Community call

Recorded: March 21, 2024 Duration: 1:37:30



GM GM everybody how we doing today
doing just fine
doing just fine how about you sir
doing fine
doing better than the last few days man
sheesh what a what a rough start to the week
my goodness
cuttles to those who bought the dip
I mean it was eaten
you know the sharks were hungry this week
RIP RIP to those who sold the bottom
I bought it a quarter
I loaded up at a quarter
that was the place
that was where to buy it
that was juicy
I got 81,000 whale
at a quarter
that was the bottom tick
more or less
so that's king
king move there JG
instant B whale stake into alliance printing
that's it
that's my move
I want some more alliance plays with the B assets to like double earn on chains
I want to be able to use like B Osmo on whale
I want to be able to use B Kuji on Chihuahua
I don't know you know I'm saying I want to be able to like have these
you want to continue double dip
I love the double dip
the double dip
the double dip is money dude
it's it's you know
I forget who we're meeting with
oh yeah I remember now
another L1 another Cosmo cell one
and I told him I said
you know whitelisting
whitelisting Luna
on whale was the best thing we've ever done
it was the best best move we've ever done
you know hands down
it's we now have whatever it is a hundred million whale
locked up or not locked up
but you know
in that in that contract
that's a lot of whale to suck up
I it boggles my mind
that more chains
have not integrated Alliance
and done exactly
and it's a very
it's not like it's hard
it's not like it's a hard thing
and carbon did it
carbon did it
we're reaping the rewards
of being first movers
it's the first mover
jumping in first
but I just
I cannot believe that more chains haven't
integrated it
whitelisted assets
and and doing
are just doing what we're doing
and yeah like I'm
like I'm trying to convince them to
like hey whitelist us
we'll whitelist you
and it's it's powerful
it's freaking powerful
you get there's
demand for your token surges
you get to double dip
your token prints
you then you can take
we spin up
these double
the aggregated LSTs
like the amp well T
and the B well T
you spin those up
you could use those
as collateral
I mean it's just
the rabbit hole goes deep
the rabbit hole goes deep
we just need more chains
to get on board
to be honest with you
we need we need more chains
to see the
see the light here
with this
and in the meantime
we'll just keep printing
in the meantime
just keep keep on printing
I would I would think
they would get it
I would think
but in any case
we're getting ahead of ourselves
we're getting ahead of ourselves here
we're just
I'm getting ahead of ourselves
we're getting ahead
When I look at them
What do you guys think
We do we think the
awesome one
All right
We just probably
was in we think that they think the dips over or do we are we gonna go are we gonna go sweep
the lows again one more time i mean i think this was the fed meeting and over leverage to shake
out the lungs you know and then i think we have a leg up but we could we could rock back down again
you know the big money likes to take us all for a little ride you know yeah they sure do
they sure do i wouldn't be surprised if we went back and swept the lows um it wouldn't surprise me
one surprise me if we if that was it either you know nothing's nothing you're in the market
long enough nothing surprises you anymore
second con what do you think
up only from here you think we're up only think that was that was the dip
that's over the bears are in disbelief and soon we're gonna you know clothe ourselves in their fur
all right all right ninja what where are you at we're very curious where you at with this
i am actually with uh sandcom on this one uh i i think the the dip is over
the worst of it's over huh yeah yeah we're through the woods okay yeah but hey listen i wouldn't i
wouldn't be mad if it was backed up only hey man i have no crystal ball but uh i think my
we're going up from here okay fair enough well i'll tell you what i think um
you know there's a couple things that are huge catalysts for us and again i don't want to get
far ahead of ourselves by the way guys go ahead and share this space go ahead and uh you know
let everybody know we're here hashtag ride the whale come join us you know as usual a lot to talk about
today right alpha we got shark right the shark launch right we're gonna try to pull some alpha
out of jg about the about the osmosis nft launch and what he's cooking there and got up his sleeve
there um you know there's there's exciting stuff to talk about here today so share the space get the
word out um i forgot what i was gonna say the heck was i talking about then i'll do the intro oh oh
there's there's some catalysts right so so we saw in january or december january
one when we did our airdrops you know our guppy airdrop and our um our sail airdrop put this
put the sail deal together um there was just a lot of momentum a lot of buzz you know and a lot of
activity on chain for whale and you saw it reflected in the price people were just using whale and
doing stuff with whale and it was it was very healthy right the exposure was good um you know
showcase the ecosystem all that stuff so i and but those were bullish catalysts for us right um
we have a couple more of those coming up you know specifically i think with um with restaked
with restaked owl and with um with the osmosis nft project i think those are both
huge huge catalysts that are really going to get a lot of outside attention um and and
seed chain activity pickup and all of that all of that fun kind of stuff right but again
i don't want to get ahead of myself because we'll we're going to get to all that today
all right shall we shall we light this firecracker shall we start this party let's do it uh
welcome to the weekly white whale community call everybody if you're new to our community you can
find all the critical information through the link tree and our twitter profile and we invite
everybody to join our discord and participate in a live discussion the channel is called community
calls um without further ado let's dive right into the market data so our token is roughly at
three cents um which gives us a market capitalization of 12.5 million and our social
data shows slightly shows slightly up uh we have 23 more followers on twitter 5.1 telegram and 12
more in our discord um regarding the yield data so our terror satellite market
keeps on printing guys so last week i i mentioned it already last week it was at 83 percent this
week it's at 92 percent so we're just gaining momentum here and it's getting more profitable
by the day to bond your amp whale or b whale to the terror satellite market um and then
amp weighty bone weighty 86 percent and 77 percent respectively so super high yield
as well and amp osmo uh 169 percent so that's that's quite a high percentage there so um yeah
lots to choose from lines rewards still 55 i don't want to go down the whole list but uh
those are the best options that i've found for this week hey don't forget hey sorry to interrupt
you don't forget about our our pool our injective pool on mito finance that's oh yeah that's last
last I checked that was 260 percent APR there um let me just see i'm gonna pull it up yeah
to 252 percent 252 yeah so that's probably the best one we got right now if you're a farmer
um that's probably the the juiciest that's probably the juiciest there is
but jeez those are some yields those are some freaking yields and and you know the mito one
that's inflation right and you know those are incentives and we put three months on them
so that's limited we you know that going in everything else is sustainable right it's either
chain it's either uh chain inflation from alliance or the dex rewards right from our swap fees so
um those are some real real attractive yields right yeah i mean the 92 or 93 percent in real yield
on the those are bought back whale you know uh on the on the terror satellite market alone i mean
i i wasn't mentioning osmosis i can mention osmosis right now now that we are on the topic
like osmosis buybacks are picking up as well so i think it's at 12 12 percent APR right now which is
like not that much compared to the terror satellite market but it's still like if if the pace like
keeps keeps on going i think will shoot up to 50 percent easily over the next week so
that's that's one really really really good one as well yeah osmosis yield our osmosis
dex yield is going to just continue to increase as more there's going to be more listings there
there's going to be more you know we just integrated into into their router into their front ends
it's that and and the thing with osmosis is you can still bond early right because remember when
you bond whale to a dex your multiplier grows over time so you want to just bond it and keep it
there um so it's still early to bond well there and just and just ride it right but that one's
going to be a printer it's that that one's it's just it's just going to be a printer and you know
i think it's important to point out the way this the way um our ecosystem works we have a lot of
buyback mechanisms right we have a lot of but so for example so all of our dexes right and then
with amp whale and amp whale t and b whale t right that those are buybacks right those are automatic
buybacks so um when when the price of whale drops right like like we saw it do over the last few days
those those buybacks are buying more whale right and especially so in volatility right like there
was our volumes are still high on our dexes because it's volatile and they're they're buying
back more whale right it's buying back more whale because whales at a lower price so our buyback
