Cosmos Club with Nolus

Recorded: March 6, 2023 Duration: 0:50:18



Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone and we will be right back with you I believe. No, this is just about to join.
Just aside everyone, we'll be right back with you.
Hello, everyone. I believe Ivan should be with us now. I, I accepted your request to speak Ivan so you should be able to momentarily and welcome everyone.
We shall get all the technical details sorted, so we will start momentarily.
Hey guys nice to be here.
Hey, Cayman. Welcome to the club. I don't know if we got
Yes, definitely. I don't know if Ivan is able to speak also or...
Where is Ivan? He's a speaker. Okay, what's it?
I'll just have all of them again.
So a lot of people who are requesting to speak here. I don't know what's going on. Anyways, we hope that the Twitter spaces will function properly for us. There's a lot of people who has reported that they had issues, so far so good. It seems.
You can hear me loud and clear came in, right? I do. Perfect. How about... Yeah, loud and clear. This is give I'm in a few.
a few sex and then he should be able to join as well. He's still a listener. I don't know why. My valentines speaker like five times now.
Maybe I even, you can request again, you look like you're invited on my end, but that works sometimes, sometimes in the past.
Anyways, where are you joining from today, Kamin?
Sofio Bulgaria on the east part of Europe. Oh I see so it's late for you. Yeah it's like 10 in the evening. Oh damn. Oh no I am used to having those legs working on us.
Crypto never sleeps, huh? No. Are you guys made a situation in Eastern Europe or are you spread out? Mostly here, which is actually quite good because we are able to just work during the
because everyone else is asleep and then have some conversations during the evening. Nice. That's a productive approach to things, huh? Unfortunately too many hours.
So it is in crypto these days, right? The next winners will be built right now. Yeah. All right, I can see I can see Ivan the speaker icon is there, but yeah, let me just check whether I can perfect. Can you hear me now? Yes, yeah.
Thank you. Great having us and we have quite a good audience this evening. Hopefully it will be a good space as well. Definitely. Do you need to change something in your mic or you could to go even? If you hear me well I'm good to go.
Maybe you can put the volume a little bit up otherwise. Okay, let me just check it out. Can I have the perfect set up? It's hard, it's hard with two people on the other side.
But yeah, I can see people are joining in. So maybe let me just make the intro then while Ivan is working out the mic. So welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club where we talk all things Cosmos, which we daily about what's going on in the Cosmos ecosystem and then we invite
interesting, fascinating, hardworking builders to the spaces like these, which will be court and publish on Spotify, YouTube, all the other platforms if you want to relisten. Today we got the latest protocol, Ivan and Cayman. Thank you so much for joining us.
I will play.
So perhaps before we talk about Nolus and all the exciting stuff going on with the protocol, perhaps you can give a bit of personal background, how you guys ended up working on Nolus protocol. I guess I can start with you, Cayman.
Yep, that's good. We actually know each other for many many years now. We have been working together for many years now probably like six or seven because we are both part of a consumer lender group based here in Eastern Europe that does a lot of lending products in terms of
credit cards, debit cards, sell and lease back, leasing products based on the Web2 lending. So I'm the finance director of the company for the past six years, Ivan is more on the product lead, marketing stuff. So we have been working a lot for this particular pushing
different new products on the market in terms of Web 2. And we have been like always being introduced just about Web 3 and we found a way and a better way to really export lending into the Web 3 and this is how
the idea started like almost 15 months, 16 months ago something like that. Perfect. And yeah, I'm sure we will dive right into a Lotus protocol and how you guys is making a more capsule efficient way of doing landing at boring. But before we do, I
I'll let you give a bit of background also. First of all, I want to check whether you can hear me loud and clear now. Yeah, it's super. Yeah, great. Good to hear that. So as Cam and mentioned, I'm more, I come more from a marketing background.
been doing marketing automations for the last decade, maybe more, but naturally my role progressed into evolving to product development, so I'm currently leading the product development for Nolus. I'm working closely
with our development team and yeah everything regarding technology comes through me and gets afterwards gets implemented from our dev team.
