Cosmos Tech Talk - Jackal Town Hall

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 0:49:00



Can you I think I'm just gonna talk from the the chocolate count
Or my take my own account. I'm talking my own account. Just give me one second here
This says we get some technical difficulties sorted it out one sec
All right, I think this is better
Is this better
Go once you're good
You're good, buddy, right on right on. All right another week
Another week in the books for the jock with protocol a lot of stuff going on right now
Specifically on the tech side. We don't have like too many updates of like really major events that have I guess there's a few things
Jada that have happened this week
I'm on the kind of like the BD front on integrations with some some legacy businesses regarding backups for telecom companies
But we can try to put that a little bit but outside of that
We're looking to kind of get the radian application shipped and launched pretty soon
Just needs like last-minute testing a little bit of beta testing and that's really pretty much good to go at that point
But for this chat, this is I think we should have a little bit more fun with this one and just kind of go into
having an open conversation about the tech of the cosmos that the tech of the infrastructure that's going on right now, so
Before we get started
Jaden do you want to share anything particularly from the BD front for the last week since the last tunnel?
Pretty much the same as last week. I mean there's definitely been progress on the
Integration web to front we've onboarded that company that we were talking about last week a
lot of emphasis this week regarding learning and
Adjusting stratus to be able to service the greater web to market
Literally just hoping to learn as much as possible
We've got a couple of hot coals in the fire that we're looking to nurture and hopefully get across the finish line
But really from my perspective this week, it's a it's a big focus on that
cash flow positive goal that we have for this year just trying to learn as much as we can and
And move the needle in that direction
From the web 3 side we have conversations every single day with with teams
To be able to integrate them and to be able to service the web 3 ecosystem, but
But other than that there's not too many updates from what we talked about last week
Yeah, it'd be cool be if you could talk right now
I don't know what you're up to right now, but if you want to come up and chat about the
Opposed stuff. I think it'll be great and kind of how that just got some funding
For like the interchange contract stuff going on
outside of that
Yeah, Marissa. Do you want to talk about the kind of the differences in
Integration for like that web 2 company and like how they're like kind of different things and what we learned from that experience
I think that would be really good to share just overall
Yeah, so I mean what we've been doing kind of in the past
Yeah, I don't know a couple weeks I guess is
Really like driving home some of those web 2 integrations
For us is is all going through our stratus web gateway
Don't know how much we've gone over this in the town halls before I know we've talked about stratus a little bit
But exactly what it does. I don't know if we've yeah, you could probably start from scratch. Honestly
Yeah, so essentially stratus is I mean it is a centralized
Entry point into the jackal protocol. Basically what that means is
Obviously we're in web 3
Everybody has wallets and to access the jackal protocol. You got to use your signatures. You got to have tokens all that good stuff
Web 2 customers don't really get it and they're not gonna get it for a while. Unfortunately, that's just the nature of legacy systems
Nobody wants to move to these new systems in web 3 until they're kind of more tried and tested. So for now
what you have to do to kind of push forward in these legacy markets is
Create some sort of centralized entry point into the decentralized protocol
where essentially we've set up a system called stratus, which is a
Straightforward kind of middleware between the protocol and something like Stripe payment gateway
Essentially what that means is you can go
You can go to stratus cloud
XYZ I believe it is and then you can create an account you can log in with an email and a password rather than you
Know your traditional crypto wallet
You pick your plan you pay with your credit card in a strike payment gateway
And then from there you can go and you can upload files to the jackal protocol to
Download those files you got to use. Yeah, what's up?
Yeah, I would just say like and there's there's something interesting that we learned about that, right?
