Cosmos Club with Quicksilver

Recorded: June 26, 2023 Duration: 0:41:49



Hello everyone and welcome to the club. I can see Vich is with us now. Is the body just speak Vich sometimes it doesn't work actually so maybe it's easier if you request speak.
that typically works better. We've seen at least.
- Hey, Vish, you can hear us.
- Beautiful. Welcome back to the club, man. - Yeah, always, always nice to be here.
We look forward to see all the great stuff that has been happening at the Quicksilver. Thank you for joining and coming back to the club. It's a lot of time and I hope and I trust of course that you
guys have been sued by the SSE or any other national entity regulator in the past few weeks? No, no, I completely fine. Nothing of that sort.
It's mad out there. It's just like anybody who's trying to do anything. It's gonna get some kind of suit fired against them by the SEC. But anyways, that's not the subject of today.
Yeah, I think you only have a problem if you trade on like an American centralized exchange. If you're completely on Dex's like we are, there is nothing to sue. There's nothing you can point out at the sue because we don't have anything like that.
through that.
Let that be an argument for everybody out there to stay in the world of decentralization. Don't start using centralized entities. That's a, there's an attack that can be done any day by the SEC on, on the centralized entities.
But anyways, that's not the subject of today. Today we are talking about QuickSelver. So thank you everyone for joining today. Cosmos Club, where we talk all things Cosmos tweeting data about what's going on. And then we invite interesting, fascinating, hardworking builders of the Cosmos ecosystem. And today we have VISH from QuickSelver. Thank you so much, VISH, for coming back on.
Hey, great to be here.
So we like to start these spaces, perhaps we did that also last time, but for anyone who didn't had the chance to tune in last time, which is a few months ago, we like to start these spaces with a little bit of personal background. People come from all walks of life in the crypto and in
was in particular I feel. Some people are very technical of course, building stuff, some people are highly financial, some people are very sort of graphic artistic designers and then the other day I had space where it was a chemical engineer.
Someone who had a background in chemical engineering. So yeah, that's all walks of life really so wish tell us your personal story. How did you end up building a quick silver? Yeah, yeah, that's a very open space, you know people from everywhere. I guess my background is really an economic
economics, I studied economics in uni, did a lot of research on the monetary economics and things. And that's where I sort of found crypto and started getting privately interested in it. After a while, I graduated, I started working in like a bunch of like FinTech
startups. So that's what I got introduced like the startup port. Right. So you have my private interest in crypto and then you also have me now working for a bunch of potentially or so called disruptive startups in web to still over trying to change things and then you put two into together and I'm like, Hey, you know what maybe
crypto and start up is something I should be looking at and then I moved into chorus one which is a validator in this space and that's why I really started deep diving into cosmos because your course one the co-founders of course one also well I some of the earliest team that you know did evaluate on the cosmos how they live
leds of the atom sale. So I got really into cosmos from there and governance and I started taking over that sort of role in chorus one and like another thing I was also doing is liquid-staking resuppt, right, which is where I sort of developed like
this core concept of quick silver. Course one has like a long history of researching liquid-taking we built and our co-founder Joe actually built one of the first working models of a liquid-taking protocol back in 2018. Hi, Katam. We built Light of a Salana from
So just like a lot of liquid-saking stuff and then you, me personally, I really wanted to spin out and build like a really innovative liquid-saking solution right because liquid-saking across the board had looked very similar right if you look at liquid-saking on Solana, if you look at it on ETH, Polkadot, any other ecosystem.
It pretty much looks the same, but we wanted to do something like innovative, something cost more specific. So we build, so we spun out and like build quicks over, which I still think if you look at all the liquid-saving protocols in crypto, it is one of the most unique ones in its design.
Let's talk about that. Obviously, we can talk about Quicksilver on a high level, just for anyone who is unaware. But let's talk about how a Quicksilver stands out, because I think I tend to agree. Quicksilver is unique, but always great to hear from one of the founders.
Yeah, so if you trace like the history of the quit-saving and how like that design space develop, the primary problem to solve was fungibility, right? Like how do you issue a token, which is the same as every other token, same risk profile and everything, and that represents a state
to position right this was the primary problem to solve and the original solution which we built in 2018 was okay you have a bunch of validators that the protocol chooses and it delegates whatever stake is incoming into this protocol amongst these validators
And that is a predetermined amount. Right. So now you have what people then started calling a white list. And this is our Lido operator. And then we saw what happened, what that model led to an Ethereum. Right. You had a highly centralized liquid system.
taking space and at one point, I think Lido only had a hand for the evaluators. Obviously in the recent days, they've been trying to decentralize it as much as possible. But the principle still remains broken, according to us, which is you can't really choose your evaluators.
