D_D Town Hall

Recorded: June 2, 2023 Duration: 0:28:10



Sorry about that everybody getting these back together as soon as I was getting ready to kick it off it got rugged all of a sudden so I'm getting everybody back in here if you guys can help me out by retweeting the space that would be super helpful and we'll get today's Town Hall kicked off
All right, GMGM just a quick reminder. Let's get this space retweeted as much as we can so we can get as many developer down members and soon to be developer of down members into the space. I'm going to go ahead and start off with a few things, just little updates and things like that and then we're going to start pulling
and everybody from Kimster and Billy to talk about some of the upcoming things that we've got going on for June. First things first, I want to say we have one thing that's a new Perks update for all developer down members is we have the three XP
Web 3 Gaming Expo in LA June 8th and June 9th free tickets if you are a member of developer Dow. So if you are and you want to go to the event and you want to learn a little bit about Web 3 Gaming and get connected into that space, head over to
Perks.xyz and then you'll see the new perk available where you can actually collect the general emission ticket from there. It's totally free so if you're in the area or you want to travel there and get connected, collect that ticket. Next thing is some of the things that we have as far as communication
meaning highlights back in May. One of the things was we had a great Devintel with whoop pay, and I did an amazing job on that on that entire intro and just talk about what whoop pay is where it came from, where it's going. So go ahead and check that out on YouTube.
We had a couple really awesome workshops. Honestly, I thought the community drive for these workshops were amazing. The teach anything with Tippie was amazing. Intro to open AI with Waxi was an amazing workshop as well. And then last but
not least but the diligence buzzing with Toby's oh and I'm totally missing one more was an intro to Rust by our very own crypto. We had just an awesome layout of workshops all last month and I just
can't wait to see what other workshops we have coming on for June. We're missing one as well Patrick from the uh we ever had some dapper down on technical writing this week. Ah yes yes yes and yeah that's that's totally correct we just had that one man that was a great one I said to the
whole thing writing notes, like technical writing or technical writing really. Man, it was it was a great workshop altogether. So let's go ahead and just get into June. Let's see, I want to start off with the based event with Coinbase and developer Dow. Billy, do you want to kick that off?
Do I have Billy up here already? Oh dang it, hold on, here he is.
Looks like Billy might not be able to come up to speak just yet as soon as we can get them up here. I'll have them talk on it. But I'll go ahead and jump over to the going into a budget season, governance amendment proposal and the upcoming Twitter spaces.
I can't do that.
June 8, Dovdo and the base team have collaborated to create an event developer focused meetup during A16Z week, which is actually like a bigger deal than I thought it was. So like this is kind of the place to be. We have awesome speakers from like Fract Finance, Third Web.
U.S. D.C. I mean like a lot of people that are big rigs are going to be in that room. So we actually are at capacity. So for any active dev.down members, not your friend dev.down members, if you are going to be in LA and you don't realize you're going to be there, how could we
I will be hosting a workshop with a ConnexRaption using the easiest toolset that I have worked with with ThirdWeb and I will have a DevFocusPan
We have a lot of panels out here all the time and something that I don't care about a lot and so I want to have a subject where people are actually talking about who's in the industry what they're doing what they're working on and where they see you know Where you should be working on to to get a job or stay in this industry so there's gonna be a lot of big ways
There's been a lot of signups from Google Analytics, Netflix, a lot of web2 devs looking to get curious in Web3. If you are looking to come out, I look forward to seeing you. There's been quite a few dev now members that I have touch base with that will be there. It'll be hopefully a kickstart to the in real life meetups.
But that was a launch with how 3xp even noticed what Dev. was doing and that started the whole thing to get them in parts.
You know, coexisting opportunity where where devs are looking to build and ship and then just come together in the local areas and hopefully dev.members can start hosting them in where they live, right? So that's kind of the theoretical plan. And so, you know, all that Patrick take it over, but I have a lot more to talk about about community stuff.
All right, man, I'm excited for that event. Go ahead, Kim sir. Yeah, can you want to make me a co-host dude and I'll pin some of the announcement tweets into the space so folks can get access to what folks are talking to.
As I'm doing that, why don't you go ahead and just go over the community workshops and like what we're doing as far as the rebranding of a lot of our community workshops as I get you up this cohost. Oh, for sure. For sure. So, you know, obviously, I mentioned before the community workshops have been been awesome. Like it's really, really fun. The whole goal was to
kind of highlight the talent that we have in developer Dow and teach us something that we've been looking for. Like the AI thing, I wanted to get started but really don't want to take the time like three hours of deep diving into different YouTube channels. And then we had Waxi here. Here it is, right? And just gave us like this one hour breakdown.
