Crypto Memes, being an NFT artist - Rekt Radio Ep. 59 w/ BoldLeonidas!

Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 1:00:09



Yo, yo, yo, yo. What's good? Yeah, Wrecked Radio episode 59 on Twitter. X formerly known
as Twitter. You know, we're here. We made it. I made it. It feels like it's been a while
for me, even though it was just one week I missed, but you know, I missed my favorite
friends. Oh, wow. You missed quite a show, actually. I actually have taken me back to
last week. We me and I have got absolutely roasted in the comments for the show. We had
on Kyle Chasse, who in another life was clearly a David Hasselhoff impersonator. I saw my
face on him. Funny. I meet people in real life now. They just don't know what I look
like. They see all these AI swaps. Like I forgot what you look like. But I was Kyle
Chase last week. It felt good to be booked. I'm getting a little too fat. I need to work
out a little bit like Kyle. He looked like he looked like Giga Chad. Basically, yeah,
he was a United's does in that picture right there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you just got
to work with it, you know, a better avatar. I should have just been chased for this one.
The one the one that was Kevin James last year that that one that one crossed you
I think for a little bit. Kevin James. I don't know. Anyway, let's get into the sponsor
here. Oh, it's happy. Why don't you tell everybody? Yeah. Hey, guys. As you know,
we are sponsored by by Rollbit 59 episodes running now. They say nothing in spaces is
working. Not again. Again. Well, I don't know spaces. I see. I think it is working. I mean,
that's not chess and chess. Oh, it's working. I just Yeah, can you can you if you listen
to space can you give like a thumbs up? If you may be a we had we've had issues in spaces
before. But do you think something is definitely playing? Yeah, some people. Yeah, I see people
here. We got trolls again. Was that a troll? Yeah, we're getting spotted. Sometimes it doesn't
work if spaces has been bugging. So it doesn't work for some people. But yeah, so sorry,
if it doesn't work for you. Oh, yeah, I don't know. It wasn't our phone. Anyway,
back to rollbit response. Yeah, sponsored by rollbit. Check out Two
codes giveaway loot box but at the end, the first code is bold rect to five to one bold
rect to five to one. And if you don't understand what I'm saying when I read out the code,
then you can just go fuck yourself. Geez. Wow. I think we saw a bearish us up earlier in
the week. Now we got me know us up. I don't know what's going on. Yeah, you change the
dark mode or light mode. I think he's just had one beer. He said one sip of a beer is
getting a bit Larry. Yeah, I know. A questionable bit. It's a mango beer. Yeah. It's a hazy IPA.
Okay. Well, yeah, fuck. Yeah. All right. Let's get into it. I don't know what's
happened this week. I guess the market went down. People lost their shit. They realized
that things don't just go up. They also go down. I know that's hard to specialize for a
lot of people for some reason, just like it's hard to conceptualize for me that they only go up in
straight lines. Typically it does go down as well. It's not even, I think it's the back to
prices not seen since like two weeks ago, which is obviously devastating. A thousand X leverage
and unrolled it. The whole book is wiped. But you know, I mean, if you didn't do that,
you're probably pretty chill. We're still above 40k. Maybe. I don't know. Aren't we right around there?
Yeah, we were above 40k briefly. Um, looks, yeah, we're still just above 40k. Let's see
where the show ends. But, uh, yeah, it definitely 40k on the way down felt horrific compared to
40k on the way up, uh, as it always does. But, uh, I think everyone got wiped out.
All coins pretty well, though, even it's just dust.
He is a dog, right? Like it really felt like it was going to lead. And then moment that ETF thing
happened, it was like, Oh yeah. Uh, it doesn't feel like the ETF is going to be positive now.
And then, and then it's gone back to where it was in November. It's like, it's back to where it
was kind of like what people were joking about. They're like, Oh, as soon as each moves,
the whole thing's over. And, uh, it turns out that was a kiss. Yeah. So basically, you know,
don't let your memes become dreams or something, or now it's real. I don't know.
So bold, like, obviously, uh, a bit of background, obviously, uh, we, I guess I, I think I was the
one who first started seeing, I think for put me onto your stuff very early on. Um, and then I,
I reached out and we started working together on record and then on man in minutes, but you've
obviously like had a huge year, um, coming up. Do you prefer making memes in the bear market
or the bull market now? Like what's, when, when has the market been most fun to you in terms of,
of making that look, I guess the, the truth of it is as much as I'd like to avoid it.
Like there is that day for me of like, like, whatever, like at the end of the day,
like there's something where you're just hardwired to, if you get a like, you're like, oh, it's like,
I appreciate it. Like you do, do that thing of like, Oh, like this one's good. Like as much
as you joke about it, um, there is a real sort of like enjoyment of that side of it.
So certainly in like the, the sort of deep bear and getting five likes on something, um,
when I was first starting out, given that that's like one of my sort of main metrics.
Yeah, it was hard. It was definitely harder, but the stuff that you can do, I guess the kind of
purpose of it is kind of easier because, and I think that's why we tied together as like
wrecked guys and, and sort of bold. Cause the idea is being able to laugh at the crap bits.
People love to share trauma, you know? Yeah, but that's, that's a bonding experience.
