Community call

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 0:10:18



Mike check. Mike check. Can
you guys hear me? I can hear
I can hear you fine. Can you
hear me? Yeah. Yeah. I think
we all got there. Good old
space is all Yeah. Yeah. We
three like I think Sebastian you and myself we were co-hosts so even if Ponzi
Ninja you know were to go out but yeah I mean the whole thing the whole the
whole thing got rugged I think the whole space basically I got really like three
times or something and then just ended yes so I tried rejoining a couple of
times and every time I heard myself speak so I found it very creepy so I
left again yeah it was like on a loop it was on a loop of you saying the same
sentence few sentences over and over for me anyways yeah same for me I hope you
liked it must have been good whatever you were saying must have been really
good Elon's thought so yeah well I didn't hear anything so well there we
have it all right well anyways what were what were you saying Senkam please
continue all right so we were talking about broader picture economic alignment
of the ecosystem you mentioned the option alliance inflation yeah exactly
exactly and I was pointing out that one of the major drivers of the economy that
we're building is on the one hand yes the inflation for the restaking the
alliance stuff the inflation that pays the infrastructure providers but also
the inflation that creates yield for the liquid staking tokens that makes them an
interesting asset to be used you know just as an asset itself but also to
create various strategies with it and I thought about a way how we can in a
sense decouple the staking yield and the so the inflation and the yield of
liquid staking tokens a little bit in a sense that the liquid staking token
yield event or continuously outgrowth the inflation so right now we have 4%
inflation and Eris offers roughly 6.3% APY so imagine we could without touching
inflation boost the APY to 7 8% or even higher so we get a lot of the benefits
at the same time without increasing the inflation so and this would work in a
way which is actually quite simple so we have a lot of infrastructure in place
for burning assets and the staking APR for liquid staking token is determined
by the ratio how much AMP whale is there and how much whale is backing it and how
much revenue does the whale generate and since it's liquid staking it takes
the staking APR so if you were to have for example a pool say an whale AMP
whale or a whale bone whale pool that would burn the liquid staking tokens you
would reduce the supply of liquid staking tokens which means more or the
same amount of whale backs less and less liquid staking tokens which means
your return rate so if you unbound them or you know get that get back your whale
would be higher would be yeah higher than the than the staking APR and this
could you know potentially evolve into a situation where the staking API or APY
of the liquid staking tokens outgrows the inflation and the staking APR from
just naked whale staking and this could make you know really like very
interesting flywheel effect where you have an asset that has low
inflation but a high yield on its liquid staking tokens and that attracts users
they want to participate in this you know interesting LST economy so it
increases the activity on megaloo and particularly in those liquid staking
pools and the more trading there is more activity the more the liquid staking
tones get burned which means their yield increases and higher yields well
attracts more people again so that's kind of an interesting feedback loop
there so I'm currently pondering the orb a little bit on what the effects would
be but on first thought I think would be an interesting way to sustainably
increase yield and economic activity of our liquid staking tones without
touching the inflation that's some that's some CENTCOM sorcery right there
that's some CENTCOM magic at its finest
yeah what a note to end the space on all right Chico real quick go ahead go
ahead sir awesome thank you just wanted to say real quick that a couple updates
on the upcoming launchpad that will be cross-chain we have integrated with the
router with white whale so we will be testing for the next week NFTs go live
this Saturday holding one of these 99 NFTs gives you airdrops from every
project that launches via the launchpad this means that every project that will
be launching will be basically putting their pool of liquidity directly onto
white whale sustaining the white whale ecosystem and the megaloo chain as well
sounds exciting fantastic all right um I think we're gonna wrap it up here today
we got our mojo kind of died with with uh the our space is getting rugged but
that's okay it was still a good space still a lot of updates a lot of alpha I
will I will end it by saying this you know a lot of momentum guys you know we
are we are continuing in the broadest strokes we are continuing to focus on UX
you heard from yield most today you know their automation tools and what
they're building for megaloo again what that equates to is is an upgrade in UX
and a simplified a simplified better optimized user experience where you can
automate right you could do all kinds of different strategies from one place and
and simplify it make it easier and make it better and optimize your yield so
that's another piece to that puzzle we have some more things you know with our
v2 with our super app you're you're seeing if you're paying attention right
you're seeing little updates little upgrades that are either aesthetic you
know for optics or just buttons working better less bugs we are just we're just
focusing on cleaning house and and making it a smoother simpler better user
experience right mom we have the tools right we have the roads are built the
the bridges are built the infrastructure is in place we need to
make them smooth now we need to fill the potholes right and make it a smooth ride
and make it easy easy signs easy road signs easy on ramps off ramps make the
ride smoother right that's that's what we need to do and that's what we're
focusing on all that being said you know there's liquidity deals on the table
there's airdrops in the pipeline really looking forward to shark that's coming
in hot you know whale and megaloo ecosystem is an exciting place to be so
thank you all thank you you know you guys you're the community you're the
guys that make it happen we have a real live community we have real users we
have engaged passionate users we're all here because we see value we see this we
see this project as a gem right we're whale is a gem I know I'm biased but but
that's I truly believe that so thank you all for coming we'll talk to you again
next week and yeah we'll see you again let's go
LFG let's go have a good one guys