Super, and without further ado, perhaps you guys want to talk to us about Nolus Protocol as if we're five years old. What is Nolus Protocol and why do I need to pay attention?
Like your five maybe 10 maybe 10 maybe 10 maybe it's better So and most knows as a protocol is a layer one up chain So we are built with Cosmos SDK. We tried to address all the inefficiencies that we see on the click tool
money markets like over-quatterized lending, high-risk of liquidation asset ownership. So in a sense, it's a non-costodial web-trip financial solutions, you'd that allows every user to be on a protocol as a one-stop shop to do anything. So,
of your digital assets in an unconstitutional way. You can purchase, you can swap, you can sell, you can stake your trip to, but you can also take the defileist, the world's first defileist. This is our core landing project. So it's an encompassing suit that targets to be absolutely
chain meaning you can transact from every blockchain based on that knows protocol and do all the transactions based on different blockchains you can do all the stuff that you want or would like to do in crypto just in one platform with a very simple UI.
Awesome, I'll just leave a bit of a blank space there for Ivan if he wants to join in or if he just want to take one by one. Well, we can actually go one by one, but I guess most of the features that come in outline here
are common to to crit to natives but I guess it would be best if we deep dive into our flagship meaning the defile list something that is currently quite unique in terms of product offering in the space. Caman would you like to
Go with the numbers as you are the guy with the numbers and I guess it's something that best suits you. That, thank you. If we need to move a little bit up from being 10 and explaining to us 10 year old to maybe 18-20 year old.
We are building a money market between lenders that want to earn the outs on the positive stable coins and borrowers that are looking to amplify their holdings. So this is where the world's first defile is come. So borrowers are actually able to take a
down payment in any asset, in Fiat, in stable, in digital assets and they get up to 150% above that. So you basically don't need to go to current crypto lenders and just provide an already purchased asset so that you get only 50% out of it and you get full
liquidated after 35% drop of the price. You can count to nose, you provide a down payment in any asset you want. You get 150%, meaning three times more exposure, but because both the down payment and the loan act as collateral, you basically get 40%
and better liquidation is compared to the blockchain levels. And now your co-author will be fully released after 4 repayment is made by you, but the upside appreciation in the price increases stays entirely with you. So, vastly it's like getting
more exposure at lower risk, you also have the ownership of the asset. So you basically as a borrower, you utilize the asset within the active least position in different your optimization strategies that could be and will be widely listed by the protocol. For example, if you are
purchasing can asset from cost-muse ecosystem, you are able to liquid state that in entire position. And maybe here, just a quick example, I always believe this is the simplest way to understand what we're building because if you have 20,000 in tables, you can use it as a damn payment.
And then the null split code would give you another 30,000. So you now basically have 50,000 of purchasing power. You want to purchase item at 10. This means that you would be purchasing like 5,000 atoms. Those 5,000 atoms are now walked into your list mark contract. All of them act as cool at the row, meaning
your liquidation risk and it would be only a partial liquidation would happen like 45% drop of the price and then you own the assets you can liquid state the full 5000 atoms from day one and earn rewards which is basically like creating self-lipping loans
beautiful. I think this is quite mind-blowing to a lot of people hearing this for the first time. I know it was for me because we're so used to any money market right now where you can deposit Adam or Stables or whatever and then take out a loan, you know, maximum 80% low to value.
right, if it's stable so 90% even sometimes but never above 100. So this is quite unique and revolutionary even perhaps and it reminds me of the way you buy a house today right if you can correct me if the example is wrong.
When you buy a house typically, you have a down payment that you have to put down as some level of collateral and then you can borrow excessively like you can borrow a lot of it. Here, where I'm sitting, you can leverage FOX. You can borrow four times the amount that you put down.
the same with you guys, but except for houses, you're buying crypto and you mentioned that you can deposit any asset. So I can deposit stable, but also add them or liquid state add them. Is that correct? This is entirely correct. And basically the example
exactly where we got the idea from. It was vehicles that we imagined at first because leasing a vehicle is quite a ton for every guy, a woman taking a least position in the real world purchasing a vehicle, a car. So exactly from there, from
the web too, we're just transferring this knowledge and what we have been building with the company that we have been working to the web for buying crypto. It almost sounds too good to be true, right? Especially for an Adam Huddler like myself. So say I'm an Adam Huddler and
And even if a liquid stake, I earn the rewards or it's accumulating at least. So I could really deposit to Nolis and accumulate these rewards passively and force myself to be a holler. Don't fall into the temptation of selling too early.
because you lock up my collateral, my atom in this case, liquid state atom. And then I can go out. Moreover, you will be exposed three times more to your atom position or your current equity. So you have more side gains once the atom price goes.
