Creators, Creations, Creion (Why Become A Creator?)

Recorded: March 2, 2024 Duration: 1:09:07



GM GM ladies and gentlemen, how are we all doing today?
Guys happy Saturday, welcome back to another crayon space. I'm your co-host NFT bossa
And I'm ready to start off my Saturday, um, it is 7 in the morning here in California. So good evening
Wherever you are tuning from GM GM
Really stoked to just be back on this panel to be hosting again for for crayon for rands
Super excited for the launch of this project personally
Been following along for quite some time now, right? Hey, we hosted a space a couple weeks back, right?
So if you want to know more information
Regarding crayon I highly recommend just going back listen to that first space so you can get a good grasp
Of you know, what is a project who was a team?
Right. Hey today. I invited not only
some good friends of mine but people that I know that are perfect for today's topic and that is
Creators and creation, you know, why become a creator, right? And I can't wait to just do a little deep dive on
You know how how some of you guys here on this panel today became a creator, but most importantly, right?
Why did you become a creator? I think that's the most important. I don't know
I guess a good question to ask yourself, right? Why did you become a creator in the space, you know?
But hey that being said let me check in first with the panel going first to the man himself
Rans Kyle Rans. How are you doing? What is going on my friend?
Yo, yo, yo, can you guys hear me properly?
Yes, sir loud and clear. Yeah, yeah. Yeah doing good, bro
I hope you're doing good as well. And I hope like everyone that's listening listening right now is feeling good and hyped
Yeah, I'm glad to be here again with the bossa
hosting this space
Absolutely, man, thank you for always having me. Yeah
Let let's check in with these panelists man. We have salamander again
These are all good friends of mine people that I love hearing on spaces
And again, I'm gonna go through the real quick salamander
We also have like our project manager Melissa and create an official account
What's going on
Amazing amazing we got the whole team on the stage today beautiful
Love it. I love it. Thank you guys for the wonderful introductions
Let me run through this panel real quick and then we'll start today's show
That being said salamander. How are you doing? What is going on?
What is up, everybody glad to be here on a fine Saturday?
Dude, bossa. Thank you for actually introducing me to this project to begin with because a lot of people don't know this
I actually used to dance a lot
Kind of you know my university days and I used to do a lot of like one versus one two versus two battles in Toronto
So like I was just scrolling through the account yesterday and I was like, dude, this is literally this is this is it
so I'm happy to be here happy talk about this topic in general and
I'm gonna be a first-time follower finally. So this is really exciting
This is what it's what this is what we're all about man. Just sharing the project sharing the
Alpha, but dude, that's actually really cool
I think I think there's a lot of like people that came from like a creative background
I think it's just about
How do we get this out of them?
You know, like can we get people to talk about what they were doing before web 3, you know
So I'm actually really excited to hear about that
And I'm glad you found a crayon because this is a this is a whole different approach and how we want to see
Creativity practice right in web 3
But that's beautiful. That's beautiful. We also brought up my good friend Ziana as well Ziana check in with you real quick
How are you doing? What is that? MGM? I'm not gonna lie waking up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday
It's different, but I'm actually very happy to be here
Sorry, I was running a little late Twitter has been very interesting
Very much looking forward to the conversation today. Thank you boss and crayon for for having me
Very very fun. I'm just excited to be here
Absolutely, thank you for waking up as well Z. I can relate to you on that 7 a.m
But hey, it's a perfect practice for us for us panelists for a space host, right?
Um, thank you for making time truly going to Becca real quick Becca. What is going on?
I'm pretty sure we're like we're the opposite time zones, but how are you doing?
I'm gonna continue with culture and say GM. It's 4 p.m. For me. So it's perfect. Oh, no, I can't hear her
Can anyone else here? Oh my god. Can somebody hear me? Oh
Wait, okay. Let me go down and then I'm coming okay. I
Can't hear by so this always happens at once exactly
Wait, wait, I'm gonna go. This is really how Elon wants to do me on this fine Saturday
I'm gonna be okay Becca if you can I'm so sorry, you're probably speaking right now
But if you can if you can just drop off, I'll bring you back up instantly
I hate when this happens, bro, especially on introductions on spaces. It's like fuck
Anyways, let me run
Let me go through Maya first and then hopefully when Becca returns, we'll get her proper introduction
Maya, how are you doing? Welcome to the panel? What's going on? Hey, Jim Jim, can you hear me?
All right
I'm doing good. Thank you so much for asking. It is a lovely Saturday
The Sun is shining which is a bit weird for here, especially in March
But yeah, it's really lovely to be up here
I look up to like Ziana Salamanda and Becca a lot when it comes to like content
So sharing the stage with them is is honestly really lovely
But yeah, thank you guys for having me and I can't wait to kind of delve into it a bit more
Absolutely. Absolutely. And again, thank you all for making time definitely means a lot to not just myself, but you know the team of crayon
So I'm gonna remind people again
You know, we spent the first space a couple weeks ago kind of just breaking down who is crayon? What is the team?
What is their objective?
You know, I don't want to repeat some of the information in today's space
So I highly recommend, you know, if you want to learn more just go back to that first space and that's everything for you
Right. But hey that being said I'm ready to talk about this topic. This is something that I'm very passionate about
Why do why should people become a creator right? What inspired you to become a creator, right?
So I'm gonna as always you guys attend my spaces. You already know how I run things
First of all hit that bottom right button repost like comments. Let's get some more eyes some more people in this room
All that would go a very very long way and I'm ready to kick this off. I'm gonna kick this off
I'm gonna start off with rans right and then I'm gonna you know circle around the room
But of course at any given time if you want to chime in on something if something caught your attention and you want to say
Feel free to just raise your hand and then you know, I'll just go to you
Having said let's get off man. So rans
The first thing that I kind of want to just tackle today is the topic of why become a creator
right, I feel like this is something that
People often think about and social media in general, right? How can someone become a creator?
