Community Building & Memes W/ @alexjmingolla

Recorded: May 26, 2023 Duration: 0:53:00



I don't say you the night my back was with that ain't funny I love it my brother that's my son that you need to be so you know that it's gonna snap ain't yeah it's gonna snap ain't tough when it back talking to a device you ain't no
She think that I'm me, oh I kick her to the car All I know is who could have had the world Had the world, yeah you were my world These girls in wing night, up these girls on my child Like Selena, maybe you're my G'da, maybe I'm a stickman over the moon
♪ ♪ ♪
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I#
♪ But it is gonna slap me ♪ ♪ It's gonna slap me ♪ ♪ I'm gonna pay ♪ (upbeat music)
GMGM welcome to the 22nd episode of the Shnuffalo Paradox with very special guest Alex J.M. with that beautiful red Izuki badge. How are you dude? Hey, I'm doing pretty well. I'm doing pretty well. Thanks to the bad shout out. I do think it's pretty clean.
100% very excited for this episode by man as your week then Man, it's been chill. It's been good. It's been a it's been a good week. It's for the good week been been been Working a lot been hitting the gym been Having some fun. I think it's been a very good balanced week. What about you my man?
I'd love to hear it's been amazing a very health centered week. You know we're growing improving every single day. We're very excited for this episode. So quickly before we start I do want to explain the listeners and you how these spaces work. We have a 25 to 30 minute interview because
go longer where we just say you and I here in the stage and then we let the listeners up if they want to add something to the conversation or either they want to ask you or I a question so you want to get this started? Yeah let's run it let's run they'll try to keep things I will admit I just woke up but I'll try to keep things
little fresh and interesting and uh... all pump out the link a little bit see if uh... we can get some folks in here love that man okay so let's get started what got you to where you are today Alex what keeps you going and what did you do before went three
Let me see I guess so Really what got me where I am today is being being online a lot if I'm if I'm being real I'm making a lot of memes and joy making people laugh But then finding a community of people where I Feel like people actually
can form authentic connections even though we haven't met each other all in real life. So before Web 3, I'm still pretty young, I just turned 22 recently. So before Web 3, I was a student, I was just sort of going through life, I was taking class,
I was in college and I was dabbling in social media already. So I had some experience in the kind of Web 2 social media vibe. A lot of Instagram heavy stuff, that kind of thing. But what I wasn't
was that kind of next step, that actual true community, the purpose that people were having online. I realized I was spending a lot of time online without much to show for it. And then when I happened to stumble across Web 3 for the first time I saw, I would say the strength of, you know,
sounds like a buzzword at this point of like a community this community that but I think that's that's what I found in Web 3 that I had yet to see anywhere else was just kind of the strength of connections that people were forming and also obviously especially with the bull run vibes the fact that people were having life
changing profits and new technology emerging and stuff like that. So I'd say it was a crazy combination of enjoying interacting with new people and seeing, you know, just ridiculous stuff going on. I mean, those digital monkey pictures selling for $500
I don't know, that's absurd, that's absurd, but it was exciting and it drew me in and then the community kept me here for sure. So I just kind of kept cracking jokes and making memes and posting pretty much daily memes about JPEGs and I guess it kind of worked out.
Love to hear it so community keeps you alive man. I'm really interested with this question. How do you get your memes? Where does all this arsenal come from man? Everyone asked me that one. I think people about
The key, if you want to find perfect memes is you just have to perfectly curate for you page on any of these upcoming, well, I guess not upcoming apps anymore, but like TikTok, for example, when it came out, the algorithm, I mean the TikTok algorithms
perfect in the sense that it knows what you want. If you start looking at one thing, it'll just keep suggesting similar stuff. So you go on TikTok, you go on Instagram Reels, you follow a few meme accounts, you start curating that homepage, and then
The beauty of it is the algorithm does it for you. So I get I get a lot of content. I'd say 90% of my content comes from either Instagram, Reels or TikTok just from small meme pages. Some big ones, but usually I think the best stuff comes from the smaller meme pages.
