Recorded: July 13, 2022 Duration: 1:14:54



What's up people?
looking forward to an interesting conversation, we'll get lots of people up to share their thoughts of what's going on at the moment.
I've been listening to a few spaces recently myself and just the dead time at the start of spaces is doing my head in. So we've got to fill it with something. Let's get these guys up, let's get them up, we need to hear about its holiday.
If he's there, I don't think we should be speaking from the Terra space account. Well, let's change it up. Let's make him speak from the Terra space. Hey guys, how's it going? Can you hear me? A Terra watch. Should we go with you?
Welcome, what up? Welcome Terrell watcher. He's in the building Terris spaces, maybe you maybe you could fill this dead space that the rebel despises so much with some some flowy wraps that you do Yes, here we go
So while we're waiting for some people to come in, let's just kind of set the space a little bit here obviously it's being recorded people be able to listen to this in due time but ultimately this is a community call a bit of a community conversation today just over discussion around some of the interesting things that we're currently looking at as a validate
of course we are always looking for new chains that we can potentially work with and so we've got a few on our radar at the moment that are of interest to us and we'd like to sort of talk to the people you guys within the community over the course of the next hour and a half have long ends up going for and we'll see about
Just to figure out who's enjoying what, what are the certain protocols that are most appealing and exciting, and to share some of the things that we've learned on our own journeys of investigating each of these chains. So we'll give it a couple of minutes here, probably right now. Stick to the two, let me know in the other two minutes.
I'm not carried a little bit of dead time while I'm also loading up computer up properly. Tara what's up? Can I just jump in for a moment, darker? You're gonna use your other mic? Nothing much. Just gonna hold it off from that beard. I happen to see on Twitter right now.
Now, White Whale is going to be introducing the Fallen Guardians. They've got a headline here. The first IBC enabled NFTs. That looks interesting. That does look interesting. And to answer your question, Rev. I've just pulled it up my piece. So thank you for the heads up, my man. Tell us more about that, Daniel.
I don't know, I'm only just learning about it at this very moment. I just see a tweet right here. So, looks interesting. I mean, I guess it's inevitable. Obviously, native assets can go over IBC. And in the future, I assume NFTs will be able to as well, in addition to CW-21.
I'm not that informed about the technical specifics surrounding cosmos, but I try and follow along and I've got more to learn of course. Sure. We've got Edwin behind the orbital camp. Today the orbital command camp. Yes sir. So wasmos and FT's is something
interesting to pay attention to because they are going to be taking advantage of that new technology that Y-Wall is going to be using as well. So essentially think about, let's say, from a centralized exchange, bringing it out of men to us Moses and
and then swapping that for whatever other token you want, then you use IBC to go into another chain that say "Juno", well those transactions that you made, those on-chain transactions, you can essentially get accessories for
your on-chain actions and then those accessories you can add to your avatar which is your Wasmose NFTs and with this new technology and NFTs being able to go through IBC I think that's going to create just an interesting
like layer to NFTs where you can have collectibles that create subcommunities in different chains, but they all kind of start from the native asset in Osmosis, which is the Delta, Osmos, NFTs. I think that's
That's going to be interesting and next month we'll all be able to start messing around with the demo of Wasmocenities and so just something to pay attention to. I think that's going to be pretty cool. Love it. Love it. When you've always got a little bit of intel when it comes to NFTs there and I'm just noticing as well.
thinking that we've got Hermes who jumped on in there up as a speaker. Actually, we've been having some conversations behind the scenes with Hermes for a little while, Hermes Protocol. I'm sorry, I think if we want to get the ball rolling on some of the exciting things that are being built on the chains, maybe we can have a little chicken with Hermes here.
and found out what's going on on there and and and Garf from there. Hey guys, thanks for the invite to the stage. Well, not sure what to say, I guess go vote for a proposal.
So basically because of the terror crash that we are of course all aware of what happens
or at least we know the consequences. A lot of projects lost their savings, runway money, et cetera, et cetera. Luckily, on our side, we didn't have any VCs invest in our project, otherwise, we would have them on top of us at the moment like, "Hey, what's going on?"
But regardless, we were investing our own funds to bootstrap the development of the Hermes Protocol project. And yeah, we lost that. So in order for us to continue building and launch the project on Terra, something had to be done and basically
Basically, there was this emergency allocation vote that was put up and a lot of projects got an emergency allocation so that would give them enough runway for two to four months so they can continue building and launch their projects and then either find investments from BC's or
or just launch a product which if it's profitable then they don't need to have any more funding. Anyway, so what happened with us is that actually we were super dedicated to help relaunch 32.0 when the crash happened.
And we basically got exhausted from all the work of gathering all the founders together to make the decisions, etc. And exactly when the last proposal or sorry, the last form was sent to all the founders to submit information about their projects,
the way they have, what's the burn rate, etc., etc. That was exactly the day that we decided to stay away from the telegram group where all the founders were for a bit because we were spending too much energy and time on that group rather than focusing on ourselves. But unfortunately, that was very
very poor timing, so because we didn't fill in the form, we were not in the emergency allocation. However, we have been long time builders on Terra, big supporters and builders as well. We believe we have contributed our fair share to the
previous success of terror. So we feel, basically we feel in all the criteria to be part of the emergency allocation. So basically we were suggested to, hey, if you think you deserve it, then just put forth a new proposal for yourself and if the community agrees.
Then you'll get the emergency allocation anyway. So that's exactly what we did. We put forth the emergency allocation for Hermes and momentum one, which is the development team based in Portugal where we are. Basically momentum one is an IT services company that is developing
developing Hermes Protocol. Basically, that's it. And yeah, there's two days remaining for the vote. So far, we're getting a lot of support. So thank you for everyone who has done that, including our biddle command. Of course, our biddle command being one of the biggest validators
It shows a lot. It influences a lot. So thank you so much for the support. And yeah, do you want to add something or show? Yeah, I was going to say it's not just to let people know as well specifically.
