Crypto: Up or Down Next?🎙

Recorded: March 12, 2024 Duration: 1:27:40



Welcome to Mardi Media. We've got Blocks Media Group. We've sat in JKrypto for another spaces
today. How's it going, guys? It's one of those trade shows. It's kind of a marathon
because it has an attached hackathon, so it is literally like this sprint at the beginning,
and then you get there. As far as gas fee fixes for Ethereum, sadly, no. I think that the ground
hog either saw its shadow, the Ethereum groundhog, I don't know if it saw its shadow or if it
didn't see its shadow, but I think we're in for a few more months of high gas fees probably for
the rest of this bull run. I'm glad you asked. As far as there being fixes to that, I saw a lot of
other innovative stuff that I'm excited about, but unfortunately, it's more geared towards layer 2s,
side chains, scaling, ZK, all kinds of other stuff, just not Ethereum itself.
Before I get ahead of myself, thank you so much for creating the space. Thank you so much to
Mobi Media for providing this stage for Blocks Media Group or for BMG Consulting. JCrypto, myself,
huge, huge pleasure to be able to bring this content to you every Tuesday. I guess barring
those times when we're at Eat Denver, but every Tuesday at 10 AM EST and then the corresponding
time zone internationally, but GM, how are you? Did he really just ask if we wanted
to not, if we wanted to not pay the miners, I mean the validators, the guys who are actually
responsible? How dare you? How dare you, Glenn? The guys who are actually responsible for all the
cash grab, you don't want them to get paid? I mean, what's going on here, Glenn? Are you
turning, are you turning cold, bro? What's going on? Oh my God. I think Glenn, I think Glenn just,
I think he doesn't like sandwiches. I think he just doesn't like Subway. He doesn't like
Jared from Subway. No, he likes vegan toast in the morning. He likes to smell really nice
when he wakes up. That's what he likes. Then we start with the coach. Yeah, I'm cheap, you see.
I like the 50 cent BSC chain. Oh my God, yeah. BNB is back. BNB is back.
A. Dude, it just goes to show you how resilient crypto is, right? You can literally arrest the
founders and then like, yeah, no problem. Crypto doesn't give a crap, though. Here's the thing.
Yeah, crypto doesn't give a crap. Bitcoin doesn't give a crap. The old honey badger,
right? Bitcoin is a honey badger thing. That's a real thing and markets like this just kind of
prove it. Yeah, we've been in a cycle of absolute freaking madness.
Founder is going to prison for 18 months, but nobody seems to care. That's OK. It's OK. Even
his private trading group was exposed where he was manipulating the market. So again,
it's just, oh, well, then whatever. However you feel, it is what it is. But yeah, I mean,
shit, BNB is back. ETH over 4K. Bitcoin is going bananas, price discovery. What do you
think we're going to head here in the next six months, Seth?
Well, so my first thought about the markets, Jay, is that like we've got an issue with,
first off, the way that we're even denominating our gains. You look at Bitcoin being over $70,000
and that's bullish, right? It sounds bullish. But consider this. When it crossed $20,000 in
2017, we were using an entirely different dollar. That dollar bought so much more. And then when it
crossed $69K, when it's last top during the next cycle, that dollar could buy even less. You see
where I'm going with this, right? For us to cross $70,000, for us to print a new all-time high,
now, a few years later, we're not really paying attention to how debased the currency is. Our
unit of account is corrupt. So the $70,000 Bitcoin that we think we have buys us less
than the $70,000 Bitcoin that we printed last bull cycle. What we actually need to cross in
order to get real gains based on the massive runaway inflation and debasement of the US dollar
that's happened since then, because we printed a double digit percentage of the US dollar supply
in that time. What we actually need is for price discovery to go beyond $90K and possibly even
beyond $100K for us to actually see those gains for Bitcoin to buy us the value in the markets
of what we expect for it to buy us. It's just not there yet. So while everybody's excited,
everybody's doing the victory dance, doing the victory lap right now, I'm sitting here
scratching my head saying the same thing that I did in Clubhouse before it printed the last
all time high and saying, yeah, but the US dollar is debased. So what? Who cares? That's
where I think it's going. First off, we're deluded into thinking that we've printed new gains.
We haven't. We haven't. It's a number. It's a cool milestone. It's a psychological level
that we're breaking. But as far as it actually having more value, no. The US dollar is in
trouble, which means when we denominate Bitcoin and US dollar, we're already starting off on
the wrong foot. I mean, but Glens in Europe, that has nothing to do with the US dollar, right?
Yeah, but we always talk about our gains in fiat currency. That's what I'm saying. And
like it or not, Brix hasn't taken over yet. Look, Jay, I know you want Brix to take over,
but the US dollar is still king. I, for one, as an American, I did not kill myself. And that
is a false statement. That is a false statement. So just saying the US dollar, we're in trouble. And
the Euro, frankly, is not doing its best either, right? The pound sterling. There are a lot of
traditional fiat currencies that we've used in forex, just in all kinds of markets that are just
not doing their job. They're not holding the value that they did five years ago.
They're not, they're definitely not holding the value that they did 10 years ago or 20 years ago.
It sounds messed up, but whatever, your boomer grandpa that told you, hey, you got to learn the
value of a dollar. He was right. He was actually right. You did need to learn the value of a dollar
because the dollar was a rug the whole time. What he was really saying is you need to learn
the value of an hour of your own time. You need to learn the value of the assets that you're
interested in. You need to learn how to trade and exchange value. But I don't think he was
necessarily saying that the dollar had value. You just needed to understand what that value was
relative to everything else. And that's what I'm bringing up right now. When we do that premature
victory lap for Bitcoin and Ethereum, we need to look back and ask, what is the equivalent value
that we're getting now in terms of purchasing power, the so-called Big Mac index? How many
Big Macs does one Bitcoin buy today versus its last top? And I'm just telling you, it buys
fewer Big Macs. I don't care how many dollars it shows on the chart. It's getting you fewer
real things in the real world. Life's all about McDonald's, I see. That's great.
100%. You've seen my physique. It's pure McDonald's.
The meat sack has spoken. So we have some big talks this week. Obviously, this is
now price discovery Bitcoin while stocks went haywire. We're crypto, but we also have to look
at the generalized markets. Stocks are higher than expected, than ever in life expected.
The S&P's just going bananas. Now, we have, and I'll quote the
good friends over at Kobeshi Letter, this is the three mantra here.
If inflation happens to be lower than expected, which is going to be announced here shortly,
if inflation is lower than expected, the market's going to buy stocks because a Fed pivot is on the
way. Yay, let's go. Inflation is as expected. They're still going to buy stocks because a soft
landing is on the way. And then inflation is higher than expected. You know what? Buy stocks
because AI is going to change the world anyways. That's the general consensus. And that feeds over
to us. Because they're de-risking and they're coming in and all the lovely stuff. And yeah,
this is great news, right? Isn't it fantastic? No, I don't think so.
Yeah, I don't know. I just retweeted it this morning. I think I might just go ahead and
repost the retweet here. But I think that what we saw was that the inflation numbers
did come out or we have an inkling that the inflation numbers are going to be a little bit
higher than expected. That's been our problem. And this is according to Watcher Guru. They are
saying that right now inflation is to... Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know. Take it with a
grain of salt. But Watcher Guru, they came out prematurely with inflation going to about 3.2%.
