Community AMA!

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 0:56:49



Sticks intern is taunting me with his heart spam that I've managed to successfully do like twice ever
Let's see, we should have Magnus and dreamer joining us
Beetle dude is not able to be with us today, but he's with us in spirit
And that means that his list can be freely contributed to so, you know, hey
Take the wins where you get them
Right, oh and there's both of them. Perfect. Let's get started
Welcome as always to a lovely Thursday East Coast afternoon
East Coast us afternoon that is
And it is time for our weekly AMA excited to get it going
We are gonna do a couple of updates and then we'll go into some questions
And then we actually have some community themed updates
That we will go through at the end as well as a very special guest
Coming up to tell us about something that they've got going on
but to get
Started I actually wanted to start out by turning it over to dreamer
To talk about a couple of updates
slash reminders
Cool. Hello everybody a few reminders out there. We're gonna try to start to
Share a couple reminders each week as well since it's a good opportunity to but tokenomics committee this week
We were reviewing a number of agenda items. One of them were token offerings. So right in the game in
Crystalville if you go to meditation circle, you notice the stump that was out of there. I don't know about a year ago
And this was I've been in here like as this was initially added as a new burn mechanic
So everybody's likely familiar with the raffle system
This kind of works like that where different offerings run each day and people can use locked or liquid tokens
To put into the offering and these are burned and we meant items for the winner
We've been watching this and I think the usage has actually been trending downward
so the whole point of this was to add deflationary measures in the game and
Sometimes these aren't necessarily deflationary the amount of tokens
Put into the offering do not exceed like what we're actually minting every once in a while and sometimes they do so
Just wanted to remind people that is there
There's some pretty valuable things that come out of there for those that have forgotten about it
Take a look for those that know about it. Don't don't like it. Don't use it
you know, we're paying attention and
If it's not a desired feature in the game
We may adjust it just to make sure that from a tokenomics perspective
It's doing what it's really meant to and that is not meant to be over minting what we're burning
It's meant to be doing the other way and sometimes it's been a really really successful. So
Considering you know some ways that we can put reminders right in game
But these things all take time away from other things. So starting with a reminder here a
Couple other reminders. We have two pretty cool visages out there
Go over to the tavern go to the visit shop. One of which is the second karate combat
promotional visage
This one is a black gee with a gold belt
It's called the champion gee because that's what their champions wear at least on the gold belt side
I don't think they always have to wear black
But it looks pretty good in the game and there is a giveaway with this one as well
Boland can you remind me the number was at 1.5?
1.5 million karate 1.5 million karate, however
Being given to a limited number of winners. I believe that number is at 50
It is so each purchase gets an entry to
To be one of the 50 winners and it's essentially that 1.5 million divided by 50
So if you do the math and depending on the prices and everything which will vary it's a pretty chunky prize
I think last time
We split the pool evenly per purchase, which is an interesting way to do it
And now we're trying something a little bit different
So if you like the visage and if you want to take part in that promotion and you've been enjoying using karate in
The voting system that they have go check it out
The other one that I think only has about half the time is the karate the karate
He's got like 15 days left since we did the promotional ones for about a month
The chef hat and what do we call the body?
