D_D Town Hall

Recorded: Feb. 9, 2024 Duration: 0:29:57



all right as we start off sorry about that guys we'll just get some music
and let people join in
GM GM everybody as people start floating into the space want to welcome
everybody and remind everybody if you can share and tweet out the space to
give a bit of reminder for our first town hall for 2024 a lot of stuff to
cover from past present some teasers so welcome everybody anybody that is going
to speak if you could just do your request I will go ahead and send it out
but starting it off I wanted to give a shout out to scroll that's been our
quills and scribes competition partner for the last two weeks for those that
are still looking submit we left the submission open for about another 40
minutes there was a little bit of confusion for people that wanted to
submit and we're submitting it to the sign-up form and so the actual
submission form so you have about another 40 minutes to submit make sure
you get your submission in submit what you got at this point it looks good for
a lot of people so looking to see all the different projects that come out and
looking to read all all the good stuff that you guys came up with during this
time also just wanted to see you know recap of what we've been doing the past
month now that we're in February in 2024 we've kind of been pushing hard even
shipping a lot you know we finished our near chain abstraction hackathon
workshops we had four weeks of workshops teaching everybody about like what's
happening on near data availability decentralized front ends it was really
really cool stuff that really grabbed my interest personally on unlike what's
happening and then you know now that we were working with scroll and finishing
up the scribes a competition we'll be rolling into hero which is actually
teaching you how to make smart contracts on Bitcoin so those that are
interested in learning something about Bitcoin and you know learning about the
Bitcoin happening that's coming up pretty soon it'll be exciting time to
learn what's going on also for a few more incentives in the workshop DD is
gonna have an own small little bounty so for those opportunities to make a
hundred bucks or so keep an eye out for the next workshop make sure to check out
the Luma and and whatnot so without further ado I know there's a few people
coming up on stage that have no requests I know we have Academy that should be
coming up and I'm don't know who's gonna speak from there and we have I think
Kemster and Tom as well so I'm not sure if anybody has an open mic right now if
you are please let me know if not we'll invite you up am I coming through
okay Bill I think I might have some Wi-Fi issues you sound great go for it
awesome yeah welcome everybody it's been a busy month in developer dows believe
saying there's lots going on there's some really cool updates coming I just
pinned something to the space we created a far caster channel for the Dow and
there's some cool conversations happening there around building frames
in the Dow around potentially building a frame for snapshot if we can secure
some some bounty funding for it as well as just like general governance
conversations and we're talking about like code liquidity on L2s so I think it
could be quite a cool little micro pos and community space for us to like
gather and talk and it's a nice easy way for us to bring people in from other
communities as well we had like the Uniswap guys jumping in on conversations
about L2 liquidity so definitely check that out I think the only thing that's
there's a couple of things that are on my docket today Bill which is EAF Denver
and talent layer do you want me to do like both of those now or how do you
want to run this yeah definitely just go ahead and give us a shout out what's
what's happening news and events basically so yeah so for anyone who's
going to EAF Denver we are partnering on two events so the big one that we're
doing is with pocket network kind of like a decentralized deep in theme I
think that's on the Tuesday which is the 27th I'll track down a link and pin it
to the space but yeah it's pocket network and us as like kind of an
ecosystem partner and then a whole range of deep in sort of decentralized
infrastructure folks decentralized AI folks is going to be a load of cool
fireside chats and some cool activations around building web free and sort of
decentralized themed Lego sets so it sounds a bit maybe a bit quirky a bit
strange but some of the stuff that's being put together is really really cool
so if you want to go down and sort of mess around with some Lego trying to
build some reimagined some web free themes like definitely do do go to that
event I think it should be quite fun and I think you're gonna be able to walk
away with like merchandise that you've created as Lego as well and we're
looking at doing some some on-chain activations which will hopefully
announce more about in the in the upcoming weeks but I'll I'll track down a
tweet that we can pin to the space for folks who have an RSVP'd already and then
the other thing for me and I was a bit late letting Kirsten from talent layer
know so she can't make it but for those who haven't seen talent layer have
built a bouncy board for us the idea being that developer down members or
partners can like in a sort of permissionless way post up bounties for
the community which I think it's gonna be a really it's actually really
interesting way for trying to like active as you have that problem when
people come into a doubt like they're really excited and they don't know what