That's what they're saying. We'll see. Misinformation.
I don't even think we have to label it or just label it what it is. Take it with a heavy dose of
salt. But if it's over 3.2%, that's way higher than people are expecting. And that kind of feeds
into what we've been saying. That's been compounding over the last several years since
the last hop. We saw double digit inflation. People want to stick their fingers in their ears
and whistle a happy tune to ignore it. But nah, man, we have double digit inflation in the aggregate
since the last bull top. So even though right now current inflation is at 3.2% or whatever
it's going to wind up being when we get the confirmation in the aggregate, we have been
absolutely just destroyed decimated in terms of our buying power.
Oh, and it just came out. I forgot it came out an hour ago. So it's 3.2% as it grows to 3.1%.
Yeah, he was correct on that one because the stats already printed. So yeah, look,
it rose by 0.1%. So that means that nobody's home should have only gone up 0.1% this entire time.
Yeah, this is fantastic and incredible.
Yeah, so anyway, yeah, we talked about there being specifically crypto gains. That's been my
macro argument for a couple of years now is that we're just way off track. But no, with Ethereum
at $4,000, it looks great. It's super exciting because we remember these prices, remember these
numbers. But we actually saw these values, these prices as we were going into discovery for the last
bull top. So yeah, I mean, I'm just managing my expectations, Jay. That's a big thing. I'm
managing my expectations for real gains, for real value being pulled out of these markets.
And I'm trying to adjust like a little filter or a global variable in my mind. So when I see
numbers, I just have to apply to it. All right. Yeah, but that all goes with your goal. Did you
cut out? Are you still talking? I think I might cut out or I cut out. I'm hearing you. Oh, there
we go. Yeah, there we go. I can hear you now. Yeah, it all goes on your goals, right? So
everyone talks about, oh, yeah. Look, it's a personal set, right? So for me personally,
I have a goal that I will die with crypto in my hands. I mean, knock on wood. I did not kill
myself. Just saying, I'm knocking on wood again. So it's a goal that you have, right? If you're
seeing a future for yourself, or like me, I'm talking to myself since I'm not a financial
advisor, but I'm a medical doctor, right? No, I'm just kidding. So you have an internal goal of
what do you want to do? Do you have a job now? Or is this all your life? Or is this part-time
or full-time, whatever it is, then where do you see yourself in a year? And it's that all-tale
story that people don't like to do, write down goals and go forward and things like that. But
it works. I mean, to the right people, it all works. The ones that use it.
But if you're looking at, let's say, yeah, I'm going to be here for a long time,
right? I like the tech. I like everything's going. Obviously, Web 2 is engulfing Web 3,
and they're going to pump us to oblivion. So then yes, then why not play the whole game,
right? Or not even that. Let me take that back, because it is not for the faint at heart,
right? Because obviously, those that got torn up from 2021 to the FTX collapse and all this stuff,
you know, if you didn't take profit and you didn't hold or you just not that experienced
to have the foresight or maybe you were listening to the wrong people or however that works and
you got caught with bags, well, guess what? Those bags are now up, hopefully. Hopefully,
you didn't get caught with the wrong coins that ended up going bankrupt.
But even those that went to zero are kind of coming back, like Luna and
FTT, I mean, for absolutely no reason, but whatever is what it is. So your goals are set where
if you look at all the cycles, at least from a historical trend, right? What is the movement?
Five-year cycle, right? Every five years, you will be massively more up than you were the
previous five, right? Or from year one. So again, one of those things, we are early,
right? We are early. As early, I mean, if you got in through the doge, you got in through Shiba Inu,
you got in through, God forbid, Jacaroni, Saifu and his rug. But wherever the cycle you got in
and, you know, this massive dump happened. Oh, my gosh, great. The dump happened.
If you're replenished and it looks like you may have missed it, right? You didn't kind of
listened to the right people and started accumulating or doing something during the
bear cycle, right? Because the bear cycles where folks accumulate and those who accumulated,
especially when Bitcoin got down to $15,000 and all these coins were nearly zero, right?
And now there are, you know, hundreds, if not thousands of percent up from that all-time low.
That happened that, when was that? Late November. So 22. So yeah, so that's,
so again, it's one of those things where if you're getting in the market now,
if you're getting in the market now and or let's say if I were to get in the market now,
and I'm looking at this thing like, holy crap, we're away at a peak. What am I going to do?
Right? Do I go for the big one? Bitcoin, right? Or do I go for the second big one? Ethereum?
Do I go for another one? Do I go for this? I mean, Seth, because when you've been in
for a little bit, quite a bit longer than I have, right, especially when the proof of work stuff,
and when you started out and looking into this tech, are you holding some of those old,
old coins that you've had? Or you let them go? Or what's your, I mean, not to put your
your personal portfolio out there, but you know, just kind of just kind of get your
sentiment on this, because, you know, again, you were exposed to a different era than I was,
you know, when when I decided to come in, in late 2020, but you know, even though I was exposed
to crypto before, but really dive deep in here, but but you've been in for quite a bit longer,
not as long as our as our partner, which he was he'd been in since 2010. But you know,
what about for yourself? Are you still holding some of those very old,
very old proof of work stuff that you probably got into?
Well, yeah, man, here's the thing. So how sovereign holding of cryptocurrency,
the thing that makes it made it tricky is that it's really easy to learn lose old bags. So like,
I mean, I was dusted, essentially gifted my first crypto in 2013. And it was it was dust,
I mean, it would still be measured as dust right in in, in the cryptocurrency is Bitcoin and
Litecoin. So yeah, no, that some of that stuff, I didn't even have those wallets,
it was just like, okay, cool, this is symbolic. And a lot of people have that same story of
either getting rugged by themselves, right? That they're having like that obstacle, I've got,
I've got like every hard drive from that time in my life. But then, like, just not having
certain things placed in a way that you can remember where they are. It's very common
for people to just not have some of those old bags. And that's, that's true for me,
the stuff that I got exposure to, or the bags I got exposure to in 2016 2017.
That's what I held and kind of moving forward. That's what I take it seriously,
unfortunately. And I mean, that's kind of, you know, my, my podium story is that,
is that I regretted not taking it more seriously sooner, because I didn't know about it.
But I feel like I didn't fully give it the gravity that it deserved in my life until later,
right? It was, it was like, it didn't become a part of what I was fully focused on. And,
you know, always one of those guys that gives 110% in inside of the thing that I'm doing at the time.
So it took for me a whole total reorientation towards crypto and saying, okay, I really want
to understand this, not just from a technical level, but, but as an investor, it wasn't a mindset
that I had prior to that time. So yeah, and everyone starts with it with a different investment
thesis, right? Some people are just trying to dollar cost average into something that would be
cool to have a, you know, tiny bag of very common for people to do whatever $20 or $100 DCA,
maybe, maybe a couple thousand bucks at best to get some exposure to an asset.
But not everyone has that same starting point. And I didn't have that starting point of saying,
you know, I have this habit of investing and, you know, and I'm that guy that maxes out,
you know, every, every available retirement account and every, every possible thing.