mechanisms and the more we have right and i i think shark has one now too right they're they're just
we're we're putting them into everything right um but they they almost serve as kind of a shock
absorber if you will you know a safety net slash shock absorber um for the sell-offs because they
just they'll buy back more right so so just uh just worth note worth noting anyways continue
yeah well yeah um i i'm pretty much done so sebastian mentioned it already uh hashtag right
away retweet the spaces guys uh let let everybody know that it's happening right now uh we'll
definitely get some alpha today so let's share it and with that i'm gonna hand it over to our
beloved ctr wonderful thank you very much all right where shall we start i think we can start with
megaloo v4 so we did the upgrade knock on wood everything worked and you know the applications
are still working and the chain is not down wait so um we we did a couple of great upgrades or
updates to um the code and the modules we have and while tera is having some struggles lately um i
think they went down the second time now in the last couple of weeks so we were keeping a close
close eye on that but so far it does not seem like megaloo's at risk and even if um we'll handle
it like like we always do together with validators then the burn fee big stuff that
is going to come into action tomorrow night so you know within the next i think it's 30 30 hours
the flip will be switched and from that point on until the governance you know governance decides
to you know change it 50 percent of all transactions will be burned so this means that
the more megaloo is used the more inflation or you know the more tokens are burned essentially
which you know depending on the amount can offset inflation so imagine you know megaloo
inflates at four percent per year which it currently does you get an APR of six which you
currently do but the effective inflation might be just three percent or just two and depending on how
you know how much transactional volume there is on chain we could actually dip into the deflationary
area just on that mechanism alone so we would need roughly you know something between 50 and
100 000 transactions per day to completely offset the inflation that we have on megaloo
just with that mechanism so it's not including anything else just you know just that specific
mechanism and inflation so 50 to 100 000 transactions and i don't know about you guys
but this does not seem so unrealistic you know between shark which we um which we're
going to talk about later and raccoon games and you know this this amazing ecosystem that we're
building between dows and lending and nfts you know that doesn't seem so unrealistic anyways
um 50 percent burn burn fee coming in you know 30 30-ish hours and that's going to be very exciting
i'm very much looking forward to this now before burn fee
do you want to does anybody want to comment on this otherwise i can share some alpha on
megaloo v5 before moving on go ahead sir all right so always with the next step in mind
we're already you know planning megaloo v5 as it currently stands the upgrade itself
um will feature some more technical upgrades including cosmos stk 50 which is the latest
the like the latest stuff with all the bells and whistles but you know for for users brand users
probably not even for application developers probably not so not so exciting but nevertheless
staying on top of the latest technical developments this is a good thing so we're going to include
that stk 50 abc upgrades cosm wasm upgrade to cosm wasm material if you're a smart contract
developer that's interesting to you might be interesting for you and another thing that we
recently kicked off in the in the discussion forums on discord and on space hall is including
fee abstraction the fee abstraction module that is something i think we should um we should um
talk talk about a little bit here so what is fee abstraction so fee abstraction is a module
developed by notional or beloved notional validators and teams for osmosis and the idea
between fee abstraction is that you can pay transaction fees in any pretty much any
asset that governance wants to so governance has the ability to whitelist assets that can be paid in
fees and those fees you know for example when you know jg you know he he's he staked all his
whale in the lines you know nothing's left now or he he he put all his whale in the grave digger
so now he has zero whale on chain just some b whale so he's stuck right now he would be stuck
but with fee abstraction governance could decide to say all right we want to be we want b whale to
be a fee asset on chain so what happened what happens then is um jg you know no no more whale
in his in his wallet just b whale so he just pays the fee and b whale the fee then goes to this
new module on the megaloo chain the fee abstraction module and once every epoch and epoch is a you
know time interval could be you know five minutes could be an hour doesn't matter really
but once every epoch all the fees that have been accumulated in all these different assets
will be sent to us moses via ibc swap to whale ibc back and then distribute it you know like any
other you know batch of fees to you know burn fee and community pool and validators and stakers and
so on so what this effectively you know enables everybody is to or first of all governance to
decide you know what assets do we want you know want to give extra utility on chain you know you
could be able to you know this could develop into something where you can pay for fees on megaloo
in every b asset and every amp asset in soul shark aris rack gin guppy and all the furnace
assets and so on so instant utility um it massively you know enhances the user experience
because now you don't need to keep some spare whale you know the the recurring user like you guys
you don't need to you know keep track of some spare whale in your wallet for fees you can just
you know as long as you have some assets on the chain you can still use everything as you as
normal and for new users let's let's say there's a user who um got hooked on got hooked on you know
shark you know he goes to us moses buy some shark sends it over and starts playing because
he can pay the fees in shark now what what really is unique about this is that normally
you know every chain could argue like hey we would just give transaction volume to us moses
that sucks we want that our ourself you know on our own nexus but we are on us moses so the only
way to buy shark is on megaloo white whale or osmosis white whale so at the end of the day it
doesn't matter fee wise volume wise if the user you know buys some whale on us moses sends it over
or just buy some shark sends it over which gets converted back to whale so this could really
massively you know bring utility to a plethora of different tokens enhance user experience
increased trading volume because we would capture most of that because obviously we would
primarily whitelist assets that we have on our various taxes so and lastly it would be a great
step towards aligning with us moses you know like we did with terra we were very close with
terra community with the terra teams and builders because we you know integrate their applications
we push forward we bring you know we basically help them to bring you know like go to market
like they have a new product and our community steps up and says yeah we're gonna run with this
you know alliance yeah we're gonna be the first and we're gonna you know push this to the limit
same with um you know enterprise you know i know backbone labs is is you know very much behind
enterprise so fee abstraction module same thing with osmosis osmosis wants other like they want
to set precedence like hey look so many chains are using fee abstraction this is awesome because
blah blah blah so they want this and you know i think we're starting to slowly warm up the
osmosis community towards us i think it's it's a they need some time but i think we're slowly
getting there you know the mad scientists will do a good job i think the rec games will do a good job
and i think fee abstraction would do another amazing job at this so all in all that's fee
abstraction um we put a signaling proposal up on space hall and discord for um you guys to discuss
and if and by the looks of it it does if it um you know finds consensus positive feedback
we will include it into v5 alongside the technical upgrades so long story i think this would be a
good place to make a small cut here and ask if you know first for comments and questions because
the fee abstraction module it takes a moment to wrap your head around this so please um questions
feedback now's the time i'll comment real quick um so i think to be honest yeah we put it up as
a proposal and stuff and it has many advantages like uh sencom extended really well right now
but for me it is an absolute no-brainer and it shouldn't really be a discussion you know like
i know we as as kryptonators are used to like oh keep some whale in your wallet or keep some osmo
in your wallet so you can pay fees on chain like any new user that comes into the ecosystem and
uses crypto for the first time is gonna be confused and doesn't know what to do get some
error message that he and he doesn't know what to do and that's not going to be the future of france
so uh yeah i think it shouldn't really be a discussion this is an absolute no-brainer
and it should be included into megaloo v5 for sure um that's that's my comment
yeah i mean i'll just echo that like the thing the thing about this is there's there's not really
a downside right there's not really a there's there's no downside there's no drawback to doing
