Community Building in the Age of Web3

Recorded: March 21, 2024 Duration: 1:02:00



What's up everybody good afternoon and welcome to episode number four of silts weekly
Every Thursday at 4 p.m. Eastern. We host the spaces on a new topic around web 3 gaming
We have today's spaces pinned at the top here
So please give it a share so we could get some more people in here and the topic of today's show is going to be
Community building in the age of web 3. I'm super good and excited
I'm super excited to get into this
Discussion here today and hosting your show. I'm Matthew Pazuto the marketing manager here at game of silks where we're digitizing the sport of thoroughbred horse
Racing by offering NFTs of real-world race horses where owners can earn ether wards based on real-world racing and breeding of their horses
We have an incredible panel of guests today and we'll go through a round of introductions before we dive in first off
I'll hand it over to Ben. How you doing today?
How's it going guys? I'm Ben. I'm the community manager at silks super excited to be on another space and to have you guys all up
On the stage. I'm excited for today's conversation
Awesome and we have a familiar face here to with us today. So I'll hand it a gen next. How you doing? Welcome back
Jen can you can you hear me?
All right, maybe we'll we'll come back to Jen then Coco how you doing give us a little intro
Hello. Hello. Yeah, thank you so much for having me today. I'm really happy to be to be here
I'm Coco. I'm former CMO at a West first and now an independent marketing specialist
And yeah, really keen to talk about this is a great topic. Thank you
Happy to have you on the show with us today crypto grad welcome
Hey, what's going on everybody? My name is part me. I'm a head of communications here at crypto grad
I'm thrilled to be in this Twitter space and kind of dive into community building and the age of web 3
but all you
Tropic vibes welcome to the show today
Hey, how you doing happy to be here? I am here as I guess you'd say a community manager for nine verse
But then also I podcast about web 3 and all the cool things that's happening here
Raining in from the island of Jamaica. What's up? How's everybody doing? And we've been rugged a lot today
So I've been in quite a few spaces. So hopefully this one goes smooth, you know
Yeah, I I get to see like four people constantly spamming the emojis up here, so I'm hoping it goes smooth
But yeah astronaut welcome to the show how you doing today
Thank you for having me. I am
Socials in the marketing for astronaut chat. Thank you for having us here
And there how you doing welcome
Hey guys, thanks for having us and here from XD Network. We are a multi-chain and a free bridge excited to hear everyone's
everyone's projects and what you guys are up to and to show some insight regarding to
The multi-chain and the importance of moving in a fish from one chain to the other
Awesome and it looks like we got Jen back up here
How you doing? Give us a little bit of a intro if you can hear us
Yes, I don't know what's going on with X, but I am getting rugs, but hey here I am
So I'm Jen Marie. I am a recording artist and
a hug artist and curator
And basically I got into the space late
Because I had a friend that was like hey
You know we're gonna try to get music on chain and and build out fan bases in the metaverse
I thought it was cool, and I've been in ever since meeting some really really cool people
Shameless plug if you're in NFT NYC, please
Connect with me so I can meet you
But yeah, no I'm super excited to be on this stage with my fellow panelists to talk all things community building
Awesome and that brings us through our round of intros so we can get into our first topic of the show
For all the panelists just feel free to
Jump in if nobody's speaking and if somebody is speaking just try to wave your hand or raise your hand emoji
And we'll get into the first question. Which is how does community building differ between?
Different web3 products, so if you're building a gaming community or you have a PFP collection, or you have a music collection
versus a coin or an exchange
What are some different ways to approach building a community and?
Where do you start
Yeah, I can take this one and
It's an interesting one because as we've
You know developed the crypto space and web3 space I think different little areas of
Community spaces have developed as well if anybody was around like early days
It used to be sort of telegram, and I think telegram is still a space where a lot of people converse and come together
But as gaming for example came about you know discord was originally built as a as a gaming
You know chat chat bottle whenever you want to chat client
And so that kind of was co-opted
I suppose by like the web3 gaming space and it's become almost like a defacto space for private communities, but
It was indeed like more the gaming
Focused client of choice right because you can you can do so much in terms of bringing gameplay
engaging your community in different ways
Inside of that space whether it's VCs is so much fun functionality right but
If you're building a community
That's not in gaming. I mean it's I guess it's a little bit harder at least from my perspective just because I
gaming feels like such a
Simple and easy straightforward way of like engaging people through the love of the game or even NFTs, right?
It's very I think space matters a lot
But you have to also think about like what is it that you're building and why do people want to come into the space?