I know that we're looking at having a proper space in the near future where we can kind of deep dive and ideally today we'll be kind of a bit of a round robin so we'll have different people coming on and showing you things but maybe if you can hit us with a bit of a summary of what Hermes actually is.
that way. You can get a bit of understanding. Yeah, I'll try to get the elevator, it'll be better pitch. And then, yeah. So basically, so Hermes Protocol is a notification and communications and integrations platform. And these three things
things that I just mentioned are basically the three different phases at which we are going to launch the different parts of the protocol. So the first one being the notifications, basically as you know, the Terra blockchain and most other blockchains are public, public blockchains, which means that everything that happens
on a app or on the blockchain itself, everything is public. So in theory, anyone who is looking at the blockchain in real time can know and understand everything that is happening with whatever wallet or apps or whatever. So basically what we have done is build a
product on top of this so that we can deliver notifications to people because they are lacking in web3. When you create an account on eBay, you use an email address so whenever someone bids on your auction before the item you're selling, you get an email saying, "Hey, someone made an offer. Go check it out." And then you can accept the offer or not.
Whenever you sell, you also get an email. If you have the app on your phone, you get a notification. This doesn't exist in the Web3 space. There are no notifications and for the ones that do exist, they're either browser-based, which are not reliable, nor instant, or
As a web through project, you have to collect email addresses, which is also not very well seen. The way we fix this is by creating different spots on different social media. So Twitter, Telegram and Discord and our bots delivered these notifications as DMs.
So you can subscribe to stuff like governance proposals on NFT marketplaces for bids, listings, sales, for taxes. It can be new pairs that get listed on the decentralized exchange. But in reality, anything that happens
on-chain can be tracked and we can make that an alert so that you can subscribe to it. For example, another example on Terra would be when the 21 days have passed after you have undeligated Luna. So you know that the Luna is available for you to transfer or sell or whatever.
So unless you put that on a calendar, when that comes, you will forget about it. And the second one, so notifications and communication. So the second one being communications, we're going to create basically this messaging system.
that is in-twin encrypted like signal or WhatsApp. But through the, so we're three native, the communications won't be all written on the blockchain, but they will be signed, meaning you don't spend gas fees, but every message is authenticated through the wallet. So this
allows you to send a message, for example, to a whale, like, "Hey, good trade," or "Hey, I like the NFT you have in your wallet, would you like to trade or something?" Of course, there are some nuances that have to be taken into consideration to avoid spending.
them, etc. But basically wallet to wallet communication is something that is very highly sought after, not just on terror, but other blockchains as well. And the third bit, integrations will be, because at some point we will release a public API in the next decade so that people can build on top of Hermes so that they can
do so that they can build their own DAPs and use Hermes as a way to deliver notifications that still respects the privacy that people expect from a web free native project. And yeah, that was a bit long for an elevator pitch. Sorry, I talk a lot, but hopefully
that give you some context on what we're building. Hey, sometimes elevators, you know, they run a little slower than you'd like to and you just enjoy the process and you had the conversations along the way, but I think that was a really comprehensive summary. You did a great job there. So 10 points in that regard. I actually really enjoyed the part about the Walt
communication. I think that's really interesting. This is whale connection piece. I'm curious to know more about that. What I'll do before we sort of end up honing in just on one protocol here. I'd be curious just to say to you, like, and to anyone listening, if you've got any
questions specifically for homies about that and you want to ask it how could I have homies speak on that and and You know sort of give you the the TLDR of those I'm also just curious to know you know why you continue to to work on Territory yourself
So for us to be really honest, it's the path of least resistance. So we've always been very big tariff fans. It's where we grew our company and we have really good relationships with most of the projects.
as either as clients or partners. So it has always been very welcoming for us. And of course we can see that from the results of the governance proposal. As far as Territu, well, honestly, we're still
curious to see what's going to happen for the future of the chain. There's a lot of projects that are going out. There are new projects that are coming in. The future is uncertain. We're in a massive bear market as well. But, yeah, honestly, it's the path of least resistance. We've started already building on
So we're going to launch on Terra anyway. And but we are not exclusive to Terra. So at some points, we will become cross-chain. So not just Terra Classic and Terra 2.0, but some other ones, but we don't even have.
And a clear objective on which would be the next one. And that's honestly not on our priority list at the moment because we want to deliver a very solid product on Terra. And only after we consider ourselves successful, can we think about expanding because we can use
use Terra as a successful showcase. And yeah, so we don't want to spread out ourselves through thin, basically. Certainly. There's a gentleman on this call called TerraWasha. He's at part of the ISA team and he does some fantastic research and conducts some of the analytics on the IOC website.
And he presents, he's got quite a great theory on why why terror two is actually a really great China bounding future. I'm just curious to know Tara watch if you want to share some of your bull case thoughts on terror two. Well, I actually have a couple of questions for Hermes. Sure, go for it. He wouldn't mind taking
those from me. I read through the proposal, of course, but hearing you explain it in this Twitter space, it makes a lot more sense. And your products sound very intriguing, and I would definitely enjoy playing around with them. But the two questions, you mentioned the alerts or notifications. I do
a lot of whale watching myself on the blockchain. Would it be possible for me to use your products to set up an alert so that a certain address or if any address in a certain group of addresses does a particular thing, I would get a notification. I hope that would be a possibility. And my second question is, you mentioned that
subscription, I believe. Was that a free subscription or what would the cost associated with these products paid? Regarding while watching, yes absolutely, not only that, that service is already live. While
What we haven't launched yet is the web app. So the actual website you log in, create an account, blah, blah, and then configure everything with cards and buttons, etc. You can already use our Discord bot. You can invite it to your server. You don't need to, but you can if you want to.
Once you invite it to your server or if you just DM the bot you have some slash commands. So as soon as you type slash with the DM or inside your server you will see some options. One of them is wallet watch if I'm not mistaken. Then you will have some fields you can choose the blockchain which runs
right now is Terra Classic or Terra 2.0 or just Terra actually I'm not sure we named it 2.0 and then of course the address of the wallet. We actually do this ourselves to monitor our own wallet so we know whenever someone pays us because we're not not, not hermys but momentum is a service company. So it's useful for us to know when someone pays us.