While this is okay for ETH, I mean, it's a pretty damn big deal because Cosmos is a delegated proof of state network and the operative word here being delegated, right? You're supposed to choose who we want to produce blocks. So it's like an election that's ongoing all the time.
And this really framed how Cosmos was built up right you had bio-rators participating in governance and your bio-rators building stuff bio-rators running IBC relays and all of these became competitive points now liquid sighing as it was threatened to like remove this
interdependent relationship between users, in this case, delegators, validators, and the protocols. So Quicksilver's main goal was, how do we preserve this? Because when we started building, we knew that LIDO was coming to Cosmos. And we knew that they were going to implement the LIDO model, which left us
like huge amounts of centralization. So we're like, how do we combat this? And then on Solana, there was the marinade, right, which essentially said we're going to distribute, steak the smallest 500 validers, I think it was, which on Solana, right, or some large number of
So, we are going to have a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a#
This is why we've pretty painstakingly built in this thing called signaling intent. So every time you stake through pixel, where you can choose which validator you want your stake to end up with at the end of the day. This is also like an implementation of intents and your intents have become like a very
cool topic over the last few months, but like we brought this up in our fab white paper right where and arguably this is an easier simpler implementation of intents, but at the end of the day it takes your stake and then distributes it to the validators you wanted to be distributed to.
It is a big deal. And again, for anyone who is not super into validators and the importance of validators, I mean, they decide on the commission, of course, so they affect the APR that you get. But perhaps even more importantly, like they vote on proposal
how ecosystems and chains develop. They are definitely sort of the deciding factor I would say on whether you get qualified for air drops as an individual and into individual wallet. So yeah, across
across the board, validators are super important. And I think a very good point that the quick silver is unique when it comes to the cross-staking protocols and the registry with validators, which is a discussion that I don't feel like people are having enough of, really.
Yeah, yeah, I'll also take it a step further. I think good violators versus bad violators also determine a successful and unsuccessful chain, right? Committed violators who invest in the protocol can really do a lot of things. Imagine like 100.
or more organizations actively committed to a chain versus 100 organizations just extracting value from the chain. So who validates on a chain? It actually makes a pretty big difference on the success or failure of the chain.
definitely. So yeah, just to summarize again for the unaware listener, what can you do with quick server right now, what can you stake, and then let's talk about the stuff that happened last time. For example, you announced a new enterprise stake in solution. I mean, people are piling in, it seems,
from traditional finance. We got BlackRock, of course, Fidelity, Citadel, like all the big guys are piling into Bitcoin these days. But you know, this is just the beginning for traditional finance and of course the broader enterprise space to get into crypto. So yeah, talk about, first of all,
what you can do now is quick server and then the these pick announcements. Yeah, so currently you can take item as for stars in region on quick server to mint like Q assets. You can then take these Q assets and use them on a bunch of defined integrations and like osmosis, umi, shade,
etc., but also working on getting other integrations up like Crescent, Mass, etc. So those are like the D5 things you can do already with Q-assets. And then to your second question, right, does this new feature that we're working on called enterprise
was taking. So I will give you a bit of background on this. So essentially when I built this or when I was thinking about this, there was a lot of demand from larger atom stakers who wanted their own sort of staking delivery. For a bunch of like regulatory reasons or otherwise, they didn't want
assets pulled in and wanted like a solution which enable them to mint their own staking derivative. So think of it as liquid staking as a service. So whatever I went out there and I started like working on it and then Quasar comes up and they're like, "Hey, you know what, we really need
Exactly what I just said right now. So Quasar is is an enterprise, but some enterprise in the traditional sense, right now seen like a lot of demand from. DeFi protocols itself who want to issue their own staking data, right? So Quasar is launching this thing called the QIT, which is that.