I think if you're for example arbitrary and you're
You're not you're not necessarily building a space that people want to be in absolutely every day
Depending on what they're doing. So you you've got to think about
Making a making a community that might be good for so data sources or information sources or drop-in clinics
But you want to also have a space
That's friendly and welcoming from maybe new developers
so it really depends on like the type of person that's going to be there and then very much have to consider the the
Specific client that you're using to build that community space
Yeah, definitely here with you there on the point where you're talking about
The gamers, you know kind of coming in with through discord
I know with game of slopes were a lot on discord
I I have had to go through telegram and it's not my favorite app personally
But I know there's a ton of people out there. So I still I still do use it when I have to
But yeah, I think that it does differ between whether you're getting building a gaming community or whatever
I mean, we've seen mean coins really shining in the last few weeks and I know telegram groups have been crucial those and a lot of
Them are offerings for the other telegrams. So we'll do sit there
anybody else have any
Insights on on the differences between building communities across what three
Yeah, I can show something here
Sure, it can happen
Yeah, okay. I was gonna say real quick. I think one of the hardest things not just in web 3
But just community belt community building in general is just trying to define who you're trying to attract and what your purpose is
Because a lot of the times and I was guilty of this
I had this massive Facebook page and group and whatever and I didn't really define what it was
my goal was with it and
I ended up getting a really big audience that was just basically there to figure out how I made money and that was
Absolutely miserable and I kind of did just one
One last I guess you would say she'll go out with a bang like everybody
This is what I'm gonna do
This is one last time that I'm gonna shut it down and that was like one of the most relieving things to just shut down
the group and just you know
not do that because I at the time I
Again created this thing on creative basis. However, I didn't have any goal or anything about it
And it just created this just hodgepodge of all these different people that had no goal. No
Vision no nothing and they were just an audience and we didn't know where to go with it
And it was just very draining trying to service that so I would say one of the main things
Coming into web 3 and the thing that I identified with it was so cliche
Right. Everybody's saying community community community till the point was like it was like sick and like most people
You know the ones that were allowed us saying community were the first ones out as soon as they saw green
Speaking I think that's a very powerful thing like community and a shared identity with a goal is how I would really define a community
And so forth
so I think community building is a group of people moving towards something together and
It might be music. It might be culture. It might be trying to buy the Constitution
It might whatever it is
But defining what it is that these people are coming together for and we can see this I think one of the best
Examples not to get all like preaching stuff, but like how religions come together, right?
they're from all over the world with all these different cultures and
skin tones and
ethnicities and so forth
But if they have a common faith together like they come together and they're working towards that in general, right?
You know in general and I think that sort of happens with football teams from different backgrounds and so forth
And I think that is like really the secret sauce if you will
Yeah, I think you're right who focusing on who you're who you're targeting with building your community is
Really important building a lasting community. There's there's a lot of communities that come in people follow the trends
They get in quick and then they they leave quickly and that doesn't
Create for for a long-lasting community. So knowing your target market and having something where they can all connect around
Cryptograd I see with your hand up. I'll go to you next
So on that topic of regarding what three and just community
You know the big thing for me and what I look at and what I think is like the most powerful thing behind it
Is the fact that people got to remember it's not just about the numbers on screen
But I but I see fostering a genuine community by having meaningful conversations and something that can be obviously impactful
You know, it's also remembering the idea that everything we do should be focused on equality less than the quantity aspect because you know
That's the driving factor, you know the meaningful conversation that we have with each individual in the community
It's what's gonna, you know, eventually transcend and kind of create that
That's in effect where it kind of goes down one next to another because people believe in the person driving the project
Driving the community because you know, they're actually caring about each individual person compared to just the numbers that come in and go, you know
Yeah, great points great points astronaut I see you with your hand up. Let's go to you next I
Just wanted to add to what tropics said
I think the biggest thing about community and I feel like the reason why it's such a
It's a different topic to talk about is because
Community is something that like, you know, everyone wants to be part of right? Everyone wants to be part of something right regardless of what it is religion
fraternity, you know PFP collection everyone wants to feel like they belong somewhere and
What what this essentially does is being part of something just makes you feel good as
As a competing member of the society, right?
We're like that's tropics that you're working together
Towards the same goal
So much my two senses that like, you know being part of any community. It's just for any person just helps you
Feel like you're working some working towards something greater than just yourself and I know I feel that's I think that's beautiful
Really like that point
I think that does really define community where you know that they're behind you working towards working with you to building something greater
And and you're there as well. So you're all working towards one kind of cool
Yes, so great input from everyone and so I agree with everything
I want to say to weigh in basically with another perspective for us as we looked at the community. So
For us the community is of course the whole telegram community and the whole community of both investors and traders and the users that are
Participating in and using in the products and the projects or trading the collections
But mostly one of the things that I want to put in focus here is that is that for us also community
NFT depth NFT projects that are basically populating and facilitating the whole market and all together creating this amazing community of and
I would say and
Enthusiasts that are pushing the market forward into much more
I would say much more easy and much more and a much more fun experience of getting into the crypto space
By making this amazing NFT projects that we are seeing in the last couple of years and bringing in all together and the opportunity to
Experience this amazing new utilities and different prospects of NFTs
This is for us also the community of NFTs on top of there. I would say the most
Normal normal normal term of the community that we define define here today as well. That's our take on this
Yeah, we've seen a lot of great NFT collections come up in the last few years and we're excited to see what they keep building in the future
And and what the new people coming in the space is it's still you know
We're all still early here in the space and we're kind of on the cutting edge of of what can be done
With NFTs and and with web3 gaming so it'll be exciting and and with that I'll go into the next question, which is
Within your communities
How are you promoting collaboration or engagement?
