Cosmos Club with Maya Protocol

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2023 Duration: 0:55:48



Hello everyone and welcome to the club. I can see people are starting to tune in. So welcome guys. We will be right back with you getting the Maya team on board. I'm not sure if
the main account from my as the one that's going to be speaking but at least I invited the main account now to be able to speak. But yeah, let me know if there's another account that I should be inviting.
In any case, we will be starting just in a few seconds. So stay tuned guys.
Hey guys, we will be starting momentarily. We're just sorting out which accounts to invite and which accounts to be a speaker, etc.
etc. So just hang in there. All right, I can see a request to be able to speak.
Oh, you're on mute. Yes, hello, welcome, welcome to the club. Thank you. Thank you so much. We made it. Yes, we're here. Awesome. Is there anyone else we should be inviting us?
speaker I believe there was a colleague that was joining maybe but I'm not sure so let me know. Perfect. Awesome. Well, welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club where we talk all things Cosmos which we tweet daily about what's going on in the Cosmos ecosystem and then
We invite interesting, fascinating, hardworking builders who is contributing to the customer's ecosystem to these spaces. We upload that in the podcast episode. So for anyone who wants to really send, you can do that on Spotify, et cetera. And today we got my protocol. Thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you. Thank you for having us. Happy to be here. So we did a little bit of a threat and in general just being super excited to see what you guys are working on but for the uninitiated perhaps just take us through what my protocol is and why people need to pay attention.
So the easiest way to think of it if you're already familiar with DeFi is that my protocol is only swap but for cross chain assets. So swapping across different blockchain ecosystems. So this makes it always
several orders of magnitude more difficult. Thankfully we base our code base on for chain, who is the only other entity or chain that has been able to achieve this. And we are planning to launch in a month from now. We've been working on this for two
years now and for if this was a bit over your head essentially in more even easier terms what Maya allows you to do is swap Bitcoin from Bitcoin network over to if on Ethereum network or over to say rune
on for chain or over to kujia without using centralized parties in a trust minimized way and with self-custody. So your keys, your coins. So that would be kind of the overarching picture.
beautiful. And yeah, I think most people in Cosmos at least they know about you from the Kutura partnership which we love to talk about but before we do that, as you mentioned yourself, you've been working and building for two years. We see a lot of projects that
you know spun out or created over the span of sometimes weeks only and then they disappear all of a sudden as quickly as they as it came up right so walk us through like how what you guys have been working on for two years
years. And yeah, why you are here to stay really, because I think really my protocol is when we start looking into it ourselves. Sure. So first of all, fortune itself is over a hundred thousand lines of code. So this is not as much contract or this is not just seeing
launching a Cosmos SDK bear chain rather this is some heavy code. So just a fact of understanding for chaining depth of what the hell is going on on the code is
just as it is already a challenge. But you don't only need to understand the code, you also need to deploy it and run a network of nodes running that code. So that's also another layer of difficulty. Because you're not only running for chain, you're running full nodes on Bitcoin full nodes.
on Ethereum full node on whatever chain that the chain supports or Maya supports in this case. So that makes it then more difficult but we also bring our own changes to the space. So we have a few ideas on how to make a system more capital efficient, especially requiring half
the capital, which also automatically doubles the perceived API on positions. So all of that now take that you know over a hundred thousand line of code Salami and that you need to deploy and then have coexistence thing with several chains.
and then go ahead and make changes to it. Just that it's alone with halbo and security two or six months. So yeah it's been a lot of work, it's been tough but it's totally worth it. I believe because we just need redundancy in that space. This is literally critical in
infrastructure for blockchain. So yeah, definitely. I mean, a lot of people here will I think vouch for the fact that the future is multi-chain. We will start seeing more and more chains, obviously in Cosmos. We got IBC, but we can't expect every single chain that will ever exist.
to adopt IPC. So we need something that connects everything. And I think Thor chain Maya is probably going to be the answer. Would you agree with that? Yeah, definitely. That's why we're here. Perfect. So talk to us about the Kuchira partnership.