It did take a shift for me. If I'm being just really blunt, I had to, I had to upskill and develop
myself a little bit to start thinking, okay, delay the gratification, hold onto this investment
much, you know, a bit longer. And, and then crypto gave that, that massive incentive because,
because we already had, you know, we already had years of data to just show this is an amazing
asset. It's just, it's so performant. But yeah, those old bags, those early coins,
the speculative mining coins and stuff, I've absolutely round tripped gains,
a hundred percent of round trip that some of the newer gains from speculative mining.
So, I mean, I'm glad you asked, but it is one of those things where like,
where you have to develop over time, you brought up Jay, the concept of setting targets and then,
and then just making up, making some kind of a plan for investing. But also, I guess like,
I guess laying out just a vision for what you want to achieve. And for me, it took a while for
crypto to become that thing that I was setting goals around, if that makes sense, setting more
concrete investment pieces and goals around. But then when I did, it was like, okay, I'm,
I'm totally all in, like I, the point of no return for me was like, absolutely, like a point
of no return. I was never going to be a guy that wasn't holding crypto. Like you're saying,
I'm going to die like with crypto, like holding some crypto. So you're welcome to advance anybody
who holds shared bags. I'm going to enrich you a little more by locking up supply there.
But, but yeah, it took a while to get to that point, to just realize this is going to change
the world. And so if it's going to change the world, I want to get in early and I want to,
I want to stay as close to the action as possible. So that's why, you know, I got in and, and why I'm,
I'm not leaving, why I've been around for a long time now, many years, and why I'm going to be around
for a long time. To your point also, from earlier on, yes, I'm not feeling suicidal. So
if I, if I flood anyone's bags, sorry, that's all when I mentioned stuff, we start talking about
Manero. Oh, God. So yeah, yeah, this is, we're now what we're seeing with Manero is, is something,
something pretty, pretty nasty, dude. I mean, well, that's not really nasty, because didn't it,
didn't it get delisted again in 2021 pre bull market, just like this as well, right? So
yep. No, it's just, it's just, these are just, these are just market indicators,
right? So when there's one phase of, of each new, each new market, right, going into discovery,
is that you're going to see a crackdown from regulators on privacy. Well, why? Because they
want to tax gains. And are they, are they really trying to tell people that these privacy coins are
bad? No, they're trying to tell them that they're inconvenient for them. Not that they're
actually evil, or that they're actually used for whatever money laundering or crime. They're
really just saying it gives us a hard time as, as, as law enforcement, or as regulators.
Is it possible? Of course, regulators, if they could, though, they'd get rid of cash too.
And because it would make their job easier if they could just get validation and reporting
from financial institutions. So it's not so much in my mind, that they're saying that that
privacy is evil or bad. I mean, clearly, look at the, look at the different budgets,
right? From at the federal level, right? DoD budgets, how many little, little pools of,
you know, of, of kind of dark money are floating around there? We're never going to know. So our
government loves privacy for themselves. So I just view it as another, it's just another,
you know, market indicator where we are. But hey, oh, hey, I wanted to, I wanted to
welcome our guest problem. A.I. Love G.A.I. Love. What is going on here, bro? A.I. Love.
Listen, you should have been in the spaces a couple, a couple of spaces ago. Actually,
right at the middle of last month, we had the privilege of actually meeting someone who was
in love with his A.I. bot. Oh my God, it was absolutely anyway. And it wasn't a troll.
Listen, it wasn't a troll. It was legitimate. Yeah, yeah, that's it.
He is a long time A.I. enthusiast, man. I met him very early on in my space and my space
engagement career. And, you know, that's hilarious. You know, exactly what that is.
So he was he's like a tester for replica or something. He does something with replica and
he just got I guess he he he got too involved with his testing. Oh, whatever her name is,
it's sorry, it's named the appliance. Oh, man, that's great.
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, even though I'm not shitting on the guy, but, you know, it's it's
it was just I've never I thought I thought that that that her moment. Remember that that that
old movie, the her right with I forgot I forgot the two actors. But yeah, I never thought I'd
hear one at least this early. Right. I mean, this because we're still really early to the
even even to the A.I. narrative, dude, it was something that was great. Oh, man.
So what's going on with you, man? What's going on with you? What you got going on?
Man, you know, just out here actually putting together
events, not even events, just being in public attendance at these political gatherings in my
local and my local district. You're in New York? No, I'm in Detroit. I'm in Detroit.
So my family runs a nonprofit. We've been running a nonprofit for like 50 years. We do
substance abuse. We work with the youth preventive program that we go. And so basically,
you know, my grandfather passed away last year. And my grandmother was given a responsibility.
She's like 80 years old. She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. She's adorable. You know what I'm
saying? But she ain't you know, she's not at this at this new age business level of business
of handling and dealing in business. And that's what she got you for. That's what she got you
for, dude. Come on, Mike. That's why that's why I come in. So I've been, you know,
steady at work. I've connected with a councilwoman, Latisha Johnson, I'm sorry, district four.
And we're talking right now in regards to possibly putting together a beta testing
coin for the community. Because one thing about Detroit, if you guys remember during
economic downturn, it was like a fling of people. So the city lost like one million people. So there's
like 600. It was a ghost town. It was a ghost town. But but but Dan Gilbert, the quick and
loans founder, right, he bought all of downtown 80%, right, cleaned it up. And I mean, at one
point, right, right before COVID, I remember talking to to this. I was there in a tour and stuff
like that with the with the corporation. But what one of the one of the execs he was like, dude,
yeah, I mean, over here, where these this was an abandoned building. Now, it's like $5,000
a month. I was like, wait, $5,000 in Detroit? I'm like, who the hell I was like, but and they
were selling out like crazy, dude. Oh, man, it was it was pretty insane. Oh, no, it's not just Dan,
like Dan started the train. But really, what it was is just it was a group of investors,
and they just give it to town up. So you got Henry Ford, you got Donald Ross, who owns the
Miami Dolphins. He's an old Mumford alumni, which is the me and him went to the same high school.
And you got the people of Little Caesars. And I think there's like two more players.
I can't remember everybody. You guys still got that casino there, right?
Oh, yeah, we got a motor city casino. And if you think about it, I mean, it's relatively enticing to,
you know, probably people like living in New York, especially when they open it up grants,
and I mean, our our train station, and, you know, probably do commutes lower, you know,
you can get a whole home for what you're paying in three months rent in New York,
see the world going in the tokenization. So you know, real estate property is really like the true
wealth of the future, even though they're saying, Oh, market is going to crash in a market is going
to crash. But however, BlackRock is synonymous with doing what owning property, so they'll
probably come in, buy up all the property, tokenize everything, and then you own nothing,
you'll be happy because now you have this system, it's like a social credit system, you know,
based off of your entertainment and the stupid economy, what I call the attention economy,
because very little people will not only require skill sets, but have to have skill sets, right
with the integration of things like Apple, all these other augmented technologies, we've
only started to scratch the surface here, ladies and gentlemen, I believe that what they're showing
in contrast to the technology that they actually have is probably something that should be
relatively concerning to most people, global citizens, not even just us, but globally,
because if my theory is correct, they're probably messing with some sort of technology, it's
messing with the intergalactic highway. And that's why we're starting to see aliens pop up like this,
with the nuclear fusion, the CERN processor particle collider. If it was my guess,
they're chasing the all spark, right? And all spark is to be able to replicate.
