Hi there and welcome to the Cosmos Club. Well, that's a bit the, let me just turn this volume down, down, down, down.
Let's just give people a few minutes and we will get right into it.
Hello, sir Jane welcome to the club you are able to speak I think. Hello. Hello. How's it going? Awesome. Great. How about you? I am doing well. It's a lot of meetings today. Bye.
doing well. Back to back to back to back. I can imagine with all these with all these deadlines and all these things that you guys are pushing out these things. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Awesome. Well, I guess we should just
right into it. And just for background, I mean, this is being recorded, perhaps you know, already, we intend to distribute it on Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, all the different podcast platforms. So anyone who was not able to join the space is able to really
on the podcast basically. Perfect. Super. So welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club where we talk all things Cosmos. We tweet daily on our profile about what's going on in the Cosmos ecosystem and we summarize that in the weekly newsletter. So if
If you have some sign up already, you can do that on our Twitter profile very easily. And then of course, we invite interesting, fascinating builders, people creating the Cosmos ecosystem. And today we have SIF chain. Thank you so much for joining. Yeah, it's going to be here. Thanks, have a nice day.
So I guess we should just dive right in, people are joining in also I can see in the space. You guys are doing a lot of things, but for those of you who don't know who's listening in, what is Siftchain, what is the Riven token or coin, and why do people need to pay attention here?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So I'll keep it like super high level. I'm sure jump into a lot of details with subsequent questions, but we are a decentralized exchange, but the cosmos SDK, which you know, like what does that mean? It means it are transactions are super quick.