Cttpodcast 2 about Hivefest8 and Hive at the world rally championship

Recorded: June 3, 2023 Duration: 0:38:39
Space Recording

Full Transcription

(gentle music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Alright we're back on air. Apologies for that. My internet just drops out. It's the first time that's happened in the history of the show, I think, on episode 74 or so. It's not a bad go in but yeah, apologies for the internet dropping out there all.
We'll wait for a few minutes and let people come back in. We're going to talk about high-fest, the potential of the rally, the high-ve sponsor, which is amazing. A couple of other things before we call it a night. I'm seeing
Disregards not come back, Brian London's in the room has still got Brian dance here. So yeah, apologise about that. Good to see you all coming back in and we'll also join that conversation give out the secret word for the Leo Finance guys.
Yeah. Well, for Twitter, 10 minutes or so. Yeah, it's late here. Well, why don't we get your without you telling us about your personal situation on things, Brian? Why don't you get your thoughts on on high-fest and so with what? I mean, we finally released
high fest. It's been like on the tip of our tongue for weeks but we didn't want to talk about it but we pitched Roland P. O'Hallagher and got him to agree to let us do high fest in basically Dan's home town.
So it's just really great because I lived there for six months during COVID and I had a great time now. I like the place, Dunns, very obviously, very approving of it and everything. So let's do a high-fest here and we kind of roll in was like, okay, if you guys do the local stuff, Rollin's going to do the digital stuff and help out with the website and things.
Give me a bit of a break for having to do it again. It's like high-fest number eight. So we were like, let's help you do it. And you were like, yeah, okay. So we spent the last three weeks in Rosarito, Mexico getting quotes and conference rooms, arranging everything. So we've got the first.
And it's all kind of come together. We've got the budget agreed. We've got people like a nomad soul from Leo Finance. And we've got people like Eddie Spinoen, a few of the local people in Mexico helping out. So it should be a really nice Mexican feel experience with some genuine Mexican inputs.
And yeah, so we finally announced it, what was it, three days ago or something? It's a massive claim on Hive, which was awesome. Awesome to see so many people come in and excited about it. So yeah, and I know you're going to do your best to arrive Brian, so I don't know if you've got any interesting words to say about it or not.
Well, it's slightly problematic with Jewish holidays, but putting that aside, and it's of course a very long way away from me in Israel. But, you know, I think three planes and I can get there, so I'm going to do my best. I'm going to see about bringing the family out maybe a week after.
actually. I've never been to anywhere South America-ish so it's going to be something new for me if I can get there but it is, it's a bit tricky and I don't want to fly my America so it looks like I'm going to be hopping through Europe
and then I think Mexico City or Cancun are the only ones and then to Tijuana which yeah I mean look I'm up for a bit of something out of the out of the usual and I'm really keen that it's in a place that some of you know the
the South American contingent can get to. And then of course we're going to have to do African next year I guess. But yeah, I, you know, it doesn't have to be near me for me to think that it's a good idea to hold it there. So I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, I mean unfortunately with the timing we were going to do it in November but then we kind of sat and thought about a little bit obviously the weather's a bit hit or miss in November in Mexico. It won't be Mexico without having really good weather in Rosarito. It's really good until the last week of September and so there was a Roland's doing a conference
last week of September the week before the fest is a brief conference in Las Vegas where there's going to be quite a large hive contingency representation there and so that was like the last weekend of good weather in Mexico to give us enough people enough warning to come so we just didn't check the
holidays but it is what it is and you know we'll get over it and and hopefully it'll be a really good fast I think it's really convenient that you know it's close to a lot of other South Americans and it's close to the US border so people from the USA will be able to come across quite easily. We could talk into
a lot of Venezuelans to find out how to get them visas to come across them all, give away a good number of free tickets to people from there and various other countries as well, subsidised by various sponsors in the community. So it should be really cool, looking really looking forward to having it there. It's about time since I've had my
I really hope I'll meet some of my friends from Cuba there. I'm really keen to see what's happening down there.
You know, I've said this for a long time, I think, "Hive succeeds in America, high succeeds in Africa, India, South America, and Philippines." That's where we go, because we don't...
We've got all the credit card systems that we need. Nobody is lacking a payment system in Europe or Israel or America. And currencies are relatively stable versus the dollar. But it's some of these other places where
with more difficult economic situations where what we're offering and the kind of value you can accrue and the stuff you can do, that comes into its own outside of these older legacy nations I would call them.
