Creators of web3: VansCmkro

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 0:49:10



And I've been the crack of dawn Oh my money worries wherever I do come along Worry's a bully that just won't let me be Trying to keep me busy, tussling in strife
I'm sure of where I'm bound so I sink another round. Let's see both for pain and there's no one for to blame.
I refused to accept that my work is all in vain. What reasonable aid and just more than me trying to keep me busy, just leaving me struggling.
♪ Still always remembering ♪ ♪ When the cold you get ♪ ♪ Stop, not to leave me alone ♪ ♪ But we won't assume enough ♪ ♪ Still always remembering ♪ ♪ When the cold you get ♪ ♪ Stop, not to leave me alone ♪
♪ So worry, so bully, that just won't let me be ♪ ♪ Trying to keep me busy, struggling and struggling ♪ ♪ No hopes in the fire, being the ashes and the lies ♪
I'm sure I'm aware I'm supposed to listen to another round Let's see if over the pain And there's no one more to play I'm used to accept that my work is all in pain
♪ Where we were, and soon enough ♪ ♪ Still always been by frame ♪ ♪ When the pain gets dark ♪ ♪ And the late forever love ♪ ♪ Where we were, and soon enough ♪ (upbeat music)
Hello, everybody. Happy
Thursday. Thanks for joining us today. I'm Sandra. That was for the Twitter space today. I'm also the community manager for Charmverse. And for those of you not familiar, Charmverse is a Web 3 community platform for managing members, coordinating tasks, facilitating decisions, and holding each other accountable.
to our guest today. Today we are joined by Vanessa Camacaro. I hope I said that right. A.K.A. Vans. And Vans is a digital AI artist, AI engineer student, photographer, web 3 event planner and curator, mental health leader. Really, she does it all. So, let's welcome her. Hey Vans, how are you?
Hello Sandra, thank you so much for the warm welcome and thank you so much for inviting me here. It has been a pleasure to actually get into meet you and an FTN White Sea. So it's wonderful how now we get a chance to connect.
then know more about each other. So again, thank you so much for being by and everyone. Hello, happy Thursday. Happy? Thank you for being here. Thanks everyone for joining us. As Van said, well, first of all, Van said, I say your last name right.
You did, you did so thank you so much. I just want to check so I don't butcher someone's name. But yeah listeners so Vans and I met at NFT NYC we happen to be walking into a women's event together and just struck up a conversation and
Here we are today. So let's see. Vans, I'm excited to share what you're doing. Talk about your creative process, your experience as an artist in Web 3, really all of it. So just a little bit about you, you are obviously an active member.
in the NFT community. This was a parent. I met bands. We kind of separated at this event and then we reconnected and she had a crew of people that came out to kind of gather and network and hang out that she introduced me to. So that was lovely.
You've sold over 200 NFTs and you've invested 50% of the profits back into emerging artists projects and that's amazing. So is this money mostly going into the Web 3 artist world or are you first seeing it all over the place?
I would like to say yes, I have invested more than 50% of my profits into emerging artists, mostly in the polygon community, also in 3D environments and as a format of birth galleries, I and New Sutra are well known
I also have donated 20% to mental health organizations like NAMI and maps from my first collection and my goal is to keep investing everything that I do back to the community and projects that I do.
to as you mentioned earlier, I am the founder of the woman in Tech Museum and also I am part of the creative owls team and our plan is to pose a metaverse event and hopefully one day physical so I guess you know we need to guess
started with fund ins in order to have this immense goal and create opportunities for the community. Absolutely. And I do want to dive into all of that. Like I said, you're involved in so many things. But I want to get into primarily your AI art.
You have, you're an AI artist primarily as far as I understand, but you also have some photography NFTs. Is photography where your love of art started or did you have other traditional mediums that you worked in previously?
Well, my love for arts started at a young age since middle school. I was enrolled like a magnet program like art band chorus. I was like soprano and I played the trumpet, trombone. I also painted it to lead and acrylic and oil.
