you want in this phase
there will only be 2000 in phase 1
phase 2, phase 3, phase 4
and phase 5
will have an incremental increase
in the price
but there's various things
I'm planning for
for the different phases
so the hero is launching next week
like I said
we'll only launch 2500 of those
will be free mint tokens
and the price
at this stage
I was planning to do 0.3 Sol
but I'm actually thinking
of reducing that to 0.2 Sol
because of the pump in Sol
but that I'll announce next week
when we go live with our mint
our website is 99% done
I'm quite excited about the website
we're going to have a nice educational page
on our website
which will give you training videos
on anything and everything crypto
which I find quite
which is quite a nice add-on
because there's a lot of people
that don't understand crypto
and what it entails
so we're going to do that
keep adding articles
and yeah and with Hanfor development
coming on board
yes we've got a lot planned
so we're going to we're going to
build our own DAP
with a lot of utility
one of them being for our heroes collection
is we're going to build
a rental platform
that will allow you to
let's say you own five hero NFTs
and you you can only earn value
I've earned an income for 100
ragged NFTs
because you only got 100
ragged NFTs
so you are sitting with a surplus of
let's call it 200 NFTs
that you can earn income for
you will be able to add that
to our rental platform
for anybody that does not have
enough hero NFTs
to cover all of their
all of their ragged NFTs
you as the rentee will earn
let's call it 30% of the income
that that person that rents your NFT
earn from the from their ragged NFT
so that's just something
a new innovation that that we're
bringing and adding to
to our heroes collection
then to earn income for
for our project is with
with my finance background
what I've seen is it's quite
difficult to keep track of
your your projects budgets
and finances through
soul scan exports and so
what I've done is I've bought
a a system with a nice UI
that links to your project
wallets you can then every single
transaction that comes in
and out of those wallets
you can then add to a category
you can keep track of the NFTs
the growth of your NFTs
that you keep in your project
so it's a great dial tool
it's a great tool for for project
founders even if they just want to
use that to keep track of
their own projects
what I'm going to use it for is
in Solana Heroes
I will be showing my community
my holders where every single
sense comes in and goes
to ball trust and I think
it's a great tool for other
founders that want to
ball trust with the community as
well so that's something that
that in the next three to four
months I'm going to finalize
and then put on like a
monthly subscription for you
to use that in your project
or dial or whichever you
want to but that's just some
something that I've that I've
got planned and then yeah
that's that's me in a
nutshell for now but we've
got a hell of a lot going on
and a lot more coming
which are like Grazer said
under promise and over deliver
so I don't speak of anything
that I don't know is possible
so there's quite a few things
that I'm planning that I
that I can't confirm yet
but there is a lot more
coming so what I want to offer
for for the space is Grazer
and and what you guys can
decide who gets that
but I will be giving away
a Freeman token for our
heroes collection in the space
right now thank you very much
that was awesome I'm looking
forward to all that's coming
but thank you ever so much
for coming off and having a
chat with us I know it's late
for you so I really do
appreciate it but yeah
I'm very interested in this
in the technology you're
creating for the accounts
basically because it isn't
there's nothing out there
makes life easy for you
I've got spreadsheets
all over the place
so yeah something simple
with a nice UI to it perfect
I'll definitely be looking
into that one that's for sure
but Grazer how do you
want to do this giveaway then
well first of all
please will you just confirm
because the person
who won your marble giveaway
doesn't quite believe that
because she funny enough
the the only comment
when you said for me
to choose a number
the the person
actually commented well
I'm I'll be number 16
if it wins and I don't think
she's realized she
actually did win so please
will you just 100% confirm
because I am known
for a little bit of a windup
every now and again
so who won the marble giveaway
uh he was he's number 16
I think it's changed now
low Scottish last
Scottish last
yeah I just thought I'd confirm
because he literally said
don't wind me up
because I do wind her up
every single day
so you just convert
Scottish last won the marble
giveaway right
yes definitely
the Solana giveaway
totally up to tea money
um I all I want to say
on Solana Heroes
is I love the fact that
he's going to release
second collection
there is a choice for people now
if you want to buy
the first collection
then you are an investor
in his company effectively
because of the rev share
and of all the collections to come
if you want to be able to
stake your NFTs on Solana
the ones that don't
it doesn't have to be worthless
they don't have to be rug projects
they just have to be ones
that you own that either
can't be staked elsewhere
or whatever and you'll be able
to earn the hero token
just by holding them in your wallet
so it gives people a choice
and I love the fact that
people could actually
come into the community
probably whole communities
of projects that have been rugged
or their floor price is low
or they don't offer staking
for instance
they can come into the community
and some of those people
will go do you know what
I'd like to have a little bit
of this rev share
I'd like to invest in the first project
giving people a choice
is really important
and I love the fact that
team money's done that
and going down that route
and he is another one
and you have many
misspeakers here tonight
on projects that have either
had something happen
as in someone's
taking a bit of money off them
or the founders
decided to be a bottom feeder
and blooming bugger off somewhere
and they've not given up
they've been honest with the community
there is a pattern of projects
that you have here
what see everybody goes
through hardships in life
but it's how you come back from it
and I do love hearing the fact
that people will come back
to the community and go
look this has happened
it's really tough
but we want to continue
and they get the community involved
that's how the magic happens
so also just to add
I now own my first lucky leprechaun
and I bought the one
with a lightsaber wot seat
I was always going to buy the one
with a lightsaber when I...
Oh Max, of course you were
that's a great pickup
well done guys
oh I know
well for anyone who knows me
knows that I always watch that floor
and when I see something
I'm in on it
and I so...
oh definitely
that's awesome
well there we go
lucky leprechauns
you've got a new holder there
well I will when the
when the the actual transaction
goes through
but it's Solana in it
so I might I might come back
and confirm in about an hour
when the transaction's
gone through
okay let's uh
let's do the Solana Heroes
giveaway quickly
I'll tell you what
Nissa, come and join us here
let's get you to pick a number
and actually
I'm going to do it differently
I'm going to pick a number
and Nissa you're going to tell me
who that is when you're screwed
so how many have we got in here?
we've got 44
so I'm going to go with 23
so I count
I don't count the speakers
count from left to right
and it's in fours
but not it's not the speakers
yeah include speakers as well
oh and please speak
one your way down
don't over complicate it
web3 developer
and the G collector
Alarian East
there we go
you've won yourself
one of the Solana Heroes
so if you
I can't find them
where are they?