Chef suit, I think chef hat and chef suits. They've got less than a week
So for those that like the chef look and like having fun there go check those out
Outside of that reminders that the the promotional fights details are getting
More clear now because karate combat finished their event last week February 23rd
Mexico City is intended to be the event for the influencer Fight Club
Expect more of that to come out. We appreciate any support or interest in that
Grady is meant to be fighting. I am meant to be fighting a few other bigger names like crypto crow
Bitboy and others so more to come on that as we get closer to actual travel plans and people getting cleared from the doctor
And it kind of getting crunch time now on my side. I'm down about 13 pounds
It's been the hardest thing I've had to do in a very very very very long time
It's gonna be a unique opportunity not only for me personally, but for us to get exposure
If you notice last Friday for any of that tuned in to the karate combat
Stream we had the fight kingdoms there right on the pit. It's pretty cool to see
I've been a fan of combat sports for a long time and as it was a pretty cool thing to tune in and see that we
Didn't necessarily ask them to do that. We had a trailer to run and they actually had a shift in their
timeline of the
Broadcast I don't think they got to run it but they
kind of volunteered on their side to put
DeFi kingdoms right on the pit, which I think is awesome. It's good to have partners get the co-market and
Continue to work with people on getting exposure out there. So those are a couple updates back over to you Bolan
Wind jewel shaped octagon
One thing I did want to plug just as a reminder with the
combat karate ghee
Do make sure you put in your Hedera address at the time of checkout if you want to be entered into that drawing
And please make sure that your Hedera address is
associated with karate combat
So the easiest way realistically, especially if you don't already have a Hedera wallet is to just download the karate combat app
And it will create you a Hedera wallet and then your problem solved
But if you already have one or whatever the case may be
Make sure that you actually go and connect it to karate combat
Because it has to be associated for them to be able to send the prize and we don't want anyone not getting their prize
We do have another update
Also a question that we're gonna answer I guess a little bit of both
but one topic that we've seen come up a handful of time from the community and we just wanted to take a little bit of
speak on it is
How jewel actually like how jewel works on DFK chain and between DFK chain and harmony
With the synapse bridge
So I'm going to turn it over to I believe Fox was gonna start it off
But others may chime in as well to kind of walk us through that
Yeah, sure
so yeah synapse when we first
expanded to
The like avalanche ecosystem with our own subnet
We looked at a lot of different partners for bridges
Synapse was one we were very impressed with because of the way they handle their security and their infrastructure
And it was the clear choice for us and it's been a really good choice
They are always on top of things every time that we've interacted with them. So the way it works
Usually for bridges is you'll have sort of like a mint and burn
approach where
You'll have a source chain and you'll bridge
Assets from that chain by basically transferring them to the bridge contract and then that bridge will mint
Assets on the other chain to like represent those
Over there and then as they get bridged back then it will basically burn those and then release them on the other side
for harmony and
Our subnet it was a little different because one jewel was the gas token for the subnet
So it's it's not even apples to apples with the ERC 20
and then the other thing is
ERC 20 on harmony
Is held a little differently because it can't be minted or burned over there
So we did want the source of truth to be our subnet. It's it's the home of jewel. It's where it's used for gas, etc
So at the start we went and minted all 500 million jewels at the time
since then we did change the
Tokenomics and it was reduced to 125 million. So we did burn
like 350 million
At that or 375 million I can math sometimes
Um at that time so that has been done
But the way it works and correct me if I'm wrong the Magnus or Huber, I know you guys also know a lot about this
so if I misspeak, let me know but
To bridge jewels from harmony they actually
transfer those to the contract there and what
We did on the other side for the FK chain was we basically
Transferred the amount of jewels that were on harmony over to the synapse contract so that it can just release them
It's not actually doing any minting. It's actually just like releasing them
And then as they bridge back it kind of has that happened in the other direction as well
um, so that's how that works the
The bridging from the FK chain to Clayton and to avalanche c-chain and elsewhere
Is handled in the traditional mint and burn way that I explained earlier as well. So
That's sort of an overview of how it works. We do regularly
Speak with them
About their security practices and ensure things are on the up and up which they always have been
and you know, it's a thing that we need to stay ever vigilant with because that is a very
Constant source of like hacks in this space tend to really look at bridges and really targeted that and that's why it's such a very
Careful choice for us that we went with synapse and it's a thing that we need to stay on top of as well
Anything you'd like to add to that Magnus or Huber?
Um, yeah, I just wanted to mention that the
Initial mint of of jewel on dfk chain was uh was specified in the
Genesis file of the chain since it was done as gas and then uh, if you check the the dead address, uh, you'll see there's 375 million
Jewel as gas that was uh, that was burned there. Um, so go verify for yourself as well. And then uh, yeah
Just wanted to mention the synapse doesn't have mint permissions
It's kind of done at the chain level with that safety there
One other thing i'll just add real quick and it's it's not super relevant today
Uh, but just a little bit of history, I guess
uh, so when we
When we were going through that process and when we opened crystal veil
Uh, we did not put all of the jewel into the bridge contract right away
uh, we actually
Had it in one of our multi-sigs and then slowly
Allocated it to the bridge contract as people bridged over
So that if there was any kind of issue for some unforeseen circumstance
there's a limited access to
A limited amount of jewel in the bridge and then as more more and more people bridged over and claimed that jewel
We'd refill the bridge contract and then it would get claimed
And so now, you know most the majority of jewel has been bridged from
Uh harmony to dfk chain
But we also didn't want to just front load that contract with 125 million jewel and let it sit there
Uh, just as as another layer of security just out of caution. That's right. That's right. Yeah
That was sort of an ongoing process as more and more of our like users
migrated over and it was really just a matter of
Not sticking all of our eggs in one basket and just like trying to be incremental and careful with it. Yep
So I think that's that's it for that one
Awesome awesome
All right
So we do have a few community themed updates that we will do at the end
But for right now we are going to jump into some questions
So the first question is about uh sell orders showing in the history of the bazaar
I don't have a name for who submitted that it's just under j but j
If you want to reach out to us, uh, we do know of a uh
Of a ui bug that's causing some glitching in the cell history, uh, and that is on radar to be addressed
But you can definitely reach out to us and and we can get more details from you and make sure that it's the same thing
And we'll keep everyone up to date on that
And let's see going over to
Hubert and workhorse for some
combat related questions
A couple upcoming void hunt mechanic clarifications
The first one being blind the current description of blind says that it persists until it's removed
Does that mean that in the upcoming void hunt our heroes might get blinded and it would stay on for the entire hunt?