Well, high signs, man, I don't want to go there. But anyway,
Oh, buddy, no, hey, let's say we don't don't educate the folks. Oh, don't educate the folks.
Because then, you know, we'll start we'll start we'll start telling the folks something. But um,
but no, what's so how, how long have you been in this space? You bet you've been in for crypto.
So man, here's the story, right? Like, I've been following Bitcoin since Bitcoin launch,
which is ridiculous, right? But I'm I was like, I was really unsure. I saw the use case. And I'm
like, this is really practical, right? If they get a lot of people behind and this thing is going
to get legs and moving, I could see this being the tool of the future, the commerce tool of the
future, just because I mean, you can already see things emerging, like touchscreens, phones, and,
you know, devices becoming smaller. And I just don't see us carrying around large swaths of cash.
In fact, to be honest with you, the restructuring, you won't have any cash at all. I truly believe
currently, it's just a point to where you got to look at labor versus resources, right? And then
the supply versus demand. And, you know, the crippling thing about AI is that, yeah,
we'll remove a lot of the workforce, right? So you already know that there's going,
there is a restructure, it's not going to be, there is a restructuring underway. And so like,
what does that look like for the majority, the masses, right? And I mean, you know,
these are the sort of things I kind of go back and forth with more than anything is like,
how will people in this space actually behave, right? Because we hold the key. Right now,
we hold the key. Everybody in here that's inside of Web3, it's inside of blockchain technology.
Right now, with this pump, you're getting a heavy swath of attention. How are we handling
the responsibility, right? Is it going to be, what was I saying? Get rich, stay rich,
whatever the hell, or are we going to stay rich? But that's not what happens. That's
not what happens, right? What happens is the lottery effect, right? Because look, if you,
if you're not financially grounded yourself, right, and this is, this is stats galore,
call it stereotyping, call it stat gathering, whatever in the world you want to, you want to,
you want to call it, right? The average, and mind you, I'm not talking about the outliers,
right? Obviously, there would be an outlier that will wake up and like, man, oh, heck no,
I'm not giving this back. But if you look at the general, right, the general statistic of this,
right, the meat of this, if you're not financially grounded, what is financially
grounded mean? That doesn't mean that you have to be hyper wealthy, or come from money,
or anything of that nature, right? But if you don't, if you don't already practice the habits
of not living paycheck to paycheck, now, sometimes, unfortunately, it is, it is, it's a tough thing to
do, if you're in certain situations, right? So let's say, you know, you just happen to have a big
family downsize, because you were, you were, you know, you were, you know, fired, or maybe AI took
your job, or whatever's there, then you're, you're, you're trying to work a lot of part times,
and it's just not adding up to the income you had before. And it takes a little while to adjust. But,
but look, but look at this, if you're not financially grounded, meaning,
you know, accounting for yourself, right, some kind of, maybe even now, it's easier to get this some
kind of software that, that you can see what's coming in and going out and where you can cut
back. So you can save and have that, you know, quote unquote, when when I learned this, it was,
you know, you have to save at least six to eight months of your actual living expenses
in some kind of account you don't touch, right? So you have that and you have that there. Now,
whether that account can mature, right, whether if it's, you know, you maybe lock it up somewhere in
in, you know, some kind of an interest bearing account or money market account where it just
continuously gets interest without risk, then, you know, but that's back then. But that's,
that's okay. But as long as long as you don't touch that, and then, and then what are you doing
in between, right? Is that is that account growing? And or is your immediate, you know,
kind of savings growing too? Well, we'll look at the stats. Now, the stats now says that
it's it's like a 5% of the population, at least here in America, because that's all that's all the
stats have to go with by like, like something like five or 7% of the population have some savings,
the rest doesn't, they have nothing, oh, they have nothing. So let me ask you this. So if you don't
know how to save the money, or maybe you're let's take away the people who are in a position
that are in an extreme circumstance, I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about just
generally, right? If, if, if generally, you're not a person who saves money, right, who doesn't
have six to eight months, or a year and a half worth of expenses in case something happens,
then what's going to happen to that same person that doesn't have that financial grounding? And
I'm using just one example, obviously, there's a lot of others, a lot of other habits to practice
that kind of deal that goes along with that. What happens when that person comes into money,
right? As fast as it comes in, as fast as it comes out, right? And that's, listen, that's, hey,
I don't want to say it's not the person's fault. But what attributes to that is society's, you know,
what is it keeping, keeping up with the Jetsons kind of thing, right? I want the latest and greatest
because my neighbor has a glaze and greatest or my peers, they want I want them to see that I have
the latest and greatest because I just came across on that. That's not the right way to do things. But
now, now look at crypto here. Crypto is a very easy and hard place. But let's go to the easy
part. It's a very easy place to accidentally just come into some money, right? You don't even have,
I mean, dude, I mean, it's, it was apparent, you know, now, mind you, we're at the tip of this,
of this bull trend turn, right? So let's go meet, meet bull market 21, you know, that meet bull
market, you could literally just trip and fall and you have five figures, right? You trip and fall,
you have mid six figures. And what's what happened then? The degeneracy got into play. Oh, I can
turn to six figures into millions. Oh my god, this guy turned $20 into into, into 3.5 million
on this one shit coin or whatever it is. So let me what imagine if I put $100,000 into all of this,
dude, that it's just it's it's a and I hate to put in real in real in real talk, but
it's an it's the natural progression, right? It's the natural progression of money transfer.
What's that? What if I told you that's all systematic? What if I told you that's all systematic,
right? It's human nature's pre-programmed the way things kind of play, right? Because
since youth, when TV is introduced, right, some outside media is introduced, right? What happens?
We're bombarded with ads. We're bombarded with these in these social influencers, right? Of,
of, you know, not not just influencers from here, but influencers from like the web two world
that are telling you that are not telling you, but it's showing you their lavish lifestyle.
And all those comments under that are people are like, Oh, they just they're false idolizing
these people, right? So what happens to a child that get that that's looking into this,
they're programming themselves. So imagine it started, you know, dotcom bubble straight up,
and it just it just it amplified that programming to have now society with this generation now and
even it seeped into the generation priors, because that it's a peer pressure thing, right? People
are susceptible to peer pressure. They they're what what their peers do, how they accept themselves
is how others accept them. Come on, dude. I mean, that I mean, not to go too far into the weeds,
but you know, grounding and and and having proper foundation that that's that's all in
kind of like the master formula of not having this wealth transfer. God forbid you stumble tomorrow,
right? You happen to get an old wallet that maybe you had a ton of Floki in it. And then all of a
sudden, Floki right now is an absolute god pump. Oh, my God. And you go in there, you're like,
holy shit, I have ninety thousand dollars in there. What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
You didn't expect that, right? But what are you going to do? You know, the the general right,
the general meat of the people, right, the 80 percent, right, because 80 20 real high records
that 80 percent will, you know, they're going to say, let it ride. And then Floki dumps,
and I'm not talking shit about Floki, but I'm just just using that as an example,
you know, Floki dumps and now they're 90 grand is worth five grand.
And they're like, oh, man, I missed it. That that that wasn't, you know, but that wasn't my money
anyways. That's the wrong way to look at it. Right. So or they take it and they're like, man,
now I got ninety thousand dollars to play with. Let me go make that two million dollars.