But it is. And I think that was the thing that I didn't fully understand until, you know,
the deeper down the rabbit hole you go and you get onto the discords. And I still remember
first going onto a discord and someone, and I've done like kind of a few comics that have
felt that theme, but like, Oh, I just lost a thousand dollars. Like ha ha.
For me, I'm like, tear my eyes out. Like what is going on? Like I've lost. Oh my God. I'll never
recover, never financially recover from this. But like that concept of like people just being
so okay about it, just cracked me up. And like, that's kind of pulled me through most of the stuff.
And yeah, I remember you saying that you saw something about like a rug versus a robbery.
Like the fact that in this space, it's like, it doesn't really, like the moral. Yeah. This is,
this is the one. Yeah, there you go. But that's, that's, this is it. That's like,
that's like literally become me as well. Like, as in you just slowly embody that over time,
like, which feels still feels so alien. And when you stare at it like that, you go, Oh,
shit. Yeah. It's the same as like, OSF just before the show, talking about not buying a mic that
costs like whatever, like a hundred dollars. And he's like on contact with customer service.
Like, I really need to get this sorted out. Just buy a freaking new one.
Jesus Christ. He's trying to get out, do an audio for the show.
No matter how much crypto you have, like Fiat just feels so much more expensive. It's funny money,
like, and if you get your, if you get paid at any point in crypto, like it's probably going to go
back into like detaining in crypto. So it's, um, yeah, it's the same, you know, right? I mean,
there are trips for a reason. You're not game of a hundred dollar bills. Yeah.
Attach you from that physical reality a little bit. And, uh, ha ha, you lost.
So whenever I withdraw, I like freak out as well. Like, as in how real it stopped, because I remember
like I, I did literally sell the peak of E. Right. But it was one of those funny stories in terms
of I sold point one of E at the peak notes to prove to my partner that it could be cashed out.
And she said, I don't believe you. I don't believe that this is all real. She's like,
there's no way. And I was like, you watch me. And I sold like point one
to prove this point and put it into a bank account within like the hour.
And I was like, shit, this is actually a significant, and I was like, all right.
And then just moved on. And then obviously you completely messed it up and sold it all
in a panic months later. But yeah, you can check the chain. I think I sold like
$3 off the top for point one. It was wonderful.
I think, yeah, that's, that's, that's a good feeling. I actually think that mentally
even selling anything close to the top or buying it at the bottom, maybe for like a
any sort of amount feels good. But how did you come up? Like, how did, how did this all
become? Because you really, you feel like a crypto OG with the like the nature of the
memes, you feel like you've, you know, the culture, like you've been around for a long time.
But yeah, how did you start first, get into crypto is clearly hilarious. But
how did you get into memes? Were you just doing art before? Or what's the background?
It's funny. It's a specific like thing, I guess, now in terms of like the crossover of what I
have to be interested in, because yeah, I have to be invested, because otherwise, I don't feel the
emotions like I have to, you know what I mean? It's all these kind of crossovers. But yeah,
I got in, I got into crypto, like, I, I was one who sort of entered through the through the
depths of like the crappy YouTubers, you know, like the, I think one of my mates who's
literally in Dubai sent me like the moon call, like, like this was like my onboarding process.
But then I sort of thought I was being intelligent by, by looking at Ben Cohen,
like it is. Cowan. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Cowan. That's it.
Kyle Chase. Yeah. And not Kyle Chase. I've literally never seen him at all. Shisei.
But yeah, look, I, I was watching his and I still remember, you know, you get pulled in there and
you sort of watch these hour long things and I knew nothing about TA or whatever. And there's
this guy and he was he was I remember him saying, he might never be under 500 US dollars again.
And I was like, I actually said that about Bitcoin recently with 45,000
and people keep retweeting at me like I was serious.
In my mentions all the time now, I bet you that guy who said that regrets it too.
Real pie on my face moment right now. Well, yeah, I mean, it is for you right now. But
the odd thing with him was I think that was the last time. Oh, yes, he pulled it right.
Yeah, so that was when I joined. Yeah, so he's better than you basically KBM. So maybe,
you know, pay some respects. I'm gonna get him on the show then. I have a I have a theme of
getting getting YouTube influences that neither OSF or KBM have ever heard of. So we'll get
bring them in. Yeah. Well, that was it. So it was just that. And he said, you know,
I'll never be below 500 dollars again. And I remember I just don't like the kind of,
you know, the smallest amount of money. I think I bought like an ETH or two ETH.
I didn't really do much with it. I just like watched it relentlessly every 15 seconds.
And then my mate told me about top shots and NFTs. And the first because at the time,
like the concept of on chain like was alien to me completely. Like I had my
ETH in coin spot. Like I just hadn't bothered to do anything since first learning about it.
I only had like I think I had I built up and added a bit more and I got about
some like five ETH. I still remember I flicked over to a MetaMask wallet to in order to create
an NFT collection, which was like my paintings. So like doing real life paintings. And so the
two have always been super intertwined, I guess, which is like art and sort of crypto for me.
There you go. That is almost literally my journey. But it was coin spot, not Coinbase.
Do you know what sad is like? Obviously, OSF congratulations. You know, you're about to have
a kid and whatever. Mando, Scott Kidd, still managing to keep fit. Don't know enough about KBM.
But like my I have two kids and my camera role is all my own comics and perfect isn't stuff like
it's it's embarrassing, really, like my girlfriend picks it up and she like scrolls through it.