Why why should someone become a creator, you know, and so, you know, I'm curious. This is the first question that have is
What inspired you to become a creator in the first place rans?
We'll start off there and then we'll circle away circle around the room rans go ahead and kick us off my friend
All right
What inspired me to become a creator?
it was always my passion to create videos and
Content and all that so it felt natural to me to explore deeper of what it means to be a creator
I wanted to share my craft or my creative vision to other people out there
Love it. I love how simple it is because it's it's it starts with like a
Passion for just video or a passion for content in itself and then just kind of like documenting and sharing the journey, you know
But that's cool, bro. That's cool. I mean, let me follow it up real quick, right?
Like what does it mean to you to be a creator in web 3?
What are there any differences from web 3 to web 2? I see
There lies a fine fine line between being a content creator in general and in web 3
Compared to being a content creator in general the web 3 space like the web 3 creating space is still fresh
There is so much space to explore and stand out from the rest in many different ways
It's like in web 3
We use JPEGs as our profile picture, which is something that people remember us from
We get to represent a specific brand or community. We belong to
In web 3 which signals to the world your identity through what projects you associate with
different projects carry different brandings and
It's the content creators choice on who and what they want to associate themselves with
but in essence
They're the same thing as a content creating makes content that brings value to people while inspiring them
You know with the content I deliver. I don't want just I don't want to just produce whatever but give give people meaning
That's a that's actually a really really valid response and I think it's an underrated concept that I don't see enough of nowadays
Is like how can other creators inspire other creators, you know
And I think with what Maya kind of said today, right like she looks up to Becca Salziana, you know
So it's I love hearing that because we need to be bouncing off each other more with like our ideas with how we push certain content
You know, but I'm gonna go to Melissa Melissa real quick. What are your thoughts on this? Yeah
Tying into like the first question that you asked what inspired you to be a creator
I think the main inspiration with almost every content creator out there is is bringing joy to others
And or in a sense like helping others
Whether you know that content may be like gaming or some sort of like educational videos, lifestyle videos or blogs
It's a form of like entertainment that people use nowadays and sometimes it can be a real tool for them
So I think we live in a world where your actions really inspire others to dream more and learn more and basically do more
Like you said bossa and so that in itself is fulfilling as a content creator, you know
No, that's then exactly I think it's one thing to look at things and like a personal gain like when you get into content creation
But like when you when you build a platform and you start like spotlighting other creators in your circle
I think that's what it's all about, you know, so
Extremely extremely well said I'm gonna pass this microphone around
I believe Sal threw her hand up first and then we'll just go from there Sal
What are your thoughts on just you know, everything that's been said so far. It's crazy
Rand says said because it's literally about it's literally what I was thinking like every point he's made
and you know the analogy of just being here first is insane because I think everyone can really I think most people are like around my
Age, but you know, the internet came out your many years ago, obviously
And the crazy part is a lot of people faded it right a lot of people flooded it
They didn't believe in the future of technology
And a lot of people became wealthy and I thought that was really interesting to see we're still seeing the same thing here like I
Know that we're kind of approaching this kind of semi soft bull run
Anticipated and if you've been here since 2021 you've seen the original bull run and it's just insane
I've seen people literally launch agencies. I've seen people literally become like
moderators to like literally like having 50 to 100,000 followers here on Twitter and just like
Elevate that from their platform. And I think the really awesome thing about just creating is that you really never
Understand what you can do with it, right? I mean you might not be even good at it
I remember I was creating content. I was like damn like I got like four likes
But you keep going and it's gonna open your eyes to a lot of things
and like the last thing I just wanted to comment is I the motivation part of other people is is insane because
$100 like if someone can make $100 in the space that goes a long way for somebody who lives across the world for me
You know, and I know a lot of people are like, oh, it's you know, it's just it's not a lot
I'm like, no, it actually can change
Literally somebody situation like people can feed their families. And so
Opportunity is literally unlimited here in the space
So that's you know, shout out to anyone who's just been creating for this long as time Becca Maya's Yana
I say J bond J bond here in a while
I see avalanche like lots of homies in the crowd. It's absolutely you can question and you too boss. I like you've been crushing it since day one
No, it's and it's crazy cuz when I look back on like when I first met all of you guys
It was like the first it was like the end of the first bull cycle like in 2022 2021
You know, so to see all of us still here
That in itself is inspiring, right? But hey, I'm gonna toss over to Becca
And then we'll go from there Becca. What are your thoughts on this? Okay first. Can you hear me? Am I all right now? Yes, finally
Oh my god, she's actually like stressing me out
But yeah, I love this topic. I think that
Conning creation is something that has huge potential and a lot of us have seen that and that's that's why we acted upon it
But as we are kind of approaching bull
I feel like more people are coming and then more and more people will be able to explore just as we did and
For me what inspired me is actually people
I'm extroverted and I love being around people and I started off being a moderator and then kind of
Like upgraded with time to community manager
But all came really from will to be around people and then I kind of explored X
Wanted to to kind of move my knowledge that I haven't shared with people here
But what kept me going and still motivates me till this day is people that I'm surrounded with
Such as you said like we've been here for
Years, we are still here and that motivates me and I think in web 2
I don't think I would be able to be conning creator because here in web 3 opportunities are huge
and I'm coming back to what Sal was saying people are able to make money and
We are really opening our own doors
And this is something that Maya could have touched upon as well because this is something we talk quite often
So what I do is community management and project management
But I don't have like uni behind me to kind of oh I studied that
Everything came so naturally and that is the biggest difference that I've seen from web 2 and web 3
Where in web 3 if you are ambitious enough
You can learn so much and you can like upgrade yourself
Every single day like you're surrounded by people who are trying their best to become the best
And that's why I like from the bottom of my heart. I always say this the web 3 changed my life and
Conning creation there is many many different ways of how people can do it
Whether there is dancing threads
Spaces, it doesn't really matter
But I feel like we all have the same goal and that's why we're still here building and just motivating each other
So from my point of view
Getting into conning creation getting more close with people like nurturing that bond
Changed my journey completely and I'm just excited to see how that's gonna evolve more in the upcoming years
You know Becca you bring up such a great point like it's amazing how
Like this space in general it just you just attract people who are also in the same like
journey the same vision as you and I think that's
Like the connections in this space is way more valuable than a whitelist spot will ever be in my opinion
You know because you just need to be connected to the right people and that in itself opens opportunities
Left and right, you know, so I highly highly agree and I love that point there
I'm gonna toss this to Ziana back in and we'll go to Maya and then we'll have a second question to follow up for
the panel Ziana go ahead
Yeah, I also love this question and really quick can you guys also hear me cuz I know X has definitely been okay
My like approach to being a creator
Came because it was against everything that I had known from like the professional world outside of web, too
So it was more so me putting myself in a position that was uncomfortable
But I said, well, you know, let me just give this a shot right? Let me give myself some opportunity
You know, I had done a little traveling outside of the US and I said well
I get an opportunity to be connected to people from all over the world. This is amazing, right?