it so um you know and it's it's it's better for ux right it's better for onboarding new users
there's there's a lot of upside potential and a lot of benefits and really there's no downside so
i do think it's a no-brainer as well one of the consequences um this will have is that um
so governance will be able to whitelist assets so governance can make a prop here we want to have
shark we want to have arias we want to have guppy ash and so on to make this work every
every asset that we list must have a pool on osmosis it doesn't have to be a big pool so if
you know community intends to have you know say ash there or you know guppy ash or whatever
you know you know for fees i think a pool of a thousand dollars would be enough because
it's really just about you know swapping in the couple of bucks of fees every once in a while
and then um you know back it goes back into whale back on chain but um it could massively
increase the number of so it essentially would lead to um osmosis getting the piece of every asset
of osmosis of me going which i don't think is necessarily a bad thing osmosis likes this
and um you know i don't think there's a downside to having um more eyes on a large you know array
of assets on osmosis but yeah all right so fee abstraction that is that all right that's all
regarding chain chain stuff i think sebastian shall we start with something fun which is called
restaking and restake down yes let's do um let's do that for but actually first though i i want to
make a few comments before we get into our our specific line items um i do want to comment as i
often do right on on price action and the price action the last few days um you know it's kind of
the elephant in the room you know uh the market got hammered we got especially hammered right we
just got especially hammered and you know as a founder i i feel it you know i feel it it's
you know um in one sense we're we're we're building we're going to keep building and we
we don't control the price right but i i just feel it because i want i want our community to
to prosper and and for things to go well for all of our holders and everything um you know
i think that well i mean here's here's what i can say we'll be transparent right as we as we always
are i am aware of one original seed investor that that dumped he bottom ticked you know five
million whale over a 48 hour period um you know through through a bot on mxc um i reached out to
them we traced his wallet i reached out to him offered him and to buy it out otc um you know
but but they just you know he just dumped and bottom ticked it and and you know i wish them
the best just i just want to say you know just so you guys understand um i guess what happened
and why we were hit so hard you know so um it is what it is it's fair game his tokens were fully
vested as you know our seed investors they just fully vested um a few weeks ago so it was his
right to sell and you know i think it's gonna he's gonna look back and kick himself one day
for it i personally think you know um maybe he'll buy it back in when we're up over 10 cents
you know or 20 cents i don't know but in any case that that happened right that happened so i just
want to sure i want our community to understand you know i want a community to understand and
know what's going on um you know i know i will say this um megaloo foundation we bought the dip
you know we we um we actively bought back whale during during this dip especially at the at the
very bottom um you know as it as it dipped more we aggressively bought more we're prepared to
we're we're we're still buying and we're prepared to keep buying it um for us it's a great
whale's a great value right we're gonna we're gonna buy it at these levels and we're gonna
put it in we're gonna use it for payroll right um so you know megaloo foundation is doing that
we have income we have cash flow from validators right and things you know and assets so um we we
see you know when when when whale goes below three cents you know two and a half like we just we're
scooped megaloo foundation's buying it we're just buying it and i want the community to know and
understand that um that that will continue to do that um you know one because we believe in the
project we see that value you know and and we're going to just we're going to be be that kind of
backstop and do everything we can so um so i wanted i wanted to just um to just share those
couple things about this this recent this recent dip in price action all right that's that's that
senkom re-staked out yeah re-staked out finally all right all right all right so i think the or
let me give a quick context so what is re-staked out so megaloo is pioneering and leading re-staking
in the cosmos together with terra um it's been you know bee luna has been the first asset to be
ever re-staked ever re-staked and since then we have ecosystem tokens lp tokens btc bunch of stuff
and we want to push it to the next level with um in the first iteration a simple dao to control it
and in the second iteration a gauge system where there's you know dynamic and you know instant um
you know allocation of inflation to whatever is is voted on with these gauges so we had a really
healthy and lively discussion over the last couple of weeks in our discord and on space hall about
re-staked out and the idea is that megaloo foundation already you know got granted five percent
of the inflation towards the megaloo ecosystem accelerator and we would like to transform this
into re-staked out so instead of the foundation you know calling the shots on behalf of governance
um the community doing this so we would like to you know create a dao using dao dao and
you know transfer the owner the the rights to change the weights and assets to this
now megaloo foundation or we will still keep some um you know some control just in case you know
things get out of hand which will you know eventually that loss lose completely which is
the admin rights of the contract so that we can you know for example migrate the contract
if there's cosmoism 2 coming or anything else um and i think the major point of discussion
um here was what assets do what asset do we pick what asset will control five percent maybe
you know one day ten percent of megaloo inflation um you know in the final race i think we had
three three assets one is just naked whale one is ash and one is a new token called re-stake
now let me give you a little bit of context of you know the three solutions and bear in mind
there is no perfect solution in this case you know each and every and every you know choice has their
advantages and disadvantages so for example with whale you have a very it's very simple you know
it's very simple and it's very straightforward there's you know there's no no corners no no
curves there's no risk because it's you know the asset that's getting you know inflated that
asset is controlling inflation it's very simple um at the same time you know we expect
very little participation if we use naked whale just you know you heard ponzi ninja's introduction
there's just too much to do with it you know you you know i think you know if we were to go
with whale it would limit participation largely to you know dows potentially dows or protocols
um and you know users would just you know farm it you know bonded on terror bonded on osmosis
re-stake it on our lines do whatever with it so um you know positives and negatives about using
whale then there's ash it's a little bit more complicated um the market cap is very low so it
could lead to some some issues with centralization early on but at the same time the argument from
the ash proponents was that if you want to control inflation you need to support the deflation
which by virtue of you know being the burn derivative of of whale you do by just buying
and holding ash and giving it utility so another very interesting solution and lastly um we we had
the idea of having a new token called re-stake rstk a new token would mean another airdrop you
know it would you know wouldn't it wouldn't affect your ash you could still align stake it
wouldn't affect your whale you could still farm it left and right you would get a new token
that you could either you know keep if you say hey i want to have control over inflation i want
to be part of this or you just sell it on the market to those who want to do and i am quite
confident that controlling inflation is very powerful and i i really expect every dal like
not expectation wise like i'm angry if you don't but i expect it will come just because there's so
much um so much incentive to do it i expect really every dal and every protocol on chain to
you know participate in this because you can literally you know give yourself free money
that's the whole point of it it's incentivization of those who bring value to the ecosystem
and a new token would really free up you know all the capital that you already have and ash and
whale give you a new new token with a new airdrop campaign that we all love um you know we could
strategically look where can we boost the ecosystem with the airdrop attracting new users
and which and this is a very personal note i think is the point why while why i am leaning towards
restake um as a new token rsdk is restake is going to be a very hot narrative it is already
hot in our ecosystem and it's been so for over a year but the rest of the the you know broader
crypto space and you know with eigenlayer so those guys are catching up and they're you're
really hyped about this and in the cosmos it's slowly coming too you know we have terra moving
forward more and more but also outside of our alliance you know you see announcements of test