And I just scroll and at this point the algorithm knows what I find funny and usually what I find funny other people are gonna find funny So that's it. It's as simple as that find find cool little videos throw web 3 caption on there and try to make try to make people smile as our bags are down horrendous
Love it man. I've always been super intrigued with that question. I just see you pump out like seven memes a day. It's fucking incredible dude. I think you mentioned not in this space but before they your full-time web - correct
Well, you mean currently now? Yes. Well, no, so currently now I'm full-time with the Zuki-Duen Web 3 marketing. But I, yeah, so I never actually, that's kind of the funny. I never actually
I was part time web to though. So while I was in college I was doing social media marketing for tech startups and other small companies pretty much just running social media strategy and content for them from
dorm room. I found it a lot more interesting and exciting, frankly than some of the classes I was taking. So just between classes on weekends, etc. I would just be sitting in my room, cranking out social media content, post strategies. But it was fun and it sort of led me to a point
Where I am now where I'm able to do that kind of work, but in a space with cooler people With more going on with a lot of you know upward opportunity I think for pretty much anyone here involved in this scene right now, so yeah, so I actually kind of skipped over the
full-time web 2 step and jumped right into full-time web 3. Love it and how has it working with a Zuki bin? Man, it's actually been incredible so far. I mean, a Zuki everyone knows, you know, the quality
of the project itself, just the artist dope, the activations are dope, the products they drop are dope. But I think what also can't be understated is how cool it is to work with a team of very talented people. I think I've been learning a ton
for my co-workers and it's just very special to be able to show up to work and you've got a lot of passionate people who do a lot of different jobs. Everyone's kind of got their own role but it's basically like working together like a well-oiled machine. So it's really truly quite
because I'd say, as I said, I mean, it was my first experience going full-time because I came fresh out of college before that. So I think that has been the biggest thing for me is that it's, I enjoy the work. I've always enjoyed that kind of work, but it's even more fun when you've got people around.
around you who bring their own knowledge, their own expertise. They're coming out of really great backgrounds and everyone kind of pushes each other forward. So I'm loving that aspect of it. I'm really excited to be here for sure. And I think, yeah, I mean, I can, it's just as easy to tell from the inside
from the outside. Why is Zuki so high quality and why, you know, biased maybe, but I think it's definitely one of the very top projects here in Web 3. - Love it, man. If you mind me asking, how did the approaching work? Did they approach you or did you approach them?
Yeah, I mean, I think it was a while ago now, but it kind of came about a little randomly. It was last summer after NFT NYC. I see my man Cryptoxkin in the audience. NFT NYC was fun. I ate my first dinner alone.
I had very few followers. My man there was a, my man was roasting me over it. I posted a tweet sitting there eating, eating like some enchilada alone at a Mexican restaurant. I was like, "NFTNYC is a movie." And he was roasted. He was like, "Damn, can't even get anyone to eat with you."
And that became a running joke for like an entire year. So but but counterintuitively it was it was that event because I then did find people to hang out with. And at that event I kind of started taking web through pretty seriously. I went to some IRL events. I saw
how powerful the connections that we formed online could be when applied to in person. And so right around then was when I started just sort of interacting heavily with various people. I know I threw out at one point just a comment. I think Zagabon posted something about
the power of like memes I believe I think it was a tweet along those lines and I threw out just a comment like yeah this guy's right if anyone if anyone needs a meme hire hit me up so I'm guessing I think he may have seen that and seen some of my other stuff
And then ultimately, yeah, ultimately, he responded to a question that I posted on Timeline once. I was asking if anyone had experience with, I think it was NBA Top Shot. And he hopped in the DMs and was really nice.
explained his experience with Top Shot to me because I came just too late for that wave, but I was curious about it. And then yeah, we just started chatting. He was super nice and then eventually, yeah, I mean, maybe he saw I was looking for a job. He said, "Hey, how would you like to come try out doing some stuff for us?"
on the social media front and I obviously, that's not an opportunity you can turn down. So I was sitting there and over the moon to have that chance and one thing led to another and here I am full time loving it and I'll have Cryptoxkin though. I now have plenty of people to eat dinner with when
I want so so there. Let me pin that one. I got a pin that that original that original tweet. Perfect man, that's beautiful. I want to ask something else for the Zuki. What has been your biggest takeaway working with them?
