Cosmos Club with StakeEasy

Recorded: Nov. 29, 2022 Duration: 0:45:19
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello everyone and welcome to the Cosmos Club. We are just sorting out a few technical issues so we'll be right back with you. Just hold on and sit tight.
All right, I can see Staggy Ease has joined. Are you able to speak? You've just been invited as a speaker at least. So you should be able to. Maybe you need to accept the invite.
I can see you are speaking now, stay easy, you're able to, you're on mute though, so if you're on mute, yeah, hi, uh, can you find now?
Yeah, loud and clear. How are you doing today? Yeah, I'm doing good. Good, good sitting here in cold and gray Copenhagen, but holding up, staying alive in this pair of markets. Nice. Even though it's difficult. Yeah. But
It is a bit of a waste. Yeah, I mean, this is only temporary. Everything is temporary. But now is the time that the next winners are being built, if you ask me. So time to pay attention for everyone. So let's just dive in. I think people will be
tuning in on a rolling basis. So welcome everyone to the Cosmos Club where we tweet all things Cosmos. We summarize that in a weekly newsletter and then we invite fascinating, interesting people who are building the Cosmos ecosystem. And today we got Stag Easy on the line. So welcome to the club guys.
Yeah, thanks a lot for having me. Thanks.
So you've been here before and for anyone who doesn't know we are Spotify YouTube all these different channels so you can check out the previous episode But anyone who hasn't just to take it from the top what is stag easy and why is this interesting? Why do people need to pay attention?
Yeah, for sure. So yeah, the last time I'll say I also shared the got stick is this but this time I'll try to explain it a bit differently. So stay key see like you can say.
In its current state is a liquid-saking solution, which is totally smart content-based. And what it does is that once you have some postmost tokens like Juno or Secret, the native tokens, or you can say the tokens which you use
use to pay gas for those tokens like some non-technical people are like are not able to easily understand how to get the best yield out of it. So, sticking derivatives is one of the ways you can on yield out to those assets.
Currently, you can go to capital world, select different web later and stick with it, but our solution gives you a much simpler interface to do it and to just have a better understanding of how you're getting this as a yield from. And yeah, that's the current state of platform and soon it will be a generalize yield platform for customers.
And I think that immediately brings up the question which is also different from last time that we spoke about what is different about Stake Easy compared to other liquid-staking protocols and platforms. Now we have stride. I don't think they
we're live, but we last spoke. We have others coming up as we all know, Quicksilver is still working. There's a lot of other suggestions for a liquid-staking protocol in Cosmos. So what makes Stakeys stand apart, would you say?
Yeah, so, uh, the question protocol like it has like there are major differences. One is that, uh, the way it's architecture is like the logic that defined, which includes certain features that one might have one might not.
And the second way is how it's implemented. It either could be implemented as a cost most estiag chain or it can be implemented as rest contracts on top of either June or secret or any cost and was on chain. So ours is a cost and was on base to one.
which basically for which we just have to implement the logic behind the liquid singing part and note the underlying chain itself. But in the other case, the whole top down stack has to be implemented till the course of SIGAPART.
And in terms of architecture, we have a few differences like currently there's a Dow we have recently made the Dow live, which basically lets the community choose which will later should go in our set and which can be removed and will also recycle through it. Other features
here we have difference is that we have a two token model. We have D Juno and we have SC Juno and this I'll explain a bit later what the difference is, but SC Juno you can say it's quite similar to what others taking tokens, legacy tokens are from other products like STI
term ST Juno, which is like auto compounding one and the ratio changes over time. And the other B Juno is it has this property that it'll always be redeem for one is to one with Juno, which lets you have a stable pool with no information.
Cool, and this two token system, I think, really something that stands apart when it comes to stake easy from from others. So, let's say be Juno, as you just mentioned. So what happens? It's a pegged one to one to normal Juno, but then what is the benefit for users to buy and to or use?
P2N on the first place. So the way we like differentiate is like there are two main utilities of vertical second token. One is that you can pair up pair it up with the unstaked version of this token and provide liquidity for it with a very less amount of empowerment loss.
compared to other LP pairs. Other is you can use it as a collateral in a lending protocol. So for example, if you take the example of Ethereum ecosystem, what they have is they have STE, which is similar to SC Juno, that is its ratio increases over time.