Later on my nother photography developed I had the opportunity to open my own photography studio and South Florida So I want to say that I kind of always been creating but I did had to take kind of a path of my creative life
I became a mom, I am a mom of two young boys at one year old and a three year old. So I don't have that extra time that I did before, you know, to kind of all pain critically or how I used to. So now I am trying to find ways for me to
still create it and get to photography or even digitally. And AI has opened that window for me and that's why I'm mostly using that medium. But I am trying to blend all my mediums into one and then happen as slowly.
Wow, so you are just really a creative person from the beginning. You've just been in that world creating and one way or another from music to art creating.
That's very impressive. I am not one of those people, so I very much admire those people with that creative talent.
How would you describe the style of a lot of your AI NFTs? Listeners, I'm going to let you know where you can find these later, but they're really beautiful. They're really beautiful, colorful, and a lot of different styles in there, but how would you describe it?
All right, thank you so much for that and I'm sorry about if you hear like kids music some kids in the background I am trying to Yeah, I want to say that my main style
across my mediums is mainly focus on portrait nature, abstract and psychedelic and like you said yes you do see a lot of colors but if you take a look across my collections you get to see a lot of portraits because
because that's a way how I kind of try to blend like you know photography and everything that I do. Most recently I started experimenting with AI fashion. So I am like now not only like thinking like you know how will my model
look, but now I'm thinking of also like their outfit as well. And I am currently participating in AI Fashion Week because of this new opportunity that I started playing with.
amazing. I don't know how you have all the time to do this. Like you said, as a mother of two, especially of young ones, hopefully as they get older, you'll get some of that time back. But that's amazing. So New York Fashion Week, that's
>> Is that what you said? New York Fashion Week? >> Yes, AI New York Fashion Week. >> So cool. So cool. So I am first I want to ask you, we do have someone requesting to speak and guessing they have a question for you.
Are you willing to take questions today? Yes, of course. I am willing. Okay. Laudla, I don't know if I'm saying that correctly, but I'm going to invite you up to speak so you can ask a question and then we'll continue.
We'll continue moving on.
Hold on one second. Okay, La-La. You are connected. Come on up and ask your question.
Vanessa, can you hear them? No, I can. So let's give it a few minutes off. A few minutes. A lot of life you want to chime in, but I'm going to move on with the question. Okay. So how did you land in Web 3? Was it NFTs that brought you into the space?
Okay, so I want to say like after taking a break from my real life job and having a background like and stocks that left me until I create the currency and then that led me into this core and NFTs
And yes, where you can say that I came through being an investor, but I also learned so much about NFTs and I met other artists that just helped me get them awarded within that FD community.
But you were an investor in the space as well. And that's what brought you in initially? Yes, that's what brought me initially. I wanted to do something like that a little bit at that extra time, my home, I was trying to find things that I could learn from or
Maybe like you know, even if best so cryptocurrency was one that made into a web 3 Very cool. All right good to know that I assumed I assumed it was the artwork but fantastic So I'm curious about your experience as an artist transitioning from web 2 to web 3 was it?
a steep learning curve? Is it like a different type of people you're working with? What was that transition like? I mean I assume you're still doing web 2 stuff and in real life stuff but how was it as an artist moving into web 3? Well it has been a really smooth transition I feel like
I've been learning every day, I've been like inspired by the people that I am surrounded. I am a fast learner, so it was like an AC, I guess, all process for me to get them bored. And to this community, I honestly think that I
have more opportunities on Web 3, currently because of the things that I do. And if I decide to go back to Web 2, now I can take all the skills that I have learned so far from others, creators, from other artists, and even like, you know, home my own, I can take
the bag to web too and I think I can be very suspenseful on that field. Yes, absolutely. It's just hold on one moment, Mohamed. That's great. I mean really the more the more avenues you can take to get your work out there the better I would assume. So not close
closing off the IRL world or the Web 2 world, but just adding to it and getting your work more out there. And more, we'll talk about it later, but being able to monetize that work in a different way too. All right, Mohammed, I think it's Mohammed. I can only see the beginning of your name, but step on up and ask your question.
The homin' are you there? You're muted currently.