And she's like, why is so few of these things the kids and I'm like my face is on many different
it's the same. My camera role is just a joke of Rhett guys and memes. It's just an intertwined
with pictures of my daughter. Like it's embarrassing in so many ways. But but yeah,
so look, I am I uploaded the first stuff up and I I thought like NFTs was so big.
I will sell these paintings and obviously no one gave a crap. I think I listed them for like
point three and they were obviously again, I didn't know the time is that learn by doing
things but I didn't know the time it was like obviously not a proper NFT. It was done through
the open seat shared like storefront. And then yeah, I sort of sat on that for a while.
And again, I just still have the same eat that I didn't really buy more or less. I
I am embarrassed to say I bought a fair amount of Cardano. Oh, god.
This was unreal. At the time for me, I was like, oh, it's the future journey crypto said
it's going to $20 or whatever. I think I bought Cardano when it was like, you know,
50 cents or something. And it went to like $2 and I was like, I am the best.
And this is on an alternate account. Like, were you were you were you still boldly
and I understand? Like, can we see your paintings? Or was that was that an all?
We may have lost him. It seems. Or is he still he's done? He's done.
All are here without hit by a train. We are out live on YouTube, TikTok,
Instagram, not a lot about those two. But Twitter, we have chat that we can see now as well.
Apparently, we have the technology now. So it gets kind of nasty towards the last 20 minutes,
because then all the rollback code guys come in and they don't want to listen to the show.
Yeah, they just come in. They just come in and rinse up ruin us.
Yeah, these assholes. I got a robot background. There's two robots fighting there.
My background, if you take a look and your famous dog. Yeah, my famous dog.
Jaden makes me some fire backgrounds. That's actually happening outside.
Anyway, what do we want to talk about now that we've got rid of Leonidas?
I think we're done, right? Yeah, I think that's it. All right.
Joe, see you guys later.
We should talk about our shit going trading this week. It's been
Yeah, can we just can we go through all the different shit coins you bought?
Oh, yeah, he's back. He's back. He's back. He's back.
Yeah, where did we get to? I was saying I think I think I said,
is this like, are these your original ones? Like, can we see them on boldian items? Was this an
alt? No, no, this look, this is one of the points I've always made. It's always free me.
And they still exist. Obviously, they kind of oddly got bought off over the last week.
There's a very strange story, which is that Snowfro bought one.
Snowfro bought one, like I'm talking like 2021. Snowfro bought one, but it's it's a very odd
scenario. And I actually sent the painting to the art blocks head office.
That's cool. So Snowfro bought the Genesis back in 2021. But it's nothing to do with like Pepe or
anything like that. Literally, just my paintings like it's the oddest thing when you look back.
Like, you just had an eye for talent. No, no, that wasn't it at all. That was part of my law.
It's all part of my backstory, isn't it? No, I just got absolutely, and this is why I always
connect with Rhett guys, I just got absolutely destroyed trying to trade NFTs. And I wrote some
medium article saying like, Jesus Christ, so I had that five each. And I swear in like, two weeks,
I got down to like, under one, trying to train the NFTs. And I had like a full on like,
not full on breakdown, let's not go too far and sound too extreme. But I fully like lost it. And
I was like, right, you know what, I'm just going to start creating instead. And I kind of put up
this article and just sort of said, like, what the hell? NFTs like Jesus Christ, like I am not like
a gambler. I'm not sorry, roll bit sponsors, but like, I'm just not. And I was like, how have I
got pulled into this thing where I've managed to lose this much this quickly?
Do you know what I mean? Like, as in what's going on mentally to pull me there? And yeah,
and Snowfro read it. And then just, I randomly, there you go. I randomly pulled out, see,
I did this thing, but it was like, yeah, even tried to sort of write articles. I still remember
I got into contact with like Zach XBT, because I was doing like exposés on things where they
were just scamming people. And I was trying to, I was finding all this sort of evidence
about a few different things. And I remember like really early, because Zach XBT just followed
me the other week. And I saw like this cringe message of me like, Hey, I found some evidence.
So really? Yeah, like, I just tried it. I just tried it all, I guess. Somebody's trying to get me.
Somebody Zach XBT me for being in the same home as traitor and jet.
Oh, maybe that was me. I'm in right now.
Oh, turns out, Google background, this fucking guy, literally, like,
real tags. Maybe I'm like, crazy. This is the same place. I've never had a meeting before.
This is personal, buddy. I'd love I'd love a trader, whatever, in the background right now.
Just, you know what I mean? Yeah, like half naked.
The straight walks through that was, but yeah, I don't know where my tangent went with that. But
no, but listen, this is it. I think there was so there was like in that early bit, there was so
much going up so fast, so much like so much going on. It was really hard to get your head around.
Like, as in entering from any other space, like there seemed to be people so accustomed to it.
And I just I felt like a fish out of water the whole time. Like the money never felt normalized
to me. And I guess still doesn't to a certain extent. I still, you know, to this day,
can't reconcile the two worlds. And I guess I started to become like, well,
there's a pessimism, I guess, about me with it all. And I think the comics are kind of like
to stop me from just being negative.
Oh, really? So you fell out of love with the space in the bear market. And that made you cope with it.
Is that what you're saying? Or do you actually like the space?
No, no, I really do like it. But whenever someone had say something about like a project or
something, I'd be like, what do you like when someone says about like roadmaps? I'm like,
what did you all expect? Like, what do you think utility is? Like, what do you know what I mean?
