D_D x Reveel V2 Early Access Bounty Program

Recorded: June 13, 2023 Duration: 0:42:10



GM GM everybody has it going GM GM. There we go kind of got a double reverb thing going on here. Hope everybody's going
well, we'll get this space started in just a moment. I know people are still coming in for those that are in already go ahead and retweet the space and we'll get this kicking off in about two minutes.
Alrighty, I've got Alec on this stage. Do we have Fernando coming into the space as well today? Just gonna be me today. We're gonna have a couple others from the team joining, but Fernando won't be here. But yeah, really looking forward to getting into things.
will all be everyone who's here to participate in the program will be connected with Fernando and the whole team will all be in Discord helping you guys out answering questions throughout the next week or two. So any end-all questions will be answered.
All right, perfect. I'm gonna go ahead and start off the space. One thing that I'm gonna let everybody know how we're gonna run the spaces. We're gonna ask a few questions about what reveal is we're going to, you know, dive into who alloc is and then what we are doing with the V2 early access.
And then midway through the space, I'm just going to do a real quick refresh since there'll be a few more listeners in the space just kind of recapping what we've already discussed and then and they continue on with the question. So from there, let's go ahead and get an introduction.
introduce yourself first and then we'll introduce reveal. Sounds good. My name is Alec. I lead protocol growth here at reveal so making sure that the infrastructure that we're building is a
Accessible for teams who want to build with it and want to integrate revenue sharing functionality into their applications. But I've been in Web 3 for a number of years since 2017 on and off. It worked on a variety of projects.
I'm primarily focused on music and entertainment as well as some doubt-tooling stuff. So I've been around the block a little bit, but really excited about what we're building at Reveal in particular and excited to get more of that.
Yeah, so let's jump into that. Can you briefly explain what reveal is and what it aims to achieve altogether?
Yeah, so I guess I'll start from like the highest level. We're building payout infrastructure for what we call the collaboration economy. So, you know, we're trending towards more collaboration specifically in the world of entertainment.
In all likelihood any album or any video game, any creative product that we all use is a result of collaboration, usually with a lot of different individuals, a lot of different stakeholders. There are revenue share agreements.
that need to be put in place in order to ensure that all of the folks who work on those kind of projects are able to receive their share at the right time and in a transparent way. In the entertainment industries, kind of have a reputation of being there.
Not the best, not the most transparent when it comes to payouts. So we're trying to make it as transparent and equitable as possible for on-chain collaboration. In particular, we have an app that's very kind of creator focused for creating
creating these unique revenue share agreements that are highly customizable. You can do everything from a basic 50/50 revenue split. Let's say Patrick and I made a song together we could do a 50/50 revenue split very simple, but we could also build in more complex rules, things like revenue milestones,
like maybe let's see tarot who's in the audience is a songwriter so maybe tarot was the songwriter and Patrick and I were the producers and maybe tarot needs to recoup 0.1 ether 0.2 ether 200
for her contribution before the revenue share actually activates. So you can do all that kind of stuff, build in as much as little complexity to your revenue share as you want with Reveal. And what we're here to talk about today is the more developer-facing experience
So as I mentioned, you can create these revenue share smart contracts on our app. But also the full functionality of the protocol is available via RSDK. And we're really excited to be kicking off our V2 protocol launch today with you guys.
which makes the protocol even more gas efficient as well as introduces a couple of new features. One that we're particularly excited about is meta transactions, which enables a gasless experience on layer 2s. So we're of course on Ethereum and MainNet, but we're also on optimism, arbitrum, polygon, and aurora.
And yeah, we're just excited to see what ideas others in this community have for our potential applications of this protocol that we haven't even thought of yet. Okay, this is pretty cool. So is there a singular moment before we really get into
into the bounty, is there a singular moment that really inspired the development of reveal or is it just kind of like the overall, it's not that you kind of touched on the music industry is the music industry kind of what inspired all of this or is there something else that also, you know, played a part in the inspiration of developing reveal.