So you can use it in Awe to borrow USD/USDT again. But also there is a pair of B-Eath on curve finance. But the benefit in having B-Juno is
If you have a pair of B2 and Juno, B2 will always remain one is to one ratio with Juno. So they won't be any long time apartment lows, for example, in case of AC Juno. I think it's currently 1.13 Juno for one AC Juno. So it's been around like 6 months, less than
months since it was at 1st 1 ratio. So if you had provided liquidity for SC Juno Juno at that time, now you would have a different ratio of SC Juno and Juno in the pool as an LP. So once you take it out, the total value could be lesser in terms of the number of Juno you have again.
instead. But if you have B2N and Juno pair since then, you'll still have the exact same number of Juno and B2N in the pool or maybe it could be a bit more of Juno or B2N or a bit more of Juno but cumulatively it will be equal to the same number of Juno as it did before.
So like the major defense comes is that first of all like even as you know, Juno pair doesn't have that much amount of implement loss that for example, Juno item could have or even so uncorrelated pairs like Juno or USTC, right? So it still has
But if you look at long term, like if someone is helping for two, three years, you'll see in this that three year period of time, the ratio has changed by a lot. But in case of beach, you know, it will still be one is one after three years. And I notice you mentioned that
Then in protocol, which I think is almost like the holy grail to a lot of these liquid stake assets because one you'll be able to obviously auto compound with liquid stake assets like as you do know, but if you're also able to the deposit that so you can trade that obviously on the decks, but if you're also able to deposit that
into a landing protocol and take out a loan for whatever reason that you need cash or whatever purposes that you need to land out your crypto to and borrow against it. Is that possible today or is it hypothetical? Like it's possible in theory but in practice there's no protocol right now or is there already?
So for these kind of findings, obviously there are very good products on Ethereum site. For example, Avon Compound, you can combine with Lido's stick-death. But on June I go system it's starting to, I think in probably two or three months from now we'll
see a native lending protocol on the tumor itself because like there are teams building or building that but we don't know who will be the first lending protocol on the unit system but like there are like two or three teams doing that and
You're saying something? No, I was just about to ask if, but right now it's not possible, right? There's no lending protocol out there that is live at least. I know Yumi is working on something. I don't know if they will add B Juneau, I see Juneau, whatever liquid state guys is that you will issue, but
right now is not possible for me to use stake easy liquid stake assets to deposit on landing protocol and take out a loan based on that. Is that correct? Yeah, that's absolutely correct. Right now you can't do it because for example Umi is a different course machine. It's connected to
to Juneau through IVC channels. So you need to first like whitelist SC Juneau and beach you know over there on Umi side so that it can be used as a collateral over there. And so it's the state of other liquid protocols also that they are in process of making it as a collateral soon enough.
But for that, you need to have let's say, umis governance past that. And for like the base criteria is that at least you should have a very deep liquidity so that like whatever liquidations happen of that collateral can be easily done through a dex and currently for liquid state assets.
since they're relatively new. They're not enough, you can say demand for it so that on the dexas there's a deep liquidate for example, as you know, or be you know, zoom of pairs. Once that is done, definitely these even the cross chain lending
can do through it. But it's like I think as you know what first went into a landing protocol that's on Juneau because it's not across in landing in this case and there's also one I think also
a recall model that's in proposal for a June network right now, which will be implemented in the next upgrade. So once status life, it will be very, very easy to integrate one learning protocol on June or two liquid assets and even to the June or Swap looped exfollucudations.
And I think that will be much earlier done than those governance passing as you need much more deep political in case of like cross chain or defy utilities. So yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. Sorry.
No, yeah, I was just finishing it. Sure. Yeah, so I think that's really where we will start seeing perhaps even a new wave, a new cycle starting when you can start seeing like legal stake assets really being able to deposit to very different lending protocols and then people start buying and reinvesting
So that's for me, that's just super exciting. It's super capital efficient and there's something that we need in the cost of a SQL system. So just to recap, right now you guys are configured with Juno, so SE Juno, secret with SE, SE, or SE, SE,
Rt, that's difficult to say. And from what I gather, you are having or you're launching Cosmos Adam as well as Moses and perhaps also Elron. I believe also. Why did you guys choose Elron? Just out of curiosity, because that falls a little bit outside of the conventional Cosmos ecosystem at least.
