Cosmogenesis: The Pulse of Ordinals ⭕️

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 1:20:01



I know what your boy like skinny tie in a cup tight. He gonna make breakfast
It's late night Thursday, I know that you heard me but you don't want the same thing
What's going on everybody
Welcome welcome
Wow, I'm excited. Let me just start there
Like this is the biggest thing I've ever done so
Before I get too crazy
I'm gonna introduce you to the space
We're gonna be talking about
Cosmogenesis, which is my Genesis collection on ordinals on Bitcoin
Coming to life on Bitcoin. Yeah, that song definitely
Resonated with the whole concept. So I had to let it play out a little bit because we're talking about my heartbeat your heartbeat
Living and breathing on the blockchain. Anyway, before I get too deep
we'll get into all of that if you don't even know what an ordinal is we're gonna just you know touch on that to begin with
too because I believe
My mom's probably gonna be tuning in at some point
And a lot of people are asking me like I want to support you. I want to buy my first ordinal
I don't know what a kind of ordinal it is
But yeah, so I'm here for it and we're gonna start. Let me give you a quick rundown of how we're gonna do this
I'm gonna give a little intro of myself and my background why I'm here what this is what this means to me
We're gonna talk about what an ordinal is just a basic blockchain overview just to give you the concept of why
Why the whole reason the intent behind everything that we're doing I'm doing
So, yeah, and then we'll like deep dive into
Cosmogenesis so with that being said I am so pleased
To have oh, well, actually, let me just first say retweet the space
Yeah, just retweet like a retweet send this space to everybody in the space because I'm here every day since 2021
You probably see my PFP staring at you and it feels like it feels like this is the most fitting time for everyone
To kind of get to know me
You know this introduction so we couldn't be the better space to let everyone know what's up
So go ahead like and retweet share it out
If you want to do that at the top the pin tweet is a whitelist giveaway for phase one guaranteed
Whitelist spots for this limited collection
Now, let me introduce you to Violetta zaroni who's been on this journey with me the entire
time we've been here together, uh-huh
Let's let's go to Violetta. How are you doing tonight Violetta?
Steven Steven and Steven. Oh my god
I am I feel say I'm gonna stop right there because this is about the worst thing ever
You're my co-host and I cannot hear you. So thank you Twitter
I'm glad we were able to start the space Violetta drop down come back. We're gonna do this again
I'm gonna go to my second co-host. That's why we have to okay
He's also an SM with the SM with the Steven Miller
Hey Steven, how's it going this evening? It's going. Well, I really hope you can hear me
Fantastic now we're good. Yeah. Oh man
What a relief let me say the fact that you had that happen with one co-host
I would hate for it to happen with both because then it just looks silly
But here we are and I am so excited to see what you've got cooking get into all the nitty-gritty details
About this out of this world drop called cosmo Genesis. So I'm pumped
Really looking forward to it and I'm even more so looking forward to being able to share the stage with fantastic
Violetta who I've not gotten a chance to talk to in a hot minute
So it's gonna be really fun space again
If you are in the audience and you've not retweeted what you're doing get into it
We got a big space ahead. Tell all your friends put it in the group chat and let's pull this thing up
Thank you for that Violetta zaroni
Ding dong. Are you there ding dong? Can you hear me?
Yep, yep, yep, okay
Good I was just saying thank you so much for inviting me to co-host this with you and
I feel really good being surrounded by
two Stevens
It's pretty one in that once in a lifetime kind of experience. So
Especially talking about ordinals, you know, what what else do you need in this life?
And I do want to see more retweets in the room, please and thank you. We only have seven
we need at least another few, you know to match the number of people in the room and
Tag people in the comments share the space with your DMS and yeah, let's fill it up
Wow, thank you for that Violetta you are a fantastic co-host guys
I'm also an actor a voice actor
multi-talented multi-disciplinary artist
God, I hate that word
So with that being said, I feel like you should be wondering like why what's the intent of why ordinals?
What is an ordinal? So let's get into it. I'm Stephen Morse
I was born in the 80s came up during the pop art era have a love for pop art. I draw very simplistically
I've always been illustrating I was a photographer since I could hold a camera
Jumping full circle, which uh that professionally I have a bachelor of fine arts in photography
I've worked in historical archives
I've curated shows
I've done so many things within the art world and art space had my own arts journalism publication
Spent 10 years as a commercial photographer
But basically at at like the core of everything for me. There's always been this shape that's always been
part of my creative vision that I resonated with and that's that's the circle and
the reason for that as I'm still kind of really grasping fully is the circle encapsulates all the
Infinite possibilities within life itself
So it's what what's more fitting than to have you know that floating within the cosmos within this
Creative aesthetic of the circle. It's a very profound
figure that represents a lot
so it's a recurring theme within all of my art, but
Yeah, my history
Really kind of solidifies why and even deep into your like maybe why the pulse why the heart it's it's
The life it's our life force for me
There's a very deep connection to the heart like all of us are living and breathing
And at our heart is at our core and i've even had a heart
heart experience with um, you know surgical things, um
Family members with heart experience and and medical stuff. So the narrative is very deep with me and um
Yeah, tying into the whole possibility of life and cosmic
Just infinite being so you can find basically as i've spent my 40 years creating
mostly with photography and illustrative work
I've come to the point basically how I was onboarded into the the crypto space
And that was in 2021 and in 2021. I started on
With illustrative work and some photography work
full speed
minting on ethereum
I was always looking at bitcoin and for me, I think I had the utmost respect for
the bitcoin blockchain because
realistically, regardless of like, uh the canvas the medium the blockchain the
Um how it's being created like there was something elusive that I really didn't understand about bitcoin
I really was watching the space. I actually realized that I purchased crypto in 2017
Which was my first experience and then in 2021 minting my own work to find myself here
yeah, looking at bitcoin always watching and
Realistically, I guess
The point i'm trying to get to is
Um, it was this elusive thing that I knew was of the utmost importance within this ecosystem so
understanding what what it is what the technology offers as far as provenance and and
Certification of your art and your legacy living forever
So I have a lot of work on ethereum. And if you look throughout my ethereum collections
You can see the recurring theme of the circles
multiple collections
generative art
and generative art and bitcoin
and as i'm watching the space and violetta if you want to chime at any point because I feel like
You're like a very integral part of this journey that i'm talking about that
Is finding myself getting to bitcoin?