Same thing with Russ. A lot of people wanted to learn Russ and get started with Russ. So crypto dropped us a knowledge. You know, get starting with technical writing with Daffodam was just fired, right? Like just getting that and then getting feedback of like, these are the talents that we have in the Dow. And now we have, you know, a showcase of like, anyway, that comes out in the community workshop. Now has a plan.
place to say, hey, I presented at developer doubt, this was my skill set, this is what we did, and that's what I'm really trying to promote, a little bit more building, a little bit more exploring of what's out there, and we're still looking for people that need to do GitHub actions, work with Docker. All these things that may not be sponsored
But are good to know when you're trying to work in in this kind of community environment and you're trying to get a job, right? Like can you set up a Docker environment without using for sale? You know, and so if there's someone talented in the Dow that can teach us that, you know, come out and show us a community workshop, get paid a little bit and let's keep that going. That that's been the the motive for the what we#
now rebranding as the workshops. So we're going to be blending the community to workshops with the sponsor workshops together. So I'm not super stressed out trying to fill in the time with venues and stuff. So it'll be intermixed and sometimes it'll be something that you're super excited about. And then sometimes it's something that you may have realized that you should have
known about. So it's going to be a mixture of two. I'll be very involved with that and making sure that you know quality content having some fun with it right like it's not all suit and tie. Let's have some fun and and joke around in it and we're all you know family here. So if you have a skill that you know I haven't even mentioned out there definitely reach out to me.
And let's get coordinated. We'll put you on the calendar and figure out a way for you to work it in. Do you want me to keep going on all the other community things or do you want to take it back Patrick? You know what? Go ahead and finish up community and then we'll go into press start after that. Okay, definitely. So coming up pretty soon is going to be
So, I'm going to work on an initiative that
Like the last few hackathons we had with DevDow were all single submissions and that's great, but I want people interacting and networking with each other and showcasing each other's skills. So I'm working on an incentive that if you team up with a DevDow member, there will be some code incentives for you. So like, you know, maybe we have this single
your engineer that says, "I could do it on myself, but if I bring on this junior and you guys work together, there might be a better incentive to get that going." So it's cool to go alone, but awesome to go together. So that is going to be the focus for the next hackathon. I've just kind of like creating these teams and getting together. So if you're not
you have someone that kind of work with and get together and whether you submit something that wins the first prize or not, you get something out of it. So be a dev/down member, right, and then get that incentive. So I'm also working on another incentive as well for with crypto connection for
having blogs written in Spanish. And so I know that there's a lot of multiple language speakers out here and people really get frustrated because English as a second language is already on top of what you're trying to learn is difficult. So why not write it in your native tongue, right? So obviously I would love to do all languages, but I can only do Spanish.
So that's all I can handle right now. So I'm trying to work with a couple other people to get developer down members, you know, paid to write their content in Spanish and have developer more focused write ups on their for their analysis. We've seen I've seen quite a few different, you know, productions and that. And, and you know, they don't have that developer doubt touch. So I'm looking to see
what I can do to work that out so I can get things moving. And so that's just another thing that I'll be working on. One other thing is obviously recruiting more outside members, right? We're all here. We're all dev.down members and it's like I don't want to preach to an echo chamber. So I've been talking to other hackathon projects. I've been talking to other groups of developers
trying to see what we can do to incentivize them. We want more builders in the Dow. We want more people building. So I'm thinking of having all those hackathon submissions and winners get sponsorships to the Dow. So then we can get that talent in here and start working on more, more items. So that's another focus that I'll be working for next month as well to get just recruit more
members that are actively building. And then another option that I'm working on is the Pray system. So Praize is a kind of like a tipping type. I don't want to say tipping is for the lack of a better word, but a way that you can give kudos to somebody that kind of helped you out. You know, many times I've been helped out in the doubt, like
I'm working on this, and someone takes the time to stop and help you out. Other than saying thank you, you want to find another way to give them some praise. Sometimes that's in the form of tipping code. So I'm going to work on seeing if this will work out for the discord server so that we
can have the price system on there. So if you're out there in the trenches helping people out and people recognize that, there should be some kind of reward on that. Obviously it's not going to make you a millionaire, but sometimes that little bit of kudos does help, so try to make that something into a reality. That's going to take a little time.
it's going to be on the To Do Box. And then for those that don't know, the Krenza pushup challenge has come to an end. It was a fun project that was something really cool. It was more of a let's build kind of session. So I challenge Krenza, one of our devoural leads to do a single
push up by May 31st and it didn't work out in my favor. But the good thing that came out of it was we end up building an escrow contract, right? And so we have these battles of Hard Hat Foundry which do you use? Well, I use both, right? So it was the first time I've ever done using that in a
type of setup where I'm using Foundry for testing in Solidity Contract Writing and then also using it in Hard Hat and then testing in JavaScript. I didn't even know that existed until this challenge and everybody that contributed, it was kind of like a no-pressure type of challenge. Just go ahead and submit what you got, give me a PR.
you break it, we'll fix it. It was a really, really great learning experience, and then we moved to the front end, and I forced myself to write a TypeScript, and then we did the Miracle Tree, and we didn't use the Open Zeppelin Miracle Tree, so we did it with positioning. It was a lot of a learning challenge, and everybody that participated in that got a little something out of it.
