Cosmos Club with Secret Network

Recorded: June 22, 2023 Duration: 0:54:58



Hello guys, welcome to the club. I can see the secret agency is here, but we have people settle in and request to speak. So yeah, if you can request to speak actually the secret agency, I think that should work. Yeah, okay, see now.
and I just approved it.
Yeah, loud and clear. Beautiful. Welcome to the club, man. Awesome. Awesome. I think Erdemann should be jumping in here and just a sec. I just sent him the link.
I'm always going, I'm always sorry about the confusion. I had something urgent coming up so glad that you guys were flexible on the moving it 30 minutes prior basically.
Oh yeah, yeah, no problem. I think Erdemann had a call that was coming right up to it. So I think it actually worked out a little better this way. Yeah. So worked out. Destiny.
That's right, that's right.
beautiful man. Yeah so how are things on your end on the secret network? I'm assuming you guys haven't been sued by the SEC anytime anytime soon like everybody else. It feels like these days.
No, we so far so good. Actually, interestingly, before Secret Network came to the cosmos, Secret Network, when it was
in Nigma actually settled with the SEC that that was when it was a project built on Ethereum. So actually we have a little bit of clarity around secret network having already gotten a
settlement with them previously. So I think we're in better shape than many on that note, but you know you always got to cross your fingers. You never know with the chaos and the regulatory space.
It seems like everybody is safe right now. Yeah, obviously having some form of settlement and clarity based on that is better than having nothing. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it's just a
I'm not based in the US but I have many friends and I used to live in the US so it seems pretty bad. Crazy. Over there. So little clarity. You know, one side, the SEC saying, "Yeah, you can just come in a register." And then the other side saying, "We tried. We did."
And we couldn't. Who's the writing? Yeah, well, you know, and I am in the United States and I always say it's crazy. And in my opinion, it's on purpose, you know, there's political agendas.
involved that purposely make it hard to do. It's the end theory playing out in front of our eyes in my opinion. I do see-- I feel like. It does feel like it's very political this whole-- yeah, what's happening, basically.
Absolutely, absolutely.
I think give it a couple of years and the whole space will look much, much different than it does now. And I'm definitely hopeful that that'll be for the better and sooner than later, but.
And if anything, it unaligns the importance of something like secret network, which I'm sure we will talk about in a few seconds. I just invited the adamant to speak also. I can see the mute icon is on, but it's on mute.
Ah, hello, hello.
Hey, there you are.
Super, so I guess we can just kick things off. We're all here. So welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club where we talk all things Cosmos reading data about what's going on and then we invite interesting, fascinating, hardworking builders of the Cosmos ecosystem.
Today we are very happy to have Secret Network gone. We tried to have you on for quite some time, but being the Secret Network, it's not always easy and you guys are very busy, but so glad to have you on the club guys. Welcome.
I think you're having a
So we normally like to start these spaces out with a little bit of personal touch, I guess you can see. People in crypto and customers in particular, I feel they come from all walks of life. You know, some people are very
technical, some people are very financial, the other day I spoke to someone who had a background as a chemical engineer. So yeah, many different people and many works of life. So what's your story? How did you end up working on secret network?
Yeah, I'll go first. Yeah, something a new this I actually started in web 3. This is my second bear market and I started out like many people as a trader. So
Originally, I did trading alerts, kind of semi-pro in stock market. Then in 2018, I realized that crypto was much more volatile and easier to scout trade, day trade.
So I kind of started down the rabbit hole on that path. And then, you know, once you get started down the rabbit hole, you have no choice but to continue. So the more I was in the space, the more I learned about it, and the more I started
started to get drawn into the technology, what it actually means, what it does, what use cases, it unlocks. Now, as far as coming to Secret Network, I'm not saying no, it wasn't too long.
trading in D5 after I started playing around in D5, I realized that there was a missing key to the puzzle in blockchain which is privacy. When I first started
I started and I had a misconception that I think most people have. I missed a pseudo anonymity for privacy. When I first started out, I thought Bitcoin was
it was untraceable, it was anonymous, which that's just definitely not the case. Sudo anonymity is much different than actual anonymity.
