Cosmos Club with Ojo Network

Recorded: March 7, 2023 Duration: 0:49:40



Hello everyone and welcome to the club. I believe Voss is here. I can see you happy invited as a speaker now Voss. I don't know if you're a bit to speak. Hi, sure have. Hi, who are you? Beautiful. I'm great. How are you? I'm great. We're all just coming
back from each dendert. So you're trying to get some rest when we can. Just cooling off with a few spaces here and there. Yeah, cooling off, doing external validators on the OHO testnet, you know, making big changes.
Vegas, but we've got a lot of different team members from a lot of different places. So we have a lot of US people, but we've got people over in Brazil, India, you know, Namibu got it. Which is pretty cool. Nice. And how was Denver? I hear lots of good things. Unfortunately, it could
be myself. I have to catch next time. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. For me personally, it's more about spending time with the team and brainstorming and just having a good time because in my experience better products come out of that. But the conference
self is pretty cool. I got to meet a couple, you know, the umi community members in person like Shrewd Buck and hang out with them and you know get up to all all sorts of nefarious activities. Nice. It seems like almost the cosmos and cosmonauts are taking over these
those chains launched and that's for sure. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, we try to keep tabs and everything that's going on, but it's just impossible at this point. It's just so many things going on. It's crazy. Yeah, you've done quite these set of interviews with
all different types of projects. It's pretty crazy that you've been able to hit so many of them. That's awesome. I take that as a compliment. We try to gather and tie over view really and be the place that people go for. Yeah.
listening to the team and being at the club really the Cosmos club that's in a nutshell how we would say it. The only way to be my friend. Yeah, but yeah I can see on my end at least it's officially time to kick it off so welcome everyone to the Cosmos club where we talk
all things cosmos, tweeting daily about what's going on and then we invite interesting, fascinating, hardworking builders to spaces like these and today we got VAS from Ocho or Yumi, I guess mainly you will be talking about Ocho today, welcome VAS.
happy to be here. Yeah, all things price feeds and oracles and all that good stuff. Exactly. Exactly. But before we dive into all that, perhaps you can just tell us a little bit about yourself who is Oho and sorry who is Vaz and how did you end up working on the Oho? Yeah, well I
I came from a financial fintech background. I was working pretty young in a few different fintech startups. I eventually worked my way up to be one of the directors at a large financial institution. I was one of their directors at software. So we were rebuilding products from the ground up, making
Making everybody as a company make more money and making stuff more efficient. And after a little while, it kind of got boring. Honestly, I was solving a lot of the same types of problems. I was fixing the same metrics and making sure payments went through was pretty much our main
job. But, you know, I got an email from one of the UMI recruiters one day and I looked into Cosmos and, you know, how IBC was being developed for, you know, trustless cross-chain communication. And that, that, you know, that self made me do the jump. For the longest time,
I tried to stay out of it because I'd worked in the financial industry for so long. And the thing that was missing was those, you know, first of all, proof of stake model being popularized and then also, you know, an intercommunication protocol like IBC. So that's that's kind of what brought me over.
Awesome. And just after that, perhaps you can speak more to the relationship between Yumi and Oho, because you started with Yumi, as you just mentioned. And now you are moving on to Oho, which has been incubated from Yumi. But perhaps talk to us a little bit about that journey.
Yeah, absolutely. So I was one of the core engineers hired early on in development, we protocol as we see it today. I worked on the work side, believe it or not. We had an issue where lending protocol just wasn't getting prices. We looked around at a few different solutions, you know,
And I think that the way that we're going to be able to expand exists, there's chain link as well. But we sort of realize that the only effective way to manage pricing was to create an in-house solution. So I joined the team. I started building the Oracle app and you know, eventually I was, you know, after we launched our
The lending protocol, version three back when we were at Cosmoverse, we were doing that. We kind of just realized, well, other people are starting to copy us. We had Cugero for our price feeder. We even had the Juno team
The notional team working on Juno bring over our tech and we kind of just realize okay, well, we built something So effective for this lending protocol is being copied so now let's build something that they can just use rather than take so we're we're starting to build out
So, sort of this idea went through a few different iterations on how we were going to relay prices and eventually we landed on Oho as you see it today. So, now I'm running the Oho project. The founder there and it's being incubated by Umi and eventually the goal is to move it as a separate and
supported entity. Beautiful. And to the uninitiated, perhaps you can introduce as if we are five, maybe 10, just to give you a little slack here. It's late at least where I'm sitting. But what is Ocho and why do I need to pay attention?