Exactly. But I just want to make sure, or underline this difference with Nolus compared to other money markets. Basically, what you're doing is you're locking the collateral, which some people might dislike. They want a DGEN like crazy every single day, all day.
for someone like me who's a hotler for example, it's actually a nice feature that I can deposit and you lock it for me so I don't fall to the temptation, right? Is that correctly understood? That's correct but as Kamen mentioned, we will be white listing different yield strategies that will be available while your lead position is still active.
meaning that the underlying cast of these positions will be utilized by different strategies that can help you amplify your holdings more even more and moreover it can for example pay the interest for the loan that
you've taken out from from dollars and partially repay the principle as well. Okay, so basically if I understand you correctly, I deposit let's say liquid stake atom and then while it's locked I can still do something with it. I can
payback interest, for example, is that correct or walk us through the user experience, if you will. Let's go with the simplest scenario. You're holding Adam and you know that currently the price are at the lowest, but you don't
have any more equity to invest with, but you want to speculate with your position with your holding. So what you actually can do is just to leverage your position by a factor of three and at the same time, liquid stake your items. Once those
two are done, your liquid state atoms are actually starting to gain some price appreciation compared to the base atom price. So this will actually give you more purchasing power in terms of
denominated in dollars compared to just taking your other position and this will actually give you the option to, as I mentioned, repay your interest without having to add any additional funds to the position.
and partially your principle. Furthermore, if the price of the items skyrockets, you can at any point close your position and use part of the
the list to repay the loan towards the nulless protocol, which in the end of the day will be the nominate constable and the whole appreciation just stays for you. Interesting. And maybe to take it all the way home,
Let's compare that to other money markets like UME, Mars, recently launched or beyond Cosmos of course Abe, whatever you name it, Venus on Binance chain. How does a node is compared to that? Well, the one's the example that we are
actually gave they all access as regular crypto vendors. So other compound, for example, any of their forks, um, you me, they get the they desire a quarter when they give you up to 50% up. And then they don't get partial liquidation, they get a full liquidation.
model where approximately between 30 to 35, 36% drop of the price you get fully liquidated. Now with nose first of all, by turning the model around we give more three times more. We also give better liquidation rates, meaning that even the
that you have taken three times more exposure, you get the first partial liquidation after 40% drop of the price. So basically even better decrease of the price, but three times more exposure. If you compare it the same way, if you have taken only 50% out of your down payment,
you would be first partially liquidated with nose after almost 70% drop on the brain. So basically your risk decreases tremendously. And it's not only this is only the landing solution right and the other usually other protocols don't provide your optimization shims for your least
position for your 50% that they provide, we would be able to do that for the 150% provide. So you get also the walk price, you get the appreciation and this is only for the defilements. So basically it's an uncompassive platform where you can do just your
purchase your asset or you just hold them in there in an unconstitutional way, you swap them to other assets, you purchase some of the other assets and stake them on the network, you use them for governance. So it's basically an uncompulsive platform that the lending is the core, but it's not the only money market that we're building.
That's fascinating. You're building an ecosystem very much. And that brings me also to a question that I forgot to ask actually earlier is about your app change. So you're building on Cosmos as you mentioned in the beginning, you're building your app chain. Why did you decide to build an entire app chain?
just go with, I don't know, a depth on Ethereum or finance much, you know, what was the reason for choosing customers by you guys? Well, I guess the answer to this question is quite simple and it's three letters IBC.