And so, you know, realizing that I stumbled upon secret network thanks to seed protocol actually. I stumbled on a medium article regarding seed protocols, airdrop.
But before it happens, so it was I think in September of 2020, if I recall correctly, I was a couple months before the snapshot and
That got me looking into the privacy text and you know that was a new rabbit hole. Started learning about it joined the community.
I've always been kind of drawn to education. I'm an educator, content creator, and so at that time, the secret network
work had committees. This was before the agency was established. So I jumped in the education working committee and
Yeah, from there, I just taken on more and more and been here ever since.
Beautiful. And what about you, Adam? I don't want to leave you hanging there.
I mean that new is more interesting and it wins so I guess the will fix it up. Yeah, I actually come from a physics background so I have a master's in physics and while actually finishing up my degree I
Yeah, got into contact with three first. I mean, I think everybody or almost everybody joins as an investor first and then everything later. So, yeah, I think it was. Reaching when that was, I think February 2021.
So I liked the top of the festival market, I guess the first stop. And then found Seekerid, or first Cosmos ecosystem, later Seekerid as part of the podcast by Shoshii in September, I think, when
Everything was already down and people followed the bear market had already started and then bought in I think everything went another like four or five X or whatever and I made a thousand dollars from a hundred dollars and in fact okay this is the best thing since sliced bread so let me stick around.
Yeah, very easy to use driven when it comes to I think it's our probability is very cool. Privacy is I don't know maybe his privacy is not even the right word, but I just think in general. We're three cannot really be successful as a public domain because of the the problems it brings with.
Not even only user privacy, but also like actual possible use cases. So I'll just talk around in the secret and in the community there and was actually at certain point asked to do the education committee, which was a community-ful funded
ID basically to get like medium articles and videos and stuff like that on the protocol think in December or like December or November of 2021 and that over time changed in a thousand different ways
where I'm now currently actually doing developer relations for secret. So, calculating about the technical specifics of the Cosmos ecosystem and the privacy tech from home or encryption to get brief, books and everything and sort of made myself
I guess knowledgeable enough to explain to anyone who doesn't understand, but definitely not knowledgeable enough to actually implement many of these fix myself. So yeah, as a sort of all software developer, slash scientist and going to this, I think it's helpful, but
definitely can't make secret network myself, but at least I can explain I think at least to high enough degree to do any potential deabs that come in or investors or anything like that, how stuff would work and what we're going to do. So yeah, if builders have questions or if you're making an app and you need help, or you want to get
connected or reading through the documentation and you want things changed and you'll end up contacting me. And I do that on a disequed agency, at least for now. But maybe that's up to us speaker out later. Beautiful. Guys, let's talk about secret network. Most people
people of course tuning in live will know about you guys, but there's also people listening afterwards who are first to hear about Secret Network when they when they listen to to the customers club. So, so yeah, talk to us as if we haven't heard about Secret Network before. And I think you can refer back to what you mentioned earlier about the difference between
being pseudo-nominus with a Bitcoin which I think is a starting point for everyone. If not everyone then the far majority who thinks that the Bitcoin is anonymous and it can be identified and all that but it only takes the connection to
between your public wallet ID and yourself and then you can see everything that you've done in the past. The talk shows about the difference between that, how big on the set of example and the difference to the secret network and in general what makes secret networks so near and dear to our hearts crypto fanatics like myself.
Should I take it to Noobus? Yeah, so that was what I said.
Yeah, so like I was already said, I think the the third thing of it, you're there's like a timeline of what three right we've all started in 20th, 2008 with financial crisis and Bitcoin and then it was there was nothing besides Bitcoin and maybe some forks until
like 2017 when Ethereum went to Maynet and then brought computational items to blockchain at all. And then that's sort of how everything moved further. And the same timeline exists for privacy where
So, basically, I was maybe your first idea of having like a private form of cash, but people suddenly realized that this nearly decayed. So, yeah, Monero and C cash who came up and developed very interesting protocols in order to mitigate the transactional privacy at it, right?
