Cosmos Club with Fuzion

Recorded: Jan. 23, 2023 Duration: 0:45:27



Hello everyone and welcome to the Cosmos Club. We should be right with you. I can see Bart has been joining the space. I just invited you to speak Bart.
So as you'll be seeing it in a second.
I can see you on mute part. Hey, how are you? Hey, welcome. Thanks. Do you know, Bart, if we should invite fusion, the main account? Yeah, we should. Alright, I'll do that now.
And I can see Tav has decided to join us. I don't know how Tav manages to ship and this team manages to ship like they do and still be able to join the club. Hello. I don't know how he does that. Hello. Hey guys.
Hello, Lads. Sorry about that. Can you hear me? Yes. Hey guys, yeah, I had a strangest thing. I was kind of blocked out of my accounts and I had to go through some weird authentication. But anyway, I was like, hey, I'm just shouting out on the on the cajuro account.
quickly. We need to change your account name to dangerous stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Awesome. Great to see you, familiar face stuff and welcome the rest of you.
to the club. Thank you. So yeah, I guess we should just dive right in. I can see people are tuning in already, but we don't want to keep anyone in suspense. So welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club, where we talk all things Cosmos and invite super awesome people who are filling.
the Cosmos. And today we got Bart here from Fusion and Dov from Couture. Welcome guys. Thank you. Hey, how you doing? Yeah, there's also Dazen from Fusion is on the Fusion. He's coming through under the Fusion
Yeah, perfect. Perfect. Slide. Slide. Yeah. The more the merrier, right? But let's just kick it off guys by yeah, talk about fusion, which is topic of today and OTC desk.
on could you are is all of the catchphrase that we are that we at least that that caught our attention when when you guys first started posting uh call our attention but if anyone has been paying attention perhaps you can just introduce what fusion is and uh yeah why people should care about it
Yeah, okay cool. I'll take that one. So fusion is born out of the ashes of Atlow, which was a launch pad on Terra. We, you know, we kind of went live through that calamity.
along with a lot of other people that are in this room and probably listening along, shout out to everyone who's made it through the other side. And we kind of stepped back and wanted to get a fresh start, hence the rebrand. And while we were going through that process and that
had evaluating what directions we wanted to go into. One of the things that caught our attention was OTCs. There were real discussions about big trades and how they impact markets.
even a couple of scammers who are out there trying to get people to send them large amounts of tokens because they said they had these massive deals that they wanted to do and we realized that there was definitely a space for an OTC desk that could alleviate some of the danger
and basically smooth out some of the volatility in the ecosystem. And the more we dived into it, the more we thought that it was something that could be a great complement to some of the other protocols and depths in Kajera. And here we are.
Yeah, that's awesome man and as we all know diamonds are formed on the intense pressure right so you came out the other end so great to see perhaps you're the next diamond. Yeah, I mean we hope so it's been it's been a it's been a pretty crazy
more of a roller coaster than anything else. I think lots of ups and downs. But we're here and we're building and we're just happy to have everyone else who's made it through and continue to support.
Definitely. And just for anyone who hasn't dealt with the OTC deals or OTC desk, it stands for Over the Counter and I can just speak on my own personal, for my own personal experience. I've tried the OTC 2.5

FAQ on Cosmos Club with Fuzion | Twitter Space Recording

What is the Cosmos Club?
The Cosmos Club is a forum where people talk about all things related to Cosmos and invite prominent players in the industry to participate in the discussions.
Who were the guests invited to the Cosmos Club to talk about Fusion?
Bart and Dazen from Fusion and Dov from Kajero were the guests invited to the Cosmos Club to talk about Fusion.
What is Fusion?
Fusion is an OTC desk that provides a safe and secure platform for large trades, which aims to help smooth out some of the volatility in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
What was Fusion's origins?
Fusion was born out of the ashes of Atlow, which was a launchpad on Terra.
What is an OTC desk?
An OTC desk stands for Over The Counter and is a platform for large trades that takes place outside of formal exchanges.
Why did Fusion decide to create an OTC desk?
Fusion saw a need to create an OTC desk that could alleviate some of the dangers associated with big trades and smooth out some of the volatility in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
What is Kajero?
Kajero is a cryptocurrency trading platform.
What happened to Atlow?
Atlow was destroyed during a calamity, and Fusion emerged out of the upheaval.
What was the purpose of the Cosmos Club interview?
The purpose of the Cosmos Club interview was to educate listeners who are interested in learning about Fusion's OTC desk and its role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Who initiated the interview at the Cosmos Club?
It is not clear who initiated the interview at the Cosmos Club.