@cooItimes at Yaypegs 🍄

Recorded: March 14, 2023 Duration: 1:02:10



Hey, what a sake, how are you can hear me?
Yes, yes, how are you doing great doing great. Oh, man, I thought I think I my mics not working. I'm talking to my phone
I'm doing great. How about you? Let's wait for cool times to show up
Yeah, let's just give it a few minutes
Give it yeah like a
Three minutes and I'll come on it sounds good one minute
So everybody welcome the meantime
We're gonna wait for everybody to roll in we just chilling. We have a special guest. Mr. Cool time. It's all joining us today
So we're we're super excited. So
Please like retweet so we could get some more people flowing in and yeah
Just give it a few minutes and it's chill in the meantime
What's up, Adrian, I see JC from village of thousands how you doing man, thanks for joining us I also see
Split head. How are you?
In the meantime with a sake, how you feeling today? How you how's your day going?
Mean I'm feeling better every day
Looking forward to just being to my hundred percent not there yet
but getting there little by little and
Just very very very
Oh my god, I'm sorry, I thought I was I had my mic on
Here me though. We were here. We were here you fine. Go ahead
No, we heard you fine now, it's cool that that you're getting better so we could start hosting this weekly
Official JPEGs. I think it really helps. What's up, right? How you doing? So yeah, not cool to see you
Feeling getting back towards the the hundred percent and yeah, let's just wait for Mr. Coont cool times to to come through
Well, we wait for Mr. Cool times does the spread you want to come up a stage Adrian how you guys doing
All right, let's wait for Murataki connects so
Today's the second official space of JPEG since I like the welcome back to her for for Murataki. So
This is something like we want to connect with the community
We're gonna try something different engaging as some cool questions find out about the guests
like what what they like about NFT is like their journey and like yeah, try to get to really connect with people around the
ecosystem and
show their their what what they really like to do like when they're not doing it like in the training or
Things they do to to like open their mind and and trying to connect so we could have a nice balance
Balance connection and like in a holistic point of view bottle. Give me one second. What's up a liquid?
How are you with a sake you're back
Are you doing a liquid I send you uh, I invited you to come on stage if you want to while we wait for the gas
I'm sorry. I was getting vlogged. I couldn't hear anything or connect. Sorry about that
No, no, that's fine, we're glad to have you back. Thank you
I missed the part. I don't know what you were saying, but
How about if we in the meantime? Well cool times comes we start
Maybe getting to know people that are already here some listeners in the community
I like that. I actually brought up a speaker that I know
Yeah, Elon Elon's broken heart but welcome JC from village of thousands
I've known you for quite a long time, but just tell us how your day is and if you can introduce yourself
Hello everyone JC. I'm with village of thousands here in Houston, Texas
And thank you organics and thank you to everyone that's present
I'm new to the community and I'm just stoked to be part of this this journey, you know, I want to learn from you guys
I know you guys are very talented and creative
We have this
ready web
Side here in Houston with to be my kind rated, you know to do some
Fashion clothing but also incorporate, you know
Everything that could the ecosystem has to offer when it comes to you know
Digital art and JPEGs and all that good stuff
So introducing both worlds to each other and what a better place to start then join in, you know spaces like this. I
Enjoyed the last space that you guys had and I just want to you know
first of all say I'm honored to be part of this
This event and then just kick back and listen and learn, you know
Learn and see what we could bring to each other's lives and journeys. So thank you for letting me speak
Thank You JC, thanks for for showing your support then I know you're a big supporter of JPEGs and we're glad to have you on
Hey Mario, how are you?
So far so good how you guys doing
We're doing great great great fine few minutes and just getting to know people here that are
that just joined the space and
Just wanted to hear about a little bit more about everybody so we can get to know each other
Would you like to I know you have your own spaces and some of the members of the community already know you but for the ones
That don't would you like to share a little bit about yourself?
Well, I don't think that many people know me other than probably organics that I have, you know, spoken with him
other way more but
Colombian live in New York
But also I don't want to give out too much information either
But no just glad to be here glad to be part of the community
seeing it, you know go from zero to
To know what it is that a lot more people are getting to know it and you know glad to be able to support
Did you hear from yapex and what was the thing that that got you into it that
That made you buy it. What was the thing that stood out for you? So I have
NFT friend and
Allian friends who mention it and then may so mention it and then that guy I'm interested and then I
Joining into the discord
And then I start seeing the community like while many of you guys were doing and talking and what?