For kind of integrating with web 2 clients
Like they kind of wanted more of a coin-based like experience where when we were interviewing them and Jayden
I'm sure you can speak to this as well
Where we were finding out that they don't really like a lot of like the larger into suits institutions
they don't really value the self custody or security or privacy posture of the jakur protocol natively with wallets and
And kind of like the knowledge gap and the barrier to entry for that was a little bit too wide for them to kind of handle
But what they really did like about the jakur protocol specifically is the geo redundancy
And this is an interesting thing where like every single user
That integrates with the jakur protocol whether it's a business or whether it's an individual
They have different values which is pretty interesting as well that we've started to notice
where some people like the privacy and
Sovereignty and security posh and that stuff and a lot of those people are crypto native individuals and businesses, but there's
Needed to be a way for kind of legacy businesses to have the ability to like harness the value of having geo redundancy where you have
Awesome just like 3x redundancy. That's all over the world
That's cryptographically verifiable and auto-healing if anything goes wrong
So that's kind of like why we wanted to build like this coin base for storage
type product and have that little bit of a centralization for those businesses to have a better onboarding experience, but
Yeah, Marissa. I'll let you kind of continue about the upload and download process of integrating with that
Yeah, so kind of along those lines essentially they you know
through this
geo-distributed system
instead of
Traditional jackal where you go and you download it from any one of the providers essentially stratus is doing that for you
It's grabbing
It's picking a provider for you to download your file from and then it's just sending it straight to you which makes it
Easier for these legacy clients to integrate
It's really simple. It's just basically an API that you're used to if you've ever used like
Google Drive all those kind of things if you're a developer you've kind of hooked into those systems where you just kind of
Post a file to a URL. That's very very similar to what we're doing with stratus
and so from there
Basically, it's a it's a auto renewing payment gateway for jaggle which is really
You know kind of it feels like a step backwards as far as like web 3 is concerned because I know
Probably everyone here is really really into crypto and is really comfortable using a wallet, you know
Decentralization is really important kind of self-custody is really really important to us
But a lot of the time in the web to world. I mean, this is something that we kind of looked at
As we were doing our kind of customer research there was
people in the web to space want somebody to blame when things go wrong and
Having kind of like that central point of contact, which is, you know, Jackal labs in this case running stratus if
for whatever reason the
Web to business does something wrong, you know, they don't want to be responsible for it
So like if they were self-custodial of their own data, you know, they don't necessarily want that
Custody because that also means that there's no fallback in case anything happens
there's nobody they can talk to in case of issues and that is kind of one of the I guess main reasons we
We worked on getting stratus. It was it feels like a step back
But in reality for for the protocol, I mean it just opens up so many doors for web to clients come on board
Yeah, it's like a step back for like the privacy and security posture and sovereignty
like obviously the best way to get that is be self-custodial like use your ledger and get that infinite USB drive and bop around the world just
having your own personal cloud but for them it just kind of seems like
the beautiful thing about like kind of blockchains in general and
just looking at the ecosystems as a whole is
there's kind of like a different level of
Decentralization and values for each individual and that's kind of like the whole point. It's kind of like a
Choose your own adventure book
I don't know if you remember those where like you you'd kind of get to page 10 and then I'll say okay
if you want to go this way you got a page 40 everybody's gonna go to this way you go to page 15, you know
I mean and just have the ability to kind of choose your own adventure pick the
Like the level of security posture and sovereignty that you want for you and then move forward that way
And I think that that's something that's really important and the beauty of it is since or like an open source public good
It's not just us that can do this. Anyone can do this as well and abide by laws and your own geographical regions all that good stuff
it's pretty fascinating it just overall in general, but
Marston, so
By the way, everyone if you want to come up and chat
This is like a completely open session. We've already kind of shared all the updates that we had to share but
you want to talk about how
Moving like the difference between like having a kind of rolling
Backup solution that we that we that we didn't build and then having like a snapshot solution and kind of like building
That over the weekend. I think that's a pretty good story to share just overall
Did we lose you lost you can you guys hear me? Yeah, I'm just an idiot. I was just muted but
Okay, yeah, we really quickly realized in this web to space is like when doing backups a
