Community Call: Building on AltheaL1 with Electra Team!

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 0:37:40



I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
Welcome to our weekly community call.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
Welcome to our weekly community call.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
Welcome to our weekly community call.
I'm going to take a picture of you.
about his it's really exciting I call it the you know uber for EV chargers but
the machine-to-machine payments you know built on the OBLO platform is also the winner of the iFi or
infrastructure finance hackathon and then Shandra if you want to introduce
yourself as well that would be great yeah hey guys back again ready to talk
out there my name is chalabi from Shandra station we're a validator in the cosmos
ecosystem and excited to hear more about electrify y'all I'm about ready to lose my
new hat I got here in Texas so I'm gonna kick this over here to Daniel if you can
share what you've been building that would be amazing
yep hi Debra hi everybody so yeah my name is Danny and my partner here Fabian and I
we built Electra and as Debra said Electra is in a machine-to-machine payments
platform for people who own EV chargers as well as EV vehicles so our idea was
that when especially if you live in the US or in Europe you most likely have an
EV charger at home and so the idea we came up with was that if you did own an
EV charger you aren't tech you aren't probably gonna use this all the time
and if you do own an EV vehicle and you're driving down say a highway or if
you're like taking a really long road drive at some point in time you would
probably run out of range I'm guessing and in which case you could probably just
drive up to the nearest EV charger and you could charge your car right so what
we wanted to do was we wanted to be able to take that entire process of being
able to stop at different people's EV charges and charging your car and we
wanted to enable it using blockchain payments so every time you drive your
car up to another person's EV charger and like charge it the car is gonna have
a chip inside it which would automatically talk to the EV charger and it would
sort of figure out which the wallet that is connected to the car and so
every time you take your car out for a drive you could you could just simply
update you could simply buy extra tokens and put them in your wallet and so
every time you stop at somebody else's charger this is automatically going to
deduct these tokens from your wallet so you don't have to like go through the
hassle of pulling out your phone or like you know using a credit card or
debit card or whatever the payments are automated and you can charge this
anywhere and one of the other cool things about Electra is that we also set
up a DAO so people on the network who own an EV charger or an EV vehicle can
all be part of the DAO and people can add new EV charges to this network and
the other people in the DAO can basically monitor EV charges and
report on the status of it so if an EV charger goes down and it isn't
working anymore people can raise that in the DAO and then vote on whether or not to
remove it from the network so it's sort of like a self-regulated self-governed
network of EV charges so that's basically what Electra does it's it's an
enabler for machine-to-machine payments for people who own EV vehicles and
charges that's so rad I was so excited to see that you know come to fruition and
the team had been working also with some of the EV companies and you know really
seeing that being also like such a challenge from the connectivity side of
it it's such a natural you know fit I think with Althea's vision and
machine-to-machine payments kind of across all machines and I in you know if
you're listening here you have questions you know feel free to pop those
here in the chat or in Discord or whatever suits you or raise a hand and
we'd love to make you a speaker Daniel can you share a little bit more about
like building on Althea or you know are kind of going through the IFI
hackathon and some of the maybe some tips for folks that are maybe looking
to do something similar or to integrate yeah so I think one one of the
reasons why we specifically picked the idea of EV charging is that when we were
looking at what we could do with Althea's network one of the things in we
realized that Althea was tailored for was machine-to-machine payments and
Althea was heavily focused on the telecom side of things so everything
from tokenizing your internet connectivity to like that basically the
last man that connects your home right that and like telephone telephone lines
satellite internet so basically everything in that space was something
that Althea was working with and we felt that this idea would perfectly
blend into like the ecosystem of apps that are already on Althea so that was
one of the major reasons why we picked Althea it was just out-of-the-box
support for like what we wanted to do in terms of connectivity and like
machine-to-machine stuff well super cool and yeah and I'm excited to see kind of
with the launch of the blockchain you know kind of the organic use where
people find that it is like already an intersection of what they've been
working on this might be a good opportunity Shander to talk a little
bit about kind of what the makeup of the the EVM and the that looks like I
know y'all also a part of the hackathon and did the front-end for that so maybe
you could share a little bit about how the like how Althea works also this
really new you know a theory of signing we're bringing out it for the test that
that what's not available but we just launched on on the gravity side which