Because I met you when I started on now that we have that out of the way
So i'm at violetta in 2021
minting artwork on
Violetta was starting out in the space also
So we've been on this journey the entire time and violetta has been within the ordinal space
And i've been watching her on her journey journey
And really just finding myself
Intrigued and i've been watching for the past year the ordinal space in spaces listening not speaking because I wasn't ready to speak
and realistically
it took on-chain monkey
and the teleport and teleburn of my genesis monkey
Help from a community member to do that
And then the suggestion of generative art on bitcoin
Everything started to click
And then violetta taking the deep dive with me
On some of the narratives of the blockchain itself
Which to me was mind-blowing as an artist that the the blockchain itself can have a narrative that you can weave into the artwork
Which is really crazy as an artist if you think about your canvas having the ability to speak for
the art and
Seamlessly weave the narrative together
That's only something that one blockchain can offer and that is bitcoin. Um
Violetta, do you want to give a quick overview of?
Bitcoin and what an ordinal is or stephen?
You're throwing the difficult part to us
Well, I needed water too
Okay. No, that's fine. That's that's why we're here
Um, no, I just want to say like i'm super proud of you for
taking this opportunity
Uh, and uh when I first started learning about ordinals
You know one of the artists if you know, it's not the first artist that I thought of
That that I thought could do really well with the medium
Because of how the medium is it was you definitely
Because i've seen your progression like you said in the past couple years
I've seen you experiment a lot and then kind of
Focus on a few recurring recurring themes
That I thought could fit really well
With with ordinals and and with the way the ordinals theory is laid out
Um, I know you go really deep already like you've been
Minting things at an exact time, you know on an exact date already before ordinals theory was even a thing
Which is you know kind of things like that are what makes ordinals theory what it is
You know time stamps and block heights and different things like that and you you were kind of already doing it
Um, so yeah, I thought you would like it and I think you know, I thought it would really suit your art
So, uh just to give the quick rundown
What an ordinal is why do I have to take difficult question? No, what an ordinal is basically?
Um really is that the the translation of what an nft is but on on bitcoin and it's natively
On chain, right? So that that's one of the biggest differences. I would say
Um, and nft obviously is um is on ethereum and most of the times obviously that's not the case for onchain monkey
most nft is
It's just a token with a link to a decentralized storage
Uh platform like ipfs where you upload your metadata and it points to to a specific token with a specific date that you meant
From your contract. So there is a lot of provenance there already, but it is definitely mutable
So you as the creator have the power to mutate your art if you want which i've always seen as something
That's uh, that's interesting, you know as its own thing, you know, the fact that you can mutate things
Uh through the in time. I think that's that's a feature rather than
Than a a bug or whatever. Um
But if you are interested in putting things on chain directly, then ordinals is the thing for you
Um, because it's actually cheaper than doing it on ethereum
Comparatively, of course, it's not cheap to do things on ordinals, but it is cheaper cheaper than ethereum
And of course it's tied to bitcoin which is the the first, you know main big blockchain that everyone looks up to so
Yeah, plus of course, uh, you know ordinals theory really what what it is
uh, you know
On the on on the books is just a way to make satoshis which are uh, you know
The the little bitcoin coins the fraction of the bitcoin you just number them
right from from zero to uh the end of bitcoin so
Uh automatically they become non-fungible themselves because they have numbers they're numbered and of course
They have rarities also uncommon rare epic black
Uh so many that we can get into a little later perhaps, uh hearing, uh what stephen did with his own
When you're inscribing something on bitcoin you're taking
Uh a piece of bitcoin that is non-fungible
In itself and you're making it even more special by printing your art on it forever
And it can never be deleted and that is something that I don't think is super super clear
At least it wasn't like obviously I knew that it was immutable even after I did my first one, you know
Everything went well and smooth. I was like, okay, great
But the second one I did
There was a little fuckup
And I was like, uh, oh like I cannot delete it like no like I can't
Not even like even if I do another one or whatever
That the other one's still gonna remain, you know, so it really does
Hold you accountable for what you do. So and that's another thing. I really love about it that
You really do have to hold yourself accountable for your actions
So yeah, that's a make sure of the technical and philosophical way of explaining it
Well, that was fantastic. Uh steven
SM, do you have any anything to note there as far as the educational aspect of ordinals?
I gotta tell you vialetti that was a really really well done answer to that question
Um, especially because when you look at it from the angle of an artist i'm pretty confident that
What maybe a quarter of the artists who have started doing experiments over on ordinals at this point actually could explain it
so i'm i'm dead serious like I give you the biggest tip of the cap because
It's not just about the experiment
It's about understanding what it is that you're really doing and the effect that it has on the overall ecosystem
So seriously big applause to you. I really don't have much to add in terms of like the ordinal theory element of it
um, I just personally am
Very very much so into the art
um, and I would love to dive further into that with you right now steven because I think that
this piece is
Really, I mean it's it's a big moment. It's a you already said that like it's a transcendent moment and your career as an artist
So i'm really excited to unpack it with you
Yeah, thank you. Um, I appreciate it and I appreciate you being here
Um, yeah, uh i'm excited
I it was really hard to do that little like concise intro of my really really diverse background that also includes commercial real estate analytics
Don't ask my brain is weird
If you start to look at my ethereum collections in 2023, I started
playing with generative art
With code. I have a background with html coding
Uh, i've computer repair pc building. I'm currently a mac user. Thanks mac full ecosystem. Great. You can have all my money
Um, which is great. I love apple anyway
Um, but yeah, my background is computing
So that's the thing is watching looking at bitcoin. I really didn't fully understand it
And like we're saying here generative art bitcoin numbers and code
and provenance
intention and legacy
So if we're talking about like what violetta said the thing that is time stamped
Fully encoded in fully immutable
Um, yeah, it's like what's more fitting than to put more code on there that will display the art on chain
on chain art
Was something I was always interested in I was always looking at putting work on chain on ethereum
But it never really made sense to me because of the file size limitation
so I did two generative collections in 2023 both
feature circles at their core cosmic infinity and encrypted ecstasy
Which both tied into numerology
life the cosmos
And basically everything I was describing initially within the space my whole ethos
emotive work
All with code, but what I did with that with those collections is I amalgamated those into jpegs for ethereum
Which used of course ethereum and ipfs because those are big files and you couldn't do that on bitcoin
That was during the time I started watching the ordinal space and I was really watching and watching and trying to see what I could do
with my art
And it actually didn't click with me
That generative art on bitcoin is probably the most profound thing that i've ever considered as an artist
And we're going to get into that now i'm getting like more excited about it
Okay, like not that I wasn't excited before. Yeah, stephen
Yeah, no, I just want to stop you there for one quick second because I think that
Something that you had said there about the the usage of ipfs and the site and the data and file size
Constraints were something that kind of boggled your mind at the moment
Um, i'm really kind of curious what it was that
Was the decision behind those collections going either short form
Curated or long form as those generative drops went down like did you choose specifically to let it?