Yeah, absolutely. So the core of Olo is what's called the Oracle problem. The Oracle problem exists because the way that block genes are designed in a central in a decentralized manner means that external data about the world is very very difficult to get onto a block.
chain because you have to have sometimes hundreds, sometimes thousands of people to agree on one specific point of data. And that point of data could be anything from, you know, what Michelle Obama said on, you know, a certain day to the price of a given asset. So you need to make a profit
that allows this form of decentralization for you have anybody from around the world being involved in setting this data, but you also need to make sure that it's trustless. So we assume essentially every actor is a bad actor and we need to build a system for making sure that
bad actors aren't giving improper data and the correct data and the truth is what's agreed upon. So OHO is essentially that product. We allow decentralized set of people to vote on sets of data in an effective manner to determine the truth of that data. And then we relay that information
over to other chance. Right on. And you mentioned just briefly in the beginning that you were looking around and obviously there's chain link, there's band, but you couldn't really find a proper solution. So you had to end up building it in-house in Yumi. Perhaps talks
more about that sort of conclusion that you wrote like what was missing basically from Chainlink and Band? Yeah, so this kind of goes into also what the Fitner Ovo is in the market, right? We saw a few major issues with Band and Chainlink. One of them
was it weren't supporting new providers as actively as we could want them to. We couldn't get data feeds off of us most is through bands, we couldn't get it through chain link, we weren't building indexers for these decentralized exchanges that most of cosmos runs on. So we were building a cosmos chain
in a world where there aren't effective data feeds for most cosmos assets. So that was our first issue that we found. Our second issue that we found is it's relatively centralized. Chainlink and band both have validator sets, which are handpicked, band actually runs its own core
nodes as the majority validator set. And we didn't trust a different centralized entity to determine the price of our lending protocol. As you can imagine, that's a huge risk factor. Right. So, and the third issue was they weren't
really intelligent or fast. So they weren't fast in that, you know, sometimes chain link data feeds can be up to 30 minutes old. It's unfortunate, but because we're in a fast finality proofy-stake world, we can't afford that. We can afford maybe a few seconds.
right? So it wasn't fast enough and it also wasn't smart enough. We didn't have context around how the market was acting in order for a lending protocol to make informed decisions about what it needs to allow users to do. So out of that came the historical feature that we're going to be releasing
on Ovo as well and providing to other chains, which is exciting. And now that you mentioned it, perhaps you want to uncover a bit more on that particular feature or rollout. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So the historical is it's our funny, you know, name
for historic pricing. Essentially, we determined the median of historic prices from the last X amount of days for each asset. And then we provide a standard deviation around that median that the price has fluctuated during that time. So say there's a huge
drop in price for a given asset. Maybe it's something super low market cap like the Umi token or like liquid-staking assets, something like that that might deep-peg through manipulation of a few million dollars, right? That allows leverage protocols and other
other types of D5 protocols to make an informed decision to say, "Okay, I think someone is artificially manipulating the market because historically this price that it is now doesn't make a lot of sense." Yeah, the volume spikes, like crazy, within
minutes or even seconds, right? That's what you normally see at least with these kind of price-orical attacks. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, we saw with the mango market pack so much stolen, and that was our nightmare scenario. In a proof-of-stake, festivity world, it's very different because people
can transact very, very quickly. And that's great for the user, but it's very hard to deal with from the protocol. So we want to give people the tools necessary to make the right decisions about the health of the protocol itself. You mentioned the mango markets, which I think is a great example of how bad it can
really go, I think the meme, the catchphrase now that everybody is saying over and over is highly profitable trading strategies, right? Open market operations, whatever he called it. Can't remember his name now, but the hacker that basically manipulated manco markets.
So with Oho basically what I'm gathering at least is you will be making sure that that doesn't happen. But can you just walk us through just a bit like how can we prevent something like mango markets happening on you me or any other protocol that would adopt Oho?