I can't see them in here
can you uh Nissa can you just
you got a sappy seal for there
yeah there we go yeah
yeah I see it
yeah there we go
so uh T money are you happy
to reach out to them
yeah I can give them
I can just join the
join the discord
and open a ticket
and we'll and we'll sort them out
sweet there we go
getting that discord
you should you should still
mention you should still
have the message on here
so you can verify that
so you don't get a bunch of scammers
they opened up a new profile
it looked like them
yeah they have to have to
send proof of ownership of the
of the any of the Twitter profile
hidden emoji
Alarian because they don't seem to be
act like reacting at all
and I'd like it to go to someone
who's actively listening
to be honest
we could do an emoji contrast
now he's real he's he's French
so he's French
does that have to do with anything
he's a snob
what does that have to do with
the price of chocolate and spain
they're an hour ahead
so he's probably as tired as
nearly as tired as tea money
and he's probably
just chilling out
listen to them
or everyone's got to say
and you know
it's like it's like
when I talked to someone
from Manchester
he got to slow down a bit
you hear that from Manchester
I'd probably suggest
he's one the giveaway
he's a genuine person
he's got his own collection
he's a creator
web 3 developer
I'd probably suggest that
tea money
or what see or somebody
just give sends him a little dm
and just says
thank you for being in the space
you've won the you've won
the giveaway
of the Solana villain
please please check out
our profile
and pop in the discord
and we'll get it to you
that'd be good customer service
I think you'd appreciate that
I'll do it if you want
oh no mind
there we go
we sorted
that's all right
but let's we got a couple of hands up here
we go to lucky laps
hey I just wanted to announce
the winner for the 10 plays
and our claw machine
I'll reach out to you
grab your wallet
and send you those tokens
and tell you how to play
there's another giveaway
gonna I see your hand up
mate how are you
yeah I ran our twitter picker
and Kevin Johnson
with the salty sharks
BFP won our dials
so he can DM me on x
or come into discord
and open a ticket
and we'll hook him up
with a new diamond
that's awesome
congratulations mate
another worthy winner
there we go
there's some more giveaways done
I just want to plug
so right now he can't come up
he was in the space
he's with the kids
so I just wanted to say
like RAF again
they're within our server now
and they merged in
I think it was just before Christmas
and the RAF
they're all about merchandise
as Rob from Solid Sharks was saying
he's now moved over onto their
their brand
and if you're looking for merch
they're definitely the people
to talk to
so again for Collab Center
we've joined an RAF
almost a year ago now
but they basically run your merchandise
you don't have to do anything
they help you with the designs
they help you with setting up the shop
they maintain the shop as well
it's all online
and you can purchase through them
but they've also got the
I've got to remember now
so forgive me if I get any of this wrong
but there's a 35% discount
for anybody who is a RAF arcade holder
and I believe there's rev share as well
for I think it's the the projects as well
obviously through that
you'll get a percentage
come back to you
through the sales of the merchandise
but what I will say is
it's so worth doing
it's just I've not had to lift a finger
so having them on board
like I say it's allowed us to put merchandise
out to the community
they've been buying some of this merch
and it's good quality as well
like Rob was saying
so please do go and check out NARAF
I say they're within the Collab Center Discord
so you can talk directly to me
within the Discord or Caleb
who's the founder of NARAF
so yeah NARAF go check them out
jump in on Discord
and yeah hopefully like I say
you'll go and invest in some merchandise
or you'll set up a store with them
See you money
Yeah I just want to
thank you guys for hosting the space
I'm going to jump off soon
if you don't mind
I just want to close off by saying
as a villain holder
as soon as we launch our heroes collection
the first rev share will start
pulling through
which is in the form of 10% of our
royalties of our secondary sales
of our heroes collection
will be sent out monthly
to our villain holder
so that's just something else
that the villain holders has
to look forward to
That's awesome
I'm looking forward to that
yeah not far off now
so no tea money
go and rest up mate
like I say I appreciate you staying up
until almost three o'clock in the morning
so yeah no thank you
Who we got come up here
Kevin how are you mate?
Thank you so much man
it's always great to be on these spaces
with you guys with
like-minded individuals
it feels good and honorable
to be part of such great communities
and great people
Thank you again for the blessings
it's really really overwhelming
when people show their love and care
and their heart and soul
their project when they donate
a few NFTs and things
from the clubs
and from the competitions
I just want to
forward my big shout out
to the SSU community
I also am very interested
in maybe having a DM
with lucky leprechauns
see if they might be interested
in having a collab
with another company
or another project
which are part of the collab community
a calf token
but yeah love to be here
thank you so much again
and I won't hold anyone off
from talking
but just want to give a big shout out
to everyone for being great supporters
and trying to make a difference
in this world
Cheers man
I appreciate you coming up
and having a chat
So look let's
who else have we got in the space
we've still got a few projects
Luna dolls
do you want to come up
and have a chat
I know nugget funds in here as well
we've got stone sloths in here
could social club folklore
man I don't think we've got
enough time to get around
to everybody
but we try
we do our best
but yeah nugget funds come up
if you can
Luna I don't know
if you're about or not
if you can come up
who have we got
do I see him come up then
just have a free for all what's he
just get everyone up
he's just talking
I'm inviting everybody
don't you worry about that
oh my god
this is this guy's gonna all go wrong now
yeah we've been so organized
so smoothly
and now it's just gonna go
to absolutely
you should have a little bit of a loss
you should have a little bit of a loss
you should have a little bit of a loss
you should have a little bit of a loss
you go have a look
nah you got
we've been very controlled
and now you got to let loose
you got to have the last last 10 minutes
of just freedom
let anyone speak
who wants to speak
I want to hear from holders
he's Caleb still here
he's got to come back up
Safatius wanted to come up
I ignored him early
I feel bad now
but then he does
him and Ephie
they just
sometimes beat me at poker
yeah it's only because I've been in here
and haven't been playing
actually did you take part
in the big collab we had during the week
was it Tuesday night?