because I think that's really where you stir things up here in Cosmos. So it's an integration. I would very college's integration rather than a partnership, although we might go a bit deeper together and have something more formal over time. But as an integration, what does it mean? Essentially,
Maya will be running a Cousera node. All nodes on Maya will run a full node on Cousera and we will have a vault on Cousera where you can send Cousi to either for a swap that you want to go to say cacao or Bitcoin read or to an liquidity of Cousera.
you, Kakau, if what you wish to do is generate yield. So, sounds simple on face value, but what this will ultimately allow you is to connect the Cougier ecosystem to Bitcoin, to Etheriquity, to anything that thought you're in sports to ruin liquidity.
and super powering that defy a consistent. So definitely super interesting for the career community. I mean recent close contact with people involved in the development team and we're looking forward to making some noise on this regard. At the end of the day we share the
real yield ethos, so Cosmo sorry, Takau or Utility token is not very much inflationary rather the fish come out of swapping out of real utility. So we share that ethos and we really want to see
could he succeed because we think they have in many ways the right formula. So very happy to superpower their their taxes and their ecosystem with access to the biggest liquidity markets out there on crypto with you know permissionless non-KYC in an email subcostody all of that.
Right on right on and I think just to walk us through someone who perhaps is not familiar with Roochain or that's already Thorchain or Thor swap like swapping native assets cross-chain How does that work? Let's say you have Kuchi
on your wallet, Kevla wallet typically I would assume. What do people do? Like walk us through the use case basically. So what you do is you use a user interface that attracts most of the logic for you, but what you
If you wanted to manually use a swap transaction from your kuzi wallet to the kuzi wallet, and what you send in the memory of that transaction is that you want to swap. And whether you want to swap to say if, so you write
right, and then your Ethereum address on Ethereum network that you want to receive the ETH too. And what will happen once you send that, what will happen is that nodes on Maya are running nodes on Cogida so they can observe the transaction that is happening. And 67% of the nodes
will agree that they observe the transaction and breathe the memo within it. And it says swap to it, right? So what they will do is, intermediarily, they will swap to cacao using the kujik cacao pool and then from cacao swap to if using the cacao if pool. But this is happening behind
the kitchen. You don't even need to know that it's happening. So for your perception, you just receive if you eat you while it's and that's that, you're done. No need to log in anywhere, no need to identify yourself, no need to anything. Now, you can query the
the Maya nodes and Maya chain to see what is exchange rate that you will ultimately get. Like how much Ethereum I'm going to receive if I do this transaction now. And this is something that it's to might be too difficult for a layperson. So user interfaces like course up or throw wallet or or you know today try
wallet launched for chain on iOS which is huge. So if you have chose wallet you might have already used for chain by accident guys by the way. So what they do is they query Maya to just know what the exchange rate will be if you want to see it kind of in a so much fashion.
there are fees to be paid and exchange rate and all that. So it will tell you, I don't know, you'll receive five fees. So you are green, so you just send the funds and you will receive your five fees and you're happy. So super straightforward, great UX and the reason why so many user interfaces use it
is because they themselves can charge a small commission on top of what Maya and Fortune already charge, which is why it's a good business model for while it's like trust wallet to put in the work of integrating Fortune and Maya because they can benefit over it as well. Makes sense. Yeah, so I think
A lot of people are familiar with bridges, Axelar, for example, is big in in costments with satellite, dot money. And the difference really on the surface of it at least is that instead of you know having some wrapped, bridged eith that you has in and out.
So it's the same asset as ETH, for example. Here you're actually able to swap without having bridges involved. Is that correctly understood? Correct. And the way that works, if I understand correctly, is that you use these liquidity pools that we all know from various different AMMs in Texas.
But here you have Kakao as what I would call a settlement token. So perhaps just walk us through what Kakao is and how it functions and why it's so crucial for Maya to work. The benefit of using fortune in Maya is that
you're swapping immediately for the native assets and you only have porocal risk for the very short time period that the swap was being serviced whereas when you're using graphing begging or just bridges in general the problem varies you have
the problem risk for all the time that you have this asset or rap token or representation of the token on the target chain. So say you swap from, you know, you use Bitcoin to interact with a rap Bitcoin contract to get some WVTC and
And then you take it and you go and find these, right? The problem is all the while you call the WTC, you run the risk of the smart contract having some sort of exploit or something. Whereas on torching, you ask for the swap between two if and you receive your if, right?