So I'll do my best to answer this one. I've been working on a reveal since then to the 2022 so not not since the very beginning, Adrian, who's the founder of reveal has been working on this for several years. So I don't want I don't want to butcher the story, but I'll give a brief overview based on what I know is that
Adrian founded or was running a record label that I think was based in Europe and they were working with or worked on something that was released in Chile I think it was and you know didn't receive the payouts
from that until like nine months later or a year later, which is actually quite standard in the music industry. You know, if you work on a song, whether as a songwriter, a music producer or if you've written or produced a song that's licensed for film, oftentimes you don't actually receive your payout into
until nine months, a year, two years, in some cases later, which is obviously not ideal for a number of reasons. And when you do get those payouts, it's not really the most transparent. You don't get like a clear breakdown of, well, why did I receive the amount
revenue that I received, who else received revenue, who received the revenue first, right? You don't actually get that breakdown. And so we want to create an experience that is like the total opposite of that, where you can collaborate with people anywhere in the world. You can have very, very
clear breakdown of who gets paid, when did they get paid, why did they get that amount at that time? And as you continue to release more projects and build more of an on-chain portfolio, you're also building your payout like Baselay.
You're building your own history of your kind of accounting on chain. So obviously quite a lot to get into there, but I would say that that was the primary inspiration is just the inefficiencies of the entertainment industries as far as paying people transparently and on time.
Nice. Okay, so we know what reveal does now. Let's get into the bounty, the bounty program. So in discussion about the program, one of the first things I really like to understand is what
Are you and your team trying to achieve with this bounty program? What's the thing that you guys want to execute on the most by, or achieve the most by executing this bounty program?
Well, like I mentioned before, this is really the kickoff of our V2 launch. And with the gas optimization, with the gas list transactions, these are features that we think can enable a new kind of way of collaborating.
All is really to just connect with more developers and more thinkers and get the new protocol and the hands of people who are interested in building solutions to these problems that I've been discussing. We're really excited to see what people are able to come up with.
because the protocol is pretty non-prescriptive, very flexible by design. And I would say that's the primary focus. - Excellent. So there's from what I was reviewing, there's about three different ways to participate in this bounty program. Let's get into that. Tell us about the three different ways to participate.
Yeah, absolutely. So of course, it's really important how things are kind of presented to the world and how the storytelling of a product. So of course, there is the opportunity here to build something with the SDK. It wouldn't be a bounty program.
I think without that option. But we're also built in some opportunities for people who are more interested in creating content around the SDK, around our app, around the protocol as a whole. So there are three different levels, starting from, I guess, least technical to most.
So level one is geared toward written content. So we're looking for folks to take a look at our new V2 documentation, take a look at our app, take a look at the protocol as a whole, and produce written reviews or written content around that.
level one and there are going to be $100 rewards for the top submission. So that is, I think exciting to me because a lot of these bounty programs are strictly for the builders and obviously we want to engage in
many of the builders as possible, but we also want to make sure that the documentation and how we're putting the protocol out into the world from a content perspective as well. So excited to engage with you guys are on that. Level 2 of the bounty is a bit similar
but more focused on video content. So I don't know about you guys, but I'm a very visual learner and when I was first learning how to code video tutorials and video explanations, visual aids were very helpful to me. So we also want to engage video content creators to
Similarly, to level 1, to create engaging content around the protocol, around the app, around whatever you guys are building with the protocol. So that's level 2. And then level 3 is the more kind of classic down
where we're just opening it up for anyone to build new apps with the SDK or integrate the SDK and their reveal protocol into their existing apps. We are asking that all submissions for level three also include some bit of
documentation so that could be a readme that could be, and accompanying kind of blog post, it could be video content, but just some bit of documentation of what you've built. And we're going to be doing tiered rewards for that program. The top reward is going to be $1,000.
I'm happy to go into more detail about any of those points, but that's the high level. Yeah, so that's exactly what I kind of want to get into as well.
things that are nice low hanging fruit when it comes to some of the technical writing content. I personally I love video content so that's a big thing that I really want to see more of. I'd love to see more bounty programs.
with that are based on video content as well. So then the next question is when does this all start and how can they find more information on the details of each way to participate?