Then the second one, yeah, regarding the subscription. We, I believe that so you either heard it from when we initially made our proof of concept in August last year or you might have misunderstood because of
So Hermes protocol, the way that it is currently designed and envisioned, it's not going to have any subscriptions. So everything that we will offer regarding the alerts is going to be 100% for free. We won't even have tiers or premium
functions or anything like that. We want to have this tool available for anyone, for everyone to use so that it has mass adoption. That is like our, that is our goal, basically. So yeah, I hope that answers the question.
Yeah, it certainly does. That sounds great, but it prompts another question, which is a bit of a pragmatic question. If you're giving your products away for free, what's the business model? All right, that's an excellent follow-up question, and I knew it was coming. So basically, at some points,
We are going to be building on top of Hermes a business marketing platform and this will be a similar business model to for example send grid or send in blue or any of those mass mailing platforms in this case basically
these businesses, it can be validators like Corbiddle Command for example. People can subscribe to their newsletters or their own off-chain alerts and then when that happens of course you are building a subscription list, you're building a number of wallets that are users at once
to be informed about either your newsletter or some new stuff that you're launching and new partnerships, for example. So as a business, you can create different types of newsletters. People subscribe to them. This action of subscribing is done on chain so that the businesses can actually track
which wallets are subscribed and which ones aren't. The subscription will be very similar to just clicking the subscribe button on YouTube except that you will also have to put the password on your wallet because it's an on-chain action. But either way, it won't have any feedback.
associated with it. The only reason why it's non-Chinese is that the DApps can contract it. But of course, if they have, let's say, 10,000 subscribers and they want to send two newsletters per week, for example, then that is whatever amount of notifications send out per
month that has a cost and they basically have subscriptions where the first subscription entitles them to, let's say, 10,000 notifications. The next subscription has like 50,000, you know, so on and so forth. So again, very similar business model to mass-mailing platforms like
Mailgun, sending blue, etc., etc. But they can't spam users. This is like super important that I want to make it very clear. While this is going to be a marketing platform, the idea here is that the businesses have a new discoverability
feature. So like how can you protect users and on emity and privacy while still allowing new projects that perhaps have the funds, but they don't want to shove ads in the throws of people. So by having these subscriptions, we can allow that. And also one more other thing I want to mention.
which ties really neatly into this, there's airdrops as notifications. So getting subscriptions is great, but that means that you've already reached people, right? They already know who you are and they've clicked the button, so they've seen you already. But how can you get someone that
attention without serving them ads. Well, you have to serve ads one way or another, either with billboards in the streets or some other form or factor. But we don't we want we always want people to be in full control of what they see on our platform. We don't want them to have ads shoved in their faces like you have with Twitter and Facebook.
So the way we've built this is that people will have absolute control over their inbox. They will be able to choose at the finest detail how much their inbox is worth. So if you say your inbox is worth $1, someone can send you an ad in the
form of a notification, if the air drop you at least one dollar, either in stable or some other token, but it has to be worth that amount. So of course, we have to be able to have a pair or something to be able to quote how much that currency is worth. It can't be just a shit going that you mean events. Unless, of course, it does have market.
So yeah, if you don't want to receive any kinds of ads, just put your inbox worth $1,000. Nobody's going to add drop you $1,000 just because, you know, yes. So yeah, basically, does that answer? Yeah, that does more than answer.
That's pretty incredible. You said so much and you spoke about so many different intertwined products. I think I grasp probably 70% of what you said, but it's really intriguing. One thing I would point out, it really peaked my interest when you spoke about air drops because I think it's just a shame when air drops.
drops go unclaimed. As an example, in the final weeks of Terra Classic before the DPEG Nebula protocol had a huge air drop. They had, I think it was 10 million neb tokens available and only 2 million were claimed. So people left a lot of
tokens on the table. And Nebula Protocol is of course a first party TFL app and it's going to be launching on Terra 2. It's a big deal and a lot of people left a lot of money on the table. And now that the cataclysm has taken place with Terra Classic, I don't think anybody's going to be able to claim
those air drops that they left on the table. And if they had a protocol like Hermes where they could get a notification, yeah, air drops would get more traction, I think. One follow a question just to clarify. So you're saying that as users, we would be able to
subscribe to newsletters using our addresses and then we would get notifications via Twitter and Telegram or are you saying you're going to have some kind of you're going to build a platform which is like an inbox for us where we go and check. Yes so you will always be able to see
the notifications on our web app, but you will not be forced to go into our web app to either manage or see these notifications because we are integrating our platform into the social media where people are already in. So basically, if you look at our actual
Let me do a quick shout out here on the agor post that we have posted on agor that was Anyway, if you scroll down past the first post we've made a like a reply where we've sent a link to an endless
playlists on YouTube that has demos of what we've already built. So all of these features that we've mentioned. And you will notice on the demo of the web app where you are configuring new notifications, the very last step is always, where do you want
this notification to go. So if you have Telegram and Discord connected to your Hermes account, you can just choose okay whenever there's a new Apollo Vault yield or whatever I want that to go on Discord but whenever I'm selling an NFT of my wallets on a marketplace I want that to go on
telegram instead so you can really pick and choose where these notifications can be routed to. It's kind of like, you know, picking your email address or a folder inside your inbox or something, except here you have multiple inboxes and you're always in control. Yeah, but would there be a central inbox on the herbie on the herbie's web app?
Sorry, I missed the question. Can you say again? Sorry. So you're saying that we can have these messages or these notifications routed to our pre-existing social media accounts, which makes a lot of sense. But would you be building your own inbox basically, like just on your own website, where we could see them as well? Yes.