And then, as soon as sort of 2017 and everything, and that there were only a few people actually working on not only thinking about transactional privacy, so what monarchy can I do, but making a private version of the Ethereum, so allowing people to use an
encrypted or private inputs into smart contracts. So that you can actually create applications that require sensitive data. So one of those protocols that still remains is the secret network. So what is secret network then? So it's
a layer one, Cosmos blockchain or Cosmos SDK blockchain that enables private smart contracts, which means you have encrypted input, output and state for all computations and secrets.
While on Ethereum, if you throw a dice or you would play rock paper scissors with someone, everybody can see that you played rock paper scissors before the other person did anything. But when you put that input on secret, it's actually protected until, for example, you play your moves and then we can say, "Hey,
you play it rock, you know, there are plates, paper, so the person who played paper is actually the winner. And you cannot cheat in that form. This doesn't apply only to very simple games, but I think it's an easy way to display the capabilities, but it applies to a ton of different use cases. So, let's
The rotation points on secret are hidden, there's no front-roning or everything's ambient resistant by default on secret. You have NFTs with private metadata and private ownership. There are these things called secret tokens which you can use in D5 to sort of upstate part of what you're swapping or
what you're doing. There is like, you can't think of a million new produced cases. I say refer to the blog if you want to, but that is basically if you have a public network, you can only do so much because I cannot put your identity on chain. I cannot
and now to put any sensitive information about yourself on chain, putting too much information about our D5 positions is also risky and all of these things are not protected while secret creates the platform where all of this is automatically protected. And then all of this data is owned by you, everything you do with a contract is owned by you.
So that also means that you have the control when the access to show that data or anything that's related to the computation you did to any other person, verifiably. So you see in scalds permits or viewing keys which allow you to share this data with either your government agency
or friends, like if I want to brag and tell you that I have a level 10 NFC or a specific game, I can show you that I'm level 10 without actually showing the NFC for example. Or I can give my complete transaction history with all my lending and swaps to the government.
By a FIS, simple, verifiable key, but nobody else can see it besides them. So that's the idea of secret. It's having encrypted input output in state for smart contracts while also having the access control to control and share that data with anyone else. And we've been at it since.
2017 I'd say when the first white paper came out but main at large student in 2020 so it's been almost three years now I think it has been three years actually so or September actually actually three years so um yep been around for a while and not going anywhere luckily we have a lot of deabs building on the ecosystem
right on and we will probably talk about a few of them but yeah you guys are definitely getting some traction there both in terms of the number of tabs but also the tabs themselves attracting a lot of the quality and volume etc etc so you guys are definitely on to something and I think the narrative that at least
I remember the first time I heard about secret network the narrative that I heard was really resonating was it was a theorem with embedded privacy you could build stuff on secret network and there was embedded privacy on chain that that resonated with me for sure
but I think a lot of other people also. And it's really exciting to see all these, I guess you can call it ideas, and visions, virtually, is coming to life with the different depths being built on secret network. And again, I don't know if you want to share some light already to various different depths.
We've been killing it these days. CNS, Secret Swap, like, I don't know if there's anyone you want to highlight already that you want to have users sort of go on and check out already. Which ones do you think has really been killing it on Secret Network these days?
>> No business to power users. I'll send it to him. >> Wow. Well, there's quite a few. One that fits exactly what we're talking about right now is, shape protocol.
they're absolutely killing it right now. Of course, we have the secret surge initiative going on right now, which is it's a big incentive program that basically adds layer one incentives to Dex liquidity
It actually applies to all of the Dex's on secret network. But Cade Protocol launched right at the beginning of Secret Surge program. So they got a nice boost for their kickstart. But as far as their application
They're tooling the UI and UX just it's smooth. It's very polished that I definitely suggest checking it out if you haven't played with it already It's cross-chain You know, obviously it's it's cosmos so you
you're able to create any of the Cosmos assets using bridging in with IBC. You can also bridge in your Ethereum and other assets that are connected to Axelar. Yeah, it's an AMM, you're a lot like
most dexas. But it's also got extra tools that a lot of other dexes just don't have. For example, they have the the borrow tool which is connected to their their stablecoin, which is another unique
products and actually another powerful use on secret. So it's a native stablecoin over collateralized model, a lot like die. However, it's a SNP 20 token. So it's a secret network token, meaning that it is private by default.