Duration if we do not cleanse it in some way
And there is not a number of rounds affiliated with how long blind lasts
Uh, yep, that is indeed true. Um
the I guess kind of the philosophy behind that is also with uh poison which we don't we're not adding that mechanic quite yet, but
Um, both of those uh, kind of require a little bit more attention by the player. Um, they can
Be removed just from like the recovery mechanics. So
Uh, you know given enough time it's you know, it's mathematically
Guaranteed, I mean not necessarily but you know
You should within like a hundred or I guess it'd be like 30 ish turns or so
Probably see a recovery happen. Um
So like that that can occur though recovery will only remove one status effect
So if you have more than just blind it might not get the blind so
Um, but yeah, uh, that's we do have anti-blinding potions and anti-poison potions that uh, we're kind of built into the game from
early stages and
Um, so there's there's always a means where you don't necessarily need to have a priest with clans to do it
Um to get rid of it. You could use those potions to take care of it as well
So so yep, that's how that works
And for those that were paying attention, you just got a sneaky little alpha drop
But i'm not going to point it out. So you have to go back and listen and see if you pick up on it
All right
second one
Confused in the description for being confused. It says the afflicted ability the afflicted
Abilities have a chance to hit another random target including self target
Does this mean it could hit any enemy and the confused hero or any enemy or party member of the confused hero?
Well, actually this is going to be a pretty solid alpha drop
So i'm looking at sticks and sergeant and ogre and justice beaver all in the front row here
Um, this is this is the new confuse. So what was just read is not is no longer accurate moving forward
Um, it's actually pretty wordy. So i'm gonna i'm gonna read it here, but i'm gonna also tweet it after the after the ema
Um, but here we go
A confused combatant has a 50 chance to perform a basic attack targeting a random combatant including itself
instead of performing their intended action
When inflicted the duration is randomly determined between one to three turns
this hero cannot channel while confused and
There is a resistance gained of 50 confuse resistance for four turns
Confused also interrupts and there is a stack limit of one
now that is
That is like 18 clauses to consider. So i'll tweet this out, but it is it is
Definitely a little bit different and definitely significantly spicier
So good timing by the way
And y'all got back to back alpha drops
Uh, also, uh dag said that he he felt like he deserved a shout out there too. Uh, hey dags
Thanks guys
Awesome awesome
Uh, so keep an eye out for that tweet. Uh, workhorse will tweet it. We'll retweet it from the dfk account as well
Uh, but a little bit of a of an update there that should be exciting for folks a little alpha
Uh still on the topic of combat dual wielding in combat
We have main hand offhand equipment slots. Will we have dual wielding?
Uh, if not, what kinds of offhand equipment could we have and would every class be able to do something with their offhand?