Outside of gameplay and I said this for
We're coming from a gaming community
But you know, maybe somebody who's not coming from a gaming community can can kick us off here and talk about how you're engaging in collaborating without a game
All right, I guess I will
All right, I guess I will go cuz it's kind of interesting because the community that I'm up here repping beside
You know myself and various things but as a community manager like the project itself
Originally started as a meme token, right?
And as we know this is meme token season, but this one kicked off two years ago
So there's that whole meta, right?
But then the people that actually came into this were, you know, very interesting
They were actually much more serious D5 people than the meme would elude and they fell in love with the character
Which was actually done by the same artist as the Shiba Inu
Mascot, right that led to creating a game kitty-cart racing and then that also led to
Various different things which led to an NFT and so forth. So there's like all areas of web3 touch
but the one thing that I would say as far as like collaborating and
Reaching out to different people and getting the community engaged
And by no means am I saying we're the best at doing this? It's so forth
I think everyone does it very differently
But how we tend to do it is whatever the meta is at the moment right now it happens to be meme coins, right?
reach out to people that are interested in memes and then we
find that commonality as just a talking point to kick off the conversation and whether that means a
Community space together or that just means something like hey check this out. Let's meme together. Whatever it might be
then we have the crossover and the attention then shifts to gaming or to
Whatever it might be NFTs
We just kind of lead with whatever the talking point is at the moment and that's also as an individual what I do a lot
of times with
NFTs right if there's a hot particular NFT at the moment
Well, that's something I can open up the conversation with and we even saw that with a lot of musicians like Sammy
Arriega how he sold out like his
His music NFTs and built his community really was he swapped his PFP to whatever was driving the conversation at that moment
And then led with that and then built his community
Off of the values and everything else that was associated
But just using whatever is hot at the moment to open up the conversation
I find a good way especially for an introvert believe it or not
Even though I'm a very talkative person on spaces and so forth
I am an introvert, right?
So is this so much easier for me to lead with what's the talking point at the moment and then get into an interesting topic?
Yeah being able to kind of follow those trends quickly
And connect with people around them is a great way to do that
Putt pudgy penguins has been incredible thought with their gifts that they've been able to put out over the last year and then
tons of people outside of web3
Been able to connect with them as well. Cryptograd. I'll pass it over to you
So with Cryptograd our platform, it's very unique
So Cryptograd is a network and it's something more than just a platform where we're building the platform to be in a pretty much a
global community for all
Enthusiasts know the idea behind it was to create a platform for enthusiasts that are either some professional or maybe just a novice trader
Someone who's new to the game to be able to kind of jump into a platform engage with others share like-minded ideas engage
Discussions collaborate in this obviously world of crypto
But obviously be able to obviously learn and develop your skills over a long period
Cryptograd is meant to be like something where at every stage
No matter what you're doing if you're a new beginner or you're just kind of you know in the midst of trading
Or just dabbling, you know
You can kind of get support at every stage making sure you're you know, gonna have the best success when it comes to trading
So that's kind of what Cryptograd has been doing
We were kind of building you know a stage-by-stage process to help every new trader to jump in new
Professional kind of had the best advantage in this crypto game
That's really cool and I think having having a community of traders so you could could learn with
We something a lot of people can resonate with
I'll now go into our my my next segment of this which is
What are the key challenges with with scaling a community without losing the the essence and the original?
Like core value of that community when you did that launch and now it's time to go
I can I can touch on this. Hey everyone. My name is
You're like John I go by AJ and so I'm the founder of a company called astronaut and and I'm very familiar with this problem
just because we have a lot of
we work with a lot of communities that are at scale and we work with a lot of communities are going through a growth phase and
One of the things that I've seen really work is if you talk to a lot of communities at scale
They all would probably tell you about some like ambassador program or or membership
Sort of like some some VIP program or some exclusive program
I think the in essence what you're trying to do there is just like
Find a few people within the community that were you know
ideally there from day one really bought into the mission and like empower those people give them resources and
Like allow them to actually help you scale your mission and your vision because if you have a community
Which like, you know, one of our one of our one of the communities we work with is sweet
And they have like 700,000 people in their discord. That's a lot of people
You know, you can hire a team of 30 community managers, whatever you can't really stay on top of of the entire community
But if you can find like a few hundred people that are really bought in you give them resources you highlight them
And you let them organize your own exams blah blah blah
Like that's what I've seen as though as a way to really keep your core ethos and your core mission and and scale that
But really you're scaling it with the community itself
Welcome welcome to this space and I couldn't agree with you more. We actually just
Did something really similar recently?
We launched a pilot program for where we've gone a few
Partners from the community where we provided them with some additional resources to help kind of bring on new people and they're
We brought a small group dedicated guys. We've been with us since day one
So I agree to you that's a hundred percent a great way to keep keep a like kind of people when growing your community
Anybody else on the topic I
Would just add something really quick
I think okay
I think it's interesting because
Scaling out is one of the harder things to do because I since I was an RA in college, right?