There's a few other unique factors to it, such as it's a stable coin that is not paid to the US dollar. Rather, it's paid to a basket of assets, which is
We could talk on the stablecoin for a whole session, so I won't go too far into it. But that's definitely an added bonus. Another good one that I personally use, and it's one of our OGs.
It's one of the first applications that launched on the network. And that's the alter that. So we had the wrong. We had alter on some time back. But I think they definitely deserve some more shine. But yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely. They're killing it. I've been really impressed with them. They continue to build through the bear market. And I mean, what an awesome use case, using the blockchain for a decentralized communications platform.
and send encryption and and they don't just stop at messaging. They've integrated video conference calls. They have decentralized storage utility. So yeah, they're definitely
One of my favorites. There are others. There's quite a few that are still being built out. If you look at the roadmap, one of the things I'm really looking forward to is actually one of the
secret labs project, which is the unstoppable wallets. That's going to be really fun. However, I'd actually rather hurt him and talk more about that when we come to it, because he can explain how that works, probably much better than I can.
I think it's a good segue because you guys rolled out privacy as a service, the AES. And I think arguably the unstoppable wallets like you just mentioned is one of the
A very exciting use case at least, which living legend, Guy C, drafted in Prague not too long ago. So yeah, without further ado, I'll let you guys explain what unstoppable wallets is for the rest of the community.
Yeah, of course. Yeah, so yeah, so quickly I think on the on the de-app side also mentioned there's like And then personally very excited about the equity itself sort of decentralized Spotify version that's completely using like subscription and privacy model from secrets. It's very cool.
VRL as well, which is just like live ticketing. Anyway, there are many D apps you can track them on the ecosystem roadmap if you want to. When it comes to privacy as a server or secret to point out, which is a little bit intertwined, things that most importantly,
think for people sort of, I guess, see your realizes that like secrets set out to build something five years ago. And it build it relatively fast and it's now live already for three years and it's been updated and upgraded and luckily it has become
so much more scalable than it was two years ago. So I think it's at the very solid point, it might be in at least from a tech stack, but it also sort of makes it so, I don't know, maybe hype has gone or whatever, but at least you've launched a chain which does, which have to completely rewrite
it's a cause of wasm, it had to change the domain, change the cost of existing gain or to allow all of this, and it has full interoperability with this private smart contracts. So we have all this figured out, so what now? I think all cost must protocols are dealing with is the fact that
in the end apps or users go where the liquidity is. So this has been an item that's been actually inside of the white paper already like five years ago. It's like maybe we have to think about not necessarily just privacy on layer one, but we have
this privacy on one layer in order to basically be the provider of these private data points or private necessities for all these deeps in other ecosystems. And that's what privacy is, which really is. It's a way to position a secret not only as the privacy hub by building on secret, where you of course have more
benefits because privacy is easier to achieve fully if you're fully on Zikr, than if you're on an other chain. But we can still bring a lot of these features to other chains as well. So privacy and service is it's two things. One is the possibility for anyone to do this permissionlessly, right? You can you can open up an IBC
channel right now with private smart contracts or transfer option or interchina accounts or any of the other like ABC enabled modules and get some of your privacy from secret. So we're very happy to be working with like a drama protocol and others.
are simplified and building environments, but in general people can ask a run the rumble not right now, or they can do private voting for their DAO by using IDC, or they can do a few bit auctions for tallies or stargays by using secret privacy. Like all of this is already possible if people want to. And yet they can
do so permissionously. And then there is the same thing goes for EVM by the way where you can use Axel R or other bridges or your own bridge to basically use them to do privacy on Ethereum or Polygon. So there's already an application actually which started building maybe a year ago even which does come
completely sort of gamified auction system on polygon. They wanted to use your base there. They wanted the NFT user base there and all of the fast things that come with polygon, but they needed the privacy for the absolute decided to build it on polygon with your secret on the back end. So check them out. They're called pitch up, but
Yeah, these applications already exist so that's possible and then there is the second part of it which is How can we make the building even easier and not necessarily focused only on other deabs in other ecosystems where they can use like messaging bridging to allow for this but what if we make API?