Why did you think that this random team of people was gonna offer a roadmap where they created like
the new Fortnite? Like, even as you look at for like, even as you look at ones that you kind of
felt like you trusted, like, one of the ones that I really love the idea of during during the
bull market, you know, was like Frontier, there was one that was kind of backed by Ubisoft,
and they were gonna make a web three game and all this stuff. And you get so jaded and pissed off as
you as you watch all these things kind of like disappoint you. And I guess the thing that didn't
disappoint me consistently was kind of the general people in the whole space, as we call it, and
everyone just kind of pushed on. And I guess so I somebody said like, it's like being born
from within, like, as in, I am one of you guys, like, I'm disappointed by it. I think just as I am trying
to trade and losing, like, yeah, I think the first cycle, you believe the narratives. I think second
cycle, you realize it doesn't matter. Like, you just have to believe that everyone is believing
in the narrative, like, kind of get that it's really everyone just, everyone just wants the hype,
right? Like, so I think I read the last week that Celestia makes $12 a day or something like that.
My narrative believe from 2017, my first ICO lamp picks on now the narrative was blockchain
token. That's fucking shows we transform any surface into a smart surface. You'll see here.
I don't know what the token was, but they received $12.1 million in ETH on for this token sale on
August 18, 2017. And this was my first ICO. So I felt for the narratives my first time around too.
I mean, I thought that was a great narrative, you know, lamp picks, pictures.
In the cold light of day, it's all so ridiculous, isn't it? Like, this is the thing. And I think
I just try and sort of remember that now. Like, the amount of times that you have to sort of go,
oh my god, are we really here again? Like, are we doing this again? Like, like, I don't understand
how we have influences within the space, who everyone knows have like ripped everyone off.
And then they come again and post a contract address. And everyone freaking buys it again.
Because people don't get annoyed by that stuff. This is always we realized by the second cycle,
it's like people actually are only here for the gamble, right? Like, if you are the gamble
provider, they hate you, but then they kind of realize that like the Ponzi they can maybe make
money out of. So I think you realize that people actually are here a lot of the time,
just like trying, trying, you know, fucking hit a jackpot at the right time. But I agree with you,
like, if you in the bear market, it can feel quite bad, because it's not going back. But now
the Ponzi is starting to come up again. Everyone's like, Oh, yeah, it's great. It's going, it's
going great. But like that, that's why that's why whatever day this basket. Yeah, I've never heard
of it in my life, obviously, right? Tries to launch something I'm bringing Avax and sells like
300 and something mints and you kind of go Yes, I'm proud of everyone. We didn't buy this random
dude's Fiverr art. And Zach XBT, you know, shows up in his in his sword and shield, and sort of
says like, piss off. And everyone goes, Yeah, I'm like, likes it. But it's funny, like, Sisyphus or
post like, you know, anything and everyone's like apes. Hold on. Why? Why? Why did we choose to get
on the horse for Dwight Howard? And we'll we'll sort of good Ponzi versus bad Ponzi. You know,
that's the thing. You can forgive a good Ponzi. Thank you. Thank you for flying.
Gotta gamble to make it out here, you know? Yeah. So, so people have slightly I mean,
you've had a meteoric like last six months in particular, like comparisons to people,
even though with fewer dicks, I think has been the has been the main,
every day, every day memes, which I think you've been trying to do that. How many days have you
done every day now? It's just coming up to a year right that I've done, but I've done an average
of three a day. Right. Okay. So it's Yeah, I think I've done like 1400. I think me was the last
count. Three a day. You're on the path to 218 million dollar sale. Yeah, there you go. Look
at that. That was quick maths right there. Three times people's amount of 16. That's how you can
afford the same house as trader. Yes. I don't know if anyone noticed, but I moved in. I moved
into the show. I moved in about 10 minutes ago. Unreal. I have to say KBM has been accused a lot
of shit. I think for one time they tried to take you down from being like the CEO of buy
bail. So I'm just, I don't even, I don't even reply to that. So they know what I'm actually
doing back here. Those are all smokescreens for my very nefarious activities that I'm
performing in the back. Oh, there's our staff. He's moved into we're, we're, we're,
that's the boys plus trader and Jay. Anyway, yeah, my question, my question is how you're all
sat in the same spot. So yeah, my question was, are you, are you a meme coin guy? Like,
how do you stay relevant on that sort of shit? Because you do also follow a lot of the meme
coins. Are you, are you, are you got that screen or open all time? Or like, what do you
actually, I guess you said you didn't really do that much, but you clearly are following
meme coins. So yeah, look, this is it. Like it's, it's funny, like somebody said, like
comedy is a very serious thing. Like I always remember that kind of line. And it's, it's
that thing of like, meme coins, like I have, I'm very lucky to be in what is a super tight
group of quite successful traders. Like as in between them, you've got sort of your
like proper full-time researcher, like Savant, like he will just pull off really smart, clever
trades all day long. And then you've got this absolute gun who just understands the meme meme
coin market. He just gets it. And he posted us Pepe at like 2 million market cap. And sort of said,
and he was like, I've not seen anything like this. He just instantly said it. I think it was at 1
million. He said that. And I was like, Oh, right. Like, and I went back and went. And I hadn't
really bothered with meme coins for a while. Like the, the whole, like I obviously missed the first
round of them, like doge and all that. And he'd, he'd been on one called like a world cup in new
or whatever. And I think that like that ran to like 40 million. And at the time for a meme coin,
that was like huge. And I'd been watching him do this. And then he came along and said, Oh,
Pepe's like going to be big. This is, this is my inside guy. This is, this is the deep, deep,
this is how you get to, to pull these. So you haven't given me, we speak every day. You haven't given
me one call. But why would I look at you? Why would you? You don't want to see a picture.
