D2D | Prime DAO (Em Português🇧🇷)

Recorded: Dec. 23, 2022 Duration: 0:58:11



Hello. Can I see? Yes, I can. Can I see my friend? Or, perfect. You said you saw him all right? Perfect. Everything. Wonderful. Everything is great. No, I'm going to check out. First.
I'm going to talk to you. We're together. We can talk. Thank you so much for coming.
Thank you for being accepted, I invite you to talk a little about D2D, which is a relatively young theme and I think we'll play a lot today.
I'll be recording later to use what I've been saying here. I think it's really cool. It's cool, perfect. Are you in Brazil? No, not at all.
I was passing the biggest part of Europe, I was in a place for another one. I was now in Lisbon and I got there now for Brazil. I had to stay for a few months to come back to our country.
but there's no time for the plans to have such a long time of coincidence. - Nice, nice. - Where are you from? - I'm from Brazil. - Where are you from? - From here.
And then something that pushes another one, I think it would be cool to talk about the background, how you're developing this theme. I think it would be cool to share this.
I think it's cool to be talking about the background, like entering the world of the web3 and everything, and the way that some of the story is connected to the Prime, so I think it's a bit like connecting the two together. My background is like this,
I'm a very related academic student, I work with the world of F3, I study in the development industry and I work a little bit in the world of corporate activities, basically financial and such. And basically,
I was in the world of web3 and I was more interested in some people I had, I had some time, but I didn't work with anything related to that. I was interested in some years.
I think it's been eight years since I've been in the cybernetics and governance, centralized. So, even before I could know, I was very surprised to have a lot of DAUs and Duet System, everything.
I was already interested in these links. And also, I joined this parallelism to have a lot of experience with technology and thought. And eventually, I already had a certain kind of blockchain, like how it works with Bitcoin, for example.
I'm sorry that I didn't have much practice to talk about working things, but sometimes I can't do anything in English. And basically, I've been able to enjoy this experience a lot.
So, I think it's a good idea to have a good time with the new technology.

FAQ on D2D | Prime DAO (Em Português🇧🇷) | Twitter Space Recording

What will the speaker be doing after the podcast recording?
The speaker will be checking out and leaving to go back to Brazil.
What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The podcast recording is about the D2D theme.
Did the speaker see their friend?
Yes, the speaker said they saw their friend.
Where is the speaker from?
The speaker is from Brazil.
Where was the speaker when the podcast was recorded?
The speaker was travelling through Europe and had just arrived in Lisbon.
What is the speaker's background?
The speaker has an academic background and works with web3 development and the financial industry.
How long has the speaker been interested in decentralized systems?
The speaker has been interested in decentralized systems for around eight years.
What is one blockchain technology the speaker has experience with?
The speaker has experience with Bitcoin and how its blockchain works.
What other technology has the speaker worked with?
The speaker has worked with cybernetics and governance.
What is the speaker's opinion of the new technology they are discussing?
The speaker enjoys working with the new technology.