is native Ethereum signing so that you can have metamask throughout and so
this will make the process really easy for developers who've been on the
Ethereum side but want the flexibility of the machine-to-machine payments and the
finality of a cosmos chain but I think this is a good time to kind of plug you
into the conversation yeah it's really the best of both worlds are all three
worlds in this in this sense right I mean the typical cosmos experience
especially when it comes to EVM on cosmos is a bit convoluted for users
right it's either connecting your Kepler wallet and having to go through
this weird this weird dance of like transferring keys or converting your key
over on the wallet so that it understands what you're trying to
connect to and what EIP signing enables on gravity currently and will enable an
Althea is kind of this one wallet experience where if you're a
metamask native you can simply just use your metamask to sign cosmos
messages and that extends to the developer experience as well because say
you're trying to build a front-end for you know in this case charging
electric cars or you know say you want to build a front-end that allows you to
refill your balance of tokens so that when you go to charge your car it's not
empty so on and so forth now as a developer you don't have to cater to
like four or five different user experiences there's kind of one main
thing or one main pathway that allows you to integrate for all users and so I
think that's the exciting part here is not only are we introducing a bunch of
new tech with machine-to-machine payments and tokenizing infrastructure
and liquid assets and all this but we're also kind of fixing this user
experience that's been pretty subpar in the Cosmos ecosystem kind of till now
really yeah that actually brings up an interesting point to Daniel are you are
you the lecture is a token as well too I said we had choked token generated in
the EDM I don't know if you can speak to kind of your thoughts around how
the electric token would work or what you kind of envisioned there curious
okay I think Fabian would be better suited to answer this question because he
worked a lot on the blockchain side of things they could you probably make
TV in the speaker as well let's see what we can do
Fabian I sent an invite
looks like he's speaker maybe and if you could speak to the token I'm curious
kind of your plans and around that yeah cool so hi so regarding electrons token
we had a lot of plans initially since it was at your token curated registry in
the first place to begin with we could have people stake for for us to slash
if if at all the charging registries that they initially proposed did not
really function or did not have any quality assurance that they provided so
this is one of the ways for us to sort of monitor how what qualities of charging
stations that go on the platform and one of the other things that we can use the
tokens on for the token curated registry is where the whole incentivization play
comes into so not just rewarding people for giving up their charging stations but
also for for curating this whole charging station registry in the first
place and apart from that we also had other staking mechanisms where people can
use this in in in their regular divide liquidate exchange liquidity in a way
where it can extend electrons tokens to maybe power not just electrons charging
stations but and anything from charging EVs or drones or anything for that matter
that's really interesting so at the so Electra is a token on the Althea EVM
layer and they're basically able to write a smart contract to allow it to do
whatever you want and since Althea is machine to machine payments and liquid
infrastructure you're able to kind of connect to that functionality as well
yeah well and I think that I think that's really fascinating and I actually
think this is going to be an emergent and strong use case of the Althea
blockchain because what's neat is then you can interoperate with the stable
coins or with the Althea telecom you know infrastructure as well and
becomes very and you can essentially abstract away a lot of that from the
end-user so they can use you know whatever money they want kind of coming
in it can interoperate between Electra and the Althea token or between
different types of markets so yeah I think I think it's a pretty pretty
exciting you know as we get close to the blockchain launch here in the next
you know month or so maybe maybe someone here can jump up and talk a
little bit about how an EVM environment in a cosmos blockchain works and you
know I think there's some examples of course we have like canto Baratine's
plan to launch something kind of similar to you and then of course you
have utmost but yeah I mean maybe this is a question for you Shonda if maybe
give a little bit of a capacity or education or how that kind of works yeah
so EVM on on cosmos is it's basically a cosmos module it was called ether man
it's been forked and worked on by all these various different chains that you
reference to Baratine has their own fork where they've entirely customized it
Althea has done something similar canto has done something similar and basically
it allows you to just have a general purpose EVM layer on your cosmos chain
and interact with it as if it was an EVM chain so sending transactions through
metamask this the same gas mechanisms right same way EIP 1559 I think I
butcher that works on aetherium it's very similar on on the EVM layer as
well so paying in fees and yeah it's basically pretty plug-and-play right it
enables you to have the exact same development environment you might be used
to working on aetherium with solidity using Forge or using hardhat and you
pretty much just change the RPC endpoint over so that you're using the the EVM