Man, I think that's a good question. I guess I would say the biggest takeaway would be, "Mam, man that's a good one." I guess if I had
choose. I would say the biggest takeaway for Zuki is that it takes a very dedicated team and it takes a lot of details to get the little things right in Web 3. I think as a holder I took a
lot of that for granted, not in a zookeeper. Unfortunately, I was never I never had that dog in me. I was a broke college kid. I couldn't afford the mint, so whenever I was minting, I had FOMO. And so I never really held any blue chips, but even for the smaller projects I was holding early on in my website.
I think in the bull market with the numbers shooting up a lot of us sort of took number go up for granted we took the teams we took the projects for granted and while I do think the quality bar is sometimes kind of low in terms of yeah well anyone can kind of launch a project and then
And you know, it doesn't always work out, that's fine. But when people, even when the best teams come up with a great concept, when the branding is great, when the product is great, when there's a real community there for a project, I think people still tend to underestimate
to make just how much work it takes behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. Because at the end of the day, in a web-to business, you're having to cater to nobody except your customers who you're selling a product to and maybe some investors who have put some money in, but they're
experience investors maybe you've got VC money maybe you've got a yeah angel investors something like that in a web 3 you're raising from a community of people people like me who are who are basement dwelling DGN's only only half jokingly but you're raising from a bunch of like
people from college kids to grown adults, all of whom have thrown in money and have very high expectations. Unlike in Web2, you've got to keep these people happy because you're building a community and not a customer base. You're not just trying to throw products at them and milk money out of them.
trying to legitimately foster something there. So I'd say that my number one takeaway for sure is the amount of work that goes into maintaining high quality in a Web 3 brand. It's not easy, but it's fun, it's rewarding, it's enjoyable. I think Azuki does a great job of it.
But, you know, there's always more we can do. I'm excited to be able to show up and hopefully keep helping improve the quality that we can bring to the timeline, to the Izuki community, to the Web 3 industry at large. But yeah, it's not easy, but it's fun. That's what I'll say.
Beautiful, Alex. So, you know, quality brand, you need a quality team. So, what do you think makes a very good team? A team, sorry. Yeah, I'd say you need to have obviously a decent diversity of skills. It's, it's
One thing to have like-minded individuals who can all work together towards something I mean that can be good sometimes But at the end of the day if if there's no one on a team who Will speak up and give a different opinion and say hey, maybe we should look at it from another angle or you know
What if we tweak the art this way or what if we try to different strategy here? I think that's where you get real value is bringing people with slightly different opinions, background, skills, etc. together. Who all have a mutual respect.
can have open conversations and dialogue and try to work together to build cool stuff. So I think that is the key to having a decent diversity of backgrounds and expertise because
too many of one type of person and maybe too similar in terms of mindset and skill set can lead you to a place where you're maybe blind to some of the reactions that you'll get to a product or I don't know the
different directions you could take things. So I think that is what really makes a strong team is people who can work together well but all kind of have their own individual strengths that they bring to the table as opposed to, you know, very, very like-minded individuals who agree on everything.
Love it man. I'm gonna touch back with your memes. I'm very curious. How do you craft your memes? Do you like sit down, put 20 minutes of your day, and focus on creating memes? Or how does this magic happen? Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't say it's a... It kind of happens throughout the day. I wouldn't say
a set period where I just sit down and do it. But there are times when you know I'll just be kind of on a run, just pull in templates. Often it's just I find a new content, I'm scrolling through it one feed or another, and I'm downloading videos as I go, and usually when I see a video I have a mental caption that I
I can use to make it Web3 related. But if not, I'll just download it, throw it in the drafts, and then it's ready for whenever I do think it's something. So it kind of just happens off the cuff. I don't force it because I'd say my number one rule is like, hey, if I'm not feeling it, if I don't really want to post something, I'm not going to force it. I'm#
When something funny arises, I'm just gonna try to share it and hopefully make another couple people breathe air out of their nose as they scroll the timeline. Now that's the goal. So that's kinda how it goes. It's very organic, but I think because of that I'm able to avoid burnout.
