Content is King 👑 - Kabiplaza Weekly #53 ⛲️

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 1:17:49



Welcome back everybody to cabbie Plaza weekly. The panel is coming together
We're gonna get started fingers crossed that the problems we were having yesterday with spaces are solved
I have no idea. We'll find out
We host these every Thursday with the community for the community to all learn to continue learning together and explore different
web 3 topics with our guests
My name is Jack for those of you who do not know me behind the cabbie la PFP
Having fun and creating content, which I love
Cabbie la is an all-in-one platform for creators and brands to tokenize their communities as well as a
H bar wallet NFC tools and a launchpad a big pillar of what we do is
Hence why we host these spaces every week with you all I see Phil and invite you up
IPEX as well. I see you down there. You were up here a second ago, but I've just sent you another invite
Today we're gonna be talking about a topic. That's very close to my heart
It's something I do every day of the week and that is content that the name of this space
I've named the spaces content is King. I think if not all of us is those on the panel
Believe this and embody it. We're gonna understand today
Why I think in this new digital world where it's been a digital world for years like a decade already
But this new web 3 world that we're moving into in a similar way to web dos web dos web 2
Content is king, you know for branding community building sales marketing networking
Education onboarding like it touches all of the points and the list goes on
But there are lots of different approaches and I think that's that's what we're gonna explore today with our guests is
Just pick their brains on you know content creation distribution
They're different formats and and approaches to content for their personal brand or you know
The the projects that they work for so I'm excited to to start unpacking the topic with our guests today
Before I welcome them all I just like to say after we've done the intro round and we get into the topic dive
Anyone in the audience if you feel inspired to come up
To share your thoughts to ask a question
Please feel free to request to speak. We'll bring you up. Everybody is welcome
And if you're on the stage and you want to jump in because you feel inspired to do so
please do that or put your hand up and I will throw you the mic and
Before I welcome my amazing co-host. Let's give the spaces some love
Like retweet or even just a comment is really really helpful
You could put hashtag H bar hashtag web 3 you could put anything you want down there
You could put a funny gif like have fun with it. Leave a comment boost the space. It's all appreciated
Patrick good afternoon. How are you doing friend? It's good to have you again here like we do every week
Every week. Yes. Well, well, I do my intro you you get the legends on the stage
It's great to see some more people filling up the space
Having a great day actually
What can I say? I I've got nothing actually
Maybe why don't you why don't you give us give us a little intro because we've got new faces today in the spaces
So give us a little intro
We are building a game
In really great style
I like to think so because we want to of course create something that looks good place good as well
And yeah, you can own your land and your items there as well
But the focus is always with us on gaming. So, you know what? I'll just post
Our latest
trailer on there and we are now working actually on the animated trailers with
The avatars and creating with the characters. I'm creating four trailers now
Well, I've shown you a little bit by the way of the animation that's taking place behind the scenes
So we're focusing on that now as well because we know that gamers like to see all those those kind of things
And I do see Michael in the space as well. I'm not putting you on the spot Michael
Maybe you are on the PC not able to to speak
But I do know that he can tell a lot on this subject this subject today as well
So great to see him here as well
Good to see sight here as well as every week. So and some more familiar faces
Let's see. Well, not too not too many
People in the space still Jack, but anyway, so I'll post that on top. I know
But he always has something to say about every subject. So he is here because I'll just
Listen to what other people have to say about this subject and then because I have there are
Several ways you can approach this I think so I'll wait and see what other people say about it
And maybe I give my two cents on it as well
Appreciate it. Yeah, I think Patrick the way I see it like from your standpoint because you're very much into design and I think design
Or that visual presence of a post or a piece of content
Whether it's a video or a photo like the design that comes into that I think plays a big role
So I think you will have something to say
That's my sense you you giving me food for talk now already
Awesome, because the thing is I'm not always
It's amazing Joey for instance if you ask him, okay, tell me what's happening?
No, no, no, you put them on the spot and he'll do you an amazing presentation because Joey's team member, of course
But also the biggest fan of what we're building and you need actually sometimes your community can explain it with even more passion and
Enthusiasm then then you because I'm building this thing and every day. I'm working on several things
3d animation, but also writing context
Contents and that that is of course here for this space for the for the website we're upgrading the website now, by the way
So I'm working in so many things that sometimes I'm like, oh man
What is it actually depends on the day when I've been working on what my answer will be?
so sometimes it's it's that is difficult, but the content is king indeed because
you have to go to some more website or you just look at the trailers and that's the contact and
Well that has to do to grab people and blow people away and they don't need to explain anything anymore
And I'm better at writing and it's just on the spot
Explaining stuff. So I think Basile is more prepared for these things. Oh, okay
Yeah, he's already hijacking my time because this is this is his head Patrick. Shut up. Give me some time. Okay
I'd like to welcome the guests
We do have a few guests, but I did break the rules and bring basil up
So I will give him the mic and then we'll go around the panel and welcome all the guests today
How's it going? Buzzin? Yeah. Hey, Jack. Hey Patrick. Well as a lady
It's always a pleasure to be here with your guys and to discuss
Well, whatever the subject that is and this subject and especially the the title of the space is well
Dear to my heart because it's these are sometimes that I often say during spaces and it's actually symptoms from one of our mentor
civic marshal former
Bizzard, you know marketing vice president in these instances content is king and
Public publishing is Queen meaning that you need to create quality content first and after you need to have a good, you know
marketing strategy or marketing partners in order to push it and
To have players actually play your product in the long term in the long run. So have anything to say?
But I don't want to speak too much right now and yeah quick notes
I may have to to leave in 20 minutes cuz I have a cold schedule
Maybe some delay, but so yeah, I might
You see he always has something to say that you can put on a tile
No, it's great. Like I
My takeaway so far you mentioned Patrick community community content
Like that's another great vertical that you can leverage as a project or a brand, right?