clients either rely on kind of like
pre-built systems where it's a black box and they don't touch anything it just runs or
they have nothing at all and having no backups at all is
unfortunately far more common than
I'm sure most companies would like to admit but
With stratus we we ended up building this tool and
It's a very effective tool. It's really it's so simple
It's essentially just a backup tool where you plug in your API key that you generate from
Your stratus dashboard, so then you give it like full access and all that good stuff and then you basically just plug that in
you download the tool you say I want to upload this entire folder and
From the command line. It'll just loop through it'll go through every file on your system and
Upload that file straight to stratus, which means it's going straight to Jackal
Which is really really exciting
Because essentially what that means is just you have a really really simple
Kind of web to ish backup solution and
We're gonna be releasing it later in like an open source kind of we strip out stratus from it
and kind of focus more on
Just the Jackal protocol directly so instead of you know you meeting to put an API key in you just fund the little guy with
Some Jackal tokens, and it'll just run through and upload all your files, so if you ever want to back up
something you can do is
Is that something that that kind of like we're starting to get into interchain accounts territory like that though correct
No, this would just run straight on your machine
We have we have tons of stuff going on with with interchain accounts
I'll get to account obstruction as well right because that's the other thing where you kind of have like these decentralized APIs
Which is pretty I'll get to that in a sec because that's a that's a really good point as well
But back to these backups you know we're gonna be releasing them soon with with just Jackal integration
if you want the strata stuff as a as an enterprise customer, just you know give us a call and
But what we quickly realize is that's like so much data going up over and over and over again
But if you're not changing your system, you know you don't need to upload that data over and over and over again
So essentially we have this really cool system
basically the idea is
It keeps track of what files have changed when they've changed all that good stuff, but the magic really is
Is that all of this information about which files belong where how many you know how many files you have uploaded?
Which files were edited on what day all of that information is again another file living on the jackal protocol so
Anywhere that you are in the world at any time through a completely decentralized interface
you can just go and
You know if I'm on this machine
And I have this whole folder, and I want to back it all up I
Can totally do that it'll keep track of everything and then I can go to a completely different machine
I can download all of those files straight from that
Like that file that outlines all my files this program will just run through that particular file look at everything that you have
Download it to your machine
And then if you ever want to back up that folder as long as you didn't change any of those
It won't upload anything new so you can move an entire drive basically up to jackal
down to another computer and then you can resync it at any point because those files will all be the same and
then it'll upload everything that did change back up to jackal and
Then on the other computer
Let's say that you just you know moved everything from you can sync it again
And it'll download everything change that you make so you can have two drives
Across two separate computers that look exactly the same and every time you resync them
They'll always keep the same contents across them. Which is really really cool. It uses jackal as like a
Kind of like a bridge between two machines
It's crazy like it's just kind of one of those things that are just like so cool, and it's
Obviously like a lot of people might not find this as interesting, but we think it's awesome
Just kind of like rebuilding like just low-level infrastructure the internet again with just like a better tech stack
It's just like pretty fascinating in general
And all that to say really now pretty much any business that has like on-prem servers
for example
Can now use jackal as a backup solution to protect themselves from pretty much anything ransomware internal threat?
All that kind of stuff. It's a it's pretty fascinating in general. Yeah
So I mean that's the backup stuff. We have another like bunch of stuff. I know bees
I don't know be was here or not. I don't think he's coming. All right
Using the cosm wasm bindings and everything we've got a few ideas one of them ended up being a better
decentralized backup solution
funny enough, but
There's tons of stuff you can do with it that we just haven't really fully explored yet, but with the new
bindings that
should be
coming along
Pretty soon. We're working with the ICF right now particularly certain are from the ICI CF to do
Interchain accounts and everything through cosm wasm which is really exciting
But what we can do is
We can create this really cool account abstraction system where essentially you have just a smart contract running on
The jacket protocol running on Juno running on whatever
Protocol has cosm wasm enabled and can communicate over IBC to Jackal and essentially what you've got is
Basically this smart contract being an account in itself
Which is really really interesting?