And this is going to be their sort of flagship product on that chain, right? So this, so if you buy this, you essentially get exposure to the entire Cosmos ecosystem. And obviously that they want to back this up with liquid-saken tokens, right? So what they're essentially doing is that they're going to be able to
issuing their own liquid-saking tokens on Quetzalva. So they're going to have Quetzar Qatoms. I mean, I just call that for now. I haven't given it a name, but let's call it Quetzar Qatoms, right? And in this, like, Quetzar community, or the Quetzar protocol, can choose their own
So it's up to them which validators they want to promote. And they can change this at any time based on Quasar governance. So think of like, instead of like one person liquid staking an entire enterprise is liquid staking and they're sort of minting their own assets, right?
own risk profile and any slashing that happens is experience only by them and it's based on only their choices. So it's a completely isolated, staking derivative. And now Quasar will essentially pile this up, you know, like Quasar, Qatam, Quasar, Qosmo, etc.
launch this like QIT token, which is the quesart index token, right? And then this will go in on their walls, et cetera, et cetera. So I think this is just like a pre-nam grade partnership that would bring one bring like a very interesting new paradigm in liquid stating where protocols
can mint their own liquid taking token. And I've also seen interest from the Kojira, from the Tenet. So anybody that's trying to create an ecosystem and want their own risk-isolated LSDs can use Quicksilver to issue those LSDs. Interesting. Interesting.
So just to make sure we understand and to thumb it down for symbolize like myself. So Questa, we had them on by the way and great guys. I can never pronounce his name but Vallo, I think.
But yeah, so basically what you can do with case are similar to Somalye that others might know, you can create these vaults that generate yields. So, cost was native, IPC enabled, hold she bang. Obviously when you talk about creating vaults and yields, etc, they were taking assets.
is or to ignore and definitely something that they need to address and it seems like you guys have come together and done that done is exactly this but then so is it a vols the or multiple vols that you create and then wrap wrap it up in this case
our index token or how does that work exactly? Maybe you just mentioned it, but I just want to try to tell me down a bit so everybody understands. Yeah, so this will be like a new product that they're going to launch on top of their walls. So you can essentially go on Quasar and then you can swap your atom
for QIT or you can swap your Osmo for QIT or whatever else. So now you have a token whose underlying is a bunch of Cosmos assets. Now I'm not entirely sure which assets they're finally going with. This is probably a question for the Quays team, but you can expect like you're big.
And so once you have this asset, you can do whatever you want with it, right? You can just hold it to gain like a risk-weighted exposure to the entire Cosmos ecosystem. So if like one of the assets does pull, one of the assets does pull.
anywhere your risk is spread across the entire ecosystem right and this will also drive demand for those who've been like reluctant to get into cosmos because they think that there's risk in like the individual tokenomics of each chain but some chain may be too inflationary some
chain maybe may have a unique token on property side which they're too scared to get into and like sort of predict that. So this will be a good way for those people outside the ecosystem also to gain a broad exposure to the entire Cosmos ecosystem. Now,
My guess is, and I'm pretty sure this has come up in the compilation stuff, that you can then put these QIT tokens in volts, in QuaysR walls and sort of use them in DeFi there. But all of the underlying for all of this are like Quicksilver assets.
are quasarquics and verdokins. Yeah, okay, I see. Nice. Yeah, I mean, the D-Gen within me is almost coming back to life here. It becomes, I think for a lot of people, it seems overly complex.
But really all that is is you have lick instead of locking up your tokens, staking them, you can still secure the chain and get yield, but your token stays liquid. You don't have the 21 days of liver to get the tokens back. Then you can start adding those to vaults.
to generate further yields. Just like you lock up with a bank account. So if you have a piece of paper that is generating yield, you can take that paper to your bank account or protocol, in this case, in DeFi. That's really all it is. It's very basic concepts, but I think it's useful to refer to something that
people can relate to in the data. To get out of our DGN bubble sometimes, it's healthy. But yeah, so the enterprise products, staking solution is getting adoption from day one. It sounds like what's the vision?
of enterprise things usually because I can imagine that you can take this many directions to many places obviously starting with Cosmos chains and projects like Kesar but yeah are there any other on the roadmap you mentioned Kuroff example or maybe perhaps taking it beyond Cosmos also I don't know
Yeah, so by design, it's pretty agnostic right like anybody can come up and put up a governance proposal and mint their own their own version of a Q asset right so from that point of view, it's pretty
Now, in terms of like the use cases, I see I initially thought that this was something that funds and institutions and and VCs would probably use it because of the regulatory restrictions they have which prevent them from using.