Yeah. Well, yeah. So look, I bought, but look, I'm still a paper hand. I still manage somehow to
lose on most things, but I bought, I went to bed on Pepe at 2 million. I woke up the next morning
and then it was like 7 million. So I bought some, but I don't go in heavy. Like I'm talking at the
time, my entire probably East balance. Like this is where I think you guys don't, um, and, and how
I do sort of, I guess how I am appealing to people. Like I think I only had five E like
full stop, um, in crypto and I've put in like 0.2, I think into Pepe at 7 million and yeah.
And then I'd sort of would watch it have went to bed and I was like, oh shit, like this is a fair
bit. Like, and obviously I sold sort of scaled out of my tiny bag. Like every time it kind of doubled,
I was just selling that. Like, but each morning I was just like euphoric. It hit like 90 million
or a hundred million. I was like, Jesus Christ, like what's going on? And then obviously I just
had the absolute, there you go. So I was drawing that cause I was actually succeeding. Um,
but I, I, um, I think I had like, yeah, a point put point two in and the classic, you know,
when you check how much your bag was worth at the top, I think it, if I'd have just held,
I think it was worth, you know, uh, something like 25th or whatever. Um, something bananas,
um, something that was, it was way more than that. Actually, I think it was 50, 60,
70th. Um, but I think I sold in total for, um, probably about an eighth, but yeah.
So that was, that was, that was legit how much I think I had at one point or it was,
no, it was about 40 something billion. I think that's a lot. Um, yeah.
I mean, how do you, how do you hold on to stuff? I mean, look, look, that balance,
that's a legit screenshot. That balance there is a legit screenshot at the time.
It's like, I've only got, I've got, I've got 0.4 East
a screenshot of what could have been like, you could be in this, this house with us right now.
Yeah. Look at us. But yeah, look, the other stuff, like, like this is it. I don't, um,
Pepe makes sense to me as a coin, like a genuine need. Like when I bought it, I was like, okay,
well, if this is the one, and then you look at the guys who made it and it's starts to feel a bit
horrible and a bit crappy. Cause you go, oh, it's just another team of ruggers and blah, blah, blah.
And they've done all this stuff before. But obviously there has to be, in my opinion,
being somebody who does, who drew so much inspiration from Matt Fury, like there has
to be a Pepe coin in my opinion. Like I see far more memes based on him than I do on doge.
So that whole thing makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the shit that like OSF is posted
with that slow face or whatever. I'm like, go for him. Go for him.
OSF is a purveyor of proper shit coins. Uh, I think he bought one this week called top or
top G. Top G is legit. Like I just buy things that make me laugh.
And I just go, if it makes me laugh a lot, then I just like go in hard. And then
I usually lose my money, but I bought, I think I bought, um, you know, Harry Potter,
Bama Sonic, and a new or whatever. Like I bought that at like 500 K market cap
and I sold for a loss like an hour later.
And then I watched it, watched it run to like whatever, a hundred million, whatever that one,
that one was pretty painful. Cause I was like, this was the first one that had made me laugh
like out of any meme coin. There was some decent, like decent memes coming out of it.
And like, it takes a lot to get me like actually cracking up. And there was some
that coming out of that. And I was just like, this is awesome. And I bought some for that reason
of the stupid name. Then the sort of memes made me laugh. Like I bought for, I guess,
all the right reasons within meme coins, but I was like, yeah, I reckon it was like two hours
later I sold for a loss. Um, in the comments, in the comments, book Sonic at 50 K market cap
also solved for a loss. All right. So I'm not the worst, but I have to say you are,
like your comics are a little bit East focus, but you are still an East guy. There are a lot
of soul shit coins happening right now. I feel like we need to, you need to bridge bridge a
little bit and start playing someone. Someone was saying this recently, like the soul shit
coin side to me, like it's slightly less edgy. It's slightly less like the East ones
tend to be a bit more like deep down the rabbit hole. They tend to be a bit more,
um, extreme. Whereas soul, I don't think I fully grasp yet. I don't fully understand,
like I bought soul shit coins when they kind of really a way back, like I say way back,
but like there was a quack or guac, guacamole, like, and when that first went off, like I bought
the absolute schmiko top of guac, like, and it went down faster than anything I've ever bought
on the East. And it really like burned me because I was like, okay, I don't get these guys. This
thing wasn't even, it was like a, whatever, a million market cap and they dumped it so hard.
I think my, like I put in like two soul and it was like point one soul in like under a day. And
I was like, Jesus Christ, I can't take my eye off this thing. Like these guys are just absolutely
obliterating charts. Like I cannot pay enough attention. You just, uh, burn hot, burn hot
and fast and mostly mostly scams. But, you know, I can see mine would have been before.
Yeah, it would have been before December. Yeah, it would have been that one. There you go.
There I am. All right. So I should have just probably held it. Right.