So, yeah, we're not planning on
Dual wielding in the sense of you know, you can equip two swords and hit twice a type of thing
um, the offhand slot is going to use it
it uses, uh
kind of a subset of the
The accessory, um nft so
um shields for example are are technically kind of in the same category as
Anything like an amulet or anything else that's an accessory but um, they're they're marked differently so that they are equipped in the offhand
Things that that could be there. I mean shields are are for sure one of them
mage classes we have another type of
uh offhand that we're calling a focus, um that
right at the moment we don't have any of those
um being used in the combat system, but
um those that is also planned and then
there is also uh
Likely going to be more options in the future. Uh, but it's not something that's kind of in our
In our front radar right now. Um, it's a little bit further out and we'll have to talk about it a little bit more
on on where it can apply but
um also when you have like two-handed weapons equipped, uh, those those take up that offhand slot so you can't equip anything
when you equip those so
um, that's kind of
It's really would be in cases where you know, there are classes that can't equip
Uh two-handed things or you know, if there's a class that only can equip a two-handed thing you'll generally never see an offhand
uh for them, um
per se unless they also have like a subclass that could use it
um, and then you would you know use with their subclass weapon type for that so
Generally how it's going. Um, I think it'll it'll be a little while before we do anything beyond shields and focuses i'll say
Uh, but I I do have we have been talking about I have some ideas for things that we'd want to potentially do in the future
Awesome awesome appreciate the insight there
All right, switching gears for at least a moment. We may circle back to combat you never know
Our rewards that are attainable via questing going to be removed from raffles token offerings dual rewards
Et cetera to control the inflation of those items
I'm not sure if this one was intended to be a me question or somebody else. Um, everybody
Okay, well, yeah, I I can talk to that at least a little bit. I mean we did
Well, we're kind of waiting a little bit longer because we ran into an issue with the holiday while it's not being able to vote
but we did have
Plans to do some adjustments to the raffle system. Um, which
if anyone saw that back then I'm not sure if there's still that information available, but
That was kind of shows a little bit of a change to some of the rewards there
um, you know, I guess in general it it's uh
Like we do have things that you can get from questing like lesser
Attunement crystals you can get from questing that are also available in the raffles
If you kind of compare like how many of those are minted versus how many
Like through the raffle system versus how many can can be minted through questing
It's generally, you know, the large larger proportion by far is is on the questing side
I guess in in terms of like its impact to inflation and whatnot
It's we kind of see that as as fairly minimal
But we also want to make sure that we're not going to hard in one direction or another
Um, but uh, you know
There are things also like mocha runes and and others that that do have a little bit more value than others that
We do see as as good candidates to have included in the raffle system
Yeah, I just want to echo what hebert said, um, because actually we were talking about this this week in our tokenomics meeting, um
analysis was done on some of the items not not all of them, but
um, you know
it it's currently for
For example, like for eggs, for example, um, you can get eggs from like questing. Um, and I think like
It was around
Under a percent of the eggs in a certain period of time that we looked at
I think it was like a week's worth of time
uh or more were from
The like raffles but most of them are are from like questing and things and we'll be sort of looking at each item on a case
by case basis and
As we need to make those adjustments we will
But that's just an example from that side
Yeah, and I just wanted to plug you know dreamer mentioned offerings, uh at the beginning or early on in the ama
That you know, they are something that we continue to look at
Uh, and to Hubert's point on the raffle master rework that sheet should still be in discord announcements
I can go find it, uh after this if if anybody's interested, but I don't I don't think we deleted it
So it should be there
uh, and we are continuing to work with haliday on getting it set up so that
Haliday can haliday wallets can participate in the governance votes
Uh, and then we can we can run that vote back, uh, then do it the right way
But we wanted to make sure everybody was able to participate first
When we do have that ready, it'll be in our own interface
I'm really excited about that because it'll be the first time we've actually held a vote inside the game
Yeah, that's super cool actually, uh, that'll be that'll be an awesome improvement
cool, uh, so thoughts on
Uh, so there's a couple layers of this question, but i'm just going to start with the first one and the broad one
uh thoughts on uh win
for uh level 10 mining and yellow pets
Yeah, good question, um
So yeah, we we really do have our priorities very focused on combat at the moment
including our you know, our art priorities and everything else is
Uh heavily focused on on helping, you know flesh out what we have as far as combat offerings
Um, and I I see that continuing to be the case for at least
uh, you know
We have probably at least one other feature after
uh, this new void hunt that we would want to probably focus on before we start devoting resources back to
um the the yellow eggs, so
Uh, yeah, I I realize it has been a long long time to get that out and you know
we we do want to get that out it's just a matter of you know, our our resources that we have and
Um, you know prioritizing what we think would have the the largest impact at at this time
Yeah, i'd say, you know, it is going to still be a little ways out. So I just want to set expectations there on that
Yeah, and i'll just add real quick before we go to the the next part of the question, you know, i've seen a couple people, uh
You know with the thought process of like well, you know, we're making the visages
So the you know, our team has some resources that could be going into yellow eggs
very different lifts
Uh, you know, there's I think what like 180 of each pet color, uh, and the the pets are are a lot more
heavier art design than uh than the visages necessarily need to be
Uh, so just very very different types of workload
And then let's see so the second part of that question, what is the future of the power token mining quest once all lock tokens are vested
Which kind of ties into the next question. So i'm gonna hit you with both of them cuber. Um
Do we plan to increase the number of miners that can be used per wallet via additional mining quests for other materials?