But what Basil was saying now, there's the creative like you could have the most amazing content
You know the most amazing product, but if you don't have a good distribution strategy
I think that's a another great great point that we'll explore together
And yeah, and I think we should also like different different different shapes
Are we and well two kinds of content because obviously commit content is about
showcasing the potential of what you're building and so especially like doing like a
Teaser or trailer or what you are actually like building but to me content is not only this content
It's your actual product and for instance when you play a game in the end
You can have the best, you know, a high-quality high-poly, you know a 3d model if in runtime
It's a slow and you don't have the programming is not well structured. Well, your game will be slow
Therefore the content will be bad. So it's not only not only about quality of design
But it's the it have to you know that you have to take into account by programming, you know animation
It's not only having something beautiful
Content is everything and there is a lot of programming lot of something that looks ugly on the screen
But what makes the game feel when you actually like, you know, like playing the game the game field is this
sentiment this you know a feeling of
Everything is happening perfectly very smoothly and that's how you have good quality content not only visual programming as well. I
Can I can already tell we're gonna be picking apart this topic from from many different angles. It's great to see
I'm sending invites to feel down there
Feel free to come up when you're ready
IPEX as well. I've just checked the M's you'll be with us shortly and Michael. I did invite you to join us as well
I know you're busy
But if you want to come up feel free to request to speak been loving what you've been doing with the content regarding
Rant CPU lately really fun stuff. So feel free to come up at any point
But I'd love to welcome Donna to the stage and to cabbie Plaza weekly
I've been following these guys at ascend a web 3 agency Donna is a co-founder. They host spaces
I believe daily Monday to Friday
Educational as well. I really I really love their spaces. I do tune in from time to time
And I think content is right down the street
So I had to invite them and I'm really happy that you're here Donna. Welcome and how are you today?
Hey, thank you for for the invites. It's pleasure to join you guys and it's a very interesting topic content is king
I couldn't agree more
So yeah, we host daily spaces
we try to provide as much value as we can to our community and I do believe that
Content is crucial
whether for individuals or
Projects founders or the project itself
Especially in web 3 like if you're building something you need to to document your journey
You need to show people what you're doing what you've learned. What are your mistakes?
What's what's your story?
it helps you actually and it helps other people too and
Projects, I I do believe for actually projects and specifically I do believe that's
quality high quality content breath breathes life into into your
Into your projects because it it showcases that your vision and your values
And it offers a glimpse even to non holders so they can see what's your project about
and you can create this
Yeah, you can attract more people into into what you're building through content
So yeah eager to hear from from all the speakers in here
Love it. Yeah document over create is one of my mottos. I mean, it's not mine
it's Gary V's but it's something I heard years ago and
You know watching him, you know his journey and adopting that it just makes the flow of content that more natural as well
Sharing what's going on in real time
It's real authentic and I feel that the the people especially on a social platform
They connect with that and they want to they want to be part of that
They want to know what's going on and if you can get them involved in some shape or form
With that content as well, right? It makes them feel like they're part of that journey
So I I really look forward to delving into that more Donna. That's a great point
Phil welcome back to Cavi Plaza. How you doing brother? Good to have you
Hey, what's up? What's up? Super happy to be here man. Thanks for the invitation. Yeah
Would you join to give us because we do have some new faces in here
Would you like to give us a little nutshell who's Phil? Who's that cool guy with a cap?
Part of the a breath punks on part also
Drag my labs and also part of the syntax and I also operate my own brand which is mints and drops
Doing podcast shows on storytelling and especially everything that's happening inside the ecosystem. So oh, yeah
I mean, you know content is king. That's that's when the hell of a narrative, right?
Yeah, and you made a tweet was it yesterday similar something similar to what
Basil was this saying you said content is king and was it narrative is Queen. That's that's the way you put it
We could we could probably host like 10 spaces on the matter. It's it's a lot of magic
Contents, you know when you dive into there, you know to really be successful at it
I think you have to have lots of layers
Lots of key points that you have to have for you to not necessarily go viral
But to have something that it's quote-unquote successful in that you can measure in terms of success
Narrative is it came to me like maybe last year or so because of course it's gonna be like timing the quality of product like battle
Was saying it's so important, you know, because you can push anything but if you do not have quality
You know, it's not gonna hit
But I think that the key most important thing and especially right now with the X we've definitely entered the X era
Right now is in terms of socials. That's part of you know core key
Branding options that we have right now. It's really about being authentic
Because we're really going out
The way of all with Facebook was Instagram was tick-tock is well, you know
It is what it is in my opinion design same thing for YouTube
We're truly entering the phase of what's authentic what's being organic and how are you doing you and how are you pushing yourself?
And what three is just an amazing gate before you to be doing that right now
So content is absolutely king in terms of what you push need to be quality
It needs to be pushed in a way where people know that you invested time in there that you see layers, but also narrative is
Absolutely pristine in any way and that goes hand-in-hand in my opinion with lots of layers, but especially timing. Yes
Love it. Love it. I just wanted to say Michael. I did see you request. I accepted you then you pop down again
I invited you so I'm not sure what's going on there if it's this glitching
But yeah, just feel free to request and I'll bring you up
Ipex I see you're on stage. You made it up. Good to have you brother. How are you today?
another space is King host
It's a good brother. What's good. It's great to be here and the content is King episode 53
Apologies, I have to step down a little bit earlier
I if you caught my DM, you know why I won't take up time in the space talking about it
But yeah, brother, I'm excited to to learn more about the topic. I just caught the tail end of what Phil was talking about
So great points great
speakers all around appreciate the time
Give I give us a little one-minute intro of who is Ipex for the new faces in the room
Yeah, brother
So for those of you guys that haven't met me yet, sir
Maybe you're about to basically just the new year. I'll just kind of do a little refresher here
2024 we host spaces Monday to Friday 5 p.m. EST, right?
I'm an artist in the ecosystem of founder as well with my own art my own projects all that good stuff
We're building games and just really showcasing
What the tech is capable of we're currently in the if you want to call it the rebrand face
So a lot of the alpha and announcements are yet to be revealed q1 q2 of what we're building
So keep an eye out for that if you're excited to see just a new form of what gaming can bring to the ecosystem
We're gonna be building out
Sniper Academy as well. So this is some like exclusive exclusive alpha that my holders have but I've been kind of going public with it
As of recent so might as well start sharing some of it more publicly
Via q1 q2 and just really 2024 is gonna be a really exciting year for my holders
And if you want to be one of my holders, essentially, it's gonna be some fun times through this time
And of course lot off was gonna be shared mainly in my spaces and whenever you guys ask me questions
I'm always happy to to just help right? I've been here for two years in the Hedera NFT space and I've just been actively
Moving shaking and grinding to help as many people as I can and it's just just giving back
I do my best to give back however
I can with my time and H bars as well
We do a bunch of H bar giveaways in our spaces as well every 25 episodes
So we're having a ton of fun doing it and it's just been an absolute blast
In a couple weeks. I think about two weeks from now. We'll do episode 100. So
25,000 H bar giveaway during that event and I'm just super stoked
I think the community's having a blast alongside me and I couldn't ask for more with the H bar community. You guys are legends
Let's go. Love it. Michael you made it on stage. I wasn't sure if Michael was gonna turn up or run CPU
How are you doing?
