#Cosmos Saturday ☕️ w/ Yieldmos. 🎙️

Recorded: Oct. 8, 2022 Duration: 2:52:27



[Bell] [Bell] [Bell] [Laughter]
[ Applause ]
Good morning, Mike. Check, Mike. Check.
and it's going on everyone. Just getting it started. Let some people stop by if they're on Twitter right now.
Good morning. Are you able to hear me? Oh, yeah, loud and clear. Oh, thank you. Nice. We'll just get an Op-A-Law bit again.
Where are you guys located? I never asked you guys Chicago and Denver areas. So you're an hour behind me. I'm an East Coast. I'm a PA.
Just drove through Chicago like two months ago. It's always a rejoin. I just absolutely despise driving through Chicago. It's just not
a lot of fun time. It's just it's terrible. Like nothing to get Chicago but it's this out of control. Like I've been all over the country. It's like I'm at every major city. And Chicago's is it's just something different. People just don't care about their life there.
It's not, man. Like I've never gone to Chicago because like my wife and her family, they're all out Wisconsin. So full disclosure, I've been through Chicago so many times. And every single time there hasn't been one time that I've drove through.
that haven't seen like a fatal wreck. Like legit a fatal wreck. Not just like a fender bender. And it's because people just go so fast man. And they're like they're nuts. Like they'll go in the exit lane, you know, 100 miles an hour, then cut over at the very last second. Just to go to traffic. It just makes no sense.
whatsoever. Like I'm like, okay, you just did all that, risked your life and everyone else's to get, you know, maybe 10 cars up and then to be in traffic, like it makes no sense. But it's crazy, man. Like I get so much anxiety. Like I tell my wife all the time, I'd rather just fly. But even that, like you either have
fly into Chicago or you have to fly into Milwaukee. It's not a good time. I get so much anxiety. It's like I'm trapped in Chicago. As someone from Chicago, I also don't like driving.
It's not, it's not. I swear it used to not be that bad. I don't know, a little, because I've been going to Chicago for years. Like, I don't know, the first time I was in Chicago it was probably about like 15 years ago, 20 years ago, and I've been through there so many different times since then.
It just seems like it's getting worse with the drivers. It's going to challenge. It's like that all the way through that. It's like soon as you get to like very end of Indiana, like half hour and hour left of Indiana, it's like when everyone starts driving
them like knots and then Chicago even in Wisconsin like it's like the southern part of it's like everyone just drives them knots but they're like the nicest people that's like you know like really nice Midwest friendly people but the way they drive is just insane it's like what is going on here man why is everyone in such a rush
the duality of man. Yeah man. It's crazy. I mean, that's like everywhere. There's a lot of just people are nuts when they drive. For some odd reason it's like people rage too much man. You know, it's like you hear all these stories about road rage in this.
I'm not in the rush to go anywhere.
Yeah, man, I'm excited to like I just full disclosure I just started using yield most this week because I just got I'm so I have a lot of different wallets or just like kind of tired of Clicking buttons all the time. Yeah, and I'm shadowed devote that time and effort that I
what it needed to do about this stuff to collect and compound and decide where I want to move this and that to which pull and all that other type of stuff. I'm just like, "Man, I'm just trying to chill right now." So I really liked that. Yeah, I think that's one of the biggest benefits as we're
saving saving you time. Which is it? You can go do something else. Exactly. It's so valuable. I guess in essence too it's better in the like the bear market. I guess in the bowl it's
It's still useful but for someone it's like you know the the market's ripping you might want to change you might want to move move stuff around differently, you know like right now It's like whatever what's going on everything's kind of running together and nothing's really happening, so All right wall

FAQ on #Cosmos Saturday ☕️ w/ Yieldmos. 🎙️ | Twitter Space Recording

What sounds can be heard at the beginning of the podcast recording?
Bells, laughter, knocking, and applause.
Where are the podcast hosts located?
They are located in Chicago and Denver areas.
What city does the speaker express dislike for driving through?
Why does the speaker dislike driving through Chicago?
The drivers are reckless and there are always fatal wrecks.
Where does the speaker's wife's family live?
Why does the speaker prefer flying over driving to Chicago?
Driving in Chicago gives the speaker anxiety and flying is a faster alternative.
What is the name of the new platform the speaker started using?
Yield Most.
What is the benefit of using Yield Most according to the speaker?
It saves time, allowing the speaker to focus on other tasks.
When does the speaker suggest Yield Most is most useful?
During a bear market, when there is less movement in the market.
What is the speaker's overall opinion of driving in general?
The speaker believes people are reckless and rage too much when driving.