Which is we call them the fun police whatever but at the same time to us
Also, I was also on the football team, right?
So a lot of what my idea of how communities grow and structure and scale out is based on number one
how the dorm was structured and how the football team was structured and it was
Yet sure we have you know, the team captain or we have the RD running the building
However, it's very hard in my opinion to really know more than to 200 people within an organization
so once it goes over 200 and
When we're talking about 10,000 and a lot of these NFT projects and so forth, right? It seems like oh man like 200
What is that?
But if anyone knows ever in any kind of local organization trying to know 200 members is very hard
So at that point I am I you know, this is what I've observed and just you know physical in real life
businesses and organizations and so forth
That if you put people in a place of a leadership and they have the ability to lead and go out and just not
Only communicate the mission from the top down but also
Communicate what's going on on the ground up to the top. I think that is very key and it doesn't always have to be a
Paid or a compensated thing it could just be the fact that they're so bought into the mission
For example the football team right the football team ultimate goal is to win games win championships and so forth, right?
So the communication from the lowest man on the totem pole all the way up to the top the coach
It's bought into the same goal and you can see this just about any successful organization
And it doesn't necessarily have to be limited to web 3 right is people buying into that mission and communicating it
but also being given the power to
Execute using the strengths that they have to then go on and help the whole team the unit to move in that direction
I think any organization that allows that to happen without really
Micro-managing everything and and stifling it and wanting to take the credit as the founder or the coach or the RD of the building or the CEO
Stand a better chance
No, I couldn't agree with you more we keep coming kind of back to this
One part which I think is really the heart of community, which is just everybody working towards one kind of defined goal
crypto grad
Yeah, what I was gonna say was for me the one thing I know
Noticed when it comes to building communities and what's the big factor that obviously you can go a long way for anybody
Trying to continue that growth is trust
I think trust is a big factor in a community that really can drive you far
And I think it's like when you have that trust you want always cuz this may be trust have obviously contain that trust
But also be transparent with what's going on trying to be transparent towards the collaborations
You're making with other people in the community and also, you know being able to host events
Engage in really in-depth discussions with your people and obviously providing them resources and support for questions and concerns
They may have regarding projects that your project in particular and telling you're making sure they feel comfortable and welcome at all times
But I would they know okay
This is the person I want to be following through and through from start to finish with this project
No matter where it goes because I trust what they're doing and I trust their mission statement
Yeah, I think transparency is a huge thing
And I think you know one way that communities can can do that is just opening up more channels communication with with their holders
It's sometimes difficult, but a lot of communities have been able to
you know create great ways for the community their holders to interact with with the founders and people working on the project and
Really just keep
The community in touch with everything the products working on and they've done a great job
One of the things that I noticed at my time for like growing communities is like people just want to be heard right so like
the community members everyone has a voice everyone has their opinion and
What usually happens is in the sea of messages like all that gets taken away or like, you know, you miss some of that stuff
granted there is like
There is a lot of I guess noise as well or people just like, you know coming in to like just fud
But there are also genuine
People who have genuine concerns or like like great suggestions that like, you know, just get lost in the sea of messages
so that's what something that's what like we kind of specialize with that astronaut chat like
the services and the the bot that we offer offers a like a you know, a
Find it helps you find that needle in the haystack helps you find exactly what your community wants and needs
So, you know, so this like this platform kind of really helps communities
fully understand the wants and needs of the community by picking and like you're picking out like what exactly the
Community is looking for
Also one thing I want to also throw in there was that
What much I'm building communities a great way to just like interact with people is just hopping on community calls
I'll do the thing where I would just type in the type in the server
Hey, I'm in the chat if anyone wants to work with me, you know, the call is like the line is open
We can chat and work together
It just I feel like it creates like the sense of like a bonding like you like you only bond with the community members
I feel like like no that really helped
Really helped me like grow our communities the way it's supposed to be
Yes, definitely important to be in touch with what your community members are talking about and what's going on and your discord channel and telegram channel
So so having something like that
Where you can know what their pain points are and what they want and what they want to see would be super helpful Ben
See with your hand up. I'll let you chime in here
Yeah, these are these are all great discussion points. I just want to bring up something that I was you know thinking about
From what you were just saying before. I think it's really interesting when you you know, you give people an opportunity to
You know whether it's like suggest things or feel like they're actually, you know making a real contribution to the platform
And there's a number of ways that you can facilitate this
But for us at silks, I think you know, one of the biggest things is, you know taking platform suggestions and implementing them
You know obviously where they make sense but user ideas
And they can actually see them come to life whether it's in your game or in your platform
I just think that's one of the really cool things about having so many passionate people that are all
You know passionate about the same thing obviously your project and you have so many people
One of the cool things about web 3 is which you guys have all touched on is you can you know bring so many people?
from different walks of life and that you know brings, you know unique perspectives into your into your community, which
You know could bring stuff to the team that they had never considered, you know from a different perspective and whatnot
But just really giving people the opportunity to feel heard
Is one of the best things that you can do to kind of promote that within your community
So I just want to say great points and that's my view on it
Yeah, that's great, but thank you
Tropic I'll hand it over to you
And just add on to that really quick a couple things was said before
The number one the voice channel and also trust and for example when I came into nine verse, right?