nets um left and right so restaking is coming and there will be a lot of discussion the
bollmarkt will be full of restake restake restake restake now imagine you're a new user or an existing
user you want to know more about restaking in the cosmos and you magically stumble upon
via the osmosis front end a token called restake
you know so you'll probably dig into it so this is why i believe rsdk restake is
is the way to go but again um healthy discussion going on and i really like to know a couple of
opinions here from the panelists and also the community because this is a you know like with
fee abstraction which i think is a big step forward in v5 i think restake dao is really a big step
forward in our restaking you know ecosystem yeah i'll weigh in um first first thing i want to say
is that you know restake dao is coming it's going to happen and it's going to be good
right it's it's going to be a very powerful um a very powerful vehicle for us you know and um
there's there's no wrong way to do it i don't think i think any any token that we choose to be the
governance token could work the three that were mentioned whale ash and restake all have
positives and negatives um but but we got to keep in mind that this is a win either way
you know we're this is a this is a this is a big deal it's a win it's going to be good um
you know so so i just i just wanted that to be said first i originally was in the camp of it
should be whale um that the governance token should be well that's that was my original camp
for simplicity sake because we've over complicated things in the past we're already building
bleeding edge complex d5 products why mode ourselves and make them more complicated than they
needed to be um that was kind of my my case in a nutshell for whale um i'll say this you know you
guys in the discussion lots of good points were raised um and and that that kind of swayed my
opinion and caused my opinion to evolve um and and i think a good case was made for each of these
assets right um throughout the discussion i've kind of been pulled over to the restake um the
restake camp if you will and i do you know i guess i'll just echo echoes what sencom was saying i
believe that um you know one our airdrop campaigns have been very powerful like i said
and they're they're injections they're injections of new users of activity um you know of of
showcasing our ecosystem right they're they're just very very powerful for us and and we've become
good at them right sencom has gotten very good at the airdrops and frankly they they're a valid
like you know the guppy airdrop you you played it right you got you know two grand for per wallet
that you did it you know like they're they they're value ads you know they're value ads so we've
gotten very good at the airdrops and kind of squeezing out and optimizing the the value that
we get out of out of those campaigns um that's one thing the second thing that that he mentioned
that sencom mentioned was the the just the the value of the branding of restake token it kind of
galvanizes us and it establishes us codifies us as leaders in restaking right with the restake
token and the restake doll um and and i think that can't be underestimated the power of that
marketing and branding i'm a marketer i'm a brander um it's it's very powerful right and it's it's clear
restake token it's very clear um you know so i that's why i i think that that's why i'm leaning
towards restake that's why i'm leaning towards towards the restake token right now so um so yeah
but but this is a community decision you know it's not just me it's not just sencom um we're
we're listening to everybody right and and our views are they're open to change and they have
changed frankly so um but that's where i'm at right now anyone else up here jg ninja you guys got any
got any thoughts on this i'm gonna just be honest this is uh i haven't really been paying attention to
all the restake stuff i've been so focused on all the other stuff that i have to promise to
deliver right so like i don't get to play all these games i'm so serious like i don't get to do all like
the the airdrops to sail to play this for a guppy no i don't get to do all that and it's crazy because
like we're literally handing out free money but i don't have time to do that it sucks for me you
just keep doing what you're doing jg you're on a you're on an important mission so you just keep
right in your lane sir don't even worry about it we'll take care of this one
yeah i think
restake is probably like the restake token is probably the best option i was originally
in sebastian's camp with whale as the asset um but yeah i i can also see sencom's point there like
there's too too high of an opportunity cost there you know like if you can align stake for 55 percent
if you can bond to terror to the terror satellite market for 90 percent why why would you why would
you stake to restake now with with whale you know so um and my original what holded me back was
the thought of an additional asset you know users have to learn about an additional asset
what's the purpose you know um how how do i get that and all all this kind of stuff but um i think
it's an additional mechanism um you can keep it simple as a beginner and as you learn more you
will acquire more assets in the megaloo ecosystem and restake could be definitely one of them so
yeah i i think restake the restake token is is a good idea um yeah that's why i'm right now
yeah um you know and i'll say this unless there's and and i'm you know i'm already getting support
from community members and dms and stuff um you know as long as there's no major pushback
i i think we can go ahead and move we can go ahead and move forward with this to be honest
with you this is something that can can happen very fast right there's really nothing stopping us
once we once we reach consensus um we can get this party started right we can we could get this
party started we could start planning the airdrop and um you know start pushing it start promoting
it and uh and and the fun starts you know so i'm i'm ready for that but but again we you know and
we've given this discussion a lot of time i think it's been two three three weeks now um you know
but i once we once we're there and there's there's not real pushback we can we can go we can just go
on this um patrick you joined up here did you have something you wanted to say about restake
are you you're going to talk about a fear or what word oh i was going to chime in uh good
good afternoon morning night wherever you're at um with restake i know we're maybe just now
possibly moving forward with it as its own token i'm just curious of like ways of like how do we
incentivize how do we maybe not ensure but you know high probability that it ends up in the hands
of like either contracts or protocols that add value to the system i like something that comes
in mind to me is like we got a burn module can you look at the contracts and see how much
contracts are burning whale and use that as some kind of metric or one part of the participation
campaign to ensure that restake ends up in the hands of you know protocols we want to control
inflation that was not with us yes 100 so um assuming we move forward with this um i i don't
think there's any so we need to start thinking about tokenomics and airdrops and and so on
but i think um we don't need to get crazy here with the tokenomics um the token has a utility
which is it controls five percent of megaloo inflation potentially more i don't think there
is a perp or you know any point in withholding many assets you know in some kind of treasury or
p rewards or anything because the token has a very specific purpose so i don't think we need to get
crazy with this it doesn't need any value capture because the token will be given away for free
and its value is you know control over five percent of megaloo inflation that's the value
so it's not a token you buy to get rich on it's a token daos you know community members everybody who
has a strong interest in the ecosystem can acquire either with the airdrop or afterwards on the open
market to control the inflation so i think from from that perspective the token is really easy
to design um you know probably going to airdrop most of it and maybe keep some in the treasury
of restaked dao for whatever and then it's about you know designing the airdrop and
you're you're right the number one the leading question is always who do we want to give the
token so what are you know the properties of the people what are the actions of the people that
we want to give the token to and um that's just something you know i think we did very well with
with guppy with sale and we have to do it again so each airdrop is a little bit different because
um you know there's you know a different quality of you know there's different qualities in users
that you want to give a meme coin to there then there is you know different qualities and users
that should get a treasury token and then again there's different qualities and users who should
get a you know governance token for inflation so we'll just have to figure out you know
the exact details and then have some fun
i think that's a great point um senkam is every project is different so every airdrop is different
right this is a very different um utility than a meme coin airdrop for example um so we
we need to put some thought into um who do we want to target right we we want to target um those the
the loyal the loyal megaloo users but not just that i mean there's lots of loyal megaloo users
um the ones who will have an interest in controlling the inflation the dows and the projects and um