liquid-saking protocols, right? But I guess that's all of the perspective has changed like when I heard sort of quasars request. Now I think that there's also like a strong case to be made for like change specific liquid-saking protocols, right? And like I brought
lot of kuchis like I know that a while back they were thinking of launching their own liquid-saken protocol on their own chain and obviously I just because of resources cons saying that a lot in the plate that didn't go through and I thought hey like what if this kuchis were enterprise solution was there
And they could essentially issue their own assets and build liquidity for them there on their chain and sort of kick off that ecosystem around their own assets, right assets issued on their own chain. So yeah, I see like the first layer of demand from like defile protocols.
beyond. I recently spoke to like, "Tenet chain". Obviously, these things aren't confirmed, but they're clearly as demand. They like something like this. Tenet chain is this chain which is bringing together like which are taken tokens from a bunch of different ecosystems.
and like creating this LSDFI chain, right? So they'll have stable coins again, setting up once for the DFI.
primitives against liquid-saking derivatives. And you can also state them to sort of secure the tenant chain. And they were interested in using like an enterprise liquid-saking solution to sort of issue their own
own Q asset and then take it that right. So that is I'd say the first layer. The second layer of use case I've seen come about is taking atom to other ecosystems right. So I've been talking with this team called Rhino Phi who are like a DeFi
aggregators slash launch pad on Ethereum. So their entire problem is that, okay, you know, you can mint state derivatives, take them over to ETH, but what happens to ICS rewards? Like who gets the interchange security rewards that?
So, the thing is that these state atoms generate, right? And obviously like now the entire narrative of atom is being switched towards these ICS rewards which are supposed to be generated. So they don't want the users to be locked out of it.
issue their own rhino atom or something like that and then have their own system of reward distribution which brings these ICS rewards from atom to Ethereum right and they want they then want like each user's ticket exposure to stake atom right so this
So this also makes a strong case for Pearl, Gauls and other chains who want to display Atom or sell Atom to their users. They can also use something like this to do that.
So, it's interesting how you guys have with the core focus of validators, which is super important for the costating protocols if you ask me. Then you build this enterprise product. It's quite silver, slowly but surely becoming
sort of the go to place for protocols, other protocols to adopt liquid staking. Is that sort of the roadmap that you see ahead for Quicksilver? Yeah, I think that is like an interesting niche that at least I've been
excited about because it's such like an unexplored field and such an unexplored market. I think that's what we're really good at. I think the way we design this solution, the amount of features we put into it, we're not
the smash and grab sort of approach, right? We have like, I think the audience we can reach is more, more innovative, more in these like unexplored niches. So it's definitely something that excites me like the potential
That like this this user base can can bring like protocols and evaluators and stuff like that because I think that's also like a large and on tap market red which can also really boost the fine
capital efficiency. So yeah, that's something. Something we're looking at though, obviously I'm not saying that it's a singular focus. I don't think at this we're too early in the liquid-taking game for
any one to have singular focuses, I think. The LSM isn't out yet. It's still very, very early days. Liquid taking has barely been around for a little over six months, right? Yeah. So yeah. It's early days, but it seems to be one of the big narratives, if not the big
is narrative that we will hear about during the next cycle and also like with the Ethereum and the merge moving from proof of work to proof of stake, I think it's more or less consensus except for the big community which is special but it's consensus across
and crypto and all that stuff that proof of stake and delegate proof of stake is the future and that means we need to secure the chain by staking it but people also want to defy so we don't want to lock up all the liquidity in the in staking with validators we would like liquid staking
So it is going to be a huge narrative and thing in the future of Define Critzo. And it makes no sense to carve out a niche. You call that a niche, but it could be tremendously big if everybody needs to adopt liquid staking assets and protocols.
Yeah, and that's the thing, right? Like, DeFi cannot exist in a proof of stake world without liquids taking. It's simply impossible, right? Until, and like this is recent, right? Until now,
You probably had a good 70 to 80% of DeFi on Ethereum and Ethereum was proof of work, right? They did not need liquid saking and now that they've gone proof of saking, I think everyone's just realized how big
liquid-staking is in the proof of stake world because now the pico-recorder costs simply just need liquid-staking to survive on the eth right and I think that realization is then just driving the sort of demand for liquid-staking all over
makes perfect sense. And if quick server becomes the epicenter for deploying, they could stake in features or being able to issue, they could stake in assets. I mean, that's a huge thing, right? Not just in cost was but across crypto. So yeah, interesting to see how this plays out. Talk to us about the road
then unless you already uncovered it. But yeah, what can we look forward to with Quicksilver in the near future? Yeah, so I've uncovered a part of it. So that's definitely this enterprise liquid-saving feature coming out. We already have the first two, three clients sorted out as I just talked about.