All right, well, moving on, I guess. So how about as an artist in Web 3, what are some of the benefits and some of the challenges that you have experienced?
fans, can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you. I'm sorry, I was trying to hear myself. So I will say, some of the benefits that, of course, Web 3 Brain is the centralization, Web 3 allows artists to bypass gallery use agents, publishers,
And they are able to just have direct connection with the audience that gives them control over their activity output and also their financial gains. And I feel that it also gives you more opportunity to be selected and be
to and physical showcases because like you know we have three moves so fast but it's so new that a lot of people are always creating new opportunities and because we don't have the middleman I feel like artists have more opportunities just for that to to their audience and also like artists
are able to sell their artwork as NFT. We have to go through centralized marketplace or to houses. Another benefit is that artists are able to gain royalties. This has been
That's very beneficial. After you sell your artwork, you can also make sales on secondary like Marka places. It also like, well, Web 3 offers great transparency in the art market because all transactions are like reporter on
the blockchains and you can kind of prevent fraud when it comes to artwork. This is some of the benefits that I see but the biggest benefits that I see for myself has been able to connect and collaborate with others. And tellages.
It's like, you know, it is technical like technology so it does require for you to have more times or like for you to have more skills. So like, you know, that technology and educational content is still like a challenge and like the market being like so rapidly like changing also can be a challenge.
challenge because when you're an artist, you want to figure out what price you want to put your artwork, but it's hard for you to predict how the market will look and the downroin. It's very uncertain and still the legal rules are going to come down on the future.
Thanks for sharing that because I'm sure we have artists here today. They're, you know, looking to expand their community, get their work out there. And I think you made a good point about some of the benefits, you know, you, in Web 3, you have a lot of control over your work and you can monetize
it how you see fit. Also eliminating or maybe not eliminating but less fraud and also just yeah the opportunities connect with other artists and people that share similar values from all around the world that
maybe you never would have found before. So that's pretty amazing. I could see the tech part of it being challenging for sure because you know not everyone I when I first came into Web 3 I was not all that tech savvy still
not really claiming to be, but it can be daunting and I think maybe steer some artists away. Mohammed are you with us? I see you kind of coming in and out. Did you want to ask your question?
No? Okay. So speaking of like in real life and do you still display your work?
out in the world do I know you go to conferences I just saw you um conferences galleries in your local area and beyond are you still getting your work out there in that way
Actually, I am. I feel like since I joined the Disk Community and the Empire of the Polygon Showcase host the Bycreator Owls in St. Shell like December 2021 has been non-stop. I've been showcasing over like 10 metaverse galleries also in physical events like
cakes and booths are shown in the dark colorado at the super ship gallery and a lake when you sutra also at Miami Arbasso with the submarine she's also here and my art is daily display in Rome with the messenger in fine art gallery and recently oh yeah
We met in New York. My artwork was showcased in Times Square and at the artist's billet and two of them pieces actually was part of the event. One was part of the community of the ticket. So that was very exciting. And like I said earlier too, I'm currently participating in the
I'm going to be in showcasing and NFT, Tajin Estonia. So I'm always excited and looking for opportunity to showcase whether it comes, you know, real world or like meta versus event. That's a very impressive
I was going to give you a shout out for the NFTNYC being up in New York Times because I would think that just feels surreal to see your artwork up on the big screen. But you're everywhere, you're everywhere and that's amazing. I love it. And you obviously have some
and fans, I'm seeing hearts and waves and claps coming around, so that's great. So we talked about in the beginning, you being a mental health leader and donating to that cause. I believe it's 20% you donated of your Genesis collection, which is entitled
and discovers AI to mental health organizations. Again, amazing. You're putting your money back into what you believe in, whether it's a merging artist or mental health. Where did this come from? When did you start doing this? And why is that such an important cause to you? Can you tell us a bit about that?