So you'll have a history tab basically where you can see all the notifications that have already been routed. And then you can filter for the platform or type of notification or whatever. So yes. And of course, there's the message
in-box, which we are basing at least for the initial version on Twitter. So you have to follow someone, sorry, someone has to follow you so that you can send them a message, otherwise it goes into the message requests. Honestly, we're not trying to reinvent the wheel
here, Telegram, Discord and Twitter, they all have really good things and we don't want to reinvent the messaging form but we feel like it does make a lot of sense in the platform that we are building so that people can send a wallets to all of messages. So right now we're building the user experience
off of Twitter. So to control this spam and everything. But of course, Twitter is not into an encrypted WhatsApp and SignalR. Discord is in Telegram, isn't so we're trying to pick the best features of whichever apps and trying to join them together. But we'll see what the end result is and if people like it of course.
Okay. So our addresses, our terror addresses become email addresses and we receive messages to them and they're routed to wherever we want to access them. Yeah. And we can also email other people's terror addresses using wallet to wallet email feature. That's quite intriguing.
Awesome, glad you enjoyed. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I know like this is a bunch of interweaving things and I know you've got your roadmap and you're going to be working
on these things for the next couple of years, I think, that's as long as your roadmap extends, but I look forward to trying these things as they become available and as you build out your protocol.
Yeah, appreciate it. We're very excited to be willing it, of course.
Yeah, I'm glad you decided to stick around with Tara, even if it was just a pragmatic decision for you.
So what's up next Dr. Daskoin? I was just going to say so thank you for jumping on homey's protocol and having a little chinwag with us there. Much like you, we did choose the path of least resistance too. Terri1 was our baby as it was many people.
and so when that all went to the Gata we were like okay cool, Terra 2 makes sense but we need to diversify, we need to find some other alternatives. So we compiled a bit of a checklist and we've been sort of going over this checklist and looking at different projects
IE Cosmos, Osmosis, Secret Cugira, Say Network is another one that wasn't mentioned in the Tweet, but we've been doing some very big deep dives into Say Network. And so, to keep this all flowing and keep it into weaving, I can see as I look down the list of people
that are on the call, there are representatives or users of different chains. I can see people that are interested in Cougira, I can see people interested in Cosmos. So what I would do here is extend an invitation just to say hey, if there is something on those chains specifically that you really are interested in,
If you're in favour of, there's a reason you've gravitated towards those chains if there are projects that you're excited about. We'd love to hear what those are and why, specifically. So, do feel free to put your hands up in a moment if you want to. You can start doing it right now. And if you're enjoying the conversation, I'd always say,
Do feel free to share the space to just so we can get some more voices in here. This is ultimately a conversation between the people of the communities where as a community validator want to make sure that we are doing our best to kind of have the messages, you know, these messages shared with the people of the community.
So I think as I'm scrolling through the back chat to you, so I'm just being mistaking a couple of people as we're talking to you if we can get some new blood on. Just want to check in with Rebel and Edwin and just see if you guys have anything that you want to add for a moment.
Sure, man. I can see Marty's in this call. I think we were on a space a bit earlier on today about Sheed protocol.
I think you were there Marty. Shade Protocol and Secret Network is going to be an absolutely defy playground, massive, massive stuff they are building. So I'm really excited for that.
I mean, they're already doing like liquid-staking secret. But they're going to be coming out with bonds soon because they want to do like a protocol liquidity thing. They're going to be doing their own decks, shadeswap.
So it's just and obviously we've got silk the stablecoin so they just seem to be doing so much so I'm definitely excited for for shade protocol and I've
I think when they start releasing some of their products, it's going to make secret a lot more attractive for D5G Gens like myself, so that's why I'm looking forward to that.
What just had a curiosity, Rob, I've not done a great delivery searching to shape myself. How does it work in conjunction like is this something like that is operating in conjunction with secret? Is it something separate to secret? What is the deal with shape?
So just like a project sitting on top of Secret, the terror dApps that we were using to. But then a sense they're doing stater, stablecoin, decks. They're basically stater
an astroport sitting on top of secret which I just think is pretty epic. I see and you've been doing some day driving yourself into secret the last couple of weeks. What are some of the interesting finds that you've come across?
So something that's just come out today is I think another epic thing that's going on over at secret is that they've got the integration that I mean a lot of the other chains have the integration with Axelr or Axelr however you want to pronounce it. So we'll now be able to send secret over to
say polygon or send funds from secret network over on to polygons. That may be interested because with secret network you can set up like a private secret wallet. So essentially doing DeFi in private on secret network. But then if I fund
a private secret wallet that I'm using for my DeFi on secret network, I'm now able then to send these funds in private onto a clean Metamask wallet on Polygon and those funds just arrive. There's no
tree so where those funds actually come from and I think this is brilliant just for
just for privacy. I think we just have to take care of our privacy because I mean the blockchain is brilliant that everything on the blockchain is public and that's why I'm just, I don't know if secret is necessarily going to be like Uber or successful.
by making tons of money, but just the whole idea of being able to do our stuff in private, I think is amazing. And I love it. So yet getting funds onto polygons that have no trace of coming from a sex
is amazing and then I'll be able to do stuff on Paulie going as well in private.
That is really cool. Echo the same sentiment. I think privacy is undervalued at the moment. I think people will probably come to realize how important it is in the next few years. But it's interesting already to see with Chinese like secret.
being interacted with and used by some pretty big names. We had a conversation just yesterday I believe it was about Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith, the director, is doing a project through Secret. It was called Kill Roy, I think.
NFT project. So this whole metadata thing around NFTs, if NFTs do become the major conduit for connecting normies with the Web 3.
Then NFT action is taking place on secret because it turns out to be better for that. There is potentially a case there that could gain in popularity because of that.
I think Edwin obviously being the NFT guy, maybe he's got something to say on it.
Yeah, I want to think that I've experiences through department 77, which is a NFT project that started on Terra and they launched their third collection on stash, which is the NFT marketplace on secret and they'll be migrating over
to polygon through one planet as well. But in their collection that launched in secret, one thing that they did was that they essentially, let's say like encrypted a secret code
in the NFT and the only way you can access that secret code is obviously through the privacy default technology that secret has. So I thought that was pretty cool, where you have that metadata
And the only way that you can access that secret code is like a second layer of verification, right? Like it's not just your wallet and your password on top of that, you still need to connect to stash and verify it's your NFT. And then you can see
the secret code. Once you have that secret code, then you can go on to the department 77 website and verify ownership of your NFT through that secret code. And then you can start using your NFT to train it so that you can raise its
Strength agility IQ whatever it is to make your bounty hunter better and stronger and then you can send it on missions as well and that collection is called echo which is the money collecting NFT
in that NFT project. So that's the only experience that I've had so far with Secret and privacy and NFTs, but the whole experience was interesting for sure. It was cool to go through that. I thought the UI for Stash was pretty cool to use as well.