that are already like almost a complete product that people can just integrate themselves. And one of those products is Trustless Wallets, where unstoppable wallets. And unstoppable wallets consist of two items. And I think the item that that guys should have spoken about in Prague is a derivative of something called MPG.
or threshold wallets. So it's the idea that you basically have a multi-sick for yourself, but the other signer in a multi-sick is not necessarily only your friend or your colleague or your co-investor, but it can also be a smart contract or a company. And currently people who use the
these types of wallets, those are the biggest institutions you can think of, they all use something called fire blocks, which is a company that allows the service and then they are the second signer inside of this sort of multi-sick wallet. What this allows for these institutions and people who want some more accesses, to basically have
what it is. You don't need a ledger or anything to sign anything. But it's more secure than just to have what it is because there's not a single private key. Everybody has a private key and it needs to come together in order to sign. But for every signature that's done, you need to get permission of this contract or this company.
what this company can then do is they can program all kinds of access control inside of this contract. So for example, as I mentioned earlier, you get to spend $10,000, but as a employee, you only get to spend $1,000. And you can only touch these assets and stuff like that. Or I don't want more than actually
amount of my assets to leave the native blockchain of the Ethereum. Or if I take out a landing position and it goes on of 30%, I want people to liquidate my entire position because I don't want to get to an LTVU higher than 30%. Like stuff like that is all sort of programmable by this company.
The problem is you now not only rely on this company for this access control, but you also need them to be always available in the design transactions. Like if they go down, you're well on this in excess. So all of these things are they have a clear sort of decentralization setback. So secret lab set out to do was to bring this
very expensive cryptography for threshold wallets, which is basically a multi-party computation protocol inside a secret contract. So there's now an MVP where you can make an Ethereum wallet that's owned by multiple people and then there's also a secret contract involved which can do the access control.
for all of the assets you're spending. So I think the demo he showed is very simple. It checks whether the spend is below one Ethereum. But in theory, you can program anything in a smart contract. It can be as complex as you are. And then there is the second thing which I think is way cooler
or not way cooler, but I think it's a very separate juice case, but the use is exactly the same framework is that what if instead of having this this contract on the secret chain which holds part of the key not not only hold a small part of the key but hold the full key
And that would basically make it possible for any user to sign in with Google or with the password or the fingerprint or whatever into the secret contract. And then the secret contract will execute all of the items for it. So they get a wallet which doesn't have a safe race.
it has whatever other login methods or two of a method you would want. Really simplifying the way for people to onboard into like NFT games or like lower value use cases, basically where the security is necessarily super important, but it's the fact that you're
have an ease of onboarding in the UX, that makes sense. So yeah, that's the idea from some of Wallace and some of our APIs in the making. So there's already SQL to VRF, which allows you to get a random number. It's like a competitor to chaining for your app or band for your app, which are off chain Oracle, so this is completely on chain, make
with the privacy of secret and the magic of tenderment. And then there is workings being done on this whole more of encryption components are already added for NPC, but it can also be used for private voting. So secure extra secure private voting or providing an only SD.
which is coming as an API as well. Yeah, and there are some more use cases they are working towards. So, yeah, if you want to use privacy as a service, they can either use the fully permission as existing system and go through the documentation and think of any use case they want themselves or they can
can dive into some of these APIs and get a more, yeah, maybe simple user flow, but also products that are not necessarily only used for other D apps, but can be used by anyone. Like NPC wallets can be, in theory, they can be wallets to any other ecosystem, which is of course a massive market.
There's a lot to unpack there, but yeah, I think the overarching message here is that this secret network is building a full suite of privacy tools for DAPs to build all kinds of tools and applications with privacy embedded into it. You mentioned this.
secret the verifiable randomness of VRF sort of cashily. You humble the entire secret team, but I want to dwell a bit on that because I think it deserves this more attention. So the verifiable randomness is already live for
any IBC chain that can be adopted. And then it's also coming soon to EVM chains, Ethereum Mainnet included. Talk to us about the implications of that and what you guys hope to accomplish with the verifiable randomness being adopted by secrets.