and things like that right and even the whales right even so even even whales can can come in
individuals they can come in and and accumulate bags of of restake and have a say right and if
if their interest is in a specific LP pool right they could vote they could they could lobby to
direct rewards to that LP pool you know um but but i think it is a it's a fair point that we need to
kind of craft and design the airdrop campaign um around you know around the right the right entities
nonetheless very exciting stuff
that's um so far everything from my end
all right um a couple just quick notes and then we could go into ecosystem projects there's some
exciting stuff there with shark um with with backbone labs so i'm excited to get there um
just a couple quick notes um one the amp osmo rewards will start i believe tomorrow's income
collect correct me if i'm wrong um i think so i think they they start rolling out tomorrow
exactly seven days after the prop pass so if in doubt and you want to know the exact second
just go and look in the explorer yeah so but it's it's soon for sure i think i believe it's tomorrow
there's still 173 yield for um for staking your amp osmo onto onto megaloo so um and the rewards are
going to start flowing so that's going to be printing very very soon um and then i'll just
give a quick shout out you know um just for our community be sure if you have assets staked on
other chains um stake them to our validator as i mentioned in the past that's cash flow for us
it allows megaloo foundation to operate um you know we also use it to do whale buybacks you
know and it just it just helps our ecosystem right it all goes back to to helping our ecosystem so
you know we run validators on on tera on osmosis on injective um you know chihuahua or ride chain
um i don't know i can't even keep track it's blah blah blah does all that but we got them
we got them you know in a lot of places so if you uh you know don't forget about us if you're
delegating or redelegating um support our validators because that in turn supports our
supports our entire ecosystem all right jg sir go ahead your hand is raised yeah i just wanted
to say a little touch on that you know we got that osmosis grave digger funded and uh when we
crack 700 000 b osmo in there we can slide um we can slide white whale onto the grave digger set and
then i think every 100 000 that we move up we're going to be able to add new participants to the
set so um let's fill up that b osmo grave digger so we can get more people in the active uh set
you know the grave digger whitelist and so this way we can also have you know let's say in in these
other ecosystems these grave diggers are really powerful and unifiers where we go where we get
to deploy them because i mean we get to make like a whole bunch of new friends essentially and like
what they want to contribute to um these systems right so this is like i don't know this is this
is a big deal for everybody here let's let's get this b osmo going and i'll touch on stuff
when it's my turn
fair enough fair enough if i get to if i shameless shill our validators it's fair enough for you to
shameless shill your grave diggers well you're you're next you're next if we had 100 000 i'm
saying that we're putting white whale in next oh yeah no i know i get it i get it i'm always
it's all good all right all right um ecosystem projects where shall we start shark you want to you
want to you got anything to update this week for us mr shark protocol i'm uh you know hearing lots
of good things you know a lot of a lot of great feedback about shark protocol it's fun if you guys
haven't tried it yet it's a whole lot of fun people are loving playing it chilling in the rooms
um it's a social thing a little bit you know there's this kind of a social element to it
it's just a you know it's it's a good time so um excited to hear excited to hear from from shark
and i believe they have an airdrop live if i'm not mistaken go ahead sir hello good day guys
good day yeah we got an airdrop live we've got a platform live we've got everything going man it's
so so bullish man you you could see the launch as you said in the beginning you could see the
launch on the volume on of transactions on the chain so absolutely beautiful
so yeah shark launched yesterday we encountered some small issues which was fixed fairly fast
so we encountered an issue with the staked shark if you manually staked your shark through the
dashboard and not through the airdrop platform it wouldn't show for the mission for the missions
so that was fixed there was a memory issue with the price prediction oracle
so a lot of rams would be used by the computer the user so that was fixed fixed and we added
some additional information regarding the lp missions for the airdrop regarding the airdrop
you have 90 days to claim it and two of the missions if i don't remember wrong
three of the missions sorry is is visited for 90 days as well so and that vesting period starts of
course when you start the vesting period so 90 days to claim and if you wait for the last day to
claim your airdrop you will be visited for 90 days more so that's a half year so go claim
and get that going right away other than that we saw currently the staking area for shark is
around 70 to 80 percent it fluctuates a bit and the lsd shark has already secured 0.9 percent
in one day also something really weird happened and this come back to the magic i was talking
about when Marlon said they built protocols we add dropped 10 percent but only okay not we
add up 10 percent of the supply but only 35 percent of that supply was immediately available to the
users but even though we add up the token the price did not dump it did the exact opposite
it produced a very nice big fat green candle
let me just check how many percentage it went up
big fat green candles i like that so since the airdrop the token price is up 15.45 percent
approximately i don't think that's normal for a token to do that when the airdrop i'm not sure
it's certainly not normal for whale
so yeah that's it oh also if you got any problems with your airdrop if you can claim it or it
seems like you maybe didn't make the validation process in time with your terror wallet please
jump into the discord and reach out tomorrow Bruce i have a question for you i think yeah
everybody in this room and outside of it is you know amazed by the quality of shark you
know i think it's smooth as fuck both the airdrop the the design the game the chat function um i think
we need a telegram group you know i think that's important just for you know people to dunk on
each other when they you know win and skin the bears or you know milk the bulls so um
that's one um for two and i know um mall and zap are probably you know
you know smoke some pot and you know kick back over the weekend which they rightfully should
um and you know say no to drugs this is not endorsement of drugs it's just me talking shit here
um what is in store for shark in the future so i i kicked off the discussion regarding restaking
because um i think you know every yield bearing ecosystem token maybe even not the yield bearing
but every um ecosystem token should be part of you know our restake ecosystem so i would like to see
um shark in there too um but besides that so first of all what's your opinion on this
and second um what else do you have in store for us how does the future of shark look like
so first of all yes and yes and the discussion you have started regarding
the restake and the alliance thing and all that is uh please join in guys that is not my strong suit
um we are still talking about it in the team how everything should play out regarding that
always open for feedback it's uh like everything raccoon supply does it's it's community orientated
so we like to talk about it so please join in regarding that for the future of shark like alliance
as it you said said when i'm talking to tfl regarding whitelisting shark as uh on the enterprise
protocol interface and then there is like the talks of
yeah i'm gonna wait with that one okay so you're cooking i like that down shark down is good
shark restaking is good shark telegram group please yeah we'll look into that definitely
definitely so the funny thing is neither malzab nor me is big fans of telegram
so i don't know if there's a job application
telegram handler yeah telegram but i don't know maybe maybe well but we'll definitely open one
um until until anybody sees uh official treat from the official account about a telegram group
don't join any shark protocol telegram groups they already had fake accounts on twitter so
be aware good all right thank you for the updates all the time anytime brother
i know i know i got one more i got one more thing shoot just a little funny story so
way way way back six months back when uh when malzab just received the grant for
from the megaloo community pool for building shark protocol and the first talking about
an airdrop started i really tried i really fucking tried to game that airdrop and i asked
more than seb about so much information and they wouldn't give me the only thing they gave me was
yeah we will cap a limit on how many rag nfts you can have in an account right so i was like okay
i'm gonna fucking play this i'm gonna game it i'm gonna get the biggest fucking allocation
so what happened is i i put my racks out on seven accounts which now because of the missions
now i i wasn't told about any of this now because of the missions if i want a hundred percent of my
airdrop i just calculated it i need to do 392 transactions in total on the megaloo chain to
get a hundred percent of my airdrop that's a lot of whale that's gonna be burned thanks for playing