So I said, okay, let me just put myself out there spaces is a really great
Example I was terrified of public speaking for the longest from the time I was young and I was an adult
But I said, you know what? I
I like to consider myself smart when I take the time to study things, but I can't I struggle to have a conversation
but I also feel like there are people who might not have the time to
Learn like myself and this is an avenue or a medium that I feel people can get educated on right?
I do feel like something like spaces and I'm I'm I'm hyper focusing on spaces because I'm not a
creator on too many other avenues in this space
So I do think spaces is such a good way
for creators to just speak to people live and
Educate people and and build those connections in a way that is it's kind of difficult in other avenues
Also, like as we continue to grow and I've can as technology continues to move forward
More companies and brands will use people like us who are educated and have been in this space for a long time to
Use us as unlike spaces right or or thread writers to educate people that aren't that aren't used to
What's been happening, right?
So and on the other side too, we are so like screen heavy and screen focused
That it almost seemed like an automatic thing kind of jump in and say, okay, let me see if I can create something right I didn't
Hop into tik-tok when tik-tok boom during the pandemic, right? And I haven't really tried to pursue a
Platform on Instagram. So Twitter was like I've been on Twitter, you know since for a long time
I won't age myself, but um
You know Twitter was actually pretty cool to find out that it made such an awesome comeback but for
NFTs and web 3 and blockchain technology
So I I love being the creator in this space
I think it's kind of hard to say that I am one but when it comes to things like spaces
Or even creating relationships. I think it's it's amazing and the opportunities here in this space
Truly are endless
And I and I really love it. Seriously. It has also changed my life
You know Ziyana you bring up a great point about spaces
Because it's it's terrifying because it essentially is public speaking on a digital stage, right?
But I always encourage people as much as possible
Like if you're an upcoming small like a small account
Like join as much spaces as possible because one you never really know who you're gonna meet on a space and like you never know if
One take that you say might spark an interest from someone else and then they might reach out to you to be like hey
Like, you know, let's connect. Let's let's hop on a call after after the space today
You know, like there's been so many scenarios where live someone will meet someone for the first time and they'll be like, holy crap
Like yo, how come we haven't met any sooner?
You know, but you also bring up another great point
I think it's about what are you using how do you how are you using your time on social media?
Like you're either a consumer a person that likes to intake content from other people or you're on the other end of that
I mean shit, you can't even be both
Right. You can do you can be both a consumer and producer
But I feel like if you're on the other end of the stick where you're providing that valuable content
You're providing that entertainment that people want to see that really resonates and that that's what makes people memorable
And I think that's also another layer to what creators, you know, find a passion in space, you know
But hey, I'm gonna go to Maya right and then afterwards have a whole different question for the panel
But my what are your thoughts on just everything being said so far? Yeah, I love this topic and all the takes so far
So I'll try not to echo too much
But I think for me me starting with my ex journey was it was more about like an expansion of myself and a way to really like
Solidify my personal brand a bit more for the longest time. I was just all on discord. I was a discord maxi
I didn't really use X at all. I was never on spaces
Like nor did I really understand the importance behind them
But there did come a day where I kind of felt like there was a huge shift towards X like discord servers
Just became really empty and we kind of saw Twitter become the hotspot
It became like an educational hub and I learned so much more from Twitter than I ever really did on any other platforms
And it's not just about valuable content
But you also learn about like people their stories their passions their niches
Like you you learn so much about people through their content
And I think it comes from people using it as in a way their creative outlet
I I've always said I'm not the most creative person like I've never known how to like sing
Or do like a musical instrument or anything like that
But content creation kind of became the beginning of what became my creative outlet
I was able to really hone into like writing
Learning about the power of words like audio video and even though like I'm not doxxed usually on my Twitter
It still is like a lovely angle to kind of learn from
And now I'm it kind of links into what Becca said
I'm full-time web free through social media and marketing despite having basically zero diplomas on it
Like I don't have any degrees on it zero experience before web free
And I think when people say that moderators are like the greatest entry to a web free career
I think content creation really serves as a similar process
I think it's the entry point to solidify in your brand starting your career and like connecting with people who have that same vision
And then to add on to like what everyone else is saying I agree content creation in web free is extremely fresh
We say that like this is the year of the creators
But rants is very right when it comes to there is a fine line between web to content creation and web free content creation
There is still so much room for growth
So much room for improvement and I'm just really excited to kind of see because we have seen this growth in the past year
In a year's time how things will look
We're starting to see some content expand onto like other platforms
Like we're starting to see some people double a bit with IG tick-tock and stuff like that
But there is a lot of room for us to improve and there's a huge like kind of breadth of the culture to kind of grow as well
You know Maya that literally makes me think like in the future of web 3
You know how we have like a community here on X like as a platform
I wonder if we'll see the same like community ask alike on these other platforms like Instagram tick-tock
But I don't know. I feel like X is such a home base for web 3
I think we'll only be seeing these other platforms being utilized as like distribution for other content, you know
But that's a really good point my and again
I'm glad that first of all this panel that I we have today is just full of people who have so much gems and full of
Alpha regarding content creation and just being a creator. So hearing your guys's story hearing your guys's
Perspective on this is actually really really inspiring to to me personally. So I really do appreciate that
Real quick guys, we just hit the 30-minute mark
I'm gonna do a quick room reset again
If you're an aspiring creator down there in the audience
First of all shoot a follow to the crayon page shoot a follow to all these amazing panelists because there's just so much to learn
Right, and I know we can't cover every little detail today for the next 30 minutes about you know content creation
What why become a creator right?