in a way that I've seen a lot of accounts who also were posting pretty heavily in the bull market. When I was, I've seen a lot of accounts drop off and go inactive and whatnot. It's not their fault, it's just because it's a real grind waking up and trying to put out Twitter content every
every day. It's not necessarily healthy to be forcing content down every day unless you have a really good system and you're efficient with it. So for me, I try to stay pretty balanced and just post one on feeling it, post stuff that makes me laugh in the hopes that it makes other people laugh and that's how I do it. I try not to over complicate it.
love the men. So talking about golds, what are your goals? Maybe long term, short term. What are your goals, Alex?
Man, let's see, I guess. Hmm, that's an interesting question. I suppose short term, short term, what I want to do is really kind of step up and hone my skills within the context of Web 3.
I've been blessed to meet a lot of dope people out here, especially having moved to LA recently. All your favorite influencers are man with the million dollar mohawk, Thread Guy, he's a funny character, he's a real one.
I'm not a fan of the book, but I'm a fan of the book.
game. I'm still working through the minor leagues here, but meeting those other people who are passionate about the content creation, web 3, whatever, and having the opportunity to work for one of the best companies in web 3, I think that's just where I kind of want to lean in.
and keep building my network, keep developing my skills, keep contributing to Izuki. And I just want to see what I can do. I want to see if I can unlock my full potential within this very niche, but exciting space. And I'd say, yeah, that's the short-term goal. Long-term goal.
Hmm man, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not much of a I guess well, so I can't think long term, but I'm not much of a long term planner. I'm more of a see how things go and and take stuff as it comes kind of guy which honestly I feel like in this space kind of works out because that's sort of how I got into
at first was just being open-minded. I mean, sitting in my college dorm, hearing some people are paying millions of dollars for monkey pictures, was like, "Alright, screw it. I'll hop in." And so I think that kind of just opened-mindedness and willingness to pivot that actually characterizes a lot of Web 3 brands.
In that a lot of projects when say the bear market hits or you know, a fudge comes along in the case of a zookey You got a dig deep you got it lean into quality and you got to be able to you know Adjust the game plan roll with the punches, etc. I think that kind of adaptable mindset which serves NFT
projects very well has also served me very well. So yeah, I guess the sort of disappointing answer is I don't have any long-term master plan because I just want to keep building my own skills and see where life takes me. But right now I just want to lean fully into the opportunity
I've got here the connections I'm building here the industry that hopefully knock on wood will be you know popping off again within the next year or two. So yeah that's that's that's kind of the answer. I'm I'm excited to just see where see where the tide takes me here.
Not disappointing at all man going with the flow. It's beautiful. Love to hear it man. Very well said too. I Like to talk about habits along this show. I'm a very big habit guy So I want to quickly ask you what's the day in life of Alex and what is
the thing that you most enjoy out of your day. Man, that's actually that's a funny question too, because I would say previously at least to to moving out here to LA and starting full-time work, I didn't have super set habits and that's something that I've been I've been
kind of working on because I found it's easier to, it's just easier in a lot of ways. I think to get things done when you've got a sort of set order in mind going in, though as I said, I am very go with the flow. So it's kind of a bit of a balance between those, but
Let me see day in the life. What was the second part of your question after after day in the life? What do you enjoy most about your day? Like what's one habit or I don't know eating your sandwich of fucking 6 a.m. Whatever. I do love me a good sandwich. I do love me a good sandwich. That's another
another classic Alex Jam content piece but I would say all right so I guess I probably wake up man let's see I wake up from my my nice little apartment in Koreatown in LA
at 9.15, 9.915ish. Hop in the new whip that I bought. Thank you, thank you Pepe Profits, shout out. Drive to work, probably about 10, I start work. And then
I'm doing, yeah, so I'm then I'm doing marketing work for on a weekday at the very least. I'm doing marketing work, working in L.A. office with my co-workers, which is dope. Interacting with those legends, pumping out the content, y'all know and love.