It was fast from there. Yeah. Went up a lot, huh? Here you go. Look,
please do it. All the stuff that I don't do. You would have been rich. Yeah. So I bought over
there. Um, that's, that's hard to look at. Yeah, we don't even see my life. Poor guy depressed.
I didn't even know. I didn't even know I was at depression.
How much I would have had at the top of guacamole coin. Yeah, Jesus. I'll have to work that out
later. Honestly, it's not that, it's not that funny of a coin. It didn't make me laugh that
much. So fundamentally, I wouldn't have bought it. I mean, I was like ex bond traders that are
watching the show. Like this motherfucker just said the fundamentals where I laughed
or laugh a little harder. And then he's like just in this house, you know, like guacamole
for me, you see, the only reason I got it was I really enjoyed the concept of buy the dip.
Buy the dip. Yeah, I get it now. Okay. I was like, this is good. You sold the dip.
But I sold the dip as well. I mean, it's, but yeah, look, but the sole shit coin inside,
like I just, it's that fast transaction fee that kind of like, I guess, like more PG approach,
like bonk and dog with hat and whatever, like dog with hat, I looked at a really small market cap,
like I did, I did a with hat, a comic, super, super early on, because, because like, it's
funny, you know, I didn't buy any, because like, I'm not, I'm not smart. I respect that it's like,
you've got the power to influence prices, but you just don't buy any. And then just do a piece of
that. But this is it. Did you guys see like this one, I kind of deleted all the stuff of it,
because it got really awkward. But someone made, I made a meme, I made a comic that sort of said,
hey, guys, I can fix eth. And then he just sort of presents. And it's like eth with hat.
And someone made an eth with hat coin. And then they sent me 50% of the supply.
And it was worth like, well, I was looking at and I was like, ah, and I didn't think I think I don't
have the scale of people, because I sort of tweeted out like, someone sent me 50 million or whatever,
eth with hat. And then the thing starts running because of stupid soul. And it was worth like what
they sent me was worth like, like 30,000 US dollars or something. And within like a matter of an hour,
like I remember, I just nipped out to the shop to buy some milk, literally. And I was like,
checked it. And I was like, oh, shit, like, I was stood there still holding the milk, you know,
when you just like, don't actually continue with your life, because something's happened. And I
was like, tweeting out like, oh, shit, like, please don't do this. Like, don't be buying this
friggin like this wasn't a seal of approval. And I think I forget that have followers. I think
I forget that there would be anything that would happen. And so yeah, I like burnt it.
It's very noble. That's what I said. I said that was that's super noble, dude. Like,
so like, I burnt and I would have been like my balance of, of, of crypto. Like, as in,
I think I've got like, I think you could have just dumped it, nuked it to zero, I've been like,
you without hat, and then just moved on. Yeah, that's okay. That's a KBM move right there.
Well, when he takes up the hat, I don't know, creative direction.
Yeah, I got back home with this. I came with this slightly warm, slightly warm milk,
because I've been set out with it for too long. And I told my missus, I was like,
I just burnt like $50,000. And she was like, you don't tell your missus that come on.
You're taking this is gonna get involved. You don't respect her.
That's dangerous. That is dangerous to tell her that.
So yeah, like, as in but that was, I guess, since that moment, like, I guess, on any of those,
obviously, super low cap stuff. That's why I try and where possible, like, I really genuinely,
I realized trying to have morals in this space is a bit weird. But like, I just don't talk
about like, as in, and if I do a comic on it, I try and have just not bought any.
Like, the only things that I'll do is like, I'll say about soul,
ether, or Bitcoin, or whatever, you know, when I can be bullish, or bearish, or whatever.
But if I do anything, I mean, I just try and not touch them, even if I'm talking about them,
even though that probably means that they're enough in the zeitgeist to pump or whatever.
I'm really conscious of being that. Yeah, just being able to pump tiny stuff now a bit.
I've turned down a million meme coins, like, that have asked me to do comics for them.
So why would I do one for free, pump their bag? You know, it's just a weird thing now,
like, as in there is enough of a consensus behind. Like, I realized at that point,
I guess, when that when that one happened, like, oh, shit, well, if I'm going to keep
this kind of moral code that I've got, I've got to be careful at this point to not.
So I did one on slow. I haven't touched a single slow. And I don't even find it funny.
Did that help the price? Did it help the price?
No, I think I don't think it did mark up near the top. And
well, like I said to us, I'll do I'll do a slow one, you know, you like slow.
Whatever backs have been posted about it, you know, I'll do a slow one. But like,
it was enough of a market cap that I knew that I would have no
that I would have no impact on something. Once it's once it's run to a certain point,
I know that there's no impact that I can have. So it felt all right about it.
So are you tell us about your DMS? Because you obviously you obviously do take shots.
A lot of people bit boy gets gets gets shot at quite a lot on your on your comics.
Like you do have certain people that you're constantly just jabbing at.
Do you ever get complaints? Like what like who's who's asking for for comics these days?
Yeah, it's funny. Like, obviously, I really try and not make any enemies
like wherever possible. Like I try and make it like supportive,
or at least they can laugh at it. Like there was one that I did on Gainsey a while back.