Because it doesn't have a private key unlike normal
You know cosmos accounts. So what we can do is
we can create this kind of like allow list of other accounts and
You know, you can get really granular with with some like fee grant stuff so that the contract itself is paying for gas
of any account that's whitelisted in its whitelist and what that means is you can have
Wallet with no tokens in it whatsoever. And as long as it has permission to control that smart contract wallet
It will essentially just
For free as far as that wallet's concerned be able to sign transactions and interact with the jacket protocol without having any funds
And then you know if you ever want to transfer that because you oh man my seed phrase is compromised
I don't want this to
Have access to my files anymore
I can run a transaction with that wallet and switch which wallet is allowed to communicate with that smart contract
So then I've essentially moved
My wallet to a new wallet without having to do any work
All my files stay within their same account so to say all my tokens stay within the same account
however, what we've got is now you can swap entire wallets and
still have access to the same Jackal account, which is really really exciting and it opens up a lot of possibilities for like
social recovery
You know you give access to like three of your close friends and then if all three of them come to agreement
They can you know set up a new account or something like that. And so that gives us a lot of control over bringing
web to like user interaction to the protocol in a web 3 standard where you can sign in from any
Computer in the entire world and as long as your account is authorized
You're good to go
You can also play with some zk proofs and stuff and make it so that there is no
account you just basically have to know a password and you can prove you know it but
You know that's getting a little more more out there
Yeah, that's pretty wild and that's kind of referring just specifically to
Account abstraction kind of like where you have smart contracts that now have storage accounts and you can like throw files at them
And they can pretty much just like upload files like an API essentially
Yeah, and that's uh, that's something else. That's really really cool. It's because you can have these
Abstracted accounts
Have different sort of levels of permission where you could have one key
That you've set up to only be able to read storage from your account. So
You know instead of needing to share an entire folder, you can just be like hey
Here's read access to my entire Jack bill account. You can't post files. You can't delete files, but you can see everything that's in there
Because technically, you know, you have those encryption keys ready to go and blah blah blah
If you want you can give someone right access but only to a particular folder
you can give someone right access to the entire system and what that does is
You know going back to this backup solution. You can have a backup solution where as
Long as you know, this machine on your computer
Or like this program on your computer that's running that could be an upload only route
It can never read files back. It can only post files and once those files are up there
It can never look at them ever again
And then you have your account which is read only or you know read and edit
and so you can have these systems where you know, you're
giving permission to an
Automated machine to do something and then if that account ever gets compromised because it's not like a ledger or anything
Then you can just switch it to a new
Program running on your computer big with a new wallet and everything and you're you're good to go
It's way more secure than you know, what kind of traditionally exists in web 3
Yeah, and there's just there's a little bit more to that as well because like the account abstraction is one thing right, but
Let me let me tell you a story about why IBC wins, right?
Not only can we really do this account abstraction just locally on the Jocko protocol directly, right?
We have this unique ability to do cross-chain stuff as well
So you don't have to force developers to kind of build within like the Jocko wall to guard it either
Where we can start to do kind of cross-chain integrations using outposts where any
Contract on any chain can access the Jocko protocol scalable storage with a simple smart contract call
Obviously, we're gonna start with the IBC and then after that we're gonna move to EVMs or possibly even like bespoke integrations
Kind of gets more difficult as you
After we first and foremost we have the IBC stuff that we had to integrate, right?