We see the future of crypto communication being interchain and crosschain. When we were doing the initial research, where should we land our protocol or our
idea at some point we saw a lot more value of building our own notching in the beginning and owning the protocol so that the protocol can hold the whole block space and at one point and the second was the IBC which was we think we were
quite bullish on it and within this technology will give away people use blockchains and definitely go ahead sorry yeah no no worries I can I can geek a lot about the technology there but oh we know which
building our own up and with the Cosmos stack because it gave us a lot of flexibility in terms of first, as I mentioned, owning different infrastructure but also creating more value for the protocol users from the infrastructure.
itself, which is something also quite unique that we won't be able to do on let's say any permissionless cell one that is currently available. But don't get me wrong if we take out all the smart contracts that comprise the money market, we can actually deploy them on any
compatible layer one that is currently available. For example, Neutron, we can do it on Juno, we can do it on your name one. As long as it has Cosm was on support, we can also deploy the smart contracts there. Right on. The power of Cosm is tech.
And I think you won't find many people who argue against your choice. Most people here, they are big fans of the same technology as you guys are. Normally, normally things are done the other way around. Normally new teams just deploy their contracts on M1s and once they get enough traction.
they can span on their own upchain. However, we look at Nolos on the long run. We are looking at the protocol at the long run. We wanted to skip this step from the beginning and to
create our own app chain as we think this is the best approach and we have a lot of ratio why? Definitely. Do you think just out of curiosity because everybody is talking about replicated security and consumer chains these days? I know you guys have been working on this for quite some time so it wasn't an option for you guys but say you were starting out today.
Would you reconsider building an app chain and going for a consumer chain? Just a quick survey among you guys. I'm starting to ask every team that same question. So I have to ask you also. My personal opinion is that the technology there is relatively young and in its time to grow and to
became more broadly available. So if we had to do the choice now, whether we should use replicated security or any other version, let's say the terrorist version, I think it was called Alliance or Mesh security,
I would definitely just wait for other teams and other chains to adopt it and see how it works in real life before jumping onto this train. Yeah, makes sense. It's a very nice technology and a lot of things has to be worked out. I'm sure.
So time will tell, right? And that brings me to a question about the money markets in general, because I think it's definitely a big advantage once you have the app chain deployed to be having your own sovereign chain where you, for example, don't have to compete for block space on Ethereum, which can be so
super unpredictable. I mean, there's a bunch of benefits, but I can imagine the past one and a half year for you guys who you've been building. There's been a lot of frustration building your own app chain because it's not easy, right? It takes a lot of time. You need to come in as validators as a lot of work that goes into deploying your own app chain.
So what do you think sort of is the problems with money markets right now and is having an app chain easier to solve those problems than others that don't have their own app chain? What do you guys think about that? I think the biggest problem currently in Criplow is
and in the Cosmos ecosystem is liquidity. Having enough liquidity to spawn a functional money market is quite different. First because of the UX that IDC creates, I would say it
does not work as a monolithic blockchain, meaning that you just connect your wallet and the liquid is there and you transact directly. However, you, on the other hand, on Cosmos Unique, first need to take your tokens to a certain application
where you should start transacting. So this is something that we knew from the very beginning that it might be a problem and that's why we, this was one of the reasons we opted out for an upchain because currently for example for the NOS protocol to be fully functional it does not
not need liquidity in different tokens like Volotov tokens, for example in Cosvin, Adam, in Osmosis in New Name it, the only liquidity that the protocol needs to hold is stablecoins. And from there on, actually every transaction that the protocol does
in terms to, let's say for example, create a list position for a certain user, it utilizes IBC and try to see interchange accounts. And with interchange accounts, the protocol will actually can tap the liquidity from different decks on the system.
And the first one that we will be integrating is osmosis. We already have a working product with their communication between both networks and for the time being, I can say that it's quite stable and it works like a charm. Beautiful.
And is that like an integration similar to Mars that we've seen or is it different? It's quite different because what Mars did they actually deploy their own smart contract on a smoothies and they're communicating directly from their upchain to this smart contract which just let's say orders what
to do on the decks, on our smart contracts. For example, the leaf smart contract creates and instantiates for every leaf instantiates a different contract that contract creates an inter
chain account with the smoothies and from there on our contract just push the messages that need to go to the smoothies and the account there just does the the heavy lifting for us. Awesome. You spoke about this
I'm not in Cosmos, but in DeFi in Cosmos. And I totally agree. I mean, it's all of the success of Cosmos can very much be attributed to one staking reward and two air drops.