100% stash is dope like if you're coming from terror and you want a terror app in the cosmos stash is my absolute favorite at the moment
If you guys want to add one thing you haven't mentioned about secret yet that's Personally it blew me away and I wasn't aware of because as a Terry user I just haven't used secret yet But after speaking with different people from from secret foundation and they've explained how it's
works more in depth. It really, again, blew us away was how the secret is not just a privacy or a private blockchain. It's private, it's programmable privacy, meaning you can have as many layers of privacy as you want.
It's not just black and white, it's not private or public. This is public, this is private. Now it's who gets to see what. So you can actually say that transfers are public by default, but for example, for Hermes to function,
We need access to the kind of data that goes through your wallet. We need to know when you receive funds, we need to know when you are putting an entity for sale. And on secret by default, actually by default, it's public. The privacy has to be programmed. But of course, something like stash programs, it's so that it's private.
But as a user, you can actually allow an external project to give you more tooling and give them access to have that information. So someone can actually allow Hermes to see their wallets, like actions or whatever.
if they trust us and from the point onwards where they don't trust anymore, they just close that privacy window or whatever and we no longer have access to that. I think that's huge. So it definitely, I thought initially that it would be impossible to have Hermes on secret, but after hearing this, it really
I'm not sure if I can get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get#
There was a keyword that stood out for me at the end there when you were speaking Edwin just around you know you said the UI you actually quite a fan of the UI and so the UI is something that is Personally, I think very important if the user experience isn't or the user interface and the user experience isn't a pleasant one or you know why would people want to use your product?
And so one of the things, you know, when we're looking at the you know our checklist for what projects or what, sorry, what change rather we're looking to validate on in future, you know, some of the things that we're looking at, I'm having to kind of share the things that we're looking at now. Maybe this will assist you in your journey, you know, when you're betting on
change yourself and then looking for potential investments in future. We started by some things. We're starting with, do we use the product, do we use the chain? We're looking at the emissions, we're looking at the community. We're trying to get a guy to how well the educated community is.
with everyone's experience you've come into a space and it's just some absolute shimozl or you know for some shit coin and no one seems to know what actually happens with the token or with the with the chain and it's just like okay well is this just the blind leading the blind here? Do you want to think
things where we're looking for is how well it's kind of the community is, you know, the strength of that community too. I think one of the things that we can all agree on that if you were part of tarot one is that the strength of that community was unbelievable. And it seems, you know, the more and more we're digging, the more we're noticing that this is
This is taking place in Cosmos. There seems to be a really strong community that is forming within the Cosmos. Some things we're looking at are like the actual robustness and durability of the chains themselves. But that gets a little bit more technical. But it's not only things like the Nakamoto, the Co-op Future,
than the genie coefficient and I'm understanding what the voting weight distribution is between valid data and how many valid data is it would take to overthrow a network and hold a network at least. There's an array of things to look at but just to bring it back for a second because there's some things
I could sort of go on tangents with here. UI specifically, UI new X. I'm curious to know from the people in this call which where are you? Where's the best UI? Where's the best UX experience that you're having at the moment? No? If you're operating with
within the cosmos, which chained specifically on the cosmos. Where are you? If I could have a quick comment on that. Speaking of you, I wanted to just give a shout out to our friends from Sue Staking that are listening down here.
They have a really cool UI/UX on their website where you can look at statistics on the blockchain and the validators. And they're not on the active set as well. So we hope that they can get there eventually so they can continue to build. But I thought that
Speaking of UI UX, I think they've done a really good job of setting that up. I also shout out to Gains down here that's listening. If you guys ever need to listen on some customer's spaces information, they do a really good job with that too. So thank you guys for hopping on here as well.
Thank you. And also if you guys want to jump up and have a chat, like we most happy to get you up and have a conversation. This is the purpose of this call. So feel free to just meet up myself. Feel free to jump up and say something if you'd like. But again, that's
questions still stands. You know, you know, I can see people like Marty's on the call, Tenement to Me. These are the guys that I first listened to a while ago, who were probably very, probably very few of you guys with my introduction into Osmosis.
and the Cosmos ecosystem respectively. And so, you know, I'm sure that you've both got some great experiences on the Abel and some real knowledge that could be of benefit in use to people that are listening to the call at the moment. So if you want to jump up, you might welcome as well. Oh, here we go. Getting
little gains is messaging us now that they're actually working at the moment so that's okay we appreciate that nonetheless sometimes it's nice just to have the headphones in and be listening to a conversation while you're getting your job done. I personally just to kind of get the ball rolling here
I am I am feeling optimistic about Cugira. The reason being I think that Cugira has always from the you know the word go has had a very pleasant user experience. I think you can't under
underestimate brand power as well. And so as time goes on and as we continue through this bear market and chip away at it and eventually make our way back to a bull market, the builders who are shipping during this time and executing consistently
frequently with good quality products, I think we'll tend to attract the best communities. And so if you look at Cougira, my sort of theory here, that Cougira was became fairly well known through the Terra ecosystem through Terra 1.
Obviously they started off with their Aqua Liquidation Act. But now that they've got their own chain, they've basically got a couple of things going in their favor. They've got multiple laps, they've got their Blue Garap, they've got Blue, they've got Aqua and they've got Finn their Audible Decks, which is just
just go on live, just recently covered those, I think. And so I'm looking at all of these, okay, great, the user experience is pleasant, they look lovely, you know, the team is shipping, they're building products. And so people that aren't sticking around on Terra specifically are looking for new homes.