so we have about like what 95 chains that we have to get through before we can we
Before we run out of stuff to do but at the end of the day, it's pretty fascinating about
the horizontal scalability and not forcing
Developers into a specific tech stack or being forced to build directly on the Jocko protocol
you can really just build anywhere and we can use this wonderful bridging and message passing technology to
Deliver just scalable storage to any application or user or developer on any chain
That we've just to plan out post on
Yeah, I mean I'm
Really really excited for the way that IBC is gonna go like as IBC matures and as these different like ICS
Protocols start becoming more standardized and more efficient. I mean like
We'll very quickly be able to interact with any cosmos chain
You know eventually aetherium eventually, you know
Polkadot all those
pretty much every chain
But exists right now will eventually be connected through IBC and with some abstraction systems in place
I mean you won't even know you're using aetherium over Juno over
Osmosis you'll just
IBC and that'll be it which is really really exciting. Yeah
And that's the best part, right? It's uh, IBC is just the best like it's never lost a single dollar
It's it's like how is the best bridging technology out there? I wouldn't want to wonder why anyone wouldn't want to adopt it
It's kind of like it's kind of like a Ferrero Rocher Marston, right?
It's a really hard on the outside
But on the inside you have all this wonderful technology that you can
Manipulate and do message passing and transfer tokens and do all this kind of stuff, right?
So it's it's the Ferrero Rocher bridging technology. I think that's the best way to put it
It's it's pretty it's pretty amazing like I won't I can't sugarcoat that it's
It is the best
Inter-block chain communication protocol that has ever existed and
That's basically it there's a there's nothing that can top it really
Yeah, it's just because it's because we're the best right that's why we built in the cosmos because
Of course, no bias there though
Curious in general did so what are like the things that particularly like excite you that's like coming
Over the horizon from just like a tech perspective just whether it's in the cosmos outside the cosmos
Do you like that availability? Do you like
kind of just interchange accounts and
Interchain contracts or kind of having like social recovery like what's the most exciting like just tech advancements in general
It could even be outside of like the scope of cosmos
We could even start talking about homomorphic encryption and things like that, but I would just love to hear like what are you excited about right now?
Yeah, I mean you kind of touched on it. Like I
I'm really big on account abstraction and I know there's been a few things happening
Lately in both the cosmos ecosystem because I know leap has been working on it, but like social logins
Like, you know signing in with your Google account signing in with your Apple account all that good stuff and just being able to like have
Cosmos wallets just like running off of a Google account is just crazy to me
And you know me personally, I'll always choose something like my ledger over a system like that
But I think it's phenomenal for people who aren't normally in
Web 3. I think that's kind of like I think that's where
Crypto currencies and web 3 kind of start
Winning is when the user doesn't know that it's web 3 and I mean we've said that I don't know how many times
Internally is just we got to figure out ways to make
This feel like they're not using crypto like that's that's how
Every protocol that's ever existed in cosmos and aetherium all of the best UXs are the ones people go
I barely knew this was crypto because you don't want it to feel like crypto you want it to feel like an application that you're
using and
Account abstraction is huge for that. I know
Previously at Delphi
he just open-sourced the
Fully audited version of his account abstraction systems where you basically just drop it into an existing cosmos chain and
it allows you to just do a ton of stuff when it comes to like the
actual signatures on chain so you know his system his demo was
Swapping out Kepler for metamask, so you don't need to sign like I know we have leap
Metamask and everything and you know don't get me wrong. I I love
the metamask snaps, but
basically his account abstraction module was a way to kind of skip the the signature element of it and
Just kind of take in
Whatever the module is expecting in this case. It was a metamask signature, so he was able to interact with
The cosmos chain that he spun up
using metamask directly without
Metamask snaps just straight up communicating with with the cosmos which is really really cool. I
Think you know we're gonna see it a lot more
Coming out with like kind of more centralized
cosmos chains that can still connect to kind of this like web 3 space where like
You know video games and stuff coming out. They don't necessarily want a decentralized protocol
They just want a cosmos chain because they want to connect to IBC and everything