Yeah, so the cool thing about we can see is this private state that actually allows you to store like private entropy that can then be used to create random numbers. So that's the very basic format of how this works. It's a little bit more complicated because this was actually fully implemented on the network side of the code.
inside tendermint like every block there is a new seed and it's super secure so people can check it out how it works if they want to account the documentation but in general randomness may sound very boring but the thing is that blockchains are made to be deterministic by nature they are
I'll be any randomness in a blockchain because if there would be, you would get consensus errors because one validator might see the status not readily. So in order to get true randomness on a blockchain for like, loot boxes or gaming or an esteeming thing or doubt decisions or whatever,
people who are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the right place, they are in the#
they use this to put random numbers on chain. You can ask them around the number and they'll put it into their contract that you can use. But, yeah, it's not decentralized and it costs a lot of money. Like a chain link subscription isn't cheap. So, what we wrote secret did, or I guess it's actually from Secret Labs is,
All of this was already possible inside of Secret, but it had a few small tech factors which should have prevented it to be used for beyond Secret. So they completely mitigated all these tech factors by redesigning it into the network code.
can access it over privacy. So yeah, there's this variable with which you can make your contracts. It's called the n variable and it's random. Every block is different. So you can use that to make a random number and use it inside of secret or outside of secret. And the cool thing is that if you
You can use it inside the secret, you can actually keep it private forever. So you can start doing randomized outputs to single users where other people don't know what the output is they got and stuff like that. You can do a lot more items, you can do faster-based games where you don't ask a random number every block like every other guy.
100 blocks and stuff like that. But as soon as it goes over IBC and that's the whole thing with privacy service, any output coming from Secret has to be public in order for the other chain to be able to read it. So a public number on, if you get a number basically on
And for example, Tuna already had the number of Republic. But that's exactly the same framework as how it works with Band or Chainlink. Those numbers are also public. And then anybody can check back whether the number was actually correctly created and whether it was truthful, all based with the security and liveness of IBC and TenderMid.
So if you're looking at the moment for applications in the Cosmos ecosystem, you want to try it. Luckily there are some applications who are already trying it out and working with us to see if it's valuable. So I don't want to reveal all their names because I'm not sure
sure if you're going to implement it in the end, but we'll see. It's a permission as tools available to anyone. I think it's well documented. There are some things we need to do, but yeah, everybody can use it at the moment if they want to get a perfectly fine random number and only thing you have to do is pay for gas and secrets. So it's basically free.
I mean, the more we listen to you and read up on secret network, the more it stands clear, there's such a strong foundation that has been built and it's getting built. Also, you are expanding all the time.
And now it seems like you're not just planning to do things or in the basement building things, you actually have things live that should and will be tested by real developers, real DAPs being built on all these different technologies within the SQL
network and that's for me that's just incredibly exciting and incredibly bullish really that people are adopting this and people are building on top of this network. Well let's talk about what's ahead what can people look ahead look forward to ahead of us people always get excited about the roadmap.
Yeah, but I think it's interesting. People find it easy to call anything that encrypts. If you're looking from the inside out, why do you think this? It doesn't make any sense.
to us. But I guess that's just sort of how it goes. People follow the hype, not necessarily the fun, not necessarily the commit sun gave up. But I don't know, I think we're very lucky with secret labs.
The knowledge they have in how much they've been pushing over the past Yeah, months and the end here is basically was also capability upgrades and interoperable Private smart contracts and everything else that's been launched over the coming company so over the past year
So yeah, if anyone is wanting to look at what they do, then I always suggest people to check out documentation and they get up instead of checking out the Twitter. I think it gives a better representation of at least the core part of the network and where it's going.
I don't see them going anywhere. Secret world definitely be around in a few years. Definitely man. The only thing you should do on Twitter, because don't spend too much on Twitter, it will make it depressed. It's just a joint space from the club. That's all. That's all you need.