Yeah, absolutely. So in the case of Umi, one of the things we've done is we compare the current price to this historic price. And if there is enough difference between those prices, we will choose to only allow users to operate based on the historic price. So say,
you have collateralized $100 of an asset and then it spikes an insane amount goes to $100,000. We're only going to allow you to act on that $100 because we think that that's not the true value of the tokens that you
you have on chain. By doing that, we disallow for the same sort of mego market hack that Abram, the hacker who recently arrested, that he can do where he borrows a large amount of liquid acid and dark
dumps the market with it. It's pretty insane. Yeah. We certainly don't want that to see that happen. And I guess another we need to talk about Yumi, but Yumi is a good example here because they are restricting right now the number of assets you can provide as collateral and hence how much you can borrow. I guess
For this exact reason, right to avoid something like Michael Marcus from happening from day one on new me. Is that correct all? Yeah, absolutely. There's a lot of different parameters that we put into scope to determine what users should be able to do for the health of the network.
But the context around the Oracle is one of the most important things that any lending protocol can have in order to determine what it wants to allow users to do. Yeah. And just to get it on point here, so you me right now is has a
So the umi Oracle that's active right now, you can kind of think of it as a fork of what Oho is going to be launching with. Okay.
The UMI's prices will be sourced from the OHO network over across train Relair, which is very exciting because we'll be able to kind of deprecate a lot of duplicate code that's taking up a lot of our time. But yeah, so they have the same similar
design for determining pricing. We have a few improvements on OHO obviously, but we do have historical active on Hume right now. We've got our price feeder that's used for both projects. So yeah, very similar features set. >> Beautiful. And that,
integration that can be adopted by anyone is I correctly understood so if I'm Mars or DMAX which is also gaining some traction now with Nitron their money market any other protocol that is IBC enabled would be able to integrate
Yeah, so we really have two phases of the release that we're going to be doing one is through spark contract integration for awesome awesome So you know projects like Mars would be able to integrate with us on day one And then eventually we're going to be creating an and IBC queries module
that any project will be able to just import and then the IBC query module will be a source of pricing information for them at the layer one. Nice. And that makes sense, I think. In a way, it's kind of beautiful that you guys are, you know,
you know, working so closely together with the Yumi, improving the technology, refining it, etc, and then opening up to the rest of the ecosystem. That's pretty awesome, to be honest. Yeah, it's been pretty amazing because what we've had to do is solve for the least common denominator.
In terms of risk lending protocols are the riskiest protocols in D5 So, you know, obviously it's our core competency at Umi and so You know, obviously we don't want anything bad to happen to it. We don't want to be mango markets, but we still want users to
be able to operate on these low volume low liquidity assets like liquid-staking derivatives. And even the UMI token itself is relatively low. So in order to do that, we've had to solve for the worst possible scenario. And now since we've done that, we're able
to bridge this over to other protocols and see what people can build in a more safe manner. Yeah. Yeah. And it's kind of necessary for DeFi to really take off in cosmos, I think. I mean, we need, I think one of the biggest reasons why DeFi exploded during DeFi summer was
because of chain link it was reliable pricing you could start building lending markets and all kinds of dApps on Ethereum. I wouldn't say safe but safer environment. If Oho is the spark that is going to light the fire, the DeFi fire in Cosmos,
That will be fantastic. Yeah, that's definitely the hope. I've always specialized in taking sort of legacy technology and bringing it to be bulletproof. And that's what Ovo is. It's an iteration on these ideas.
ideas of oracles that Chainlink started in the DeFi world. I'm super excited to see people start to integrate. We're already on the Juno Testnet. We're already on the secret testnet as well. We'll be deploying to a couple of other testnets within the few months. I've talked with a few protocols.
about them using us and they're pretty excited. So it's going to be cool to see what all kinds of things. Amen to that. And we're going to talk about roadmap in a few seconds. But before we do, I want to dive a little bit deeper into the price feeds because I think most people can relate to, okay, you look at sort of
the relative, the weights in the pool, for example, or different picks, I guess you can say, in pools and whatnot, and work out the price of a certain asset based on that. So that goes for crypto assets, whatever it's, it's a price
rising feeds from our smoses, different pools and our smoses, or whatnot. But what about other types of assets, track five products, I don't know, real estate, real world assets, social media data, environmental data, like just so much data out there, right? And if cosmos is going to deliver on the promise of sort of being the
Well, in Compass anything, all kinds of data and all kinds of decentralized applications, then there's going to be all kinds of data that can be verified on chain, right? So is that something that Oho is working on? Is that something that you're aiming for being able to index and create price fees around?