But I feel like what's been said so far has kind of been around the foundation
About what does it mean to be a creator web 3 and you know
And this is actually a perfect segment for me to get into this next question and it's more so of you know
I want to hear from everyone. What is a piece of advice to people that want to start their journey?
But have no idea where and how to start, you know, so I'll start with rans here
Just because I want to hear his background first. So rans, you know, if I want to kick this off man
How can creators start their journey? What does that look like? Alright, um
on my end creators can start their journey by being who they want to be and
what they want to be and
What they want to create and how they want people to like actually see them
Start come to creators need to find their
Niche it's exactly like saying it's like it's exactly like the saying you gotta do what you love and you someday arrive at where you want to be
Do that's that's real
Wait, where's this where's the sound effect? There you go. That's that's it. That's a gem bro for real
And I don't know it's I hear that advice get thrown around a lot. It's like just be yourself like be authentic, right? And
It's it's such it's weird how we're giving this as a piece of advice when you would expect it naturally, you know
But I want to hear from Melissa herself. What are your thoughts on that question? Yeah, rans really put it out there
Well to add to it
I think being a content creator means so much more than just you know
Pressing play or being in front of a camera or just uploading it or you know updating the world
There's so much like creativity behind it and process that goes into it
I think some of our speakers actually touched up on that already
The numbers and you know the feedback from people is basically just the cherry on top
Like they said so many content creators didn't really come from University, you know
Learning the marketing skills learning all that skills that you know, you need doesn't normally provide
But it's very possible for creators to start their journey right off the scratch
so for me if I could give like three main pieces of advice to those who are starting out in the
Creator journey is I think like one you have to be confident in
What you do and what you put out there in order for people to trust you as well
Guess authenticity is also magnetic. So be authentic be your true self and the right people will follow you
Drive your engagement by building connections and creating a community where everyone feels welcome
To me like that human connection is very very important and I think it's very possible to have that on the web
Do that's okay. First of all, I was not expecting all the gems to be dropped in the in one take. Um
It's it's again, okay
I don't even want to say anything because I want to hear from other people on this stage
Let me let me go to Becca first and then we'll circle way around again Becca
What are your thoughts on just how can creators start their journey? Go ahead. I actually agree with both takes
And I think being like authentic self
It's the way to go
But then also just do it
Because I think a lot of people have that barrier like oh should I start like I don't have education that I have experience
And it's really really hard getting out of out of your comfort zone
But that's exactly how you can grow. So I remember when I started like English is not my native and
And when I was supposed to go to VCs, it was the most uncomfortable situation ever
But I was like, you know what?
I need to do it in order to grow and if I didn't do that back then like two years ago
I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing right now
And I think a lot of people are dealing with exactly that
just starting out and believing in yourself and then just doing it and always kind of like
We are dealing with a lot of faces with a lot of people and when it comes to content creation
Like right now if you scroll through x you see a lot of individuals and very strong opinions
always try to be yourself and people quite often tend to be scared to speak their minds because
What will other people think of me? But in reality?
Just think about yourself not in a selfish way, but like try to present yourself in the best way possible
Just do it
Um, and you're gonna go far. So it's just enter like exiting that
Um comfort zone. That's how I grew the most it was extremely uncomfortable
But that's kind of how I began and I think a lot of people should do exactly that
Man, man, man, man, really well said Becca. I'm gonna I'm gonna go to Gianna Z. What are your thoughts on this?
I love this question. So I'll I'll get straight into it. So my first thing
Um, you know advice is please don't worry about your following count going up
I know most people will tell you that you need this massive platform to be successful in the space
Um, but if you start to hyper focus on your following count
Um, I promise you it's going to stress you out more than anything
I think if you take rams and melissa and even becca's advice things will just you know intentionally go up, right?
Um, my second thing is be adaptable
Things change in the space
Um, I understand that people have to take on your niche
But for example, if if creating video content is your niche
Um, try to stay uh on top of what's happening in the space, right?
Um, and don't be afraid to maybe pivot certain areas
Not your entire platform, but really learn how to pivot. Um
because that's kind of where
Your visibility will remain on the space
Um, and then also this might sound
Kind of I don't know like weird, but don't be afraid to ask for feedback
I think a lot of times, um, and this is something that i've experienced but
I want people to be honest about the way that i'm
Producing any form of education or any kind of content
If there's something that seems a little off if I can carry myself a little different if I can run a space
in a way that's tighter quicker, um
That flows better. I want to know
Uh, you know a lot of people won't be that type of person to just tell you outright
Hey, can I pull you aside and give you some constructive criticism that I think would be really helpful
So I think you should ask
And ask your friends, right don't be afraid and if you feel like your friends are just kind of telling you oh my gosh
You're doing amazing
Um, maybe it's kind of time to reach other people perhaps maybe in your audience
Or someone that you look up to that is willing to
Take some time out of their day and say okay
Like yeah, there's some things that I think you can work on you're doing great
But let's kind of bring you on to the right path
Let's adjust you a little so those are just a few pieces of advice for me
Dude, that is everything to me. Honestly, like I would rather have five friends. That's really tell me how it is
Versus like a hundred people just be like yeah, that's fire, bro
You know, so really really well said z I think I can invent like say and emphasize that enough like really invest into your
Your group of friends in this space because that will what is it saying like you become who you surround yourself with?
right, so like
Get five solid individuals that will just keep it real every time and there's no way
But to improve from that, you know really well said z I love that take
Um, i'm gonna go to sal here and I do just want to welcome a couple of new speakers up on the stage
You got easton right? We also got hunters of web3 and we also got eth banana. What is going on?