Rider, did you curate the collections that you put out over there?
Um as far as like how they were dropped
Yeah, like did you did you go through like all the outputs and pick out specific ones or did you let it?
Do you let like do you sell like a supply and let people?
Um just mint um and let randomization handle the rest
So I dropped those through foundation and they were jpags and the coding was I it was a it was a straight
Randomized output of specific coding that used specific colors and specific random orders with certain number of and potential outputs
You can do all that within the code. So for those collections
Um cosmic infinity was 420 pieces
Uh, it was it was actually totally amazing when I started outputting that generative work when I just hit play and every piece was
Totally unique then I took some of those and I made specific artist editions that applied specific traits
And all tying into the numerology of how I used each of those traits even artist editions 20
Uh five five and five like literally everything ties into
Cosmo genesis which uh is actually the trait naming for cosmic infinity
Encrypted ecstasy also went through foundation. Both of these were free drops because
It was the bear market and I was still here and exploring this and generative work
Just felt like something that I that was because you know
I developed the code and then clicked play and then amalgamated the work and made them jpags and then exported them
I mean, I felt like it was something that I could give to the community
and um, that was exciting work, um, but
The narrative wasn't complete
So if we're talking about like provenance and legacy and numerology like again
Like be a lettuce said like I will even mint at a certain time like a certain minute of the day for certain collections
It all ties into the provenance like when my bio is updated it says provenance maxi because it literally makes sense to me now
That bitcoin is the ultimate form of provenance
My work lives and breathes on ethereum. I believe in the solidity of ethereum that that will live forever
But the use case of that is better for those pieces with their intention. They're large files
I want to give the collectors big files that they can be, you know immersed into and there's details
so with the generative work
The reason that it clicked
Was I was actually
teleburning my on-chain monkey
And um, I was getting some assistance from a from from a team member at the time
And I was getting like trying to figure out exactly what was happening and we were having a conversation
This is good things. Uh, who i've known in the space also for a very long time
And basically we started talking about art and bitcoin as i'm really exploring the concept at this point. I was
Actually creating I had fully conceptualized like an like a visual of what I wanted to create but it was jpags again
like 400 kilobytes
You already know for bitcoin that doesn't work very well, it's expensive especially for a large collection. So
He suggested generative art on bitcoin is basically where it's at and then it got it got me to thinking
Well, I i've already put my my whole ethos in what I created, but it wasn't fully conceptualized
as jpags generative art on chain on bitcoin makes the most sense because
Like the alata said with the with the ordinals theory and tying everything in
Which will get into the technicals of this collection specifically
But you could encapsulate the narrative of the blockchain within the art and having that art live and breathe on chain
on the sat
Is just incredible. So
That was a solution
encode it
to keep the file size down
Still speak your truth through your work, right?
Take your heart and basically now we're talking about oh the possibility of animating it to literally give it a pulse
Because that's the pulse of ordinals, right?
Any questions where we're at?
Before I get ahead of myself
No, I mean I think uh, I think you've been really clear
Uh, I feel like I feel like people will want to see some stuff
uh, so maybe we should pin some things to the top but also
uh, maybe hear a little bit about like your process how you made it and
Um, you know, I I guess it's fun because in ordinals a lot of people love talking about the technical aspects
So I don't know if we should
We'll get there later. I think right. Yeah
I don't know if we should get into that more or just like
You know more the the creative part. I see a lot of like art lovers in the room though
So we don't we don't need to be nerds maybe for well
I mean that I guess that we can we can be nerds too villain
Because you're a nerd too
Pretty sure most of us are all nerds because we wouldn't be here in web 3 with this if we weren't nerds
I love art like that's my core
So, uh, but yeah, this is like the hybrid fusion if you don't know I exhibited
AI artwork at art miami during miami art week, uh, this art basel if you will
um, yeah, so uh
Tangible artwork printed artwork with a fine art brick and mortar gallery. So I like to break barriers and break down doors and
Be a little revolutionary just like veal at a wink wink
anyway, um
yeah, so the
the process well, um
Creating circles in generative art is actually not incredibly difficult
You're taking one of some of the shapes that are available within javascript coding and you're telling it how to display in different various ways and
You can limit those possibilities or have them completely unlimited which ties into the whole cosmic infinity
Element the whole cosmic possibilities of life in itself. Right so you can or you can define the parameters, right? So
With the circles. It was a matter of finding like the visual
Aspect that resonated with me that utilized my color palette. That's
Exclusive throughout all of my work, you know pop art inspired color palette
you know, you can see it it's evident when you search look over but
Yeah, it just it just
Resonated it was like almost a natural authentic thing, you know, it fell right within my intentions as an artist
I'm able to geek out and use code to create art, you know, effectively it's generative art
So is a I I kind of think that i'm becoming more of a generative artist than a photographer
Which I have a bachelor of fine arts in and I spent 10 years as a commercial photographer
Had my own arts journalism publication where I was a photographer
But when I showed my first work at a at a
Art fair like during
Miami art week, it wasn't photography. It was a it was generative work
So I think i'm effectively becoming a generative artist. So like it just all of this fit very well
It's funny because I say that
The second collection was far more difficult
In in the creative process of the work on ethereum
So I increased the level of difficulty to tie in an emotive element and that encrypted ecstasy collection was 512 pieces
And that process was tying into my mental health awareness aspect
usage of emotive
Faces my second collection on ethereum was morse moods, which was simple emotive faces
Like one-of-one pfps that you can wear as your mood
um, so that that literally so I took generative code and applied it to
You know emotive work, which I don't know anybody else that's done that, you know, you're taking code to create the art
If you can apply that code like on chain and on bitcoin when now you've realized like I realized like bitcoin
Like now that I understand it
This is I feel like this is like my opus. So
Is on chain art living on bitcoin on specific sats that we've chose, right?
But on bitcoin this work is
It's it's revolutionary. Like there's nothing else like it. It's taking everything that embodies me in my work
And it's bringing it to life on bitcoin
And even when i'm not here that will still be living and breathing. Oh be a hand
Yeah, how is it interactive?
Like how are how are we going to be able to interact with it?