Actually, we did explore I think five, six months back. We need to like update the roadmap on the landing page, but it was I think initially we were experimenting with a lot of like a workspace ecosystems like for example, Ethereum and EVM chains have
solidarity to implement their smart contracts. All course notes change, whatever course notes and change are supporting example, Juno secret all have the same environment to build a risk contracts. But Solana ecosystem has a different model of this risk based contracts.
and same happened with Elrond. So we were just exploring how difference, how much is the difference in these two rest environments and like one of the persons for our team was actually implementing the liquid signal and Elrond to see the differences. But like we at a point had a decision
that we can maybe also have a liquid signal solution for change outside course course, but that didn't go well with the plan for now. So we just we have dropped L run for now, but I think it could be possible in the near future that we would include outside course most change and that actually before
better way to do it was through like this works where like known course machines can connect through IBC to course machines. Like I know compositional finance is working on connecting the pole calorific system with the course and ecosystem through IBC. So if that is those kind of things are actually
the deploy to production, you can actually have liquid state asset produced and cost was in it could be a June or chain, which is like could be AC dot or AC, or even this, I think this team is also working on integrating the near ecosystem
with course for survival. So you could have a senior in that case. But yeah, our short term plan for now is first you have support for existing IBC chains. The biggest of those are adam and osmo. So and even secret also we are planning to have another
another, you can say a parallel version where like you could have a native taking of secret on the secret personals and chains or cause on the message or you could also have a secr produce and you know connected through IBC to secret. Is that
making sense. Yeah that makes sense. I mean I basically will connect everything right at least. Yeah. It's a killer app if you ask me or protocol but yeah exciting and I know what I think is pretty cool is that you can potentially work a
cross ecosystems with this liquid-staking solution that you guys have built. That's a pretty neat, I would say. So speaking of other ecosystems and in general the market, how are you guys, this is perhaps a bit the left field here, but how are you guys responding to the recent market
environments. If you ask me or us here at the Cosmos Club, now is the time for Defi to really show what we're all about. I mean all these centralized players, FTX of course, Celsius, I mean the list just goes on and on it seems and is piling up. It's all because of all the
behind the scenes activities that's going on, whereas in DeFi everything is on-chain, right? You can see immediately everybody can follow what's happening. That is the future. So I compare this time that we are in right now to 2018. I've been in crypto for a long time, but 2018 are
remember specifically that was also a tough time. Everybody was calling crypto dead, like what they're doing right now. And back then I was seriously worried that what we were doing was gonna die. This is not gonna go anywhere. But now, fast forward to today,
years after 2018, 2022. Now the only solution to all these problems is defy and you know taking custody of your assets, basically what we've been working on for so long. But how are you guys responding to the recent events? Yeah, and this
This turmoil that we're seeing in the markets. Yeah, like the recent events have been like quite, you could say unimaginable. If you said that, okay, these things are going to happen two, three months from now, two, three months back, then
nobody would ever take such things but like this gives like this basically gave us a perspective that okay we need to just make sure that more so time the risk is like if you see in last year what was happening is that when the market was at peak the crypto market
was a peak. There were a lot of builders, but a lot of things were being shipped too quickly. So, for instance, you could write a contract for five, six months and actually tested out a lot before allowing for users to use. It will be much more secure than a product that's just been built out in
month. So I think one single learning in this case is that now is the time that this not as much higher for demand as it used to be in year back. It gives us this environment that we can have a longer period for experiment and actually spending that longer period you can have
have certain products that will survive in the long run because if they don't, you're going to crash in this market. So yeah, it just gave us that perspective that okay, we can be a bit more concerned about that is before actually allowing our users to use it. So
Yeah, make sense. We actually got a question from one of our sponsors, BlockWaces, on this particular security issue or security risk, I should say, not an issue, because obviously moving away from centralized exchanges and CFI in general, where
people are holding your keys and I able to do all kinds of shenanigans in the background. Having something on chain is much better. But the risk, I think that the blockwaces are looting to here is that I would basically deposit my assets to a liquid-staking protocol like Stag Easy. But what
What if Stag easy gets hacked or whatever keys I exploited? Basically something goes wrong where some bad actor is able to access the vaults or whatever you guys will store the assets that people are depositing. What if that gets hacked right?