Initiative about like what chat was doing and Bradley and then Jay and many of the others
And I think I clicked with many of the people in the community and then elected and they stay
That's that's great. That's great. I'm always interested to know
Um, how everybody how people start off. Um, how did they they get into NFTs and
Like how do they transition into it and how long have they been?
So I mean NFT directly i've been probably in NFTs since
Would like to say like late 2021. That's when I started like researching on it, but I didn't get like real
Serious into learning more about communities probably until last year. Oh, 2022 that like around
Probably early 2022 that's when it started like
Like being more active in communities and the ones I actually liked and that's still part of
I believe that that's what got me into like more or less not so much the
Not just the NFT part of it, but the community itself like seeing how this can be
A beneficial thing for both the community in how learning how the dynamics between that and the project itself
Can be beneficial for anything else and you know that I might be able to do in the future
So that's what I wanted to learn at first and now i've been
helpful as much as possible since I i'm so busy with other stuff that
It is not fair to start something and then not being able to
Embrace it until like probably more
More ready economically and time-wise
Yes, yes, it definitely
Takes a lot of dedication. Yeah, go ahead organics
Now I was gonna you're you're super humble, bro. You're like you're a grinding 24 7
I know you got a day job in New York. You're not only in jpegs, but you're in so many communities
But the most thing i'm impressed is bro. You're fucking art skills
Can you tell us what applications you're using to make those jpegs come to life like those gifts that you're doing lately are
Are really high quality and you just started like a week ago
Could you describe to us what you've been using?
So maybe people here listening because the the main goal I think from jpegs is
For us to create some characters to bring them to life to connect them with in real life with web2 and
And you seem to to get that more than most people
So we would I would like to know what what programs are using because I really suck at that
No, you don't you're pretty good with that too like I you know the the art that you have shared with me and stuff
I don't think i'm special. I just think that pitso art
Just clicks with me. Like I I feel like I have a connection. I don't know maybe have has to do with uh
shoutout memories and stuff
uh, the app that I started using was
pitso studio and and and the reason why I actually started
Looking into it because it was I was waiting for
Lot's out to make my animated character for so long and he was so busy and so sorry about it
And and I was like, okay, let me let me see if I can do it
And then that's how I started and that was probably just like two three weeks ago that I started just like
Playing with the app looking at youtube videos and stuff like that
I mean like once you get the technique
in and you cannot see how
The transitions go then you start playing with it
And so like you get something that you more or less like
That's what I think
And pitso art is a lot easier compared to many other things. I think like the
The more regular art you go to is it becomes a lot more time consuming and complex
When it comes to pitso art, I just do it like as a hobby and you know
Have fun and try to relax and have my mind
Concentrate into that and that's like people do different things to you know
put their minds at ease with
stuff about life and then doing the pitso or
Animations is just make me forget about everything else
So I'm so sometimes i'm just so focused
That I I forget that what time it is and stuff like that. So
Oh, that's cool, bro
Not because we have a freaking talented community. I see lioria axion is sick
Luxax does incredible art as well. I seen the stino's art, which is super fucking crazy, too
Well, what up pablo? I see you there too, but like we have a really
Artistic and like open-minded community and I love the art that's coming out lately
And it's so cool to have everybody here showing support. We're glad to have morasaki back and uh, yeah, we're really funneling
Create a narrative on and a culture and having fun and uh fucking stuff to be with everybody here
Yes, super excited to have everyone here, um, how about if in the meantime
While we're here
How about if we I want to play a game? Um, if
Anybody wants to play a game breaks their hand so we could pull you up as a speaker
And the game is gonna be this
I'm gonna give you a chance to say i'm not gonna answer if it's cold or
Or hot or whatever, but i'm gonna have a chance you're gonna the game is this
You you're gonna get to guess
What do you think?
Magic machine is gonna be and then you come up you say it and we listen to it and then
In the future we'll know who's gonna be who's gonna who is on spot with the guys
So who wants to go first?
Oh, we got we got slimy. I think he he wants to answer that question. What's up slimy? How are you, man?
Hey guys, uh
Actually, the question cut out as I was coming up, but uh, yeah love to be here and
You know, I love seeing that the apex are doing some spaces
Uh, but yeah, I if if you don't mind, could you repeat the question?
Yeah, yeah, of course
Okay, this is the question
What do you think magic machine is gonna be?