Well, you so you guys really good that's a really good question
uh simple things like clicks
or buttons
Or different things will trigger different
like the pulse
I've been teasing at the pulse in my feed
Where the circles pulse and resonate and you are mesmerized and sucked in and that piece is pulsating
at your command
So interactive you can turn your heartbeat on and off
You can let it come to life and breathe and turn it off then I tease the most recent one that I pinned to the top
hyperspeed where you can
You can send the piece into hyperspeed and you can see it through the visual like it sends in hyperspeed the background element
Goes into like a star wars effect
So those are a couple of
Some of the things that you'll be able to do as far as interactive elements within cosmo genesis
Uh, the most the biggest the most profound element to me
You're not going to know until you mint it
Or I guess as maybe it's inscribed
Apparently, I don't know everything everything yet
And that's okay because we're all always still learning
And that's why I felt like an educational element of this space to begin with was really important
Because there's a lot of people that don't know what's going on. Everybody sees ordinals ordinals. So
Yeah for me
Once I understood this ordinals became the ultimate canvas. That was the perfect canvas for my generative artwork
Creating my art with code living on chain, which was something i've always wanted to do
Since once I understood it understanding the provenance
We can talk into the crazy provenance and nerd out on that if you want. Uh, I think maybe but um,
I feel like first of all
This collection is going to be limited
We're going to have a two-phase whitelist. I'm pretty sure everybody in this room understands that right?
So there's the first pin tweet if you interact with that i'm going to be running a giveaway at the end of the space
For two guaranteed spots for phase one
It's going to be
Overallocated so you're probably going to want a piece of my genesis on bitcoin now that you know, like this is
my opus and the
biggest thing I feel like i've ever done as an artist because it all came together and made sense and
What better blockchain than bitcoin to to put your most important work for like a perfect synergy?
And what better blockchain to carry the most inherent value within itself?
And to like have my work living and breathing as an ordinal on bitcoin
I have a team
My team includes on-chain monkey members and i'm incredibly grateful for them
And all their help and everything that they believe in me and what we're building together
It's really really I don't know. It's just very profound like this is um
Yeah, very special. So
The whitelist at the top if you like and retweet that and interact with that i'll be running a giveaway at the end of the space
For two whitelist spots and that'll be guaranteed spots for the mint
So that being said, uh, also if so like and we tweet the space
But if anybody wants to come up and i'll field questions we can start coming up if you'd like just throw a hand up
I'll bring you to stage
We let it up or steven. Yeah, i was gonna say well, we bring a couple people up. I wanted to ask you just
Point blank like what was the I guess biggest barriers for you in the journey over to bitcoin because
Again, like there's so many different ways of going about generative art on either ecosystem. I'm
Curious how you adapted and what stood in the way?
You guys see my pfp. That's my face. My birthday is public on my profile. I'm an actor. I'm an artist
Uh, I am authentically me and that's why my profile is the outlet for everything me
uh, because everything
Is effectively me and my my legacy that i'm creating
I think i'm even I don't even know
What was the question against steven? God damn it. I was just i'm curious. What were the what were the barriers?
Like what was it? Oh, yeah
On the way so yeah being authentic
Um, yeah financial barrier to be honest with you the same thing that occurred on ethereum. It was it was prohibitively expensive
Beyond the financial barrier. It was really the the understanding of the foundation of the blockchain itself because
Beyond the financial barrier. I wasn't going to create something that wasn't
with full intent
On something that's so important that I didn't yet fully understand
But it took all of that to click and it took me getting over that barrier
Of aligning with people that will help me with the the financial aspect as well and believing in the vision once it was like the full
Belief in my work as an artist
I mean most of you know i'm a kind of a lesser known artist within the space
I'm still up and coming in this space even though i've been doing this my entire life
Yeah, there's there's value in that and then yeah, that was the biggest the biggest the biggest thing
I never owned bitcoin until I moved my monkey over and now that I own bitcoin
Um, I feel like it's yeah the biggest thing i've ever done. So how's that?
Certainly answers the question spot on I I just am always fascinated about hearing that
First step journey because again, this is your genesis. Not only is it your cosmo genesis is your genesis on bitcoin
Right. So to be able to kind of understand what it is that you went through is a really pivotal part of that journey. So
A lot along that journey if you don't mind me kind of
Shoeing my way into a different question. Um
Who was it that like really?
Has helped you out the most along the way in terms of making sure that you could overcome those barriers
Because i'm sure that it really is one of those it takes a village moments that you know
We all kind of have seen happen over time on bitcoin
Um, yeah, I believe it was um
The onchain monkey community so for for my journey like that was that was okay. So that was another thing
My background in the space
Is coming in the space the same time vialeta came in the space
Um onchain monkey, I think was minting at the time for free
And uh, I wasn't I don't I wasn't on ethereum at the time even because it was the full on bull market
So again prohibitively expensive for me to bring my work to ethereum also something I did not understand at the time
So timing is everything again going into provenance and might take a specific time to even mint things
Which is like crazy to some people. Uh, anyway
Jesus my brain is like all over the place. I have not been sleeping because of this
It's really vialeta knows like i'm up at like all hours of the night. This is all I think about
And now i'm i'm like straying from the question steven. Uh, help me out. No, you're good
So again, when it comes down to it right now, there were things that immediate more immediately stood in the way, right?
specifically with cosmogenesis
When it came down to it and trying to overcome those obstacles for this specific, um drop like
What was it?
I mean, who was it that you kind of reached out to as your resource right within that new world of bitcoin?