Yeah, just joined a Cosmos club. It's all you all you need in life and shit post shit post about governance Yeah, so yeah, what's the look at for room? So important to realize that secret
Like we are part of the core team, I would say, right? So it's like secret as a network. So what do we do as a network? And to be honest, other things you do as a network are very, very boring. Like we don't necessarily make a lot of products. We have awesome teams, luckily, we're building products on secret. So yeah, there are two things.
You have this ecosystem of teams we're building the apps and then there's the core development team. If you look at the core development, the program is always listed on the documentation. It's hard to put timelines to certain things because the network could be
become so complex and it's always hard to understand what exactly is going. Yeah, how long is something is going to take? But for now, the biggest items the core team is working on is this one, is this secret 2.0, like, additive cryptographic functions. So, I want more of a
for certain things already added, which is going to be used for the NPC protocol and it's going to be used for private voting. There are also this one. PC protocol now exists, so there are smart contract level NPC code available open source. There's a novel scheme which is a lot faster. But there are some items still to be
focused on there when it comes to the secret to PO. So there are some cryptographic improvements for the network itself and maybe for the constanation change the common with secret to Pundo. I don't know how familiar people are with that but yeah definitely take a look at that. That's something that's not really going to happen in the long run in the roadmap.
And then beyond Secret Overdose, these privacy services APIs, there's a lot of work on the unstoppable wallets, which should be going live at least before the end of the year. So for other people to use, there's this private coding API, there's this Secret Shield with Auction, there's all these bridge integrations that are happening, so we're integrating with Composible,
with Enromeda protocol, a better integration with Axler using hooks. There's a new bridge coming by the BitchUp team, which allows messaging or integrating with router protocol. So all of these items take a lot of work, including updating IPC. So IPC will hopefully go to version seven before
the end of the year, which should bring hoogs, which should bring interchained host modules so people can build like stuff like Quasar and Stride on top of secret. Instead of only like interacting with secret, you can actually build that framework on top of secrets, so it'll hopefully help shape portfolio applications and stuff like that.
But to be honest about the shorter roadmap like there are very boring items on it which actually have a massive impact so secret Contracts is slightly different from Cosmism contracts and one of those things is that it doesn't have native upgradability But we finally found the exact way to
implement that. So, although it's still a privacy risk and it's something that people have to think into what they want to do it or not, that will be coming in the upgrade, which is probably happening in August or September. So there will be contract upgradability, significantly simplifying the experience where developers do
to build upgradable deeps on secret together with that there will be be hooks so Cosm wasm hooks which is sort of cool thing that will increase the UX on secret because it allows you to auto-wrap tokens for example or execute functions when you do an IBC thing.
So you can send your osmosis to secret and instantly wrap it to secret osmo, stuff like that. So I hope it simplifies to UX for the apps like, like, shade even further. And another core thing is scalability. And that's, I think we're getting close to
this thing, the backend of secret contracts, of anyone who doesn't know, secret uses Intel SGX, which is a secure enclave framework to build that the private smart contract, which has some scalability implications for the whole code. In the past, I think that did hold us back, but nowadays, I think,
at like 25x more scalable than two years ago. And now an upgrade is luckily coming or it's coming to basically to use the same engine that's produced like that, that Juno and other like standard custom wasm layer one framework to use. We have to
re-implement some of the backend of this Intel STX code. And that's a very, very, very big task. And that's just something that comes with being an older network and being on mainnet for so long. But that's happening, hopefully, as well, before the end of the year, and it should bring another link. 50 to 100x per
performance in smart contract capability and hopefully will forever close the book of issues with query nodes and performance and secret and should make unstoppable wallets very, very, very smooth for people to use. So yeah, a lot of scalability upgrades, UX or
developer experience is improving significantly a lot of rich integrations, IBC updates and stuff like that. So that's the core row. If you want to look at the ecosystem roadmap and what kind of the apps are coming, the best thing is to ask them. But the things I'm mostly looking forward to is integrations.