But the problem with that is that everybody is taking and trying to get their drops, so they don't use it for defy purposes. But do you think, and that's the question I have, do you think liquid staking will solve that or is solving that? The reason why I ask is because recently, I think it was today actually, Yumi opened up
I believe it was ST Adam to be deposited. They had a cap on 35,000 ST Adam, which they raised to 150,000 ST Adam. And it just filled like in a few hours or maybe less Mars experienced the same thing.
that whatever was the ceiling that they set for depositing whatever asset, they set assets, they filled up very, very fast. So do you think, back to the question, do you think they could staking is solving the problems that we've seen in Cosmos DeFi in the past? I personally think
that there are not a lot of, currently there are not a lot of defy applications that are needed for a driving ecosystem. So no, I don't think the STI atom is the solution. However, I think that, or still, the OSDs are the solution
I think that once there are more unique applications like NOLOS, like Mars, let's say, Couser or something great as well. And you need the more defy applications that the ecosystem has, the more liquidity it will
It's all in natural to come flowing to cosmos. On the other hand, having a native USDC, I think will be only beneficial for the whole equity in space. Oh yes, completely agree. I mean, it will
be detrimental to customers if say, axler got hacked or whatever bridge to customers. I mean, let's say the vault for USDC for axler gets hacked, then I mean, customers will be hit very hard, I think.
We've already went through that so we know how it ends. It's not a great scenario as well. It's not fun. Yeah, it's not fun, but however, I think in terms of bridges, both the axler and sorry, just the name popped out of
It's a little bit... - Gravity? - And gravity? Thank you for that. And gravity are great solutions in terms of the way they are built and the technology, the underlying technology used. I think it's one of the best.
bridge breeding solutions currently available on this space. Definitely. But we also know that bridges are inherently risky, or at least they have been showing not that it will happen to gravity or axular or any other bridge for that matter, that interwrestling cosmos. But in the past, there's been very big hacks on bridges and
And it just seems like vulnerability. So native stablecoins is the way forward. I think completely area that there are quite a lot of there are vector of attacks from hackers and their security level should be always on the hundred and ten percent. Exactly. And speaking of hackers and
security. How does a node is protect themselves or the users funds from flash load attacks from this is actually a community question. I'm sort of blending in community questions. I don't know where. I saw it earlier this evening. Actually, it's quite a good question, but as I'm
mentioned we own the blog space. I mean, knowledge contracts on the blog spaces, space on the knowledge chain. And all transactions are done on taxes, meaning that all the risk is transferred to the taxes themselves. If the liquidity there is
there is a big risk of let's say flash loans or any other type of attack that that can happen. However, Daxes like Cosmosis, they are this is something that they're experiencing on a day-to-day basis so they've
hands their code in order to mitigate those types of attacks. So I guess we will be leveraging on that. Because we are not going to build in taxes. We don't have to know how or
And but we are good at building landing protocols. So that's one more reason why we opted out for this design where we don't need to sustain the liquidity or be struggled with building a Dex and all the problems that we need to fill
out before it comes fully functional and I'll say well secure one. Does the locking of collateral does that play a role when it comes to security? Like is it most secure basically that you can lock the collateral and people can deposit in which role time?
I'm sorry, can you come again with it? So when I, so when I deposit collateral to take out a loan with Noless, it's getting locked, right? Contrary to you, me, Mars and many other money markets, is that something that improves security or like how does that affect security basis?
It definitely provides less risk for wash walls to mix the previous question because the borrowed amount is actually used to open your least position. Indeed, you're walking the fence into the smart contract, right? You don't go into
to your wallet, they don't go into your wallet where you can perform, for example, arbitrage or price manipulation on anything else. So you're basically safer in that design in terms of security for such events and even without that, to
do something delicious, you are bought for example might want to manipulate the Oracle, but this could never happen in the same work of the same chain right, because the funds have to be breached over, promo smogsus, VRIBC, and the action has to be performed and breached back to repay the loan. So this is not
feasible with our design on that level as well. Beautiful, awesome. Let's go to here. We hate to see these hackers get away with it. So good that we can protect ourselves with that. Talk to us about the roadmap with the NOLUS from here. What can we expect from NOLUS?