How then are we able to make guarantees or at least show that we can do better than CFI and what centralized exchanges have shown the past, I don't know, six months it seems. So that's a question from the community, I guess, from blockpaces.
Okay, yeah, that's a very good question. So like in case of CFA, you see, like there has been up. Okay, so this so whenever like either DFA or CFA product is built, there's one
there's a set of programmers for like writing, that piece of code in case of like D5's that okay, whatever logic has been well everyone knows okay, this is going to be the basically the contract you can see that's why it's named smart contract that okay
these three steps are going to happen if you deposit and it's going to happen because that's what's been deployed and it's much more transparent than you would have in case of C5. But still in both of these cases, even if the you can say
The programmer has built out the logic that the programmer thought was right. But in most cases could be that okay. So human error that the logic define even if that works as expected to be running like you can see, okay, this is the smart contract code that's going to execute, but it could have a human
error where like the program itself has forgotten a use case. Like it's very dumb example, but like if you take it in the extreme cases where like you could have scenarios like in case of extreme volatility, lending protocols with lower liquidity of their collateral do end up collapsing and having bad bets.
And but that's the only one thing that's missing in DFI right now in CFI. There's also one more added layer which has caused more harm. Is the lack of transparency like someone is taking out leverage on users funds and like people don't even know about it until the point.
comes where like it all collapses and like everyone loses their money. But in case of D5 you can directly see okay this protocol has posted this much amount in this yield opportunity or this much leverage you can directly take on landing protocol like like you can clearly see which user has taken how much loan against
which collateral on screen on display any change for example, if you go and deposit 1000 teeth and take out loan of 900 USTC for example against it or maybe like so that whenever that liquidation happens everyone can see okay this company is
having its collateral decoded it, at the time when it's actually getting closer to that instead of no transparency in case of C5. So yeah, most of even case of FTAX was the case where the lack of transparency was the reason. And if there was transparency, maybe this collapse wouldn't have happened.
Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry, go ahead. But in case of DeFi, you just need to make sure that the logic is not going to break even in case of high volatility, which I guess this market allowed us to do that. And now,
protocols are aware that these kind of scenarios can happen and if they happen in the future, this is the remedy for it. And maybe like throughout more years, people will find these things out and fix them. And obviously, these won't happen again because right now you know exactly this is the case that happens with
the contract logic on sets, under sets scenarios. I think that's a good point. If anything, this bear market is showing the stress testing basically the protocols that are operating right now, including Steak Easy. For example, PGUNO is not deep packing to Juno. It seems that
the logic is working as intended, even under extreme market conditions. I think the question though, just to follow up from from from blockpaces here, is more about, okay, if you remove the centralized players, so you don't have central points of failure, that's good. By default, that's that's an improvement.
But the central point of failure kind of moves over to the smart contract risk then because then because everything is transparent and on chain and etc. You can see you can follow basically the transactions and sort of almost guests or even see in the TVL numbers how much value is locked up into
to certain protocols or certain smart contracts. Now that obviously gives hackers, people who are looking for opportunities to break in, sort of targets. You're putting a target on your back in a way. So I think just to bring it home, the question is more about
about how the Steg easy make sure that the smart contracts are a rock solid basically. So people do not end up depositing the Juno depositing the secret tokens. And then the next day the protocol is being hacked and the Juno and secret tokens are gone.
Yep, so it doesn't matter if you spend six months or maybe eight months or maybe an year testing thing out. There's still a very, very small percentage, you can say a probability that's always going to be known zero.