Yeah, sure. I mean, this is it the distribution really is going out to these alternative countries, you know, the mainstream like Western countries and The votes go further there that the people I think just the spirit of how high I've conspred there is a lot better
and the projects can be done there a lot better as well. So we'll start to see it. I think we'll start to see circular economies at some point. In fact, we can have a high-fess at near enough to Venezuela and hopefully get some Venezuela's in the Cubans as well. It should be really, really cool to see those people attending. And then Mexico, I actually don't know that
political situation between Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba. But I'm hoping that they're all good friends. I think the Mexicans are friends with most people, so it should be okay, I think. I haven't even checked. Do I need, I don't need visas, right? America's a pain in the ass for me, but Mexico, you just arrive at the border and
Yeah, yeah, I think so. Obviously everyone needs to check for themselves officially, but as far as I know for you, it should be okay, Brian. Depends on you on your legal history that we're not aware of. Well, I've never done anything bad with Mexico.
I think the only thing they've got against me is I might have drunk a few too many tequila's at times during my life and I thought that's the final bigation. Yeah, the prize is the pleasure of tequila. It's an obligation, so. I think I am going to have to drop off because I'm getting eaten by mosquitoes outside, but
It's been great up to now and thanks very much for having me again Yeah, no worries. I like you and Dan plays things everything you do need to be for your chance really cool looking forward to it. Thank you All right, Dan any thoughts on high-first?
Well, make sure if you need a visa, do a research on where you're coming from. Mexico is going to be relatively straightforward, depending on where you're coming from. Some people are going to need some extra help.
So yeah, it should be really nice weather. Nice authentic Mexican experience. We'll have a very nice attenuary. Everything will be lined up great. It should be a memorable experience. I can't wait. Couldn't think of a
a better place really because we haven't had people say we haven't had had had had in the western hemisphere. So now people from the States, people from South America, and all over the country that haven't got the opportunity to.
And we all some scenes are new faces.
Yeah man, that's one of the things for me there's going to be a lot of people that can attend, have been able to attend the European and the Asian ones before. So I'm assuming there's going to be some new faces there and then of course the Venezuelans, the Cubans, there's a good number of Mexicans as well that are interested in helping out as well. In fact, if anyone wants to help out a little snow
because we obviously want other hyvins to get involved in the health out at the moment we've got crimson cloud helping out with some of the social media side and the designs we've got robin p helping out a little bit as well on the digital side and yeah it's just it's just good to see
good to see what's happening and obviously with Eddie Spino, being Mexican and I might say being Mexicans in like long term well respected hyvians we're really looking forward to working with them as well and having their important stuff so this is going to be a cool authentic event I think and I'm just really really really looking forward to it. Straighten the middle as well
low and it's near two major international airports. So you get through Mexico, through Tijuana or San Diego's airports right there and you know it's right in the middle so if you live up north or down south it's not too far away. So I think it's a pretty good location for everyone to get involved.
What do you want to drop any clues as to what might happen there? What's your favourite event that you're looking for to the most? Well, I don't want to spoil anything, but I think people are going to really enjoy the experience, the culture as a different vibe.
And it should have a nice closeness because before everyone's sort of scattered where now people are going to be encouraged and there's going to be good deals for people to stay in a big resort together. So it would be nice walking around a resort and seeing other hivers.
anything you want to sport. Let go about spoiling too much. Yeah, good for you, man. I mean, let's just say it's going to be plenty of authentic food, dancing, music.