Yeah, I lost, but hey, I got technical skills and that's what I want to do every month where we build these fun projects. Maybe the projects take off to something a little bit better, but just keep building. Maybe we build something in Rust. Maybe we build something in SnarkyJS with, you know, Mina Protocol. But it's just building something.
and getting your skills and leveling up. And yeah, I'll honor it. I'm gonna do the thousand push-ups, right? So I'm gonna pay that price on Saturday, but at the end of the day, as long as we build something, that's what I want for the community workshop. And since I'm gonna stop with the mic, I think it's probably as community, one of the community managers, I think the best thing to say right now#
is to maximize your time in dev.dow or maximize your participation in dev.dow is to actually participate, right? Like be active. I mean, coming in and saying, "Hey, what's up guys?" and then disappearing for three, four weeks, I don't know who you are than a random name. The ones that I connect that show up to the town halls, that show up to the vibe,
I get to know you and when those opportunities come my way, hey, I need a front end developer. I happen to know who is a front end developer or I happen to know who is a solidity developer or a full stack or something. I say, hey, I have the perfect person in mind. But if I don't know who you are and I don't know what you can do or what you're showcasing, build them public, right? Make yourself#
be known network. We have tons of people from different protocols all over the space that are a part of DevDow. If you look at Twitter, you'll see their tag DevDow member, DevDow member. There is a network here, but you have to participate in order to do so. Just signing up and just kind of hanging out. You're not going to get as much as if you just showed up.
to a couple of events from time to time. I know sometimes the events are hard to get to, but you know, throw some posts, get some active, you'll see me responding to a few things and I think that's too much airtime I've taken so much right now, but that's it from the community side. Bill, just declare all of that such amazing stuff, mate. You're killing it. Just say
a clarification on the community workshops is that there's a small bounty for doing that as well right so if folks are looking for an opportunity in the Dow to share some of their work that opportunities there and there's a small bounty at the moment in USTC and maybe we'll try and increase that over time as well. Currently it's a hundred dollars USTC and I give you all the
and everything to fill out. And you know, I'm the guy to help you through it just in case. So yeah, reach out. There's a lot of amazing things going on in the community. The best way to stay up the date is honestly there's three really, really solid channels. One, pop in any VC chat.
just ask what's going on. Number two, check out the weekly newsletters. Those typically have a pretty accurate description of everything going on in the Dow on a weekly basis and for the month and everything coming up. And then last but not least, announcements channel and Discord. Check out the announcement channel and Discord.
just to see what's coming up. There should be sign up links for all the active events and hackathons and everything that's going on. Those are the best three ways to stay up to date on developer. And especially when it comes to things like fellowships. So I have a really cool announcement that just came in a few seconds ago.
is Press Start Capital's Fellowship Program. We put out eight spots for the Fellowship Program and everybody's put in. We had actually 87 total applications come in for that Fellowship Program and eight spots were open.
We've already sent out the letters for acceptance for those eight spots, but why hasn't anybody gotten a rejection letter? It's actually because we're opening two more spots for that fellowship right now. So this went from $120,000 going into developer Dow's community for fellowship
money. Now it is $150,000. I'm super excited now that literally just got announced and so we got two more spots that are open. So if you haven't received a rejection letter, if you haven't received a rejection letter yet, stay tuned, pay attention to those emails, see if you're going to get an acceptance letter.
Because we've got 10 spots now two more spots are open seven spots have been accepted There's one more person that's excepting that eight spot and then two more spots are being accepted Ryan do you want to jump in on this and just talk about the whole press star fellowship System that's going on right now with the fellowship. Yeah, absolutely
So I think right off the bat, the level of quality that came through on some of these projects. I mean, we saw things from algorithmic market makers to platforms for DAO's to create value to, you know, NFT gaming platforms. We covered the basis. I'm absolutely blown away by
by just the standard that you all are building at. What is going to happen next is, safes will be sent out once everyone has accepted and they are going to go through a six week program, getting some mentorship from some of the best in the industry. We're going to be working
through that to also bring some insight from the fellowship to the broader community as well, just to share sort of the things that they're learning and see if we can distill it down and bring it to the larger developer doubt community as well. And so I would just say, you know, keep track of everything that's going on there will be creating some content around it. You're going to see a little
lot more Patrick and it's just really exciting. So I am again just blown away by everything and really looking forward to announcing everyone who got accepted into the fellowship. Yeah this I've been so excited about this fellowship program. I mean it's not that these mentors are definitely nothing to raise your nose at either.