that could be some logic that HIGHTHER can use to break into a system. But the longer you do end up testing that percentage really diminishes to a very small amount. And the better solution we have done to make sure that things can also
to be controlled when they go south. For example, if you see like this, this website where like you can go and check out what's what are the details on past DeFi hacks that have happened. Like they explain to you every single step that, okay, this transaction was done with this contract and then this happened and
They're like even proper blog posts for the explain how logically this thing was exploited so that anyone who's building the same thing out can understand it and like not do that thing. I mean, for example, like there are re-entrensier attacks because of the design of EVM
change. So that thing was once first it was hacked it was understood okay this thing can happen we won't do it again. So when Cosmo was built it was made sure that okay it's designed such a way that these re-entrances attacks are not even possible even with the whatever
logic the contract developer has hit in. So I think in case of D5, one benefit is that you can learn from previous people's mistake and not do them again. And what else you can do is that if things goes out, you can immediately
control the system where like you can see okay no one can withdraw for a certain period of time or until we found the issue and fix it and you can also have let's say like for example we have a thing called a skillswitch where like whenever like
There could be a possibility if anything goes south in case of numbers, we see something off. We just switch that kill switch on and what it does is that it makes sure that whatever amount is being state right now is sent on stick and
until that time that all asset is unlocked, no one else can withdraw and whenever it's allowed to be unsticked by user, it can only be unsticked by the user that has deposited it and not anyone else. So that way, even if you know there's been an exploit, you can still cut it off right whenever.
you find it out. And in most of protocols, this kind of thing is not done because it's still optional given the case that any hack doesn't happen. But even if it does, you know how to cut it off. And I think it was used in OpenC.
it was these kind of things have been used in this world. I think Yian also had a few small hacks where like they limit control it pretty well because search logic was implemented. Yeah, that's all. Yeah, it happens.
not to put too much spotlight on our sponsor blockpaces, but you can go on their website, which I think is pretty cool, and you can do up all the different protocols that you can just search function and see if they've been hacked, if they've been audited, just sort of, sanity security check almost.
And then you can scan your wallet, of course, to see if you've interacted with any protocols and apps that have been hacked, basically. That's pretty cool, I think. And something that our industry needs in general, because if we are building the future of finance or the future internet, if you want to go even broader, we need to make sure
that people can feel safe, you know, that they don't need to stay up at night or be super nervous when they connect the wallet to a new tab and all these things. That needs to be sorted in order for this to really hit mainstream, especially after recent events, if you ask me. But I want to shift gears
a little bit. You mentioned the DAO in the beginning, your decentralized autonomous organization that you launched pretty recently. And this is another question from the community, from Kujiro Network, the account is called, where they ask the DAO, how does it intend to grow the user base by a grant
protocols implementing SEC and liquid state assets like as you know. So basically the question is how will the DAO make sure that the state EC protocol increases adoption users interacting with your liquid state assets? Yeah, how does the DAO ensure that?
So the Dow itself in its current state is quite minimal like what we have done is what you can see in example, the road out case where the holders of the Dow was essentially the end user of Junosov itself. They can
and decide whether a certain feature in mechanism should be implemented or not or how the unbonding of your Alpatoch and should be either 14 days or 7 days. Similarly, the first step that we implemented is that the users of Stake Easy can actually want to decide which weldators
will go in the set which will not and this is currently live. The next steps we'll be doing is that slowly allowing maybe in future sub-dows or grant sub-dows or delegations sub-dow like Juno Network itself is doing right now because if you see Juno as an example
It's a product where there's a lot of community members who want to participate in different areas of its development. Some people are interested in marketing, some people are interested, some of the community members are interested in developing the underlying chain and go. Or maybe some people are interested in building down contracts.
right, which will be essential for the growth of the whole Juneau ecosystem itself. So these people now what they've done is that they have created subdub for each of these different categories. So anyone who wants to develop some contracts for Juneau chain itself to as a public court, they can just go and
I met the proposal in a hack was in Dow saying that, okay, I'm building this thing out or I'm doing this thing or I'm making these educational content for the network itself. They can vote and decide whether you should be incentivized for doing such things. So essentially what you're doing is that you are now part of the growth of the whole ecosystem itself.