Yeah, absolutely. The kind of idea behind that is if there's a market that we see for it, we're building a price feed. You know, in the future, individual contributors will be able to create price feeds for anything like NFT floors for trading to create
creating feeds for mortgage rates. The plan essentially is to allow the community to determine what pricing information they want to build and to support them along and building it and to incentivize
them to create the best possible data. Obviously, we'll be working on our own implementations as well. But long term, the vision that I kind of see behind it is, you know, if there's a foundation out there that wants to build a lending market for NFT floors on
our gaze, then they should just be able to pick up some code, do a PR against it, and then have validators start to vote on the prices. So that's where it's all headed is. This contributing environment where we all kind of work together to add sources to Oho so that any protocol has access.
That would be awesome. And yeah, I guess you need some kind of market around it. Otherwise, it's going to be pointless really to have a price for particular data point or asset on chain. So if I want to sell in the future, I don't know, the cost was close, being traded on on chain.
as an account, whatever, right? So that's a bunch of social media data, so that would be possible if there's a market for it because of Ocho. Is that correctly understood? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you could think of different data foods like, you know, the price of Pokemon cards, right, for different races and FTs.
or we're definitely planning on implementing proof of reserves as well. So, data fees that support validity of pricing information as well. We're being very vague here, but OHO is built to support those integrations long-term.
and allow values to vote on all sets of those data points. Awesome. So let's talk about the roadmap. So you already mentioned that you are starting to integrate with the open up for the Juno testnet. You mentioned another chain that I can remember now. But talk
Of course about the roadmap. What can we expect from the oho? Yeah, absolutely. So the way I see it, there's three major stages for our roadmap and what we're planning on doing. The first stage is we're planning on deploying decentralized contracts to other chains and relaying it from
information that the OHO network has come to consensus upon over two new chains. The reason we're starting out that way is because IVCA queries over cross-chain, cause and loss in contracts, it doesn't really work effectively yet. So rather than waiting for
the core development there, which we're obviously going to also be pushing for, we're going to be developing relayers that are going to relay information to any of these channels. And that's all open source. You can see exactly what we're building, how we're testing it, how we're doing it on Gino and Secret as well. So that information is extremely consistent.
The second stage is paid contracts to put it to other chains and that will actually go back to O-Hotocan holders as well as validives for providing that information. So then we're kind of getting into the tokenomics of it making sure that we're replacing these inflationary rewards
with actual revenue coming through the OHO network is the goal. And the third stage is completely decentralized. So decentralized cross-chain smart contracts, IBC queries, which will allow anyone to pay for a price feed and run relayers in order to provide price
to anyone. So the whole goal is to make this a completely trustless cross-chain system that anyone can contribute to and anyone can also pay for and adopt those price feeds onto their network. Would you go as far as to say that what you guys are aiming for is to be
become or go way beyond or changing started in Ethereum, you basically go beyond in the sense that you would be doing it for the rest of the blockchain ecosystem and income, like sort of dealing with all kinds of asset classes really. I mean, that's obviously the hope, right? The
goal is to just enable the users, enable people to build what they want to build and submit it onto OHO and likely never think about it again. Right. And then import it on their project and build it over there. Obviously we're hyper focused right now on Cosmos and
So app chain specific solutions, but I think, you know, over the next five to 10 years, we could definitely see, I hate using this work, but a bit of destruction in the field of Oracle technology. You mentioned app chains. That's the focus right now, but
Obviously, a big hot topic in Consumers Right Now is in-chain security, replicating security and consumer chains in particular. Would it be sort of an easy integration or similar integration if you wanted to set up price feed for that's a neutron or any upcoming consumer chain?
Yeah, it would absolutely be very, very similar. One of the main benefits of using OHO over forking OHO is the validators that run the network don't have to vote on prices periodically because the OHO validator, so the
So it doesn't add any additional strain to any security providers you might be getting security from. So the validators that are running interchange
security or mesh security, they're not going to have to open up another price feeder binary and start voting. They're just going to be able to easily receive prices over IVC queries or smart contract relay. Nice. It's really cool.
man. I mean, this is exciting stuff. If you ask me, this is one of those foundational pieces that is so important for everything to just blow up in a good way. It's great to see that this has been built in Cosmos.
by solid teams out of you me. So if you had to dream a little bit, five years from now, maybe even 10 years from now, which I know is an eternity in crypto and cost was particular, but how does all that look like? What do you see five years from now?