I think it will be a chance for your yay peg
I don't know maybe do like a randomization again or like a reset of
The uh the art but like that's just a fool like I just said that off the dome piece
No worries, no worries, we just want to hear like
Who is on spot with guessing and I guess we'll know in the future. So I guess this
Yapex, oh yapex this space we're gonna remember it. So, um for the people that are here, uh, we started off like
improvising because
Um, I guess something happened to our special guest today, but um, I just wanted to say
Welcome everybody that is here
And thank you for being in our yapex twitter space number two
So it's gonna be a community space
Aside from the title and what a great opportunity to just
Be together and know a little bit about each other
And i'm just so eager to hear all the other answers of what
Of what the community thinks or what their guesses are for the magic machine. So
Who would like to go next?
If you would actually on what up dude, you want to oh go ahead Mario
Yo, yo, yo, what's good, fam
Como están. Sorry. I I don't I don't I don't speak in english. I'm still learning
Sorry, but prefero en español. Um
I think he got rocked back to argentino
I wasn't gonna I was gonna offer myself like I can interpret for you. I don't know
Yes, now, I don't see see see here see here
Mario you could go I think he's while he gets back. I think you you could go. Do you have any guesses?
I mean like looking by
judging by the
By the art self. I I was thinking that it was it has to be something
In regards to the animation of the characters from jpegs
uh in terms of what exactly it will be then that's
That's what i'm trying to guess
whether if it's gonna be towards
An anime that is gonna be done based with characters based on
On jpegs or if it's gonna be a game or is it gonna be just the uh, the baseline foundation of the
Animated characters to be utilized in web 3
like, you know
many of the apps uh
Or platforms that you can utilize for gaming and stuff like that. So
That's what i'm trying to think of
You guys have very great answers
I could I could answer for you and he actually posted on discord
He's like it's going to be a non pixelated version of your jpegs
And then down below we have mitch
Actually, it's a real live pad jpeg melt your porch. It's only available to it at chipotle. So we have quite a few answers
I like that answer
Can you tell us what it is
No, I cannot I could only hear your answers. Um
And i'm i'm so interested to to hear your thoughts
And and what you think where this is going because um
at the beginning of the of the space
Organics was saying something
Like communicating I think I always read and sharing in a holistic way
and I feel that
sometimes it's like
When you vibe in a certain way other people vibe the same so i'm just super curious to hear
What you guys um, if you could come up and share what you guys think what the magic machine would be
That would be super fun for us to know
Yeah, cool in the meantime i'm gonna be trying to send requests to speakers. It's okay if you decline
So i'm gonna be doing that in the background
Another guest, I don't know if we could have two guesses, um
but I seen I seen one project of feline fiends do this where
Uh, they were able to combine traits
You know if you have multiple yapegs, maybe there could be a way of combining the traits and making one like superior magical
Uh, you know yapeg. So that's what I was also thinking about
Like a super jpeg. That's what i'm thinking too. It's gonna be something crazy. Yeah, to be honest, uh, the less I know the better
Judging by the reactions. I I think i'm I think i'm hot. I don't know
Yeah, i was feeling the same
And now and now that you mentioned something like that it might be related to
Like estra traits that you can maybe purchase in the magic machine and they can be added in the meta
And the metadata of the character that's a big possibility now that you mentioned it that just came to mind
You know what just came to my mind imagine we send our jpeg to the magic machine
And then one like randomized you get you send it to a black hole and it never comes back
To the bird dungeon
Oh my god
That's gonna be messed up if it happened
A little game theory for all the djans out there
I'll tell you
It's slimy, um
I like your ideas
Go ahead morasaki. Sorry about that. No, no, no
I was just I see so many familiar names. I wanted shout out to wise meta. I see he's here
I'm not i'm not sure if he's able to speak or not, but I see you
There's so many people that I see on my feet that I would love to hear
Um come up
I would love to hear you or j twitchy
Or crypto j or I mean no pressure no pressure
But if you feel like coming out
It would be a great opportunity for me to get to know you a little bit too
Uh for sure. I see gore out there. Hey, what's up? Thanks for joining
I know you're at work man. You think your break your your heart is sick because of you
I bought a new another jpeg the dinosaur the 5t one
I love your art then just because of that. I got it. That was because of you
Also big shout out to you and uh, he's actually
Uh giving away a gu. So if you go to his profile and retweet it you get a chance to win a