So we have a blog post that I'm going to pin to the space that details each of these levels that I just explained. But what we're going to be running the program primarily in our Discord server. So we are also linked to that. But anyone who wants to participate first and foremost, there is a good
that's linked in the pinned tweet right now. Go ahead and fill that out. It should take a minute or less. That'll register your interest in the program. We're going to be kicking off level one first. We're going to be encouraging people to start taking a look at the V2 documentation immediately and then over the next
couple of weeks is going to be the building process. So we're going to be taking submissions until the end of next week. That's going to be Friday the 23rd end of day Eastern time. So that gives about 10 days from now to get a feel for the protocol. Start
building connect with some other builders who are like-minded and interested in the same kind of things as you. So I'm excited. I would love to see some kind of teams form through this program. People finding like-minded people and building some really cool stuff together. That would be really awesome to see. Okay, so we're a little over 50
minutes into the space and one of the things I like to do is I like to just take a pause for a second and and recap a little bit because I know we have a few new listeners in the in the audience so I'm going to do a real quick overview and then I'll ask a couple big questions right after that. So overall let's let's jump into
to reveal. Reveal is a company that focuses on building the future of creator earning infrastructure. And this is just music industry. This could be several industries alike. They've developed a revenue sharing protocol that allows a trustless, gas efficient and sometimes gasless and composable way to
the distribution of the web through web three earnings with other collaborators. The revenue share protocol is designed to integrate complex revenue sharing into decentralized applications. This gives creators and decentralized teams full control of their payouts or their payment rails and empowers them to collaborate across
additional economies. The protocol has several features that are trustless transactions, tiers, direct withdrawal, mutable terms, composability and gas efficiency to even gasless features. Now we are also talking about the V2 Early Access Bounty Program. Reveal is launching
the program is designed to offer cash awards to members who demonstrate their technical abilities with a reveal SDK and provide feedback on the newly minted V2 protocol. This program is structured into three separate levels and each offering is
its own unique awards. Those three structures are obviously three stages. Stage one is technical writing stage two is your video tutorial and then stage three is actually building something like a full-fledged application with the protocol. Did I miss anything here?
You nailed it. Okay, excellent. Perfect. So then going from there, because we have all these new people in here, please take the time to retweet the space so that we can get more developers exposed to this bounty program, because I feel like there's some great low hanging fruit here. The one thing that I do want to ask this might
Maybe a hard question for you. And you might need a pause or second ask it as I ask another question. But are you guys hiring? Because this is something that I always like to ask. This is a nice low hanging fruit, especially if somebody says, man, I really like this idea. This seems like a really cool company to work with. And there's all
these other bounty programs or maybe these other hackathons that might be going into. Maybe I'm even feeling hackathon burnout, but this company looks really cool to work for. Are you guys hiring potentially because I think hackathons are a great way to filter who is really interested in being hired by you.
you guys. Yeah, that's a great question. Not exactly what I expected when you said I might need to pause. I was expecting some deep technical thing. But we're not hiring in the immediate term, but we are definitely looking to grow our team in the near future. That includes our engineering team, of course.
So having more developers in the ecosystem connecting with more developers who are like, "Mind it like I said is definitely top of mind for us." And yeah, we're definitely hoping to, like I said, grow that team in the hopefully near future.
Okay, perfect. So I want to ask you a question on the third way to participate the bill, the $1,000 bounty. Are you guys really wanting something specific built? Is there something that you guys might have in mind that has
It's not necessarily been built yet with the SDK, but you guys are really interested in seeing something like that be developed and grow grown or scaled. Another great question. To be honest, we made it open-ended in very intentional
Personally, I can say personally, like what I as Alec would love to see builds, you know, just for my personal kind of self interest, I would love to see some kind of Dow tooling or something built that allows Dow's to help
you know, develop their payout rails and their payout infrastructure because what is a Dow if not just a group of people, manage, share resources and that's effectively what we're here to facilitate. Bounties within a Dow like a
Sorry, not a bounty, but thinking about how a standard kind of Dow proposal gets approved, typically Dow proposals involve the flow of capital, right? And you need to ensure that that flow of capital is going to be transparent and that it's audited.