Okay, where are we going? Are we going to June? Are we going to Rosemary? So are we going to Cugira? Where does that look like? And I think for me person, I'm looking at Cugira going, I think there'll be some action hitting over towards Cugira. Of course, that's still yet to be determined. It is early days.
If you're looking at the UI UX, I feel like they're, you know, I'd say they're close to a 10 as far as the UI UX. And so, you know, for you, what is a 10? What is it? What is a 9? What is a 10? What are you using? Even if it's not on a chain that we've mentioned so far, what's a 9 or a 10 for you?
So for me, I think if you look at Web 2 stuff, they spend so much time making it user friendly.
I think we all experience D5 and sometimes it's a little bit hard to look at those things. I've been spending more time in polygon and I've been using curve and that thing is such a pain
to look at still, I don't know, for me at least it's just yeah not pleasant. And also it's disgusting. But I still use it. So I think for my experience it would be just something similar to the web to stop
If we can get things to look a little bit more like that, I think obviously that would be closer to like a 9 or 10 for me. I think this is more of just I'm used to looking at that. And one thing, I mean, just trying out a little bit of front end learning on my own, like see
CSS and JavaScript and stuff. And one thing that I really like about Web 3 is the rounded corners. I really enjoy that detail that we kind of
Adapted in web 3. I feel like I at least I don't remember being used to that in web 2 and I don't know why in web 3 that stuck out to me a lot just like connecting your wallet that button is always rounded But anyway, it's just a little thing that I feel like I learned to like and appreciate
Yeah, it can be a real make or break if the design is you know, kitchy I get really turned off by by things that are just but I don't know I'm not a I'm not a big proponent of the really pixelated type
that. And yeah, I just think the rounded edges, exactly like you're talking about that, the rounded edges, it just makes it feel slick. So I appreciate that. I appreciate you jumping in there. So that was a very long way.
I said that but I had another thought of my mind. The Terra Station mobile app that was just updated. I just looked at that and I don't know if you guys had a chance to try it out yet but it looks cool. I like the changes that
they made and Rival was saying that they were having some issues with it recently so I haven't made any transactions but I just wanted to see what it looked like. For example they added the ability to look at your NFTs on your wallet.
So I'm looking forward to using that once I start getting some of these territories having them that yet. Can you connect that to classic? Good question. Have not tried that.
One thing I think is kind of cool as it will be.
Tfm I've not really used it much but I think I think what they're doing is cool. They've developed their app or dapp sorry and it can be used on both classic and
and it's essentially the same. So I think this is going to be a great way to sort of bring communities together because so far, classic and terror two have been quite divided, which I think is not helping either community. So TFM might be a way to
bring communities together.
I was looking at governance in Territu and just want to make sure that you guys are aware of something that looks like a scam.
to Terra's stakeholders and I think we've seen a couple of these go around cosmos. Yeah, so just pay attention to that. It doesn't seem like it's something productive.
Well, that one might not actually be a scam. Maybe just an advertisement that they slid in there. They're going to lose the money that they put up to put that proposal through because it looks like it's going to go no with veto. But I was checking out that website a couple of days ago. It's, I don't even feel
remember what it was called bootloader or bootloat war or something, but it looks like a legit project. Does anybody know anything about that? I checked the just so you know there is some kind of airdrop for people who were involved with Terra Classic prior to the DPAC.
But unfortunately for me, I was a bit of a late joiner. The snapshot date was in November. And yeah, that was kind of before my time. But yeah, it looks like a legit protocol or project or something. Does anybody know anything about that? I'd like to learn more.
No idea, when I clicked on it, my issue was the name of it,, and then it just has a long random, it looks like an address after that. I feel like you
it would be like one e-mail home page, you know, with like, or command that I/O and then I can go there and look around. So I don't know, that to me that's why I was like, well I don't know, but this link obviously I clicked on it too, but I thought it was fishy.
It could be a scam. I'm not quite sure. The only reason I think it may not be is because I didn't first learn about it from the source via the government, via governance proposal. I saw something about it on Twitter a couple of days ago and then I noticed it as a
governance proposal. So I thought it might be legit. Let me just take a look. We can continue with the conversation. I need to quickly take a look at this. In stride on the case, I love it. This is why I'm the research master at
that's a good thing too that you brought up Edwin, just because you know it's the scams are right in this space and if you don't know what to look for and
You struggle to be discerning. Of course you can get caught off guard and you can get taken for a ride or you can put you know in this instance you could pass through or contribute a pass through a proposal that would be detrimental. And so this is why it's good to you know jump on these spaces because you learn these things and you have
People noduring in the right direction and saying, hey, maybe this is dubious, maybe this is worth looking at as a potential threat. Hopefully we can identify what the situation is with that in just a moment. But what I'm thinking here, just because of the, you know, the gen
general quietness of this call. I'm sure there's lots of people that are just enjoying the conversation and listening. I was hoping for a little more activation from the people, hoping to hear a bit more of your thoughts and views specifically. Obviously we kind of know our own thoughts and views, but
what I would like to do here is maybe just while we're waiting for anyone to jump in. This kind of just continue with the fear of the criteria that we do tend to look at when we're looking at new chains. I ripped off a few before but I might just dig a little
deeper into that. And then that way, if there's anything that you can't away with from this call, you know, you can have a few more indicators of what to look for when assessing a chain. And so, you know, I was talking about the safety and the robustness before by the number of the validators on the set here.
how decentralized it is. Also always looking at the source and staking rewards, where are they coming from? Is it coming from community pool? Is it something else? For example, I brought up Kajira before and I was talking about Kajira is something that I'm interested in at the moment.
Their rewards come from the protocol revenue. So the protocol revenue of Crill, which is on every chain action, contributes to the reward. So they've got their obviously on chain, order book, their Dex order book. So it has been trading fees.