And we'll circle to you guys as well. Feel free to chime in whenever sal. What are your thoughts on this question? Go ahead
Yeah, so before I even started making I guess official content
I studied people like I studied the way they they wrote their content
And obviously like in this space well on specifically on every app
There's always some type of algorithm, right and I always I always tell people like
Numbers are just numbers, but definitely don't work against them, right?
Like I think you know if something's not working out then obviously shipped around and be like, all right like what am I good at right?
um, and like
I think like just taking time out of your day and just understanding how to structure that because I i've had a call with bossa
too guys and like
When I was creating content, um, I I noticed I was writing a little too long and I was like, all right
It's not slapping like nobody's reading it
Um, but it's good content
But you know, that's that's a great way to just repivot and I like to study a lot of people like even before I even
did spaces too
I would just kind of see. All right, why is everyone throwing reactions here?
Um, you know more people are coming into the space after this person talks like is do people find this person interesting?
So it's just it's a lot of I like to like analyze everything before I kind of execute
And then from there you kind of create your own craft, right?
Um, and then from that as well, like ziana mentioned too
Like don't be afraid to like repivot anything as well like based on what the space is doing obviously we have no we have known that
Um, everyone's creating videos and one thing I like this is something for everyone to try out
everyone's trying to
As much as I love talking about web3 don't be afraid to create content about yourself
That's considered content like you are the creator and you are the content creator right at the end of the day
So, you know things I like to do is that like if i'm going places on a weekend
Like I just like to throw up a like, uh, you know five to eight minute vlog
I'm just like what my whole weekend's like or if i'm just having a normal chill weekend
Like i'll just do a vlog and people actually like liked it and I was I was actually shocked because I was like, oh man
I'm kind of annoying but whatever
If people like it i'll give it to the people
So, you know, don't be afraid to just always like I think you will get bored of yourself
And you will start hating your own content if you're just always talking about web3. Um, so don't be afraid
Just post about your life post about your story
Create a vlog who cares
Dude that's right
First of all, I relate to that so much because I used to think like, all right
If I talk about anything but web3, i'm definitely losing my audience here
But people actually want to see like what is your day-to-day life look like people want to know like what you do outside
Of this space and I I find content like that to be
Like that stands out more than a thread about the top five next projects like you know what i'm saying?
Um, you know that that's a very good piece of advice. I I love that style. Um, i'm gonna go to maya maya
What are your thoughts on this? Go ahead
Yeah, just to kind of emphasize what's already been said
A lot of the time like we can be in an echo chamber of like
If you haven't already built yourself during the bed, then i'm not sure how you're going to like position yourself for the bull etc
Etc, but it's so far from the truth. There is literally no like time restraint to these things
There is no being late
And I think a lot of the time people have that barrier to starting because they think oh if I start now
It's so late compared to xyz
But you just need to start because over time you're going to develop the followers the likes all of these will come
But until then like you just need to try to enjoy it
Enjoy the process of like finding your niche and like being confused about it
Not knowing what your tweet what your next tweet will look like like enjoy the unknown
Enjoy the journey and then try to enjoy the improvements that you see alongside with it
Um human connection, I think huge thing
Spend five seconds like sending a dm booking calls if you can and connecting with people
What other space can you literally find apart from web free where you go from replying with a gm tweet to sending a gm?
And then like a dm and then like jumping on call with someone. There's literally no other place
Um, and I think lastly just kind of like enjoy what you post as long as you enjoy what you output
You'll eventually end up finding the right people who enjoy your posts as the input
So there are literally a million users on x and not everyone is going to like your content you post and that is completely okay
It's completely fine
So as long as you enjoy what you're bringing out as long as you find value or you you're just enjoying the process of writing it
Perfect people for today's topic. I
Ranz we got to run this back like part two or something
This is this is just nothing but value being dropped. It maya really well said
Um, i'm gonna go to eth banana and then we'll go to east and afterwards and then um
Probably asked a couple more questions, uh to the panel and then you know, we'll soon to be wrapping up soon
But eth banana, welcome to the panel. What are your your comments? Uh on the question. Go ahead. Hey
Can you guys show me well? Well
First of all, thank you so much for inviting us
Uh, I am from search five and I understand most of you guys want to hear from the apple
Which is the founder which is my brother, you know search five. Um
First of all in my personal opinions. I love this space. I agree with you
Uh, because instead of we just talking about just the coming projects or coming plans
Uh, it was a lot of valuable information
Um, most of part of it's like really amazing the value like human connection
Like that is the amazing that I am reason why i'm still in a space
Because look at me, you know, i'm helping. Um, my founder apple now
We met it as a founder and community members now. We became a brother now even we have like apples and bananas
Apple wants to just say that um
Like for the answer that question, how can creators start their journey?