authentic Mexican music as well and a couple of experiences and excursions that we're really looking forward to that we think are a little bit bit of a surprise not typical Mexican but they are Mexican because they're in Mexico and they're very interesting so we're looking forward to that. The other thing that we're going to do as well
Well for those hardcore people that stay on after high fests, Dan and I are going to arrange a few more unofficial events for after high fests as well and anyone else that wants to get involved in helping out with that. If any of the apps or the entities on high that kind of got a decent amount of power, want to put some money in or put the sponsorship on that type of stuff
to get things organized after high-fest and the people that want to stay on after can come and do a few more things as well because there is just so much to do there and there's so little time to do all in at the first. So we recall in Thailand we had a really cool situation where they did what they called it after high-fest
I think they called it in like 40 hyvians went to a co-chang in Thailand and it was just such a cool time after high fester spent time with some people had the time and were able to stay on a little bit after. So we'll organize it a little bit better this time as it was quite spontaneous last time but we'll do a few more events and
And that would be really nice for people to kind of hang on after and have a little bit more of a personal experience as well. But yeah, it's going to be great. It's going to be super great high-fest really looking forward to it, really looking forward to another opportunity to get all the hyvines together face to face because it is so important and it's
so, so cool. I mean, I've done some great things in my life. I've been very, very lucky, but a couple of those high-fests that we've been to are literally the best experience I've had in my whole life. You know, they are. It's just great to get together and face-to-face with the people that you've been speaking to online. And there's always a face-to-face that you see#
All of a sudden you like meet them at high festivities like oh my god is that you my favorite one was last year was Damier who is Lord Butterfly Who the whole time I never knew who he was you know and you think Lord Butterflies some little like I floating around and then he turns up to high festivities like a six foot five Creation dude, you know with a massive deep voice in
like, "Oh, he's shit, you're a little bit of low, you know, he's so funny." And yeah, just that type of shit. - Yeah, that's fun. - Just great stuff, great stuff. - Yeah, I remember saying that happened with a gandall in real life, while I was talking to him. - Oh, wow, you're... - Yeah, so... - Yeah, I've had some very interesting conversations#
he once told me about he's a very serious sword collector and he's got some he's got some oh it's like nothing less regandalf right and he yeah he knows he swords that's for sure and yeah he's telling me all sorts of stuff he's like this is such an eclectic run of conversation
with the legend of hive. No, it's high fests going to be cool. It's always good to go to those. I'm really looking forward to this. Obviously, an honor and a privilege to be able to have the opportunity to organize one. What are we based on? We are secret words.
for the Leo Finance community are always based around high-festa. I don't know if you've noticed that but last week it was Ross Reto the week before. No, last week it was Guadalupe which is one of the local one regions there and the week before it was Ross Reto. So this week it's, well I'm going to say it's RBH which
stands for Rosarito Beach Hotel, which is the main hotel that we're going to use there. So RBH is the secret word for the Leo guys. Yeah, cool stuff, man. Anything else on high-fest? I mean, we're going to talk about more. We're just finalizing a few of the final costs and we'll release in the
next week or two hopefully will release the ticket prices and the logistics information and how to get there, what to do, how are we going to collect it at the airport and get you to the hotel and all this type of stuff. So I'll come out in the next couple of weeks and then we can really start the ticket sales in earnest then.
Yeah, any other thoughts, before we move on from some of the notes or some of the notes? No, we're going to be good. I'm going to talk a little about how you're feeling after it's actually out. Yeah, and of course, like the cool thing is that we've got a very clear budget and an understanding of what we need
need to do to make like the, it's not the bare minimum but the bare minimum event so we've got that down, that's done. And then as we sell more tickets and get more sponsorships in, it will be the case of like, now we can do these extra things and these more cool things and
So it's going to be really interesting to see exactly where the budget comes in at the end and then like what extra things that we can do on top based on ticket sales. And we're going to do like what Rowland did in the past years where the ticket prices get more expensive as it gets close to the event. And that's for us is really important because the Earth
that we know how many people are coming and the better deals we can give people early on, then the more people buy tickets early on and then we can have a very clear idea of what the event is going to look like like three or four weeks at a time. When the ticket price really go up really high and then you should get less people buying tickets by the end of it.
encourage people. Encourages people to get their tickets in, their ticket purchase in early and that just makes the event more easier to arrange and more professional as a result. So yeah, get your tickets early guys, get nice deals on the process and then you won't have to pay the higher prices later on.
Alright, let's move on to something else here. I want to talk about a couple more things to the end of the show. One was regards to debuts. This was earlier in the week, but I thought it was really important to talk about it during the show.
Debus basically are entering a couple of competitions. I don't know if you've seen this, but there was a blog put in from Chris Rice in the room and he says kindly vote for Nathan Sand to appear on TV in the United States.
for the first Shark Tank inspired, web 3 television show, Coin Market Cap and others are already involved. So there's a link here, hello.1/kW, slash project/d booth. And yeah, we're encouraging everyone to go
shout out Nathan on there. Nathan's a very, very knowledgeable guy, very relatable guy, very nice guy and I think he'd do very, very well on a program like Killer Whales. Especially as it's Web 3 stuff, he knows his stuff is a hard-core dev but also very good business
this month. So yeah shout out to Nathan Sand for that and Chris Price for bringing it up and I think it's a great idea so if you're from high I'd go jump on that and give Nathan a vote and see if we can get him onto the Killer Whale show.