Well, I believe mental health has always been part of my life and very important since childhood. I want to say I didn't have the best childhood growing up. So when I kind of had knowledge,
Kind of like you know high school. I started taking like psychology classes and it became something that I was really passionate about it because not only I was understanding others But I was understanding what I was going through and it was kind of helping me heal and when it came to this space
I was a investor and I wanted to help a lot but it just came to a part that I was limited to help and I started hearing their stories and I saw some issues that were
going around, it was that some, you know, have mental health issues and that's where they were here, like, you know, sending their artwork because they really wanted to go to therapy or they really just wanted to have that friend, that, you know, that boy, someone, that, and the other line. And it just,
I became very passionate, not all like I said, it's been part of my life, it's been part of my healing, but I'll sense I struggle, like I always bend that person that I want to balance here, I kind of wanted to do stuff to kind of get away from, you know, the struggles I was going through, so you will see me like,
volunteering at school, volunteering at animal shelters, museums and stuff like that. So it's been kind of part of who I am growing up. And here in the web 3, it's like an opportunity to be able to help people more at a bigger scale.
So, so, oh yes, and yeah, I got a little emotional. Yeah, no, thank you for sharing that with us because I think it's really important to talk about mental health and the fact that you're giving back to the community because of your personal experiences is just
very telling about the kind of person you are. So I really appreciate you sharing that. And Web 3 can be this go go go world where you know a lot of people are working all the time. That's what they talk about right. They're never signing off. They're never doing this. But then you also have a lot of organizations that are really focused
focused on mental health and self-care and talking about that. And I think it's really important in a world where you can be working all the time. Absolutely. There's always more to learn. There's always more to do. There's always a side hustle to pick up. But I do think it's really important that we talk about that.
I do appreciate you really sharing that intimate part of yourself. Mohamed? Thank you so much. Oh yeah, no thank you. I do see Cynthia in here. She just gave some love Cynthia and I also met at that same event where I met Vans. So hi Cynthia. Mohamed, I'm giving you one more chance to speak up.
Okay, we have another request from I-I-A. I might be saying that completely wrong. I'm bringing them up on stage.
I'll give it a minute. I, uh, are you there? Do you want to come up and ask a question?
I don't know what is going on with everyone trying to speak and not speaking up. So let's talk about the you being the founder of the Women in Tech Museum. Tell us more about this project. I did check it out. It's on There's a gallery there that I went into and checked out. It's really cool.
Tell us about this project. Of course, I want to kind of get started with the background history of the woman in Technician. If first I'll start it with that my first gallery I guess showcasing in the meta-birds with creative owls. I was really inspired.
and you know, it just blew my mind, the things that you were able to do in the metaverse and not only that, like I really connected with the project that he had and it offered like a lot of educational tools and not only that but
like mentorship to me. So, while being in the WebTreat community, I noticed that in my community there was not a lot of ladies around. So, and so one day I just kind of like, you know, ended up in a little group of ladies and, you know, I
I recently attended the Polygon Showcase and I kind of offered, "Hey, there's a cool middle-verse platform where we can make our own events, we can hang out and we can get to know each other." And I reached out to Creative Owls to ask if he can kind of help us put something
together. So he became the woman in tag like last year, the first event that we had. He was our architect and it was possible for us to host our first event and where we had showcased 53 female artists and we have an all-day event where we had life interviews out given
wait and it was a great opportunity for to connect. I'm sorry like I might have to take like five seconds here. You can do that. I just appreciate you being here today. Yeah, listen, so you can
go in there and the women in tech museum you can wander through the gallery and check it out. There's also a mom's talk crypto gallery in that space too which you should also check that out and when Vance comes back I want to learn more about creative owls because I am not familiar with that.
Vans are you back?
All right. Do we have any? I, are you here? Did you want to ask a question?
Okay, I think if I may continue, I was like, I'll love that creative hours gave us an environment for us to be able to put a showcase.
since then we've been still connected through like 3 of the ends through this core like we've missed so many wonderful and talented ladies some of them you met they've had 10 NFD and YC so this year we were able to host our second
and you've been, but since we've been connecting for over a year, what's next for us? How can we grow together? How can we remain like, you know, hosting, supporting each other? So the idea of the woman in tech museum was born and now that how
I joined the trade of owls like a team. Not only that, you know, the woman in tech seems going to be supporting women, but it's also going to be like focus and mental health showcases and showcases for the community as well.
Yeah, I was just telling people about that they can go wander through the gallery. I did. I think that's really cool. Obviously we need way more women in tech in general in Web 3. So I love that, you know, at that
women's event, I met a great group of female artists who, if the rest of you are here other than Cynthia too, I will be in touch because I still want to connect with all of you and talk charmverse and helping you build and engage your communities.