But they don't necessarily want it to all be public all the time and all that stuff
So I mean we've looked into it
For just kind of more research purposes on their project. Yeah, we're like you know you can run the full tendermint chain
And you don't have to sign anything in a wallet
You can simply log in with the username and password and then the username and password are stored in the database in the same way
That anything else would be stored
The only thing is obviously if you're making that public that username and password is is also public so that's where those kind of
gated systems
Become really really important for like those traditional web 2 companies
And if you're building something web 2 where you don't have that
You know ownership of your data, and you just want something like a username and password. I mean
There's really no
There's no difficulty getting there
You can have full account abstraction with the username and password, which is really cool. I think that's probably like
Where I'm most excited for for the space to go
Yeah, account abstraction is really fun
I think it's important to worry like you look at like social logins and stuff like that right and
It makes me like I always think about like the the person who I think about when you're thinking about UX is my grandmother
Right let me tell you about my grandmother so my grandmother. She can't drive
All right, so she got her she got her license yanked, but on the flip side is she
Slings met like just DMS on Facebook all day long right and she crushes wordle as well
so those two things like if she has the technology to be able to log into her Facebook account and
Her wordle account and have the ability to like remember the password and get in that way
That's something that she's familiar with I think like the account obstruction stuff gets us like that one
It's more centralized of course, and it like introduces a bunch of choke points of failure
for those users, but I think having those users have the ability like onboard is better than
not having
Like you need a little bit you need a little bit of the the gateway drug into the cosmos ecosystem in the crypto in
General right a lot of us started on centralized exchange probably
You kind of by default need to start with a centralized exchange so all of us onboarded kind of like the similar way right?
We start with like this
place where where you have access to this ecosystem and then
Depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go you start to step out into the self sovereign
Internet of blockchains right and it's kind of beautiful, and it's not right, and I'm excited for what's in store for this year
And kind of moving into next year as well
Let's sort of that
We're gonna keep talking about grandma stories and for a crochet IDC technology
Unless someone someone has to come up and ask a question pretty soon
Yeah, or else we're gonna have to probably shut this down, but if anyone has any questions feel free to come up
This is like a fully an open conversation. We've kind of gone through all of the updates
With the Jocko protocol in general number one kind of radiant having the ability to publish files on the protocol
And then number two is like interchain
accounts and having the ability to kind of deploy
Outposts on other generic L1 smart contract blockchain, so that's pretty much everything for me Marston
Do you have do anything that you want to share about kind of?
What do you think about like the move blockchains?
I've always been curious like the for example
I'm guys that are just like do you see as like just another competing standard or what do you like about a way?
Do you not like about it? Yeah, I mean I
Don't know if people kind of know that
Comic where it's like you know there's 15
Standards and they want to make a better standard and then others just 16 computing standards
I think I forget what the numbers are, but that's a lot how move feels I mean
Like we had solidity and it has first mover advantage
And you know I have my problems with solidity, but I understand. You know it's everywhere
It's used by a theory. I'm all that good stuff
We kind of you know cosmoism was born out of hey solidity sucks
It has all these issues
We don't want to have to learn solidity to write a smart contract language
we just want to use an existing language and
You know we want to call it there like that's really that's really where
Cosmoism shines is as a replacement to
the EVM because it doesn't have the same security vulnerabilities and all that good stuff and then
Move is kind of the same thing. We're like it's
It's a new language. It's a lot like rust. You know it's a it's built off of rust
So you're you're still unfortunately you know needing to learn a new language
Even if you know rust and it'll be very easy if you know rust because it's almost identical
But you know there's still a learning curve to it, which
You know move takes a more blockchain centric approach where you're dealing with
pieces of the chain as you know first-class citizens in the chain where you're not