A very nice prize. So shout out to him for you know, still showing up to our spaces. We appreciate your support
Okay, cool times is here. Yay
What up what up
Let's wait for him to request but I see him he's here
Might be drunk. I think he was in happy hour where he said it's okay. We don't discriminate full time. No
I mean, I'm certainly not as cute as you guys are with the gay pegs. Hey everyone. Thanks for having me
Hey, thanks for coming. We're so excited
To have you here in our second tutor space. Um
And a lot of you I mean for those of you that don't know cool times i'm pretty sure everybody knows him
But for those of you, um that don't know him he has awesome
videos on youtube and like he says
You're gonna make sure to follow him because you're gonna get the alpha before the alpha
He's the funnest twitter space host that i've seen and he's also a director of something fishy
We're gonna get into that
Once we get to know him more and he's just a very great
Person with a very cool high energy to be around and we're so happy to have you here as our guest tonight. So welcome
Thanks for having me, I mean I feel honored here i'm usually interviewing other people and i'm
Here just uh hanging out with you guys, but um
It's been it's been a journey. I mean
I think I might have done the the first hosted in the first yapeggs
Twitter space with murasaki
Yeah back in the day
Yeah, that's right
It was the first day and now we're here
And now we're here. Thank you so much for coming the paul rudd. It's like that paul rudd like me where it's like look at us
But yeah, no, uh super happy to be here and I love that you guys are still chugging along and um, yeah
Thanks for having me
Oh, go ahead. Sorry
No, cool time. So i'm organics cool to meet you man
I was actually super stoked to have you on because last week you had one of the best spaces that i've been on with uh
Tony stark from copion words and uh ever since murasaki said you were going to be joining us
I was stoked bro. You you really are positive in the space. You have a big following and we appreciate you being here, man, for sure
Yeah, yeah, I mean
I I think it's just about
I don't want to
It's just about giving back like when I do those twitter spaces like and murasaki knows this yapeggs know this like
I just do this because I love it like I do
I host probably like
You know 14 different pro 15 different projects a week
And it's just so we can learn a little bit more and reward, you know founders and teams that are still here like
It's it's really fun, you know for a project
uh, you know the first week after mint but
Um, I think yapeggs especially showing you guys are still here months after mint and you know, um
I'm always curious to just check in with with different teams and founders and
Kind of shine a spotlight on them and I get a real joy. I'm just like interacting with different communities
so yeah hosting twitter spaces for me is is is really fun and like
This probably goes without saying but I I literally don't get paid for any twitter spaces or anything like that
like i'm one of the few people
Hits up projects that are doing cool stuff and i'm just like can I interview you for 15 minutes?
all I need is 15 minutes and
It's it's beneficial for me too. I get to do a little research and get to you know
Ask some personal questions that i've been wondering but uh also just
Expose people in the space to projects that are still here
That's cool man, uh, yeah, thanks for taking for being here, but I know murasaki
Wanted to do something special, uh with you like last last week. We had wise meta j from bakers, you know
One of uh, he just freshly minted our project, which is super cool
But uh, you want to go ahead and uh get started with that. Are you ready cool times?
Oh, yeah, let's I feel like i'm on who wants to be a millionaire. So what are we about to do?
You might get one billion tokens
Something like that. Um, well before we get we jump into it. I want um, everybody
If that is here to please um show some support and then if you could retweet or tweet
So that we could get more people here in the space and they could have the opportunity
Listen and spend this little bit with cool times and the gay picks fam. That would be awesome
cool times
Are you up for a game?
Okay, this game
Consistent speed. So let's see how how speedy you are. I'm gonna ask you
Question i'm gonna ask you something and you're gonna answer with the first thing that comes
To your mind. So you're gonna have no time. It's one after the other. So are you ready?
Me and my therapist play this all the time
Great. So then you're up like that. You're you're level pro. So good
You're gonna be you're gonna be faster than me. Okay ready?
Ready, okay
texting or talking
Texting open your mic so we can do it faster favorite day of the week
Do you snore?
Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
Uh before yeah, what's your yeah, you bottom it you
I guess I bet you you brush your teeth. You you brush your teeth up the rest, but i'm kidding
What's your favorite number and why?
Okay, okay, okay, right what's if you were an animal what would you be?
Whatever a yay peg is
Cool cat cool. Yeah, that's great. What can you make the sound of that animal?