JSON RPC on the cosmos chain and it allows you to write the exact same
contracts and deploy them and it functions in the exact same way but
instead of you know aetherium as the L1 you're now dependent on that chain so in
this case it would be Althea so block for production through proof of stake
there's the same validator set that you're used to on cosmos so on and so
forth we've seen it in use heavily it's been tested I think canto is proof
of that even most is proof of that and yeah that that's that's the cool thing
about it is it's not really different there's nothing really different to say
about it in the sense that it is
I think I think Deborah just lost connection she's out in Texas doing some
deployments can you hear me okay there's probably a lot of road you're coming in
fine I appreciate y'all yeah so I can might be a good segue to talk a little
bit about what we're what we're working on with liquid infrastructure out here
and of course in the number of areas and for those who maybe don't know the
infrastructure is actually tokenizing the telecom asset or the and and the
revenue generation with it and this allows kind of new ways to fund telecom
you know before you used to have to buy if you wanted to own a telecom tower or
fiber optic cable you have to buy part of the business and own the equity but
Althea creates an open access network where anyone can kind of join and
invest in the infrastructure from the infrastructure and then another company
can provide the services and so you create a very open market and environment
for you know smaller mid-sized operators to participate in in the telecom and
building and so where we found a really good way to kind of get started is the
is with apartments right so apartments often don't have very good
infrastructure you know maybe there's fiber on the road but there isn't you
know is a good connection to the door and so essentially we tokenize the
electronics and the router and the as part of the overall fiber built to the
home or a radio in some cases and then that revenue starts coming in through
Althea's machine-to-machine transactions and sort of programmatically pays back
folks that have funded that infrastructure and so we've got a first
you know few half a dozen kind of apartment complexes that are gonna be our
initial private beta for liquid infrastructure that we're really excited
about and what it lets us do is find a lot of low-income apartments so we know
where there wasn't that efficiency and you know perhaps a larger company you
know wouldn't build or wouldn't build good infrastructure we can do that you
know affordably and efficiently with Althea so that's what we're doing out
here which is pretty cool I actually wonder you know I don't know Daniel if
you thought about it but I wonder if that would potentially also invest in
kind of like a fleets of EVs that would be part of the like electro platform I
don't know if you've ever kind of thought about you know that way of
funding more EVs charging sorry I think I lost you over the last couple of
seconds the part before the fleet of EVs oh yeah I was talking about potentially I
I've you know one of the things that's been kind of in the back of my head is
what if we could use liquid infrastructure to fund EV charging on the
electro platform right so people could it could fund you know maybe they fund
ten or fifteen or a hundred you know EV charging stations as part of the
electro platform and then it's sort of you know tokenized using Althea liquid
infrastructure actually yes that could work because at the end of the day
since we have our own tokens we would essentially have our own liquidity pool
as well right so I think with the access that we are able to generate we
could probably let users fund and tokenize new EV charges so that way it
isn't owned by any one person but it's more like community owned just just the
way Tesla would probably have like EV charges that that are solar powered and
that are free to use on the freeways right so we could probably set up the
same model as well with the good infrastructure that's pretty cool that
won't be pretty exciting to see happen yeah do we have does it if anyone has
any questions is a good time to pop in you know Devon maybe while we're
looking at folks on a pop-up with them questions do you want to talk a little
bit about kind of what we're thinking for chapters or how folks unplug into the
Althea community yeah absolutely so for chapters we are wanting to really
organize people by where they're located and we want folks to just plug in in
ways that make most sense to them so we are hoping that no matter where you are
you can sign up for a chapter you can get connected to other people in your area who
are wanting to build networks who are wanting to build on our L1 her really
just kind of interested in the things that you're interested in so that's
chapters we have those should be rolled out soon ish we have a sign-up form we
want to get a few pilots coming and just seeing how it works we've modeled it a
bit off of what ISOC does the Internet Internet Society they have really
successful chapters and they get involved in local politics to bringing affordable
broadband affordable connectivity to their area so we really want to kind
of encourage folks to get involved with Althea involved in all of these you
know all of these projects that we work on how you can you know get connected in a
way that makes no sense for you and really kind of like where your head and
heart are and then if you are not already in our discord please make sure
to reach out to one of us and you can be added to our discord channel you know
of course y'all are following us on Twitter and I think that's it do I miss