I think Safat set that one up
it was a huge cut
don't talk to me about that
I had a pair of Kings
against a pair of fives
and a boom your five popped up on the river
so don't talk to me about that
sore loser Graham
sore loser
it happens too regularly
I blame club gg
I think that's got a lot to answer for
not the fact that I have bad luck
I do win my fair share
as stone sloths know
that's my only luck with gg
man I'm telling you
it's rough out there
it is tough
no I have my hand up earlier
for uh oh man
I can't even remember it
now I don't even see him anymore
the uh the Earth Day monthly Earth Day
yeah man he was saying
that it's just about picking up
wherever you can
picking garbage up if you see it
it brought up a thought dude
every time I go fishing
it's getting warm now
it's getting into fishing season
and I always carry
like a grocery bag with me
with my fishing tackle
you know wine
lures you know
any anything and everything
that washes into the water
and ends up getting hung up on rocks
and it's always been a practice of mine
people always tell me
you know like my father
my grandfather
used to go fishing with a lot
they would always say
you know they would always carry a bag
or something with them
to put garbage in
I'm always like well you know
why do you do that
well it's garbage
you pick it up when you're out here
some people it matters to
other people that don't
and you know I've fished private ponds
where people actually got thrown off
the private land
because they don't clean up after themselves
and it's really sad
especially when the property owner
puts out plastic barrels
you know for you guys
to throw your garbage away
and then yet
this is it
I mean how many times do you go to
a bin and there's rubbish
surrounding the bin
it's a simple case of picking it up
and putting it in there
but people are too lazy to do it
so you have to spot on this
it's so easy to do
just clear up after yourselves
it's not hard
that's it really is not
but you would think it is
this is it
I tell you what so fast
it's good to have you up here mate
I'd say we've not had a proper
chat like this with you up on stage
for a long time
oh no yeah
I just uh I dropped off there
for a hot second
ended up taking a quick 30-minute nap there
what's no
lotsy will tell you
be the first one to tell you man
my sleep schedule is like freaking
I don't know
I don't even know how to describe it
because it's terrible
I don't even want to hear it
but I don't even want to hear
anybody complain about a sleep schedule
I'm up all hours of the day
all hours of the night
ping me I'll show up
this is what I was gonna say
this is why we hired you
I might not be
I might not be online
but you ping me I'm there
I'm probably online
I've noticed that
you're just a bunch of hats
what's that
you're just a bond everybody knows that
here we go up
look some was that a couple of other people
come up here
we've got we got Harley come up here
Harley how's it going?
are you a ball?
so yeah I saw the products presenting here
and mostly Solana
that's why I came up
but yeah I DM'd you by the way
I was about to say that
ask permission to bring my projects here as well
yeah sure
we're now coming towards the end
but I'm now having a look at the DM
oh you've got four projects have you?
what are the names of the projects?
give us a quick brief on on the names of the projects
and just tell us the main utilities you can
thank you so much
so the one who's
newly minting is player one universe
it's an open world
and it's for uniting communities
so everyone can create their
minivers in player one
and they can customize their
universes to add quests
you know whatever they want to add in there
add music
they can also
it's an open world
like a nifty island kind of thing
it's been
they have been building for 18 months
and they'll be minting soon
the Genesis NFT
and the other project is Morpheus
it's a web 2 web 3 job board
and the third project is PlayFix.io
it's a platform where you can create
your own chat GPT bot
or chat bot
so yeah like for example
I'll create a chat bot for a project here
and they can have it on their website
so yeah it's free
and it's a no-code AI chat bot
and you can easily create it
even if you're not so techy
like me I created a chat bot
for projects that I love
like Aura
all of those
and LightningWorks
oh my god
yeah LightningWorks is a comic book NFT
it's the first
it's the first
what do you call this
it was the first
comic manga
style comic books
and yeah it has like
egg trashers in its pages
and also connected to gaming
so yeah that's all
thank you so much
all right so you've got a good collection there
doing all sorts
there's definitely a few questions that
I'd ask about them
but I think it might be worth last
like Graz are you still doing your spaces
on a Thursday night?
Well we saw a thought
because of this whole meme coin
extreme greed that's going on
we didn't really
we did a space on Thursday
it was quite good actually
we spoke to a few people
stone sloths and people
and we sort of said
well we're going to continue
to do pop-up spaces
but we're not sure
we're going to do every Thursday
just because I'm not sure
there's an appetite
and then we had quite a successful night
and now you've had a really successful night
so I question everything
and it's always the same
you make a decision
and then you question it after
but I think we're still going to do
pop-up spaces
and when we do
everyone's always welcome
and we do like to ask questions
and deep dive into projects
so Harley and the projects represent
so we're definitely welcome at any time
just give us a follow
I'll follow you back
and when we announce
we're doing the space
you're more than welcome to pop on
and we'll deep dive into the four projects
and then I can feed back to Watsy
but yeah always welcome
sure yeah
and at some point Watsy
you should probably do another one of these
because there's quite a few projects
we haven't spoken to
there's probably other projects
that would love to be part of the next one
and you've got quite a few projects in there
that you know would be
I think it'd be really beneficial
to get up and hear about
oh definitely
this is it
like I mean we've been going on now
for what four hours
I think this space has been going on for
so we've really
like I say
everyone's had a chance to come up
and we've still got
five or six projects tonight
that I'd really like to have got up
but I think we've run out of time
everyone's getting tired as well
there's a few of you guys in there
stone sloths obviously tea money as well
there's two three in the morning
whatever it is
I mean there's one a.m here now
so I think
I'm gonna have to set up another one of these
and Harley again
we'll get you to come up
and have a chat with us
and I'll definitely look into the projects
a bit more
we'll be able to throw a few more questions at you
but I appreciate you holding on as well
because I see you request
I think it's probably an hour ago
and you've held on
especially so
thank you ever so much for that
but what we do
like I say is
Graz has got his space as well
I'll create another space soon as well
and we get folklore
stone sloths
crypt social club
and a few of the other guys back in here
I know lunar darlin come and speak as well
nogget funds
I mean you guys can do it
if any of you want to come and speak now
shout out
but if not I'm going to start finishing up
Graz have you got anything you want to
ride as well
just I take you
I laugh at your four hour space
because you know we we start about nine
and last night I was small
you finished at 3am
and I was fresh as a daisy
so you know four hour space
it's like it's like
going for a walk around the block really
it flies flies by didn't it
when you're speaking to people
and it's quite quick
and there's been a lot of people
who spoke to
it really does fly by
but some terrific input by
by projects
and and you know
everyone that comes up
has got something slightly different
I love the fact that people
have a choice
and they can
it's like a shop
you can shop around
have a look at different
types of projects
doing different things
but I still believe
there is a big opportunity
for those projects
within the club center
to all work together
including yourself
and and I think together
in some aspects
you can you can really make
hell of a difference
especially to some of these projects
I'll say like pug friends
who I invited to club center
you know they they really
want to do well
they really want to work hard
they need a little bit of direction
and some help
and and that's when
I suggested to Julie
look just join the club center
have a look around
and get involved
because there's a lot of opportunity
so when you mention things
about subscriptions
I've said to you for a year
you should do it
but I think
it's a very very small
compared to the opportunities
that you can have
if you use them
if you never use anything
you're going to question
and think well why am I here?