How many hours do you sleep do you need to sound sorry how many how many hours of sleep do you need?
Uh, you know six
Do you think rats are cute
Okay, if you were on a desert island, who would you bring your web3 friends or your irl?
Just give me a laptop and let's hang out on discord. Yeah, okay
Okay, great if you
If if you can choose between two superpowers between being invisible and flying which one would you choose and why?
Flying because I it's just a different perspective that i've never had
What you don't prefer being invisible and being anywhere without no one seeing you and maybe like listening to like that
That's that's half of my life. Anyway, when I go out in public
Say a word in spanish
Very good
You did awesome cool times. Oh, that's good. Okay. Wow. You want more?
uh, I mean
We don't have to do more but I feel like I should almost like I I should prepare some questions to ask you murasaki
I feel like
uh, you know, we get
There are some can I ask you some questions? Can I?
Una reverse card you real quick. I don't have them written down, but I feel like you're gonna see some good questions. Okay
Okay. Okay. Okay. Um, okay, fine. Let's do it. I'll do one quick two questions
Two only two questions. Wow
Take it back. Take it back
Should be unlimited amount of quite now. Here's just some fun. Just some really um, what is your favorite movie?
Oh my god
I can't think of anything up to the top of my head. Oh my god. Can I say a kid's movie? Can I say a kid's movie?
Lion King? Of course. Yes Lion King
Um best concert you've ever been to
I think uh that I liked
A pro. Yeah, i'm concert in seattle
Okay, first nft you ever bought
Um totes crypto totes
Crypto totes. What is your favorite? Yay peg trait?
Okay, the monkey with a cat
Okay, I can ask you more questions, but that's that's a good place to
Maybe i'll do two more if you want under your sleeve
Organics, you want to hop in with some questions? Let's let's just start drilling marasaki with just the tough questions
Bro, I was waiting for you to say that
Let's do it let's do it
I'll go i'll go i'll ask the organics some questions real quick. Oh first nft you ever bought
uh disto punks
Disto punks, okay
Uh, when was the first time you ever bought ethereum?
Oh bro, like uh, I don't know like
Shortly after he got from the genesis blog. So a long time ago. Yeah. Oh wow, uh favorite flavor of ice cream
Um to pistachio
Yo me too
Pistachio for you as well. Yes. I love pistachio. That's like my go-to flavor always
Wow, that is that's uber specific. I feel like okay. Um
Organics, um
What is if you could own any nft besides the apex, of course, uh, what would it be? What's your grail?
Dude, that's a great question
Man, i'm thinking i'm a crypto punk kind of guy i'll say crypto punks
Yeah, that that's where i'd go too if you get like a really cool like zombie or
Oh hell, yeah, or so I like I like the conch too. I did have a vx conch. So I like the conch
Okay, um favorite place to travel to
Oh, dude, I love to travel more I used to love the beaches in florida
But I like the mountains in columbia now. That's where I like to go
your favorite yapeg trade
Oh, dude, I don't even have one and it's the hidden one. It's like a it's a it's a hidden face
I love that trade
Cool times. Yep. I want to ask you one nft related question. Let's do it
What is the most like what is the most expensive nft you've ever bought?
This is uh, man, yeah, this question's tough, um
I have been like asked this a bunch of times. It's my pfp, which uh
Is a popsicle doodle it's pretty rare, um
At the time, you know, i've had it for a while now at the time it was very expensive. Uh,
You know some could say a down payment on a house pretty much
But I don't really have like I used to have a lot of nfts. I kind of pared it down. I just have like
um, you know
nfts from collections that that I you know, uh
That have been around for a while and I have like a grail of each one and
Um, yeah, I mean this doodle popsicle is is definitely my my bag
yeah, yeah, so
We would love to learn more about your background and how you got into nfts and
Maybe how you started hosting spaces and creating your youtube videos about nfts
And maybe if you could share some insight about your journey with us, that would be fantastic
Yeah, of course and i'll try to sprinkle in some some uh, you know lessons along the way as well
Um, you know, I think if you're somebody who wants to create content, um, whether it's web 3 or or anywhere
Um, and you want to accelerate your growth. I think the best thing to do is to find really kind of an emerging
Uh, you know
something emerging, um
like if I was trying, you know to
Grow a platform right now like, you know talking about like today chat gpt 4.0 came out
Um, you know, I think if you're somebody who who wanted to be on youtube or be on twitter spaces
Be on different streaming websites. I think you know chat gpt ai
Dialogue would be something that could really accelerate your growth
Um, that's not really my bread and butter. I mean I I grew up as a collector, you know
I'm in my room right now. I have a bunch of toys
A huge toy collector huge comic book collector video game collector
Um, and so when I stumbled upon nfts
Uh, that kind of got me into crypto
I'm not a crypto maxi. I'm an nft maxi
And I liked it because the collectability of it and the community aspect of it
especially because
Um, and I know this is something that me and marsaki kind of share. Um
But um, you know, I had some serious health problems, um a couple years ago that left me hospitalized
And it was very tough on me. But the thing that was cool was it happened to coincide with?