like let's say you're a larger Dow and you want to authorize like a budget, a quarterly budget, that's likely going to be a lot of funds. So it would be really great to be able to, you know, when you're creating those proposals that involve the flow of a lot of capital to be able to also say like, here, before you vote,
you can take a look at this revenue share agreement that details in a transparent on-chain way exactly how these funds are going to be distributed from the Dow Treasury. Again, that's me personally. I have a lot of love for the Dow space. I've been a member of
of quite a few dows over the years. This is something that I don't think anyone has quite nailed yet. But beyond that, I mean, very open. That doesn't need to be a dower in this case. It doesn't necessarily need to be an NFT related use case. We'd love to see the best outcome, in my opinion, would really be to see some things built
that we haven't thought of yet. That's what would make me the happiest, right? The season things that really kind of wow us. And you know, Nudge us to actually look at our own protocol and our own tech a bit differently in a new way. Okay, that's really interesting.
And I spy the director of operations over and developer Dow listening as well. So I can see we've had a lot of conversations and everything about Dow infrastructure and voting and how payment rails and everything work might be something we could play with eventually too. So okay, now that we know how to
sign up, we know how to get engaged. What is the best way to interact with, let's say, a dev brawl or any of the developers on the reveal side? So that way I can continue to get support as a developer as I pursue trying to win that $1,000 bounty.
To give me just a second, I'm going to pin another tweet here that has a link to our Discord server because that is definitely going to be the best way. That's where, like I said, we're going to be running. We're going to be hosting the whole program in Discord. So that would be the best way to reach us directly.
You can ping me anytime my app in discord is going to be alex.eath. It's going to be pretty hard to ignore me in there. Just because I'm the one that's going to be checking in every day, so you'll definitely see me. And yeah, that's, I don't want to overcomplicate it. That's it. Just join us in discord, come vibe out, and let's build.
Nice. Okay. So one thing I just do want to clarify you said that there is a thousand dollars and is that going to be in USDC?
Yeah, we will be paying that out in crypto generally we like to we did a creator grant program earlier in the year that was that was focused on Encouraging collaboration in the music space and we had a certain
similar reward structure for that program. And we actually distributed those rewards through a reveal revenue share agreement paid out in crypto. So I think we'll likely do the same thing this time. Why not? There's no use our own tools. Why not?
Absolutely. I mean use the use case right? So then last last question I really have for you is what advice would you give to somebody who is considered considered you know participating? What is the you know if somebody just walked up to you said hey I want to participate in this. What's the first thing you're gonna say? That risk of getting
I think myself in trouble, ask a lot of questions. When I say trouble, I mean like the trouble of having too many questions to answer, but honestly, if it were me, and if there were anything I didn't understand about reveal, about the protocol, about the potential use cases, just ask us, because we're going to be there.
Through the end of this program, going to be able to answer any questions or concerns that you guys have. And yeah, I would say be proactive about that. Start thinking in the next day or two as you review the documentation. You're just thinking about your use cases. If you want to run anything, I
us will be there. That would be my main piece of advice I think. Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Alec, for, you know, partaking in my questioning and I'm really excited about this bounty program that's being released and I really hope that everybody in the audience is definitely
and we're definitely intrigued and participating. So feel free to ask questions. I believe Alec is more than happy to answer some direct messages, but we already know where his discord is. Go ahead, hop in the discord, ask questions, and I'm just excited to see what's built. So any last closing comments?
You know, I would love to take questions from the audience if anyone has questions. But you're really excited to be able to launch our V2 protocol in this way. We've been working toward this for quite a while. It's been a long time.