Yeah, nothing's well spoken. So it's good to get in front of the main people's passing. Yeah, and the other thing that the deepest team is doing, he says, "Gurav Fudge is in the middle of his 11th podcast on Twitter titled 'What's with Debra's?' I'll send that around so yeah, shout out to that podcast as well. Go join
It's a Filipino podcast about Hive.io. It's live now. That was early in the week. The D.B.B.B.B.B.B.B team is working to set up multiple Hive podcasts across the world in different languages starting into Galag which is the Filipino language, Bessiah and English first. There's going to be all sorts of languages coming out
I think we're going into a place now where Hives going to start churning out content like crazy. Obviously we're doing this podcast, you've got Chris Rice and Deeper's set of their own thing. They're very closely into just some very, very big influential people in the Philippines as well. So we're very, very interesting going forward.
Yeah, and I guess then I guess in the last thing was I wanted to talk about the three speak mode. Well, let's talk about the three speak mobile at first and then the rally and the rally is just an amazing thing, but the three speak mobile app.
I feel like for me it's come as a surprise that it's been so well received. Because for us we had it built months ago really and we've been slowly, we've surely added things to it and SAGAR has been working on all sorts of things, regards to the encoding process and building things on the speak network.
But we finally got it approved by Apple. So we haven't changed that much for months, but we got it past the line for Apple and Google over the last month or so. And so it's got released and gone out and we had something like 5,000 views on each post and just hundreds of likes and
just great to see. For me it's great because I hadn't really thought the community would like it so much and so I'm really surprised and a bit flattered by it really and I've got the app on my phone already you know I haven't I'm not much of a content creator myself but it's very easy to just record
video on your phone and upload it through the three-speed mobile app and the saga has done a really good job of that. It's going to get even better in the near future because he's making it seamless so there's no individual steps in between. You just upload the video, press go and it just does it all in one go. So that's going to get super easy in the near future. He's also built
the short process you can have a reels system on your mobile, you just swipe up, swipe up, swipe up, next video, next video, next video. Any video on Hive is under 90 seconds long, automatically goes on the reels on the three big shorts. Cool, I mean this is it, these are all
The fundamental technology is that social media needs, especially Web 3 social media. I don't know of any of the mobile app that does video. I don't know of any of the mobile app that does short some reels in the Web 3 world. So here we are. It's just great to see. Great, great to see and great job by Sagar and Shar to that guy.
Yeah, it's been really great people and well received a lot of people at the app making it easier to create content upload.
So it's really cool, I kind of snuck by the...
big Web 2 companies and using them as a funnel to get more people on the Web 3.
the ultimate goal. Yeah, absolutely. And then last but not least, the rally, right? So I mean, I've been fortunate enough to be free at this time. We've got the high-fests quotes in place and the budget together. And so I came across the rally, right? So, so
Hive is sponsoring the car. It's got the Hive logo all over the car and it is in the World Rally Championship right here right now in Italy. And this is a big event, like there's 400,000 people on the opening day, right? And there's millions of people watching at home.
The park here is insane, like there's stands and Hyundai cars everywhere, like the legit like multi-million dollar rally cars, like the best cars in the world. They've got Ford here, they've got just all the big rally teams and then this is like separate sections.
of the lower class cars where it's a bit more of like a semi pro, people volunteer and come and do all the mechanics and everything and that's where we are, that's where the hive team is. And it's just so cool because there's so much camaraderie in there, it's serious, serious stuff like the rally car drivers out there all
day and they come in three two two times during the day for a 45 minute pit stop and they've almost always damaged the car. So you see these mechanics come like they're ready to go they've got they've got the whole repair planned before the car comes in they've got 45 minutes to basically rebuild the car because it's just
comes in in complete pieces. Today they had a wishbone bent and the car was tracking off and when it came in they had the wishbone prepared. They just took it off, put the new one on it, took them about 10-15 minutes to do. They were working like crazy, sweating like crazy. It's just great to
It's great to see this, you know, literally some of the best mechanics in the world and the best drivers in the world, inside working on our hive car and it's out there competing in the World Rally Championship, you know. It's absolutely insane stage and saying opportunity for hive, so it's great to see, great, great, great to see.