Yeah, yeah
That's actually kind of
one of the really big interesting things about this project to be honest is
Kind of creating this digital influencer character in this new era age
That's also, you know
Connected to the universe like Mario Sonic or whatever, but it's sort of intertwined with everything and becomes a kind of a life form
So we're working on that. We have we have a really incredible voice
Comedian like we just keep getting more and more that'll kind of help play the character
And some of that you'll hear soon, but we're just not ready to announce all those pieces
But yeah, it's part of the experimentation
Love it. What you're doing something right cuz that's weird. I'm hearing myself
Not sure what's going on that. I think yeah, I think it's
Michael if you knew a sec, let me check
Yes, yeah, it's a feedback loop. Yeah, that's very weird
Perfect yeah, that'd be great. Otherwise, I think I'm gonna go crazy. That was
Imagine this was a pretty unexpected thing that came from did anybody see this coming?
Watch that me hearing myself. I think it's a brand CPU. I'm curious like how people are reacting to it because obviously it's such a strange
Left turn right? So I'm just curious if what the thoughts are from that regard
I think Patrick has something to say
Yeah, I've seen it and I know Milan actually has a package already sent to his house
He was very very happy about it. I love the concept. I love how you are doing these things
So so we do these these games on the side of the big build as well
You're also building a multi-year project, of course, so I think it's great that you're doing these these things
So I hope that it's gonna be one of these
Fast growing projects, although it's not the main projects. I hope it's gonna be a very popular one
So yeah, we're gonna 100% encourage it as well. Ah, Joey has something to say about it. Maybe to Jack
Go for it Joey. Welcome. Hey, yeah, I received my rant
Card pack which is very cool. Really awesome. The in real life cards
Posted about those I think I'm in I'm in the discord Michael. I think there's just a lot of anticipation on what's to come. So it's
Everybody's just curious on hey, what's next when we when we open our
NFC card pack
What's gonna happen and what are the one-on-one one-on-ones about and what happens if we collect a complete set? So it's exciting
Yeah, thanks Joe. Well, so that so the community has been really coming along for the ride, which is super exciting part of the thing is
The reason some of this project came out was there's there, you know
We obviously have big aspirational goals for all the projects trace for
And we have more things in the works
But the thing is that the size of those projects because of the nature of them. They just don't allow you to
experiment nimbly enough
Without the kind of ways that we have already been doing it, which I don't think is fast enough for the community to kind of
Feel engaged. That's just you know, again, it's just the size of the project. So
Intentionally had, you know something else that we were looking at in the works that could be more manageable in a shorter timeline
That helped us
Basically do for the community what we knew we needed to do which is grow it and get you know, you know
You know one engagement really good in you know things for the hedera community, but also our hope is to grow
and get you know people from outside into the community growing the community as well and that and that trace war as
The as a solo effort for us the timeline is just too long to be able to get you know
reactions and
The kind of things that we need to get to people to be able to tangibly have them feel like there is progress
so I think the good thing about this project is that progress and
Tangible things are gonna come just in a swarm
they're just gonna keep coming and the reason for that is just the scope and scale of
The what we're doing is far more manageable for us to be able to get to a release of things more quick
Quickly and also see how people are reacting to them
Because in a live service environment part of the thing is we've got to get things to the community and to fans
They either say yes or no
And then we can adjust from there and lean into what's working and trace war
It's moving a much bigger ship and those reactions are just we wouldn't last long enough to be able to do those experiments
And that was part of also the comic putting it on Kickstarter, right? So we put it on Kickstarter intentionally
I know the community didn't really think that was a good idea didn't feel very web 3
But it was intentional for us to put signals out
To the old PlayStation community or the old traditional gaming community to see how they reacted that were they looking at it
Are they responding because it's not about getting just support from the Hedera community. It's about getting the wider gaming community
Noticing your IP and supporting it. And so while it was a success
It didn't show the signals that we needed to be able to say, okay, we can double down all efforts on this
And that's that's just a reality of the market. We're in right now
So so it kind of validated we needed to kind of you know, adjust a little bit keep it in production
You know keep it our original timeline, but extend it a little bit longer
Well, probably a lot longer and then move toward stuff that we can connect get more engagement and and feedback from the community faster
So I don't know if that makes sense or not
Make it makes total sense and it's reminding me a bit of I think you can relate Patrick, right?
Because you're both building a multi-year
kind of project and you've been working on these kind of mini games side games
and other things to
To generate that community engagement during that process. No, can you is it would you say it's a similar similar kind of thing Patrick?
Reminds me of yeah. Yeah, I think it is. I'm gonna keep it short Joey because I do see your hands
But yeah, it's it's the same. It's almost the same thing. Yeah, it's
Nothing more to say I think it is. It's all about community engagement while you're building these longer play, of course
So yeah in a way it is
Awesome Joey Mike is yours. Yeah. Yeah, I was gonna answer that
Actually as Michael was talking it's just same thing we're going through and it's it's the long-term thing and with the
Mobile game didn't start as a mobile game. It was kind of on the same idea as rant
like what can we do to keep the community engaged and maybe bring in some people from
Outside the small Hedera community and what turned into let's make a fun PC game
Turns into well, you know, this is gonna look great on mobile
Well, let's see if we can actually bring in some of our utility NFTs that people already hold
And one thing led to another and we started talking about wallet connect to bring in other people
So it evolved into this whole thing and I think rant is is gonna do the same thing
Once the packs get distributed and people start opening those and seeing what they can do with their
NFTs from these packs as far as
Collecting the whole set and in real life things. So yeah, very very similar
What do we do next type situation hit us? Like how do we keep people engaged for years?