anything else about chapters no I think that's good if you're interested in being
a pilot though please do reach out and we'd love to kind of work with you on
what the shape and parameters and structure of these chapters kind of
look like for you know for yourself and then also kind of of the overall
overall approach and then on the blockchain kind of testnet side Shondra
and I are both in the discord if you're looking to run a validator Shondra you
want to give a quick update on the what they need if they're looking to be a
validator what does it look like I mean I think the cool thing is is that we've
we separated up the gravity bridge and so the overhead to actually run just
in Althea validators a bit less yeah so there's there's a no orchestrated layer
so running in a validator on Althea is a bit easier when it comes to
infrastructure and maintenance if you're interested in getting involved get in
the discord we're currently pending some changes we're working on our
communication and our announcements there's a testnet coming up here soon
or a testnet upgrade I should say there's a lot of important proposals
coming out that will affect mainnet as well so yeah if you're looking to get
involved I'd say just join the discord get the validator roll which you can
tag me for and I can give it to you and and we can get you links to the docs
page there are some in the pin messages in the discord channel to show you and
guide you on how to stand your validator node up anything you need to
know about that and yeah that's kind of it
and then I'll have the
how's it gonna sorry I just lost my chain of thought here y'all sorry for for
especially for docs for Althea overall if you're looking to learn a little bit
more about that I think we're we should have a blog here out today or
tomorrow I don't know Devon if you want to share a little bit more about kind of
what we're we're putting out which is kind of a it's a blog but it was some
like FAQs and also a little bit of a directory to where you find specific
information obviously Althea has a lot of different angles and shapes to it to
explore so if you're looking to explore more I mean our medium is where we're
gonna have the blog and that'll also have a bit of a kind of a direct docs
directory for where you want to go yeah that's exactly what it is so it's
gonna be like a user's guide how to get started it'll list everything we're going
we take some conversations that we've had with folks on discord and on Twitter
and just kind of yeah an FAQ just basic guide to get started
all right looks like Dr. Ron has a quick question of discord I'm gonna just read
here so any plans to approach anyone in Michigan the Michigan electric vehicle
infrastructure programs map charge up Michigan layer so which nodes are still
available for funding so I'm not familiar with this program but it
sounds like maybe something that you know the the electric team or the
Althea team could kind of plug in for funding of not only the telecom
infrastructure but also also some of the EV charging that's kind of
interesting too because I didn't you know I hadn't really been thinking about the
grant it looks like Daniel yeah let me get your speaker here if you want to
speak to that a little bit that'd be great
having a little trouble adding Daniel to speaker up there we go okay Daniel if yeah
go ahead please
Oh Daniel did you want to talk talk to a Dr. Ron's point about potentially funding
through it looks like we're in funding if I'm looking at right okay I mean we
definitely would be interested but my only thing is if we did accept the grant
would this be to build out infrastructure in Michigan or because
our team is entirely based out of India and so we don't have a presence in the
US yet yeah you know I would assume it would be as first time I've taken a
look at it but it's definitely something is do they dropped it in Dr. Ron dropped
it there and in discord for folks that would want to and I assume that once the
platform is there people could take it internationally is that is that correct
annual people could take that same platform and deploy it in other
countries exactly I mean there is no EV market in India as of yet that can
be scalable or profitable so ideally yes the US and Europe would be like I know
would be where we want to launch this yeah I think there's a lot of opportunity I
mean you know I think about to also it has to almost kind of be this grassroots
approach right because there's so many areas in the in the u.s. that need EV
charging that maybe or a little bit out of the way or don't have the population
you so it just makes a lot of sense that this would be you know this kind
of uber approach to scaling what would be kind of the way it's going to end up
being able to address all of those different needs I agree well folks do we
want to just if you have any kind of last last words you know I'm glad we're
gonna leave you till next week and you can find us of course in the
discord or LinkedIn or Twitter we have an Instagram stay in touch with us and
get a couple obviously a couple very exciting things happening here in the
next few months which is of course the blockchain launch you know liquid
infrastructures in its beta phases and then we're growing across the US and
internationally so we really appreciate y'all be in here appreciate you being
here Daniel and Fabian talking about the lecture that's very very exciting and
I think the Devon and Shonda if you want to close us out with any last thoughts
I think we got to everything right yeah I think everything on the agenda
yeah this is great thanks for letting me participate and I see in discord dr. Ron
I will message you right now thank you all right have a great day everyone