And all of a sudden, let's let's talk about let's talk about the other side of the industry,
though. OK, so we're going to talk about risk management. We're going to talk about taking
profits because that's an important message to give, regardless of which way the market moves.
It's also true that a lot of people do not set their targets correctly at all. We're in the middle
of a bullish environment. We already mentioned the U.S. dollar is not is not denominated. Correct.
I think so, Glenn, he he DMed and said, hey, by the way, internationally. Yeah.
U.S. dollar is I think he said shite. I don't know what that means, but it's a British thing.
Anyway, so he said the U.S. dollar is not very good. He said it's not being traded internationally.
And he's right. Wait a minute. Glenn, you could come on the mic, buddy. Where are you at,
dude? Is this a secret? The answer is going on. Am I not included in this? I feel I feel
hard. Is it because of the he brought up a stat, though? Is it the he brought up a good stat,
though? Internationally, the U.S. dollars already kind of it's messed up. I don't want to hear from
it. Yeah. Yeah. When the United Kingdom was an empire, you know, it was like 80, 90 percent
was traded in the pound. And then over like, you know, the first Second World War, it massively
shrank. And that's what I'm sort of seeing with a dollar where it's peaks and, you know,
the bricks are coming together. And over 35 countries are joining the bricks, which is Brazil,
China, Russia and India. And they're going to trade in different currencies outside the dollar.
So these sanctions don't seem to work very well. But yeah, it's, you know, it's coming to a peak.
But there's no one to take over the empire. I mean, it was a nice, clean takeover. UK passed it to
America. There was no fighting over it. But now, yeah, I mean, the Chinese yen's only traded about
2.5 percent of world trade. So but yeah, Russia isn't traded much as well. So it's just
it's not as dominant as it used to be in a lot of South American countries, like using Bitcoin
and El Salvadoran places and devaluing the dollar like you said, because of massive printing
affects these developing countries more when the dollar loses its value. So they're looking
at other currencies and crypto and many countries. Right. So so where I'm going with that is just to
say a lot of people just don't know how to price their targets. A lot of people who are holding
wonderful. We'll just use wonderful Bitcoin as the as the example, because it's a ready example.
And it's easy. If you're holding one full Bitcoin, we just barely printed a new all time high, according
to US dollar value. We're all fixated on it. Taking profits is important. But but selling
into weakness is not taking profits. It's by definition, it's it's it's absolutely getting
wrecked. So the speculative stuff. Yeah, there's a lot of degenerate stuff in these markets. Mean
coins are having their moment. But yeah, I think Jay's Jay's issue is issuing a very
it's a necessary caution. The blue chips that maybe they have room to run. I don't want to give
financial advice. But but I mean, I think we're all anticipating that Bitcoin is going to cross
six figures at some point. Some are saying sooner than we thought. But that Bitcoin is
going to cross 100 K and Jay, my macro thesis or my argument for today, as far as regardless of
what the next leg is up down or sideways, is that Bitcoin has not actually printed profit
yet for anybody who was in the asset, at least from the last bull run till now,
because we don't even have our own dollars are just not not set correctly. When it comes to
shit coins, or when it comes to mean tokens, dude, they are there on a tear. Irrational money
is flowing into these markets. And so yes, if you're not averaging out of some of those
positions, then then you're just asking to round trip all your profits, you're asking to to see
all of that that that disappear. But these are much shorter timeframes. So I'm just still saying,
like, both of these things can be true to the blue chips, if you're if you're stacking gains
from some of your more speculative ways into the blue chips, like Bitcoin, that more recently,
fine. And your your cost basis was way was relative to current US dollar values than fine.
But a lot of people have a longer timeframe. And so like balancing that between Okay,
where did I really make money? Where did I actually make gains? Not to not just money,
but where did I actually make gains in value for my portfolio? Could this translate into, say,
useful land? Could this translate into real estate that that for me anyways, is somehow useful to
not just my portfolio, but to me individually? Is this translating into something that's going
to actually improve my quality of life? And I think more of us need to ask that question
before we take profits at all, including with some of these these that not micro caps, but some of the
mean tokens, are you going to damage a chart because you're taking profits? Will you be able to get
back in? Are you just using it to be able to, to pump up your own portfolio, you're making a
reputation for yourself as somebody who you know, who damages communities like this, because
there are a lot of folks going in on low fee chains, very low low fee environments,
very hopeful to make some gains. And right now, that level of degeneracy, like I'm saying with
the basement of the US dollar and the pound sterling euro and every other major fiat currency
that's used for internationally, we do have to be a little bit more demanding of gains in this
market. So it's weird. On the one hand, it looks really degenerate that there's all this meme,
the meme token and meme coin activity. But I'm also saying it's actually necessary. These are
desperate times. They're more desperate than people acknowledge. So it's going to require the
desperate measures of being a tiny bit more risk on and a tiny bit more speculative than people are
comfortable with. And if you're not, you're actually not going to make the gains that you
thought you would in the blue chips. So so they're interrelated. But so on the one hand,
yeah, take profits. On the other hand, nah, man. There are life changing gains being made in in
unexpected places. So you have to scour. You have to do your own research. You have to look
in the unlikely places. Bitcoin's not going to do it. It's going to it's going to give you
permissionless money. It's not going to give you you know, it's not going to give you a free ticket
to mad games. That's not what my favorite influencer said. No, I'm just playing.
Yeah, I know. My favorite influencer is that Bitcoin is going to 250 K before that happen.
You know, didn't they didn't they say that in November? No, they didn't say in November 21.
Didn't they say the same thing? Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. No, yeah.
Same thumbnail. Nothing changed. Same red alert. Same. Oh, my gosh. Have you seen what
Bitcoin's done? You know, a real was called the bull man. Listen, dude, I called the bull
when I saw Ferrari drop. I said, Oh, that's it. The bull is here. When I saw that Ferrari coming,
I said, Oh, that's it, y'all. That is the side of the time. I got the video and everything.
That's a real influencer. But I also promote and advocate education. You know what I'm saying?
Like, I'm not on no diet. And that's why I tell people, Hey, man, miss me with it. I know you're
not going to get me in your space to pump your stupid ass coin. Yeah, I like coins. Don't get
me wrong, but I'm not going to pump your coin. Why am I going to put I don't trust you.
That's why I'm not going to pump your coin. Right. Like, I don't trust half of the influencers
any space. In fact, I know for a fact, when I bottom line fact that they manipulate a lot
of the scene, right. And to me, that's relatively grotesque because it creates a culture. Right.
And I was saying earlier, what if I told you that all of this was playing the carnal mind,
the ever so consumer, the lottery winner, right? These people have been doing research and
development on this science since Edward Bernays and cigarettes and the de Beers campaign. Right.
So let's not for any two point five seconds think that I love that you brought up the beers,
man, the beer. I mean, I'm not finished, but you are. I think I think I think you brought
I think you've got to unpack some of this because you brought your brain a lot of alpha
right now. Sorry. You know, and I tell people I'm like, Oh, after seeing all that I've been
seeing recently, I mean, I was just watching was at the Oscars and some guy was coming out naked.
And then, and here goes the craziest thing. And I don't mean to scare anybody, right? But I love
UFOs, right? I mean, UFO, I don't know why I just I'm like, I'm obsessed with UFOs and stuff like
that. So the other day, I'm scrolling through spaces. I like popping in a random spaces. I
pop it in these UFO space. Do you think that they're talking about UFOs? No, no, no, no, no.