Dealing with just like arbitrary data it abstracts a lot, so you know developers don't have to think about
Implementing new NFT standards they can just deal with NFTs as
Objects in the language and to some extent. I mean that's it's cool
But I personally really think it's unnecessary and I think cosmoism
like in my opinion stays
Ahead of the curve especially because cosmoism is language-agnostic as long as you can compile
your program to web assembly
Cosmoism will run it like I've seen really bare-bones projects run in
I think was it zig
Somebody got a cosmoism
Program up and running. I know we've been you know kind of behind the scenes working on
Golang smart contracts just writing entire
Cosmoism contracts in go which is really exciting
But that's that's kind of where where I stand is like move is really a cool language system
But you know it's it's not interoperable with other platforms. It's
It's new it's a new standard and
You can really only program a move
virtual machine in move where like cosmoism is so broad it's so
Just like agnostic to what you're putting in which I think is is better
But again like I know there's a ton of people who love move because it abstracts a bunch of stuff away
And you know it definitely has its merits, but I just think
Cosmoism will will see some abstraction in the future and kind of take some of that market share away from
Languages like move going forward. Yeah
It's pretty interesting
But like those move blockchains did kind of birth like some pretty cool consensus
Engines as well right like when you look at narwhal and tusk for example versus tender men for sure
I'm like I I can see some some value and like it like well
Also, that's kind of like the beauty of the cosmo's
Like the way that cosmos blockchains are set up in the first place right like in theory
We could rip out tender main consensus and jam and narwhal and toss
They'll be like a pain in the ass and brutal, but it's possible right yeah
And I that's the thing is like this whole IBC ecosystem that we keep talking about
IBC doesn't mean tender men by any means right like we've we've put so much focus on
Cosmos being intertwined with tender men are being intertwined with IBC, but they're all so different like you can't have
IBC without
You know a
Good consensus engine, but tender men's not the only good consensus consensus engine
And I mean the SDK currently is really you know focused on tender men
But I mean there's been
Teams for as proof of concepts to rip out tender men from the SDK already and they've been able to spin up really really basic
cosmos blockchains using narwhal and tusk and
It's it's a really exciting place
and that's that's something else that I'm kind of excited for is this expansion into IBC as as a
Ecosystem more than like as a piece of cosmos like in theory. You know you could spin up a computer
Just one machine in your basement. That's connected to IBC and it doesn't do anything. It's not a blockchain
it's just
IBC like you could have a sequel database connected to IBC as long as you build it right and that's just really really exciting to me
Yeah, it's kind of funny and
Just kind of seeing though the way that I see kind of other blockchains versus like the cosmos ecosystem in the cosmos thesis
It's kind of like going to like a car dealership
right and when you get to the car dealership you have like you have the Mercedes and then you have like the
Sprinter van and then you have like the 18 wheeler and you have all these kind of different things and that's kind of how I think
about like the monolithic blockchains the
When you think about kind of like going in and building like a cosmos blockchain
It's kind of like just going to just a warehouse and there's just like a bunch of deconstructed vehicles on the ground
And then you can kind of pick and choose he's like, okay
I want this but I don't want this and I want all these different things. But the cool thing about that is
Obviously going to the car dealership
It's pretty wonderful where you don't really have to kind of the deb the experience of purchasing the car is wonderful
And everyone talks about like cosmos developer experience and how difficult and onboarding and kind of like player versus player
We tend to be in general just the way that the incentives are aligned at the kind of base layer
But the other cool thing about cosmos is it kind of has like I kind of want to call it like an IQ filter
Where like to build in the cosmos ecosystem. It takes like a certain type of
Teams and certain types of builders that are like red ready to kind of be self
Sufficient right and self-sovereign and be able to move the needle themselves
independently without any
Influence of like other teams right and everyone kind of osmosis has their own standard of the cosmos SDK
We're on our own thing of the cosmos SDK. I believe I think we've like kind of done some modifications
And like everyone is kind of different in their own way as long as you can communicate through IBC. That's all that really matters, right?