But I'll guarantee that
every project that's been up here tonight
uses the resources
that are available
I just I just don't think
people quite realize
how many resources are available
not just from the club center
but within sister
brother projects
also in the club center
I think I think you can
really work together
and make things
so much easier for everybody
because when I hear
project founders want to
they're looking for a dev
they're looking for an artist
they're trying to do this
you know Crip Social Club
he was up
he wanted to come up
or he might be coming up
you know when he was wanting
to potentially move
from interference polygon
it was a huge challenge
a huge challenge
but you know what
he found the right person
and it actually become
an absolute best decision
he ever made
and it wasn't as expensive
as people tell you
because he found
the right person to do it
I hear stories about that
on my travels all day long
and I'd love the fact
that that could be
potentially shared
and everyone can be involved
because a lot of the challenges
aren't challenges
if you know the right people
and I'll guarantee
within the club center
everyone will know
everybody that you need
so far I've not had
anybody pose a question to me
that either I can't answer
or I don't know
somebody within collabs
I know that can't answer it
so there's always somebody there
like you say
and that's the joys of it
the networking side of it
is we've got everybody there
and again
a simple request
question to me
or whatever it is
I can point you
in the right direction
well now this is
a new feature on Fairmont
the whole circle's
completely and this is back
to you exactly
this is it so fast
you've got yeah
you know what
she helps validate your project
just gonna drop in here
real quick
see if I could run a little bit
on folklore
real quick fast
see my brother dropped out
he had a whole spiel
I think he sent it to me
he had other things
he had to get done
so just a little bit
about folklore
man it's an
it's an art tokenomics project
you know the lifeblood
of our of our of the community
over there
is the the toke token
we have 11 minute
out art collections
over there
we had an issue
with the whole
open sea migration
with one of our
collections the skulls
they're actually now
come back
as a skull reborn
for a toke mint
there were 50k
at 50k toke
will get you a skull reborn
I don't have a picture
of one right now
to jump drop on
the jumbo drawn there
but we also have
six pfp collections
that are minted out
and two that are currently
still minting
that have killer bounties
for the folklore fangs
and the tanuki tales
right now
we run a weekly sweep
there's one entry
get you 25k toke
you get two weekly entries
one min out toke
or one min out
we're doing a wheel
for a min out
for both collections
the tanukis
you get four weekly
two min outs
for a fang mint
for a tanuki mint
uh the min out raffle
that were min out wheel
that we're doing prize wheel
there it's it's crazy
there's a one
one of one nft
it'll be the only one created
by an artist
uh crack the toy
uh there's a couple
he did uh an animated nft forest
not too long ago
that did pretty well
um i know graza's got one or two
uh the rest of you
what are you on the bat
i've got a few of everything
which collection was this
what's that
which collection was this
which uh it's cracked the toy
the the artimated
the automated one that he did
not too long ago
oh yeah yeah yeah a few of them
uh so we're gonna do another one of one nft by him
given out it'll be the only one
uh valued about 500 dollars
uh we're doing a half a mil toke for the
min out bounty
a custom folklore nft
giving away a grouchy tiger
we're giving away a web 3 poker
uh lifetime partnership nft
if you're into poker
it's really really good
i mean they they run our thursday games for us
and i think they run monday games over in folklore too
great people over there
the the amount of the amount of people
that i've met so far in this space has been incredible
and they're also throwing in a 500 matic reward
for whoever wins the the min out bounty
so every every mint every tenuki mint
every fang mint gets you onto the min out bounty
or the yeah the min out bounty reward
wheel whatever you want to call it
we also do the weeklies
the weekly bounty is for um
what is uh the toke cartel it's
stakeable for 5 000 toke a day
i mean they're i've seen every
the ones that i've seen come out so far are incredible
if you go over to folklore and check out
mine or my brother's pfp
their cartels
it's just you know Stanton kills it with
he's just i don't i don't know this man's got art on his brain 24 7
has to have 17 collections in the in the server so it's fantastic
what else do we got here
trying to read his chicken scratch here that he sent me
his chicken scratch art art art
so the difference between the difference between our art and our pfp's
the art's mended with toke and it's not stakeable
the the pfp collections are minute mainly minute with matic
we do have a millionaires club for anybody who accumulates a million toke
advanced access or acts early access to the the the mints
they get they got a life an irl uh challenge coin basically if you're familiar with them
and military i know harley does some challenge coins
excuse me and uh i mean just they get toke mints and then
matic mints as well they get the opportunity to mint some of the pfp collections with toke
instead of just straight matic it's just one of the utilities we give our millionaires
uh and i just want to stress that if you get something pfp from folklore that is stakeable
stake it stake it asap we got people in there yeah i mean i'm i'm not sure what
i'm not sure what garza makes per day i know i know i'm up before i even became a team member there
i was i was killing it with with taste uh stakeable toke earning per day
i had just claimed for the skull punks i think two or three days ago or sunday it was
and i claimed just from my uh toke monsters that there's a pfp collection there it was like 1.8
million something like that i haven't haven't claimed that in forever so but i claim that so i
can mint some more uh skull punks 21 by the way 21 what different part thanks you have four pps
and you have like 18 or something better there oh yeah yeah the collections there yeah yeah
yeah it's it's it's absolutely insane the amount the the amount of art this goes through this man's head
it is crazy you've got a lot of collections going on there i sure to keep up with it
well just like you say that the whole ecosystem with the toke it works brilliantly i mean like
i mean like i say everyone's earning and i i can't i can't give out too much information but there
there are other plans coming through and it's just
it's it's almost it's it's almost mind-blowing with what this man comes up with i'm excited to see
whenever he allows us to release it or releases it himself this this information is going to be
fire so fat so you're holding information from it i have i i'm not at will to to uh you know
divulge this information yet but trust me i really really really do want to i mean it's
i'm pumped for it i know i know my brother's pumped for it we just got to get through this
man out and the faster we do that the faster we can bring you guys something different
you know we have ways of making you speak talk oh now see that sounds like fun
right threaten us with a good time yeah for real come on now
i know the secret but i'm not going either
well what i will say is when i first came into the project which was around july um