thank you for playing man absolutely that was the last of me man thank you guys for having me and
always so bullish so so bullish i also loaded up on that dip by the way i took a bunch of my salt
profits from shivers and yeah loaded up some sharks some whales some wreck old habits this is this is
the way this is the way sir congratulations yep congratulations great launch um you know
you guys have done a great job so far really excited really excited to see what's next and
how you build it out and um and where it goes so good job all right jg sir you're the next you're
you're up next you better not you better not disappoint sir that's all i'm saying i'll try
not to okay so i mean we have a there's definitely a lot of stuff happening in backbone let's start
with um there's gonna be an announcement today we are updating all of our logos for our b assets
as we move forward we've come up with a gravedigger theme for tokenizing or to to demonstrate our
you know our our b assets that will be coming out in a thread today with the examples we've already
made the pr requests to update the token identities essentially and that will be coming out today so
that's part one part two is um you know like i said earlier we have the osmosis gravedigger got funded
through sale that was a big milestone you know thank you to the sale dalf for
for helping us execute that that was huge right like that wouldn't have been possible
for backbone by itself so that's that's like a big that's like a big win and it shows like what
we can do when we're when we execute together coordinated it's just a different just a different
thing right so that's huge um and uh we are so you know look we we've been super tight lipped
about this upcoming mint and um it's no secret the mad scientist is the next collection that will be
minted uh by backbone on osmosis um so we you know they've told so so our partners are the are
the creators of wreck gang it's not it's not really it's not it's not necessarily a wrecked gang endeavor
but it is connected to them loosely right so they they have they have their own and they'll they'll
reward their community accordingly and we'll reward our community accordingly we are doing
like a financial experiment i don't want to tell say too much i've shared all the details with
sebastian i mean you can chime in if it's a good plan but we don't want to reveal too much
because what we're doing is something that's literally never been done before uh i don't
think with any nft collection we have you know made some amazing partnerships and we're
gonna try something different and and i i really think i really in my heart of hearts i'm telling
you guys this plan i'm super excited to participate in it uh i you know everybody i keep trying to
tell people go to the elysium gate if you have gravedigger nfts and you are staking or
soft staking go register your wallets i'm tell i'm trying to tell you we you know number one is
we are rewarding participation if we're doing something and we're gonna give away stuff and
do stuff then people need to come and show up and claim it at the minimum right that's
so so please please please like we've been killing ourselves on this and and if you know
you know me i'm really about rewarding the people who have been been with us throughout the thick
and thin like that's like probably the most important thing to me right so so we've come
up with this plan we're going to do this mad experiment for the mad scientists and i i'm
serious it's not going to disappoint it's going to create a lot of volume on the on osmosis on
the white whale dex it's going to hit all of our partners everybody's going to feel uh
feel this energy we have a golden opportunity this is like an inception point i really think
that if we play our hand right we will get a lot of attention on on what uh all of our group here
has been doing together right we can really leverage this to get the eyes on on what
on what we've achieved so far right because this is this is going to be put it to the test osmosis
is like the biggest place where we're all you know executing together in this cross chain
uh mission that we've been on right so so i don't want to say too much but it's happening
in the beginning of april i will say that we're going to have announcements much sooner than that
so so don't like it's not like far off it's not like some like weird distant dream uh like you
know there's there's many other people involved besides just backbone and uh the art being created
in this so you know plans have been set uh you know sites have been upgraded skins have been
made like the whole thing is coming together i can't even tell you like it's pretty wild
to be having conversations with sunny from you know from osmosis like pretty regularly
that i never thought that was happening when we were wrecked foot you know skeleton punk
you know team members you know three years ago that's what i'm saying though right so so just
look i don't want to say any more than that right now uh it won't disappoint we are going
to take care of our holders please register your nfts if you're holding grave digger nfts
uh this is a this this is going to unfold a lot more to what has been already laid down
and i don't mean to be cryptic but you know what i don't want to be front run i think that we're
really doing stuff that's different and interesting and people build fast and you know that's the
truth so you know we kind of have to you know temper revealing everything and kind of holding
a little bit close to the chest so i hope that yeah i hope that you know uh some of the
questions but if you do have questions i can i can answer like if you have questions about soul or
questions about how to qualify for that like we can talk about that like i'm always open
or if you have questions about the marketplace marketplace upgrade is going great that like i
said so if we're targeting this early april financial experiment like you know first second
third something like that you know the site is the site is on track that's all that's all i can
say um you know every every day we're adding more components like there's more dashboard
more staking components more information for elevators more you know i'm saying like we're just
adding the pieces they're coming along we have them and now we're integrating them
we you know i i couldn't be happier the other big update is that we're about to uh we're testing
we're about to start testing because on terra juno and chihuahua our b assets our cw20s they
didn't have to fact uh the token factory so we're getting ready to upgrade our marketplace
contract so terra would operate on b luna like uh whale does uh b whale and so you know osmosis
is marketplace will operate on b osmo and so when we do oh yeah and the chihuahua we finally got you
know we got the chihuahua mint being collect uh that whole community is being made now
yes i forgot about that i forgot to bring that up so that's actually happening that's going to be uh
that's going to be sooner than most realized and chihuahua has good rewards that have been
building for a long time like to be honest like chihuahua is going to be juicy super juicy so
that's happening you know and um um what else and the stuff with tank is still on track like there's
just so much like we got quality problems we got more work than we can handle so we got to pick
what bites we can take it at a time you know that's kind of what it is and if uh if any if
any like wonder tech people want to come help on this mission come help on this mission
right that's all i can say if you think we can make it go faster come help us
well jg i think you shared quite a bit to be honest with you i think you shared
more than i was expecting um we did so what did we hear let's just review there
so the wrecked wrecked gang is the partner you dropped that has that been said before have
you showed that before well listen so i don't know how they're branding it it's their creators
are our partner right yeah it's the right brand it's the wreck gang creators right it's
the wreck gang creators that's the partner on the on the osmosis nft collection um listen
the nft collection guys listen is it's gonna be huge i mean this is an iconic thing it's
the first nft collection on osmosis they have a great brand with the mad scientist it's you know
it's clever it's catchy um the arts dope like if it's you know i i tell jg i must tell him at
least once a week like jg you have such an opportunity here teed up you got a watermelon
teed up for you you better just hit a home run on this and and and frankly he has and he's gonna
you know and um you know whale and megaloo is we we are positioned to benefit from this
you know and to benefit from this whole thing like he said you know he they have a very innovative
they have a very cool rollout that's um you know the the way they're gonna do this be sure like he
said i'm just repeating everything jg said be sure to go to alizium gate and register your your nfts
that includes your megaloo whales okay so if you're a megaloo whale holder go and register it
please all right please please please that's that's very important um but the way they're
gonna roll this out anybody sorry uh sorry to interrupt can anybody send me a link for that
i'll ping it uh on top of the spaces uh sure i mean it's just on backbone last
bone just tweeted it backbone just tweeted it it's on backbone lapses website um yeah we can find
we can get that for you um and then the other thing that he said is you know the way they're
doing this roll out this launch it's it's in in a way it's going to be routed through our white
whale osmosis dex okay so you know that's keep that you know keep that in mind position yourself