It might take a few minutes, during which you also have some protocol risk, but the time period is greatly diminished. So in that regard, yeah, the risk is smaller in my view and also shorter. So you're less exposed to any issues.
makes sense. And then how does Kakao play into this with the whole settlement token? So all liquidity pools are set up with the different native assets, e, Bitcoin, etc. And then Kakao as the other pair, right? Yeah. Kakao is always a pair asset in the pool. What this allows first is
a great price reference and it's intimidating when you're running between chains. But also it helps you reduce the amount of pools. If you go to Uniswap, you'll see there are thousands of pools. And the problem is there are thousands of very shallow pools. So that's not desirable. Whereas on Maya and Fortuna there's only one
pullper supported asset which allows this pull to be much deeper with the cow. And yeah, you're interacting with two pulls but as long as these two pulls are very deep, it's not really a very big problem. So whereas on Uniswap you have one
pool for every single token pair, which of course is ends up having shallower liquidity. Yeah, that's a shallow liquidity increased higher slippage, more permanent loss to use to to well piece. It's easier to exploit the price of a shallow pool, things like that.
Yeah, and speaking of deep liquidity. So the roadmap. So right now you're not live you go live if I understand correctly, seventh of March where you have this 21 day period of liquidity auctions setting up these vaults where you have
BTC, Ethereum, USDC, USDT, Rune, and then Kakao as the other pair. So Kakao doesn't yet exist. So you only have BTC, you only have if you only have Rune. At the point there is to make those
assets that see pass possible. Now you're not paying us that money. It's just adding it to the liquidity and we will donate or give the all 90% of the cacao to circulate into those pools. Why 90% and 100% because 10% is held aside to a risk
So what happens is you added one Bitcoin and you still have that one Bitcoin on your LP position, but now we also have cacao on the other side. So now there's different tiers according to how much you're willing to lock up your position.
If you're willing to lock it up just for 30 days, we then shave up 33% of your LP units. If you're willing to hold for 60 days, you will get a 10% shave. And what we got from tier 3 and tier 2 that have 30 and 60 days respectively goes to
tier 1s who must hold for 200/As. So obviously there's a glitch incentive to become tier 1 since you get a boost to your HP position that can be very significant but you're also with us at least for 200/As. During those days you can withdraw just not your full position
tier 3 has a 4.5% daily withdrawal allowance, tier 2 1.5 and tier 1 0.5% of their position per day. So yeah that's more or less how it works. Why do we do this? First we're sharing cacao super fairly
to whoever is adding liquidity. Second, we will start or jump start the protocol with huge liquidity, super-div liquidity, which at the end of the day is what we need. Deep liquidity means lower slippage, which means less fee-spade for shopping, which means more affordable shopping.
which increases swapping demand and those volume, those APY, and you start the virtual cycle of having deeper liquidity even. So that's why we want to start as deep as we can, and that's why we are giving it away all the utility token to all the LPs that start with us.
nice and just to make sure there's no confusion so I deposit that say one Bitcoin into a vault that you set up same with a march there's no impermanent loss when when I deposit that because I'm basically farming cacao over the 21 day period from liquidity auction and then I
21 days I can take out my one Bitcoin or was it locked? If let's say you added on 7th of March and then on the 20p of March you don't like us anymore and you want to withdraw you can withdraw your one Bitcoin and you have an incursion in permanent loss and you had no lockups well
because you haven't gotten anything from us, right? So we said this out so that you can trust that you can add and withdraw any time during the auction. Once the auction ends though, we're giving you cacao for free, right? And the problem is we need to give the protocol some time to bring
bring over the volume, bring over the yield and the integrations to a point where that liquidity is stable because they much rather have their liquidity position there. They're a bit going there with cacao going to work that we throw it just because there's a yield incentive. So because we gave it the cacao
So, you have at least a 30-day lockup where you can just withdraw 4.5% per day of your position of V-complus cacao. And you also got a 33% decrease on your position, but you got cacao given away to you. So, you have essentially like a 34% reduction.