Well, first steps first, what we are having in mind for the next couple of weeks to really get into the users is UI web app would be available for UI testing by different people. It would be incentivized by the way.
wouldn't be doing care in air drops but this would be incentivized so that we attract users to try our protocol, our web app. This is the very midterm, short term and midterm plans then we go to Mainnet hopefully let's say in April and depending
how fast and how good we grow. The next steps in the development are really focusing on a couple of things on the roadmap or on and off ramping so that you can for example use your Fiat in order to do a down payment for the defiling.
also provide better or good connection with TVM chains so that we can tap the liquidity there, increase the number of DEXs that we would be using, we're also in talks with Chris Chent in order to get their DEX into our infrastructure as well and many others as well.
So the whole idea here is to really use what has already been built by others, for example, Dexys, many Dexys from our ecosystem, the costless native ecosystem, but also the area engines. So basically take the liquidity or tap the liquidity from there and the whole end goal of our product
is really a guide that's going through their Metamask and wants to take more leverage on a safer way to take it from Novos from a different blockchain without him understanding the switching network. So to click solution from their Metamask to take a defileist on the Novos blockchain
which is a layer where up chain. Right on, right on. And speaking of maintenance and launching the chain, I think a lot of people have a question in their heads. When launch of the NLS token, yeah, I talked to us about the token basically.
Well the token first of all has a lot of meaning, meaning that it has utility, it's essential for our ecosystem. So it would be once together with Maynet, that's for sure, because it's a layer one, so you need the NOS token in order to pay for gas. This is number one. Number two, the NOS token
the whole borrower lender negotiations or different transactions because the NOS actually is not only used for gas for different transactions but it incentivized for example borrower for lower interest, incentivized lenders for higher interest in the
The future, hopefully the near future Q2, Q3 this year it would be available for certain, if you take a certain amount of NOS, US borrower would be allowed to take more than 150% rather than 400, 500, 600% or make a short position rather than by position.
In that way we actually want to position let's say a different product offering for traders that want to margin trade and use that protocol for that purpose. But still have actual ownership of the underlying asset. Use it to liquid state, use it to other auto optimization. Have lower risk again.
Beautiful, beautiful. There's a lot of interest around the partnerships that Nolus is considering, at least one of you briefly mentioned, that you would apply something
as Moses, your custom was incompatible so you can really deploy on any customer's chain. But perhaps talk to us about the partnerships that you guys are working on, perhaps even done already.
And the best part in the design where we utilize interchains accounts is that we don't need to deploy anything on any other chain. We just need to connect with it to IBC and from there on it's just a matter of communication with the other chain. And having our smart contract support, let's
a certain application on that chain. So in this design, the sky is the limit, meaning that we can connect with anyone, with any chain that is, let's say, on some of the latest version of the Cosmos SDK.
we can do it seamlessly. We just need to open an IBC channel with them, which is something that is relatively normal to do and something that all change around me to do in the end of the day. As common
already mentioned in the beginning we have talked a couple of times we will be starting with the liquid-staking solution from from Stride who supported because it has sufficient liquidity on its Moses and we will ensure a good coverage of let's say
bigger these positions to be covered with for example for liquidation should occur. We are in talks with a couple of teams. One of them is neutron as well. We want to be present there and we have some that we won't be disappointed
closing currently because there is going to be a lot of alpha. We love alpha here. You know I have to ask you, but I can just imagine the conversation with Neutron or whoever you're talking to. I mean, it's almost like it's an operator, right? I mean,
Who doesn't want these kind of divide leases as you call it to be deployed on their chain to me It's it's such a much more capital efficient way of doing things that I can not imagine anyone saying no to that But maybe you have experienced that the best part is that it's
win win for everybody because it means more exposure for the most protocol itself. However, it means a lot more DeFi, DeGEN place for the users of the current network that will be connecting with. Yeah. And we think this is
something that will be viable on the long run and that's why we opted out for this type of design where we can, I would say, in a symbiotic matter work with different chains. In the interchange as well as go forward to cross-chain communication.