Basically, he's thinking that everyone can start on an equal footing if anyone has the willing to do so
Uh it start with the sharing what you have
Especially since there is so much information in a web3 now
It is very difficult for one person to collect all the information
So therefore it is very important for many creators to disseminate the pilot information to the public
Uh, if you focus on providing contacts in the area that you are good at and continue to do so
You will be naturally became a creator
So that is that apple is thinking and just want to say that uh, I was very touchy on abeka
Uh speaking about the english was not her first language same thing with apple
Um every day he's trying and and also he is actually planning to come us
Uh this year to study english so he could have a more better relationship with people because obviously because of the language barrier
Um, it is kind of hard to get connected with people. However
I like the web3 because most of you guys actually understanding
The difference, you know because in real life it is so hard because i'm based on us
And I I deal with people like so many so many different type of people every day because of my job
However, still they don't really kind of understanding the language barrier or cultural difference
But web3 is different they kind of understanding that like oh, okay because we might be have a misunderstanding
Because of the cultural difference all because of the language barrier because that stupid google translate sometimes
Translate totally different meaning even though they try to say a all of a sudden the translator
Translated to a and b which is totally delivered the different meaning
So but good thing is the human connection like me, you know, i'm voluntarily helping
Uh apple and all of a sudden became a cmo in a search five. Um, once again, like I love it
And like it's glad that i'm still in an early stage
And then i'm always thinking that web3 futures and things are very bright it
Because like people you guys hear and always share the information and try to build so once again
Just want to share the apple thought on the questions and once again, thank you so much for inviting me as a speaker
Oh, dude, I love the concept of apple and bananas. That's
Dude, it's actually really that's creative right that's creative right there. Um
And you also bring up a great point. I mean
You know when I look at web3
It's the first time where I don't think about where is this person coming from like all I really care about is
Is this person behind the pfp?
A genuine person like can can I tell this person is actually being him or herself, you know, so
Um, yeah, it's it's really crazy how we just operate in this space, but i'm gonna go to easton
Right, and then we'll pivot from there eason. What are your thoughts on this man? Welcome to the panel first. What up boss?
I hope you're doing well, man. I love this conversation. Thank you for having it
Um and to kind of go off of what you and sell said I think
When you're starting off, I think it's very important to brand yourself as the human first
Also talk about, you know your niche or your specialties
But like you guys said people want to know you people want to know the creator behind
Um the content and I think sharing the simple and basic things about your life
Is what provides people value if that's what you're eating if that's what workouts you're doing
If that's you know, like what type of car you have and how you fix it like the really really boring stuff
That even myself are like, oh, no one's gonna care about this. They care about those that stuff more
then they care about the
Like flashy things. Um, so I think that's a starter and I think
A way to really get into that
And especially the content that i've been kind of gravitating toward is the documentation style content
So if i'm eating something if i'm doing my push-ups just showing my life and how I do things
I still do
Like the scripted content, but I think the documentation style content is very
Like simple to get into
Um, because you just you know, you're like showing your life and what you're doing
um, and then to kind of play off what what uh
Someone else said about views and not caring about followers when I started to
You know make that content about documentation and not care about views and care about impacting other humans
I started to get messages about how i'm changing people's lives and how i'm
Impacting them and how i'm you know
Like helping someone get off Adderall and like just crazy things as soon as I started to document just even
Like my push-ups alone. I started to get dms that I never got before ever talking about crypto or web3 or anything like that
That last point you just made about impacting people's lives
I think that is the most like that should be the the goal for anyone. Honestly, like
Just being being able to kind of just change people's mindset around one concept or you know
Inspiring the next person just to get up and and try something different. I think that's super powerful in this space, you know
So easton really well said um to my panel, right? We have about 10 minutes left
I got one more question for everyone and then I want to get some some last-minute alpha from rans regarding crayon
And what to be looking forward to right?
And so the question that I have here and I think this is something I wanted to cover today
Is how does how do you guys overcome creativity block, right? I feel like this is something that we all eventually face as creators
Um, and we all have different routes and different ways that we kind of detox ourselves
Um from from creativity, I feel like it's kind of like a car
You know, eventually you run out of fuel and you got to stop by for gas and you just got to load up again
You know, but rans i'm gonna go to you as always first and then to anyone who wants to chime in
Um, if we can keep the takes like a minute, maybe two minutes max, that'd be perfect. Um, but no everyone's take so far has been
Bangers, and I want to say thank you
Uh to everyone who's been contributing but rans i'll go to you first and then maylissa i'll go to you afterwards and then we'll go from there
Rans, how does one overcome creativity block?
All right. Um on my end, uh, I overcome creativity block by
I guess by consuming other content and getting inspired from uh
Other content creators too because uh, sometimes our mind needs to consume more to be able to think more
I can't inspire others if uh, I can't be inspired in the first place. So yeah, there's that
Damn that last dude, I need to quote that
In a tweet or something. That's that that was far. Let me let me pass it to me a little similar
So what are your thoughts on just how does one overcome creativity? Yeah, yeah, yeah
I couldn't set that better myself. Um, i'd love everyone's take on their topic, by the way
I'm excited to hear what everyone has um in terms of their opinion on how to overcome creativity block. Um
For me, I think that even the most successful people in life still want to learn from other people and do better every single day. So
Um experiencing something new or brainstorming new ideas and being really just open-minded in general could really spark that creativity
And awaken that energy and creating again, and you know, everyone is different every person is different. Um
What might spark your creativity might be, you know
Reading a book or watching tv or just hanging out with friends. Um, just basic everyday lifestyle
Things could get rid of that creativity block. Um, I find it very interesting that when ziana pointed out
Find people who give you helpful advice and criticism and people who will actually help you out. So
Don't be afraid of that. Don't be afraid of getting um criticized
Don't be afraid of taking advice from people and also
I guess watch out for what you absorb in general as well. Um, don't be afraid of change
Don't be afraid of um taking a different route in general
So I think that's all of that it's there's a lot to take in into being a content creator
Like I said before it's not just you know uploading it or updating into the world
um, there's a lot of creativity process behind it and
I think every content creator is very different from each other and um
Yeah, i'm excited to hear what everybody else has to say about this and how they experience or how they overcome creativity block
But for me, I think you know experiencing something new. Um connecting with other people
Is a way for me to overcome my creativity block. So yeah
Absolutely. Love that. I mean, yeah, let's hear from other people i'm gonna switch up the order
I'm gonna go to easton first and then i'm gonna go to ziana afterwards easton. What are your thoughts on just overcoming creativity?