of hard work to make the most gas optimized experience. And another kind of key feature of reveal is that all of our contracts are fully created owned when you create a revenue share smart contract on reveal. Like we never own it. It never flows through any kind of centralized
contracts like reveal owned contracts and we're really proud of that and so to be able to deliver that level of kind of autonomy with the most gas optimized experience or gatheless experience in some cases we're just really excited about that so definitely invite anyone who
who resonates with this to get in touch with us whether about the bounty program or just about anything else. We're an open book and we have a lot of exciting stuff coming over the next month, two months and beyond. So thanks again to you guys for posting us here and really looking forward to
the next couple of weeks. Perfect. I'm going to open the floor just for a few minutes. If anybody has any comments, concerns, complaints, complaints, grates, crisis of anxiety, anything like that, feel free to request. Come up, ask your question, or have your comments, anything like that. I'd love to hear if anybody's done any building with reveal that's in the
in the audience. I'd love to hear from them. Or if you just have general questions for reveal or even questions directly about the bounty program, feel free to request. As I'm waiting for requests and everything, I will go ahead and just ask you a couple questions. Like, are there any like, have you guys thought of any like, I
I can imagine a lot of like real world cases where you know there's a collad-riff projects and everything where I think a something like this protocol like this could actually exist and work cohesively with an IRL situation. You have an answer for that?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Something that we did recently that was very cool was we sponsored a songwriting camp at South by Southwest. That was a group called Camp Fire that I'm a founding member of that hosted it. And we had a few dozen artists there that were
collaborating in real time, co-creating new music and recording it together in a studio. And I think that we ended up with something like 13 songs that had contributions from I think 30-something artists. So we're going to be using reveal revenue paths to share all of the revenue from
that and that was a very fundamentally IRL experience. That was a bunch of people in a space together for three days co-creating. But the revenue share, which probably would have been a big headache to do in a more web2 context with that number of our
and collaborators is going to be quite simple. Awesome. Okay, so we have a person that requested and I'll go ahead and introduce him real quick. Crypto, crypto, Chamada. Hopefully I'm pronouncing that correctly. Feel free if you got a question or a comment, go ahead.
I got him up here but he still muted. Are you able to mute? Oh there he goes. Hey Patrick. I'm going to re-read the project. So now I actually apply to the U.S.
forum to Bouta program. So I hope you make some videos and marketing process. So I hope
It will be...
It will be useful for your project. So can I know about how to what is actually I now I'm with you have website and so it's something so
Can you explain about what is the reveal protocol V2 and any any idea? Revit, sorry, I like you want to cover that.
Sure, yeah. We're coming up and appreciate the question. To give a kind of a quick overview just because I said it earlier, but I'll give a quick overview and then can happy to go more in depth on any particular points if you have any other questions, but
The Reveal Protocol is a revenue share protocol. It's the first in a line of products that we're developing that are payout infrastructure for the collaboration economy. So basically what the protocol allows is for the creation of revenue
So you can either use our app at r3vl.xyz and you can kind of design these revenue share agreements in a kind of very kind of clean interface there or you can use the SD
and the developer tooling to integrate that same revenue share functionality into your existing projects, existing applications. So happy to, like I said, go more specific on anything, but that's kind of the zoomed out answer. Does that answer your question?
As I'm waiting for his response, if there's any other questions in the audience, feel free to request. It doesn't necessarily have to be a question. If you have to be comments or anything specifically on reveal or if you have questions about the SDK itself, feel free to come up and ask.
Thank you for your answer. So I have one more question.
You were already in a small round or all are finished or is still on point the seed ground or in strategic a b in the rounds. I believe that's a funny question for you. Go ahead.
Yeah, so we raised a pre-seed round from that was led by Binance Labs early last year. Yeah, it's great. So do you have any other rounds?
So because
Yes, we were actively raising a seed round now. So you like to try to reach out to us in the in the DMs. Okay, okay, great. Excellent. I just got text.
a glow up here. Text a glow. Feel free to ask your questions or comments anything. What do you got? I'm on a weight in my turn.
Sorry about that. Had a speaker come up here blasting music. So go ahead and already removed them. Text go go for it. Yeah, I had a couple of questions. One is this open source to what chain is this on? Three.