by being the part of the dowel. So same way I see as Sticky Z community growing, we can have certain sub-dows where each of these things will be targeted efficiently and like people those who are interested in certain aspects can just actually go to those sub-dows. And yeah,
speaking current state you can currently participate in doubt to decide on weldators just also even fees share in mechanism where like some percentage of fees I think it's currently 30% of fees we take we use that and buying back the s is token which essentially
the act as an input stream for stickers of the DAO. So essentially those were participating in the DAO. We'll get more ss token over time and this ss token is actually coming from the Feast generated by the protocol. So they're essentially getting the Feast. They're basically like you can say
part of stakeholders of the protocol itself because being the part of it you can actually get some portion of the profits or like fees in this case and so like that's yeah that's the current state of mechanics in case of doubt and we also have a contributor program with anyone who wants to maybe
do some community stuff maybe organize an AMA or write an FAQ guide or any other education content you want to build out for the protocol. You can discuss there and like we'll incentivize you for making any effort over there. And yeah, long-term plan is to build out
some doses like Juno ecosystem. We just taken some hits these days but it's still a pretty solid ecosystem and solid tech. So crossing fingers for you guys that they both
And Juno is getting back up there because you the tech at least deserves some shine. We got a question from the community also about the interplay, the person saying the interplay between liquid stake and protocols. This person is saying like not
Normally people talk about liquid-staking protocols as, you know, this winetakes all kind of market. You can see that in Lido, I think very much in the Ethereum ecosystem. But Cosmos is obviously built in another way. We have IBC, we like to connect things into connection. So perhaps we will see in Cosmos some
different. We will see multiple liquid-staking protocols work together and play together. So is that something, it's an open question, right? Maybe there's nothing, but is there something between happening between slides, stride, stake easy, maybe quick civil-winning
launch persistence is something going on there that we can sort of compare to how the Cosmos has evolved in general instead of just having a one winner takes all kind of market like Lido in the Ethereum ecosystem. Yeah, that's a really good question because
like most people don't know this but the actual reason Lido has a winnatex all market because Lido was obviously the first mover not just on Ethereum but as a you can see a mostly adopted liquid second solution ever on any blockchain. So they were the first to pioneer
it and that's one thing. But the major thing is that if anyone takes their ETH, the proof of stake is chain is not currently you can say in its final stages. So for you to stake your ETH, you cannot un-stake it and it's logged until that withdrawal is allowed or not. So I think it's been a
around one and a half, I could be totally wrong here, but I think it's been two years since Lido has been live. And all the users who have deposited in Lido, since it's inception till then, haven't withdrawn any assets from it back. So that's the major reason in case of Lido.
being the market leader in that case. But in case of course, when you have like 21 days, 14 days, or maybe 28 days of unbonding, where like you can choose to switch between liquid sink providers if you want to. And what I see is that it
This will be kind of like for example, it could be like how Dexf evolved. So Uniswap came as a first text, but then different Dexf's came along like curve or balance and bank code. Like these had very different architecture in terms of what kind of services they provide.
So for example, curve has stable swap, which is a very innovative idea on how you can have efficient pools for stable assets. So you have these different flavors of different use cases of Dexys that people wants to have. So and then came the Dex aggregator with
So like, okay, we can combine the liquidity of all of these x's together. If we implement this the aggregator, so you can have in future, maybe a liquid seeking aggregator, like this one protocol that's aggregating all of these different liquid sync providers within cosmos and it will give you the best, or you can say,
prices or maybe a deeper liquidity if you want to trade between state-of-the-art state-fairs in the future. So yeah, that's how I see it's going to happen. Make sense. And of course, you guys are not the only ones deciding on this. It has to be, yeah, in units
and that you work with the other protocols if that's happening, if that's going to happen. But there is something there, I think it's an interesting question also, so I want to bring it up because obviously Cosmos is different. That's one of the reasons why I personally got interested and into the Cosmos ecosystem. I used to be heavy into the Ethereum ecosystem, but I
didn't like the vibe that was starting to evolve there with people becoming almost maxi, not just ethereum maxi, but also for like a dapp maxi, you know, if you're building a decks, you had to be the best decks out there and everyone had to use you because you knew it was a win-and-take, so it will kind of mark it. If you were
liquid-staking protocol, and you had to be really a maxi on that because you wanted everybody to use that. So I just didn't like that because that's just not how the world works, especially when we talk about the open source world where everything is a remix, we build and improve upon each other, and that's what really caught my interest about the
cosmos. But enough about me, that's just perhaps something that everybody can here and relate to. Is there anything else that people should know that you want to leave the community with and the alpha you want to spill today? Now that we're talking to the entire cosmos community, what's on the roadmap basically for Stake E.C.?