in court accordingly but we are we are positioned to benefit from this from this explosion that's
coming okay and i mean frankly whale and megaloo we're you know the way jg is designing soul and
the grave diggers we've the more you know the more assets in their grave digger the more whale
benefits right the more the more whale benefits so and that's how it should be right so um it's the
this is uh i i don't think any of us you know we can't overstate how big i think this um this
osmosis nft launch is going to be you know could be a huge catalyst huge catalyst across the board
for backbone for soul token for megaloo for whale all of it so um very excited and like he said
you know it's early you know beginning of april it's two weeks away you know we're talking
we're talking about a couple weeks so can't wait can't wait for that between that and restake dao
um we have some we have some huge catalysts coming coming down the pipe don't forget the
burn fee and the burn fee that's right the ongoing shark airdrop like there's
free money being handed out this very second
absolutely all right thank you jg um who's next we got holly up here holly did you want to
you want to share something on ash dao or you got something for us go ahead yeah yeah i'd love
thank you thank you um yeah we got a number of things uh moving forward um one of the things
that i want to talk about is like we've been talking with wawa and uh jg kind of alluded
things so there's there's some amazing discussions going on there um we got you know some some great
art i think it's okay to share there uh jg i don't know yeah yeah yeah you can share you can
share brother okay excellent man so we've been talking and uh lord jinge has been working on
some wawas some wild like you know just dark wawas and uh they're looking really hyped so
um that's been really cool this is part of a full kind of faceted plan we've been working with i
can't kind of share everything but uh involves stuff like you know the furnace and um we're
talking with bad dog and a couple other things so um it's been really great to be moving forward
on that and uh just been thankful for jg it's been really amazing helping us kind of move that
along as well and um and same with senkon and um just it's been a whole kind of ecosystem uh
kind of movement behind the scenes so that's what when they're saying things are happening
behind the scenes they're not lying there's always stuff going on so um so we're really
excited about that so uh you know the timing on that will be all worked out but there's
at least you know there's there's things happening and it's kind of a multi-faceted approach
trying to help wawa and migalooc you know get even strength the relationship even further so
the other thing with that is uh we are starting a new discord so keep your eyes open for the
furnace discord um db you guys i know you guys know db from the white whale discord he's part
of the ash dao uh and he's been helping us we're basically getting it set up so we're gonna open
that up so more people can come in there that way people can kind of connect with the nft
communities as well in there and and the furnace and just have discussion ash dao everything ash dao
um and yeah and then also with that we're still working on the guppy yuppies at the same time
as well that that would be released on uh stargaze as a way to help bring people
into the ecosystem from uh outside so um there's just been a lot moving forward um
it all kind of has to fall in place that the big thing is like and you've heard this before
but when the furnace starts rolling and we start bringing other ecosystems i've been getting inquiries
from different people like the people want to burn their tokens um and we hope to be like the place to
do that and so different chains different meme coins um but we're hoping to start you know
wah wah is the who we're thinking that we would love to to launch that all with so um keep your
eyes open that's a little bit of alpha we kind of knew some new stuff in there um but everything
else is continuing on behind the scenes so um if you have you know any more questions
come into discord when we open that up come into um the super guppy um telegram as well uh we got
patrick there helping hold things down and different efforts the last thing i want to point out is
we do have um some work that we're trying to you know shark is amazing and and shark has been so
good to us from the get-go and we've been loving shark we think of guppy and shark as like you
know uh friends who understand each other but are kind of separated in terms of uh how they relate
to the side of the locks and super guppy's trying to work with it and uh sharks kind of you know
recognize that there's this it's too corrupt and but yet they let they respect each other they
have a strong respect for each other but they also have like you are so fast i cannot catch you
so it's better to be friends okay i'll slow down i'll slow down man i'm a fast talker it's true
but i get going we we need the speed we need the fastest if you have if you have apex predator
and you find somebody that's faster than you like you utilize it you become friends with it
you respect each other you see the apexness the likeness exactly that's exactly it right and
we recognize the strength and the power and the ability for shark just to cut through all the bs
and get you know what needs to get done and um so we're excited though at the same time as we're
like friends and have that that respect our communities are also very competitive like we
want to you know we're fast and we're all about speed and um the the sharks have that ferocity and
the ferociousness um i i speak fast like the shark and and you can you know bruce has that
meaningness in his voice like you don't want to mess with him right so we we're echoing our
communities um but uh we're we're gonna have a there's a battle going on uh and it's gonna be
represented by our our two greatest boxing uh ufc fighters so shark has uh their um champion who's
a bodyguard of sharko the the lead shark and then we have our um super guppy super fighter
and they're going to come together and if you go to fight fight farms bets uh you can actually buy
nfts and they count as kind of raffle tickets and whoever wins the actual ufc fight uh that nft
will receive prizes and it'll also be a prize overall prize uh that's just a one random winter
gets for buyers of the nft so uh that's that fight farm bets um and it's it's kind of fun
it's a way for us to uh you know get the promotion into omiflix and outside of uh megaloo camp uh and
also kind of have a little fun back and forth there's some a cool video that jinge me on that
and so just check out fight farm spets maybe grab some nfts and whoever wins that ufc fight wins
the the prize so that's been a kind of a cool uh combination where and i we're hoping that you
know that the guppy yuppies that have shark in there as well sharko was the very first
you know outside project that joined the guppy yuppies and then that gave us the vision of adding
more and more and um but uh yeah we're hoping you know wherever we go wherever super guppy goes
we're we're hoping to promote shark and the rest of megaloo as well so uh thanks for the time for
ash down i just want to say i pinned uh a fight farm bet's tweet up in the nest where you can
see the the nfts with the guppy yuppie and the fight and the shark awesome jg yeah hey how do
we get like tomatoes to fight and like how do we get like skeletons to fight and how do we set up
more more okay yes man we'll get you connect with chris asap man he would love that like
and and we were already thinking about like what about an omni flex grave digger there's so much
you could do there right with that that crew and he would be a great connection for you so i will
make sure i connect to you guys asap like right now yeah yeah i'm down let's do that let's make
a grave digger for them too sweet man all right brother i love it you get a great
bringing it all back to megloo
all right what do we got next here um any other community members we can open up the floor
um any questions from the community or anybody else have anything they want to say feel free to come on up
going once um i can you know i can give quick updates about uh a couple things
while we're waiting to see if any if anybody any community members want to come up um i can give
quick updates in regards to sale dal also fear dal um so first with sale um let me say this okay
there is and will continue to be very high demand for osmoliquidity right um you know we're tied into
osmosis decks we're tied into their routers and their front ends osmoliquidity is gold
right in the cosmos and it's going to continue to be and frankly the demand will probably increase
so um you know there's no reason for us to rush into deals um we had the quasar prop come up
right um frankly that wasn't that wasn't no good for whale it just wasn't that we didn't benefit
from that at all they were just they were basically trying to take the liquidity take
take the sale liquidity put it over on osmosis decks wham bam thank you ma'am you know um and
and uh you know so that one that one got put on pause uh you know but they they wanted the
liquidity they wanted that osmoliquidity other projects do as well there are so many projects
right now that um that are good projects that that you know don't have really good liquidity
on osmosis and not want more i mean i could throw them out i could throw names out there kujira
right or i chain you know um there's there's just there's so many of them right so we will land
we will land good big deals for sale dal um there's you know we just don't need to rush we