Great questions. Yeah. So with the power token mining, um, that's that's essentially kind of getting close at least in crystal veil to
no longer being
Necessary as we'll have
completely everything being
And and circulating at that point. So at that point that quest
Generally, it's it's like going to be retired
You know, it'll still be available in serendel for the time being until that also reaches the end of its unlocking period
But yes, we do have plans to have other other mining quests that are not for just gold
Um, you know with with the crafting system you are going to need ore and other types of, you know metals
Uh to be able to forge weapons and armor
Um, and so the plan is for miners to you know be a source of collecting those things
So that that will be something, you know in in the works in the future
but you know for a period of time at least there will be
Just just the gold mining quest available
Um, but I guess with that said i'll just also throw out something with how we're designing expeditions
Um, we are setting it up. So, uh, you know, I guess in general with expeditions. We're trying to design it so that
uh, it minimizes any need to
multi-wallet to the to as much of an extent as
as is feasible which there's a little bit with gardening where it's still not but
um for gold mining
You wouldn't be somewhat you wouldn't be limited to only having
Uh, like three teams of miners working most efficiently and then any excess teams not really being able to be used
Um, so just mentioning that that that's a thing
So, you know everyone's not worried that your mining is going to be half as effective. Um after that point
All right. Let's see, uh actually switching back to combat for a moment
thoughts on having uh
Like all of the combat info the formulas whatnot in game
I know we've talked about like a side-by-side weapon comparison before
Um, yep, that's definitely things we want to have I think in general there's you know
you know, we have our focus on just getting the combat system out and
Kind of a a downside to that is as we aren't able to spend as much time on
A lot of the communication of how things work and like tutorials and things like that
um, but you know as as
As we move forward and get get more things out. We do want to include things like
You know like the weapon compare like telling like having the formulas and showing being able to see basically the stats of your hero
Uh as it pertains to combat without you actually having to be in combat
Um, and you know a few other things like when you're selecting skills for your heroes
Right now it just kind of shows the equation, but it doesn't say, you know what that means for your specific hero
um, and you know in some cases we do have uh the
Like things mechanics like recovery and
Evasion and your speed. Um, all of those are kind of dependent on the level the like the average level of the fight you're doing
Um and like the level of and the level of your hero compared to that average
like there's some degree of
Like how much we can show you and how much
We we can't that it's going to like some things are going to be a little bit different when you're in in the fight
If you know your guy's level 10, but you're the average levels level 12, for example
um, some of some of those variables will go down a little bit but
um, you know, we can at least show for if you were fighting at a
Doing a fight that's at your level of that hero. Um, like what it would do
So, um, these are general things that are basically all on on beetle's list somewhere in in there
But it's quite a long list
so and you know, it might you know as we
Move forward we also have others like like mr zipper that can help kind of fill in some of those gaps as well. So
But he also has quite a long list too. So
Definitely something really really want to do. Um, you know, I think a lot of the the pain points that we have with
Just getting people to understand the game is is just how things are communicated and and kind of a lack of tutorials about how things work
so that that's something that i'd love to get done and it's it's definitely on our
On our list of things we want to do and and just it's a matter of when we can get to it. So
Perfect, uh, speaking of beetle dude's list
uh thoughts on
Switching up how inventory is shown. It's currently in alphabetical order, but having it done by grouping
Such as plants fish, etc
I mean i'll just add, you know, that is why we added the
Like sub pages so that you can jump into just only plants
But any other thoughts on that front from anybody?
I'll take that as a no. All right rocking and rolling along. Uh, let's see. You got a question for dreamer
Uh, can dreamer elaborate on the partnership with george from cryptos r.s
Does he advise on the game aspects for dfk or just on kingdom studios affairs?
And is he compensated for his advisory and if for his advisory role, and if so, how is that funded?