Without just continuously saying hold on hold on hold on
There's absolutely there's also there's an experiment that I'm really curious about that's part of this
too, which is trying to determine what the intrinsic value of digital collectibles versus physical collectibles is on
You know to one the fans of the digital side and also the ones that haven't been converted
So the one of the experiments with these cards is actually kind of handing over
the supply
To the customer
So giving the customer the ability to determine the supply and making a choice between I want to hold on to the digital
Collectible or I want to destroy the digital collectible reducing the supply for a physical collectible
I think that conceptually is a really interesting idea and there's a there's a
You know a common thing arcades shifted in
America to be less about the game
You know, there's a group. There's a place called Dave and Buster. It's really interesting
There's there's they're kind of one of them like remnants of what arcades look like
But no game is just playable on its own
Like you people don't just go play the game for the game
They go and they play for tickets and then they take the tickets and then they redeem the tickets for other things
And you know when I grew up there were no tickets
The quarter was to the experience was that was it just the reward you get to play the game was reward enough
But now if there isn't an additional reward then the arcades don't survive
So we're looking at the same idea, but then with the digital collectible
so mixing those two ideas and then trying to say well let the consumer make a choice between which
Item is more valuable and then destroy the digital collectibles to redeem the physical collectibles will probably
You know inevitably rise the value of the digital collectibles, but you're giving the customer the choice
So that that these are these are testing business ideas that are still connected to the entertainment ideas
It's just trying to create a loop of what does the customer want in this space?
What are they most interested in you know if you give them the choice?
What choice will they take so those are the those are some of the things like Joe and you said like you're waiting for
The pack opening the pack opening is only sort of step two of the interesting part of where we're going, right?
It's it's yes, like it should be a chase to put these sets together, and they're cool on their own
We love the art. We love the the them as cards
But if that's if you're more interested in
The you know what is coming after that then you have a choice to either keep the cards
Destroy the cards get the physical things or do a combination of both so that's the bigger meta experiment
That's really going to be interesting from a behavior study
It reminds me what Phil was saying earlier about the different layers like cuz even the physicals that's coming from the digital
Content and then they feed into each other so it's just fascinating. I think you're definitely on to something
And when I read your tweet this morning that you're exploring tick-tock, and it made me question again
You know we're here on spaces here on Twitter or X and we spend most of our time
I think most of our content goes web 3 content or when web 3 brands are creating content or building community or
Attracting awareness on X so when I saw a tick-tock. It's probably an underused or I
Assume it's underused for a lot of people when it comes to web 3 content, and I also see Donna here
who's got a pudgy and
They've used Instagram, and and I think Jiffy as well
So there's other platforms outside of X, but I think sometimes I speak for myself as well
Tunnel vision X because you know most of the web 3 community lives here
So I'd love to ask you Donna as you've got the part as you're wearing the pudgy
What's your thoughts on other platforms because I know you spend a lot of time on X as well yourself and I send
What's your thought on creating content web 3 content on other platforms, and is it different to creating on X?
That's a great question actually I spent most of my time on X
And I was an ex maxi well Twitter maxi
For a for a long time, but when my co-founder who had an account or 50k
Get his accounts you spend it out of the blue for no particular reason
Started believing that we need to start distributing our content and
Just if you're creating one piece of content why not?
Why not share it on different platforms of course different platforms have different perks
like features, it's not like
Sharing posts on X is not the same as Instagram. Instagram is more about pictures reels
Sort of the background noise
But if the essence is there the idea is there
Sharing is on different platforms wouldn't hurt. So yeah, and this is actually
the pudgy penguin strategy
How did they get the eyes of?
The mainstream is by the gifts by the the cute images you
Normie send you people who don't know about NFC's and never heard about NFC's send you a little cute pudgy
You know, so I think this is important, but I
Didn't I didn't work on it particular?
Like actively, but I'm planning to
Nice yeah, I think there's definitely
Definitely room to explore outside of X and it'll maybe it will become easier as well like as
The you know feels like crypto lives on Twitter. Maybe that's changing maybe or maybe we just need to change the the content
Right because it's contextual to the platform and where people are out on that platform
Michael I saw you unmuted before I'll get to unisex Patrick. What's your experience been on tiktok so far with the run CPU?
It was a very odd experiment and it's its content made specifically for tiktok. It's been we had a theory
Well, at least I did and how we would kind of build these connected pieces
One of the things that we're doing is that every platform has content specific to that platform
So it was designed intentionally that way so that the tiktok content really doesn't even look like grant CPU or anything like the
NFT card so you come to X to your point
That's where the web 3 crowd is but if you go to tiktok you're like, well, there's no evidence of this here
It doesn't even look like the same thing and that's by design
Because if we were to put this content on tiktok, it would almost guarantee fail because that's not who's
Looking for you know, they're not looking for that content. So we're making content that's
Connected to the world of rant CPU that is specifically for that audience. That's part of our game
And the test was okay, if they like this content
Then there's a high probability. They're actually going to like the content that we're making in the game
and then once they find out that this content is actually part of something where there's also a metanarrative and a
mascot and you know
Hopefully that will make it even more deep connection and grow that community even further
And so we have a community we're building on x a separate community
We're building on tiktok and they have no idea
That really you guys know more about them than they know about us. So at some point
We'll start plugging those pipes in and start revealing it, but we'll do that really intentionally and really slowly
So there's not like a shock to the system. So we're going to do that on all platforms connect them all they're all
Um specific and they're all part of the exact same plan, but it won't make sense until you plug it all together
I love that. Um patrick you've been exploring instagram, but just before I threw the mic
Um, I think it's exactly what you said
It's like each platform is a world and it's like contextual content to that platform and then somehow kind of bridging that all together
Um, yeah, super interesting patrick. How's it been on instagram for you because i've been seeing that you've been putting the trailers out over there, right?