You know the nft summer of 2021 and so I was just I was on my laptop on in bed
Got really into cool cats
sup ducks
gutter cat gang cyber all the you know early
nft communities and
Making crazy trades and just decided, you know as I started to feel better that um
Like more people should know about this and so I i'm probably one of the first nft youtube channels
Uh, it was really early on and for a long time. I didn't get like any views at all
I had like 50 subscribers for like six months. No one watched any nft youtube content
Or twitter spaces for that matter twitter spaces are are
We're not that big of a deal when I first got into this space
Um, you know people were still on clubhouse really
But you know the the lesson would be just you know
If you like doing something the way I just liked nfts and was like, oh I like this trade
Oh, I like the way this artwork looks or oh, you know, I could see the the utility of this being cool like
I just kept plugging along, you know when I started my you know started tweeting about nfts
I only had like 200 followers, you know, I have over like 50 000 now
Um, so I just got fortunate to to start doing this
Um before everyone got super into it and then when everyone got you know, when it was bull mania
Um, I kind of became somebody that people would go to for you know, nft thoughts and and you know commentary
um, so that's that's kind of how I got started and
Did some you know, you know, uh
Engagement farming
Got some followers and you know, everyone thinks you're a genius, but I have no idea what i'm doing
No, that that is um, I I like that story because
That says a lot about you. Um
It's it's all about it's not what happens to you, but it's how you
How you look at the things that happen to you
And this is a true example for for everyone here in the space
an example of consistency and tenacity and conviction and I was speaking in in another space about not being a
conformist and it's about
On what you're doing and believing in what you're doing and I think you're a great great example of that
And also you have this such
amazing energy that it's like
inevitable and that people just want to just hang and listen to you and
And I feel that that is what projects the most a side of that you have
super super, um
relevant content and and tips and and and and information in your videos
But the humans aspect of you
Um, we could see it through the spaces and through the videos and and with everything that you do
So I speak I I I guess for everyone we're very grateful to have you here and to be sharing this space with you
so with that I wanted to know out of all the guests that you have had on your
Twitter spaces or your youtube channel
Is there one who you felt had the most valuable insight or unique perspective?
and if so, um
Who was it and why?
I'll give you I'll give you two answers the the short answer is a little known fact but um
One of the biggest people who kind of guided me was psych
Uh, who's the co-founder of dead fellows along with his wife betty?
When I was a very early
You know nft youtuber you could like if you want to my youtube right now and scroll back like one of my first videos is
A video I did with psych from dead fellows
And it was right after they launched and they it was not a big project. I think like
eath floor, you know really kind of a small project but I was like, oh this looks really cool and halloween's coming up and
Team seems friendly and nice and a husband and wife team and I was just trying to get interviews and um
They they were nice enough to to come on and um
One thing is psych actually gave me the name cool times
People are probably like oh, what the hell does cool times mean? Uh, that's actually a name given to me by psych from dead fellows fun fact
They they uh, they said hey, we'll let you give away three dead fellows
on your youtube, uh
Video that you released with us and I was like, okay cool great. And again, it was like 0.05 eath floor or something like that
within like 24 hours
Um after I was still like editing the video, but within 24 hours that floor price went up to one ethereum
When ethereum was like four thousand dollars
Um, so I was like in charge of like a twelve thousand dollar giveaway
And that you know that got me some yeah crazy got me like, you know some followers and
Um, i'm not gonna lie that that you know helped me out. That was like a really big
look for all of us and um
So if you're listening to space right now again, I don't know what i'm talking about but there's any lessons I can give is
If you believe in some like a project, uh or a team
Uh, like yapegs like murasaki like cc, you know, um
Like I did with deadfellas when it was very early on nobody was talking about them
Like, you know, you'll be rewarded because people will
You know wake up to that. So that's one instance I could give and then another one real quick one is
Uh, I remember I did like one of frank d gods now i'm talking about solanas
So you guys some people might not know what i'm talking about, but d gods i'm sure you guys know d gods and utes
I actually if you go back and look I actually did like frank's like second ever twitter space
I did the interview with him when they were at like a two salona floor which like at that time was like
a 60 floor and uh
He just had a lot of passion and he was a very dynamic personality and
You know, they're huge now and I just remember
The the charisma was always there the the belief was always there
You know, I they had some struggles minting out and I just remember
Uh being like this is you know, it sounds special to me, but who cares they're two salona floor, whatever
I'm just going to move on to the next project here
I remember I did like a tweet announcing that space like the last one I posted was like d gods because I was like who?