I do often get a sandwich. I will say sandwiches are elite. We actually just recently, uh, was easily launched a community's page where they've got all the various subcommunities. Um, but one of them was the, let me see what it's called to, to, to remind myself, I think it's
Well, this one's actually called the subcommunity because it's about like sub sandwiches. So it's just a bunch of a zuki and beans, holders, posting pictures of their sandwiches in this group chat every single day, talking about how good the sandwiches are, etc. So you know, I love a good sandwich. There's one thing you need to know about
about me. It's that a sandwich is the quickest way to my heart. You know, it's tough to be to, tough to be to good sub. But yeah, grab some lunch, crank out a little more top to your marketing work in the afternoon. What's fun too, I will say about the work
work routine is that as I said in Web 3 when companies are very dynamic work is very interesting because there's always something new that's popping up because you'll know you'll wake up and you'll know generally what tasks you want to hit for the day but the space changes fast stuff
stuff comes up, good things happen, bad things happen, and you've got to be able to sort of react on your feet. So no two days are fully the same and I enjoy that. So in that sense, there's almost, there's not always a set routine there because you got to wake up, especially I think when you're in that sort of social media realm like I am, you got to be able to wake up and
and just sort of see where the day takes you in terms of what's popping up that's high priority. You know, is there some community stuff I gotta be aware of? We're blessed to have one of the best community managers, my boy, Dem at Azuki, so he's always, you know, I'm always chatting with him and
figure out ways I can help him make his life easier, etc. So yeah, it's a fun day. It's a fun dynamic day. And then I head home, usually try to grab some dinner often, again, actually a sandwich, believe it or not.
head back to the apartment and then I then I have been trying to hit the gym a little more. You know you got to work off all the sandwiches I eat every day. I got to try to stay in shape. You know a zuki Vegas
is coming up in June. So I can't look like a total mess there. I've got to hopefully pull up and impress some people. So yeah, we're in the gym, pump an iron, and then yeah, then usually a pretty chill evening, maybe, maybe scroll for some meme
plates save some drafts for the next day. Often I like playing a little FIFA. I've got some Web 3 homies. J-Pegger's FC shout out to the boys. So we'll rip a little FIFA pro
clubs, um, play some games and yeah, it's a pretty, it's a pretty chill day. That's usually the, that's usually the end of it, but I enjoy it. It's fun. It's, uh, it's a good time and no two days are ever fully the same.
Love it, man. Out of those days, what do you enjoy the most? The FIFA, the sandwich? The sandwich is always up there. Honestly, it sounds dumb, but I enjoy the drive to and from work because I feel like
Enjoy what I do at work. So I'm actually excited to go Sounds dumb, but you know there you go. I'm actually excited to pull up and then you know after work. It's been a usually been a pretty good day The city's nice. I like my I like my drive
through the city on the way home. Ah, get to see the nice buildings downtown LA. And then yeah, I honestly, I like the drives. They anchor me in between all the sandwiches and meals.
Love it, man. How has L.A. been? Crackheads, nothing, nothing freaky?
It's been good. It's definitely an adjustment because I grew up in Boston. I've always been on the East Coast, which is definitely a different vibe. I never really planned to move out to LA, but then when the Zuki opportunity came up, that was part of the deal.
know what this is as I said I've always been one to kind of want to roll with the punches and say just let's see where life takes me so I found that exciting I took the leap and said yeah let's do it I'm excited and I've been loving it so far because as as I said I do like trying new things I've always been
I've always enjoyed just sort of remaining flexible and seeing where stuff takes me. So ending up in a city on the other side of the country that I'd never planned to live in has actually been very fun, especially because of the dope web3 culture that's being built here. And yeah, I think
I couldn't really ask for much of a better place to live at this stage of my life. I think it's just kind of perfect from the perspective of work, networking, etc. You know, yeah, there's some sketchy areas in LA for sure, but I think the positives are still
positives and I couldn't really ask for a better place to be at this point. I was like, "What do you like the most about LA? I feel like there's a lot to do. I mean, with all due respect, I love I love Maine, but I went to college in Maine. And in rural Maine, there is, there is not a lot to do.