Yeah, I was that's I guess where I was going with on-chain monkey is I was aligned with fellow
monkeys who you know on-chain monkey is all about
Bitcoin and you know, basically we we left ethereum to go to bitcoin
Um, so yeah, it took that connection. It took the networking and you know aligning with people within the space
um rabbi and heavy d are like
incredible people who have
Basically, I fielded this concept to a number of people
And like violetta suggested to me is let it resonate with who it resonates with and basically it hit them
And they understood like the vision and the intention behind it
yeah, um, so my team consists of two on-chain monkey members and um also honey bunny if you know
Is helping us out with collabs and whitelist
But yeah, it it was that and then them aligning and seeing the vision
And then helping me, you know with every everything along the way like
Even when like last week was a very difficult week for me personally
And you know you start questioning and doubting yourself, especially
As you know an artist that's still becoming known, you know, people are still starting to see what you're doing
It can be challenging, you know, you're fighting an algorithm you're doing all this stuff, but literally
their direct support
Yeah, just
It lit the fire and and they're there just you know helping me
So yeah, that was that was really the the catalysts really was on chain monkey
So and the community members and and just that's why why we're we're here. Uh, effectively. It's a big part of it
Yeah, I think it's really awesome the way that that community continues to rally behind people so
Big tip there. Um, but I want to toss it to violetta because i've got plenty of questions, but i'm really curious
um what she's
Wanting to hear more about as we go forward, but um as I toss it over to her
I just want to remind everybody please if you could make sure you retweet the space
We're trying to make sure that we let everybody know about what's coming up from stephen
Not this stephen the other stephen. Well the focal point stephen the one that's in the first spot over there
Yes that one. Yeah, so, uh, please make sure that you retweet the space
And um, I again i'll toss it on over to violetta
Yeah, yeah for sure. I mean I would like to
maybe touch on the art
part like maybe from the like your process creating these because
Maybe for someone who doesn't know we've mentioned it
But i've i've seen
You know your development as an artist in the last couple of years and i've seen you really explore
Lots of different mediums and tools
Uh from like you said photography, uh, but also uh ai and you've been experimenting with painting as well
Plus you're an actor
uh, you know plus digital art and digital painting and drawing so
um, definitely a lot of different things which
I personally really like which because it's one of the things that
I feel like is very uh
Is very normal and very like welcomed in in web3 or at least in my eyes, but it's something that
Um a lot of the times like in the traditional industries art music I speak for the music one, of course
Um, if you experiment too much
And you show the different sides of you is not seen as a good thing
Because it's seen as like, you know, who are you right people can't place you but i've really enjoyed
Seeing you seeing your your your diversity and how vast
Um your interest is and how vast your potential is as well
Given that especially lately you've been focusing a lot on the ai stuff
Which is also what showcase at art miami and you post ai beautiful ai things every morning
Like how did what was your process creating the cosmogenesis because that's not ai obviously
Um, I know it's code, but like how did you you know, how did you do?
I don't know anything about codar generative. I don't like in the real sense of the word
I'm like I pick up a guitar and my my generator is in my head and that's it
Like so I would like to know, you know, first of all, what what made you pick, you know going with this for ordinals and
Yeah, how did you do it like from from a creative?
standpoint, but you know more on the technical side like what what was your tool
Uh, the tool is p5.js. So it's javascript coding tool and basically the code determines what?
Visuals are seen and what's put together. I mean it pretty much as simple as that
It's lines of code that then display a visual the visual
Um, you know the javascript the coding libraries are pretty much everywhere. They were actually
Um put on to bitcoin by onchain monkey
So yeah, it basically
Uh creates an image from those libraries
So in this case each each piece on each sat will you know pull from those libraries and generate the image
That's why it's called generative art living on chain
on bitcoin
For as far as like the visual aesthetic it's just seemed like the perfect thing to to bring to ordinals into bitcoin
from my experience with
Generative art as a creative medium cosmic infinity was uh circles. So my genesis on here is um circles
But with animation and life. Yeah
I just wanted to say real quick. I didn't mean to interrupt you but uh, well, I didn't know that you took uh,
You know that they use that library
And I heard uh, jack butcher talking about this the other day on a on a space when he was asked about ordinals
And he said that one of the things that he really really
Uh thought like had the biggest potential about ordinals
Is exactly that being able to access like this open?
Library that has been you know inscribed by other people that have done amazing things and then you can take something that
Um, you know someone else's put there make it yours and make it more special and make it different by
You know just accessing this open source, uh data library
I think you know, I I distinctly remember hearing him talking about this and pointing that out as
one of the biggest value propositions of ordinals and
Um, so, you know seeing people doing it
Uh, actually I think it's it's really bullish, you know, obviously jack butcher is very successful. Um
Not saying just because he's successful. He's always right, but I just wanted to say yeah
I've heard other artists of the heights object butcher also
Um, you know throwing flowers at this kind of approach. That's what I was trying to say
Yeah, a hundred percent. I think I think the artists the bigger artists in the space, you know, great minds think alike
Uh, I think we all see the potential of
the blockchain of bitcoin
You know encapsulating these themes of life
and like the profoundness of this and uh, it's a mutable legacy forever and
with generative art
Being the you know, like a size restriction and you know, you've put
songs onto ordinals
One song at you know, what is it? The cap is like 400 kilobytes or something like that and that's extremely expensive especially now
Code is very small
It lives on the sat I think these are like three to four kilobytes apiece something like that if i'm not mistaken
Yeah, so the the that's like
like yeah, if you think about ethereum right if you're talking provenance and
Freedom to transact, you know even with art
Basically, it's it's the best possible provenance for certainly anything digital
But of course I foresee all of this for you know provenance for like physicals, too
um, which my work the ai work displayed at art miami has the nft counterpart to its
Tangible counterpart that's ai tangible
Um, but the provenance is on the blockchain
at a specific time
so, you know, that's like
It's incredible, but you know again ethereum for that because the size limitations and this
Going back to that. It's like four three to four kilobytes is not very big and then you can literally be
On like the the token the sat is the art
Like that's the thing is it's not you're not transferring the token
You know the certificate of provenance and if it's pointing to something you're just saying that this person owns that
Right, but in this case you're actually moving
The asset the art with a single transaction interaction, which has always been the most like crazy thing to me
Just watching the space and understanding the technology like of ethereum and all of that
Yeah, like on-chain art has always been where it's at and so again, like it's not something like I took lightly or like jumped into
you know, I took my time because
Um, everything happens for a reason and like that's why i'm having my cosmogenesis on bitcoin now. It all makes sense
the file size works
The more I got into the narrative the deeper the narrative got
Um, and that's why yeah, I believe it's my it's my opus like it's the biggest thing i've done as an artist
Yeah, beyond displaying tangible ai work at at art miami
Which is listed with rudoff bougie gallery if you'd like to buy cosmic cowboy, which is plenty available from on foundation
But that piece is listed for twelve thousand dollars with rudoff bougie gallery
Which effectively I would love to be purchased for ethereum again for the provenance. So then the transfer of the
Tangible asset goes with the digital asset in its digitally native form living on
The blockchain, but that's not on chain art
Um, anyway, did I answer your question in a crazy roundabout way?
I was like, oh
Yep, absolutely. And um, i'm thinking like sorry from maybe uh
You know, maybe i'm off topic but uh, are you planning?
And I know you haven't even minted this one. Yeah, blah blah blah blah blah blah, but you know how the dejans are
Uh, well, do you think you will be as prolific?