It was trying to figure out exactly. All right, what needs to be done. I see the kiddie crew all over the place
You guys roll deep you guys are, you know, really cool to hang out with I have my NFT
I'm not really active in the community as
Some of you guys were just you know, gung-ho with everything. So what do you really want done?
Like that was like the first thing that I I said is like cool
I hold the NFT but as far as being active and being on a part of the team or whatever it might be and
It was pretty interesting because Anna was like well, obviously, you know
we believe in the competence of the people that are that are here and so forth and
For the most part, you know, don't micromanage everything
So technically my job description really doesn't go outside of discord for the most part
However, number one, I liked talking on spaces and it was a cool crew that that's how I met them
It was through spaces, right?
So when it came to then just taking the initiative be like, all right
Well, technically I'm not even a Twitter guy, but I like talking on spaces
Let me go out there and speak to various people about things that are related to the company
But also not just because yeah, I get to just walk around and feel good about myself
But as I'm having discussions with people like you they're speaking about community building and so forth
It's gonna help me in the long run to you that I could just bring back and make the community a better place, too
so the collaboration thing and the freedom to just kind of
Figure it out and just learn on the job if you will and go on and and she has a trust in us to do
That I think is pretty cool. And as a leader just in any organization
I think that is just something beautiful when you can entrust the people that you've put into certain positions to then
Go out and represent your organization your community your team and so forth and then bring back the gold if you will and share it
Up amongst everybody. I think that is just a you know, a cool and beautiful thing
It's no different than again going back to my analogy of the football team, right?
On summer break when we all scatter and go all over the place all over the country, you know
As a college team or whatever back in the day
You're having the assumption that they're gonna work out and
Perfect their craft and do what they have to do to come back in August a better player
Then they were when they left campus, right?
So it's kind of the same thing really on any level with any community any team any group
Yeah, I can't agree more I feel like really a lot on web 3 and just start up culture you need to really have a
Strong group of people working together who take initiative and do that stuff
you need to be able to jump in and get outside your comfort zone and
Where something needs to get picked up, you know, you need to if you can you go to hop in there and help out
So that's a great story to hear and you know as a community member hearing those things would definitely make me bullish. So
With that if nobody has anything else to add I can move into our next topic here
If you do just speak up
All right
Going to the next topic traditionally, you know
Before getting into web 3 if you're building a community it'd be you'd have pretty standard metrics
Uh, how's your growth your retention your engagement user satisfaction?
Um now that we're in web 3 are those still relevant?
Um, there's some new metrics
Are they how much do they matter?
Um, there's floor price market cap secondary market volume, maybe some other ones, uh interested to hear your guys take on it
Nur I see with your hand up i'll go to you first
Yeah, thanks, so that's a great question and
From our perspective of the metrics that you just just mentioned mentioned are extremely
extremely relevant still even in web 3 and all of those
engagement and
Overall impressions these are things that we are
Measuring as well from our side and we see other projects doing that as well
On top of that on the crypto side of things, of course, we have also
Another great metric which is of course the performance in the token in the token volume altogether and in the transactions that are happening
There as well
And on top of of course for us the best and most
amount of amount of engagement we see from the community is the fact that people are
Utilizing the product product to users that are actually signing up setting up new wallets or actually coming in for us
Creating transactions over a multi-chain bridge for example
So overall those metrics to your question still stands and on top of that
We have I would say a couple of more unique properties at the same
Yeah, I definitely agree very very important metrics
Are there any other type of I guess metrics that maybe weren't mentioned that people think are
Are overlooked or that are still super important building a community that should be looked at?
What was that I don't know if you it was just my side but you broke up there mid mid question
Well, i'll make it a little more broad as well, but it was basically
maybe if there was any sort of
Metrics that are super important so that you should be paying attention to when building a community that haven't been mentioned
Or are there any that are just important that you should be paying attention to when building the community?
All right, uh, let me just throw one out there it's it's it's something that i'll just say i'm personally working on and I know with
Uh from the game side it's much easier with like retention and how much time people are spending
Playing the game and coming back to the game
But the community now it's kind of interesting especially in web 3 in the sense that
Very few people are only in one community, right?
There once was a belief that whatever
Pfp you're rocking that was a community that you're going the hardest for right, but
That's not always the case too because maybe one community happens to have some sort of reward mechanism
That is rewarding them for having the pfp up
But they spend all their time in another discord in another community always in spaces with another one. However, they're just using that to
basically just
A farm right and nothing's wrong with that. It's part of the game
So trying to find a metric I think really depends on each community and I think that's the tricky part, right?