The main thing that I see is the OHO Foundation not really existing, but the chain itself being a community oriented, you know, possibly powered by a set of DAOs development cycle that allows any
anyone to contribute in a meaningful way. The reason that I think that that's the way it has to go is because we've seen chain link and band end up as these centralized figures where very early on they were very eager to work on new price feeds and you know bring on new assets that are coming up in the bull
market and make sure that their price beasers are as new as possible within a proof of work mindset. But in the next five to ten years there's going to be new consensus algorithms. We're going to see new polka dots, new cosmos environments coming
Yeah, it's not just going to be us. Right. So as the entire industry finds it's stride, you know, very similar to how, you know, originally no one could decide on using JavaScript in web browsers. But now everyone uses
We're going to go through a very similar experience where we're going to find a few pieces of very core blockchain technology that are going to carry us through. And it might not be cosmos, it might be something else. But because of that, OVO needs to be flexible enough to allow anybody from the community who wants to build with
it to create new price feats and build with it. So that's kind of how I see it in five to ten years, probably one of the major price oracles for app chains, roll ups, smart contracts, and hopefully by then, the IBC is adopted globally, and all of this will be automatic.
Do you think it will? I'm not going to hold you up against it, but I think a lot of people here would probably argue why Cosmos will get adopted because it might be C, Interchange Security, all these different things being built. But what do you see? How does your crystal ball look like for Cosmos?
I see IVC is definitely being adopted as the default protocol between chains. I see many different implementations of IVC existing. The way that UC Cosmos versus something like Ethereum right now is Cosmos has a few core repos and
sets of go code that are used by many different notes, right? We have the causing us SDK and that's the point of the SDK is to have everybody on the same page. But eventually I think it's going to branch out and we're going to have different implementations of IBC, different implementations of IBC relays. We're going to follow the same spec, but at the same time we're going to
to see them become battle tested and solid. If you think about the, I think it was the Dragonberry patch that happened last year, we're not going to be able to iterate that quickly because we're going to be completely spread out. There's going to be multiple different implementations that this
these different pieces of gear. And I think it's going to be a little bit more difficult for us to organize and galvanize and work together. But I think over time it will become evident that IBC has to be the way we go, right? Because bridges don't work. And you could argue that IBC is a bridge, but you also argue it's the safe
this bridge that's been built so far. So that's kind of how I see it working. As far as interchange security, personally, I think ICS will beat out mesh security. I think terror alliances will be there as well. But I think
people will be more attracted to ICS because of the abtained thesis where they don't necessarily need the fear that somebody might buy it all their tokens and control their chain because they're such a low market cap asset.
long term, I do see those as being majorly adopted. But I think it might be in different languages and in different implementations. Different programming languages, you mean right? Yeah. Yeah. It's not all going to be in go or the Cosmos SDK necessarily, but I believe
that multiple chains will implement IBC and start cross-chain communication. I'm very excited about that myself. It just seems to make a lot of sense, right? And I guess it's also a good thing for all kinds of assets are getting traded via IBC enabled chains. I guess that would be a pretty big
for you guys also because you will be able to index new assets. Is that correct? Yeah, absolutely. As more Dex has come up, we're going to have to build new indexes for them, new APIs, and allow validators to vote on those prices. But I personally love when a new Dex comes online.
is that makes pricing information safer, just inherently, right? Because we can actually compare the pricing information from something like Osmos is to something like Crescent, which is one of the providers we're working on indexing right now. So I'm a big fan. The more the cosmos grows, the more IVC grows,
the more effective of a product Oho is and vice versa. So it all all comes together. You guys are gonna be busy for the foreseeable future. Yeah, yeah, it's true. I've carved out a few years where I cannot sleep. So yeah, but I mean,
Honestly, to my knowledge at least, I don't know who else will be doing it right. To my knowledge, changing is not doing it, band is not doing it, or maybe band actually they have some implementation, so that's not correct. But it's banned the main competitor here for you guys, or are you sort of so
So much ahead now that it's not even a competition. Well, you know, I wouldn't be so cocky as to say we don't have competition. Band is implemented using obviously queries. I believe objective uses them right now for a company with their price feeds. Exactly. But I think I
think we beat them because we're hungry. In my experience, you know, I've worked with three person teams and I've worked with, you know, 50 person teams all working on the same product. And a three person team beats the 50 person every time. Right. Eventually, obviously you get
into this space where your product becomes stable because you have so many different people working on it, so many different layers of checks and balances making sure that nothing new breaks everything old. But OHO right now has the freedom to create what we want and what we see as a product market fit.