I'm really happy that it turned out well. It's pretty crazy how big it is. I'm really glad it's that many people. Yeah, it's a big deal. It's a big, big deal. And the car looks great. It's awesome. So how has it been for you personally? I mean for me, well, I've kind of gone off motor racing.
of recent but I was a massive Formula One fan back in the day when I was young and my dad would be my dad would be like falling head over heels to find out these sons in the paddock as a sponsor to a world rally championship team it's just insane and I'm a mechanical engineer by trade so I know about cars and machines and things
So unlike I'm loving it, you know, I'm really in there in the thick of it talking to the mechanics talking to the driver. It's very stressful. The drivers live in his dream and the team are as well to be in the World Rally Championship. It's very heart, very high pressure. They're most important.
thing is to finish the stage, they're desperate to finish every stage because it's really hard, you've got to hit one rock and the wheel falls off and the car's out, you know, and we haven't gotten into replace it with. So they've been very careful with the car, they're not pushing it to the full extent but they're... So it's like this, in the big teams they've got all the money they need so they can do#
push and break them and they've always got a new spare car you know. But with our team because it's like in the amateurs and you know towards the back it's like limited funding at the moment at least limited funding and it's the drivers are just some of the best drivers in the world and they've been very careful to make sure they
actually get the car to finish the rally. And then if they can figure out a way to push a little bit more, join the rally and improve the times of what they would have been just doing a standard easy rally to get to the finish. And that's like the bonus, you know. Because it's a rally, it's like long, long, long hours. I think they're doing something like that.
500 km/h in 4 days. Off road, the cars getting broken, their bodies are getting broken. They come in, the drivers are sweating like crazy, they come in, they eat, they get as much energy in and 45 minute break as they can. The mechanics work like crazy to get the car back into shape so they can put it back on the road. Its intense, its stressful
It's dramatic. There's a lot of high tensions and nervous people walking around because they're like, "It's just egos and people are losing time. You get in the way. They lose valuable seconds during the changeovers." It's really amazing. I'm sitting here watching it as an outsider coming in.
seeing this for the first time. And I'm like we can get like the team like Jovun's team, get it get like four or five GoPro cameras in the paddock where the mechanics work. Get a couple of content creators in there to film, I mean I filmed the drivers and interviewed the driver
and mechanics several times during the last couple of days and I've been working with GiltiPyre as opposed to the high blocks account. It's fantastic content, it's drama, it's real drama and it's real, it's raw, you know. And so I'm like thinking well can we get a couple of content creators here to learn how to be
like a branded high-quality car.
and promote the accounts and go to the rest of the rally teams and be like, "Look what we're doing." Our rally fans here, they can compost content and comments and they can get upvotes and then crypto for insurating with the community. You know, you're rallying, can't do that. Why don't you try it? Why don't you try it out?
brands here are insanely big, so there's so much money. So it's a massive grand stage, there's no other crypto projects able to do this at the moment. I don't think there'd ever be a sense of their community members in the way that I've come. So yeah, we're going to try out, we'll go to Greece in September, early September, and we'll try
will Joe Vans going to go with me? We're going to take probably another cameraman and create some high quality content for missing creates some drama and create a separate platform using a breakaway community and invite everyone to come take part in the live rally while it's going on and get involved in when the next pit stop is going to be watch it
see the content, get the interviews from the driver, interact with the content, reward people for doing it. It's just going to be such a cool thing to do and if we can show how we can do that on high and then be able to take that example to the other teams, it could be really a great thing for them to adopt to and if that happens I mean it's insane. They've got like a junior
and rally drivers pad, so it's like they've got the senior drivers but they've got all these junior drivers, all the juniors, they're all on social media, they're all doing their own videos, none of them are using social media teams to manage their social media content and these are the biggest teams in the world and we come in back of the grid, small
semi-pro team and we start creating content that shows the drama of the paddock and shows the passion of the people working there and everything. It could just be amazing. Certainly the junior teams could take that on, especially as they're young and they've got the whole social media mentality behind them.