As an artist on ordinals as you were on e or well, obviously, you know
There's different kinds of restrictions on bitcoin, of course cost, etc
Um file size limitations. I know that your ai stuff is very heavy files
Very big big files and stuff. So
But i'm wondering do you think you will take on that challenge perhaps in the future?
To see if you can
Uh inscribe some of your very detailed ai stuff
Or do you do you feel connected to bitcoin?
Mostly or only
You know through your generative art or do you see do you see yourself being as as as um
Multi-faceted on bitcoin as well in the future
Um, I think with everything that I do is with full intent
like there's a there's a narrative and a piece of me and a resonance and a story that i'm telling with everything that I do
And with the work or like this is like the topic of conversation like ordinals with a hot topic
And you know, i'm the lesser known artist is doing my thing in the space and building my provenance and legacy that's going to live forever
I see that ordinals are
I I can't see it ever being anything else other than generative art
this collection is
Like I said the most important thing i've ever done
It's bitcoin. It's got it's it's the biggest store of value. It's it's
digital gold, um
Yeah, uh, I don't I don't see anything else. I see I see what will happen
Basically, I mean like the people that are in this room listening like I feel like you guys
You guys are getting to know like this intimately and this is all super alpha
Like i'm a sleeper i've been here every day in this space building my provenance and legacy
Leading up to this cosmo genesis like this life on bitcoin
Like living and breathing where you can interact with this life on bitcoin
Yeah, stephen
So, I mean with that do you do you think that you're gonna end up?
Wanting to continue to create a cross chain and experiment in a multi-chain environment or do you think that you're going to be?
Um more so attached to the generative art journey now like over on bitcoin ordinals
I think you know you you see this is like uh
This is kind of like ordinals are kind of a trend right now and for me that's not at all
But it is, you know, like I don't follow trends or pads like I
um, I think I believe everything that i've
Done, you know, everything happens for a reason. I started with because it was free
Basically free blockchain came to ethereum when it was financially feasible for me to do so and I understood
And then learned more and more and started creating my own contracts and all of my photography
and AI work
That's you know, I understand
What like what this means like this is this is forever
I don't I don't believe like, you know, the artist is creating for themselves
uh to create because it's within their inherent nature to create like we have the
If you it's a it's a compulsion. It's part of you
When you're creating things for yourself, um, there's just it's just a profound
Thing you're not creating for anyone else. It's like creating so like that being said
Um, I currently see this exactly for what it is like generative art on bitcoin
ethereum for what i've been using it for
Um because I started there
It's not going to go like that doesn't go away
You know this like blockchain is forever ethereum
I believe in the solidity forever and that's it's fitting for what I use it for for those larger files for photography for
things that are
You know 50 megabytes where i'm compressing it to 50 megabytes the native files are like a gigabyte
Don't even ask like my file size is absolutely
Refunking ridiculous. It's crazy the level of detail. That's why when you print like
cosmic cowboy
The level of detail is astonishing like it
You know, I I did the in-house printing when I was working for bob adleman and his historical archives
I printed for the 50th anniversary of the march on washington
You know i'm handling historical images and I have a deep intimate knowledge of the printing process
We had in-house large format printers, uh, which I learned, you know, I got my bfa in photography
Like I know how to print both, you know in the dark room and digitally so
Um, yeah, like the level of detail when you when you print it properly and do it, right?
Um with the right intention like yeah, the like the end result is fantastic. So
Nothing small for me unless it makes sense
Like generative art on bitcoin, so
Yeah, there you go
Yeah, I think it's a great answer to the to the question
So I am excited to see you continue to experiment across
Both chains, but definitely, um seeing what you do going forward on bitcoin is going to be really exciting
so I think everybody here can rally behind that a bit and
Just before we take it over to our next speaker up on stage. We just let up
Please please please remember to retweet the space
Um, we have a giveaway running up top and you'll find it in the xbox above
Um, steven morse is giving away two phase one guaranteed white list spots before his cosmogenesis collection on ordinals
So please make sure you go and like and retweet that he will be running that giveaway at the end
But let's go ahead over
um, I I really really wanted to have um, the song queued up to play like I
Trouble by taylor swift, but I don't have it. So, um, it i'm just gonna have to introduce them. So
Nico, welcome to the stage
What question might you have I came up to say hi to villa?
I didn't I don't know what the what else is going on over here
I'm not sure
But I guess listen, I got a two for one deal twice this week. So f you steven
I don't gotta say it twice
but yeah, I guess
I don't know. I don't know what else to say over here
What do you mean
What do you mean, you know what else to say? Come on. We have to face it nico
Uh nico as much as he likes to come up and play trouble and all that
I'm sure I think I have a feeling he played also
quite a quite a part in in I guess the um
You know, uh just being alongside the journey with with steven
To to get to this point. I know you guys are friends, you know, you insult each other all the time
But it's a way to say I love you
Yeah, I mean are you proud of steven anything?
I don't know. I don't know what to say this time around steven because you know how I told we were having this conversation about how
steven constantly annoys the shit out of me
He's fucking he wants to send me his stuff so I could see it and I tell him no and he sends it to me anyway
Well this collection he didn't do that at all
And I told him i'm like i'm pretty surprised. I'm like
I'm not naming anything. I'm like what's going on over here? And he's like so yeah, whatever it is what it is
It's fine. Congratulations. Steven. You finally I see you growing up a little bit
Yeah, maybe you go. Maybe hopefully you get some balls. But anyway, that's the size of the point. No, i'm kidding though
but yeah, good luck with this, you know, good luck with ordinals and uh
Hopefully it all goes it all wraps around very well
I mean we can definitely tell off that one steven that like that's a great reason why this could be your opus, right? Because
You left nico out of it. Thank god nico nico is speechless essentially
You have no idea how many times i've told them don't fucking send it to me, man
Like yo, it's just like you want to see it. No leave me alone
Fantastic, thank you nico
Um, right
Maybe no, I like what steven miller said. It's because
You didn't send it to him. It's a feature
Not a bug, you know how they say it's it's it's because you didn't send it to him that it's gonna go amazing
So i'm riding bigger waves now
That is such a beautiful jab vala you you literally just said that nico was a bug
Um, god, bro, but ordinal that's what ordinals is too. So I don't know what to say here
It's all connected guys
Speaking of
Speaking yeah, exactly. Look at all rpfps. Uh speaking of ordinals. Hey nico
You're you're you're wearing a ninja there. You're you're cool
You're in ordinals community and uh, you know, you got those bitcoin trumps because you're cool
Yeah, those are cute bro. Listen, i'm i'm i'm pissed I missed it, but it did
So whatever you like them right off the bat when I show them I do but I I ask because do you have any questions?