This is like a random project and so never discount anyone never discount any project
because they had like
in like october of 2021
I did this interview in like january of 2022 and they didn't if you look at the chart
They didn't really become like crazy until march 2022. So it was like six months
of them just
Doing little spaces like this and showing up and that's that's the biggest thing
Thank you that it's that it's very encouraging for us, um
Because I I know in this space in the space and everywhere, I mean
Things take time to build
and good lasting things
Um take time and it's not as instant gratification
But I think it's in the meantime
It this space is like you said it's an opportunity for us to connect to build community
To get to know each other and to know that we're all part of of this
Ecosystem and the way that we we could build and share together and it's amazing the human aspect that you point out of
Of betty and her husband which you think it's it's it's something we can never lose even though
I mean aside from tech
I think this is something that we should maintain and keep
I was wondering um
You don't have to answer this but if you could
Who was your worst guest? But if you can't tell us don't worry
Just maybe tell us what was the worst thing they did?
Or what happened that it was bad if you remember any
Uh, yeah, I I can't say I like
Had a horrible guest
Uh, the ones that don't land really well where i'm just like, all right. Well, we'll probably
Won't be hearing from this project. Uh
ever again, uh
after you know after like the
You know, everyone cares when a project mints out and like the first week after but you know
Who's going to still be around? Um
Yeah, i've had projects come on where you can tell they're like reading off a script or they just don't really care about the project
Or it's very stilted
I think that the best thing
Is to have personality for anybody
Like i'm not the smartest trader out there. I'm not the smartest
Twitter spaces host or whatever, but I like to have personality and going back to frankie gods
Just a lot of personality and a lot of enthusiasm
That reflect like the your community will absorb that
So the the the reason why there's been horrible guests is because you can just see that they don't really
They're not having fun
I I feel you cool times it like the energy resonates and you're an og and you're still here, man
So I respect that and i've been looking at your project and uh, bro
I really like it is something different something fishes is pretty cool
And I don't know if you want to go a little in depth about it because um
I think it's quite a unique project and the artwork is that mp4?
And uh, if you can you can you talk about your uh, something fishy for a little bit?
Yeah, absolutely. So, um, you know, I I was very fatigued and still i'm very fatigued by pfp projects
Um, you know, there certainly is a is a place for them, but uh
You know personally one thing I always wanted was like a digital fish tank, like I just love fish tanks. I think it's very calming very
grounding very centering
partnered up with a really great
artist to make digital fish tanks
and minted them out and
Uh, I think the community really loves the fish tanks and it's kind of an on-ramp to to find art. You know, we we did
Uh, you know, we we're doing an airdrop with with bongo
Who if you know one of one art is a massive one of one artist, you know
we did something with
with tokyolove who is just
Uh did it did a meme card drought with punk 6 5 2 9
Tokyo is amazing man continue. Yeah
Yeah, so we give we just do free drops free airdrops to people from great artists. Um
Kind of an on-ramp to to fine art. Um
Tokyo love we did one from fesc who just did an exhibition at people's
uh, you know
gallery this past saturday
so we found some great artists like kind of early on and had them do pieces for us and you know,
uh, they're kind of exploding in popularity and it's you know, um
to be frank, I think um
I think a lot of people are used to a certain style of project and it's a little different than most projects and so
you know, we have our community and um
They really love it. Uh, the challenge has been getting more people to to be involved in it because it's it's not your usual type of project but
I really enjoy it which again going back to what I was just talking about is you have to have a team, you know that
Genuinely likes the project and I think that's reflective in what you guys do
And what i'm doing with something's fishy
if I may want to suck it yeah, dude, that's it just really shows like
Your vision and you're you're pushing the boundaries because you are doing something different and but you you're getting a follower
Like look you caught my attention. I'm like, this is this is cool, bro
I like it and then you know, I connect with it. So yeah, I appreciate you sharing that
Yes, and you're completely right, um, the team needs to resonate with the
with the with the with the art or with the project and
And consequently the the the holders would resonate too. Same thing organic said
um, I know you mentioned earlier that
All all your videos and your spaces and everything you do
Um, it's because you you really enjoy it. You have a passion for it
um, and you just in your main purpose was to
Um put I mean a lot of people didn't know about nft but to educate and and just just share this information
And this with everybody and I just wanted to know in like the best scenario
How do you imagine with all the things that you're doing right now?