Creativity block. Yes. I think for me
whenever i'm
Struggling with a video idea or just anything. Um, especially in the video
Like content creation realm. I always
Fall back on the documentation type of content. So i'm like, okay
I don't really have, you know, a good video idea about you know, like educating people on fasting or like whatever it might be
But I know I can film me doing like making my tea or doing my push-ups or so
I know I always have content in the back that I don't really have to think about I don't really have to add
any creative
Sauce to it, but I know it's good content that provides people value and
You know at least i'm staying consistent
So, you know, I always lean back on that documentation and then you know
Like once I feel motivated or inspired to make like a more scripted video, then i'll kind of go back to that. Um
Dude document your journey. That's what I will say, right?
Um, I want to welcome Cas Vegas to the stage as well
And I also want to welcome the homie David 10x
Um two friends of mine that I again all these people that i'm bringing up guys. I've heard them on spaces
I love hearing them speak on spaces. So this is why you're seeing them now on the panel
Um, and definitely got to have a part two because this has been very very insightful
Um, i'm gonna go to ziana and then we'll go from there zee. What are your thoughts on just creativity block?
Yeah, so first off I love what ram said
Um, I I definitely believe that but i'm actually gonna kind of say something that's slightly opposite because I have tried the root of
Just consuming more content to hopefully be inspired. I actually
Struggled when I attempted that because imposter syndrome hit and I went into this weird cycle where I was like, oh my gosh
Like i'm i'm actually not going to be as good as this right or i'm not even doing enough and sometimes that can kind of put you
Um in a corner where you get nervous
so I think actually detaching yourself and
Doing things that you love and kind of remembering that the space isn't the end all be all for you
So whether that be fighting a hobby outside of the space to kind of get those creative juices going
I would even say taking care of your health with which is something that i've also neglected in the past
So that doesn't necessarily mean hitting the gym five six times a week two three hours a day
Um, that could mean going for a walk, right?
Spending some time with some family spending some time with some friends if any of you have friends anymore outside of the space
I recommend it. Um
Going to do something right uh going through a museum going to see a movie
Um going to see a musical whatever it is
I would say, you know pull yourself out of this space because this can be um extremely overwhelming
So and I think you can tap into so much creativity outside of outside of the space
And that can just kind of re-energize you in a way
Um that then you can pour that back into it. So I that's something that i've actually personally done and it's helped me
Um so much
So yeah, that that's my advice
Oh my gosh z that resonates so hard with me because
As a space host like during the weekdays like i'll average around three to five spaces a day and like
I don't know it it feels like i'm socializing
But then like when you're just glued to the screen doing like these spaces all day. I need like that physical
Social like like social aspect, you know, so I do need to like go out
I need to see friends irl because man I
It's it's just one thing to be talking to people on I guess on a digital landscape, right versus physical
So that's that's very real. Um, i'm gonna hear from sal and then I want to hear from cass and david afterwards
Um salamander, what are your thoughts on just creativity blog?
Yeah, ziana actually just killed it with that one
Stop what you're doing
Go for a walk and don't think about or maybe you could think about it
But something what I like to do is like I like to actually write down where I left off. So
If i'm creating I remember when I was kind of creating more content about community management. Thank you very much
About community management i'd be like damn
I'm just gonna write this down on a piece of paper
I'm gonna go for a walk and just not think about it and sometimes like i'll be at the gym on the treadmill
Just walking and i'll be like, oh my god, that's gonna cook
So i'll just if if this is a piece of advice for everybody here whip out your phone
Put like a pretend you're gonna post and then just save it as a draft
Like some I like to actually just do that a bunch of times per week if I feel like it like it's not forced
but if it feels organic you just feel
Um better about doing things and you know, I like to actually there was a video I watched on youtube
And it says the most creative it was talking about creative writers and most creative writers actually don't write often
They actually just think more so, you know record your voice too. I think that's uh
A lot simpler than just continuing to type on the computer
My gosh my panel today, I think on weekends you guys give better takes on the week than the weekdays guys
Except some of us haven't had coffee
Dude the the weekend spaces just hit different bro, my goodness
Um, i'm gonna go to cast here
This has been amazing. I'm gonna go to cast and then go to david cast your thoughts on creativity block. Go ahead
No, I love everyone's take very uh synergistic there
I think for me to I like to change some of the vocabulary because
Starting off with the word block. It kind of has a negative connotation
So I I don't really say I have like creativity block
Like i'll take a a break or i'll pause
But I also don't want to necessarily fill it with another creativity
Sometimes we just literally need rest like it takes a lot of brain power to actually be creative, right?