If you're here, don't worry. I was on vacation last week. I'll be reaching out. But I love that you're doing that and that you're really encouraging more women in this space and connecting with them. Another gallery you have, I mentioned when you stepped away was Mom's top crypto, right?
Yes, that is Monsok crypto. So you can ask me about me as Ben's and Monsok crypto. So ideally that that was to be a museum for the community. And if you go there, I do have to like upgrade it because there's been so many changes. The goal was to showcase like all the art
work I collected from the community. I'll highlight them. So it was like a place for collectors. I did make like a business plan for the future for this museum, but now like I'm transferring over to the woman and technician and hopefully we can merge
you know, everything that I had originally from Momsok rib 2 now to the woman and tech museum because we've been having like, red disability and I feel like we've been already like, established and we already helped like, you know, that realm map for the woman and tech museum. So you'll be merging those two to really be the women and tech.
Okay. Tell us a little bit about Creative Owls because I'm not familiar and it sounds like pretty cool and you're involved. So if you want to give that a shout out, I'd love to learn a little bit about it.
Alright, so creative owls is asked actually down here. He's a metaverse. What can you say? It's a luminary metaverse holds educational, like he holds like educational content and also like he, like I was mentioning earlier.
earlier he has collection that only like you know offers a lot of utilities for the community like the greatest community, the greatest utility that I was able to get from him was like you know that education or for the mentorship like that
be enabled to inspire. So I want to say that the creative owls is five my creative owls. He's here and the audience also know as Eric, his real life superhero as well. It doesn't mean things as
He is about two hosts, we are about two hosts, like the six polygon show case, and I want to say that he has been a bit in slow-motion with the polygon community and with the Web 3 community as well, like he has helped me and
many other artists you know get started. I show peace and in the metaverse get the disability out there. So yeah everybody should just go check out my creative owls. He's here in the audience or check out creative where you can learn.
You know so much from him. He's making history and special. That's what I can say in the middle of our sun. We're amazing. Well shout out to my creative owls and Eric. Thanks for joining and tuning in today. And thanks for telling us about that because again, I really want people to have
more connections in the art world for Web 3 and be able to learn. We need more of the artists and being able to really reap the benefits of what the space can offer. So it's a lot of what this space is about. So what makes you most excited about NFTs?
Well, what makes me more excited about NFT is being able to create and naturally have your artwork out there, you know, all the opportunities that NFTs are able to offer, just like, you know, another medium work artist can have.
more distributed to the artwork where you can sell, where you can also make connections. I am here super excited just to come back, be on the daily seat, how everything is changing. I'm excited about
learning about technology, community, and also helping others. I love it. I love it. All right, I'm going to try the speakers thing again. Aya, are you there? And do you want to ask a question?
Okay, how about I am?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, all right, we have one. All right, ask your question to Vans. Yeah, I joined late so did I miss something important? We're just talking about Vans who is an
AI artist in Web 3 and just the experience of being an artist creation process and outlets and stuff like that. So if you have a question specifically for Vans about being an artist in Web 3. No, not specifically in Web 3.
We're going to continue with the interview though. Angela, do you have, oh, I had one other, but okay. Hold on, I'm just going to remove speakers. Okay. All right. So I love that. So there's obviously more opportunities for artists. You mentioned monetizing
your content. So I kind of wanted to get to that as well. Advice for artists making their way in this space, first of all, and what you believe to be the best way to monetize their work. And if you do have suggestions on pricing, you mentioned this is a lot in one place.
How about best way to monetize their work as an artist in Web 3? And how did you navigate also the pricing issue that or how are you navigating? Because I'm sure it's a constant battle. The pricing issue you talked about kind of not knowing exactly where to price stuff.