And I think just that alone is going to allow us to context switch faster. We're going to be able to build, you know, indexes for new Dex as they come up within weeks rather than months. It's going to allow us to listen to our customers more, right? Say, you know, if
Validators really want the to vote in the pricing information of you know how much does euro cost like for foreign exchange We can do that very very quickly So I think because we're hungry or you're gonna see a lot more technology come out of Oho a lot faster than you might see
that's some of these model it's awesome you mentioned also bridges briefly just before and obviously we all would love to see native stablecoins like usdc on on cosmos but it seems like
it's more challenging than we would expect initially at least. How do you see this evolve if you have a crystal ball on this? Will we see native stablecoins like USTC coming to Cosmos or will we have to stay patient for now?
I think early on we're going to see a development of a lot of Cosmos native stablecoins that aren't being bridged over from somewhere else. I think one of the dApps on top of a Gora right now is building out IST which is an asset that's supported by Umi.
and subsequently the Oho price fees. I think that is a great solution to some of the problems that we've been having. The issue that I see with native stablecoins and cosmos that are built in cosmos is a lot of the volume issues.
The less actual value that people are willing to put into vaults and collateralize to create stable coins, the less stable coins are going to exist and the less volume is going to happen. Right. Unfortunately right now we're obviously in a bear.
And a lot of these cosmos coins that we have might not be able to support fermenting stable coins in an incredibly high volume. So I think for now we're going to see people kind of not want to mint into natives like IST, but long-term
I think they'll become the majorly adopted stablecoins in the cosmos because you know with with the bull comes a need to transition into IST into more secure versions and then you know maybe someday you can actually IBC IST over to
something like Coinbase and Sell it when you need to. I think eventually we'll see Cosmos native stablecoins that are grown in Cosmos branch outside of Cosmos, not necessarily the other way around. That way we don't really need USSC or whatever other
assets, native stablecoin on Cosmos because we already have Cosmos native stablecoins in the first place. Yeah, exactly. And a lot of this is going to come from, you know, IBC being brought over and, you know, Ethereum assets being
brought over because they're, you know, Ethereum's huge. We see so much value in Ethereum and it's because, you know, they have good stablecoins and vice versa, right? There's a lot you can do with those assets and bring them over. So I think once we see more capital in the Cosmos space
We're going to see it much wider adoption. Yeah, I mean, it seems perhaps dull to talk about stables, but if you just look at the market cap on Concave Co, or whatever you use, it's pretty big. It's pretty big markets. These stable coins, right? You got tether in number three right now.
you got usc number five I don't know the total market cap of all these different stablecoins predominantly being traded in Ethereum but it's massive right and arguably way bigger than just the Adam token so yeah if if we can
have native stablecoins in Cosmos being with the inception in Cosmos like IST and then being passed over to other ecosystems that have been used in a big way there. I mean that will be just a huge win for Cosmos, IBC and all the Cosmos tech that we built.
Yeah, I mean, I personally think the stride stablecoin integration is one of the biggest leaders of adoption for things like IST and USK because really what people are fighting when they want to amend stablecoins and hold onto them is they're fighting that 25%
and interest rate that you get when you stake. So if you could get that interest rate on your atom using liquid staking and then use your staking derivatives to mint USK, that solves a lot of that problem. Right. So you see much higher volume for this and you'll get
additional incentives for minting those stable points as well. So I'm pretty excited to see these integrations. And that's one of the integrations that Oho is going to help out, right? Yeah, which is very cool because it's a low volume like strides,
is like, is the atom, is that what you mean, what would you refer to when you say, oh, who is going to help out on this? Yeah, absolutely. We build an index here for us, most of the tracks, the volume of trades as well as the pricing information in order to determine an accurate price.
four liquids taking assets. I mean that's why those assets are on UMI right now. So yeah, we're definitely going to be able to help with quick silver assets coming out as well. We're going to have pricing information for them. And you know all these derivative tokens are going to be
extremely helpful because we need to essentially fight the inflation rate. It's very hard to say no to 20% when the market is going up. So yeah, it's one of the main issues. And I think you're absolutely right. I mean, the liquid-staking assets
they would stake assets via stride, quicksilver, you name it. I mean that could be a catalyst for Cosmos DeFi, right? Because all of a sudden I don't need to choose between staking my assets or mending, for example, a stable coin.