Excuse me, sorry. Um, yeah, so question on
george's and back so george cryptos r.s george one of our advisors, um
What does he do? Um, so I think since the show, uh, the next crypto gem, um
He's been giving us various forms of advice. Uh, we stay in touch some weeks like multiple times a day every single day
And other times, um, you know for a days or a week or so less contact, but I would say ranging from marketing, um leadership
Bears the entry within the game and platform compared to others since he is talking to a lot of
Other projects and just doing his own personal, um research. Uh, he has a really good
The perspective I think and so, uh, I don't remember everything that was listed in the question
But I don't think I heard anything that would be um not included. So
Not only things for um as it relates to marketing and his expertise, but actually a lot more, uh deeper conversations
There's been a couple times when he's met with the entire board
Um, I think he met with bolon once to actually get a demo of the game to learn more about the game and be aware of that
And give some feedback
So yeah, I think that the value is not only in the realm of like marketing and things
But um pretty much from biz dev strategy leadership
Uh gameplay and others, um compensation side with all these agreements they're held, uh
Confidential, um, so we're not going to be sharing that out of respect there
Um, it's not really ongoing compensation of any sort. It was a kind of
upside within the game and platform to be aligned up front
And um, it's been great so far. We like working with george and look forward to working with him in the future
Can confirm awesome awesome. Appreciate you dreamer. Uh, let's see you got another one to throw at you qbert
Will enchantments have their own durability values separate from the actual piece of equipment that has been enchanted?
Uh, no, they will not it's uh, we didn't design the system to work that way. It's uh, it's a permanent enhancement to the
equipment that gets enchanted so
Um, so yeah, I guess it's all going to be tied to the durability of that of that
Equipment is is how you know how long it can last at that point?
Awesome awesome, uh, let's see when byop
Releases, uh, are we planning on a promotion similar to pet crafting or pet treat crafting?
You can't craft pets you can't have to craft their treats though
Uh that if you craft a bunch of potions, you will get you know extra potions or whatever else
Yeah, so for this one though, we we're not really planning on any sort of promotion like that
I mean we are looking at uh, you know, just all of our tokens and in considering different things
But uh for this, yeah, we don't have anything planned as far as the promotion goes
Awesome awesome
Uh, let's see any plans to do a possible valentine's day event aside from potentially a visage
Uh, we are planning on doing something for chinese new year's
Uh, actually and stay tuned for some details on that. I believe
Probably like mid next week, uh, there'll be some additional info on that
uh, but because we'll be doing something for chinese new year's which
Overlaps with valentine's day. I don't believe we have anything planned for valentine's day
If anybody wants to speak up and tell me i'm wrong, feel free. Uh, but I believe that is our current plan
Taking that as a yes good deal
Uh, let's see. So we got time to snag a couple more and then we will go into some community side updates
Uh, let's see. This would be probably primarily a beetle dude question, but i'll see if one of you wants to answer it
Uh when summoning a new hero, is it possible to have an interface?
Uh, like when you're so your hero comes out of the portal you click on it to see the card
Would it be possible to add to that interface?
Uh options to do with that hero like transfer to another wallet send to a quest bridge
That kind of thing
No, takers. All right. I'll add it to this list
Good you heard oh, I was distracted by chance. I was just asking if that wasn't me question. Yeah, you repeat that question. Actually. I'm, sorry
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got ya. Uh, so when summoning a new hero, uh, you know
It comes out of the portal you click on it. You can see the card. Would it be possible to add to that interface?
Uh options to do with that hero so like transfer to another wallet
Send to a quest
Uh bridge the hero that kind of thing on that interface
As opposed to just opening it up in your hero's view and doing it
Yeah, it's possible, but I don't know if it's gonna
Be one of the things that's gonna get attention first probably what i'll say
Of course i'm not beetle dude
I would say that's fair. Uh awesome
Awesome. Uh, but yeah, I will uh, i'll shoot that over to beetle for consideration as well
Uh, let's see. Uh, this one probably is for you Hubert. So, uh
Listen up out of chat. I know chat's always uh always pulling us all away
Uh, there's a question last week about gardens that I thought was going somewhere else and now I want to know about something else
Uh, could we allow gardeners to farm on user created pools like the rock root crystal LP?
I mean if if we did that like it
We wouldn't be able as far as like the math goes like we would have to be a whole new system
Because everything is is based on how things are incentivized and how much of an incentivized pool you have
So if we're talking about non-incentivized pools
um, you know, that's
If we wanted there to be any sort of payout from the quest fund
Um, we'd have to devise like a whole entire new system for that
Um, if it's just a matter of just having more pools to be able to quest at
Um, but not necessarily including anything from the quest fund as rewards
Um, you know, we are also kind of considering some things, uh with that just to like handle
excess gardeners
But uh, I guess that's that's all I can say for now
um, but it's kind of
Have similar kind of thoughts along the lines of what we're going to be doing with cold mining with expeditions at least
I was I was wondering how far you were going to go on that one today. Uh,
Uh, let's see
All right, there we go. Sorry I was trying to find my next question, uh
At what point do we anticipate releasing pve content for lower level heroes
Not that far away actually, um, we we do uh, you know, we've been focusing on void hunts so far, uh, but
We also do have plans to um have non-void hunt combat
things in the game as well
Um so that we can have uh more I guess
You know lower level lower level content something kind of more akin to like
random encounters in rpgs that you might expect where
It's not necessarily a boss fight where everything's level scaled and meant to be a challenge the whole time
Um, so that is something that we are
Uh, you know, we do have cooking in the background. Um, it's it's not
Uh, it's not being actively worked on very very heavily at the moment, but we will be turning our attention to it
before too long i'd say
Awesome awesome. Yeah, i'm really looking forward to that. It'll be a lot of fun
questions about weapons
Uh slash equipment in general
Uh the weapons that can currently be obtained from the boar hunt
uh, do we foresee them being
Effective in the next hunt and then uh, you know, obviously as we go to higher and higher levels
Phasing out is that our anticipation of the equipment system?