And yeah, we have another major major upgrade coming in September October. Can't really go into country going to the details. It's out of building it instead, but it's like a major upgrade to how liquid-saking works in cosmos, right? Like the entire nature.
of the LSD and reward distribution and stuff is going to be changed. So yeah, that's pretty exciting. Now, we're going to talk about it soon, but I think it's sort of change approach from last time. You know, last time we talked extensively about what we're building. I think now we're going to.
So almost get very close to launch and then talk about stuff in detail. But yeah, there's like a big upgrade coming and like October. This is the most right. Yeah, that's the that would make a lot of sense. You know, we're suckers for Alpha here. So I always have to ask.
Yeah, yeah, this is actually pretty big alpha itself. I don't think I ever said decided publicly that we're walking on a major That changes the design of quick silver and pretty much I haven't heard October being mentioned obviously if we should take dates for the grain of salt
because there are technical complexities and a lot of things that need to fall in place. But yeah, I haven't heard you speak so specifically about being able to go to Mainnet with it. So yeah, exciting stuff. I always like to
to use these bases also to perhaps dream a bit. And I think the dream of Quicksilver is really starting to unfold with, especially with this enterprise taking solution. So imagine yourself sitting on your front porch or wherever you're comfortable sitting five to
15 years from now. If you look back at let's just say the past 10 years and see what Quicksilver has become, what would fill your heart with pride? What would make you think like I'm so glad we did this is exactly what we set out to build? How would Quicksilver then look like?
Yeah, I think if I thought about five years right very 10 years is too too long down the line, but let's say five years on that word really like to see as you know like a unique liquid-saken protocol and more
That's all the sort of problems. And solutions are cutting edge in everything we saw. I think that's always been like our day one approach of doing things.
Sure, in the short run, it's always great, right? Because you're really complex of building more cutting edge areas, the more complex areas. But five years down the line, I'd like to look back and say this is--
some really, really cool piece of tech that we got to build and it's solved some serious problems that existed and hopefully it plays a part in the grander Cosmos story which I'm pretty, pretty bodhisattva and hope that we can be part of that narrative.
You really expand on that multi chain, multi chain future, right? And to give context and why I'm emphasizing on multi chain is because a lot of the quicks of the features that even though we've delivered so far are like it's coming in the next upgrade, right? Which I think is the conservatively
month from now is also pretty unique because for the first time that we are actually doing interchange queries, I'd like a really, really large scale and like we're tracking assets on other chains cryptographically and stuff for like the Quixel book code logic, which is all like pretty new stuff. So,
Sure, that's not really the core liquid setting, but five years down the line, I want to look back and think that we built all this.
Awesome. Sorry I was unmuted. So yeah, I mean there's a lot of things to be worked out for sure and a lot of ecosystems that change to integrate with. We are moving towards a multi-chain future. There's no question about it. Last month's, if you ask us of course, it's going to be
a huge role in that future. That actually brings us to a question that we have from the community, which I think is a good one and a very relevant one. That is about the whole discussion about app chains versus consumer chains. Now that obviously Neutron is live,
security from the customer's hub. We have stride. I don't know if I should call them a competitor, but at least a liquid-staking alternative to a quick server. They are also moving to be a consumer chain. So I have to ask you also on behalf of the community, if you had
to sort of do it all over or even if you look ahead, is it going to be app chains or consumer chains that's going to dominate in in in in in cars most in particular? But what do you think? I think it'll probably be a bit of both. I really
think like once mesh security comes out, we're going to find out how that exactly plays out because like how many consumer chains are going to move to mesh security when that comes out. Like I know Strydes, at least that's their intention that openly. So it really seems like okay,
with mesh security, you can solve the economic security problem of app chains. You can leverage these broad mesh relationships instead of leveraging all of your security from one chain, which is a Cosmos Hub. That immediately has a bunch of benefits because Cosmos Hub can be
part of this set that you leverage economic security from. So clearly my security has that over like ICS V1, right? So if you look at it in that sense, ICS is only really useful if you don't
want to bootstrap a valorator set. If you think you can't find valorators or don't want to have a token to incentivize valorators to give out staking rewards, then it makes a lot of sense for you to deploy as a consumer chain. You have
chain like duality going up and they have no token right if they have no token they can't be an app chain because they don't have staking rewards they can't know nobody will validate the chain so ICS would be useful stuff like that well I think the rest will move to like a mesh security looking solution
that makes a ton of sense. And yeah, best security is all of the missing piece for app chains to continue to thrive in the years to come, even though ICS and the Cosmos Hub is growing in importance. In a way, it's a very symbiotic relationship. I think it's awesome to see both of them working to
together in unison growing the cost of the ecosystem, perhaps even more than we would otherwise if it wasn't there. Yeah, no, I'm also really happy that I see this is not directly competing with my security because for a while that was sort of the paradigm, right? It's sort of
like, you know, mess security is coming from us more says in cosmos in opposition to ICS, of course, not all. But I think at this point, like all of the core teams are pretty aligned as ICS V1 and then everything will move from edge security, right? So
So I think all the teams are now aligned. That's correct, you know, because we're not reinventing the wheel building two different versions of the similar thing because I see as hard I see as we won V21 V3 on the roadmap, right, which looks very similar to mesh security.