They've also got all kind of their liquidation app which is going cross chain which has the withdrawal fees, Baluga which is like a multiple transaction sending app. They crew the fees as well. There's Baluga send fees, transaction gas usage and more. So these all contribute to the staking rewards.
themselves. And so this is just one of those things to kind of look at. Okay, where are the, where's the source of the staking rewards? You know, in this instance, basically, and I'm just kind of looking over notes that I've written down here as I was doing my research, was like, and the more dapp adoption and use the greater
the staking rewards, the staking rewards are distributed proportionally to stakers based on the relative size of the staking. So if you're looking at what's the utility in the use case of the native token itself, kuji being the native token of kujira, after removing commission fees to the valid areas you've delegated to.
What are the commissions for what's the structure between the Validate and themselves? Is there high-dap usage like looking at how much of these being used? There's just so many little things to look at and also just really,
take a consideration when looking at these chains. Do we, one of the things that we look at as well, obviously, with being a validating business is we're like, okay, what's the access to entry or what's the variance entry? You know, to get into these active sets for the validators. And so sometimes
You just get price out of the market and sometimes it's a very high barrier to entry. But sometimes particularly with the earlier chains, for example, say, I mentioned that on earlier, say is a new network that's coming up that maybe not a lot of people know about, but the barrier to entry is lower than jumping on something.
That is much more well established. So one of the things that I will get TerraWatcher to riff on after he's done his research and let us know the results in the background there. Maybe he can have a little riff on, say, I'll kind of wrap up this part here.
about Kijira and also analyzing Chains. But we're looking at, is it genuinely interesting? Are there people that are actually interested in this? I was like, "Okay, well how do you assess that? How do you look at that?" And so the social metrics that come in, it's looking at the quality that came
the conversation being had. So looking through the discord, looking through the telegrams, looking through the Twitter posts themselves. Do they have a point of difference? It's just like it's analysis. So it's just business analysis. One, you're looking at it to go to say,
to see rather what is it doing differently? You know, things like interoperability, super important. And this is where Cosmos, you know, we're talking about Cosmos a lot. Cosmos basically wins this battle at the moment. It doesn't seem like it's very rivaled.
And so it's like cool how well does it interact with other chains how many changes are connected to And so these are just some of the things that we're currently looking at you know I'm as I said I've been doing some research on a few different chains it rebels been doing some research Terri watcher and and so with that being so
I think Ripple is actually falling off, but Terra watcher. Maybe you want to riff on Sailorwood. I know that you are quite in favour of Sailorwood. Maybe you've got some things you could share there.
Yeah, say looks pretty neat. I saw something neat about it today. Obviously, so say networks going to be a layer one blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem, they have not launched yet. They certainly haven't launched a token. In fact, they haven't released any information about their tokenomics.
whatsoever. They're just on the early phases, they're setting up their network, they've got the testnet running, they've got a bunch of validators there. So they're just working things out with the testnet. They're not planning to launch for another few months. I spoke with the guys from say network yesterday and I don't think it's
a secret that they're planning to launch around the end of September. I think they're going to try and target the launch of their new chain to make it coincide with the Cosmoverse conference that's taking place in Columbia at the end of September. So I think that's their target to launch and yes, a new new layer one block
and Cosmos and like many other new layer one blockchains and Cosmos that people have been talking about, say is going to have a built-in central limit order book. So just like Ajira, similar to dy/dx and also injective I believe, it's a bit of a crowded field
But say is going to differentiate itself by let's see they're going to have so say is the network that's the layer one they've already announced two protocols that they're going to have built on top of that layer one. They're going to have one called vortex which is going to be a perpetual swap.
protocol. So that'll be interesting. And then they're also going to have a Pharaoh protocol, which is going to be a synthetic protocol. But they're going to steer clear of any legal trouble by, I believe they're just going to have synthetic commodities and forex. So definitely not equities.
I believe. I don't think they're going to do that. Of course, that's what Mirror did. Everybody knows that Mirror from Terra Classic did synthetic equities. And of course, they ran a foul of the SEC for doing so. So, pharaoh protocols are going to be steering clear of those legal issues by just doing
and commodities and forex, but even so, that's quite interesting. Of course, Terra 1 had all those wonderful stable coins, all kinds of stable coins, not just USD, but a bunch of other ones. Unfortunately, they didn't quite get to see their full potential because of the USD
deep peg. They were close to being fully utilized. This protocol called Vertex. Vertex protocol was going to launch and it was going to fully take advantage of all those stable coins. That didn't happen and Vertex is moving to Polygon or someplace.
by the looks of it. But anyway, Pharaoh Protocol, which is building on say network, is going to reintroduce synthetic forex, so various different national currencies in a synthetic form to the Cosmos ecosystem. So yeah, it looks pretty interesting.
Something I noticed about say I think I was kind of mentioned this at the beginning, but I kind of Anyway, something neat about say I saw a little animation they had on Twitter today Some kind of little promo video. They've got a mascot, which is little undersea drone and it's just a small thing. It was just this little
promo video, it was animated, kind of like a Pixar thing, is about 30 seconds, this underwater drone going around under the ocean, and then it turns a corner and it sees a giant logo for say network. And say is just in the early stages, like I said, they haven't released anything about tokenomics. There's really
no way to make a good assessment about, you know, if this chain is going to be a good investment or if it's going to have staying power and cause most, but at this point, you just kind of got to trust your gut instinct. You just kind of got to size it up based on the limited available information and, you know, little data points like that.
like that animation. Like they took the time to animate this promo video, they took the time to make a mascot, they took the time to make an ambassador program where members of the community could sign up and start producing content for them that happened a couple of weeks ago. And you know other little things like one of the main guys
who's developing it is from Robinhood, I believe. It looks like they're launching in the United States. And yeah, just, you know, based on these very early preliminary signs and based on a conversation that I had with them yesterday, and there are a few details that I won't share. But yeah, based on all these
this stuff looks pretty neat and I'm looking forward to it. It looks like Orbital Command is going to try to validate there on Say Network and yeah, I guess I talked for a while but that's the lowdown on Say Network which is coming to Cosmos targeting a late September launch.
keep your eyes out, keep your eyes and ears open to say network people. So what I'll do here is I'll just put out one last call just to anyone that may want to jump up and
Share you know anything at the kind of interest in if there's nothing that you know no one's feeling compelled to to Have a chat. That's fine. We can sort of work towards wraparind's conversation up and have it You know called a day for the for today
But do just want to provide an opportunity for anyone that has been wanting to say something and contribute to the conversation in some way. Please do speak now or for overhold your peace. Edwin.
how you feeling over there my friend.