i minted and bought a few of the each of the collections and i started staking them and i
remember at the time uh it was it was very clearly made that get involved either mint or buy some
off the floor stake them and you will have so much toke that you'll theoretically be able to mint
every collection art collection that's released forever more now at the time i was a you know
like anyone who comes in new i thought to myself yeah okay everyone says that to be fair uh i spent
a million toke on sunday minting in the collection and i've got two million left don't know what to
do with it and um it is it is true once you start accumulating and accumulating they do bring
out new collections you can mint uh with your toke you never really run out um and it's fantastic
and they also very honest and very clear uh wherever you you you either keep your artwork
or you sell it but it's totally up to you it's your artwork and i've said for a long time now
when you mint or when you get involved with something what you do with it after
every holder is their choice they own the nft and and part of the collab center code of conduct
is a way is not to shame people who for whatever reason want to sell uh an nft they might have
lots of different reasons i love the refreshingness of folklore i love the community aspect i love the
fact that everyone's pulling together uh the one thing you didn't mention is when you get to a
million toke you get well you might have mentioned it but apologies you you actually get um an irl
folklore coin posted to you um which i got so i've got an actual hard copy coin of the folklore um
which i can keep forever more so i i also love the fact that every now and again
they will just airdrop you uh something like this crack the code or something like that
and and you never know when the next collection's coming out and it's lots of different artwork for
lots of different people some of it i think that's okay some of it i think is absolutely amazing and
so yeah sorry i was gonna say don't mean to cut you off but uh we were stanton is working on a
an easter collection for millionaires only that should be uh i've seen some previews of it
it it should be well accepted in the millionaires club i'm gonna go get with hound floor so you
can have uh multiple things you can stake multiple things at once and i do each individual one
get on that guys oh yeah that's yeah i i know i mean it's like half a penny but you know
yeah i'm just gonna interrupt sorry i'm just gonna interrupt and just say uh
nugget fund have been up here been waiting all night so i just want to hear from them if you
don't mind no yeah go ahead put put them on i just want to finish here quick give a shout out to
ordy for uh you know giving me uh an opportunity to start as a mod over there and then you know
collab scoop me up for sure and kind of had to you know we part of ways oh it was
wow i don't know what loss for words here uh it was it wasn't you know it was
mutual i guess it would say for lack there are better words but you know i i love gunner i love
bella i love ordy boy uh ordy ordy bay she's been hiding for a while now so haven't really seen her
in a long time but yeah the orties bella gunner everybody over at hound four i wish them the best
love them you know them and uh watsy basically solidified my spot here in web three so
well just just to add you're a great uh you're a great addition to any projects and you you do a
tremendous job and by the way i i see everything so i saw the sneak peaks of the easter
pre-easter millionaire only drop and that that's gonna be it that's a game changer yes sir i
love well i won't i won't say anymore but it's it's gonna be an eye opener for sure well we'll get
we'll get some of that tote burnt for you buddy no you won't i'm gonna keep stacking
that's how to do it man that's how it's done love it so thanks man appreciate it guys yeah let's
get let's get nuggets up here now they're patiently waiting down there yeah nugget fund
all i can do is apologize for making you wait all night um but thank you you've hung around
and we do appreciate that so come up and let's hear about nugget fund oh yeah no worries um can
you guys hear me okay yeah we okay awesome um yeah yeah no worries um uh lazy dog had to
kind of he is part of nugget fund um he had to cut he had to go so um i'll i've spoken uh yeah
uh a couple of people here know myself um even though i'm with nugget fund i'm also the owner of
a hybrid hybrid bond so um and that's our nf that's my nft side project uh which
can be similar to what nugget fund is but uh yeah let me get in on uh what nugget fund is all about
um so nugget fund is a tokenized rev share project um just to keep it simple um we currently
i have trading bots that are running um the same trading bots that have been running for hybrid
finance for the last i don't know almost four or five months now um but with nugget fund since we
are launching we launched about two weeks ago um our tvl has pretty much doubled since the launch
we had a small presale um and um we've been growing but what we do is what we aim to do is generate
yield for nugget holders um from farming trading um yield farming and we already have an llc
created which we plan to do fractionally owned uh real world investments um probably starting
with real estate and um but for now uh what we're doing and if you come into our discord and ask
any questions you'll find out that we're mostly generating our income from
the trading bots that i manage and from different nfts that we hold that also generate
income for us some of those being hybrid nfts because some of our members
um decided to exchange their nfts for nugget um and how the revenue gets distributed
eventually there will be staking you will have to stake your nugget and then every week you can
come in and claim it uh claim the usdc that has dropped into the contract but for now we are
we're almost done with the staking contract so but for now we're just air dropping the usdc
into the wallets holding nugget it pretty much works out to 20 management fee from for the team
and this is for our salary for marketing for you know uh for lately uh what is it called a contract
development and um so we're doing that and then 20 gets compounded back into the strategies so
our even if we don't have uh new investors coming in our treasury grows um and uh 60 percent is you
know for uh the investors that gets distributed to them um and lost my train up and uh what's great
about having a token over what my my project is i still love hybrid but um by being tokenized
the value of nugget increases every week with that compounding um so
just last week in one week we increased by uh 3.2 percent um so if we were to liquidate
our whole treasury and distribute that um if uh you got in that launch which is at ten dollars
you would receive uh ten dollars and 87 cents worth uh plus all the airdrops that you've received
which you know it's only two weeks worth but um yeah it's a pretty simple in the the way it's
it works um we're going to be adding more uh things to it we do uh have plans to become fully
compliant and that wouldn't mean our holders would have to be ky seed or anything like that
but most likely our llc would eventually own nugget fund and distribute our second token
instead of usdc which then could be swapped for usdc no problem once people want to get out
but um yeah it's uh pretty simple and uh if you guys have any questions i'm i can uh
