Crypto web3 +C.O.C space | sponsor (META-BUILDERS)

Recorded: March 18, 2023 Duration: 2:33:34



Lovely and now is everyone doing this afternoon I hope everybody is well. Welcome buddy.
So yeah, Matt's on the stage now. Welcome Matt. It's nice to see you. Yeah, just give us an intro. Live one over here. Well, yeah. Hey, thanks so much. I appreciate you inviting me to be on this space. So my name is Matt Frazier on the phone.
with Brandon Davis of the Texan token, but really my background and experience in my career has been to help nonprofit organizations. I started a company in 2001 and we ended up
So growing a very large full service fundraising agency helping thousands of nonprofits across, mostly the US, raise money and utilize technology to do that. And you fast forward 20 years of doing that work.
I saw Richard Hart raise $27 million in about 19 days for the SENS foundation. I recognized what the Rees is going to be a powerful tool for us to help do great things in the nonprofit space. It was a game changer.
I was listening to and I got into hacks and I was listening to you know all kinds of things that were happening in the community and Ralph Powell was talking about tokenizing communities and how there's this new phase of the blockchain because we know
that what creates value in crypto but more buyers and sellers and ultimately the idea of tokenizing communities is where the trust is. And so because I'd work with so many organizations of various sizes, I recognize the fact that hold on a second.
The hardest thing to do in crypto is to get people to care. And there are people across the world that are united together in community already. Why aren't we going to them with crypto? Why aren't we allowing them to essentially unlock their own value
you. And that's really the essence of what we've been doing. We started the Texan token, which is really has been birthed out of my support for the Texas Nationalist Movement. I was helping them in traditional fundraising. And it really got to the point where I said, hey, do you want to raise a billion?
or a million. And they're like, well, I think a billion sounds good. And they've got 444,000 members. And they care about Texas independence. And so the idea of creating the Texan token, which we created and mimicked the first endowment
on the blockchain without you know this is a great group of people for us to tokenize and it's been incredible experience thus far our second community is in the Philippines with a group called GemmaFak which has
It's called Ophir crypto and that is with a group that represents about 3,000 churches in the Philippines. And what I love about DeFi is the fact that people come together and unlock value that is truly outside of government.

FAQ on Crypto web3 +C.O.C space | sponsor (META-BUILDERS) | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the person currently on the stage?
What is Matt's background and experience?
Helping nonprofit organizations through a fundraising agency.
What did Matt recognize after seeing Richard Hart raise $27 million for the Sens Foundation?
That the rees is going to be a powerful tool for helping nonprofits.
What did Ralph Powell talk about in regards to the blockchain?
Tokenizing communities and how it can create value in crypto.
What is the hardest thing to do in crypto?
Get people to care.
What is the Texan Token?
The first endowment on the blockchain that was created to tokenize the Texas Nationalist Movement.
How many members does the Texas Nationalist Movement have?
What is Ophir Crypto?
A group representing 3,000 churches in the Philippines that has its own cryptocurrency.
What does Matt love about DeFi?
The fact that people come together and unlock value outside of government.
What was the purpose of this recording?
It was a podcast discussing the Texan Token and Matt's background in nonprofit fundraising.