to do so our sort of ambition and hope for this is that the bounty board can be
like a really low-lift easy way for folks in the doubt to kind of pick up
pick up an opportunity to create something and then some and some money
we are speaking or Kirsten and I are kind of speaking with our and looking at
speaking with some other communities about bringing in it's like a decent
amount of grant funding to bring building opportunities from those
ecosystems as well so hopefully that should start to come to fruition over
the next month or so it's in governance for a vote at the minute so if you
haven't like please head to snapshot and vote on that and there's also a vote up
there to bring for those of you that know Dapper Dan the man with the best
skin routine in web free I think and some great content going out at the
moment he's bringing his protocol newsletter into the Dow as well and
that's up for a vote too so I could probably rattle on for ages but sort of
TLDR definitely come join our event in Denver if you're there watch out for the
bounty board and please vote on it for governance and on snapshot and watch out
for Dapper Dan's protocol newsletter incoming and that's also up in
governance for a vote now as well thanks very much yeah thank you thank you for
the update Ken yeah right now the narrative right now for developer Dow is
is getting more opportunities to the members of the Dow you know whether it's
you know winning competitions or a hat competitions or getting gigs ultimately
we know that the primary focus for a lot of the members and developer Dow is to
learn something learn a skill but ultimately get a job or get paid and so
the narrative now is you know that's that's been our focus of shipping
people want opportunities you know hundred dollars to someone in certain
parts of the world is life-changing so giving these small little opportunities
that you can do with contests or just supporting the workshops or the hackathons
are going to be a lot of the focus nowadays and education education is like
one of the the biggest ones here so I see mark is available and Tom is available
I'm not sure who wants to knock out which one first
don't all jump in at the same time go for it man go for it I got I choose
hopefully Twitter X works on desktop now cuz that's where I'm at so let me know
if I'm not coming through clear enough you sound great okay good yeah so quick
note on Academy and one of our bigger updates in a while so for some quick
background Academy developer Dow Academy is a learning platform it's a public
good we shared developer Dow's mission to onboard the next wave of web3
contributors and to accelerate their ability to make an impact and in the
context of Academy that means you're learning fundamental programming
concepts building more advanced skills from there but also the broader vision
is to get you plugged into the developer Dow community to go further
than you could alone so at various milestones Academy can encourage you to
join like learning cohorts or find a mentor apply your skills within the
various hackathons that happen at developer Dow write about and share your
learnings become a mentor and and ultimately apply for jobs like Billy was
just inferring there so all within the developer Dow community so that's this
is sort of our thesis is that there's a lot of great learning platforms out
there there's a lot of really excellent content out there in the wild the thing
we think that's gonna make developer Dow Academy especially interesting is is
bringing you back into the community helping you go further than you would
alone so one step at a time though today what we're sharing is a launch
date for our version 2 MVP as the name implies this MVP won't have all the
bells and whistles yet but it's a starting point for that vision and the
next iteration of Academy will be made available next week on Wednesday the 14th
it will include lessons introducing fundamental blockchain concepts as well
as project-based tracks covering the creation and deployment of tokens and
solidity and viper and introduction to oracles and more so we invite you to
give it a try learn some new skills and stay tuned for a steady cadence of new
features and lessons along the way here and for any possibly interested content
partners out there we've got a queue started reach out and we can discuss
mutual goals that's that's the broad strokes of it though thank you so much
mark and for those that don't know the context of it it's it's been a while of
like when launch when launch so having an announcement of being able to be
launched next week is huge for those that are curious about web 3
developments or like tinkering to get started just having another option to go
through and no better place and the team has been putting it together and
creating a content for for developers looking to get started in this crazy
space definitely listen out for the Academy coming up Tom let us know what's
up with the artificial intelligence world the whole world all right here we
go settle in working we're going yeah no hey Tom from the Eden team here and so
yeah some of you know we've been tirelessly working with the vision
vision to help more people find work they love starting with everyone in the
Dow that'd be awesome if we could get there so over the past year that vision
has led us to like basically four iterations of the products we started
with a town's coordination bot called soil I don't know if there's OGs in here
that still remember that one from there we explored the idea of like building a
talent marketplace and then we ended up kind of like pivoting into a SAS based