They're reading off the book of revelations, right? Hear the whole thing. And I'm like, man,
dude, you know, with information that I have, I would have to implore everybody to stop,
right? Like, stop being a consumer. Stop. No, no, listen to me right now. Stop being a consumer.
Right? Start being a creator. Start taking pride in being a creator. Start taking pride in support
and create tours. Real creators, right? Not no more of the freaking hype cycle. Oh, you're
no listen, if you got dreams of getting rich overnight, let me help you out. Okay.
Don't you don't want those dreams? Because those turn into the nightmares relatively easy.
Right? Like we have to be careful in life, what we wish for and look at ourselves in the
mirror and say, God damn it, if I got a million dollars right now for me, would I be doing
something responsible? Am I going to go live a life that I can't imagine? And I'm probably
not even entitled to, right? Because I don't know the discipline that's required that it
takes to stay and maintain and nobody balls forever unless they're knowing how to maintain.
So, you know, I don't, I've seen a lot of people rise and fall and some of my heroes,
right? And I work closely with a lot of these people, right? And to get up close in person
and just look at somebody's eyes and even though, yeah, you might be doing well, your spirit's not
right. And more than anything, I'm a spirit creature. I tell people,
I count in the blockchain technology, not because at the time the narrative was VC funding
government go pumpy. Hell no. Everybody was mad at the government. You guys forgetting how
bad it went. And then here goes the kicker. Ooh, you thought that was bad. Oh, if you thought
that one was bad. Ooh, this next one is going to do some real damages, right? So what I would
implore is that while we have a leg up, everybody is probably in a financial position where it's
some sort of a position, right? Stop thinking with the carnal mind and start thinking with
the collective and the creative mind and start advocating for what's real, man. We know who's
behind the scenes pulling the strings. It's time to cut the course and say, I love man.
Hey Seth, I love you, but you know, I got to hit this off as these kiddos and these patients,
they need somebody out there that's pushing on the front lines and bringing awareness and
attention. Don't forget, don't I'm serious, man. Don't forget the Purdue farmers and they
fucked up half of these people. In fact, half of these people inside of web three,
nonetheless, probably more than that come from a degenerate background, right? You either were
brought into crypto as an early adopter from the silk road or some other nefarious gambling
means of form, right? So it's all based in forms of degeneracy. But what's so beautiful
is that this technology really does have the ability to restore a balance and a power. Maybe,
maybe not at its helm right now, because look who's in possession of it. But however,
if we were to collectively issue for this and new governance, I mean, I believe technology
has the keys to what we're all seeking in life. And that's just fucking the ability to be us.
You know, so they got guys, I sent you a DM, you know, I'm hosting an event in New York and
I would love to host real people who can help generate meaningful content because there's a lot
of people in the city that don't know about what we do in web three. And I'm trying my best to
usher that in. Amazing. Thank you for that DM. And thank you for the activity, man. Like you're
saying this, this spiritual aspect, it's so important. I'm glad that you brought that up.
I mean, take all this, all this stuff away, take away the crypto, take away the fiat
denomination and the fact that whatever we lost, double digit percentages of our buying power,
right? Fewer, fewer big, 30% fewer Big Macs today than last bull top, right? From your same Bitcoin.
So factor that in or whatever, I guess. But take it away now. What's left? And like you're saying,
what's left is the relationships, what's left is the integrity, what's left is our shared experience,
what's left is our family, and what's left is our spirit, if you will, right? All those things that
they're a little bit harder to quantify, right? They don't just make up the atomic, you know,
the atomic composition of our bodies or whatever, there's far more to us than that. And the material
possessions and their atomic weight in gold or whatever, like, take all that crap away. I mean,
there's a lot that we need to build in terms of the spiritual consciousness, so that we're not
just to taken, taken in, right by, by the promise of gains and the promise of a lifestyle and the
promise of, you know, the instant gratification or the moment or right now. And so it's easy to get
swept up if we don't have that long view. So I appreciate you bringing that to the forefront as
well. That's why so many communities talk about the strength of their communities is because there is
that element of heart, right, and of bonding between people. And it's a valuable and a special
thing. It's, it's truly unique and very, again, like, you got to be careful using that word
special, but it genuinely is a special thing. So yeah, getting too fixated on on just the how,
I guess, which is all this stuff around us, and not the why, which is people, right, and life and
fostering life, which is, in our case, the people. It's a big deal, man. So thanks for bringing that
up. Thanks for the invite. And we'll see if we can be there. This is for NFT NYC.
Oh, NFT NYC, sir. We got a event, locations, comedy shows, sit down interviews, everything is
web three, man. We just want to continue just to deliver ideas. We did something in Miami with
I did something with BitBoy being Armstrong, where he was really supposed to, you know,
bring awareness to our efforts here in Detroit, but it didn't really go in that direction. But
no worries, you know, I just carry on, man, and just all right, man, somebody out there is going
to realize what it is. And, you know, the person that does is just a warrior on the battlefield
with me. Like, I hear a lot of people talk, but I'm an early adopter, man. And, you know,
once you make a certain amount of money, once you do a certain certain certain things in life, man,
I don't serve money. I serve the purpose, right? Like I serve the vision. And I feel like if we lose
sight of the vision and we lose control of the narrative and lose control of the essence and
dog ain't amount ain't no amount of money in the world worth what they intend on doing to the
general masses, right? And it's like, you got to be real with each other and be like, hold on.
We got this technology. We got this technology. We got this capability. Well, how y'all keep saying
ain't enough, but y'all charging three times, 20 times as much, a hundred times as much. If you go
back to when unions were first created, man, just go back to looking at how much CEOs were making
when unions were for when they started. Hell no. When the old people back in the days,
our ancestors, right? Our lineage was because that's who it is. It was our people. Don't
forget that. You might not, you might not remember, but your people really put down
that stomp down and was demanding for things, you know, and that's those stories have been
have been lost in the sauce, but it's real, right? For a lot of people, they do have the family that
can correlate those stories. Like a lot of my family, you know, fortunate enough for me,
even most of my culture, they can't even identify as far back as we can. You know,
I'm really blessed to that degree, right? And so it plays an essence in everybody.
But I say, you know, you've got to keep in mind, your people were working at that time.
Like whoever is your lineage, the reason why your ass is here, somebody was working
and they were demanding that, Hey, what you guys are doing or not, right? Just go look
at what the, what the CEO was making then, and then go look at what the CEO was making now,
right? And then you've got to look and say, damn, man, how, how easy is it to convince
someone to strap a bomb on their chest when they got a house over their head,
when they got running water, when they got food, right? Hey, let me ask you, big shot.
Go strap this bomb on your chest and say you believe in God, right? Like, no, man. And then,
you know, that allows the perpetuation of the connotation of the science of religion,
because the religion is there for each secular group to have a pathway to connect with the
most high, right? And it teaches you by living in a certain order, by loving each other,
no matter what, I've read all religions, the verdict, the Baha Graham, the Bible, the Holy
Quran, zortenism, whatever, you know, I've read all these books, right? And it all talks in general
about one thing, man. Like you got to realize that the wellbeing of each other is the overall
wellbeing of yourself and such counter narrative to what is being pitched out there to the masses,
man. It's like, oh, Donald Trump, you really think that's how this game goes, man. I would
implore you to do some history on your founding fathers. What were their beliefs?