So 1.34x what you started with in in dollar terms. So yeah, you now if you don't want any lockups, that's fine. Wait until the liquidity option is over. People get their cacao for free. And now you can buy cacao on the
And as liquidity, you're with Bitcoin cacao like a normal person would do now in fortune and that's fine. That position has no look of whatsoever. So we understand not everybody is up for this. We are obviously interested in people that know what's going on.
see what we've been doing, what we've been building, they do their own research and they think it's a, you know, a risk worth taking because at the end, this is D5, this is cross-chain, this is a new protocol, like don't bet your house on this, please. But it's obviously something that can generate an
interesting return for you, but take the calculated risk. If you don't want any loss and you want to have the freedom to go in and out, just wait for the liquidity auction to be over and now it's your free to add that we throw at will. Definitely. And let that be a lesson for anything that you might do in Tifa. Yeah.
It's all, yeah, do your research basically, but speaking of the partnership just to go full circle here. So you will launch initially with the Bitcoin Ethereum use the CUS, the CERU and then you open up shortly after I guess the the QD auction finish with
Could you be in B dash and Osmo is that correctly understood? Yeah, we will we're prioritizing kooji and dash We essentially will launch them as soon as technically feasible after the liquidity ordinance so 27th of March is the last day for liquidity auction 28th of March trading is enabled
And then 29th of March or a few days after, you can expect the launch of Kujee and Dash. They don't have to be on the same day. It depends really on the technical side of things. If we don't are not able to get it through on end of March, just expect it any time on April.
probably toward the earlier side of April. So what would that entail? We basically add kuji nodes turned in now with a new bolt for kuji and a new bolt for dash. People will see
this pool with the trading disabled. So they acquired cacao, they have probably already some kujji by getting cacao from the pools. Of course, since there's no other way to buy it at the beginning, which is good. That means more assets for the protocol. So now with kujji,
and cacao, they add liquidity and once the liquidity is some at least $200,000 deep, even more, then we enable trading for kuji and now you can swap kuji for Bitcoin kuji for ETH kuji for rune through rune, it's interface
with Doge, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, so definitely opening up way more possibilities for the QD ecosystem. Nice. And I think a burning question, a follow-up question to that is obviously you guys, I mean the entire crypto ecosystem is open for
you write it's cross-chain you could choose any chain Bitcoin makes sense it's the Godfather that's why we have everyone everyone who's here typically started with Bitcoin so that makes sense Ethereum makes perfect sense number two USUC USUC to make sense you need stables I mean people are trying
a lot of stable so that makes perfect sense. Roon makes sense because you are forging forchain and then kuchi. It makes sense for aggregation. In the sense that we have Roon we can have access to all the assets forchain itself as and we can actually
agree with one another. Yeah. Now, why so even even a bigger argument, but my question is basically, why could we? We are huge fans of Kajira, the Kajira ecosystem. But it seems pretty right. Like it's, I don't know, it's not even tough.
I think I can't remember the ranking. So why Kujee, that just out of curiosity, what did you decide on that as the fifth or sixth year? Well, first off, it's Cosmos based that as you know, Thorchin currently already supports Cosmos a kaya. So we, the integration to Kujee
Rosmo or all the rest of the cosmos chain can be straightforward, but we want to focus on those that are real yield and defy oriented, which Kujee is definitely a great candidate for this. Also simply the community was, and Grigio was a bit more open to what we're doing.
Launching in a vacuum, so just launching some cosmos chain that has no interest or support for Maya is not good because we need people to see the liquidity and actually use a protocol and user interfaces that actually integrate with us and wallets and Dex's.
So in that regard, the engagement and the openness we've had with Kujji and the team and the communities is super important and was definitely counting towards us prioritizing the ahead of other cosmos-based chains. So it's also a good place to stay.
start. Like we don't want, you know, Rome wasn't built on a day. We're not looking to have the biggest and baddest all the time. The point is, Aida, I believe, is a great ecosystem, huge market cap, very siloed, a big tool, maxi, a community, which is not
It's great for crossing tech, but I think there is a market. But it's technically more complicated. It's also very high stakes. So, you know, it shouldn't be the first chain we support. We're going to wait a few months for that. So, could you be saying yes, it's not huge.