I mean we're talking about the co-founder of Twitch, head of partnerships from 500 startups. I mean we have massive heavy hitters in here. I believe we have either one of the partners or partners for near foundation. I mean it is going to be an amazing fellowship. I cannot wait to just see how
everything grows and then what demo day looks like that's gonna be the the big one for me I want to see what all this comes out to and me and Ryan have just kind of been talking behind the scenes like man should we should we start like something like this do we need a VCR like you guys got to let us know if this is something you guys want more of Ryan what are your
Yeah, so you know these are definitely so the angles that we want to start looking so you know there are a lot of portfolio companies out there that would love to hire developers to bring you know the talent within developer doubt into their ecosystem. So we're looking to build that out. We're also looking to really build out our Ventralations arms.
So, you know, what more can we do to get you and your ideas in front of people looking to fund it? And so that's what Patrick and I are going to be experimenting with over the next few weeks. We're going to be putting out a budget request for season two. And I think it's going to be a really exciting time to be exploring this venture perspective.
and we're developing outfits in. So stay tuned. That's awesome. Okay, after that, I believe, Kim, did you have a couple updates on the budget season or anything like that? I think that's pretty much closes out the majority of our updates. So did you have any closing notes, Kim?
No, it's just kind of like signaling getting out on the radar that we're kind of moving into into budget season. I think something that's been lost in translation was We a proposal went up at the end of the last budget rounds to to move away from seasons and just to quarters so the budgets were extended to the end of June
but over the next few weeks we'll be looking to encourage the existing sub-dows like labs, academy, agency and DD women to think about their budget proposals for the next month. And there's some work we're trying to do around
Some of the gaps or some of the missing rails that we found on the back end of the experience of the budget season last time round. So there is a proposal on the forum about governance amendments and we're going to be hosting a space, hopefully second half of next week to talk about some of these topics.
So, the big thing is over the next few weeks we'll be entering into that season we'll be expect budget application.
So, it's a very interesting and exciting and impactful community decisions and conversations to be heard around how we further define how sub-dials work so we can try and help the Dow grow for the long term. So, to say back to everyone involved in the press start, I think that was amazing.
It's going to be so cool to see sort of 10 projects in the Dow get a sort of $15,000 check and supported by those kind of people to ship some great stuff. So super good work. Love seeing it and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds over the next six weeks. Billy, go for it.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, I just happen to see Natter back down there in the stage and it just reminded me that I would love to get DevDow members a lens profile option. So if I can take a snapshot, I'm shooting my shot when
NADR right now. Fun fact, I've never actually met NADR. Anyways, if you're out there listening, I would love to take a snapshot of active developer, Dow members, and then get them on an allow list for their NADR profiles.
beautiful. I love it. Okay, awesome. That thumbs up. That looks like a green light for me. That's all I need to hear. Man, I'm just overly excited about everything that's going on. I'm going to summarize what Kim just said. Everything about budgets and everything like that. I'm going to summarize it to this one thing. If you want to see
changes, you want more of something you saw this past season as we go into quarters. Or you want to see less of something, now's the time to get into our communication channels and let us know. If you want to see more stuff like press start, let's make it happen and just be vocal about it. If you want to see
some of these very community driven workshops. Be vocal about it. Let us know. If you want to see less of something, let us know. This is the time to do it because by the end of this month, some major changes are going to happen. And I want more community driven people to be vocal about what they want to see.
and let us know because I want the rest of this year just to be a banger of a year and just have an amazing end of 2023 going into 24 in a really really big way. So this is the time to do it. This is the time to be vocal. Can't you have any closing comments, Ryan closing comments, Billy closing comments, anybody?
Nothing for me, ma'am. Just loving the energy. You put the good works good stuff Excellent Ryan you're pretty happy with everything going on Absolutely thrilled with everything going on so I think you know more updates coming from my side of things later on but right now
just soaked. And lastly, before I give it the opportunity, I got to give a, he's doing freaking amazing job with a lot of our community efforts and just the comradery that has been developed around him as well and the
opportunity he has opened up to people and man, please just as a kudos to him. Make sure you go over there, retweet and like the tweet that is in his profile that says, "If enough people say something about this, I'll live stream the
I just want to throw that out there. I just want to put that I want to see these push ups. I want to see the form. I want to see how low he goes. I want to see it. So make sure you go over there, like and retweet all the push up challenge because I'm in for it. I'm going to go buy some popcorn. I'm going to get real
comfortable in my chair. I'm going to watch some really solid pushups. If anybody else has anything else to say, comments, concerns, complaints, whines, grits, crisis of anxiety, going to Discord, let us know, and I cannot wait to talk to you guys in the next town hall. You guys have next one. Take care.