just don't need to rush so and they will benefit the sale holders the sale stakers it'll benefit
whale you know we want high volume projects you know we want high energy projects we want apex
assets those kinds of things um you know there are deals on the table there are projects that we're
talking to so um you know i i think people tend to people tend to get a little impatient and they
want something to be happening now and and stuff like that but it's you know don't don't worry guys
don't worry there we're sitting on a gold mine with the sale dal treasury we're sitting on
we're sitting on all the cards you know with liquidity to hand out on osmosis we will be able
to pick and choose which apex assets we want to partner with on on um on sale so um so that's
the update there oh fear dal is cooking we're cooking um you know we actually i have we have
a meeting with the founders um in an hour from now um progress is being made on our redeemable
treasury those contracts are almost done it's an innovative thing not seen before in a treasury dal
you know um i just i i love a fear dal i just i just love it next generation investment fund
you know it's for people who don't want to you don't have you know 20 hours a day to be doing to
follow all of the defi stuff to farm every airdrop to optimize all your yield on alliance you know
and to build your portfolio just buy some more fear and let us do it for you um and you can redeem
you know you can redeem your own fear for what's in the treasury um so it's a great vision it's a
great idea we'll definitely be vying for whatever the restake token is we'll be vying for that
um you know to send some of that our way we're um we're talking to shark protocol about an otc deal
you know we're just we're doing all the things we're doing all the things to grow our treasury
and and to just kill it so um we have a great team you know we have we have all the pieces
that that we need to build um you know oh fear just keep an eye out for oh fear because it's
it's sweet otc round still going on at 0.0025 if you want to participate there are several ways
you could do it right on the oh fear dal front end um you can buy a fusion bond there's several
ways to do it message dm oh fear on twitter um but that that otc round is still live jg sir
hey i was just gonna say that you know how i don't have time i've missed out on so many
good airdrop deals that have occurred because i've been busy but being an oh fear has been one of my
best plays because it's allowed me to get all this great exposure it's literally like the tag
lines you'd be like oh fear dal like defy if you're too busy or too lazy like you've got you
right or don't know or don't know how to do it right i mean think about the normies you know
but yeah if you're either if you're too busy with your own stuff too lazy or you just don't
know where to start you know let let the let the the defy natives do the work for you
for sure love it all right we have a community member do you have a question sir p33n
yeah so um on the restake token i've been using the restake app but it doesn't sound
like it's the same thing at all can you clarify if there's a difference or if that's the same thing
yeah so i'm not i'm not sure what you're referring to we don't have a
that's a gift so hey there's a there's a product an application called restake that does an auto
compound without an lsd it just does it for you with a bot that i think he's referring to and
that's that's different so this restake is a token to a dow that they are creating so it's two separate
projects but it's a good it's a good question because that is confused yeah so okay so there's
a mistake app it's kind of like a yield most type of thing um yeah so so restake dial which we're
creating is a totally different thing it's totally different vision it's basically we've allocated
five percent of whale inflation for other assets to be able to restake um onto you know onto
migalus chain inflation and the restake the restake token could potentially control you know and
determine um how that how that inflation is is staked so sounds like we're talking about two
different things yeah all right um anyone else if not we can land this plane great call again today
as always full of alpha full of updates um you know these these calls are the best they're the
best for for updates for staying on top of the project for questions that you might have
right it's really uh it's really full full of stuff go ahead senkam you got something
yes i have some closing remarks um i just want to remind everybody if you go to slash migalus slash dashboard you will find a number called market cap
which is the total value of the whale token which currently sits at 12 million
and you'll find another number which is called the satellite market the white whale protocol tvl
which is sitting at 14 million and if you add the tvl of the layer one chain on top
depending on what you count and what you don't count you're ending up with something between
you know 15 16 17 18 depending on on what you count so 12 million market cap you know 15 16
million tvl so that's my closing remarks yeah um you know i mean we've been saying it for
for months if not years now like you guys know where we stand where i stand on this i am i'm
continuously shocked at at our at our valuation right and um i just you know i know i'm biased i
know we're biased as team members right but we think we punch way above our weight i honestly
you know just my opinion this isn't financial advice i think a fair market valuation um for our
project where it stands in a normal market not in a raging bull market just in a normal stable
market i think we're 150 million to 250 million dollar L1 cosmo so one i think that's reasonable
and then you know in a raging bull then it's just everything out the window it's you know any project
can be worth billions right but but as far as a real valuation that's where i think we should be
um just where we're at right now and growing right um but hey you know the market is the
market in the meantime you know in the meantime we're going to keep printing right and we're going
to keep figuring out ways to print and ways to grow our ecosystem and innovate whether it's with with
restate dao or these innovative nfts right and lst's and restaking or or our dexes um or liquidity
deals you know we're going to just keep we're going to keep growing this pie you know and
i want to thank each and every one of you community members we love you guys you make this
thing work you know you are loyal you are our faithful it is it is a one heck of a thing to
ride this whale it is one heck of a ride right um you know because we're such a nano cap i mean you
have a lot of volatility it takes you know it takes some serious some serious stuff to be able
to ride this thing to be able to ride this whale so i really appreciate you i really appreciate you
guys hanging on you know we're we're gonna make it we're just we're just all gonna make it you
know if you're if you're here you're gonna make it um and we're we're not gonna give up until
we do we're gonna just keep keep building keep grinding keep doing what we do until we all make
it so jg go ahead land us take it take it home sir i've spoken my piece don't know i just
wanted to say like you know we've this last year like we've been stuck at like this kind of three
cent average right but we've been yielding like 60 80 percent in some places so like i'm way up
even though even though we talk about like this crazy ride well if we've been averaging three
cents a token this whole time you know that's when we got our grant that's when i'm you know
when you guys gave bust us our grant it was about a three cent token and you know we've been
generating crazy yields so like we are up like seriously up actually yeah yeah it's funny it's
kind of like adam you know people joke about adam and you know if you're a if you're an
adam holder it's a stable coin and blah blah blah um you know i wouldn't call whale a stable
coin right but it's that same idea if you've been staking adam for a year or two years or three
years you've gotten airdrops and then those airdrops have yielded you airdrops right and
those have yielded you airdrops um so there's there's that part that people don't really see
and it's very you're right it's the same thing with us you know in the meantime while we're
waiting for this for this rocket to take off and when it takes off it's going to happen fast
that's just how it works right and if you you know don't miss the train right don't
miss the train um you know but in the meantime we're printing if you if you're bonded you're
bonded to a dax like terra dax soon osmosis text if you're a lion's state you are printing
and growing your bags and have cash flow and all of that so do that by all means do that um you
know i'm i'm gonna be i'm gonna put myself on a limb here and say yesterday these past two days
um probably a a tremendous buying opportunity you know of a site of the cycle of this
you know like a crazy buying opportunity for whale i think we just saw over the past couple days
not financial advice but thank you guys appreciate you you know um we're we love these calls you know
we're we're happy to keep you in the loop to keep you updated i look forward to them every week
and um and let's go let's just let's lfg let's do it let's ride let's ride this thing let's ride this
thing to the heavens all right everybody have a good week thank you all for joining us we'll talk
we'll talk again next week take care bye-bye if you're in the over hey if you're in the
over founder meeting don't forget to be there thank you