We think it can be bigger and we think they have what it takes to develop. They share their real deal details, they're very deep, I already have them, they are very supportive, technically and community wise. So let's do it. Awesome. Fantastic.
very bullish for Kujira that they are able to attract protocols like Maya and integrate with them. And yeah, we had Davon a few times and they're just doing fantastic work really if you ask us at least. So speaking of IBC and Cosmos Chain's
So you have the cacao token you are called the Maya protocol and then you have the Aztec chain also. Mm-hmm. Talk to us about that and that's a cost no sorry. That's a Terra no for it's a customer says the gate for now. No longer Okay, but it's essentially a side
that node on Maya protocol also run and has triple redundancy with Maya because they share nodes, they share IBC and they share Bifrost. So there's kind of triple interaction there. But as the itself is completely independent, it's a storage
in the sense that it's running asynchronously. It's not synced to Maya in any way. It's parallel to what you can think of this. Now why do these? Why? Because Maya and Fortune have no smart contracts. They also need to be very conservative with their ABC and how they work with other ecosystems because it's just like a very
high stakes, dangerous, large attack surface design. So you need to be very, very careful whatever you introduce. So Aztec is essentially this second layer where we can have more freedom, attract more builders, more developers because you can have custom awesome, you can have, you can
in other assets to ABC, you can bring from Maya, which is also very interesting. Obviously, Kakaus, it's also utility token plastic, but also seeds. So SVTC, SE, S-Rune, S-Cougie, to interact with smart contracts on Ashtag itself.
super super powerful in Barbie Guard and we obviously want to also see and take you know have or take on a few DeFi designs that we have on mind for the future but yeah that's essentially what Aztec is. Azmarie is a track layer of my protocol.
Yes, I was just about to ask, so it sounds like the vision of Aztec is to build beyond a swap functionality, beyond the DEX functionality. So have all kinds of applications being built using, of course, perhaps integrations with Maya or building something together with Maya, but using
that as a launchpad, maybe, for the liquidity and users, et cetera, but as they can go much beyond that, it sounds like. Yeah. So, right. Miles is the beginning. And there's much more to build. Taking
advantage of just a very secure system. You know, Aztec has nodes which run Maya and train as well that have these huge bonds in Aztec and Kakau. So they're very interested in Kakau's well-being and you have Kakau, an Aztec that is essentially packed by all of these huge Aztec in Maya. So it's a very
back, very much back that's it, which is a good for the backbone of a smart contract ecosystem. Yeah, by itself, we also have more stuff. As you know, fortune is not all being building swaps, but also they have synths, they recently
launch stavers, they're going to launch order books, lending, perpetuals. So all of that can be inherited by Maya as well. We were backwards compatible in that regard. And then whatever is kind of more freedom and more just things like NFTs,
more extravagant designs, you can have them all as a smart contract built by the community and by usuring interfaces on Aztec. I mean, a permissionally fashion. On Fortune and Maya work a lot like a Senate, whatever you want to do, 67% of the notes have to agree to it, which
obviously is not easy to do since these guys have huge stakes in the network and they are very conservative by nature. They're trying to protect what they have and it's totally reasonable right? These guys have millions of dollars and they don't want to end Android. Whereas on Aztec you can launch a smart contract, no questions asked, just totally
mission list, whatever you want to build, whatever you're willing to do, and whatever you think will work. So that just opens the door to much more innovation, more change, more builders, more developers, a bigger community, and just more open for all. So that's why we're very excited about ASCIC. We think we'll bring all some more
builders to my itself in the record, which is great. Nice. And I think now is a good time to shift gears a little bit. I take questions from the community and one of them, which relates very much to what you just said, is the difference between 14 and that protocol and my
Yeah, because you just mentioned that it's backwards compatible. It sounds like a lot of the things that is being rolled out in the 4 chain and the entire ecosystem there is something that you extend to adopt as well. So I guess a fair question will be what's the fundamental difference?