As far as I have known you for a long time nico nico picked me up from the airport at nft nyc
which uh actually lives historically in an open sea storefront contract forever those
Tangible film photos that are scanned to mint
Um, nico picked me up at the airport
So like I actually know nico like pretty well
Which I don't know if that's a good thing
But um, yeah
Do you have any questions about the art or connection or anything because you have been part of the process
But I haven't shared anything with you because you're right i'm growing up sucks to be you
No, i've seen the background if I have any questions
I'm just woke up steven. You know exactly what i'm doing at this time
Cool, uh violetta. Yeah
Yeah, I texted you but I don't know if you see the texts. Um, so I
Have to go because i've booked myself back to back today
Uh for for a bunch of spaces
Um, so but I wanted to make sure that I was here at least for an hour
Uh to get the juice you want to geek out on the sets really quick
Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that. Um, all right. Oh, yeah, you have to say
It's pretty complicated
Don't worry
I'll keep it concise for you and most of the crowd the people who understand bitcoin ordinals theory and sets will appreciate all of this
This collection will be a limited size collection within the hundreds tying into numerology of computing and everything multiples too
We're going to be using for the majority of collection block 9 450 x sats
And it's going to be inscribed sequentially starting with
alpha sats
And then the 450 block 9 450 x block 9 sets then we're going to round up the end of the collection with
omega sats and black sats
It's to encapsulate life itself because at its core that's this collection is it's life pulsing forever on bitcoin
That's the quick deep tie parent child inscription
With yeah, uh that rich narrative tying into the blockchain seamlessly
with the interactive
Features it's yeah
Uh, yeah living and breathing forever
on ordinals
on bitcoin
What could be better there you go?
Speechless what do you think steven?
I think it's amazing. Honestly, like i'm sitting here
just kind of
Inspired by the fact that you've given so much thought across every element of the collection
Like i'm i've
Always had that type of appreciation of generative artists and like for those of you that are not, you know, totally familiar with me
like I really do love deep diving and supporting artists and
There's always a touch of a narrative. There's always something there. It's not just you know generative code
But you you don't see it like all the time that
symbolism and logic all the way down in in this case
To deciding what types of sats to use
um, so i'm
Really really blown away by it. Honestly steven. So
Um, yeah, I I applaud it. I think it's a really really great use of story not only for
The technical but for the people that will grow to appreciate it as collectors
Yeah, exactly. Thank you. That's that's effectively what it is. It's it's visual storytelling with an incredibly deep and rich narrative
Um living and breathing on chain on bitcoin
Um my ai my other generative work is that too? It's visual storytelling as well. I'll buy you a letter
Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow
Um, and yeah, it's like everything I do is is created with intention to convey a story
and in this case, um, that story is just
Yeah, it's like when you when you actually get to see it and interact with it your mind will be truly blown
So yeah, everybody that's in here is definitely getting
Some serious alpha for sure
Yeah, without a doubt and again i'm going to posit to the entire audience if
There's something there's a burning question on your mind
Please feel free to raise your hand and come up or just drop it in the little chat area in the lower right hand corner of the space
Totally understand if you're at work and you can't necessarily come up and ask yourself
We're happy to facilitate that for you, but we wanted to make sure that we answered as many questions as we could here today
Um during the genesis space of cosmo genesis, which is what a specific
What are 450 ks?
Stephen would you like to answer what are uh 450 k sets and then maybe what are 450 x sets which are what your collection's on?
Oh, whatever
Well, um, okay, uh, so 450 x so
It's a 450 x is a subsection of block nine sets
And block nine. What was it? The
The first I have to to be honest. I still have to look this thing up. But um
Is it the first on or the last?
So the the block nines themselves were the first block mined by satoshi
Right there there yeah, so that's why the majority of the collection is living on there
Which is also the sets used for uh ocm if i'm not mistaken
Yes, correct
No, because that
Remember there was the jubilee recently. Yeah, they stopped that so this is this is parent child inscription though
You know on chain. Um, so there yeah, there you go. Uh, but the omega stats are first
so yeah, that's that's part of the narrative is is first and then the majority of the collection on the fourth index block nine
And then rounding it up with the end of life cycle with the omega in black
Uh rumble verse popped on stage
Rumble verse. How are you? Hey guys, how are you doing?
Good, how are you? I was here for the first 25 minutes, but I had to do something
I don't know if you put out
How much is gonna be?
So good question, I like good questions, um
Size has not been announced and neither has price
But the size will be within the hundreds and the price will be less than point zero one btc
So that will be determined
Going forward, but uh, basically I am set up for magic eden's launch pad
So we're going to be doing the two-phase whitelist through their launch pad. Um, we're looking at inscribing this weekend
And then the mint, uh about seven to ten days after inscription
All right. Thanks
You're welcome. I know that's that's that is an important question. I feel like people want to know when it's coming, right? Of course
Yeah, thank you for coming up you have any other questions
And that should be it's what I miss. I'll go back and listen to it
Yeah, I appreciate you. Thank you for coming up
Yeah, we started out kind of with like a background on me and then we got more into the collection
And then we just kind of dove into some of the technicals
Yeah, which leads into the deep narrative so should be a good one
Stephen miller
Do you have any other questions? Is there anything that I missed or any burning questions?
Anybody from the audience? Uh, if you haven't also, uh pinned to the top of the space is the giveaway
I'm going to be running that in a minute or two
So if you haven't done so and you want a white list spot to this collection my genesis on bitcoin living and breathing forever
on chain our interactive revolutionary collection
Uh, that's going to be mostly allocated if not all allocated to that primary list. That's why the second list is 50 50
I don't see any I don't see any public
uh for the mint to be honest with you, so
Yeah, anything that I missed even
I think I am pretty confident that you hit just about everything. Um, I I think the only thing that
really remains on my mind is
The experience that you hope for your collectors and collecting it
Um, have you given any thoughts that and what you would hope for the collector that comes and picks up their very own cosmo genesis?