Yeah, but it's more something that uh, shushan from marketing does uh, i'm not too much involved
Involved with that
But what what I want to do in a few months because we we're creating more traders now
as I said with more character animations and stuff because that's what gamers want to see of course because we've been showing a lot of
Sceneries, but now we're doing these game traders and that's where I want to explore more
Um of these other social media platforms. Unfortunately, it's easy if you google it you see the top five
platforms that games like it's
So it's discord, of course
Facebook unfortunately, and I don't like facebook, but I should with my age. But anyway, uh tick tock instagram and and youtube
Um, I don't know the the specific order they did name youtube first
makes sense, I guess if you want to look at the game, but I didn't explore it much further, but I wanted to try out
on tick tock and especially on youtube without mentioning anything about
crypto because it does look like you're still being
Discriminated a bit if you if you say that you're a web3 game
So that that's what i'm trying to explore in about two maybe three months. Um trying to maybe even reset
Um, uh the youtube, um i'm speaking out of my channel because I didn't say
Uh ask a team for that but I've I've did i've done some experience experiments, for instance, and so maybe this is
Something that michael wants here as well. So I tried to get some views on
YouTube on another topic. It's my secret ingredient
So i'm not going to tell you that which one it was but h by jokin fudge for me because I showed him
So I managed to get um over 100 000 views on
A certain topic and it was very easy to do
Um within a month, so it is possible
But it's very difficult if you are promoting a crypto game because a blockchain game I prefer to say that
but if you throw out a
Specific game trailer without mentioning it. I want to see what
Um what that brings them so because you see
Some of these game traders that get a lot of hits and the market is big of course as well
As we all know our half of the population is gaming. So
If you don't have this discrimination factor from you from youtube, then I think you we might see some good results there as well
Can't say anything about it yet. But whoa. Whoa. Wait, wait, wait
We've been we've done 40 spaces together and you're not going to share the secret sauce with me. Just pretend it's just you and me
No, if you share it we all grow together, how about that yeah, yeah you and me you and me
Um people especially gamers they don't like the word blockchain
So so that's why we're changing now as well on our website
We're trying to to put that a bit more to the background not saying we're using it less. Of course
We're using it to the same extent
But um, yeah, I don't think um, if we want to attract gamers we need to to have too many of these terms. So
Anyway, it's so
It's so important like the one thing is the content
But then who's receiving it like if you don't consider who's receiving it that that content could just
Just like you say get zero views or be discriminate not discriminated
But like just be penalized or whatever, but I know uh, buzzy you need to go soon
I guess so i'm gonna throw you the mic quick. I see you there. I have to run quickly but just before that
Yeah, I I definitely agree with you guys about you know
Having your marketing strategy for the right, you know audience and this is also kind of the thing that we are like, uh
For religion of the past since well, so we have you know
Our like a twitter account that that at the same time is like push content with like, you know
like collaboration and projects and
All about all of those, you know, like elements regarding the web3 hedera and global, you know, like web3 market
However, uh, we are now also like pushing I think more uh gameplay oriented, you know
Like twitter because we are on the verge of uh showcasing a lot of cool stuff about the development of the past
So you also you'll soon see some cool stuff about the development of the game and how it looks like
But we want to push it at the right at the on the right location
Therefore we are implementing a new twitter account fully focused on the game
So that you know, like people are not lost because that's the thing that we've been sitting when you were like going into a
blockchain based in your game
You see a lot of content in all the in all
Fields can be like about your game about your strategy some collaboration
And because we want to have a clean, you know, like a twitter account in which you can see beautiful
Videos and images of the game that showcase what you are building. That's it
And that's what your gamers are looking for. They just don't want to see all of them the web3 noise
Surrounding your project. So that's why we have we'll implement something that is targeted for gamers and something that is for the web3
For web this space as well
Okay, guys, I have to run. I wish you a great day regarding and enjoy this conversation
Have a good one guys. Take care. Love you guys
Thanks, bazil
Donna I see your hand the mic is yours
Thank you, is that uh, uh, I love the point you raised guys about knowing your audience
I think it's fundamental for creating content that's not only impactful, but also
Establish a meaningful connection with the with the people you you aim to reach
It forms this uh, the foundation for successful, uh and uh, sustainable content strategy
Uh, just like earth
It's like
Earth length. Oh my god, I was sorry
Like you mentioned like if you're uh, you're targeting a normie you don't have to to use the word blockchain and other
Jargons because uh
All they care about is how to make their life easier
So better focus on the benefits not the features, but if you are targeting decisions now
You you need to understand the culture you need to uh to use the words they use
uh, so yeah, and it's also uh
Knowing your audience it allows you to gather feedback on your on your account and so
And this feedback is actually super valuable for making data-driven decisions and iterating on your content strategy
continuous improvement, I'd say
Yeah, I couldn't agree more and as I was listening to that last bit
There's a part of the process of creating content, which is this trying trying stuff
And getting that feedback right and then seeing what works what doesn't
Uh refining it
And and then having another phase maybe then you kind of double down on what works
but then you have another phase of like experimental stuff, right because everything's evolving and changing and
Yeah, I think it's it's so important to give yourself
You know whether it's a personal brand or or a project right give yourself that room to experiment. Um
I want to get I have I want to get to fill but I I have I see that hand patrick earthlings
Yeah, I said it yesterday in the space with um with brandon. Um, I wanted to say the hba bull, but he was uh as the
hba foundation, of course
So the thing is so if you so michael and I we need to have real gamers, of course
Because that's that's the whole dilemma in the web 3 space
There are a lot of these projects especially when they uh are focusing even more on on metaverse and not real gameplay
Like decentral and decided to sell it before decentral and says they are a game as well
But they only have 700 daily users
so they they don't they they
go more for the
Web 3 audience within the web 3 audience
You you're targeting a way smaller audience than when you try to target rest outside. I saw another game
A crypto game and the what they had on their website the name was already crypto something i'm not going to name the project
um, very nice people by the way, and they were
100 seriously building but there were five things. Uh, so
Big nft words on the website the name had crypto in it. It had play to earn shouting from the screen
You could only play it with um first connecting your wallet and there was a thrift element
But I forgot about that and I really liked initially what they were building
So when they had a tweet going out. Hey the game's life. I went there was not on hedera by the way
So that leaves a lot of options open
Um, and I went to to to download I downloaded that game was easy to do started it up
First thing that they threw in my face was connect your wallet
For me, that's like so you're only targeting the small web 3 audience. So
Then why you know, so
If you are targeting if you're building a game, why are you excluding because we with
Shouting it in their face. Shoving that in their face connect your wallets
You're excluding gamers because I don't know of any gamer
Who wants to play and first but first create a wallet. So yeah, so
Regarding to that
But but players won't run away
if they don't see web 3, I
NFTs or whatever but
Um, no, I said it wrong way. Sorry jack. I didn't write this down. So
crypto lovers
Blockchain enthusiasts will not run away when you have a great game and it looks good and they know that
You also integrate blockchain technology. They love it
They don't mind if you don't
Name all the details about nfts and ownership because they know it they know it through the community
YouTuber that there is a web 3
Enthusiastic that showed it to him. But the other way is true as well
Gamers will run away as soon as they see these warnings. So why not, you know
Market it in a in a way that serves both
People. Oh, man. I'm not I don't write this down
It sounds like content awareness
Being aware of the content and the words that you're using and or the visuals
And who's receiving it on the other end like it's like self-awareness, isn't it when you're in a room with people like how to present yourself
Yeah, we can make a poster of that content awareness
Yeah, I like that. That's that's something a lot. Yeah
For it's coming up to the hour like we can probably go beyond the hour if the conversation flows a little bit longer
But let's say for the for the let's say we do wrap it up on the hour for the last 10 minutes
I'd love us to go around and based on your personal experience and strategy that you use maybe for your personal brand or
the project that you work for
a couple of practical tips or your go-tos or your weekly schedule or
You know, whatever keeps you motivated to keep creating content like consider
Maybe there's someone tuning into the spaces right now who's just getting started with content or even with their project
And they're not producing a lot of content and they're kind of a bit lost where to start
Um, so a couple of tips each
That would be I think that would be a really great way to wrap it up. I want to start with phil
Because I love the diversity of content, you know, obviously you do your interviews you do your morning walks like I do
I really enjoy listening to yours
Um, but you you've got written tweets your cross chain your own spaces like you're doing all kinds of content, brother
So do you have a strategy or is it is it free flow like tell me?