try to answer uh lazy dog is a much better speaker but uh you know i'll do my best i'm the one that
runs all the uh most of the strategies i guess i i managed uh our finances well i think you've
done a great job i think you've explained it really well nice and simply as well so people
can understand it and i was gonna say i've seen what you guys have been up to and how many months
have you gone where you've been just making profits now is it every i think is it three
months or is it more it's more oh no it's more um we're well for hybrid um it's our ninth month
uh and we already this is uh this is going to be the march airdrop we have 15 days left
and we already uh you know we already beat last month's returns uh so this will be a new record
but um yeah um nine this is our ninth month so eight months in the green um with hybrid
the returns are a lot more uh they're a little bit lower because not all the funds are in the
bots the bots have been doing really well um but with hybrid we've had time to build up our mining
side um we're actually beating our returns without the miners uh our our host or our um
the person the the people that host our miners had some problems so actually our miners have
been off line for about a month and a half uh but we were still able to beat our old returns
so once we get compensated for that um you know fingers crossed i believe in them so once we get
compensated for that off time um the returns will be very nice um for hybrid um on the nugget side
we're averaging over five percent a week um this week this next this cycle that we're in right now
it's only it's only been two uh well been like a day and a half and we are already
pretty much at the same percentage as we were last week so uh so it'll be nice really really
that dip was really nice for us that uh i think it was yesterday it was kind of
yesterday for me but yeah the way the bots work um it's really fun but um
so yeah we're meeting our goals um we're not very big yet but that maybe can be good for people that
want to come in the nugget price we are on arbitrum nugget is on nugget fund is on arbitrum
hybrid is on polygon um but yeah um nugget price has increased but it's all relative you know it
just depends when you enter um we were going to have a marketplace open so that people can
buy and sell their nugget um you know if they want to try to get it get in at a cheaper price
maybe someone wants to get out um there will be if uh there will be ways for you to uh liquidate
your nugget um if you go into the marketplace and sell it for you know a 20 discount the team
um you know i wouldn't suggest that but i'm biased because i'm one of the founders
but if you need to get out as fast as possible and you list your nugget at 20 at a 20 discount
we will sweep the floor and just pick that up um we will have to liquidate some of our bots but
that's our promise and um but um the marketplace should work i believe it looks really nice it'll
work really well so i think most people will be able to buy and sell their tokens if you do list
your tokens that means you're not staked anymore so then you know you're not going to receive um
the earnings for that week but um you know it it just opens more opportunities for people to
get out if they want to um your token the price is not going to go down because we're not listed
on a dex or a sex so um you're not going to get dumped on by some whale or anything like that
everything is based on the real value of our treasury which is the same deal with uh hybrid
as well hybrid is a little tougher because we have miners you can't just liquidate you know
you can't just liquidate them but um our bot side of hybrid has been growing so
becoming a little bit more liquid on the nft side as well
that's awesome i don't think i need to ask any questions are you got anything to ask with alec
no no i've had a i've had a good look at the uh i do i do like the uh i do like the website
i do like the way it's set out um i like the fact that they're it's it's fantastic um you know when
you think about the gold mining that went on back in the day the way the website set out as you've got
your it's like a little town yeah and each place you go to you can you know you got your saloon bar
you got your trading uh site you know i love all that and um you're you're trying to create a
little bit like hound for in a different way you're trying to create sort of your own um
your own like ecosystem within um self-sufficient uh you know i find it very very interesting but
i spent more time on your on your website just having a good look around i thought is i thought
it was really really good the way you've laid it out i'd suggest everyone just checks out the website
and just as look around just for interest purposes it tells you everything you need to know on there
which uh which is also very clear and i always look for that in a in a in a project thank you um yeah
we have we have to do some updating there are we have our little dream um that yeah nugget gulch
our little town will be well eventually it will be part of the dap so like you would click the bank
to go stake your nugget you'll go click the forge to mint your gold nugget um and then you
know like the the ultimate goal like once we grow a bit more would would be and this is like
we are having a discussion on discord this is like if we had an app on the phone that you have your
little character you're a little uh you create your little uh animal cowboy or whatever you want
to be and then you can walk around and do the transactions like in the actual little building and
things like that that would be really fun but um yeah we have to do some updates um we're kind
of shooting for the real estate uh deal but we did not raise enough which is fine um it's just
you know for real yield we don't need a gigantic treasury to generate um but uh yeah eventually
with uh i don't know if you got to look at saloon which is our other token um you will get paid
in saloon instead of usdc that's just a good way to become a little bit more compliant so you're not
paying uh paying out in actual um stablecoin or fiat um but saloon will be a way for people to
get into nugget fund um if they're a little bit more risk averse they can just we will have
projects like uh you know purchasing a bitcoin miner and then you put your saloon towards
that project and as soon as it reaches the goal then you receive returns from the bitcoin miner
instead of being part of the bot trading which does have risks um and i always let people know
though what those risks are um but yeah um it'll be a whole little uh town city-ish kind of thing
and uh we hope to uh grow even more but with the returns the bots are doing a lot of people
no one's paying too much attention to like the the mining side or the real estate side
but that there are risks so i always tell people like you know eventually you know compound half
of what you really you know you're getting into you know it doesn't even have to be into us
really into other investments or you know into purchasing a miner you know that those returns are
a little more stable um we're probably not going to get the miner until after the halving uh but
yeah um trying to do everything and uh it seems to be working so uh very happy for sure
that's gonna say you can see the results so uh once you're seeing results like that
it's always positive um so that's just awesome i'm just glad we've got you up like i say all night
oh yeah dropping in and out and uh yeah it's just been one of them nights in one of those spaces where