I actually sent it to Gainsey before I put it out. I just said,
are you okay with this kind of thing? Because Gainsey weirdly was like one of the very first
people to share any of my stuff. And so I don't like, like, I don't, you know, I don't
kind of care what, whether people like them or not. Like, it's one of those things of like,
you have your own relationship with each person, I guess. So like Gainsey, I flipped it through to
and he literally just said back, like, I'm bulletproof. That was it. Yeah. So I literally
It was a banger. Like, I knew when I was drawing it, like, I was absolutely pissing myself.
Like, and I knew it was what I was like, I don't want to put it out. And I sent it to
Gainsey and he was just like, that's great. Like, and he just said, I'm bulletproof. Like,
I don't care. Like, and that was really kind of nice as in like, and I really like that expression
in terms of sort of that influencer side of things of just saying, like, I'm bulletproof.
Like, you can't hit because because I know like KBM, you'll get a load of crap, like,
even just from OSF and Mando, but like,
we haven't even cracked. I just mean during the show. But yeah, like, and this is it,
it's trying to build decent relationships. But that being said, the certain ones like BitBoy,
who I think are just a universal bad, like, I don't care to have a relationship with BitBoy.
Isn't it? You made it to BitBoy, right?
You guys were at the dinner together.
Yeah. I met him in the Bahamas once last year. I was there with some with Gainsey, actually.
And then BitBoy was there in ice bags. He was there, too. And he invited BitBoy to dinner.
He showed up and Gainsey and BitBoy hated each other. And we didn't tell Gainsey that
BitBoy would be there. So he sat next to each other and just like, I showed up and it was
There's a fucking picture.
Wreckington is very, he's like fucking on it.
Yeah, I think that's sent to the SEC now.
This is when this is when he was on a good arc, though, right? This was like he'd just gone off
the SPF. Yeah, yeah, like it felt like he was and then and then he left his wife. And
things really went downhill after that.
Yeah, so my ones on him leaving his misses were like brutal. Like they were definitely
some of my harshest ones.
Wreckington, can you bring that one up, actually?
Yeah, there was a couple that I did on him leaving. There was one that I actually posted
and someone was like, this is too far. And I actually deleted it. And it was like,
it was like fully back, like it was bad. So like every so often, I let myself loose.
And and sort of really like the same as Ben.eath. Like, I just think he's just such a net bad.
Like, I don't feel like building a relationship is worthwhile. Whereas for the most part, like,
you know, I'm not going to be I think you get a sense when you're in it for long enough of
of yeah, who you who you don't care to build a relationship with and therefore within the
comics. And luckily, like I literally had a phone call with a lawyer the other day,
just to kind of make sure about sort of the legalities of it all. And sort of checking
within satire, like it's all OK. As long as I'm not like
you know, the BitBoy ones, I say I've gone too far, but really, it's not like
defamation of character too much. Like that's that's like, I do have to watch out for these.
If anyone does a lawsuit to send contract address, I'm sure people would fucking
send you to defend yourself. They did that the other guy who BitBoy who BitBoy went after,
right? Like, fuck that if somebody comes after a comic book artist.
Yeah, like that's it. I really don't I really fail to see how anyone would. But yeah,
so in general, like, I don't know, I try and I've really genuinely considered sort of that
the Amazon approach, which sounds really silly. But essentially, Amazon trained their customer
service reps to hold the customer regardless, right? So even if you lose money, keep the customer.
That was what they were trained to do. So if you had a faulty thing, like like bloody OSF with his
mic, right? Early, early days, Amazon was like, you make this guy happy. So if he calls you up and
says his mic's broken, you barely even question him and you send him a new mic. That doesn't seem
to be the pattern that OSF is explaining. No, no, he's gone through the full manufacturer route.
But that was, that was, that was Amazon's like thing. And I guess to a certain extent,
it's because their main thing was growth, right? Their main thing was keeping people on board and
growth. And that's been the same as my philosophy around this, like, don't make any enemies,
just keep kind of try and ensure that everyone's on board and you keep growing. So as in, even if
I've got a banger comic that can bash someone, but I want to have a longer term relationship with them,
to give a good example, the pancake bra drama, right? Pancake's bra crap the other day with
razor, right? It was, it is, I had 18,000 comic ideas and I did zero because I'm like,
I don't want to weigh in on this. I don't actually want to weigh in on this because these,
this is still me drawing it. This is still essentially an opinion I'm putting out.
And I really don't know enough. I don't want to make an enemy of either of these guys.
Racer, who I've spoken to a bit, Pancake's bra, who obviously within the space is really like,
so what am I going to do in a comic where everyone's bashing one side or the other
that isn't going to be a net negative for me?
Yeah, you got to keep it funny. That's for certain. Like if you come down on one side,
it's not really that funny, really. It's just like, oh, we're just piling on somebody.
Yeah. So yeah, that.
Did you have one against KBM? Is that where this was going? But you kept it in the.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, where's, I hope not.
No, they're all in drafts.
They're all in drafts.
I think I can get a lawful good, chaotic, good, chaotic, evil chart. And somebody did that for
all the crypto Twitter personalities back in the day. I remember, but I guess you stay away
from the chaotic. No, you do do the chaotic evils like BitBoy. You can go.
That's it. Yeah. There's, there's just like, I guess a vibe you get over time of who is,
it's the same as like the Anubis Dao stuff.
Like, I haven't chimed in on any of that.
But like, I haven't chimed in on any of that because one, it's, it was before my time.