Um, yeah, so i'll say they are definitely
Uh effective in the next hunt. Um, if you don't have them
It's much much harder as far as uh how things have been going with our balance testing so far and that's kind of our intent
Uh is for it to be you know
Yeah more challenging but less challenge, but you know more manageable if you have uh equipment on your guys. So
Um, that's that's what we're doing there. Um as far as like for higher level content and and whatnot
um, you know, I guess just with with really most
I can't really think of an example from really any rpg where uh, you know, I it will
something that's like half as much levels
Below like if something is intended for level 10 versus a piece of equipment that's intended for level 20
almost in all cases that is
The level 20 gear is going to be generally better at least in terms of being able to do damage output
um, but there could be certain bonuses on certain pieces of equipment that even
Uh, even though it's a lower level piece. It still has value just because of the bonuses that it provides
so, um, you know, I think
It'll still be better to have the like level 10 gear for like level 20 content versus having no gear
Like you there'd be like no way you'd survive no gear at that point
And you know right now we do have in in the void hunts the for heroes that don't have any equipment since we're not really providing
any other options
Besides what you can get from the hunts currently
Like eventually we will be taking that away that extra gear that you're borrowing from the the hunters guild and uh having that gear available
Just just within the game that you can you can acquire through different means
So, uh once that that becomes the case, then then it'll be up to the player to have their heroes equipped
And if they're not they're gonna have a hard time, you know accomplishing much in in anything but the the lowest level of combat
Awesome awesome
Uh, i'm gonna snag one more question real quick because I don't think uh, I don't think an answer exists
Uh, why is bull on the way that he is?
If anybody has a shot at that feel free because I I can't answer it
uh, I think I have a quote from uh
Oh god from your brother saying you were born with a battery stuck up your butt or something
Yeah, that sounds right, uh, that's that sounds that sounds like him
You have more energy than anyone i've ever met in my life. Uh, you just
I swear like every now and then i'll be up until
I don't know three or four a.m
Doing something and i'll look and over there's bull on still online
And he's always online when I wake up too in the morning. Uh, so it's just I don't know when he sleeps
The funniest was the day uh in slack you replied to something and I replied you were like
Is bull on still awake or already awake?
We we both know the answer to that. It's almost it's always always awake
I blame florida and mountain dew, but that's all I gotta say
With that, uh, we're gonna jump into a couple of community updates real quick including a uh, a special surprise guest
Uh first and foremost I wanted to touch on
Donate, uh, so donate is a two tool built by two noobs
Uh a tool designed for streamers where they can uh add it to their stream and their viewers are able to tip them
through the tool, uh
He had already integrated some of the dfk assets like jade and uh, I think joel
But on clayton and bloaters
Uh, he is now officially integrated dfk chain directly
Uh, so crystal is now in the mix as well
Uh and dfk chain assets are are now directly available. It's a really really cool tool. It's going to be
Getting added to the castle. Uh, so you'll be seeing that listing soon
Uh, we're just finalizing everything with two noobs to get that up and running
Uh, but super cool tool especially for you streamers. Definitely check it out
Uh tips everybody loves tips
Uh, so wanted to give him a shout out
Also, I think we've mentioned it before but if we didn't i'm just gonna preemptively jump the gun. Sorry
Uh, but six intern and wowie will also be being added to the castle
uh, very much looking forward to having uh office hours and uh
Six hour wowie streams. Uh, I love them. They're my favorite. Uh, no offense to anybody else but
So all of those will be being added to the castle here in the short term
So you will be seeing those listing announcements coming soon
Second update is the mythic squad hunts tournament that was conducted last weekend
Uh, I was asked to buy sticks intern to let y'all know that so many people made it through
Uh that their playoff system was not going to work and I had to redesign one. Uh, so stay tuned on the mythic squad medium
Uh sticks interns going to be putting out an article there on the new playoff system
Uh, but congratulations to everybody who beat every affix. That's that's incredible
I looked at it when I think I might be able to get through round one maybe
Uh, so that's absolutely incredible. Huge shout out to y'all
Uh mythic squad sticks intern huge shout out to you guys again for putting that together and hosting it. It was awesome
Uh, I was not able to be there for very long
Unfortunately, but it was a lot of fun. I've heard nothing but positives about it
Uh, it was just really cool to see the community come together on I think I owe
A fair amount of people some jewel. Um, I
Yeah, you do how many won?