That's how you get resourceful people
That's how you get like totally different thought processes and perspectives
and so sometimes I don't want to consume something but rather just rest and recuperate
And not try to force anything. So yeah, but also not taking into account that word block and just pausing
And circling back. So if it doesn't flow I don't want to add something else in I just want to pause rest
Do something very different
And then yeah not take it on with the word block
That's kind of my thought because that kind of sets you up right of like oh man
I'm stuck
You know or i'm doing something wrong or I didn't do enough of something
Versus just actually just taking time to rest and then circling back
Sorry, I had to take a little quick sip of water there
Thank you. Take your rest. Thank you Cass. Wait, first of all
I am the one rugging again and like Cass was going in and out for me
So I I feel like I missed a lot of what Cass said right now
And i'm honestly kind of sad about it. Um
Cass if you want feel free to just drop off from the stage and I would love to bring you back up instantly
Um, that being said guys i'm gonna go to David here
I I told rans man
We got to run this back like part two or something in the near future because I I really really enjoyed today's date
Um, but David, uh, you were essentially gonna be our last take for today and then want to get some last words
Um, so last minute alpha from rans himself. So David, please go ahead
I appreciate that. Hope everybody's having a good weekend
I tuned in kind of late like I love content creation and and these kind of spaces
Like I really hope you guys do run it back and do it again
I'm gonna i'm gonna add a little bit of a d gen twist to all of the inspirational things all of these
Lovely ladies were saying. Um, i've got a lot of friends over here in miami who make music, you know
Like everybody in miami's a rapper just like everybody on twitter is an expert
But um, you know goes along the lines of if you need some inspiration like hey, we all say go touch some grass
Um in this context, it means something a little bit different
Not gonna say it out here blatantly on spaces because I am trying to be more uh professional in my uh personal content creation
But yeah touch some grass and uh touch something else that rhymes with grass
You know again, this is the professional opinion of the expert content creation of musicians out here in miami
But you know on a serious note and i'm pretty sure someone must have mentioned it in this spaces
But a lot of these ai programs like there's so much of the technology that is really getting better
You can literally have conversations with some of these programs and say hey not this
I want it to rhyme with this. I want it to have this kind of vibe
And you know, you can bring certain things out that you know
You might not really have thought of before but other than that bro
Like get inspiration from twitter spaces and discord like use the full web3 utility community to the max
But yeah, like first part and again, uh professional opinions from the experts out here in miami
For me was the take about touch something else that rhymes with grass
I was like, I love that. I love that. Um, david. You're such a chad bro. Thank you for coming up
Um, and again, I want to remind people
Amazing amazing panels
These are all people that I speak and and just share the stage with on a weekly basis with spaces, you know
But hey that being said man, I want to get some last bit alpha
Some last minute announcement regarding crayon and what can we be looking forward to and then guys, um, we will be running back soon
I think just based off feedback and I guess
What we're seeing in today's space?
I think a lot of you guys have so much to share and I want to make sure that we're providing
Um the spaces we're providing this the stage for you guys to come up and and to just share more insight regarding
Creation and just being a content creator, you know, but rans. Um, i'll close it off with you, man
Is just what lies ahead for crayon in terms of creative releases?
We'd love to hear the alpha there man. Go ahead
Yeah, so um crayon as its name comes from creation we create creations
Um, what i'm trying to say is uh, we wish not to create a brand alone
But uh produce a list of um comics streetwear brand and ip to grow
Dance competitions and many more coming soon. Although this may seem a lot. We simply want to
Create a community where everyone is a close knit
Everyone can express who they are in crayon and uh, this creates a community of um creators
Man, dude, right now that spaces enabled video
I wonder if we can do like some online dance competitions. That would be crazy on spaces. That would be super unique
Appreciate that. Let me toss this over to melissa real quick and then we'll go to sal afterwards. Um, melissa go ahead
Yeah, basically rants just listed pretty much everything or the exciting stuff that's um going to be released for crayon
There are a lot of things to really watch out for in the future and a lot of creative content that will hopefully inspire a lot of people
Even just with this panel like I see the diversity of the people different interests different hobbies different ways to cope with things
Um, so we have something coming up for basically everybody whether you love to read participate in events
Like you said bossa you're excited to see some dance battle stuff uh dance competitions dance events. So, um
We have uh
Events that you guys can participate in. Um, and if you love watching dance competitions or battles, like I said or even love dancing yourself
I know ziana
You said that you sometimes or someone one of the speakers here
um go to toronto and dance themselves used to dance and
Um, and if you love interacting in a community, you know
Basically that uplifts each other crayon is the place to be
Alpha alpha alpha appreciate that. Let me go to sal real quick and then we'll look to close up here. Sal go ahead
Yes, i'm gonna make this real quick rans. I'm not sure if you're going to nftnyc, but we're hosting an event for
Not nftnyc. So it's just a different speaker panel with a bunch of people
Um, they're always looking for people to actually entertain
So if you got a group of like people that are in in the community that are dancers or anything
Um, hit me up. That'd be super dope to have you guys there
Yeah, yeah for sure
You gotta see it. We gotta see the we gotta see the rans pop out man
Melissa I see you have your hand raised behind the account. Did you want to add something real quick?
Yeah, yeah in terms of you know, uh our creative releases in the future one
Coming up tomorrow actually, um
Something very excited something that we've been planning for so long and it has to do with dance. So
um and as well as
With a couple of known brands, so it's something to really watch out for it's going to be awesome
Whoo guys, this is why I say make sure you're following the project account. So you stay up to date with what's going on
Um, look we have officially reached the official wrap-up of today's space
I can't say this more than enough to my panelists today
Thank you guys for every single one of you who came up
Drop some insight drop some gems because I know for a fact
That if I was down there in the audience and i'm listening and i'm an upcoming creator and I want to get into
Content creation this space was the perfect space to get all the alpha all the
Foundational tips on how to get started, you know, so thank you cast. Thank you z thank you zow
Thank you becca easton maya david hunters, uh banana all of you guys who came into this space
It really means a lot to me and everyone down there in the audience, man
You guys have literally i've noticed some faces man who've just been sitting and staying here for the past hour
So the fact that you chose this space to be at on your saturday evening on your saturday morning
Whatever it is. It is, uh for you. I really do appreciate that on my behalf and on the behalf of the team as well
Um, but yes guys stay up to date with crayon by following the accounts
Um, there's gonna be so much more events coming and more spaces that will be coming soon
And yeah guys i'm gonna throw this for you guys up on the stage today
It has been yet a phenomenal space guys it is again the weekend
So make sure you are touching grass touching something else but grass, right?
But that's all jokes aside. Thank you all for being here and we will see you guys in the next space. Peace