with other networks. Awesome. Is there any pushback that you're getting? I mean, I pushback, I can imagine at least if I was in any of these ecosystems or app chains, shoes would be security. Like that would be like a question mark that I would have, for example.
you guys ordered it or something like that which I mean might spill up negatively if something happens to know this it will spill over negatively to them basically. Yeah this is something that we get asked a lot actually but we've already done a full audit of our layer one as well.
over the smart contracts tech, there were two separate audits actually for both. We didn't with the OEC security and maybe we will do another one shortly after we launched the network. If you look
Looking for one we can highly recommend block basis, who's a sponsor here on the Cosmos Club. They are growing in Cosmos, I know. They used to do a lot in the audience in the Ethereum, but now they're moving more into Cosmos, which we can only support. So I just let us know. Thank you for your recommendation. Thank you.
other way guys because you are such a no-brainer if you ask me, let know this, know this tech gets deployed on throughout customers, just let us know if you want to reach out to anyone we have interviewed a lot of people so yeah we can definitely connect you guys if you are not in conversation with some people already
Yeah, so guys, I know it's getting late over where you're sitting, so I don't want to keep you for too long. You guys have a lot of work to do and you have done a lot of work already, so you deserve some rest at some point. Is there anything you want to leave the community with today? I think a lot of questions from the community.
has been answered already about the different assets that will be possible to deploy. You already mentioned strides as a partnership, so liquid-staked assets with strides. I assume will be ready upon launch. Is there anything else you would like to leave the community with today? Well, maybe
maybe the largest thing is that I really want to see how the world reacts to our UI and for all the listeners that are out there probably wait just a little bit a week or two for us to want this incentivized web up testing it would be great to see you there because this would really
tell us and show us whether we're on the right path of what we're doing in terms of UI. - Makes sense. And so the web app will be launched, expected in a week or two from now. - Hopefully. - Yeah. We will make sure to share it to everyone so they will try it out.
Alright guys, well thank you so much for being so generous with your time. It's been a pleasure to hear about Nolus and all the cool stuff that you guys are working on. This is certainly something that I can see myself be using.
when you guys are launching and go live and everything is smooth and running. Thank you so much for your hard work and thank you so much for coming on to the Cosmos Club tonight. It was a pleasure. Take care guys.
Take care. Thank you for having us. Ciao.

FAQ on Cosmos Club with Nolus | Twitter Space Recording

What is the Cosmos Club?
The Cosmos Club is a space where they talk all things Cosmos and invite interesting builders to discuss things in Twitter Spaces.
Who are the guests on the podcast?
The guests on the podcast are Ivan and Cayman, who are working on the Nolimit protocol.
What is the personal background of the guests on the podcast?
Cayman is the finance director of a consumer lender group based in Eastern Europe, and Ivan comes from a marketing background and is leading product development for Nolimit.
What is the Nolimit protocol?
The Nolimit protocol is a non-custodial Web3 financial solution that allows every user to be on a protocol as a one-stop-shop to do anything with their digital assets in an unconstitutional way.
What is the Nolimit protocol built on?
The Nolimit protocol is built with Cosmos SDK, and it's a layer-one up-chain.
What does the Nolimit protocol address?
The Nolimit protocol addresses all the inefficiencies seen on the current money markets like over-collateralized lending, high-risk of liquidation, and asset ownership.
What is the Defile list?
The Defile list is Nolimit's core lending project and the world's first defile list.
What is the Defile list's purpose?
The Defile list's purpose is to build a money market between lenders that want to earn the outs on positive stable coins and borrowers that are looking to amplify their holdings.
What are the advantages of using the Defile list?
The borrower is able to take a down payment in any asset, gets 150% of their down payment, has better liquidation compared to blockchain levels, and the upside appreciation in price increases stays entirely with the borrower.
How does the Defile list benefit borrowers?
The Defile list allows borrowers to utilize the asset within the active least position in different optimization strategies that could be widely listed by the protocol.