How modular is the infrastructure like so like if somebody wants to create a revenue share agreement right and it works out and then the team member drops off and they want to pull somebody off the team can they do that or the
they need to deploy a new smart contract. What's the situation here? Because it's very important for people working. So three questions, open source, what chain is it on? Let's start with that. Yeah, great questions, really good questions. I'm glad that you brought that up specifically the third point.
open source, we're not fully open source yet, we're trending in that direction, but you can review our smart contracts, the SDK, all of that is publicly available on our documentation. To answer your second question, we are
currently deployed on Ethereum. That is a key feature of the protocol is the mutability of these revenue paths. So you have the option when
When deploying a revenue path to make it mutable or not, effectively what that means is that if a revenue path is mutable, then that means that the owner or the path manager, as we call it, is able to make adjustments to
the revenue path after it's been deployed. But again, that's not a requirement. You can make it, you can have a fix or unutable revenue path if you'd like, but we like to give the option. Gasless transactions, by the way, which I mentioned before, is going to be very similar where you can just toggle that on or off.
depending on how you'd like to structure your revenue share. Excellent. Textical, you got any additional comments or questions? No, that's awesome. Is it all on chain or is there some off-chain components?
Yeah, more or less all on chain. We are storing like a little there's a little bit of information that we're storing in databases, but more or less it's all it's all on chain and I can clarify that if if you'd like.
No, no, I appreciate that. That's a really good information. Thank you so much for answering those questions. Excellent. I'll open the floor for any additional questions. So if you have any additional questions, comments or anything about Reveal or
or the bounty program, feel free to request. I'll be more than happy to pull you up and ask your question or make your comment. I actually really love that whole, the modular ability to be able to control who's
part of a project and everything like that. That's really cool. Let me ask you, when you mentioned with the fixed capabilities, is that something that you can switch on and off in a single project or is that something like once you've created that, you really can't change it back.
Once you've created it, you can't change it back unless it's mutable from the at the point of deployment. Okay, cool. I mean that that that makes sense. I don't know if we have any additional questions. I'll leave it open just for another 20 seconds, but we're going to
to go ahead and start wrapping this up. Alec, I really appreciate the time and I feel like we recovered everything, but I'm actually mostly excited about this bounty program and what can be built and just overall what's going to be built in the process.
Me too. I'm really excited and it's great to be working with you guys. I think it's really amazing what you've built. Patrick, I actually did not mention this to you before, but I'm actually a day zero developer now. Remember, I just haven't been very active over the past couple of years, but I actually minted one of the original Dev4 Revolution and I
like from the contract in the early early days. So it's really great now like what two two and a half years later to be I don't know exactly how much time feels like a past life but just really excited to be connected with you guys in this capacity now and excited to see what we can build together.
Well, I apologize. I didn't realize you're so OG like I should have come to you with more presence and dignity. No, I'm scared. But that's amazing. That's really cool. You've been in the game for a while then. How did you find developer down?
I'm asking from the very beginning. Honestly, I don't quite remember. I think it was just scrolling Twitter. This was the time when all the loot clones were popping up. I missed loot. I didn't mint any loot. None of them were all of these derivatives.
and none of them were particularly interesting to me, but I remember seeing on my timeline I think one of the developer, that one's and I was learning to code at the time. So I just thought it was so funny and so relevant to my experience at the time. And it was free if I remember correctly, so I just thought, you know, I might as well mint one of these loot
derivatives because it was the hot thing at the time and if I'm going to admit, when I might as well admit the one that's most relevant to me. And here we are. That's awesome. Well, now you have zero excuse to come hang out with the developer, Dell community. We're always at VC5. I expect to see you there. And so you at least watch it twice a week.
Now, no excuses anymore. But no, that's awesome. And that's actually a nice segue developer down for those that don't know is an amazing community of Web 3 engineers from all levels. And it's not just Web 3 engineers. We have people building AI projects. We have people even, you know, dabbling in
ARVR game now and it doesn't matter what level you are you could be somebody that just typed in your first Hello World or your full fledged you know senior full stack engineer with all kinds of creds and everything we have everybody in there and so if you're looking for an amazing
community to learn and grow and build together. Go ahead and join Web 3. Sorry, go ahead and join that developer now. I'd love to see you guys in there. I'm going to go ahead and close it out. There aren't any more questions. Amazing space. I look forward to seeing what's being built. Just keep building everybody. You guys have an amazing day.
You too. And yeah, last call to action. If you want to participate, the Discord link is pinned at the top. We also have a form that should only take 30 seconds to a minute to fill out. So can't wait to see what you guys build. Thanks again for having us and have an awesome day everybody. Take care.