I think that's the tricky part in trying to figure out
What it is that's really important to your specific community and how you measure success
Is something that kind of varies from place to place and if anyone has some broad
Answer that they think is more that fits one size fits all when it comes to this
I would love to hear that but I think it's really what's most important to the core group and the mission at hand
And how they're responding to it and keep showing up for that
Yeah, there's there's one thing you said there which which i'll pick on which is that people
Connect to different communities, right? Like you said, they they might hold the pfp or have that pfp of one community
But they'll join and they'll own multiple communities and I think out there
There's there's a lot of people who aren't yet in web 3
That can connect with you know, a lot of communities that are currently in web 3
And and there's a lot that do they just don't know how to get in. So how are we as communities?
Explaining that and educating
To onboard new people into into these communities. So how are we I guess educating them on blockchain?
And creating a wall and getting them into communities
Yeah, yeah, I can jump in oh you go ahead
No, I was speaking a lot you can go i'll go after you
Okay, no problem, um
Yeah, so I think it's super important
You know when we talk about giving people, you know, an optimal experience when engaging with with with the blockchain for the first time
You know, I know us at silks, you know being being in horse racing having a lot of people, you know
Outside the crypto industry, you know, big question for us is, you know, how do we keep our users, you know
As safe as possible, you know when learning blockchain practice and I think
Um, you know preaching what you practice
Is one of the things that uh is you know goes a long way. I think uh, you know from our team specifically, you know
We were um, you know very aggressive at you know at the outset of of you know
Speaking about hardware wallets and what it means to actually understand, you know
all of the uh, the link the links that you click on and all of this stuff because
You know, I think we all have that you know that first time quote unquote onboarding experience where you know
We made a mistake right whether it was from you know, a defy pool or you know
You accidentally transferred, you know funds to a wallet that you can't access or you lost a seed phrase
So there's just so many things that I feel like
The the industry is improving on as a whole like i'm noticing improvements with metamask and just you know the interface and the way that
Information is presented but it's all about like I said trying to provide the best user experience possible
I think you can promote that in your platform, but it's it's kind of about how you speak about, you know, these practices as well
Um, you know for us, you know, I know we have
You know a lot of notices, you know slash articles, you know posted about
You know kind of an explanation into you know, some of the things that can happen and just being upfront about uh, you know
Being as safe as possible. Um when you're onboarding because that'll just create, you know, the best possible experience
um, because like I said, I think we all have that experience when we
When we first joined and something happened, you know that we uh didn't mean to happen and uh,
You know, we know, you know, it's irreversible. So that's just one of the things that uh, I think about
so what I was gonna say is was was my experience because
I remember when I first came into the space. Um, it was through the wax blockchain collecting these less than one dollar nfts
You signed up for a cloud wallet using an email and a password. This was like three years ago, right?
Um, that was my first nft experience, right?
Then I went down the rabbit hole of private seating and going to all these different chains and doing all this crazy stuff
That just seems like second nature to me now
Especially the more time I spend in the space is easier to forget that
Uh, i'm here
In jamaica and how we onboard people. Um, usually it's in person. Um, it's just so much easier to onboard someone in person
The last one that we did was uh, there's a starbucks up the road. We're like, all right, let's do a crypto coffee club
Let's just meet up at starbucks. If anybody shows up cool. If not, oh, well, we'll be there and we'll have coffee
Seven people showed up and we ended up, uh going through the whole spiel of why web3 matters crypto all the stuff
And setting up the wallets, uh on their phone
Some uh, we're not airdropping sending some token that we created here locally, um called the carob token. Uh, long story short
Um, it's too expensive to learn of bitcoin eth and all that other stuff
Especially when you're coming from jamaica where your exchange to get into a u.s
Dollar is 150 to 1 then to get into eth or bitcoin and make a mistake and lose it all
It's just too much of a steep curve. So we're using very inexpensive tokens
Po-apps and all this stuff that okay, if you do make a mistake and lose it all it's like it's not going to just wreck
Your entire family and you guys can't eat and you're out of you know, um, uh out in the street, so
The onboarding process to us is just find something that they find interesting that there
Can relate to that this space offers and there's literally solution for everything, right?
And every single one of our projects touches one of those in
Uh, so many different ways so leading with that to get their interest and say okay, cool
This is why this matters to you. Let me show you how to get into it
And I find it way easier to do it in person than it is online
But online sure you could do it you do a little workshop or whatever screen share all these different things
We've done it multiple ways
But I found the things that don't scale very well the ones that work the best
Is to sit down with seven eight nine ten people and physically show them how to do it
And that was the easiest way to onboard people in the web three that I found but
It is what it is. I mean it doesn't scale well, but if there are
Those ten people that I onboarded and one time go out and do it for ten other people
It just multiplies and just ripples out. So that's the way I see it
Yeah, and and I love that, you know, there's so many people who
Uh sit on twitter every day in the echo chamber and talk about onboarding new people that aren't out there getting it and doing it and
Just to hear stories like that. Like I love that effort. I appreciate it. So
Um, that's awesome
And uh, gentry I see with your hand up i'll I'll pass it to you next
Yeah, so, um, just to piggyback off of what um tropics said I do believe like onboarding
Into web three
It's no different than you would um onboard somebody at a new company
Or in a new membership club or what have you in?