Yeah, I mean like the amount of
different cosmos SDK versions is crazy and like, you know upgrading a chain from
45 to 46 47 and even 50, you know, they're big jumps. It's a very different code base
but IBC still works like you can send IBC tokens from
An old cosmos version to a new cosmos version and back again
And it'll always work because that's just how IBC was designed and it's I don't know. There's just something really
Almost magic about how well IBC works compared to like other bridges
And just the fact that it's not just a token bridge is also really exciting
because that lets us do things like, you know, the Juno network having a jackal account or
archway apps having jackal accounts for themselves like that stuff is, you know, you're not just transferring tokens at that point, which is uh, I
Don't know that that's got to be probably one of the most
exciting parts of IBC is the general message passing which is not something that traditional bridges tend to have
Yeah, it is pretty cool and it's just kind of one of the things right it's
It's you have like this conglomerate of just
It's like everyone's like not really everyone's kind of like their own team, right and there's no like underlying
consensus of a
Really for like all the teams to kind of drive the same direction and it's kind of like it's a feature and a bug, right?
Like the features is we have like these crazy brilliant teams that are building these awesome stuff all the time
The bug is that when you launch your cosmas chain
It's kind of like spawning directly into like imagine
I don't know if you ever played RuneScape Marston
I don't know if you're in the RuneScape mafia back in the day
But it's kind of like when like you don't get tutorial island. You just like spawn directly into the wilderness
And then you have all these different players that you really don't know who's who in the zoo like who's in charge of what?
who's on what team and then everyone's like yelling at you all of a sudden it's kind of like
it's one of those like fascinating things where
It's not for the faint of heart
but I think it's like it's an interesting filter for kind of just like spreading really really powerful and
Really talented teams in general in the ecosystem from guys like us to osmosis to Celestia to arch
Why like all these guys are just kind of just nothing but the utmost respect for all the teams that are building it
Yeah, and I mean that's the other thing everything's open source, so if if there is a team that's doing something
Wrong or unsafe. I mean it's pretty quick that the IVC ecosystem jumps to say hey
You know this is x y and zed you should fix this
I mean we've had it happen to us. You know on our initial launch and
It's it's a crazy crazy experience and so hectic but
I mean at the end of the day like
You know our protocol is better today because it got eyes on it and those eyes are also experienced
developers, which is really exciting for for the space to just function as well as it does and
I don't know. I think everybody that's kind of building these cosmos chains is here for
For the right reasons. They're like we're all here to build
Good tech that you know focuses on decentralization and self ownership and all that stuff and so
When these teams come together and like look at each other's code and everything it becomes a really unique ecosystem that I can't say
a lot of other fields and software tend to share that
Patrick I don't know if you're talking but oh my goodness. I was just talking myself right. It's just me
Just me in my house all around
Anyways, like I was just saying like it wouldn't be a good cosmos blockchain launch unless it's a little bit of a spicy baptism
It's probably a good way to put it
you you need to
you you need like at the end of the day, it's like all this tech is like it's really difficult to build put it together in
the launch right and
You need you need a little bit of a baptism into the ecosystem. So everyone knows you can throw haymakers with the boys
Anyways, if anyone has any
Any questions wants to come up in chat?
Stage is open if you have any technical questions. You want to ask?
obtain knowledge from Marston through
Photosynthesis or osmosis maybe maybe gain a few IQ points. I know I have feel free to
request if not, I
Don't know how much longer we can do this. We do have a call in 10 minutes. So
I guess now is your time or forever hold your peace
I guess is is where we are right now at this stage of the Twitter space
We're going once
Going to say sir auction if you go auctioneer mode, I
Think that's it
All right fellas, well, thanks for taking the time to listen to us just
Communicate into the ether that is the X platform and stay tuned next week. We have our town hall every
week Wednesdays at 2 o'clock Eastern time, so that was about
50 minutes ago
stay tuned for everything Jackal if you want to have any questions or anything like that come to the telegrams come to the discords and
Outside of that that's everything for me Marston. Do you have anything to say?
No, I think that's everything
All right, fellas and ladies thanks for taking the time have a great rest of the day