we've had so many projects coming in and trying to get everybody up and then obviously we then start
talking and when we're getting behind on stuff but yeah it's just been incredible tonight i'm
actually gonna we're gonna finish up now i think gradually have you got anything else you want to
add um or ask nugget funders anybody else um fire questions away i mean me personally all i'd all
i'd say is what i'd say to to any project um is that you know be be there be available within
the club center use your embassy channel wisely use it regularly get involved with the um
the other projects because there's a lot of holders transverse across many projects within and um you
know i don't speak alone there's many like me that will investigate other collab center projects
number one because they're very number one because they're they're a lot safer uh number
two because you don't just accept anybody in this is really really important part and um
and people do go and check you out um there's a lot of competition it's very healthy i love choice
i love the fact that you're doing what you do and folklore are doing what they do and
never the twain shall meet but do you know what it gives everyone a variety of projects
and um i find it all very interesting but you know you don't have to be the loudest
but you know people will buy off you for two reasons i've said it all along it's you know
they'll buy off you if they know you and they know what you do so spaces like this are very very
important so is the embassy channels and so within the club center and i look forward to the
the whole future of the whole ecosystem really but um yeah i do find your project interesting and
as i said before even just for interest purses everyone should check out your website because
i do like it awesome lazy dog would love that he is like yeah he was uh all into the uh western style
and creating like a like an ecosystem kind of thing so i'm a little more boring if you look
at hybrids website that's that's for my side i'm just i just list what we do and it's like
all right so just invest if you want to i guess um but uh i i do like the way nugget fund is growing
so who knows yeah but because tea because tea money's not here right i can uh i can say
generally people who who just invest um because they want to return and things like that people
who are like accountants which is why i'm glad tea money's not here they're generally quite
boring anyway um i say this to his face so don't worry about it but uh you know sometimes you need
boring sometimes you need plain simple you don't need all the uh the show you know what i mean is
i could go up london see a show it'd be amazing other times i just want a spreadsheet with figures
on and those figures say everything so you know what i'm talking a bit blase but when i look at a
project i look at you know what it has to offer but i also look at how it presents itself but then
i also do look at uh the marketplaces and i look at the figures and you know if there's a thousand
out of 1200 for sale uh a few alarm bells ring when i see like lucky leprechaun 72 out of 1200
that's very small so it's things like that i'm not saying that you concentrate on the floor
at all it's not your place it's down to the it's like ebay in a way that's how i see it after
you've minted after you've sold your product whatever's done with it is is completely for
the holders and the holders alone really um so i like the thing in the club center where
just don't worry about the floor don't shame people for listing anything everyone who lists
lower than what you expect is a bargain for somebody else and we've we've proven it with
salana heroes there was about 10 for for fairly low price they've all been picked up the floor's
back well above mint price somebody has got a bargain and i've grown just personally just
be honest with you i've grown from 25 salana heroes to 42 and i've grown my stone sloths
and other projects just by simply picking a few up on the floor when people list them um so
you know what might seem to be a very low price is a is a amazing entry point for somebody else
and crypt social club knows that because now he's on polygon and there's no gas
his sales are going through the roof some people are listed them at what i would think is an
absolute bargain maybe people need the money but whoever picks them up is great so all of
these put together is a terrific project so never never apologized for being slightly boring
on a project because there's a number of people who who look for that they look for the detail
i agree i think you're spot on there brother i think i'm probably one of those boring people
as well i think but uh yeah you are you are a bit boring but i love you yeah but you get the
point across but you've got nissa to be the exciting one now and uh this is it yeah and
you've got a number of people within that discord who are very lively very active um
as a founder and as a as a head head person maybe you don't need to be this exciting top
person every time um you just need to get stuff done which you do very very well let other people
be the lively ones i'm not i'm not that lively i like a joke every now and again but i'm actually
generally quite serious you are very serious brother i mean like yeah yeah
you can only say what you see can't you and uh you know other people who have different opinions
and that's the beauty of it all definitely i wouldn't say what's either your um that that
you're boring good i mean if you weren't around i'd have no one to pick on and they have as much
fun as i do all right and that's enough from misser um let's get to have you back
but on that note i'm gonna finish up the space because i need to get to bed uh because the
kids are gonna wake me up in about four hours so i'm gonna get myself to bed but i just want to
finish on one last thing and just say that it's an absolute pleasure having all these projects
come and join us tonight and like we're saying there's such a variety out there so if uh yeah if
you're looking for your next project come and jump in the collab center discord have a look at the
embassy channels keep an eye on things just sit back watch what's going on and you're going
to find your next big project i can assure you of that um so yeah can i finish it up go on
sorry can i just say something i mean um just following on from what grazer said uh about
there being so many projects um and from a boring financial perspective um it creates a lot of
diversity which um from a financial point of view is actually you know a good good thing to do is
to get a few eggs in your basket and diversify um it actually usually will lower your um your risk
factors by spreading it out a bit i mean if you chuck them all in one one place
and that one place goes down well you've lost the lot but if you diversify you know it's not quite
exactly that can i just add something uh apart from i'm really pleased nissa's sort of
back because she's amazing and uh i remember those early conversations first thing in the
morning when you're in the discord having your having your meetings you're what's he and then
i come in and like three and a half hours later i was still talking but um this is a completely
separate issue and i never even knew about this if any this is honestly it's got nothing to do
with club center if anyone has ordinals you know the bitcoin ordinals yeah yeah if you i think if
you have three of them then the the the whole ordinal system has air dropped potentially a