AI interviewer to now arrive at what what's even today which is an intelligent
job board for communities that were incubating here in developer now yeah
it's it's about that last one that I wanted to kind of get to give some more
updates and where we are right now so it's it's that we've been we've had an
MVP live for about like the past month and a half we have the first revenue
kind of flow back to the Dow and and we have our first like 500 members that
have done an interview like we're which which is freakin awesome which is super
cool but just like Academy like we're also kind of relaunching and rebranding
because we had a lot of feedback around just the Eden brand being very
present and you know a lot of people come to developer now for developer now
so we're like okay actually that makes a lot of sense like it doesn't need to be
that that Eden brand and then the end we're really kind of like providing
opportunities to DD so we've been doing kind of like a real rework I think it's
looking really really really tight and also just been squashing a lot of bugs
and over the last couple months so yeah I think like we're about to get ready to
really start and you know bringing these opportunities very regularly back to the
Dow yeah maybe maybe it helps as well for people who don't know what even is
exactly today that I briefly explained like like you know I talked about like
the iterations that we've gone through but yeah where we ended up right now is
like that idea of an intelligent job board and what makes even special you
know that's why Billy mentioned as well as like is our AI so our AI is basically
weaved through the entire job board and it basically helps hiring managers that
are willing to hire from from developer now understand what makes talent special
quickly and on the talent side like our eye is very good at deeply understanding
what makes you you as a talent but also what makes you shine as a talent so that
way our AI basically can act as this talent agent on your behalf in this in
this intelligent job board so yeah there's there's some really exciting
stuff on the horizon as well with multiplayer referrals we're playing it
we're playing with some ideas around like members empowering each other by
signing on chain vouching transactions and writing reference messages for each
other that have reputational value in the matching effort of Eden so basically
we're capturing that network of trust that forms naturally in community and
rewarding community members for expressing conviction in their co-members
talents but we'll be sharing more about that as we build right now we're just
very focused like Mark said on just building a solid foundation making sure
that we can get those opportunities out to members and if you want to be one of
the first ones to kind of like get access to these communities get matched
and experience what it's like to be interviewed by our AI then I invite all
of you guys to sign up through the link that I'll share here in a second after
I'm done talking I was even protocol that app slash sign up and I also want to
take this time to on the records kind of thank some people and acknowledge some
people first of all Kempster did I just want to say that like this guy is just
that's so much energy like the dial would not I don't I would not be where
it is without him and even for us as well as like a team he's always ready
with very thoughtful feedback and I just wanted to on the record kind of you know
mention that here that he's yeah he's just we love you Kempster like we
wouldn't be where we are without you today and then Manny as well whose
reality distortion field and deep leave in people has been a source of
motivation at times or we could more than need a little push and so also his
hyper candid feedback is really helping kind of shape the Dow and really kind of
like you know make sure that we're holding ourselves accountable and getting
to that next level as a community so yeah Manny huge side a shout out and
then I also deeply want to thank basically everybody who's tried even so
far and done an interview or jumped on a call with with blue or me or Loy
especially like in the Z and Patrick like thank you guys so much the
feedback is super super useful and helping kind of like push the experience
of even forward and of course like I on the record really want to shout out the
the Eden team blue Loy and special mention for Svelka like you know we're
working on this thing like non-stop for like the last well year and a half to
like two years and it's just it's been literally like the biggest honor of my
life to try to build something useful for this awesome community so yeah I
just wanted to take this time to do these shout outs hope that was okay but
basically the TLDR and what the next step for you now is is go sign up go try
the interview I will post the link right now and let's get everybody work they
love thank you Tom thank you like Tom's trying to get some Valentine Day gifts
you know hearing all these shout outs but yeah for those try to get a job in
web 3 and gone through an interview process you got to see how much that
sucks like I don't know who's hiring the hiring people but that whole thing needs
to be like redone like it doesn't take like 90 days to hire someone and don't
hear from someone in like 30 days every time you hear something so we're trying
to change the game Eden is a pretty cool project so definitely check it out on
there I'm not sure I see Patrick in there I'm not sure if there's any Argo