Well, actually, if I could interact for a moment, that dubious looking proposal on Terra 2 looks to be legit and not a legit proposal. It looks like it's going to go know with Veto and they'll lose their Luna deposit.
But it looks like it's some kind of advertisement for a legit protocol. For anybody listening, I wouldn't touch anything if it didn't look legit to me. So if it doesn't look legit to you, don't take my word, just don't touch it. But in my opinion, it looks like a legitimate protocol.
all. It looks like something that somebody's whipped up and they're going to be launching it in Cosmos. Apparently they have terrible advertising because it does look like such a scam. But upon further research, if you click around the links, if you're willing to do so, it looks interesting.
and they've got some kind of airdrop. I don't know. I think I'm going to keep my eye on this, whatever it is, a boss from superintelligence. I'm going to keep my eye on it for the next couple of weeks and see what happens. Unfortunately, like I said, I myself, I'm not eligible for the airdrop. Oh well.
That's actually, thank you for your service looking there by the way, but
You just said if you're happy to click around the links, I'll just be curious and I don't know, do you have any tips for you? Because you're an investigator. Is there anything that you have tips that you can provide on how to identify a link that maybe not worth clicking on versus one that is worth clicking on?
Well, just go with your gut. If you have any what-so-ever, don't click on it. If it's a legitimate protocol, they will invest in public relations, they'll invest, like we were talking about earlier, they'll invest in UI and UX to make it look not sketchy. If it looks sketchy to you,
So, never click on it. Of course, some legitimate protocols and projects do look sketchy, but it's probably just a good rule of thumb. If it kind of strikes you the wrong way or gives you bad impression, looks a bit sketchy, shouldn't click on it because there are so many sophisticated
scams that people can pull. And you read about them all day on Twitter and you don't want to have to be one of the people reporting that you were doops by one of these sophisticated scams. So if I don't understand something, if it looks sketchy to me, I tread very lightly, of course, and I'm very careful. But if
Of course, unfortunately, in my case, I've got an insatiable curiosity. So maybe I am going to end up being one of those people posting on Twitter that I got taken for a ride. But another good thing you could do is to have a bunch of wallets, a bunch of different addresses. And if you're going to go for a little
Exploration maybe you know put up one of your other addresses not your main one Guys, what Sam yeah, hey, I just wanted to add a very quick thing since we're talking the topic of security which is Something I take very seriously
If you do want to explore things that your DB is about the source, something like an air drop or maybe a friend sent you with way out of context, there are viruses that spread through those things, especially on Discord. But anyway, if you do want to check those links
out, always make sure to open those links on an incognito window or whatever it's called on the other browsers and do not enable your wallets on those modes. So this way, even if they do something like they can exploit some kind of
Security vulnerability in the wallet they still can't access it because there is no wallet on that window It also won't be able to track cookies so they can't target ads or any other thing So if you do want to do it always do it on an inco we know without the wallet connected to it So yeah, just wanted to do that friend you buy
Don't just go with the guts. There are some best practices that you should be aware of. Hermi is slam dunk with the security operations at the end of the call. Appreciate that. I actually have never thought of that the using of the incognito window specifically for those
So thank you very much. That's definitely helped me out and that has made that alone has made this call worthwhile. I know I've certainly learned a lot of things on this call and I hope others have too. Just checking in with Edwin has anyone put their hand up if they have not real work towards completing this?
wanted to join us today. But it's all right. I think I at least personally I've seen a lot of just a decrease in engagement in general obviously with the market. But still we're still here if anybody
wants to discuss anything around blockchain, the FI NFTs join us on our Discord as well. We're still continuing our conversations there so yeah we'll be here. That's exactly right. There's a lot of places you can keep in contact of course Twitter, Telegram, we have a Discord if you're not on there definitely jump in the Discord
or there's a lot of great information that happens within the Discord channels. And we also have the overall command website, which you may or may not be aware of. But if you jump on there, we do have alpha drops. We have some research analytics and sort of just a list of the different contributions that we offer.
to the different networks that we are part of. So always love and appreciate your support. If you want to DM us, feel free to DM us as well. We are happy to spark up a conversation and see where it goes. With that being said, Edwin, thank you for being the host.
So I appreciate you and thank you Hermes for all of your wisdom and updating us on what's happening with your protocol. And thank you to all of the people that have joined us and shared time, energy and space with that being said. Look after yourselves.

FAQ on Community Call RE: #COSMOS #OSMOSIS #TERRA #KUJIRA #SECRET | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the podcast?
To have an interesting conversation and share thoughts on what's happening in the community.
What is the host's issue with dead time at the start of spaces?
They find it annoying and want to fill it with something.
Who is the Terra Watcher and what did they propose?
The Terra Watcher suggested that they change the account they speak from and then performed some flowy wraps.
What is the main topic of discussion for this podcast?
The interesting things currently being looked at as a validator and potential chains they can work with.
What is being developed on Osmosis that is of interest?
Wasmocenities, which will allow the creation of NFTs that can be used as avatar accessories in different chains using IBC.
Who is the speaker from Hermes Protocol and what is their project about?
The speaker is from Hermes Protocol, which is a notification and communications platform being developed on Terra.
What happened to Hermes Protocol's funding during the Terra crash?
They lost their own funds that were being used to bootstrap the development of the project, but did not have any investments from VCs.
What did Hermes Protocol do to get emergency funding?
They put forth a proposal for emergency allocation and are currently seeking community support for it.
Who has been supporting Hermes Protocol's emergency allocation proposal?
The Biddle Command, which is one of the biggest validators on Terra.
What is the plan for a future podcast episode about Hermes Protocol?
To have a deep dive into what Hermes Protocol is and how it works.