Yeah, so there's so many layers. It's to me. It's fascinating because you got um
You got to be consistent. So, of course, I got a plan. It's different. It's written. I got a notion
Uh, like I said in the spaces where we're talking you need a plan a thousand percent. You cannot go ham
Just go ham and just go like by the inspiration. You need a plan focused on like
Two or three for me. It's like two or three posts like say if you only tackle x
In terms of content new or two or three posts that you know will be consistent because people will know
That between this time frame and that time frame
Brand awareness will be right there and you know
The phil brand is going to be there the tim brand is going to be there the earthling brand is going to be their presence
Because once you're being consistent after that it gives you leverage for you to freestyle
Because after that part of the strategy that you need to be doing is challenging your base
If you're not challenging your base with content, you will never grow and that goes to show that
through consistency
Through inspiration that you find, you know, that's on x that's with life
You know slow and falling gives you an inspiration now
You can try something else because you got that consistency with posts people know and now how can you grab attention?
How can you grab more followers? How can you grab more people around the brand toward the content that you have?
Through something that they already know is to challenge it
So me what I do usually is I go down in the morning
I go in the lunch and I go around time, you know when I go to bed or whatever
And through the spaces through those posts in between I go with something inspirational something that grabs my attention something
That's really genuine something that's you know, makes me vibrant because that's what it is
It's really if you push out content that makes you
Vibrate that genuinely makes you feel something that hits you straight in the fields
There's a high chance that you know, you're not the only one and i've said that many times that
For any content that is truly personal especially those that we're doing especially on your brand thing is that
If truly something that is close to your chest on your daily
Something that you do without even thinking it it is a thousand percent someone else's treasure
And that is so much undervalued. So in terms of strategy, I would say that that's the best do something
That's consistently that you push every single day that you can push without even thinking it and give yourself like at least 30 percent of you
to try out
Anything something that's inspirational and at least 10 percent of what you're doing
Has to be about challenging your base
This is a growth hat that needs to be said and done because if you always tackle the same what's it?
What's it called in english? Do you think that you can hammer with a nail?
If you always tackle the same nail
Nothing will grow because you're always hitting the same nail, which is cool. You can that's the long
Play game that you can have but if you challenge your game
Your audience your brand your content with 10 percent of going out there with new narrative
That's that's that's a growth act and that's not only me saying it for sure
I know it's one account that you follow and uh, I encourage of course everyone on stage to follow each other
Um, but also to follow a guy that I really appreciate in terms of content
Uh, he's my favorite aunt out there and it's alex fin. I know you also follow him uh tim
He's called nft. God that guy he's legit. You know, he's you know, he's working hard with him in proper spaces and
Yeah, I think he's leading the way. So yeah
Love it. Yeah, it's funny. I was as you were speaking
I was thinking you know
Everyone has something to share like you say when you feel something and it's authentic and you share it
There's bound to be someone on the other side to receive it even if it's one person to begin with right?
But then you grow on that
And I read a post from alex the other day nft god talking about how you know imposter syndrome and we all have it
Like the idea that the idea or the inspiration or the thought or the experience that we've had is not good enough to share it
and it's like
It's so it's so the opposite, right?
If you feel it and share it there's bound to be someone to receive it
And then you just build from there
We all have a story a unique story and so much to offer
Um, and I think that's the beginning of content and I loved what you said about consistency
But then challenge that consistency because that's how you grow, right? So that was that was super cool
That was uh, that was packed fill with uh with some gems there
Appreciate it
Donna what about yourself? Uh, whether it's personally or for ascend?
Uh, do you have a uh a consistent strategy that you you know, you deploy every week?
Do you experiment you do both like what's what's your approach and what would be a couple of tips?
That you would give someone who's just starting out
in the realm of content
That's uh
That's a good question actually
Uh for someone who's starting out I would say try as much as you can until you find your own voice
I try to create my content during uh during the weekend
So I don't have to
To worry about it during the week, but still sometimes during the week like something happens someone
We're in space and we were talking about an interesting topic and someone dropped a hot take and made me think about a certain topic
Uh, it pushes me to create a piece of content instantly
so sometimes uh
Yeah, you need to be you need to be prepared like you need to prepare your your uh, your uh, your pieces of content apart
But be fluid to uh
When you have something on my at the moment write it just tweet it post it
If if it's not good enough, no one would would know if it's good people would know. Uh, and you you will get the
Recognition you deserve but just don't be uh afraid
Don't overthink it
And yeah, imposter imposter syndrome is real
Every content creator or space host or actually whatever you're doing in life. You might have this uh
This feeling that you're not good enough that you might want to stop
But it's important to understand that it's common experience for many people and acknowledge it when it happens just
Don't don't ignore it
Try to focus on your accomplishments and the skills you you've gathered along the way
And also set realistic expectations. So when you when you post something
Don't expect too much. Don't expect too much likes too much comments
Because this is something beyond your your control what you can control is the quality of your content
The efforts you put in but the results these are beyond your control if you keep doing the right thing for a long time
You would get you would get there. So yeah, that's what I would say
Amazing thanks, Donna. Yeah packed with gems as well
Uh, I really appreciate the the input there
I'm gonna throw it to
Michael because
Besides rant cpu
I've also seen you know personally you've been quite active recently as well
Is there a strategy to that?