So one thing that's in the very immediate roadmap is the release of B secret with us is secret. So users will have essentially a B secret version where they'll be able to put and even their code
be a stable swap on secret soon. So people will have to see what happens by the end of the year but that's something I'm personally even really excited about. So yeah that I think should be a sufficient offer now.
And I just had one question coming in from Vision 22 who's asking and I just want to get that because I think it's quite a kind of important. The question is why is Steggy's is taking
is not on chain. I think the question is why is Diggy seen not on chain? That's sure I understand the question, Tyler actually. But yeah, maybe you can answer that real quick.
But Stakey is completely on. So even without our different end that we have is Stakey's
dot finance, even if you like you have, you can directly interact with the chain instead of using that front end if you are, if you want to let's say like
But yeah, to answer it, no, it's completely on chain, meaning that you don't need to be accessing it through the Steggy's protocol to be able to access our underlying staking contracts.
So the only layer we have added as you can say, Stake Easy protocol itself is the smart contracts that live on the blockchain which is completely on chain. The contract is on chain all of the transaction from you signing the transaction to it actually completing it, life cycle.
to you getting the stick assets that whole process happens every step happens on chain. So yeah to answer the question no it's completely on chain. Yeah now that I've read it again I also didn't quite understand because to my knowledge it's very easy.
Everything is on chain. You can see all the liquids they have. It's easy on chain. Anyways, so thank you so much for joining the club today. And again, I should say, make sure guys to follow us on Twitter, of course, that you probably do already.
on Spotify, YouTube, all these different platforms where we put episodes like these on. Thank you so much for joining Stag Easy and keep doing what you're doing. It's important now is the time when the builders, the winners are getting created. So keep it up. You're on your way.
Thanks a lot for having us. Like was quite uncommissation for me. Thank you. Awesome. Take care man. Ciao.

FAQ on Cosmos Club with StakeEasy | Twitter Space Recording

What is the Cosmos Club?
The Cosmos Club is a forum that tweets all things Cosmos, summarizes it in a weekly newsletter, and invites interesting people building on the Cosmos ecosystem.
What is stake easy?
Stake easy is a liquid staking solution that is smart content-based. It allows users to get the best yield out of native tokens like JUNO or Secret by offering derivatives for staking.
What makes stake easy stand apart from other liquid staking protocols and platforms?
Stake easy has a unique architecture that is implemented as a Cosmos-based chain. It has a two-token model, which includes D JUNO and SC JUNO. The platform also has a DAO feature that allows the community to choose which validators should go into the set and which can be removed.
What is B JUNO?
B JUNO is a second token offered by stake easy that is pegged one-to-one to normal JUNO. It can be paired up with the unstaked version of the token and used to provide liquidity for it with a very low amount of impermanent loss.
What is the benefit of using B JUNO as collateral in a lending protocol?
One of the benefits of using B JUNO as collateral in a lending protocol is that it will always remain a one-to-one ratio with JUNO, so there won't be any long-term impermanent loss, unlike other liquid staking tokens that can change ratios over time.
Is it possible today to deposit B JUNO into a lending protocol and take out a loan?
It is currently not possible to deposit B JUNO into a lending protocol and take out a loan, but in theory, it is possible. However, there are no lending protocols available for stake-yielding assets that exist today.
What is the goal of this podcast?
The goal of this podcast is to interview interesting individuals who are building on the Cosmos ecosystem and to explore various topics related to it.
What is the two-token model offered by stake easy?
The two-token model offered by stake easy includes D JUNO and SC JUNO. SC JUNO is similar to other staking tokens from other products, where the ratio changes over time. B JUNO, on the other hand, will always be redeemable for one-to-one with JUNO, providing a stable pool with no impermanent loss.
What is the purpose of the DAO feature in stake easy?
The DAO feature in stake easy allows the community to choose which validators should go into the set and which should be removed. This feature provides community governance for the platform.
What is the benefit of using stake easy compared to other liquid staking protocols and platforms?
One benefit of using stake easy is its architecture, which is implemented as a Cosmos-based chain. It also has a unique two-token model and a DAO feature. Stake easy also offers a simpler interface for users to stake their assets and provides a better understanding of how they are getting yields from it.