Yeah, well, first of all, we already discussed that we will have a few asset diversity. So although we share Bitcoin and ETH, we don't necessarily share all the assets because there's limited bandwidth and high cost associated with running full amounts on target chains. So we will have
a different set of supported assets. So that's one. No. 2, we always spoke about Aztec, like the smart contract layer. That's something that we coin and we're launching ahead. So we will see how that goes, but I would at least have the opportunity to do something similar that something unique.
to Maya. How we launch, so the fairly distribution of the token, I would say it's also sometimes underrated difference, but the largest difference is none of those. The largest difference is the capital efficiency aspect of it because on Maya nodes don't bond, cacao,
they bond LP units of pools. So essentially you become an LP and if you want to have extra yield you you upgrade to a North and that is what you use as a bond and as a collateral. So why this is very powerful is because all of the North capital is now going to work. So you don't have
these two different sets of capital pools, one which is in the pools by LPs and one which is just standing by by notes during no work and just dragging the API. Instead, all of the capital of the network is in the LP pools and generating yield and doing work. So that cuts the capital requirement
essentially in half and simultaneously doubles to perceive the API of the players involved. So right now, for change to have a hundred and fifty million dollars of put depth requires around three hundred million dollars of capital and to double their pull depth they would have to find another
$300 million of capital, right? Half of which would go to the pools and half of which would go to the bonds. Mya can have $150 million of pool depth with just $150 million of capital because no bond is within those 150 and to double in size
we now just need $150 million as well. So we just are cutting the capital requirements in half. And this is huge. It's like think of opening up a lemonade stand and instead of needing $10,000, you now just need $5,000 to open it up.
It's something else. But you're going to sell the same amount of lemonade and you have the same fixed costs. So it just makes sense. And we believe it's the right model to choose. As long as it's also vital
testing the wild, we will also happily approach torching on how they could transition to this model if they ever decide to, but it's not that straightforward. So this is something where as torching could easily decide to have their own site changes, mark contracts, or they could easily decide to support a new asset, they cannot
very straightforward transition to the liquidity node model, just because they have already a lot of drag from the current model. It's just not straightforward at all, technically, community-wise or in any other regard. So this is definitely a key advantage that we have. Yeah, that makes sense.
And also, I mean, in many ways you're leveraging the traction that 4 Chain has received, at least on the room token by having the pool for room and, as you set up, initially, right? So you're in a way building on top and doing it in another way, taking another approach with
the pool tokens. Yeah. And also, to integrate Maya, if you already integrate fortune is straightforward. In the sense that you, if you already support ruin and swaps or savers on the
on my eye it's very, very, very easy. So that part, although we've changed a lot of what is happening in the back end and the economy part, the interfacing with Maya is exactly the same as interfacing with Furchain. So they already opened up the way with TrustWallet and so many more integrations
already in the bag and coming. They can also easily simultaneously support Maya very, very straightforwardly. So we, the amount of work that it would take us to achieve all of these integrations is diminished because thankfully Thorchin already paved the way.
Yeah, it's very clever, I must say. The more I listen to you and the more I understand, it makes perfect sense, especially in this world where liquidity is so important.
deep liquidity pools is really the number one factor I think for products like these to succeed. So well done there. How does the roadmap look like? So you
talked about being backwards compatible with Thor chain. And so we can already imagine the kind of features coming from there, of course, but then how does the program took from like besides the Thor chain stuff? Yeah, so we have a
the quick reaction starting 7th of March to 27th then we launch QG and dash, Aztec should be launched also around April, maximum May then we also look to support BSE and Osmo in May June
And then we take a deep breath and make sure volume is where we want to be, the gracious hour we want to be, and somehow skipping also on backwards compatibility with searching. And then towards the end of the year,
is where we start focusing in the larger hurdles, which is how do we bring more pillars to Aztec and a larger ecosystem there? How do we integrate with Calvano, which is not easy, since they use another cryptographic signature, and how do we start building some more defy on Aztec directly?
taking advantage of the power of Synths and Kakao. And just continue whatever we're doing. So that's more or less what we're shooting for here. That's pretty packed already. And just understand the token for the Kakao and Synths.