Is it just like donna was saying thoughts that come to mind and you share it
Or how are you approaching your personal account because something that i've talked about here as well
Is the founder's funnel and how you know you being active on your personal account feeds into rant cpu and feeds into
to lethals
Uh, so how are you approaching your personal account for example, and if you have any tips as well for like people to starting out that'd be great
Oh, I think I lost michael I see you disconnect and then if it's ragging or you disrupt off
But patrick
What about you?
What uh, what uh, what tips what tips would you offer a content creator maybe from a design perspective, right?
Because I know how important it is to you, but I know how important it is for content as well
So what would you say about that i'm gonna?
Agree with what donna said donna. Thank you for joining the space. We need more women in the space and for some reason jack always finds
Some ladies to join his space. That's that's great and oh michael is back by the way
But i'll finish my my banter as well. I also see becca in the in the space
So that's good. So we have some more women in the space. Anyway, so
That's enough going. Sorry. Um
I got my my app crashed and I had to reboot it
I'm here if you still want to hear from my perspective. I can tell you a little bit. Do you want me to
To cover the last question
Yeah, go ahead and then we'll throw back to patrick. Yeah, we was michael. Sorry. Um, yeah, so
I found generally when we and I think this is just a human thing. I think that when
When the community gets engaged via
The the the company
It feels less personal
And I think the engagement is good, but I think it's higher when there's a person behind it that
Is integral to the project understand it understands it intimately and then it's super passionate
So that's that's kind of just a thing that i've done since being in the space from the beginning and I and I do
It strategically like I don't do it all the time
I do it when we're ready and I know we have a pipeline of
Things to discuss that will keep them engaged rather than just drop something. Um
You know where I can't put content behind it. So for
For this we've been working on it for almost a year
the plan has been very
Clear for us, although it doesn't seem you wouldn't see it outside
And within the plan I leave flexibility to see what happens and how the community engages
So if something's working I have other things planned that will do
But I only do those things if i'm seeing
Movement on the engagement from the prior thing. So for example
You know doing the puzzle of solving
You know the rant cpu phrase
Was okay. This is a little bit of an arg
It's a little bit of a puzzle is it's too much to ask to the community care
The money is a thing, you know, mostly just to give an incentive reward
Um, and and do we have to do that? No, but I think it's a it makes it safer to do something like a marketing campaign
Without investment isn't going to work super well
So it's it's put those two things together, which is use our money
More wisely as a way to give it back as a reward
Um instead of spending it to just put announcements somewhere
So that was that was that test then if that works
And and they engaged well, okay, we have something else, you know that we could do while we're still
Engaging in distributing packs and giving people the excitement of building up
What are these collectibles learning about it from zero to what it is?
So the idea of doing like an advent a fake advent calendar was always in the plan
But it but if the other thing didn't work we'd scrap it
So it's just having elements in a plan that you can kind of use to your advantage if you see the momentum
And then if you don't see the momentum
You know probably put your effort somewhere else. That's just that's that's what we've been doing if that makes sense
Yeah, it does and I can relate to it when like today i'll have an idea for a piece of content
Um, and I say i'll do that tomorrow
But then the next day it doesn't really feel
Either the moment or I don't I know it's different because you said like they're tied right one one piece leads to the next but
Then then there's a part of me that wants to force that piece of content the next day
Or two days later because i've written it down somewhere and it just doesn't doesn't flow so i'll scrap it
But sometimes I can get attached to something that i've created and I want to put it out
Sorry, that that's that's where I relate
Um, but yeah joe what about you? Have you got any any any thoughts you want to throw?
Throw to the panel to the to the audience regarding uh
Content your experience whether it's earthlings or personal
Yeah, and and to go along with what michael said it's it's the personal touch. Um
It helps when the earthlings team goes in reposts and comments about the good content that
Patrick and the ladies, um behind earthlings create
But what i've found is really helpful in what i've been trying to do is
foster relationships with other people outside of the hedera community
And it's not just getting them to take a look at earthlings, but it's actual
Relationships with some outside influencers and in people that we know will be able to help us in the long run especially
When we have game content out and some of those are game influencers that are really excited about the project
Um, but it's just because I built personal relationships with them based on
Interactions with their content. So some people already have those relationships with with others and and we're building those and
I think that's the best role i've helped to play as far as content and what we can do
Um from the earthling side
It's kind of nice out here
Yeah, I think the personal touch I can relate to that as well like creating content and engaging from the cabular account
Um, I try to make it as personal as possible
But at the end of the day, especially if it's someone new engaging with the content. It's still a logo an entity a platform
It's not a person
Um, so that and I think that's that's why the whole like using your personal account
Some people call it the founder's funnel
Whether it's a team member or a founder or even someone affiliated to the project so it could be a community member as well
But they're actually a person
People connect with people right? So if if i'm talking about cabula from my personal account
Uh and someone new approaches it then there's more there's more likelihood of us connecting as humans first
And then maybe they check out cabula
Um or it or any project um tied to that particular account
Um and they feed into each other so that that's that's something I would leave and something i've been really pushing hard the last three to
four months
Is maintaining cabula consistent when it comes to creating content the weekly spaces?
Being making it as personal as possible, you know jumping into dms in the comments everything like that
but i've really seen the uptick from
Um and not necessarily talking about cabula from my personal account. It's just
Pushing my personal brand and having cabula in my bio
That feeds into cabula naturally. It's indirect, but it really works
Um, so I think pushing your personal brand to support your project
Or favorite project because you could even not be a team member. You could be a community member
Yet you love earthling so much that you put it in your bio and you're a great content creator
So you create content that has nothing to do with earthlings
But that feeds into earthlings naturally because they like you they go to your bio they see earthlings and they end up checking it out
And then they love earthlings
Patrick I see you
Yeah, so I tried to hijack michael when he jumped off but he did it uh, he hijacked me right back
When he came back on so i'll finish
The thing that I wanted to say because I wanted to agree with what dona said and that's i'm gonna finish it with that
Because she just said it's simple contact needs to be uh quality
You might have used other words, but anyway, it needs to be good
Because the thing is jack if cabula didn't do such a good job with everything that you are doing
You could be doing all these things, but no one would come to you and and use your services
uh same for me, I could be building something that um
Well doesn't look good and if and all the the things that we would
Promote and write down and people would say
Man, what are they what are they talking about?
You know, I can come on these spaces and do spaces more even with joey
But no one would would listen to that of course, so
We've gone a bit sideways. I think to the marketing
part of it, but
I think the base is yeah your content has to be
Addressing the right people and has to be quality and that it's as simple as that. That's a
I'll give you one more example. I know we're going on for time. You usually stretch it and it's me
No, i'm happy like the fact that you're still here is surprising. It's 10 past the hour. Yeah, what about dinner?