How did they come to believe? Here goes a better one. I've been throwing on people's head all
day, right? How does the United States, 13 colony of criminals, right? Rebel against the
great imperial British army at a time when they didn't have money. Well, that declaration of
independence was in 1776. There was somebody by the name of Thomas Barkley. He should go
investigate and see what he was doing. But I would tell you, man, it's not as clear cut and
dry as they make it seem. Deals were stricken and deals were broken. And so I chopped a cherry
tree, right? And for those that know that you should know, if you don't, you should be like,
what the hell is this smart, crazy, cockamating, cuckoo hood dude talking about? He might be on
to something. All right, guys, I got to go, man. Love your peace. Thanks for having me up. And let's
let's convene later, man. We got a mission here. No matter what, whether the mission is taking pros,
you know, or making an impact and taking this technology to help creators, there's a mission
in here. It's a purpose for everyone that's listening right now. I just want to let y'all
know. Yeah, take care, brother. Definitely appreciate coming in.
Yeah, I appreciate that. Again, that focus on beyond the markets. It's a very, very good,
very good reminder, important reminder. But yeah, but back to the markets, we do still want to take
a look at kind of in general, I'm seeing some people call for 80K Bitcoin in the next three
days. I'm seeing some people call for whatever, $10,000 Ethereum really, really soon. And I kind
of worry just like last cycle, Jay, I kind of worry about there being a little bit of suppression
this cycle as well. Now the ETFs are locked in some of these institutions. I mean, yeah,
they want to see gains, of course, they want to see great gains. But I'm wondering if it's in
their interest to see immediate gains in the ETF before they start unloading this and making their
profits, distributing it out, distributing the CTF out to all the willing buyers. I mean,
it's like taking the best aspects of Bitcoin and then like, or like whatever the car example,
right? It's like installing, you know, an extra hundred or 300 cc's under the hood or whatever,
like a massive, massive upgrade under the hood. And then putting on an exhaust system that is the
size of like a coffee stirring straw, right? Like it's not, you're not going to, you're not going to
improve things because you've not, you've bottlenecked everything into a much less efficient system. And
that's what we're doing with Bitcoin with these ETFs. So everyone says, no, this is bullish. This
is really, really bullish. This is going to help us out a lot. And I just, I have my doubts, man.
I have my doubts that we're going to hit the targets that everyone says we're going to hit
because they made wild, wild guesses last cycle. I mean, totally failed in price and price discovery.
I mean, did these guys know when Michael Sale is going to buy again and BlackRock's going to buy
again? I don't know. I would guess one or two of them do. I think he's got his brain trust that
knows exactly what he's going to make moves. Yes, but not everyone. So yeah, on that note,
yeah, as far as the wild speculative questions and these assets going into
discovery and our price discovery and figuring out where they get ahead. I'm hearing some people
saying, yeah, with Ethereum, it's definitely going to hit 10,000. I'm like, well, you know,
everyone last cycle thought it was going to be this runaway train out to 20,000 in Ethereum.
And I can't help but think, why would a utility token do that?
Like, really, why? It's kind of like, why did why did Luna just do 250% last two weeks?
Why does anything do anything? Yeah, yeah, it's one of those things, buddy.
One of those things that I see that it doesn't matter. I don't think it matters, dude. At the
end of the day, the money that's flowing in here, it's not out of yours and my control,
you know, unless you're one of the guys manipulating the microphone. No, it's out of your
your and my control. They're these secret market makers that are pumping the markets.
You know, we've seen them, right? We've seen them. We've seen what they do,
what their capabilities are, what their intentions, their malice intentions are.
So yeah, man, it's one of those things. You got to leave it up to chance and
just make sure that, you know, you have your risk tolerance in the right place.
Oh, I think Seth bugged out.
Yep, he bugged out. Anyways, guys, if there's anything that at least the last cycle or the
cycle prior to that has taught us, hopefully, that's taught us is not to commit the same
mistake twice or three times. Maybe the fourth time's a charm. But that's up to oneself, right?
Again, and I keep beating a dead horse, right? How you manage that risk is,
and I know we had Marco in the audience. Nobody need to come up in there if you wanted to come
up and talk, but, you know, there's a way that these fund managers, they manage their risk,
whether they hire a company to assess the risk for them or they just, you know, they know it
internally, they look at a lot of different variables, right? So why don't we, while we
go do these investments, right? Instead of just, you know, listening to someone and putting money
in there and letting that money get stolen from you. Because at the end of the day,
this is a money transfer service, right? Money's coming out of your pocket into
an investment or into technology. And the expectation, right, we're not here to do this
for free, is that we get a return, right? That we get a return, whether it be a 5%, 10%, or
whatever percent, hopefully, is a goal in mind that you have, that you want that return, then,
you know, at the end of the day, still an expectation of profit, right? Regardless of
what Richard Hart told you, there's an expectation of profit. So that's, when you have something like
that, and you look at how these fund managers do the things, right, these hedge fund managers,
because they're managing money, right? Why don't you do it the same way, right? You don't have to
do it at that scale, right? Where they're hiring quants and all these, you know, risk management
companies and all this stuff to assess and all this other, you know, high profile kind of deal,
you could still tailor it down to something, you know, at your level of investing.
So, but again, that goes in line with, you know, do your research and all this stuff. That's why
that's said, right? That's why that's said, because the average investor doesn't have access to
the resources or the firms or things like that, that, you know, they have access to,
but you, as yourself, you have the internet, you have other experts, you have, there's things
that you can place in line and sift out. It does take time, unfortunately, yes, it will take money,
yes, unfortunately, but you know, everything's in education as long as you treat it that way.
But yeah, I think it sets back, Seth, you back?
Yep. So sorry about that. I've read twice on the Twitter space. I don't know what's going on
there. I'm using a dedicated device, but yeah, one of those days, I think this is the phone that
I brought to eat Denver, so I know it's likely compromised. I'm not going to worry about it too
much. I've already provisioned a different phone for my daily driver, but yeah, so the crypto
event things, hashtag crypto event things, stuff that just, yeah, just to think about
when you're around a bunch of hackers, but yeah, I know completely. I think, so Jay,
today's show, we, we wanted to have a general conversation about markets. I'm okay with us
kind of calling it a much shorter show today. We, uh, yeah, the programming was, was pretty much
just to bring up markets, talk about a little bit of, a little bit of strategy. Like you said,
a little bit of risk mitigation, but also I think it's, it's a weird mix signal. Like
the market itself, it's a giant mixed signal between like take profits and also take some
risks. Like, yeah, you have to stack profits for yourself so that you're not left with nothing,
but right now, the biggest risk to take in an environment where there, where there are
runaway successes, they basically printing money every single day. The biggest risk is to take
no risk, right? So D risk with, with profit taking strategies, but also be prepared to deploy,
be prepared to, to do not, I wouldn't say generate things, but be prepared to, to, uh,
take on a level of risk that you weren't willing to three months ago, six months ago, a year ago,
there, there are going to be some things that present themselves right now that are literal,
like snap decision. You have 15 seconds to decide that's going to happen in this market. So,
so it's a weird, uh, it's a complex, uh, complex skill that, that, uh, you know, for me,
I'm, I'm trying to develop, uh, while we're here in this environment. Hey, Marco, uh,
you're up on stage. You do not need to raise your hands. Jump on in. GM, how are you doing?