I think that um small groups are actually with the way in which we are now with this bull market up on us
I do believe going back to those smaller groups going back to those hey
I'm getting ready to hop on a discord channel like, you know, share my screen. What have you i'm a member of this, um group called
crypto tech women it started off as a pfp project and through the community it has transformed into
a more of women teaching women how to navigate in this space
And those calls just started with the most active and engaged people in the community
well, what we found as far as like measuring metrics is the new people that are coming into
the discord channel are people that never heard about crypto tech women, but
Along the way in their crypto journey just kind of
Fell upon us because they try, you know found us in a twitter space or
They were at art Basel or some event where we were and we either had merch on or our pfp or we tweeted something from the founder
So I do think that in community building I do believe right now
Um building in those small groups
Um will help educate more people and those people when they know they'll tell somebody else because I mean
That's why we have like discords that have grown to have a lot of people not just a bunch of bots
Because people are looking for community. Sometimes they just don't know where to start and I I think that smaller groups
Um digest the information better and they spread the message faster
Yeah, I definitely agree with you and I think that goes back to uh
What what ben was saying earlier were people people want to be heard and when you're in that
When you're in a smaller knit group like that, you could hear you can listen to people you can help give give better feedback
Um, and you you can get up on twitter spaces and talk and you know, if there's hundreds of people listening, um
It doesn't feel as personal and and really that's not where you're gonna get somebody's first touch
Some people will come and they'll they'll do the research and they'll find you for the first time
But yeah being at those in-person events
um, and and being able to set up small small groups and really connect with people is
A great way to connect and onboard
Does anybody else have anything to add on otherwise I go into I guess our last topic here
All right, um
Similar similar to earlier kind of question here
But going back into it is uh, how can one three communities encourage and and support?
Uh community member led initiatives and and projects outside of the main core project
Say give access to resources, right?
Not necessarily monetary which does help
Certain things and initiatives that the community wants to do is going to take funds. However
Uh something as simple as okay. See that you guys are trying to do this, right? Um, well
This person I know has experience in that field. We have history from
The bull market back in the day when we first launched our projects
Uh, I'll set up a call with you guys something like that is it probably goes even a longer way than any kind of monetary value
of course
uh, we like to think that people are only
incentivized by eardrops and and paying people to do things and all those things but for the most part
Uh, some of the most driven and incentivized community members or people that will step up in any company
Uh, it their drive. It has nothing to do with with with the monetization of it and um, every company every team
every organization i've ever been in there's always that like
Super driven person
That just wants everything to be better and just to not uh, I guess you say get them discouraged, right?
And if it means to give them a little training give them a little bit of uh tools
anything that you can just keep that fire burning because
uh, once that fire starts to go out on those rock stars, I mean it's virtually impossible, I think to um, restart the fire and
Fortunately i've seen that happen too even in a company. Um, I was in family business and certain rock stars just got discouraged with how things were going and
uh, no matter what I could try to communicate to
The ones that could make the decision to make the change
uh, I was overridden and uh
That's part of the reason why I ended up exiting and just going full-time web3 because I was like, you know
What I can't fix this problem and it's only going to drag us down and
Once your rock star starts to lose that flame and so it it's trouble. So just keep the fire burning
Yeah, definitely agree providing resources support and recognition, you know, um, I think that's also a big one, um
Again, i'll break tie it into web3
But when you have those community members who are going hard for you creating content
sharing it giving them, you know the recognition that
You're you're listening you see that as as the project
Um and helping, you know again if it's good content
Um, you should want your holders to see it. So sharing it to
Out is beneficial to the person creating the content and to to the project. Um, so benefits everybody
With that being said oh astronaut I see you with your hand raise
I'll let you get a word in here before I can wrap it up
Um, yeah, absolutely. So, um what i've also noticed, uh with a lot of pfp communities, um
Um, i'm actually in a one-of-one community right now
My pfp is uh, not the astronaut, of course, but uh the person with the account right now
I'm part of a one-of-one community where
There are a lot of people who have built who are building stuff or are in the process of launching something on their own
What i've really noticed is how they get all the people excited about their like
uh, you know
Member led like community is or member led like project is they do amas uh and stuff with the community
They're part of so for example, if i'm part of like the youth community, right?