But it feels like here in LA there's pretty much always something happening Whether that's you know an event a party a dinner there's something going on There's web three stuff popping up all the time there are people to hang out with and because I spent so long You know in web three before this I'd
had in a weird way, I'd had almost a full year of building connections with people, a lot of whom actually ended up being in the LA SoCal area. So kind of unintentionally, because I had no idea how it would ultimately work out, but I sort of unintentionally built a pretty nice little network of
cool friends and fellow passionate, wed three people, tech people who happen to live nearby. So I'd say that's kind of fun. That was a nice change of pace from say my college experience up and made, which was nice in its own way, but got a little boring after a while.
So I'm enjoying being in a city where there's pretty much something going on at all times. Love to hear, man. I'm going to shoot the last question, but to shoot this last question, I do want to invite the listeners up to speak because it's the last one. It's a very good one. A little bit subjective, but
you know, let's go. Is there any advice you want to leave the people listening here or the people who are going to listen to the recording about anything, whether building a brand, building a community, posting memes, eating sandwiches, whatever, any advice you'd like to share? Yeah, I guess. And I maybe
This might be boring because I know I've said this a couple other times. I say it pretty much anytime anyone asks me. But I would say if I had to pick one piece of advice, man, the more I try to make it sound interesting, the more lame it sounds. Because I was just trying to think of like a way to boil it down and I'm basically going to be like, yo.
yourself. But it's true. Because I think that's my main piece of advice is to be completely authentic with who you are, especially when you're building a brand online and you're interacting with people behind an animal JPEG or a B in JPEG or whatever the heck class has as a JPEG.
I guess it's humanoid. No matter what you JPEG is, no matter what you're doing online, I feel like when you're building that kind of brand, you need to try to be authentic with it because it gets very tiring trying to put on a sort of facade of any kind or trying to put on an act. You don't want to have to
to pull up the phone, log in every day, and put on some kind of act. So I'd say that is what I found from several years of Web2 social media where I just explored things like soccer that I was passionate about and just sort of did it naturally as I saw fit. And then here where I just
make memes and try to make people smile. I think it's so easy to create content when it's not even create content. Just interact with people in a way that's authentic to you. So don't fake who you are for social media is the number one advice I give because I think that leads to burnout, that leads to tension, something
times and that's that's I don't know I feel like that's the that's the way down the rabbit hole of the negative sides of social media versus if you use social media as an extension of who you actually are as an outlet for the things you enjoy whether that's an artist whether that
That's, you know, sharing your art online, making memes, just talking to people, being a reply guy. You don't have to fake who you are to have a rewarding social media experience. In fact, I'd say it's the opposite. You'll build the best personal brand, quote unquote, just by being yourself because it's, you know, you don't have to fake it.
No man, that's beautiful. There's nothing more special than the universe that is striving to be yourself. We actually do have a speaker up. It's the dude. Welcome. Yo, it's going dudes. Oh, I don't think is he is he speaker? I don't see anyone as a speaker right?
You might be rugged in a second you don't see Mr. Lassie just got up as well Okay, yeah, maybe my Twitter spaces and switching Twitter try to drop down and come back up. Let's see if that works All right, oh, oh You guys are doing anything?
I would love to be a troll this one Alex Did dude you were hearing Alex as well. Were you hearing him? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm hearing him. Okay, perfect. Let me just let me just get this guy up and
We can work with you. Just cut off. Say that one more time. I was thinking that you're trolling to be honest. But yeah, I saw you guys having fun. And I jumped because I'm
crawling daily on getting a date on those BRC and CRC and DRC and every alphabet RC you know that is happening on this face and yeah you guys you guys are doing good you guys are doing good congrats Alex
presenting the memes of Azuki as well. He didn't have any chance to talk about it and I'm bullish one. I love the whole Azuki concept, the team, everything behind it since the minute
days since postment as well and yeah great one great one my dudes great one my dudes I don't have actually I don't have anything to ask you know I just jumped and yeah great but I hope that you guys are happy
I love it man. Thank you. I appreciate it. Glad you're glad you're bullish. Glad you don't hate my content and I'm glad you haven't yet, you know, dropped dead after scrolling through every letter R
see that that could possibly be made. I mean, man, we're making shitcoins on on blockchains. I didn't even know existed at this point. The next step is I guarantee you the next step is going to be like IRL shitcoins. We're going to like come full circle and go back to Fiat currency. We're going to be like trading pennies or something like that who knows.