with some of the new wallets. So Star Shell is awesome. Fina are mainnet launching their debit card this year. Secret swap to Puedo is coming with a new type of stake in the remudiv in like a few weeks. Serenity Shield is having their ICO this quarter and committing to their full launch.
of story and seed phrases, stash has been hyping up a launch for like two or three months now and I know exactly what it's going to be be but it's going to be big. There's a in real life ticketing which we are all which is coming, activists is like cheap platform is launching, equity is going to launch in Q3 there is a casino
We know building on secret which is like blackjack and other options in relapse which is coming in Q3 as well. So yeah lots of things to do. I think people also looking out for legend out in secret admirers who haven't like put a timeline on it but they're still building so it's going to be interesting to see what exactly
exactly will launch at what time we can never know for sure. But optimistic at least about everything that's coming to secrets. Luckily a lot of the apps stayed around for the fair market and are here to provide some cool things to you all. Definitely. And I think there's good reasons to be excited to be quite honest. And the more
I think I could listen to you for hours. But the more I listen to you, the more I really want to ask this last question before we close this thing off because I know you guys are busy. But I want to ask you, when you return to crypto and in costals, we tend to look like weeks from now, months from now, maybe a year from now.
now maximum, right? We're too much fast, you know, we have very short-term sort of road maps and when we look into the future. But let's, let's allow self-to-dream a little bit and think five years or now, 10 years or now, 15 years or now maybe. Pick whatever number of years you want to pick.
But when you sit on your front porch or wherever you're comfortable and think back at what secret has become, what would fill your heart with pride? What would the secret that would look like and you would say to yourself 15 years from now, this is exactly what we set out to build and I'm so happy we executed on it.
I mean, I wish I was around for the early years of the network. Sadly, I've only been here for one and a half years. But I still think that interoperable private smart contract charges way too fucking cool.
other protocol. Like there's only one other protocol nowadays that's live with something similar with secret assets called the Wases. It took them way longer to launch. I think secret has been live for over two and a half years before they made it. And by that time, secret had already created interrupt
for a bold private smart contract, which I just do this day, I think is the most insane thing ever. I speak to many people who are IDC Maxis, whether they come from PolymerDow or they work for the Interchain Foundation or they work with protocol and we all say the same thing, which I think is very interesting and that's that.
So little people understand how to properly use IBC interoperable contracts. And I really do think that although it's the biggest achievement, the customer has done and secret has done in the past three, four, five years.
actual fruits coming from that might not even be visible for another one on the half. Which sounds very doom and gloom, but they're only now starting to become applications that are building fully with IBC contracts. So I don't mean interesting accounts, I don't mean it's inquiry is not
French version of hooks or whatever, but like actual proper IBC contracts. And yeah, I'm beyond stoked to see that move forward. And I'm very interested as well as how did this got a look with the secret constellation chain with fully homomorphic and creepy
and see in due to those two networks integrate. So yeah, it's going to be very, very interesting. So yeah, looking, if I would be three years ago and look back now, I think, okay, that's damn cool because no other ecosystem is done beyond customers and secret is the only one with.
that enables with privacy as well. But if you look into the future, I'm really curious as to what the secret 2.0 FHG site chain is going to look like. And I hope it will forever not necessarily silence, but at least humble people in seeing that there
are different ways to tackle privacy and that security and scalability are a slider where you have to choose sometimes. And that showing optionality is probably going to be the best thing for the longevity of any network. So Secret has a lot of options. It will have a lot of privacy options as well on them.
Okay, for it to see people build with that. Right on, man. Right on. Adam and the Secret Agency. Thank you so much for coming on today. It's been an absolute mind-blowing experience for us to see all this stuff happening. We knew of course a lot of it, but just listen to
I mean, there's so many things going on. So obviously, people go, should go and follow Secret on Twitter, go and read the documentation. If there's any builders out there, this seems to be a place that you don't want to sleep on, basically. Guys, thank you so much for coming on to the club today.
Yeah, thanks for having us. It was a pleasure. Yeah. Hope you heard back and see you soon.
Definitely, I'm sure this is not going to be the last one. So we'll stay in touch and follow you guys and then before I speak to you again.
Okay, have a good day, T.O.