So, Kakao, sorry, S-Tig is going to be an IBC enabled token that we can move around in the across IBC chase, but S, sorry, Kakao, where's that going to sit? So, okay, there's actually not two tokens that's three. The problem
If you listen when we were talking about the liquidity auction is we're giving out all of the cacao for free, right? So then how does it definitely get incentivized? We believe the most straightforward and and interest the line way to Louise is by having a percentage of revenues.
So all the fees generated that go to LPs and nodes and all of that infrastructure, some small percentage of it can go to incentivize investors, team, etc. In a way that's all inherently already besting, right? Because it starts getting a lot of volume.
are doing better if we do not, then we don't get anything. So it's just very straightforward, success-based compensation. Because of this, what we did is abstract these percentage of revenues into another token called Maya from mya chain and as they for as the chain. What they do is
10% of the protocol fees and the revenues of the system. So 10% of the swap fees go to my token, 10% of the gas fees on Aztec chain go to Aztec token. So this way we are just heavily incentivized to have this system produce real
and have real utility because we don't, if we hide the token but nobody uses it, we earn nothing. So we have no incentive to just overly hide, we have incentive for utility for real value generation. So we listen to account,
There's 1 million myotalkin supply on Maya, 1 million token supply on Aztec. They can interact through IVC and also end up going to other ecosystems in the future. Just quick caveat, it only is generating
is getting their share of revenue if they are in their source chain. So if you take Aztec chain, let's say there's 1 million and you take 100,000 Aztec tokens and you send them to Cosmos Hub or something for some reason, they will not get their daily distribution of CACA
from the fees. So the fees generating that 24 hour period will only be shared with the nine hundred thousand asset that are in asset chain, same for Maya token. Now, just quickly saying as well Maya, Nastyca, no governance rights, all the governance is done by the
Hello. Yeah, you jumped out a bit. So all the coverings are done and then you cut off.
I hate Twitter spaces. I gotta call. I'm so sorry. Give me a second. No worries. No worries.
It was a very interesting point where you ended. Governance is done. Okay, now can you hear me? Yes, loud and clear. You're leaving us suspense about governance. We could hear up until governance and then you cut it.
team don't really have any governance rights with the mayor asek token they're just a revenue sharing token. The real governance is joining a node so 67% of nodes both by consensus on what to do and what changes to implement and they bond the liquidity provider units
that require external assets and cacao. So just super strong and kind of safe governance if you ask me. In that sense, cacao is a utility token and cacao is what powers the whole economy. You have it in the polls as a price reference.
an exchange pair, you use it for any network piece or Maya for any gas piece on Aztec, you can swap it, move it around, send it through IBC, do whatever you want with it. That's kind of the the rune equivalent and the atom equivalent. You want to think of it that way.
So yeah Sweet and you got a fourth perhaps token which is not a fungible token but a non-fungible token NFT for sure, which is the Maya mask. Oh, yeah, we have we I'm not a personal NFT fan to be honest
But in this case we did use NFTs to generate some community engagement through these Maya masks, but I'm a real yield guy. I didn't just want to make some NFTs lunchtime. So what we actually did is put utility behind them. So they're getting 1% of the Maya
an Aztec token supply behind them. 20% of that shared when, as soon as feasible, technically, and the early other 80% you will have to do some kind of staking process in the future.
super excited for that really really cool stuff going on and yeah those you're available on OpenC they're right now on Ethereum so you can go and get your hands on them they're useful also to participate in in our quests if you
go to a discord, there are different kind of community competitions going on where you do a few things and get compensated for it. If you win the top 20 leaderboard, there's two competitions, one with between Maya mask holders and one with for anybody and we're sharing five
$5,000 worth of myanastic tokens to the first group and $3,000 worth of myanastic to the second group. So yeah, go and check them out. Just also, I recommend you to go to a discord. There's a lot of community engagement there. And we always answer questions and listen to your feedback.