I can I can legal say it and then mint stablecoins or take out a loan on you me or whatever right and you start seeing this you see it as you mentioned on you me you see it in Kojira where you can now mint usk with a is the atom and this is only the beginning I'm sure
Yeah, we we have a lot planned and you know or shared slack with Stride definitely strengthens that quite a bit because they're you know they're anxious to get the token out there and We're anxious to help them out. Could you as usk mitching model actually?
uses the fork of the technology that Oho is built on. I was just talking yesterday about possibly using Oho in the future directly. So, you know, we're already enabling the, you know, a new generation
DeFi in Cosmos and we haven't even launched. So imagine when we launched, right? Yeah, this can go completely ballistic, especially if we hit up all markets soon enough. This could
This could be a wild ride. That's the dream. I mean, that's what we're building for. Right. We expect a very serious bull coming up and we're going to be ready. A question from the community. Will it be a token from the whole?
Yes, there will be a token it will be a governance taking token That you will use and people will also be able to pay for Oval price fees in that token as well So you'll also get state your rewards from inflation rate initially
and eventually you'll get rewards from people paying for price feeds through the network. So people should be anticipating anytime soon, perhaps building some alpha on tokenomics, on perhaps even air drops, all that kind of stuff.
Yeah, I've got quite a bit of alpha to drop very soon. I'm going to have a lot of descriptions of the the tokenomics and the white paper that I'm writing for Oho and I'm very excited to share, but I can't say anything just yet because we've got some stuff planned. You know, I have to ask, but
I'm sure we will talk again and then perhaps next time you'll be able to fill us with Alpha Absolutely, I'll be able to talk about tokenomics extensively next time. Beautiful man. I mean, this is exciting stuff and we all thank you I think for the hard work that always do
it is necessary and it is something that can really benefit the ecosystem greatly. Is there anything else Vos that you want to leave the community with today? Because I know you are a busy man and you have been very generous with your time already so anything else that you want to spill today.
Oh, nothing to spill, but I always say tell your favorite protocol that you want. Safe for Oracle's Switch to Ovo. Addis is one of your providers. Reach out to us. We'll help you with the integration and I'm just excited to see people on board and you know
We've got this test net going. We just added on our first set of validators on the test net. We hit the cap within 36 hours, which is huge. So, you know, I see a lot of adoption, a lot of excitement from the community coming to Oho and it's honestly just awesome.
I'm just so thankful that you know in the cosmos is started to invite us to their hearts and hopefully we can change change the cosmos and more for the better definitely man and speaking of hitting the max you me just did that right with the I think
the UME guys or the protocol lifted the amount of tokens that you could add to UME as collateral and it felt like I think it was like was it 35,000 Adam it was the previous cap and then it was raised to 150,000 if I'm not mistaken
And it was filled in I don't know hours or something ridiculous. Yeah, it's pretty insane. I mean, that's on the liquid stake inside. So we're we're capped out for ST Adam. I believe we're capped out for Osmo as well. But it just goes to show that there's a fit there, right?
And that's also without incentives. You don't have additional incentives on you, but just the fact that people see this is such a great product and Oho in the same step that's, it's pretty amazing to watch that happen and have the community
react so quickly. Amen to that. And let us know by the way, boss, if anything we can do here at the club, we, as you mentioned in the beginning, we talked to a lot of different projects, a lot of the founders, protocols. So anyone you want to get in touch with, we have perhaps spoken to them already or are speaking to them.
Yeah, good to know maybe we'll do a we'll do like a roundtable with all the DeFi protocols and we'll just interrogate them and ask why they're not using that's yeah. We'll have a big panel discussion and then ask them one by one. Yeah, yeah, it's just very straight-based and angry.
That's generally my tone. Yeah, I can already hear. Yeah, I'm an angry guy. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming on today. And I'm sure this is not the last time that we meet. So keep up the good work, man.
All right, thank you so much for having me and I'll see you soon. See you on the other side. Definitely take care man.