brother you better post some shit with that. There you go. I wrote the next meta. I'm gonna do that. I'm like, oh look at that. You just you guys just you know you may not know it but you guys just witnessed greatness. You just saw a meme come to fruition in in a real time. I'm gonna post a picture of like
and the space was meant to be was I'm a I hope I have some coins I'll post a picture of like a bunch of pennies in my hand to be like yo just found these new shit coins I'm not sure what the supply is something like that I'll come up with some dumb thing and you guys will like it because you got to support me even if the captions
We got you. Free sale open. Unlimited supply. Love it, doesn't it? Sand coin. Sand pennies. Thanks for hopping up, man. I appreciate you. Yeah, I do appreciate it. Oh, it's beautiful. I can just say
Yeah dude, we appreciate it. Mr. Last welcome to the stage Hey, hey, hey, what's good was good How's everyone here? We're chilling. We're chilling. How are you? Yeah, just hoping through all the true the spaces the next pack myself
to be as a speaker for today. Yeah I mean what's good personally I'm going to Vegas I'm not sure if you guys are going there for the Azuki event I'm sure Alex is going yes sir you know it you know and I'm excited 6 6 yeah I said as well so yeah I think you guys are
Basically talking about community building and memes. So what's up? Yeah, that's the vibe. We just been having a nice little conversation about how you can you can shit post your way to a career in this beautiful space. But you know, I
I love it. I haven't seen. I feel like a lot of the internet is just sort of blindly scrolling, whether that's memes or whatever. I feel like in Web 3, as much as it can be said, we have memes with a purpose. It's like memes that are actually, to some degree, bringing people together, maybe even in person.
you said a zuki event Vegas pull up it's gonna be a movie on ironic we still got still got some tickets open if any of you guys in the audience want to pull up the Vegas I would love to see you there I'm I'm hype for that that's right I mean meme it's where people get together you know with memes
You create memories with memes, man. I mean, for me, I have tons of shits of memes that I can remember, just between my buddies, memes and reels. I'm not sure if you guys have been building right? For me, it's all about the whole chemistry and how people relate themselves with the memes.
Not sure about what you guys think, but it's not WebTree, right? No, absolutely. I mean, that's one thing that you have memes with your buddies that you remember, because that's also kind of how I started. I literally just was making memes in group chats, like with my high school friends. We had our own sort of inside
and memes. And I think that's what people don't always see. That it's not always the viral trending ones that's the most impactful. It's the ones that with a very select group of people, everyone knows what it is, everyone laughs at it. It's that kind of inside-joke concept. But I guess what I think is cool about memes
as you can take an inside joke to a whole new level and get a lot of people on the inside of a joke which is kind of cool. Sorry, that's right. I mean, it's part of the whole bonding, right? Because when you share a joke that's kind of like
It's more like an inside joke, but at the same time it's kind of I would say some people don't take joke as deep as it is, right? But when you know if your body can take it so deep That's where those things happen those magical moments happen. Right. Yeah, absolutely and that's why I like it
We all have the same, well, we don't have the same experience, we all have shared experiences. So there's some stuff that like we know, you know what? Anyone who's in NFTs is going to get this. Like I've made some, or anyone, for example, I've lately I've made some names about like Jared from Subway.eath, our good friend, and anyone who
anyone who's been trading, anyone who's been trading shakoynes lately has has run into that name and it's going to understand it. So it's kind of funny. Way to appeal to, yeah, certain groups of people where you're like, I know this is going to hit with a very specific group of people, but that very specific group is going to find it very funny hopefully. So that's that's the fun part of it.