All right, so I do want to say like some ways the artist can monetize their work in Web 3 is like first of all like you know the first one is by creating NFTs your Aval, so to host the band you can provide education or exclusive content also you can offer your Web 2
services, collaborate and collaborating with others like artists. I feel like you know it is a lot of opportunities here. It's like you have the opportunity to even like you know get started like I'll become an entrepreneur like open your own you know brand open your own business here so it is a lot of way off to my
on the ties, I feel that you have to be patient and just to keep in mind that when you first get in and start of anything, when it's like business, it can take up to maybe up to 10 years. So the key I feel that is to keep showing up, to be here present, to naggy bob, the
compare yourself to others, try to connect with what's best for you. And to get yourself out there as an artist, you can use social media platforms to join communities like Twitter, you have Discord if you want to join the controversy, you have like space show, you have
on cyber and many others as well. Additionally, you can participate in our exhibitions, options, events which can help you gain more audience and gain exposure.
And just keep in mind that the Web 3 is always like moving really fast. And sometimes it can be a challenge for you to keep up with the latest trends of technology. But however, by staying curious and experimenting with new tools and platforms and being open to collaborate, we others can really help you strive in this space.
I've found that people have been really helpful in like you're saying, helping you thrive, answering questions. When I first entered the space, I was pretty clueless and intimidated and overwhelmed and I met a lot of great people that were so
generous with their time and their knowledge to really help me further myself in this space. And do you feel like you had the same when you moved into this space? I mean, obviously you had Eric of my creative owls. Did you have a similar experience?
I want to say I had a similar experience like you know from the beginning I was open to learn I was open to collaborate I was open to continuously show up to those spaces that really like you know gave me that education of value so yes I feel like when I give like you know I just
I can't share like my personal experience that I went through and the space and not only like creative hours but just like having a community like that I can read I'm on specifically like polygon alliance that just supported me like you know and maybe feel welcome to always come
back and create and those artists that I've been able to collaborate and not only now you know I can call them family I can call them friends. I love that. Eric from Creative Owls, it just joined us as a speaker. Eric did you want to step up and say something? Yeah my mic's working.
So I just want to say hello to everybody. I think from out from this space, you know, bands is a superstar, what she's been doing, the way she's been creating. And as like a friend, as like a business entrepreneur, I think watching her grow every single month and her milestones. And I feel like I'm a part of the journey.
me. So it's been a really fun watching her grow and supporting her in what she does. But I have a quick question for her. So Vans, you work with a lot of women and not women, but also people from all over the world. Can you explain some of the experiences or
Some of the fun, you know, that fun, but some of the challenges that you face by like working with so many people because you know everybody is like on their own map and people, you know, are, you know, from all of the world and like, how do you get everybody together to be a part of like your events? Of course, thank you so much, Aval's for taking time being here.
I think I'm making questions. I want to say first of all, I've been kind of blessed of like, you know, attracting, you know, those, those women's and creators that I kind of have division. Also, they kind of been slowly just coming to me. And only that, like, it's been a pleasure that, you know, those
ladies that have been from the beginning like supporting and part of the woman and talk woman and text showcase they've been able to spread the words been able to like help me on more others I think like the only challenge that's been like you know mostly when host an event is like the times on difference right you will have to
like trying to make any band that is kind of like around like you know others you want to like be able to include like you know all the time soon so that's what when it comes kind of a challenge but I think just giving yourself like enough time to like you know start each event it's what it's what
gives you the extra time. If something goes wrong, you can kind of fix it in the background like with the woman in tag. The last showcase, I started all the way since November and the event was in March. So I was like focused trying to give this lady proper showcase that it felt so good.
organized that is professional that it was able to bring like a bit of ability so I just had like every day like I had like you know something on my list like to check out like you know I did like slowly slowly like a daily task and that's what made me successful so I
I feel like in this space that even though there's a lot of competition and people rushing around, give yourself time when you're doing projects in order for you to be able to have a good output and not bring yourself out. In case something grows around, you have that extra time to fix it.
Thank you. Great question. Thank you Eric. Thanks for jumping up here and asking and and thank you because it sounds like you've been a huge support for Vans and I'm sure other artists out there and Yeah, happy to have you here. She's been a support for me. It's
I did the other way around. I've also learned a lot from her just as much because she brought me to community members has taught me like even how to communicate with people that you know I didn't know how to and and really kind of like helped me
within my Web 3 journey. So I'm just very appreciative of what she's been able to, you know, support me on my end as well too. So it's definitely a give-and-go team, team me over here. Amazing. I love that. I love that there's a lot of shared love there and you've both been a support
system for each other. So thank you so much. I'm really glad that I could be part of this conversation between you two. That's beautiful. I saw you trying to speak again. Before we wrap, I want to give you an opportunity to ask any questions.