I don't know sticks intern. Do you want to hop up real quick? I don't know
I think 11 or 12 maybe
maybe 14, uh
Get your jewel ready, uh
But yeah, so very excited for that. Uh, stay tuned for the playoffs details. That'll be a lot of fun as well
Uh, they will be live streamed again
Uh, and we'll we'll have a good time. Hope here sticks intern
Good sticks intern
Hi, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to jump out here
But thank you for having me out again. I like it. It was comfy up here. Uh, but fox so we had 11
contestants win
You know, I knew that some people had been practicing these things for about a month. So when you said 500 I took that
As 500 to the champion's prize not the every person
and uh, i've worked out a deal
With the finalists, uh, but i'm i'm not going to say this precludes you from doing what you if you want to give it to everyone
Go for it all 11 of them
I won't stop you from doing that but i've worked out a deal where everyone who beat it does get a little something from the
Mythic squad and then I had planned to put that 500 that I had assumed you meant to go to the champion's first
It that is staying as the prize pool for the ultimate champion after our playoff bracket
Happens and i'm going to be releasing the details on that tonight pacific time. So tomorrow probably for most of you
Um, because it'll be very late in the evening. I got a lot of work to do today
but but that said yeah, the details are going to be coming out tonight and um
It's going to be a playoff bracket with a round of 11
And you know, if you want to pay all of them 500 jewel, I you know, I will not tell you to not to so yeah
No, that was
That was what I said. So yeah, um all all of the people that beat all six
That's the 500 i'll add another 500 into the champion pot, too. Wow. What a legend. All right
I will get you their names. I'll send you a discord dm
Just so you have all their their contact info or even better i'm collecting their wallets
Anyway, so I can just send you the wallets if that's easy. That'd be best. Thank you. Okay will do
Awesome appreciate your sticks intern and mythic squad
Uh, and now we have another upcoming community event
And our very own crypto meme is here to honk at us on behalf of the geese's
What up, huh?
What's going on? Yeah, i'm so i'm so happy that that actually happened. Thank you
So what you got planned uh, so yeah, we're gonna do a dark summoning event tomorrow
Uh, it's friday for everybody except kimmy and uh, we're gonna be dark summoning some heroes and the first to get
You know an elite class mythic hero or get a purple ability or you know
We got a few prizes for that. We got prizes for like the ruggiest potato
So like if you get really badly rubbed on a bread or something you got a chance to win a prize for that
Depending on how many people show up will probably just end up giving like, you know, door prizes loot bags kind of thing
And uh, sorry, I got a phone call so my audio cut out for a second. Did you say when it's happening? Uh, that's tomorrow at 4 20
And where
Uh, that'll be in the goose uh channel like in the discord. We'll have our
We'll have a voice chat set up specifically for that
Awesome. Awesome. And uh, if you are are not in the goose server, uh, there is an invite in the guild information channel and discord
And i'm sure that it will be posted as well and and we can we can make an allowance for that
Uh, but yeah, it should be a super fun event
Uh go out there and throw some heroes in the pit and see what comes out
I love that y'all are including a prize for the uh, the worst result because i'd win it
Uh, so that's super cool. Anything else you want people to know about it?
Uh, no, there's no fee. Just don't join. You don't have to be goose or anything. Just uh, come hang out
Awesome awesome. Yeah, it should be a lot of fun. If you're around check it out. Even if you just want to watch
uh, even better if you want to participate but
Go hang out and watch some people burn some heroes see what they get. Everybody loves to see uh, see good drops
Awesome before we go back to meme for our bullish and wrap up for the day. Anybody have any final thoughts anything? I forgot to say
anything else
All right meme
Oh, that was a good one bullish bullish
Appreciate you all. Thanks guys. We will see you all next week