I want to get my time back now. It's my my brother. He worked for
So we worked for a long time like 20 years
Where we had an advertising agency and he still runs it and he worked for before that
He worked for advertising agencies and we know other people work for for these agencies as well
And they tell us how they sell their their products and so
What they usually do is this one one example is the worst and yes, this is going to give the dutch a bad name again
But this agency a big one who built big time as well
What they did they they even taught their in terms, you know what we do
We get stoned and then we get the best ideas really that's what they did
So then they came up you do need a blast secret source patrick. Sorry
That's the secret sauce of that youtube video
No, but and the other agencies they just wrote
like 10 20 papers on how the square is for the the the whole concept coming together and
Explaining their logo and then myself through event agencies usually we got in
With these big companies phillips showing pocho and some other card brands and we did some
Some great stuff for them
And then they saw the bill and they saw so that we did it in a couple of hours and it looked better than what they
Had and then they said oh man, we are under contract
The thing is you can sell it
Expensive but in the end it needs to look good and the content needs to be good
So and it's as simple as that. That's that's how I see it
And yes, of course, then you can say yes, but you need to market it and all this
Yeah, of course, but you need some good stuff to market and that's another show marketing is king
So we can talk about that next time but it starts with content. Sorry, but that that's the way Marcel and I always said keep it simple
It's it's so true like there's content there's marketing and then there's content marketing like they meet on so many levels
And especially if you're a startup or you know, you're starting your personal brand. You don't have a ton of resources
Kabila, for example up until now we have not spent a penny on paid ads. It's all been content marketing
Brand awareness through whether it's spaces or daily content engaging on twitter community building
Uh, which is it's purely content marketing to grow a brand
Um, the paid marketing will come
But essentially like if you don't have the resources or it's tight
Or you have to put those resources elsewhere like developing a product
Because you know most of our team are devs and they're building a lot
So the resources for marketing have have been small they're going to expand over the next couple of years
And we'll start doing a lot more paid stuff
But there's a lot you can do with content like so much you can do with content and organic growth
I mean it took us a year when I started at Kabila January 2023
I think we had one and a half thousand followers
We've now nearly got 6k
It took a year to grow to six so it takes time as well. So patience is another great great tip
patience and consistency
Challenging that consistency like phil said
But content is real content is king content is marketing branding community building
It's everything in the world that we live
Um, but yeah really enjoyed the spaces. I really
Everyone on the panel and everyone who tuned in unless there's any closing thoughts from phil donna patrick michael or joe
I will wrap up the space
It's been a pleasure
Yes, of course. I would um on my end. I would say if you're hesitating or hesitant or like content
Obviously just start often we um, we tend to over complicate things, especially when we want to start something
We see it as a big picture. We already see it like 10 steps away
Like what's it going to be like in two years, but you just need to build your very cord
Uh the first layer and just just start uh, and then you can iterate on anything you want to add afterwards
Indeed taking that one that first step, right
It's the scariest one
Once you've taken that first one, the next one just appears. It's like oh, there's the next step
And it just starts unfolding and then you're on the content journey
And then you're on spaces and then you're talking about content and here we are
Isn't it a fun ride?
To appreciate you phil uh to build up on what phil said, I think when you're starting off, uh, your
content creation journey you have an advantage because
For the experienced people they tend to act as gurus and they like relatability
So they like this connection with the with the audience because when you're starting your uh, you you
Like you're documenting your journey. So you're sharing your failures your success
Everything you're learning along the way
Build certain certain relatability with people so people can like your your audience can relate to you and this is a powerful point
Everyone who's starting can can play on so yeah
Use use this point
You're the fact that you're uh, you just started
Sometimes, uh, it's hard, but it gives you an advantage too
And just to do it like phil said and all the other legends in here
Love it. Absolutely. What what a great note to finish on and by the way guys, uh
Check out donna's profile and find us in because they host spaces from monday to friday
And they're educational on topics like these. So, uh, i'm sure you there's lots to learn over there
Um, and we only host these once a week
So you got to fill in the other days even though there are other amazing spaces on hadera, of course as well
But uh, you can never get enough of spaces, especially if you're new to web 3 you want to learn more
You want to soak it all up just uh jump on these spaces because there's plenty of them
But yeah document over create and just start
That's that's that's that's the conclusion. Well, that's a big part of my strategy is
Document, um, it's a big part of the strategy at cabbie luck. Obviously we have certain content. That's more strategized. There's
Uh promotional content for you know, the platform and the tools and whatnot
Um, and then there's specific topics that we want to touch on like educational topics
But then there's another area which is this document and for my personal brand. It's this fully
Document over create um, and I feel like especially if you're starting that's the best
Place to start because it's just happening in real time. Anyway, like what you're going through what you're thinking
Like donna was saying your wins your losses
To share that journey because people will relate with it as well
And then you just start and continue and evolve from that
Thanks again, everybody on the panel. Thanks. I'm gonna give a few shout outs. Actually. I see solo down there
So gang gang you've been been since the beginning tuning in i've seen you down there. There are aliens
Equa for psych. There are omni
See hash nugget emporium
Rebecca great to see you sebastian chris ion teeth mellow
Who else we got down there a dad celestial
sky high rocking his head
um califas scott
of course rant cpu keeping keeping an eye on us
descendants of myths
That's definitely a new face. I'm gonna check you out afterwards. I love the
Love the banner and the colors
Uh, who else we got down there jack diamond always appreciate you jack
All right
Just a quick announcement. I know I mentioned it last week at the end of cabbie plaza 52
But cabbie plaza 54 next week is a very special episode
The new president of hedera charles adkins has agreed to a special community ama
So next thursday same time as usual. We're gonna have charles with us patrick on stage
The idea I think what I have in mind is the first 20 25 30 minutes
We'll interview him like i'm gonna collect questions from the community as well
uh, i'll probably put a post out next week and then for the second half we'll bring people up and
You you guys can ask him ask him questions live
So I think it's gonna be a great session. I'm really looking forward to it
I'm really grateful that he's making time for the community
Um with that being said
I will see you on the timeline
In the comments in dms and discord our dms are always open. If you're new to web 3 new to hedera
Slide into our dms. We'll be happy to welcome you and get you started
and um, yeah, thanks again, everyone. Have a great rest of your day
And I will leave you as always with the seawa song