Well, um as with all art, I hope you're buying the art because you love it. Um in this case, uh,
You know, you're gonna be minting something that's on bitcoin, which has its own value proposition in itself
That's why I believe it's also, you know, my opus the most important stuff on the most important chain
Um, which has the most inherent value to it
I decided that all of the the the functions and the traits were not going to be like
As far as you know, color of the circles will be one through six
Um one color up to six colors that will be a specific trait
but as far as like the functions will be open to
All the pieces because I want every collector that resonates with this
That's what it's all about is connection through the art telling my truth and my story and letting it connect with with other people
Through the art and this is living and breathing so that you get to interact with that
I thought it was really important not to limit those functions to just certain pieces
So I want everyone to have
Like an experience something that that you can
That's living and breathing on bitcoin
That you can have in your wallet forever because it's going to be living and breathing forever
I think that's the most important thing. Um that people enjoy
What they're getting
enjoy the work
feel something um
And the most the biggest coolest part of it. Yeah, you'll you'll see when uh when we get there, but
Just everybody enjoy enjoying the work is really the most important thing connecting and then you know
Becoming a part of of my community. Um, which is you know a very
Diverse. I just I do a lot of diverse things and like violetta was saying like that's what web 3 that's what this whole ecosystem allows
It allows anybody to do anything
and I you know, I found this space in the right time everything happens at the right moment and um
You know i'm putting this on bitcoin not because it's like everyone's talking about ordinals because it's the right thing for me to do now
um, you know everything happens for a reason so
I think that's that's the the connection the aspect of community connecting through there. Um
Being diverse like we can't do this anywhere else is what I was getting at like you can't you know
There's there's gatekeepers, uh in web 2 and you just can't do what you want to do and create what you want to create
Um without this space and
Yeah, that's why we're here now. Yeah, that's what I thought. It's not a really pure pure creation of a beautiful
Vision that you have for it
so again, I think that there's a lot to be excited about here and to everybody at home that's listening right now
I really do hope that you are going to go and support this drop because
Truly, it is a very special drop. There's a lot of heart in it
um and beyond that
That hyper speed mode is wild
Uh, yeah, I haven't shared um a bunch of the other ones
It's it's wild it's wild it's immersive it's exciting and uh, it's beautiful
So yeah, you guys uh, you ain't seen nothing yet
Just got to got to got to tease it out there
Make make them all want to come back for the next space to find out the next dope mode
In the background. Um, but steven would you are you ready to run that uh giveaway for the phase one whitelist?
Yeah, let me let me pull it up now. Uh, this is I guess, you know your last opportunity
To get you know this phase one
Whitelist guaranteed spot i'm gonna pull it up now do do do
I wish I could do eight things at once and run music, but i'll just pretend like I am
Um, i'm copying the tweet like live
I'm talking my way through it by the way
Uh also being an actor you guys will love this if you're in ordinals because ordinals there's this whole
thing with
Um, yeah, I just I booked a gig the other day
and it's uh
client that i've
Worked for before it's chewy
I'm gonna be teaching teaching you how to teach your cat how to play fetch
Chewy's youtube tutorial last time I taught you how to get your puppy to sleep through the night now i'm going to teach you
Teach your cat how to play fetch. So there you go. All right, i'm gonna run this thing
Let me go on me for a minute. I hope the cat trips you
in the middle of all this because
Yeah, good luck with that
Cool thanks. Thanks. Nico. You're you're the best break a leg steven. Yay
You know, I don't do this very often. So let's see if I uh, let's see if I did it right
Do do do do do do do do do do do
Did it what happened?
Oh, there we go entries. There's 18 entries
Uh begin draw why don't they do music for this?
Oh sweet. Let's go. Uh meta dave and sky
You are our winners for the evening and I know you both expressed interest so it falls in the right hands
Um, you guys can reach out to me with your ordinals wallet address if you don't have one
Set up your xverse wallet if you're uh, you know important stuff dave if you don't have one
If uh sky if you don't have one, I think you do but uh, i'll onboard you i'll help you get set up
And uh get you set up for cosmogenesis, so let's go congratulations. Let a dave and sky
Big congrats to them
I knew you had the soundboard at the remedy and and that's what I respect about you
Well, there's a lot of things I respect about you, but that's one of the things that I respect
Sm, come on. No
Respect you
Oh goodness, well at least we have our ninja comedic relief up here
Yeah, cool nico. Thanks for uh, thanks for popping up and uh contributing was very exciting
So much that I didn't share this until everybody else sees it first so um
I'm gonna find some music to play us out. But yeah meta dave and sky shoot me your ordinals address
Let's go. Um
Doo-doo, I think I think i'm gonna find a song you guys. Uh, you fill this one there for a second
Nico i'm just out of just out of curiosity. Do you have anything going on that you want to tell the people at home about or no?
No, nothing at all. No, no, i'm boring
I got I got the mail today. I'm about to argue with people in the mail over the mail. That's that's what I got going on
And that that to me would be the most entertaining space is if we just had, you know, somebody arguing over their mail
Um, you know how to keep it, you know how to keep it fresh nico. You always
I try to try my best
Fantastic, uh, if anybody has any questions specifically you can always reach out to me
More of this stuff is going to come out
But yeah, look for more whitest opportunities if you're already in ordinals communities we're allotting for
A lot of the allocation to go to those ordinals communities primarily on-chain monkey if you're an on-chain monkey
And you haven't moved your genesis over you should do that because uh
We're getting an airdrop of karma token nico. Yeah, get on it. You're you're late. Listen, I did it when it was free
You're late that happened for reason because that's what led me to generative art on-chain on bitcoin and things happen fast
Once you've been conceptualizing it for a really long time
So now we're here. Anyway, you know, um
Yeah, do that because you want that hair who doesn't like an airdrop, but it's literally karma karma token
So yeah do that do that do that
And uh, I told you so
Um, I think i'm gonna play us out with like the same song
But I think this is a different remix because something about the heartbeat just makes sense for the pulse of ordinals
I'll be hosting another space coming up
Maybe if you want to set your notifications on for me
Uh, you know, it makes sense for me at the time if you know
Uh, and this all makes sense. So follow along on my creative journey to the biggest thing that i've ever done
cosmogenesis the pulse of ordinals
Interactive revolutionary collection living and breathing on bitcoin. Thank you steven miller for co-hosting with me. Thank you via letter for co-hosting with me
Um wouldn't be here without either of you especially usm wink wink nico
I could probably be here without you. But no nico. I appreciate you. Everybody in the audience. Thank you for coming out
You got the alpha spread the word
Um, this is uh, yeah, this is gonna go
absolutely bananas, um
But this is just uh the start i'm gonna speak to via letter. We're gonna make a song and it's gonna be all about
F you steven cool. Yep. All right nico
We got a speedy version let's go let's go