How do you imagine imagine yourself in five years?
here in nft
Yeah, that's that's always a tough question because
Month to month things change drastically in this space you guys know that
Um, I mean even this past weekend it seemed like it was all over right? You know, it's like
Even is crashing bitcoin crashing and then like, you know
Yesterday and today it's like we're back
Crypto is pumping the future of crypto
Let's ride
The thing that is beautiful about web 3
about nfts about what we're all doing right now is that we don't know what the next five years is going to look like
Uh, and I think that there's there's some beauty in that if if you know, you're working a nine to five job right now
Like, you know I was that's great and there's stability in there. Um
I think it's fun to on the side be evolved in something. You don't know where it's going to take you
um, so I you know, I love you know, you know when I was working my job coming home and
Going on to discord coming on to nft twitter and seeing what what what was going on
Uh, because it was unexpected
So I I couldn't give you a straight answer on that. Hopefully
There's still an nft ecosystem that I can be a part of
Definitely. Yes, and you're absolutely right. Everything changes and and
And it's hard to give a straight answer, but but I know that
So far you've been doing great things and you're connecting in a in a magnificent way and um, i'm just
Looking forward. Um to see you in the next five years. Um here in nft
if I could get
To close up
If I could get like a like a like your wisdom
What would be a constructive criticism or advice that?
You could offer the yapex project
Um, and like what actions would you take if you were the founder of yapex?
That's really tough to say, you know in my position i'm
I cover so many different projects that
Um to really know
What's needed? I I would have to really sit with it
I'll tell you this like
Every project needs a little bit of a fuck you
um, and that's gonna sound really weird, but the projects that uh
Have really succeeded or
Have a real sense of belief
You know, and and if you're rocking a jpeg a jpeg jpeg and you know, uh
That that's a that's a bold statement, you know, there's so many pfps
anyone can choose
And there's got to be a a very good reason for somebody to rock and identify with the brand. Um
And the reason I say you have to have some fuck you is um
Most of the great projects out there have this
Kind of cult of personality about them
Where they're really banded together. They're really strong
and they're not
Demeaning any other projects, but they do feel like
Uh, this is the place to be you know
You want to have a jpeg pfp you want to be a part of this community you want to be on this twitter space?
Um, because it's the best and not that anyone else is the worst
This is a great place to be and I think
Pudgy penguins certainly have that right now
azuki's always had that
Um, you know all of these projects
Um are not walking on eggshells. They're very pronounced and they truly believe that they have a great project
Oh my god, thank you
I needed to hear that. Thank you so much. I mean it's a lot. Um coming from you
And we are just so happy
To to have had you here
Thank you for this awesome space and this awesome time for your energy your vibe and making this a very cool time
I hope this will be the first time that we have you as a guest and hope to do to
Just do things together in the future
Yeah, let's do a home in a way. Let's get you guys on the show next week on my show
How does that sound? That was great
That's amazing. Thank you, bro. And I appreciate your time. I want to say what's up to the stino elia see liquid
Flows gourd paulo adrian luciano fred rahamaz revel alexander juicebox everybody. Thank you for being here
To be honest, like he's a hundred percent, right?
You you gotta have belief and we gotta enjoy the process man. Like we've all go ups and downs, but
You know this is for good vibes have fun
And if we do this together, we're we're gonna get rewarded
It's just how it is, but I appreciate you you being here and uh, same to wise meta j
mario and slimy and crypto
And I just want to close off as how cool time says goodbye. Don't forget to gang gang
Thank you everyone
Gang gang gang gang gang