runestone into your wallet
and you can sell that runestone for about $1,300 wow nice if anyone has ordinals now
oh what i inscribed my five favorite collections about a year ago like salty sharks and crypt
social club and i've got a runestone i haven't done anything with it but i've just looked on
magic eden because now magic eden have salana polygon ethereum and bitcoin tabs you're starting
to see a lot more collections going on there and just check your wallets if you have inscribed or
you have any ordinals because you might have a runestone and it might be worth quite a bit of
money so i just thought i'd share it because i literally just found out about it and people
might not know yeah that's a little golden nugget no it doesn't happen often but when it does
you know it's quite quite handy i don't know what they do don't get me wrong do your own
investigation because the runestone might do something absolutely amazing but i can't tell you
any more than that just if you have ordinals check your x-verse wallet and see if you've got
a runestone in there so just thought mention it nice ending isn't it really if you have
can i just ask with the ordinal system i haven't done it is it expensive or difficult
it sounds when i first looked at it i think everyone was talking about it it was about
a year ago so i'm going back a little way at the time i thought to myself this sounds
like a lot of hassle in reality and it probably is a lot easier now i'm only going on how i did it
i found out that there was a website called gamma.io you go on there you create your next
first wallet and then literally gamma.io you send them a i guess a jpeg picture of your
favorite nft they take care of the rest you send them a little bit of bitcoin i think it ended up
being about at the time it was about 25 dollars per inscribed ordinal they they do everything else
and then they send the ordinal to your x-verse wallet so it is very very easy i'm sure there's
lots of other ways and more intelligent people out there but for me uh oololo likes things simple
you're a little bit like me aren't you just like the easiest route like i just went on gamma.io
i'd had a created next verse wallet and i literally just uploaded a jpeg image of my favorite nft
and they took care of the rest and sent me the inscribed ordinal to max verse wallet
so that's that's what i did and i did it i chose i think it was at the time i chose five projects
i got my porcelain from um crypt social club inscribed i got my golden chief or whatever he's
called salty shark and i got a few other projects i hope you did your cookie monster
i don't think it existed at the time i don't think at the time i did them i don't think i
had the cookie monster yeah um there but um yeah i did loco lizard i had a loco lizard
i think it was probably around march last year um yeah and uh yeah i just thought well
that shows my commitment to the project the fact that i'm never ever going to sell my crypt social
club porcelain or that or that salty shark and um and yeah i just i also thought it was fun
and i think i got it was something like 600 000 i think the number was i hate to tell you what
the number is now it will it'll be i don't know what it is must be like 50 60 million
50 60 million what inscribed ordinals on the chain or all that exist it must be yeah yeah okay
it must be um like if it was a project that you were staking uh you know it has no impact
no it has no impact what this is where it gets a bit tricky so effectively um nfts
this is where it gets uh the reason it's tricky is there's no real right or answer nfts are effectively
a token that's linked to an image yeah that's why some of the nft projects can change the metadata
change the image add traits etc etc yeah so it's basically a coin or a token linked to an image
with the inscribed ordinals it's actually a an ordinal image inscribed onto a very small piece
of bitcoin oh yeah that's why it's i guess 25 pound just to because you're actually having a
sat which is a very very tiny piece of bitcoin that image will forever be on the blockchain
forever yeah can you sell it could be changed amended yeah you can sell it whether there's a
market look if i ever decided for instance the porcelain crypt social club yes i want look i
want to sell it you'd have to have someone who wants to buy it now maybe they'll buy it because
it's in the 600 000 number yeah or maybe somebody just really likes crypt social club in 10 years and
really wants the porcelain yeah or maybe they just like the artwork there's but does it increase in
value with bitcoin well no the thing is it's only increased in value if you're able to sell it
so any someone like me who's inscribed a singular image who am i going to sell it to now
the reason why i say that is because if you released a collab center thousand collection and
inscribed them all on ordinals then the success of your project will determine where how sellable
those ordinals are yeah so if you had a cryptopunk ordinal that's very very valuable
a piece of you know people were inscribing the side of a coke can but they were getting like number
80 or something i think the very first ordinal i kid you not i think was a picture of a poo
nice some something like that but i think it comes down for the ordinals that are singular
i think it comes down to the the number of the ordinal i mean you're going into a whole new world
as well because people with those sats a very small tiny piece of bitcoin people were searching
the sat number because some of those sats might have come from the very first bitcoin that was
ever mined right yeah yeah so you get a very high valuable sat so people will buy the ordinal
not for the artwork for the number of the sat so it does get very complicated but a long story short
i minted six or five hazy hippos gave me one they're in the 600 000s i just leave them for
10 years and you know yeah they might be collector's items or not if not i pass them down to my
children and they've got a porcelain crypt social club that's forever on the blockchain so
yeah but that's that's what i think that's what that's about see i do know half of my stuff
i just can't tell you anything really technical yeah no that's cool that's cool you've um you've
done well got it oh thank you very much you've dragged it out for another another 15 minutes
for me i'm trying to i'm trying to get it's 147 i'm trying to get to two o'clock because then
you'll wake up in the morning and know you've had a real great space i'm gonna wake up feeling
like i've got a hangover that's what's gonna be happening i've gotta go and play for me again
mate sorry put the beer down i put that down about an hour ago okay so you
freely admit then you've been drinking beers all night and you're trying to blame us
i hang having a hangover correct right well you've just blown it now have a damn
there's a chore i'm going up and down your mouth would you be okay i think missy you've spoken
enough tonight to move you down right anyway i'm going so thank you everyone that's turned
up tonight thank you for being my co-host i really do appreciate that you're a great co-host
asking great questions uh missa it's good to see you as well thank you for joining us
and yeah you can continue this conversation if you want you can start up your own space
and you and grazer can keep talking if you want but i'm going to go to bed so thank you
everyone that's turned up tonight and tonight oh well what a snoot no staying