The last question that we have for today and then before we close this thing off, of course, is about Cosmos role in making Quick Silver in the next five years, as you mentioned. To make Quick Silver what it will become, obviously being the Cosmos Club, we are almost exclusively focused on
on Cosmos, Cosmos Tech, what's going on in the ecosystem. So, the question that we always like to ask is how do you see Cosmos being so important in Paramount even to quick-server to fulfill the dream within the next 5-10-15 years that you see coming to quick-server?
Yeah, I think in some ways like Quicksilver.
A quicksilver needs Cosmos change and we need more Cosmos change to come out with thrive and this really makes the value proposition of quicksilver unlimited right. I'll tell you what I mean by unlimited right if you deploy a liquid-saking solution on ETH.
or salana, right? You know what a total addressable market is because there's only so much eat you can take, there's only so much salana you can take. But in Cosmos you can have new chains come up, which could be insanely more valuable, right? Chains could come up, which
probably as valuable as the cosmos of itself and they're not created yet. So Quixilva has sort of this unlimited opportunity to grow as chains come out right. And once you've exciting chains are around the corner right. I think say is coming out. Celestia is coming out. Sargha is coming out.
or dy/dx is coming out as an app chain. They'll talk about Maker.dow coming as a cost-most app chain. These are some big, big, big name products at which you could potentially be valued in hundreds of millions, maybe in billions of dollars.
As these chains come in, Quixel was potential to grow only keeps increasing. In that way, we absolutely need this app chain thesis to try and survive and more chains to use the Cosmos stack to create app chains.
Definitely man. And that's a lot of for us. We are seeing that, right? More and more app chains and consumer chains, proposals for it are coming up. So, yeah, it is a great place to be and can't wait to see what happens in the next cycle. I mean, with all this,
Recently in the Cosmic Club we compared the last run-up to the cycle to what we see right now it seems like you know these big coin ETFs and all that stuff could be a catalyst event for the next cycle and it's just Marvin's
to see all the different ideas on paper and lots, Twitter discussions, whatever that were being talked about before the last cycle started to happen. And then until now, like almost all of it has been either executed or started being
that's just a good one already. That just brings us tremendously confidence that customers is going to be here in the long haul because we just keep delivering and building out the not just a tech stack but also the ecosystem. And that it's just marvel to see really all the hard work being done.
by builders all over the world, including Quick Silver of course. So yeah, we thank you for that, Vish. Is there anything we left out today, Vish? Is there anything the community can do before we close this thing off? Obviously, people follow you on Twitter and all that stuff, but what can we do to help Quick Silver?
Yeah, I mean, well, all I'd say is like continuing supporting us like we love our loyal community with us. I've always been there through the ups and downs. You guys have any questions feel free to reach out. Talk to us. You know, you have one.
I want to suggest anything on the product side, on like integration side, anything like we want to operate as like a decentralized entity, right? So feel free to like come into our telegram and discard and like get involved, right? No hesitation there.
Yeah, I think that's all right. Beautiful. Thank you so much for coming on again, the Visch. And we look forward to follow your continuous progress over a quick server. Thanks a lot. Thanks for having me. Take care, man. Ciao.