So I wasn't there enough, but also two, like, it feels like, I guess we,
everyone's so emotional about it that I'm not sure it would hit the right tone.
Like it wouldn't hit the right people in the right way.
So I don't know. I overthink them, obviously.
I think it's good to overthink them. Honestly, like you've managed to dance through the last
year where there's been bad shit happen and not make that many enemies apart from that.
The real bad guys. I agree with you that you have to wait until they're really the bad guys
because I think it's easy to paint a picture. It looks like we are approaching the end of
the show because our comments are increasingly about how oily my face is.
I don't even need to see fucking the timer anymore. It's like, code, code, code, code.
And, and where the code is. So that, that is, that's where we're at.
It's you're going to stay on, right? You're going to stay on for the,
for the spins. You, you, you, you, you listen to rec radio most weeks, right?
You just never have one, it seems, or like it's part of too early.
So I listened to it on the podcast. I listened to it on my bike while I'm cycling.
Oh, nice. So I don't, I don't actually, yeah, this is my first time. Well,
it's 5 a.m. Like the sun's not even risen here.
Yeah. We're not very on my balcony. Like we're not very, um, yeah.
Yeah. It's very odd that I'll be listening to this podcast later and being like, well,
thank you for waking up at 5 a.m. That's, that's obviously been a big help.
We, uh, we should get, how are we doing? How are we going to do this today though?
Yeah. It's, um, we have to do the final question though.
When you go, here we go. Final question.
Final question from to you. How was it? Sorry, I'm feeling the bear now.
You haven't said anything for about 30 minutes.
Yeah, it's very mango and mango and light cheese right now.
It's one of your five a day.
Two of my five a day. Two fruits.
Um, how do you avoid getting wrecked?
Um, I think, look, it's just being long-term bullish short-term trying to not give a shit.
Like if you're long-term bullish provided you buy with the view to another cycle,
then you can largely sit on your hands.
Like that is how to avoid getting wrecked for me in the long run.
I think these meme coins, you'll get chopped to shreds.
Like if you're not really deep in the rabbit hole, you're just going to get beaten up.
Um, so yeah, for me, it just be,
Oh, do you know what just drove past?
This is no joke. An actual been truck just drove past, but it was actually called bin boy.
I like that. I like that.
It must be bit boys new company.
But yeah, look, I don't, um, I just would say long-term bullishness is a general, uh, thing.
And then just yeah, selling at the absolute Pico top to prove to you misses that it's real.
Seems like, seems like good advice. Um, you've done a good job.
These comments about your head.
Dude, I've been catching strings for weeks now.
Like guys, I'm dropping the code as his username.
And he just comes in for the last five minutes and destroys us.
All right. Second code is best cartoon.
Okay. Let's get these fucking spins going.
Cause I got to run to another thing right after this.
I am now the co-host of the show.
Do not request unless your name's called and let's run it.
I should bring up the, uh, the loot box.
If you win something on rec radio, don't complain to the intern that your prize wasn't good enough.
Uh, in the days afterwards, that has been a ongoing theme of, of the last few years of
right radio and gave away shitty prizes on purpose.
I deserve a reroll. This is shit. Like, yes.
OSS are might be, but that's what you get by the guy on the show.
That's like, that hurts guys. Just, just floor it, man.
You have to tell me, you always have to tell me at the same time.
All right. Yob CR, Yob CR, ER jobs. No, Nolan XZ, no, Nolan XZ,
sketchy samurai, sketchy samurai. Give me, give me the scroll down a little more.
I can't see the shit. Rec, rec guy, rec intern chili con carne,
a dollar to 20,021. And then, um,
for Oakwood, if I win a rec guy again, I'll complain.
House of El wolf is a bazelle or some shit like that. Um, all right.
All right. I got them. I got hold on. I got, I got everyone.
I got everyone. If you weren't, if you didn't make the time,
you didn't make it. Sorry. Uh, we got the three front runners.
The first one's going to be yobs. Get that spin up. Let's rock.
All right. Let's go. Let's get it. I'm sweating.
That scream please sharing now. Here we go lads. Um,
Oh, it's another one of those where we can't see what we've won until the end.
In the chat, the prizes again.
This is what has come up from my screen guys. So this is what is in there.
For Denza, a gold rec guy, some board apes. Wow. It's cheap these days.
Let's go and see what we win. Did you click the link that they just sent?
Yeah. We've just clicked game and get the sound. Oh, someone, a rec guy.
No complaints, please.
Next one's for sketchy samurai. Okay. Here we go. We don't actually know until I spin, right?
Okay. So it's going to be good. It's an expensive loot box. So like people,
yeah, there's some fucking, oh, another rec guy was one. Another rec guy was one.
So that's three grand. Yup. Yup. You're welcome. And then this one's for no,
no, no, no, no. It's going to be a Fidenza Fidenza number eight 37. Come on one time.
Oh, so I want to pull that is an open edition. That is an open edition guys.
That is going to be nine grand and getting this out of a fucking win by yourself.
Wow. Our DMs are going to be wrecked.
Floor support. The most complaints you've ever received.
That is officially the lowest cost prize we've ever given away on this show.
It's perfect. It is the absolute pinnacle of my career.
Yeah. Well, thanks for coming on, Bob. We got to run. It was fun. We'll see everyone next week.
Thanks a lot, guys. See you next week.