updates but any people that came in a little bit late we're just doing a quick
reminder for those that are doing the the scrolls quill and scribes
competition there was some confusion some people were throwing their
submissions in the sign-up form and not in the submission form so you have about
another 30 minutes before we close it up for good to make sure that you get your
blog post in there for the opportunity for the price and then starting up next
week for those that are the hardcore Bitcoiners you know we have stacks with
the hero team coming up and they're gonna teach us how to make smart
contracts on Bitcoin so you know there is the Bitcoin haven in coming up and we
are gonna have a few contests for those that are looking for small opportunities
on the DD side and then of course here we'll have their own competitions as
well so just in case you know follow up make sure you check out the newsletter
of what's happening and I think I'm not sure if Patrick's out there but I see
the request for Argo just in case and he's coming up also I'm not sure Patrick
if you want to cover anything about the node updates but just a quick overview
developer Dao is working on a pocket network node you know again another
open source project that we're trying to build out for the community you know RPCs
we're investing back into the crypto space right we're not just extracting
but we're actually trying to like help make this space a little bit better but
I see Patrick's up here so I'm just gonna give you the mic hey guys everybody hear
me okay real quick mic check you sound good perfect yeah thanks for having me
up yeah so Argo is a is basically just a video based a technical tutorial system
and on chain certification system it really is just meant to be embedded into
documentation so really you should see it as like Udemy meets documentation
with on chain certifications for those that really haven't really heard or
learned anything about Argo just yet it's been a fun project of mine simply
because I feel like as the trend as the trend is showing that so much video
education is becoming more and more important every single day that I feel
like that the video education should be almost as son of an item sorry it's
anonymous with with documentation and so being able to source that information
and have those things sit in linear rather than always losing developers by
simply redirecting them out of documentation and into a video platform
like YouTube or anything like that you should really be able to keep them
inside your ecosystem allow them to go through module based education and then
be able to kind of show that linear support from one module to where that
module is that exactly sourcing that information from and so that's that's
Argo in a nutshell so far we we just moved on to the next phase of like
interviews and selection process of a fellowship program with with a developer
Dow partner named press our capital who just partnered with a sinker so we'll
see you know how far that goes from here also we just move forward on some
conversations I believe I'm not a hundred percent sure what what stage is
that but we do have quite a few grants one of those grants being with live
peer which would be an awesome partner and then from there we're actually
already producing two active video module courses actively with two
partners which will announce as soon as those courses are completed and ready
for for announcement but outside of that that's pretty much all the updates for
Argo awesome thank you I'm not sure if we have any more updates from the honest
but if you have any questions or comments from the audience we are taking
them now but just to recap you know for those that came a little bit later just
joining us now we finished up our near chain abstraction hackathon with near in
the last month we did four workshops with them teaching you about
decentralized front ends data availability a lot of different new
concepts especially like as ecosystems grow it's really really good to learn
about stuff that's being built out in parallel and you know what's what else
is happening in the ecosystems we were just finishing up our scroll quills and
scribes writers competition like what a time to be like a technical writer right
now honestly because we had one for near we had one for scroll and we are gonna
have one for hero pretty too soon so like if you haven't been following up in
the technical writing competitions like what a time to be a technical writer
there's a lot of opportunities coming up on there and then we're gonna have
again another workshop for opportunities for hero we are gonna have two
challenges from developer Dow on there so one's gonna be from the workshops and
the other one's gonna come from dev and tell we're not gonna tell you when
that's gonna happen just show up and and watch Devin tells been our longest
running you know thing from developer Dow forever so like big shout out to
Narbs and and what he's doing over there and then again talent layer we have a
job board basically coming up from talent layer Academy is having their
launch you know v2 is coming out Eden is launched it's it's generating jobs
people are getting jobs Argo has an update so things are shipping in
developer Dow you know it's it's a lot of a self-initiative and people are just
going out and building so like that's the narrative for 2024 we're just
building and shipping heads down and so we didn't have the town hall on the first
January because we're busy no other better excuse than than keeping
everybody up to date but we have a lot of stuff happening in February and then