already figure out ways that we could use Hive to incentivize their audience system. I think that could be really really amazing. So it's just a massive opportunity. The other thing that I want to do as well at the moment they're just funding the car right but it's like well as we go through the next few races we Hive will be in Greece in
Central Europe until the end of the season and the next season they want to do value plan wants to do Monte Carlo which will be in gap which is a few it's a good few kilometers away from Monte Carlo for the preferred but it's a Monte Carlo rally and then one important goal and I think they want to do a couple others during the year as well and so next year I think it's the beauty thing
beautiful thing about these rally cars is they don't really lose value, you can sell them at a fairly similar price to what you bought them. The idea would be to upgrade the car to a 4x4 instead of a 2-wheel drive, get it into a class above, but it starts at the bottom of that class and it's quite a competitive class, the 4-wheel drive class. And then come in as like this
team has come out of nowhere, amateur type team, low funding, but enough so it gives a reasonable shot. And they say, well, we're going to go from zero. And by the end of the season, we're going to aim to improve that time by 10 or 15%. We're going to aim to improve that position on the grid by
exposition. And give the community something to watch so they can see these team and drivers working their asses off to do their best to get us into that position that we really could attain by the end of the season next year and have all this social media stuff going on around it.
people commenting, have people interacting, take people to the event, right? Let's run competitions and let's allow some highvians that are really keen motor sport enthusiasts to come to the event and actually be in the paddock with the mechanics and talk to them, talk to the driver, you know, set up a city
situation where we can have like a separate little area for the kind of VIP/hive guests to come and be. We could do all this stuff, you know, and it just could be so, so cool. We could do that in each rally as it tours around to the different places. So yeah, massive, massive opportunity for life and we really, really, we're doing a very good job at the moment.
but I feel like just a few more extra things could really really maximize the marketing and exposure of the rally and hive and even ultimately get the other rally team thinking about how they could use blockchain technology to incentivize their audiences. I think it's one of the biggest opportunities going so very very exciting.
Sounds like a documentary. Well, this is it. It's like how many documentaries we've got. We've got the Hyve Water Hall, Bull Hall Projects. We've got the Free Chain documentary. We've got some of the things that go on in Venezuela with the exercise, the SWC people and the Hyve Super People. We've got the Cuban pay utility bills in Hyve Water Hall.
I mean there's so many documentaries and then it's like yeah we could take this rally team. There's two creation rally drivers that are the first two creation rally drivers to compete in the Sidinian World Rally Championship. So they've already got half a creation like the whole creation rally community is watching these guys.
like I holy shit they're in the world rally championship how the hell do we do this and if they finish the rally it's just going to be insane in Croatia it's just like massive massive credit for these guys so there's like well we could take this team and they've just scraped in right with the high funding that they've got they've got another rally team that works with them
With that combined it's got them into the world's early championship but the guys are eating pasta, they cook the pasta themselves on where the grid is right, where the garages. They don't go out for meals, they're not like these big teams, they've got these nice fish and raw meat and things on their plates. These guys are just cooking pasta from that pen you know.
They come on the lowest possible budget they can, but a massive rally enthusiast, they're some of the best mechanics in the world, they've never seen anything like it. So yeah, let's take this kind of semi-rag tag team, put some investment into them, make a documentary that films and going from the back of the grid, working their way through, getting better and better each rally, maybe move the
maybe even being some guys in the class above, because there's rally splits to several different classes because of the money situations. I think there's a great story to be told there, so we can probably even do it where, you know, in the different countries that the rally goes to, we could get local hyviens to go film it, send the cuts back through the same editing.
team and the same editing team that did Free Chain, which is a great, great job. We could get them producing content that way and then yeah, who knows maybe we end up getting a documentary out of it and it would be so cool to see a blockchain funded project going start at the back of the Rally Grid and move it's way up, you know.
Yeah, I agree. Sounds like you can see it on one of those HBO documentary specials where they interview and you see the progression and a lot of people would be into that. I think so. Yeah. Really, really good. Well, at that, I think that's pretty much
the end of the show apologies for the mid show interruption that my internet dropped out but yeah I think I you know I just got this feeling now down like everything's getting so busy it's just gonna get super busy on high as we we're going into this place where
Most of the scaling issues are solved. Most of the onboarding issues are almost solved. And it's just like the next phase is, and you see guilty part is crimson clad. A lot of you are the
influential people on Hives that are able to get hold of budgets starting to think about, well how do we put money into marketing? So Hives going to kind of progress, it's going to still obviously have the developer code cool.
But it is starting to progress to a, how do we market this? How do we get to different conferences? How do we get to sponsor different sports teams? And it feels like right now that the guys are making the budget available and the budget's there to do these things. So we can be going into a very, very interesting time to hide here.
Yeah, it feels like things are starting to escalate. And you can keep doing things like this, some of the documentaries, some of the stories, some of the things happening across the world all at simultaneously.
some things about to get interesting. Sure, I'll pin. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping. Strapping#