Yeah, I mean totally agree with you dad because personally we have been doing quite a few of memes, you know, I mean marketing as well. I've probably seen with Alex, been doing a few business.
So I mean internally every day in the office we've been sending memes and we even have a we call it like top memes of the month so whoever that created like the best memes for that month we actually
Actually reward them with the USTT. We bring it to the next level. I love that monetized memes. That's correct. Yeah, that's the one. Gerald from Subway.
Yeah, I'll try to pin a couple, but yeah, I mean, that's the fun part. They're also a good way to cope. I find like some people some people don't like using humor as a coping mechanism that I don't know. I don't know why I feel like for me personally for my my
personality I guess I'm like well something if something's going wrong if something's not perfect You're not gonna you're not gonna improve the situation by being sad or moaning about it So you may as well try to brighten it up a little bit, you know crack some jokes and see the positives hopefully so that's I think
Especially we saw it in like the bear market with everyone's bags down You know what we're just kind of getting together and making jokes about how we can't believe we didn't sell our our JPEGs for absurd amounts of money because they were our digital identity Supposedly and now we're stuck here
I think all of us are probably bag hold in some projects that were like, well, you know what, we could have sold that, but hey, here we are, and instead of crying about it, we're just gonna smile, laugh, and move on. So that's what's kind of fun about it. It helps lighten the blows of the bad times.
this right I mean since you're sharing one that I saw I think it's an Arsenal team not sure if there's any Arsenal fans here with your cups back in back in England yeah I will say as a Chelsea fan I was not
I would never say I was rooting for your downfall, Arsenal fans, but I wasn't disappointed to see you bottle the league. I'm sorry, apologies in advance. My man, Navine looks like he's pretty sad, but apologies for that.
That one that's some clubs in London just don't have that dog in them, but I can't talk too much because we had an absolutely atrocious season. But at least we had one of the worst seasons in modern history for Chelsea and we ended with the same amount of trophies as Arsenal, so that's all I'm saying.
I mean I'm a man-new fan so I see what happened yesterday. I don't want to talk about that. It's part of the fun. It's part of watching football. Yeah definitely. Hey, just like
NFTs. You know, the look at the docker is just like in our football. Sorry. I'm still used to soccer. Thanks to the states. But the beautiful just like NFTs. It's sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And no matter what, you get drunk with friends and watch it happen in yelling, screaming,
the whole time. And that's what's beautiful about it. #web3 #community. Let's go. #beautiful #general. I'm gonna have to do to to rug this space over here. But Mr. Last, thank you so much for joining
Alex there's a little bit of a tradition in this show that I like to play an outroom song in every space but I want you the guest to pick it. One song any song please don't treat choose a i Drake. No way i Drake. Hmm let me see
Let me delve into my, whoa, let me delve into my Spotify playlist real quick. Hmm, of course, don't be shy, anything, anything. I'm gonna let you cook over here. Alright, let's go with, uh... Hmm.
He waves he waves glass animals got to do a little throwback to the little throwback for the FIFA game Let's do it. Oh, yeah, okay, perfect Thank you so much everyone for joining in Alex. It's been beautiful. I really appreciate you coming up as well
a guest. Hopefully we can make volume 2 soon.
(upbeat music)
Sometimes I think about you, very nice, very much
I'm not gonna lie, I fucking hate this song.
Usually I put something on TV so we never think about you and me But today I see our reflections clearly and highly what land on the screen You just need a better life for me You need something I can never give
♪ I think about how I got across the road ♪ ♪ It's gone, I've a night is gone ♪ ♪ But sometimes I think about you ♪ ♪ Bad nights in the middle of June ♪ ♪ He's been freaking me out ♪ ♪ Can't make you happy ♪
♪ I can't fight ♪ ♪ You can't breathe ♪ ♪ You say something so loving ♪ ♪ But no, I gotta let you go ♪ ♪ You'll be better off 'cause I'm one of you ♪ ♪ I don't wanna be alone ♪