Okay, last chance. So, Vans, obviously you have a great community that's ever growing. Where and how do you tend to engage your audience?
All right, so I'm mostly here like Twitter even though that I managed like maybe fight their fron accounts, you know, and just like dang dang clear like Instagram's this core I mostly like here on Twitter, so we have for the woman in tech showcase we have a Twitter
group which already eliminated the limit but we did open our or discord where you know we are more organized and like you know we have something we can share we can share our work we can share everything that we have going on so it's still like
private, but I'm hoping to work that so anyone can join as well or discord and you know I'm always like check in whether it comes off my Twitter DMs are very important to me and I always try like you know someone wants to connect with me like we can bid weather through a
Google meeting or we can meet through like in the metaverse as well and I think like she was trying to come because she's pretty currently part of the woman and pack Museum we are celebrating Mother's Day the whole month so she's part of our Mother's Day
So probably she wanted us to highlight on that. How well that's nice. I wish I wish we had heard from them. Well, I don't want to keep you too long because I know those kiddos need you. But can you share what's next for you and things maybe we should keep an eye out for?
Yes, thank you so much. So actually tomorrow is the last date to bowl for me for AI Fashion Week. If you connect with my designs, you know, you can give me that vote. And if I get selected on the 3 top top, I'm able to
basically work with Bog magazine and revolt and bring those outfits to life. So that's a really exciting opportunity also next week. More on it's going to be an NFT tagging in Estonia, another opportunity and I'm just looking forward
to graduate, I'm sitting to become an AI engineer. So I still have two years, but I started when I started my journey here and just looking forward to host more events within the woman in the tech museum.
I'm looking forward to making a 25th and 26th for the polygon showcase. It's going to be the number 6 showcase. I've been part of all of them just to see what this year could bring.
in I've been part so far of a lot of interviews so just keep in mind of our upcoming months to learn more about me working on more artwork and like I said the goal is to host more events and and the metaverse so just keep in mind
because something might be coming my way every month. And yeah, thank you so much everyone for being here. Well, thanks for sharing so much with us about being an artist in this world. Like I said, there's a lot of people I'm sure listening that want to get
started and I think you're a great example of someone that is just kind of charging into it and making it happen. I don't know how you find the time and energy to do all this between school and work and kids and all of that but it's very inspiring. Listeners please
be sure to click Vans PFP, give a follow. She's also on @MomsTopCripto on Twitter. Also make sure to give my creative owls, @mycreative owls. He is still a speaker at the top. Give him a click and give him a follow as well.
AI New York Fashion Week, go check it out, show some love, keep an eye out at the end of May for the Polygon Showcase, as well as all of the other events that Bans is looking to do. So Bans, you have been an absolute pleasure. I'm so glad to have met you in New York a few weeks ago.
And I'm so glad that you had the time to join me today. I know it's not easy with a couple kids at home, but I very much appreciate you taking the time.
Thank you so much again for this for hosting for your time for everybody tuning in for asking really good questions because you know sometimes I make here for the longest and some people my wonder you okay? Yeah, what what is she doing? You know, what is this her community?
about it so thank you just for giving me that time and getting more deep into the teen side too. So I appreciate everyone and happy Thursday if anyone wants to connect my themes are open and if you want to check out my artwork you can check out the link on my bio.
So again, thank you everyone looking forward to connect more Absolutely, you have been absolutely pressure like I said a fantastic guest. Thank you everyone for joining us today. I really appreciate it happy Thursday vans and all the other artists that I
I met at NFTNYC. I will be in touch because I would love to talk about how Charmverse might be able to help you host your community, engage your community. So we'll be in touch about that. But in the meantime, keep an eye on Vans. She's doing amazing things. All right, thanks everyone. Have a fantastic day and thanks for joining.