I would reach out to I guess like frank, uh and be like, hey, I would like to you know
Do a demo about my product or something within
within the community itself, right and
that uh that
That shows that like, you know gives the people of the community a early access because they get to see the product beforehand before the product
fully launched
uh, and b it shows that like, you know, uh, it also
Gives incentives to other people in the community who are having the same vision as you to kind of
Support you along the way. Uh, and I feel like that's that's been really like beneficial for people who are like, you know
Part of communities is trying to build something
Uh build something completely different, you know
Yeah, and and if you need like that that's that's super beneficial
Um, you go to them you get a bunch of people who are experienced been in web 3
um, you know
Fairly fairly intelligent people. Um, so they'll give you some feedback on your project
And if it isn't well receptive then you know, uh, you have to go back to the drawing board and figure out why
Uh, yeah, so touching on that topic, um a little bit of a different opinion, but I kind of agree with uh, most points people have said
But I truly do believe that there's a few things that kind of you know create that long-lasting, you know
Engaging community and obviously keep people coming back for more
It's obviously relationships long-term built relationships with people, you know
Showing them that you know, even at a level of an owner running a project that there's obviously compassion towards, you know
Hearing out people's voices but also, you know incentives, you know putting the symptoms out there to kind of, you know
Get people to want to participate because some people are just enjoying projects and obviously they may be new to it
You may have just heard about it
But they may not know what to do and incentivizing people to obviously earn things in the process of being able to engage with other people
I feel like that's obviously a big thing
But here at crypto grad we do airdrops, uh to obviously get our community to engage with each other
It's a contributing effort between everybody to kind of end up, you know building this
Uh in the obviously to keep that aim towards the goal, which is obviously growth and obviously success for everybody
But I think you know, it's that it's incentives and it's relationships
You know letting people know that owners care about everyone's voices and that we're here to be transparent and honest and obviously be held accountable at every step
Because you know never want to go too far and saying that this is what we're going to do
But then fail by never meeting those expectations, you know
And obviously making sure that we hold our own ourselves accountable and making sure we never let the community that we're trying to obviously
No impact note down as well
A hundred percent
Um, well that that pretty much wraps up our talk here about uh community building in the h1 three today
But I am going to pass it over to the speakers once more just to give us a little bit of an outro and and update
All the speakers are all audience today on what you're working on what you're coming up in the pipeline here in the future
First i'll pass it over to to jen
Yes, so we are on the countdown to nftnyc
I will be at hugfest on april the second. So if you are in the vicinity hit me up
Um, i'm also working on new music to be dropped in the next coming weeks
And i'm most likely will have a um
Digital art drop right after nftnyc because I always feel inspired after conferences
So be on the lookout for that
Awesome, I think we got somebody from our team heading over to nftnyc
So I might have them uh shoot you and dm after this and connect. Um, but have a super fun time there. Uh coco
How you doing
Hey, hey, sorry, I have not been able to fully participate in this one
I've had a bit of rugged issues myself
But try to catch most of what everyone was saying and yeah, I mean it's been a great conversation
I think that the tackling the challenge of of building a web3 community is
something very new I think in the gram scheme of of building businesses and i'm glad we're
We're really kind of looking deep into how to to connect with people more
And more efficiently and deeper. So yeah, thank you everyone for your contributions
Thanks for joining today aj what are you out going on right now?
Of course, so um, just to kind of give a quick
Spill of of what astronaut does is we do sentiment analysis for the top where three companies and ecosystems. Uh, we collaborate with
companies like yuga labs sweet network the graph and circle
And specifically we analyze messages across all their community channels on discord telegram
Uh slack twitter and what we do is we unlock insights on trends product feedback community member sentiment
And we use these insights to directly drive retention and growth and so if that's something you're interested in obviously
We'd love to collaborate with you
Um, and right now, I mean we're just kind of focused on you know, it's a bull market
Uh, a lot of people are growing and we're you know, we're just excited to keep powering growth. So
Uh, that's that's what i'm focused on right now
Awesome, uh, definitely sounds like a cool tool gonna have to check it out after the space. Uh, thank you for joining today
How can we get involved?
Yeah. Hey, what's going on guys? So cryptograd. We've just launched our product recently
We're the leading platform, uh in ai technology space right now
We're trying to be the first of its kind and obviously
We are pretty much creating a community to help all novice traders know professional traders kind of
Have a space to obviously connect trade together work together and obviously have success together
So if you guys are interested in learning more definitely head over to and obviously get connected
Awesome, thank you for joining today and tropic
Yeah, this is a fun one and um
Well, the easiest way to get in touch with me
Obviously is just just uh right here on this profile
But if you want to hang out with me, i'm always in the nine verse discord with kitty, you know all that stuff. Um
Usually the one hanging out in the voice chat. So that's a great way to get to know me
I will be at nftnyc. So if you'll be there, uh, gen i'm looking forward to meeting you and it's even
More so that I heard that you're ctw older. I was an original mentor. So shout out there big up yourself
And uh anybody else that will be there. I mean, I would love to meet you guys and um, yeah, um, just check out that it is
In my uh description on my my bio right on the top of the profile the nine verse the discord link is in there and everything
So yeah, i'm usually hanging out in the voice channel. So yep
Also, we'll have to check it out ender
Yeah, so uh great space, thank you guys, uh, so exponent talk is a multi-chain ft bridge, uh, we are
Existing since we exist. We basically started everything since 2021
and we are connected to more than 30 blockchains, uh, all the major chains are connected and
enabled to move an ft between one chain to the other and
We are right now in the process of making the bridge completely decentralized
And we are available on both telegram on both twitter and of course to our website
Check out xp.netboard. It's been a pleasure guys
So it's been a pleasure having you check out xp
Ben you want to close us out with uh with some words here today?
Yeah, thanks everyone for for great spaces and and we'll see everybody next week on thursday
This I learned a lot and and it was awesome getting to hear your guys's opinions
Thanks so much to everyone who tuned in as well
Thank you
See you guys next week on thursday. Thanks for joining