I'm very good, Seth. I am sorry. My mother raised me, um, raised me well to always be polite.
So I always raised my hands. Um, just something you said there, Seth, just triggered me to come up.
And you know, as a conversation, I, I've had a lot recently, um, in that in crypto in particular,
or memes or tokens or NFTs, whatever, you know, whatever segment of the web three market that
you're in, you cannot understand the market as you do have done traditionally in a web two way.
And what I mean by that is this is a market in just my humble opinion here, which is
typically driven by sentiment, um, and influence and community, uh, and leveraging community,
which is not something that we tend to find on the web too. So yes, we can look at charts and we
can look at history, uh, which will give us, um, you know, maybe some indicators, but trust me,
I've tried to study indicators in crypto and mean tokens and I'm, I'm missing them. Now it
could be that I'm just a dumb guy, but I certainly can't find them. I mean, I've made just, just to
sort of finish, I've made some money recently on mean token. I'm going to be honest with you.
I've had a lot of fun trying to understand it. I normally get someone else do it for me,
but I've been trying to get into the weeds and understand it. And, uh, there is just no
rhyme or reason why a particular, well, there are some reasons I think that some tokens pick up
and take off. Um, you know, founding team is, is one, um, uh, certainly not an influence. I'm not
seeing that influencer, um, side, um, sort of pushing them. It's more about the fun side of the
meme, uh, the finding team and the community, um, you know, willing, willing to push it forward.
So that's just my sort of thoughts, um, on the, the crypto up and down, who knows. Um, but I did
like the, uh, the, the watcher guru post that you put up earlier about inflation. Uh, I, I've said
this before, even on this stage, you know, the Piper is coming to call and he's not very far away.
So while we've got this uptick, I don't think it's going to last all that, all that long.
Yeah. Amazing. No, thank you. Thank you for the insight there. Yeah. It's, uh, it is an
interesting, interesting ecosystem, uh, ecosystem as far as just being involved in, in web three at
all. Um, things that, uh, things that would traditionally make sense, just make no sense
here and requires a certain level of education that the thing about crypto, just, just as a
pursuit in general, whether you're a service provider or you're somebody who, you know,
like just works in the industry or you're a speculator or you're a long time investor,
Hodler, um, you know, Hodler of last resort, right? Somebody who's been diamond handing since,
you know, since the, the, the public main net of Bitcoin, right? And in 2009, if that's that
potentially applies to you, regardless of your, your experience in the ecosystem,
it requires developing new skills and new, um, new, uh, uh, instincts, right? So being able to
build those new instincts based on just new experiences in this ecosystem where, yeah,
where, where something like a Luna can do 250% in such a short amount of time, a totally depressed,
totally disgraced asset, um, can just come back from the dead and give you double your money
in almost no time. These, these are things that don't make rational sense to anybody else anywhere.
Yeah. No, they don't set, but just to that point. And unfortunately, you know,
when we're in the attention economy, I love listening to the, uh, the other, um,
chap that was on earlier, um, a little bit mad maybe, but he said some great stuff, um,
is that, um, uh, you know, they, they, I call them anonymous, right? So, you know,
Luna that you just mentioned, you know, some of the mean tokens I've been into,
diff, uh, lash, uh, pepeg, if we go back a little while, um, you know, who would think
that you could, um, make exponential gains as we have had in such a short time scale.
And, you know, just to that point, this is why people in web two finance are now starting to
look at the web three space, because, um, you know, just as an example, I invested into, uh,
token last week that went up 3,200% in 24 hours. We just cannot find those kind of opportunities
in web two. They just do not happen to that scale. Now, for me though, they are anomalies,
but unfortunately in this attention economy, they start to hit all our timeline.
So everyone or the general populace starts to think, Oh, this is happening all the time.
This is happening every single day, et cetera, et cetera. And I don't think that is, well,
I know it's not the case because we crunch the data here. So we know it's not the case
and something I just want to raise here, which is very, very true. Because again,
we've crunched the data, even though you have these big bounces on occasions in some
certain tokens and with crypto as well. One thing stays true. Time in the market
beats timing the market. We've crunched the data and it is absolutely true.
Time in the market is still outperforming timing the market.
Yeah. Hey, amazing words of wisdom there. And I mean, yeah. So you're just getting into crypto,
just take that with a grain of salt. You're, you're going to see still some appreciation
right now. Um, but yeah, don't, don't lose your head over it. Jay, I think today we're going to
call it a shorter show. We've had, um, we, I know, I know we've got a little bit more time that we
could fill today, but, uh, but we have internal calls to get to if we haven't already reset the
room. Thank you for listening in. You're on the blocks, the blocks Tuesday show or BMG Tuesday
show on Moby media. Thank you so much to Noah. It was great going to dinner and getting that
FaceTime with Noah and the team at eat Denver and so great. I'm glad we missed you of course,
but the, uh, the rest of the team that was able to make it out to eat Denver really great to get
that FaceTime IRL is so important. Like Marco was saying, like AI love was saying, there are
other things to consider, not just the, you know, not just losing your head in the euphoria
of the moment because we happen to see some great prices, you know, or, or we're chasing after
what could be fool's gold by thinking we're going to get thousands of percent gains, you know, without
putting in the work or, or the patience, right? Having the delayed gratification. So, so yeah,
definitely urging caution there. Uh, but, but it's, it's just, it was great to be able to see these
people who make these experiences go, go shake hands and, and actually, you know, we're,
we're appropriate embrace, right? Some of these people who've become friends, right? Because of
this shared effort because of a share jumping into a Foxhole together. However many years ago we did.
So we've all, you know, it put the fear of God into us, uh, and, and helped us to continue down
this path of crypto together, uh, because of the bravery that we've instilled in each other. And,
you know, uh, some of those good lessons that we've learned from, from folks like AI love, uh,
Marco, uh, but appreciate, um, appreciate mobile media for providing this stage.
Some of the best to do it in web three publishing and in, in Twitter publishing. So we're very proud
to have this association and, and, and very happy that we have this Tuesday time to be able to talk
about all things crypto, all things AI, all things tech, um, just like how we do in our business
blocks, media group, BMG, where we offer a consulting and advisory on all those areas,
all those niches, and even more the breadth of experience that our team has rather the depth of
experience that each member of our team has when combined showing a massive breadth of experience
has put us in a great position to, to advise multiple projects. So if that describes you
with the project that you're working on, please do reach out. But of course,
every Tuesday at 10 AM Eastern standard time, you can come here, chill with us,
talk about anything related to these topics. Because again, the thing that gets us through
the euphoria and the mania is listening to grounded takes like Marco, AI Live, Jay Krypto,
Glenn, and, and, and of course, the other speakers that we listen to on a regular basis
here on our space. Jay, what, what more do you want to say to our lovely audience before we
bid them adieu? No, you say you said you said it all, you know, the Glenn was a big disappointment
for not coming. It's, it's all good, Glenn. Got to bash on Glenn. I'm kidding. No, but thanks
everyone. Mobile media has been fantastic. And we'll see you next week. Peace.