You can also, if you want to learn more, go to We have a white paper there and much more information, technically and non-technically oriented. Also, you can download there or help on audits. So there's a whole lot of info there you can go and do your own research with.
Awesome awesome and you've been very generous for this space putting up a Maya mask for for grabs for the best question which we will select after this space so Stay tuned afterwards guys, but Thank you so much for joining the Cosmos Club today
You have been super generous with your time and we thank you for all the hard work that you have put in the past two years and perhaps more I'm sure it feels like ten years for you guys But that's crypto for you Is there something you want to leave the community with this is something that we missed out on ask
asking that you want to spill perhaps some alpha that we haven't asked you. Have to have to tease the question at least. Well, there's a lot to talk about. I could literally be here all day talking about more and more stuff that we've been building within breathing and setting these protocol for two years.
So definitely allow them involved. If I can leave you just with something is we definitely have learned many lessons in the past year. Just that central entities are not to be trusted. People have used trust, so we need to build trust-pennimized systems.
And great that we built Bitcoin as humanity, great that we build Ethereum, but if we keep exchanging them using centralized parties or focalized risks, then what the hell did we do it for? So if we really want freedom and we really want to separate money from straights,
from state and we really want to log in the blockchain future, we need to have or decentralized financial systems that are cross-chain in place and used. It might be more difficult at the beginning, so else might be more expensive at the beginning, but it's
It's critical technology that we need to build for a long term. So don't hesitate to explore for change today. Don't hesitate to do your research on Maya. It's something that is critical. And we really do an open invitation for you to get involved, however you can from
from your side of the court, we need every person we can get and be it however it is if you just want to help him unfortunately and forget about Maya that's a really my book. So we just need to continue developing this space so really thank you for joining this and this mission.
tuning in to listen. And yeah, share this with people you know that you think might be interested because we are a growing stage, but it's also the very painful initial stage of building something new. So all the support is appreciated and needed.
Amen, brother. I mean, you mentioned about centralized entities in the beginning there. And honestly, Zabin in crypto for quite some time, previously very deep in Ethereum. And I remember back in 2018,
After the last bull run ended quite epically, I was thinking to myself, "Okay, it was just a fat. This is really as revolutionary as we believe and also back then." So I was seriously in doubt about whether the whole industry
would survive. Now, fast forward to today, you know, crypto is the answer to all these problems. It's not even a question if it's going to survive. It is the answer. It's the only answer that is there for removing centralized intermediaries that just tinker around with stuff behind the scenes.
that we can't see. I mean, we need to put it out in the open, we just be able to verify blocks, see transactions and confirm that there's not a new SBF coming around or Alex Bishinsky or the three errors cables, so whatever they are, I mean, I'm sure there's going to be new ones in the next run, pull run that we will
see, but the way we at least until then we can prepare ourselves by holding custody of our own funds using decentralized exchanges and DAPS in general. That's what we should be building right now to avoid the next SPF.
official Maya Protocol account is here as a co-host in this Twitter space. You can go ahead and follow us there. We have a weekly podcast or service spaces on Mondays called Mondays with Maya literally. So we're going to stay forward. And we just answer community questions and cover a few of the updates.
So it's there every week. Time varies. We used to do it at 6 p.m. Central time in the Americas, but we might change it. And next Monday, the CEO of Halvan Security will be joining us, and we have to accommodate their schedule. So we will be at 8 a.m.
Central, Central Times in the Americas. I guess people over in Europe will be very happy and people over in California will be pretty pissed. So, really looking forward to seeing you guys there and just let's keep working on this and totally agree. I hope this time we learn.
I'm also here since 2017 and I'm amazed how many people are indeed on blockchain and still have their funds costed by centralized parties. So let's hear
to the next cycle being different and those learning that lesson and actually investing in the critical defying infrastructure for the crushing space. So thank you all again. Cheers to that. Let's keep going guys. Thank you for joining us and thank you Cosmos Club for having us here today. Definitely.
Thank you so much, man. And Godspeed to all of you. And yeah, all the best. 7th of March is a date to remember to put down in your calendar, guys. I certainly have. So yeah, looking forward to see you guys. Awesome. All right, guys. Take care. Bye.